#Or a Dharvious POV?
parttime-creative · 8 months
My monster
I once met a monster, a true magical beast,
It was horrid and bad, but knew music at least.
Cold eyes of beautiful color, so vivid and sad,
Its songs in the night, drove everyone mad.
My monster of night, death and blood, followed through lands far and wide,
Wherever I went, my monster would go and fight at my side.
Surrounded by (rose) petals and thistley thorn(s),
The monster's enchantment felt most like a home.
The people's fear and attention were always the same,
unable to listen, afraid whenever we came.
It caused my monster to hurt, its feelings betrayed,
Yet i did not care for the anger my monster displayed.
Cause if my monster would bleed, I knew it would live,
Its monstrosity forever proven a myth.
Known as dark, horrid and bad, for however long,
I saw my monster's true colors, shown through its beautiful song.
We once met a demon of cold winter's night,
it made us part ways, in the moon's coldest light.
To this day, I miss the music from my monsters heart,
the leave has taken forever my songs biggest part.
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