#Or Kagome's age
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inukag · 1 year ago
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@inuvember day 19: inuyasha & kagome ღ
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brain-rot-hour · 9 days ago
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Hearts help with kissy faces ur welcome
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kitramune · 2 months ago
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Same hair color (I did the thing)
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makersruin · 6 months ago
sorry i just cant stop thinking about the inu/kagome and inu/kikyo ship wars that are still going on in the present day. as someone who isnt invested in it at all (both presently and in childhood) im really fascinated how it managed to stand against the test of time and still be a topic of discussion for 28 years. i'm sure there's more to this that i'm missing because i'm looking primarily at youtube comments which can, at times, be the bottom barrel of the internet but im part not-surprised part alarmed by how the discourse never moved past the standards of writing for female characters in 2002. so much of 'kagome is useless and doesn't deserve him', 'kikyo is a whiny loser who cant give him up', etc etc. has anyone considered that inuyasha might not deserve either of them. ok well thats not true but it also doesn't feel very fair to go band for band on worthiness, which is a kind of meaningless method of measurement on the subject of love, and leave the guy out of it.
when it comes down to it, inuyasha as a story is about a group of people who have been deeply traumatized and cannot move past these traumas until they address the root of it, which is the shikon jewel. the end goal of the story is for them to overcome their pasts. his relationship with kikyo and kagome is exciting and romantic, but they also do the more important job of being representations of the past vs the future. if the story is committed to its thesis, then inuyasha can't be with kikyo. and its not because she's unworthy or a bitch or any of that nonsense, its because kikyo is dead and her soul already reincarnated. kagome is kikyo, not in a literal sense, but in that she is the part of kikyo who has chosen to move on and live. what's left is the bones and grave dirt and regrets of a woman whose life was ruined by the shikon jewel. inuyasha can't be with that. he can't bury himself alive for someone who isn't real anymore, no matter how much he loved her and regrets what happened. this isn't a win for kagome or proof of that kikyo is lesser, its a tragedy that the three of them are going to have to heal from. and when talking about the three of them, any consideration taken away from the weight of that seems like a shame to me.
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crab-milk · 5 months ago
this is by no means a shame post if you have asked me to draw spicy inuyasha content but my sole desire is to draw inuyasha helping kagome with her midterms by doing flash cards and trying out wacdonalds and boba tea
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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Anime Romances + Caught on Camera!
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inusmasha · 1 year ago
One of the reasons I hate the Inuyasha love triangle discourse is bc frankly it bores me to tears.
It rubs me the wrong way when I see ppl go on and on about who loved Inuyasha better, who was more deserving of said love, who failed, and who gives Inuyasha more blah blah. I'm just saying that there is plenty to talk about outside of a romantic context. Especially (imo) when it comes to Kagome.
Reason #903048301 as to why I love the character Kagome is because she's like this timeless icon of the 90s teen girl archetype. It's wild how you can write fanfiction about her and get this glimpse into what it meant to be a teen girl back in the day. But, that definition varies for everyone, and that's what makes it magical.
When you see someone writing Kagome, it's like a window into their own experiences. Everyone's take on Kagome is a bit different but there's this..all encompassing Kagome-ness that we try to tap into (her kidness? her empathy? her sense of duty? it's different for everyone!). She's this character who somehow manages to resonate even today. Or maybe she doesn't, and that's part of the charm – she's this evolving, undefined concept. If you picture Kagome in high school today, it would def be a different Kagome. And that is so much fun to explore!!!!!!!!!!!
And then there's the fact that Kagome represents us, the audience, in Inuyasha's world. Through her, we get to explore this fantastical and dangerous realm. She grows, and we grow with her. By the end, she's not the same teen girl, but a mature woman. It's like, who is this post-canon Kagome? We all get to project our ideas of womanhood onto her as she takes on the role of the legendary miko of the village. She changes, and we see ourselves in that transformation.
I'm on this journey, trying to figure out how she still fits in today's world and how others put their own spin on it. It's fascinating how characters from that era can still resonate today, even as the definition of a teenage girl's experiences and identity has evolved over the years. These characters can serve as a lens to understand the changing perspectives and experiences of teenage girls through different generations. (SHE LITERALLY VISITS HER (more repressed) SELF IN THE PAST AND AHUghhhhhh!!!!!!!! AND! IS FIGURING OUT HER IDENTITY AND HOW SHE FITS INTO THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS!!!! Her relationshi with Kikyo in that context is something I wanna talk about more)
Writing fanfiction allows you to delve into this archetype, providing insights into the character and the era while also allowing you to put your own spin on it. It's a great to see how different writers interpret and reinterpret this character in contemporary contexts. I can't get enough of Kagome.
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prettybabiee · 1 year ago
Hello! Do you have any hc for flip Inuyasha? 👀❤️
OMG YES !!!! This is my fav thing!!!! im sorry i this is bad im kinda excited and rambling. i hope you like it love!!
Okay so personally, I feel like Inuyasha is a flip with a regressor lean and Kagome is his cg !!
He has a short temper and throws tantrums often but feels bad for making a fuss for Kagome
He needs reassurance often, he needs to know that what he’s feeling is okay and how he is handling his feelings is okay
he loves to explore and point out different animals to Kagome.
he loves to color and watch cartoons, especially loves teathers bc he chews on sticks in his era.
he loves being told he did a good job after coloring.
now as a cg i feel like he is strict but so gental about it.
he knows that their era is dangerous and someone could easily get hurt!!
i feel like he would give kid riendly lessons on self defence
he would call his regressor kiddo
he is so loving and would play along to any games his regressor would play. like omg just imagine
"Pa, Look! this is a vewy special stick! you have to protect it from da monsters!" inuyasha firmly grasps the stick and in a rough voice he says, "Dont worry kiddo, we are the stongest in all the land nothin is getting this stick."
he would be the type to put his regressor in time out for wandering too far away and feel bad and not stick to it.
he just cannot give his tiney tough love. he would just be so gental about everything he did.
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brain-rot-hour · 1 year ago
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wreckedhoney · 8 months ago
^^ "coming to the conclusion that positioning the "can people enjoy things that would be immoral IRL in their fiction" debate as a proship v anti fandom debate is akin to pretending that "should we have the death penalty" is a discussion that only matters in Death Note discourse"
not proshipper not anti but a secret third thing (person who has a career in the media and, through covering legislative politics, has watched "associating with problematic fiction or entertainment is an indicator of moral degeneracy" rapidly become a mainstream GOP position that they are encoding in legislation to target the queer community under the guise of protecting children, thus coming to the conclusion that positioning the "can people enjoy things that would be immoral IRL in their fiction" debate as a proship v anti fandom debate is akin to pretending that "should we have the death penalty" is a discussion that only matters in Death Note discourse — the extent and manner to which fiction affects reality is an issue that is immediately relevant to today's US politics, and to summarize my opinions on the matter in fandom terms would be to diminish the ways this debate is affecting america Right The Fuck Now. and i have stopped taking "this person is bad for shipping the wrong anime thing and being horny about it" in any sort of good faith ever since I saw it literally used as part of a GOP smear campaign against a transgender state legislator in an attempt to defend the right from backlash after they used their supermajority in the Montana house to prevent her from speaking on the floor. Anyway I think everyone on this site, especially Americans, could benefit from ceasing to think in proship v anti vocabulary and instead developing coherent political positions on the nature of fiction that do not directly align with current fascist political tactics)
#oof lots of tags ahead#social#fandom discourse#it's rly hard to be concise about why anti-fandom stuff hits different from other types of fandom wank in short tags or a brief comment#this is not your regular “is luke skywalker evil for blowing up a space station” or “is inuyasha better off with kikyo or kagome”#these conversations can be fun or contentious but ultimately have no bearing on rl. meanwhile current discourse leans towards-#“should dark fiction be allowed to exist?” “should we maintain accepting spaces for mature fans?” “is fiction always literal?”#“is this person Dangerous IRL for the stories they engage with?” “should we kick them out? All Of Them? From Everywhere?”#2010’s conservatism in online spaces was & still is convincing. it regurgitates all conservative talking points that have Always Worked#eg. video games make people violent. deviant sexualities/orientations/identities are dangerous to families. limit childrens' resources.#except this time make it Fandom. except this time the characters and stories are all Literal. they're all Real. not narratives but copies.#and when the motivation for a point is virtue signaling and reactionary moralism and scandalized emotions over critical thinking-#-It Will Always Work. especially bc anyone who saw the writing on the wall (bc this isn't the first time this happened) got shut down Quick#bc “you just care too much.” it's not an issue about censorship- “it's anime.” it's not shoving members out of queer spaces-#(at a time where for a lot of us in intolerant environments FANDOM WAS OUR QUEER SPACE and for plenty STILL IS)#-“it's just the internet” where nothing that happens has any bearing on rl culture or consequence. which is a sentiment that's aged well#all of it tying in with big entities like twitter & google purposefully directing engines to prioritize revenue via clicks/viewership-#-and constantly pushing users to see & engage with contentious threads (you can look up “Tristan Harris - US Senate June 25 2019” on YT)#that fucked up users' perception of How To Address Conflict 101 bc fans speaking out against anti stuff ig got conflated with Moral Callout#instead of “hey please don't do x bc of abc reasons”-disagreeing now meant you had to FIGHT and gun for some big mic-drop moment of Victory#so fewer spoke up when all this snowballed bc it got harder to just SAY that a ship isn't real and a trope is only narrative#fast forward to today. people of all ages have been soaking in this culture and take it to other facets of their lives#Should There Be Kink At Pride & other queer events? Is my discomfort/lack of understanding equivalent to something outright attacking me?#Did You Know That People Use This Website For Sex Work or other adult-focused services? or even just a creative outlet? should it be banned#IS MY DISCOMFORT SOMETHING I SHOULD ADDRESS AND MANAGE? Or do Others bear the responsibility of catering their worlds around it?
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romancemedia · 2 years ago
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Anime Romances + Photo
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inusmasha · 1 year ago
Hey y’all! I’ve been making soap!
It’s really simple too. I just use sea water, olive oil, and lye, making it incredibly gentle for sensitive skin. It’s been cool. I’ve even found a way to use herbs too which I loveeee. It’s weird but it feels so nice to make something both practical and pretty at the same time. And my bathroom smells amazing…. I’ve def made too much soap but no one can get mad at me because everything smells so good. They’ll make nice Christmas gifts so at least I don’t have to worry about that !!!!!
I'd love to hear about any skin conditions you guys may have! I’m still new at this and want to continue practicing. I would love ideas !!
Pure Castile soap is gentle enough to use on babies, burn victims, cancer patients, animals, ect. Since I’m surrounded by pregnant ladies I thought it would be a good offering but.. soap and herbs can help a multitude of issues so! Reply away and give me stuff to research~~~*~* yes?
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karikitdemonrp · 2 months ago
Kari curled up a bit in Miroku's arms when she was caught, though her body was kind of tense even in her sleep.
Kagome blinked. "I asked Inuyasha to set a place up. Inuyasha, where did you set up Kari's spot for her to rest?" Kagome asked while Sango stood up, catching what the monk said.
"Miroku, you are staying here. I will take Kari to get some rest." She ordered with glare. "I've finished me food already. I don't trust you to be alone with her yet. Knowing you, you might do something stupid like with every other girl you meet." The demon slayer huffed, lying about having finished her food since her bowls were still clearly half full of rice and stew.
Kagome gave a slight groan. "Sango, I know Miroku has a... reputation, but he hasn't done anything to any girl Kari's age... I don't think. Thats why I asked Kari how old she was, to get that informationout there. And besides, he never actually does anything, just asks that one question. Though, I'll admit, it is very forward and... unnecessary... and Kari has already dealt with a lot as it is... and no child should be asked such a thing." Kagome thought for a moment then began to feel a shiver down her spine, remembering how she first met the monk. "I agree with Sango. Miroku, you're not allowed to be alone with Kari for the foreseeable future. Give her to someone else so they can tuck her in." The young priestess huffed while Sango nodded in agreement.
Kari whimpered slightly at the noise and tried to move to dampen what noise she could. The child wasn't happy with all the noise then moved to make a grabbing gesture with her hands, letting out a weak whine upon realizing she didn't have her plush rabbit. "Tsu...ki..." The child let out a pitiful whimper, having dropped said plush rabbit when she passed out. Tsuki had landed next to Inuyasha, face up with it's forever smiling expression.
It was a rather adorable bunny upon closer inspection given the circumstance. One eye had long been missing, the other an adorable dark brown button. The body was mostly patch work at this point, sewn together with crude stitching though some of the original fabric still remained. It was supposed to be a cream colored rabbit, at least mostly, with velvety soft fluffy and cute sewn on pads that had the texture of the thread to provide a bit of a sensory variety. The ears once stood up right, able to be adjusted but now one torn in half and the other tattered but still intact, albeit with some crude patch work. The tail was surprisingly intact with not much change to it aside from some staining. Bits of brown and some dark reds, or was that a weird red-brown? It was hard to determine. Either way this plushie had seen better days but it was clear Kari did her best to fix it up to keep it around for a long time, obviously caring for it deeply.
Again, Kari called out the name of her plush rabbit with a whimper, now moving a bit in Mioku's arms a bit distressed but not fully concious. Her movements were also rather weak and easy to deal with given her current state, on the verge of being in deep sleep.
Miroku, who had been watching the conversation unfold with a calm expression, was quick to act as Kari began to fall. His reflexes kicked in, and he caught her gently just before her head hit the ground. Cradling the now-sleeping child in his arms, he chuckled softly, his warm gaze falling on the little girl. “Well, I suppose that’s decided. Guess we’re going to bed and skipping the bath for tonight.”
He glanced up at the group, his expression a mix of amusement and sympathy. “It seems she’s been carrying a heavy load for someone so young. Can’t blame her for crashing after a good meal. Do we have a place set up for her yet?”
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kagekitsuneoflight · 1 year ago
What does Naraku look like in your au? I doubt he would have been able to absorb that nobleman
This is a fun question, and it lets me get into my own personal head canon for Naraku’s life as Onigumo, at least partially.
Primarily in the way that lets him mirror Inuyasha’s backstory slightly! He’s actually the bastard son of a nobleman, and his mother was just a servant. I’m heavily summarizing here and not getting into it too much, but he’s (technically) Kagewaki’s (the nobleman who’s body he stole) grand uncle. He doesn’t look the same, but he does look similar! This is also just me neatly explaining why Naraku kept Kagewaki’s appearance, even though he’s a shapeshifter.
Naraku, in this au, is much younger, appearing only to be two years older than Kagome herself. He also doesn’t have his distinctive eyeshadow, mainly because I head canon that it’s a marking of his power. He can still shapeshift, but it’s an ability that’s super exhausting for him to maintain for long periods of time. It’s just easier to adjust his appearance through modern makeup then it is through shapeshifting.
His hair is also much shorter, ending just at his shoulders. His eyes are a softer shade of red, and he’s even shorter, standing at a modest 5’5. His clothing is also radically different, opting for cheaper, easily repaired clothes rather than anything eye catching or elaborate. (This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want fancy elaborate clothes, but he knows that it’s just not worth it. This is also why he wears makeup. Even the cheapest product in the modern age is enough to make him look richer and fancier than he technically is).
His voice is also just gruffer in general, because even though he’ll still keep the same speech patterns, he’s not exactly at his “mature” voice yet.
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nnoragamis · 8 months ago
rewatching the inuyasha series as an adult is so funny because. kagome higurashi does not get nearly enough credit for how strong-willed she was at the tender age of 18. she gave up her life in the modern era, easy access to good medical care, food, running water, electricity, and pretty much every other comfort that she'd known and been accustomed to all her life, and did it cheerfully. meanwhile if the roles were reversed and you stuck inuyasha in a modern office job, trying to send (1) polite email would have killed him on the spot.
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kitramune · 1 year ago
I'm having feels again so bear with me, but Inuyasha is not that dense. He knows exactly what Kagome feels when it comes to having to somehow be compared to or live up to Kikyou. Their friends get that she has a complex, but I'd argue they don't REALLY get it. Inuyasha REALLY gets it. He is a hanyou. A torn existence that will always be compared to either a human or a youkai depending on the prejudice. He understands the pain of being compared and coming up short in people's eyes. This is why you canonically will NEVER see him compare the two in any direct way, and especially not to Kagome's face. Quite the opposite, in fact.
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Hell, I imagine if he'd been there to hear, it, Kikyou's "you are me" comments would have pissed him off. It's more than romantic drama or average teen coming of age angst. It's about identity issues. Inuyasha and Kagome are more alike than a glance would let on, and me, I love that and how it ties into some of the deeper themes. (Which ARE especially important to teenagers, don't get me wrong.)
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