karikitdemonrp · 1 day
Kari huffed and wheezed, eventually bandaging all of her wounds and leaning back to take a breather. "I won... Lana put up more of a fight even when I started to take chunks of flesh off of her." She informed, moving to wipe the blood off her mouth after a moment. "You should've been watching, you'd 've loved it." She informed and closed her eyes for a moment to rest while Sherry walked in to announce the next fight and the fighters exited to leave.
"Not gonna get much down time this time around I think." Kari muttered softly as the fighters left. "I mean, there's only two fights left, one after this one's done. Then the finals." Kari sighed and began to drift off to get some rest for the finals.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 1 day
Kari glanced at Adam and gave a small smirk and a tiny huff. "Well, as close to perfct I can get with this limited information." She informed then rolled her eyes. "Some guardian angel, but whatever." She shrugged and moved to leave holding her metal bat in one hand, still refining her plan as she walked, fine tuning it as best as she could. Then she stepped into the ring and waited on her side for the bell.
The moment the bell rung the two were off, running at each other as fast as they could. Lana moved to punch the child square in the chest, aiming to knock the breath out of her. But Kari held her bat up and Lana just punched solid metal instead, causing the sound of crunching bones to echo through the crowd. But Lana didn't flinch or even scream, not showing that she cared. But Kari knew she was in pain.
The child smirked, moving to hop back a bit and testing to see if Lana would fall for any form of taunting. "C'mon Lana. Try and knock the wind outta me again. See how that works out." Kari huffed, but Lana didn't falter. This time she went for Kari and baited the child to thinking that she was gonna throw another punch again. Kari held up her bat to block but Lana pivoted and instead ducked down and swept Kari's legs out from under her, causing Kari to fall back hard. The child yelped and Lana immediately moved to stomp on Kari's left arm which held the bat, causing Kari to scream. "FUCK!"
"Not so touch without your bat, huh kid?" Lana huffed. "Yeild now and I'll spare you a painful death." The woman said but Kari shook her head and smirked.
"Nah. I always gotta weapon on me." She chirped, clearly in pain but thankfully nothing was broken yet. Kari moved quickly and went in and bit Lana's leg as hard as she could, ripping a chunk of flesh off Lana's leg, causing the woman to stagger in surprise. This opening is what Kari needed, swiftly the child lunged at Lana like a savage animal, biting and ripping chunk after chunk of flesh off the woman. Eventually she went and grabbed her bat and grumbled, going in to strike Lana to knock her out but Lana moved and pulled a small blade from her sleeve, managing to stab Kari's right shoulder causing the child to drop the bat. Lana then quickly maneuvered around to get the child in the back with a second blade that was in the woman's other sleeve. The child hissed in pain but managed to sweep one of Lana's legs out to cause her to fall on her back. Kari stood over Lana, taking the blade out of her shoulder and now stabbing Lana's left shoulder. Lana grumbled in pain and Kari moved to pick her bat up which hadn't fallen far from where they were. She held up the bad and hit Lana's head with the hilt of it hard enough to cause Lana to go unconscious and maybe a bit of brain damage but not enough to kill Lana.
Kari stood up, shaking a bit from being tired and maybe a bit from blood loss. The bell rang and Kari was declared the winner of this match. The child wobbled off to the locker room, wheezing and panting a bit while blood dripped from not only her wounds but also her mouth from ripping Lana apart. She sat down and began to clean and bandage her much more serious wounds first then went onto the smaller ones, watching as Lana was hauled off to be looked over.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 1 day
Kari blinked and took the rib, eating it quickly before anyone could notice it. She licked her lips and smiled at Adam. "Thank you." She said and eyed Lara, trying to get a read on her as best as she could before the fight, trying to formulate any sort of plan of action.
"Well... She's cold and calculated from the way she holds herself. Not only that but I can clearly see how ruthless she can be." She muttered just loud enough for Adam to hear. "Whoever she fought 's probably in a coma if not dead. Look at her knuckles." Kari informed and narrowed her eyes.
"The skin is tearing a bit. She was punching her opponent for a long time without much time to let the other rest. That blood isn't just her opponent's but also hers. Her fists are in a super tight grip too, clearly still going through that rush so she's battle ready. She might have some small weapon on her too, maybe it caused her knuckles to be ripped like that and not so much punching, maybe it could be both." The girl shivered. "I don't wanna get my nail bat out yet, wanna save that for the last fight if I can." Then she thought of something and smirked.
"You might be onto something Adam." The child chuckled with an eerie drip to her words as she just thought of the perfect plan of action. That was when Sherry walked by and leaned on the door frame.
"Right, Kari and Lana you're fight's about to start. Head out to the ring now." She huffed and Kari stood and walked on only for Lana to hold out her arm, hand still clenched in a fist.
"You have time to forfeit now kid. Don't want you to die tonight if I can help it." Lana huffed. "I'd rather not have the death of a kid on my conscious. Lord knows I'm already going to hell for all I've done, don't wanna add child murder on it. Then again this place is pretty close to hell on earth, gotta get by."
Kari blinked and crossed her arms. "Yeh, it's tough here. But there's a bit of good if you know where to look." Kari informed, shifting her weight to be more on her right side. "But I'm not backing down, Lana. I'm winning this whole thing and you don't scare me." The child huffed, though she was bluffing. Kari was terrified. Who wouldn't be? This woman covered in blood splatters and her fists absolutely drenched with the crimson goop and her eyes a bit bloodshot with a cold piercing gaze that cold kill easily.
Lana frowned and moved to lower her arm, a slight sadness in her eyes. "Things just keep getting worse." She huffed and moved to leave before Kari, who walked after Lana with a hard swallow.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 1 day
Kari's eyes sparkled as she listened to Hawks. She smiled wide, now no longer frantic about falling from such a height. Her wings flapped slightly as she felt a surge of happiness. "I'll do my best." The child chirped once Hawks was finished talking.
Soon Kari looked around and noticed a few people were staring, which made Kari a bit uncomfortable so she mover to be as close to Hawks as possible, trying to hide as best as she could. "C-can we go now please?" She muttered, clearly uncomfortable at being stared at. A few people came up to ask for Hawks' autograph and maybe a few pictures, the pictures made Kari tense, trying to hide more so her image wasn't captured with these strangers.
"Is it ok for a selfie or two Hawks?" One of the girls begged, holding up her phone.
"Yea, please? It won't be long. Honest, just one or two." The second begged, hoping Hawks would say that they could get a few selfies, not reading that Kari wanted to get out of there. Then again, they couldn't see the child since Hawks still had his wings around her protectively.
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Hawks grinned as Kari hopped on, her excitement practically contagious. "Alright, hold on tight, little bird!" he said, his tone playful as he adjusted his stance, wings stretching out wide.
With a powerful flap, they were airborne, the city below shrinking as they soared into the sky. The wind rushed past, and Hawks tilted his head slightly to check on Kari. "You doing okay back there?" he called over his shoulder, knowing full well she was probably loving every second of it.
As they flew toward UA, Hawks couldn’t help but smile. "You know, not every kid gets to go to UA like this. You’re getting the VIP hero tour, kiddo," he teased lightly. "First time flying like this to school—bet you'll have some stories to tell by the end of the day!"
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karikitdemonrp · 1 day
Kari sniffled and leaned into Hawks a bit and took a deep breath, a few tears that had built up in her eyes finally falling down her cheeks but not a lot. She relaxed fully, her trembling slowing to a stop. Him brushing a hand through her hair was helping a lot to calm her down.
"It's nice to not be worried or scared about stuff again." She muttered and gave a tiny, bitter sweet giggle. "I almost forgot how it felt to just have fun and live in the moment." The child let out another heavy breath, moving to feel her heart race a bit, though it wasn't as fast as it was when she was falling. "Heh, heart's still going pretty fast." She murmured softly to herself. Then a thought came to mind and she looked up at Hawks.
"When my wings get bigger, ya think we can fly together? Just the two of us? I need to learn how to fly after all." She informed with a tiny chirp. "I mean, with Fino's quirk I can transform into animals including birds and such and can fly that way but this feels different." She informed. "And even as a bird I struggle to fly." She muttered, moving to nestle into Hawks' hold, feeling safer than ever. She was right to trust the hero with her life after all.
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Hawks grinned as Kari hopped on, her excitement practically contagious. "Alright, hold on tight, little bird!" he said, his tone playful as he adjusted his stance, wings stretching out wide.
With a powerful flap, they were airborne, the city below shrinking as they soared into the sky. The wind rushed past, and Hawks tilted his head slightly to check on Kari. "You doing okay back there?" he called over his shoulder, knowing full well she was probably loving every second of it.
As they flew toward UA, Hawks couldn’t help but smile. "You know, not every kid gets to go to UA like this. You’re getting the VIP hero tour, kiddo," he teased lightly. "First time flying like this to school—bet you'll have some stories to tell by the end of the day!"
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karikitdemonrp · 1 day
Kari puffed out her cheeks in frustration with slightly bristled hair. "Why would you do that?" She asked with a tiny huff then looked back at the door. That was when she saw a woman walk in with her fists covered in blood and a distant gaze. Not long later a gurney was rushed by with someone on it who was barely clinging to life. The child shivered as Sherry walked in and sighed.
"Alright," Sherry started. "Round one is over and Round two will start in about ten minutes. The next fight will be Kari and Lara. Be sure you're ready when I come back." She informed and the woman who just walked in looked up and at Kari. The child looked at her and shivered after quickly realizing that this woman was Lara.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari looked at the food and gulped. Sure she wasn't hungry right now but those ribs looked really good. But she knew better than to steal from an angel. Stealing was bad enough and she knew that but stealing from an angel had to be a whole lot worse, right? Not only that but this angel was the first man so he would probably see her trying to steal from a mile away. Best not even try.
"They look good." She muttered softly, a bit of envy lacing her voice. "An' no I won't waste it on stickers or something like that. I'll probably buy a few plushies and some useful items like tools to fix stuff, ya know? A few practical things and a few fun things." She chirped softly, glancing at the door every so often hoping Sherry would show up to announce round two soon so she could ignore the ribs Adam was eating.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari gripped onto Hawks the moment she felt him. Her hair had bristled out wildly due to her panic and her quirk still active and messing with the air a bit, but when she began to calm down that pert of her quirk subsided and turned off. She still had her wings out, but they were tucked in as she curled in Hawks' hold. "Sorry." She muttered softly, still clung to Hawks with a tiny whimper.
"I-I got so excited and just--" Kari was still trembling a bit, calming down slowly. Shw could hear Hawks' heart beat and it kinda soothed her. Though it was fast due to the adrenaline rush, she could tell it was calming down. "I didn't mean to... I... I was just so happy I..." The child kept apologizing, sniffling and holding back tears as best as she could.
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Hawks grinned as Kari hopped on, her excitement practically contagious. "Alright, hold on tight, little bird!" he said, his tone playful as he adjusted his stance, wings stretching out wide.
With a powerful flap, they were airborne, the city below shrinking as they soared into the sky. The wind rushed past, and Hawks tilted his head slightly to check on Kari. "You doing okay back there?" he called over his shoulder, knowing full well she was probably loving every second of it.
As they flew toward UA, Hawks couldn’t help but smile. "You know, not every kid gets to go to UA like this. You’re getting the VIP hero tour, kiddo," he teased lightly. "First time flying like this to school—bet you'll have some stories to tell by the end of the day!"
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari looked at Adam and tilted her head a bit. "Well, I've also been taught how to read people so I've got experience in it." She informed, trying to cheer Adam up or something since he seemed upset. When Adam said she was gonna crush round two Kari blinked then gave a smirk.
"Fuck yeh I am!" She giggled, her heart feeling a bit lighter as she a bit of pride in herself. She felt like Adam was proud of her and was gonna make sure that it wasn't misplaced. "I'll win this and buy some better food." She chirped. "And maybe a few other things too." The girl giggled and moved to sit up again, stretching out with a groan.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari laughed in glee as the wind messed with her hair. Her wings flapping a bit until they began to feel the air current. She giggled and let her wings stretch out a little, letting the air catch them slightly but never letting go of Hawks.
"I'm ok Papa Bird." She chirped, her grip loosening more and more as she kept giggling, not fully realizing that she was loosening her grip over time. Then again, she was having the time of her life right now so it didn't fully bother her. That and she was with Hawks, who she trusted with her life.
"Really? Well then I'm gonna be sure to enjoy every moment while I'm there!" She called out, her grip loosening a bit too much as she got too excited. Not long after Kari was thrown off by the speed and wind and was sent spiraling to the ground with a yelp.
It all happened so fast as she fell like Icarus getting too close to the sun. "PAPA BIRD!" Kari shrieked, trying to flap her wings to fly, even moving to take her backpack off and holding it in her arms for better mobility but since her wings weren't super big she couldn't fly yet, she needed something more to help. Then it hit her, the air. She could maybe use Boom and Beats' quirks to help move the air. But she couldn't act fast enough. She was getting too close to the ground and she was panicking, her symbols glowing to try and move the air to help her get back up before she hit the ground.
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Hawks grinned as Kari hopped on, her excitement practically contagious. "Alright, hold on tight, little bird!" he said, his tone playful as he adjusted his stance, wings stretching out wide.
With a powerful flap, they were airborne, the city below shrinking as they soared into the sky. The wind rushed past, and Hawks tilted his head slightly to check on Kari. "You doing okay back there?" he called over his shoulder, knowing full well she was probably loving every second of it.
As they flew toward UA, Hawks couldn’t help but smile. "You know, not every kid gets to go to UA like this. You’re getting the VIP hero tour, kiddo," he teased lightly. "First time flying like this to school—bet you'll have some stories to tell by the end of the day!"
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari nodded with a huff. "Play it cool. Right!" She chirped, happily flap her wings that were still visible from the straps of her backpack. She made sure her backpack was secure and then happily went over and hopped onto Hawks with a giggle and clung to him.
"Ready to go, Papa Bird!" She squeaked in glee, nuzzling the hero as joy and excitement just completely over took her. No problem in her mind mattered right now, she was too excited and happy to even think about things like that so she was finally able to let loose and be a happy little girl, even if it was only for a little while.
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Hawks chuckled as Kari bounced around, clearly buzzing with excitement. "Look at you, all packed and ready like you’re going on a great big adventure," he said with a grin. He eyed her backpack stuffed with plushies and other essentials, and the sight warmed his heart a bit. He remembered his own attachment to a certain Endeavor plushie growing up.
"Alright, kiddo, looks like you’re set for a whole day at UA." He stretched his wings out with a playful flick, ruffling his feathers as he cracked his back playfully and then crouched slightly, making sure Kari was ready. "Hop on, and we’ll be there in no time. Just remember—when we get there, play it cool. You’re practically a future UA student already, right?" He smirked, motioning for her to climb on for the flight. "Time to show off those wings of yours!"
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari's hair bristled a bit. "I didn't mean it in a bad way, Adam." She informed, giving a nervous smile. "I'm just saying I can read people pretty easy and I was surprised I could do the same with angels. I didn't think it would be the same thing. Though, then again, you were once a human so maybe that has something to do with it." She hummed softly in thought.
"Either way, I meant no disrespect." She informed then noticed a fighter limp back in, grab his things, then leave. He must've lost to the fighter who walked back in who looked pretty badly beaten. Sherry soon came back and huffed, called the next fight and left with the fighters. "One fight after this one then we're going into round two." Kari muttered softly as a sort of reminder to herself why she was here.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 2 days
Kari listened to Hawks as he spoke. She didn't fully know what he meant by he had "different experience" when it came to becoming a hero but she could get some kind of understanding in a way. She blinked, not wanting to think too much on it right now so she would think it over later.
When Hawks said she could go get ready Kari gave a happy gasp and dashed off, moving to get out of her pajamas and into her usual attire then grabbed a few things she wanted to bring. She put a bit more thought than usual into this and it took about fifteen minutes for the child to step back out with a backpack filled with things to do and even a blanket and a few plushies.
Kari trotted up to Hawks and gave a wide smile. "Ready to go." She giggled, bouncing up and down excitedly.
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Hawks smiled warmly, leaning back a bit as he listened to Kari’s excitement spill over. Her energy was contagious, and it made him remember his own younger days. "Sounds like you’ve got some real family legacy vibes going on." He ruffled her hair gently. "Your parents probably have a ton of cool stories from their time there. And hey, with wings like those, you’re bound to make a big impression on the other students."
He grinned as she mimicked his wing movements so naturally. "No, I didn't. Let’s just say my experience was a little different. I was a special case," Hawks admitted, scratching the back of his neck. "Started hero work early, didn’t get to do the whole ‘high school experience’ thing the way most kids do. But I still learned a lot, just in my own way."
At her barrage of questions, Hawks chuckled. “Being a hero… it’s a mixed bag. There are some tough days, but there’s nothing like helping people and making the world safer. You get to protect others, and that’s what makes it worth it.” He folded his arms, watching her excitement with a fond expression. "And about UA—if you keep up this determination, you’ll definitely get in. It’s more than just the powers, it’s the heart."
As Kari mentioned getting ready, Hawks stretched his wings. "You’re eager, huh? We’ve got some time, but go ahead and get ready if it makes you feel better. I wouldn’t want you to be late for your big day."
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karikitdemonrp · 3 days
Kari gave a nod. "Being a kid excuses me from being mature. Which includes smack talk." She giggled and sighed softly. "I'll do my best to not get super hurt, but all these guys are a lot bigger than me so I gotta keep on my toes and use what I can to my advantage." She muttered and looked at Adam. "Sometimes that includes getting hurt so I gotta play my cards right." The child gave a sigh.
"Tyler couldn't take being mocked. He was very quick to get angry. He was super upset when he had to go up against a kid so he underestimated me. He was too full of himself and rage filled to see I was playing with him." Kari smirked. "Being on the streets you notice things like this. You notice reactions and emotions and use that to get away with what you can. I didn't throw the first punch when I fought Gina and instead waited to see her reaction." The child looked down at the floor.
"My friend Shade taught me a lot when it comes to gauging emotions and reactions. She was really good at reading people through their body language and emotions." She informed and noticed that the fight that had been taking place was done, just three fights left before the next round. Another pair of fighters were called out to face each other not long later and Kari moved to lay on the bench to rest, maybe take a quick nap or something. "Ya know, I've gotten a good read on your emotions too. You're pretty easy to read Adam." Kari giggled innocently with a wide smile.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 3 days
Kari gave a small grin to Adam and nodded, avoiding saying much until she was closer so Noone else could hear her. "Hey, I'm still a kid. I get a pass on the mature thing." She muttered while bandaging up her cuts. They weren't very deep but they were enough to sting a bit.
"Owowowow..." Kari hissed while bandaging the last cut. She sighed softly and relaxed as best as she could and looked at Adam.
"Yeh... I was pretty close to being skewered but I managed to get away with bruises and cuts and nothing too major. But I'm not sure how long that will last. We have one more one on one fight then the three way finale." She let out a heavy breath and watched as Sherry called the next fight and the two people left. "At least my fight was only the second fight so I can have time to rest a bit for the next one." She informed with a sigh. "I'm gonna win this... I know I'm gonna win this." Kari muttered to herself, hoping to be able to hype herself up with positive affirmation.
Kari's guardian angel
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karikitdemonrp · 3 days
Kari gave a wide smile and nodded. "Yeh! I could at least impress Kirishima's class mates or the other students. I hope so at least." The child chirped, spreading her wings out in tandem with her arm. "I've always wanted to go to UA when I was old enough cuz I knew it was a really good hero school. My siblings wanted to go there too. Mom and dad both went when they were younger I think, though dad was transfered in for his second year. He said that's how he met mom cuz he was in the same class as her." The child informed with a happy hum, her wings now folding up to her back much like Hawks' wings.
"Can't believe I get to go see the place before I'm a student there. I hope I get to be a student there." Kari gave a happy giggle and shifted in place, almost bouncing in place a bit. "Papa bird, did you go to UA when you were younger? Did you like it?" She asked with a curious expression, slowly opening up to show of just how curious she truly was. It was an odd juxtaposition since she had been so used to just surviving and now she could actually live and be a kid and be curious.
"And what about being a hero, is it worth it? Oh, should I go get ready to go? I'm not sure when we're going to leave and I don't wanna be late." The moment the child let down her guard a wave of questions she wanted to ask hit her but it was clear she was holding back to just these few questions.
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Hawks chuckled softly, watching Kari with that proud glint in his eyes as she practiced mimicking his wing movements. He stretched his own wings a little, giving her a playful nudge with one as she tried to hover. "You're getting the hang of it, little bird," he said with a grin. "But don’t push yourself too hard. Baby steps, remember? Even I didn’t learn all this overnight."
When she asked about the plan for the day, Hawks tilted his head slightly. "If the visit to Core doesn't pan out, we’ve got options. You’ll be busy at UA today anyway." He gave her a little smirk. "I bet you could impress a few of the teachers with how fast you're picking things up."
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karikitdemonrp · 3 days
Kari looked at Adam and gave a nod. "I'll try not to." She said softly and moved to rest her bat on one of her shoulders with a tiny hum.
Pretty soon Sherry could be heard over a speaker as she began to call out. "Alright ladies, gents, and those who's gender goes beyond the binary! Let me introduce the second fight of the night!" She called and the crowd cheered. "First off we have Tyler, age 27 years!" Tyler jogged out and waved as the crowd cheered and applauded him. Once Tyler was in the ring Sherry called out again.
"And his opponent. Our youngest fighter tonight at age 10 we have Kari!" Sherry called out and Kari began to walk towards the ring while the crowd remained fairly silent in shock that a child was apart of this. She didn't let it bother her though as she climbed into the ring with a bit of trouble but not much.
Sherry sighed and looked at the two. "Try not to kill eachother and wait for the bell to start " she huffed and moved to get out of the ring while Kari and Tyler moved to opposite sides of it wait for the bell. It only took a few seconds but eventually the bell rung and the two were rushing at eachother.
Kari raised her bat while Tyler clenched his fists which each had a set of brass knuckles on them. The child managed to get a hard hit in on Tyler's ankle and dashed out quickly while Tyler yelped in pain. Nothing was broken yet but danm did that hurt. Tyler looked to glare at Kari as she skid to a stop at the other end of the ring.
The child smirked and looked at Tyler, looking over to gage what to do next. But Tyler was quick and moved first, running at the child again while Kari was thinking. The child managed to barely dodge his attack by rolling out of the way. She took this opportunity to hit his Achilles heel and ankle as hard as she could and once again got out of there.
That was her whole strategy for this match. Get in, hit hard, then get out. Simple yet effective. "C'mon Tyler. Why can't ya hit me? Too fast for ya?" Kari taunted, trying to keep it so Tyler kept rushing in without thinking.
Tyler hissed in anger and once again fell for Kari's trap, rushing at her again. This time Kari tightened her grip on her bat and when she dodged out of the way she hit his ankle so hard that there was a loud snap that echoed through the arena. Kari smirked, not running away and instead moving to quickly go for Tyler's other ankle then his legs.
Eventually Tyler managed to grab Kari by her leg while she was distracted and threw her hard to the other end of the ring. Both of his ankles were broken while only one of his legs were broken. But he wasn't giving up just yet. Tyler managed to prop himself up after vomiting from the pain. He faced Kari and glared at her in pure rage. But he couldn't move to attack so he had to go with plan B. He took out a set of throwing knives all attached to some wires and put the wires on his fingers.
Kari gave a tiny whimper while getting back up and watching Tyler taking out his next weapon. "You gotta be kidding me." She grumbled and shook off the pain, readying her metal bat to deflect the knives as she rushed in. Tyler began to throw knives at the child as she deflected them, still getting cut up but nothing too bad.
It took a bit of strategic movement but Kari managed to get past Tyler's knives and hit his head so hard it rendered him unconscious. The child panted and wheezed as Tyler toppled over. The crowd was silent until Sherry called out.
"And Kari wins it!" She called and the crowd went wild after a moment. Kari looked around and waved shyly. "Looks like we have a little underdog here everyone." Sherry called out as Tyler was carried away to go be patched up and Kari walked off to the locker room to patch herself up.
Kari's guardian angel
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