adafruit · 20 days
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🔌⚡🔧 Perfect for USB Type C wall adapters providing multiple voltages. The standard offerings are 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 18V, and 20V. This HUSB238 breakout plugs into the USB C cable and negotiates the PD request and commands over the CC lines. https://www.adafruit.com/product/5991 & https://www.adafruit.com/product/5450
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solidrun · 4 months
Unleash the Power of Customization: Hailo, the Open Hardware Workstation by SolidRun
Tired of pre-configured workstations that limit your creativity? Hailo by SolidRun is the answer!
Hailo is a revolutionary open hardware workstation designed for professionals and enthusiasts who demand ultimate control and flexibility. SolidRun empowers you to build the workstation that perfectly suits your needs, from bleeding-edge processors to massive storage capacity.
Here's what makes Hailo unique:
Open Hardware Design: Unlike closed systems, Hailo gives you complete freedom to choose and upgrade components as needed.
Unmatched Configurability: SolidRun offers a wide range of compatible components, allowing you to tailor Hailo to your specific workflow.
Future-Proof Investment: The modular design ensures your workstation can adapt to changing hardware demands.
SolidRun and Hailo - Unlocking a new era of workstation customization!
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diy-fab-space · 10 months
10 Декабря 2023 Года
В общем, пишу уже третий раз, два раза не сохранялся черновик.
Т.к. нужно было скопиповать ссылку, решил сохраниться, захожу в черновики, и ничего не осталось.
Решил кроме своих блогов о том что в мой адрес и в мире происходит сделать в честь, точнее не в честь, а в качестве приятного и позитивного дня, который может приносить определенную последовательность действий, позитивного настроения, и не лишний раз упомянуть о технологиях в сети, что бы кто то либо что то важное меньше оставалось не замеченным.
Это праздник, на самом деле уже праздник, т.к. когда вы поймете еа сколько это интересно и позитивно, и видеть как эта сфера развилась на сегодняшний день, и что там можно делать, в книги не уместится просто описать, и каждый 3D редактор имеет свои особенности, как узкую специальность, так и очень даже широкий спектр применения, и создания различных форм даже с воспроизвелением физического моделирования.
3Dекабря, - всемирный день компьютерной 3D графики.
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Изображение взято в поиске по изображениям, нет "верстака"
Так же, интересно, что я уместил на изображении этого блога, то что я нарисовал для своей группы в Телеграмм, и это очень даже все умещается в эту картинку, т.к. это по сути инженерное дело, а не лентяя и лоботряса, в которых вас превращают "сообщества", общества л��дей, которых втягивают для уничтожения как других, так и тех кого вовлекают, специально, целенаправленно, группами лиц. Которые так же используют именно технологические вещи, поэтому, это не просто блог, это в том числе с той ноткой, - что бы знать, от кого и как в будущем защищаться, и иметь не то что бы почву, а еще и хороший запас технологических и материальных возможностей.
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borismann · 8 months
Campaign launch for Tangara Music Player today:
Tangara is a cool, hackable, ESP32-powered music player that provides high-quality audio, long battery life, and a design that’s easy to customize, repair, and upgrade.
It’s the year of tiny hardware, so yes, I ordered one!
#music #openhardware #opensource
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aditiandslick · 2 years
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Episode 1: Irony in the wasteland
Another hot sweaty day as Slick and I hobble through the waste lands in search of electronics to trade for food. As I hobble along, I think that you have to smile at the irony of life.  My rich parents were lost in a freak bird accident in our flying car. I was lucky as the accident only left me short one leg. Lucky – sort of. That accident not only stripped me of my family, but it changed my whole way of life. When I was injured I was thrown out of Metro with the trash into the wastelands.
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Now 3 years later, I scavenge to survive with my best friend -a fox bird- I call Slick. Slick kept me alive in this dump by finding food in Metro’s waste before I figured out how to live in the wasteland. Believe it or  not, I am not alone. Metro has many rejects or as they say “jects” scattered all over the sprawling wasteland. 
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I grew up rich and comfortable. My parents had both been ruling elites in Metro that backed a zero tolerance for the weak and disabled. Now I find myself with the other jects searching through Metro’s trash to survive.
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My name is Aditi, which my dad said came from an ancient tongue that meant unimpaired. Pretty funny right for a girl with only one leg? Worse, or perhaps funnier, my missing foot still itches!
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But my Mom says Aditi is actually Sanskrit for “free” - I guess I am free out here to do as I please. I please, of course, to find waste with some value left in it so Slick and I don’t starve to death.
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3dwithus · 4 years
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Open source is on everyone's mind these days. Check out:   Book Review | Create, Share, and Save Money Using Open-Source Projects
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system76 · 6 years
System76 Gets Animated For New Handcrafted Computer
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System76 is releasing a new open-source computer, available for preorder next month. In the coming weeks, before the finalized hardware is announced, a four-part animation will be released weekly, with design updates hidden within a game portion of the story.
The animated videos follow the journey of two characters: Zoe, the Pop!_OS installer bot for System76 computers, and Tenzen, an engineer. Tenzen travels through a dark corner of the universe, called the Thelio System, to find the origins of Zoe’s damage in order to repair her. 
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An interactive game portion for each chapter allows players to explore unique settings in order to guide Tenzen on his journey. These settings contain easter eggs for players to unlock secrets pertaining to the design of the new computer.
The story itself contains different worlds, each representing an antithesis to open source ideals. These themes are utilized to draw attention to the importance of open source in the evolution of technology. The parallel drawn between open source and the Thelio computer also helps System76 celebrate its milestone as the company transitions to manufacturing its own open hardware. CEO Carl Richell has been striving to achieve this goal since the company’s inception in 2005, and is eager to bring the new hardware to customers and open source fans alike.
Those who are interested in learning more about Thelio can subscribe for updates and follow the saga at thel.io leading up to the preorder release next month.
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blitzcitydiy · 6 years
‪My breadboard is a bit precarious but here’s some sweet @adafruit crickit Circuit Python seesaw IR analog action ⚡️🐍🦗🕹‬ #diy #tech #electronics #hardware #opensource #openhardware #circuitplayground #circuitpython #python #programming #coding #pythononhardware #crickit #robot #make #makersgonnamake #makersmovement #nerdlife https://www.instagram.com/p/BtFTBChHr_O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p44iwe2ty5tm
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roboticaambiental · 6 years
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Carros radiocontrolados mediante Arduino/ Bluetooth/Android
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de3dprintman · 6 years
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The parts for my Prusa i3 Mk3 are almost finished except for the LCD holder. I'm going to use the MMU 2.0 for that one. 😉 But these parts look amazing already in transparent orange nGen and black HT by @colorfabb_official. All parts are printed on the Original Prusa i3 Mk3 by @josefprusa. 0,2 mm layers and 20% grid infill. One extra perimeter for the Colorfabb nGen. #PrusaResearch #Prusa3D #Prusai3MK3 #Colorfabb #Colorfabb_nGen #Colorfabb_HT #PimpMyPrusa #TeamOrange #Makersmovement #Makerslife #Makergram #Maker #OpenHardware #Additivemanufacturing #Additive #FDM (at Amsterdam, Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/de3dprintman/p/Bs_YAp7nrTr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1baf7gcmhiflc
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adafruit · 12 days
Desk of Ladyada - an audio extravaganza 🎧🔧🎤
New audio designs are in the pipeline, including work with TDK’s T5838 PDM mic and PCM1840/PCM1820 chips. Great Search is on for a low-cost, MCK-less I2S DAC to replace the discontinued UDA1334A, like the popular PCM5102A.
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fabiosouza-io-blog · 6 years
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Foto da oficina de #Franzininho realizada na #CPBA2⠀ ⠀ É muito bom ver os participantes da @campuspartybra interessados por #hardware. As oficinas da @franzininho sempre estão lotadas por uma galera com muito interesse em aprender a #soldar e por construir #projetos de hardware. ⠀ ⠀ Confesso que fico um pouco apreensivo antes de cada oficina, devido a quantidade de pessoas, limitações de #kits, #ferramentas, local de trabalho e principalmente com o tempo restrito para a atividade. ⠀ ⠀ Mas é muito bacana ver a união da galera, que sempre participam em grupos interagem #compartilhandoconhecimento, chegando ao final da oficina com suas #placas montadas. Fico muito feliz em ver o brilho nos olhos de cada participante quando veem suas placas funcionando e fazem o primeiro #upload de #codigo. ⠀ ⠀ É muito bacana ver como um projeto aberto pode gerar tanto valor através de sua comunidade. Sou muito grato a todos que apoiam e colaboram com o projeto #Franzininho e com a sua comunidade. Obrigado! ⠀ ⠀ #openhardware #makers #soldagem #arduino #diy #comunidade #engenheiros #eletrônica #sucesso #cpba2
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ianaburgess · 4 years
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OpenUK: Join #FutureLeaders training tomorrow at noon BST, to hear about #openhardware from @andrewjskatz and @stevehelvie - what a double act. All welcome https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtjFx1AO6k/?igshid=1fafv5ym9e57i
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mifactori · 4 years
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Open Design is Circular Design! Our article on Open Circular Design got updated to make the relationship between Circular Design and Open Design stronger. Open & Circular = Keep options open for the future. And here is how → https://mifactori.de/what-is-open-design #OpenDesign #CircularDesign #Sustainability #SustainableDesign #Design #IndustrialDesign #ProductDesign #OpenSource #OpenHardware #ClimateChange #CircularEconomy #Upcycling #DIY #futuredesign #futurism #circularity #revolution https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0RATCIc32/?igshid=149w0mi1iiv3m
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aditiandslick · 2 years
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I was so proud of us for finding all the clean plastic. When we finally drag the bags to Doc Roys, he says “It is too bulky – there is hardly any weight even when you fill a big bag. My contacts won’t take it unless they can smuggle it...oops I mean ‘transport’ it into the cities. If you can get me a bag of it that weighs more than you I will give you a food ration and some scraps for Slick.” I pouted for a second. After all if I could get the bags here on one leg, certainty someone with two could carry it into the city.
Then my mouth turned up in a smile. I remembered the solar panel. It really did change everything. I limped home as fast I could to do research on the web. After a few hours – I had it!  I have been reading on the web how to make tools that others somewhere on this planet are making. I needed something to make the plastic waste into valuable products.  The first one I decide to build is called a shredder.  It is the easiest – I want it to make the waste plastic easier to move for Doc Roys smugglers...oops I mean ‘transporters’.
Because we live in an endless junkyard, finding the metal pieces for the shredder was way easier than I first thought. Slick and I take all the old plastic bottles that look clean and throw them in the top. I turn a crank and metal teeth bite into them and spit out plastic confetti at the bottom. It is so fun when it works the first time – even Slick is happy. Maybe he knows tasty food scraps are in his future.
Hmmmm…..If I could find some more solar panels I could use the power to run an electric motor then I would not even have to crank it.
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warrior6124 · 7 years
HardDisk Spinning in Open.....💃🕺#boomerang : #gif #harddisk #hdd #openharddrive #openhardware #head #harddiskhead #geeks #computer #hardware #storagedevice (at Amandeep's Home)
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