#Opacho || [starter] || hyoui gattai
bxtonpxss · 2 months
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Just how far away from civilization was she? Opacho had been wandering for hours, she thinks, and still, there had barely been signs of any life forms. By this point however the girl wouldn’t have really cared, even an animal would be better company than silence.
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bxtonpxss · 3 months
@revulnance liked for a one-liner!
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"What are you reading?"
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bxtonpxss · 5 months
@despairforme started following!
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Carefully holding her ice cream cone in one hand, Opacho's attention was suddenly taken by a butterfly fluttering past above her head. Because of her hyperfocus on the small creature, the child stopped walking and then--
Something knocks into her from behind and the toddler is sent tumbling forward with a yelp, arms splaying across the ground. Oh, and there went her ice cream...
Opacho slowly gets to her feet, then stares blankly down at the now splattered and broken cone on the ground. "Opacho's ice cream..." She murmurs quietly to herself, big eyes starting to wobble and fill with tears. She didn't even get a chance to taste it!
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Her little frame sinks down into a crouch, hands resting on the tops of her knees as deep lines of depression surround her. She doesn't even acknowledge the person that had bumped into her. "It gone..."
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bxtonpxss · 1 month
@despairforme from [HERE]
"Snacks!" The shelves in the konbini were obviously too high for her to get any of the good stuff, so it would make sense for her to utilize her surroundings properly in order to get her prize, hence her climbing up Nnoitra and clinging to the back of his head. He was just the perfect height for her to grab a box of blueberry pocky and strawberry pocky and a few other small things.
Which she would then proceed to discreetly slip into the inner pockets of her poncho. She wouldn't bother Nnoitra and ask him to buy it, she was fully capable of taking things herself, she just needed a boost! Hao-sama had refused to use money, feeling it was a primary reason behind corruption in society, so she was taught to be very self-sufficient.
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She gently taps the top of Nnoitra’s head to get his attention but keeps her voice to a low murmur so they wouldn't get suspected or caught. "Did you want some snacks too? Opacho can grab them for you." Her pockets have lots of space for storage.
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bxtonpxss · 2 months
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Does he know? That his shoe was untied? Well, Opacho certainly wasn't gonna tell him. She's just going to quietly stare, watching and waiting for the inevitable.
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bxtonpxss · 1 year
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❝Opacho sorry, didn’t realize that was yours. ❞
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bxtonpxss · 4 years
Opacho Tags
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Opacho || [main] || shaman king
Opacho || [threads] || oversoul! hair in!
Opacho || [open] || opacho bored
Opacho || [starter] || hyoui gattai
Opacho || [verse] || modern
Opacho || [musing] || stargazing with hao-sama
Opacho || [headcanon] || medium
Opacho || [ask] || oracle bell
Opacho || [visage] || opacho small!
Opacho || [aesthetic] || pretty pretty!
Opacho || [crossover] || journey to patch village
Opacho || [hoshigumi] || Hao-sama 
Opacho || [hoshigumi] || Yoh-sama
Opacho || [hoshigumi] || Nicole
Opacho || [dash commentary]
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