trolleycarts-blog · 5 years
March 31, 2019//notes:.WIP
What had happened:
We an interesting discussion about the Conscious, Subconscious and the Unconscious.
Learnt that the Conscious is the one that does the rational thinking and the one that decides what actions you should do.
The subconscious acts as the hard drive. This is also where you habits and behaviors lie. Another thing to note is that this is more powerful than the conscious mind.
The unconscious mind, which you have no control over. This is where things like, your breathing takes place, this also handles your immune system and etc.
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trolleycarts-blog · 5 years
March 24, 2019 // notes:.
Gift-giving exercise
What had happened:
during this activity, I wasn’t actually present during the lecture. But I had another classmate of mine that also wasn’t able to attend the lecture. So we had paired up for this activity. 
Luckily enough this wasn’t such a hard exercise, cause really it only took common sense. 
This exercise is mainly about figuring out what gift your partner would appreciate, through an interview.
My thoughts:
I learned quite a lot from this activity, especially with how you’re suppose to interview someone. You should definitely learn how to ask the right questions to really figure out who you’re talking to. Empathy is a big deal here, if you’re able to understand how someone feels and thinks, it’d be really easy to also figure out what they want. 
Needless to say, this was a pretty enjoyable task, I learned new things from my classmate who I barely talked to. 
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
March 17, 2019 // notes:.
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Today we did some activities. The first one is, to make a bizarre object/idea that is helpful. Mine is a Portable Trash Cuber, it basically turns your trash into a cube which would help you organize your trash in your bag better if you cannot find the nearest trash can. The second activity is about making a “Droodle” which is basically a doodle and a riddle. This was pretty fun to do and i also loved seeing other people’s creativity with this one. The last activity is about completing an incomplete figure. This was also fun because it’s nice to see how people can turn a simple squiggly line into a whole new other object.
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
March 3, 2019 // notes.: wip
Creativity Lecture
What had happened: 
we learned all about creativity and how damaging plagiarism is to any sort of content creator.
Part of the discussion is also about whether copying is inherently good or bad. 
We found out about the different types of formal stealing. Parody and Pastiche.
Parody is all about imitating the art or content and modifying it to either mock something or just for laughs.
Pastiche on the other hand is all about imitating two or more types of content to make new content.
My own thoughts:
This was a particularly interesting topic to me because, as an artist, things like imitating or copying is always a big argument in the art community. Lectures like these really puts things into perspective.
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
February 26, 2019//notes.: wip
My own thoughts:
Today we played the games that both groups had made earlier on. Specifically we played group A’s game. Its called “Mafia” and it was really fun. I discovered that i’m pretty good at it.
The way the mafia has to stick together to strategically kill all the other players while being careful as to not get caught is pretty fun experience. You kind of learn how good you are at deception and lying to everyone’s faces.
You understand more how to work well with other people without actually doing alot of talking cause the Mafia can’t plan who to kill.
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
does One (1) Smart thing
me: harvard wya
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
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February 24, 2019 // thoughts.:
My own thoughts:
Today we did a treasure hunt, at first I wasn’t so sure what this treasure hunt was about. But soon after we finished it, I understood it abit. The teamwork and the trust that you put into your other members, to fetch or collect the other materials is pretty educational.
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afterwards we had a short game about, someone drawing something and then the next person should describe it in a more, outside the box way. And it was pretty amazing how it went from an aquarium to baskin’ robins.
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The last activity we had in this class, is about making a physical game. This one was a little bit challenging because it’s pretty hard to make up a physical game that everyone can truly enjoy. We really had to think outside the box for this one. It truly makes sense why collaboration is really important.
0 notes
trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
Feb 19, 2019 // notes:.
My own thoughts:
I’m not the best at collaboration because i’m naturally shy. This lecture helped me understand how collaborations could work better. The quotes that were shown to us, taught me a lot about how collaborations should work. Collaborations were hard for me cause often, I’d pick my friends, which leads me in the end doing all the work. Because of this I learned to love working individually instead.
Much to think about:
What is collaboration?
Working with other people.
People are people. And people are problems. But...people who are practiced in collaboration will do better than those who insist on their individuality. -Twyla Tharp
It is the long history of humankind that those who have learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed. -Charles Darwin
A clearly stated and consciously shared purpose is the foundation of great collaborations. -Twyla Tharp
A good collaboration will extend your strengths. -Twyla Tharp
Learn to take criticism from your groupmates properly.
Getting involved with your collaborator’s problems almost always distract you from your own. -Twyla Tharp
Before you start a collaboration you should know what you need in advance.
Always try to establish a free atmosphere as possible.
Clear objectives
Diverse skill set, defined roles
Commitment and accountability
Trust and respect
Structured process
Good record keeping
0 notes
trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
Feb 17, 2019 // notes.:
“Do schools kill creativity?” A TED talk by Ken Robinson.
My own thoughts:
This TED talk hit a lot of areas that I felt were something I used to think about in high school. I agree with alot of what Robinson has stated, in which the arts and any form of creativity is given less attention and is deemed a subject that will “take you nowhere.” Which I don’t at all think is right.
During our childhood’s we’d be better at self expression, we’d be more creative and experimental when it comes to arts and crafts. But as we grow and age, we stop being that, we start to get scared of making mistakes, thus limiting our capability to experiment with self expression because we’re so scared of doing something wrong and embarrassing ourselves.
Much to think about:
Everybody has an interest in education:
Especially children, they have the capacity for education.
they don’t worry about making mistakes.
eventually children grow up into adults who are in fact, afraid to make mistakes, limiting their artistic capabilities.
Schools often overlook the fact that creativity should be as important as mathematics and languages.
Creativity nowadays, is as important as literacy.
Intelligence is separated into 3:
Creative children are the future.
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trolleycarts-blog · 6 years
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Feb 10, 2019 // notes and etc.:
This was the first day of this class so, introductions were held.
We had a paper activity that was literally, make something out of paper.
I made a “Chip Chop” during the activity, it was super lackluster but paper has never been my area of expertise. Here’s how it looked like though:
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My own thoughts:
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