#Onyx Storm ending analysis & theories (Part 4)
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Onyx Storm
— Ending Theory #1 —
Question/Theory (1): There is a new Venin, who is it? I believe this to be Garrick Tavis because of the following:
"And now that my Sage has another sibling he can use against me...I'm screwed. I glance past Berwyn, past Sgaeyl and the venin, to my new brother and the unconscious dragon lying in the valley beyond the canyon, guarded by seven wyvern. How could he do this? Choose this after watching me stumble and fall over the last five months. How could he willingly walk the path l've fought like hell to leave? He's the last person I ever would have expected to turn, and yet here we are. I can't let Sgaeyl die. Can’t leave him to stumble down the same path I did." — Xaden Riorson, Chapter 65.
The 1st confirming of a “new Venin brother” passage which shows us that:
This is a male identifying character hence “he”.
The terminology is “new brother” meaning it is not someone such as Bodhi Durran, as in Chapter 58 —“Theophanie glances at Brennan, then Bodhi. "I didn't ask for either of you to attend." "I thought you requested brothers? Next time be more specific about who's invited," I suggest.” — he is already addressed as such.
Someone who has seen Xaden fighting not to channel because they know he is Venin (this limits us to a small group of people) & someone Xaden trusts (an even smaller group of people now) and who has been with them for the past 5 months (at the very least; presumably making it someone on the front lines and Quest Squad).
And someone Xaden “cannot leave” (like a best friend).
Adding onto it are these quotes from Imogen Cardulo & their chapters information as a whole, showing that:
"I notice the circles beneath his beautiful eyes, the unusual pallor of his complexion. He's exhausted, and for the first time in my life, I don't care that he's seeing me at my weakest, because he's right there, too. My chin tips in a nod. "All right." He moves quickly to the step beneath us, kicking something out of the way and gathering both of us into his arms. I lock mine around Quinn so she doesn't slip as we're lifted off the floor, and the landing beneath us loses its color. "Let's get you out of here." — Imogen Cardulo, Chapter 63.
Garrick is burnt out at best, and at worst already channeling (it is dark in the first scene; the circles beneath his eyes could have been Venin veins; while this is unlikely, as she does still call his eyes “beautiful”… Imogen is noted to struggle to meet anyone’s eyes in the following passages, so it’s possible she doesn’t note it while already in this state of shock).
There is also the possibility that “the landing beneath us loses its color” was not all due to other dark wielders; it may have already been Garrick as well.
Rebecca takes the seemingly unnecessary time to point out Garrick “kicking something out of the way” only she very rarely puts something pointless in her writing (& while I’m unsure of what it would mean, there is potential that it is hinting at something) & along the same note; the tense of Garrick’s phrasing is “you” not “us” (this may hint that he knows he will not be leaving this battle).
Finally, it’s worth noting that in this passage Garrick has just lost another friend (another one of the rebellion) making him not only wracked with grief but even more desperate to save Imogen (as the last book showed that mixture is rather dangerous when it comes to creating Venin).
& as he next states: "It's still not enough." Garrick's head hangs as he stands. "I can't..." & the following:
"Where are you going?" I shout at Garrick's back. "I can't walk again. Even if I made it to Aretia, I'd never be strong enough to get back," he calls over his shoulder. "So, I'd better find some fucking way to do something."
He is going out alone, to find a way to do something, dare I say anything. That is the last known sighting of him.
Not to mention that Chradh has made 0 appearances (making it feasible for him to be the “unconscious dragon” in reference).
And that he is powerless at this point. Yet, he is also one of the few riders who could possibly get to Riorson in time (let alone be helpful in the following “mysterious” & presumably chaotic 12 hours that then follow).
In that, we can also presume a few things from Chapter 66:
"Official numbers are four riders, their dragons, and three elders murdered in the valley in what we're estimating is the last few hours," Weilsen says. "And we still have five riders missing—four now," he adds, looking at me. His mouth tenses. "But after that display, we all know Riorson did this. I bet the other three are already dead." — Weilson, Chapter 66.
While we do not know who the (now) four riders are (aside from obviously Xaden) it does show that it is primarily dragon riders that are missing (again upping the odds of one in three being Garrick).
“The last few hours” meaning this all occured after Violet “went missing” and the “new Venin brother” went with—well—whomever they went with… possibly making a bigger spectacle, then the one earlier (and being that one in reference instead).
Again, as stated; Garrick also has the powers thanks to his second signet (which was specifically introduced in this book) to assist in the spread of said “display” and desecrations all across the battlefield (even if they are most likely Xaden) he is the signet match for any and all… he and Xaden very well could’ve gone to find the other “traitors” using Garrick’s teleportation & Xaden’s inntinsic skills, thus seemingly killing the three “elders”.
Finally, these last portions to the point:
"Do you know where he is?" Brennan asks me softly once the other rider is fully out of earshot. "Riorson? You heard what Weilsen said. We have dead dragons and riders and missing eggs, and if you've seen Riorson, I need to know, Violet." "I..." Words fail me. Why can't I think? "I don't know." I raise my hands to my mouth, and a piece of parchment in my front pocket catches on my arm, then falls. Brennan catches it. "Cardulo?" He lifts his eyes to Imogen. "I haven't seen him since yesterday," she says, her voice low, almost monotone. "Lieutenant Tavis?" "Among the missing," Brennan answers gently, then glances my way and does a double take. "Holy shit, Violet." "What?" I lower my arms. Garrick is missing, too? Who else makes up the four riders Weilsen mentioned? "Your finger," Imogen says, then stares at the ground. — Chapter 66.
Imogen has not seen XADEN since yesterday, she does not specify upon Garrick. …If she had seen him, she would have good reason to keep it a secret (as if she already didn’t for Xaden alone; though she definitely would’ve been more inclined to help with his favor)… and while she does ask (which leads me to believe she does not know for certain) I think it is a pointed question not of “please let him be alive” and more of “please let me be wrong” with whatever she does know. & again this would add to her completely numb/in-shock heartbroken can’t-look-a-soul-in-the-eye nature here; as she loves Garrick! So, if he turned she would also be joining the “heartbroken wives” club (that I have a feeling Violet and Cat will be forming in the next book… along with the likely subsection of “dissapointed/disgruntled mothers” for Sgaeyl; cause hell hath no fury like a woman blessed by Dunne, and seeking revenge to rescue her lover from himself). And as we all obviously know Imogen does know something! (She didn’t have to look first to tell Violet to check her finger) like I said she can’t look her (or anyone) in the eyes (not until Violet asks that darn right single question “What did you do?”). And while Brennan doesn’t seem shocked to see her (Imogen) she very well may have been among the missing riders (seeing as Violet sneaking in to find her prior to Brennan seems unlikely & difficult under the current discourse).
*edit* as I’m re-reading this Chapter 11 prologue from Iron Flame felt enough like foreshadowing to add it onto here:
"Garrick has always been my best friend. His father was my father's aide, which in a way makes him my Dain, except trustworthy. After Liam, Bodhi was and still is the closest thing I have to a brother, perpetually tagging along a step behind. —Recovered Correspondence of Lieutenant Xaden Riorson to Cadet Violet Sorrengail"
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Onyx Storm Chapter 66 Analysis & Theories. (because I must know what it all means & what happened, so here’s my fresh out the final chapters thoughts�� this is of course FULL of MAJOR book SPOILERS): Part 4
*Orange equals book highlights, Purple equals good/important quotes, Pink equals my notes.*
"Violet!" Brennan shouts, racing down the steps of Riorson House and into the moonlit courtyard. —So it’s nighttime, taking note of the entire scene— Sounds of celebration stream through the open doors. —reminds me of after Andarna— I groggily rise to my feet —so she was knocked out— beside Imogen, and a shape moves in the shadows to the right. —I know it’s meant to be Andarna, but this also sounds like Cadens powers, or someone else hiding, or Imogen appearing too suddenly— "I will not let them burn you," —why would they burn her? Who is they? And why burn of all things?.. are we about to hold witch trials? Does andarna realize she’s walking into a conversation Violet has 0 clue one suddenly? …Intinnsic powers better not have brainwashed her into agreeing or something… but also they wouldn’t cause they asked… so ugh what was it so bad that she wanted to forget; was it for safety or out of desperation?!— Andarna vows. "What?" My head whips her way. "Why would my brother burn me?" And why in Dunne's name would I be sitting on gravel in the courtyard? My thoughts are...slow. Something's off. Something's wrong. —AGREED!— "Are you all right?" I ask Brennan as he reaches us. "Am I all right?" His eyes bulge, and he looks me over for injury. "It's three o'clock in the morning! Where have you been?" —Again Molly Weasley would be proud— His voice rises, and a group of riders I don't recognize comes through the gate at our left. —Suddenlg more reappear?— "Weilsen?" Brennan asks, and the taller one walks our way. "Report." He glances over his shoulder. "Quietly." My mouth opens, then shuts. Where have I been? "We've—" The officer's gaze darts over me. "It's fine," Brennan assures him. "Official numbers are four riders, their dragons, —four dead?! BY WHO? ARE MY BABIES ALL SAFE?!— and three elders murdered —which elders? Was it the betrayers?— in the valley in what we're estimating is the last few hours," Weilsen says. "And we still have five riders missing— four now," he adds, looking at me. —WHO ARE THE OTHERS? We have Imogen… I’m guessing Bodhi is unaccounted for since he was a bit rogue, Dain was in trouble so maybe or maybe he went for Sloane, and Aaric off on their mission, and of course Garrick who I’m positive is the other new Venin— His mouth tenses. "But after that display, we all know Riorson did this. I bet the other three are already dead." —did he want them to know it was him? Or was it the other shadow wielder was that the brother?!. SEE THIS IS WHY THE SECRETS THING DOESN’T WORK VIORSON this time IM THE ONE ANNOYED… also why would Xaden give that away he knows it would endanger Violet so was it an accident; but he saved everyone… didn’t he?— My stomach lurches, and Imogen tenses so hard she might as well be stone. —Imogen?!!! What. Do. You. Know?!— Wait. Is this a dream? —I wish— I clench my right fist and prick my palm with my fingernails just enough to feel pain, but I don't wake. "The wards are holding in Draithus as of the last report, but who knows how many of those desiccations during the battle were actually him," —okay but aren’t desiccations what happen to killed Venin… isn’t that good then?— Weilsen continues. "And so far, the tally is at six missing eggs from the hatching ground, but they're double-checking." Missing eggs? —I am almost positive Xaden did this as that deal with the one Queen… the only question would be how to get there that fast; but if he has Garrick then there’s the answer— I reach for Tairn, but the bond feels foggy, like he's asleep. "He needs a cycle of rest to recover," Andarna clarifies. "Recover from what?" —AGREED?! FROM WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED… this feels like Andarna last time and AGH!— He was fine when I saw him last, which was about five minutes ago, in the woods at the edge of the field—Where I killed Theophanie.
Xaden. The wall of shadows... My heart sinks. What the fuck is happening? How did I get here? Why is my head so hazy? Am I concussed? "You're dismissed," Brennan tells the rider. "Keep this classified until we have a full report." "Just because she's your sister doesn't mean she's not the fastest way—" —HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST KILLING VIOLET… or even using her to get to him… maybe he just meant to get info BUT STILL— "Dismissed!" Brennan snaps, and the rider backs away. —Thank you Brennan for being the responsible sane adult here— "Do you know where he is?" Brennan asks me softly once the other rider is fully out of earshot." —he knows something was bad— "Riorson? You heard what Weilsen said. We have dead dragons and riders —hopefully it’s just traitorous Panchek— and missing eggs, and if you've seen Riorson, I need to know, Violet." "I…" Words fail me. Why can't I think? "I don't know." I raise my hands to my mouth, and a piece of parchment in my front pocket catches on my arm, then falls. Brennan catches it. "Cardulo?" He lifts his eyes to Imogen. "I haven't seen him since yesterday," she says, her voice low, almost monotone. "Lieutenant Tavis?" —DAMMIT ITS GARRICK… wait but Imogen doesn’t know?— "Among the missing," Brennan answers gently, then glances my way and does a double take. "Holy shit, Violet." —they really took secret wedding to a new level… it was a secret even to the bride!— "What?" I lower my arms. Garrick is missing, too? Who else makes up the four riders Weilsen mentioned? —THATS WHAT I WANNA KNOW— "Your finger," Imogen says, then stares at the ground. —Imogen doesn’t even have to look, she already knows. And she can’t look her in the eye (and I doubt it’s cause she’s Amber/red venin eyed) or just grieving…— My finger? The snap. Right. "I think I broke my arm." I glance down and stare. My left arm is splinted, —not mended but cared for— and a beautiful gold ring with an emerald the size of my thumbnail sits an my hand. Oh gods, I know that stone. It matches the others from the Blade of Aretia upstairs on Xaden's nightstand. Is it the missing one? —he was planning the proposal that long… he’d had that ring for a while… brb cry time!— "What is happening right now?" I ask slowly. —if I had a nickel for everytime my fav ship gets surprised married off screen right before a tragedy with a reveal mid-way through… I’d have like 3 nickels but still—
"You don't know?" Brennan lowers his voice. I shake my head. Brennan turns to the paper from my pocket. "This carries the seal of Dunne," he says. "May I open it?" I nod, gawking at the ring. It's not just any ring on any finger. It's the finger. But how? I was in the field battling Theophanie this afternoon, and then she desiccated and I burned myself straight into unconsciousness. Now it's three a.m. and I'm in Aretia, and there are murdered dragons and riders, missing riders and missing eggs? Xaden wouldn't do that. Would he? The storm of shadows. My blood chills. How far had he gone? I fling myself down the bond, but there's nothing there. It's gone. Or he's too far away to feel it, I remind myself to keep from panicking. —I too am just gonna remember and go with that one— When had he put this ring on my hand? "It's an official blessing of your legal, binding marriage," Brennan whispers, stunned, —which makes her Dutchess of Aretia… right? But wait WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ABOUT BODHI?!— then quickly rolls the parchment. "By the head priestess of Dunne's temple." —how long ago did they get this? Did Aaric already have it?— "To Xaden?" Gravity bends, warping everything I thought I knew into whatever this reality is. Brennan nods. My eyes flare. We're married? A thousand emotions try to force their way through my jumbled thoughts, but the immediate rush of awe trips right over the logic of how. There's no fucking way l'd forget something like that. Why isn't he here? —that got me cause he should be here— Where did he go? And why? "I think the note on the outside is meant for you." Brennan hands back the parchment. I flip the missive over to see two sentences written in Xaden's handwriting. —glad they specified otherwise I’d think it was Violet to herself— Don't look for me. —sry not sry that’s not gonna not happen— It's yours now. —another good question; what is hers now? “It” wouldn’t make sense for Sgaeyl, Riorson house sure but that sounds kinda big, the cadets of the rebellion and that war totally, Tyrrendor my best guess, destiny maybe?— He's gone. —OW OW OW OW— I try to fumble my foggy brain through the overwhelming shock, but I can't think straight. It's like someone has fucked with my—No. —IMOGEN?!— My chest draws tight. "How long have I been missing?" —I’m getting Delena flashbacks— "Twelve hours," Brennan answers. —a lot can happen in half a day as if that battle of a few hours didn’t say that enough— "What did you do?" My head snaps toward Imogen, and a deep sense of foreboding takes root in my chest. —how much has her signet grown?— "What you asked me to." —and there we have the words that will haunt a fandom for ages… because Violet asked… why did she ask… what did she ask… what does Imogen know… WHAT DOES ANY OF IT MEAN?!—
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