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starzpsychics · 3 months ago
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Online Tarot reading Course
Learn to Read Tarot Like a Professional
With the Starz Psychics Online Tarot Reading Course
Easy to use, fully downloadable
Be reading tarot for you and your friends in no time
Learn the art of psychic reading with this online tarot course
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shasharishi · 2 years ago
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🔮ONLINE TAROT COURSE STARTING APRIL🔮 A few of you have chased me up about the Tarot Course starting on Thursday 27th April at 7:30pm on Zoom. 🙏🏼🔮 This course is one of 3 parts I have rolling, and in this one we are looking at the EIGHTS in all the suits all the way through to the KINGS. 👑 If you have not attended any of my online courses before don’t worry, you can pick up at this point and take the other courses if you wish at a later date. ☺️ Sessions will be recorded just in case anyone falls ill or has to miss a session for any other reason. I’m excited to share with you these higher number cards in Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. They all have a unique flavour and the Court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King) can get really interesting! It is ideal if you have a tarot deck of some description of your own to work with, otherwise it will be all theory and no practice for you! DM me with any questions and for payment details! Much love 💕 #shashaspiritledlife #shasharishi #tarotreadersofinstagram #onlinetarotcourse #tarotoftheday #cardoftheday #dailypull #themusetarot #tarotlovers #tarotonline #magick #divination https://www.instagram.com/p/CqXgYZdosDa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysticpoonam · 3 years ago
How To Read Pentacles Card I Earth Element In The Tarot Deck I How To Read Tarot I Top Video
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pritiwonder · 4 years ago
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Tarot Mastery Course - Available in Hindi or English Language 12 Week Course Learn at your own Time Register here - http://bit.ly/TMC-register #tarotlearning #onlinetarotcourse #inhindi #inenglish #soulspurpose
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starzpsychics · 3 months ago
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Chat with a Live TRUSTED Online Psychic Right Now! Email Readings Live SMS Chat Unique Gifts in the Starz Emporium Online Tarot Course Blog Tarotscopes Mystic Living Today - Online Uplifting Spiritual e-Magazine PLUS SO MUCH MORE.... Including: Astrology Channelers Mediums Clairvoyants Numerology
OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY!!! https://starzpsychics.com
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starzpsychics · 1 year ago
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Equip yourself with the skills to read your own tarot cards. We'll provide step-by-step instructions, spreads for self-discovery, and tips to enhance your intuition. The cards are your personal storytellers; let's empower you to interpret their messages.
Dive into the Major Arcana, a series of 22 cards representing life's major themes. Uncover the significance of archetypes like the Empress, the Hierophant, and the Hanged Man, unraveling the narrative of your personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Discover the symbolism behind the Fool, the Magician, and the High Priestess, guiding you through the initiation of self-awareness and intuition.
Explore the four suits – Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles – as we decode the language of everyday challenges and triumphs. Learn how the Minor Arcana provides practical insights into relationships, career, emotions, and material aspects of your life.
Discover transformative tarot rituals that go beyond readings. From daily card pulls to creating personalized spreads, these rituals will deepen your connection with the cards and amplify their guidance in your self-discovery journey.
Remember that the power of tarot lies not only in predicting the future but in understanding and shaping your present. Embrace the wisdom, insights, and self-discovery that the tarot cards offer, and may your journey be illuminated with authenticity and enlightenment.
Learn how to read at your own pace! The Starz Psychic Tarot Course is fully downloadable. Great for beginners and Intermediate Tarot Readers.
Signup for our monthly newsletter to WIN a FREE tarot reading: 𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗽𝘀://𝗹𝗽.𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀.𝗰𝗼𝗺/𝘀𝘂/𝗵𝗨𝗹𝗘���𝗫𝗖/𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴
Tap the Link in Bio to visit our website.
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starzpsychics · 1 year ago
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This is the 30 Day Tarot Card Spread, it is a very complex spread but absolutely brilliant once you've mastered it. It will give you insight into your day, and into the week.
With an extra summary card at the end of the week if you just want to see how the week will unfold. It also gives you an overall picture of the month ahead, as well as 3 extra cards that can be read separately or as one, in-case it is a 31 day month.
Watch how to layout this tarot spread on our YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/krALv7qRxls
If you would like a tarot reading visit us at: https://starzpsychics.com
If you want to learn how to read tarot yourself for pleasure or even as a pro, then download our unique Tarot Card Course, with accompanying audio, and access to an online tutor: https://starzpsychics.com/tarot-card-course.php
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starzpsychics · 1 year ago
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We have online psychics waiting to chat 24 hours a day! New rate $1.99 per minute, so go ahead pick up the phone and start an online chat now.
We also offer an in-depth Online Tarot Course so you can learn to read tarot yourself easily!
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shasharishi · 2 years ago
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🔮TAROT COURSE STARTS NEXT THURSDAY🔮 This 7 week dive into the Minor Arcana covers the Aces to the Sevens in all four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. 🔮Thursday 12th January for 7 weeks 🔮7:30pm on Zoom 🔮cost: £49 paid in full before the course begins 🔮DM your email address for booking details 🔮THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE🔮 You make your own luck. The vibration you carry will attract to you the people an opportunities that align with your energy. This does not mean that if you are high vibe no troublemakers will come your way or vice versa. However, as you develop the character to discern one type of person from another, with the priority of nurturing and protecting your energy, you should be able to easily negotiate those stormy waters when they approach you. Difficult times will come, as will the blissful times. The key is to recognise that you can make the best out of any situation if you direct your thoughts with intention with love and compassion for yourself and others. The wheel of Fate or Fortune is not a fine deal. The process of life has its ups and downs. It is a pattern. But your experience of life relies on your ability to choose your experiences by choosing your thoughts, and thereby managing your emotions. You are the captain of this ship. Take the helm. #shashaspiritledlife #shasharishi #andsoitis #thewheeliffortune #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #onlinetarotcourse #tarotlovers #makeyourownluck #lucky #magick https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm__1juocxS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shasharishi · 2 years ago
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🔮DAY 12 - TAROT ADVENT🔮 11 - Justice Perhaps because I have been brought up under a religious guilt complex, I usually find myself in a difficult relationship with the Justice card. In addition to this, justice has not been done for me via human systems, and I have seen this over and over amongst friends also. Those most in need of justice have been denied it. Instead they are left with a sense that they themselves are to blame for the atrocities carried out against them. So when we look at the Justice card in the thread of our personal evolution, what does it bring to the table? When choosing a companion image to this card, I wanted something that had an energy of balance and reckoning. The image here speaks to me of a higher Justice than that of the human systems, that appear to be designed to benefit the few. This stage in our evolution calls for Divine intervention. For higher-self energy to erupt into our circumstances and reset us to the balance that we have perhaps been denied. A lot of our experience of injustice on a personal level may root in a sense of unworthiness. Religion, the media, the government systems and some parenting styles all condition us in this way. You are not less worthy than the ‘other’. Allow Justice to rise up within you and express herself in powerful and transformative ways. 💥☄️🌪️ Our Minor Arcana Part 1 course starts Thursdays 7:30pm from 12th January for 7 weeks. The cost is £49. The email has been sent out to all those who have expressed interest so far, so if you’d like to jump on, send me a DM with your email address and I will forward it on to you ☺️💜🙏🏼 #shashaspiritledlife #shasharishi #tarotreadersofinstagram #onlinetarotcourse #tarotcourse #witchesofinstagram #magick #justicecard #justicetarot https://www.instagram.com/p/CmEiNUnII6U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shasharishi · 2 years ago
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🔮💜TAROT COURSE STARTING THURSDAY! 💜🔮 It’s this week! I’m so excited to start this evening online series. This course spans 7 weeks and it starts this Thursday at 7:30pm. We will be looking at the Major Arcana, some spreads and how to work intuitively with the cards. There is still time to sign up if you would like to join us, the course is £49 for the 7 weeks. DM me if you are interested! 🤗💜 #shashaspiritledlife #shasharishi #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #learnthetarot #onlinetarotcourse #tarotdeck #magick #moon #majorarcana https://www.instagram.com/p/CjgGjQmIxmC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pritiwonder · 4 years ago
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Tarot Mastery Course - Available in Hindi or English Language 12 Week Course Learn at your own Time Register here - http://bit.ly/TMC-register #tarotlearning #onlinetarotcourse #inhindi #inenglish #soulspurpose
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pritiwonder · 4 years ago
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Tarot Mastery Course - Available in Hindi or English Language 12 Week Course Learn at your own Time Register here - http://bit.ly/TMC-register #tarotlearning #onlinetarotcourse #inhindi #inenglish #soulspurpose
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pritiwonder · 4 years ago
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Tarot Mastery Course - Available in Hindi or English Language 12 Week Course Learn at your own Time Register here - http://bit.ly/TMC-register #tarotlearning #onlinetarotcourse #inhindi #inenglish #soulspurpose
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pritiwonder · 4 years ago
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Tarot Mastery Course - Available in Hindi or English Language 12 Week Course Learn at your own Time Register here - http://bit.ly/TMC-register #tarotlearning #onlinetarotcourse #inhindi #inenglish #soulspurpose
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pritiwonder · 4 years ago
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Tarot Mastery Course - Available in Hindi or English Language 12 Week Course Learn at your own Time Register here - http://bit.ly/TMC-register #tarotlearning #onlinetarotcourse #inhindi #inenglish #soulspurpose
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