#Online PhD in Public Health
varshamedblogs · 2 months
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Public health professionals can move up in their chosen profession by joining the PhD in Public Health program offered by Texila American University and The University of Central Nicaragua. You can do it online, which is convenient for those with full-time jobs. The online PhD in Public Health follows a well-structured curriculum that meets global education quality. It is at par with the top public health PhD programs full-time at campuses.
To join, the PhD in Public Health requirements include a master’s degree in health science from a recognized university. You can leverage PhD qualifications to acquire knowledge, get better job offers, start your businesses, or get a government job. Individuals who have completed reputable public health master’s programs can further enhance their expertise and career prospects by enrolling in our rigorous online PhD in Public Health program.
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sharlineshine · 7 months
Our Online PhD in Public Health Program is designed to improve your skills and advance the knowledge based on research approaches to solve public health problems.
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cfiesler · 11 months
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New research alert! Research about research, actually!
A couple of years ago we recruited here (and elsewhere) for interview participants for a research study about fat people's experiences online. As part of that study we also asked for thoughts about how to ethically conduct such research, both in online communities and in human-computer interaction research more generally. This short paper was presented as a poster at the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing. Led by PhD student Blakeley Payne, this also won the conference's Best Poster Recognition! <3
"How to Ethically Engage Fat People in Research"
(1) Choose respectful language. Use participants' own self description in conversation and reporting. Consider the connotations of euphemisms and medicalizing language. We recommend "fat" as a default term to use until participants or the context indicates otherwise.
(2) Consider positionality and practice reflexivity. Fat people are not a monolith but are experts in their own lived experiences. Engage with the history of fat oppression, especially as facilitated by research and medical institutions. Consider your positionality with respect to this history.
(3) Rethink assumptions around weight loss. Don't assume fat people are unhealthy and/or want to lose weight. Interrogate "weight loss" as an embedded design value and its potential for harm. Use notions of health that are weight-neutral such as Health at Every Size.
(4) Engage fat people in research. Fat people want to be engaged in technology design and research! Center fat people's voices, needs, and desires when choosing research questions and methods.
Citation and (open access!) link to full paper: Blakeley H. Payne, Jordan Taylor, Katta Spiel, and Casey Fiesler. 2023. How to Ethically Engage Fat People in HCI Research. In Companion Publication of the 2023 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '23 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 117–121. https://doi.org/10.1145/3584931.3606987
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cnestus · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is your job and degree? Getting into the field of entomology is a bit intimidating and I would appreciate any any advice.
i tend to be a little cagey about my exact job since my field is quite small and there's enough people following me that the chances of someone deciding to take offense to something and Get Weird at me are nonzero, but that's probably excessive paranoia on my part. then again beloved internet bug person mossworm got recently sacked from their job on account of weirdo online tattletales so maybe not.
anyway i can say i work for a government agency identifying insects from a pretty wide geographic range, looking for new exotic species and potential pests. during the busy season i spend most of my time processing huge volumes of raw trap samples, pulling out insect groups of interest, mostly woodboring beetles, for myself or one of the other entomologists in the lab to identify to species. during the off-season when we're not getting tons of new samples i get a little more free reign to work on other projects of my own design, so for example lately i've been working on my bee identification skills and am slowly putting together a large reference collection of native bee species that i reserved from years of insect trap by-catch.
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i got my PHD in entomology without a specific career in mind but knowing i wanted to do something that wasn't just about developing products and methods for killing unwanted insects which seem like the main entomology jobs anyone wants to fund anymore. in a perfect world i'd love a entomological curation job in a museum but those positions are rare and in-demand and i didn't have the mental fortitude to do the kind of academic work in grad school to make me competitive for that field. but then i went ahead and got a job that lets me do some curatorial work anyway so i sort of won? my position is still at least on paper about controlling unwanted insects but in practice i rarely have to do much of that work, at least directly.
i get semi-regular requests for advice on getting a job as an entomologist and i often feel like i don't have much constructive or encouraging to say, since it's hard not to feel like it's one of the many disciplines being squeezed to death by the iron hand of capitalism. more and more positions in the government and academia are being cut or downsized by bureaucrats who don't see the benefit of taxonomy or any other research that doesn't directly result in their department or some corporation making a bunch of money. whole subdisciplines are dying out as the elder entomologists who were the sole sources of knowledge about them die off. there are entire groups of insects and other arthropods that are effectively impossible to identify to species now because the one taxonomic wizard who specialized on them died without having anyone to pass that knowledge onto. Donald Bright, the only living expert on bark beetles in the preposterously diverse and morphologically subtle genus Pityophthorus, died a few months ago without an heir that i'm aware of.
also most of the taxonomic research that is being done these days is all molecular systematics which i have Opinions about but this post is way too long already.
sorry. that was a bummer. i guess i'm proof that it is still possible to get a job like this today, even if i can't help but feel like it was mostly luck that got me here. plenty of the others in my academic cohort (that didn't burn out from grad school stress) also went on to get degrees in their field of study or at least adjacent to them. and again there are still plenty of entomology jobs in other sectors like agriculture, public health, nonprofits and NGOs and stuff like that. you also don't necessarily need an advanced degree in entomology for a lot of these, and a lot of people in the entomology field came in sideways through related disciplines like ecology, evolutionary science, general biology, or even things like viticulture and forensic science to name a couple examples from my own cohort.
looking back, that was mostly a lot of vague grumbling and not much concrete advice, but to be fair asking for "any advice" is a hard prompt to go off of so i tend to default to the kinds of grim thoughts that are usually rattling round in my brain. i may also be in an especially dour mood at the moment because even though my job isn't to my knowledge at any risk of being eliminated, my lab is currently being passively if not outright antagonized by higher-level bureaucrats for genuinely mysterious reasons and i will not elaborate on that any further for reasons i mentioned at the beginning. anyway! i am always happy to at least attempt to give more specific advice but i can't promise there won't be at least a little grumbling in that as well.
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catboybiologist · 11 months
Hello, I've heard from a few trans women that their transition made higher education impossible I wasn't sure if they were talking about college or grad school, but since you're a woman in a PhD program I was wondering if you think transitioning would make getting a higher education harder.
Someone who might be trans that wants to pursue a master's
Hm. This is weird to answer. Unfortunately I can't offer TOO much insight here. I'm very much a baby trans (~1.5 months HRT) and I present as a man day to day without issue (seriously, y'all have NO idea how masculine I look outside of my pictures). When I do finally socially transition, I'll probably have more thoughts.
With that out of the way, here's my personal experience so far:
I don't think I would have transitioned if I was NOT in academia/pursuing my PhD. I think most of the issues people run into can be divided into three categories:
1. Financial difficulty with acquiring HRT or other gender affirming care
2. Closer ties (financially and emotionally) to family and being seen less as an independent adult means greater pressure to not transition, and consequences if you do
3. Academic stress and pressure while you're undergoing emotional changes that may make things difficult short term.
Personally I was able to dodge most of those issues.
A huge part of this is because I spent a lot of time meticulously ensuring a lot of aspects of my life are in place before I started HRT. I waited until I was out of undergrad, which has weirder finances, I scoped out options at my student health center vs in the community, established queer community, waited a year to start in a good lab and establish there, scoped that lab out for queer acceptance before I joined, and in general became more financially and emotionally secure. Also, while I'm still in good terms with my parents, I'm not financially or emotionally reliant on them anymore- so if that changes when I come out, it won't affect me as much.
Looking back, it's hard to say whether I would recommend doing things this way. During the time that I was "figuring things out", I was dying. I was depressed and aimless, and I couldn't make happiness or contentment my baseline emotion. Starting an online femboy account was my only outlet for a while. Also, my results are going to be less drastic now that I've waited until I'm 25 to start.
Obviously, I still have the stress of a PhD to worry about while my emotions and body are changing. But to be honest.... My PhD has been kinder to me academically than my undergrad. All of my goals center around two or three long term, overarching projects instead of a million tiny assignment and study snippets from a million directions. I personally think this is easier to manage even if it's more work overall.
In return, the academia environment has been good to me about my queerness. There's a gender care specialist on campus via student health where I can get HRT, queer organizations and events are much easier to come by in a university environment, and people on average are far more educated and open minded towards LGBT issues than the general public. I have a role in the main queer graduate student group here, and it would have been hard for me to find explicitly supportive friends without that.
I'm gonna throw an additional paranoid note your way: a master's degree is hell for everyone. While the exact ways in which this is true vary from program to program, but in general, they feel like the worst of both worlds from undergrad and a PhD. You're locked out of or have less of a chance for the financial stability and employment positions of a PhD position, but you're also locked out of the financial aid and support of undergrads. I'm very biased from a miserable MS experience, though.
So yeah. I think my experience has been different than a lot of people, but I hope there was some small insight there!
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filectory · 9 months
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Not Jane Austen related, but could you tell me about your career as a cognitive neuroscientist?
Sure! Now I will be clear, I don't have a PhD, I have an MA, but the definition of "scientist" doesn't include your degree level and it’s the easiest term to understand.
My MA is in cognitive neuroscience and I mainly studied how fear changes our ability to remember things. You can read my dissertation if you want. I also spent a lot of time working with seniors and I have taught courses on how memory changes as we age. My job title has mostly been “research assistant.” I mostly studied memory, but I had an interest in language development and OCD.
After I graduated, I taught brain function and research methods for two semesters at a small university as a sessional lecturer.
Then I got a job as a research assistant to family doctors. I really loved that job. The research I was doing was public health focused. We looked at offering free legal advice to our patients, helping seniors take their medications on time, helping family medicine residents study for their exams (two papers out of that one!), and the needs of family doctor training programs in low income countries. (Many of these are available free to read online)
Here I need to say something about research: it doesn’t matter what you are an expert in, it matters that you know the process. The doctors I worked with were the experts, but because I know the basic methods of research, I can apply these to any project I encounter.
Then I spent a year in a different department doing heart health research. This research was more qualitative (people's experiences) than quantitative (things I can do statistics on) so I didn't enjoy it as much. But I was between pregnancies and I needed a job.
I am planning to get back into research again soon, I took a break when my kids were both in daycare and I opened my own home daycare, which ended up being a very good move, because the pandemic hit right when I would have been heading back to work after maternity leave (I live in Canada, one year at 50% pay). That is what I am doing now but I keep involved in science by continuing to participate in the peer review process. Peer review is always done on a volunteer basis and on your own time.
Now if you are thinking of getting into science, I know some things have happened recently with the whole pandemic, but let me say: it's a tough field. Researchers like me are often only hired on temporary contracts because our pay is based on grant funding. Despite advanced degrees, many of us are not paid very well at all and because of the short contracts we don’t have job security.
I was actually enrolled in a PhD program but I realized I wanted to do more applied research, which my supervisor couldn't offer. I also became aware that in the job market, the PhD wouldn't give me that much of an edge because I didn't want to be a professor.
Why not a professor? I don't like all the parts of the job. It is constant grant applications, a lot of training grad students, teaching rabbles of undergrads, and a lot of paper writing and revisions. I like some of those things, like teaching and statistics, but not others. Also, as a Canadian, it's almost impossible to get a job without first moving to the United States or Europe and I didn't want to do that. I've been watching friends have marriages fall apart because they both have PhDs and it's very hard to get post-docs in the same province or country, let alone city...
Universities are also hiring less full professors and more sessional lecturers. SLs are paid almost nothing and you have to accept a very high course load to make a reasonable living. Also no research, you just teach.
Which is all to say, get a PhD if you really love the subject matter, but the career prospects afterwards are rough. I love doing it though, so I most likely will be returning. Right now I’m using all my extra brain power on Jane Austen analysis and writing JAFF.
And for fun!
Here is a picture of my actual brain, which I lay perfectly still in an MRI for 1.5 hours just to get (look at that beautiful cerebellum, those healthy white matter tracks... I’ll stop):
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And me doing a traumatic brain injury study (I fell off a cliff once) in an EEG:
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And me cutting up a sheep brain (best day ever!)
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ortofosforico · 2 years
Why I hate social medias algorithms, and why they're bad for mental health (in my opinion)
My contribution to Twitter's firedump.
Tumblr doesn't really count, 'cause it can push popular fandoms, memes and whatnot. The big problem comes with the algorithm looking at trauma that the viewer finds relatable and going, "you know what? You liked this joke/revenge post/ about no one believing in this person's abilities, let me show you more".
It's even worse if the viewer is someone without an active social life; 'cause then they start being flooded with posts and remarks that a creator made to vent ( to put a bad feeling into something you can share, THEN go on with your life with its ups and downs), and it starts feeling like the only reality.
A couple of examples:
You'd like to get a degree in STEM (doesn't matter which kind), and you find a joke about a PhD lab not having any money. It's true, what a relatable scenario, lol, yada yada yada. Then you start getting info about all kinds of bad experiences, low income, sexism, or racism. And DON'T GET ME WRONG, it's there, but there's also a better, nicer side that you rarely get to see online, or that sticks with you less than the bad experience.
If you have an eating disorder, chances are you'll use social medias to look for ways to care about your mental health, to look for stories similar to your own. And of course you're going to find food schedules, or fitness plans; so the algorithm will start giving you more, and even if they make you uncomfortable you're gonna look at them 'cause breaking a vicious cycle of comparing to others is hard.
As a woman in the workplace, you're gonna like and relate to other women's stories of injustice (rightfully so), untill you'll be having the constant buzz in your brain that someone will undermine you from the very beginning.
It counts for every minority, for every little thing that can upset you.
Worst part THERE IS NEVER A SOLUTION. The algorithm will show you RIGHTEOUS complaints, one after the other, and NEVER show you the other side.
In my country public research scientists get paid a misery? Show me the private lab job that can make me do what I love and pay me well.
I feel like the gender gap of pay is too big, is there anywhere else I could apply for a job?
How can I be assertive in the workplace? Where can I get help if the situation starts to spiral down?
The algorithm (especially to young adults and late teens) has this huge power to put you down, to give you false expectations because we tend to see the worst side of things as the "crude reality".
And every time you. Will. Look. At. It.
Doesn't matter how discouraged you are. The algorithm doesn't realize when it's pushing onto you something toxic. And between a meme and a video of an Indian guy building a pool, you'll find the short, the image, or the text that WILL be relatable to you, WILL make you doubt your choices and WILL give you a distorted view of reality.
Take it from me. When I started uni after covid I was convinced I wouldn't make it for this and that; that I'd never get a chance at a decent job, that I'd be criticized for god knows what trivial idiosyncrasy.
Spoiler alert: it didn't happen. It wasn't a walk in the park, but it didn't get even close to the total obliteration that social medias had prepared me to.
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sfsucw · 2 years
Olive B. O’Connor Fellowships
Cash Prize: $43,750 Entry Fee: $0 Application Deadline: 1/6/23 Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction
Two nine-month residencies at Colgate University, including a stipend of $43,750, health benefits, and travel expenses, are given annually to poets, fiction writers, or nonfiction writers. The 2023–2024 fellowships will be awarded to a poet and a nonfiction writer working on their first books. Each fellow will teach one creative writing course per semester and give a public reading. Writers who have recently completed an MFA, MA, or PhD in creative writing are among those eligible. Using only the online submission system, submit 20 pages of poetry or up to 30 pages of prose, a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation by January 6. There is no application fee.
For more info - https://colgate.edu/academics/departments-programs/department-english/creative-writing-fellowship
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varshamedblogs · 4 months
Explore the gaps in public health ethics proficiency among Nigerian doctors and the need for educational reforms to enhance healthcare delivery.
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sharlineshine · 6 months
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evoldir · 19 days
Fwd: Postdoc: GeorgeWashingtonU.BranacleSystematics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: GeorgeWashingtonU.BranacleSystematics > Date: 4 September 2024 at 06:49:21 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Postdoc in Barnacle Molecular Systematics at George Washington University > (GWU) > > About the Project > The Computational Biology Institute, at the Milken Institute School of > Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, GWU, > is offering a Postdoc position to develop a comprehensive phylogeny of > the barnacles (Crustacea: Thecostraca) and study the evolution of sexual > systems.Barnacles rank among the most biologically diverse, ubiquitous and > ecologically important marine metazoans. They exhibit a fascinating and > unique range of sexual systems, including hermaphroditism (both sexes), > dioecy (separate sexes) and androdioecy (hermaphrodites and males).We want > to apply exon probes for targeted capture sequencing to ~1,200 barnacle > species to build a robust phylogeny of the Thecostraca. Then coupling this > barnacle tree with fossil, morphological and ecological information in > a comparative analysis framework, we will test long-standing theoretical > predictions about the evolution of sexual systems and its diversification > across broad spatial, temporal and ecological scales. > > About the Postdoc > > The postdoc candidate will conduct research in phylogenomics and > evolutionary biology of barnacles and work together with the PI (Pérez- > Losada), collaborators and graduate students. Responsibilities: > + Compilation, generation and curation of genomic and other >  (e.g., morphological and ecological) trait data for selected >  barnacle species. > + Bioinformatic analysis of genomic data to infer phylogenies and >  perform comparative analyses on traits to test hypotheses. > + Preparation and submission of manuscripts to scientific journals. > + Availability to travel to other institutions and work abroad for short >  periods of time. > + Training of graduate and undergraduate students in the lab on the above- >  mentioned duties. > + Delivering guest lectures or short workshops for relevant courses and >  related topics offered at GW in the disciplines involved in the >  research program. > > Qualifications > > PhD and expertise in molecular systematics, bioinformatics, comparative > phylogenetic methods, genomics and ideally barnacle taxonomy. > > Hiring Range > 61,008 - 65,000 > > Expected duration of appointment > Up to 3 years renewable every year upon performance > > Starting date > October 1, 2024 > > Healthcare Benefits > GWU offers a comprehensive benefit package for Postdoc Associates and > Scholars that includes medical, dental, vision, life & disability > insurance, time off & leave, well-being and various voluntary > benefits. Postdoc Scholars may also be eligible for retirement savings > and tuition programs. For program details and eligibility, please visit > https://ift.tt/gBUfdQr. > > Applicant Documents to Submit > Cover Letter > Curriculum Vitae > Statement of Research Interest > Two Letters of Recommendation > > Online Application > > All candidates must apply online via the following GWU link > https://ift.tt/WlhZPdC > > Contact > If you have further questions regarding this position you can email > Marcos Perez-Losada at [email protected] > > Marcos Perez-Losada, PhD > > Marcos Perez-Losada
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jobtendr · 2 months
(21) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions at Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands
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Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant (21) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. Chair standardisation management We’re looking for an enthusiastic new colleague to chair our standardisation group within the Innovation Management team. Are you that person? Monday 15 Jul 2024 Tuesday 1 Oct 2024 Academic staff Postdoctoral research fellow: corporate purpose, communication and reputation Are you researching corporate purpose, communication and reputation? Apply for this vacancy and kick-start your academic career. Monday 15 Jul 2024 Thursday 31 Oct 2024 Research, development, innovation Event Manager Erasmus Enterprise Rotterdam, 32 – 40 hours a week Do you have experience in organizing events and are you ready for a new challenge where you have a leadership role? Friday 12 Jul 2024 Monday 12 Aug 2024 Management Onderzoeksassistent Veerkracht van Alleenstaande Ouders (0,4fte) Voor het onderzoeksproject “Veerkracht van Alleenstaande Ouders” zijn we op zoek naar een onderzoeksassistent (6 maanden, 0,4fte). Friday 12 Jul 2024 Sunday 18 Aug 2024 Research, development, innovation Teacher/Researcher in Online Education (0,8-1fte) Are you eager to improve teaching in online education? This position challenges you to contribute to the future of higher educational teaching. Tuesday 9 Jul 2024 Sunday 21 Jul 2024 Research, development, innovation Project Manager Major Research Initiatives  Monday 8 Jul 2024 Sunday 28 Jul 2024 Research, development, innovation Student Assistant vacancies This website contains all the vacancies for student assistant positions within Erasmus University Rotterdam. We look forward to receiving your application! Thursday 4 Jul 2024 Wednesday 31 Dec 2025 Human Resources     Postdoc responsible supply chains: from compliance to due diligence We’re looking for an enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher to work with us on an ambitious operations and supply chain management research project. Wednesday 3 Jul 2024 Monday 15 Jul 2024 Academic staff VACATURE JUNIOR ONDERZOEKER – ERASMUS UPT (1.0 fte) We zoeken een gedreven junior onderzoeker havens en maritiem transport.. Tuesday 2 Jul 2024 Sunday 21 Jul 2024 Research, development, innovation PhD – physicians’ work stress and diagnostic errors in emergency medicine How working conditions and stress of physicians impact their diagnostic errors in emergency medicine Monday 1 Jul 2024 Friday 9 Aug 2024 PhD PhD – Improvements in health-state valuations using discrete choice experiments  Sunday 30 Jun 2024 Wednesday 31 Jul 2024 PhD PhD – Planetary health risks:Communicating climate change-related health impacts Are you passionate about climate change and its effects on human health? Do you want to be at the forefront of Dutch risk communication research? Friday 28 Jun 2024 Friday 2 Aug 2024 PhD Junior Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer Heb jij enige ervaring met Microsoft Dynamics CRM en wil je jezelf hierin verder ontwikkelen? Dan is dit je kans! Word Junior Dynamics CRM Developer. Thursday 27 Jun 2024 Sunday 28 Jul 2024 IT Senior Microsoft Dynamics CRM Developer Word jij onze nieuwe collega? Optimaliseer onze Microsoft Dynamics CRM applicatie en breng jouw expertise naar de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam! Thursday 27 Jun 2024 Sunday 28 Jul 2024 IT     Marketing Manager (temporary position) Are you searching for your next career challenge? Are you data-driven, result-oriented and ready to put your marketing expertise and management into practice? Wednesday 26 Jun 2024 Friday 19 Jul 2024 Marketing & Communication Confidential Advisor (0,1 FTE) We are looking for a qualified Confidential Advisor to join the Welfare Office at ISS to promote social safety. Tuesday 25 Jun 2024 Sunday 21 Jul 2024 Policy & Advice Sales Director Executive Education Do you see yourself as the person who thrives to work in an innovative, stimulating and growing environment and represents a force for positive change? Tuesday 25 Jun 2024 Thursday 1 Aug 2024 Management Marketing & Communication Manager Erasmus Enterprise Rotterdam, 32 – 40 hours a week Are you a Marketing & Communication Manager at heart and looking for a new, innovative, and broad challenge? Wednesday 19 Jun 2024 Monday 12 Aug 2024 Marketing & Communication Assistant professor innovation management Are you ready to create and disseminate knowledge and to be a force for positive change? Apply soon and become our next faculty member! Thursday 6 Jun 2024 Sunday 1 Sep 2024 Academic staff Tutor Academy HRM BA 2024/25 Ben jij een enthousiaste student die graag anderen wil helpen om hun kennis en vaardigheden op het gebied van Human Resource Management (HRM) te ontwikkelen? Wednesday 5 Jun 2024 Sunday 1 Sep 2024 Education Fulltime lecturer, Business Information Management Ready to contribute to educating future talent in Business Information Management (BIM) at bachelor and master levels? Apply for our lecturer position! Thursday 1 Feb 2024 Wednesday 31 Jul 2024   Read the full article
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abroadstudy635 · 3 months
Kazan Federal Medical University: A Comprehensive Guide
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Introduction to Kazan Federal Medical University
Kazan Federal Medical University is a prestigious institution known for its commitment to excellence in medical education. Situated in the historic city of Kazan, Russia, the university has a rich history and a reputation for producing highly skilled medical professionals. In this article, we will delve into various aspects of Kazan Federal Medical University, including its world ranking, courses, fee structure, admission process, and hostel facilities. We aim to provide a thorough understanding of why Kazan Federal Medical University is an excellent choice for students aspiring to study medicine abroad.
Kazan Federal Medical University World Ranking
Kazan Federal Medical University consistently ranks among the top medical universities globally. According to various international rankings, the university is recognized for its high standards of education and research. In recent years, it has made significant strides in improving its global standing, reflecting its dedication to academic excellence. The university's commitment to research and innovation, coupled with its state-of-the-art facilities and distinguished faculty, contributes to its strong position in world rankings.
Kazan Federal University Courses
Undergraduate Programs
Kazan Federal Medical University offers a wide range of undergraduate programs designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their medical careers. The most sought-after program is the MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), which is renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and hands-on clinical training. Other undergraduate courses include:
Biomedical Sciences
Postgraduate Programs
The university also offers various postgraduate programs for those looking to specialize in specific fields of medicine. These programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and advanced clinical training. Some of the popular postgraduate courses include:
Master of Surgery (MS)
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Master of Public Health (MPH)
PhD in Medical Sciences
Kazan Federal University Fee Structure
Understanding the Kazan Federal University fee structure is crucial for prospective students and their families. Kazan Federal Medical University offers competitive tuition fees, making it an attractive option for international students. Below is a detailed breakdown of the fee structure for the MBBS program:
Tuition Fees
First Year: $6,000
Second Year: $5,500
Third Year: $5,500
Fourth Year: $5,500
Fifth Year: $5,500
Sixth Year: $5,500
Additional Costs
Apart from tuition fees, students should also consider additional costs such as:
Accommodation: $1,200 per year
Medical Insurance: $200 per year
Miscellaneous Expenses: $500 per year
The total cost of studying MBBS at Kazan Federal Medical University is approximately $35,000 for the entire course duration, which is relatively affordable compared to other medical universities worldwide.
Kazan Federal University Admission Process
The Kazan Federal University admission process is straightforward and designed to be as transparent as possible. Here is a step-by-step guide to the admission process:
Eligibility Criteria
Academic Qualifications: Applicants must have completed high school with a minimum of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.
Entrance Exam: Candidates must qualify for the university's entrance exam or any equivalent national-level medical entrance test.
Application Process
Online Application: Fill out the online application form available on the university's official website.
Document Submission: Submit the required documents, including academic transcripts, passport copies, and entrance exam scores.
Application Fee: Pay the non-refundable application fee of $100.
Interview: Some candidates may be required to attend an online interview.
Admission Letter: Upon successful evaluation, the university will issue an admission letter.
Visa Application
Once you receive the admission letter, you can apply for a student visa at the nearest Russian embassy or consulate. Ensure you have all the necessary documents, including the admission letter, passport, and proof of financial stability.
Kazan Federal University Hostel Facilities
Kazan Federal Medical University provides comfortable and affordable hostel facilities for international students. The university's hostels are equipped with all necessary amenities to ensure a pleasant stay. Here are some key features of the hostel facilities:
Accommodation Types: Single, double, and triple occupancy rooms.
Amenities: Wi-Fi, laundry services, gym, library, and common study areas.
Security: 24/7 security and surveillance to ensure the safety of students.
Location: Hostels are located within the university campus or in close proximity, making it convenient for students to attend classes.
Study MBBS Abroad: Why Choose Kazan Federal Medical University?
Choosing to study MBBS abroad is a significant decision, and Kazan Federal Medical University offers numerous advantages that make it a top choice for international students:
High-Quality Education
Kazan Federal Medical University is known for its rigorous academic curriculum and high standards of education. The university's faculty comprises experienced professors and medical practitioners who are dedicated to providing the best education to their students.
Global Recognition
The university's degrees are recognized globally, allowing graduates to practice medicine in various countries. This international recognition opens up numerous career opportunities for students worldwide.
Affordable Tuition Fees
Compared to other medical universities, Kazan Federal Medical University offers affordable tuition fees without compromising on the quality of education. This makes it an attractive option for students from diverse economic backgrounds.
Cultural Diversity
The university hosts students from various countries, creating a culturally diverse environment. This exposure to different cultures and perspectives enriches the learning experience and prepares students for a global career in medicine.
Modern Facilities
The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced laboratories, research centers, and clinical training hospitals. These facilities provide students with hands-on experience and exposure to the latest medical technologies and practices.
Support Services
Kazan Federal Medical University offers comprehensive support services to international students, including academic advising, career counseling, and health services. The university is committed to ensuring that students have a positive and successful experience during their studies.
Kazan Federal Medical University stands out as a premier institution for medical education, offering a blend of high-quality education, affordable tuition fees, and excellent support services. Whether you are considering studying MBBS or pursuing postgraduate studies, Kazan Federal Medical University provides an ideal environment for achieving your academic and career goals. With a strong Kazan Federal University world ranking, diverse course offerings, and state-of-the-art facilities, it is no wonder that Kazan Federal Medical University is a top choice for students aspiring to study medicine abroad.
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mbbseducational · 4 months
Ternopil State Medical University: A Comprehensive Overview
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Ternopil State Medical University Fees
Ternopil State Medical University (TSMU) offers a highly competitive fee structure, making it an attractive option for international students seeking quality education at an affordable cost. Here is a detailed breakdown of the fees for various programs:
Undergraduate Programs
Medicine (MBBS): Approximately $4,200 per year
Dentistry: Approximately $4,500 per year
Pharmacy: Approximately $3,800 per year
Postgraduate Programs
Residency and Fellowship: Fees range from $3,000 to $5,000 per year, depending on the specialty.
PhD Programs: Around $3,000 per year
Additional Costs
Accommodation: University hostels are available for approximately $500 per year.
Living Expenses: Estimated at $1,200 to $1,500 per year.
Medical Insurance: Around $200 per year.
Miscellaneous Fees: Including registration and examination fees, approximately $100 per year.
These costs make TSMU a cost-effective choice for students pursuing a medical degree abroad.
Ternopil State Medical University Ranking
Ternopil State Medical University National Ranking is recognized for its excellence in medical education and research, which is reflected in its rankings.
National Ranking
TSMU is consistently ranked among the top 10 medical universities in Ukraine. This ranking is based on criteria such as academic performance, research output, and student satisfaction.
International Recognition
QS World University Rankings: TSMU is listed in the QS World University Rankings, showcasing its global academic reputation.
4ICU Ranking: According to 4ICU, TSMU is placed within the top 30 universities in Ukraine, indicating a strong online presence and popularity among international students.
Ternopil State Medical University World Ranking
Ternopil State Medical University World Ranking is gaining international acclaim and steadily improving its world ranking.
Global Recognition
TSMU is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools, which is a significant endorsement for international students. 
Research and Innovation
The university's commitment to research and innovation significantly enhances its global standing. TSMU's numerous research publications and ongoing projects contribute to its growing reputation in the international medical communition 
MBBS Abroad at Ternopil State Medical University
Choosing to pursue an MBBS abroad at TSMU offers numerous advantages:
Accreditation and Recognition
TSMU is recognized by major international medical councils, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the Medical Council of India (MCI), and the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER). This ensures that the degree you earn is globally recognized and respected.
Quality Education
The university follows a robust curriculum aligned with European standards. The medium of instruction is English, which is beneficial for international students. The faculty comprises experienced professionals who provide an excellent learning environment.
Modern Facilities
TSMU is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced laboratories, modern classrooms, and a comprehensive library. These resources are essential for a thorough medical education.
Student Support Services
The university offers extensive support services for international students, including orientation programs, language courses, and cultural activities. These services help students adapt to their new environment and maximize their educational experience.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of TSMU have a high employability rate. The university's strong network and partnerships with medical institutions worldwide provide ample opportunities for internships, residencies, and employment.
Cultural Experience
Studying at TSMU provides a unique cultural experience. Ternopil is a vibrant city with a rich history and a welcoming community. Students can enjoy the local culture, cuisine, and various recreational activities.
Admission Process at Ternopil State Medical University
The admission process at Ternopil State Medical University Admision  is designed to be transparent and accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the admission process:
Eligibility Criteria
Undergraduate Programs: Candidates must have completed secondary education with strong grades in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Proficiency in English is also required.
Postgraduate Programs: Applicants must hold a relevant undergraduate degree and meet specific requirements for the chosen specialty.
Application Process
Application Form: Fill out the online application form available on the university’s official website.
Document Submission: Submit required documents, including academic transcripts, passport copy, and proof of English proficiency.
Entrance Exam: Some programs may require an entrance exam or interview.
Admission Letter: Successful applicants will receive an admission letter.
Visa Process: Apply for a student visa at the Ukrainian embassy in your home country.
Important Dates
Application Deadline: Typically, applications are accepted from May to September.
Academic Year Start: The academic year usually begins in September.
Ternopil State Medical University Fee Structure for MBBS Abroad
For students considering MBBS ABROAD TSMU offers an attractive fee structure. Below is a detailed breakdown:
MBBS Program
Tuition Fee: Approximately $4,200 per year
Accommodation: About $500 per year for hostel facilities
Living Expenses: Estimated at $1,200 to $1,500 per year
Medical Insurance: Approximately $200 per year
Miscellaneous Fees: Including registration and examination fees, approximately $100 per year
Payment Options
Students can pay the fees annually or semi-annually, making it convenient to manage their finances.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
TSMU offers various scholarships based on academic performance and financial need. International students are encouraged to apply for these scholarships to help reduce their financial burden.
undergraduate or postgraduate studies, Ternopil state Medical University Scholorship  provides the resources and support you need to excel in your chosen field.
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