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Concept sketches of mostly 3rd gen lore/ocs
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chrisrin · 1 year
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was super inspired by onian's take on gemcyt!cleo (specifically the choice of a rainforest jasper)--so i tried my own hand at a design with it!
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blood-orange-juice · 5 months
Are you also mildly intrigued by the fact that Istaroth is called Kairos, not Kronos? Storytime and "the right moment between other events" rather than indifferent physical time.
Also from Wikipedia:
In his 1951 etymological studies of the word, Onians traces the primary root back to ancient Greek associations with both archery and weaving. In archery, kairos denotes the moment in which an arrow may be shot with sufficient force to penetrate a target. In weaving, kairos denotes the moment in which the shuttle could be passed through threads on the loom.
Something something loom of fate.
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Space Demonym Role Systems
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[ IDs in alt text ]
Terran System ( terr- or -rran ): a gender connected to being a [x] terran. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, terran aesthetics, Earth aesthetics, and Earth as a whole.
Jovian System ( jovi- or -vian ): a gender connected to being a [x] jovian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, jovian aesthetics, Jupiter aesthetics, and Jupiter as a whole.
Martian System ( mar- or -tian ): a gender connected to being a [x] martian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, martian aesthetics, Mars aesthetics, and Mars as a whole.
Mercurian System ( merc- or -urian ): a gender connected to being a [x] mercurian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, mercurian aesthetics, Mercury aesthetics, and Mercury as a whole.
Neptunian System ( neptu- or -unian ): a gender connected to being a [x] neptunian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, neptunian aesthetics, Neptune aesthetics, and Neptune as a whole.
Plutonian System ( plu- or -onian ): a gender connected to being a [x] plutonian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, plutonian aesthetics, Pluto aesthetics, and Pluto as a whole.
Saturnian System ( satu- or -rnian ): a gender connected to being a [x] saturnian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, saturnian aesthetics, Saturn aesthetics, and Saturn as a whole.
Uranian System ( uran- or -anian ): a gender connected to being a [x] uranian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, uranian aesthetics, Uranus aesthetics, and Uranus as a whole.
Venusian System ( venu- or -usian ): a gender connected to being a [x] venusian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, venusian aesthetics, Venus aesthetics, and Venus as a whole.
Lunarian System ( lun- or -rian ): a gender connected to being a [x] lunarian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, lunarian aesthetics, Moon aesthetics, and the Moon as a whole.
Solarian System ( sol- or -arian ): a gender connected to being a [x] solarian. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, solarian aesthetics, sun aesthetics, and the Sun as a whole.
Asterite System ( ast- or -rite ): a gender connected to being a [x] asterite. this gender is connected to [x], [x] aesthetics, asterite aesthetics, asteroid aesthetics, and asteroids as a whole.
"terran", someone from earth; "jovian", someone from jupiter; "martian", someone from mars; "mercurian", someone from mercury; "neptunian", someone from neptune; "plutonian", someone from pluto;
"saturnian", someone from saturn; "uranian", someone from uranus; "venusian", someone from venus; "lunarian", someone from the moon; "solarian", someone from the sun; "asterite", someone from astroids
@radiomogai , @role-systems , @gamercod
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[ID: an orange line divider with a star covered in flame in the middle. End ID]
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ansu-gurleht · 5 months
gargles some onians
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velvetafterdark · 5 months
In the babysitting scene in cargo plane, it's said that star/scream sees a cold construct sparkling, so that means he and all the other cold constructs were sparklings too?
Yes, developmentally.
Starsc/ream --and any other pre-war ccs mentioned in Cargo Plane-- came online with an adult body, but had the mental faculties of a child or young teenager.
Doing it that way was practical for governing bodies and militaries alike; it gave the option to create a lot of cybertr/onians very quickly, even when there wasn't a hots/pot. And though the resulting mechs that came out were intellectually immature, they had fully fledged instincts. Cold constructs don't need to be "taught" how to transform or use their weaponry. That combined with the fact that they lack worldly experience, they're perfect for molding to suit your needs.
Of course, there's a lot of controversy about this in canon; creating a child that knows how to fly and use a gun and treating it like its predisposed to evil is a running theme.
After the war, there simply wasn't a need to create cold constructs for the sake of boosting numbers, so now whenever you see one, it's more likely because the new/spark would have snuffed out if it weren't put into a body. All of the cc spark/lings you see in Cargo Plane are results of this. The two dwelled on (Hotcast and Pilediver) are more physically developed than their peers, but are children nonetheless.
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the-coiner-prince · 2 years
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[ flui(d) + non + (n)ewt(onian) + (t)ypen ~~ fluinonewtypen ]
A neurowiry when one's psyche and development are described like non-Newtonian fluids . A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid that does not follow Newton's law of viscosity , i . e . , constant viscosity independent of stress . In this fluid the viscosity can change when under force to either more liquid or more solid .
This may be a metaphor to describe one being psychologically resilient / fluid in some contexts but extremely rigid / solid in others .
[ no ID yet ]
Coined by the prince 👑 for #idexpo
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[ PT : Anyone can use the terms that the charming has coined , but ke asks to Please DNI if any of these aply to you: racist, sexist, ageist, antimogai, antiliom, BaB, ableist, transmed, transcum, fujoshi, radfem, terf, proshipper, anti-agere, antifurry, NSFW blogs, (NO)MAP, zoophile, necrophiliac, incestuous or supporter of those who act on these types of paraphilias. end PT ]
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aetherive · 1 year
plain text: Interurian
— A gender connected to being an intersex mercurian. this gender is connected to intersexuality, being intersex, mercurian aesthetics, Mercury aesthetics, and Mercury as a whole.
— Inter (from 'intersex') + urian (from 'mercurian').
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[ Image ID: a rectangular flag with nine horizontal stripes, in the following colors, from top to bottom: black, gray, pale gray, near-black blue, pale cream, dark reddish orange, yellow metal, muted greenish yellow, and pale yellow. /end ID ]
plain text: Interonian
— A gender connected to being an intersex plutonian. this gender is connected to intersexuality, being intersex, plutonian aesthetics, Pluto aesthetics, and Pluto as a whole.
— Inter (from 'intersex') + onian (from 'plutonian')
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[ Image ID: a rectangular flag with nine horizontal stripes, in the following colors, from top to bottom: irish coffee reddish-brown, davy gray, moonstone blue, near-black blue, pale cream, dark reddish orange, yellow metal, muted greenish yellow, and pale yellow. /end ID ]
plain text: Internian
— A gender connected to being an intersex saturnian. this gender is connected to intersexuality, being intersex, saturnian aesthetics, Saturn aesthetics, and Saturn as a whole.
— Inter (from 'intersex') + rnian (from 'saturnian')
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[ Image ID: a rectangular flag with nine horizontal stripes, in the following colors, from top to bottom: goose grey, pale taupe, chalky orange-yellow, near-black blue, pale cream, dark reddish orange, yellow metal, muted greenish yellow, and pale yellow. /end ID ]
plain text: Interanian
— A gender connected to being an intersex uranian. this gender is connected to intersexuality, being intersex, uranian aesthetics, Uranus aesthetics, and Uranus as a whole.
— Inter (from 'intersex') + anian (from 'uranian')
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[ Image ID: a rectangular flag with nine horizontal stripes, in the following colors, from top to bottom: nice blue, verdigris cyan, powder blue, near-black blue, pale cream, dark reddish orange, yellow metal, muted greenish yellow, and pale yellow. /end ID ]
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siberat · 2 years
Xmas Treat
So, one tradition Rat/chet and Dri/ft do is find any reason to celebrate. Usually, Cybertr/onians do not recognize the human tradition of Christmas; it’s more of a solstice celebration. Still, if there is any excuse for Dr/ft to spend time in the kitchen cooking and baking, he’ll take it. Rat/chet is finishing his shift in the med bay, and the busy chef has every burner on his stove and even the oven going. He has cooking down to a science, and soon his lover pings him that he is on his way back.
Perfect timing: the food is ready to be plated!
For the holiday meal, he cooked a cyber-turkey with all the sides. A large serving of the hot, tender cyber-meat is plated up consisting of big slivers of the breast, the CM/O’s favorite. A mound of sandstone stuffing seasoned with feldspar flakes and mashed crystal potatoes flavored with rich calcite are added. A large ladle full of thick, brown-colored stock gravy is splashed over these three, soaking them in savory and aromatic goodness. For an added crunch, ener-beans coated in coquina are added as well as something sweet: crystal cranberry slivers.
The heaping plate is set on the table, and the second plate placed on the opposite side is less full. Of course, seconds were available, but Dr/ift had no problem fixing his conjunx’s plate for him. He loved seeing the dish get filled again with all the pretty colors of the food and delicious smells. And Dr/ift being the sap he is, lit some candles and poured a tall glass of Engex for the medic. He poured some non-engex drink for himself to enjoy.
The door swooshed open just as the sword/smech set his drink on the table. Rat/chet was home and wore a smile on his face as he smelt the meal. His supplies were quickly discarded as he sat at the table, eyeing up all the tasty food. Of course, the medic exclaimed he did not have to go all out on him like this like he always says. And Dr/ift always responds the same way: it's never a problem ensuring the love of his life is well fed.
The pair eat their meal. While there is some chit-chat, most of the time is enjoyed savoring the food. A chorus of hums and lip-smacking is heard, signaling what an excellent job the TIC did cooking the meal. Once the medic’s plate is cleared, Dri/ft lovingly asks if he wants more, which Rat/chet cannot deny. A second plate is fixed and set down, both mechs smiling.
Dr/ift doesn’t return to his seat: he finished his meal. Instead, he leans over behind the medic’s chair, rubbing his servos down the medic’s chest, tracing seams as the touch travels down to the much-rounder tummy. What was once flat now bulged in such soft, squishy delightfulness! And this was what Dr/ift loved to grope and knead. The warm flab accumulated not only on the front of his abdomen but also on the sides. Love handles gathered and spilled over his hip plating; some even began squishing out the back. The medic’s lap would hold the swell of his growing belly, the bottom roll resting perfectly on top of thickened thighs.
And no part of this belly went untouched. First to be caressed was the crest, hands circling around its vast curves. Next, the chub crease would be traced, then prodded: this fold of fat was the desired place to warm chilled servos, much to the owner’s displeasure-who would want cold hands in there stealing your heat? This chub crease formed when the medic sat and was the deepest at his sides, then the fold tapered as it reached out to the front of the paunch.
But one of the most joyous places to grope was the side flab. This plump section was always the softest, in Dr/ift’s humble opinion. The chub here was ever so soft and squishy like it was a stress relief toy. And the swords/mech loved to squeeze the love handles between his servos! But what came next was also Dri/ft’s favorite (it is really hard to choose just one): the heavy, firm, but still soft, lower belly flab that sat upon the lap. Now, the correct way to fondle this mass was to slip your hands on the underside to properly feel the heaviness of the mass. Some jostling was good: doing so showed off the jiggly belly nicely. Once servos reached the front, they would set out to caress the rounded roll, enjoying the heft of the gut and feeling the hint of thighs on the other side. This part took a lot of the TI/C’s attention. His hands would adoringly rub over this swollen mass, starting with delightful small circles but broadening their surface area to incorporate the belly. Playful slaps and pats would ensue, and gently hitting the flab gave off such a soothing sound.
Even better was if the belly was noisy: much to Dri/ft’s enjoyment, there was growling and whining present today. The stomach gurgled its delight at being given such tasty food to enjoy and a lot of it. With each lovely, deep-sounding rumble, Dr/ift swore he felt the belly vibrate within his servos. It was as if this stomach had a mind of its own and took it upon itself to tease him in every possible way! Soon, said belly began to gurgle in a particular way as if something was building up inside. Don’t worry; the sword/smech knew what this was. Using two digits, tight little circles were pressed into the growing flab. The touch moved locations slightly and repeated. It didn’t take long for the gas bubbles to make a break for their freedom, and the medic loudly barked out a burp.
Dri/ft loved watching his lover belch. In many cultures, belching was compliments to the chef, signaling a perfect meal. However, no matter how much reassurance the TI/C gave, the medic always flushed slightly as releasing such loud burps. And Dr/ift couldn’t get enough of that shy look adorned by his lover, along with the reddening of his cheeks with a hint of an embarrassed smile. Remember, Dri/ft can be sappy, so this usually turned his insides into goo!
Once supper was finished and no more was desired, Dri/ft would lovingly pat at the firmer, swelled belly, telling what a good job it did consuming all this food. Ratc/het would sit back, weighed down by his stuffed belly, ready for a nap. But there was no rest for the weary because once the dinner plates were cleared, out came the dessert plates: loaded with sweet cakes, pastries, pies, and other assortments of delicacies. The medic couldn’t say no to his belly growling and rumbling, demanding to be filled with such rich goodness. And naturally, Dr/ift stood with utensils at the ready: he was not about to disappoint. He was prepared to feed these scrumptious-looking deserts into that demanding belly, and Ratc/het was excited.
Hope everyone has a great holiday! Stay safe and warm!
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: Crave Case
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Books: The Royal Romance Books all of them
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter:  🍋
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up with wacky drabbles here
The Wacky Drabbles prompt “I’ve never lied to you.” and “I think it’s time I teach you about respect.
A/N: Onia is a fake comical kingdom I made up for comedic purposes 
Chapter Summary: Drake and Leo make a bet
Word count: 2,000 *please excuse any typo’s or grammatical errors
Average reading time: 8 minutes
* Leo’s face claim changed over the time I wrote him so this is an old moodboard the actor /model onced used for Leo quit working so I had limited pictures to choose from*
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Cordonia- White Castle
The former Onian stripper punched the time clock ready to start her last shift. Casey was living in exile, she got into a fight with the king. They had agreed on a price for a lap dance 45 Onian rhinestones the county’s currency. The King ejaculated in his pants after 35 seconds and he refused to pay her. Fearing he would make the front page of a tabloid he imposed his sentence that very same night.
Casey took the opportunity to start off fresh and decided that try her hand at acting her true passion. Before she clocked in she received a call from her agent she landed the leading role in ‘Twilight the musical’ as Bella Swan. Her day couldn’t get any better or so she thought.
White Castle -Drive-Thru
Drake’s head was pressed against the steering wheel he was fed up with his new charge… the recently crowned queen Jessica Rys. He clung to hope that after the baby came she would be easier to work with and perhaps her brother in-law wouldn’t be so needy and return to his former glory.
“I want a crave case, chicken rings, and Mozzarella sticks.” Leo said as he took a sip from his big gulp diet soda then bit into the remainder of his Jalapeño cream cheese taquito.”
“Hmmm. I think I want two bacon cheeseburger sliders and one chicken waffle slider. Got to save room for the empanadas.”
Drake moved up in the drive-thru line and turned to look at Jessica and Leo. “Are you two fuckin’ done? I mean what the fuck. All I do is drive you around ordering food. Garcia, they don’t make empanadas here and if they do they probably taste like shit.”
Jessica said, “Why do I feel judged?”
“Because you are. I’m fuckin’ judging you.” Drake retorted.
“The baby wants White Castle,” Leo yelled.
“When did you become a womb psychic?”
“I’m a UILTF now I know these things. I’m in tune with OUR baby’s cravings. It’s a blessing and a curse.”
“What the fuck is a UILTF?” Drake asked.
“An uncle I’d like to fuck.” Leo said with a smile.
“Really? With a beard full of cream cheese. I will buy you a crave case if you fuckin’ pick up someone in an hour.” Drake teased.
“I’m UILFT. One hour? How insulting I could do it in 30 minutes or less.”
Drake chuckled and said,“Stop lying to yourself.”
“I’ve never lied to you. Drake, I think it’s time I teach you about respect. Papi agrees to your wager. I will sweet talk the next woman we meet.”
Drive-thru intercom: How I’m Casey how may I take your order.
Leo answered, “Hello sweetheart I’m Leo and I will be giving you my order for my pregnant sister-in-law, myself of course, and our grumpy chauffeur.”
“You fuckin’ ass hat,” Drake muttered.
Casey said, “That’s nice. Bet you must be excited to be an uncle.”
Leo said, “I’m thrilled. But Casey I want to know more about you this beautiful stranger behind the intercom. Tell me about yourself.”
Casey said, “Well I used to live in Onia.”
20 minutes later…
White Castle - Bathroom
Casey put her hands on the sides of Leo’s face and said, “Right here. I want it right here.”
She bit the bottom of Leo’s lip and started to unbuckle his pants.
“Casey I just want to make sure-”
“This is a one-time thing. I get it and I’m okay with it.”
Leo nodded, taking her word for it. He leaned in to kiss her gently, his hands eagerly exploring her body. Casey reached up to remove her baseball cap and toss it to the side, letting down her hair. He smirked, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth for a brief moment. His beard brushing on her delicate skin and making it redden a bit. She ground her hips against his, and he felt himself becoming harder.
Leo was quick to haphazardly ride her shirt up to unbutton her pants, taking her pants half off. One of the pant legs was on, the other off. Casey didn’t mind the chaotic setup, it seemed like she just wanted something inside of her to celebrate her impending stardom. Leo was happy to comply, pulling down his own jeans and boxers briefs to reveal his half-hard cock. Casey chewed on her bottom lip, staring down at it. Leo simply smiled in pride.
“Jump,” Leo mumbled, and she did. He carried her, turning so she was against the wall. Casey gasped when her body fell against the tile wall of the bathroom, spreading her legs further for him. He looked her up and down and it made his cock twitch against her thigh. “Look at you,” he cooed, lining himself up. “Beautiful” he mumbled, teasing her core with his member.
“You are an Uncle I’d like to fuck. I want it so bad,” Casey whispered. Leo smirked at her desperation, pushing his hair out of his face as he began to push into her, relishing in the way that she moaned almost immediately. “Fuck! You huge.” she groaned, tightening around him. Leo groaned, continuing to push inside of her. She melted against him as he bottomed out. He paused for a moment, letting her adjust to the overwhelming feeling of being so full. “More” Casey mumbled, clawing at his back desperately. Leo complied and began to thrust his hips up into her, making her moan pout, and shove her face into the crook of his neck, grinding down into him.
“You feel so fucking tight,” Leo groaned, his calculated thrusts driving her crazy. Pleasure ran down his spine, and it felt like electricity. He reached up to grab at her breasts, lifting up her shirt and bra so she was even more exposed. Casey loved it, tightening around him more and making him moan. He thrust up even quicker at that, setting a fast yet pace. He hit all of the rights spots inside of her, and it made her even wetter.
“Fuck yes,” Casey babbled, moaning out. She ground her hips down onto him, and the sound of their skin slapping was becoming louder and louder. She moaned, growing closer as he sent shocks of bliss through her body, her core thrumming in both desperation and satisfaction. “I love your cock.” she moaned, holding onto his shoulder and stopping her grinding so Leo could quickly thrust up into her, hitting so deep inside of her that her legs turned to jelly. She wasn’t even sure if she was going to be able to walk.
Leo spread her legs further to get to a better angle, finding the best one and staying there. “I love it, I love feeling like this,” Casey whimpered, tilting her head back until it was hitting the wall gently. That did not last long, as Leo wrapped his fingers in her hair, tilting her head up gently so he could see and admire what a mess she was over his cock. It was bringing him closer. He rubbed at her clit with his free hand, getting faster and faster. Casey cried out, so he let go of her hair to cover her mouth, her breathing becoming quick and messy as Leo pounded relentlessly inside of her. She cried out against his hand. Leo was proud of himself, almost arrogant as he sharply thrust into her.
When she finally fell off of the edge, she opened her mouth in a silent scream, thrusting her hips down and tightening around him. She began to moan in overstimulation when Leo kept thrusting into her, over and over again. Casey felt the aftershocks of her orgasm, twitching a bit in his arms. She tightened around him once more, and her noises sent him over the edge, groaning as he came inside of her. He pulled out, watching as it went down her thigh. That was amazing,” Casey whispered, tilting her head back against the wall once more. Leo nodded in agreement.
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gaboninfoslive · 5 months
CTRI/Groupe Assala Energy : Le Gabon respecte ses engagements
Le Président de la Transition, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema s’est entretenu le 24 avril 2024 avec monsieur David Roux, Président Directeur Général du Groupe Assala Energy UK & Gabon qu’accompagnait monsieur Edgard Mba Oniane, Directeur général d’Assala Gabon. Dans le cadre du rachat par l’État gabonais des actifs de la société Assala Gabon à hauteur de 75% le 15 février dernier, le…
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chunkytron · 1 year
Back to some spicy/kinky stuff megs wearing those sex/y bunny suits the ones with a little bow tie. Maybe one that can fit his size. (👁️👁️?) maybe with a cute cotton tail that gets sounds attention. (Maybe he pokes at the tail with his cable) maybe sound/wave can feed his mega-bun chocolate eggs. (Or the cybertronion equivalent of that)
Fun fact : I had already written a small one shot like that and drew Megs in a bunny suit a while back.
Sound/wave was the one to come up with the idea to buy the outfit for Megs. The thought of Mega/tron in a tight bunny suit was appealing to him and couldn’t help but think about how cute he’d look in one.
The outfit looked gorgeous on Mega/tron, Sound/wave couldn’t help but wrap his arms and data cables around his large waist. Hands sliding until they found the little tail on the back of the suit. He couldn’t help poke it, totally not an excuse to grab Mega/tron’s large behind.
Sound/wave pulled Mega/tron towards their bed by bow tie around his neck, sitting him down while he grabbed boxed containing “chocolate eggs” as the humans called them. Frankly, he didn’t care that much about their name, as long as he was able to see Mega/tron smile for something other than violence.
Some of them were made of chocolate and others were a cybertr/onian attempt at making something a like, they were mostly made of amethyst and gold.
He enjoyed feeding Megs, there was something about being so close to him and being able to see him have access to things he was never able to have back in the days that warms his spark in a way.
Sound/wave brings some of the eggs up to Mega/tron who greedily eats them straight from his hand, licking his fingers.
This goes on for a while, at some point SW let’s Mega/tron take the boxes and just eat from them while he sits by his side. Occasionally rubbing Mega/tron’s belly as he watches him eat some more.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Jpop calls us "tumbl-onians"
My daughter just called us "tumblrites"
I started cracking up that they both came up with something different and neither was tumblrina
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getinmahbe11ay · 3 years
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Me n my friend’s Hollow Knight sonas. Background taken from the game.
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ansu-gurleht · 6 months
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bisaria · 6 years
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मान्यताओं के अनुसार, दान करना हमेशा से पुण्य का काम माना गया है। लेकिन कुछ चीजें ऐसी भी हैं जिनका सूर्यास्त के समय दान देना आप पर ही भारी पड़ सकता है। इससे आपकी आर्थिक स्थिति भी कमजोरी होती है। यदि आपको अपने घर की बरकत को कायम रखना है तो आपको इन चीजों के बारे में जरूर जानना चाहिए। चलिए जानते हैं आखिर क्या हैं वह चीजें जिनका सूर्यास्त के समय दान करना मनाही है…
इन्हें दान देने से बचें
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शाम के समय प्याज-लहसुन देने से बचें, इनका संबंध केतु ग्रह से माना गया है। केतु ग्रह को ऊपरी ताकतों का स्वामी माना गया है। साथ ही इन सबका संबंध जादू-टोना से भी है। इसलिए प्याज-लहसुन देना अच्छा शगुन नहीं माना गया है।
इस समय ना दें किसी को धन
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शाम के समय लोग घर का मुख्य द्वार खोलकर रखते हैं। दरअसल माना जाता है कि इस समय घर में लक्ष्मीजी का आगमन होता है। ऐसे में धन किसी और को देना लक्ष्मी को विदा करना माना जाता है।
यह दान करने से गुरु होता है कमजोर
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लाल किताब के अनुसार, जिनका गुरु बलवान और शुभ है उन्हें गुरुवार के दिन किसी को भी हल्दी नहीं देना चाहिए, खासतौर पर शाम के समय। इस दिन हल्दी देने से गुरु कमजोर होता है, साथ ही धन और वैभव में कमी आती है।
ना करें इस चीज का दान
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पुराणों के अनुसार, दूध का संबंध लक्ष्मी और विष्णु से माना जाता रहा है। यही कारण है कि सांयकाल में इसे किसी को देना अच्छा नहीं माना जाता है। मान्यता है कि इससे बरकत चली जाती है। घर में सुख-शांति के लिए सांयकाल में दूध का दान ना करें।
धन की होती है कमी
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ज्‍योतिष के अनुसार माना जाता है कि दही का संबंध शुक्र से माना गया है। वहीं शुक्र को सुख और वैभव का कारक माना गया है। इसलिए सूर्यास्त के समय इसे किसी को इसे देने से सुख और वैभव में कमी आ जाती है।
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