mugencoloris · 1 month
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devileaterjaek · 4 months
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gj340 · 23 hours
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this cover art is hilarious. look at how confused kagura and saaya are!
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anime-cat-with-bong · 6 months
So I decided to get that fanservice anime games bundle on Humble Bundle, and like...the fucking cowgirl samurai in a bikini games are actually good????????
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I really didn't expect much going into them, but these games are so much fun. A few thoughts I had (kinda long post incoming):
The combat feels really satisfying and flows so well. Especially when it comes to things like switching weapons or characters mid combo to extend said combo.
The Xtasy/Dare Drive forms were both badass and fun to use. I really like the risk vs reward feeling that makes you consider the right time to use them.
The plot isn't really anything special or amazing, but it's got that same vibe as a super campy grindhouse B-film which I personally adore.
I honestly really liked the characters. Again these games aren't trying to have the deepest plot in the world, but the characters are fun and memorable. Like I genuinely love them and feel attached now.
I even grew to really like the character designs a lot. Like hell yeah Aya. You go rock that bikini, feather boa, and cowgirl hat while you bathe in the blood of the undead. Again it's just so campy and silly I can't help but love it.
The music goes way harder than it has any right to. "Ichiban Wa Me" has been stuck in my head and refuses to leave.
Origin in particular has amazing combat. Combos flow well, hits feel really impactful, and it's honestly just downright addicting. It also almost reminds me of the Dynasty Warriors games with how you can feel really strong and unstoppable against basic enemies, but boss fights are still challenging and require you to focus.
I definitely think Origin is the better of the two in terms of gameplay, but there's a lot I did really love about it in Z2. One of the biggest things being the chase mechanic which I would really like to see return in a future game along with the more polished gameplay that Origin has.
While I do actually like the more "realistic" look of Z2, I think I like the more stylized anime look of Origin more. It's just much more visually appealing in my opinion, and I hope they continue with it in the future. (I'm also dying to see Kagura and Saaya in that art style)
As much as I've fallen in love with these games they do have some issues worth mentioning though. Mainly the fact that they are a bit buggy.
Z2 doesn't really have any game breaking bug that I found, but sometimes camera angles can get a little wonky. Especially when you're cornered and targeting an enemy. Also hitboxes on some enemy attacks can be a little taller than they appear to be. This is most noticeable with shots from guns that will hit you even when you are jumping high above them.
Origin can take some messing with to get working properly on PC, and even once it is working it's known to crash on occasion which will corrupt your save file. I haven't run into this issue myself, but it is a thing I've seen people talk about so I think it's worth mentioning. While annoying it is possible to protect against this by just making a back up of your save file in the event it does happen. Also worth mentioning that in a few cutscenes the models can be a little shaky. It's honestly not a huge deal at all, but it is noticeable when it happens.
One other negative I will say is that the regular prices are a little high. Especially with Origin which also has bonus missions that you have to buy as DLC. These missions are only $.99 a piece, but I still feel they should have just been included in the base game. I highly recommend these games, but I do suggest grabbing them on sale.
I'm honestly glad I got that bundle if for no other reason than these games, and I definitely plan to put a lot more hours into them to master the combat fully. Needless to say I'm a fan now, and I'm actually really hoping they continue to do more with this series. Maybe with a slightly higher budget even. I see a lot of potential with these games.
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spielkritik · 10 months
Lesenswert: Game Awards, Oneechanbara-Movies, Godmode-Roman, Moonwalker, Perfect Dark Zero, MGS: The Twin Snakes
Da hat’s direkt mal wieder eine Woche länger gedauert, aber das mit voller Absicht. Letzten Mittwoch stand nämlich der erste Beitrag unserer neuen GASTSPIELER-Staffel an, und der Freitag war auch schon der letzte Freitag des Monats – und damit Quest-Log-Zeit. Um den Beiträgen nicht die Luft zum Atmen zu nehmen, wollte ich nicht auch noch Lesenswert dazwischen einzwängen. Bevor in gut einer Woche…
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lucisevofficial · 6 months
Should I buy the horny mid anime games humble bundle. I just got paid
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internetslug · 1 month
heartbreaking: user who decided on a whim to do a deep dive on a specific series that started as extremely low budget ps2 era fanservicey action games has realized they actually fucking whip
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posthumanwanderings · 11 months
Zombie Zone  / The OneChanbara (Tamsoft / D3 Publisher - PS2 - 2004)
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coeursetcolores · 10 months
What I Would Add To/Change About: OneeChanbara ORIGIN
...It has been a while.
I'm starting to think I finish games slowly...Oh well!
On the 5th of December, in the year 2019, we got a remake of quite a rather underappreciated series' first two outings: Oneechanbara! AKA, the zombie bikini game.
Are there scantily clad ladies getting covered in blood as they kill zombies? Yes.
Is there a story of two separated sisters fighting to restore their family while combatting the forces that fractured their home as a clone woman uses obsession to distract herself from her existential crisis? Also yes.
I know that sounds spoilery, but the originals came out in the early 2000s so I don't feel that bad.
Why I am saying all this in the intro? Let's slice our way to the good part!
Up first are all the reasons this tropetastic fanservice fest is something I'm too proud to call a guilty pleasure!
Aya and Saki's relationship. It develops faster than it realistically should but I can't bring myself to care that much. They care about each other, they fight with each other and resolve to overcome tradition together. After clearing up the misunderstandings (and having one of the sweetest hugs I've seen in gaming so far), you can really see how much Saki looks up to Aya and just wants to spend time with her. And Aya is quick to praise Saki and make her feel good about herself, knowing that she needs it. Though they're not above messing with each other; Saki teasing Aya leads to some of the funniest parts of the game and could probably seem relatable to someone with a younger sibling. Watching them talk about their lives away from each other, bond throughout their adventure and walk off at the end, after everything they go through is the real highlight of the game.
Aya is just a fun protagonist: She's strong, confident, witty and a total goofball when she needs to be. A bit standard when it comes to character development, but still fun to follow.
Simple gameplay! Just switch your weapons when they get too bloody and go! Switch characters if you need to! You don't get it, sometimes my brain needs a break from strategizing!
Music keeps me up and going while I'm killing zombies! Unbreakable Trust is a song I could keep on loop for hours and Ai ha kimi no mono is exactly the kind of song you need to keep yourself energized when facing down the kind of final boss this game gives you!
The designs are great! The features are beautiful and the outfits are perfectly updated!
Punching people as Saki is just fun.
The ending is perfectly fitting and gives a bittersweet end to the story. It was sad but also hopeful.
Okay, now to move onto some things I feel would make a great addition to the game!
The game's too short, needs more levels to flesh things out. Development happened too fast and a lot of things went unexplored. Hmm...Seems to be a reoccurring thing in hack n' slashes.
SHOW AYA AND SAKI'S MOTHER! With how they talk about her, you would think we'd get something.
More scenes with Eva to help give the players an idea of what she's actually planning on doing would be nice (I know there's DLC, but this kind of stuff you put in the game)!
Oboro levels, maybe?
And now, let's wrap this all up with what really needs to be rebooted!
Let Aya use some critical thinking and notice all the red flags about Lei! Seriously, it was so obvious!
Trying to work with countering was a nightmare. Just let me slash things.
Make Berserk and Xtatic forms player-decided? It is way harder than it seems to keep an Xtatic sister alive! Plus, you see they can control it in the cutscenes! Come on!
And that's about it! OneeChanbara ORIGIN is a fun game that I highly recommend!
Here's to a sequel! Keep your blades crossed!
See you next time!
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dailyheavyqueens · 1 year
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Ai wa Kimi no Mono (アイハキミノモノ) — Broken By The Scream
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oddygaul · 11 months
Oneechanbara Origin
Look, I knew what this game was going in. I wasn’t expecting a fuckin masterpiece. I just wanted a fun, trashy game with big anime titties and a satisfying combat system. And still I was let down.
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Credit where it’s due, the animation is actually quite good for all three characters - you can for sure tell that’s where all the effort went here. There’s a lot of really sick keyframing on all the combos, and the incredibly generous hitstop will nearly freezeframe you if you hit enough enemies, which is deeply satisfying if you trigger it on one of the cooler combo poses. Saki’s easily my favorite for this reason; all of her huge arcing launch attacks feel great to land after the huge windup.
Shame, then, that every character basically has three entire combos. Three. I know it’s unreasonable to expect full DMC levels of moveset variety, but this is bottom-of-the-barrel, Dynasty Warriors-ass, one square combo, one triangle combo, and one square into triangle combo stuff. Rough, man. The game tries to add a few systems on top of this to add depth to the gameplay, but they’re so incidental they don’t feel like they add any player expression.
The Cool Combinations are supposed to be this game’s signature system, I think; if you time the next hit in a combo just right, your character flashes a bit with Glowing Anime Power and the move will come out faster and charge your energy up a bit. It’s kind of reminiscent of the Exceed system on Nero’s Red Queen, except… way less impactful and not as cool lol. Your game has to be really damn good for me to even consider engaging with any system that requires me to memorize the timing of every single one of a character’s attacks - hell, DMC5 fucking rules and I still haven't taken the time to practice getting consistent exceeds - and if the system is even more finicky than usual due to the timing constantly changing due to the massive hitstun when fighting groups… I’m good, man.
The two tiered berserk system is kinda fun; aesthetically, I’m here for the big dumb Kill la Kill-lookin Baneful Blood forms. But between the fact that it triggers automatically and not on-command, and the fact that it’ll often run out almost immediately because it triggered right before you need to sprint down a sewer pipe for 30 seconds (a common occurrence in this game), it feels pretty half baked.
I will say, I was surprised and impressed by how good some of the boss fights are, though. The game’s enemies are largely either hapless potatoes or frustrating little bastards with poorly-telegraphed attack windups, and the larger zombie bosses follow those trends. But man, basically every fight against a sword-wielder turns into a mini-Sekiro fight. Suddenly you remember there’s a parry and a perfect dodge, and you really have to nail them and get the attack patterns down pat to make it through. While it doesn’t have anything like the posture bar, nailing the perfect dodge / parry builds your special meter real quick, so if you’re nailing every evade, the play pattern of most bosses essentially becomes a 100% uptime of your character either doing a flip or an iaido slash, which is fun as hell.
Oh, and my other big criticism of this game is that all the outfits are paid DLC. IMO if you’re making a game with this much Big PS2 Energy, it’s just way more thematically appropriate to have a bunch of stupid costumes to unlock in-game, to give the players a carrot to chase. Miss me with that paid shit.
Eh, I know this is how it goes with B games, I shouldn’t be expecting the world. I feel like lately I’m just used to finding gems in that space, so it’s a bummer to play something that’s about what you'd expect it to be. The search continues! Capcom give new Sengoku Basara pls 🥺
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lunaticobscurity · 6 months
ok, @posthumanwanderings asked me about my favourite simple 2000 games, and it'd be easier to format this as a text post than as a private message. so here it is:
vol 37: the shooting ~double shienryu~ - released in europe as steel dragon ex, this is the excellent arcade shooting game shienryu, along with a newly-made sequel. the ps1 port has a ton of weird extras, but this port has a whole sequel.
vol 50: the daibijin - released in europe as demolition girl, this is about attacking the supermodel riho futaba, who has become kaiju sized, for some reason. contains the iconic phrase "breast acquisition data". when it came out here, it had some brief infamy as one of the games unfunny hacks would play and exaggerate how bad it was, for the purposes of alleged "comedy"
vol 64: the splatter action - released in europe as splatter master, it's a cute, gory beat em up, in which you control a little pumpkin man with chainsaws
vol. 73: the saiyuutou saruden - possibly released in europe as monkey king, but i'm not sure if it actually happened. i wrote about it here
vol 81: the chikyuu boueigun 2 - released in europe as global defence force, i'm sure you all know what this is. iconic, era-defining, one of the best games on the entire ps2, not just in the simple series. i'm not joking.
vol. 95: the zombie vs kyuukyuusha - released in europe as zombie vs ambulance, it's post-apocalyptic horror crazy taxi with boss fights. you'll probably get bored after a few stages at most, but the novelty of it is compelling for a while at least.
vol. 101: the oneechanpon ~the neechan 2 tokubetsu-hen~ - the early musou-style oneechanbara games are rough to go back to compared to the more modern character action-style games, but if you're going to play any of them, this is probably the most interesting. it's got a bunch of guest characters from other simple 2000 games!
vol. 104: the robot tsukuuruze ~gekitou robot fight!~ i wrote about this one here
vol. 105: the maid fuku to kikanjuu - a beat em up where you play as a heavily-armed maid killing evil dolls and shit
vol. 112: the tousou highway 2 ~road warrior 2050~ - i wrote about this one here
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gj340 · 30 days
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these are all my onechanbara games.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Earth Defense Force 6 launches July 25 in the west
From Gematsu
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Earth Defense Force 6 will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store on July 25 in the west for $59.99, D3 Publisher and developer Sandlot announced.
PlayStation Store pre-orders are available now and include the following bonuses:
24 hours of early access to the game
Downloadable content
Reverse Core Type-N
Powered Exoskeleton Nix Metal Coat
Recruiters (Takanashi Kiara, Gawr Gura, IRyS)
Blacker No.6 (Deluxe Edition-only)
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The Deluxe Edition is priced at $89.99 and includes the following -content:
-A copy of Earth Defense Force 6
-Season Pass
--Additional Weapons
Air Raider Boarding Weapons: Eros No. 6
Air Raider Boarding Weapons: Naegling No. 6
Ranger Boarding Weapons: Free Bike No. 6
Ranger Weapons: Broken MR98 Fang
Ranger Weapons: A60 Binary Round
Ranger Weapons: Aerial Reverser M0
Wing Diver Independently Operated Equipment: Handy Saber Type 0
Fencer Weapons: OneeChanbara ORIGIN-Illustrated “Disguised Body Pillow”
Fencer Weapons: Power Blade Zero
Fencer Weapons: Proto Reflector
Strengthening Parts for Fencer: Gunner’s Exoskeleton
--Additional Missions Additional Mission Pack 1: “Lost Days” Additional Mission Pack 2: “Visions of Malice“
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Here is an overview of the game, via D3 Publisher:
Live the future of despair.
The year is 2024 AD. Mankind has won the long battle against the unknown invaders. The enemy Primers are now gone and peace has returned to Mother Earth. However, the population has shrunk to 10% and the world was on the verge of collapse. The survivors fought against the remaining threats while trying their best to continue their recovery. Three years passed in the year 2027. In a new world without hope, the time has come to once again resist the fate of the Earth.
Save the Future of Earth in the New World
The identity of the invader that has long tormented Earth is finally revealed. A chain of deep despair that strikes in a devastated world for the first time in the series…But your presence as a soldier of the Earth Defense Force will lead humanity to the greatest joy. Now you must face it with courage and wisdom.
the Largest Volume in the History of the Series / Supports Online Cooperative Play
The largest number of missions and weapons ever included. All missions support online cooperative play for up to four players. Offline cooperative play is also available in split-screen mode. Take control of four different soldier classes and fight alongside real Earth Defense Force members from across the country.
Earth Defense Force 6 first launched for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on August 25, 2022 in Japan. In Asia, version of the game with English audio and text launched for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on March 14, 2024.
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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where's that one post about being in a fandom so small that you can realistically be the #1 fan of a character. when i beat this game im going to be carrying the oneechanbara yuri community on my back
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fateroulette · 11 months
Miyamoto Musashi (Summer)
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