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jayhsketch ¡ 2 months ago
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buck x lizzie l another 911 x chicago fire
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poppadom0912 ¡ 8 months ago
The best babysitters
Warnings: Mentions of absent father but all fluff
Summary: Work prevents you from going home one night, thankfully you’ve got the best backup in Chicago.
A/N: This is being posted later than I planned. My mum was in hospital and it gave me a scare but she's all recovered now so here this is. This is in celebration of 1k, a few more will follow as my workload has decreased significantly.
This fic exists in the same world as my other fic ‘older sister’ but can also be read as a stand alone.
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You were tired.
Work was beyond busy today and your clients were being unnecessarily stressful. All you wanted now was to go home, relieve your babysitter of her duties and enjoy the night in with your daughter.
It seemed that the universe had some sort of vendetta against you though because just as you were putting the finishing signatures on the last few papers, an intern, a woman you saw earlier at reception, came running into your office slightly out of breath.
You wanted to scream.
Letting the poor intern talk, you smiled at her stiffly, dismissing her after saying you’d make your way. There was no way you could ask your babysitter to stay late for God knows how much longer, you could remember her telling you she has a lecture tomorrow morning.
Getting up from your desk, you sighed, screwing your eyes closed when you caught the time on your phone. Your sigh in defeat could probably be heard all across Chicago.
Walking out your office, the sound of your heels filled out the empty space, majority of the firm had gone home, only a few stragglers staying behind to close up on any loose ends.
Turning your phone on, you ignored the several notifications screaming for your attention and went straight to your contacts.
Your phone only rang twice before the person on the receiving end picked up.
“Hey Will, can you do me the biggest favour please… You’re a life saviour, thanks, I owe you one.”
Hanging up the phone, you stared ahead through the windows at the bustling waiting room, raised angry voices overlapping and bleeding though the walls.
You could already feel your headache intensifying.
Using his spare key, Will entered your house. Shuffling inside, he took off his jacket and shoes as usual.
Hearing the front door open, little pattering feet were immediately heard running across the house. Will smiled at the sound that he didn’t hear often due to all of your demanding jobs.
“Mama! Mama oh-“
The immense joy on Harper’s face disappeared as the nearly two-year-old rounded the corner on her little chubby legs, expecting to see her beloved mother who she missed all day only to suddenly be met with her redheaded uncle.
“Well hello to you too miss Harper.” Will smiled down at his niece nonetheless, crouching down to scoop her into his arms to which she didn’t argue and instead welcomed.
As soon as she was safe in his arms, the toothiest, giddiest smile broke out on her chubby face that was so scarily identical to yours that it could only be explained by witchcraft.
Harper giggled, such a sound making Will forget about all the horrors that stained his day from the emergency department.
“Hi!” She exclaimed, her smile remained upright and never faltered. “Hi!”
And soon after, she pressed her open mouth onto his stubbly cheek, her attempt of a kiss. Despite struggling with the tough task and all the slobber that remained on his cheek, Will’s reaction was instant and wouldn’t change for the world.
“Oh, thank you so much Harper! Uncle Will missed you tons. Look at how big you’ve grown!”
But, before Will could have all his focus solely on his adorable niece, the sound of the front door unlocking diverted his attention.
Lo and behold, Jay casually strolled in as though this was another random Tuesday.
Oh, that son of a b-
Harper’s scream that followed definitely burst Will’s eardrums.
Will winced, tipping his head away to protect his ears from any further damage before turning to glare at his brother who was taking his jacket off.
"What are you-"
"You said we'd meet at Molly's for a drink but you weren't there." Jay cut Will off, a smile on his face as he looked at Harper and spoke without looking in Will's direction. "Natalie told me you were here."
"Jay Jay's jealous Harper." Will said, his tone all factual and matter-of-fact as he looked at the toddler in his arms. "He didn't want to miss out."
Jay didn't even try to look offended or hurt by Will's remark because deep down, it was somewhat true because how could Jay let Will have all the fun by himself?
"Stop hogging her you buffoon and let me hold her." Jay told Will, not waiting for a reply as he moved forward and took Harper into his arms, the girl didn't protest nor did she willingly lean forward.
"What- Uh, I've literally been here for five minutes Jay."
"Am I your favourite uncle? I knew it!"
Following Jay’s sudden and unprompted arrival, Will dismissed your babysitter, paying her what you usually did and a little more as compensation for staying so late.
Once she had left, there wasn’t much left around the house for them to do besides turning the dishwasher on and making Harper’s nightly milks, but it wasn’t her bedtime just yet and maybe if time permitted it, Harper could stay up a little beyond her usual bedtime.
Consider it a small treat for this special circumstance without her mother implementing her strict nighttime routine.
While Will was sorting away the finals bits in the kitchen, Jay easily made himself comfortable in the living room while Harper continued to babble nonsensically, a few discernible words welcomed themselves into the mix. Jay allowed himself to take a second to relish in the moment, trying to prevent himself from having an existential crisis as he realised he was both emotional but also proud of how much she was growing.
“Dada, look look! S’ Dada!”
Moment ruined, Jay’s smile instantly fell.
Jay followed the direction of Harper’s index finger to the tv, his face hardening at the sight of the man who failed his fiancée and his baby who just turned one.
Harper's 'dad' was a television reporter and it had totally slipped his mind that this was the channel he worked for. Seeing his stupid face yap away about the news made his blood boil.
Jay changed the channel without a second thought.
Your ex fiancé had suddenly decided to leave on Harper’s first birthday, not even having the decency to at least show up at her birthday party.
A year later, and Harper still remembered the man whose name was her first word.
It devastated you still to this day what he had done and Harper’s random interjections of ‘dada’ only made the wound deeper.
“Dada isn’t here harper.” Jay said, tone as soft as it could be as he tried to explain it without her crying.
“It’s just uncle Jay and Will, and mama will be home soon.” Jay continued, holding the toddler in his lap so there was no chance of her running away crying.
Luckily, Harper was a mummy’s girl through and through, so despite the large absence of her father, simply mentioning ‘mama’ or anything akin to that made her entire face light up in a way that no one else could.
“Okay Halstead’s, listen up!” Will said as he entered the living room, phone in one and a towel in the other.
“Y/N’s saying it’s mostly likely going to be another two hours minimum so we’re most likely going to have to stay over.” Will told Jay specifically before looking down at Harper.
“You wanna get into your PJ’s Harps? Jay Jay can make you some milk.”
And despite her highly energised state, Harper would never turn down the enticing combination of her pyjamas and warm milk.
Crawling out of Jay’s lap, Harper moved towards Will who in turn of carrying her gave Jay the towel he was holding. And as much as Jay wanted to fight his brother, he knew Will had more experience with kids - i.e. Owen - and so he could gladly change her diaper.
With Will and Harper standing over him, brown eyes wide, glinting with a hidden intent Jay had become familiar with since childhood. It really wasn’t fair that you and Will both had your father’s eyes which Harper just had to inherit. Jay found himself useless and always surrendering to those goddamn eyes, even as the youngest sibling.
Whenever Jay remembered his childhood, it never made sense why the two older siblings never folded as easily when he looked up at them with the biggest, most imploring eyes. Even now, three decades later, and not a single thing had changed.
“Okay, okay! Just stop looking at me like that.” As soon as Jay spoke, the two rejoiced, their happiness still discernible even as they made their way upstairs.
“Let’s get this party started then.”
And so party they did.
Well at least according to Harper’s standards.
The night started off with warm drinks - Harper with her milk while Will and Jay spoiled themselves to the expensive coffee beans that you easily could afford but neither your brothers indulged in unless under your roof.
Following this, Harper had a short but very fun time running around with sudden newfound energy, causing as much havoc as humanly possible for anyone her size.
It was safe to say that she tired herself quite quickly.
As Jay opened himself and Will a beer, he walked back into the living room, his eyes landing on his older brother and niece, the younger scrunched up into a little ball on Will's chest. Her face completely relaxed and arms wrapped around his torso as she snored quietly.
"Now this, after today, is my kinda party."
"Amen." Will agreed, tapping his bottle with Jay's as a silent 'cheers'.
Jay settled besides his brother, both of them staring forward at the muted movie Harper randomly chose, the first she watched that didn't have any princess affiliations.
"Gosh, it feels like years since we last babysat her." Will said, a sombre but nostalgic tone lacing his words.
"It does." Jay hummed as he swallowed his beer. "We're all so busy with work we can hardly make time for each other."
Will scoffed. "I see you almost everyday, strolling casually into the ED like you own the freaking place. Who are you kidding?"
Jay rolled his eyes but agreed nonetheless.
"Yeah, we need to visit more often. Make more effort and take out the time."
The silence that followed was filled by Harpers little snores and the occasional sound of a siren blaring past in the distance.
"I'm so tired I could knock out right here on the floor."
"Don't be such a doofus, go put her down in her bed."
"Aye aye captain."
When you finally returned home three hours later, tired beyond belief. You were so close to dropping to the floor as soon as you locked the door but as you ventured into the house, you were met with the most heart warming sight.
On the floor in the living room remained your two younger brothers and your daughter. Harper was still scrunched up in a ball on Will's chest, her hand clutching his shirt while said man had his face leaning forward into her hair, his breaths causing Harper's curl to move occasionally. Jay sat besides them, hands crossed slightly on his lap and his head tipped backwards, resting on the sofa.
Even as your eyes burned with the need for sleep, you took a few pictures of the scene before you, your smile not going till your head met your pillow.
If Jay and Will woke up with sore necks in the morning, there was a very seasoned doctor in the house for a reason.
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southsideserendipity ¡ 1 year ago
drunk & disorderly (alternate ending) (Kelly Severide x Reader)
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Synopsis: Your alcoholic father shows up at the firehouse, persistent on making amends.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol abuse, violence, swearing, Kelly being protective AF <3.
Word Count: 2.7k
*This is an alternate ending for one of my imagines: drunk & disorderly. They can be read separately and in interchangeable order. Link to my master list."
“Shay, we are never drinking that much the night before a shift again. I’m so hungover” you groaned, throwing your head back in exasperation in the passenger seat of the ambulance. You were returning to the station after the first call of the day, and the pounding of your temples was exacerbated with every bump in the road. 
“Oh c’mon, Y/N, we can handle a lil hangover” she said jokingly. “Besides, wasn’t that drinking game fun?” She asked in a suggestive tone while wiggling her eyebrows. 
“I’m not sure, I can’t exactly remember last night’s events” you giggled, trying to rack your brain for a hint as to how the evening played out.
“Well, what I remember extremely vividly is you and Severide not being able to stop flirting with each other,” Shay said this without taking her eyes off of the road, but you knew she wasn’t as annoyed as she was making herself out to be. She loved the idea of the 2 people she loved the most being together. 
“I can’t confirm or deny my actions or the events that occurred last night” you led in a serious note, trying to cover up your schoolgirl crush on Severide in a playful manner.
“Oh, just fuck him already! Blame it on the alcohol!” Shay encouraged, using her hands to help communicate the message. “I know you like him, and who’s to say he doesn’t want you?” she questioned.
“I’m not sure Shay, you would know the most given the fact that you live with him, wouldn’t you? Has he said anything to you??” Turning your entire torso towards her, you suddenly become very invested in the conversation. You had made comments to Shay about how hot Severide is, but you’ve never fully expressed your interest in him.
“My lawyer says no further comment” Shay responds, zipping the imaginary zipper on her lips and throwing away the key. 
“Oh come on, Shay!! Help a girl out” you moaned in defeat, crossing your arms in front of your chest despite knowing that what the 2 roommates were discussing was private.
Shay was the person who got you and Kelly close to begin with. Being that you and she were ambulance partners, you went over to their place often, seeing him just as much as you see her. 
“He may or may not have said some things about you, but that’s all I can say!” Shay spat out the sentence, picking up the speed as it went on as if the faster she said it, the less of a chance Kelly was to somehow find out. 
“Oh, this conversation is NOT over" you responded. You weren’t ready to drop the topic anytime soon, but you had arrived back at the firehouse.
Before you could pester her with further interrogations, you saw a figure as she was pulling into the ambulance bay.
“Who is that?” Shay exclaimed, confused that someone was blocking her. 
You squinted your eyes, confident that they were playing tricks on you based on who you were perceiving to be there. Once Shay had driven as close as she could without running them over, you knew your eyes were not deceiving you. 
“My dad” you spat angrily, upset that this was your current reality; that a member of your toxic family had followed you to the one good thing in your life. 
You were both frozen in the ambulance; you, unsure how to avoid this interaction, and Shay, confused as to how she could help you. 
You got out of the ambulance and began making your way inside, pretending that your dad was an invisible man and that his presence had no effect on you. Shay followed suit. 
When you walked past him you heard him scoff, and he threw his hands up in the air, resembling confusion.
“You’re just gonna walk past me. No ‘Hi dad, how are you? Long time no see.’” You couldn’t believe what you just heard, but once you partially processed it, you decided that this was indeed your battle to pick today.
You had moved to Chicago from Toronto after applying to the academy, deciding that between your narcissistic and emotionally abusive mother, and your alcoholic dad, it was time to leave; not to run away, but to survive. 
Your older brother is a firefighter in Toronto, and you easily could’ve gotten a job at his firehouse, but you had always loved Chicago and decided to bite the bullet. 
“You have some nerve.” Slowly turning around to face him, you tried to keep yourself from seeing red. He didn’t deserve to know he got a reaction from you. “Showing up at my place of work unexpectedly and expecting me to give you the time of day.” 
“I just want to talk, Y/N.” You started hysterically laughing once you heard what he had said, the anger presenting itself through laughter. Your father was confused as to why you were reacting this way, and quite frankly, so was Shay. She had never seen you so upset.
“Get out of my firehouse. You don’t deserve to be here.”You pointed towards the street, urging him to get out of your sight. 
“Y/N just hear me out. I know I don’t deserve it but it’s been so long and I just want to be a part of your life again. Things are different now.” The pounding in your head was starting to become excruciatingly unbearable the further this conversation continued.
You could hear the sounds of squad and truck rumbling down the street and you knew that you needed him to leave before the entire house got back. 
“Yeah, things sure as hell are different, I left before I suffocated and you couldn’t give a rat’s ass where I ended up. Until today, a random Saturday morning 2 YEARS after I spoke to you last. I want you to leave, NOW. Don’t make me escalate this situation.” You were sick of people walking all over you- blood-related or not, and you weren’t going to have any of this. Especially not in front of your 51 family.
By the time you finished your spiel, truck and squad were both parked and beginning to filter out, undressing from their turnover gear.
Severide hopped out, pulling his turnover gear down to his waist. He was wearing his lieutenant shirt with suspenders, and his squad 3 baseball cap. He would make subtle glances over, not wanting to make the fact that he was eavesdropping obvious.
“I’m not going anywhere until you decide to give me another chance. Until you let me make things up to you” he pleaded, reeking of desperation. 
At this point, heads were turning to observe the interaction.
“I gave you one too many chances, and I’m done. I’m not sure how you didn’t get the hint that I wanted nothing to do with you when I moved countries, but I’m now verbally letting you know that this relationship is over.” You had thought about simply walking into the firehouse but you didn’t want to risk finding out whether he had the gall to follow you. 
At this point, a few members of 51 had filtered into the lounge, knowing that they probably weren’t meant to be listening to the conversation. Others took their sweet time getting undressed to keep an eye on the situation.
Severide was especially lingering, always having an urge to protect you against harm’s way. He didn’t know much about the situation given that you kept your past secretive, but knowing how abusive fathers can be, he stood near.
“C’mon, Y/N, you’ve always been so damn stubborn. Do you need to act like this when I’m trying to prove to you that I can be better?” Your dad was genuinely curious as to how you could be so cutthroat towards him as if his drinking didn’t ruin the first 2 decades of your life.
“I don’t think you need to prove anything to her. It’s pretty clear you’re not a part of her life and that she wants it to stay that way.” You didn’t expect to hear Kelly’s voice from behind you all of a sudden.
“Kel, it’s okay. I got this.” You felt torn between wanting him to stand up for you and telling him you can fight your own battles. He stepped closer toward you, and Shay took a couple of steps back, knowing you now had extra protection. 
“And who are you?” your father asked, not breaking eye contact with you. His hands were placed on his hips, and by his body language, it was evident that he was not leaving without a fight. 
“Lieutenant Severide of 51, and respectfully, I’m asking you to leave my firehouse” Severide stated in a calm but straightforward manner. He crossed his arms and waited intently. 
Your dad chuckled in what seemed to be astonishment while shifting his eye contact repeatedly from you to Severide. “Sleeping your way to the top; very typical of you Y/N. I thought you would’ve changed your ways by now” your dad scoffed. 
You were beyond pissed off that he was even here right now, but that comment officially made your blood boil. Thinking about what you could say in response, your dad decided to speak up once again.
“Let me ask you, how long have you been fucking my daughter, lieutenant?” He said the last word as if it was dirty. 
Kelly stepped right up to him as if he had no fears, something you wish you could’ve warned him about before doing. You were grateful your dad appeared to be sober because if he hadn’t, a brawl would’ve already broken out between them.
“Y/N has been nothing but a talented and competent paramedic with a great amount of expertise in her field. She‘s proven time and time again that she’s a necessary addition to this team, and deserves to be a part of this family- she did that all by herself, no thanks to you. Now get out of my firehouse before the chief gets back and escalates this even further.”
You were blown away by Severide’s words, unaware of his thoughts regarding your presence at 51. He managed to respond in a professional yet serious manner, and he did it with ease, seeming completely unbothered by confrontation. The two men were still face to face, and Kelly was not ready to back down for nothing and no one. 
“Whatever.” Your dad hadn’t let Kelly escape his gaze for even a millisecond. “You know, maybe I’d have a bone to pick if I came here out of my own free will. This was just part of my 12 steps. Step 9: Make amends” your dad said with a smirk.
Despite not wanting to hear your father out for anything he had to say, the fact that he was here for his benefit and not out of sincerity was your final straw.
It took you a second to even fathom the possibility that he came here for selfish reasons, but once you did, you couldn’t stop yourself. 
You lunged at him and began unleashing. “FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Now you solely saw red. While you were attempting to physically release all of your pain onto him, you felt Severide grab onto your waist and rip you off.
Your arms and legs were still thrashing about, despite him being far from your grasp. “Come here, get off of him. It’s okay.” Severide attempted to console you, but you were furious. 
“Y/N! Enough, he’s not worth it!!!” You heard Shay shouting from behind you. 
Once Severide planted you back on the floor, and you adjusted the stray hairs that had fallen all over your face, you began to catch your breath. 
“What the hell’s going on?” Casey shouted from across the apparatus, walking over with his arms out in question. “Is everything okay?” He glanced between Severide - who looked like he was about to punch a wall, his jaw clenched - and you. 
“Nothing, he’s just leaving,” you said while trying to slow your breathing and resist the urge to fight once again. 
Your father must’ve thought Casey was the chief because he put his arms up in surrender and turned on his heels. 
You abruptly turned around and raced your way into quarters as fast as you could, not comprehending what just happened.
Kelly put his hands on his hips, hanging his head low and then glanced back up toward Shay and Casey while squinting. He knew what it was like when family troubles came into the firehouse, so he felt for you. He didn’t like to see you upset, even though his feelings for you hadn’t been confessed. 
“Who was that?” Casey asked, looking between Shay and Severide as if the answer lay between them.
Meanwhile, you rushed through the doors between the apparatus bay and the inside of the firehouse heading straight for the bathroom. 
Everyone sitting in the lounge immediately shot a glance toward you but didn’t interrupt- you were evidently on a mission, the anger you felt putting a fire under your ass.
You entered the closest stall and closed the lid, taking a seat. The second you did so, the tears automatically began to flow, anger quickly evolving into sadness. 
You heard light taps on the stall, not even realizing someone had walked in. “Y/N?” None other than Severide. 
“I’m good Kel, I promise. I’ll be out soon” you said, trying to keep your voice from quivering. You didn’t want the man you had a crush on to think you’re a damsel in distress who needs saving. 
“Let me in, Y/N. Please.” You think he meant this literally and figuratively. He knew you were lying through your teeth when you said you were okay. “If you don’t want me to come in that’s fine, I’ll stand outside the door, but I’m not leaving you by yourself.” The door jolted and you could tell he was leaning against it, making himself comfortable.
You knew he wasn’t going to leave, given his stubborn character, so you dried up your tears as best as you could with 1-ply toilet paper and unlocked the door. 
He stood up and turned around to face you noticing that your eyes were puffy and your face was red. 
Kneeling between your legs, he looked up at you grabbing a hold of your chin. 
“Are you okay?” He asked intently, scanning your face for any hints of distress.
“I just wasn’t expecting it, Kel. 51 is my only family and I don’t want him to jeopardize that…” Severide urgently nodded in agreement, a sympathetic look on his face. “He won’t” he stated matter o’factly. “I’ll make sure of it.” He was determined to keep you away from your father.
“I’m worried he’s gonna turn back up here, or worse, get you in trouble. It’s not worth you going to the review board because my idiot father reported what happened.” You looked down at him through wet eyelashes, upset that you indirectly put him in this situation.
“He was the unwanted visitor at the firehouse, and everyone can vouch for that. It’s his word against multiple others.” You nodded in hesitant agreement, not fully convinced by his statement. 
“Stay at Shay and I’s for a couple of days, maybe reach out to your brother and see if he knew about him coming here. Or if you wanna stay home, I could get Jay to assign a covert car to your street.” Severide offering you options and comforting you is what you didn’t know you needed.
He looked up at you, glancing between each of your eyes while you attempted to make a decision. 
“Yeah, I’ll stay with you both. If that’s okay” you responded, sniffling the leftover snot in your nose after finally calming down. Just being in his presence lowered your blood pressure.
He nodded his head. “You good to go back out?” He slowly got up and held out his hand for you to take. 
“Thank you, Kel, seriously.” As soon as you stood up, you engulfed him in a hug, the combination of his natural scent and cologne flooding your nostrils. 
He rubbed your back up and down, his chin resting on the top of your head. He kissed your head then said, “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart.” 
Hey everyone! I no... long time no chat :( I've had this in my notes for a while and thought I'd post it while I write up some other stuff. I haven't watched the new season's episodes yet, so maybe that'll help the creative flow! I hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the new year :) Again, here is a link to my master list!
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sailingfireshipz ¡ 3 months ago
I'm pinning this post & we'll revisit on January 29th.
Ok yall let me HEAR your theories on who is trapped honey!! I have THOUGHTS & a really juicy one at that.
Hmmmm, give me S2 Chicago Fire/Med backdoor pilot when bombs went off at Lakeshore & Gabby was trapped. Casey crawling through debris to get to her.
Give me S5 finale (i believe) when Gabby was outside & Casey was trapped & he thought he wasn't going to make it out. "You're my miracle, Gabby." I am tearing up just thinking about it.
Give me STELLA KIDD trapped & Kelly Severide going absolutely bonkers on the outside trying to get to her. Ohhh, the script, the material, THE EXECUTION.
Like this crossover could literally make the first half of this season just go away for me honestly 🙃
My top picks for the 2 trapped are Stella & Violet 🙂
Yeeeea, cause what's better than one hopeless man pinning after the love of his LIFE!!!!? TWO. Yup yup I need that!
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anhandfulgirl18 ¡ 1 month ago
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CHICAGO FIRE 13.09 -> Violet and Sam bickering like a married couple (but they're not even a couple and it hurts)
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elliegoestodownton ¡ 1 month ago
I absolutely love Burzek and Stellaride and can't wait to see them in the crossover. But, let's be honest, I am here mostly for Plouch. Spoilers from this interview under the cut (+ ramblings).
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We're getting Plouch drama! OMG! I am so scared (even though it sounds Trudy will be ok ultimately) and yet I am so looking forward to it. We have always seen them being cute with each other, but it will be great to see some tension and get an insight in their dynamics as a couple. This is something I've always wanted to see more of, but we never got the chance to (partly for obvious, logistical reasons). I think the only tension we've ever seen is the episode in which Severide is arrested and Mouch does a bit of a shitty thing by emotionally blackmailing Trudy. But then everything was fine, even though I bet it wasn't. I wanted to see the aftermath of that! Anyways, we're getting something here.
I'm also hopeful about the part re: the emotional impact on Trudy. Does that mean that the potential big projects for her in the second half of the season will be related to this? I hope so. I hope this is not something that's going to be brushed under the carpet and that we will be able to see the toll this traumatic event had had on her.
And I love that they acknowledge that Trudy is the heart of it all. She truly is the heart of the district, but I think she's got an influence even beyond that. See her friendship with Cindy when she was sick. I hope we'll get to see more of the Intelligence rallying around her, especially Kim. They've had such a close relationship for years and I'm sure Kim will be super worried for Adam, but this will put a strain on her as well and I'd like to see it.
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Love that we'll get more Mouch!!!
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5021george-jayhalstead ¡ 2 months ago
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Jy Halstead ❤️ always
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ummm-okay ¡ 2 months ago
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sylvieamaros ¡ 10 months ago
Will always be thankful that Brettsey were endgame
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chicago-pd-is-weird ¡ 3 months ago
For @/stellariders, as I saw they wanted something like this to read, and it inspired me. :)
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jayhsketch ¡ 3 months ago
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They are girlfriends 🙂‍↕️
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poppadom0912 ¡ 10 months ago
Matt Casey and Wife Reader
There’s a big crash and 51 gets called out to it and they find Matt’s wife’s car in the crash all smashed up and Matt’s pregnant wife unconscious and hurt inside with their toddler son Jack who is crying. So Matt and the 51 guys do their best to save the family of their own Captain.
Warnings: Car crash, canon-typical injuries, death.
A/N: Once again, one month later. Life is not vibing right now but it's okay. I hope anyone who celebrated Eid had a wonderful time! very belated Eid Mubarak.
I hope this suffices and meets your expectations. I know this was sent ages ago and I apologise for the very long wait, I've just had zero inspiration and drive to write. This month has been very stressful with exams but please do enjoy!!
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Matt was angsty and restless ever since his 24-hour shift started. There was no reason as to why he was but no matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of the feeling. He tried sleeping it off, eating lunch and even calling you when they weren't busy, but he still felt unnerved.
Just as he was about to text you, wanting to quickly check in again, something he'd been doing much more regularly now that you were pregnant along with looking after your toddler, the bells rang.
Internally groaning, Matt tried ignoring whatever his body was trying to scream at him and rushed towards the trucks, everyone quickly getting their uniform on before jumping into their 'allocated' seats.
It didn't take too long to arrive at the scene, the mess being much larger than what they anticipated. But maybe this was good, the more work he had to do, the less time he had to himself and to contemplate on whatever was bothering him today. The scene was one large mess, cars mangled together for what seemed like miles.
Maybe this was the exact distraction he needed.
Boden began shouting orders, Kelly and him following as they too started to delegate roles between their own respective crews. With equipment in hand, everyone scattered to hopefully start minimising this massive mess. From the looks of it, several casualties were to be expected with many more injured.
Squeezing between cars, Matt looked through broken windows looking for anyone who was stuck or left behind, also keeping an ear out for any shouts of help. Only, he didn't hear anyone shouting for help, but he heard crying.
It wasn't piercing like a newborn; he knew that sound well, but it sounded like a child and that made his heart skip a beat. Ever since Jack was born, calls involving kids become infinitely worse to handle.
Running towards the crying, Matt held his breath in an attempt to hear better, but his feet suddenly came to a stop before his brain could even register what was happening.
That was your car that along with many others, was laying on its side.
Matt vividly remembered you telling him your plans for the day this morning while he got ready for work and you fed Jack. You were going to run to the office to pick up some bits before taking Jack out to the trampoline park with some of his friends and other mums.
Apparently, you never made it to the park.
The crying continued and everything came crashing down on him. It wasn't just any crying, he recognised it easily now that he was closer.
Rushing forward, Matt ignored the broken glass and dropped to his knees as he looked for his family.
He saw you first. Your eyes shut, blood trailing down your forehead, head slumped to the side and seatbelt digging into your body that sat unmoving.
He then looked in the back where the crying hadn't stopped, Jack's eyes screwed shut as he wailed, the occasional 'mama' audible between cries.
"Jack. Daddy's here Jack." Matt forced out, his throat constricting at the sight of his hurt family. First things first, he had to get Jack settled and out the car before he could get you out. "Jack, it's me."
His crying calmed down, eyes peeling open as his crying slowly eased when he found his father.
"Are you okay Jack? You hurt anywhere baby?" Matt asked, easily taking apart the door and getting in besides the car seat.
"Daddy." Finally having one of his parents with and responding to him, Jack started to cry again, making grabby hands towards Matt as his words went through one ear and out the other.
"It's okay. I've got you now." Matt cooed, unbuckling from his car seat and before he could do anything, Jack launched himself into his dad's open arms.
A small oof was forced out of Matt from the sudden force of Jack catapulting into him. But he tightly wrapped his arms around his toddler nonetheless, his chest somewhat lighter with his boy safe in his embrace.
"Matt, is that- oh shit." Kelly swore as he rounded the car, eyes going wide as he saw father and son.
"I'm taking him to Sylvie." Matt started, holding out Jack for Kelly to take so he could jump out of the car that was still on its side and creaking with every movement he made. Without another word, Kelly took his godson and waited for Matt to get out before handing him back over.
"I'm waiting on Cruz and Violet." Kelly said, his eyes remaining on the father and son duo, both of their arms wrapped tightly around the other in fear of being separated again. "We've got Y/N, I promise."
Matt didn't even bat an eye when his best friend made a promise, one of which they were never allowed to make as first responders.
With another glance at your unconscious body, Matt held his breath as he stepped away, his heart constricting when Jack realised what was happening, trying his best to not crumble at his toddler's cries for his mama who wasn't responding to him.
Somehow, Jack came out of the crash relatively unharmed besides the few cuts and bruises. He was for sure to be sore for the rest of the week. You however, your physical state was harder taking into account your pregnancy and they could only do so much in an ambulance.
It took them some time, but they had gotten you out safely, laying down still unmoving on a backboard. There were two of you but only one of him and with the way Jack was gripping his uniform jacket, there was no way he could leave, especially when he'd whimper at any movement he made, in hear his father would leave him alone.
Boden had dismissed him from the scene, giving him the permission to ride in the same ambulance as you, Jack not once letting go of him.
The hospital was in its usual disarray but Matt's concern was so high for you and your unborn child that he didn't even bat an eye at all the doctors and nurses running around ragged.
Natalie had seen you immediately, wasting no time in checking your physical state before scanning your stomach.
Matt could've cried when Natalie confirmed there was absolutely no harm caused besides whatever had been inflicted upon you.
After a few more checks and tests, Natalie turned to him with an understanding smile.
"She most likely has a concussion, some bruises that will definitely be sore for few weeks but nothing internal or severe."
Matt sighed in relief, his entire body deflating as he slumped back in the chair, Jack moving with him from his now permanent position in Matt's lap.
"You can go sit with her."
And so he did without any further prodding.
Walking back into the room, Matt looked your unconscious figure over, confirming with his own eyes that everything was indeed fine and you were in fact healthy.
Manoeuvring the sleeping toddler in his lap, Matt sat down and placed your hand in his. His fingers gently caressing the scars and scratches on your hands, knuckles raw and red from the sudden impact.
Closing his eyes, Matt lightly pressed a kiss into Jack's hair, his eyes stuck on you.
His little family were all safe and with him here where he wouldn't let them out of his sight. If his throat got tight and his eyes watery, glistening in the bright hospital lights, no one saw.
No one would blame a man who almost lost all his family before he could even meet its final member.
Matt sniffled, shaking away such unnecessary deprecating thoughts. You were all here now, unharmed for the most of it, and you were back with him. That was all that mattered.
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sailingfireshipz ¡ 3 months ago
STELLARIDE NATION!!! Happy Stellaride Day!!!!
MAKE SOME NOISE & reblog this with ONE of your favorite STELLARIDE gifs!!!!! 😍
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anhandfulgirl18 ¡ 1 month ago
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elliegoestodownton ¡ 2 months ago
You know who could make a surprise guest appearance during the crossover? DC Boden!
Expanding under the cut due to spoilers.
We know that the crossover will deal with people being trapped underground due to some sort of explosion, potentially connected to a series of attacks. And Gwen Sigan has described it as a sort of Avengers type of event (can't find the link to the interview but I have seen screenshots circulating).
I've seen a few speculations around, but the one that would really make sense would be Boden. We always knew he would come back as a guest at some point and this is exactly the kind of huge crisis that would require the DC to step in and coordinate, right? We've got CFD working to get people safe from underground (and one of them is someone he's close to) and that may require lots of units, Med people are involved and so is the PD. And it's not just an isolated case but a series of attacks. If you ask me, I'd want the DC there, especially as Boden is not a desk-type of guy but more of a hands-on on the ground leader.
Might be wishful thinking but it would be great to see him make an appearance for sure.
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5021george-jayhalstead ¡ 2 months ago
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Some young Jay Halstead, just because...
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