#One piece discussion
ohnomyhooves · 28 days
I’m under the firm belief that the reason doffy and law (two characters who by all means do not seem to flinch from murder especially on matters of vengeance and betrayal) refuse to kill eachother is a matter of reverence and longing for cora.
Doffy is his beloved brother as much as he is his murderer and to kill him is to kill the one person with the most memories of him.
Law is his final act and his heart (in a funny) was as much as law is the final reason for betrayal and separation.
For that alone law and doffy were always gonna be doomed to a world where they cannot accept the other is gone from it and will always orbit eachother in a way but I think there is just as much to be said about their own personal connection as there is to be said about theirs with Cora. I think doffy and law are well aware they are eachothers road not traveled and are disgusted and jealous and understanding in equal measures.
I definitely have the belief that the reason Law and Doflamingo do not kill each other (when there has been opportunity on both sides) is because they see each other as their last remaining link to Corazon, but you worded this so much better than I could've.
Doffy has several great opportunities to kill Law with his own hands and yet he doesn't– even when he says he believes executions should be carried out by gun and shoots him, he sort of, like, misses? He's at such a close range that he surely would hit several vital spots if he wanted to and yet it was almost like he deliberately avoided them. The scene where he fires at Law repeatedly is so strikingly similar to how he executed Corazon, except Law didn't die from it...I can't help but think it was deliberate, and the whole thing was more about Doflamingo getting his anger and frustration out than a final intent to kill and end things for good. And on Law's part, he never intended to kill Doffy himself; his whole plan was on the basis that Kaido would do something about it instead. This probably means he was accepting of someone else killing him, open to the idea of a world without him, just so long as he wasn't the one to do it? Like, sure, Law knew who he was picking a fight with and the main reason was because he didn't think they could succeed at taking him down themselves, but I do wonder if part of the reason for him to try this roundabout route was finding the idea of bringing an end to Corazón's bloodline with his own hands unpalatable.
On that note, I wonder if Law had thoughts about Doffy possibly having been important to Corazon on a personal level more than he knew of and this contributed to it...after all, when Cora tells Law that Doffy won't kill him because they're brothers, he believed it, and for him to have believed it, he should've seen some human connection between the two before. Not to mention that he heard Doffy say himself that he wouldn't forgive anyone who hurt his brother. That speaks to a deeper connection, doesn't it, even if that's more on Doffy's end? Hmm. Much to think about. I don't think Law would've liked entertaining the idea but given how much he thinks about Corazon and his past it's probably something that crossed his mind anyway.
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misslovasstuff · 7 months
so mad they didn't animate Pudding's eyes blue... like come on... the 'I find the all blue in your eyes' and 'I could drown in your eyes' and all the corny stupidly romantic things Sanji could say ughhhhhh
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naiitiel · 11 months
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Cinematic parallels...?
I was rereading one piece and. This HAS to mean something, right?
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Me in the past: Man, I really don't like that Oda drew trans and gay people as comical characters.
Me today realizing that if Oda didn't draw them to be "silly" he couldn't have included queer, non-binary, and trans people to begin with or One Piece would have been canceled in Japan, so he drew them comically but gave them great character attributes, both strong as people, and in power, defying the world governments norms, which is a big fat poke at society itself in Japan where gay people are either ostracized or fetishized:
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(Really though I learned a lot about modern Japanese culture in regards to lgbtq+ characters in mainstream or shonen anime. It's a tightrope Oda walks just to have Yamato and Kiku state that they are a man and a woman in the manga, and that he himself can't come straight forward and say, "Yeah they're trans." To whom it matters, his message is clear, but vague to the rest of the world. Like, Oda could be quite literally risking his life to say it flat out. The media culture in each country is different, and it's a lot stronger in Japan. You don't just get cancelled on Twitter.)
So thank you Oda, for giving us Bon Clay and Ivankov. Even if the rest of the world laughs and ignores the actual words the characters are speaking, we get it.
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pirateandie · 10 months
does anyone know any like maybe one piece discord servers?? or even like zosan or smt?? or does anyone js want to be friends because none of my current friends want to watch one piece . im all alone in this brainrot
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roydeezed · 1 year
Luffy's defining characteristic is his deep empathy in the context of his desire for freedom
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Wordy title? Yeah. But it expresses the point I want to get to pretty succinctly. I saw a post the other day that said Luffy was selfish. I don't know how I feel about that. I really don't think he is that selfish. Yeah, he's selfish about meat and having fun. But I don't think that's his defining characteristic. It feels like an uncharitable read of him that doesn't take into account his worldview that everyone deserves freedom. Though that reblog about him being lonely is an amazing catch. I'm glad someone else caught that moment in the flashback cause I thought I was going crazy thinking Luffy had a deep trauma relating to his loneliness.
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I think there's a lot to talk about there, including a theory as to Luffy's core motivations which involves Impel Down, Incarceration and forced labour of some sort but we'll get to that later down this post. I normally don't like arguing or refuting people's takes, which is why I didn't do this through a reblog, but thinking about why that take sat wrong with me helped me to reconcile Shank's whole persona, prompting me to make this post. But to do that, me, as the authour of this post, and you, as the reader, need to get on the same page about my long held beliefs on Luffy's defining charecteristic and motivation. And I'll go into that below the "Keep reading".
To start off with, we need to establish some common ground. First, let's start off with something quite simple to accept. And that's the fact that Luffy is kind. He will fight for the weak and hates seeing injustice. One of my favourite early stories is the Orange Town arc and the bond Luffy forms with Chouchou.
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He understands people's(also read as animal's when applicable) emotions and gets upset when they're mistreated. So much so that he fights on behalf of people that can't fight for themselves. But only after they've resolved to fight. After Chochou loses to Mohji and Richie, Luffy fights them.
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After Luffy defeats them, we get a soft moment between the two of them where he acknowledges Chouchou's effort, his love and his treasure. It chokes me up everytime but it's such a great distillation of Luffy's character.
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This is why the label of selfish, even in the context that he selfishly wants to be nice, falls so flat for me. Luffy cares for people. He understands people(and once again, read as animals when applicable, it's just not as punchy you know what I mean?). He goes out of his way to care for them. Luffy has such a great emotional intelligence that he's able to understand when people are hurt, what's holding them back, and when they lie to themselves. For example, Sanji's dream was to go to the All Blue, but due to his obligation to Baratie, he couldn't leave. So what does Luffy do?
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He destroys the physical metaphor for the mental block his friend has, not only to remind him that Baratie is just as much the people as the place, including Sanji himself, but also to unanchor him from the spot he's been rooted in so long, both physically and mentally. Oda does this time and time again, beautifully melding emotional concepts with their physical manifestations.
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But Luffy understands one more thing. He can't fight these battles for them. He can show them the way. He can destroy things if it will help them come to a certain conclusion. But he won't make the decision for them. Because they need to do that themselves. They need to choose to fight. They need to choose to change. It's the most important thing to him. Not only the freedom to be unmoored from restrictions. But the freedom to choose either life. It's why he doesn't fight on their behalf until they ask him to.
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He'll stop them from hurting themselves.
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And he'll admit how much less he knows than them. About how little right he has to make a decision for them.
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And he'll wait for them to make the decision. To ask for help.
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Unlike animals, who he chooses to help when they choose to fight, for people he needs to hear it from their mouths. And then he seeks to understand the best way to help them. This is not the act of someone who is selfish. This is someone who respects choice and the dignity of being able to choose.
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With Nami, once he understood what trapped her, her obligation to her people, the years of work she's done as a navigator, and all that Arlong was, Luffy set out to free her one by one.
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Her obligation, and all that Arlong has done, Luffy could erase with beating Arlong. But her years of servitude, the crushing weight of incarceration? The feeling that comes with being used?
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The only way Luffy could get rid of that was to destroy the place that kept her prisoner.
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One Piece has very consistent and solid themes about how institutions, when granted power by the threat of violence, subjugates and restricts the freedom of the citizens it was meant to aid. We see that with the World Government, and places like Impel Down. On a smaller level, Oda shows us this threat through people like Arlong. They become like institutions and every action they take becomes one of restriction. Very rightfully, Oda shows that incarceration is one of the most dehumanising and soul shattering things that can be done to someone. The very place of Incarceration holds a power over the incarcerated. I'm sure if distilled enough, those statements can be ground up into something pithy enough to be an overarching theme, but I'm trying to make a point here so let's stick with my unwieldy lingo. Besides we all know if One Piece had a theme, it would be that Afro Power trumps all. I mean look at Brook, my guy survived dying. Also, Gaimon and Yasuie both had afros... We'll put a pin in this. But this is important. Back to the main point. Objects and places serve as anchors, the equivalent of handcuffs on a prisoner. That's why Luffy does this.
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And this.
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And this.
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And this.
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We see in Nami's reaction how much this all means to her. Her overwhelmed look as Luffy frees her from the weight and hold Arlong Park had on her.
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These are the actions of a fundamentally kind person. One who believes that everyone deserves to be free. One who has the empathy to realize that it's a hard choice to pursue. And one who will unselfishly do his best to make it so that those that do choose to ask for help, get it. One who seeks to understand the pain of other's and how best to help them. The reason we see him choose to help people is because they've chosen to ask for help first.
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Luffy understands that everyone deserves the dignity of freedom. Or more accurately, everyone deserves to be at a place where they can choose their future. It's why he doesn't begrudge Dragon or anyone for what they choose. Luffy also waits for people to ask for help because what good would freedom be if you weren't free to make the choice to pursue it. A forced decision isn't freedom to him. That's how deep his empathy runs. And that's how all encompassing his definition of freedom is. And it's the combination of this deep well of empathy and dream of freedom that drives and defines Luffy. My boy's wicked smaht(emotionally).
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That's the face of someone who cares about others. The words of someone who cares about other. Unselfishly.
That was just one instance out of many where Luffy followed this pattern. Oda is amazing at cyclical storytelling, so much so that in the twenty year plus lifespan of One Piece I believe he has created his own tropes. And that cyclical storytelling is such a powerful engine of thematic storytelling, in so many different ways, that it's hard to get into here. But the general gist is that he repeats ideas that are important. Let's take a look at this pattern of deep empathy with another Best Girl, Robin.
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We see here that Luffy comes to an understanding of what needs to happen first. It plays out in a different order but the beats are the same. And they all show his empathy.
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He destroys her shackles first. He lets her know that as long as she's with them, she'll never have to fear the World Government.
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And here's the most concrete example of his empathy. He needs to hear the words from her lips. He needs her to make the choice. And he gets her to the point where she's free to make that choice. The control the years of abuse and loneliness have on her is so intense that she doesn't even think she's allowed to wish for this, much less say it.
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(I've stopped to cry multiple times while making this. Oda has a straight line to my tear ducts. Thank Nika I'm not talking about Fisher Tiger as well) At the end of it all, one must choose to live before being free. Up until this point. Up until learning the massive weight that Robin carries, Luffy was chasing after a friend. After learning of her struggles, he realizes that he needs to help her. And he got her to the point where she could ask for help.
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I hope that, through actual textual evidence, I've demonstrated what I think Luffy's core characteristic, his empathy, and core motivation, his dream of freedom, are. Now we get into some of the more speculative points that build off of this foundation. We'll start with my take on Luffy's past and then explain what all of this showed me about Shanks.
This is going to be pretty quick. First of all, the following paragraph contain some SPOILERS up to CHAPTER 1080. Oda has time and time again made it a point to highlight a plot point of characters having to forcefully work in solitude, isolated from friends. Hell, he even made an entire arc about it that resulted in our hero only escaping because of his friends. And bringing up that cyclical storytelling, we've seen arcs and moments repeat. But here's two things we haven't seen yet. An Impel Down like arc and a giant flashback like the ASL flashback. And with Garp being where he is in the story, just like how Ace's death motivated Luffy's first big flashback, if something happens to Garp, we could get a flashback into Luffy's past as we still need to learn of his true dream. And based on that second picture in this post, of Luffy saying lonliness hurts more than physical pain, and Luffy's aversion to lonliness as well as his high tolerance to pain, it makes me believe that his early childhood was truly tragic, something where he was imprisoned alone and forced to work on things for his captors. Also the way he gets rid of obligations people think they have makes me feel like whatever thing he may have been forced to do, he might've felt an obligation to carry it out. If that does turn out to be the case, it would just go to show how well Luffy is characterized.
Next, talking about Shanks, I feel like Shanks has been such an enigma to me. Both in his actions and his buddy buddy relationship with the Gorosei. It wasn't until thinking about his most recent actions in the context of Luffy's desire of freedom, and how Luffy likes to get people to a place of equality where they're free to make their own choices, that it clicked for me. Shanks is in a way a reflection of Luffy. Or more likely he taught Luffy the concept of the freedom to choose and the equality in reaching that choice. Because Shanks is about equality. Maybe in the way that his desire is freedom for all but I'm not sure about that yet. More than anything, Shanks wants things to be fair. Equal. Actual Justice in a world of twisted renditions. He's a reflection of the Admirals as much as he is a reflection of Luffy.
Look at his actions. He wants Luffy to give him the hat back when they're equals. He didn't do a thing to the mountain bandits until they chose violence, letting him play in that realm as equals. Arriving at Marineford and stopping Kaido, it was all about equalizing the playing field. Stopping the navy from poaching the warriors of Wano while the recuperated, also about fairness and equality. And with the most recent example of Kid, he wanted to make sure Kid had recuperated and only attacked when he knew Kid was attacking. I can't tell yet if it comes from kindness. But what I do know is that Shanks is a reflection of Luffy meant to better highlight our boy's sense of empathy and Justice. I feel like Shanks represents what Rayliegh talked about in Sabaody, about how after seeing the One Piece they came to a certain conclusion. One that must have been based on fairness and equality. But I think the One Piece needs Luffy and his empathetic and kind viewpoint to come to a different conclusion, the right one.
If somehow, somebody's read through this whole thing and made it all the way down to the bottom, thanks for reading! And I always love talking about about the stuff I discuss here, especially One Piece so feel free to comment, ask or DM about things.
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itsmeimclown · 1 year
If you like diving into the lore of one piece and picking up on the nuances in oda's writing definitely check out the drawk show on youtube
this guy had his teacher mother, who taught english and philosophy for years, start reading one piece and man is she incredible at picking up on things
this woman has predicted so much from just the first 100 chapters alone
she predicted that Luffy was a god, among other things
it's a crazy good podcast-like discussion that picks apart things in one piece I never even thought about until now
please I'm begging you to listen to it
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the-bejeesus · 6 months
I've made a new video. This one's less along the lines of a video essay and more like a discussion.
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Here are the questions I and my colleague have been trying to answer for a while now. I want to know everybody's opinion.
1) Since Law can control *everything* in one of his rooms, could he split a person from their devil fruit power?
2) If Law *could* separate a devil fruit power from its User, would he be able to permanently destroy it and if so, would the fruit regrow or be lost forever?
3) Where are the powers "stored" (for a lack of better word)? Brooks power must reside in his soul, right? Since his soul stays active and alive when separated from his body. But if every power is in the soul, shouldn't they also take their powers with them, when Law switches their bodies? Thus, shouldn't Chopper's body be in full animal form instead of in hybrid form, when his soul isn't there? Or does it depend on the devil fruit? Are Logia and Zoan powers perhaps stored in the body because that is what they affect, while Paramecia powers reside in the soul?
4) Since Brook can't die, does that mean he was the first person to ever eat the Yomi Yomi no Mi?
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numberonepartyboy · 4 months
one piece is cool and i love to interact with the community on different platforms but it means that you also need to share space with the most unfunny and bigoted people you've ever talked to that foam at the mouth that you can read characters from a queer perspective and think that the guy who thinks and talks of himself as a man is A MAN and how dare you read this manga as a political when the literal main character over threw the government many times
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mamamittens · 2 years
How to (try to) escape a yandere in One Piece
Okay, so an old ask keeps popping up in my head so I might as well address it semi formally and out loud, yeah?
The problem with One Piece characters as yanderes is that the world is so batshit nearly every character could canonically be yandere as it stands. And you'd be fucked several times over a majority of the time.
Safest yanderes to escape from?
Your average civilians with little to no 'bigger' friends. I'm talking folks like Makino. Maybe they know someone that would be willing to help but the distance and relative difficulty getting a hold of them gives you an amazing headstart and without a lot of evidence you can safely assume you're getting away baring terrible luck. Average fishmen and mermaids, as well as minks or any other more exotic species counts here too with the added benefit that they can't afford to travel in certain areas without being sold as slaves (as terrible as it is).
Tricky but maybe not impossible?
Average marine and pirate. Your small fry background characters not imbued with special abilities or strong devil fruit powers. They could get a leg up by allying themselves with a stronger marine/pirate just sadistic/amused enough to entertain their crush to track you down but it's unlikely they'll put all their resources into it. Marines could put a bounty on your head, Which makes things more difficult, but unless they can get enough sway they're basically just getting you arrested and locked away out of their reach. Which if you ran away you probably won't see too much of a problem with. More well connected members of other species are also here as long as they're small fry that can't quite overpower more... Greedy interests.
Yikes my guy, I think you might be screwed here.
Smaller pirate crews/captains with a good amount of heft to their name but not really warlord or yonko status. As well as Marines under more unhinged superior officers that like them or can be convinced how important it is you're 'rescued'. Like, Coby or the Hearts pirates before they allied with Luffy and co. There are still options, they're probably busy with more pressing matters than the apple of one of their member's eyes (though the captain is another question) so you can probably get a good distance away. With enough dedication you might even succeed at disguising yourself forever. World's a big place but... If they spot you once it's unlikely you'll get the chance to run away again. So uh... Make it count yeah?
RIP to you, the clock is ticking and I hope brief freedom was worth it.
Uh, about any of the big pirate crews and I'd say warlords, admirals and up, as well as yonkos go here. This includes the Strawhats but double cause they're tenacious and very willing to help each other out with a lot of friends to help do it. While not... Strictly impossible to get away or even necessarily impossible to stay 'gone' you're going to need some big strings to pull it off. I'm talking fade away to obscurity on a random island in bum-fuck-nowhere-(insert random blue here) kinda gone. And travel in OP in a right bitch so you better be quick and determined. Or at least faster than your yanderes' fastest friend. Certainly don't run to known friends, unknown allies, or any family no matter how removed.
Possible escape routes? Deep and secretly with rival crews/organizations and hope they don't learn about it cause they won't give a shit about wrecking hell to get to you then. Amazon Lily if you're a woman and hope it doesn't get out cause unless Boa Hancock is also yandere for you, she likely won't risk her whole island your one person. And I wouldn't recommend it if your yandere is Luffy cause then you're either dead or just going right back to his side. If you're running from a marine, world noble, or celestial dragon the Revolutionary Army is a pretty good bet. Just hope tricky politics doesn't mean you get cut loose too (or an RA member gets a little too fond of you as well). Reverse if your yandere is part of the RA and hope they don't manage to track you down with their information network.
Are you sure you actually got away or is this just a game of cat and mouse for them?
If the yandere is strong and capable of independent travel under their own power they probably go here. Jinbe, Marco, Ace, (a few others with powers or devil fruits that make traversing the seas alone not only possible but a breeze) and probably highest ranking Marines. Even without using allies and friends your odds are getting dicey. How you escaped is a miracle and unlikely to happen twice. I'm not even sure you actually got away unnoticed to start with. This might be a 'game' to teach you how impossible it is to leave the yandere in question. The moment you're in danger (possibly just after it if they're sadistic) or exhausted and pathetic they'll sweep in and carry you back 'home'.
With an incredible amount of luck you could get away. But if they got this far in OP they're probably hella stubborn and determined. So even as the years go by, they won't forget you. But they'll sure as hell remember what you did. One wrong move... One bad stroke of luck... And that's it. If even a friend of a friend sees you and opens their mouth, you're liable to come back home to see them chilling in your living room scowling at the lackluster accommodations. They probably won't understand why you ran away.
But they'll certainly put in the work to make you understand why you never should have left.
The 'X' factor that may make it better or worse when you try and leave.
Naturally, depending on their temperament, they may take your leaving.... Better? A little? Delusional will convince themselves you were just so scared! You didn't understand! This of course adds a bit of desperation to their actions and may lead to more severe restrictions until you get it through your silly head that you're safer with them. It does mean that they won't check the more 'dangerous' escape routes first because there's no way you really know what you're doing... This train of thought won't last long though. More sadistic yanderes will relish the excuse for punishment--arguably its more important than ever that you disappear really well because retrieval won't be a gentle process. Level headed yanderes will likely think through your actions. Might even understand... But except for very rare circumstances, you're not likely to just be let go. They need you... Just like you need them (and you'll understand eventually that they're right).
One Piece is just the definition of 'the world feels a hell of a lot smaller when it counts'. The only real barriers are politics and the sea. So if they can bypass one or both your escape routes dwindle quickly. Lack of communication between islands only goes so far when there's a lot of movement between them. And a clever enough pirate can abuse the system to locate you faster than you think.
By all means you should strive for freedom but... It's better to be mindful about how far you'll need to go once you realize the situation you're in before acting recklessly. If you were caught once you can be caught again.
And if uh... You 'left' with something you better hope they didn't know about it beforehand. I don't see that going over well. Just... Add a little timer to your escape plan cause they probably had more eyes on you than you think.
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nerdyshy · 1 month
Hypothetically if I was in the one piece world I'd trust a pirate over the world Gov't or a marine 🤷🏾‍♀️
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miraclemarimo · 10 months
what's the most incorrect assumption you had about one piece before watching/reading it?
i'll go first: i thought nami was just eye candy and didn't do anything important
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edens-serigala · 2 years
can you imagine the constant debate happening between the older straw hat members and watching the younger ones grow up? cuz even sanji and zoro just baaaarely stopped being children, legally, can you imagine the difficulty that would come with watching them make their fumbles as they grow into adults?
like franky and jinbe wanting so badly to step in and give their advice, whilst robin and brook are insistent that it would be better for them to learn on their own, it would be more natural and meaningful to experience life, as opposed to having their hands held and being lectured to about it.
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 11 months
One Piece Chapter 1097 - Ginny; Thoughts, Discussions and Speculations
Cover Page:
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I gotta start off by saying, Kuma is HIM. I don't usually use the word gigachad but like. Kuma is genuinely the definition of a chad. EVEN HIS CHIN IS THE GIGACHAD CHIN. The way he carries everyone on his back without second thought has genuinely been so awe inspiring throughout this entire backstory.
The Themes and Narratives Surrounding Kuma:
Also, not to mention, his character seems heavily inspired by Jesus. He has heavy Christian themes surrounding him, he lives in a church, and he uses his fruit to take upon himself the pain of other people. I wonder if his story is gonna be a parallel of Jesus' life... (Perhaps Kuma carries the pain of all the Straw Hats like a cross??? WHAT IF HE REVIVES AFTER DEATH??? If that's the direction Oda is going with his character then I can't contain my excitement.)
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The panel of Kuma taking on THE SAME AMOUNT OF PAIN THAT ZORO TOOK, LITERALLY EVERY WEEK makes the entire incident at Thriller Bark so much more impactful than it already was.
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I'm especially curious about the "Hands of Liberation" remark... do y'all think that perhaps there are Devil Fruits which serve as accompaniments to the Nika fruit? Because some of the fruits are clearly more relevant to the entire Joyboy narrative than others... (Imagine if there were several God fruits, which bring different Gods into the same universe... Like Jesus, Zeus, Krishna, Allah and so on. That would be super cool for me idk 😭).
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I think that Kuma's character could go in two or three directions. He could reach egghead and stop Saturn with the stored up pain, killing himself in the process. He could awaken his fruit and restore the deleted Bonney memories, while becoming a God himself. He could also just show up to disperse the Straw Hats again, like he did at Sabaody. OR HE COULD pilot the giant robot which reacted to Joyboy's heartbeat and wreck all the Marines at Egghead.
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The Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Dragon and Ginny:
We got a lot about Dragon in this chapter too. We now know that he was a young marine at one point, before he got disillusioned and left. So Garp did actually get his son to join the Navy? This actually strengthens my belief that Akainu and Dragon were buddies back in the day. Like really good ones. Akainu, to this day, is still extremely fixated on Dragon. His sole obsession at Marineford was to kill the person he repeatedly referred to as "Dragon's son".
Another interesting thing is that 22 years ago, Dragon did not have his face markings. He did have them 14 years ago, though. Could the markings have something to do with the birth of Luffy? I genuinely can't fathom how he got those marks. Something leads me to believe that it has something to do with Shandora and Skypiea, but I have literally nothing to back that up 😭😭😭.
22 years ago:
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14 years ago:
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Also, I just LOVE the budding romance between Kuma and Ginny. It's a very cute relationship, which is also tragic in some ways. It's sad to see that Kuma is hesitating to be with a girl he loves because he remembers the persecution that his Buccaneer father had to face and doesn't want to let that repeat. I hope they're able to get together before the inevitable tragedy strikes though 😭😭😭.
I do still think that there's a possibility that Ginny is Bonney, instead of Bonney being the child of Ginny and Kuma. Kuma marrying Ginny at this stage, while being a pastor, just doesn't feel right to me personally.
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OKAY THANKS IF YOU ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO READ THROUGH THIS ENTIRE THING. Tell me some cool theories of your own regarding Kuma and Ginny (or even Dragon). I love theorizing even though I know my theories are too subpar for Oda to incorporate 😭😭😭. Here's a random Ginny panel cuz she looks cute here.
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vilemint · 1 year
Guys, guys, Im about to say something that most won't agree with.
But I think the Ope Ope no Mi is on the same tier as Gomu Gomu no Mi. If not then a tier above that.
The Drums of Liberation is Luffy's heartbeat right?? (Assuming so)
But Law can just come in and *POP*
No more Heart.
Law could hold the Drums of Liberation in his bare fucking hands and I think we're all underestimating it's potential here.
And who's to say that that's the reason why Black Beard wants his fruit so badly.
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