#One day I will learn how to be succinct but today is not that day
hestzhyen · 3 months
A Dubiously Useful Character Investment Advisory
Hello internet void... I present this "should I invest in [KB character name]" ramble to you because writing a bunch of gibberish is the only way I know how to understand what I'm thinking about and why.
Seriously though. I usually don't get invested in characters outside of the MC and the folks with him at the start and I'm in uncharted territory here. In an attempt to understand my own deranged thoughts, this will be like that "stock report" that floats around on the subreddit (albeit with far less entertainment value). Starting in order of appearance, skipping dead fodder and obvious bit characters. Note: spoilers for Chapter 40 came out while I was writing this but I'm not going to include them. I am pleasantly surprised by a few things I guessed at though.
More under the cut! But maybe spare yourself instead.
Chapter 1 Kunishige: safe (major). He's dead as a door nail and that won't be changing corpse/spirit reanimation via sorcery to make Chihiro suffer not withstanding. Safe if you like dead goofy dads. His presence has been felt quite strongly despite his absence, which makes sense since his murder is why Chihiro is out kagurabachi'ing all over the place. Every flashback to him is another gut-punch contrast between Chihiro's happier days and his current self, used mostly to help us understand Chihiro's current mindset (and get us emotional because of course). He will keep showing up so we can learn more Chihiro's past self compared to his present, and later on, he'll be a key figure in whatever arc gets into the history of the Seitei war. I'm not ready for whatever Hokazono-sensei has planned but I await it with baited breath.
Chihiro: safe (major). Duh. He has suffered, is suffering, and will continue to suffer, since the story is all about him. Shiba: safe (major). Introduced in Ch. 1 first as an old friend of Kunishige's, then more formally in Ch. 2 as Chihiro's guardian, main support system, and a suspiciously strong fighter. He's our first foil for Chihiro and provides some much-needed levity early on. Shiba's also our main insight into the wider world so far and has connections to the Kamunabi that will keep paying dividends based on how the story's been going. Also Chihiro's strongest (living) connection to his dad and the person who understands him best. There's a lot more to discover about him too (his sorcery power and his past; especially his connection to Azami, Kunishige, and the Seitei war). Only risk is him dying to motivate/further traumatize Chihiro at some point once his plot-relevant PoV is no longer needed. But that's probably a long way off if it even happens at all.
Hishaku sorcerer: risky (minor). The first Hishaku guy we meet is still unnamed and has not been seen since he appeared in a foreboding panel hinting at some nefarious behind-the-scenes plotting. He'll probably come back up as an antagonist in a future arc but he's got henchman vibes since we've met the leader and it's not him. He's the only murderer whose face we've seen so far too.
Chapter 3
Hinao: safe (minor). Our informant and coordinator! The convenient logistical miracle lady! She might be in mortal peril from time to time due to her association with Chihiro and Shiba (RIP Cafe Haru Haru) but she'll stick around to provide exposition and babysit Char and such.
Char: safe (minor). Ultimate woobie and the convenient method for Chihiro et. al. to cheat death when they're inevitably on the run. Her arc was a great way for us to see Chihiro's deeply empathetic and protective nature, and she herself deserves ALL OF IT. She's also our introduction into the underworld that features very prominently going forward, as well as a primer on sorcery and how the enchanted blades (especially Enten) work. Outside of in-universe utility, Char exists to be a permanent way to to soften some of Chihiro's hard edges, and a narrative device to have things explained to the audience (kids are GREAT for that). She's likely to be a background character like Hinao now that her arc is done but we've checked in on her as recently as Ch. 39 so she's not going away for good. Just staying out of the action, very reasonably. She will probably be used as someone for Chihiro to protect and nurture when she's not being cute comedic relief/emergency healing.
Chapter 5
Sojo: inadvisable (minor). The first named villain; the guy who clashed with Chihiro to show us what the rest of the world thinks of his father's work. Gave us a really good idea of what Chihiro was up against not just in the action sense but also in terms of mindset, at least when it comes to the goons that are after the enchanted blades. He died via the same type of explosion that killed Tenri and a report stated his body was accounted for, not to mention the Big Bad separately confirmed he's dead on top of that, but don't let that stop you from believing he can come back. (Basically, bank on the fact that Sojo's past was teased but never elaborated on.)
Chapter 7
Oni mask sorcerer: inadvisable (minor). Made it to the top 10 in the fan popularity poll despite being absolute fodder. At least he lived so he could show up again in the Rakuzaichi arc, for some reason. A hidden villain? I do love it when authors have a unique but seemingly unimportant background character show up a few times until they're revealed to be connected to the plot somehow. That said, probably don't invest.
Azami: safe (minor): Shows up to help Chihiro out of a pinch and to demonstrate the caliber of sorcerer that the government has on hand. He's mostly just delivered exposition and info leaks so far but he'll absolutely be a key player. Not only is he another old friend of Kunishige and Shiba's, he's how we learn about the Kamunabi. There's a ton more to unpack with him in a later arc; he's likely going to be our window into how the Kamunabi, Japanese government, and Seitei war intersected with the Rokuhira's lives (in tandem with Shiba). He's safe for now but once he's done his narrative purpose he could easily die for any number of reasons. Especially if that theory of him being the traitor is true. He's set up for a collision with Chihiro's group just by having allegiance to the Kamunabi in the first place so I'm very excited to see where that goes.
Chapter 10
Ikuto: risky (minor). He's probably going to come back when the story focuses on the Kamunabi, but it's hard to say if he'll have a prominent role or not, much less if he'll be an enemy or an ally with both of his legs missing. He'll probably live but by virtue of being sidelined by his injuries.
Kazane: safe (minor). HEAR ME OUT- Kazane is primed to be another antagonist and foil to Chihiro. He's experienced similar trauma, but he's probably going to have a very different takeaway from it compared to Chihiro if his most recent appearance is any indication. When the Kamunabi get focus he'll probably be core part of the arc and face off against our protagonist to have another clash of ideals.
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This wasn't said for nothing, after all. Can't wait to see what comes of it.
Chapter 18
Kamunabi HQ roundtable guys: risky (minor). We don't know their names yet and given KB's penchant for murderizing people with unique designs, it's not advisable to invest too much right now. Wait for a proper Kamunabi arc to see who's worth it. That said, the leader guy (long hair and beard) has shown up twice now so he might be better off than the rest.
Hiyuki: safe (major). She's gonna be the main rival through the series, I can feel it. Similar morality to Chihiro but on a different team to ensure they won't always see eye to eye, and a completely different personality to ensure that even if they do they will still clash in some way. She'll definitely have personal beef with him after the Rakuzaichi arc too. So far she's mostly been a vague threat that could be convinced to ally with Chihiro against orders, so it will be heckin' awesome to see what she does next. MORE HIYUKI PLEASE. I need this violent chaos goblin in my life. She will probably be the character that influences and pushes Chihiro the most through the story, which could make her a compelling love interest if Hokazono-sensei is interested in writing a romantic subplot. I prefer my shounen to be as light on romance as possible but I guess I won't hate it if he gives Hiyuki and Chihiro's relationship the same level of development that rivalxprotagonists usually get. Still want her to be the romantically unattached destruction demon of my dreams first and foremost though.
Chapter 19
Hakuri: safe (minor). OK. Looking at Hakuri compared to the other characters so far, he's most like Char. He gets an arc exploring his circumstances, is saved by Chihiro before paying it back in turn, and is given ties to by the narrative to stick around. (Char: orphan kid with nowhere to go and has a useful ability. Hakuri: disowned guy who can easily choose to stay with Chihiro and has a useful ability.) Labeling as safe but investment levels should be cautious until we know which path he chooses: reforming his family, or helping Chihiro full-time. So far he was Team Goldfish's "in" to the Sazanamis and the auction, fortified Chihiro's resolve multiple times, and proved Chihiro's outlook on fatherhood is the correct one to have. We also learned a bit more about the workings of spirit energy through him, which can be used again if he sticks around and trains his storehouse abilities. After all, after this he'll definitely be the storehouse for the enchanted blades. I rambled at length (>5.5k words worth combined please help I have a problem) about the importance of his emotional support so that's also an option for him. Isou might make him the Cafe Defender instead of a front line fighter, now that I think about it... as cool as it would be to see Chihiro working in "perfect harmony" with a battle partner he could easily stay a mostly solo fighter. Will be interesting to see! In essence, no more doomer for Hakuri. Even if he's not as prominent as I want him to be, he'll be sticking around. The Rakuzaichi was more his arc than Chihiro's in some ways, so I really can't complain about this feast anyway. How many hours of angst putting together this post alone just to conclude the obvious...? Don't worry about it! Don't even think about it! Don't! Fucking! AAAAAH Chapter 20
Tafuku: safe (minor). Hiyuki's main foil at the moment, the Blue Oni to her Red Oni. Her co-worker that grounds her before she ravages everything with Flame Bone and picks her up once she's exhausted herself. Will continue to show up as long as she does. (Hakuri and Chihiro would make a great Red Oni/Blue Oni pair, just sayin'...) Actually, speaking of Oni duos:
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Look at this composition! Copium reactivated LET'S GOOOOOOOOO
Chapter 21
Kyoura: inadvisable (minor). He dead af bro, said it himself. But boy howdy did he have an amazing run as an arc villain. Forced Chihiro to take a look at how other prestigious, talented families do things and appreciate the gift of love his father gave him. I also rambled about him at length elsewhere but suffice to say, he's dying as punishment for being the world's worst dad. MFer chose to perpetuate a cycle of abuse instead of breaking it. Yeah, he's a victim too, but he's gotta lose his head as penance for the atrocities he's committed.
Shinuchi's wielder: risky (minor). No name, just a few shots of him sitting in some kind of temple/prison while the Shinuchi is being auctioned off. I assume we'll see more of him soon but can't say in what context or for what purpose yet. Doesn't seem like it will be a positive encounter given how he's portrayed.
Chapter 23
Tenri: inadvisable (minor). Total goner, RIP. Existed to show the ruthlessness of the Sazanami's ideals and the cruelty that their clan has perpetuated on their own flesh and blood for centuries. Also, in my mind, a very clear Bad End preview for Chihiro if he doesn't keep his dad's words in mind:
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This came up in Char's arc but I'm not sure we're done with Chihiro's steadfast determination to rampage in his father's memory. He's kept his father's words close to his heart but I feel like Tenri is a warning for him to be ready to change his priorities... or else. Oh and Tenri also helps reinforce the lethality of the datenseki shards too (STAY DEAD SOJO I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU COME BACK-)
Souya: risky (minor). Won't call him a jobber but he definitely existed to make us feel bad for Hakuri first and foremost. Yeah, yeah, he was a symbol of the pain and internalized feelings of worthlessness Hakuri had to overcome in order to realize his latent potential too. Mission accomplished, enjoy getting dominated by Shiba in your crackship. He may or may not be dead after getting his comeuppance; if he lives, I bet we're not done with Hakuri's past quite yet (and the Sazanamis in general since he was going to be the heir). If he's dead, then Hakuri has nothing left to fear within or without himself. And listen, if you can make someone try to jump to their death on reflex as soon as they see you...
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... it's OK if you come back to get beaten down even harder the next time. I'll allow it. Especially if it's in the context of revisiting Hakuri and Chihiro's trauma to show how much they've helped each other. Also, it's not lost on my terminally rotten brain that Soya switches from blaming the Ice Lady and Hinao for "tempting Hakuri away" to Chihiro.
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(I know he's yelling about Chihiro using and abandoning him here, but I still find it funny.)
Speaking of... Ice Lady: inadvisable (minor). 100% dead for maximum emotional damage to Hakuri. She awakened him to the prison he was living in so that Chihiro could "light his helpless existence on fire" a short time later (oh my GOD Hakuri please).
Chapter 27
Mr. Inazuma (Yuu): inadvisable (minor). Kid's there to tie us to his sister, thus giving some extra stakes to the storehouse fight. Chihiro can't unleash wanton destruction in there and the entire situation can't be resolved until they're reunited. And I guess he's a cute little contrast: kid playing at being a hero vs. Chihiro being That Guy. He could conceivably show up now and again as a playmate for Char but I doubt it.
Chapter 30
Hishaku leader: safe (major). In all ways the major villain until he's defeated or we learn otherwise. He's the guy who's goading Chihiro along for his own reasons. Had his goons kill his dad and steal the swords. Clearly working some kind of machinations behind the scenes that we've only seen a few glimpses of so far. John Hishaku, big bad and mystery man (for now). OK maybe I'm underselling him a little bit because this guy is the one who ripped Chihiro's stoic determinator mask off without breaking a sweat. Other villains had him think and reconsider his priorities and some of his ethos, but Hishaku Leader Guy showed us Chihiro's raw desperation. If there was any doubt left that Chihiro's some emotionless killbot, he erased it completely. Dump everything you have into this guy and wait to reap the profits.
And those are the reasonably noteworthy characters. Why did I write all this? What the FUCK is wrong with me? Well I got to re-read the series for the third time so that's fine. I notice something new each time I do it... Like how cute and boyish Hakuri's posture is compared to Chihiro's more reserved and upright one. So many little details... bless you if you read this.
6 notes · View notes
thedivinefish · 2 years
TGIWednesday... Just a trim
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TGIWednesday News
I’ve been seeing the same hair stylist for awhile now and after decades I believe I know what works for me and what doesn’t.  How many of us have described to a stylist what we want in color or cut or style in glorious detail and while they seem to be enthralled with what we’re saying, they’re probably thinking, “Yeah ok, now I’ll cut it the way I want to”.  Needless to say, we wound up way too short and she said at the end, “I’ll see you in 5 weeks!”  More like Spring I thought to myself through a struggling smile.  I am fishing for you and I to both to be clear and succinct in our communications.  I also see us infusing more positive into our believe, think, know and feel concepts about everything.  Wishing you and yours the very best of this holiday season and beyond.  Feeling "extra crispy" from holiday stress?  Schedule a 15 minute tune-up or a 30-minute transformative session today!  www.jimmymackhealingshop.com
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING MORE DIRECT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can be more direct and precise in all of my communications.  I know when, where, how and why to speak clearly and with enough detail to accomplish my goals.  I am ready willing and able to find my inner voice and to speak up for myself so that I am heard, valued and achieve my goals here and now.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Wishing you and yours the best of the holiday season and beyond so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life because you’ll be making a little progress each and every day.
*NEW*  The Fish Market
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y Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Artwork This is energy artist Julia's interpretation of My Liquid Fish in a personal transformation painting. Available 11'x14", 16"x20" and 24"x30" View the print here Use discount code JMK2 to get 40% off the print.
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My Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Pendant Created by the energy artist Julia - this would make for outstanding gift for yourself or a loved one.  View the pendant here Use discount code JMK1 to get 40% off.  
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Healing and grounding Mats for all occasions.  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!  >>>> View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. Sandy purchased a wand in October and got these results in the first week. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there, plus w/code save 10% Use discount code: TSG10 View Terahertz Wand here **We are NOT involved in the order or sales process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Looking for a last minute gift idea?? We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy GCs here!
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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DECEMBER 21ST "Today I will remember that some days are better than others for all of us. Each day can rise and fall with good or bad news on a single text, phone call, email or conversation, so today I will start it with a prayer and breathe through it in meditative silence remembering that in either good or bad, brevity is the key!"
From the Fish Box
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    Hi Jimmy.  My daughter just got hired!!!!!!!.  She is a dental receptionist. Full time!  Will start in 2 weeks after vetting.  Funny note.  The dental office is close to where she got married.  She can look out and see the fountain in the lake where her photos were taken. Would like to schedule an additional appointment to assist her in being successful. Thank you immensely. - Jeanne in California
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in the Tampa Office
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions. Get on the schedule NOW! FRIDAY JANUARY 13TH  | 10-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes. 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  There is also many hours of OPTIONAL reference material.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Search FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ??? Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? Access the NEW MLF Online Training Audio MP3 Downloads? and books? to improve your life! Get Certified in ?My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2022 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 2 years
TGIWednesday... Just a trim
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TGIWednesday News
I’ve been seeing the same hair stylist for awhile now and after decades I believe I know what works for me and what doesn’t.  How many of us have described to a stylist what we want in color or cut or style in glorious detail and while they seem to be enthralled with what we’re saying, they’re probably thinking, “Yeah ok, now I’ll cut it the way I want to”.  Needless to say, we wound up way too short and she said at the end, “I’ll see you in 5 weeks!”  More like Spring I thought to myself through a struggling smile.  I am fishing for you and I to both to be clear and succinct in our communications.  I also see us infusing more positive into our believe, think, know and feel concepts about everything.  Wishing you and yours the very best of this holiday season and beyond.  Feeling "extra crispy" from holiday stress?  Schedule a 15 minute tune-up or a 30-minute transformative session today!  www.jimmymackhealingshop.com
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING MORE DIRECT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can be more direct and precise in all of my communications.  I know when, where, how and why to speak clearly and with enough detail to accomplish my goals.  I am ready willing and able to find my inner voice and to speak up for myself so that I am heard, valued and achieve my goals here and now.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Wishing you and yours the best of the holiday season and beyond so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life because you’ll be making a little progress each and every day.
*NEW*  The Fish Market
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y Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Artwork This is energy artist Julia's interpretation of My Liquid Fish in a personal transformation painting. Available 11'x14", 16"x20" and 24"x30" View the print here Use discount code JMK2 to get 40% off the print.
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My Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Pendant Created by the energy artist Julia - this would make for outstanding gift for yourself or a loved one.  View the pendant here Use discount code JMK1 to get 40% off.  
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Healing and grounding Mats for all occasions.  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!  >>>> View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. Sandy purchased a wand in October and got these results in the first week. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there, plus w/code save 10% Use discount code: TSG10 View Terahertz Wand here **We are NOT involved in the order or sales process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Looking for a last minute gift idea?? We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy GCs here!
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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DECEMBER 21ST "Today I will remember that some days are better than others for all of us. Each day can rise and fall with good or bad news on a single text, phone call, email or conversation, so today I will start it with a prayer and breathe through it in meditative silence remembering that in either good or bad, brevity is the key!"
From the Fish Box
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    Hi Jimmy.  My daughter just got hired!!!!!!!.  She is a dental receptionist. Full time!  Will start in 2 weeks after vetting.  Funny note.  The dental office is close to where she got married.  She can look out and see the fountain in the lake where her photos were taken. Would like to schedule an additional appointment to assist her in being successful. Thank you immensely. - Jeanne in California
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in the Tampa Office
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions. Get on the schedule NOW! FRIDAY JANUARY 13TH  | 10-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes. 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  There is also many hours of OPTIONAL reference material.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Search FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ??? Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? Access the NEW MLF Online Training Audio MP3 Downloads? and books? to improve your life! Get Certified in ?My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2022 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
TGIWednesday... Just a trim
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TGIWednesday News
I’ve been seeing the same hair stylist for awhile now and after decades I believe I know what works for me and what doesn’t.  How many of us have described to a stylist what we want in color or cut or style in glorious detail and while they seem to be enthralled with what we’re saying, they’re probably thinking, “Yeah ok, now I’ll cut it the way I want to”.  Needless to say, we wound up way too short and she said at the end, “I’ll see you in 5 weeks!”  More like Spring I thought to myself through a struggling smile.  I am fishing for you and I to both to be clear and succinct in our communications.  I also see us infusing more positive into our believe, think, know and feel concepts about everything.  Wishing you and yours the very best of this holiday season and beyond.  Feeling "extra crispy" from holiday stress?  Schedule a 15 minute tune-up or a 30-minute transformative session today!  www.jimmymackhealingshop.com
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING MORE DIRECT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can be more direct and precise in all of my communications.  I know when, where, how and why to speak clearly and with enough detail to accomplish my goals.  I am ready willing and able to find my inner voice and to speak up for myself so that I am heard, valued and achieve my goals here and now.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Wishing you and yours the best of the holiday season and beyond so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life because you’ll be making a little progress each and every day.
*NEW*  The Fish Market
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y Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Artwork This is energy artist Julia's interpretation of My Liquid Fish in a personal transformation painting. Available 11'x14", 16"x20" and 24"x30" View the print here Use discount code JMK2 to get 40% off the print.
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My Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Pendant Created by the energy artist Julia - this would make for outstanding gift for yourself or a loved one.  View the pendant here Use discount code JMK1 to get 40% off.  
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Healing and grounding Mats for all occasions.  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!  >>>> View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. Sandy purchased a wand in October and got these results in the first week. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there, plus w/code save 10% Use discount code: TSG10 View Terahertz Wand here **We are NOT involved in the order or sales process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Looking for a last minute gift idea?? We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy GCs here!
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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DECEMBER 21ST "Today I will remember that some days are better than others for all of us. Each day can rise and fall with good or bad news on a single text, phone call, email or conversation, so today I will start it with a prayer and breathe through it in meditative silence remembering that in either good or bad, brevity is the key!"
From the Fish Box
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    Hi Jimmy.  My daughter just got hired!!!!!!!.  She is a dental receptionist. Full time!  Will start in 2 weeks after vetting.  Funny note.  The dental office is close to where she got married.  She can look out and see the fountain in the lake where her photos were taken. Would like to schedule an additional appointment to assist her in being successful. Thank you immensely. - Jeanne in California
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in the Tampa Office
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions. Get on the schedule NOW! FRIDAY JANUARY 13TH  | 10-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes. 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  There is also many hours of OPTIONAL reference material.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Search FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ??? Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? Access the NEW MLF Online Training Audio MP3 Downloads? and books? to improve your life! Get Certified in ?My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2022 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
TGIWednesday... Just a trim
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TGIWednesday News
I’ve been seeing the same hair stylist for awhile now and after decades I believe I know what works for me and what doesn’t.  How many of us have described to a stylist what we want in color or cut or style in glorious detail and while they seem to be enthralled with what we’re saying, they’re probably thinking, “Yeah ok, now I’ll cut it the way I want to”.  Needless to say, we wound up way too short and she said at the end, “I’ll see you in 5 weeks!”  More like Spring I thought to myself through a struggling smile.  I am fishing for you and I to both to be clear and succinct in our communications.  I also see us infusing more positive into our believe, think, know and feel concepts about everything.  Wishing you and yours the very best of this holiday season and beyond.  Feeling "extra crispy" from holiday stress?  Schedule a 15 minute tune-up or a 30-minute transformative session today!  www.jimmymackhealingshop.com
TGIWednesday Download
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~ BEING MORE DIRECT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that I can be more direct and precise in all of my communications.  I know when, where, how and why to speak clearly and with enough detail to accomplish my goals.  I am ready willing and able to find my inner voice and to speak up for myself so that I am heard, valued and achieve my goals here and now.  I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Wishing you and yours the best of the holiday season and beyond so that the rest of your life will be the best of your life because you’ll be making a little progress each and every day.
*NEW*  The Fish Market
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y Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Artwork This is energy artist Julia's interpretation of My Liquid Fish in a personal transformation painting. Available 11'x14", 16"x20" and 24"x30" View the print here Use discount code JMK2 to get 40% off the print.
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My Liquid Fish - The Miracle Fish Pendant Created by the energy artist Julia - this would make for outstanding gift for yourself or a loved one.  View the pendant here Use discount code JMK1 to get 40% off.  
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Healing and grounding Mats for all occasions.  Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!  >>>> View Grounding Mats here Enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at Checkout for Free Shipping
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Terahertz Frequency Wand If you haven't heard of this healing technology yet, you soon will. Sandy purchased a wand in October and got these results in the first week. This is the most affordable wand/blower we've seen out there, plus w/code save 10% Use discount code: TSG10 View Terahertz Wand here **We are NOT involved in the order or sales process of any of these items, please contact them directly. 
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Looking for a last minute gift idea?? We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy GCs here!
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Receiving Abundance Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Experiencing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Healing Family Relationships Attracting a Financial Windfall Gold Coin: More Money in All Forms Joy of Money Healing Body Disorders
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The 5 Anchors Process
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The Purple Rain Process
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The Magical Golden Key
Lucky 777  Mental Stress Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Easing IRS Stress & Taxes Finding Love & Romance Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Pro$perity Unlocked Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling with Ease Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection 
FREE Live Appearances
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
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DECEMBER 21ST "Today I will remember that some days are better than others for all of us. Each day can rise and fall with good or bad news on a single text, phone call, email or conversation, so today I will start it with a prayer and breathe through it in meditative silence remembering that in either good or bad, brevity is the key!"
From the Fish Box
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    Hi Jimmy.  My daughter just got hired!!!!!!!.  She is a dental receptionist. Full time!  Will start in 2 weeks after vetting.  Funny note.  The dental office is close to where she got married.  She can look out and see the fountain in the lake where her photos were taken. Would like to schedule an additional appointment to assist her in being successful. Thank you immensely. - Jeanne in California
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**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Come See Me in the Tampa Office
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions. Get on the schedule NOW! FRIDAY JANUARY 13TH  | 10-4pm  Please call their office directly at  ?? (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $45 or 30-minutes $75. If you’re new to working with him, we suggest you schedule 30 minutes. 403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com/
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
30-Days of Prayer - $99
Self-paced Online Courses Available Anchors Away Masterclass & Mastery/Practitioner Certification
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We recently launched our new ANCHORS AWAY MASTERCLASS and what has come through from Spirit is truly a game-changer in the way we can ALL now clear off evil, dark energies, aliens and anomalies in a deep, profound and lasting way.   
I recorded a video to tell you more about how you can get access to my brand new Anchors Away Masterclass so you can learn how to protect and clear the 5 Anchors & more.
Watch the Video Now
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MLF MASTERY LEVEL 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Learn About Certification Here
Module 1 has about 3 hours of core material and Module 2 contains about 8 hours.  Most people go through the course and take the test within a month but can be as fast as a week depending on how quickly you work through the pdfs, audios, videos, and testing.  There is also many hours of OPTIONAL reference material.  
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Search FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ??? Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? Access the NEW MLF Online Training Audio MP3 Downloads? and books? to improve your life! Get Certified in ?My Liquid Fish™Change Made Simple™ Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! Shop for ?Supplements ? http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2022 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.sandybidinger.com
0 notes
callsignhoney · 2 years
being phoenix’s back seater ➤
pairing ➤ platonic!natasha "phoenix" trace x reader
genre ➤ angst, fluff
you and phoenix hail from the same squadron
the black aces
she hasn’t known you for long
you’re pretty young for a wso, all things considered
it was kind of a combination of your youth and your sometimes annoying but mostly endearing curiosity that led phoenix to adoring you as she does now
however, this affection was not immediate
for a while you were convinced she hated you
and maybe she did a little bit
you were replacing her former back seater who had been with her since flight school all those years ago but was leaving the navy to start a family
in came you: fresh out of tech school and way too eager
you didn’t know her routines, her patterns
you had little to no field experience and hadn’t even been in a plane all that much prior to getting stationed with her
you were lacking in every department except for theoretical knowledge
you were not her partner
for a long time the two of you upheld this kind of grumpy senior officer, overeager newbie type relationship
you struggled fitting in with the others at first
you were nerdy and awkward and talked too much but you really meant well and were always willing to learn
that had to count for something, right?
you were the comic relief for your squadron
you were happy to be
you didn’t care if they laughed at you, at least you made them smile
the bullying wasn’t actual bullying
it was teasing at best
like giving your siblings crap for just existing
your team saw and appreciated that you really were trying
to learn to do your job
to learn how to work as a team
to be their friend
to be phoenix’s friend
you thought she was the coolest person you’d ever met
so calm, so level headed, so precise and succinct and talented
she’d been to top gun!!
she was so cool and you would have done anything for her to just like you
but phoenix
she genuinely held disdain for you
you thought it was all just a joke and that made her dislike you even more
she was ranting about you one night a couple months after you had joined the squadron
it was later on in the evening and you’d heard some of your squad was drinking in the common room
you were barely old enough to drink but you finally could, so you decided to join them
you arrived just in time to hear phoenix ranting about you and how incapable and annoying you were
(phoenix) they just don’t know how to do anything, they’re practically useless. they think everything’s a joke. they never stop talking just on and on and on like they don’t know how to shut up and just do their fucking job. i get a migraine just thinking about them half the time
you did not join them for a drink
in fact, you did not join them for anything after hearing what phoenix had to say about you and the murmur of half-drunk agreements given by your cohorts
you let the distance between yourself and the others grow back to what it once was, no longer fighting a one-sided battle to cross that gap and be accepted by them all
you stopped talking
to be completely honest
it terrified phoenix
there was radio silence from you unless you were telling her a trajectory or a location or some useful piece of info
she thought she’d be relieved the day you finally stopped chattering away the entire time you two were in the air but really it was unsettling
it was too quiet
she didn’t like the deafening silence without you filling it with pointless stories and anecdotes, little comments about how pretty the sky was or how cool a maneuver she’d just done was
she thought you might be sick with how suddenly your demeanor changed
she asked you about it once you were back on the ground from patrol
(phoenix) hey, are you sick or something?
(you) what? no, why?
(phoenix) you’re just weirdly quiet today. i’m not used to being able to hear myself think
this continued for several days
after months of nonstop chatter and excitement from you
after all of the energy and passion you had, all the life you had given this team
the squad felt desolate when you withdrew
like something had scooped out the core of the unit and left it hollow
the whole squadron was worried about you
you had just gotten….. quiet
very quickly, phoenix realized just how much she actually loved your personality
you weren’t always the most serious, but you could make anyone laugh
you were this light that burned so brightly and could make anyone’s day a thousand times better
you weren’t the best at your job, but you were still new and you were trying
you were trying
and she had hated you for it
that wasn’t fair to you, and she was incredibly ashamed of how she had treated you
she didn't know how to address it for a while
she hadn't realized you'd heard her that night and was incredibly concerned that smth had happened to you to make you this quiet and withdrawn
idk maybe a family member died or you were struggling w mental health, she really had no idea
she just knew that she was worried about you
she cared about you
she had tried to keep a distance between you two bc she didn't want to replace someone who had been her best friend
she didn't want to move on from what had been so comfortable with her last wso but yet here you were
weaseling into a little place in her heart and doing your goddamn best
the others were just as worried as she was
whenever she brought you up to them they had no answers; no one knew what happened to make you start acting like this
she started by being gentler with you
she didn't demand or expect things of you that you wouldn't know
not because you were incapable, but because you were learning
she tried to be more helpful, explain things more patiently
she started spending some time with you while off duty, being more friendly in general
she wanted you to know she was reaching out a hand
and you were confused as all hell
hadn’t phoenix just said that she couldn’t stand you and now she was being nice??
it didn’t add up
you let it go for a while
then she was asking to get a drink with you on a night off like it was totally normal for the two of you to go out together
(you) are you feeling okay?
(phoenix) yeah, why?
(you) you’ve just been… really nice lately
(phoenix, laughing) what? is it that weird that i want to grab a drink together? am i not allowed to be nice to you?
(you) it’s just kind of weird considering….
(phoenix) considering what?
you mumbled out a little confession of eavesdropping that night
phoneix’s face just dropped
she hadn’t really meant that
she wasn’t really annoyed at you, she was annoyed at losing her friend
she was holding a grudge for something that was not your fault and she shouldn’t have been upset about
you just happened to be the easiest thing to make a scapegoat
and you thought she hated you
(phoenix) god shit i’m so stupid. i am so dumb. i didn’t— i’m sorry you heard that i was just—
(you) you were just speaking your mind but it’s fine. i know i’m loud and annoying and overeager—
(phoenix) no! no. those are literally everyone’s favorite things about you!
(you) people like…. that i’m annoying??
(phoenix) yes, to be honest. it’s endearing in a weird way that i still don’t understand. but how talkative you are and how curious you are and how fucking smart you are, it just makes you an amazing person. i’m sorry it took me so long to see it
you went out to drink with her
there were a couple others from the squadron there too
one of them shot a text to the group chat without you in it (y/n supporters anonymous) along with a picture of you beaming while a group of people laughed at something you said
[21:41] they’re back, ladies and gents
you went back to your normal self
your playful banter while up in the air was a sound for sore ears
you made hours long flights so much more bearable
yes, you were genuinely annoying sometimes but you were still one of the funniest, most welcoming, friendliest people phoenix had ever known
you became phoenix’s best friend
in an “agent of chaos” x “mom friend” kind of say
anyone looking at the two of you would think that phoenix can’t stand you
but she can, she does, and she will continue to
anyone who has a problem with you can go through her
you are her pain in the ass
no one else gets to say anything about it
a prime example:
hangman happened to be coming through the base your squadron was calling home for a couple months
you ran into him and went on one of your ramblings about how the double seater f18’s had to be engineered to be able to keep up with the single seat planes during missions despite the extra weight and size of having to fit a second person in the cockpit
he was later complaining to phoenix about “some smart ass kid who wasted ten minutes of my time talking to me about some engineering bullshit for the f/a-18f that i couldn’t care less about”
in walks you from afar
(hangman) god, hide me, i cannot deal with this annoying kid again
(phoenix) i know you’re not talking about y/c/s. i know damn well you’re not talking about my back seater
she shut that down real fast
then stuck hangman with you for a considerably longer tangent about some other nerdy engineering thing you know about f18’s just to make him suffer
being annoying comes in handy sometimes
especially if it irritates hangman
you went to top gun yourself eventually
you were paired with a wso-less pilot and spent your time working together as a team
you’re still good friends with beluga but he just doesn’t compare to flying w phoenix
eventually phoenix gets called back to top gun, along with 11 other graduates
you are not among those chosen
phoenix tells you the details she can, including that she’s been assigned a new back seater for whatever mission they’re training for
(phoenix) his name’s bob. literally just bob. like his actual name is his call sign. he’s hilarious, a little shy but sweet. i think i can make it work
you were immediately terrified of getting replaced
she got along so well with bob right off the bat
you had to fight for months for her to just tolerate your presence
she spoke of him so highly, how he was able to so quickly fall into rhythm with her
he was literally everything you weren’t when you first got assigned to the black aces
capable, talented, easy to get along with
the best of the best
you hadn’t even met the guy and you felt like you would never be able to compare to him
phoenix got chosen to fly the mission
you never doubted that she wouldn’t
she came home safe and eventually flew back to the squadron
the black aces went out the night she came back, celebrating her return at a bar your squad often frequented
you felt so out of place
you were happy for her, proud of her
of course you were
and you were elated to have her back
you’d gotten it in your head that you weren’t good enough
good enough to be pheonix’s back seater
good enough to be a wso
to be in your squad
to do what you do
who are you to do these things and to have people rely on you when you could so easily let them down? when there are so many better options?
phoenix noticed your change in demeanor the second you hesitated to hug her while picking her up from the airport
that is not y/n behavior
you should have been skidding to a stop, throwing the car in park, jumping out of the driver’s seat, and racing to tackle her in a hug
maybe she’d become a little greedy with your affection
maybe she’d gotten too used to your undying admiration
but she knew something was going on
she cornered you at the bar when you wandered away from the group
(phoenix) what’s wrong?
(you) what? nothing’s wrong. why would anything be wrong????
(phoenix) y/c/s
that was really all it took for you to spill your guts and all your insecurities to her
she had this internal conflict of deciding whether to laugh bc of how absurd you sounded or to let her heart shatter a little at how easily you believed she’d replace you
instead she did the good thing and gave you the assurance you desperately needed
anyone else, she would not have been as gentle
but this is you we’re talking about
that soft spot she’d developed wouldn’t let her react any differently
(phoenix) i’m not gonna replace you. you’re my back seater, y/c/s. you are. and that’s not gonna change just bc i was stationed somewhere else for two weeks. we’re a team, y/n. you understand?
(you) yeah,,,,,,, it’s weird hearing you call me by my first name
(phoenix) and i will never be doing it again
phoenix is all tough love but there’s an emphasis on the love part
she rarely if ever will tell you how much you mean to her and how much she cares about you
it’s really through her actions that you’ll see it
the little things
coffee just how you like it
tickets for a movie you’ve been excited about
calm reminders for things you’re still learning
patience and understanding
she still acts like she can’t stand you (and sometimes she can’t but a little suffering is worth keeping you around in the long run) but anyone who knows her isn’t fooled
you are her weakest point, her softest spot
but she’ll be damned before she admits it
especially to you bc there would be no living that down
be as annoying as you want because phoenix’s affection for you is undying at this point
nothing you could do could change that or make her want to get rid of you
you’re her ride or die
you are her best friend
and she wouldn’t have it any other way
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chasingfictions · 3 years
also physically cant read the spuffy after life reunion scene as anything other than wedding imagery like. spike standing at the threshold / altar all in black, buffy appearing at the top of the steps /aisle in white
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the way she's preceded by dawn, like you would be at a wedding by your maid of honor, the way dawn's head is turned to look at her coming down the way you would when a bride enters a chapel
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the way the look on spike's face, just awe and disbelief and love, is SO close to the classic 'groom starts crying when he sees bride in her wedding dress' moment .
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the way them just looking at each other in profile, holding hands, looks SO much like saying vows. the way there's something about the '147 days yesterday, 148 today' that has this energy of wedding vows. just something so succinct and honest that says i am devoted to you, with everything i've got.
and honestly like the classic wedding vows feel so relevant to where they're at at this stage? like, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part. and there's something about how the scoobies' refrain across the last two episodes and this one is like, buffy is something that can and should be fixed, they actively ask if she's 'broken' at the start of this episode. the way, whether or not they would have accepted that buffy was in heaven, she didnt perceive she could tell them that. the way the vibe is very much in health and not very much in sickness. and she grows closer to spike because he makes room for her to be messy. for her to be sick.
and there's also something about till death do us part because it already has. like. this episode being called "after life" is one of my favorite episode names in the whole show, like this is the afterlife, and we're after the after ife, and we're also like, doing life we shouldn't be doing, because life ended. it was supposed to end, and yet here we are, with more of it. like, the fact that we are starting marriage vows from a place of not even til death can do us part i will be with you forever. the way spike is buffy's shadow, the way spike is the parts of buffy she feels shame about, and that part of her also loves her unconditionally, buffy's own shadow will never stop loving her even though she hates her shadow. buffy's shadow loves her past the point of death, even though being dead itself is one of the things buffy hates her shadow for .
and just !!! the way she comes back and it's like oh, he's been waiting for her, it almost feels like he was made for her, for this moment, where she is undead, and suddenly this undead person who loves her unconditionally is just waiting, right where she left him at the foot of the stairs of her house in "the gift"!!!!!!!
and they werent matched before, not as equals, but they are now, because the death is inside her too. .... literally thinking about "death is your gift" and in some way spike, her own personal dead man, feels like this gift that someone left there for her, that this vampire fell in love with her and didnt realize it and got neutered and learned out to enact morality for her and all those pieces didnt fall into place, into clarity, until right now. there's almost this divine timing to it. like, all those things had to happen so that buffy, coming out of heaven, coming into her new life as someone resurrected, would have spike there, waiting for her at the foot of the stairs, ready to understand her, ready to be devoted to her, past death, and nothing do them part
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cherrykindness · 3 years
let's make babies |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: you and harry are doing a live on instagram, you've drunk a lot of wine and now the world knows that the future Mrs. Styles is ready to make babies.
warnings: mostly cute, but the title tells you what you need to know 🤪
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"What is your favorite song from the Fine Line album?" Y/N read aloud, twirling in her right hand the second glass of wine of the evening, the one already halfway through. "Adore You and Watermelon Sugar, of course."
Harry giggled, rolling his eyes upon hearing his fiancée's statement.
"Y/N will always choose Adore You because it was obviously written for her." He accused. "She wouldn't give that answer under different circumstances."
The comments climbed up the screen continuously, most fans gushing about how cute Harry Styles and YN/LN could be while the other part was concerned with wringing even more information out of the slightly inebriated couple who had decided to do a surprise live one early Sunday morning.
As expected after being away for some time to begin filming Don't Worry, Darling in Southern California, Harry enjoyed a lazy weekend in the house he shared with his fiancée and her pets. The days were filled with late naps and relentless Netflix marathons, sublime and ethereal evenings, marked mostly by unexpected declarations and rounds of sex that used to last until the beams of light were shyly coming through the linen curtains. They were not a monotonous couple, so this order could easily be changed.
"Watermelon Sugar is nothing more than about my love for watermelons, don't get too creative." Harry replied to a fan while sporting a corner smile, the message standing out among the rest for its dozens of emojis and large print, questioning the singer about erotic content behind the lyrics of his latest hit. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head before leaning it against her fiancé's chest, propped up on the soft white pillows that were spread practically all over the bed. The air conditioner was on at a minimal temperature and a light rain whipped on the panes of glass camouflaged by the cream-colored curtain, that being the projection of Y/N's favorite nights.
"You can tell them, I'm not shy." She joked, nudging her fiancé's waist.
"You know what it was written about and who it was written for." Harry replied, raising one of his eyebrows. "That's what matters."
It went without saying that much of Harry's newest album, as well as some of his earlier work, had been done in exclusive dedication to his future wife. Y/N had been the muse for a vast repertoire of romantic songs, and even though the singer preferred to keep the story behind his more explicit compositions a "secret", the relationship the two had shared for more than three years was already solid and known enough for the media and fans to distinguish hidden messages in small details.
"It's a song about what usually comes before the act of making babies." Y/N laughed as he pointed at the display. "Honestly, you guys are impossible."
"No, we make babies every day." Harry joked, making a funny motion with his eyebrows. "I would spend my entire career writing just about that."
"Harry!" The actress exclaimed incredulously, slapping her fiancé weakly on the chest. "Children might be watching this."
"You don't want to have babies with me?" He asked falsely offended, accepting the cup that Y/N offered him. "Because I want some babies with you."
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes as she watched the internet freak out at the dialogue that had suddenly emerged. Since the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of inevitable that the couple of artists would not become the darlings of all social media; they were fervently active with photos, videos, and lives that depicted step by step daily life in isolation, gaining more and more followers and making the media more and more fascinated by the relationship they both shared.
The wedding was scheduled for the summer of next year and it was perhaps the most anticipated event in the tabloids. Bets about what the model of Y/N's dress would be and lists presuming who would be selected for the short list of guests stood out among countless news stories about the famous people influencing pop culture today.
The possible arrival of a Styles baby was an inevitable topic in interviews. Harry and Niall were the only members of the ex-boyband that had not become fathers yet, and because they had maintained a solid relationship and were seen as one of the most enviable couples during the last four years, Y/N and Harry had gotten used to all this openly asked questions. They didn't mind, they even had fun with the montages and all the anxiety that dominated the whole internet, often mentioning the fandoms' efforts to represent them as such "cool" parents in perfectly edited pictures.
"No, guys, I'm not pregnant." Y/N amusingly clarified the doubt of dozens of new comments. "Please don't believe so many controversial news stories that appear out there. I was on twitter last week and saw several people theorizing about a possible pregnancy, most of the arguments based on a website that used photos from the set of How to Get Away with Murder in the season where I was actually playing a pregnant woman as Laurel." She laughed. "It's so funny! I know you guys love to guess these things, but we won't hide something so special when it actually happen, I promise."
"Especially because Y/N can hide absolutely nothing from anyone." Harry accused, leaving his drink on the corner table before settling into a comfortable position for the two of them. "Anyone who's a Marvel fan knows that. That's one of her most characteristic quirks."
"They gave me a fake script for the last two movies." Y/N agreed, shaking his head. "For me and Tom."
"We agreed to keep the engagement a secret for a while. The plan was to travel to Holmes Chapel to break the news to my family in person, but guess who got a call at ten o'clock at night from an angry Anne because she learned of her son's engagement from an interview Y/N gave the next day?"
Y/N gave a guilty smile, winking gracefully at the camera. "It was all James' fault! I'm sure he already suspected something, those questions were very suspicious."
"Of course the questions were suspicious, babe. You literally said you had a secret that involved both of us but that you couldn't tell because it was important that our families knew first."
"I thought he would think about a pregnancy or something!" The actress defended herself, feeling very convincing in her intonation bordering on obviousness. "That's a mania I can't get rid of, it's in my genes."
"Did you all hear that? Further proof that you guys don't have to worry about guessing when Y/N's pregnancy will be, I'm sure our baby will make sure to tell you everything while still in the womb, mom's genes will make sure of that."
"You are so funny, Harry Styles." Y/N sarcastically stated, holding back a giggle as countless messages with laughing emojis were frantically up. "Yeah, I know I talk a lot and all, but you have annoying quirks too."
It was obvious that live would be news the next day. Although they were completely open about matters concerning their relationship, nothing seemed better than receiving so much exclusive information from a Harry and S/N drunk on expensive wine.
"You wake up in a bad mood and you're dangerously sexy, that should be illegal."
Harry laughed, holding his fiancée's waist a little tighter as he felt her tumble a little further to the side, getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Y/N was dangerously weak for drinks, and the singer knew that the actress' body was already near its limit.
"You're the only sexy person here, love." He declared with a corner smile, evidently finding the whole situation funny. "Do you want to go to sleep now?"
"No." Y/N shook her head. "Can we watch some movie? Can we watch Sweet Home?"
"Of course, love." He murmured, giving the woman a quick kiss on the forehead.
Even though Harry knew that his fiancée was unlikely to make it past the five-minute mark of the episode, he made sure to restart the korean series at exactly the scene where she had stopped, the first chapter still halfway through after Y/N realized that it would be impossible to watch such a macabre work without a drop of alcohol in her blood.
She had been so excited by the taste of Argentinian wine and the idea of updating her fans after a few weeks away, that she had forgotten the main purpose of the live. Harry and Y/N had been apart for a few days due to the new movie the Brit was shooting in North America, all happening in an unrestrictedly careful manner due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.
He was slowly migrating towards acting and the future Mrs. Styles couldn't be prouder. Y/N had felt on cloud nine when Harry had given her the news of his upcoming job, but her only pronouncement on the subject had been a succinct post on instagram. Just a photo of the couple on a trip to Germany with a simple heart emoji didn't seem enough for the actress' exhibitionist soul, and coming to that conclusion was the main reason she decided to invite him, already relatively changed, for a live appearance. Y/N wanted to go on and on about how much she loved that man and work on that whole honeyed speech that would bring her (once again) the title of "cutest bride of all time," but of course Harry had to come home from his trip with his favorite red wine and poison her with those sweet caresses that took her out of orbit, turning the degree of alcohol content into the least of her problems.
"You're going to kiss Florence." Y/N exclaimed suddenly, as if only now realizing that her fiancé would share the screen with Florence Pugh, one of her closest friends in that industry. "Kiss on the mouth."
The MacBook was still open and hundreds of new comments were going up every second, but Harry didn't bother one bit to warn her about the possibility of her becoming a meme the next day. He was having too much fun with the situation to worry.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes." She stated with a pout. "I am jealous, I just don't know if I'm more jealous of her or of you."
"But you kiss me every day, babe." Harry laughed. "And you've been kissing other people's men for almost ten years." He joked.
"But I only think about you, I already told you that."
Harry shook his head negatively at the camera, knowing he was sharing with the fans the funniest side of his fiancée.
"I know that, honey." He assured, lightly stroking the actress' back. "I think we'd better turn off the TV and go to sleep now, I'm sure you'll have a terrible headache tomorrow."
The brit planned to bid his audience goodbye and put an end to that recording, but Y/N was drunk and her sense of right and wrong had already gone to space. Harry should have been quicker, however, because his fiancée's speech would be cause for new tags and the only subject for the interviewers for at least the next few months.
"I don't want to sleep, how about we make babies?"
That's what Watermelon Sugar was all about, after all.
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Feral Animal
Pairing:  Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request:  Hi! I love your abo blog! I was wondering if you could write about Alpha!Kyotani with an Omega!Reader, where their first encounter catches everyone by surprise? Like, Reader has a traditionally alpha scent (like burning/smokey wood) and can usually get away with being mistaken as an alpha at first glance? It’s fine if you’re asks are full or you don’t want to do this but thanks for your time 😊 —Sno
Summary:  You just wanted to get the boys to practice on time. You weren’t prepared to deal with this.  Good thing you had a gaurdian angel- or should we say, dog. 
Author’s Note: I love Kyoutani so much. Like he’s in my top three people I simp for. 
Requests: Open!
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Kentarou Kyoutani
➵ No one gathered in your way when walked down the hall. You smelt strong enough to put them on edge. 
➵ Peoples hackles were constantly raised when you were around, and truthfully, you didn’t know why. 
➵ You were still you. You were still an omega. 
➵ You still ached to reach out for touch, to scent someone, to just have the smallest bit of attention from anyone that wasn’t Iwaizumi.
➵  You and he had met when you were young, and he took to being your personal guardian—since he was a year older than you.
➵  You were thankful for him and his friendship, but that was all it would ever be. You both tried dating in your first year of middle school (Dating being a loose term), but it was obvious you were better off as friends. 
➵ You both still hung out constantly though, and eventually he grew to be an older brother to you.
➵  When you got to high school though, you quickly realized that with Iwaizumi came Oikawa. You had known him just as you had known Iwaizumi, but the other male seemed to keep his distance from you.
➵ It didn’t take a genius to figure out why he was keeping his distance with you. When you and Iwaizumi explained to him there was nothing between the two of you, nor would there ever be, he calmed down. 
➵ The fellow omega (Oikawa is an omega ass bottom change my mind. Unless it comes to requests. Then he’s an alpha for you :D) grew to be close with you as well and if one or the other was being idiotic you stepped in as the shoulder to cry on. 
➵ You were happy for them, truly, but you knew sooner or later you were going to be out of the picture.
➵  They were third years, and you were a second year. They had a relationship that ran deeper than any thing you could offer them.
➵ And that was okay.
➵ Facing the obvious, it’s clear that, because your best friends are those two dorks, you’re into volleyball. Or in the very least, know of it and how to play. Because of this, you’re elected manager.
➵  No more choice. 
➵ You don’t fawn over Oikawa constantly, you can handle Iwaizumi’s outbursts, you were calm with the first years, and you don’t put up with any fan girl’s bullshit. 
➵ You didn’t get the chance to refuse honestly.
➵ “I’m sorry, but unfortunately, Oikawa-Senpai is busy at the moment- “
➵ “Please, just- Let me see him! I won’t be long!” The Alpha pleaded, trying to appease to your sense of empathy. Unfortunately for her, that was dried up before the second girl even looked at you to ask the very same thing. 
➵ You were tired of girls, obviously not getting the hint, trying to confess their undying love to Oikawa every other day. How did they not see he was an Omega? 
➵ Yeah, he had suppressants out the wahzoo but, good golly, his mannerisms were all Omega.  
➵ Apparently this alpha though her and Oikawa would be the ultimate power couple.
➵ “Like I said before, he is busy. Any time you take up is time wasted.” You snorted, turning tail and shutting the gym door, ignoring the screech of anger behind it. You were used to it.
➵  Most times you locked them out, they’d throw a bitch-fit, turn and bad-mouth you to their friends for a few days. 
➵ They’d tease you for your scent—which was a, frankly lovely, pinewood and amber scent—and poke fun at you, saying how ‘you’ll never get an alpha smelling stronger than them” with a sneer. You’ve learned to ignore those types of girls.
➵ What you didn’t expect however, was for her to scream some more, banging on the metal door.
➵  It was ripped open in your moment of shock, making you turn on your heel to face her. 
➵ Her hair, though still relatively upkept, was frizzy with fly-a way’s running out occasionally, but her eyes were what scared you. 
➵ They were constricted to ball point bulbs that were locked onto you, fangs poking out as she snarled at you.
➵ Of course. Because why wouldn’t a feral Alpha be part of your day today?
➵ You growled yourself, trying to reign in your scent but it was getting harder and harder as she stalked closer.
➵ No one else was in the gym, as they were changing in the club room, but you figured you could handle her.
➵ You hoped at least.
➵ She tried pouncing on you, your arms quickly crossing in front of your face to shield yourself, but instead of an angry alpha trying to claw your eyes out, you merely got a gust of wind.
➵   Peeking open an eye—you couldn’t recall closing them, but whatever—you frowned at the face staring back at you.
➵  You hadn’t talked to him, personally, but you knew who he was. Kentarou Kyoutani. 
➵ He was incredibly strong, a worthy advisory, and worst of all…
➵ A ticking time-bomb of an alpha.
➵ He had the resting bitch face to end all resting bitch faces, and the attitude to go with it. He had only said one word to you ever and it was ‘move’. His voice was gruff and angry when he said it, but his eyes softened when you looked up at him. 
➵ He waited patiently for you to gather your things before moving. That was the first, and what you thought, last time you’d ever see the alpha. He entranced you though, so you wouldn’t ever necessarily be opposed to seeing him again. 
➵ Just maybe not in this circumstance.
➵ Kyoutani held the alpha by the collar of her shirt, his lips poked up in a snarl with his canines gleaming dangerously in the sunlight
➵ . Contrary to popular belief, he’d only ever gone feral once in his life. His stepfather, an awful, awful, excuse for an alpha had raised a hand to his Mama.
➵  He refused to let anyone ever raise a hand to omega that day and stuck to his grits with it.
➵  Many people often feared him because of his careful eye and quick reflexes. 
➵ They claimed he was close to going feral because they never cared to admit they were planning on hurting someone. He didn’t care.
➵ At least he didn’t. When he saw you simply turn and close the gym door, he felt his heart skip a beat. 
➵ Maybe it was just the fact that you didn’t relent, or maybe it was the fact that you didn’t care or bend or submiss in the absolute slightest, or maybe it was the waft of the most calming scent he’s ever smelt before.
➵  He knew the other alpha’s scent, as she had practically reeked all over him while asking him for things Oikawa liked before he snapped on her, so this was all you. And he…liked it. 
➵ He hated scents that were too sweet or too ‘exciting’ in a way, but this? This was calming and euphoric all in one and he wanted to straight up bathe in it.  It smelt that good.
➵ He watched the alpha screech, stomping her foot—he could guess she was the very definition of daddy’s girl with her reaction to being told ‘no’—and before he could growl at her to leave, she was forcing open the door and snarling. 
➵ So, he dropped his bag and ran to make sure you were okay. His alpha pawing at him to hurry up. 
➵ He had felt the very same as they day he ran his stepfather out of his life, but this time…This time, he would be sure not to go feral. That would scare you and he couldn’t, wouldn’t risk that.
➵ When he got there, the alpha lunged and he had barely enough time to grab her. You looked shocked to see him, or maybe it was residue from when she broke into the gym, but you didn’t say anything.
➵  He took that as a good sign, turning tail and dragging her to where he dropped his bag. He grabbed it quickly, instead dropping her and rushing back to the gym.
➵  You closed the door behind him, Iwaizumi and Matsukawa quickly locking it. In the time, between Kyoutani dragging out the feral alpha you had the chance to text Iwaizumi, sending choppy and shaky, but succinct, messages to let him know what was going on.
➵  The rest of the team were on their way anyway, so they merely hurried their steps. When they turned to lock the door, you stopped them, crying for them to just wait for a minute.
➵ Kyoutani had run in seconds after your plea and the door was quickly shut. 
➵ Scents were going insane in the gym, but his was most discernible to you. He smelt scared.
➵  Before anyone had a chance to mention it though, he was turning to you and reaching for your face.
➵ you flinched but that didn’t stop him. His fingers were gentle, more so than you could expect from him, and he was so soft while turning your face to observe the damage. Iwaizumi tried to get close, but he was growled at as you were held to Kyoutani’s chest. 
➵  The team could only watch, flabbergasted, as you were hugged and scented by their mad dog. Even more so when you began laughing and purring, placing your hands around his neck.
➵  You whispered something (They were ‘Thank you’ and appreciation whispers) into his ear, making his shoulders visibly relax. No one could really understand what had happened, but they weren’t sure if they wanted to question it just yet.
➵ Well, most of team didn’t at least.
➵ “Aw, Mad dog-Chan! How do you know our little Chibi-chan?” Oikawa laughed, leaning off Iwaizumi as he spun a volleyball on his pointer finger.  
➵ Kyoutani grunted, abruptly pulling away, only to growl and pull you back when his alpha snarled. “Don’t.”
➵ “Wait- wait, wait. Hold on.” Hanamaki snorted, holding his hands up. “So you, Mad dog, most vicious alpha this side of the equator, just decided fuck it, and chose to not only save an omega you’ve never met, but then hog her? I don’t know, Mattsun, seems kind of sus to me.”
➵ “Very sus.” Matsukawa agreed, snickering. He yelped however, when Kyoutani turned to snarl at him, only for you to hold him back. Matsukawa had never felt more scared for his life in that very moment, and he owed you a whole ass chapel.
➵ It stayed like that for the rest of the practice, with you calming Kyoutani down ever time he needed a ‘time out’ and over time he got much better at controlling his anger.
➵ No one was surprised when you walked in two weeks later, a small, thin leather choker clipped on around your neck with a hand-made moon charm hanging from it.
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mcheang · 4 years
@pendoodlex Do an Adrien Salt where Lila lies about Chat Noir and Ladybug being in a relationship and Adrien confirms the lie.
It’s my love life!
It’s easy to lie about stuff people want to hear. Alya was greedy for any gossip about Ladybug and loved support for her theories on Ladybug.
Recently they debated on Ladybug’s true age. Was she an immortal with teenage hormones and atttiude? Or simply a teenager?
Now they were on to Ladybug’s love life.
Lila: Of course LadyNoir is a thing. Ladybug just denies it because she doesn’t want to give Hawkmoth any more reason to target Chat Noir, but it’s obvious how much they care for each other.
Alya: Yes! A witness to Ladynoir!
Marinette: a lying witness
Nathaniel frowned. “I don’t know, Lila…”
Before Lila could insist she was correct, Adrien actually jumped in. “It’s true. Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple. Sorry, Nathaniel, but she’s off the market.”
Marinette froze. Did Adrien just lie to Nathaniel about her love life? Just so no one would interfere with their beloved Ladynoir fandom?
Overwhelmed by her hurt and rage, Marinette actually grabbed Adrien’s hand and dragged him out of the classroom, her face burning red.
Some assumed she was trying out another one of her confession schemes. Lila thought Marinette was going to tell Adrien she was a liar (eh, he already knew.)
In a far off corner, Marinette was whisper-yelling at Adrien. “What are you thinking? It’s one thing to ignore Lila’s lies, it’s another to endorse them! LadyNoir is not real!”
Thinking that Marinette still had a crush on Chat Noir, Adrien winced and rubbed his head. “I’m sorry, Marinette. But it’s true. Ladybug and Chat Noir are a couple.”
“No, they are not! Where’s your proof?“ She demanded.
Adrien thought quickly. “I saw them kissing on a rooftop last week.”
Marinette raised a brow. “Are you sure you weren’t just dreaming?” Her voice was heavy with skepticism.
Adrien: Positive.
Marinette: Well, I’m not sorry to say that you’re wrong. Ladybug and Chat Noir are not a couple.
Adrien: and how are you so sure? Just because you have a crush on Chat-
Marinette: Because Ladybug visited me after my dad was akumatized!
Marinette took a deep breath. She hated lying but she also couldn’t stand lies about her.
“Ladybug consoled me after Chat rejected me. She reminded me about the other great boys in my life and ones I have yet to meet. And I asked her why she wouldn’t date Chat. Do you know what she told me?”
Adrien was quiet.
“She said she was in love with a boy from her own civilian life, not Chat Noir. To be honest, he’s not even her type.”
Adrien perked up. “Ladybug has a type?”
Marinette: Obviously. From what I hear, she’s more into the sensitive soul kind of guy.
Adrien: Chat is sensitive!
Marinette just stared at her crush in disbelief. “Um, yeah, no. The dude sulks whenever he gets rejected and has no idea what no means. For crying out loud, he gave me a pink rose before dumping me, and that was after he ate the treats my dad baked for him.”
Adrien: For someone with a crush on the hero, you sure sound bitter.
Marinette exhaled again, calming herself. “I’m not bitter. I’ve moved on, truly. Enough to see what Ladybug meant when she said I’ll move on soon enough. I’m over Chat.“
Adrien raise his brows.
Marinette continued, “I’ve been able to analyse his actions without the hero-crush filters. Be honest, Adrien, how would you feel at having to constantly reject the same person over and over again? Wouldn’t you be annoyed by their repeated flirtations?”
Adrien shrugged. “I reject fans all the time. Well, not exactly. I just ignore their love letters.“
Marinette shook her head. “That doesn’t count. You don’t know those people. Let’s say Chloe was going to confess her love to you every day. And you have to reject her every day. When you reject her, she raises a fuss and causes an akuma. How would you feel about your childhood friend?”
Adrien grimaced. “That would suck. I would avoid Chloe just to avoid her confessions.”
Marinette raised her hand, like there you go. Point proven.
Adrien wasn’t done. “But,” he insisted stubbornly, “it’s different for LadyNoir. They’re partners. Yin and Yang. A superhero duo. Who else is she going to end up with if not her partner? These kinds of pairings always win in the end.”
Marinette: that’s just sad. You’re comparing Ladybug’s love life to fiction. Life isn’t a fairy tale, Adrien. you don’t decide who Ladybug ends up with, and it’s not right for you to lie about her either.
Adrien: LadyNoir will happen. I’m sure of it.
Marinette: You’re not even going to take back that lie, are you?
Adrien: Why would I? It’s going to be fact.
Marinette said sadly, “Goodbye, Adrien.”
After school, Marinette tore down her posters of Adrien. Filters removed, indeed.
Tikki: Don’t worry, Marinette. I’m sure things will come right in the end.
Marinette: that doesn’t mean I can’t help set things back in order. Tikki, spots on!
Alya turned around at a tapping on her window.
Alya: Ladybug!
Ladybug: Hey, Alya. Listen, I’ve been reading your blog, and I need to set some facts straight.
Alya: Is this about revealing your love life? Because honestly, it would be better to be honest about your love life than to let others hope they have a shot with you. Remember Copycat?
Ladybug: That’s my point. I’m not dating Chat Noir. I don’t even like him that way. Lila has been lying to you, Alya.
Alya: Um, she’s your Best Friend…
Ladybug: When did I ever say that?
Alya:…….. ……….Why didn’t you correct me before today, then?
Ladybug sighed. “Because i had called her out in front of Adrien, and she got akumatized. And when she disappeared for a while, I figured there was no need to bring her up.“
Alya: Hold on. Adrien knew Lila was lying?
Ladybug: Yes. Though I’m sure he must have his own reasons for protecting Lila. But back to my point. I am not dating Chat Noir, and I am not interested in him like that. My love life is mine to decide, not for others to insist on just because they prefer me with Chat. How would you like it if Parisians started pairing you with Pegasus or Monkey King instead of Carapace? With them insisting you break up with Nino just to be with someone they chose for you?”
“That would be annoying,“ admitted Alya. “And invasive.”
Ladybug: I want to do a live interview, to clear the matter up once and for all.
In this interview, Ladybug was professional and succinct as she stated she doesn’t know Lila Rossi and she is not in a relationship with Chat. She doesn’t want to hurt her fans, but her love life is for her to handle.
Unable to help herself, Alya asked, “If you don’t like Chat, who do you like? You don’t have to give any names, but just one little tidbit, please?”
Eh, why not?
Ladybug leaned back on her hands and smiled, her eyes going faraway and dreamy. “Mature. That’s all I’ll say.”
After all, Luka had always supported her crush on Adrien. He never pushed her, but was always there for her. Why didn’t she how good he was? Oh right, Adrien filters.
Lila was fuming. How could she show her face again? Where was an akuma when you wanted one?
The akuma was drawn to a LadyNoir fanatic.
Fight fight fight. Chat was noticeably sulky at having been rejected on air.
When Alya came over to interview, he insisted he would not give up on Ladybug. Alya raised her brows, “Yeah that’s fine. But just don’t be pushy about it. And from your attitude earlier during the battle, I don’t think you fit Ladybug’s ideal criteria.”
Chat flushed and turned away, using his baton to propel himself home.
At school, Lila was playing truant, and Alya was grilling Adrien for keeping quiet.
Adrien: her lies weren’t hurting anyone!
Alya: I’m taking into account your isolated childhood, so let me just say, lies are hurtful. And it’s not right to encourage and spread her lies either.
Adrien: LadyNoir has to happen!
Nino shook his head in disgust. “You sound like that akuma last night. Ladybug has the right to decide who she wants to be with. If you ship LadyNoir, that’s fine. But you shouldn’t let it get this far to decide for Ladybug who she ends up with.”
Alya sighed, “Let’s blame Gabriel for this and hope Adrien can still be saved.”
Alya also understood when Marinette gave up on Adrien after seeing his behavior. She was interested in Luka but decided to wait because she didn’t want him to be a rebound guy.
Anyway, Adrien learned to keep his opinions to himself when all they got him was disapproval.
Ladybug’s interview caused the Parisians to question if the Italian diplomat should even still be in Paris if her daughter likes to spout lies about their heroine. How could she let her own daughter lie about stuff like that? It was enough that Mrs Rossi was questioned at work and her ignorance unveiled.
Yeah, Mrs Rossi would be lucky to keep her job after this but it was suggested Lila be sent outside Paris since she would certainly be unhappy with her new pariah status. Lila was sent to a correctional facility where no one was charmed by her falsehoods. Hell, she couldn’t even contact her mother because she was even busier trying to make amends.
When Ladybug finally told Chat she was happily in a relationship with her new boyfriend, he was sulky. Oh sure, he continued to fight alongside Ladybug but he was hopeful that she would break up with her boyfriend.
Plagg: that’s a horrible reaction. Can’t you just be happy for Ladybug?
Adrien: love is irrational and can’t be reasoned with, Plagg.
Plagg: then can you at least be polite and respectful to Ladybug’s wishes that you stop flirting with her?
Adrien: fine. Being Chat Noir was a chance to finally express myself, though.
Plagg: there’s a difference between freedom of expression and being rude/disrespectful/obnoxious
Adrien tried to date Kagami, but she broke up with him. There was no point in continuing the relationship when Adrien was so fixed on Ladybug.
I’m gonna leave this open ended. Any ideas how you would end this story?
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ontrackmind · 2 years
I am one month into residency. Here are a few things I've learned (mostly about myself):
1) I am, indeed, a textbook person. I always thought I was an uptodate person, but it's just not always the best resource for peds. I have looked things up in Red Book, Lange Neonatology, Bright Futures, and AAP Peds in Review multiple times this month already. They just seem to work better for me when I have the time. Uptodate is my second choice for on-the-go reading (like when walking to morning conference)
2) organization is key. I'm not sure what system works best for me on rounds since the handoff sheet we get is completely different from what we used at my med school. (Same info, just formatted differently on the page). But, I have found having a succinct cover sheet with all of my patients only and their to-do items for the day to be way more efficient than flipping back and forth in a big packet. I'm still working out how to make the handoff page work best for me during rounds though. One thing is clear though, if you're not organized, something will be forgotten. For me, keeping lists and check boxes is key.
3) if I don't write it down, it doesn't exist. How do people remember *everything*?? If I don't write it down within 5 minutes of doing it/hearing about it/being told to do it, it's forgotten in the abyss.
4) good sleep hygiene is my BFF. I probably have co-residents with wacky schedules, but I like my routine and I have noticed I do better when I'm well rested. I typically get 6-8 hours, but in order to ensure that happens, I have a pretty consistent routine in the evenings after work and the mornings before work (especially since I don't have a yard and have to walk my dog both times). I also like feeling well rested in the morning. I'm in a better mood, less stressed, and make fewer mistakes. (Maybe this one matters more since I don't drink coffee or soda so I don't get an extra boost from the caffeine?? I've debated energy shots, but I get heart palpitations with anxiety and they freak me out. I can only imagine what extra caffeine would do)
5) I 100000% prefer to work as a team than work alone. My last block was very team oriented and I felt like I thrived. We were always asking each other how we could help and getting lunch or snacks for each other when we couldn't go together as a group. It was very much a "we all lift each other up" kind of environment. I hope that carries into my other blocks, too. I'm going to do my best to continue to be a team player and help everyone with their workload.
6) I still feel pretty dumb and unsure of myself, but the imposter syndrome is WAY less than before. Idk if it's the new environment or what, but I just don't feel that same fear of being too dumb and undeserving and being the weak link like I did during med school. Sure, I have a lot to learn and I do sometimes forget things or freeze up (for instance, I completely forgot what DI was today during rounds. Literally could not have even told my fellow my name if she had asked.lol) and while I fell a little embarrassed, it's not the same as it was before. Maybe I'm in a better mental place for now?
7) Im somehow less stressed. Like, I work hard at work and sometimes I get frustrated or get stuck, but it's not the same as being a student. I read articles and do practice questions at home but it's much more leisurely. Despite the long hours, I find this WAY more enjoyable than med school. I don't feel guilty for taking time off or enjoying my hobbies and I actually enjoy studying and looking up stuff about my patients. Residency is hard, but I am so much happier than I was before. I hope it stays this way.
8) my dog is still one of the absolutely best part of my day. She's happy when we get up in the morning and happy when I get home in the evening. She will forever be the bright, sunny spot in my day. Its a lot of work having a dog while living alone, but holy crap is she worth it❤
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valerian-e-song · 2 years
shhh i'm not late <3
ok so the next kh game is birth by sleep which is a game that has 3 (or 4 depending on how you count it) different story paths. i'm gonna tell you just one of them rn because i don't trust myself to explain all three in any sort of succinct manner <3
in this (part of the) game we play as a wonderful little lad named ventus. or, actually, i'm getting ahead of myself.
bbs opens with this quaint little shot of a wooden structure on a beach (on the world 'destiny islands') at night. there's a little bridge out to a small outcropping nearby, some nice trees, lovely white sand, plenty of spaces for little kids to run and play around on- oh, and some old dude in a black coat carrying... something wrapped in white cloth under his arm.
the cloak dude drops whatever it is he's carrying over one of the trunk of one of the trees and turns to leave. which is when we get to learn that the 'something' is a boy! a small, maybe 12-13 at best, catatonic boy. who is being left here to die.
yay!!!! kids game :DDD
anyways we cut to black very briefly before there's a flash of light. the boy gets to fall onto a completely whited-out heart station (i'll. explain those some other time) that's half fallen apart. there's another flash of light and then the broken side begins to repair itself.
back out in the physical world, the boy lifts his hand, summons a keyblade, and shoots a light off into the sky. this, understandably, makes the man turn around.
we then cut to four years in a world known as 'the land of departure' later where we pan across a mildly messy room till we find our beach boy again. this boy's name is, again, ventus, though he goes by ven. and, more importantly, there's a meteor shower happening outside.
ven bolts out of his room and down to the cliffside to watch said meteor shower and is intercepted by his two friends, terra and aqua. the friends have a (expositional) chat, have a brief (tutorial) sparring match, and then aqua pulls out three star charms she calls 'wayfinders'.
these wayfinders are based on the paopu fruit that grows on destiny islands which is also something i'll explain more later. all you really need to know right now is that the fruit are star-shaped and supposedly if you share one with someone your souls will be forever 'bound together' or whatever.
regardless, the friends each take their glass charms, hold them up to the night sky, and then a rather ominous voice-over line from all three of them cheerfully tells us that this 'was the last night [they'd] ever spend under the same stars'.
we then cut to the next day! now, today is a very special day because today aqua and terra are taking a test called 'the mark of mastery' to become keyblade masters. this test consists of smacking some large, glowing, made of light(?) orbs and then fighting in a 1v1 duel.
in the end, aqua passes and becomes a master while terra is told he has too much darkness in his heart and that he'll have to try again some other time. terra is, very understandably, bummed out by this.
ven tries to comfort him, gets brushed off, and decides to go back to his room. where there's a lovely, cryptic, ominous masked figure waiting for him who tells him that terra is leaving him behind. ven runs all the way outside just in time to watch terra, fully suited up in his keyblade armour (that's a thing. dw about it) turn his keyblade into a bike (dw about it) and blast off through a portal.
ven sees all of this go down and then, like the protagonist he is, takes the smart option. of immediately also suiting up, turning his own keyblade into a bike, and then blasting off as well, despite aqua, who recently came out of the building herself, yelling at him to wait.
then we get disney world adventures. they aren't really important to the plot. like, yeah, ven leaves the wooden practice keyblade he got from terra in a treasure chest on the peter pan world and he gets to run around the size of a mouse for some reason in the cinderella world and he fights the masked boy, gets his ass beat, and then gets saved by micheal mouse dropping in out of the blue who then gives him three passes to disney world. but like. y'know.
anyways more actual plot happens in a world called 'radiant garden' where ventus meets several familiar-looking characters that you have no idea of who they are. and fuck it, i'm gonna tell you their names cause they're important later: ienzo (a literal child. no really he's like 8 tops), even (one of the royal scientists), aeleus (one of the royal guards), dilan (another guard), lea (a kid around ven's age (16)), and isa (another kid who's ~16). remember them for later there will technically be a quiz. in the loosest sense of the word.
ANYWAY. ven, aqua, and terra then all finally meet up again, fight a big unversed together (oh, right, in this game the enemies are unversed. not heartless. for... reasons. i'll explain that later too.), and then ven gives them his two extra disney world passes. terra tells ven to watch out for the masked boy, whom he calls vanitas, tells ven to go home and then leaves. ven has a talk with aqua who also tells him to go home and then she leaves to. ven wallows for a bit, has a talk with the aforementioned lea and isa and then sets out for more disney adventures.
we successfully avoid the plot for another few worlds (minus the bit about ven still trying to cath up with terra and aqua) until ven sorta-accidentally steals mickey's questionable teleportation device and gets dumped off at yen sid's tower. this dumps him right back into the plot as he sets off looking for mickey, winds up in a desert place, and crosses paths witha very evil-looking old man named master xehanort.
this is important because the combination of everything that's happened over the past few days, the location, and the appearance of xehanort lead to ven having a very plot important flashback.
so. ventus used to be the apprentice of master xehanort until he got fed up with ven's good boy-ness and forcibly ripped his heart in two - one half pure light, one half pure dark. the pure light half became ven, who was then dumped on a beach, and the pure dark hal became (drumroll please) vanitas! who master xehanort continued to teach over the past 4 years. the reason this is important is because xehanort wants to fuse the two of them back together to make the..... χ-blade. χ being the greek letter 'chi'.... pronounced 'key'..... :))))
ven, upon learning this news, goes back to the land of departure where he runs across his current teacher, master eraqus (voiced by luke skywalker. i'm being serious.) who... uh... makes a questionable choice and upon also learning this information, attempts to kill ven. he's stopped by terra showing up, blocking his attack, and then fighting him for trying to, y'know, murder one of his friends. he summons a portal and tosses ven through it, despite ven's best efforts to get them to stop fighting.
ven and vanitas then have a fun little chat when vanitas tries to get ven to fuse with him and ven pointedly tells him 'no. the only way we'd forge the keyblade is if we fought. and i refuse to fight you.'
and then everybody heads over to the keyblade graveyard to have their final fight. (uh. yeah. so you remember khux? how there was that big war? yeah,, the keyblade graveyard is the battlefield where all that remains is a bunch of keyblades stuck in the ground after their owners... er. yeah. kids game.)
ven, very tired with the whole situation, tells his friends that if (when) he and vanitas fight and they fuse to just "put an end to [him]". so he's doing great.
and then vanitas and xehanort show up and they have a big, long, dramatic fight. ven gets frozen trying to help terra and dropped off a cliff, barely surviving. then he fights vanitas once in the physical world, and once in their hearts as they fuse together.
the χ-blade is briefly formed before ven defeats vanitas, accidentally shattering their heart along with the χ-blade in the process, and sending ventus into a coma.
his(/thier) heart zips back over to destiny islands to heal up by latching back onto the heart that healed ven's heart 4 years ago. and boy, wouldn't you guess it, the kid whose heart that is might be slightly important for the rest of the series. just a hunch though. i mean it's just some random kid named sora.
and yeah that about wraps up ven's part of bbs, see you at some point for terra's part! <3
wait hold on
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Billy Russo x Female Reader
Warnings: S.M.U.T., language.
Synopsis: You finally get out of the city to spend a week in a beachside paradise - you’re entitled to a little getaway, you think, with your birthday coming up. When a handsome stranger hits on you at the bar, along with your birthday, some other things might come as well.   A/N: This was random? Came out of nowhere. Enjoy & let me know what you think x
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Gif not mine
Timid waves crushed softly against the shoreline, white sand turning concrete gray at their touch. The warm breeze carried around a song you thought you recognised, but couldn’t remember from where. The beach-side bar basked in a gentle blush glow, so typical for the evenings here at Mallorca… You’d only arrived a couple of days ago, but already you couldn’t picture yourself anywhere else - just sitting here, at the bar by the turquoise sea, sipping on your Pina Colada in the shadow of the palm-branched roof. The wind brushed through your salt-stained hair from the entire day spent rolling around on the beach; mindful sun caressing your thighs, peaking from behind the slit in your deep emerald dress.
Tonight was relatively calm, you thought, twirling the straw in your cocktail absentmindedly. Ever since the English rugby team packed up their balls and other attributes and set out to sea, the place became peaceful.
You were glad. The entire point of this trip was to get out of the busy city for a while, enjoy the calm. If you wanted a testosterone-filled party for your birthday, you would have stayed in New York - Karen would throw a rave that would make Coachella look like a kindergarten gathering.
But that is exactly what drove you out of America and into this seaside paradise. If there was one thing you had trouble doing, it was working a crowd of people you barely saw in your everyday life, who only came for booze and dancing. Karen said she understood, and that the party would have been a small yet tasteful affair… you still fled.
Here’s to hoping that Karen wasn’t pissed at you for bailing, you silently prayed, throwing the straw on the bar and taking a gulp directly from the glass. Judging from the text Karen sent you earlier today, saying something about getting together for a celebratory meal when you got back to the city, you figured she wasn’t mad. She did say something about introducing her to a friend of Frank’s again, and having thrown the Karen plan for the party out of the window, you had to budge.
It’d been so long it had become a running joke between you two - Karen wanting to introduce you to that “handsome hunk”, with whom Frank had served. She was especially lyrical about his manners, his big heart and his beautiful smile.
If you didn’t know better, you’d think Karen was head over heels for the guy.
Every time Karen made plans for a Sunday brunch or Saturday night drinks at Castle’s place with the sole purpose of introducing you to the Hunk, you always found an excuse to ditch. Sometimes it was an urgency at work, sometimes it was about something funny you ate the night before… You must have been dodging these “introductory date” attempts for at least five months now - and it all looked like after this get-away vacation, you’d have to face the music.
Well, it was worth it. A week of doing nothing, reading sappy novels and drinking high-end cocktails, that was what you craved for, and if you had to pretend to be interested in some nonsense a guy was trying to charm you with for a couple of hours, it was a small price to pay. With that thought, you finished off your Pina Colada and motioned for the sunburnt brown bartender to get you another one.
“Hola señorita.”
The voice was unexpected. Low, with an agreeable trace of huskiness and with a hint of power.
“Disculpe, ¿este asiento está ocupado?”
Slightly frowning, you turned your head to the right.  
Ever since the English rugby team settled in one of the villas, the women in the hotel found themselves outnumbered. It just so happened - what a coincidence - that you turned out to be their neighbour, your villa closest to theirs. Everytime you’d walk out of your temporary home to hit the bar or the beach, you’d spot at least three young men hanging outside of their quarters, their faces illuminating the minute they saw you. You’d give them a cursory smile back - you weren’t that cruel - but everytime one of them tried to approach you, you shot him down - often with a look, rarely with a verbal warning. Ever since they left, you was relishing the feeling of tranquillity - until he decided to burst your happy little bubble.
The first thing you noticed about him is that he wasn’t Spanish, despite the lack of accent. He had beautiful dark, almost black eyes, the colour of a freshly brewed espresso, that myriad of black and chocolate tones swirling in a whirlpool of tender curiosity. They held your depreciating stare well. The sun obviously loved him - those razor-sharp cheekbones glowed bronze as he tilted his head to the side a little bit. The wind caressed his dark hair, playing with the longer strands at the top.
Something about him was so familiar. Maybe you’d seen him on the beach before? You did stay at the same hotel after all…
Not in a slightest bit confused at your lack of answer, the man smiled.
His smile held a sort of a gentle surprise in it, like a summer day in a middle of October.
It was absolutely breathtaking.
“Je suis désolée,” you finally uttered, forcing your eyes to focus on his eyes again instead of his lips. “Je ne parle pas espagnol”.
His smile grew wider, much to your surprise. Instead of getting red in the face, stammering out some random apology as you expected him to, he nodded and motioned to the chair next to you with one hand, sliding the other one across the surface of the bar.
Despite your better judgement and against your utter dislike of aimless flirting, you found herself shrugging as you accepted her second drink from the bartender.
“A whiskey on the rocks, please.”
Ah-ha. He’s from New York.
You sipped on your cocktail directly from the glass, ignoring the brand-new straw the bartender supplied you with in order to hide your smirk. As the man held two aristocratic, impossibly long fingers in the air, making his order, you took the time to study him.
He was tall, much taller than you. The plain white t-shirt that he wore betrayed the solid stomach muscles hidden under the cotton - the short sleeves strained as he gripped the back of the chair and slowly lowered himself onto it.
“Thank you,” he finally said to the bartender with a nod, gripping his glass with those downright pornographic fingers. Slightly pursuing his lips, the man turned his full attention back to you. When you arched an eyebrow at his antics, he flashed you a mischievous yet understanding look. “Ça tombe bien. Je me sens plus à l’aise en parlant français”.
That cheeky bastard.
Your first reaction was that of a sincere surprise. You were pretty sure that for a second there, your eyebrows almost reached your hairline. Upon catching the satisfied glint in these already all too familiar eyes, you wanted to feel irritated at the nerve of him, at the fact that he just happened to beat you at your own game. But you didn’t.
Biting hard on your bottom lip in order not to laugh, you took your glass and sipped, hard.
“While I’d love to know how many more languages the lady speaks, I would much rather learn her name”, he dropped nonchalantly, whirling his whiskey gently, the ice cubes cluttering against the glass.
The first comeback that crossed your mind was so filthy you couldn’t possibly go with it. The second one, however, was efficient and succinct.
“Diana, here’s a lady’s name.”
With a low chuckle, he let his head drop down for a moment. When he raised his eyes to face you again, your chest felt a little too tight and a little too fragile under his poignant stare - that of amusement, want and a clean cut awe.
His eyes had told you that this was more than a drifting attraction, that he was interested in so much more than your name…
You saw it, and for some nonsensical reason, chose to believe it.
“I don’t care about names,” there was such a determination to your voice that it surprised you. It didn’t startle him, though - he caught your every word as his eyes travelled from your fluttering eyelashes to the soft curve of your lips. “When there are so many more interesting things to talk about. Don’t you agree?”
As you turned away from him and took another sip of your drink, you heard him chuckle yet again, and saw him press a hesitant finger against his lips.
This was obviously new to him. This small treacherous gesture led you to believe that maybe he wasn’t one to pick women at bars, that, just like you, he felt that thrill of surrendering to the strange sort of attraction encircling you both.
“In fact, enough talking. Let’s focus on doing.”
What was it so special about him that made you decide? It’s not like there’s been no men before him, very much willing to break through your iron-clad facade, wanting you to take a leap of faith. Some of them had the potential to make you feel good, you were aware of that. Still, you didn’t want them.
What made him so different? A certain familiarity of his voice, his features, maybe? Or maybe you should just slow down, cut down on the alcohol, drink a glass of water and go back to your villa, alone.
The way his eyes skimmed your naked shoulders, a barely there sigh leaving his half-open lips sealed the deal.
You didn’t want to slow down.
Not with him.
“Here’s to doing then”, his Adam apple bobbed as he gulped down, his eyes darkening. He raised his glass towards you - a figurative shake of hands on the deal they just made.
“Here’s to doing”, you agreed, clinking your glass to his.
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His villa was located at the outskirts of the hotel beach, backed by the rocks. It was a ten-minute walk from the bar, feet in the warm sand, the star-sprangled night sky over your heads.
Despite the silence surrounding you, save for the occasional gust of breeze carrying on the sound of music from the bar you just left, you didn’t feel awkward. A soft smile ghosted over your lips as you felt his careful touch at the small of your back - those fingers sliding down to the base of your spine, feather-like. He strode forward, adapting his pace so you could keep up - you weren’t even sure he was aware of that, the change in him so spontaneous, as if it were a force of habit. Like this wasn’t the first time you walked side by side.
You would blame it on the booze, but you drank a total of two cocktails.
He only had one whiskey before they took off.
The villa he chose to stay in was slightly more spacious than yours, and provided a lot more privacy - this told you a lot about the man you were about to sleep with. He was most certainly well off, for starters. He also came here to get his share of peace and quiet, much like yourself.
Guiding you through the doors, he turned the lights on behind you, his other hand never leaving your back.
The best way to describe the interior would be neat or crisp, with a large, perfectly made bed in the center of the space, surrounded by a bar, a hanging chair, a shuttered armoire, and a desk, that could be used both as a kitchen table and a bureau. It smelled faintly of vanilla and musk, with a sea-salt aftertaste.
“Make yourself at home”, he murmured into your ear, still standing behind you, his hand gripping your hip hard for a fleeting second. When the realization of his touch had settled in, and you were finally able to react, he was already at the bar, serving himself a whiskey.
“Would you like something to drink?”
He busied himself with the bottle for a moment; then he produced another glass from behind the bar, waiting on your answer. When you didn’t speak, he turned to face you again.
You did as you were told - kicking off your shoes, you stepped onto the soft wool rug. With your back to him, you slowly made your way to his bed. One you reached it, you couldn’t resist trailing your fingertips along its surface - the sheets were creamy and silk, smooth to the touch.
You stopped short of the head of the bed, throwing a look over your shoulder. He caught your gaze, frozen in place, wetting his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue.  
“Why don’t you choose for me?” you offered, slowly lowering yourself on the bed, crossing your legs. “What do you usually serve them?”
The way his eyes narrowed at you ever so slightly almost made you smile. It looked like you’d struck a nerve.
“I wouldn’t know how to answer that question”, he said, his voice levelled, his stare unblinking. “I’ve never had an urge like that before”.
Well, fuck.
How many more times this man was going to run counter to your expectations?
And on top of everything, damn, he was good. A quick-thinker or a natural good-talker? Would you remain clear-headed for long enough to find out?
“What else would you like to know?” his voice grew huskier as he pushed the glass away from himself. He left it at the bar as he started your way, his pupils blown to hell.
“That all I’ve been thinking about ever since I saw you at the bar is how soft your breasts would feel pressed against my chest? That I’ve been hard ever since you opened that sassy mouth of yours? Or that I would have jerked off to the memory of you for weeks if you hadn’t come here with me?”
The tightness that had long since made home in your chest moved lower, lower, lower, until it sank into the pit of your stomach. At his words, involuntary, your thighs clenched together, restless energy buzzing in between your legs, your toes curling.
“Stand up”.
When your eyes focused back on your surroundings, you saw him standing a couple of steps away, his strong jaw clenching as he gazed at you, his arms folded on his chest. Breath catching in your throat, you pushed off the bed. Feeling dizzy all of the sudden, you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Don’t close your eyes. Look at me, beautiful.”
Again, you did as you were told - you met his gaze head-on, and almost instantly regretted it. He was staring down at you with those black bottomless eyes, raw emotion flowing through him, filling the air around them, charging it to the brim. His hands fell down his sides now - so tense, the veins budged on his forearms.
It’s like he was pacing himself, keeping himself from touching you.
“Take off your dress,” he requested after a moment, watching you like a hawk.
Slowly, squeezing your thighs harder, harder still, you brought your hands to the spaghetti straps on your shoulders, before pushing them off completely.
The dress landed in a heap on the floor, leaving you in nothing but lacy panties - almost utterly naked under his stare.
You heard the softest groan escape his mouth as his hand snaked across his thighs and up to that bulge in his pants. When he squeezed his hand around it, his abdominal muscles flexing as he exhaled, you felt the moisture spread down your inner thighs.
With your heart pounding in your throat, you made a step towards him with your hand stretched out. Almost immediately you heard a low strangled noise, and saw the nah shining bright in his dark eyes.
“Not yet, beautiful,” he growled, taking his t-shirt off in one elegant motion. He then undid the belt on his pants, his eyes savouring every inch of your naked skin. “Play with your tits for me. With both hands.”
Your own touch burned as you carefully squeezed your nipples with your fingers. Throwing your head back, you moaned loud, unwillingly pushing your hips forward.
“That’s it, beautiful, just like that.”
His words seemed to lift some sort of barrier, as you started to tug and pull harder at the nipples, alternating the movements with firm grasps around the swell of your breasts.
You were going to come.
You were going to come and he hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Now slide one of those hands down those panties. Rub that pretty pussy. Tell me how wet you are”.
You made peace with the fact that he was a talker - but now he had surely sat out to break her. His voice washed all over your body, sending goosebumps down your spine as you slid one of your hands under the underwear.
“I’m so fucking wet”, you gasped, staring at him. “Fucking dripping”.
His moan made your thighs tremble, your fingers slowly circling around your clit. Before you let your eyes roll to the back of your head, you saw him with one of his hands hidden in his pants, slowly jerking himself off, with slow, aborted motions.
“That’s it, caress that pussy for me. But go slow - tease it”.
You nearly growled at that. You knew you were close - there was a bundle of sensation, like a ball of electricity, building inside of you - two quick flicks of your index finger, and you’d be done for.  
“Jesus, please”, you stuttered out before you could realize you were actually begging. “I’m so fucking close, please…”
You rubbed slowly over the nerves, your fingers wet and slippery. Panting, you realized his name would have come in handy just now - if he had some sort of a praise kink, you could maybe easily get the release you yearned for.
“You are so beautiful, fucking yourself like that. Wish those were my hands. Or my mouth”.
Something flared at the very end of your clit, softly spreading all over her pussy. You moaned loud and unapologetic, your fingers moving faster as you tried to chase that sensation. You needed to grasp it, to ride it out, you fucking needed it!…
“Put a finger inside, beautiful”.
You didn’t need to be told twice. Pumping fast and hard, you could feel your knees bending, your flesh begging for release.
“Come for me. Now.”
As if by command, the orgasm finally hit you - everywhere at once. It made your entire body shake as you screamed out, pussy clenching around your fingers. You barely registered you were falling down on your knees, when strong hands caught you at your hipbones, pushing you upright.
He was on you before you could come down from your high. His mouth hot and bruising against yours, you moaned, instinctively jumping onto him and wrapping your legs around his feverish body.
His scent assaulted you - a clean, musky scent made your inside muscles clench, so you wiggled against him, wanting more.
He was so painfully hard against your core, you whimpered, pushing your hips against his, needing more friction, like an addict craving for a dose.
Sensing your need, feeling you, he grabbed your ass with his large hands and stepped onto the bed, setting you down on that same wooden headboard of the bed you’d almost stroke with your fingers.
Pushing your legs apart, he settled in between them. Before you knew it, his tongue lapped at your wetness, sliding up the length of your slit. Whimpering and moaning, you arched your back, burying your fingers in his hair, tugging hard. That made him growl, adding a slight vibration as he sucked on the bundle of nerves. He slammed his fingers - those fucking fingers - into you, and it took exactly two pumps for your second orgasm to roll over you. With your eyes squeezed shut, you moaned into the ceiling with everything you had.
Helping you slide down onto the bed with his hands guiding your hips, he gave you a piercing stare. The one that made you whimper, even though your eye-side was still fuzzy at the edges.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, before he distanced himself from you - to take off his pants.
“I’m going to fuck you now - I’ll be gentle next time, right now… Right now I just need to bury myself in that pretty pussy of yours”.
“Fuck”, you moaned, propping yourself on the elbows, closing your eyes as you threw your head back. You didn’t know if you could handle more, but Jesus, did you want it. His cock stretching you wide.
You would not have been able to tell where he took a condom from - you didn’t even have time to contemplate on it. All you registered was a slight discomfort in between your legs before his huge cock pushed inside of you, inch by glorious inch. The stretch was almost too much, and you coughed out half a breath, half a moan as you tried to adjust to his size. Whatever sound you were about to let out next, as he slid out of you and pushed back in, to the hilt this time, it got lost in between your lips, as he captured your mouth in a bruising kiss.
Your nails scratched on his ripped back as he fucked into you shallowly, your teeth biting into the skin on his neck. As if not getting enough of you, he grabbed one of your thighs, flexing it, so he could thrust deeper.
The change of the angle had you swearing under your breath, and his mouth was there to silence you again, his teeth biting down on your bottom lip.
The third orgasm snuck up on you out of nowhere - there was no gradual built, no buzzing feeling in your lower stomach - it crashed on you like a bucket full of ice, having you arching your back, clenching around his cock so fiercely, it snatched an orgasm out of him, as well.
“Fuuuuuck”, he breathed out, his hips slamming sloppily into yours. “So fucking good, fucking…”
Before he could continue, you rolled forward and put your mouth on him, swallowing his words. With his palm cupping your cheek, he deepened the kiss as his cock drained itself into the latex.
The kiss grew soft, your noses touching ever so slightly as you both slowed down, a mess of tangled limbs. Smearing his wet mouth against your nipples, he pushed up from you, sliding his cock out.
“I’d take that drink now if you don’t mind”, you told him, a lazy smile illuminating your features.
A low chuckle he let out echoed in your lower stomach.
“Sure, beautiful. How does a whiskey sound?” he offered, standing up in all his naked glory.
You hummed in approval as you leaned higher against the headboard. Biting your lip, you checked out his ass unashamedly, as he made his way to the bar, throwing the used condom into the garbage bin.
“I know there are some things that we’ve agreed on, but I’d much appreciate calling you by your name instead of beautiful when going down on you next time. What do you say?”
You heard whiskey splash against the walls of your soon-to-be glass. Your inner muscles clenched at the sight of him, naked, serving you a drink.
“It’s Y/N”, you said with a small smile.
“Billy”, he responded, making his way to you. As you reached out to take your glass of whiskey from him, he pulled his hands backwards, using your position to land his lips on yours in a stinging kiss instead. You responded hungrily, grabbing his head with both of your hands.
The night was still young, after all.
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“Okay, so would you rather spent your life partying with rich assholes you barely know, still seeing your family and friends, or get stuck on a desert island with no opportunity to see anyone at all?”
You turned your head ever so slightly, feeling his muscles clench as Billy huffed out a breath.
You both laid naked on his bed, him propped against the headboard, you - with your head settled comfortably on his stomach. A half empty bottle of whiskey was getting warm against your bare thigh, both of your glasses laying empty next to it.
You had lost count of the times you came with his name a word of ecstasy on your lips. You were surely going to sport some hickeys on your neck tomorrow, but you didn’t care.
You had never felt so at ease with a man before. Granted, no man had ever managed to make you come three times in a row, but that wasn’t the point. Billy made you question your “no dating” rule, and not just because he fucked like his life depended on it. He just got you - whether it was your discomfort in big crowds, fear of subway, weird addiction to macarons or love-hate relationship with Paris. You just clicked - it was hard to believe you met mere hours ago.
Or maybe the fact that you only just met was the reason why you clicked. It certainly wouldn’t be the same in the long run. The rose-goggles period only lasted so long. When routine kicked in, it tended to crash everything in its wake.
“That’s a tough one”, he said, biting on the inside of his cheeks. “If I could invite people on my desert island, I’d definitely go with the second option.”
“Well, you can’t”, you smirked at him, and then stared back into the ceiling. “It’s either being constantly surrounded, or seeing no one at all”.
He hummed, considering the options.
“I can’t imagine being alone 24/7, even though you might have guessed already, I love being alone sometimes”, his fingers slowly caressed the soft skin under your breasts, as he voiced his thoughts out loud. “It’s funny how your mind works though”, you could hear a smile in his tone now. “With you, it’s either all or nothing.”
You thought for a moment, interlacing your fingers with his. Then you shrugged:
“Sometimes, I just want to get away, you know? See no one, speak to no one… I sometimes push people away, thinking it would do me good. But it doesn’t always have that desirable effect.”
When you stole a glance at Billy again, you saw him nod.
“I know what you mean”, he spoke quietly. “And I’m glad you didn’t push me away tonight”.
“Oh, I tried,” you assured him with a smirk. “You’re hard to shake off”, you let go of his fingers and pushed yourself up on your hands, so that your eyes were on the same level.
Billy chuckled, his lips stretching in that warm and wonderful smile.
“Keep looking at me like that, and I’ll be hard. Again. Point blank.”
You laughed quietly, dropping your gaze, your eyes traveling down his stomach and to that massive cock between his legs.
He was getting hard again alright.  
“What time is it?” you suddenly remembered, snapping your gaze around, searching for a clock.
“Quarter to four, why would you ask?” he told you, after checking his wristwatch.
You closed her eyes.
“It’s my birthday”, you said before you blinked at him in surprise.
In between all that dirty sex and orgasms, you lost track of time and completely forgot. Were you coming when the clock struck midnight? The thought made you giggle.
“Really?” Billy stared at you in disbelief before his dark cocoa eyes softened, and his voice dropped an octave. “Come here”.
Warmth spread all over your body at his words, your core the center of the growing tingling sensation. Billy used his hot hands to pull you closer, help you settle in his lap, your legs on each side of his hips. With his left hand he reached for the bedside table, pulling out yet another condom out.
“Would you like to put it on?” He whispered against the skin behind your ear, making your pussy tense. Not trusting your voice, you nodded, taking the foil packet from his hand. Tearing it up with your teeth, you slid the latex onto his throbbing cock, pumping him a couple of times for a good mesure. The noises Billy made were downright pornographic. You licked your lips.
With both of your hands on his naked shoulders, you slowly lowered yourself all the way down onto him, the sensation making you both moan this time.
“Just like that, beautiful”, he whispered softly in your ear, thrusting up into you.
You rode him slowly, arching your back, leveraging yourself on his shoulders. The position was so damn intense, and not only because that way Billy could thrust deeper, up to his balls. There was a strange sort of intimacy as he gripped your hips, helping you bounce slowly on his rock-hard cock - his cocoa eyes held a sort of intensity as he fucked into you. It made your heart ache.
“I fucking can’t get enough of you”, he confessed hoarsely. “Of that tight, wet, perfect pussy. Of your beautiful, smart mouth. All of you. Every fucking inch of you.”
His revelation combined with his soft, yet methodic thrusts was what toppled you over the edge. You came hard, your body protesting against all those orgasms Billy’s cock had already wrestled out of it. Speaking of him, he wasn’t too far behind either, gripping your hips and holding you down as he came.
His lips seemed to hold some kind of a promise as he kissed you gently.
“Happy Birthday, beautiful”, he whispered against your lips, his hot and ragged breath fanning over your skin.
You managed a tired smile, surging up to kiss him again, relishing the feeling of him inside of you still….
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Surprisingly, New York welcomed you back with cloudless sky. It was still as busy as you remembered it, but something had changed. People seemed friendlier, streets - sunnier, summer - hotter. You caught yourself enjoying the city again now that you had come back well-rested from your week-long vacation.
Well-rested might have been a wrong word for it. More like satisfied. And taken care of.
After that night, you spent the two remaining days of her getaway at Billy’s villa - no strings attached. You two barely left the place. Never had you enjoyed a man’s company this much. You cooked together, swam together, made love together… Until it was over and done, and you had to go back to the real life again, tiptoeing on your way out so he wouldn’t wake up.
You stopped cold for a moment, a plat of appetisers freezing in your hands.
Did you just think made love? Well that was a slip of epic proportions…
“Daydreaming about your boy-toy again?” Karen teased her with a smirk, walking into the kitchen. “He must have been quite something”.
Oh that, he was. You couldn’t help but sigh as you put the plate on the table.
How many people Karen was expecting for the dinner exactly? It looked like Frank and her had cooked enough for the entire goddamn naval infantry.
“It’s been a week,” you said, shaking your head as if trying to make the thoughts about him fall out. “I guess I need some time to turn that page”.
“Who said that page needs turning?” Karen reasoned, putting two bottles of champagne on the table. “Didn’t you say he was from New York? You could keep on seeing each other?”
You didn’t even take a moment to think it over.
“Nah,” you shook your head, tugging at your silk top. “We didn’t talk much about our respective jobs, but he made it obvious he travels a lot, so…”
Catching Karen’s sceptic stare, you threw both of your hands into the air, waving them.
“I’ll see him when I’ll see him, and if I don’t…” you shrugged. “Guess it wasn’t meant to be then”.
You turned to face Karen again only to find out that her expression hadn’t changed.
“Uh huh,” the noise she made was her other way of saying bullshit. “Well, you do what you gotta do, but please play nice with Russo. I swear he is a perfect guy for you”.
You let out a chuckle.
“You know, I heard it so many times I’m actually starting to believe it”, you said.
As if on cue, you heard men’s voices in the corridor.
“So how was your getaway, then?” Frank asked casually, stepping first into the kitchen. “Wow, that looks amazing, ladies,” he commented on the table, winking at Karen.
Page blushed in response, making you roll your eyes.
You was about to make a side comment to your best friend, when your mind suddenly went blank upon hearing the stranger’s voice.
“It was great, perfect actually…”
A designer-shoes-clad foot appeared in the room.
“I just feel like I left a part of me there, I’m going to need some time to rea…”
…djust, your mind supplied as you stared at Billy, her Billy, standing across the room from you - fully dressed this time.
“Oh my God,” you barely whispered, your eyes big in your face, your chest feeling like it was going to collapse on itself.
Billy’s lips slowly parted in the widest smile you’d ever seen - he just stood there, like a man on whom the greatest happiness had been bestowed, and it rendered him speechless.
Karen looked at them both in confusion, until…
Until realisation dawned on her, and she chortled, squeezing her eyes shut and covering her mouth.
“What’s… What’s going on?” Frank frowned, looking back and forth between Billy and you. “You guys know each other?”
“Hell yeah,” Billy finally spoke, his eyes never quitting yours as he closed the distance between you in four decisive strides.
Before you could even speak, he gripped your cheeks and dropped his lips on yours, as hot and burning as the sun back in Mallorca.
You moaned like you didn’t have a care in the world, pushing onto your toes, throwing your arms around his shoulders.
“I missed you, beautiful”, Billy uttered between the kisses, his forehead pressed to yours. “You ain’t getting away so easily this time”.
You let out a soft laugh, inhaling his scent, and moved to kiss his lips again. 
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tenspontaneite · 3 years
Peace Is A Journey (Chapter 23/?)
In which a Healer visits her patient, three unfortunate children have a very cold day of travel, and Corvus learns something unexpected during his convalescence.
(Chapter length: 14k. Ao3 link)
Warnings: non-graphic descriptions of respiratory illness, an amputated limb, and non-consensual administration of medical treatment. Discussions of suicide and mercy-killing. Depictions of early stages of adapting to a new physical disability. Mentions of cold-related injury in background characters.
A runner came for them early. Early enough that Sarli and her apprentice had barely risen. Seeing as Sarli was not yet presentable, Cairon answered the door; she listened to what little she could glean of the conversation through the walls.
She heard “Yes,” and “yes,” again, and then “I understand. I will tell my master.”
Sarli finished dressing and went out to receive the news. “Well?” she questioned, once her apprentice was within her line of sight, and he straightened.
“The castle requests our attendance to the prisoner at our earliest opportunity,” he reported. “And there is someone to show our way to the new cell waiting outside.”
She considered this, and the urgency it implied. It was fortunate that they had no appointments booked until the afternoon, apparently. “Have they any news of his condition?”
“Sick, and weakening.” Cairon was succinct.
“Unsurprising.” Sarli went to her medicine cabinet and opened it, considering the arrayed items with a careful eye. The infection was surely still persisting, so, something for the reduction of fever. The lilium, of course, for pain. It would be well to bring an anti-inflammatory, too. Perhaps several. And, if the elf persisted with his reticence, then…the needle, too.
She plucked a few vials and bottles from her shelves, then went for the other assorted basics of bandages and disinfectants, and handed some of it off to Cairon to pack while she wrapped the rest. And then there was nothing but for the two of them to leave their House of Healing and follow after their waiting escort.
The elf’s new prison was apparently in a wing of the castle proper; or so she surmised when they did not divert for the dungeons once through the castle gates. She supposed the stipulation of moonlight cut off many of the more secure below-ground options; she had been very clear in specifying that some amount of moonlight must be upon the cell for as close to the entire night as possible. She wondered how they’d managed it.
Once they were through the inner doors, one of the Crownguard took up her escort. “Healer Sarli,” she greeted, with a nod of respect. “If you’ll follow me? Your patient is waiting.”
“Of course,” she said, and so they followed a little further. The castle was well-guarded today, she noted. Very well-guarded. And increasingly so, as they progressed into a wing that did not seem designed for prisoners at all. “Is this not a residential wing?” she asked at last, a little nonplussed by the finery of the halls she crossed. Cairon, too, seemed a little narrow-eyed about the affair, though he did not speak. His eyes marked each and every Crownguard as they walked.
“Diplomatic wing,” corrected their escort; despite her professionalism, there seemed a hint of unease to her countenance. “I’m afraid your stipulations for all-night moonlight access were difficult to manage, Healer. The diplomatic quarters are empty for the moment, and they have always had high security anyway, so it was decided that one of the rooms should be converted for use as a cell. The windows are…larger, here.”
Sarli raised an eyebrow. She supposed there had been no call for the crown-castle to host Moonshadow prisoners before, but even so… “Surely that must have been rather a lot of work.”
“Less than you’d think. It was mostly a matter of replacing the door and putting a cage on the window. And stripping the room, of course.” The Crownguard hesitated for a moment. “It did take the night, though. The prisoner was only moved here two hours ago.”
She paused. “So, then, he has had no moonlight this past night.” Although her tone was neutral, she thought it plain that she was not pleased. Beside her, Cairon looked grim.
“Regretfully, no.”
Sarli pursed her lips, and said nothing more until they reached the cell.
It was apparent when they reached it. The door was thick and iron-banded, adorned with bolts and keyholes and chains. It was a sharp contrast to the finery of the rest of this area of the castle. There were two Crownguard directly outside the door, and several more posted the length of the hallway. Evidently, they were taking no chances with the elf that had slain the King. The effort they’d gone to was testament indeed to how valuable they considered this prisoner.
There was also a man who was certainly not a guard of any sort, waiting for them. He looked up as they neared, eyes sparking with recognition. Clearly, he knew her by the robes. “Healer Sarli,” he greeted, and offered a short bow. “You have been anticipated.”
Sarli stopped across from him and eyed him appraisingly. No sign of military conditioning, but a certain self-assurance to his manner regardless. He seemed sharp-eyed and shrewd, and was dressed smartly in predominantly dark colours. She recognised his like. “There has been no tribunal yet,” she observed, a little startled to see an observer from the Crow Lord’s office here.
He nodded agreeably. “There hasn’t. I believe they aren’t in any particular hurry to hold one either, since it will be a moot point if the elf doesn’t survive the new moon.” The man’s eyes slid from her to Cairon, then back again. “I am Teyron. I will be present for any and all meetings between the prisoner and his guards and visitors of any kind.”
She inspected him. “Seeing if there is anything to glean from non-exceptional measures?” Her voice was dry.
Teyron smiled. “That, too.”
Sarli shook her head. It was like that, was it? Very well, then. She supposed it mattered little to her. Cairon seemed a little confused, though, so she turned to him and said “This is a member of the Crow Lord’s office. He is here to gather information on the prisoner via the passive methods of observation and insight. He is also here to ensure no one attempts covert communication with the prisoner during visits.”
She was watching him closely to be sure he understood, and was satisfied to watch him fall briefly still. “I see,” Cairon said, in the end, eyeing the Crow Lord’s man with some mixture of caution and curiosity. “Is that standard for prisoners of war?”
“It’s standard for prisoners with a covert operations background,” Teyron said affably, and inclined his head to the door. “Shall we?”
“Yes.” Sarli approached the door as one of the Crownguard reached over to slot a thick key into the mechanism. When it was opened, she allowed Teyron and the guards to precede her, then followed without further ado.
She lingered in the doorway for a moment, taking stock of the room. If this had been ambassadors’ housing, she could only imagine it had been for lesser members of a delegation. The place was well-lit, but it was not large. Even stripped of its finery and furniture, it was emphatically not large. A servant’s posting, perhaps? Even such a lowly use was beyond it now. It was utterly bare but for the trappings of a prison. No bed, not even a pallet; but there was a chamber-pot, she was glad to see. That was certainly more than the Lord Protector had provided.
As the Crownguard had said, there had been bars affixed around the broad window of the impromptu cell; the mortar barely looked dry where they penetrated the walls. She thought humourlessly on how much work it would be to rehabilitate this room when it had expunged its use as a prison.
And then there was the prisoner himself. Her patient. The guard had not thought to mention the chains affixed to the wall, but he was well-secured by them. There were cuffs at his neck, both shins, and the surviving arm, all held fast by long chains that coiled around him like darksteel snakes. They seemed to allow him a surprising range of motion, and Sarli guessed that he would easily be able to reposition himself in front of the window, should he desire. And yet, he had made no attempt to do so. Instead he was slumped backwards against the wall, peering narrowly at them; he seemed too weak to hold himself fully upright.
Sarli inspected him in a fast, evaluative moment, then stepped forwards. “You will remember me, I trust,” she said, and approached without ceremony to lay her pack down. Cairon trailed at her heels, silent and watchful. “I am here to continue your treatment.”
The elf did not reply. His eyes slid from her to Cairon, and then to Teyron. There they lingered for a while, dark and suspicious. She supposed he must be aware of what that man represented. At all times, Teyron would be watching for any opening or weakness implied in his reactions. The elf had already been silent and taciturn, and she doubted this would help matters.
So she sighed, and beckoned Cairon over. The Crownguard followed as well, which she noted with some asperity. The territoriality was reflexive; a Healer should not be managed in her treatment of a patient, nor crowded in such an unseemly manner. “Are you a Healer’s assistant as well as Crownguard?” She questioned the woman, annoyance lending sharpness to the words.
“Begging your pardon, Healer,” said the Crownguard. “I am protection. He has sufficient leeway in his chains to attack you.”
“And perhaps that would be a legitimate concern nearer the full moon,” Sarli said. “But for the moment, my patient is so weak he trembles at supporting himself upright, even leaning on a wall. If I cannot stop him, my apprentice will. Step back, if you please.”
Two faces went disgruntled at once: the Crownguard’s, and the elf’s. The latter, she supposed, was unhappy with her entirely accurate characterisation of his weakness.
“As you say, Healer,” The Crownguard conceded, finally, and did step back. Satisfied, Sarli went to her work.
Her first order of business was to give her patient a thorough looking-over. In plain daylight, his inhuman skin-tone was more evident, but the sickly pallor held to it nonetheless. His face was a little too pale, and the shadows beneath his eyes were dark. She felt for his pulse, and found it shallow and laboured. His temperature was somewhat higher than preferable, though not yet dangerously so. She inspected the stump of his arm next, removing the bandages and gauze, and noted that it had healed very little at all. It was not bleeding, but the edges of the wound had made no visible effort at sealing, even as careful as her stitching had been. Sarli saw that it was at least not visibly infected, even if the inflammation was severe. Finally she gestured for the stethoscope and listened to his lungs again. Their condition was more advanced now, though she could have surmised that merely by listening to him breathe.
For his part, the elf bore the examination stoically, flinching only the first time she touched him and then not at all thereafter. At last she sat back and observed him. “Will you take your medicines of your own accord?” she asked, and he blinked slowly at her. There was no hostility in his eyes, only a weary resolution. Outside of the dark, they lacked their uncanny phosphorescence, and seemed a great deal more human.
“I will not,” he rasped, as he had once before. The Crow Lord’s spy watched avidly from the corner.
She inclined her head. “I respect your pride, and your force of will,” she said. “But it is my duty to heal you.”
The elf’s eyes slid briefly to Teyron again. She expected him to remain silent after reminding himself that they were observed, but he surprised her. In that terrible rattling voice, he said “Your duty, to heal one who is already dead.” It was not quite a question, but had the taste of one regardless.
Sarli considered the words, feeling in them some edge of a culture unknown to her. There was significance here that she was not privy to. “I know nothing of the ways of your kind,” she said at last. “If you think you are already dead, then perhaps you are. I cannot heal a corpse. But I am human. If you are not beyond my aid, then the alleviation of your suffering does remain my duty. I will see it done.”
He exhaled, and the sigh would have been silent if not for the crackle of his lungs. He descended into a brief, painful series of wet coughs, then he met her eyes. They were oddly steady. Again, that rasping voice: “I have heard of how human healers alleviate suffering.”
In the corner of her eye, Sarli saw Teyron shift, less with interest than with wariness. She could read the thoughts, there. The elf’s words were not quite an overt invitation of a more permanent mercy, but they skittered close enough that an information specialist might fear what she would do.
And well he should. It would be easy, after all. No one could stop her from mixing the lilium a little too potently. It would spare him his pain. Spare him the suffering of the next few days. Spare him the inevitable torture that would come, should he survive.
Sarli regarded the elf, expressionless. Beside her, Cairon was very still. “You speak of the mercy-killing that a Healer may practice as if you would invite it,” she said, at last, and he made no objection to the words. Just watched her. “You refuse to eat or drink on your own, and accept no medical aid that is not forced upon you. In this regard, you behave as one seeking to die.” Sarli watched him, and nodded to herself. “…But I think that there are limits upon that intention, for you. If you truly wished to end yourself, none could stop you. Yet you have not.” Slow and deliberate, she set the stethoscope fully aside, and reached for her medicines. “If you will not do it yourself, do not ask it of me. I will not be the instrument of your destruction.”
The elf looked away, deliberately taciturn. There was a flicker of frustration in his expression, but nothing else. She wondered if he had been wishing that someone would take the decision from him and enact his death themselves. She wondered if his strange culture, such that it was, forbade direct suicide. Either way, he had not died, and he was not yet upon the nadir of suffering and despair that would see her change that.
Not yet. But she had given the quiet death before, and might well give it again, should there be a need.
Silent, she gestured to Cairon, and received the needle and the lilium from his hands.
“Know this, my patient,” Sarli said finally, and watched the elf’s eyes turn guardedly her way. “Once Mercy becomes a knife, there can be no more Mercy thereafter. But where life persists, there is Hope of change.” The words sat holy upon her tongue, and she lingered for a moment beneath the weight of them. She exhaled, silent, and finished “This is a lesson that the centuries have taught us very well, and that you would do well to learn.” Then she kept at her work, eyes steady on her tools. She did not look for her patient’s reaction.
When she lifted her eyes to regard him, he was very carefully expressionless. If her words had provoked any response in him, he was allowing none of it to his face. Stoicism stared back at her. There was a light tremor in his living arm; she eyed it, finished her assembly of the needle and reservoir, and reached out to prick the skin. He barely twitched as the lilium joined to his blood, soon to bring him the relief from pain that she had promised; but only that. No more. Her Mercy was not yet a knife.
The elf endured the treatments in silence. She had come prepared for the notion that he might not accept medical aid, but even so, the medicines that could be administered to the blood were not many. The lilium, yes. The anti-inflammatory as well. But she had no recourse to treat his fever if he would not drink. She sighed, and set it aside, well within his reach. “If you change your mind about accepting medical treatment, this here is for your fever,” she said, and he glanced at it. “It will aid your body in fighting the infection. Consider it.”
He blinked, slowly, then looked deliberately away. Apparently he was done with speaking for the day.
She accepted it, and then finally rose. Her old bones ached from kneeling for so long, but she refused to show the duress; she handed the bags to Cairon and then turned to leave. “I will return tomorrow, in the morning,” she stated, to the Crownguard and the observer both. “If there is any change in his condition before then, send for me.”
They murmured their assent and bowed lightly as she left; she waved off her escort and left with Cairon without ceremony. He was very quiet, saying nothing, and watching the guards they passed on their way through the castle. Though his expression was well-schooled, she knew him well enough to see his unease.
Once they were upon the streets, surrounded by the hubbub and bustle of the castle-city, he finally ventured to speak. “Did you mean what you said back there, master?”
She glanced at him, and found him looking troubled. “I rarely say anything I do not mean, Cairon,” she answered, just a little wry. “But perhaps you should be more specific.”
He looked away, not meeting her eyes. “’Where life persists, there is hope of change’,” he quoted.
Sarli considered it. “Yes. I spoke it truly.”
“You believe that.” He was not one to doubt her word, but he seemed searching now. Uneasy in his skin, as though the answer mattered to him. “Even for…him.”
‘Even for the assassin that slew the king’, went unspoken. Or perhaps, ‘even for an elf’.
For a moment her heart burned with familiar anger, familiar grief. But those were the trappings of Sarli-the-person; thus Sarli-the-Healer breathed out and cast them aside. “Even for him, Cairon, yes.” she said. “Hope is a beacon to every soul.”
The comment occasioned some glances from the people around her; and well it should. It was not lightly that anyone devout spoke ‘hope’ aloud, and a Healer was always devout. “I wouldn’t think someone like him has much in the way of that,” Cairon said, after a moment, and though it wouldn’t be clear to a stranger whether he’d meant hope or soul…
She stilled a little, and cast him a warning glance. She looked deliberately around at those around them. He took the admonishment and fell silent until they were alone again, walking to the mouth of the Valley, and near to home. Then she spoke, before he could, as if no time had passed at all since his badly-placed comment. “His prospects are ill, yes,” said Sarli, “but not hopeless. Never hopeless. You should know better than that. Certainly you should know better than to express such a sentiment in public.” It was a rebuke and a warning both. He should know better. Few indeed were the people who would not.
He flinched as though struck, and did not try to defend his words. Good; if the wrong ears had marked her apprentice saying such a thing, it could cast a shame on her, to have taught him so poorly. And that was the best of the potential negative consequences.
“Perhaps you need a reminder,” Sarli allowed, opening their door and easing herself through. Cairon glanced warily at her, setting out the bags, and she went directly to the bookcase. She pulled out a leather-bound tome, bloody red, a lotus engraved on the cover in metallic silver. It was the work of moments to find the correct passage, and she presented the book to her apprentice without preamble. He took it in his hands and stared at it as though it were a live snake, for all that he had certainly heard and read its scriptures before. She commanded, “Read.”
“…The tools need cleaning, master,” he offered, hesitating. “The medicines need putting away.”
“I will do it,” Sarli said at once, and then again: “Read.”
Again, he hesitated. And then his eyes fell upon the page, and its old sacred tale. He winced at it, very slightly, then finally exhaled. Sarli knew then that he would do as she had commanded, and turned away to begin attending to the tools of her trade; behind her, out of sight, words as familiar to her as her own breath filtered into the air upon her apprentice’s voice.
“’When the Last Light came to Her, She was lingering silent among the death-shrouds, and Her hands were wet with the blood of mercy’…”
Learn, she bade him, in the privacy of her own mind, and finally felt her heart settle from the clamour his public heresy had set it to. It could have been worse. He hadn’t spoken loudly, and his phrasing had been ambiguous; the onlookers might well think he was calling the person-of-discussion soulless, rather than hopeless. Still unsettling for someone not aware of the situation, but not dangerous.
And dangerous it would be, should anyone find him – a Healer’s apprentice – to have verbally denied that the Last Light existed for everyone. Even the lords, even the royalty, secular as they were, would never say such a thing where someone might hear.
Her apprentice thought himself very subtle, and often he was. But not always. And certainly not around her.
Be more careful, Cairon, she thought to him, though she did not speak. I will not always be here to protect you.
“’…this is a dark time, and its shadows may stretch for many years. / But I have something to show you, and I wish for that you will take heed. / So come with me, and I will show you Hope / In the dark of a thousand shadows…’”
She was warm; she was comfortable; she didn’t hurt. Rayla slept, and slept very well.
The lilium kept her under for the first span of the night, blotting out the shifts and sounds that would ordinarily wake her. It ebbed after a while though, and a thin edge of pain made her blink groggily awake. The tent was not dark; Bait glowed in his sleep, and the egg glowed too. That was normal. Everything was fine. She went back to sleep.
A while later she stirred again, feeling the warmth of the tent ebbing as the night’s cold encroached. But it wasn’t so bad. She went back to sleep.
Later, again, she woke with the disorienting sensation of sudden and unexpected contact. She made a surprised noise and cracked her eyes open to look. Callum had burrowed himself into her side, all curled-up, like he was cold. The lilium must have still been in effect, because all she did was sleepily think oh, that’s nice, take a drowsy moment to appreciate his warmth, and go back to sleep again.
The final time she woke that night was to a dragging awareness, somewhere in the back of her sleeping mind, that something was amiss with someone’s breathing. Not right. Not normal, for the middle of the night. She dragged herself to consciousness, eyes opening. She checked Callum first, who was still plastered against her side, deeply asleep. This time she had enough presence of mind to feel flustered about it. There was nothing wrong with him, though, so she turned her head to inspect the rest of the tent’s occupants…
…and found Ezran sat upright, plainly awake, running a hand calmly and absent-mindedly over the shell of the dragon egg. He didn’t look like he’d only recently awoken, either. He had the look of someone who’d been sitting up for a good while, quiet and weary in the night’s stillness.
After a moment, he seemed to notice that she was watching, and his eyes slid her way. He looked so tired. “…Hi, Rayla,” he said, voice hushed and quiet, as if to avoid waking anyone else up.
She blinked, then squinted, half sitting up. “What’re’y’doing awake?” she questioned, words a little slurred and incoherent from sleep. “It’s only…” she groped at her Moon-sense, which was growing rather weaker as it waned. “…three. Three’n the morning.”
“Huh. Is it.” He seemed vaguely interested, as if he’d had no idea what time it was before she told him. And…she supposed he hadn’t. What must it be like, being human, not knowing at all times what the time was? She made an impatient noise at him, and then he seemed to realise she’d asked a question. “Oh! Um.” He glanced down at the egg in his lap, hesitant. “Zym’s awake.”
Rayla frowned. She’d been worried, in a half-asleep sort of way, that he’d maybe been kept up by nightmares, or grief, or both. But… “And that woke you up?” she surmised, and he nodded tiredly.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “Can’t get back to sleep, either. It’s…hard to be asleep, when someone’s in your head being all…awake.”
She considered that, thoughts slow and groggy. “You tried putting him down?” she asked, eventually.
“Yeah,” he said again, morosely this time. “It helped a little, but not much. He’s just…awake.” He patted wearily at the eggshell. “He used to be mostly-asleep all the time, before the storm. Now it’s more like he’s…I don’t know, a regular baby or something. Asleep a lot. But not all the time.”
She’d heard elf parents complaining about their babies keeping them up all night; she thought of that with a vague sleepy humour, finding the circumstance of the baby Dragon King keeping the child King of Katolis awake to be weirdly amusing. Unfortunate, though. “That sucks,” she said, eventually, still struggling to manage anything more coherent. She did not feel properly awake.
“Mm.” He shrugged tiredly. “Not much I can do about it, though.” His eyes slid back her way, and lingered. “Did I wake you up? I was trying to be quiet…”
“Kinda,” she supplied after a moment. “I could tell someone wasn’t asleep. Wanted to check everything was alright.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Ez watched her, eyes just a little too luminescent in the dark for it to be normal. It could have just been reflection from the egg…but it wasn’t. “You should try to go back to sleep, then,” he said eventually. “Just because I can’t get back to sleep doesn’t mean you need to be awake.”
Rayla accepted the sense of that reluctantly, aware that she was tired and really did want to sleep, and that there probably wasn’t anything she could do to help Ezran by being awake. But, even so, it felt a little wrong. “I can sit up with you, if it’d help,” she offered.
He shook his head. “Nah. Thanks, but…it wouldn’t really help anything. And you need your sleep.”
“So do you.”
“Yeah, but you don’t have a baby dragon in your head being unhappy about how squashed he feels,” Ezran pointed out.
She sighed. “Fair enough.”
Callum chose that moment to make a tiny murmuring sound and curl a little further into her side, all balled-up, one hand settling with its fingers curled over her waist. She stiffened, abruptly reminded that he was there, being cuddly, visibly so, and Ezran was awake to see it-
Even tired as he was, Ezran very plainly did see; his eyes flickered to his brother, and a trace of a smile lifted his lips. “At least one of us is getting a good night’s sleep,” he commented, with a lightness to the words, like the sight had pleased him somehow. “He looks pretty comfy there, huh.”
Her shoulders hunched defensively. She half wanted to turn away, to shield Callum from view, but it was a little late for that. Instead she held herself stiffly motionless, cheeks prickling with heat, and said “He’s just – cold. He’s cold and I’m the biggest warm thing around. That’s all it is.”
Ezran barely twitched before shaking his head. “Nah. Callum’s just like that, when he sleeps. He’s either moving about and kicking the covers off or he’s hugging. He doesn’t really have any in-between. You should see him at home – he usually just ends up hugging a big pillow or something…” He tilted his head, looking at them. “But, yeah, maybe he’s cold too. He does look kind of…balled up.”
It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if he was cold, but then she noticed he’d picked his cloak off the floor and slung it around himself. He didn’t look too chilly. “Right.” She muttered, self-conscious, and tensed a little further when Ezran cast his brother a thoughtful look and reached over.
He touched his fingers to Callum’s neck and smiled. “He’s so sleepy,” he said, affectionately, and lingered there for a few moments longer. “And, yeah, he’s a little cold.”
“I said so,” Rayla said, vaguely soothed by this apparent corroboration, but-
“And he’s warm and comfy where he is, and it’s nice.” Ez finished, drawing his hand back, settling with the egg again. “Or that’s about what I can get from him when he’s asleep, anyway.”
She didn’t say anything, but could feel the flush rising in her ears. She was entirely, acutely aware of the weight of Callum against her side…and the way that he, too, felt pleasantly warm. In the end she made a sort of vague, disgruntled noise, too embarrassed to offer something more coherent.
Ezran looked at her, then. He seemed almost curious. “Do you not mind, though?” he asked, inquisitive. “I remember you were annoyed about him moving around in his sleep, around when we first started travelling. And now he’s cuddling you.”
Rayla looked away, face hot. “…If you try to push him off, he just comes back,” she muttered in the end, half-exasperated and half-flustered. “He doesn’t even wake up. Just…” She nodded towards him without actually looking, because she wasn’t sure she could particularly cope with the sight of Callum’s sleepy face and messy hair right now. “Easier to get a full night’s sleep if I just leave him.”
She didn’t realise her misstep until a few moments later, when she became aware of Ezran’s silence. She looked up at him, and found his watchful gaze on her. “So it hasn’t just been tonight, huh?” he asked, plainly picking up on what she’d given away. She grumbled again, but didn’t answer, averting her eyes. More thoughtfully, as if to himself, Ez said “And you don’t mind.”
“Who says?” she retorted, disagreeably. She’d certainly minded plenty near the start, after all.
But, again, Ezran was thoughtfully quiet, for long enough that she eventually glanced back at him. In the shadows, the faint luminescence of his eyes was striking; something she’d expect more of her own kind than his. With those eyes on her, he said again “You don’t mind.” It wasn’t at all a question, and strangely, her breath caught. She found she couldn’t answer.
Ezran looked at her with such a solemn weight of knowing that she felt stripped bare, felt exposed, as if she faced a priest of the Moon's Shadow instead of a ten year old boy. A priest of the Shadow, with the eyes to see the secrets hidden beneath her skin. She stilled, oddly shaken, until the moment passed and Ezran nodded, eyes falling on Callum again.
“Good,” he said, softly. “That’s…good. Callum needs more people who’ll care about him.” Before she could flush at that, he smiled. “And he always has been pretty huggy.”
Uncomfortable, Rayla glanced down at Callum’s sleeping face. Only half of it was visible at the moment, with how he’d smooshed it into her side. “I noticed,” she said, a touch dryly. Then she hesitated. “Ezran…” He looked at her inquisitively, and suddenly it was hard to force the words out. “You…are you going to tell…” she trailed off, not even entirely certain what she was asking.
He fixed her with that oddly penetrating look again, as if he knew what she was trying to say better than she did. As if he understood, even without having touched her at all. “Am I going to tell him he gets cuddly with you when he’s asleep?” he offered, now with a little spark of mirth in his eyes. She stared narrowly at him, suddenly absolutely certain that he was enjoying this. “Or that you’re okay with it?”
There was something about the way he said that last part. Teasing, like he meant something else. Something more horrifically embarrassing, like ‘that you’ve got a huge crush on him’, or possibly another equally terrible equivalent. Was she imagining it? Did he actually guess that she – or was she just overthinking…?
She looked at him again. At the tiny smile, the knowing look, the glimmer of mischief.
Yeah, he knew. Or at the very least, he knew more than she wanted him to.
Her face burned, and her shoulders hunched as she looked away. She’d hoped to keep this hidden from him, even despite his empathic abilities and uncomfortably astute people-reading skills. She’d been an idiot. It would never have worked for long.
“Any of that,” she agreed, in the end, not meeting his eyes. She was so hyper-aware of Callum’s presence now that it almost itched, that she wanted to push him away. But she didn’t want to risk him waking into this conversation, of all things. As it was, she was thanking the stars for how much of a sound sleeper he was.
Ezran smiled, tilted his head consideringly at his brother, and hummed. “I guess I won’t tell,” he decided, in the end. “Callum can be kind of slow about this kind of thing, so it’ll probably work out better if I don’t say anything. At least for a while.”
What was that supposed to mean? Slow about what? What would work out better?
Still. She could at least appreciate the decision he’d apparently made. Rayla glanced at him warily, but though he was clearly having a good time with the topic, she didn’t see any duplicity in him. Her shoulders eased a little, and she sighed. “Thanks,” she said, begrudgingly.
“Plus, it’ll be way funnier to watch you guys if I don’t tell,” Ezran added helpfully. Rayla glared at him. “What? It’s true. Last night was already great, with how you laid all over him like that, his face was hilarious-“ at her tiny strangled noise, he cut off, looking at her inquisitively. “What? Do you not remember?”
She hadn’t, until he’d mentioned it. But now…the memories were hazy, and dreamlike in that characteristic lilium-drugged way, but they were there. “I do now,” she muttered, tense with mortification, suddenly awash with the recollection of how nice it had been. Drugged-Rayla had found such an entirely uncomplicated contentment in the whole thing that it warmed her even now. “Ugh.” Then, since he already knew, and she might as well: “This is exactly why I was worried about taking the lilium.”
Ezran stared at her. “It is? I thought it was because you didn’t want to act weir-“ He stopped. “Ohh. I get it. You don’t want to act all crushy around Callum.”
Her shoulders went up, and she reflexively looked down at the human prince pressed into her side to make sure he was still soundly asleep. Thankfully, nothing had changed on that front. Still- “Shh!” She hissed at him, prickling with self-consciousness.
Undaunted, he said “You were fine, you know. Just kind of cuddly. Cuddly’s fine.” He indicated his brother’s sleeping form, as if to present it as evidence. Rayla followed his gaze and pinked. “He’s, you know, a cuddly person. So he was surprised, but…” Ezran shrugged.
She intensely wanted to escape this conversation. But it wasn’t like she could just…leave. Opening the tent would waste all the heat and leave them all properly cold for the rest of the night. So she did the only thing she could: “Enough talking,” she said, firmly, ignoring the flush in her cheeks. “You should try to go back to sleep now.” Seeing him open his mouth to object, she added sharply “Try. Even if you can’t. Laying down with your eyes closed is still better rest than being up and awake all night.”
“Aw, fine,” Ez accepted, and eyed her. “You’d better try to go to sleep too, though.”
She sighed. “I will, Ezran.”
He extended a hand over his brother’s side, littlest finger befuddlingly extended. She stared at it warily, uncertain what he meant by it, and after a moment he prompted “Pinky promise?”
“What in Xadia’s name is a pinky promise?”
“A promise you make by linking your pinky fingers and shaking them,” he explained. “Means you can’t break it. So?” He waggled the finger.
She’d always thought they were called ‘pinkos’. “I don’t have pinky fingers, Ez.”
Undeterred, he said “That’s okay. You can just use your last finger. It’ll count.” So, sighing, she relented and extended her left hand to link fingers with him. He shook it twice, very solemnly, and then the promise was – supposedly – sealed. He looked very satisfied with himself. “There,” he said, and leaned back. Then, true to his word, he gathered up the egg again, repositioned the grumpily half-asleep Bait, and planted himself down on the ground, eyes determinedly closed.
It looked kind of comical, actually. His face was a little screwed up, like he was trying to stubborn himself into unconsciousness.
Glad for the reprieve from the uncomfortable conversation, and mindful of the weird human finger-vowing custom, Rayla settled back down herself. Callum hadn’t shifted much when she sat up before, and didn’t shift much now. He just pressed his face into her shoulder instead of her arm. She glanced at him one last time, for a very long moment, and then closed her eyes. Sleep followed soon after.
 Rayla woke again a few hours later. It was a while past dawn, and though the Moon would still linger above the horizon for a few hours yet, its recession pulled at her. Habit brought her awake with unerring ease at that sensation, so she blinked her eyes open and rose. Callum mumbled incoherently as she displaced him; she glanced at him quickly, but was relieved to see he was still asleep.
She sighed, quashing the increasingly-familiar flutter in her chest, and carefully extracted herself, reaching out to pull his fingers out of the wool of her jumper. That complete, she shuffled over to the tent doors, noting that Ezran had evidently managed to get back to sleep at some point…though, he was stirring now. That was unusual. Usually he slept as deeply as his brother, and didn’t budge even when she moved about. He sat up and yawned as she started undoing the door toggles, blinking sleepily at her. “Morning, Rayla,” he greeted, after a moment, voice rough.
One look at him and she recalled the middle-of-the-night conversation they’d had, and the mortifying details therein. She offered him a wary half-smile, folding the tent-door back. Instantly, it was colder; the air between the two tent layers made goosebumps lift on her skin, even with most of it swaddled in wool. She shivered, but reached outwards for the next door anyway. “Morning,” she echoed, after a moment, fingers working carefully at the toggles. Her left hand prickled with a strange numbness as it moved, clumsy as if cold, even though it was just as warm as the other one.
The outer door opened, and the air from outside was so frigid it felt like a slap in the face. She grimaced, inhaling sharply, and that inhale half-burned her lungs with the biting chill. “Ugh,” she said, and a few seconds later, Ezran made a similar noise as the air hit him.
“Oh, wow,” he said, sounding a little impressed. “I guess the tent really does make a difference.”
“That’s kind of the point, yeah,” she agreed, then forced herself outside.
It was a very bright morning, even now. The sun had just about poked past one of the mountains, and the sky was a pale, clear colour almost devoid of clouds. What little cloud-wisps there were moved noticeably; it was still relatively windy. She squinted against the brightness, then ventured out. Frost crunched beneath the boots she’d apparently slept in.
There hadn’t been any more snow in the night, so the area she’d cleared hadn’t particularly filled in, but it was white anyway. She frowned at her footprints, stamping a few times experimentally, and confirmed that it really was just frost. Frost, at least a couple centimetres thick. She turned around and found it had settled on the exterior of the tent as well, turning the whole thing pale and icy-looking. “Ugh,” she said again, disgruntled, knowing that they’d need to clear that off before they could pack it.
She’d headed over to the burned-out campfire by the time Ez followed her out, having pulled his boots and his cloak on, shivering. “What’re you doing?” he asked her, as she piled in their remaining firewood and went for the flint. He had Bait in his arms, the toad looking half-asleep and as grumpy as ever.
“It’s a cold morning,” she said. “Better have a hot drink or something before we go. It’ll do us good. Plus, I think our meat is all frozen, so we’ll need to heat up breakfast, too.”
“Oh, right.” He paused for a moment to think. “Can I help?”
“You can take the scarves and gloves and stuff off the snow-people,” she offered, dryly, and nodded to the line of icy sentinels at the edge of camp. “Since you and Callum apparently forgot to do that last night. They’ll need warming, too.”
Ez winced. “We did forget.” He sighed, put Bait down by the fire, then trotted off to obey. He returned a short while later with some particularly frosty winterwear, which she put close-ish to the burgeoning fire. Hopefully not close enough to catch alight. “Are we going to wake up Callum soon?”
She glanced consideringly back at the tent, which she’d left entirely open. “Cold will probably wake him up on its own soon enough,” she estimated. “But sure, why not.” So she stood and went, Ezran apparently deciding to follow. She found Callum curled up and shivering on top of her cloak, chasing the last vestiges of warmth, shifting like he was on the verge of awakening. She rolled her eyes, then reached through the tent-layers to poke him in the thick wool socks over his feet.
He giggled, apparently ticklish, and squirmed when she poked him again, and then finally cracked his eyes open. He peered at Rayla, then at Ez, as if not awake enough to comprehend what he was looking at. “Cold?” he offered, in a sort of incoherent questioning complaint, and then squinted at the brightness of the light from behind them. “Mm…too bright. Shut the curtains?”
Ezran snickered. Rayla lifted an eyebrow. “No,” she answered, helpfully, and watched him blink a few times more. He frowned.
“Tent,” he realised, seconds later. “Camping. Mountains. Right.” Finally he pushed himself up, then frowned. “Why am I on your cloak?”
Beside her, Ezran’s face was suddenly beset by an enormous grin. Rayla pointed her finger at him sternly and said “No.” Turning back to Callum, she added “…Probably it was warm, or something. Give it here, though, I’m getting chilly.” She ignored Ezran’s expression and prodded Callum until he was up and pulling his boots on, then reclaimed her cloak. He seemed to wake up a little when she started struggling to get it around her shoulders alone; for all that her hand didn’t hurt at all anymore, the motions for pulling clothing on still tugged unpleasantly at the wounds on her arm and shoulder, and she was all-too-aware that the lilium had worn off.
Rayla sighed, and lingered in place while Callum sat up to help her with the cloak. She was getting used to that, but it still rankled a little. She carefully didn’t look at his face, too aware of Ezran watching them.
“Thanks,” she said, when he was done, then receded from the tent doorway. “Now get up. We’ve got a long way to go today.”
“Don’t we have a long way to go every day?” he asked, pulling his boots on, and she snorted.
“Generally, yes. But considering how many days we’ve been sat around lately, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
He seemed a little surprised to see the fire re-lit when she led him out, but settled under the explanations of breakfast and a warm drink easily enough. “It’s a good idea,” he agreed, a little ruefully, settling to hold one of his icy gloves over the fire, just far enough not to burn. “I feel all numb and cold and stiff, kinda. Would be nice to warm up a bit before having to move.”
“We’ll all feel fine when we’re walking.” Rayla shrugged, and checked on the water. “But, yeah.”
A while later, when they’d all had some pine tea and they’d boiled some meat into a bland but serviceable semblance of breakfast, he glanced at the stiff way she was holding her arm and inquired about her pain levels.
She blinked at him owlishly. “Hurts, but not any worse than usual?” she offered, shrugging. Almost on reflex, she flexed her bad hand, as though to chase some of the familiar stiff ache from it, but there was just…nothing. No pain at all in the hand itself. In the wrist, sure, but the hand?
It didn’t feel normal. But it didn’t hurt, either. She wasn’t sure what to think about that.
He noticed the motion, of course. “Is your hand bothering you?”
She sighed, and looked away. “No.” Her voice was a little short. It didn’t hurt. It was bothering her, though, just…in a way she wasn’t sure she was ready to think about yet, let alone talk about.
He accepted that easily enough, even though he plainly wanted to press further; he was so annoyingly considerate. “Alright. Well, I was just wondering…” he glanced at her arm, hesitated, then went on. “…if it’s been long enough that it’s safe for you to take willow bark again. So you can take something for the pain while we’re travelling.”
Rayla blinked, nonplussed.
“You didn’t think of that, huh?” Ezran spoke, observing her reaction, and she frowned.
“I didn’t,” she said, after a moment, and considered her injuries, invisible past the bandages and several layers of clothes. “It’s…hm.” Eyes narrowing a little, she thought about it. It wasn’t like there wasn’t still stuff going on under the surface. Willow bark probably would slow or disrupt that. But, at this point, the seal on the wounds was solid enough that it wouldn’t necessarily be dangerous.
“Rayla?” Callum prompted, when she’d been quiet a long time.
“I think it’ll make me heal slower,” she concluded, after a while. “…But, now I think about it, I’ll barely be healing at the moment anyway, so…I might as well?” She shrugged, and felt a little lighter; it was undeniably cheering to think of maybe having some painkillers to tide her through what would be a pretty physically-demanding day.
She’d already got caught up in the relief of that idea, so was a little taken-aback when Ezran squinted at her and said “Why not?” She frowned at him, confused, and he elaborated. “Why aren’t you healing at the moment?”
“Oh.” Somehow, even after spending so long with them, confirming every day that they were human…she’d forgotten they wouldn’t know. So, with a false nonchalance, she nodded towards the sky, where the pale crescent of the sinking Moon still remained, washed out in the bright blue of daylight. “It’s New Moon soon,” she explained, averting her eyes from theirs. “It’s just…like that. For Moonshadow elves.” She scowled a little. “Especially without moondust.”
“Oh, right.” Callum nodded, as if remembering. “You said you’d be weaker at new moon. I didn’t know it affected stuff like your healing too, though.” He hesitated, looking at her. “How far away is it?”
Rayla grimaced. “Three days, ish. Including today.” She hadn’t in her entire life seen an unmedicated elf at New Moon. The ones who were crazy enough to go without moondust hid themselves away for the duration. She didn’t know what it would be like, but…
“And it’s already making you heal really slow?” Ez seemed morbidly interested. “Even days away?”
She was quiet for a while, uncertain if she wanted to admit it. “My healing, and my senses, and my strength.” Her voice was curt. “I’m weaker already. It’s not so bad yet, but in a day or so…” She shrugged. “No avoiding it, I suppose, but I’m not looking forward to it.” It was nagging at her, even, in a strange insistent way that she wasn’t used to. There was an animal awareness in the back of her mind, intent on the waning Moon, itching and whispering at her as if to say that she wasn’t safe, she wasn’t secure, she needed to find somewhere to hide before it was too late…
Callum and Ezran shared a glance. “Can you tell us what to expect?” Callum asked, trying for pragmatism, though she could tell he was worried.
She snorted. “No, not really. People tell a lot of stories about natural New Moon, so it’s hard to know what’s true.” She squinted at the sky. “I’ll have a better idea the day before, though. By then I should be able to tell how hard it’ll hit me.”
He hesitated. “Is it…” he seemed to struggle for the words, and she looked at him until he managed it. “Will it be dangerous? For you?”
Her first instinct was to snort dismissively at the notion, but then she paused. “…No, probably not,” she estimated, after a little more thought. “If I was sick, maybe, it could be a problem. Or if I was more badly injured.” She glanced at her arm consideringly. “We get sick easily, at New Moon. If that’s worse off of moondust…” A pause for thought. “I suppose the worst case scenario is my arm getting infected.”
Callum looked dismayed. “Rayla, that is dangerous. Infections are bad.”
She glanced at him. “Yeah, they can be,” she acknowledged. “But worst comes to worst, we’d just have to hold out for…Half Moon, I suppose, or anything past it. That’s one bonus of not being on moondust.” She grimaced at the thought. “Moonshadow elves off moondust are pretty impossible to kill with infection, near Full Moon. So, there’s that.”
She didn’t mention, because she doubted it’d help anything, that people tended to tell tall stories about the extremity of weakness that the New Moon brought. Stories that indicated that an unhealthy elf could sicken and die so quickly that they were gone before the Moon could turn back. But she wasn’t that unhealthy. She had injuries, maybe, but she didn’t have anything that could suddenly get worse and really mess her up. She should be fine.
Her hand, though. She recalled the weird experience she’d had the first time the binding had loosened, and twitched. If the human healer was to be believed about the dangers, that could have been the sort of thing that’d go wrong at New Moon. But, thankfully, she was plenty past that now.
The words had apparently reassured Callum, at least. “Well, thank Mercy for that,” he sighed, then looked at her curiously. “So, if you have a sick Moonshadow elf, do you take them off moondust to help them recover, or…?”
Rayla rolled her eyes at him. Trust Callum to get curious about the details of it. “Not if it’s close to New Moon,” she said. “Then they’ll just get worse. Or – actually, they get better for a day or two, then they get worse fast.” It was something she’d been taught about, with regards to first aid in the field. If someone was sick or severely injured near Full Moon, you stopped their moondust, and the influx of magic would sort them out once the drug left their system. But if the Moon was waning, it wasn’t worth the risk.
“But the full moon makes you recover,” he said, thoughtfully. “Do you heal faster, too?”
She glanced at her arm, momentarily pensive. She wondered what it would look like, when the Full Moon had passed. “Yeah.” Shaking her head as though to dispel the thought, she shoved a jar of icy cooked meat into Callum’s hands, and said “Heat that up, would you? I’ve got some packing to do.” She took that opening to escape the conversation, too-aware of the throb of her wounds and the strangeness of her hand.
She left the boys by the fire as she went around the snow-banks, pulling the wrapped slabs of frozen meat she’d shoved in there for cold-storage yesterday. The venture had been successful enough that divorcing the supplies from the surrounding ice was a little challenging; the snow had turned icy, and clung to the packages in sharp-edged clusters. Finally she brought it all back to the cleared space and got to work.
It was an annoyingly long time until they were ready to leave. Heating up breakfast took time, getting frost and ice off of their stuff took time, getting the contents of their waterskins to melt into something drinkable took time, and getting their gloves into a fit state to be worn took time as well. Rayla was fully impatient when at last they could put the pot away, and even then…
Reflexively, she tried to pick it up one-handed. Left-handed. It felt heavy; her hand shook, and her wrist ached, and the pot slipped from her fingers. A pot, and it was too heavy to hold. Her jaw clenched, and she reached with the other hand instead. She lifted. That, at least, was properly effortless.
Is it always going to be like this? she wondered, dismayed, keenly aware of the unhealthy fatigue in her wrist. Then, ruthlessly, she shoved the thought away. She tucked the hand carefully against her side, and went back to the increasingly-familiar awkwardness of trying to conduct camp chores with only her right hand available.
The dull ache of her damaged wrist harried her until, eventually, she took some willow bark between her teeth and chewed for long enough that all her pains went a little further away. It wasn’t as effective as the lilium, but her mind was clear, and it was a relief not to have to travel with her wounds searing at her so terribly.
“Right,” she said, when everything was finally in order. “Let’s get moving.” She pulled on her gloves at last; the fabric itched and tingled strangely on the skin of her left hand.
The boys checked their snowshoes, hefted the straps of their bags, then tromped over to her where she waited at the edge of their former camp. She settled her own straps over her uninjured shoulder, glanced around to make certain they’d not forgotten anything, then started walking.
“Goodbye, snow-people,” Callum said to their icy constructs, both boys waving the things farewell as they left. Despite herself, Rayla shook her head at them, and smiled.
 The snow was icier today, and a little easier to walk on with the snowshoes. That was a mercy, considering literally everything else was harder.
Just a few days ago, the initial burst of mountain-hiking had set Callum’s legs to aching more fiercely than he’d ever experienced in his life. He’d acquired soreness from combat training plenty of times over the last few years, but that didn’t hold a candle to the stiffness of legs unused to walking uphill for days on end. Then the thundersnow had happened, and he’d had a chance to recover. There’d been some walking yesterday, but not enough to reduce him to the same state as before.
He suspected that would change today.
The going was almost entirely upwards, and it was steep. Even with the snowshoes, it was hard to find his footing, and in places he pretty much had to climb, bracing his hands against rock directly in front of him to pull himself up. Ez, being considerably shorter, needed to be helped up those parts, Bait riding in his sweater to free up his hands.
It made him miss the first few days of their journey, a little; back when the ground had been level enough he’d been able to draw as he walked. Now he didn’t dare look at anywhere except where he was putting his feet.
…Most of the time, anyway.
He couldn’t really help staring around with wide-eyed wonder, sometimes. Every time they crested a slope or finished climbing the steeper sections, he could look ahead or behind and see the mountain range sprawling out around them. The angle wasn’t quite right for him to see all of the way they’d come, but some of the lowlands were visible anyway. They looked impossibly green and verdant from where he was, up on the mountain with its snow and ice.
It was weird to think that, mere days ago, he’d been somewhere warm enough to not feel the chill biting at his fingers. There wasn’t even much sunlight to help warm him; the clear skies of the early morning had given way to a patchy, sullen layer of clouds. It made for some pretty scenery, what with the rays of light casting between them over the landscape, but it didn’t soften the chill at all.
The cold wasn’t all bad, though. It created some really beautiful things. Callum found himself admiring the branching twigs of a leafless shrub, eyes following the strange frigid crust they’d accumulated. Ice clung to the undersides, an inch long, in an odd rippling pattern that made his hands itch for charcoal. Ice was on everything today, but this looked different. Where most every other grass and shrub around them was white and lumpy with thick frost, this looked clear and almost glassy. He tilted his head to see the watery light glimmer through, thinking of how he’d shade it.
It was then that Rayla nudged him, breaking him from his reverie. “Something interesting?” she asked, eyebrow raised. He offered an embarrassed laugh.
“Er,” he said, and indicated the shrub. “Just…that. The ice on it. It’s pretty.” He shrugged.
She looked blankly where he’d pointed. “…It’s twigs.”
“Pretty twigs,” he insisted, lips twitching. “The ice is really interesting! Sort of…wave-y? Ripple-y?”
“Kind of like icicles, maybe?” Ezran suggested, sounding a little winded as he leaned in to look. He evidently wasn’t having any easier a time with the walking than Callum.
Callum eyed the shrub appraisingly. “Yeah, something like that. Like sort of…lengthways icicles.”
Rayla shook her head at him. “It’s ice on twigs,” she said, exasperated. She was smiling a little, though. “Nothing special.”
“Well, I think it’s nice,” Callum announced, in staunch defence of the icy twigs in question. “And I want to draw it.”
She rolled her eyes, then reached out to tug at his cloak, beckoning him onwards. “Uhuh. Sure. But later. Now’s for walking.”
He mock-saluted, hand to his chest, and walked.
It was tough going. A mere hour later, his head was fogged with exertion and his legs were burning, and he seemed constantly out of breath. It wasn’t as though he was unaccustomed to the feeling of tightness in his chest, of labouring for steady breaths for what felt like hours on end – but it was distinctly different to experience it free of the usual panic or distress. He got out of breath during training, sure, but – not like this. Not in this strange, persistent way, where even the short breaks they took didn’t seem to help.
Given the exertion, it took him a while to realise that the breathlessness was a little weird. A lot of the walking was more like climbing, and it made sense to be panting during that. But they came to a plateau around midday, and walked on nearly-flat ground for a good fifteen minutes, and he still couldn’t quite catch his breath. “…Is it just me,” he managed, between gasps for air, “or is it weirdly hard to breathe today?”
Ezran’s breath was huffing and puffing too. “Not just you.”
Rayla glanced at them, and then at the mountain range ahead of them. “It’s the altitude,” she said, plainly, and both of them turned to blink at her, still plodding numbly onwards.
Callum frowned. “What?”
“Why we’re finding it harder to catch our breath,” she clarified, waving at the mountain. “It’s altitude. When you’re up high enough, the air’s thinner. Harder to breathe.” She shrugged. “And we’ve climbed a lot today.”
“…Oh,” he realised, nonplussed. Ezran, for his part, seemed too busy staring exhaustedly at the sky to have many thoughts on the matter. “Isn’t that mountain-sickness?”
“Same thing, different names.” Rayla agreed, pausing to stretch out her legs and shake them a little, as if to dispel some stiffness. Whether it was the oncoming new moon, or just the harshness of the ascent, she seemed to actually be feeling the exercise for once. “We must be past three thousand metres now. That’s when most people usually start getting mountain-sickness.”
He considered asking what that was in feet, but didn’t quite get around to it before his brother spoke. “That’s a lot of metres.” Ez mumbled, tiredly.
Callum glanced at him, then back at Rayla. “Should we be…worried, about this? I don’t know much about mountain-sickness, but can’t it get pretty bad?”
“We’d need to go a lot higher for the breathing to be an actual problem,” Rayla said, shaking her head. “But let me know if you get weird headaches, or feel sick, or dizzy. That’s the stuff to watch out for. For now, though…” She hummed pensively, and narrowed her eyes at the scenery. “…I’m thinking we won’t have to go much higher than this. It’s not like we’re trying to summit anything. We’re just trying to get onto the next mountain.” She tilted her head to scrutinise the route. She pointed out a vaguely-sloping plateau a fair distance away, somewhat lower on the mountainside than their current position. “I reckon we can start going down again that way, and then find somewhere to camp past there. That’s got to be a couple hundred metres lower. Should be easier to breathe.”
“Sounds good,” he sighed, and lifted his face to a cold breeze. He hadn’t expected to be grateful for the freezing weather, but with how hard he was working…if it had been warmer, he might have passed out by now. He pulled in a few more unsatisfying breaths, then pushed onwards.
After about half an hour, they stopped ascending quite so viciously and instead began a meandering up-and-down path along the mountainside, heading steadily downwards. This was when Callum discovered that going down mountains was just as hard as going up them, albeit in different ways. It was so icy that they had to take it painstakingly slow, and even then he felt constantly on the edge of a nasty fall. His toes crushed together at the fronts of his boots, beginning to grow sore.
The third time Callum slipped on ice and had to be steadied from falling face-first down-slope, Rayla went away and snapped a branch off of a large pine, shearing off its needles with her blade and scraping off most of the bark. She judged it against his height for a few moments before unceremoniously chopping several inches off the end. “Here. Walking cane.” She said, presenting him with it, and went off to go find another branch, which she prepared for Ezran.
They mumbled thanks at her, exhausted, and continued their descent with somewhat greater poise than before. The descent pulled at different muscles to the ascent, so his legs weren’t complaining quite as much, but the fronts of his toes were starting to hurt in that sharp way that suggested there’d be blisters soon. He’d never had blisters on the front of his feet before, and wasn’t especially looking forward to the experience.
The pine-canes weren’t sturdy, and Callum snapped his after less than an hour. By that point though he didn’t need it as much, so he just went without until – finally – Rayla glanced at the sky and announced their lunch break. “Oh, thank Mercy,” he muttered, dropping his backpack with abject relief and collapsing to the ground.
Ezran lowered his with rather more care, but made an incoherent noise of gratitude when he finally sat down. “Shouldn’t that be Fortitude?” he mumbled, tiredly. “Since we made it this far without falling over?”
“Speak for yourself,” Callum huffed, wiping a hand over his face. Even through the gloves, he thought he could feel the livid heat of his skin, warmed by exertion. He imagined he was probably super red-looking right now. “I’ve fallen over tons of times. Or…nearly fallen, anyway.”
Rayla lowered her bag and the tent pack carefully, as though being mindful of her other shoulder, then collapsed with obvious relief beside them. “You have a god of not-falling-over?” she asked, sceptically, and he rolled his eyes at her.
“Not a god,” he said back, just a little amused, eyes closing as he panted for breath. “Paragon.”
“You have a paragon of not-falling-over?” she corrected, and when he opened his eyes to glance sideways at her, her lips were twitching.
He snorted, then closed his eyes again. He half wanted to turn over and plant his face directly into a snow bank. It’d help him cool down, at the very least. “Pretty much,” he sighed, and after a moment of consideration, did reach to his side and pick up a handful of icy snow. He smooshed it onto his face, the ice crystals a little sharp-edged on his skin. “Endurance, and willpower, and keeping going even when stuff’s hard.”
“Fortitude’s a good Paragon for us right now, I think,” Ezran said, sounding exhausted, and Callum offered a wordless hum of agreement.
“If this had been an official mission, people would’ve sent us off with him, you know,” he said, almost wistful. “They’d have said ‘Fortitude follow you’. And ‘Prudence guide your feet’. That’s traditional for big or important or tough journeys.”
Rayla offered a dubious hum. “Well, this journey’s definitely all three of those.”
For a while, they just laid there, getting their breath back, trying to cool down. Callum’s under-layers began to feel cold and clammy with the sweat, indicating they’d probably smell terrible later on. He was too tired to bring himself to care.
Eventually, Rayla pulled herself up, even though she plainly didn’t want to. “Right,” she said, determinedly, in as bull-headed a manifestation of Fortitude that anyone could have asked for. “Food. We can’t take too long with this break, so…food.”
Callum made a face. “I’m really not hungry.” In the wake of the sheer exertion of the morning, eating seemed unthinkable. The mere notion turned his stomach.
“Yes you are. You’ve just not cooled down enough to feel it,” Rayla refuted, pragmatic, and went for the reserves of cooked meat she’d put in her bag. “It’s hard to eat after exercise, but when you’re on a stupid long journey, you do it anyway.” She opened the jar and waved it aggressively at them. Both of them complained pitifully at her, but she wasn’t having any of it. In short order they’d both reluctantly withdrawn a portion and sat up to start nibbling on it.
“You’re like aunt Amaya is about breakfast,” Ezran muttered, mouth part-full, chewing around the bite he’d taken. “She’s really bossy about that too.”
Rayla looked nonplussed. Plainly, she wasn’t sure what to think about the comparison.
“Imagine if we told her that,” Callum put in, uncertain whether to be amused or alarmed at the thought. “Wonder how she’d react to being compared to an elf.”
“She’d definitely make a pretty weird face,” Ezran offered thoughtfully. “She’d probably be glad Rayla’s making sure we’re eating, though.”
She grimaced at that, looking like she’d swallowed something sour. “Don’t know about that. She’d just stab me for running off with you two in the first place.”
Callum opened his mouth to protest, remembered the depth of his aunt’s sentiments for elves, then shut it. “…Well, I mean…”
“Don’t worry, Rayla,” Ez said, reaching out to pat her on the knee. “If you ever meet aunt Amaya, we’ll make sure we’re there, and then we can convince her to be nice to you. No stabbing.”
Rayla glanced at him, expression slightly pained. “…If you say so.” It was very obvious, from her face, that she had absolutely no intention of going near their aunt if she could help it. Not for the first time, Callum wondered what kind of reputation Amaya had in Xadia.
“We can keep teaching you sign language, too!” His brother went on, determinedly cheerful. “I bet she’d be too surprised at an elf trying to talk to her properly to, um,” he searched for a word.
“Stab me, clobber me with her shield, or throw me in a dungeon?” Rayla suggested, and both of them made faces at her. Callum, for his part, had recently seen Rayla contend with what would surely have been a fatal stabbing if he hadn’t tossed her assailant off a cliff, and wasn’t particularly keen on imagining any Aunt Amaya variations on the affair.
It was uncomfortably easy to picture, though. He’d seen one of his aunt’s famous Battalion sparring sessions, and she was…very, very good at fighting. Struck suddenly wordless, he said nothing.
Ezran shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
Rayla sighed, and for a moment, looked down at her left hand. She flexed its fingers carefully, slow and methodical, and Callum remembered how she’d been looking at it earlier. For all that she hadn’t wanted to talk about it, she’d seemed…unsettled. “Well,” she said, quietly, after a moment. “I guess sign language is…probably pretty good exercise, for this hand.”
“Keeping it moving, helping circulation?” Callum supplied, after calling back to mind the Healer’s advice. “Yeah, I guess it would be. We could do a quick bit of it now, while we’re resting?”
She eyed him, then rolled her eyes. “Suppose. Might as well make it something useful, though.”
“Like what?” Ez asked, intrigued.
“Like watch signals. Check-ins, and stuff. The kind of thing my lot would use ictus for.”
“Huh,” Callum blinked, and thought about it. It wasn’t like he’d not seen military sign language terms being used before, given who his aunt was, so… “Yeah, sure. What first?”
Rayla, apparently, had been drilled thoroughly enough in proper silent report-giving enough that she had a list of important terms ready to go. She determinedly worked her hands through learning the signs to demand a status report, report all-clear, report a problem, and report possible enemies in the area. It was all pretty basic, but she clearly wasn’t used to learning this sort of thing, and…well. And her hand was obviously giving her problems.
He didn’t comment, because he could see she didn’t want him to. But it was slow to move. The fingers trembled strangely in certain positions, and didn’t quite seem to respond right. Several times, between his demonstrations of new signs, he saw her flex the fingers and shake the hand, as if trying to dispel some stiffness that wouldn’t quite deign to leave...
“That’s probably enough for today,” he decided, once she’d navigated her hands through a quick practice exchange of an all-clear status report. “Or, at least, for now. Probably won’t sink in, if we try for more.”
She blinked, then nodded. “Yeah, probably,” she agreed, and glanced briefly at the way ahead. “We should be moving again, anyway.”
“Next time, we’ll teach you something more fun,” Ezran promised.
She glanced his way, smiling a little as she hefted her bags over her one good shoulder. “Like what?”
“Like talking about your favourite foods, maybe?” he suggested, picking up the bag with the egg carefully, and kneeling to let Bait jump onto its top, riding there like a monarch in his carriage.
“That sounds like a good way to get ourselves stupid hungry with nothing good around to eat.” Despite the words, she sounded amused.
Callum thought longingly of the castle meals, and regretted not eating more at lunch. Rayla had been right; he really had been hungrier than he’d felt at first. “Still nice to think about,” he said wistfully. “Give us something to look forward to when this is all done.”
“Suppose.” When he looked at her, she looked a little wistful herself, as though she were caught in similar thoughts of home.
As they started to walk, he glanced at her sidelong, and eventually asked “So…what are your favourite foods, back home?” If, as she’d claimed, everything in Xadia was magical…did that include the food? What did magic food taste like?
She hesitated for a moment, like she wasn’t sure whether she was supposed to say, or even if she wanted to. But then she smiled, still wistful, and started describing her favourite Xadian fruits and berries to them, and which ones she’d learned to find and pick herself in the forest she apparently lived in.
He listened to it all, interjecting with questions here and there, and…though she was pretty sparing with the details, started to get a better idea of the place she’d grown up in. A forest full of magic, and wild fruit vines growing on trees tall enough they’d probably overshadow the cliff his home castle was built on. Trees tall enough and immense enough to carve houses out of. It was so fantastical to imagine. Thinking of the wonders of Xadia, waiting so far ahead, made it a little easier to keep walking.
The hour passed like that, with easy curious conversation to take their minds off of the travel, and in the end Callum felt lighter than he had in days.
Even if Rayla wouldn’t tell him what was in a moonberry surprise.
 In the wake of the storm, the Healer’s house grew busy, and from his sickbed Corvus bore witness to it all.
The first day, there was a stream of miners displaced from the mountain by an avalanche. Broken bones on two, sprains on a few more. A day later one of the same group, only recently recovered from the mountainside, was brought in hypothermic and near-dead, losing two toes and a finger to frostbite before she was stabilised. No one had died, apparently, but it had been a near thing.
Now, the whole town was effectively on standby, waiting for the weather to improve. The tail-end of the thundersnow was still lashing at Verdorn’s periphery, for all that the mine-folk apparently thought it had moved past Farel – and, accordingly, the mines – by now.
“It’ll be another day before it’s safe to go back there,” said the Healer’s wife, a woman named Serris, who oversaw the mines and was apparently rarely home. “So in the meantime, we’ll just have to do our best impressions of directionless layabouts. At least you lot have the excuse of injury, eh?” This last comment she directed at her battered fellows in their beds, a good-natured jibe, and they jeered back at her.
“I’ll be glad to see a little more of your face in the meantime, at least,” said the Healer Marla, her voice dry. “And if you’re so offended by being a layabout, you can come help me mix these salves.”
“A harsh taskmistress, my wife,” commented Serris to the house’s residence, amused, before she went as commanded to help with the work.
Corvus quite enjoyed the company, in honesty. He’d grown accustomed to travelling and serving with the Battalion, and though he was frequently detached for his tracking endeavours, he missed the camaraderie of his fellows. It was good to have people to talk to, even if most of them were as bedridden as he was. And, with little else to do, they all spent a lot of time talking. He was recipient to a lot of questions about his current mission, which he couldn’t answer, and a lot of questions about the Battalion, some of which he could. He admitted when asked that he’d been told to stand by and heal, so wouldn’t be heading anywhere soon.
“I’m to get transportation to Greatport if I can do it without risking myself,” he said, a little wistful. He liked Greatport. If he had to convalesce anywhere, it would have been a good choice. But… “Apparently, I’ll have to hold off on that for a while, though.”
“You certainly will, master Corvus,” Marla said severely, without even looking up from her mixing. “Horseback would be terrible for you as you are now. It’s waiting for a cart to take you or nothing, and we’ve a while until the next of those is due to leave.”
So that was how his days passed, in the thick of the storm. He tried not to spend too much time worrying about the General, or the princes. For better or for worse, he was off the mission now. He just…wished he could have done better. If he had, maybe the princes would be safe now. Instead, he’d undoubtedly driven them straight into that deadly storm, with their captor potentially too badly injured to see to their safety.
He tried not to fret. But it was hard to avoid, when he had frostbitten testaments to the dangers of the mountains convalescing around him. The elf wasn’t the only danger to those boys, was she? And his failure had sent them straight into that gauntlet. He’d wanted to save them, but instead…
Still, Corvus did what he could to avert his thoughts. He’d sent what information he could to Amaya. There was nothing else he could do, at this point.
“The tavern had some interesting visitors today,” said Serris, after returning from checking in with her workers at the tavern in question. She shot a piercing look at Corvus as she spoke. “A couple of kids, one of ‘em in Crownguard armour. They said they’re tracking that elf.”
Corvus straightened on his headboard. So did everyone else in the house of healing. “Kids?” he repeated, then processed the Crownguard part. There was only one Crownguard he knew of who was young enough to easily be called a kid. He was suddenly at full attention. “Siblings?” he questioned, intent. “A girl with dyed hair? Her brother the Crownguard?”
Everyone was looking his way, now. “You know them?” Serris guessed, after a moment.
Lord Viren’s children, here? “I’ve met the Crownguard,” he said, slowly, mind working furiously. They were tracking the elf? That made no sense. That wasn’t a job for Crownguard, it was a job for the Battalion, the military – for him. And the dark mage…
He thought ‘elf’. He thought ‘dark mage’. Then he thought, ah.
For a moment, it all seemed to make sense. He considered Lord Viren with unease, and everything he’d heard of the man, working so closely with the General. Perhaps he wasn’t content with what could be harvested from the five felled Xadian assassins. Maybe he wanted the sixth, too, and had sent his daughter and son out to that effect…
…except, that didn’t quite fit.
“…Is that what they said?” Corvus asked, after a long silence, aware of the sudden quietness of the room of convalescents. “That they were after the elf?”
Serris eyed him, cautious. She folded her arms. “They tried to hide it at first, but, yeah. They didn’t know you were here, either. Seemed interested in that. They might come visiting soon.”
Corvus made a noncommittal noise, and tried to pore over his thoughts, tried to identify what tasted wrong about this situation. He’d been on a low dose of lilium for days now, and it slowed his mind more than he cared to admit. He needed his wits about him now, because there was something off here. Something important.
Slowly, through the fog, he drew the discrepancies from his gut into his mind.
Viren was Lord Protector now. If he wanted a pursuit of the elf, why not make it larger-scale? Why send only his children? Why not work with General Amaya, who was expressly pursuing the elf already, and surely had the best knowledge of the resources available? Soren certainly wasn’t a trained tracker. He doubted the girl, the dark mage, had that sort of training either, at her age-
He stopped. Examined the thought.
Dark mage. Tracking. Were there spells for that sort of thing?
For the first time, he felt an inkling of anger. If they had a way to find the princes and they’d been withholding it…!
Except that wasn’t right either. They said they were tracking the elf, not the princes. And, at this point, the news that the princes were actually alive probably hadn’t spread very far. So…Lord Viren had sent his children, a talented but inexperienced Crownguard and…a dark mage…in pursuit of an assassin thought to have slain royalty. Why? Were the ingredients worth so much to him? Was there some other motive?
…He’d sent his children covertly. Hadn’t given word to General Amaya, or Corvus would certainly have been notified by now. He wanted that elf found, and either he didn’t trust the General, or…
Or, there was some other motivation at play here. Something secret. Something, perhaps, that the Lord Protector would only trust to his own family.
Corvus recalled, all at once, that the elf had her wrist bound by magic. It was what had given him the advantage in the fight with her, knowing about it ahead of time, knowing what to target, what to exploit…and the Healer had said it was dark magic, hadn’t she? Dark magic, when there were only two dark mages who the elf might have encountered. One of those mages was now here.
Something isn’t right here, he thought to himself grimly, and felt his fingers itch for a quill. Amaya needed to know about this. But…
He sighed. Kora hadn’t returned in a while, so he could only assume she’d been put to work on the other end, relaying vital information to those places and people she was bound to. If he wanted to report, he’d have to do it by the town’s rookery, and send it to the Crow Office for redistribution. That would take time, and he still didn’t have the full story. If the Lord Protector’s children were here – if he could talk to them-
He needed to report. But it would be better to wait until there was more to say.
“If they ask…” Corvus said, slowly, to a dozen keen pairs of ears. “Tell them where to find me. I think we need to talk.”
End chapter.
Chapter Notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OGBo7nKVDIfWjhxGe90fwaS3lP0IfQJ3?usp=sharing
Link to PIAJ chapter notes folder (Google Drive folder including worldbuilding, commentary, medical notes, research notes, and misc notes for all applicable chapters within this section)
This chapter's notes cover: travel details, the Crow Lord’s office, Hope, Mercy scripture, Moonshadow religion, rare Moonshadow elf abilities.
Timeline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/107eD8zmLAAFBWSOgsLyl8g4pAdQF4EgMh4rpN_m91U4/edit?usp=sharing Link to PIAJ Timeline Google doc ( to be updated as story progresses)
PIAJ Masterpage: https://tenspontaneite.tumblr.com/piaj Link to PIAJ Masterpage on tumblr (containing links to chapters, meta, art, Q&As, and resources) (Link may not work properly on mobile/app)
Author Notes: 
So. It’s been a while. You can pretty much completely blame that on a single scene, which blocked me so hard that it actually kicked me directly out of the fandom. I’ve never had that happen before. I had to slowly claw my way back via my other tdp fics. The scene in question is written now, thankfully. I deferred it to the start of next chapter out of desperation, and then managed to write it all in a mad burst of inspiration the other day.
Various things have happened in my life that you can, like, vaguely catch hints of if you read back on my tumblr, if you’re into that sort of thing. Otherwise:
Credits: more Hogarth inspiration for one Sarli line in this chapter, specifically 'Where there is life, there is hope of change'. It's not word for word in the text, but there was definite inspiration there. I can't quite remember which book it was – In Extremis, maybe? Middle of its series, in any case.
Next chapter is done, and I’m very excited about it. It has some fun content, but most of all: it has my favourite Runaan plotline scene. I wrote it a long time ago, relatively early on in piaj development, and have been in love with it ever since. I’m so excited we’re finally to the point of me being able to publish it. I’m going to write a fucking huge author’s commentary section for that chapter’s extended notes, I have so much to say about it.
For now, though…I like this chapter a lot, actually. I’ve reread it so many times while trying to block-break over the last few months, and normally that would make me sick of it, but I still love it. Really enjoying starting to get to The Good Stuff. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed! Or some sort of stat enrichment! It’s incredible fuel for the writing engine.
39 notes · View notes
longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Arkham Files: Zoom
Hugo Strange: From the patient files of Dr. Hugo Strange, director of Arkham Asylum. Patient: Hunter Zolomon, also known as Zoom. The patient displays symptoms of depression and a number of behaviors that indicate some form of psychosis, but I have not yet had the time to give him a full psychological evaluation. Session One. So, Mr. Zolomon, how are you today? 
Zoom: It’s straaaange. 
Hugo Strange: What is strange, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: Being on thisss side of a psychological evaluaaaation. 
Hugo Strange: Oh, of course. You were once a criminal profiler, weren’t you, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: Yessss. I waaas. But that was befoooore. 
Hugo Strange: Before you were caught in the explosion that gave you your powers and unhinged your mind? 
Zoom: No. Before I reeeealized my true caaaalling. 
Hugo Strange: Which is? 
Zoom: Maaaking Wally better. 
Hugo Strange: Can you clarify that, Mr. Zolomon? Making him better how? 
Zoom: By making him a better heeero. I will make him pushhh himself haaarder, so that he will do anything to heeelp people. People like meeee. 
Hugo Strange: You’ve been through a great deal of tragedy, haven’t you, Mr. Zolomon? According to your files, your father was a serial killer who murdered your mother when she called the police on him, and he was in turn killed by the police when he refused to surrender. You became a criminal profiler in the hopes of understanding why your father had done what he did. You married the daughter of the professor who taught you the most about the minds of costumed criminals, and the three of you worked as profilers for the FBI. You were the best and the brightest the organization had to offer, but one day, you made a tragic mistake. You predicted that a criminal wouldn’t be carrying a gun, but you were wrong. Your father-in-law was murdered, and you were shot in the knee, leaving you with a permanent limp. Your wife divorced you, and you were fired from the FBI. Shortly thereafter, you were offered a position as the criminal profiler for the Keystone City Police Department, which you accepted. On your first day on the job, you met the youngest Flash, Wally West, and became close friends with him. But with all his powers, he still couldn’t save you from Gorilla Grodd breaking your back and paralyzing you. Desperate, you asked him to go back in time and fix the mistakes that had led to you being crippled, but he refused. In response, you tried to use his time machine yourself, but failed. It exploded in your face...and gave you the metahuman ability to control the rate at which you travel through the timestream. That is what happened, isn’t it, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: A verrry succinct reeecap of my old liiife, Dr. Straaange. But thaat doesn’t maaater anymore. Hunter Zooooolomon is deaaad. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, you have studied psychology. You must be aware that it is unhealthy to ignore the traumas of your past. 
Zoom: I haaave no choice. If I am to heeelp my friend become betterrr, I cannot be Hunter Zolomon. I must be Zooooom.
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, your files indicate that you have attempted to murder Mr. West’s wife and children. How can you possibly believe that attacking his family is helping him? 
Zoom: Doctor Straaange, I am a maaaan who has experienced much traaagedy. If Wallly does not go through traaagedies of his own, he will never achieve his true potential as a heeeeroooo. He will never learn that he needs to be willing to do aaaanything to hellllp people. He will never become as stronnng as I know he caaan be. 
Hugo Strange: And how does Mr. West view your attempts to ‘help’ him, Mr. Zolomon? 
Zoom: He doesssss not appreciate themmmm yet, Dr. Strraaange. But one daaay, he will. One day, he will realize why I had to runnnn dowwwwn this paaath for him...and we will be friendsssss agaaaain. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon...your beliefs are patently absurd. Forcing suffering onto another human being is not the way to go about making them stronger, and it certainly will not endear you to anyone. By Mr. West’s own testimony, your actions have damaged your friendship with him almost beyond repair. If you want to maintain any sort of relationship with him, you must give up this delusional pursuit! 
Zoom: You donnn’t understaaand, Dr. Straaange. I must complete my mission. I need the purpose it givvvves me. I don’t have aaaanything else to liiiive for.
Hugo Strange: (Alarmed) The purpose of becoming the worst enemy of your only friend? That is all you think you have to live for, Mr. Zolomon?
Zoom: Everything elllllse has been taaaaken from me, Dr. Straaange. 
Hugo Strange: Do you have no hope for anything better? 
Zoom: Hope? Aaaaany hope I haaad died yeaaars ago; long before I became Zoooom. 
Hugo Strange: (To himself) I see that I’ll need to put Mr. Zolomon on antidepressants as soon as possible. (Aloud) I see. (Pause) So, Mr. Zolomon, why ‘Zoom’? 
Zoom: If I was goinnnng to plaaaaaay the role of Waaaly’s greatest enemy, I had to become a Reverse-Flaaaash. To that end, I deliberately based my naaame and costume on that of Barry Allen’s greatessssst enemy: Eobaaard Thawnnnnne. You probably knowwww him as Professor Zoom the Reverrrrse-Flash. 
Hugo Strange: You mean to tell me that you deliberately based your name and costume on those of a psychopathic killer? 
Zoom: Yessss. Eobaaaard Thawnnne was a monsssster, but the suffering he causssed Barrrry Alllen made him a betterrrr hero. I have been chosen to fill the saaaame role for Waaaally Wessst. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, if he is a monster, why would you ever choose to emulate him? 
Zoom: I didn’t choooooose to becommmme what I aaaaam, Doctor. I was faaated for the role. I fiiiiit the profiiiile. 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Zolomon, you were a criminal profiler! You know how the mind works. Can’t you see how warped your thinking has become? Don’t you realize how sick you are? 
Zoom: I am not siiick, Dr. Straaange. I am a man who haaaas finally learned the trrrruth about liiife and his purpose in it. (Pause) One daaay, Dr. Straaange, you will learn the lessons that I haaave. I look forward to seeing the gooood you accomplish once you doooo. 
Hugo Strange: Don’t be ridiculous, Mr. Zolomon. I am a completely rational man; I am hardly likely to fall prey to a delusion such as yours. 
Zoom: Thaat’s what I thought once. (Pause) And, if I’m not missstaaaaken, what Dr. Jeremiaaah Arkhaaam thought once, too. But we both reaaaalize the truth now...and eventually, so will you.
Hugo Strange: (Clearly unnerved) I’m afraid I’m going to have to end our session for today, Mr. Zolomon. 
Zoom: I wish you luck, Doctor. You willlll need it. The transiiition into my worrrlld is not an easy one.
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Top 12 Pandora Hearts Characters
Moriarty the Patriot may be my new favorite anime and manga series, but today, I feel like talking about my OTHER favorite manga (and what COULD have been my favorite anime, if it had only gone on longer): a little franchise known as Pandora Hearts. Japan has a huge following for the works of Lewis Carroll, but Pandora Hearts has probably the most unusual manner of reinterpreting the characters. The story of PH is set in a world where human beings coexist with monstrous entities known as Chains: demon-like beings who are all directly inspired, in terms of name and design, on characters from Wonderland. With a few exceptions, the characters themselves do not have the names of characters from the books; instead, it is the Chains they make bargains with, form “Contracts” with, that tell you what character from the stories they are meant to represent. It’s a cool idea, and whether you look at this franchise as a new take on Wonderland, or just look at the characters on their own terms separate from the books, they are all fun and engaging characters who are frequently much more complex than they at first seem. Now, Pandora Hearts is a series with a lot of twists and turns, so I’m going to try and keep this as spoiler-free as possible when it comes to some of the REALLY big twists, but there’s only so much I can do. So if you haven’t read the manga, or at least watched the anime, and don’t want things spoiled, just be wary in case something pops up here you weren’t wanting to know ahead of time. Also, because this is me writing this list, I will give away which characters from the Wonderland stories these characters are analogous with in their descriptions. With that said... “The time has come,” the Walrus says, “To honor them today! So here’s a list of my favorites to lighten up your day!” (pauses) Yes, I’m aware that rhyme was terrible, just run with it. These are My Top 12 Favorite Pandora Hearts Characters!
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12. Echo & Noise.
Wonderland Analogues: Tweedledee & Tweedledum.
One thing you need to know about Pandora Hearts is that...honestly, like a lot of anime/manga, in my opinion...it can be rather confusing at times. The lore of this world, partially because it takes so many twists and turns all over the place, is a little hard to follow at times. I’ll try be succinct and as major-spoiler-free as possible, as I said before. With that said, these two are a prime example of how things get twisted up. Echo and Noise are essentially a classic Jekyll-&-Hyde scenario; a pair of separate identities occupying the same body. Noise, also called “Zwei,” is the original personality: a member of the mysterious and dangerous Baskerville Clan, she is, as her name suggest, loudmouthed, crazy, and rather all over the place. Noise is in control of a Chain known as “Duldee,” and the Chain is responsible for the creation of the other personality: Echo. Echo is the exact opposite of Noise: she is quiet, constantly polite, and indeed often seems to be little more than a robot, very emotionless and unnervingly calm, even in the heat of battle. As Echo, she is the unsettlingly loyal servant of one of the series’ chief antagonists, Vincent Nightray, and their relationship is...a little creepy. Vincent frequently treats her like a beloved child or pet, but he also frequently uses her for his own selfish ends, never worrying about nearly killing her in order to get what he wants, and seeming to see her more as an object than another living being. Despite this, the most upset with him Echo ever gets is calling him “annoying” (now, THERE’S an understatement), and Noise herself is absolutely obsessed with him. Their twisted relationship with Vincent, and all the fun that’s had with these two different personalities, is a big part of what gets them a slot on the list.
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11. Oscar Vessalius.
Wonderland Analogue: N/A
While most of the characters in Pandora Hearts are easily identified by their Chains, some don’t even have Chains, and thus cannot be readily identified as any character from the Carroll classics. Oscar Vessalius, whom I frequently and affectionately refer to as “Uncle Oscar,” is one of those cases. Now, to be fair, Uncle Oscar is not the most complex character in this series, but he IS one of the most endearing. Oscar is the paternal uncle of our main protagonist, Oz, and considering Oz’s father is...well...a gigantic douchebag of the highest order...Oscar really is more of a father to Oz than anybody else in the series. Oscar is unflappably encouraging and jolly, and extremely protective and caring when it comes to his family. He’s always there to support Oz and his friends, tries his best to get along with everybody, and generally speaking brightens up every single scene he has. Despite this, Oscar does have a bit of a sly and sneaky side to him, as well as a slightly lecherous leaning in some cases, which keep him from being too perfect or one-note a character. While he has no direct ties to Wonderland, some have suggested that he MIGHT be inspired by Lewis Carroll himself, and there are a few subtle things that could suggest that...but either way, he’s ultimately a purely original character, and of those ranks, he’s easily one of the best.
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10. Reim Lunettes.
Wonderland Analogue: March Hare.
Reim, sometimes called “Liam,” is the best friend of Xerxes Break and one of the most notable members of Pandora: a not-so-secret organization dedicated to the study of Chains and the protection of the world. Sort of a Victorian-styled Men in Black, if you will. (pauses) The Will Smith Men in Black, I should say. ANYWAY, an interesting thing I’ve noticed with many interpretations of the March Hare in Japanese culture is they tend to make him a somewhat more serious and more easily flustered character than the Mad Hatter. Reim is no exception: he’s a panicky workaholic who is frequently the butt of other people’s jokes, and tries to treat things with a no-nonsense demeanor, taking his job extremely seriously and always worried about what’s best for his employers. In some ways, one could argue he acts more like the White Rabbit, but that character is one we’ll get to later. At any rate, while Reim is constantly obsessed with his work, and frequently frustrated by Break’s antics, as well as the shenanigans of other characters, he has a heart of gold and is always there to try and help his friends and colleagues when they most require assistance. His Chain also has a pretty impressive power that one does not expect...but I mustn’t say more, or I’ll spoil something important.
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9. Sharon Rainsworth.
Wonderland Analogue: Unicorn.
Another character with close ties to Xerxes Break, Sharon is an interestingly dichotomous character. She’s one of the first people we encounter in this series, and she plays a big part in the story as it unfolds...but in the early parts of the franchise, what’s interesting is that Sharon stays largely in the background. Now, at first, it seems this is because she’s one of the head members of Pandora, and Break is technically her servant; so it makes sense the others would interact more with Break than Sharon. But as time goes on, and we learn more about Sharon, we find that’s not so much the case. Sharon and Break have a brother-and-sister relationship, with Sharon seeing Break as her surrogate big brother, and Break seeing her as his little sister. The problem with this relationship is that Break will do anything to protect Sharon, and at times that can go a bit too far, as Sharon truly wants to be of use to him and prove she’s just as powerful as he is or any other major member of the team. Indeed, her Chain, Equus the Black Unicorn, has many impressive abilities, including being able to open a gateway between Earth and the Hell-like dimension of The Abyss. A lot of this dichotomy is visible in Sharon’s personality: most of the time she’s very demure, polite, sweet, and ladylike. But the more we see of Sharon, the more we become aware of other facets to her personality. She’s shown to have a tough and domineering side to her character, and has some eccentricities of her own. Most notably, she’s absolutely INSANE when it comes to romance stories and romantic situations, and holds both the standards of ladies and gentlemen in high regard. Whether she’s a soothing presence or a downright scary one, Sharon is always an interesting character to return to.
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8. Rufus Barma.
Wonderland Analogue: Dodo.
There are a few characters in the frequently twisted-up world of Pandora Hearts who have a habit of constantly keeping you guessing...but the king of mystery, without a shadow of a doubt, is the Duke Rufus Barma. His analogous Chain, Dodo, is able to conjure impressive illusions, and this illusionary skill is only the tip of the iceberg in showing how this man constantly manages to make you wonder just what is going on in his head. Barma lives by the code of “knowledge is power,” and constantly seeks to learn everything he can about...well...anything and anybody he wants. Money and prestige are secondary to him. He’s very soft-spoken and cold, even when angered, and carries himself with a sense of grace that’s rather flamboyant, but somehow not exactly loud or over-the-top in the way some of the other characters can be. His exact goals and motivations are constantly second-guessed, and you’re never really sure what makes him tick or what side he’ll take. You’re never really sure if he’s a villain or a hero. I love characters like this, in general, so it’s ultimately no surprise that Rufus Barma gets a solid spot on this list.
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7. The Will of the Abyss.
Wonderland Analogue: White Rabbit.
The Will of the Abyss (sometimes called “Alyss” and sometimes called “The Intention of the Abyss”) isn’t a villain we see a whole lot of. She is the queen of the Abyss; the ruler of everything there. The Abyss, itself, is the home of the demon-like chains: ghoulish entities who feed on human beings, body and soul, and are formed from those who have fallen into the Abyss in the past. The place is described as “a broken toy box” and is a horrifying limbo realm of killer dolls and psychotic puppets. Needless to say, it’s not exactly an ideal vacation spot. The Will is a mysterious and mercurial character; she’s mostly a peripheral villain, since we see more of the Chains she controls than her, herself, and much of what we DO see of her actually comes through flashbacks...but in that overall brief amount of time, she proves to be honestly the single scariest character in the series, as well as one of the saddest. Part of this is due to her mood: the Will can shift from seemingly innocent and playful to screaming like a banshee in a split-second; she can go from crying and sobbing like a sad little girl to being as refined and elegant as a proper queen. And there really isn’t a safe place with her, in any of this, either; sometimes that playful and sweet persona is a good thing, but other times...yeah, it’s...um...REALLY not. Like many Chains, she’s violent and bloodthirsty, but unlike other Chains, there’s some humanity to her and you get the feeling that a lot of her actions are justified. She’s still very much a villain, but she’s also a victim, in a way, and as the story goes on, you feel bad for her and are truly sorry when her part in the series’ events is finished. Whether she makes you whimper with terror or makes you want to hug her and console her, the Will of the Abyss is bound to get a major reaction from you.
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6. Vincent Nightray.
Wonderland Analogue: Dormouse.
One of the main antagonists of the series (though not, for the record, THE main antagonist...they actually don’t appear in this top twelve), Vincent Nightray is another character who changes throughout the series. What I find most interesting about Vincent is that he, himself, changes very little. It’s more the attitude the reader has to him, in the manga, that changes. See, if you only know Vincent from the anime, or the chapters in the manga that the anime covers, chances are you find him to be a pretty repugnant person. He’s creepy, he’s treacherous, he’s responsible for some of the most screwed-up things any character in this franchise does, and that’s saying a lot. He’s totally insane, and sort of seems to be aware of it, and seems to have an unhealthy interest in his own brother, Gilbert. In fact, with how disturbing he is, and the kinds of things he tries, you start off thinking he’s the main antagonist...and, for a while, he pretty much is. However, as the series continues in the manga, and you learn more about Vincent - why he is the way he is, and what exactly he wants to accomplish - the more you come to understand him and sympathize with him. Make no mistake, Vincent is a villain; in fact, even he seems to be aware of the fact that he’s sort of a monster. But he’s the kind of villain you come to feel sorry for and realize that, if things had been different, maybe could have turned out a much better person. In a way, Vincent is a foil to the ACTUAL main antagonist. Without giving anything away, the real main villain of the series follows the opposite path: at first he seems sympathetic and endearing, but the more we learn about him and the more horrible things he does, the more we come to loathe him and want to see him kicked in the face a thousand times over. Vincent, meanwhile, we start off hating his guts, but by the time his part in the story ends, we’re sad to see him go, because we understand him and care about him, and realize not everything was his fault. I actually feel a little bad for not placing Vincent higher, but I doubt the characters above him will drastically disappoint. He may have been one of the nastiest characters in the franchise, but if ever proof was needed that Evil is a lonely course to take, Vincent Nightray could provide it.
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5. Cheshire Cat.
Wonderland Analogue: Doesn’t need to be given, because IT’S HIS NAME.
Again, the Cheshire Cat doesn’t have a lot of time in the series - he gets one major arc fairly early on, appears in several flashbacks afterwards, and then makes a sudden and unexpected return much later in the story - but that doesn’t keep him from being one of the most fascinating figures in the universe of PH. Cheshire is the reincarnation of an innocent kitten who belonged to a girl named Alice; the kitten was brutally murdered by Vincent Nightray. As a Chain, the Cheshire Cat is steadfastly loyal to the Will of the Abyss, and - at least at the start of the series - dwells within a mysterious realm simply known as “The Cheshire Cat’s House.” The “house” is an eerie Victorian mansion that is literally made up of all of the worst memories the Will has, and Cheshire guards the mansion and the Will herself with ferocious zeal. It’s ironic because this is a very different take on the Cheshire Cat, in general: the character in the book, and most other adaptations, is a chaotic being who shows loyalty to seemingly no one, and while some versions lean more towards good or evil, friend or foe, than others, he ultimately isn’t an obedient housecat. He’s more of an enigmatic agent of madness. This Cheshire Cat is a totally different spin on things. He’s got human-like intelligence, for the most part, and occasionally speaks in a cryptic or evasive manner, but he’s not the puzzling imp of Carroll’s classic. He doesn’t even SMILE all that often...and when he does it’s...well...the most terrifying thing you’ll ever see. But just because he’s a very different take on the character, doesn’t mean he’s still not a good one; Cheshire’s mixture of ravenous hunger (all Chains are so), sadistic ferocity, and childlike adoration of the Will make him a very layered character. Like the Will herself, he can be very creepy and menacing, but he can also be sympathetic and sweet, since he still very much is that loving kitten whose life was cut short. In a very short time, he becomes one of the most standout characters, and despite a relatively short lifespan (so to speak), it’s clear the creators really liked Cheshire, since they tried to find ways to fit him in all over the place. It’s a sign of restraint on their parts, I’d say, that he doesn’t pop up more often throughout the franchise. When he does pop up, he’s a scene stealer, and I was always excited to see him.
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4. Oz Vessalius.
Wonderland Analogue: N/A
Our chief protagonist, and another original character, Oz Vessalius is a teenager whose life is turned upside-down when, at his Coming-of-Age Ceremony, a group of depraved cultists send him body and soul into the Abyss. He makes a contract with a Chain called Alice, and escapes the Abyss, only to discover that the very short time he spent down there equated to a full decade in the real world. He is enlisted by Pandora, and the rest of the series focuses on his adventures as he tries to discover the secrets of a cataclysmic event from the past known as “The Tragedy of Sablier” - in which an entire city was somehow sucked down into the Abyss. Oz is an endearing young hero, as his youth is mixed with a curious maturity. At times he’s very silly and almost hopelessly optimistic, but at other times he shows a very fatalistic and calculating side to his personality. Part of this is due to his upbringing, as his father never showed him any love at all, and the best friend he ever really had was his own servant, Gilbert. He didn’t exactly get out much to explore the world. So while he’s lived a very sheltered life, it’s also been a very cold one. Oz works on a philosophy of acceptance, just going with the flow and trying not to let the bad things get to you...but considering he frequently claims his own life means very little to him, it’s very clear the bad things DO get to him. In fact, despite his privileged youth, he puts the lives of others vastly before his own, even when he doesn’t know them all that well. He just doesn’t like to show how much things can hurt him, and tries to press ahead no matter what. It’s a complex sort of way of thinking - being proud and unflinching and yet humble and downright self-loathing, all with a dash of youthful exuberance - and as the series goes on, and we learn more about Oz than maybe even he knows, it only becomes more fascinating. He may not be my favorite character, but he’s a fine protagonist for us to follow, and certainly worthy of high marks here.
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3.  Gilbert Nightray.
Wonderland Analogue: The Monstrous Crow...probably.
I say “probably” because Gilbert’s Chain, as well as his own codename, is “Raven,” which is an obvious reference to the riddle “Why is a raven like a writing desk?” I guess it’s possible both were inspirational, but the Crow is an actual creature/character in the stories, so it’s the one I choose to credit. Whatever the case, Gil is one of the other major protagonists in the series, and...this guy is freaking adorable. I know he doesn’t look it, but trust me, he’s adorable. At the start of the series, we meet Gil as a small boy, who has amnesia about his past and works as a servant for Oz. Oz is not only his Master, but his best friend, and Gil will do absolutely anything to protect and serve his “Young Master” no matter what. After Oz descends into the Abyss, Gil - blaming himself - tries to run away...and is enlisted, at a very young age, by Xerxes Break. He becomes a double-agent, working for both the Rainsworth and Nightray households, upon discovering he is actually a long-lost member of the Nightray family. When Oz returns years later, Gil is a seemingly changed man: stoic, stern, always dressed in black, smoking heavily, and rarely speaking. Very quickly, however, we discover a lot of this stoicism is a facade: underneath it all, Gil is very much still a child at heart, and even though he’s grown older, he still sees Oz as his brother and best friend, as well as his true master, and will do anything to protect and to help him. Just as Oz always puts his life ahead of others, Gil’s foremost thoughts are always with Oz and how he can help him, and the lengths he’ll go to in order to keep Oz safe are sometimes touching, sometimes hilarious, and sometimes downright heartbreaking. Gil’s “dark side” is certainly engaging - he’s a crack shot with a pistol, and has a gloomy and cynical sense of humor - but I think what’s most endearing about him are the moments...and there are surprisingly many...where we see the cracks in the armor, and this “seaweed head” shows that he really hasn’t changed as much as he often claims. Whether he’s a man of action or a man of hilarious hijinks, Gilbert Nightray is more than worthy of a place in the top three.
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2. Alice.
Wonderland Analogue: Again, IT’S HER NAME.
The secondary protagonist of the series, after Oz, this Alice is a far cry from the little girl we know of from the Carroll stories. At the start of the franchise, we are introduced to Alice as a Chain known as “B. Rabbit” - a title that stands for both “Black Rabbit” and “Bloody” or “Bloodstained Rabbit.” (In fact, her full title is often given as “The Bloody/Bloodstained Black Rabbit.”) B. Rabbit is one of the most powerful Chains out there, and in her Chain form, Alice is a nigh-unstoppable powerhouse ruled by bloodthirst - a maniacal berserker whose morning star chains and massive scythe cleave through even the toughest opponents with ease. However, Alice can also resort to human form, and here she’s much more...well...human. She has the same basic weaknesses a human has, she’s not quite as psychotic (though she DOES have a nasty temper at times)...really, the only sign of her being a Chain is her ravenous hunger. Like any Chain, Alice is ALWAYS hungry, and always hungry for MEAT. Thankfully, unlike other Chains, Alice has no desire to consume human beings. Indeed, while at first she comes across as frightening and intimidating, Alice has a very vulnerable side to her; she’s lived her life without any real friends or family, since the only “family” she has is her twin, the Will of the Abyss...and, to put things simply, they don’t get along very well. Much like Oz, she often feels like she’s undeserving of other people’s care and attention, but while Oz compensates this through being charitable and caring, Alice compensates by over-inflating herself; a classic “superiority complex via inferiority complex” issue. She’s never unlikeable, however, and as the series goes on - and we come to realize that Alice’s true identity, and her status as a Chain, is a lot less cut-and-dry than we might think - she only becomes a more and more fun and fascinating character...arguably more fascinating than Oz. Indeed, it’s really Alice who drives so much of the plot of the series forward, as her whole goal in the series is to find out the truth of her past and regain her lost memories, and it’s through the team’s efforts to help Alice in this goal that so much of the story is told. Oz is really just along for the ride, at least at first. Powerful but not invincible, and easily one of my favorite takes on the title character of the Carroll stories, Alice nabs second place easily…
...But who in the great wide world could take first? That honor goes to...
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1. Xerxes Break.
Wonderland Analogue: The Mad Hatter AND The White Knight.
Yep. Two characters. How is this possible? Well, the first thing to know about Xerxes Break is that he wasn’t always called “Xerxes Break.” Once upon a time, he was a knight called Kevin Regnard, who served a noble family; his Chain was called Albus the White Knight. When Regnard’s mistakes led to the destruction of the entire family, he went absolutely bonkers and became a twisted serial killer known as the Red-Eyed Ghost. Ultimately, however, his contract with Albus ended, and Regnard was dragged down into the Abyss, where the Will and the Cheshire Cat ripped out one of his eyes (...yikes…), and plotted to turn him into another Chain. Things get a bit complicated at this point, but basically, Kevin managed to escape and was thrown into another time and place upon doing so. He was taken in by the Rainsworth family, befriend Reim Lunettes, and steadily began to come out of his shell. He took the name “Xerxes Break,” because he felt “broken,” later formed a contract with a very special and powerful Chain known as The Mad Hatter (in fact, one of Break’s nicknames is “Mr. Hatter”), and crafted a whole new personality for himself: Kevin Regnard was stern, work-obsessed, and wore his heart on his sleeve. Xerxes Break is in every way his opposite. When it comes to takes on the Mad Hatter, Break is one of the best; granted, we very rarely see him WEAR a hat, but the personality of the guy speaks for itself. Break often comes across as clownish and childishly hyperactive, constantly eating sweets, performing magic tricks and weird stunts just for the sheer sake of it, prancing around and giggling like a small boy, and even interacting with a puppet he calls “Emily”...which...may or may not actually be alive. However, much of this is a facade, as underneath it all, Break is...well...broken. Not just in body (he’s much, much older and more frail than he often seems), but in terms of his mind; he’s half-crazed and extremely mercurial. Much like with Rufus Barma, Break is somebody you’re never entirely sure of, but in a different way. Break, you see, is very open and honest; he never tells lies and he makes his loyalties and disloyalties very clear. But at the same time he’s very secretive and enigmatic, often speaking in riddles and partial-truths to throw people off. He’s very cunning and intelligent, and a gifted swordsman, and will do anything and use almost anyone to get what he wants. So while he can be extremely funny, he can also be very frightening and ruthless. You’re never sure what’s going to set him off and if the next line he says is going to be a threat or a joke. And as the series goes on, and we see more and more of Break’s vulnerabilities, we only come to care about him more and more, though, at the same time, he always remains an eternal mystery. A riddle with no real answer...just like the Mad Hatter’s from the book. (Way to bring things around, don’t you think?) Whether you look at him as a version of the Hatter, or look at him just for who and what he is on his own terms, he is, in my opinion, the most well-rounded and fascinating character in the whole series, and easily takes the top spot as My Favorite Pandora Hearts Character. Xerxes Break, I doff my own topper to thee. (tips hat)
Honorable Mentions Include...
Elliot Nightray.
Jack Vessalius.
Lottie Baskerville.
Lily Baskerville.
Ada Vessalius.
Phillipe West.
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