#One Shot Prompts
OTP Prompts: Relationship Progression
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Buying/renting out their first house together.
Having their first serious argument/fight.
Having sex for the first time.
Rescuing/adopting their first pet.
Introducing each other to their parents.
Drinking from the same bottle/cup/etc.
Using pet names.
Getting undressed in front of each other.
Updating their social media relationship status'.
Changing to a joint bank account.
Discussing things that set themselves up to be hurt and trusting that the other won't take advantage of it.
Getting engaged/married.
Using each others' phones without supervision.
Making a joint purchase together.
Caring for the others' nieces/nephews/grandchildren/children, with or without them.
Laughing at something embarrassing to the other person and knowing it's not going to offend/upset them.
Having their first sleepover.
Going on their first roadtrip/vacation.
Opening up about something personal.
Saying "I love you" for the first time.
Discussions of kinks that they're embarrassed/self-conscious of.
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firstclassthot · 2 years
Otp prompt #74
Person A: It’s so hot in here
Person B: Take your sweater off then
Person A: I can’t I don’t have anything on underneath
Person B: So? How does that stop you from taking it off?
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bluenwritten · 11 months
Writer's Block, REQUESTS OPEN
Here's a list of 162 writing prompts, angst and fluff but the drabble/one shot can be turned into smut (smut only for 18+). Send in 1 to 5 prompts and a little bit of what you want the original fiction story to be about. Without further ado here's the prompts.
Prompts under the cut! :)
"Every moment with you is a page in my favorite love story."
"When I'm with you, I feel like I've found my missing puzzle piece."
"You're the reason my heart beats in rhythm."
"Every sunrise is a reminder of our new beginnings."
"You, me, and a cup of coffee – that's all I need."
"In a room full of people, my eyes always find you."
"With you, even the rain feels like sunshine."
"I love you more than words can express."
"You're the reason I believe in soulmates."
"Being with you is like finding a hidden treasure every day."
"You're the piece of the puzzle I didn't know was missing."
"My love for you is the only constant in a changing world."
"Our love is the greatest adventure of my life."
"Your love is my North Star in the darkest of nights."
"You're the spark in my dullest days."
"I won't back down, and neither will you, and that's oddly admirable."
"Our battles are a testament to our strength."
"In a way, you make me sharper, more alert."
"You're the thorn in my side that reminds me to stay vigilant."
"Our differences make us who we are."
"My love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"You're my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye."
"With you, I've found my missing piece."
"You're the moon to my starry nights."
"My love for you is as vast as the universe."
"You make my heart sing in the rain."
"I love that we can be silent together and still have the best time."
"You're the GPS of my life, always guiding me in the right direction."
"Our friendship is like a well-worn playlist, full of memories and good vibes."
"No matter where life takes us, I know you'll be there to share the journey."
"In the story of my life, you're my favorite chapter."
"You keep me grounded when life feels like a whirlwind."
"Our friendship is like coffee – essential and always there to perk me up."
"Let's celebrate each other's victories and lift each other up in defeats."
"You bring out the best in me, and I'm forever grateful."
"We're like a pair of socks – different but perfectly matched."
"Our friendship is a gallery of unforgettable moments."
"You're the antidote to my blues."
"We're not just friends; we're partners in awesome adventures."
"Our friendship is the best kind of treasure."
"Life is an incredible journey with you by my side."
"You make my world a better place, one smile at a time."
"We're not just friends; we're each other's cheerleaders."
"You're the remedy for my worst days and the confetti on my best ones."
"Life is better with friends like you."
"Let's keep making memories and raising a toast to the good times."
"You're my favorite adventure buddy."
"You're my favorite co-conspirator in life's adventures."
"I can't imagine growing old without your friendship."
"Let's keep inspiring each other to be the best versions of ourselves."
"In a world full of acquaintances, you're my true friend."
"Our friendship is like a well-worn book – comforting and always there when I need it."
"Thanks for being my go-to adventure planner."
"Let's promise to grow old but never grow apart."
"I love you more than I did yesterday but less than I will tomorrow."
"You bring out the best in me, always."
"With you, every day feels like a weekend."
"In this world full of acquaintances, you're my true friend."
"It's a strange kind of respect we have for each other."
"In some weird way, you're my favorite competition."
"You're not the worst enemy I've ever had."
"I suppose you have some redeeming qualities, deep, deep down."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but you make a good point."
"You've got a weird way of showing it, but I think you actually care."
"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad you're here."
"We make an odd pair, don't we?"
"I hate to admit it, but you're growing on me."
"I might have underestimated you."
"You're not as insufferable as I first thought."
"Who would've thought we'd end up like this?"
"I guess we're stuck with each other, for now."
"You're different from what I expected, in a good way."
"I'd rather be stuck with you than anyone else."
"You make life interesting, I'll give you that."
"We're like two sides of the same coin, aren't we?"
"I've learned to appreciate your quirks."
"I think you secretly like having me around."
"I used to dread our encounters, but now I look forward to them."
"I never thought I'd say this, but I miss our arguments when you're not here."
"It's weird, but I feel safer when you're nearby."
"I thought we were polar opposites, but maybe we're not so different after all."
"Our love was a wildfire, and now it's just smoldering embers."
"I'm holding on to a love that's slipping through my fingers like sand."
"I thought I could save you, but I'm the one who needs saving."
"Our love was a novel, but now it's a tragic ending."
"We're caught in a never-ending storm, and there's no shelter in sight."
"I'm suffocating in the emptiness you left behind."
"I'm running out of reasons to stay, but I can't bear to leave."
"I wish I could forget the sound of your name."
"I don't recognize the person I've become when I'm with you."
"Every word you said was just another brick in this wall between us."
"Sometimes, I wonder if we ever truly understood each other."
"You were supposed to be my anchor, but now I'm adrift."
"Your silence is louder than any words you could say."
"We used to dream of the future together, and now we can't even talk about today."
"What happened to us? We used to be unstoppable."
"I thought our love was unbreakable, but here we are."
"You make it impossible to trust anyone again."
"You're the ghost that haunts my every thought."
"I don't know how to be 'me' without 'you.'"
"It's like you're a stranger in the place where my heart used to be."
"You're my greatest weakness and my biggest regret."
"Every day without you feels like a life sentence."
"Your happiness feels like a knife in my heart."
"Jealousy is a cruel emotion, but I can't help how I feel."
"I hate that I'm not the one who gets to make you laugh now."
"You're the one who held my heart, and now you're the one who shattered it."
"You promised forever, but all I got was an empty tomorrow."
"You're the missing piece that I'll never find again."
"I wish I could forget you, but you're etched into my soul."
"Every smile feels like a lie without you."
"I used to be the one who made you laugh, but now I'm just the one who cries."
"I don't recognize the person I've become with you."
"Your doubts have taken over everything we had."
"Your doubts have created a divide between us."
"I thought we were building a future, but we're stuck in the past."
"Our love has become a toxic addiction."
"You're pushing me away when I need you the most."
"I miss the warmth of your embrace."
"I miss the sound of your laughter in the morning."
"Your indifference hurts more than your absence."
"I can't compete with your memories."
"Sometimes, the past has a way of catching up with us, no matter how fast we run."
"Our love story turned into a tragedy, and I don't know how to rewrite it."
"In this chaos, we're the broken pieces trying to fit together."
"In the end, we're all just strangers."
"Our dreams turned into nightmares."
"Love's a cruel game, and I lost."
"You're like a storm I can't escape, and I'm getting tired of fighting it."
"I'm not afraid of losing you; I'm afraid of losing myself."
"This isn't love; it's a battle, and I'm wounded."
"This friendship used to mean the world to me."
"You're a master of deception, aren't you?"
"You were never worth the effort I put into this friendship."
"You're a monster in human form."
"You're the reason trust is so hard for me now."
"I've learned that the person I thought you were never existed."
"You're the embodiment of everything I despise."
"We may have a history, but it's nothing to be proud of."
"Your lies built a wall between us that can't be torn down."
"You're a wolf in sheep's clothing."
"I refuse to be a pawn in your twisted game."
"You're the reason I stopped believing in second chances."
"I thought we were done playing games."
"You can't outrun your past, and neither can I."
"I'd say 'may the best man win,' but we both know it won't be that simple."
"If only things had been different, we could have been lovers."
"The silence between us is louder than words."
"I'm drowning in this emptiness."
"Promises are just words until they're broken."
"We were stars, but now we're just fading light."
"We're two puzzle pieces that don't fit anymore."
"You're the ghost that haunts my heart."
"I can't bear the weight of your indifference."
"I don't want your pity; I want your love."
"You were the only light in my darkness."
"You were my safe haven in a world of chaos."
"I thought we were invincible."
"I'm a prisoner of my own broken heart."
"I can't find a way to mend what's broken."
"I wish I could go back and choose differently."
"We were a beautiful disaster waiting to happen."
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heyitslapis · 3 months
Summer OTP Prompts:
Feel free to use these prompts for writing, drawing, painting, music, etc! You can also use them for OCs, notps, blorbos, you name it, not just otps. Hope you guys have fun with these!
Midnight Drive
Ice Cream
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my sfw prompts list❤🏎
feel free to use any of these, it's a big mash of all my favorites. my requests are always open and i would love to write for some of these so let me know what you want!! <3 please read the pinned post on my blog before requesting anything thanks!
warnings!!: mentions if intimacy and alcohol consumption, cliche things, prompts sound a little strange in their own but imo would make beautiful one shots❤
fluff/cute prompts 🧸💓 1. “why are you mad?” “I’m not mad, I just think you can choose better people to kiss.”  2. "look at me y/n. look at me and tell me you don’t feel the same as I do, then I’ll leave you alone.”  3. "do you know you're pretty” 4. "you smell good/ your hair smells good" 5. "can you wash my hair for me?” 6. "don't!! I’m ticklish —“  7. “I had a nightmare” 8. “stop denying it! you need sleep” 9. “I’m not going anywhere” 10. "can you help me reach that? 11. "I’m right here baby, it’s okay” 12. “can you put sunscreen on my back?”  13. “it’s snowing!”  14. "you have frosting on your face” 15. "I made this one just for you!” (small trinket or gift, e.g bracelet) 16. “you’re pretty.”  “you’re drunk.” 17. "your hand is so small/big" 18. "you're so short" 19. "you smell nice"
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apinchofm · 2 years
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Based on @dontforgetoctober3rd's prompt post
Aemond saw Lucerys chuckle when Jace asked Heleana to dance. Those brats could not even do something kind, for his harmless sister, without turning it into some sort of slight.
But he looked over and saw Heleana was enjoying herself. Perhaps he could take a leaf out of his nephew's book.
He stood and walked around the table, past his grandmother, mother, father, his half-sister and Daemon before reaching Lady Rhaena.
"Would you do me the honour of a dance, my lady?" He asked, offering his hand.
The smile on Lucerys face faded and he could imagine Daemon's glare but it seems Rhaena did not see this.
"I will, my prince." Rhaena replied kindly, taking his offered hand. She is surprised by how gentle he is in leading her to the floor.
"I hear you enjoy the histories," Rhaena said as they moved around each other, easily in sync.
He was surprised she knew that "I do."
"My sister always jests that I would be better suited to books." Rhaena joked, and his lips twitched in amusement.
"I believe my father is stopping himself from interrupting," Rhaena said, looking briefly at her father.
"Well, let's give him a good reason," Aemond smirked, and he spun her until she giggled, and even he smiled at her bell-like laughter. It was a sound he wished to hear again.
He could see his mother smiling fondly at the two, and so was his father. He weakly squeezed the Queen's hand, happy.
"That was a lot of fun. Thank you." Rhaena said shyly.
"Not at all." He kissed her hand, making her smile and look away.
"Wonderful dancing." Rhaenyra praised as they all went to sit down.
Rhaena was about to sit in her seat next to Luke before she hesitated and stood again, making her way to the other side of the table to where Aemond was sitting. He pulled out the chair for her when he realised she wished to sit with him.
Rhaena nervously fiddled with her hands, "I hope this is alright, but you mentioned the old diaries. Have you had a chance to read any? There are only a few on Dragonstone, as I believe the King brought them here?"
Aemond was surprised, and he did not know if she was merely trying to make friends as the King had asked or if she was insane, but he decided to engage.
For the rest of the dinner, the two spoke enthusiastically about the various books and diaries in the library.
"Will this not upset your betrothed?" Aemond whispered, and he knew his grandfather heard.
Rhaena merely shrugged, "Luke and I have different interests, I suppose."
"I suppose." Aemond hummed. His eye shifted to see Otto raising an interested eyebrow at his grandson. He looked to the King, who nodded tiredly at them.
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shee-im-bi · 2 years
smut headcanon
You had a bestfriend that was with you from middle school. Years of friendship is now ruined because now you can't stop thinking about them, in a rather not-so-friendly way.
You keep on thinking about their hands and how soft they would feel like on yours, and definitely in the bed when both of you are red and can only think about the pleasure the other is giving you.
And their eyes and what a clear colour they are. And definitely thinking if they would glaze over and roll to the back of their head or will they squeeze shut when they cum.
Their lips that look so soft yet chapped and how they would feel on yours when they are in you/you're in them.
And how they would whimper, sigh and groan and their breathless begs/praises that would roll out of their tongue.
Their soft hair that would look so good messy under them. And how their arousal would drip out of their hole/member.
"Y/N??" your bestfriend called out. "You were zoned out. What are you thinking about?" They asked leaning in over the table
"Oh, nothing, just thinking about some random things" You smiled awkwardly. They should never know about the sinful stuff you've been thinking about doing to and with them.
"So my conversation is that irrelevant to you, huh?" They teased you, shaking their head dramatically.
"Oh believe me, it's quite the opposite (name)"
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🎇 Taking Prompts 🎇
I’m feeling inspired to write some midam one-shots and drabbles! If you have a prompt you’d like to submit, my inbox is open. In your prompt, feel free to specify a universe: Sins of the Father, Cinderella, Mermaid AU, Superhero AU. I’ll try to return the prompt with a post within the next week.
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kestrel2001 · 1 year
Characters B and A:
B: With great power comes great-
A: Ass
B: No-
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hawkeyejrhuntress · 1 year
Yelena is part of the Spartan army. Tomorrow they march at dawn to the greatest battle in history. With the prospect of not returning Yelena make sure her wife Kate has one last night to remember her by just in case.
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Writing prompt: 008
Paper cut.
“I have never seen someone receive so many paper cuts in an hour. I swear it must have been a record.” The elder lady piped up, holding her friends hand gently. “This should help lovely.” She pulled out a salve, and started applying it, careful to not apply too much pressure to avoid splitting the skin further.
The other woman, who’s hands were starting to look like she very much enjoyed pulling razor grass by the roots with her bare hands flinched a little. Her hands stung, but with the soft touch massaging softly, the pain started to ebb away, and she was trying her best not to fall even deeper in love with this woman.
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OTP Prompts: Protectiveness
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Stepping in front of the other to shield them from something/someone.
Telling anyone who comes near them while other is hurt to leave/take a few steps back.
Rubbing their back to make sure they know they're not alone.
Covering their mouth to muffle any cries/screams they make because they're trying to hide from something/someone.
Hugging them to shield their face from the sight.
Jumping in the way at the last minute / taking the blow for the other.
Pretending everything is fine so the other doesn't have to know what's going on.
Holding an arm out to prevent them from getting any closer to the danger.
Restraining someone for just long enough that the other can escape.
Taking the first bite out of a meal to make sure it's good enough to eat.
"You know you saved my life, right?"
"Hey, they're just our friends. Nobody is out to hurt either of us, I promise."
"Don't come any closer."
"While I appreciate that you did that for me, I don't appreciate the fact that you nearly died because of it."
"Can't have you injuring yourself, now can we?"
"Are you hurt?"
"You jumped in front of a bullet!" - "And I'd do it again."
"I don't need you to constantly be there to protect me, you know."
"Thank god you're okay!"
"Please never do that again."
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firstclassthot · 2 years
Otp prompt #71
As the weather gets colder, Person B is constantly reminded that Person A does not know how to dress for the temperature. Person A insists they’re fine in shorts, though B can see the visual shivers racking their body. A insists they don’t need a jacket, but a long night spent outside ends with numb arms and rosy skin.
As a result, Person B constantly brings extra clothes with them when going out with A. An extra pair of sweatpants, a hoodie, and on the rare occasion they do forget to bring extra, they won’t hesitate to force their own jacket onto A.
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fictional-addiction · 2 years
hello my little sparkling waters
i just finished exams so I'll be posting more regularlyy
in the meantime here's a little one shot based a prompt my friend sent me: love vs blood vs hate🤝
(also I've seen your requests and am in the process of writing them💛)
hope you enjoy :)
by hufflepuffhaze
It’s a strange thing. Blood.
When you say a word too many times, it loses its meaning.
Love love love love love.
Blood blood blood blood blood.
Hate hate hate hate hate.
There is blood between the fine line of love and hate.
Blood that coats the battlefield like a thick maroon paint. Blood that stains the white cloth; the cloth covering their graves. Dark blood. Bright blood. Blue blood.
The line is faint.
Blood of the royals; blue. Blue as the sky. Pure blood. Clean blood.
Their hands are no longer clean.
And as they stand above the grave, the blood stained cloth draped over the lifeless body, the blood pours down their hands. Thick and red and hot, it pours until the grave is blood, blood, blood.
The line was crossed.
Love to hate.
There is blood between the fine line of love and hate.
- hufflepuffhaze
have a great day/night loves💛
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chasingmidnights · 2 years
Such Wow. Many Normal. Very Oops.
Title: Such Wow. Many Normal. Very Oops. 
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Summary: He called them accidents and that you deserved them. That’s why you hated it when Carter drank or used, you were his personal punching bag.
Warnings: domestic abuse; character injury; unconsciousness; physical violence; abuse that lands character in a hospital; Carter Baizen being an ass; use of alcohol; and I think those are the major ones to look out for. I apologize if I miss anything but you are responsible for what you read. 
Author’s Note: This story contains domestic violence/intimate partner violence, I will not take offense if you don’t read this story because of that reason or for any reason. I would hate it if someone were to be triggered because of it. 
Wordcount: 1,875
You shifted uncomfortably in your office chair and you held onto your side. Picking up your cup of coffee, you sigh in disappointment to find it empty. You needed another fix but you really did not want to get up. After last night’s “accident”, you were in a lot of pain. Carter was at his worst last night and you’re surprised you aren’t in the hospital. You let out a low groan at the thought of having to get up and make the trip to the break room. Carter had given you a pretty good blow to your sides and more than once. Thankfully when you eventually made it to the break room, there was nobody in there. You refill your cup and make your coffee to your liking. A sigh of content leaves your lips when the warm liquid slides down your throat. 
“That must be one good cup of coffee.” You’d recognize that Boston accent anywhere. Ransom Drysdale. 
You hide the small smile tugging up at the corner of your lips with your coffee mug. One of the many perks to working at Blood Like Wine was Harlan Thrombey’s grandson. If Ransom was roaming these halls then that must mean that Harlan was in the building somewhere.
“Would you like me to make you some Mr. Drysdale?” You offer sweetly, finally removing the mug that blocked the lower part of your face. 
Ransom cringes at the name, Mr. Drysdale was his father. “Please, call me Ransom. And no, I’d rather share yours.” 
Ransom confidently strides over to you and wraps one of his large hands around the mug, his fingers brushing against yours. Your breath hitches in your throat as the two of you gaze into each other’s eyes. He easily takes the mug from your hand and brings it to his petal pink lips. You begin to imagine what they might feel like - no, snap out of it Y/n. You have Carter and you’re happy with him. You pull out of the intense moment and glance down to the tiled floor. When you look back up at Ransom, you don’t miss the smirk that’s formed on his lips. 
“Delicious.” He says, his voice deep and sultry, sending a shiver up your spine. 
“Ransom, ready to go?” Harlan’s voice rings through the break room. You nearly jumped out of your skin, you hadn’t even heard him walk into the room. 
Handing the mug back to you, Ransom answers his grandfather. “Yeah granddad, I’m ready.” He then leans down to your ear and whispers. “See you around, doll.” Ransom then turns around and begins to walk out of the break room. 
You miss the knowing look that Harlan gives you as you check Ransom out. The sway of his hips hypnotizing you. Harlan chuckles quietly to himself, while a smirk curls up on the corner of his mouth. 
When you got home, you were both exhausted and still exhilarated from your interaction with Ransom today. Too wrapped up in your thoughts, you miss the red Porsche pull into the driveway. Carter notices the huge smile on your face, he narrows his gaze at you. Putting the sports car into park, he wonders what made you so happy. Just as the door to the house closes, Carter sits back in his seat for a moment before deciding to go in the house. When Carter enters the house, he hears clattering in the kitchen. You must be getting dinner started, his perfect little house wife. Before going to check on you, he walks over to the bar cart and fixes himself a drink. He downs about half of the amber liquid, scrunching up his face at the burn it causes. He tops off his drink before going into the kitchen. Carter watches you intently as you move around the room, humming a tune while you do. He takes another long drink before speaking up. 
“What are you thinking for dinner sweetheart?”
You stop your movements for half a second when you hear Carter’s voice from behind you. You take a deep breath before turning around to face him. Your heart sinks a little when you notice the drink in his hand already. “I-I was thinking of making some chicken alfredo. How does that sound honey?” 
A thick, heavy silence fills the air as you wait for his answer. “Sounds delicious sweetheart.” 
He then walks up to you and your breath hitches, unsure of what he’s about to do. He reaches his hand up to your face and you have to fight back a flinch. Instead of a slap like you were half expecting, he gently cups your cheek and leans in to give you a sweet peck on the lips. You feel your body unwind and relax in this gentle moment with your boyfriend. He kisses your forehead before stepping back. 
“How’s your side sweetheart?” He removes his hand from your cheek to place it on your side, giving it a small squeeze. 
You couldn’t help but wince at the action. “A-a little better. Pain medicine seems to be helping.” 
Carter steps forward and plants another kiss to your forehead. “You need to be more careful sweetheart.” 
All you can do is nod in agreement. Even though he’s the one that caused the injury, it would be useless to try and argue with him. Dinner turned out amazing, if you don’t say so yourself. Carter even gave you praise at how good dinner was and you preen at the compliment. Throughout dinner though, you couldn’t help but notice how much Carter had to drink. You bit back what you wanted to say, too afraid of the consequences that would no doubt follow. Besides, he seemed to be in a good mood tonight and you didn’t want to ruin it. You know if you bring up his drinking, it’ll all come crashing down with you getting the brunt of it. So, you decided against it. 
As the two of you were getting ready for bed, it was like a switch had flipped inside of him. Stumbling into the bedroom, he calls out your name. Your whole body tenses with the way his voice sounds and you immediately come out of the bathroom. When your eyes meet, you see how emotionless his eyes are and goosebumps rise all over your body. You fear for what’s about to happen next. 
“Carter, honey, is everything alright?” You try to keep your voice soft and even. 
“Come here now.” He orders and you instantly do as he says. “So, tell me, who are you fucking?” 
His question takes you by surprise and you tilt your head in confusion. You must have taken too long to answer because your cheek is met with a harsh slap. A gasp leaves your lips and your waterline begins to fill. 
“Answer me slut!” Carter demands, you can tell he’s beginning to seethe at this point. 
“N-n-no one. C-Carter, I’m a-all yours, I-I promise!” You finally manage to stutter out. 
Carter narrows his gaze at you and you can see his nostrils flaring out. There’s so much tension in the room that you feel yourself unable to breathe. Next thing you know, he’s yanking you by your hair and throwing you to the ground. You grunt at the impact and you have no time to recover as his food is jamming into your already injured side. You cry out in agony and a few tears slide down your cheek. As the beatings continue, your brain becomes fuzzy and you wonder what you did wrong. Surely, there’s a way to fix it. When the abuse finally stopped, you were too weak to move and every muscle aches. 
The next morning, you woke up in the spot you had gone unconscious in. You groan as you begin to stir awake and you try to lift yourself off of the floor. Your arms shake as you do and you lose your balance. With your mind still in a haze, you had failed to notice how close to the stairs you were. A yelp escapes you as you tumble down the stairs and the falls renders you unconscious once again. When you wake up again, it’s to the sound of a machine beeping. As your vision comes to, you realize that you’re in a hospital room. Confusion sweeps over you and you begin to wonder how you got here. Looking around the room, you see no sign of Carter and a mix of emotions run through your body. A nurse entering your room brings you out of your thoughts and you give her a tight-lipped smile. 
“Oh, you’re awake!” The nurse sounded genuinely surprised. 
“Ye-yeah. H-how did I get here?” You inquire, arching up an eyebrow. You know for a fact that Carter wouldn’t have done it, he wouldn’t have wanted to answer all of the questions about what happened. 
“When you didn’t show up for work yesterday, your office did a wellness check.” The nurse explains. “Let me go get Dr. Strange, he has a few things he wants to discuss with you.” The nurse then leaves your room. 
Once you had your talk with Dr. Strange, you were able to come up with a solid lie. You didn’t want Carter to get into trouble. Even though he seemed to believe your lie, he insisted on you staying for another night. You bitterly agree. During your stay, you didn’t once hear or see Carter, which caused your heart to sink and break. However, you did get a visitor and it surprised you greatly. Ransom Drysdale came to see you. 
“Hey doll.” He says shyly as he sits in the chair next to your bed. “How are ya feeling? You had me worried.” 
You take a moment before you reply, taking a careful breath as you do. “Tired. Sore.” You pause before you continue. “Wait, did you say you were worried about me?” 
Ransom couldn’t stop the blush from forming when you called him out on that. He clears his throat before speaking up again. “Of course, doll. I don’t know what it is about you but I just feel this pull towards you.” 
You swear you could feel your heart swell at his admission. A few sniffles escape you and you don’t know what comes over you. “Ransom, there’s something that I should tell you. 
Ransom braces himself for rejection. “What is it?” 
You then divulge to him your relationship with Carter Baizen for the last year and a half. You told him all about the abuse, both physical and emotional. You also brought up how Carter called them “accidents”. By the time you finished explaining things you could tell that Ransom was processing this new information. 
“Did I share too much?” A nervous chuckle leaves your lips. 
“N-no, it’s just- wow.” He pauses for a moment, glancing down to the floor. He looks back up and he can’t stop the words from coming out. “Well, I can help you out. If you would like, you could come live with me. Have somewhat of a more normal life.” 
You smile at Ransom’s offer and your eyes begin to glisten. A life without “accident” sounded perfect right about now.
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shellxrls · 7 months
asking to feel JJ while he’s soft and he’s like: “wtf? but yea.” and as soon as you touch him he’s hard.
“it kinda looks like a gummy worm,” you muse, twisting his limp dick slightly and attempting to admire it from an angle.
“babe i do not know what fucked up gummy worms you’ve been eating, but junior ain’t a gummy worm,” he states simply, growing restless from your constant touching.
you giggle, continuing your inspection for only a couple of seconds before, much to your amiss, you notice jj getting hard once again.
“jeez man it’s only been — what, a minute?” you chuckle, beginning to stroke your fist as you finish the question, causing him to choke and stumble over his answer and instead let out an embarrassing loud groan.
“‘m sensitive,” he mumbles, followed by a string of curses and a “ohh, yeah keep doing that mama.”
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