#Once you start going to munches and getting known in your local scene you could get invited to private parties! :)
toadallytickles · 2 years
You talk about events and munches a good bit, how do you find those? I live in a busy area but I have no idea where to even start looking into kink parties or stuff like that, is it all Fetlife?
Fetlife is great for finding kink events and getting involved in your local scene! A majority of munches, parties, and events can be found there! Both online and in-person! I’m very fortunate to be in an area where there’s a big kink community; my current city and surrounding cities always have events going on monthly! Fetlife is likely your best place to look!
There are kink Discord Servers and Facebook groups too that share events, usually they are private and for vetted members only! (Fetlife also has a Discord Server thread if you’re looking for certain kink Servers!)
I don’t use the Tickling Media Forum (TMF), though I’m sure there are events posted there too!
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Find and attend tickle gatherings
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talatomaz · 4 years
defenceless | jj x fem!teen!reader
a/n: i’ve been rewatching criminal minds and i can’t believe it’s been a year since i last wrote for jj. and i have no idea where this came from.
(feedback/positive comments are appreciated)
warnings: major references to blood/being stabbed. mentions of assault
word count: 2.7k
masterlist | request list | request rules
r is jj’s 19 year old adopted daughter and gets victimised after stopping an unsub from assaulting someone
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“Morning, baby.”
You smiled when your Mum came up behind you and softly kissed your head.
“Morning, Mum. I made you some breakfast.”
You said, pouring coffee into the seasoned profiler’s ‘No.1 Mom’ mug that you’d gotten for her several years ago.
You’d gifted it to her on the first Mother’s Day you had with her after she adopted you. And she used it that morning and every morning since.
“God, what’d I do to deserve a daughter like you?”
JJ said proudly as she dug into her breakfast, happily munching on a piece of toast as she looked through her case file. Whatever dark, horrific crime she and her team were investigating simplified down to a few pages in that brown file.
“Busy day?” You asked, leaning against the kitchen counter, staring across at her.
“You have no idea. I’ve been up for a few hours trying to compile some notes on this case we’re working. Young, relatively low-risk, women are being raped in alleyways and there are no witnesses.”
She explained as she continued to eat whilst scribbling shorthand notes on a notepad.
“Any ideas on who you’re looking for yet?”
She hummed in answer. Swallowing her food, she replied, “Yeah, I think we have a preliminary profile that we want to release to the public later today.”
Pouring the rest of her coffee into a travel cup, she put her files in her bag and placed it on the counter you were resting against.
“You got class today?”
You were studying criminology, wanting to follow in your mother’s footsteps and become a profiler.
Nodding, you answered, “Yeah, then some of my friends and I are gonna head to the mall. And yes, I’ll message you constantly, so you know.”
You added when your mother opened her mouth to presumably ask that very question.
“Thanks, sweetie. Whoever our unsub is, he’s targeting women your age and considering he’s probably here right now, I need to know you’re safe.”
“I know, Mum. Now go, you don’t want to be late for work. Hotch only lets you be late once, you know.” You smirked.
“Yes, I know. Bye, y/n. I love you.” Your mother mirrored your expression and kissed your cheek.
“I love you too.” You replied, handing your Mum her keys and you watched her leave as the white door closed gently behind her.
“Maybe just call him out on it and see what he says?”
You suggested to your friend, Kerri, after she explained her boyfriend troubles to you and your other friend, Ally.
“I mean, the worst that could happen is-”
You stopped mid-sentence when you heard a muffled scream. Furrowing your brows, you walked closer to where the sound came from; an alleyway behind an old warehouse.
Remembering your mother’s earlier profile, you whispered to your friends, “Stay behind me.”
“Y/N, what is it?”
“Not sure.”
Inching around the corner, you saw two figures behind a dumpster. The smaller figure, who appeared to be a blonde female, was struggling against the male standing over her.
“Hey! Get away from her!”
Shouting, you ran up to the two and watched as the man’s head whipped around to face you before he darted off, jumping over a fence.
Approaching the woman, you saw she was half naked and had blood seeping from her nose.
“Oh god. Call 911, she’s been assaulted.” You said quickly to your friends who stood behind you, shocked at what they had just witnessed.
Hearing Kerri following your instructions, you took off the jacket you were wearing and wrapped it around the exposed girl.
“H-He tried to r-r-”
Unable to form the words, the girl started to sob at her ordeal.
“I know. It’s okay, honey. What’s your name?” You asked, speaking quietly to try to calm her as if she was a spooked animal.
“A-Annie.” She choked out as she tugged your jacket closer around her.
“Annie, you’re safe now. He can’t hurt you.”
The former began to sob harder and fell against your chest. Wrapping one arm around her, you used the other to take out your phone to call your Mum.
“Shh, it’s okay, Annie. You’re okay.” You said, soothing the distraught girl who was currently crying her heart out against you.
“Hey, y/n, what’s up?”
After quickly explaining what had just transpired, JJ told you and your friends to remain where you were since you were all witnesses and that she’d be there soon.
“You did good, babygirl.”
Morgan said, handing you a cup of coffee.
You were currently sitting at your mother’s desk at the BAU, having already given your statement to both local police and your Mum’s team at the crime scene. Emily and Spencer had driven your friends home whilst you came with your Mum to her work - she refused to leave you alone, even though you’d argued that it was still daylight and you’d be fine.
You didn’t reply, deciding to sip the hot drink, wincing when it burned your tongue.
“He’s right, y/n. Most people probably wouldn’t have heard anything.”
You glanced up at your Mum who stood above you, her hand resting on your shoulder.
“What will happen now? To the unsub, I mean. I interrupted him so he never managed to rape Annie.”
“He’ll probably try to hurt someone else.”
You turned to face Hotch as he approached you and the rest of his team.
“I just got off the phone with the hospital. They’ve discharged Annie into the care of her parents. She wanted me to tell you ‘thank you’.”
“I’m glad she’s okay. Physically anyways. So, you think he’ll get sloppy? Since he never got to...finish, he’s probably going to be antsy right? He might make a mistake?” You asked, hopeful that your Mum would catch him soon.
“More than likely. He’s definitely going to be angry, especially since we’ve just released the profile along with the sketch you helped us with, y/n.” Hotch answered, a gleam of pride in his eyes.
“Anything I could do to help,” you replied.
Standing up, you faced your Mum, “I think I’m going to go home. I’m kind of exhausted.”
“I’ll drive you h-”
“It’s okay,” you interrupted your Mum, “you’re busy here and you’ve got a lot of work to do. Besides, it’s only mid-afternoon so I’ll be fine. I-I just need some air.” You said, your voice faltering when you felt tears forming.
Clearing your throat, you held back your emotions and kissed your Mum on her cheek, “I’ll message you when I get home.”
“Okay, baby. I’m proud of you.”
The tall blonde hugged you close to her which you returned with as much ferocity, her hands stroking your hair as she cradled your head against her.
Bidding your goodbyes to the rest of the team, you left the federal building.
“JJ, you okay?” Morgan asked.
JJ had heard the emotion in your voice and though she was proud to have seen you comforting the most recent victim, it had hurt her heart to see what came after the ambulance drove away with an injured Annie in the back.
Once you’d given your statement and described the unsub to her and her team, she’d followed you to her old vacant office from her media liason days where you’d broken down.
She had watched you hold yourself together by a thread all throughout the questioning but had known that the adrenaline high would crash soon. And you quite literally did crash. In her arms, the moment she had closed the door behind her.
She had fought back her own tears as she gathered you into her arms, soothing you as you did earlier with Annie.
She’d tried as hard as she could to keep you away from her world.
She didn’t want you to be exposed to any more darkness than you’d already experienced when you were younger, before you’d met her.
The blonde blinked, breaking away from her thoughts to stare back at the rest of the team.
“She did good, JJ.” Morgan repeated as JJ simply nodded, not knowing what to say.
Taking out your phone, you sent a message to your group chat with Kerri and Ally, wanting to make sure they were okay.
After receiving replies from the both of them confirming that they were fine and just a bit shaken up, you placed your phone back in your pocket.
Sighing, you continued walking down the relatively empty street; the majority of people either at work or school, unaware of what had happened just a few hours earlier.
You thought about Annie and later crying in your Mum’s arms. You didn’t even know why you did. Spencer probably would have given you some fact about adrenaline crashes but you shook your head, feeling self-conscious.
There was no need for you to break down like that.
All it achieved was your Mum being worried about you which was the last thing you wanted because it meant she’d be distracted from doing her job. Catching this asshole.
Hands in your pockets, you felt the bright sun shine down on your face.
Stopping for a brief moment, you glanced up at the sky, and allowed yourself to breathe.
As you were about to carry on walking, you felt a harsh grip on your arm pull you into an abandoned parking lot.
You thrashed against the strong hold, the self-defence skills your Mum taught you kicking in.
Stomping on the large figure’s foot, you smirked at the grunt of pain that fell from his lips. Then you elbowed them in their stomach and threw your head back into theirs. Hearing more shouts of pain, you started to run before you were roughly pushed against a brick wall.
Your breaths came out in heavy pants and your eyes widened as you stared into familiar eyes.
It was the unsub.
He held himself tight against you, pulling a switchblade from his pocket and into your view. Your eyes flickered from the sharp blade to his eyes. They were filled with fury as blood dripped from his nose - from when you’d head butted him.
“Good. So you recognise me.” His voice was hoarse, as if he’d swallowed a bunch of nails.
“What do you want?” You spat out, refusing to show any indication of fear to him.
“You ruined the other girl for me. But you seem like a challenge. I like that.”
Pressing the knife against your neck, he used his free hand to undo his belt.
You barely controlled the terror that threatened to rise through your body. Instead, you tried to focus on the pressure of his weapon, waiting for a slight reprieve where you could make your move to escape.
That moment came when he unzipped his trousers.
The pressure lightened for a few seconds which was all you needed.
Grabbing his wrist, you twisted the knife away from you and kneed him in the groin. Pushing him away, you stumbled, trying to escape.
But he was quick on his feet.
He swiftly picked up the knife that had fallen to the floor and thrust it into your stomach.
You groaned, the pain unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Your hand instinctively went to your stomach as blood started to coat your clothing.
You slumped down the wall as the unsub crouched down, sneering at you, “Bitch.”
Tapping the ground behind you, you felt a piece of broken glass in your fingers. Gripping it tightly, you gathered all your strength and plunged it into his neck.
He yelled out, his hand going to the glass that was still in his flesh.
Recognising what he was about to do, you clambered to your feet and watched as he pulled the shard, of what appeared to be from a broken beer bottle, out of his skin. Blood splatted all over the wall that you had been against, just moments before.
Blood continued to seep out from your wound.
You took off your jacket - the one you had previously wrapped around Annie - and pressed it against your skin. You groaned at the white hot pain that seared through your skin.
Knowing you were only down the street from the Quantico building, you took out your phone and called your Mum as you walked, as well as you could in your condition, back to the federal building.
“You home already?”
“M-Mum, c-come outside. I-I need you.” You choked out, trying to steady your breathing.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
You could hear her shouting to the rest of her team before she continued to talk into the phone.
You made it to the entrance of the federal building but you were too overcome with exhaustion and you felt yourself drop to the floor.
You could hear shouts from the people around you as they watched blood pool around you.
“Oh my god. Y/N!”
You heard your Mum yell as she fell to your side, pressing her hands heavily against your wound.
You barely heard as Hotch called 911, stating his name and rank and urged for an ambulance to be sent immediately.
You struggled to keep your eyes open as you looked up at your Mum.
“Come on, baby. Stay awake for me.” JJ begged, tears carelessly running down her face.
“It hurts, Mum.”
“I know, baby. I know. But you’re strong. Stay with me. How’d this happen?”
JJ knew the only way to keep you awake was to continue talking so your brain could still remain active.
“H-He’s dead. He attacked me. I-In a car park. Down there.”
You weakly raised your hand and pointed towards the direction you had come from.
“Good girl. Just stay with me. You’re going to be okay. Y/N? Y/N!”
JJ screamed when she watched your eyes flutter closed as you lost consciousness.
“Woah, y/n. It’s just me.”
JJ said quickly when you jumped as she came up behind you to kiss your head.
It had been a few weeks since you’d been stabbed.
You’d woken up in a hospital, hooked up to all sorts of machines monitoring your heart rate. Your eyes had fallen on your mother who, once she saw you were awake, started to cry and hug you close to her. That then made you start crying and the two of you were just a pile of tears as you clung to each other.
After the tears had stopped and the doctors had checked up on you, JJ had told you that they’d found the unsub in a parking lot a few blocks from the BAU.
A couple of days after, you’d been discharged from the hospital. Your mother had stayed by your side up until this week when you had urged her to go back to work.
That had led you to now. She’d just arrived home from work and you hated that you were still on edge after your attack, despite your Mum telling you it was normal.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, honey.” JJ said softly as she came to sit beside you on the sofa.
You both sat in silence for a few moments before you spoke, your voice coming out in a whisper.
“I’m scared, Mum.”
You felt her eyes on you as she spoke, “Scared? He’s dead, y/n. He can’t hurt you.”
“I know, I just-In that moment when I fought him, I was so defenceless. And I’m scared of what will happen the next time I can’t defend myself.”
You continued, tears welling in your eyes as you stared ahead, unable to face your mother.
“Y/N,” JJ gently turned your face so she could look into your eyes.
“Am I defenceless?”
You blinked, having not expected that question. “What? No.”
“Exactly. I’m not. But I felt like it after I was kidnapped and tortured a few years ago. It’s normal to feel like that, y/n. But it’ll pass. I can promise you that.”
“It’s like I can feel him stabbing me over and over again.” You choked out, failing to force your tears back down.
“Oh, baby.”
JJ gently pulled you to her as she wrapped her arms around your body. She cradled your head against her chest as you clung to her arms, now sobbing.
“I got you, y/n. You’re safe. I got you.” She repeated, soothing you as you continued to cry.
Still hugging you against her, she kissed your head,
“As long as you have me, you’ll never be defenceless.”
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furikakyo · 3 years
a return to roots | 6
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pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader
summary: y/n is a rising star in the music industry, having almost everything you could have ever hoped for as a small-town country girl. now after releasing two triple platinum albums in consecutive years, you face the dreaded artist’s burnout… in order to recover, your manager suggests, you should return to your hometown in hyōgo for a long-deserved break.
genre: socmed/smau, slice of life
warnings/tags: timeskip!, mutual pining, slow burn? more like rekindling, slight canon divergence
To say that your day wasn’t going as planned was an understatement. Although you’d known that you would have to see Kita that day, your mind had assured you that there were a couple hours until then. So to see him before that expected time…
You blinked, mouth opening and closing like the fish you’ve seen in koi ponds. “Oh. I didn’t expect you to be here…” You paused, and then pursed your lips definitively. If your mouth was shut then you couldn’t say anything else.
Kita gave you a lopsided smile. “I work here, remember?” His amber eyes twinkled as the sunlight caught them.
Your eyes trailed along the scene you’d been looking at previously. He didn’t just work here… he owned all of this. Stupid Kita, always selling himself short. Didn’t he know he was virtually perfect? Ah, right. You flushed, wondering if it was the embarrassment or the heat finally getting to you. Grabbing at anything to say, you blurted, “I was just admiring the view. Samu and I got here earlier than expected.” You wrung your hands nervously, then stopped. You didn’t want to seem nervous. “Um…” you said slowly, taking a step back, “it’s alright if you can’t accompany us right now. You’re probably busy.” You gnawed on your bottom lip. “Working the farm and stuff.”
“‘Us’?” Kita echoed, looking past you.
You chuckled nervously and scratched the back of your neck. It burnt with uneasiness, even more so when you remembered what you were wearing: an old oversized tshirt, shorts, and slides. You weren’t going to wear anything less comfortable on a road trip, you mind argued. “Yeah,” you mumbled, looking down, “Samu was with me but he got distracted. I was just looking around by myself.” After realizing that it could’ve sounded like you were trying to guilt trip Kita, you backtracked, waving your arms. “Not that that’s a bad thing!”
Your heart gave a gut-wrenching squeeze when he laughed softly at you. “It’s alright. If you’d like, I can show you around?”
You looked up from your hands, which had been busy wringing themselves into the hem of your shirt. “Ah! No,” you said quickly, “I’m totally fine on my own! I wouldn’t want to take you away from your work, either.”
You fiddled with a loose string on your t-shirt as Kita peered over at you, contemplative. “It’s ok,” he said after a pause, “I have time. And I want to make my way around anyways, so your timing couldn’t have been better.”
You stared at his back, speechless, as he began walking in the direction you’d been headed. Quickly, you picked your jaw up from the ground and clambered through the grass after Kita, who had slowed his pace so that you could catch up. Maybe if you hadn’t been so flustered you would’ve remembered that he had come from the direction you were now walking in.
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If Osamu’s knowing stare when he’d eventually ran into you and Kita hadn’t been enough to make you internally crumple in on yourself, his suggestion for all of you to get dinner together was.
Not to say that his presence wasn’t welcome, though. When Kita hadn’t been speaking about something notable on the farm, it was silent for the most part, with you only dumbly repeating how nice it was. You hadn’t talked about anything more personal, like where you were in life now. It didn’t feel right just pretending nothing had happened; neither had starting off from where the two of you had left off. And it’s not like you could just say, “Hey, remember how a few years ago we almost dated but then didn’t which ended up kind of ruining our friendship? Let’s try to work through that now!” Kita was over it by now, unlike you, who’d just shoved everything into the back of your mind and hoped it wouldn’t ever be relevant again. This is what you get for neglecting it, you berated yourself, and yet when it came down to it, you weren’t sure whether it was the resigned silence between the two of you or the way that you felt the urge to act so impulsively— to hug him, kiss him, apologize to him—  which was more frightening.
And that was how Osamu had found you, lost in your thoughts while walking with Kita and then somehow finding yourself sandwiched between the two in Kita’s pickup truck. I don’t have enough gas to drive us, Osamu had said while hiding a wicked grin, knowing damn well that you wouldn’t argue with him about it in front of Inarizaki’s former captain; that you wouldn’t beg Osamu to prevent you from getting into a car with Kita, not with him there to witness it.
You tried to avoid squirming in the middle seat of the front row, conscious of every minute brush against Kita’s sleeve or shoulder. Osamu snickered quietly, and you jerked your head to the side to glare at him heatedly. This is all your fault, your eyes seethed, or at least you hoped you could convey as much feeling into them as you wanted. You stiffened when Kita’s arm brushed against yours momentarily as he made a turn, and you lurched towards him. Osamu finally had the decency to help you out, grabbing your shoulder to prevent the collision.
You shot him another dirty glare and then stared out through the windshield just as you all pulled into the otherwise abandoned parking lot of the local bar. If you hadn’t come from Kita’s but instead your own childhood house, you would’ve walked like most other people did.
Immediately you dropped the gloomy atmosphere, eyes now shining. “Izumi and Kenji’s!” You hopped out of the truck from Osamu’s side and jumped up and down excitedly. “I haven’t been here in years!” you exclaimed, rushing forward. Your two companions trailed behind you, amused.
The bells on the door jingled as you opened it, at once having cold air rush at you. You sighed in contentment, the sweat on your brow already cooling off.
“Hello?” A matronly figure stepped out from behind the bar counter, a rag in hand. Just as her eyes landed on you, they brightened. “Y/N!” The woman tossed the rag onto a table and rushed over to greet you, holding your hands in her own excitedly. “When did you get back? How long have you been here? Are you staying at your parents’ house?”
You laughed and squeezed her hands before dropping them. “Hello, Izumi. I got back here a little bit ago and unpacked most of my stuff at the house. Any other questions?”
Izumi fired a barrage of inquiries while leading you to the bar counter, insisting that you sit on a stool. Osamu sat down beside you and Kita next to him. “—so glad you’re back. And Osamu, you too! You’ve gotten more handsome! I bet the girls and boys are flocking to you in Tokyo. How is the shop doing? And you too, Shin-chan! You don’t visit quite enough for someone that lives so close by!”
The three of you sat amiably and answered all of Izumi’s questions, small talk being made between you as she bustled in and out of the kitchen. “Yumie-chan told us you would be coming today, but we weren’t sure when! I think most people are going to be here, though, so just sit tight!” She brought out light beers and edamame to munch on in the mean time, and then a tray of salted nuts later.
Slowly, the eatery filled with more of the local residents of your hometown, all gathering around you. Izumi had insisted on moving your food and drinks to a long row of tables, which she had pushed together to make room for everyone. There had been a big influx of the field workers from earlier, who all greeted your group before settling down on the other end of the seating arrangement. More and more dishes were being put out, most of them now plates of food to share among the table. The mood was festive and there was never a quiet moment, always a conversation going on or some laughter. At one point even her husband Kenji had come out from the kitchen and managed a gruff ‘welcome’, garnering cheers from everyone. Your plate was never empty, aunties placing pieces of karaage, sides of spring cabbage, and more onto it. Your cheeks were tinted pink and your face glowed; you’d had a few beers, enough to make you feel all warm inside.
At last, after having eaten until you felt like your stomach was going to explode, Izumi brought out the final sides to accompany any of the remaining alcohol and then finally took a seat along with the women, who were asking questions about your new lifestyle.
“So why’d ya really come back?” One of the ladies asked curiously, the others leaning in forward to hear your response.
For a moment your grin faltered before you laughed again, taking a handful of salted nuts and then eating them one by one. “Oh, you know, just some burn out. I’ve been working nonstop the past two years. I thought I deserved a break.” You crunched down on some nuts, your jaw tense. The corners of your mouth felt tired from having to drag up all the time; the pleasant buzz from earlier was quickly dissipating the more they asked about this.
Another one of the women, an older one, said slyly, “Are you sure you didn’t return for any other reason?” Her eyes slid overtly towards where the men were sitting, near Kita. He had been nursing his drink, the same one he’d had all night. Kita had never been much of a drinker and he wasn’t going to drive while being drunk; he was too much of a stickler for the rules.
“I’m sure,” you said politely, gritting your teeth. You’d forgotten how nosy these old women could be. They all tittered to themselves, as if they knew something you didn’t, and then began talking of something else, leaving you to yourself. Your eyes caught Osamu’s, who raised his eyebrows questioningly before getting the message. He stretched his arms widely and then faked a yawn, not bothering to cover his mouth.
“Samu, you should head to bed, son,” Kenji said bluntly. “Yer tired.”
The twin nodded and looked to you and Kita. At that moment you didn’t have to fake a yawn, because you actually were exhausted. “We should go,” Kita agreed, “before I get too tired to drive us back.”
The three of you stood, causing a chorus of disappointed aws to ring out. “Ah,” you said, gripping the back of your chair to steady you. “I have something to say before I go.” Everyone at the giant table stared expectantly at you, and you remembered what it was like to have stage fright all over, as if you were just starting out again. Your throat tightened as you swallowed. “Um,” you said quietly, bowing formally and not making eye contact with a single person, “I would just like to thank all of you for taking such good care of my parents’ home. It’s because of you that I can move back in so easily. So thank you.”
After not hearing any sort of response, you peeked upwards. “Aw,” Izumi sniffled, wiping away a stray tear, “it’s because of you that we managed to stay open, ya know that, Y/N? You had no business giving us that much money for the restaurant, so it was the least we could do.” She jerked her head at everyone else. “And it’s not like we did it by ourselves; Kenji and I had help.” Izumi’s black eyes glittered. “Lots of help.”
You scuffed a foot, looking down again. Your cheeks and ears burned. But then you thought of the tatami mats at the house and the freshly dusted furniture, taken care of every week for years, and you shook your head. “Well, I didn’t need all that money.”
Osamu put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Let’s go, Y/N,” he said quietly, and you nodded, following him and Kita out of the door as the others called out their goodbyes to you.
Everything that had happened that day hit you on the ride home, still sandwiched between the two men. At some point, tears had begun falling, with you trying miserably to cover them up. You weren’t sure if you were crying because you were disappointed by your reunion with Kita, or maybe if it was because tonight’s dinner had been one of the most fulfilling, the most happy you’d been in years. Your lips wobbled and you sniffled too this time, wiping at your nose with your arm. It had felt nice coming home to a table full of faces you recognized and the comfort of Izumi’s food, having people inquire about you solely because they cared.
“You could’ve given me some of that money too, y’know,” Osamu quipped, breaking the awkward silence. “And don’t wipe your snot with your bare arm, that’s disgusting. Health code violation.” Kita only chuckled as you elbowed the twin and argued with him, listening to the banter with a pensive look on his face.  
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a/n: hhHhH sorry this took longer, i had a really bad stomachache a few days ago which made me shit like 6 times in a day and then throw up 😩 and then after that i got addicted to genshin so
taglist (pm me to ask to be added): @papiibuprofen​, @duhsies, @succulentmom, @kenmaslov3r​​​, @introvertatitsfinest, @errorishere
some ~fun facts~
- kita WAS making his rounds on the farm, but was coming from the opposite side of you. meaning that after he ran into you, he retraced his path because he wanted to walk with you
- izumi is in her 60s. her specialty is cooking fried chicken (karaage) but she wants to learn how to pickle stuff
- kenji is izumi’s husband. he mostly works in the kitchen since he prefers to let his wife handle customers, even if 99% of them are locals
- izumi and kenji have been running their restaurant/bar since they were in their mid 20s 🥺 STOP THEYRE SO CUTE WHY AM I GETTING SO SENTIMENTAL OVER OCS
- y/n actually did give osamu money. so did atsumu. the two of them were actually the first investors for onigiri miya, right after the twins graduated high school, but osamu doesn’t know it because you had all of the legal stuff handled through a third party anonymously. you will ensure that osamu never finds out because he is prideful as heck lol
- y/n has some toxic traits (as do most people)
- there’s no love triangle with osamu or anything. strictly kita x reader 😤 
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vmheadquarters · 5 years
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We’re still playing our game of written hot potato! Dozens of your favorite authors are taking turns to tell a Veronica Mars mystery story. Each writer crafts their chapter and then “tosses” the story to the next person to continue the tale. No one knows what will happen, so expect the unexpected! Follow the “vmhq presents” and “murder we wrote” tags for all the installments, or read the story as it develops on AO3. — Chapter Ten of MURDER, WE WROTE is written by @loveobsessed2​. And stayed tuned next week for Ch.11 from @pepandliv1 -tag, you’re it!
—————————————————————————————————— CHAPTER TEN by @loveobsessed2​
“Mac? How long have you been here? Do you have internet access? What are you looking at? Are you involved in the mystery? Another fake victim? How and when did you get here? Oooh, can I have some of your chips?”
Mac immediately turned the bag in their direction and spoke a little louder than normal to be heard over Veronica’s crunching.
“Hey, Bond, slow down. I arrived the same way you did, just a day earlier. I didn’t know you were gonna be here, but once I saw your name on the final list, I was really hoping you’d find me. I have a few questions of my own, but you know I’ll tell you everything I know.”
Logan pulled the other two chairs back from the table and gestured for V to sit down. She offered him the bag of chips as she complied.
“Did you know Mac was here?”
“Nope, I’m just as surprised as you are.” His voice was light as he tossed a chip up in the air, expertly catching it in his teeth, and using his tongue to bring it fully into his mouth.
Veronica’s eyes were riveted on his mouth as she quipped, “Two happy surprises in one day. How did I get so lucky?
“I’ll show you lucky.” He waggled his eyebrows as she flushed.
“I can see that your reunion is going well.” Mac cleared her throat to regain their attention before finding herself in a very awkward situation. “When I first found out you were here, I was contemplating ways I could bring you two together from behind the scenes. Of course, that was before an actual dead body was discovered.”
“Smart thinking on staying hidden from the rest of the guests. We all know everyone is a suspect.” Logan tensed next to her, and Veronica reached out for his hand then hurried to add, “Present company excluded. And Wallace of course.”
“Of course," Mac agreed. "What do you want to know? You already met my roommate, Jen.”
“Jen is your roommate? What happened to Parker?” Veronica was noticeably confused.
“I’m so glad you listen when I talk, Veronica. I told you, Parker didn't come back this semester and is already partially into her sophomore year at a local college in Denver. Jen has been my roommate since October. I like her much better than the emo chick I was assigned at the start of the semester. Bonus points that when she throws a party I make money, instead of getting stuck chatting with random strangers who tease me about my name and offer me apples. I know I told you all about the murder mystery side gig I’ve been helping out with. How else did you think Wallace scored an invite?” Mac paused to let that settle in and allowed her expression to show her satisfaction that she knew something before Veronica. “You’re welcome by the way. I’m the one who suggested his invite specify a female plus-one.” Mac gestured to the happy couple. “Based on the two of you being attached at the hip since your arrival, I’m assuming my plan worked.”
Logan and Veronica shared a look and then smiled at Mac. It was all the proof she needed.
“So, what’s with Duncan and Norris and Leo? How do they all fit into the master plan?”
“I wasn’t in on any of that. Jen said Duncan and Norris were sent by Mistress X. She didn’t let on if she knew Duncan was--or still is-- a fugitive. I'm assuming the rest of the team is also in her employ. Jen is the only one I’ve had contact with. All I know about Leo is what I overheard from the guests over the security feed.”
“Security feed? You’ve been recording us? Like, with hidden cameras?!”
“Where? Why didn’t we see them?!”
“We always have cameras. And listening devices. It’s how we make sure the guests stay safe. And offer the less intelligent ones some extra clues. You wouldn’t believe how much people don’t notice.” The two girls shared a knowing look until Mac broke eye contact. “I’m just sorry I disabled the ones in your room once I heard Logan come in.”
“Dang it! I thought we finally had a way to figure out who pushed you.” Logan rejoined the conversation.
“I can’t believe there are hidden cameras and I didn’t even think to look for them. Someone has been distracting me recently.” Veronica shot Logan a pointed look. “Let’s not even get into the fact that that same someone could be voted ‘least likely to see a hidden camera.’”
“Well ex-cu-use me for thinking there were more important things to focus on. Like maybe making sure no one else died?” Logan’s sarcastic and condescending retort did nothing but further raise Veronica’s hackles.
“You guys…” Mac’s voice doesn’t even register with them.
Veronica didn’t attempt to soften her words as she spat out, “Are you implying I wasn’t? Being the most observant person in the room isn’t easy. Especially when I’m surrounded by a bunch of rich pampered idiots. Let’s not forget their king - the only guy I know who could live somewhere for most of his life and fail to notice that his favorite hang-out contained not one, but two hidden cameras.”
Giving up any pretense she’s not hanging on their every word, Mac propped her feet on the table, and started munching on red vines.
“Oh yes, Sugarpuss, you are the queen of detecting, and we all bow before your greatness.” Logan demonstrated with a flourish of his hand. “You certainly would never have failed to notice a hidden camera.”
“Low blow, Logan, low blow. I’m sorry I was distracted the first time by the revelation that my best friend was being taken advantage of by a psychopath. And how many times do I have to tell you? That. Was. Not. A. Sex. Tape.” She enunciated every word before accusing. “You saw the video, you should know!”
“I didn’t watch the whole thing, but it sure looked like a sex tape to me.”
“What? Did you expect me to play the part of the ever-jealous ex-girlfriend? After Madison?”
“Let’s set the record straight. What happened with Madison is definitely not what you imagined.”
Veronica’s defensive shell began to slip and her voice cracked. “Sure.”
His gaze was vulnerable and sincere as he caught her eyes. “Hey, Veronica,” he soothed, scooting his chair closer and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “I know, we need to talk about all of this, but let’s dial it back a little.”
“OK,” Veronica whispered, as she buried her face in his side and relaxed into his embrace. “I didn’t realize how fresh it still was.”
“Me neither.” He stroked her hair and planted a kiss on her crown. “I know there’s a lot we need to work through. I am so sorry for hurting you.”
Veronica reached out and gently cradled his face in her hands. “Oh, Logan, I only dated Piz because I couldn’t stand to be alone while you seemed to have moved on so spectacularly without me. I should have tried harder. There’s always hope when it comes to us. There has to be.” She offered him a tentative smile and continued. “I know we’ve messed up a lot in the past, but I really do want to figure this out with you. I’m sick of being without you. A bad day with you is better than a great day with anyone else.”
Logan reached down to cup her face and the hope that shone in his eyes was almost blinding. “No more running?” he whispered.
“No more running,” she assured just before his lips met hers. She wrapped her arms firmly around him in an effort to prove that she was never letting him go again. His strong arms pulled her tight against him, and they got lost in each other as their bodies apologized and soothed in ways that words never could.
The sound of Mac once again clearing her throat jolted them out of their fugue state, and laughter bubbled out of their chests.
"Ok guys, I’m glad you’re finally hashing out some of your issues but there are a little bit more pressing matters at hand. We need to make some kind of plan while we’re still alone.” She paused long enough for them to nod their agreement. “This whole situation is a little out of control. All the mystery actors are staying in the servant’s quarters. I’ll keep an eye on them and report any suspicious activity. You two are with the rest of the guests, so I’m sure you’ve got that side of things covered. I’m bummed I didn’t buy the new Thuraya SatSleeve phone converter case before this trip. If I ever needed a satellite phone it's now.” Mac showed her frustration by smacking her forehead with her palm. “My laptop was connected to the internet before the storm hit. It was a spotty and slow connection, but it was better than the non-connection I have now. Has Wallace had any luck with the phones?"
"No, both landlines have cut cords, so that was a dead end." The slow shake of Logan’s head emphasized his words.
"Right, but surely you’re smart enough to realize your remote-control plane building BFF knows how to splice together a cut cord…" Mac raised an eyebrow in question. “I guess you were already on your way in here when he brought up looking for a tool kit to attempt some diagnostics and repairs.”
"Further proof that every Bond needs a Q." Veronica quipped, with no evidence of her previous vulnerability.
"Truer words were never spoken.” Mac met her friend’s eyes with a grin. “We really need to establish a connection to the outside world. Right now, my phone is as good as a paperweight. I can’t believe none of these spoiled 09ers has a satellite phone. Money is wasted on the rich."
“I take offense to that!” Logan interjected. “I’ve never been in a position to need a satellite phone until pretty much right now. I should’ve known better than to believe Dick when he told me all of our needs would be taken care of, and all we had to do is show up. He claimed he had the perfect vacation for us over winter break and it would give me the distraction I needed." His eyes shifted to Veronica and then away again nervously.
Veronica chose not to dig into what sounded like a painful topic for Logan and addressed Mac instead. "Mac, if you saw what was going on, why didn’t you leave me some kind of clue, so I could find you sooner?"
Mac shrugged. "The doors are rigged and only open from the inside at certain times. I was getting everything ready for when you did find me. I knew it wouldn’t take long. I was just getting re-connected to the internet before the chandelier went crashing to the ground. Maybe it took out some wires? I tried to log onto Prying Eyez to get some info on Leo and Duncan, but I don’t have your new password.”
“Yeah, Dad kicked me off his server after the whole lost election evidence tampering fiasco. Here’s my new login and password. Once you get back online, will you hack into Vinnie’s files and find out what Leo was working on recently and if that’s what brought him here? Him being here the same weekend we were all brought together is too big of a coincidence to even pretend they’re not connected.”
Veronica reached into her bag and pulled out the damaged page of Leo’s notes.
Holding it out for Mac to see, she said, “Once you get back online will you get me the rest of this case file? Even when we can get off this island, I’m gonna need to find out what happened to Leo. Why was he here? Why did he leave the sheriff's office and start working for Vinnie? Was he working both jobs at the same time? Was he undercover somehow? Is his death related to this case?"
“Why do you care so much about a guy you claim to only have dated briefly?” Logan teased.
“He was a pretty decent guy, and he was a great source of info.” Veronica defended.
“Yeah, decent guys always rob the cradle. Were you even legal?” Logan asked.
“That was years ago, and I ended that once you and I started kissing. He’s the only guy I ever cheated on. Maybe I feel a little bit of lingering guilt. The least I can do is solve his murder. I used him just like I’ve used everyone else. I’m sorry for the times I’ve gotten so wrapped up in solving a case that I didn’t stop to take your needs or feelings into consideration. You too, Mac. You know you mean more to me than that, right?”
Mac gave her friend a reassuring smile right before Logan chimed in. “Speaking of people who mean something to us, it looks like your BFF is pretty smooth with the ladies.” Logan gestured to Mac’s screen, and the trio gathered around to watch Wallace with his high-school crush.
“Teaching a girl how to do something without mansplaining really is a great seduction tool.” Veronica playfully bumped Logan aside with her hip, and they settled in to watch Wallace and Alexis in the kitchen. The telephone and an assortment of objects were spread out on the counter in front of them.
Wallace turned to her and said, “There was a pretty extensive collection of items in the junk drawer but surprisingly no wire snips or pliers. I’ll just have to make do with a knife and this roll of electrical tape.”
He picked up one end of the severed cord and held it so Alexis could see what he was doing. She paid close attention as Wallace showed her how to remove the white outer coating to reveal the four colored wires underneath. He then stripped each individual wire of its insulation, being careful to cut just the rubber coating without damaging the actual wire. They clearly seemed to be enjoying their time together, even though it was spent performing such a mundane task. Alexis was a quick study and picked up the other end of the cord while holding out her hand for the knife. Her movements weren’t as practiced as his, but her nimble fingers mimicked his movements until her wires were just as ready as his. Their eyes met, and his smile was full of approval. He then demonstrated how to align the two cords of matching color and twist their exposed ends together to ensure a strong connection, before wrapping each wire in electrical tape; this took the place of the previously removed rubber insulation, before sealing them together with a new piece of tape. They shared a smile of mutual accomplishment before plugging the cord back into the phone. The keypad lit up when the receiver was lifted. “No dial tone. The phones must be out. We’ll keep checking. They’ve gotta come back at some point. We should check the box in the basement, but that should probably wait until morning,” Wallace said, as he pulled Alexis into his arms.
The trio turned their attention from the screen to give the new couple some privacy. Veronica sighed and suggested they go their separate ways, but not before inquiring about Mac’s supply of snacks. Mac handed Veronica the key to the pantry, and promised to dig up a map of the grounds, as well as blueprints for the main house and any other structures on the island.
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New Anniversaries
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 Daniel Francisco Sousa II (OC) x Reader, former Steve Rogers x Reader, mentions of Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes 
Length: 3483 words (yeah, I got carried away)
Warnings: none really, allusions to previous part, and some swears, reader moving on, pretty much made up Peggy Carters family - quick rundown. Peggy married Daniel Sousa, they then had a son, who had a son himself
Requested by @iamwarrenspeace
Masterlist for this series | Part 2 to Missed Anniversary
“You awake?”
Both the bed springs, and yourself, groaned as you flopped onto your back. “Apparently.” You looked pointedly at your boyfriend in accusation. “What time is it?”
Daniel, the love of your life and; the sweetest man on the planet, looked a little guilty. This was a big indication of what the time was. Your eyebrows raised, seeming to further his awkward look. “… It’s seven, love.”
You closed your eyes, “Then, I’ll see you in two hours.”
“No!” Daniel pouted, scooting closer to your body, “Please, I made you a breakfast!” Your eyes shot open in horror. While Danny was a wonderful person, who was as smart as a whip, and as gorgeous as an Adonis, he cannot cook. He once set fire to a pot of water he was boiling, literally. You still don’t know how. Obviously seeing your frantic look, he back-tracked, “Okay, I ran down the road to get us French toast… But, I made the coffee, though!” His proud expression, which somewhat reminded you of a small child’s excitement, made your chest warm. Daniel made you happy, you loved him so much.
You let out a sigh of relief at his confession. The man couldn’t cook to save his life, but the Brit could make a mean cup of joe. “Darling,” You cooed, using one of his own terms of endearment against him, “I love you, and I love that you’ve done this,” Your hand gestured to the tray of food he’d been holding the entire length of the conversation, “But I am so tired. Please let me sleep.”
You could see Dan considering, his face softening slightly as he saw your under-eye bags, “Love,” He sighed gently, “Please eat breakfast with me.” His voice was too sweet, far too sweet for you to say no to.
In fairness to him, Daniel had just returned from the south of England the night before, after he’d visited his father. You’d definitely missed him, just as much as he’d missed you. He’d been absent from your life for three weeks, celebrating his father’s birthday with him, as well as to taking his annual leave from work. Dan worked hard, constantly trying to stay ahead of himself. It’s news to no person in the workforce, in any industry, that paperwork piled up after a while, if left unattended for even a moment.
Originally, you’d planned to accompany him, but you’d been forced to cancel those plans, to take over the position for a woman you worked with, after she’d gone into early labour, thus swiftly forced on maternity leave.
“Okay, fine!” You reluctantly sat up to eat, exposing your warm skin to the cool morning air, as your blanket shifted around you. “But I want you to know, that I’m only doing this,” You were referring to being awake before nine, “Because I love you!” Snatching a piece of French toast, which had been drizzled in syrup, you took a large (probably unattractive) bite, before letting out a borderline sexual moan, “This tastes so good, babe.”
Daniel smiled happily at you, “I asked Mel,” The woman who usually did the morning shift at the diner down the street, “To put extra syrup on it for you.” Your man knew you had a sweet tooth. You continued to messily munch on the food, not caring about the consequences, such as the mess you were making. “Hey.” Dan caught your attention, before he gently cupped your chin with his large hand, turning your head towards him. He leaned in close, softly kissing just below your bottom lip, before he pulled away, licking his smiling lips. “You had some syrup on you,” He explained casually, but you saw the underlining cheekiness in his grin.
You’d gotten extremely lucky with him. The man could still make you blush, after two years together. Thinking back, now, you wondered how you could have possibly believed you loved Steve. You never felt such a raw, powerful connection him, unlike with your Daniel. Did you ever truly love Steve? You weren’t sure. All you knew, was the day you met Detective Sousa, was one of the best days of your life.
You met Detective Daniel Sousa at your workplace, approximately six months after you left Steve.
 The museum had become your second home after your breakup, as it was the perfect place for a history nerd such as yourself to hang around. You enjoyed your job, creating exhibits, and giving tours – especially to the elementary schools who visited on their school trips. After all, children were the most unintentionally funny people on the planet. The only downside to the job, was having to frequent the Captain America exhibit, and being forced to look into the eyes of the man who’d betrayed you, as well as the eyes of the man who’d been partner to that betrayal. Although, after a few months, when you walked past the exhibit, the sting of heartbreak faded, leaving only memories. You guess it helped to remember them as heroes they were, rather than your own personal villains.
 There had been a break-in at work, so the local precinct had sent some of their officers to the crime scene, and thus; you were introduced to Detective Sousa. He’d been there to investigate the crime, but had stuck around, long after the case had been concluded.
 It began casually. After his shifts had ended, he would often escort you to the subway stop nearest to you work, claiming that he had to protect you from the evils of the world. Daniel wasn’t capable of being a subtle flirt, not at all.
 His ‘protection’ shtick, had originally left you weary (for obvious reasons), but you eventually conceded to grabbing coffee with him when he asked you (the second time), nearly eight months after you became single. The two of you had stopped at a local Starbucks on the way to catch the train that night, all the while arguing if it truly counted as a ‘date’. You both guzzled an entire cup of coffee, before realising you’d missed your train (too concerned by your conversation to notice the time), and the next train would take ages to arrive. Daniel offered you a ride, which you had accepted almost instantly – you weren’t subtle, either.
 That was the first time you’d kissed him. Your body had pressed against the stick-shift of the car, his tanned hands cupping your cheeks, the both of you enjoying the moment you were sharing. When you’d pulled back, you both were breathing heavy, knowing that there was an undeniable connection between you two.
 “It’s still not a date.” You had winked at him teasingly, not-so-subtly letting him know that you weren’t entirely sure your words could be classed as true.
 After that first kiss, your friendship and relationship with Daniel only flourished. Before you’d know, Daniel was asking you to officially be his girlfriend, letting you know that he only wanted to kiss, and love, you. Honestly, he barely got out he words before you’d agreed. Ironically enough, that day, your and Daniel’s anniversary, was the day you had left Steve. It was as if the stars had aligned in your life.
Your fathers loved him.
 Who wouldn’t, though?
 Daniel was classically handsome, and had a natural charm to him – he reminded everyone of an old-Hollywood movie star. He had the tanned skin and the perfectly tousled dark hair, as well as the jaw, nose and lips that you were sure had to be carved by angels. Not only that, but he was funny. He had a dry wit, the product of his British background he said, that kept you laughing. Also, he enjoyed all the nerdy things you did – you often spent hours conversing about the Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter, dissecting every aspect together.
 You fell for him so easily.
The world stood still the day you’d discovered his secret.
 Six months into ‘officially dating’, Daniel had sat you down to talk. When he opened his mouth, you’d been ready for the worst – he’d found someone else, he was secretly married, he already had children and another family, etc.
 What you hadn’t expected, however, was that he was the grandson of Peggy Carter. You knew who she was. How could you not? Agent Peggy Carter. You knew her from the textbooks you’d studied at school, from the exhibits you ran at the museum, but mostly; you’d known Peggy Carter from the man you had loved.
 When you’d first started with Steve, all those years ago, you’d known that he missed her. After all, she was the first woman he ever loved.  You had helped the captain move on, as at that time Peggy was in her last years of her long, fulfilled life, and Steve had been in his late twenties. For the entirety of your relationship with Steve, you’d compared yourself to that strong English woman, admittedly scared of her ghost.
 It turns out, she was the wrong spectre to watch out for.
 Daniel knew of Steve. You’d told him everything – every memory, emotion, and thought. You’d kept no secret from your sweet detective, which is why this admission wounded you. “Why didn’t you…” You remember that you’d trailed off, struggling not to cry, scared that Steve’s past was going to ruin another relationship for you.
 The man you’d fallen for, took your hand into his own, “It wasn’t to hurt you, not at all. I love you.” This was the first time either of you had said it aloud, “I didn’t want his past to hurt you. I’m not going to let that happen. What we have, is too good to let be ruined by some family history.”
 His words had moved you, “T-that’s fair enough.” Your attempt to be casual was failed by your stutter, which was to distract from your tears. “M-my f-family used to be c-conservative, and t-that’s s-scary t-too.” Your joke hadn’t been that funny, but it still made you two laugh.
“So, now that I’ve consumed this breakfast food, can I rest?” You’d worked a particularly long shift the day before, which had consisted of school trip after school trip. Then, you had stayed up late, in order to witness Daniel’s return from the British Isles.
Daniel shifted the tray of empty plates and cups, to one of the bedside tables, before scooting up to you. “Okay.” The two of you had curled around each other, both tired but entirely content. “Before you fall asleep, love, I want to ask you something.”
“Will you marry me?”
You shot up, absolutely startled, and managed to elbow his chin in the process. Not that you noticed. Had you just hallucinated? “W-what?” You loved Daniel, but were you ready to commit to him in this permanent way? Your heart filled with happiness, knowing that you loved him unconditionally. “Marriage?”
Daniel nodded, smiling happily over at you. “I want to marry you, Y/N.” He watched your face, taking note of the shock and slight apprehension on it, “I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, sometimes eating waffles in bed.” As you let out an awkward chuckle, he reached over to the tray he’d just placed on the bedside table. Then he lifted a small, white ceramic sauce bowl up, revealing a gorgeous ring inside. “It was my mother’s.” Dan explained, as he brought the ring closer to your face, “When I told my father that I was going to ask you, he insisted that I give it to you. He said it was a family heirloom.” From what you knew of his family, they were big on tradition – this must be another one.
“Danny, I-”
“You don’t have to say yes, if you’re not ready yet, love.” He reminded you, once again letting you know why you fell for him, and furthering the warmth in your heart. “We can pretend this didn’t happen, if you want.”
“No.” Daniel froze in shock, he genuinely wasn’t expecting such a blunt rejection from you. “No! I mean yes, I want to marry you! The ‘no’ was to your idea of pretending the proposal didn’t happen.”
“So… yes?”
The engagement party was at your shared apartment, as your work at the museum, and Daniel’s at the police station, didn’t really earn either of you mega bucks –  this meant hiring out a venue was not possible. It didn’t matter, though. The two of you cooked and baked all day (well, you did). Daniel, instead, stuck to occasionally handing you a spoon, or the flour. His father, who’d flown in for the event, had brought champagne on his way from his hotel. Your fiancé had spent a fair few hours organising the apartment, moving furniture, and setting up what he said was a ‘sick’ Spotify playlist for the evening.
It was going well, too. Your dads’ had flown in from Wyoming, as well as several of your other family members, and they were now mingling amongst Dan’s family, both of your friends, and co-workers. The evening was going so well, and everything went to Daniel’s schedule. You didn’t expect anything less than perfect, as Daniel strived to make this the best party you two could afford.
Of all things that you didn’t expect to happen, however, Tony Stark showing up to your engagement party was pretty high on that list. You didn’t remember inviting him, as he was barely known to you. Sure, you’d been in his building a few times, when you’d dated Steve, but that was literally years ago. But there he was, sipping on a flute of champagne, chuckling along to the story Daniel’s father was telling.
“Hello.” Dan slid his arms around you, pulling your body into his. He seemed to be either un-aware of Tony Stark’s odd presence, or completely nonchalant to his placement in the room. “What’s got you so pouty?” You’d been standing in your small apartment kitchen, having run to grab some more food for a few plates that were running low in the living room. It was then that you spotted Stark, and had paused to stare in confusion, just out of sight. “Are you pouting, because your dad told the story of how you walked in on him and your step-dad?”
“What?” You spun around quickly, “No! He told that story?” You shoved your face into Daniel’s shoulder, “No!” After your mother’s death, your father (to your knowledge) hadn’t even looked another persons’ way. At least, that’s what you thought, until you came home early from a sleep-over one day, only to be visually scarred by the image of your father having sex on the couch. The fact it was with a man was irrelevant, it was the fact it was your dad – you didn’t sleep that night, and you were too scared to have sex until well into your twenties.
Daniel chuckled, and kissed the crown of your head. “Yeah, it made my dad and Uncle Tony crack up.”
You froze, up until this moment, you’d thought that Dan only had aunts’, and cousins’. “Uncle Tony?” Your voice was chilling.
“Yeah,” Daniel paused, his face morphing into his embarrassed, slash guilty, face. “I forgot to tell you that he’d my godfather, didn’t I?” When you glared at him, he tried to defend himself, “It’s not something I can casually tell people!”
“Daniel Francisco Sousa, the second, we’ve been dating for over two years!” So, he’d been keeping secrets from you again, “Is there literally anything else, about you, that I should know? Tell me, is the Queen of England, also a relative?” The sarcasm was you trying to show that you weren’t being too serious, but you were pissed.
“No,” He sighed, kissing your cheek in affection, nuzzling it, trying to get back into your good books, “Love, that’s the last surprise about me, I swear!” Picking up the plates you’d abandoned, Daniel walked over to the door to the kitchen, “Now come on, I’ll introduce you!”
Three months later, you found your way back into the Avengers tower. You walked into the same elevator, spoke to the same JARVIS, but this time you requested that you be taken to Mr Stark’s office, rather than Steve’s floor. The elevator arrived, and the doors then opened, leading you into the large room.
“Y/N!” Tony Stark greeted you. His arms were thrown wide, drawing you into a hug the second you’d stepped off the elevator. “What are you doing here?” He wondered, although judging by the look on his face, you were sure he already knew.
“I’m here to talk about this,” You held up the cheque that had shown up in your mailbox, the large sticker on the front telling you it came from the desk of the Avenger in front of you. “This is too generous, Tony.”
The man rolled his eyes, “Nonsense! You and my godson aren’t gonna be able to pay for that wedding alone!” He waved his hand dismissively, wandering over to his desk, “Look, I don’t have a kid, the closest I got is Daniel. I’ve always helped his parents out, for all his stuff – school, camps. When I was told he was getting married, I wrote the cheque before I even knew it was you he was marrying. I was going to give this money to him, anyway.” Tony slumped into his chair. “I was surprised it was you, though.” He continued quietly, whilst you stood silently in front of the elevator, not sure what to do, or what to say. “I’m glad the both of you found each other, you suit each other well, and I’m glad you didn’t hold who he is over his head.”
Your shook your head, “I would never!”
The billionaire nodded, “I know. I’m happy for you both.” Tony smiled at you, “Now, I have a meeting, so you should head off.” It was a clear dismissal, “Also, I’m not taking the money back!”
You shook your head, but you still managed to smile slightly, “Goodbye.”
“By the way, was that Y/N I saw earlier?” Pepper Potts, right hand woman of Tony Stark, questioned later that night. Those who were at the Avengers tower that night, sat around the large dining table, consuming a nice Chinese takeaway that Natasha Romanoff had suggested. Across the table from Tony, was Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, the two men responsible for so much of Y/N’s emotional damage. “What were they doing here?”
“Y/N’s the one marrying Daniel.” Steve’s head shot up, noodles hanging out his mouth as he stared at Tony in shock. Y/N was getting married? “Yeah, I met her officially at the engagement party, that you missed,” Tony gave a mocking scolding look to Pepper, “They’re perfect for each other.”
“Why was she here, though?” Pepper once again asked, before noticing Tony’s sheepish look, “What did you do, now?”
“Nothing!” He received her narrowed eyes in response, “Okay, I gave them some money for the wedding! Y/N didn’t want to accept it, but I insisted! They’re family, now, after all!”
“Family?” Bucky asked, pretty much choking out the word. After all, his stint as the Winter Soldier meant that a lot of Stark’s family had been taken out.
Tony glared at him, he was well aware of what had happened, and for that reason he did not trust Barnes. That, and the whole affair thing, too. “Daniel’s my godchild.”
“Yes, Daniel Francisco Sousa, the second.” Tony threw a glare towards Barnes, before being struck by a thought. He turned his attention to Steve, who was very interested in his food. “Daniel’s father and I pretty much grew up together, you know. His parents and Jarvis were all I had after my parents died.” Tony paused, to look at Bucky, before continuing, “You might know one of them, Peggy Carter-Sousa?” Steve’s neck nearly snapped with the force of him turning to look at Tony, his eyes wide. “Mhmm, I guess that means that technically, Y/N is going to be a part of the Carter family…”
Steve stood up suddenly, his chair flying backwards. He stormed out of the room, leaving a sad-looking Bucky, a shocked Pepper, and a smug Tony, behind. On the way up to his room, the same one where he broke Y/N’s heart nearly three years ago, he thought to himself about what he’d just discovered.
Y/N was getting married… to someone who was related to Peggy… his best girl.
His bright blue eyes began to water, and he felt a heat begin to spread. He was feeling waves of jealousy, and guilt descend.
Y/N had managed to get a piece of Peggy. Y/N had Peggy’s grandson. Y/N didn’t need him. Maybe, Y/N never needed Steve. And now, Y/N had everything he’d ever wanted…
@iamwarrenspeace, @itsnotnormalteen, @stilesloverdaily
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 7 years
Hunting Ground (Part 1)
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Summary: When murders resembling those from a known serial killer start occurring in a sleepy little town, reader is called in to investigate. The prime suspect, Dean Winchester, is adamant that he’s innocent but reader isn’t so sure he hasn’t gone back to his old ways...
Pairing: suspect!Dean x cop!reader
Word Count: 2,700ish
Warnings: language, murder
A/N: I hope you enjoy this first part of Hunting Ground. More to come...
“If you like pina coladas, and gettin’ caught in the rain,” you sang, bopping your head along as you drove down the deserted road. “If you’re not into yoga, if have half a brain,” you said, turning the volume up louder. “If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes on the -shit!” you said, hitting the brakes as a group of deer ran out in front of you.
You took a deep breath as they stopped and stared at you, like what the fuck were you doing on their road. You honked the horn of your rental car and they took off into the woods. You saw a sign a little ways down that there was a deer crossing that made you scowl.
“You’re in the middle of fucking nowhere now, Y/N. Got to remember there’s moose and coyotes and shit out here,” you said, driving along the road again, tall trees on either side making you wonder why the Hell anyone would ever choose to come out here unless they were forced to against their will. God knew that was the only reason you were.
It was a great opportunity you were told, a stepping stone to move up the ladder more quickly. You’d practically sprinted up that fucking ladder already. You could use a moment to catch your breath if you were being honest. Technically this was completely within your job description and your capabilities. Technically you were also supposed to be on a plane headed to Hawaii for three weeks of relaxing but ya know, fucking serial killers fucking with your vacation plans. 
“Have to fucking murder that too don’t you asshole,” you muttered, rain starting to spit on your windshield. “Oh, if that isn’t fucking lovely and not some cute guy handing me alcohol with an umbrella in it.”
Clenching the steering wheel you reminded yourself to let it go and focus on the case. You spotted a sign, hoping that town was close so you could settle in and get a chance to look over your case files again.
Hunting Ground - 57 Miles
“With a name like that, no wonder a murderer moved into town,” you said, reaching for your cold cup of coffee. “Let’s just hope you’re not as smart as you think you are.”
“Oh! Hi!” said the bored out of her mind teenager when you walked into the small lobby. You glanced around at the filthy space and hid your shudder. You were definitely dousing your room in bleach.
“Hi. I need a room, not sure how long I’ll be here just yet,” you said, digging through your bag for your credit card.
“Sorry, we only take cash,” she said. Yup, sleeping in the car for the next few weeks sounded better than whatever disease you were picking up from your bed. “$50.”
“A night? That’s not too-”
“A week,” she said, you head tilting. “We haven’t had many guests lately so we dropped prices. On account of the murder.”
Maybe she shouldn’t be telling her guests that someone was killed her and they wouldn’t have a problem with retaining them. 
“Yeah, I heard about that,” you said, pulling out a hundred from your wallet and handing it over. She caught site of your badge and her eyes went wide. “I’m investigating the deaths around town. I may want to talk to you about the first victim, Cindy Parish.”
“I already talked to the cops,” she said, her cheeriness evaporating. “I told them everything I know.”
“Fine,” you said, digging your notepad from your bag. “You won’t mind telling me again then and I won’t say anything about the boy you have in that back office to the manager of this place who I suspect is your mother. How’s that sound?” you said, offering her a smile that was anything but sweet. She grabbed the door just behind her and closed it, absentmindedly fixing her shirt where it’d started to be unbuttoned by another pair of hands.
“She checked in around eight, went to Trapper’s, the local dive bar, for a drink and some food. She came back around eleven with a local, Dean Winchester, to screw is my guess. He left sometime in the middle of the night and she was found just after nine in the morning by my mom. It was...bad in there,” she said. You looked around again, realizing this seventeen year old was probably trying to run this place herself at the moment. You could try the softer approach with her.
“This guy, Dean Winchester, did you see him leave?” you asked but she shook her head.
“No. I mean...they were pretty loud. She was screaming a lot, nothing coherent. I thought they were just having sex but apparently he was killing her,” she said, shaking her head to erase the memory from her brain. “Can we stop please?”
“Sure, that’s all I need. Can you show me my room?” you asked, watching a smile on her face as she got to do something normal. She handed you the keys after guiding you outside and to the room farthest away from the one with yellow tape covering the door. Staying in the same place as your first victim wasn’t exactly where you wanted to be but at least it’d make getting to the crime scene easy.
There were two queen beds, a small TV and a beat up kitchenette but at least the bathroom was clean and there were only two weird stains on the floor. By the time you’d dragged in your bags and unpacked, you were starving. The clock said it was close to eight and after driving all day the last thing you wanted was to stare at bloody photos.
Well...there wouldn’t be any umbrella’s in the drinks but at least you knew a place to get one now. You slipped into a pair of heels but sighed. Even if they were nice and had proven to be lucky time and time again, they weren’t ideal. You never knew when you might have to chase after someone. Your hiking boots it was then. 
After three minutes of walking on the uneven sidewalk down main street you were glad for choosing to be sensible for once. Even so, you hadn’t expected to have the door held up for you by a guy in a trucker hat when you got to the bar. You thanked him but walked in to find an ocean of flannel before your eyes. You caught a few glances and you couldn’t stop the eyebrow raise from happening.
You went past and found a quiet spot at the end of the bar where you asked for a menu. There wasn’t much variety but you examined the menu like you’d forgotten how to read, hoping to catch the attention of the man sat a few seats down around the bend of the bar. But he didn’t pay you any attention. When you opened your mouth to ask him for a recommendation he stood, giving you a smile and slapping some money down, leaving before you could say a word.
“What can I get you?” asked the bartender. You ordered a burger and Jack & coke, grumbling to yourself. You’d finished it and were halfway done with your second by the time your food was ready. You ate a little too aggressively but he’d been right there. 
Dean Winchester, suspect number one. The only suspect in all of this. You knew why they’d assigned you to this case. You were just his type. A perfect temptation for the killer. Only word in a town this small would spread fast that you were a cop and there went your chance of luring him in.
At least the burger was good.
“Ugh,” you groaned, slapping away at your phone as the alarm started to go off. “No. Sleep more.”
About ten minutes later you finally dragged yourself out of bed, and into the shower, alarmed at how much hot water you had. Then again you were the only person staying there at the moment. You made a crappy cup of coffee as you walked over to your clothes, pulling on jeans and a flannel. You shoved your badge in your back pocket and your gun tucked into your pants. You were going to blend in like a local as long as possible in your opinion. Plus the excuse to get out of that black suit for once was a dream come true. 
You reviewed the case files once more while you sipped on your caffeine, letting yourself get your fix, occasionally munching on handfuls of the box of cheerios you’d packed. You weren’t the biggest fan of the reports by the Hunting Ground Police Department. Not that they weren’t good but they were assuming Dean Winchester was your killer. All signs pointed to him but you needed impartial eyes on this thing if you were going to be fully convinced that he’d done it.
Two hours later you were sitting in your car, rolling your eyes at the brick building in front of you. The whole Dean Winchester being uncooperative for follow ups was definitely not in your files. Maybe you’d try your own luck if it came to that.
“Lunch and then time to remember how to go hiking.”
You were sweating and panting by the time you got up to the cabin where the third victim was found. Why was it so fucking hot out? You thought the woods were supposed to be cooler or some shit. You took a long drink of water as you looked around. It was isolated up there, much more so than the motel. It made sense after all. The first vic the killer needed it, couldn’t wait to take them somewhere else. Cindy didn’t know it but she’d gotten off easy. The other two got half days in quiet cabins where a whole slew of skin crawling shit went down.
You breathed through your mouth as you bent through the tape and went inside. There was some dried blood in places but the boot print caught your eye. That wasn’t in the photos and hadn’t been noted as an exclusion by one of the officers. You squatted next to it and placed your own beside it. Definitely a male from the size. The tread wasn’t helpful as you hadn’t seen anyone in this town wear anything but boots but at least you had one more bit of information. Most of the evidence you’d already examined at the station and the lab reports definitely had come back negative for any DNA.
Walking around you saw the chair that had been used, the same MO as all the others. There were always copy cats but the one thing they’d never revealed to the public was the water bottle he left with the victim. The one in the room he’d trapped his victim in, allowing them a means of escape from the chair but nothing else, the water too much to resist. It sealed their fate every single time. That was when he really started his fucked up-
A gunshot rang out nearby and you drew your weapon, pointing at the door. A second one went off and you heard two mean holler about some poor animal they’d just killed. You relaxed and poked your head out the door, watching two men cut through some trees with a fox on their backs. 
You sighed and went back inside, looking over everything but not finding anything useful beyond what you already knew. Slipping your backpack on you headed back down the trail, heading back before the sun went down. You heard a fox whimper before darting out in front of you. It growled a little but you weren’t afraid. In fact you felt sorry for it as it whimpered again and took off in search of it’s friend. 
“Sorry buddy,” you said, walking a ways as the poor thing scrambled back and forth. “People suck, trust me I-”
You fell back on the ground, your bag taking most of the impact but you were on guard as you looked up and saw Dean Winchester towering over you.
“You should watch where you’re going,” he said, holding out a hand. You hesitated to take it and he rolled his eyes. You popped up on your own, watching his eyes wander over to the cabin and then back at you. “What are you doing out here?”
“None of your business,” you said, distancing yourself from him, all while keeping him in your sights. He scoffed and crossed his arms.
“You know that’s a crime scene right? I wouldn’t be fucking around in there if I were you,” he said. How the fuck did he know you’d been in there? Unless he was watching you of course...
“Well since I’m investigating this case, it’s probably a good idea if I check out the actual crime scene. How about you tell me what you’re doing up here,” you said, backing away from him. He nodded his head and relaxed his arms, giving you a dark smile.
“So you know all about me then, don’t you,” said Dean. He eyed you up and down but you kept your cool. He was big, bigger than you expected. If it came to it you could take him. It wouldn’t be a pretty fight though. “You’re looking at the wrong guy.”
“I’ll be the judge of that, Winchester,” you said, lifting your head and cocking your head in that ‘don’t mess with me’ way. “What are you doing up here?”
“Hiking,” said Dean. “Not much to do around here except go fucking hiking ya know.”
“You always go hiking with a shotgun?” you asked, nodding at the one slung over his shoulder. Dean rolled his eyes and walked towards you. You moved to the side but Dean did his best to make sure he shoved you as he went past. “Answer the question.”
“When a psychopath is on the loose, yeah, I walk around with some protection. Want to see my permit Ranger Rick?” he asked, spinning around. “Watch yourself Officer whatever.”
“Officer Y/N Y/L/N to you,” you said, reaching your hand behind your back, trying to worm your hand between your heavy bag and to get at your gun. “Pro tip, don’t threaten cops.”
“Pro tip, sweetheart,” said Dean, walking in front of you and leaning down over you. “Don’t keep your gun somewhere you can’t get it in time. You’d be fucked if I was the asshole you’re looking for. Good thing I’m not.”
“I’d back up unless you want this to get messy, Dean,” you said, finally fishing your gun out as he backed away. 
“The more time you waste investigating me the more time he has to find his next victim,” said Dean, heading down the path away from you fast. 
“Don’t leave town Winchester,” you said, Dean giving you a wave with a angry smile before you saw him disappear into the trees.
You sighed as you looked at your gun in your hand and then all around. That could have been really fucking bad. He had a shot at you just then and didn’t take it. But the way he had looked at you...Dean Winchester was becoming more of a suspect every second in your mind. You knew he’d been the officer on the case previously but that was about it. It was time to learn what secrets that man was hiding before-
Someone was whistling. It was close but not close enough for you to tell where exactly they were. The ordinarily happy tune, apparently another fan of the pina colada song, shouldn’t have made goosebumps breakout over your hot and flush skin. Someone had to have been watching you from the way the hairs stood up on the back of your neck. You kept your gun out as you jogged down the path and in the direction of your car.
Getting back to town and out of Dean Winchester’s territory was suddenly the only thing on your mind.
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
@xfanqirlinq @pickupthatamulet @xxwinchester-22xx @baggily-pantz @deevvoon  @goldenolaf25 @riversong-sam  @blank-spaces-empty-faces@dancingalone21 @charliebradbury1104 @feelmyroarrrr@docharleythegeekqueen  @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @morbidtruths@topaziodavila @m1sund3rst0od @wonderange @fernwinchester326 @the-almighty-hate-crime @donnaintx  @maui137 @idalinette @maximoffangel-girl @anokhi07 @xxwinchester-22xx  @everyday-supernatural-af @squirels-angels-and-moose @youwerelikeadream @drugpug@darkx143 @kristaparadowski @tom-is-in-my-tardis @tanithlowisabamf @smoothdogsgirl  @ktrivia @demonic-meatball  @oaisara @cojootromuelle @gallifreyansass@fangirl1802 @itstheprincess @casgetoutofmydiddlydarnass @mogaruke@secretlyfurrydragon @perpetualabsurdity @ria132love @heycassbutt-67 @aingealcethlenn  @missmotherhen@smacklesandstretch67 @ceeceewinchester  @tumblinwith-me  @heaven-is-aplaceonearthwithyou @hey-um-misha@bennyyh  @lovelife-tothefullest @under-general-asthetics @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @missdestiel67 @evyiione @jensenackesl @xxxdevine-demonsxxx  @ayeeitsemry @mac5323  @atc74 @captainemwinchester @lemonadegazeelle @nanie5 
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hotchnerfuckmeup · 8 years
Right Here
Pairing: Alvez x Reader
Word Count: 1,264
Request: yep!  Request here my darlings
Warnings: none but that I am only on season six of the show, so I’m very very rusty on my knowledge of this alleged cupcake known as Luke Alvez and that of the other characters I have yet to be introduced to.  I hope this tickles your peach nonetheless!
Summary:  Anon requested:  Hey there! Could you maybe write something where the reader is a war vet and something happens when they’re on a case to trigger a panic attack/ptsd and Luke helps them through it (because he probs has/had them too). Thank you!
A/N: Once again, I’m only halfway to season 12.  So I’m sorry if I’m wrong about anything or anyone.  Also, I’m sorry these request are coming slowly, I’m loaded with work, school, and requests, trying to juggle them all, so bear with me!
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“Another bombing?” Luke asked, sitting down at the conference room table.
“Bombings.  Plural.  Three have made the Oberlin news in the past week, no casualties have been reported yet, but they’re still looking through the damage from the most recent, which was at a library last night.  There were two cars in the parking lot at the time of the explosion,” JJ said, briefing the team on the new case.
“Was the library open?” Reid asked.
“It closed about an hour before the bomb went off.  The lot surrounding it was vacated, and the cars have been identified to belong to Darcy Winters who owns the library and Shelby Mathers who works there voluntarily.”  As JJ said their names, pictures of said women popped up on the screen.
“What about witnesses?” you asked.
“None.  Like I said the lot was mostly vacated and the closest housing unit to the library is at least six miles away. People report hearing it, but that’s all we have.”
“What about the other bombing locations?” you asked, flipping through your file folder.
“All similar.  They’re in vacated areas with a low to zero body count at the time of the explosions,” JJ stated.
“Looks like our unsub isn’t trying to actually hurt anyone,” Prentiss said.
“Have the library victims been reported missing?” you asked JJ.
“Just Shelby Mathers.  Winters has no family in the area and lives alone.  I told the detective on the scene to let me know when and if they find any human remains on the premises.”
“Alright.  Wheels up in thirty,” Prentiss told everyone, prompting the agents to walk out the room.
You looked at the pictures for bit longer, feeling the familiar twitch in the pit of your stomach.  The flames looked all too familiar, bringing back the memories of three years ago.
“Y/N,” you heard from the door, Luke’s voice pulling you from your thoughts.
“Yeah?” you asked, oblivious to the amount of time that had passed.
“Jet’s about to take off,” he said.  You looked at your watch in shock, wondering how time got away from you like that.  It felt like you were standing there for only about a minute.
“I-I’m coming,” you stuttered, gathering your files and leftover breakfast.  Before you could make your way out the door, Luke held his arm out to you.
“Hey, you alright?” he asked with a concerned look.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, shoving passed him.
One jet ride and three hours of pulling together a profile, you, Reid, and Alvez were sitting at a round table in the middle of the police department.
“These are the only places that are as vacated as the other three crime scenes.  There’s no way of know which he’s going to hit next, but he will definitely use these buildings and areas as targets,” Reid rambled off, pointing out the marked places on the map on the table.
“We need to go to each suspected targeted location and ask if there’s been any suspicious behavior in the past week.  If there have been any recurring customers or patrons that fit the profile, then we have our guy,” Alvez said.  He dialed Prentiss and told her the updates.  
You continued to sift through the same pictures over and over again, seeing the seaside from three years ago, the smoke filling your lungs.
You started to cough, not being able to see through the thick black smoke from the explosion.  Your cadet was no where to be seen, and you felt the blood flowing down your face.
“Y/N.”  Once again, Luke’s voice brought you back to the present, jolting you out of your seat.  “Time to go,” he said, a worried look on his face.  You could feel the sweat bead at your forehead, and you knew you probably looked like a mess.
“Sorry,” you said quickly before rushing out the door leaving Luke to follow you.
“Do you have security cameras?” Reid asked the hostess at the breakfast diner.
“We don’t, it’s mainly locals and regulars that come here, so we don’t feel the need,” she replied.
“Has there been anyone new here recently?  Any new faces that you don’t recognize?” Alvez asked.
“No, not that I know of.”
You were busy looking at the people around you.  There were a couple families sitting at booths, munching on eggs, toast, and pancakes.  Two couples sat at the high top tables, sharing large platters of french toast and bacon.   There were two small groups of girls getting brunch.  
“What about men who come here alone, are there many of those?” Reid asked the hostess.
“Yes, there’s a couple.  They have tight schedules, usually.  I only see them like, twice a week.”
“So no suspicious behavior at all?” Alvez asked, beginning to sound defeated.
“Nope.  Sorry,” she finished.
“Not much further,” Luke said, turning to you and Reid.
“Maybe we should stakeout,” you suggested.  
Luke shrugged.  “It’s worth the try.”
You and Luke sat in the SUV outside the diner later that night.  It had been closed for a while, and they let the owner’s know the situation.
Your leg was restless, bouncing up and down a mile a minute.
“Y/N,” Luke said.  “Seriously, what’s up with you today?”
You kept your head turned to the window, focusing on area surrounding the diner, looking for any movement.
“I’m fine, Luke,” you told him in a stern voice.
“You’re not.  Something has been eating at you all day.”
“Give it a rest, okay?” you suddenly shouted.
“Anything?” Prentiss asked through the comms unit.
“Movement,” you said, seeing the dark figure walking too calmly away from the diner.  “He’s planted the bomb already.”  You were loading your gun and opened the door, hearing Luke call for backup.
“FBI,” you yelled at the unsub.  As soon as he heard you, he started running.  Luckily Luke was quick on his feet and started chasing after him.
“I don’t know when the bomb-” you started into your comms unit, but you weren’t able to finish your sentence as your unasked questioned seemed to be answered.  
The air was full of smoke and debris and the impact from the blast sent you flying backwards.  Your head pounded, and you were suddenly not on a vacant lot in Oberlin, Ohio. 
You were back at the seaside, surrounded by sounds of gunfire and screaming of innocent civilians.  You reached up to feel the blood pouring down your face, looking around aimlessly for your cadet, hoping she’s okay.  But she’s not.  You already know that.
“Help,” you heard your voice say.  “Please, she needs help!”
“Who, Y/N,” you heard Prentiss say. “Was there someone in the diner?”
“Cadet Humphrey, she’s drowning.  Please someone help her!”
“She’s having flashback, probably from war,” Luke said.
“She’s going to die,” you cried.
“Y/N!  Look at me!” Luke shouted, holding your face.
“We need to get-” but you weren’t on the seaside.  You were laying on a stretcher.  A doctor was tending to your wounds.  “Luke?” you asked.
“Yes, it’s me, Y/N.  I’m right here,” he said, gently rubbing your face.
“The unsub,” you said quickly remembering where you were.
“He’s caught.  We’ve got him.  Everything is going to be okay.”  
At his words, you lost it, crying out all the tears you’d held in for so long.  You must’ve been ‘gone’ for quite some time.  
“It’s gonna be alright,” Luke soothed, climbing into the back of the EMS truck with you.
But with your mind, there was no telling if it was ever going to be one hundred percent okay again.
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