#On Borrowed Time
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shisei11 · 7 months ago
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submission for @ask-obt 's fanart feature!
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samfred05 · 7 months ago
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Two PMD Comic GOATs ✨
Sources/Credits Link Here!
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vixivulpixel · 2 months ago
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She's about to borrow some time
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guessimdumb · 27 days ago
Penelope Houston - (Going To The) Evergreen (1991)
In the Bay Area, Penelope Houston and her band (shout out to bassist Steven Strauss) were one the best things going in the late 80s -early 90s. This was always a live favorite, and the best version was to be found on a cassette only recording. It's somewhere in my storage, but more importantly, someone digitalized it. Evergreen, as some of you know, is a public liberal arts college in Olympia, WA.
Stay close to me, stay close to...me
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ask-tssb · 11 months ago
rune are you straight (please say yes)
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taiyo-tenebris · 7 months ago
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My submission for @pmdobt 's On Borrowed Time Book 2 Fanart Feature! I wanted to do fan art for OBT for quite some time now anyway, so that worked out well
Check out the comic if you haven't yet!
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drawingfoxxo · 5 months ago
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Been doing some art studies for fun because i need to get used to using a drawing tablet. The first completed one is Wooled's @pmdobt 6.34 (or atleast, the last two panels), which I did purely to learn how to do teeth like that. I realize it does look drastically different, but to be honest? Seeing such a drastic makes me a bit happy. It looks good. It looks better than the current state of my comic, and it's such a drastic difference than how my art typically looks. ...that being said, I suppose I need to do a bigger study for background stuff.
(Cropped) Source image, by the way! I'll provide this every time I do a study.
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(Btw, i wanna credit King Pika for giving me the idea to use colored speech bubble outlines. I actually based the Arc 1 ToD outlines on that, and it probably won't change.)
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masked-vee · 23 days ago
Illusionary Take Down
Julius stomped around, plotting. He still blames Team Maelstrom for his predicament. He knew getting back at them would be easy, executing his plan, however will be a challenge. If he could get the group's demise to look like an accident, everyone would be none the wiser. But he had to be careful, since there was a bounty on his head.
Suddenly, he heard voices coming from the right of him.
It was them...
Team Maelstrom.
Now's his chance to eliminate them once and for all!
Rune stops, causing a concern amongst the group.
"What is it?" Dielle asked.
"Someone is following us." Rune answered.
Inigo looked around. "I don't see anything." He shrugged.
"Well, what do we have here?" Julius grinned. He turned his attention to Malachi. "Having fun playing leader, pet?"
Malachi said nothing as he arched his back, and started growling.
"You do know that word is degrading to former wild ones, right?" Inigo asked.
"I don't care if it's degrading or not." Julius snorted. "All I care about is making sure that ferals, like you, are at the bottom of the food chain." The Skuntank stomped towards Malachi, earning a hiss from the frightened Shinx.
"Hey! Back off!" Maelstrom snapped, making larger mon recoil.
"You have no place to tell me what to do, pebble!" Julius barked back. He stood up, and brought his huge paw down on Malachi! (Julius used Night Slash!) Rune jumped to protect her friend, only to take the powerful blow.
However... (It's not very effective!)
Rune's image faded as a masked Zorua tumbled on the ground. (Grey's illusion faded!)
"For not being very effective, that really hurt!" Grey snarled.
"The gig is up, guys. Grey's illusion is broken!" Dielle said as her appearance shifted to a masked Sprigatito. Inigo growled as his form shifted to a Cyclizar. Malachi stood up as he grabbed Maelstrom from his neck, and Julius watched as the rock became a green hilt, and a blade materialized, from her. And Malachi, no, Mouse, an Eevee, lunged at the Skuntank and swung their blade at him. (Mouse used Sacred Sword.)
"It's gonna take more than just a little swipe from a letter opener to knock me down!" Julius bellowed.
Claudia, the Cyclizar swung her tail at Julius, knocking off his feet. (Claudia used Breaking Swipe!)
"Okay, at first, I was amused, now, I'm angry..." The Skuntank growled. "Time for a little Noxious Gas!" He released a disgusting stench (Julius used Toxic and Venoshock, It's super effective on Tunip, the Sprigatito), expecting everyone to be severely poisoned, but to his dismay, his adversaries were one step ahead of him.
"Gross!" Elizabeth gagged.
"You guys should be writhing in agony! What gives!?" Julius yelled.
Grey dry heaved as she answered. "Pecha Scarf, stupid!" she shows the piece of cloth tied to her mask strap. Julius looked around and realized the whole team were all wearing a poison preventing Pecha Scarf.
"It doesn't stop it from doing severe damage to me." Tunip groaned. She ran up to the Skuntank and smacked mud in his face. (Tunip used Mud Slap. It's super effective!) "But we can worry about that once we subdue this outlaw!"
"You heard Tunip, Mouse! Time we finished him off!" Grey called as he grabbed Julius' paw as he tried to attack, and threw him to the ground. (Grey used Foul Play.)
"Oh, crap..." Julius whispered, as Mouse charged up their attack and swung a massive hammer at him. (Mouse used Gigaton Hammer.)
Julius tried to keep his balance, but his legs gave in from under him, and he collapsed.
"Now, let's tie up the stinker before he wakes up." Elizabeth said.
(The autism hit me again! Julius, Rune, Malachi, Inigo, and Dielle belong to @woo-led and their On Borrowed Time series @pmdobt. Hope you like this non-canon writing. also, it's my way of getting therapy after what that smelly jerk did to me as a kid.)
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fabledskies · 1 year ago
I adore Rune's design and I really wanted to draw her :)
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Go check out the comic! @pmdobt
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chlorotter · 11 months ago
how do you guys feel about my obt screenshot folder speaking of GO READ ON BORROWED TIME BY WOOLED RIGHT NOW (no i dont have the sparkledogs in my screenshots yet)
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spiritofrainbursts · 1 month ago
A New Dawn (The Grand Tale That Never Was)
Now representing, for the uptenth time, the legendary grand tale that won me a whopping fifth place by accurately predicting two events that had yet to come at the time in the first ever fan art feature for @pmdobt / @ask-obt , a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky Nuzlocke inspired fan comic written by @woo-led! For the first time ever you can now read A New Dawn in all it's original glory on A03, featuring exclusive artwork by yours truly and a one of a kind postcard from everyone's favorite pair of pokepals!
Art/Fic/Resources will also be included under the cut for those who prefer a Tumblr reading experience!
Book 1: Born Yesterday Fan Art Feature
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A New Dawn
“Farewell Rune, I would have never made it this far if I hadn’t been blessed with a friend like you. Although the parting hurts…….I……..leave…………..”  The sands of time swirled around the fading Shinx as flashes of blush, celeste , and emerald  were swept under the grainy waves below. “No….” thought Rune as she swiftly plummeted back into the past, back to where her nightmares began. “Not now, not when I finally found my way!” Her vision started to slowly fade to black as she pleaded “Please…..I don’t want to be lost!” to no avail, she was already lost once more or so she thought.  “Naomi.” resonated a gentle voice throughout her eardrums amongst the sound of waves. “My new champion you must rise!” echoed another voice as the clawed palm of the first carefully rubbed along the soft icy back of the Alolan Vulpix that currently rested on the sand. Slowly opening her eyes, Rune found herself in front of a Grovyle, whom currently had Maelstrom wrapped around his shoulders, standing alongside a familiar shore, wait wasn’t this? Yes it was!! This was the same beach where she awoke lost without her memories, where she………..”I’m sorry about your teammate.” Dante said in an attempt to console his old friend as she starred at the soft orange tinted sand with a mix of sorrow, bewilderment, and relief in her eyes. He just looked upon her with a frown as he tenderly wrapped the flash scarf of the now departed Malachi, the abstract grooves etched across Maelstrom briefly flickered a flash of blue but she too remained silent. “I’m sure you have quest-“ but Rune merely interrupted him by flatly stating “Many but this isn’t the place to talk.” Gesturing for him to follow, the trio carefully navigate their way up Sharpedo Bluff unseen as the sun sets on the horizon.  Dielle let out an exasperated sigh as she collapsed atop the bed she had made for herself after an exhausting day on the job. “Them Mimikyu sure know how to give a Meowth a run for her money but it was all worth it for this.” Sapphire shined from the badge perfectly snug between electric claws as Dielle admired Team Maelstrom’s newfound mark of the Diamond rank. “If only the three of you were here to see how far we’ve come, I’m sure you’d be proud.” She let out a sigh of sorrow before her ears perked up at the sound of foot steps and speak of the Impidimp guess who waltzed right into their team base. “RUNE I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!!!” Dielle exclaimed as she practically pounced upon her, holding her in a tight embrace. “The whole guild searched everywhere but no matter how hard we looked no one could find hide nor hair of you, everyone assumed the worse had happened, how are you even here? Where’s-“ she trailed off as a perturbed look washed over her features at the sight of Dante. Whipping her head towards the Vulpix for answers Rune quietly states “I believe we have a lot of catching up to do” with eyes of Gloom. 
Bonus (Book 2: Better Late Than Never Fan Art Feature)
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samfred05 · 2 months ago
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✋ Absolute Crossover 🤚
Sources/References Link Here!
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hexgravity · 7 months ago
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itsfireofunknownorigin-blog · 3 months ago
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kaisollisto · 6 months ago
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i would've given you all the mirrors in the world,
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ask-tssb · 11 months ago
Needs more tongue, you two
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