#Omg u know I'm scared of emos
goldengospel · 1 year
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Another friend's troll, Portia Corona!!! As far as I know, she/her, violet blood, with no thoughts. Head empty. Troll tag is thermicCastaway. Her quirk is repeating words ("you should should should try bread some time time time.")
She's in a moiraillegiance with Zaylin. (EMOS)
Belongs to @dear-ceres
(Sprite made by the Goofy Ahh @wormeythingz)
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narcpocalypse · 7 months
Like 90% of my followers are Hazbin Hotel fans omg?? I know absolutely nothing about Hazbin Hotel but if it's a bunch of singing gay people then you'd definitely like what I'm working on if u also like Pierce The Veil, Alesana, Set It Off, Get Scared and other emo bands/bands with emo fans
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notkijoon · 2 months
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omg hi everyone!! i'm essie (she/her, 25+, est) and i am literally SO excited to be here ◡̈ this is my paranoid mess and excuse to look at hyunjin all the time lol moon kijoon. i love the concept of this roleplay so much so i'm so stoked to write with you all and see what crazy stuff goes down the next three months!!! (admins if ur reading this i would love for you to make this man lose his f*king mind okay i'm giving you guys permission now)
i'm down for more brainstorming & organic plotting; to avoid getting shad*wb*nned i do prefer plotting on discord (essie1123)! feel free to like this post if you want me to approach first & can't wait to get to know you all real soon ♡ here's some fun stuff below the cut :
typical art kid, just wants to do visual art stuff and be edgy and cool and slightly emo circa 2006 my chemical romance era u feel me
graduated hs in 2019 and moved to california to go to ucla
wound up getting himself involved in an artistic cult called echoes of eden out in the desert and saw some wild shit go down that basically traumatized him (picture the entire movie midsommar)
got so scared he left the commune but began becoming paranoid that members and their leader were stalking him and going to find a way to force him back
after moving back to korea, decided to take a job at camp saesori so he could feel like he was going under the radar for awhile to get away from the possibility that anyone was after him
somebody get this man a drink
the news of han minjung’s death brought his anxiety and paranoia to a new level as he’d only met her a few weeks before her death (plus this being his first summer here so like wtf forreal) and didn't know anything about her prior but has unjustifiably begun to believe that maybe he was actually the intended target
+ for the time being i've come up with just a few general connections i'd love to see for kijoon here !!
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amyyscorner · 11 months
Live reaction: Goosebumps (2023)
Spoilers below the cut
ok emo i hope he dies WAIT IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE RL STINE?? ding dong bitch DONT WALK OUTSIDE JESUS HAVE U NOT SEEN A FUCKING HORROR MOVIE??? mans gon die the doorbell ghost really be trolling LMAO THE CHANDELIER candles. ofc he has candles. sth gon burn HIS NAME IS HAROLD? LMAOOOOO i knew there was gonna be a fire. mans burned i love being right ooooooh pretty introoooo me likey NOT UNHOLY BY SAM SMITH PLEASE I THOUGHT THIS WAS A SHOW FOR LIKE 12+ NAUR Ayo AYO IS THAT HER???? OMG I LOVE THAT HER NOT THE BIKING ACCIDENT LMAOOOOO i love lucas already PLEASE NOT MORE UNHOLY I AM GIGGLING oooh its the same school as the guy who died harold isaiah is the jock lucas is the nerd/idiot margot is the girl thats not like the others NOT HER READING AT THE EVENT PLS HARRY STYLES WONT PICK U BESTIE PLS THE POOR GUY LEAVE HIM ALONE D: isabella seems like the girl who is actually chill and just wants to do her thing AYO SAM BE CUTE im in love with james i need james in my life james is me oh so jocks gf is an insta popular girl "im literally super nice" "so why am i being trolled?" maybe bc u called it being trolled jock who doesn't get good grades? i hope they get less...two dimensional like give the jock an actual problem maybe he has adhd or a learning disability so he focused on physical activity now who tf is glasses nathan bratt BEN HOLY SHIT U ARE FATHER PARENT ok so nathan is the lil nerdy weird adult the parents were grieving their kid wtf dude??? nathan has killer vibes hes gon die or at least get hurt HE GOT HURT LMAOOOOO yeah nah he deserved that ben tho? king. love him NOT THE BLOOD KEY LMAOOOOOO OH IS BEN JOCKS DAD? oh baby :( now he is too scared to tell them he won't be playing in the game bc there is no way he will be able to get that A THEYRE TALKING IN THAT IDIGAH LANGUAGE margot is not for me but she seems like a good friend to him ayo you know but hamilton seems like helpful dont help him cheat just help him study yeah nah thats so dumb yall deseve to fail trust me i can say it bc i used to cheat in this one class HOW OBVIOUS CAN U BE JESUS CHRIST okay so margot likes isaiah but he is dating allison so far im not as invested as i could be tbh not the murder hourse being the new place jesus this is so stupid all of you deserve to die all of you so fucking dumb like i get the rush of it. i've been in an abandoned psych clinic before a few years before it burnt down but this? idk besties, you should know this is dumb thor he is obviously thor he has a blonde wig and a hammer actual stupid people dont go to the basement please YES IT IS HAUNTED YES IT MAKES FOR A GOOD PARTY UNTIL EVERYONE DIES BESTIES so far i hate the main characters dont go down there dont go to the basement dont walk TO THE DOOR THAT MAGICALLY OPENED TO THE BASEMENT WHERE A DUDE DIED "i bet the fuse box is down there" - okay video game main character oh okay so allison knows she likes him and is insanely jealous girl why are you such a bitch to her?? she just didn't know to be late to parties wtf fuck them yes walk down the creepy stairs i hope u get hurt for being such an asshole cause wtf stop exploring and just find the fuse box ur not a video game there r no secrets to find good attempt at the jumpscare. unfortunately not random enough oh no the ghost door to the ghost basement closed how unexpected i'm so surprised wow this was so surprising omg hes fine he will walk up and scare you guys SEE i knew it SHAKE IT LIKE A POLAROID PICTURE
okay we finished the first half of the ep 2nd half reaction coming soon
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kccubus · 1 year
you're in my comments being nice, so im in your askbox asking about your playlist so that we can bond :3
omg yes thank you 😭😭😭🫶 i love interacting with people every ask or comment will forever be appreciated mwah <3
OKAY so my playlist is aaaa big mess tbh ahkfbdjfb i have several for different moods or genres or like themes (? but half of the time i'll just be listening to every song in my phone on shuffle and there's a bit of almost everything hsjfbsjd
this past year i've gotten really into hyperpop and scenecore, stuff like 6arelyhuman, ayesha (as u know hehe), rebzyyx, lil mariko etcetc. i've also gone back to my origins as a huge emo weeb and i'm listening to a lot of 2000s/2010s emo bands (get scared, mcr, msi, three days grace etc) and some vocaloid again too. that's probably most of it but there's some other things too!! some metal sometimes –i love how the music sounds but sadly i don't know much about the bands– same thing with visual kei, and a friend kinda got me back into kpop too hwkhfskf i'm not that big of a fan as i was anymore and i know part of the community is hella toxic but some songs just slap. i also like more chill music sometimes and cavetown is definitely my go-to for that.
i don't use spotify often but i could try to make a playlist with my favourites sometime and post it!! i was also thinking of doing dol character playlists since i haven't really been able to find any (do recommend if you know any plz). so yeah!!
sorry this was so long shfkshdks i got carried away <3
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signanothername · 1 year
For the 'assume things about me based on my blog' ask thing:
-Based on colors and you know how to use carrd; probably genz, not on the young end, but not in the older end, somewhere in the middle (for reference genz is born between 1997 and 2012)
-Based on art style and writing choices; i wanna say you were probably into a lot of internet horror/game horror at some point; my guess is probably creepypasta, ddlc, baldi's basics (not for any particular reason, and in addition i think you were the kind of person to watch those 'top 10 creepiest things in [insert thing])
-Also related to art style; i think you watched cartoon network, boomerang and nickelodeon
-Probably got called emo in middle school, no idea of you were or weren't. May still get called emo/goth/grunge by family members (no particular reason, just vibes of your blog)
ok Anon who are u and how do u know so much-/ lh
1- the first assumption is semi-true, i'm genz indeed but i'm on the older end, was born on 2000 ghjkljhgfg
2- this is very true, i especially love indie horror games they're right up my ally, horror in general actually, i love a good scare (also omg but the 100 creepiest things tho wheeze, it's very true and ngl i kinda watch it still sometimes)
3- that's also very very true, apart from Boomerang, i definitely watched Nick and CN nonstop
4-hahahaha i can see why that is, tho that one isn't true, cause i don't actually look or act emo/goth/grunge irl, so i was never called that (my lil sis gets called that all the time hahaha) i'm definitely fascinated with these tho, not outwardly, but they're aesthetically pleasing (hey, maybe i'm a goth at heart wheeze-)
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myrammmortal · 4 months
Chapter 44, the end. I'm off to my dad's birthday because I just can't handle it anymore
AN: well I hav noffing 2 say but evrt1 stup glamming ok!!111 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok!!!11 omg I stil kant wait 4 da movie!!!1 tom fleton is so hot lol i hop harry wil bekum gofik koz mi frend told me he iz rlly emo in dis book!!!!1111 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait!!! Diz wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.
“Dat’s mi car!!!!” shooted Richard angrily. But suddenly it was revealied who was in da car. It wuz………….Flake!!!!! As stated before he joined in on the sexy sex and after all that hot sexy sexness we all cuddled in a big pile.
Then someone else came out of the car. It was Snape!!!111oneoneone
“I shall free you Loopin but first you must help me kill these idiotic donderheads.” he said cruelly from the car as it flew circumamcizing above us. “Paul Darkness Omnipotentia Landers must be killed. Den the Dork Lord shall never die!!!!”
“You fucking prep!!!” yelled Richard. Then he loked at me sadly. “I forgot to tell u, Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers. Snape made me do it with him. I didn’t really have sexx him but he’s a ropeist!!!! But Flake here is innocent. The time you walked in on us was me and Flake, Snape raped me some time before that and Flake made me feel better! I love him!”
We all put our clothes on quickly except Satan. We were so scarred!!!!1 But Satan didn’t change. Instead he changed into a man with gren eyes, no nose, a gray robe and white skin. He had changed into………… Voldemont!!!!!!!111
“I knew who thou were all along.” he cackled evilly and sarcastically at me. “Now I shall kill thee all!!!!!!” Thunder came in da room. I didn't know who they were but they suddenly fell in love with me and now I love Thunder as well.
“No plz don’t kill us!” pleaded Vampire. Suddenly Willow, Frau Schneider, Diabolo, Ginny, Oliver, Fred and Gorge (who were once Crabbe and Goyle), Hargrid, Professor Schneider, Daddy Till, Serious and Lucian all ran in.
“What is da meaning of dis?” Daddy Till asked all angrily and Voldimort lookd away (bcos daddy Till is da only whizard he is scared of.) He did a spell and suddenly his broomstick came to him sexily. Volxemort flew above the roof evilly on his broomstik.
“Oh my goth!” Slugborn gosped. (geddit kos im goffik (and have lost the plot considering he was from the past)
“The Dark Lord shall kill all of you. Then you must submit to him!!!!” Snape ejaculated menacingly. Which made no sense because you can't submit to someone when you're dead
“You fucking preppy fags!” Serious shouted angrily.
"You know Serious, that is a very hurtful slur and you shouldn't say that." I said sadly. He apologized and we ran away for a quicky because that's how I roll. After we were done we came back while he put his schlong back into his you know what.
“I know a four-letter word 4 dirt, CRUCIATUS!!!” screamed Harry but da sparks from his wand only hit Richard’s car. It fell down Snap quickly crowled out of it and picked up the cideo camera.
“Oh my fucking god!!!1” I cried becoze the video of me in da bathrum, the video of me dong it wif Richard and the video of Satan doing it with an owl
“If you kill me then deze cideos will be shown to everyone in the skull. Then u can be just like that goffik girl Paris Hillton.” He laughed meanly.
“No!” I scremed. “FYI I hav da picter of u doing it with Loopin!!!!11”
“Whats she talking abott??????” Lupin slurped as he sat in chains.
“I saw 2 she’s gunna show evry1 da picter!!!111” Harry shouted angrily.
“Shut up!!!111’” Lumpkin roared.
“Foolish ignoramuses!!!!!!” yielded Voldemort from his broomstick. “Thou shall all dye soon.”
“Think again you fucking muggle poser!!!!!1” Harry yelled and then he and Diablo and Navel aka, the one we prefered to call Oliver both took out blak guns! But Voldimort took out his own one.
“U guyz are in a Latin stand-of!!!!!!!111” I shouted despariedrly.
"Acco virgae Oliverii!!!11" Voldrimort clamavit et subito virga Oliverii in manibus erat. "Nunc omnes te necabo et Paulum Tenebrae Alzheimer Birdflu Landers morieris!!!!!!!!!11111"
He maid lighting come all over da place.
“Save us Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers!” Daddy Till cried.
I cried sexily I just wanted 2 go 2 the commen room and slit my wrists with mi friends while we watched Shark Attak 3 and Saw 2 and do it with Richard but I knew I had 2 do somefing more impotent.
“ABRA KEDABRA!!!!!!!!!!!11111” I shooted and everyone died.
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elaichoi · 1 year
the v v v first time i saw ur acct was when u had the yeonjun prive alliance layout ^3^ those reincarnation aus made me saur emo T^T
i luv that for u agghh<3 not that there's anything wrong w it,but i find it most satisfying when ppl get into kpop from kpop-genre songs rather than western-sounding kpop songs lol my first kpop artists were b2st (highlight) and t-ara hehe
mhm yea mayybbe! i know 100% why i don't post them and its cos i used to be consistent w posting on both kpop & personal socmed accts but mental health happens and i kinda stopped bc numbers make me want 2 cry lmfao
except im slightly less mentally ill since that time now and yk i actually genuinely do rlly want to start all my socmed accts up again but im putting it off bc im a bit of a perfectionist and so im lazy to be doing all dat... all of nothin :D don't call the orderly i'm fine ^_^ /lh
2019-21? ah probably not then i'm pretty sure i was in and out of the school roster (pls tell me if i am oversharing/trauma dumping/crossing any boundaries bc i genuinely do not know i no longer have any social skills T_T /gen /srs)
hm i'm not sure tbh i only followed the one 😭😭 i haven't been on wattpad in a long ass time and i remember i tried seeing what wattpad was like nowadays and was v disappointed w the ads and paid stuff (i think i don't remember). booooo 👎👎
omg wait that's so cool aaaaah!!! i changed my user a lot so i honestly could not tell u bc i have goldfish memory ;__; i do remember i had a user like taempons(_) i think it had an underscore idk don't remember but i changed it (kinda wish i saved it ngl) and oh one i do remember was peachyjihoons (my wannaone phase lmao) but yeah im pretty sure my most recent user was some based on some tumblr shit like svnshine or something idfk 💀💀
u are already a talented writer save some for the rest of us 👺 /j if u could also draw u would be too powerful 👁️👄👁️
omg THAT WAS MY FIRST LAYOUT TOO!! this account isn't that old tbh i still haven't gotten the feel of writing smuts as of yet that's why i havent been much active on it BUT WAIT REINCARNATION AU?!? from my main???
DUDE I LOVE B2ST!!!! and t-ara!!!!!!!! i really got into kpop slowly because i fell for kdrama at first (found replay in one of the kdrama edit lmao) so like my music journey has been very, very kpop ish. i think the global influence in most of kpop songs started to become mroe prominent during 2018?
bro i get you like the fear of starting the stuff you love because you feel like you won't be able to give it all and starting it and feeling it like you're gonna disappoint yourself. i hadn't started anything since like 2017 until recently because i was scared i was gonna stumble, or it won't be good ( well mostly that) or i won't be able to finish that. me and my bff still has this one project we started around like 2018 lmao we both still haven't finished it or picked it up bc we developed the idea sm and got so close to it that we fear writing it now.
not OVERSHARINH I WANNA KNOW!!! NO but like FR wattpad went through the biggest glow down IVE EVer seen like. it's legit LEGIT inhabitable. like at first you take away the newsfeed?!? like how am i gonna pine over other accounts now?!? and then everything became paid and shit like wtf is that?!
omg i wonder if I ever saw you on my explore page or tags bro fr this is so interesting my ig handle has always been one tbh it's @celestialsoo ( my intense love affair with kyungsoo era) like since the dawn of the day.
YOU LIE!!!!! i wish i could fr draw tho i want to draw my muses :///
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themoonmunchkin · 3 years
Don't look!
Pairing : Bakugo katsuki x gn!reader, Midoriya Izuku x gn!reader, Todoroki Shoto x gn!reader.
Genre : fluff
Warnings : insecure reader, cussing, savage deku?, kinda angsty but overall super fluffy ^3^
Synopsis : you're insecure about your side profile but they're having none of it.
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Not gonna lie, he probably wouldn't even have known that this was an insecurity that people had.
So when you first start dating he wouldn't think much of it when you cover your nose while laughing or when you contour your jawline extra hard.
Until one day you start letting your thoughts get to you again, you think about how everyone around you have such a beautiful side profile.
You start wondering why Katsuki even bothers to be with someone as "ugly" as yourself, I mean has he seen his face.
But anyways you start distancing yourself from the world again, start hiding your face with your hair, have mental break downs in the night, refuse to take pictures and completely shut him out while thinking you're being subtle.
But no, no, no- my mans noticed...and he's currently having a full blown panic attack on the inside.
He's really worried at this point and starts thinking about what he's done wrong, he tries to talk to you but you're always making excuses and running away from him.
Now, he's had enough and so he quite literally barges into your dorm room and demands an explanation as he keeps shouting at you until....
.....he takes in your tear stained face with fresh tears forming at the corner of your eyes.
You were seated on the floor with a hand mirror clutched to your chest, the same one that you use to point out all your insecurities in, your phone is on the ground next to you with a picture of a model, her perfect side profile on display...the same one that you always compare yourself to.
Cue in a confused, angry and sad boom boom boy 😔.
Who the fuck had the audacity to make his baby cry hmm 🤬.
But then his anger vanishes just as it comes and before you knew it, he's shut the door behind him, quickly walks upto you, swoops you into his arms and cradles you in his lap.
"Ssshhh....its ok baby, I'm right here". Bakugo softly coos in your ear while running his fingers through your hair and letting his other hand rub your back. "Talk to me honey, what's wrong?"
You pull back a little and look up at him into his pain filled eyes that still hold so much love for you and that's when you tell him everything.
You tell him about how you've always hated your nose, how you've always wished you'd had a more chiseled jawline, how you've been bullied about your side profile by your peers and how you've never felt good enough.
He still doesn't get it because you're genuinely the most stunning person he's ever laid his eyes on, but understands how this is something that seriously bothers you and so he's gonna do everything in his powers to yeet those insecurities out.
Now Bakugo isn't one to lie or sugarcoat something, but he's also not someone who'll let you sit and hurt yourself like that.
He takes a deep breath, cups your cheeks in his hands and looks at you with the most earnest look on his face.
"Listen here baby, you're right maybe you don't have the most chiseled jawline or the sharpest nose out there-"
You winced at that a little but he was quick to speak again.
"I'm not done yet-" he closes his eyes and thinks for a second, words have never been his thing as he's someone who prefers actions instead but right now you needed more than just a kiss or a hug, you needed security and reassurance, so he takes in another deep breath and opens his eyes to look at you again.
"-just because you don't have those doesn't mean you're any less beautiful." He said with a smile as you curiously looked at him. You looked so damn cute to him all he wanted to do was pounce on you right then and there, but he held himself back for your sake and the next things he said made you fall in love with him even more.
"What you have suits your gorgeous fucking face, you don't have to change for any stupid extra and no one's opinion, not even yours is going to make me view you any differently or make me love you any less." He leaned in and gave you a chaste kiss on your lips that pretty much took your breath away and then he pulled back with a cute blush on his face.
"So from now on only listen to me okay and no matter what-" he kisses you again and pulls back a second time "-I will make you look at yourself the way I and so many other people look at you".
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Now he's had his fair share of insecurities and he's had a lot of people call him "plain looking" (which I still don't understand how when he's got some of the rarest and most beautiful features) even then those words about his looks have never really got to him.
But when it comes to you, he immediately knows something's up with all those self-deprecating jokes you apparently find to be funny.
Doesn't question you cause he doesn't want to scare you away, also because he trusts you to come to him if something is wrong.
But alas you and your stubborn ass refused to seek help from anyone and instead you chose to cope with yourself by putting yourself down in the form of those awful "jokes".
You've always tried to get yourself to stop this, but it soon became more than a coping mechanism, it was the only way you could hold yourself up without wanting breaking into peices.
That was dangerous.
But it's ok! It's still all fine and dandy until one day everything changes and you realise that all that self-deprecation didn't do shit.
Its Sunday today and you and your boyfriend Izuku have been walking around the shopping plaza for a while now.
The two of you were on a date, but you were also on a hunt for the new all might merch that your boyfriend has been fangirling about since forever. So far there was no luck on your end but y'all weren't about to give up just yet.
"OMG! I think I see it in there!" Izuku squeals cutely while pointing at what looks like a moderately big comic store that had an emo cyber punk looking aesthetic to it.
*Gasp*..."OMG! I think I see it too!! Let's go!!" and with that you grabbed his hand and were dragging your blushy stuttering mess of a boyfriend towards the store. It was adorable how easily he got flustered even after how the two of you were almost half a year into dating.
The two of you finally reached the store and stepped in, there it was the brand new neon tinted holographic Allmight figuring with working layers. Izuku's eyes sparkled as he ran towards it and immediately snatched it off the shelf.
"Yay we finally got it!" You cheered as you walked over to him and gave him a high five. The two of you had bright smiles on your faces as you talked about the figuring and walked towards the counter to pay for it.
You looked towards the counter where a young girl who looked about your age was working as a cashier, she had this bored expression on her face until she saw your boyfriend and it immediately changed into something you could only call as a flirty expression.
"Hey there handsome~ what can I help you with today~" she said in a sultry tone and gave him a wink. You and izuku were both puzzled at the fact that she not only just openly flirted with your boyfriend but also completely ignored your existence.
"U-um....er....we just need this figuring please". Izuku placed the box covered figuring on the counter and was about to pull his hands back when she quickly grabbed them and cupped them with her own hands.
"You sure, how about I give you my number and we ditch this place to go get coffee."
"Um -uh no thank you, I have a s/o!"
"Hmm...I don't see them."
"Well I'm right here and maybe you'd have seen me if you'd stop flirting with your customers and did your job properly." You said and at this point you were seething because even though she knew you were right there, she hadn't spared you a glance and pretend like you were completely invisible.
"Oh, so that's who you are....I was wondering why such an ugly person would be hanging out with someone like him-" she pauses and looks into Izuku's eyes with a bored expression "-you need to raise your standards, I mean have you looked at how hideous their nose is or how ugly their face is."
The two of you froze. Sure You've always made fun of yourself before but this was the exact reason why. You've always told yourself that if you'd make fun of yourself, you'd be desensitized to what others say to you but it's only now you realize that no amount of preparation would ever be enough to handle the real thing.
Shame. Humiliation. Pain. Fear.....This is what you felt at the momen-
"How. Dare. You." You turned towards Izuku and for the first time ever you were met with the most terrifying expression on his face. His eyes were dark and he looked...mad....like really really mad and you froze, the cashier looked like she was about to cry with the look he was giving her.
"I don't know who you think you are but you had no need to say whatever you just said and you are wrong because they have the most gorgeous facial features ever." at this he turned to you and softened his eyes a bit, he reached for your hand and gave you a gentle squeeze.
"I promise you sweetheart, you will always be the most beautiful person in my life and no one can tell you otherwise-" he looked at the slack jawed cashier with disgust and pointed towards her "-not stupid people like her-" he looked back into your eyes like you were the only two people in the store and pointed towards himself "-not me and lastly never will you ever tell yourself those kinds of words again even as a joke, got it."
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Always openly staring at you in the most respectful way ✨.
Even before y'all started dating he would always stare at you in secret, but hey! it's not his fault you were so irresistibly attractive all the time.
Uhm...so moving on, he is observant as heck especially when it comes to you but unfortunately he's just as oblivious T_T.
He's always noticed how you'd get shy and walk away whenever he'd stare at you for too long and genuinely thinks it's adorable at how bashful you get.
But truthfully.....you're mortified, paranoid even at how much he stares at you.
I mean yeah it's adorable to see him so whipped for you but you're always wondering if he's secretly bashing your side profile in his head and the thought makes you wince ever single time.
But you always tell yourself to not let your insecurities define Shoto or effect your relationship and besides Shoto isn't a cruel person, he'd never think of you that way.....right...?
Oh God, he's doing it again, he's staring at you and this time it truly is terrible because he is seated right beside you. The two of you are seated wooden chairs, side by side in the U.A. library.
Your textbooks and notebooks are spread out on the table in front of you. You're in a more secluded part of the library opting to study in a more private area and boy oh boy did Shoto take advantage of that.
"Shoto, could you please stop staring at me like that". You held your textbook upto your face and looked the other way.
"But I want to look at you". Shoto pouted slightly and furrowed his brows at your actions, he reached for your wrists and tried to pull them down and to much to your inconvenience, he succeeded.
You see, while you still had a bunch of work left to do, Shoto had finished about 15 minutes ago. You told him to go back to the dorms but instead of listening to you, he denied your offer and has been staring at you with the most unreadable expression on his face.
"Why can't I admire the one that I love the most". He slightly tilted his head towards the side and flashed you the most genuine smile. Damn him for being so adorable but that's not enough for your insecurities to go away.
"Because I'm ugly". You finally said softly with your head hung low and tears threatening to fall. You wanted to shrivel up in a corner and fade away for sounding so vulnerable but at the same time it felt so good to let your thoughts out.
"You're....what..." His eyes were wide and his jaw was set a slack. Now this took him by surprise, he had expected a lot of things but never once had he expected....that. He gently grabbed your chin and tilted your face to meet his. "Love, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met, why would you ever say that."
"Because I'm not beautiful, everyone has such a gorgeous face especially from their side. I don't and you don't have to lie to me to make feel better about myself. I know I'm ugly and I'll always be that....just let me accept that and be Shoto." You said with your voice slightly raised and shaky from the lump in your throat.
Shoto's eyes darkened a little and his grip on you tightened a little but not enough to hurt you. To even think that someone as precious as yourself could ever have such awful thoughts about yourself- how long have you been silently suffering like this all by yourself.
He cupped your cheeks with his hands and met your eyes with the most determined look on his face. "Darling, I don't know who said that to you or even if that's an inside voice but, I will absolutely never let you accept yourself this way."
"Everything about you is perfect, from those gorgeous eyes that i always get lost in," he kisses your eyes.
"-to that perfect nose that helps you breath so you could live by my side another," he kisses your nose.
"-to those delicate beckoning lips that I wish to kiss forever." he finally captures your lips in a breath taking kiss just to slowly release them and look at you.
"And besides, you know better than to call me a liar baby, you know that I would never lie when it comes to you so let's pack up for today and let me show you how much I love you and how utterly enticing you are."
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that-milo-kid · 3 years
i hope u enjoy the batman!! let us know how it is 🙏
ty so much for the ask!! I really liked the movie, and I typed up a whole bunch of thoughts about it lol
- the way they did good old eddy was so interesting?? like he still had that flair and pizazz thats important for Gorham villains, but it was done in such a different way than the early batman comics. like, it was in more of an unhinged way than a fun way and I don't know whether I like it or not, but it certainly fits with wb's whole edgy superhero thing. also the way that he was painted as a villain but not evil?? gorgeous show stopping incredible
- the parachute scene was so fucking funny like look at this stupid fuck dressed like a bat
- batman showing up out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of people was also really funny
- I knew it wouldn't happen, but while he was giving his whole I am the shadows speech at the beginning I half expected him to go like "im not in every shadow. but my kids are" and then nightwing or red hood or someone steps into frame and beats the shit out of the criminal or something
- bruce doing his own smudgy eye-liner before going out as bats and listening to emo music while bat-manning are both cannon
- selina calling Wayne Pet names!!! im qm melting also I love her and zoe kravitz played her so well omg
- the penguin bringing the drama. this man single-handedly made this movie funny AND more interesting he was literally so good I loved it
- the jokers cameo at the end and the second chances thing sets up the next movie perfectly!! the next joker seems so much better than Jared leto so I'm excited
- the set-up with nygma and "second chances" and batman needing a guiding light is a perfect way to introduce recently orphaned dick grayson!!! the parallels between him and riddler!! the parallels between him and Bruce!!! it's so good!!!
- Alfred's rougher english accent was an interesting point, and it made me laugh but im not sure how good of a choice it was. Alfred always had that certain degree of class and high level education, does that get lost with the accent?? I'm really not sure
- on the topic of Alfred, I absolutely love how he was able to have a personality!!! like, he was passive aggressive and made snide remarks and had emotions and secrets, which he hasn't gotten in any other movies so im glad to see that aspect of the comics coming through
- the cinematography in this movie was fucking gorgeous, but I think they sacrificed the plot for it? It was a bit difficult to follow at times and the pacing was a little bit strange, but I really liked a lot of scenes and I can't get them out of my head. specifically, the shot of batman leading the gothamites out of the flood like an avenging angel??? incredible
- the fact that there were more shirtless rpats scenes than there were sexy zoe kravitz scenes was kinda funny to me ngl
that's mostly my thoughts!! feel free to reply or reblog with how you guys felt about the movie :D
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sunlight! (for yesterday hehe) 
1. saw my dad and we had lunch at a tea place!! we had hot tea and yum snacks!! the atmosphere of this place is p nice and it’s never too crowded, love
2. watched a bit of ao haru ride before i saw my friends <3
3. got to see my group of friends!! it’s been a while since we all hung out so we it was vvv nice!! it’s always lively when we hang out and i really love that. when we all hang out together, my friend usually drives us in her van and it’s sooo fun!!! i always sit with the same friend and it was really nice to talk to her about things while everyone else is having their own side convos, i don’t know i just really love the loudness that comes with hanging out in a group ! 
!! we had dinner at this thai place i’d never been to and oh my god,,, the restaurant was HUGE i was in awe like i didn’t know it was possible for restaurants to be this big 0: afterwards we went to this . idk how to describe it has a bunchhh of games but it’s not like an arcade??? oh it’s called an amusement store apparently LOL but we first sat and drank a bit (beer is not.... seksi) and talked for a bit which was really nice )): 
after playing some games we went to a fast food place LOL and ordered food to go and sat in the van in their parking lot for like an hour LOL i ended up feeding my friend and omg there was a point where she fed me which took me by surprise and i was just like <3____<3 hello,, how intimate,,, i’ve never been fed before omfg ??? gfdjkghdj but it was really fun to just chill and talk in such a relaxed setting it was really fun <3 
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taetaespeaches · 3 years
I thank God that this white hair hobi is now forever registered in music video form, i am honestly very thankful, red was my fav but..... damn my lord, white hair hobi gets me going, and short hair, in the unboxing video they said hobi was kind of afraid of short hair that's why he always had it quite long but, babe!!! MY LORD you look yummy, bless u
ALSO, speaking of hair i want to say something, i know everyone was 'wow long hair jungkook', and me too of course i'm only human, but this short black emo hair jungkook i'm-
i am in love, i am SO real when i say is my favourite on him, i feel like THAT'S HIM that's fucking jungkook in all his glory with his fake/nonfake piercing and tattoos and fucking attitude, i'm sold boy, take me and do your worst
ALSO LOOK AT YOU MANIFESTING STUFF i srsly gasped when i saw him in front of the washing machines, then the peaches i'm like wHat!
and this past month has been me thinking "yoongi is so sexy" that's it, blonde yoongi and now sort of blue/gray ish yoongi, YES SIR, and i feel like i've seen him more happy? i don't know, look its been just a year and a half of me becoming an army, and i know yoongi is not the cold serious person that he appears and everyone reads, but if i compare old videos to last year videos and then to this year videos, i feel the difference, i see him so happy and more free somehow, i mean the honey boy has been glowing with success after success and it shows, sweet sweet amazing sexy boy i lovE him and i'm whipped
Liv, you did the bra thing and i died, i love everything but the most precious thing was nervous hoseok, like he didn't really say much and i could feel him lmao, Petal is my rock, Petal is love, Petal is badass, come at her Namjoon, if you dare!!!!!
I havent write you a bible in a while, and not a lot happened except that i am becoming more adult, it's annoying, long story short i had to get into a treatment with birth control pills bc my period was like 'NAH, i ain't going down' for almost 4 months and i got hella scared (haha it wasn't even funny the state i was in bc of stress), got blood tested for a million things and turns out only one hormone was the problem so... adulting is HARD, i mean i am thankfull it was only that, but here's a tip, DON'T EVER GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS! that shit says you'll die in 3 days ! But we're okay, a little more poor but we're safe and sound enjoying namjoon's huge arms and pecks :)
and last but not least, slowly but surely i'm gonna start using my other tumblr, and will try my best to make gifs and edits again, OH how i miss my one and only boyfriend *photoshop*, so, someday i will stop sending asks from stainofpaint and annoy you from, *drumroll*: @princehoseok -that's right my lord got his title with me
so that's all for now, i'm at my work and i'm bored as hell but also sleepy, i'm eating breakfast praying the phone doesn't ring
i love you liiiiiiiiiiv, you're a dancing queen btw!!! ♥
HOBI'S HAIR LOOKS SO GOOD!!!! I love the short white hair, like it's hoseok, he looks amazing with any hair but THIS is a fucking look for him. And I have to say, I definitely adore Jungkook's short hair. I was a long hair enthusiast but this short black hair on him is AMAZING!!!!
Lmao I really have been manifesting stuff like wtf?! It's kind of freaking me out hahahaha
I agree, I think yoongi is looking a lot more carefree and happy and I think it's because of his shoulder honestly. I just think not being in pain 24/7 has lifted a weight and he's just like fucking vibing and feeling good now. I LOVE to see it!!!! He was honestly glowing in both the butter and ptd mvs. I just love to see honey boy honey boying.
Ahahaha I'm glad you enjoyed the fic!!! Petal is THAT bitch and we will not be debating that. She's the queen. Period.
Oh gosh that sounds very scary and completely unpleasant :( I'm really happy you got it all figured out!! And that it's not as bad as google made it seem it could be lol. In my case with my diabetes, google was correct :/ lmaoooo
Omg yay that's so exciting!!! I can't wait to see all your gifs and edits!!! It'll be super nice for you to have that creative outlet again! and oof I love that url!
I hope work went on without any phone calls lol. Love you Lyd!! And oh goodness I suppose I am hahaha (that doesn't mean it's good I just.. move lol)
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Omg I forgot to answer earlier 🤡
I don't know enough NCT bsides to form an opinion, maaaaaaybeeeee I'll listen to them one day. I listened to a few from the latest NCT U album, I think I like U's titles the most. I like Next Level much more than Savage, both songs have cool parts like I said they just don't always work together well and I like Savage more when I listen to it on speakers not headphones, lmaooo. But I liked their debut a lot, Black Mamba made me intrigued but then uhmm... did you hear their pre-released track? The song is pretty good but the beginning with yummy and tummy and all the slurping???!!! I'm UNCOMFORTABLE
Someone had a MILF sign at Woosung's concert!? It was great, but the show was so short like only an hour, but he came to my city so I didn't mind
About dark concepts, give me some dark angels, wings etc. Dreamcatcher and Pixy are doing great with the witchy and creepy stuff, now that would make those antis properly scared lolol. And judging by Black Cat Nero Ateez can deliver disturbing shit! I wouldn't mind them going more emo than hard-hitting EDM, but if they do I wanna hear rock or pop punk, something in the style of TXT's releases from last year, because the songs were still hype.
Yeah even my feet hurt during period it's awful. AK... why my first thought was about AK (Kalashnikov) idydisjdhhshs that one would help for sure 😭😭😭😭 for some reason I can't read smut while on my period, because the mood is just not there you know? Like I'm suffering and can't think about sex stuff, because I want my uterus G O N E
Rip, you could've had your Y/N moment 😔 Imo we should we able to hibernate during winter
Well sorry to Y/N's dad but it is what it is, you hired a bodyguard for your daughter and his guarding her body every night 🤗
Accidental murder framing 🤔 I like it but I don't like it...🧍🏼‍♀️
Yes bad girl x bad boy aka the worst people together - the worst in a bastardy way not literally toxic and awful, just dumb sad kids with issues. I can definitely see them in a prestigious school, even uni and everyone's like WHY ARE YOU THERE because they do not study and fail everything lmaoo, but rich parents and parental issues. <3 it would work in a regular school too, but this idea is more angsty because instead of being awful but popular, they could both be outcasts with problems 😩
NOT LIKE A BEAST 😭 because I picture them transforming into the Beat from Beauty and the Beast or some shit 🔫🔫🔫🔫 I know people are into monster-fucking but let's not go there!
Seonghwa's father simp vibes, from the phone conversations and letters I saw from his mum she sounds as sweet as Hwa. But I think my favourite Ateez mother is Wooyoung's, that lady is T I R E D and so funny 😆 I mean she has 3 sons I can't blame her
Imagine if Kboo was like a "proper" newspaper we would come to work, sit at our little cubicle work stations and write about Seonghwa every day 🤡 what a job. I once had an internship at Metro one of UK's trashu newspaper - dark times but I had no choice - and worked as a beta
I didn't wake up specifically for Hwa's live, but I stayed awake for him, hsysiwhdjahaysyqq. I wonder if he would be the same if there weren't thousands of people watching him, we know he can get frustrated and start throwing stuff. He still does that in tiny. But what a saint with great patience, ahhahaha.
ASMR Hwa is good boy x bad girl for sure. Imagine him being the top student, then a new student Y/N arrives and he's like 😍😍😍 I CAN FIX HER, but he would act "tough" to make an impression and fail miserably
I don't know Baek, first try to win over miss Tiny then we can see how it goes... I can't believe I called Seonghwa my son, please let's move on!!!
https://www.instagram.com/p/CeTWiErt7Kf/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 😩❤
- DV 💖
hi hello!!
I don't know enough NCT bsides to form an opinion, maaaaaaybeeeee I'll listen to them one day. I listened to a few from the latest NCT U album, I think I like U's titles the most. I like Next Level much more than Savage, both songs have cool parts like I said they just don't always work together well and I like Savage more when I listen to it on speakers not headphones, lmaooo. But I liked their debut a lot, Black Mamba made me intrigued but then uhmm... did you hear their pre-released track? The song is pretty good but the beginning with yummy and tummy and all the slurping???!!! I'm UNCOMFORTABLE
nct u has some rly good songs! dream also does beat box is rly good but main 127 one are usually a hit or miss for me 😭😭 i rec rainbow by nct dream and magic carpet ride by nct127 so good the nice r&b <33 YEAH DEF NEXT LEVEL WAS A BOP I BE DOING THE DANCE EVERY TWO SECS okay omg black mamba was a lit debut it was debuted when everyone was doing the same things and aespa just shifted it entirely I DID YES THE YUMMY THREW ME OFF BUT THE SONG IS GOOD IM JUST FBWNFH NOT GONNA LISTEN TO IT
Someone had a MILF sign at Woosung's concert!? It was great, but the show was so short like only an hour, but he came to my city so I didn't mind
HRKWHDKWHDWK NO WAY GOTTA GO TO HIS CONCERTS 😭😭 also svt concert, one ticket. $700. one of my friends went to the olivia rodrigo concert here and it was right after the grammy’s and someone had the sign “did v (bts) smell good? <3 <3” SHE NEVER RESPONDED
About dark concepts, give me some dark angels, wings etc. Dreamcatcher and Pixy are doing great with the witchy and creepy stuff, now that would make those antis properly scared lolol. And judging by Black Cat Nero Ateez can deliver disturbing shit! I wouldn't mind them going more emo than hard-hitting EDM, but if they do I wanna hear rock or pop punk, something in the style of TXT's releases from last year, because the songs were still hype.
yes yes give uS THE CULT DO IT GO SO DARK THAT WE CANT BREATHE and pls if the lyrics are like dissing antis >>>>> EXACTLY THEY CAN ABSOLUTELY BEGGING FOR THEM TO DO IT WITH THE CREEPY ASS MUSIC TONE 😮‍💨😩 omg yes txt does some of the best rock in kpop truly so so good !!!!
Yeah even my feet hurt during period it's awful. AK... why my first thought was about AK (Kalashnikov) idydisjdhhshs that one would help for sure 😭😭😭😭 for some reason I can't read smut while on my period, because the mood is just not there you know? Like I'm suffering and can't think about sex stuff, because I want my uterus G O N E
NO WAY???? BESTIE ARE U GOOD DID U GET IT??? 😭😭😭🤚🏼 NO I GET IT SMUT IS THE LAST THING I THINK OF but when its near the end of the cycle im suddenly reading every single one fbsndbd
Rip, you could've had your Y/N moment 😔 Imo we should we able to hibernate during winter
I COULDVE 😭😭😭 SOME RICH SENIOR COULDVE HELPED ME UP 😭😭😭 we absolutely should, we are bears.
Well sorry to Y/N's dad but it is what it is, you hired a bodyguard for your daughter and his guarding her body every night 🤗
THE WAY I SCREAMED AND LAUGHED MY MOUTH WIDE OPEN AND ALL FHWKFJQKDHWKDBWM so true, his absolute fault to put hwa as her guard, absolutely his fault if she starts to like him <33 BFWNBDK its rly crazy writing it bc the tension they have is insane, he cannot absolutely do ANYTHING but she’s like “why are u scared bro go for it!!”
Accidental murder framing 🤔 I like it but I don't like it...🧍🏼‍♀️
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Yes bad girl x bad boy aka the worst people together - the worst in a bastardy way not literally toxic and awful, just dumb sad kids with issues. I can definitely see them in a prestigious school, even uni and everyone's like WHY ARE YOU THERE because they do not study and fail everything lmaoo, but rich parents and parental issues. <3 it would work in a regular school too, but this idea is more angsty because instead of being awful but popular, they could both be outcasts with problems 😩
GIRL U KNOW WHAT I WILL WRITE IT IM RLY AN INTRIGUED BY IT !!! a prestigious school and they’re the outcasts from rich families who expect way to much from them but don’t know what their kids do at school,,, “why tf are u at my hiding place” “you’re at mine” “did u fail again? lol” “didn’t you get a 2/10?” absolutely this, i will absolutely write this. yes yes.
NOT LIKE A BEAST 😭 because I picture them transforming into the Beat from Beauty and the Beast or some shit 🔫🔫🔫🔫 I know people are into monster-fucking but let's not go there!
Seonghwa's father simp vibes, from the phone conversations and letters I saw from his mum she sounds as sweet as Hwa. But I think my favourite Ateez mother is Wooyoung's, that lady is T I R E D and so funny 😆 I mean she has 3 sons I can't blame her
absolutely his father is seonghwa’s idol in romance absolutely omg SHE RLY DOES 😭😭 she seems like she makes those cute little things and doodles and what not and thats where hwa gets it from 😭😭 LMFAOOOO MISS EUNKYUNG BESTIE IS TIRED 3 BOYS AND A HUSBAND GIRLIE WOULD BE SO MF HAPPY WHEN HER KIDS GET MARRIED SO A GIRL COMES IN THE HOUSE 😭😭😭😭 woo and kyungmin def the problem child <3 their house must’ve been so chaotic raising them
Imagine if Kboo was like a "proper" newspaper we would come to work, sit at our little cubicle work stations and write about Seonghwa every day 🤡 what a job. I once had an internship at Metro one of UK's trashu newspaper - dark times but I had no choice - and worked as a beta
u have the coolest jobs ever?????? omg??? NO FR ID COME TO WORK EVERYDAY IF IVE TO WRITE FOR HWA ANYDAY
I didn't wake up specifically for Hwa's live, but I stayed awake for him, hsysiwhdjahaysyqq. I wonder if he would be the same if there weren't thousands of people watching him, we know he can get frustrated and start throwing stuff. He still does that in tiny. But what a saint with great patience, ahhahaha.
“stayed awake for him” the shinestar dedication 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO OH ABSOLUTELY I JUST WANNA SEE HIM LOOSE HIS SHIT COMPLETELY like when he yelled @ hongjoong to “stop it!” in the thanxx concept photos 😩😩😮‍💨
ASMR Hwa is good boy x bad girl for sure. Imagine him being the top student, then a new student Y/N arrives and he's like 😍😍😍 I CAN FIX HER, but he would act "tough" to make an impression and fail miserably
YES ABSOLUTELY !!!! I CAN FIX HER FBWMFJWKB HE’S THE PICK ME FOR HER stop i will write this, he’s to tour her around while she does not rly care but she finds herself caring in the little things he does AND WHEN HE GETS BULLIED (??) IF HE DOES THE WAY SHE WOULD FIGHT HANDS ON ITS ON-SITE and then he patches her wounds ☺️
I don't know Baek, first try to win over miss Tiny then we can see how it goes... I can't believe I called Seonghwa my son, please let's move on!!!
NERD HWA WHEN YOU ASK? NERD HWA WHEN I ASK?! https://www.instagram.com/p/CeTWiErt7Kf/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 😩❤
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i also found a new manhwa and have to share the main lead.
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oldmemz2017 · 7 years
Ship please? Girl or guy from BMC, Hamilton, DEH, Wicked or Heathers. I'm ~5'8, longish brown hair (which I have zero control over, so it ends up in a poorly made bun) all I wear are punny shirts, sweaters, converse and jeans. I like emo music and musicals. I sing and play piano, and people seem to like it?? I like knitting and watching Disney movies. And sewing. My entire basement is a sewing cave. I can speak French. I like science and English creative writing. Pretty much it. Thanks!
IM SORRY I DIDN'T DO THE WICKED ONE I DONT KNOW THE CHARACTERS WELL ENOUGH WLXBELDKWBXWLHDIn BMC, I ship you with JAKE DILLINGER!- Jake thinks you're so tiny and cute oo - also, he's like the jock and you're this cute lil band/musical babe and you guys just look good together - when he heard you play the piano he was shook. After hearing you sing, he was double shook. - "my girlfriend is a musical genius" - DISNEY MOVIE MARATHONS YES - Y E S - usually the whole mt. dew squad comes over lmao - he picks you up and carries you to your class don't ask why lol - you and rich are also like platonically best friends?? Like BRUH?? Rich sometimes comes along if u guys are going to lunch and it's really awesome - he likes your puns lololol - *finger guns*in Hamilton, I ship you with ELIZA SCHUYLER!- she JAMS OUT to your music lol - she practises her french with you and it's really adorable lol - she reads all of your writing and cherishes it - snuggles. - also Peggy & Angelica love u sm so like you're always welcome to the Schuyler household - also she's fascinated by science too ?? - Eliza buys you merch and sometimes dresses hehe - you both go to dances together and just - you both look stunning - lmao she loves your bun In DEH, I ship you with JARED KLEINMAN!!- meme life - at first his displays of affection were sending you memes - and then it went to dating lol - he's a FIRM BELIEVER IN PDA - hugs. kisses. hand holding in public - nobody really cares lol its just ur friendly lil dorks - ur not a dork btw you're amazing - OHMYGOD you guys rant to each other about musicals- honestly Connor ships it - I know. CONNOR MURPHY. - he just does idk man - he braiiids your haaaiiiir - hehhehe - he teases you about being 'emo' sometimes but in reality he loves it - :)in heathers, I ship you with VERONICA SAWYER!- loves your clothing style - omg - she's just awed by you tbh - she actually was the one to tell you she liked you - and acTually took you out on a date - she flips off homophobes - go Veronica - OMG SHE LOVES YOUR SEWING - kisses lol lots of em - you and v sometimes watch horror movies - ITS VERONICAS FAULT TBH- and after that you guys watch Disney movies so ur not scared lol - LABXLWBXK- aaaAAA - also u both are friends w McNamara so y'all hang out with her a lot it's real cute :)
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seokjins · 8 years
what is your magic (witch) au? i'm very curious please tell me more..
anon THANK U FOR ASKING omg i’m so excited abt this au!! these are just character descriptions bc i don’t have a plot yet (or a plan to actually write this out lol), but these are all the hc’s i have
namjoon + yoongi
they’re both witches! their official designations are music makers bc they’re able to conjure stronger spells using …. music …. lol. i haven’t exactly figured out how that piece relates to their magic in particular (do they compose pieces that become the spells themselves? do they get a power boost via certain songs?), but i still really like the idea that they’re able to draw magic from music u know ?? just bc namjoon + yoongi both produce a lot of stuff for bangtan irl ;;______;; makes me real emo it does
they are incredibly powerful, the kind that goes down in myths and stories and fairytales when they set their minds to it. they can raze entire kingdoms and set the the forests on fire and kill a thousand soldiers w/o even lifting a finger, or so the legends say ,, but they mostly bitch at each other and ride their stupid enchanted broomsticks everywhere bc they’re too lazy to enchant a chair and it’s funny to see monarchs shit themselves when they pass overhead their castles lol
is a shapeshifter with magical inclinations! this means he’s not gonna be as powerful as sugamon, but he doesn’t have to make his bed or cut up the carrots or clean his house or wait for water to boil and can heal minor wounds :0
i was gonna be like “he can transform into a bunny!!” lol but nah he’s a wolf you gotta go big or go home right??
he’s got enhanced senses like sight, for example. sight, smell, hearing are probably the most noticeable for him, but he’s also unusually agile, so he can jump walls and climb houses and travel via roof hopping if he so wishes. transformations are whenever and wherever he feels the need !!! sugamon’s been training him in some potion making, since that’s less of a magical art and more of a physical one, and he’s been doing well !!
he’s a mermaid ,,, IM SORRY HOLD ON HEAR ME OUT OK IT’S NOT AS BAD AS IT SEEMS ,, he lives in the river and chills by the lake but can also handle saltwater for a couple weeks before he needs to go back to his regular abode,,, he’s able to walk on land, but he hates having legs since swimming is much faster tbh
he’s got the prettiest chrome tail and creepy ass gills on the side of his neck and his teeth are all pointed (think ..vampire Extreme) and he’s got that second eyelid film that scares people who meet him for the first time ??? + his skin always has a slightly blue tinge underneath it. he’s also got sharp ass scales down the backside of his arm that will draw blood upon contact, his elbows have smth that protrudes out of it (think the top crest of an angelfish, but weapon-grade), and he’s able to produce a note high enough & loud enough to shatter eardrums within a 0.25mile radius :^))
he’s small in human form, so lots of people try to take advantage of him bc he has a sweet smile, but he’ll still have it on when he kills u ,,, so. ur gamble my friends
ah yes our resident pixie :^)) he’s got huge ass dragonfly wings and hair that changes color with the season and one of the brightest smiles in the entire world !!!!! literally part of his defense mechanism is that he’s able to blind people w just a Look ok his eyes turn gold and his skin starts glowing and before u know it,, you’ve literally been murdered by sheer beauty
he flies around everywhere ???? (walking is for mortals lmao) and is a nature based sprite, which means he spends a lot of time tending to gardens and wildlife, helping flowers and trees and plants grow !! he’s honestly not that scary, but when provoked - his internal temperature rises to above 500K, which means he’s literally walking on smoldering ground like the devil himself and one touch will send anyone up in flames !!!!! aka the reason he Glows lol
ONE OF MY FAVES omg HE IS 100%  A FAIRY but not the one from disney stories Oh No he is beautiful as fuck w his huge ass butterfly wings (he flies around with taehyung) and they’re pink and silver and elegant as hell?????? he sings a lot and is generally very dorky, incredibly kind, likes to cook, has residual magic but isn’t able to wield it in a free format like sugamon & jungkook - it’s all an extension of his magical self
he’s  a fairy, but a fairy that’s a pseudo siren..he lures bandits/thieves/criminals/etc through the forest w his pretty voice & pretty face & when they’ve got nowhere to go, he turns on them & kills them dead lol. his eyes go completely red and his face turns dark and his nails become claws and his teeth sharpen out at the ends (not so much as jimin’s mermaid ones tho) and the last thing they do is shit their pants and scream???? literally (╥_╥) he’s terrifying as hell never get on his bad side y’all don’t want him to come after you
last but not least: hobi is a sylph !!!! he works the summer winds most of the time, but he also dabbles w the other seasons too, really depends. he hasn’t got wings like taehyung or seokjin, but he can fly, so it’s a common occurrence for the three of them to go out together,,
he’s very sunshine/sweet/kind, but he’s prone to mood swings as the weather changes. he’s also incredibly, uncomfortably straightforward, not in the way that yoongi is, but the kind where he calls you out for something big with a smile on his face??and u can’t exactly tell howhe feels about you??the free wind spirit is really evident in his personality lol.
he also gets really scary when storms are around the corner bc his hair changes depending on weather, so it usually goes silver or black and his lips turn blue and the veins start pooling under his skin and he looks incredibly dead but his eyes are an unsettling shade of milky white and he’s very spaced out??? then before u know it he’s gone and ur running for your lives lol
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dvddggs · 8 years
My favourite thing to do when I'm bored is to scroll through your blog just before you drop a chapter. It's ALWAYS hilarious! Especially this time. I'm kinda scared tho, cause I haven't read 23 yet, and the anons are freaking me out
read ittttttt!!! and omg i know i love the anons seriously u all make me smile so mucj sorry i m emo
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