#Omg just realized only half the text was attached
dadrockconfessions · 1 year
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peppertoastuniverse · 18 days
more than a late night snack – gojo satoru chapter 5: mandarin
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contents: gojo Satoru x reader, FLUFF , satoru being a little shit, 2 idiots summary: when you consistently ignore gojo’s frequent texts to hang out, he takes matters into his own hands wc: 3.2k
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“whoa, didn’t expect you to fall for me like this,” he says, feeling his laughter through his chest, breathing life into the dark corners of your cavity. it was too much. he was always too much. regaining your senses, you squawk out of embarrassment, concrete realization of where you were in the form of his thumb moving back and forth on your side, a half hearted attempt to soothe you. self consciousness fuelling your uncoordinated limbs you scramble to separate yourself from him.
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ding. ding.  it only took two impatient sounds to disturb your peace. slightly groaning as you hear the echoing source of your current pain: your phone. ever since gojo got a hold of your number it like was like his grating voice was constantly in your head. he constantly texted you, blowing up your phone about anything and everything. from what he swore was the best daifuku in Tokyo he discovered last week, or complaining about how unfair it was that ieri kicked him out of her room again or sending you photos of him post mission, peace signs prominent with a cheery grin while geto was in the background back turned, hunched over presumably throwing up from a particular nasty curse he had to ingest - gojo never failed to message you.
for the most part you didn’t respond to gojo’s constant messages, but that didn’t deter him, if anything it prompted him to text you even more. in your eyes, it was only a matter of time before he would get tired of you - you were just waiting for him to realise what you knew was going to happen. it was a reason why you kept your walls so high, you enjoyed the safety and predictability of the darkness and satoru gojo was too bright.
turning back to your desk you pick up your discarded pen, twirling it in your hands absentmindedly. how long have you been at this?  probably 3 hours at least. you quickly skim through his messages while you regather your papers together.
gojo: hehe look at this (2:13pm) [image] (2:13pm)
you open the attachment begrudgingly, the unopened image taunting you, peaking your curiosity. it was a blurry photo of an annoyed geto, mouth open probably cussing gojo out, violet eyes flashing in warning looking beyond the camera with his arms attempting to grab the phone from him. his dark bangs frame his face as usual but the rest of his dark hair was pulled into two high messy pigtails. snorting in amusement, you download the image - ah a new treasure. sometimes gojo could be useful. you return to the message thread, seeing a flow of multiple messages.
gojo: bbbbbb <3 (4:03pm) im booooored booooooooooored lets hangggg (6:04pm) lets do something rn (6:10pm) omg when r u gna stop ignoring me lol (6:20pm) (◞‸◟;) stoppp (6:21pm) how come u never answer me "( – ⌓ – ) (6:22pm) not cool b (6:25pm)
you easily silence your phone before hastily typing in a message to appease him.
you: busy (6:40pm)
gojo: (ᴗ_ ᴗ。) busy??? the whole day?! (6:40pm) busy with what (6:41pm) with whaaaat bbb ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) (6:43pm)
you don’t bother answering him, instead choosing to ignore him for what seemed to be the millionth time . you really had to get this done – not that you wanted to hang out with gojo anyway. discarding your phone on your bedside table, you groan when you make your return to your desk. this was the worst part about being a sorcerer : the paperwork. you’ve put off the reports for the last 4 missions that you went on, plus you had to do the rest of your homework. you palm your temple with a sigh of anticipation in what surely was going to be a long night.
and then you hear it; a whine of your name beyond your door paired knocking on your door to an uneven rhythm. ughh. you could just imagine the overly dramatic pout on his face.
as to appease the assault that your door was taking, you opened the opposing barrier with a scowl on your face.
“how come you don’t answer my messages?” gojo immediately whines the minute he sees you.
“I told you, I’m busy!”
“but we’re friends! you answer suguru and shoko!”
“yeah because they don’t message me every 2 seconds – my phone is usually on silent anyway, so I forget to check.”
“ughhh… sooooo, can we hang out now?” he gripes, lowering his dark glasses, showing the crocodile tears dancing on his waterline.
“...i have all this paperwork to do, gojo.” you say opening your door wider, gesturing to your messy desk.
he sighs exasperate throwing his hands in the air. “…fine.” pout on full view he turns his firm back, not sparing you a second glance retreating into his room next to yours.
huh. that was easy. part of you felt validated in his easy retreat, it was something that you were used to, something expected – even from the strongest.
you settle back in to your desk, cursing your past self for putting this off for so long.
okay, okay, where were you? concentrate. ughhhh … what happened in nagasaki again? oh right it was that stupid scissor curse that cut you up pretty badly – not your best moment. geto really saved your ass back there with rainbow dragon. he ended up swallowing the curse later and annoyingly scolded you. but he also complained -
“babe!! i'm hooooomeeee!” the door handle rustles before abruptly opening, a mop of tousled white hair, barges into your room with no warning. your wide eyes narrow at the annoyance. waltzing in with a pep in his step, obnoxiously swinging a plastic bag filled to the brim of multiple cakes, sweets and sugary drinks was gojo with an aggravating smirk. you stare at him, hoping your heated glance would melt his grinning face off.
“don't give me that face, grumpy! i got ya some concentration snackies - aren't you glad i thought of you, huh? im such a good friend.” poking your shoulder in greeting ignoring your exasperated pout.
“no one appreciates me here! i'm more than just a pretty face, y'know.” gojo responds to your silence with a dramatic sigh. he settles the bulging bag on the floor he tosses his too long body onto your bed, jostling the soft pillows. you tsk in disapproval.
cooing as he spots Bun Bun peacefully resting on the middle of your bed, you watch as gojo's long limbs dramatically flail to pick up the pink bunny stuffie. “hey, lil’ guy,” he whispers, his slender nose nuzzling Bun Bun's plush cheeks, “i know, I know, babe’s not being fun again. yeah i know, i told her don't worry.” turning his head to meet your incredulous glare. your eye begins to twitch in annoyance, "that's not what he's saying!"
“uh huh, you're just jealous of our bond." he scrunches up his nose at you, " y’knowww you’re gonna get wrinkles early if you keep frowning so much!” gojo practically sings from your bed, infinity easily going up as you launch an eraser at him angrily. he snickers before settling on his side, moving Bun Bun lovingly to share the same pillow as him.
ignoring gojo was no easy feat, but luckily you were very experienced in that field. returning to your work on your desk, you bite your tongue with the urge to cuss him out. you wheel your chair around to fully ignore his distracting presence.
he always took up too much space, his very energy making it hard to focus.
resting your head on your palm, you prop your head up attempting get back into the zone of concentration.
alright, nagasaki. you smirk as you remember how geto complained how terrible it tasted and how amazing that ramen was that you and geto had after. he was worried about your shallow wounds despite your constant reassurance that you were fine, ugh suguru was way too considerate. you pretty much had to beg him to go get some food, you remember how you grinned self righteously as you watched his hesitation disappear the minute he tasted the broth. you had a suspicion it was partly because the curse tasted so bad. but that didn't stop geto from carrying you back on rainbow dragon despite your fear of heights. you wince as you remember ieri smacking you and geto when you got back because she was so pissed when you didn't return straight away with all of those cuts – 
“whatcha doing?” you feel gojo's warm breath in your ear, the action making you shudder at the intrusion.
abruptly you turn your head to see gojo’s face right next to yours over your shoulder, nose daring to brushing his smooth cheek.
yelping loudly, you jerk to the side causing you to fall off your chair in a fright. you hear gojo’s amused snort as you close your eyes waiting to hit the ground but … it never came.
warm arms lightly grip your abdomen preventing you from hitting the ground, you feel gojo’s firm chest behind your back as you sit clumsily in his lap, legs swung over to his left side. his skin was warm and soft, invading your senses with his familiar scent. the weight of his body against yours felt foreignly comforting. engulfing your already panicked state in a new level of unease, you weren't completely sure if you enjoyed his warmth or resented him for making you question it. you unconsciously settle your hand on his forearm against your stomach finding an overwhelming needing to ground yourself. you hoped that he couldn’t feel your loudly beating heart through your chest, or that his six eyes couldn't see the deeply buried holes in your heart. “whoa, didn’t expect you to fall for me like this,” he says, feeling his laughter through his chest, breathing life into the dark corners of your cavity.
it was too much. he was always too much.
regaining your senses, you squawk out of embarrassment, concrete realization of where you were in the form of his thumb moving back and forth on your side, a half hearted attempt to soothe you. self consciousness fuelling your uncoordinated limbs you scramble to separate yourself from him.
“ompff – uhh – careful where you're – ompff –  stepping, babe!” he stutters quickly, worry and slight panic tinging his voice. his body attempting to shift with your fussing to neutralize your erratic momovements, “look, I don’t give a fuck – oh geez – but the clan still wants an heir so – please be careful“ a large hand goes to still your shin.  
an heir? does he mean – oh. OH. in a panic you finally manage to slide down onto to the floor legs still draped over his thighs.
“d-don’t you have anything better to do?!” you deflect refusing to look him. crossing your arms across your chest, trying to distract yourself form thinking about gojo in that way.
gojo’s eyes widen. whoa, what's with that expression? this was ... new. he couldn’t help but notice how your face flushed, the heat gradually spreading to the tips of your ears, down your the column of your pretty throat...
“you would know if you checked your messages!” he huffs ignoring the way his ears turn pink, “we’re gonna hang out when you're done.”
when did you agree to this? ­­
"who decided that?" you said fighting the blush you knew decorated your face, face full of defiance.
he whines your name, “c'mon!!”
“ugh, I still have to do the stupid paperwork! i’ve put it off too long.” you groan flopping on the ground, using your hands to rub your eyes. truth be told, gojo being in your room felt almost suffocating. the air felt too stifling, like you were backed into a corner forced to always playing defence with the strongest. and you didn't want to play his stupid games.
breathing softly you watch as the growing shadows on the your ceiling frame your nagging restlessness to get work done.  gojo’s face popping into your view.
“why don’t you take a break? you’ve been working hard for hours – let’s have some snacks!” he adds, attempting to sweeten the deal. you shrug noncommittally, you just wanted to be free of that stupid paperwork. you hear the rustling of a plastic bag, as he digs through his haul, mumbling to himself, "not this.. ugh not this one either, hmm, that's definitely mine .. oh fuck i forgot i bought this heh.. where is it? i just..."
“m’ not in the mood for sweets, go–“
“i got you – I knew you’d want something boring!” you hear him rustling deeper into the plastic bag. you smell a burst of citrus. his grin comes into view again while he roughly shoves a few segments of a mandarin into your mouth, forcing the rest of the peeled fruit into your hand.
“mph! dude– “ you quickly chew the segment in surprise, mouth bursting with the refreshing juice, the orange’s soft flesh tangy and slightly sweet. “… huh. thanks.”
gojo hums victoriously, falling on his back beside you, legs bent, foot tapping out a rhythm.
you split your remaining mandarin in half, feeling for the larger portion and passing it in gojo’s surprised hands. slender fingers briefly mingling with each other, electricity brewing between them. you retreat your hands quickly, purposely ignoring his lingering fingers.
if he notices, gojo makes no mention of it as he popping the whole mandarin in his mouth.
“so, why was suguru’s hair in pigtails?” you ask, amused smile growing on your face from the memory of geto’s disturbed expression. chewing on another segment, you could easily imagine geto's loud grumble and exasperation that you frequently heard when gojo was around him.
gojo barks out a laugh, half chewed mandarin still in his mouth. “idiot fell asleep in the common room and y’know… anything is fair game there,” he says shifting slightly to look at you.
“oh god. pff, yeah honestly he had it coming. poor suguru though, he’s been so busy lately, must've been exhausted… i’m surprised he didn’t murder you.”
“oh he tried, he summoned 3 curses,” gojo snickers, pushing his dark glasses up.
“… next time we should do space buns,” you grin mischievously.
“oh fuck that’s a great idea!” he shouts, repeatedly tapping the ground in excitement, matching grin on his face. gojo was practically vibrating with mischief, inching closer to you on the ground.
you couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. often times gojo reminded you of an overly excitable puppy, constantly wagging his tail, begging for attention. usually you'd get the puppy who would become your shadow, whining constantly for a walk and would harness their chaotic energy to trash a room just because. there's a reason why you were a cat person.
“but oh my goddd, have you touched his hair, babe? it’s so fucking soft? i don’t understand what he does but -" you watched gojo talk animatedly. his mouth dressed up in a boyish gin, pearly teeth on full display, emphasizing the dimple on his left side, embellishing the joy he was radiating. it was times like these where you were strangely more aware that satoru gojo was handsome. the soft slope of his cupid’s bow that lead to delicate lips, the slant of his slender nose, his soft cheeks -
you shake your head. god, he was so distracting. he was so annoying.
“ - hey? did ya hear me?” gojo asks, poking your cheek. you share back at him blindly, hoping he didn’t catch you staring. "huh?" stretching slightly you shift on to your side, curling your knees together so they almost touch his thighs. "what were you saying?"
“I said, I got you something!” not even bothering to hid his annoyed glare. he props himself up with his hand supporting his head, turning fully to you, mirroring your body. reaching into his back pocket, he takes out a silver phone charm. delicate and elegant, the neat row of varying silver and black beads strung on a intricate chain complimented the silver star at the end.
you blink at him. “wait- for me?” your eyes dart between the phone charm and his expectant smile.
“duh! it’s for your phone! so whenever you see it, it’ll remind you to answer my messages.” he jingles the keychain, waiting for you to take it.
you stare at him, a hidden expression on your face that he couldn’t decipher.
“man, I gotta do everything here, eh?” gojo pouts, rolling his eyes. he gracefully rolls over to reach for your phone on your bed side table with a sigh. plopping back down on his side, he loops the charm on to your phone grinning triumphantly.
“hehe, look, babe – now we have matching ones!!” he takes out his own phone to show you the same silver keychain on his phone. gojo hands you your phone back, immediately you admire the way the way the keychain captures the dim light of your bedside table. pretty. although gojo’s antics were dramatic and sometimes downright irritating, his constant effort to get to know you despite your adamant refusal was … endearing. you noticed that he was generous, not only constantly buying you, ieri and geto snacks or meals without prompting but generous in his time, annoyingly checking up on you when he didn't see you for a few hours. you had to admit that he did put up a good fight to your frank rebuffs. he noticed a lot more than you gave him credit for, he cared for his friends in his own way but fierce so. despite his arrogant and brash behaviour maybe, just maybe, he could be someone you could talk to once in a while, someone you could let in just a little bit. it wouldnt hurt to be on friendlier terms, right?
“… thanks gojo.” you say smiling in realization as you fiddle with the star of the keychain, unable to look at him.
something in gojo’s stomach flutters, not expecting your bashful demeanour. if you smiled at him like that, he think might collapse. he wasn’t even really sure what he did that granted him the privilege to see your smile, a genuine one - it was just a little trinket, an inexpensive thing he picked up because he was tired of radio silence from you. he smiled thinking about your reaction of something else, perhaps if he got you those specific chips that he noticed that you liked that were notorious for being be sold out at the convenience store or maybe a scarf since you always seemed to be cold or, or maybe even a necklace with his initials -
“… hey? gojo?" you ask softly.
"yes, my grumpy lil prince–" "shut up, before i take back what i'm going to say, idiot." you scoff, your dead pan glare, effectively doing the impossible in shutting up gojo. you sigh. god, were you going to regret this decision? "... if you give me like 2 hours in silence.." you palm your forehead, wondering if you've gone absolutely insane.
".... maybe we could watch a movie or something after?” you force out softly.
gojo smiles widely, almost bouncing up and down as he gets up from the floor, offering you a hand to help you up. you stare at his out stretched hand suspiciously.
“well, the sooner you get started the sooner we can watch!!”
hesitantly you accept his hand and his help. it was a strange feeling, one that you weren’t sure yet that you liked yet. you quickly sever the contact, dropping his hand immediately, not wanting to get used to this new sensation. you huff , moving towards your desk, reshuffling the papers with renewed energy.
turning around to face him, voice authoritative with warning, you meet his covered eyes “when I mean silence though gojo, I mean absolute silence.” he nods, looking back at you, he uses his slender pointer finger and thumb to zip his mouth, and toss away the key behind him, a promise in his bright eyes behind his dark glasses.
gojo resettles on your bed, with a triumphant sigh. he makes a point to grab Bun Bun to lay on his chest as he takes out his phone to play some games, his silver phone charm dancing in the light. you turn around, hands itching to finally get some work done, concentrating on summarizing the straight forward mission in hamura. an unusual silence aids the scratching of your pen on paper, propelling your rapid thoughts. but after 20 minutes of working, you hesitantly clear your throat, turning back to take a peek at gojo, his eyebrow quirked.
“… so, uh what movies are playing right now?”
you can hear the joy in his voice when he starts to weigh your options, even asking Bun Bun for his opinions and occasionally spoiling the plots for other options. With a soft grin, you found that this time you didn’t mind the chatter... or the company.
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a/n: he just wants to spend time with you ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。) --
head image credit: Itadakimasu dividers from: @/adornedwithlight
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foodieforthoughts · 4 years
Hello love! I have this scenario stuck in my head:
Walter hurts his right shoulder quite badly when solving a case (or slipping on ice 🤔)which leaves him imobile to his dominant arm. Being the stubborn man he is, he releases himself from the hospital and back at home has to release that he alone struggles with the simplest tasks. Due to the time of night or a snowstorm outside the only one left to ask for help is that new annoying neighbour (there's the trope I guess)... might lead to a number of embaressing (and hot?) situations...
Wherever that came from... never mind my weird brain 🙈... does that maybe, possibly strike your muse?
Omg. 🤭 Thank you for the request @omgkatinka I tried to make it fluffy and funny, but I'm in a Walter mood lately and it did end up with a hint of smut, so here it goes.
Warnings: slight description of shoulder injury, a little bit of angst, fluff, description of male masturbation
*divider by @firefly-graphics
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Title: Helping hand
Walter groaned when he turned on his side, half asleep and in a lot of pain. His shoulder throbbed like a thousand needles pricked him at the same time, shooting a blinding pain up to his fingers.
"Fuck!" He cursed at himself, rolling onto his back and trying to breathe through his agony. He clutched his sore shoulder with his hand, gently soothing the bandages and blinking through the tears that had sprung at the corners of his eyes.
Walter had hurt his shoulder while on a mission to catch hold of a guy involved in human trafficking. They had chased the culprit through the abandoned factory, barely losing him through the maze of metal staircases when Walter had lunged at the man, tackling him to the floor. But the rusty old work bridge had crumbled under the force, bringing both men crashing down to the ground with metal pieces and debris. Luckily for them they weren't harmed in a life threatening manner, but Walter's shoulder had dislocated, resulting in a torn labrum requiring surgery.
"Fuck this shit." Walter had told himself while lying in his hospital bed on the third day post surgery, pressing the call button for the nurse. He had gruffly told the pale, scared woman that he wanted to go home and he was feeling fine. After arguing with the doctor about his health, Walter had self discharged himself against medical advice.
He thought he had made a wise choice coming home, but he knew he was stupid to think he could make it on his own.
Sitting up on the bed and grabbing the strap of the arm sling, Walter groaned. With his dominant hand rendered useless for the time being, Walter had a lot of trouble with his daily activities. Faye and Angie were in California visiting her parents, leaving him no one to call for help for the past weeks.
He made his way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when he saw the heavy blanket of snow outside. Checking his watch, he gathered it was only four pm and yet it was almost dark with snow still falling steadily. Walter had taken his pain meds and a sleeping pill when he had awoken in the middle of the night, and had effectively knocked himself out for a good twelve hour sleep. With that realization, his stomach growled indicating his missed meals for the day.
Looking around at the kitchen, Walter groaned when he saw the empty takeout boxes and the overflowing trash can. Injury had left him disorganised, making him live like a junkie. He couldn't even remember the last time he had taken a decent shower, sniffing the air as he could smell his own body odour. He was about to grab a trash bag from the counter and try to clean, when his doorbell rang.
Walter groaned, again. He had an inkling it was her. His chirpy neighbor who was the only one who showed up to help him every other day. She was annoying in the beginning, trying to start up conversations when all he wanted to do was sulk. But he had warmed up to her, still keeping her at an arm's length, but allowing her to assist him from time to time. When he opened the front door, there she was, looking adorable covered in cozy woollen attire from head to toe, a cute beanie over her hair, carrying a big lunch box in her gloved hands. She smiled at him, shivering with the cold winds until he moved to the side to let her in.
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You could never believe how intimidating Walter had seemed to you only a couple of weeks ago. He would always throw a curt nod at you when you would greet him from your door if you ever happened to cross paths, never smiling or staying for a chat. You had gathered from the other neighbors that he was a cop, Detective Walter Marshall, kind of a loner and always grumpy. There was no denying your attraction to him, his scruffy beard and thick curls always left your fingers itching to touch them, with his accent being a major plus point. But he would never give you a chance to strike up a decent conversation.
It was all fun and games, you liked the chase, even if you were the one doing all the chasing. Seemed like a conquest for you but when his car was missing from his parking spot for days on end, you began worrying about him. Then one fine day, you spotted him out in the curb, trying to open the trash bin with one hand while the other was hanging in a sling. You had walked up to him, out of concern when Walter had turned around to go back inside slipping on the ice, only for you to grab a hold of him trying to break his fall but instead tumbling to the cold ground with him on top of you. He had apologized profusely, wincing in pain as he moved and letting you help him stand up.
From that day onwards, you always made it a point to stop by his house atleast once. It helped that Walter never complained.
"I had made lasagna. Did you have lunch?" You asked, taking off your beanie to hang on the hook and leaving your boots by the door. You felt Walter's looming figure follow you as you made your way to the kitchen. Taking in the surrounding, you nodded to yourself, your question answered without Walter having to utter a word. "Very well, why don't you sit at the table and I'll serve you the food?"
You tried to grab clean plates and spoons, frowning at the dirty dishes from last night, but you didn't blame him. It was only so much he could do with one hand.
"Did you have a good night's sleep?" You asked, trying to strike up a conversation with the Detective.
"No. I took sleeping pills."
Placing the plate of food in front of him, you narrowed your eyes at him. "Don't get too attached to those meds though." You handed him the spoon and fork, before getting to clean his kitchen.
"You don't have to do that." Walter protested from his place at the table, almost about to stand up. "I was about to clean around the house."
"With one hand? Come on, Detective Walter, you know better than that. And I don't mind, I was holed up at my house since morning anyway, this atleast gives me a chance to do something." You winked at him, grabbing the empty bottles of water and shoving them in the trash bag. By the time Walter had finished his meal, you had cleaned the kitchen with only the dishes to spare.
"Let me get those." Walter tried to reach for the soap but you were fast enough to grab it first.
"Go rest, I can handle this." You nudged him playfully with your hip. You could not believe your eyes when you saw Walter smile. "Wow! Look at that! I am being graced with a smile."
Rolling his eyes at you, Walter stayed put at his place, handing you the plates one by one. You insisted for him to rest, but he denied each of your requests. You were just about done loading up the dishes in the dishwasher when your phone rang from it's place in the purse that was hanging on the hook.
"I'll put them in the rack, go." Walter assured you with another smile. You nodded at him, handing the gloves and walking out the kitchen. You were texting back your mom, when you heard the Detective cuss loudly, followed by falling and breaking of plates. You hurried inside to find Walter drenched with soapy water and the broken pieces of ceramic and glass on the floor.
"I'm done with this!" He shouted, trying to pry open the velcro of his sling in anger. The edge of his shirt dripped water on the floor with a stream travelling down from the front of his pants.
"Hey, hey." You rushed to him, carefully maneuvering away from the plates, and caught hold of his hands. "It's okay. It happens. Why don't you go change and I'll clean here." You didn't back down when he stared at you, not moving and not giving up. But a silent moment passed and he left for his bedroom without a word.
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You walked towards Walter’s bedroom, the silence of the house only disturbed by the whistling winds of the oncoming storm outside. It was late in the night when you had gotten the chance to pay the ailing Detective a visit. With freshly baked cookies in a box, you had knocked at his door only to be left standing out in the cold. He had handed you a spare key for emergencies as the storm warning approached which you never used until today.
When you reached the door to his bedroom, you stopped in your tracks hearing muffled grunts from the other side. The door was slightly cracked open, faint light seeping out to the the hallway. You peered through the gap only to gape at the sight.
The other day when Walter had spilled water over his front and gone to change, you had followed him after hearing him cursing at himself. He had a hard time taking off the wet clothes, making him angrier by the minute. You had helped him then, only to be left mesmerized by his body as your nimble fingers had brushed over his skin.
Walter had his eyes closed, his arm in the sling and resting on his naked chest and pillows with a sheet covering his lower half. His other hand was under the cover, moving up and down as he pleasured himself. You felt your cheeks warm, spreading down to your chest and the tip of your ears as you watched him in his private moment, wanting to turn and run away but failing to do so.
You weren't going to ask him, but you could swear a long moment of sparks had passed between the two of you. Your dreams now featured vivid fantasies with Walter, leaving you in a daze for the rest of the day.
As much as you wanted to stare at his heaving chest, listen to his melodious moans and trace his sweat sheened face with your gaze; this felt like a rude invasion of privacy. You were about to turn on your heels when you heard the whisper of your name rolling out of his lips. Whipping your head to see if you had been caught red handed, you were left baffled to find Walter's eyes closed, unaware of your presence and repeating your name like a mantra while he pumped his length.
You had no idea what got into you, but the urge to be with the man you had been lusting over was so strong, you pushed the door open with heated cheeks and a trembling core. Walter's eyes shot open, widening as he took in your presence, scrambling to hide himself underneath the sheets.
"Wh-what are you-?" He stammered, a rosy pink tint appearing on his flushed skin.
You did not answer him, choosing to close the distance between the two of you instead. You crouched down next to his side of the bed, placing your hand on his scruffy cheek. His pupils were blown wide, lips parted as he struggled to regain his breath and rendered speechless at the debacle. You waited for him to object to your advances, watching as he wet his lips with his tongue before leaning to kiss him. Walter remained frozen for a long second, until he moved his lips along with yours.
Breaking away from the kiss, you smiled at him, a hand creeping to his member that twitched in response. "Do you need a hand?" You asked, smirking as Walter could only nod before you pulled the sheet away from his body.
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qitwrites · 3 years
a numbers game 
Fandom: BNHA 
Pairing: Kiribaku 
Bakugou knows his personality and general rage-filled disposition towards everything, in general, isn’t winning him any favours, but the texts have made him contemplate just how shitty he must’ve been in a past life to deserve a fate like this.
Because no one - and Bakugou knows such assholes as Monoma - but no one deserves to be on the receiving end of unsolicited dick pics. From random numbers. At all times of the day. For the last 3ish months.
“I am going to throw my phone out the fucking window, I swear on all that is good and pure, fucking bull-“
“More dick pics?” Camie interrupts with a wide grin, plucking the phone out of Bakugou’s hand.
“What the fuck else?” Bakugou snaps, trying to pull his phone back in vain. Camie holds it just out of reach, eyeing the disgusting penis with a critical stare.
"Hmm,” she says, passing the phone back to him before taking a sip of her terrible grass juice that smells like a badly mowed golf course, “the lighting is bad and he hasn’t done like, any grooming at all. 3/10.”
“You’re being generous,” Bakugou huffs, deleting the picture immediately and swallowing the still raging urge to fling his phone at the nearest wall. “It’s unsolicited. And his fingernails are fucking filthy. -100/10.”
Camie rolls her eyes. “You’re being dramatic again Kitkat.”
Bakugou counts to 10 in his head, tries to find that last shred of patience he knows is somewhere deep in his dark pit of a soul and breathes out in a rush.
“I need to fucking figure this out before I actually lose it and track down one of these fuckers and choke the life out of them.”
Because here’s the thing- Bakugou has been receiving dick pics and dirty text messages like hi bby want sex? and imma dick you down gud boo – he’s positively swooning, what a lovely way to be wooed – and he has no idea how to stop it. Yes, he could cancel his number and get a new one, but all of his bank details are linked to this one. He’s had it since he first got a phone in middle school, and now all of his documents are attached to the damn thing. The very idea of going to the banks and the DMV and every other stupid establishment to get it changed makes him grimace hard enough that he decides to bear with it.
Except, every time he receives one of these horrible pictures, his urge to blow up the phone, nay, the entire world, simmers at dangerous levels.
“Cool it kitkat,” Camie croons, giving his forearm a squeeze, “you’re making your homicidal face. That cannot be good for wrinkles.”
“Like I give a fuck,” Bakugou grunts, flinging his phone away carelessly and watching it skitter around on the kitchen counter before halting dangerously close to the edge. “I just want it to stop.”
Camie puts her atrocity for a drink down and pulls the fridge open, rummaging around as she says, “I have a theory about all this.” She pulls out a jar of jalapenos and places it in front of Bakugou. The blonde yanks a fork out of the admittedly cute utensil bucket in the middle of their counter before snapping the lid off and spearing a good 3 pieces in one go. He chews on them slowly and directs a raised brow at Camie.
“Well,” she muses, picking her drink back up, “as a woman that receives a LOT of numbers from guys and gals and non-binary folks alike-“ Bakugou makes it a point to roll his eyes hard enough to knock his head back; Camie’s laughter is loud and boisterous “- I have a tactic for when I don’t know how to say no and don’t want to give my digits.”
Bakugou has another forkful of jalapenos in his mouth when he narrows his eyes at her.
Camie shrugs, “I usually change the very last digit of my number. Works like a charm. I never meet the person again, and they can’t contact me. Win-win.”
“Win-win my ass,” Bakugou seethes. “Do I look like I’m winning right now? I am this fucking close to killing someone, because of stupid tactics like yours.”
Camie finishes the last of her drink, and speaks around her straw, “You say that, but do you know how many people, and especially dudes, don’t take no for an answer? The only reason I give out any digits at all is when I can’t guarantee my safety. I know it’s not like, the perfect solution or anything, but I’m giving you facts right now.”
And Bakugou does, in fact, know that. He’s met those pushy assholes- people that don’t back down, people that don’t take no at face value, people that push and prod and get up in his space. It pisses him off to absolutely no end.
“Whatever,” he concedes. He spears another forkful of jalapenos before grumbling, “So, what the fuck do I do?”
Camie grins, minx like. “Why don’t you text the number one ahead and one behind your own and ask? I mean, in the best-case scenario you figure it out and get it all to stop, in the worst case, you get to yell at like random people. Isn’t that your second favourite pastime, right after yelling at that pigeon outside our balcony, the one with an agenda?”
“Don’t talk about that fucking pigeon,” Bakugou fumes, “fucking piece of shit bird and those dark, robotic eyes. Something is up with that; you can’t convince me otherwise.” He mulls over the rest of her suggestion before relenting, “Well, I guess I could spare a moment to yell at the fucking extras giving out my number to perverts with no manners and gross penises.”
“I find it so funny when you say the word manners,” Camie says as she walks to her room, “It’s almost like you know what it means!”
She isn’t even looking at him, but she manages to dodge the jalapeno that sails at her head. It hits the wall with a sick squelch, and when Bakugou hears Camie’s door shut, he drops his head on the counter with a loud, resounding thunk and muffles a scream into the marble.
  He forgets to send out those texts, and when he receives yet another picture, not three days later, of someone holding their disgusting penis in their hand, like it’s an accomplishment or some shit, he sends out a text message to two different numbers typed with shaky, sweaty fingers.
>> xxx-xxx-xxx6 , xxx-xxx-xxx4
I don’t know who the fuck you are, and you don’t know me, but it’s possible that one of you assholes gives out my number to random people who, in turn, send me fucking dick pics. It’s been over 3 fucking months, so knock it the actual fuck off. And in case it isn’t you, fuck you anyway.
  Bakugou wakes up from a restless sleep to sunlight sloping in through the blinds of his room, a dry mouth, and three new text messages from an unknown number.
Because his brain takes time to boot up in the mornings, he foregoes the phone entirely and makes his way to the kitchen in search of caffeine. Camie is always up before him, and he gratefully pours himself a mug of her insanely strong black coffee, the kind to palpitate your heart and make you vibrate in your seat. She calls it jet fuel, Inasa calls it death, Todoroki just blinks.
When he’s half a mug down, he finally retrieves his phone from his room and takes a seat in the balcony, surrounded by plants of all kinds. The sun is bright but not harsh, and he takes a second to enjoy it before opening his messages.
He doesn’t even recall sending the messages last night, and for a moment he’s enraged at the idea that someone sent him even more dick pics, but there’s no photos waiting for him, just three messages.
xxx-xxx-xxx4 omg omg OMG I didn’t think anyone actually used this number im sorry D:
xxx-xxx-xxx4 no really im so so sorry holy shit I was just following this idea that my friend gave me cause im terrible at turning people down but I didn’t realize they were messaging an actual other person OMG
xxx-xxx-xxx4 ofc I wont be giving your number out anymore im just so sorry bro, god, this is so damn UNMANLY of me
At least the person has the decency to sound apologetic. Not that it tempers Bakugou in any way, shape or form, but he takes note of it somewhere in the distant recesses of his mind.
Bakugou you better not give it out anymore fuckmunch. I should sue your ass for putting me under so much psychological distress.
The guy replies startlingly quickly. Bakugou opens the message with a quirked brow.
xxx-xxx-xxx4 shit can you actually do that?
Bakugou has no idea, but the key to selling anything is confidence, and he’s got enough to spare.
Bakugou try me
xxx-xxx-xxx4 and not just cuz you might sue me or anything, it was a terrible move on my part :’(
xxx-xxx-xxx4 can I make it up to you somehow??
Bakugou huffs, deflating a little. He’s angry yes, positively incensed for the most part, but the guy sounds genuinely sorry, and he’s finding it increasingly difficult to stay mad at someone that’s just being so damn decent and taking full responsibility.
Bakugou I don’t fucking know.
Bakugou just stop giving out my no.
Bakugou I swear to god if I get ONE MORE NUDE
Bakugou I will find you
xxx-xxx-xxx4 you don’t have to find me ill come to you
xxx-xxx-xxx4 cuz ill def deserve it at that point
xxx-xxx-xxx4 anyway, im sorry again. really ☹
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I gotta get some sleep, so tell me later about how I can make it up to you!!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 goodnight
Bakugou checks the clock at the top left corner of his phone screen. It reads 8:31am.
What the fuck does this guy do for work anyway? And does Bakugou care?
He decides no, he doesn’t, because he’s really too busy to care about anything, especially assholes that hand out his number to horny strangers because they’re too chickenshit to say no.
He nods at his own conclusion, downs the rest of his death-in-a-cup, and walks back inside, ready to start another long day of work. Bakugou gives himself an hour before he puts this all behind him, fully forgotten and finally taken care of.
  Why the fuck haven’t I blocked this fucker yet, is the first thing Bakugou thinks when he gets more texts from them.
xxx-xxx-xxx4 heyyo!!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 did you think of anything????? How can I make it up to you??
Bakugou stop texting me, that’ll be a great start
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I will as soon as u tell me how to make it up to you!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I was being so unmanly and cowardly, I need to fix it!!
Bakugou good for fucking you, leave me alone
xxx-xxx-xxx4 y don’t you keep thinking abt it and lemme know !!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 if it helps, I can hook u up with some free drinks!! I co-own and bartend at a place downtown!!!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 just think abt it
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I gotta get back to work, talk soon!
Bakugou stop texting me dammit
Bakugou isn’t a naïve person, but he somehow convinces himself that this will be the end of things.
  It is, predictably, not the end of things.
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I just realized I didn’t give u my name
xxx-xxx-xxx4 Kirishima eijirou!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 and you are?
Bakugou blocking you
xxx-xxx-xxx4 aww come on man, don’t be like tht ☹
xxx-xxx-xxx4 wait, r u a man?????
Bakugou can you calm the fuck down holy shit
Bakugou yes I’m a dude, you’re fucking fine dumbass
xxx-xxx-xxx4 oh phew!!!!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 ok my dude
xxx-xxx-xxx4 please come down to the bar??????
xxx-xxx-xxx4 do you actually drink though?? If you don’t we still have great mocktails
xxx-xxx-xxx4 and I can whip up some awesome protein shakes
xxx-xxx-xxx4 ohhh and our food is bomb,,, I promise
Bakugou do you ever just stop talking
xxx-xxx-xxx4 NOPE :D
Bakugou Not a compliment
xxx-xxx-xxx4 what can I say
xxx-xxx-xxx4 im an opportunist
Bakugou you’re telling me
Bakugou fucker
xxx-xxx-xxx4 IM STILL SO SORRY
xxx-xxx-xxx4 actions speak hella louder than words
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I must action you
Bakugou what the fuck 
xxx-xxx-xxx4 you get what I mean!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 <location> this is the place
xxx-xxx-xxx4 its name is RIOT, u cant miss it
xxx-xxx-xxx4 just lemme know when u can make it
Bakugou I haven’t agreed to shit asshole
Bakugou stop assuming things
xxx-xxx-xxx4 free food, free drinks, free live performance of whatever band’s performing
Bakugou …………………
Bakugou I’ll think about it
xxx-xxx-xxx4 HELL YEAH
xxx-xxx-xxx4 whats your name btw?
Bakugou like id tell you
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I need it for the reservation!!!!
xxx-xxx-xxx4 so that I don’t accidentally serve the wrong gentleman all your free perks
Bakugou didn’t say im coming yet
xxx-xxx-xxx4 im super optimistic
Bakugou I can tell, you’re giving me a headache
xxx-xxx-xxx4 so………… name?
Bakugou no
xxx-xxx-xxx4 I’ll get it out of you eventually
Bakugou try me
Bakugou fucker
If Bakugou finds himself smiling at the end of the exchange, well, that’s his business.
  “So, you finally figured out who was responsible for the penis pictures?” Todoroki deadpans around his cosmo.
“That’s wonderful Bakugou!” Inasa booms, slamming his beer down on the counter with gusto. Bakugou throws a spoon at him.
“Shut it Baldy,” he grunts, going back to chopping veggies. “And yes, I did, but now this fucker won’t stop texting me, insisting on making it up to me or some shit.”
“And this is a bad thing?” Todoroki summarizes slowly. Bakugou turns around in time to see him mouth why to Inasa before taking another generous sip of his drink. Inasa shrugs his stupidly large shoulders before asking, “Why is that a bad thing?”
Bakugou throws another spoon at him. “Because, I texted them so I could stop people from texting me. Now this person’s volunteering information to me about being a bartender and shit and constantly apologizing and it’s fucking annoying.”
“You know what’s interesting?” Camie muses, stirring her bloody mary with a long ass celery stick. “You’re getting all these text messages from this bartender, and you can like, so easily block this one number and be done with it, but you like, keeping responding. And keep, you know, not blocking.”
He can’t see it, but he knows Todoroki is nodding, the fucker.
“That is a good observation!” Inasa booms again, and Bakugou has to resist the urge to fling his entire cutlery set at the man’s thick skull. “Do you like this person Bakugou?”
“What’s there to like, I don’t even fucking know him!”
“Well,” Camie starts, takes a bite out of the celery stick, continues, “he’s well-mannered. Clearly good looking, because you got a LOT of penis pictures these past three months, and that also leads us to believe the business is doing really well, if so many patrons come in begging for a number. All good things, don’t you think?”
“I hate you,” Bakugou says, stirring the curry with barely repressed rage. “I hate all of you. I hate humanity. Fuck people.”
“Or fuck this person in specific,” Camie says gleefully. “You haven’t gotten laid in like 8 months boo, you need to get some.”
“You’re the actual fucking worst.”
“In all seriousness,” Todoroki interrupts, putting his empty glass down delicately, “why haven’t you blocked the number? It seems like an easy enough solution.” The asshole has the audacity to sound genuinely curious, if not slightly amused.
Bakugou hates everything.
“I don’t, I don’t fucking know, ok?” He finally admits through clenched teeth. The blonde kills the heat and places the curry on the counter while Camie brings out the rice and some pickled vegetables from the fridge. She pulls out a beer and twists the cap off before handing it to Bakugou, who snatches it away and takes a quick swig before continuing, “He’s actually kinda nice to me, I guess. And I like watching him be so sorry about all those penises. I may have also mentioned suing him for psychological distress.” Bakugou catches Todoroki’s gaze. “Can I do that?”
Todoroki hums, “You can try, but I don’t think you’ve got that solid a case. Plus, haven’t you deleted virtually all the evidence?”
Bakugou grips the neck of his beer bottle harder. “I fucking hate everything.”
  bartender asshole <image attached>
Bakugou what the fuck
Bakugou why are you sending me cat pics?
Bakugou also that cat is stupidly cute
bartender asshole I know right?????
bartender asshole her name is ruby
bartender asshole and id die for her
bartender asshole i just figured ud be a cat person
Bakugou ………….
Bakugou I hate u
bartender asshole :D :D :D
Bakugou ugh
Bakugou Bakugou Katsuki
bartender asshole :D :D :D :D :D
Bakugou I hate everything
bartender asshole except ruby. Its not allowed
Bakugou …………………………………
Bakugou except ruby
bartender asshole :D :D :D :D :D
  Kirishima, it turns out, is a ray of fucking sunshine. Bakugou has a distinct feeling that looking at him directly would be a blinding experience.
Not that he knows who to look for though; he has no idea what this guy looks like. He guesses that he’s buff, with all the times he tells Bakugou about the gym showers running out of hot water and beating his best weights doing bench presses, but he knows nothing else.
He does know that he’s sweet as fuck, making it impossible for Bakugou to stay mad at him. He doesn’t blink at Bakugou’s cussing, and he sends him cute pictures of Ruby.
There is a part of him, small but steadily growing, that wants to meet this stupidly nice bartender.
Bakugou hates everything.
  dumbass bartender so what do you do???
Bakugou front-end development and web design
dumbass bartender oh damn!!!
dumbass bartender so youre like smart smart
Bakugou obviously
dumbass bartender have I seen your work anywhere??
Bakugou I recently redid the website of that protein powder company you don’t shut up about
dumbass bartender ????????????????????
dumbass bartender that’s amazing!!!!!!!!!
dumbass bartender I just revisited the website, it looks so cool
Bakugou duh
Bakugou im the best
dumbass bartender I don’t doubt that!!! :D :D
Bakugou don’t you have work?
dumbass bartender aww bakubro are you looking out for me <3 <3
Bakugou call me that again and I will fucking end you
dumbass bartender before the free drinks??? That you are yet to redeem? ?? at my wonderful establishment?????????? :D :D :D
Bakugou I hate everything.
dumbass bartender D:
Bakugou except RUBY DAMMIT
dumbass bartender :D
  “Just to recap,” Kaminari says with an incredulous look in his eyes, “this guy cusses like a sailor, is constantly insulting you, never initiates conversation, and you still like him?”
Kirishima’s answering grin is bashful. “I mean, when you put it like that it sounds not so great, but he’s really not that bad! He’s super funny and confident, and he LOVES Ruby. Plus, I don’t like him like that, I just think he’s cool.” Kirishima picks up another glass from the washer and starts carefully drying it with his dishcloth before saying, “And, you know, I did put him through a lot by giving out his number. His behaviour is kinda warranted if you ask me.”
“I mean, in the beginning maybe, but haven’t you guys been texting for over a week now?”
“Denki, are you forgetting that giving out another number was your idea?” Kirishima mutters, narrowing his eyes at his best friend. “I’m in this mess because of you.”
Kaminari suddenly seems to find the glass in his hand a lot more interesting. Kirishima’s laugh echoes around the empty bar.
‘What’s so funny?” Ashido muses, bringing a crate of bottled beer behind the counter.
“Kirishima is going gaga over angry dick pic man.”
“I’m not going gaga, what the heck-“
“I think it’s cute,” Ashido says with a big smile. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you actually be interested in somebody; it’s really cute!”
“I don’t like him like that,” Kirishima stresses, though his cheeks are a little warm. He can blame that on the lack of air conditioning, he thinks. 
“We talking about angry dick pic man?” Sero asks with a shit-eating grin. “10 bucks say he’s actually a middle-aged guy with a cheese fetish.”
“That’s so random-“
“You’re on!” Ashido yells, slapping her hand into Sero’s. “I think he’ll be a hottie.”
“He hasn’t even said he’ll come,” Kirishima says, eyes downcast.
“He’ll come,” the three chorus, going about doing their tasks. Kirishima shakes his head fondly and finishes up with the glasses. Just as he’s put all the shot glasses away, he feels his phone vibrate.
Bakubro just finished a massive project
Bakubro could use a drink this weekend
Bakubro know any good spots?
Kirishima’s face breaks into the biggest smile as he rushes to answer.
Kirishima I know a bar that serves free drinks with your name on it!!!!
Kirishima amazing food, dope music, the bestest drinks
Kirishima ive heard the bartender is a great guy too
Bakubro way to toot your own fucking horn damn
Kirishima :DDDDD
Kirishima bt seriously
Kirishima please? ???? ??
Kirishima PLEASEEEEEEEEE??????????????????
Bakubro ugh
Bakubro fine.
Bakubro Friday night at 8
Kirishima looks up from the screen and calls out, “Denki!”
“Switch shifts with me, I’ll do Friday.”
“Um, ok, why though?”
Kirishima doesn’t respond, just goes back to texting, his heart thudding in his ribcage.
Kirishima cant wait :D
Bakubro I’m bringing my stupid friends btw
Kirishima wait
Kirishima you have friends???????
Bakubro I am going to end you
Bakubro you know what? Fuck you im not coming
Kirishima BAKUGOU NO
Kirishima please come
Kirishima how big a table should I reserve????
Bakubro don’t bother
Kirishima <image attached> <image attached> <image attached>
Bakubro bastard
Bakubro you playing dirty by sending me pics of Ruby
Kirishima need to weaken your guard somehow
Kirishima pls tell me it worked
Bakubro ugh
Bakubro ill be there
Bakubro reserve a table for 4
Bakubro your stupid bar better be worth it
Kirishima I promise it will be!!!!
Kirishima whoops in joy, slipping his phone back into his pocket. He looks up to see three sets of eyes looking at him with varying degrees of amusement.
“You get a really mushy look on your face when you’re texting him, it’s almost gross,” Sero points out with a laugh.
“Hush you,” Ashido admonishes, whipping her dishcloth at him. She walks over to Kirishima and gives him a big hug. “I think it’s very, very precious.”
“What did he say?”
“He’s coming this Friday!” Kirishima beams, holding Ashido closer against his side.
The three giggle.
“10 bucks say Kirishima messes up the drinks at least once.”
Ashido squeezes around his middle. “Hon, I love you, but I’m not dumb enough to go against that.”
They end up laughing and fibbing at each other for the rest of the prep time, and Kirishima feels his heart absolutely soar.
  Friday brings with it crunch time, running lines and lines of code, having a mini-breakdown because the stupid text block keeps floating around on the webpage like it’s in outer fucking space, being forced into one of Camie’s ridiculous vlogs and having an existential crisis about what to wear on a non-date get-together with the guy that ruined Bakugou’s life for close to three months.
Camie spends most of the day laughing at him. Bakugou throws more condiments at her.
“Fucking help me at least, you useless wench,” Bakugou growls, shifting to clothes as he throws a pair of jeans at her. Camie dances out of the way and doubles over, laughing till she tears up from the force of it all.
“I can’t, I just can’t,” she wheezes. “Did you just say wench? What era are you from babe?”
“FUCK OFF,” he roars, leaping towards her. Camie shrieks and ducks away, making a beeline towards his closet.
“Ok, ok, let’s get you dressed! What kinda look are you trying for?”
“Fuck if I know,” he grouses, feeling oddly out of his depth. He wants to look good, but he has no idea for what.
That’s a lie, he knows why. He just won’t admit it.
“Well, why don’t we pick something simple but flattering? Plus, if it's in your style, you’re bound to be more comfy.” Camie pulls out a pair of black jeans that are ripped at the knees, a black fitted round-neck tee shirt, and some black boots. While he’s changing, Camie pulls out a silver chain, some bands for his wrists and a collection of rings.
“Do you want me to do your eyes?” she offers, holding up some mascara and an eye pencil. Bakugou shrugs and sits on the edge of his bed. Camie’s smile is soft as she stands between his thighs, gently but efficiently applying his make-up. When she’s done, he walks over to the mirror to look at himself, and he has to admit- he looks good. Always one to take care of his body and his figure, Bakugou is lean muscle packed into a 5’10” body. His blonde hair is as messy as ever, but the combination of his make-up, the accessories and his clothes give him an edgy look like no other. Camie throws a dark fitted jacket at him before sauntering over to her own room.
He continues to reply to some work emails when his phone buzzes.
dumbass cant wait to see you!!!
dumbass just ask for me at the bar
dumbass or I might be the one to greet you!! :D :D
Bakugou I know dumbass
Bakugou what, are you nervous or some shit?
dumbass I mean, kinda????
dumbass it’s our first time meeting afterall
dumbass I don’t even know wat you look like!!!!
Bakugou blonde wearing all black
dumbass redhead wearing a shirt with the riot logo!
Bakugou whatever
Bakugou ill be there at 8
Dumbass cant wait <33333
Bakugou dumbass
Bakugou scoffs, his own nerves calming at the thought that he’s not the only one that’s a bit out of sorts. It’s nice to know that sunshine Kirishima is jittery about all this.
Also, interesting to know that he’s a redhead. Bakugou can’t quite imagine it, but in a few minutes, he won't need to.
His stomach roils with anticipation, and Bakugou hates every single thing.
Camie pops out of her room at half-past 7 in a maroon romper that cuts above her mid-thigh, hair done in a loose bun, makeup absolutely perfect. Her heels put her at a height taller than Bakugou, but he’s gotten used to being the shortest in their stupid posse. Doesn’t piss him off any less though.
She gets a phone call just as she pushes a tube of lip gloss into her purse.
“We are downstairs!” Inasa’s voice rings through her speaker, stupidly loud.
“Can it, baldy,” Bakugou grunts with a roll of his eyes, “we’ll be there in a sec.”
“See ya!”
Before Bakugou can usher Camie out the door, she pushes her clutch into his hands and walks over to the kitchen cabinet, pulling out two shot glasses and a bottle of tequila.
“Liquid courage, my dude,” she says, pouring two generous shots and pushing one at Bakugou. She picks her own glass up and gives him a devilish smirk, “Bottoms up bitch!”
Bakugou picks the glass up with a resigned sigh but smirks back equally devilish. They cheers, smack the glasses against the counter and drain them smoothly. Camie puts the glasses in the sink, places a smacking kiss on Bakugou’s cheek and laughs brightly as she dances out of the way of his rage.
They finally load up in Inasa’s range rover, Todoroki plays classical Japanese music over the speakers and Bakugou regrets everything.
  Riot is apparently something of a beloved establishment in its neighbourhood, and Bakugou growls when he sees how long the line leading to the bar is.
“Holy moly, that’s a lot of people!” Camie points out helpfully as she disembarks from the car.
Todoroki straightens his two-tone denim jacket and runs a hand through his hair as he says, “We have a reservation, so I think it’ll be fine?”
“Yes, I agree with you Todoroki,” Inasa beams, locking the car behind him as they walk towards the building. The outside is made of exposed brick and neon lights, and the RIOT sign is a deep red colour, eye-catching and beautiful.
They bypass the people in the line and walk up to the bouncer, who eyes them warily. He’s built like an absolute tank, broad and block-like, and his silver hair shines in the artificial light.
“Can I help you?”
“Bakugou, table for 4,” Camie says cheerily. The bouncer looks immediately enamoured with her before his eyes go wide.
“Wait, Eijirou’s Bakugou?”
Bakugou’s ears burn at that.
“I’m not fucking anybody’s!” he snaps. The bouncer immediately looks at him, and his face breaks into an even wider grin.
“Well, I’ll be damned! Can I see some ID real quick?”
Bakugou cusses colourfully under his breath but pulls out his license, and after a quick check, the bouncer, whose name is Tetsutetsu, steps aside to let them in.
“Have a good time!” he says happily, almost too happily. Bakugou feels his hackles rise.
“What the fuck?”
“It appears that Kirishima talks about you at least as much as you talk about him,” Todoroki observes, walking next to Bakugou.
“I don’t talk about him, fuck you!”
Todoroki’s delicately raised brow makes him want to punch something. Or someone. Preferably both.
“Fuck you all,” he reiterates before stomping inside.
Now, Bakugou is a relatively creative soul – his job kinda demands it – so it’s not his fault that he’s actually quite captivated by the interiors of this stupidly popular bar co-owned by a stupidly nice person.
The inside has exposed brick as well, and most of the furniture seems to be retro. There are large pipes and barrels behind the bar, made of what seems to be pure copper. Black marble covers the bar tops, and the lights are a mix of neon and muted whites, bright enough to see but still bathing the room in an alluring aura. There’s music thumping through the speakers, loud enough to dispel any silence but still at a bearable volume.
“Swanky,” Camie whistles, taking it all in.
Bakugou nods begrudgingly before setting his eyes on the bar.
“I’ll go get us a fucking table,” he mutters before walking over, hands digging deep into his pant pockets. He sees a lanky black-haired guy and a girl with tan skin and pink hair behind the bar, talking animatedly with the patrons as they serve them drinks at a dizzying pace.
When he finally gets a spot at the counter, the pink-haired girl finishes up with a customer and bounds over to him.
“Hi,” she greets, smile wide and happy, “haven’t seen you around before! What can I get you?”
“Kirishima,” Bakugou says because apparently, his brain to mouth filter has decided to abandon him in his time of need. The girl tilts her head in confusion and Bakugou feels the life drain out of him.
“I’m sorry?”
“I’m fuckin here because of dumbass Kirishima,” Bakugou barely grits out, fingers digging into his palms painfully. “The name is Bakugou, table for 4?”
He sees it all in slow-mo- the way her mouth goes slack, the way her eyes light up like firecrackers on New Year’s, and then the way her smile becomes positively blinding. He hates her already.
“Holy shit,” she breathes, “of course! So glad you’re here! Oye, Sero?”
“What?” the black-haired guy says without looking, topping up a perfectly poured glass of beer.
“You owe me 10 bucks.”
This gets his attention- he hands the drink off and looks at her, “Why would I-“
The girl just gestures at Bakugou and winks, “It’s him.”
Sero – or plain face, Bakugou’s brain helpfully supplies – immediately looks at him, his eyes widening. “Shit, seriously? Aw, man.” His smile becomes mischievous. “I’ll get Kirishima.” He opens the door behind the bar and disappears.
“What the fuck was that?” Bakugou snaps, beyond irritated to be so out of the loop.
“Nothing, nothing,” Pinky sings, raising her hands in a placating gesture. “Kirishima will show your party to your table. Do you want anything in the meantime?”
“… a beer,” Bakugou concedes because he’s not dumb enough to not get a drink before he sees Kirishima if he can help it.
“Coming right up!”
He waits at the bar, watching as his group of dumbasses ooh and ahh at the place, looking delighted. A bottle of cold beer hits the counter with a satisfying thunk, bringing his attention back to the bartop.
“Enjoy!” Pinky still has a stupid smile on her face but before Bakugou can say anything, the door behind her is thrown open and plain face steps out.
“The restocking can wait, literally the only thing you’ve talked about for the last 3 days is finally happening.”
The guy following him is all tanned skin and thick muscles under a fitted deep red tee shirt. His hair is a bright unnatural red, pulled into a high pony with a few strands still framing his face. His eyes are a softer red than Bakugou’s own, his cheeks sharp and high, and when his eyes meet Bakugou’s, a zip of electricity races down his spine and along his limbs till he can feel it in his toes.
When the man makes his way over, Bakugou also notes how damn tall he is- easily around 6’4”. His smile is shy, and he smells like sandalwood.
“Bakugou, hi,” he breathes, hesitantly holding his hand out. Bakugou takes it in a daze, still amazed by just how stupidly beautiful this stupidly kind bar owner is.
“Heyyo, you disappeared fam, how’s it going?” 
Bakugou hates everything.
He reluctantly slips his hand out of Kirishima’s warm, firm grip and turns to Camie with venomous eyes. “I literally just met him Cam, shut the fuck up.” He turns back to Kirishima, “Can you show us to our table?”
Kirishima shakes his head once before his smile turns blinding, and Bakugou finds himself fighting the urge to shield his eyes. “Of course,” he says in a voice that’s deep and warm and honey-like, “right this way!”
Bakugou snags his beer off the counter and takes a quick swig before Camie steals it and takes a few sips of her own. He growls at her but otherwise behaves, watching Kirishima’s back as he leads them through throngs of people engaged in cheerful conversation.
“Ok, well, he’s hot,” Cam says around the lip of the bottle. “Total beefcake. Whaddya think, boo?”
“I think you should fuck off,” Bakugou hisses, his face burning.
“If you wanted to go on a date, you probably shouldn’t have invited us,” Todoroki says, taking the offered bottle from Camie. 
Before Bakugou can explode in their faces, Kirishima stops and turns around. “Here ya go!” He gestures to a table behind him, tucked into a more private corner of the bar. It’s large and cushy, and when Bakugou gets in after Camie, he’s surprised at how soft the material is.
“So?” Kirishima says, eyes trained on Bakugou.
“Fuckin what?” Bakugou snaps, voice lacking any heat.
Kirishima laughs, head thrown back to reveal a long, thick neck and Bakugou is so damn weak.
“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?”
Bakugou clicks his tongue before gesturing at each of them, “Camie, marketing expert by day, YouTube beauty vlogger by night, pain in my ass always. Todoroki, environmental lawyer and a soba obsessed weirdo. Inasa, physiotherapist and resident dumbass.”
Kirishima gives them all a wave before saying, “Kirishima, co-owner of Riot and the reason why Bakugou saw more unwarranted penises than strictly necessary in a lifetime.”
“Asshole,” Bakugou grumbles, earning him another laugh and a bashful hand ruffling the back of Kirishima’s head.
“Still so sorry about that man,” Kirishima offers, “everything’s definitely on the house for you all! Speaking of ordering-“ Kirishima moves on to explain their ordering system-
“You can scan the code with your camera app,” the redhead says, pointing at the barcode on the centrepiece of their table, “and it pulls up our bar and food menu. Just enter your order and your table number,” he points at the large digits on the side that glows a bright 15 back at them.
Inasa pulls his phone out to order. Before he leaves, Kirishima says, “Can I get your drink order before I go?”
Camie asks for a LIIT, Inasa gets a Soju bomb and Todoroki starts off with his usual- a cosmo.
“You good on that beer?” Kirishima asks Bakugou warmly, his eyes dancing with mirth.
“I’m fine,” he grumbles, sliding lower into his seat. “Maybe get me another, your choice?”
“Coming right up,” Kirishima beams before stepping away, and Bakugou’s heart splutters around his chest at the sight of sharp white teeth and cheek-aching grins.
“He’s so cute!” Camie squeals, stealing the last of his beer. “And he’s totes into you too.”
“I have to agree, he’s very attractive,” Todoroki says impassively.
“Certified hottie,” Inasa rounds up, flashing his own biceps for some reason.
Bakugou is so done, and they’ve been here all 5 minutes.
  “Kirishim- Kirishima, the beer is overflowing,” Ashido says, pushing him away and taking over. “God, you’re so gone for him, it’s almost embarrassing.”
Kirishima snaps out of his stupor and moves to take the glass back. Ashido hip checks him away.
“You’re being a little stupid, go help Satou with plating and take the food to lover boy’s table.”
“He has a name, you know,” Kirishima mumbles, but Ashido simply laughs, and Kirishima feels his neck and ears go warm.
Because who let Bakugou walk into his bar looking like that? Looking so damn gorgeous in his all-black get up and his perfect eye make-up and that fierce scowl?
Kirishima’s heart had pretty much stopped at the sight of him, and it was yet to regain its usual rhythm.
The redhead rests his forehead against the wall and mumbles, “I’m so screwed.”
“We know buddy,” Sero says, patting his back sympathetically, “we know.”
  For all that Bakugou hates outings and people and outings in places filled with people, he finds himself having a moderately good time.
Because the food is delicious if lacking a little heat, the alcohol is mixed perfectly and the music is fantastic, filtering through old rock classics with some alt stuff mixed in.
And then there’s Kirishima- tending the bar with ease, laughing along with his co-workers, and sending Bakugou wide, happy smiles that sets his entire face on fire.
“This place is awesome,” Camie whoops, banging another shot glass on the table before knocking it back with ease. Todoroki joins her, his impassive face not so much as twitching at the taste of strong tequila before he bites into a lime. Inasa is already beer drunk, cheeks dusky as he hums along to the music.
“Insufferable,” Bakugou mumbles around his 4th-ish beer. He likes to keep up his grumpy act till his last shred of dignity melts away cause of the alcohol, and he’s probably pretty hit already because he lets Camie pull him into her side with her arm around his shoulder, his nose suddenly privy to the scent of her mellow perfume.
“I love you guys,” Camie beams, picking up her beer and waving it in front of her. Todoroki and Inasa clink their drinks against it, and Bakugou silently waves his own bottle around before downing it.
“You guys good on- oh my god, are you Camie? THE Camie?”
It’s Pinky at their table and her eyes are so comically wide that Bakugou can’t help his snort of laughter. He feels Camie straighten up, but her arm around him stays, holding him close.
“Define THE Camie,” she says with a smile in her voice.
“The beauty blogger that I’ve only been following for the last 3 years, holy shit I love your videos.” And then suddenly, her eyes narrow on Bakugou before she snaps her fingers. “NO WONDER YOU LOOK FAMILIAR! You’re the angry blonde in all her videos!”
“Haan? You wanna go pinky?” Bakugou growls, moving to stand up. Camie keeps him firmly by her side, her laughter shaking them both.
“That’s us!” Camie says. Bakugou finally fights his way out of her grip and throws her a withering look, or his drunken attempt at one anyway. She winks, and he fake gags. “I don’t get recognized in public all that often LOL, this is fun.”
“Did you just say LOL in a verbal fucking conversation?”
“What do you mean you don’t get recognized; you literally have like 3.2million subscribers.”
Camie ignores Bakugou and shrugs at Pinky. “I guess my primary demographic aint here fam. Speaking of which,” she thrusts her hand out, “what’s your name?”
“Ashido Mina,” she says, taking her hand firmly. Camie introduces her to the others, and Bakugou looks back at the bar, disappointed to see that he can’t find Kirishima.
“Can I top you guys off?” Kirishima says, suddenly right next to their table, effectively startling the shit outta Bakugou.
Camie chirps an affirmative, Todoroki asks for a water and checks to see if Inasa’s breathing as the big olf continues to sleep, curled up in the corner of the booth.
“And you Bakubro?”
“Don’t call me that,” Bakugou frowns before adding, “I should probably stop, I’m already kinda tipsy.”
“Lightweight,” Camie teases.
Bakugou gives her the stink eye. “Woman, the one time I tried keeping up with you, I ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning and you didn’t have so much as a hangover, so fuck off.”
“Seriously?” Kirishima says, eyes wide.
“That’s amazing,” Ashido murmurs, her smile crooked and dangerous.
Bakugou. Hates. Everything.
“He had no lasting liver damage, we’re all fine,” Camie reassures before diving into a conversation with Mina about beauty hacks and good mascara brands and global warming.
Kirishima leans close to Bakugou, bathing him in that warm sandalwood scent. “How about I get you some water and one last beer? A Hefeweizen?”
Bakugou turns to look at him, and his breath hitches in his throat when he notices how close they are, when he sees just how red Kirishima’s eyes are, how the heat seems to radiate off his skin. He exhales in a rush and looks away, answering with a jerky nod.
Kirishima gives his shoulder a friendly squeeze – he’s so warm, his hand is fucking huge – before walking to the bar and picking their stuff up.
When pinky finally meanders away from their table to serve other customers, Camie leans her head on Bakugou’s shoulder and says, “We’ll leave soon, ok?”
Bakugou nods again, leaning some of his weight back into her. Todoroki catches his eye and flashes him a warm, tipsy smile, and if he returns it with one of his own, well, he’s drunk out of his skull and has approximately no fucks to give.
  Long after putting Bakugou and his posse in a cab, before which they insisted on paying pretty much the entire tab since they ate and drank a LOT, Kirishima and the rest are cleaning up when Ashido whips him with her cleaning rag.
Kirishima looks at her with betrayed eyes, “Wha-“
“Ei, you better text him again.”
“About what?” Kirishima says glumly. “I did what I said I would do, and I promised to leave him alone after that.”
“Boy please,” Ashido scoffs, roughly wiping down one of the tables, “ya’ll made such gooey eyes at each other all night, plus I’m pretty sure he paid the entire tab just so you could keep up whatever façade you guys have going on to cover up the fact that you have INSANE chemistry with one another.”
“Yeah, the tension was palpable bro,” Sero chimes in, throwing an arm around his waist. “I think you should text him too. He seemed really amusing, and his whole group was a riot.”
Kirishima rolls his eyes at the pun but smiles at them, feeling a new burst of energy in his limbs.
“You guys are absolutely right! Worst case, he blocks me. At least I won’t have any regrets.”
“Yeah boy, get it with that optimism.”  
  Bakugou wakes up to a slight headache, a mouth that tastes like ash, and a profound sadness that settles atop his sternum, weighing him down and pressing him into his mattress.
He sees the glass of water on his bedside table with ibuprofen placed neatly next to it and downs them both without so much as a second thought. As his brain slowly comes back online, he takes a moment to finally navigate his messy feelings and comes to a crushing realization-
Kirishima doesn’t have to text him anymore.
The redhead had said that he’d leave him alone after making it up to him, and yes, it was Bakugou’s standoffish nature that got them into that situation in the first place. And yes, Bakugou had paid the tab mostly because it was too high a bill to be footed by the bar and Bakugou made bank, but also because a small, minuscule part of him hoped that the gesture would make Kirishima insist on another outing or something to ‘make it up to him'.
The blonde doesn’t even bother to acknowledge the fact that he forgave Kirishima almost two days into texting him.
He almost avoids his phone out of fear alone and makes it through a whole cup of coffee and 3 chapters into a novel recommended by Deku before finally picking up his phone to check for emails and notifications.
He expects none from Kirishima.
So, of course, there are 3 from the redhead.
Bakugou’s heart leaps to his throat and he can’t seem to unlock his phone quite fast enough.
fuck he’s cute hi Bakugou, thank you for coming last night!!!
fuck he’s cute it was actually really cool 2 finally meet you. U didn’t have to pay the tab tho :’D
fuck he’s cute bt since u did, I still owe u. can we figure it out later??? Also, what did you think of the place???
Bakugou dumbass
Bakugou you’ve got a swanky place, I’ll give you that. Food was fucking good too. could be spicier.  
Bakugou you got cam completely hooked
Bakugou and yeah, you better make it up to me later. Asshole.
Kirishima replies a few hours later, just as Bakugou finishes up a yoga routine that stretches out his back in the best way possible.
fuck he’s cute :D :D :D :D :D
fuck he’s cute can’t wait
fuck he’s cute <image attached>
fuck he’s cute ruby says hi
It’s a selfie this time, not a picture of just the kitty. Bakugou can appreciate how cute the mutt is, but for once, he has no attention to spare her. Not when Kirishima’s eyes are crinkling around the edges from how hard he smiles up at the camera, not when he’s wearing a tank top with relaxed arm holes, showing off bulging muscles and hints of ink, and not when just the mere thought of him makes Bakugou’s stomach flop around uncontrollably.
He barely manages to reply coherently.
Bakugou the only bright spot in this shitty world
He presses his phone to his forehead and quietly contemplates just how gay he is. Camie pets his head on the way to the kitchen.
  It takes Bakugou some time to get used to waking up to Good Morning texts and a stream of random thoughts from Kirishima all day. The flutter in his stomach disappears a few weeks into talking to the redhead, instead replaced by a bone-deep warmth that always manages to make him feel a little better.
dumbass kirishima GOOOOOOOD MORNING :D
dumbass Kirishima someone threw up on my fave shoes last night
Bakugou suffer
dumbass Kirishima y u so mean to me ☹ ☹
Bakugou cause its fuckin hilarious
dumbass Kirishima ☹
Bakugou ugh
Bakugou <image attached> [it’s a picture of Bakugou’s balcony, and all his plants look vibrant green as the sun hits them just right]
dumbass Kirishima :D :D :D
dumbass Kirishima legit felt my serotonin just spike
dumbass Kirishima thxxxxxx
Bakugou whatever
Bakuguo dumbass
 Bakugou if I plan a murder can I count on your stupid muscles to help me move the body
dumbass Kirishima D:
dumbass Kirishima at least take me out to dinner b4 involving me in your crimes
dumbass Kirishima what a lack of manners
Bakugou stfu
dumbass Kirishima :”D :”D
dumbass Kirishima youre joking right?
dumbass Kirishima right??
dumbass Kirishima RIGHT?????
Bakugou don’t call me bro
Bakugou lol I didn’t do shit dumbass don’t worry
Bakugou or did I?
dumbass Kirishima BAKUGOU NO
 dumbass Kirishima <image attached> [it’s a gym selfie; Kirishima is crouching in front of the mirror shirtless, hair pulled into a bun atop his head. He’s glistening with sweat, and he’s got a more serious look on his face. He’s not actively flexing any muscle, but the pose makes his thighs, calves and biceps bulge. One hand holds the phone, the other is resting on his bent knee]
dumbass Kirishima working on deez gainz
Bakugou what time do you usually workout
dumbass Kirishima depends on my schedule actually
dumbass Kirishima I prefer the morning, but when I take the late night shift I usually go be4 work the next day
Bakugou hmmm
Bakugou let me know
Bakugou maybe we can go together
dumbass Kirishima :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Bakugou ugh I changed my mind
dumbass Kirishima :D :D :D :D
dumbass Kirishima no takebacksies
Bakugou fucking fantastic
dumbass Kirishima :D :D :D
 “So, let me get this straight- you guys gym together at least once a week, you talk every day, your stomach flutters at the mere thought of him and Cam swears he’s making googly eyes at you all the time, and you still haven’t asked each other out yet?”
Bakugou flips his phone off, “Fuck off Deku, don’t be a little shit.”
Midoriya’s face morphs into an amused smile on the other end of their facetime call, “Are you being bashful Kacchan? That’s adorable.”
“I’m hanging up.”
“NOOOOO,” Midoriya bemoans dramatically. “I can’t believe I’m missing all this.”
“Yeah, well, who the fuck told you to teach kids English halfway across the world dumbass?”
“I miss you too Kacchan,” Midoriya beams, making a heart with his hands.
“I truly loathe you.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Midoriya puts a few papers away before sighing. “So?”
“So what?”
“So, are you going to make a move? How do you plan on doing it?”
“I don’t,” Bakugou ruffles his hair and ducks his head to hide his rapidly warming cheeks, “I’m not asking him out Deku, fuck that.”
“Why not?” the asshole whines, eyes wide and innocent. “You deserve happiness Kacchan. Plus, he seems like a really nice guy.” Midoriya leans forward and adds in a whisper, “I’ve heard he has a fantastic butt.”
Bakugou rolls his eyes and flips him off again, “Fuck off, you can’t say that without actually meeting him.”
“I’ll be back before then. You guys better be dating already when I get there.”
“Stop telling me what to do, shitty Deku!”
“Never Kacchan, that’s what you do for the people you love.”
“Ugh, how are you so gross when you’re so far away, I hate you.”
Midoriya’s laugh sounds tinny over the phone speaker, lacking its usual body and warmth. Bakugou huffs again before picking his novel back up to read.
“Hi Zuku,” Camie calls out from over Bakugou’s shoulder. “You need to come back soon and help me with Kitkat, he refuses to make the first move!”
“Butt out of my fucking love life, you freaks!”
“Can’t butt out of something that doesn’t exist Kats,” Camie deadpans.
Bakugou feels extremely justified in flinging a stress ball right at her. The kitchen fills up with raucous laughter, from his phone and from the person standing in front of him, and Bakugou thinks that adding a deeper, warmer laugh to the mix, coming from a specific redhead might not be the worst thing in the world.
  Kiri bakugouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Bakugou what?
Kiri just wanted to say hi <3
Bakugou wth
Kiri we still on fr the gym tomorrow?
Bakugou obviously you dumbass
Bakugou I need you to spot me
Bakugou im beating my personal best tomorrow or im going to die trying
Kiri so manly :O :O :O
Kiri I’ve got you bruh
Bakugou don’t call me that
Bakugou and I know you do
Kiri <3 <3
 Bakugou <link>
Bakugou that playlist you were asking about
Kiri u da bomb katsuki
Bakugou katsuki huh?
Bakugou getting cocky I see
Kiri I mean, weve known each other for like 4 months now???
Kiri ur one of my closest pals
Kiri I don’t have to, I just thought ud like it more than bro
Bakugou I do like it more than bro
Bakugou eijirou
Bakugou I guess ur not terrible
Eijirou ????
Eijirou did you just?? pay me????? A compliment??
Eijirou who r u and wat have you done to katsuki?
Bakugou fuck you
Bakugou just fuck you
Eijirou <3 <3 <3
  Bakugou wakes up one morning, approximately 5 months after meeting Kirishima for the first time, with a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
His work goes smoothly. The coffee tastes potent and fresh, his body feels fine, his plants are thriving, Camie is busy with her own deadlines and therefore not bugging him, even the sun is mellow and warm; the perfect weather.
The pit in his stomach worsens with every hour.
It doesn’t help that all of his messages to Kirishima have gone unanswered; he hasn’t even been online all day. In the months that they’ve communicated, he’s never gone a day without texting the man, and now it’s like he fell off the face of the Earth.
When it gets closer to 6 in the evening, Bakugou decides to call if Kirishima doesn’t get in touch himself. Because the pit in his stomach is making him nauseous, and he needs to know if the redhead is ok if only for the sake of his own damn health.
He gets a call from an unknown number at 5:20 in the evening. The pit in his stomach becomes a yawning chasm as he picks up the call.
“Bakugou, it’s Ashido, from the bar.”
Bakugou pulls in a deep breath. “Where is Kirishima?”
“Um, there was an incident last night, at Riot.” She sighs deeply before continuing, “Kiri got jumped in the alley outside by a bunch of really drunk homophobic assholes that saw him turn down some guy’s number. He actually fought them off for the most part, but he’s sustained a broken nose and some fractured ribs. We’re at the hospital right now.”
Bakugou sinks to the ground, his stomach plummeting with him. “Are you fucking serious right now? Fuck-“
“I’ll text you the hospital details, ok? I’m sorry we didn’t call sooner, between talking to his moms and the hospital folks, it slipped my mind.”
“I’ll be there,” Bakugou says, standing up on shaky feet and stumbling back to his room. “Just don’t leave him alone.”
“Never in a million years.”
They hang up and Bakugou changes, hails a cab, and gets to the hospital in a complete daze.
His affection for the redhead, brimming and spilling from every crevice, makes itself evident when he lays eyes on him in the hospital bed and feels a surge of protectiveness. He wants to kill the people that did this, he wants to gather Kirishima in his arms and hold him tight, he wants to crawl into bed with him and talk about stupid shit and see him smile again.
“He’s pretty high on pain meds right now,” Ashido says from somewhere behind him, pointing to his IV lines, “so he’s been saying really funny stuff. The doctors did a full evaluation and said he should recover completely in 5ish weeks.”
Bakugou nods and swallows thickly. Ashido squeezes his arm before leaving the hospital room, shutting the door behind her softly.
Kirishima hasn’t seen him yet, so Bakugou approaches his bed carefully before placing a hand on the guardrail. The noise pulls Kirishima’s attention towards him, and Bakugou’s gut tightens when those large, warm eyes go completely soft at the sight of him.
“Kassaki~” Kirishima slurs, his smile large and dopey.
“You absolute dumbass,” Bakugou chokes out, his hand moving from the rail to grip Kirishima’s tightly. Kirishima’s fingers twine with his own with practised ease and his smile turns gooey.
“Hi Kats, you look beautiful today.”
Bakugou half-laughs, half-sobs and rubs his eyes fiercely. Kirishima’s face is a bit bruised, and there’s a huge bandage on his nose, but he doesn’t look nearly as bad as Bakugou had first feared. The pit in his stomach finally calms, slowly loosening until he can breathe normally again.
“Shut up Eiji,” Bakugou grumbles, sitting down on the chair beside the bed. He leaves his hand in Kirishima’s.
“Ok,” Kirishima agrees easily. It takes 10 seconds for him to break the silence again.
“Hey Kats?”
“Are we dating?”
Bakugou startles at that, eyes snapping over to Kirishima’s. He doesn’t look accusatory or hurt or weirded out or anything- merely curious.
“No, we’re not.”
“Oh.” Kirishima frowns, “Why not?”
Bakugou huffs out a small laugh, “Because we’re both idiots.”
“Oh,” the redhead says, then nods. “That kinda tracks.”
Kirishima’s smile becomes dopey again, eyes crinkling in the most endearing way.
“I really like you Kats. You’re so smart and funny and you always smell like fabric softener, and you’re just like. Really pretty.”
Bakugou feels his face heat up completely, his grip on Kirishima’s hand tightening.
“Just rest, you dumbass,” Bakugou says weakly, his entire body too hot for comfort. He watches Kirishima’s smile become something warm and loving in a way that hits his heart, and he doesn’t let go of the redhead’s hand, right up until the end of visiting hours.
When he exits the hospital alongside Ashido, he feels the last of his energy drain.
“I cant believe we didn’t get to him sooner,” Ashido mumbles, rubbing at her eyes fiercely. “The bar was noisy, and he just wanted to dump out some trash. Hanta noticed he was gone a while before we went out back and found him punching the last dude.”
Bakugou purses his lips. Truth be told, he cant believe Kirishima had gotten so badly hurt so close to his own bar, and he’s pissed as fuck that the idiot brigade had even let it happen, but the sincerity in Ashido’s voice tugs at his chest painfully.
“I’m sure he’ll forgive you.” Bakugou laughs humorlessly. “He’ll probably say there’s nothing to forgive in the first place.”
Ashido’s laugh is hollow, “That’s our Eijirou.” She looks at Bakugou again. “You coming tomorrow?”
He flashes her his best sneer. “You best believe I’m going to come by every single fucking day till he’s discharged.”
Ashido’s smile becomes a little more genuine, a little more well-rounded.
“I’m really glad he has you.” Her voice goes all soft and gross as she continues, “You mean a LOT to him, in case you didn’t already know.”
“Fuck off,” Bakugou mumbles, before waving her off and walking away.
Because he does know.
He also knows he’s falling madly in love with him, and that he’s completely and utterly screwed.
And he finds that he really doesn’t mind all that much. Some people, he rationalizes, are worth the horrible butterflies and the too hot too cold feelings down the back of his spine.
Some people, he realizes, are worth loving with everything you’ve got.
  It takes Kirishima five weeks of house arrest to recover completely. Bakugou spends every weekday and a few of the weekends with him, staying over more often than not. He fusses over the redhead, forces him to take his medication on time, and cooks him everything under the sun.
“You’re spoiling me,” the redhead whines when Bakugou serves him what smells like the best mapo tofu he’s ever going to have.
The blonde grins triumphantly, “You’re damn right I am.”
They bicker and banter constantly, but they also curl up and marathon old bond movies at night. Kirishima goes over the bar’s paperwork while Bakugou works off his couch, and they take turns making the coffee. Ruby falls in love with Bakugou and curls up on his chest every chance she gets, and Bakugou laughs at Kirishima’s look of betrayal. The redhead’s couch is ridiculously comfortable, and he leaves his memory foam pillow with the blonde.
“You refuse to take my bed,” he grumbles, “so you damn well better accept my stupid pillow.”
Bakugou’s neck thanks the redhead profusely.
It’s new and weird, living with someone for the first time. Kirishima’s posse are in and out through the day, and Camie comes by just as often, bringing a change of clothes and gossip with her. Todoroki drops in with some high-quality tequila sometimes and Inasa brings his infectious energy, and through all of this, Kirishima remains in high spirits, even if he goes a little stir crazy sometimes.
It’s new and it’s weird, going from casual touches to more loving ones, more comforting ones. It becomes commonplace for Bakugou to rest his head between Kirishima’s shoulder blades on the days that he has a bad time at work. It’s normal for Kirishima to place his head on Bakugou’s lap while they watch shark documentaries. It’s easy for them to bump knees and press their calves together while enjoying their morning coffee.
It’s new and it’s weird and it’s amazing.
Because Bakugou finds himself falling in love with the little things. The way Kirishima sticks his tongue out when he’s smashing the PS5 controller during an especially intense game of Mario party, the way he makes the coffee with a sleepy smile on his face, the way he hums off-key to a song that’s stuck in his head, the way he can understand Bakugou- can differentiate between his frustrated fuck, his bashful fuck, his angry fuck, his sleepy fuck.
And how he accepts it all without so much as a hitch in his step.
Bakugou watches himself fall in love, slowly, and then all at once.
  “How is it that he lived with you for almost 5 weeks and you STILL didn’t ask him out? Or kiss him stupid? Or something?”
Sero has a finger pinching the bridge of his nose, the other flexing loosely in front of his chest as he tries to fathom the stupidity of two people that could not be more into each other if they tried.
“I, I uh-“ Kirishima hangs his head, “I have no excuse.” He sighs deeply. “I was scared he’d give me a pity answer cause I was injured and everything.”
Ashido looks over her shoulder with incredulous eyes. “Are you kidding me?”
“Eiji, I know you love us so like, if any of us were hurt like this you’d take care of us till we were better too. But do you think someone like BAKUGOU would practically move into someone’s house to make sure they were ok if he wasn’t nuts about them? Really?”
Kirishima’s face flushes, and he waves her away. “I don’t want to read into it. He’s just a really, really, really good guy. And what we have is good, it’s great! We’re bros. Pals. Friends. It’s all good.”
Ashido continues to stare at him for another moment before throwing her hands up and yelling, “BOYS!” She stomps into the kitchen to help Satou with prep for the day.
They continue to stock up the bar, Kirishima assigned to prepping limes and the ice machine, when the door opens and someone steps in.
“Sorry, we’re not op- Bakugou?”
And there stands the blonde with the biggest bouquet of flowers – chrysanthemums and sunflowers – that Kirishima has ever seen. The redhead distantly hears the sound of a door close behind him, and suddenly they’re alone, the tension positively stifling.
“Go on a date with me.”
Kirishima sucks in a startled breath, his heart hammering in his chest.
“Go on a date. With me,” Bakugou repeats, his neck and ears tinging the loveliest shade of red. “The romantic kind. Where we dress up and get food and drinks and fight over the bill and walk each other to the door and get super awkward before we kiss. All that shit.”
Kirishima isn’t sure how it happens- one moment he’s on this side of the bar, the next, he’s jumping across and gathering Bakugou into a tight embrace, mindful of his newly healed ribs but still unwilling to release the blonde until Bakugou returns his hug, burying his face into Kirishima’s chest.
“Is that a yes?” Bakugou mumbles when they finally pull away, his hands fisted in Kirishima’s shirt.
“In every possible language out there,” Kirishima answers, ducking down to softly kiss Bakugou on the cheek. He laughs as the blonde cusses and shoves him away and laughs even harder when Bakugou’s own smile covers his entire face, bright and open and oh so breathtaking.
That smile is Kirishima’s and Kirishima’s alone.
  Eiji hiiiiiiiiiiii
Bakugou I swear to god Ei
Bakugou if you’re late for our first date I will find you
Eiji and give me a kiss? :*
Bakugou I don’t kiss people that don’t have good time management
Bakugou so fuck off
Eiji still so mean to me ☹
Eiji I want that kiss tho
Eiji so ill be ready
Eiji promise
Bakugou good
Eiji  <3
Bakugou <3
Eiji :D :D :D :D :D :D
Bakugou it will never happen again
Bakugou so fuck right off
Eiji :”D
Bakugou im outside
Eiji be right there
Eiji <3  
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Soul Transferrence 1.0
I had finally done the impossible, the Soul Transferrence Chip 1.0 was completed. It allows the user to upload their soul into the chip and transfer it to another living host upon them wearing the article of clothing it is attached to. I just had to try it out and I knew who I could try it on! The only perfect body I knew could fit me.
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My brother's best friend Ryan, is super close with my brother, Riley. They both did everything together. Every time, Ryan would always come over to our house. Riley doesn't treat me nice, but Ryan treats me so well, always getting me gifts and snacks. Moreover, Ryan was more handsome and buff. He likes going to the gym to build up his muscles. He was oozing with self confidence and charm. If I wanted to transfer my soul, I want to be as cool as him.
I placed the chip in the removable sole of a new pair of shoes I bought for Ryan. One morning, I visited the gym he frequently works out at and I saw him getting ready for his routine.
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"Hey Ryan, sorry to bother you, but I need a favor." I stuttered to him
"Hey bud, wassup. What kind of favor do you need? I'll see how I can fully help you."
"So I got you this pair of shoes because I know how much you wanted it from the conversation you had with my brother. I have placed a new workout assistance chip that tracks your progress and uploads the data to my computer so I can generate future better workouts for you based on various factors. I was wondering if you would do be the favor of being the trial user." I lied to him while presenting him the sneakers.
"Awesome little man, its pretty cool that I have the honor of being your test rat! I'll be happy to help out. haha You didn't have to get me this pair of shoes, I would have helped out regardless! Anyways I can afford my own clothes and shoes, I have lots of money! I will pay you back later for these!" He winked at me while trying on the sneakers.
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"It fits so perfectly! I guess you got my size correctly! Anyways, I have to start my workout now, you can have a seat at the side. When I am done, I'll give you a ride home." Ryan continued while getting ready to start.
"It uses sound vibrations, so you will be able to hear the program starting up and uploading. Just ignore it, don't let it bother you." I reminded him as I headed to the locker room. Upon reaching there, I started the program via a mobile app. My body started disintegrating, and I felt my soul being absorbed by the chip in Ryan's sneakers.
Data Upload Link Initiated
Estimated Time of Completion: 65 minutes
Ryan stripped down to his workout shorts and started with his workout, he didn't realize that his actions and mind was slowly influenced by me filling up his hunky body. I felt a rush of adrenaline and testosterone the more Ryan was absorbing me. I could feel a boner forming in his shorts from all the sexual thoughts I had about his bulging muscles and endurance.
(Half an hour in) Upload Progress 50%
Ryan was starting to feel lightheaded as my soul took over more of his mind and body. He thought it was due to the fact that he forgotten to drink his pre-workout booster that he was feeling this way. I influenced him to think it was okay to take a break. As he sat down, he fainted slightly. At that point, I pushed further and entirely took over his body to prevent him from falling over.
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At this point, I thought I messed up my chip because my soul didn't fuse with Ryan. I was supposed to take over him and become everything of him and I, but his soul dettached and went into the chip.
Soul Transferrence completed
I stood up. My body was reigning in all the glory of full-blown power and self confidence. My chip works! I flexed and posed. I smiled as I could feel a raging boner filling up my shorts. I suppose I did enough that I can not finish my gym routine today. Time for me to shower and explore more.
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His manly musk emitted from my body as I stripped. Ryan's body was all sore from his workout and side effects of the soul transferrence. It was a out of body experience as I caressed my new meaty pecs with my muscular arms and biceps. I can't believe this is all mine now. I am hot and buff. I am the ultimate definition of awesome.
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Out of the shower and drying off my glistening body, I received a text message.
*When are you coming over babe? I can't wait to feel your swole muscles and enjoy your post-workout Ryan milk. 🤤 Pump me full of your testosterone filled juice with your footlong.* Riley had sent me.
Without thinking, my body reacted and replied,
*Soon babe, I am thinking about your smooth, sweet body too. Im super horny today. I need you to help me pump me dry.*
"OMG, Ryan was gay and he was together with my brother, Riley. Gawd, am I having feelings for my own brother? I can't stop thinking about his perky butt and the hot, steamy sex we have everyday after my gym workout. I thought Ryan's soul was transferred to my chip; did some of his residual soul influenced me during the take over?" I thought to myself in worry.
Something in mind clicked. Soon I forgot about my train of thought. I couldn't figure out why I was panicking.
It doesn't matter. My balls are loaded and I am horny. I'm going to fill my boyfriend up with my milk. I am going to enjoy it so so much. My name is Ryan and I am pure awesome.
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Be Your Own Anchor Chapter 2
Stiles x reader
No warnings yet? Maybe a panic attack? Sarcastic Stiles as always.
Word Count: 1028
I woke up to the insistent beeping of my alarm, reaching over to stop the incessant tone coming from my phone. I checked the time, seeing it was 5:30 in the morning. Less sleep for the next 9 and a half months… congratulations, this is life. I sighed, sitting up and stretching, before I grabbed my shower things and the outfit I had decided on and leaving for the bathroom. As I waited for the water to heat up in my shower, I sent a message to Stiles, ‘hey you awake yet?’ I had always been a fast with getting attached to friends, I usually could tell who was good to know and who to distance from, like Harry when he meets Draco in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I chuckled lightly to myself, setting my phone on the counter and stepping under the warm water, letting it cascade down my back before beginning my shower routine, being especially careful of the wound I had cleaned and bandaged the night before. Once I finished, I stepped out, wrapping myself in a towel before hurrying to get dressed. I combed the knots out of my (h/l) (h/c) hair, before blow-drying and curling it into loose curls, and checked my phone seeing that Stiles answered me, asking if I wanted a ride. ‘OMG Yes please, life saver’ I hated driving myself in the mornings, and especially in new towns. I started on my makeup, deciding on a more neutral look, applying my foundation, contour and highlight, mascara and a darker shade of nude lipstick. I added a few spritz of my setting spray before I grabbed my phone and bag, throwing my wallet inside, and headed across the street to knock on the door and texting Stiles that I was there.
Stiles and I arrived at the school, waiting around a few minutes for Scott to get there, too. "Look, Stiles, I have to tell you guys something. It’s about last night." I glanced around the parking lot, keeping an eye out for Scott as I said this.
Scott finally reached us, only to take the words from my mouth, "(Y/N), Stiles, something happened last night! I got bit." Scott lifted his shirt up and pulled back a slightly bloody bandage, revealing nothing but unmarked skin. I think back to my own bite, and pull my shirt up just above my hip, to be faced with nothing. I check the other side of my torso, seeing the same results, and a look of confusion passed between the three of us.
"Hey… Stiles… do you… uh… do you remember that important thing? You might think I'm just playing… but it isn't there anymore..." I trail off, my voice taking on a sing-songy tone, and both boys’ glance at where my shirt still rested.
"Did you get bit too?" Scott asks, and I nod, glancing down, fixing my shirt.
"That's not just it though. I mean, it was too dark to tell but.... I think it was a wolf."
"A wolf bit you?"
"Not a chance." Stiles scoffed, shaking his head slightly.
Scott interrupted us. "I heard a wolf howling."
"No, you didn't."
"What do you mean, ‘no, you didn't’? How do you know what we heard?"
"Because California doesn't have wolves, ok? Not in like, 60 years."
"Really?" Scott interjected once again.
"Yes, really! There are no wolves in California."
“I thought... oh, well... I have to go get my schedule. Come with me?" I shook my head, asking neither boy in particular.
"I have to head to the field." Scott headed off, saying he'll see us later. Stiles agreed to coming with me, but that he would have to leave soon after. We all split way, Stiles leading me to grab my schedule and Scott going to the field. After grabbing my schedule, Stiles headed out to the field for practice as well, waving goodbye, and I made my way to my first period. Chemistry.
After their practice, Stiles started telling me about how Scott was on the field, and I was starting to get concerned. It was like he turned from severe asthmatic to a star athlete, overnight. But we had decided to go get his inhaler, dragging him along with us. "What is that smell?" I wondered out loud. It smelt like a mix of the mint-mojito gum in Stiles' pocket and a really nice smelling cologne.
"You smell that too?" Scott asked, his nose wrinkled in disgust.‘That’s something I didn’t notice before… Why disgust, though? I thought it smelt really good…’
"What if all that on the field today was just some sort of infection? Like it was adrenaline before you go into shock?" I started voicing my concerns, beginning to panic.
"You know, I think I've heard of this infection! It's a specific infection." Stiles added to my thoughts.
"Really? Are you serious?" I paled, glancing from Stiles to Scott in worry.
"Oh yeah. I think it's called lycanthropy." I scoffed; Scott took no notice.
"What's that? Is it bad?"
"Oh, yeah. It’s the worst!" I was playing along now, Stiles having made me realize how ridiculous my concerns were.
"But, only once a month." Stiles had added on.
"Once a month?" Scott was still oblivious.
"Yeah. On the night of the full moon." Me and Stiles both howled in laughter, earning a scoff and glare from Scott. "Well, twice a month for (Y/n).” I slapped Stiles lightly, my mouth open, feigning hurt.
“Come on, let’s find your inhaler." I started looking around, shoving leaves aside before hearing something, like feet crunching the leaves beneath their feet.
"What are you doing here? This is private property." A gruff voice said.
"We were just looking for something. We didn't know." I see Scott's inhaler fly through the air, catching it before it can hit the ground. I stare at the man who threw it, rolling my eyes, earning what I could have sworn was a soft chuckle. Just for an instant, I could have sworn his eyes were a different color.
"Come on, I have to get to work."
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Supercorptober Day 7: Yellow
another on time fic 😎😎 /s. fluff, 1k. tw: food.
Read on AO3
It started out rather innocuously. Nia showed Kara that new “search for emojis” feature in the iOS update, and next thing they all knew, Kara was going just a little bit crazy with the emoji usage (to put it nicely.)
Kara’s best friend, on the other hand, refused to use any emoji—other than the red heart—out of principle. (When asked, Lena would struggle to name the exact principle on which her objection to emojis held its foundations. However, she insisted it was a matter of principle all the same.) The red heart, even, had been a mere accident; Lena was texting with Kara and truly had no idea what to say, so she sent the red heart out of a schoolgirl-like panic. (No, let’s not dwell on the implications of that feeling.)
It’s not that Lena is anti-emoji, per se. It’s just that she’s so prone to misinterpreting them—like, who knew that one emoji with the teeth meant awkward uncomfortable cringe? Lena just thought it was a tooth-y smile. And the one that was blushing with big eyes? Lena assumed that one conveyed fear, but then Nia started explaining how that one oftentimes represented horniness and well—
Lena simply was not a fan of emojis. Sue her.
Now, Kara’s moderate emoji use had never bothered Lena. Her repertoire was pretty limited to hearts, smiles, and flowers, and they always communicated happiness, appreciation, platonic love, or some other positive emotion.
But things had escalated rather quickly after Nia introduced Kara to that emoji search feature.
Soon, Lena’s iMessage app was filled with texts that looked rather like those sarcastic tumblr text posts Nia would always send her. A random basket emoji here, an unnecessary yarn ball emoji there, a confusing turkey emoji here, a mildly obnoxious woman-getting-haircut emoji there.
Its onset was swift, and honestly a bit much for Lena, who struggled to do so much as open a Spotify playlist. (Lena always said that when you’re the hands-on CEO of a billion-dollar tech company, you get a pass on understanding the mundane stuff like how to pause a YouTube video without closing out of the whole tab.
Yes, she recognized that her admittedly amusing technology struggles were a poor excuse for disliking the receipt of emojis, but she proudly bore the distaste nonetheless.)
There was one emoji in particular that Kara seemed to employ in nearly every text she sent Lena: a borderline art deco Sun, with black eyes, a defined nose, and a polite smile. It appeared to Lena that the Sun delivered no practical meaning or message; Kara simply enjoyed placing that damned Sun emoji at the end of every single text.
Every single text (!).
And god, how that should annoy Lena. But.
It also happened to possibly be one of the most endearing things Kara had ever done. She could picture it, Kara sitting there with her eager, puppy-dog smile as she habitually and relentlessly attached that sunshine emoji at the end of every text, just to try to brighten Lena’s day. She was caring like that, a bit enamoring in her ways, and Lena couldn’t help but blush and bite back a begrudging smile with each Sun emoji she received.
However, Lena was nothing if not stubborn and petty. Blame it on the upbringing, blame it on the Luthor blood, whatever.
So she exacted a precise plan for revenge. With Nia’s puzzled but unquestioning assistance, Lena located the mirroring Moon emoji and began attaching it to each and every text she sent to Kara, as if it were some psychopathic ritual.
It took Kara thirteen days to notice.
“OMG wait, I just realized, you started using a new emoji!!!” her text exclaimed gleefully, following that statement with various smiling emojis, a dog emoji, two fairy emojis, and, of course, the infamous Sun emoji.
Though she wouldn’t admit it, Lena smiled softly. “We’re still on for lunch today, right?” she typed before tapping on the Moon emoji and pressed send.
“Of course!” Two heart emojis, red and blue, and the Sun emoji stared back at her.
“I am so proud of you, Lena,” Kara started, mouth half full with an egregiously large bite of her Big Belly Burger. “When I realized you’d begun regularly using an emoji, my heart literally began to sing.” Kara pressed her hand to heart, pretending she was swooning.
Lena rolled her eyes endearingly. “Kara, darling, you know I only started using the Moon emoji to get back at you for your routine overuse of the Sun emoji. You attach it at the end of every message.”
“Well yeah, of course I do. Your name, ‘Lena,’ means ‘sunlight’ in Persian. Zari told me. And you make me feel so bright and joyful, like I can take on anything—like how the Earth’s Yellow Sun gives me my strength and smile—so why wouldn’t I use that emoji as my little way of letting you know?”
Lena’s response was uncharacteristically sudden. “Can I kiss you?”
“What? I mean, wait, oh—” Kara cut off her own rambling, brushing her lips against Lena’s. The kiss was light and airy, like the sky on a sunny day. And when Lena leaned in to resume and deepen the kiss, it began to resemble the Sun’s fire. And the elation, relief, and euphoria in their hearts—that truly was just like the Sun.
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
Prompt from FanFiction User malexfaith: A birthday fic for malexfaith from her prompt requesting a BeChloe COVID-19 fic. [See the end for the full prompt.]
"Finally," Beca muttered, breathing out a sigh of relief after reading the all-employee email from the studio bosses. The person that thought they had COVID-19 had a negative test result come back. After spending two weeks in self-isolation, Beca was ready to get out of her apartment, even if it was only to do some grocery shopping. It was almost dinner time and she only had a can of ravioli on her shelf.
Beca jumped up and ran to the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth. She gathered everything she needed, including her face mask and gloves. She also opted to dress in real clothes before making her way out of her apartment. She followed all the proper 'social-distancing' protocols and made her way to the market just down the street.
She walked in and saw two people, both of whom worked there.
"Good evening," Beca said.
"Good evening," one of the workers replied. "May I help you find something?"
"No thanks," Beca said. "I'm just picking up a few necessities."
Beca walked down the aisles, placing a few things in her cart. She got to the frozen foods and stocked up on microwave meals and ice cream. She turned the corner of the paper goods aisle and stopped.
The entire aisle of shelves was bare. There was not one single pack of toilet paper or paper towels. She furrowed her brow and slowly walked the entire aisle, looking from side to side like a roll of toilet paper was going to jump off the shelf at her.
"Wow," Beca muttered. "This hoarding toilet paper really is a thing now."
Beca grabbed a few more needed items and went to the checkout. Someone had come in while she was shopping, so she stood what she thought was six feet behind them.
The cashier finished with the other person and Beca moved forward. She unloaded her cart and paid for her purchases. She packed her reusable bags and managed to get them all back to her apartment without dropping or losing anything.
Beca put her groceries away, keeping one frozen meal out to put in the microwave. She read the directions and placed the meal in the microwave, punching in five minutes. She turned on the TV and immediately changed the station from a re-airing of the President's Coronavirus press briefing from the day before.
"Moron," Beca mumbled before finding a reputable news station to listen to for the latest information on treatments and vaccines and such.
The microwave beeped and Beca got her meal. Once she was done eating, she grabbed a beer and sat in front of her computer. The TV was on low in the background while she tweeted about her trip to the market, lamenting about the lack of toilet paper. For fun, she added #NoTPtobeFound.
She posted the picture she had taken of her frozen meal once and posted it on Instagram.
BMitchNotBitch: Spoils of being single and self-quarantining with yourself. #EatingAlone
It didn't take long for the notifications to come in. Beca checked and she had several likes and a few comments on her #EatingAlone post.
She liked one post that was accompanied by a picture of a half a personal size pizza. The poster, HomeEducator, had written: This was the only thing left in my refrigerator for me to eat today. #EatingAlone
It made Beca chuckle. She was surprised when she saw a reply come through.
HomeEducator: OMG! BMitchNotBitch liked my post! #Swooning #BigFan #TheCupSongismyFave
Several new notifications popped up and Beca sat smiling and shaking her head at how one post and her liking a post could get such a reaction. Her fans were the best.
Beca re-read the post from HomeEducator and decided to send her a private message.
BMitchNotBitch: Hi. I saw your post about me liking your post and wanted to see if you were okay. Being alone during this sucks.
The response from HomeEducator was almost immediate.
HomeEducator: Is this really you? Beca Mitchell the music producer and singer?
BMitchNotBitch: The one and only, I swear.
It took a little longer for the response to come through this time.
HomeEducator: Sorry, but I had to squeal a little. I'm such a big fan and can't believe you're actually writing to me. #BMitchNotBitchFangirl
BMitchNotBitch: I don't usually 'talk' to my fans through personal messaging but I liked that you posted your dinner and that you were eating alone. Since we're both alone I thought it might be nice to have someone to chat with while sitting around by ourselves.
HomeEducator: I'd love to chat sometime. I am a teacher and we are doing remote learning so I'm busy from about nine until three on Tues, Wed, and Thurs.
BMitchNotBitch: That works out for me. I have a small studio in my apartment and will be working on some new stuff while I'm home.
HomeEducator: Anything you can share?
BMitchNotBitch: Not yet. But, if you play your cards right, I might let you hear a snippet or two.
HomeEducator: That would be so awesome!
Beca's phone pinged with a text notification; she read it and sighed.
BMitchNotBitch: I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cut this short. I got a message about some work I have to take care of. I hope we can chat again.
HomeEducator: I'm free tomorrow. How about I message you around three-thirty to see if you can talk.
BMitchNotBitch: Sounds good to me. Bye for now.
HomeEducator: Bye.
Beca checked the text again and went to work on what her boss had sent her.
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
The next day, Beca was working in her home studio when she saw her phone light up with an IG message notification. She pulled off her headphones and looked at her phone. She smiled when she saw it was from HomeEducator.
HomeEducator: It's three-thirty. Can you talk?
BMitchNotBitch: Can I get back to you in about 30? I'm in the middle of something but almost done with it.
HomeEducator: Sure. I'll talk to you in a little while.
BMitchNotBitch: Awesome!
Beca put her headphones back on and finished the track. She played it back and made a few tweaks and listened to it one more time. She smiled because it sounded better than she had expected.
"I should send HomeEducator a snippet of this," Beca thought.
Beca quickly cut out a portion of the chorus and copied it into a file. She made sure it sounded good and pulled up her message thread with HomeEducator.
"I really need to ask for her name," Beca mumbled as she pulled up her Instagram message thread.
BMitchNotBitch: What's your name? It's only fair that you tell me since you already know mine. Also, here's a little something for your listening pleasure.
Beca attached the music file and hit send. She waited for a response and started to get nervous when it took a few minutes. Beca thought about sending another message when her phone lit up.
HomeEducator: OMG, Beca! That is amazing. Are you releasing this or is someone else? When will it come out?
BMitchNotBitch: LOL. Calm down. It's for my next album which I do not have a release date for. With all that's going on it may come out on iTunes or some other music download system.
HomeEducator: Let me know when and how. I def want to hear the rest of the song. The chorus is aca-amazing.
BMitchNotBitch: Aca what? And I'll ask again, what is your name?
HomeEducator: Oops, I didn't mean to type that. Maybe I'll tell you about it someday, but today is not the day.
HomeEducator: And my name is Chloe Beale.
"Chloe," Beca mumbled liking the way the name sounded rolling off her tongue.
BMitchNotBitch: Nice name. Would it be weird if I sent you my number so we could text and maybe talk? If it is, forget I said anything. It would be nice to hear another voice once in a while.
HomeEducator: 213-555-1960
Beca sat up when she saw the message. "She gave me her number."
Beca bit her lip but put the number in her phone under Chloe's name. She sent a quick text.
Unknown Number: Hi, it's Beca Mitchell. Thanks for giving me your number. Be sure to save mine.
Chloe: Done. Can I call you?
Beca: Anytime.
Beca hit send and jumped when her phone rang almost immediately. She was surprised to see Chloe's name on her caller ID.
"Hello?" Beca said into the phone.
"Hi, it's Chloe," Chloe said. "Calling you now is okay, right? It's not weird is it?"
"Yes, it's okay, and no, I don't think it's weird," Beca said. "You have a nice voice."
"Thank you," Chloe said. "I always thought your voice was nice."
"Oh, um, thank you," Beca said. "So, you have a 213 area code. Does that mean you live in the LA area?"
"Yes, I do," Chloe said.
"Great," Beca said. "Maybe when we can get out and about again we can meet in person?"
"I'd like that," Chloe said. "That is if you're still talking to me then. I have a tendency to ignore boundaries because I want to know everything about people and that turns them off sometimes."
Beca chuckled. "Hmm, maybe I need to rethink that invitation."
She heard Chloe let out a small gasp of faux indignation.
"I'm kidding," Beca said.
"Good. So, tell me a little about yourself," Chloe said. "I mean stuff that people don't know. Like I said, I'm a big fan so I know quite a bit about you from what's posted online and stuff. I know there has to be more to you than that."
Beca chuckled again. "You're right. I am much more than what you read online or hear about in the tabloids. Let me get out of my studio and get comfortable."
"Ooo," Chloe said, laughing. "It's going to be that kind of phone call. Kinky."
"Oh, my God," Beca said, face flushing. "I didn't know I was dealing with a perv."
Chloe laughed.
"Okay, I'm in my living room," Beca said as she laid on her sofa, her head resting on the arm.
"What are you wearing?" Chloe asked in a sultry voice.
"I'm hanging up now," Beca replied, unable to keep the smile from her face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Chloe said, full-on belly laughing. "I didn't realize you'd be so easy to fluster. I have a feeling we are going to be fast and best friends."
"I kind of get that feeling, too," Beca said honestly.
"Yeah?" Chloe said. "So, start talking, Mitchell."
"Yes, ma'am," Beca said. "So, I'm twenty-five and have lived in LA for six years now. Wow, I just realized it's been that long. Anyway, I moved here when I got discovered by DJ Khaled and offered a contract when I was nineteen."
"I kind of know all that," Chloe interrupted. "Tell me something that I can't read online."
"Oh, I see how it is," Beca said. "We're getting into the TMI part of our friendship. Moving kind of fast aren't we, Beale?"
"No boundaries, remember?" Chloe asked.
"Right, you did give me fair warning," Beca said. "Okay. Here's something that hasn't gotten out about me. I, um, auditioned for American Idol when I was eighteen and didn't make it past the first round."
"Shut up!" Chloe exclaimed. "Seriously? You are so talented, how could they not send you forward?"
"Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has released the video of my audition. I was pretty bad. I was so nervous and sounded awful."
"I would love to see that. I'm sure it isn't as bad as you make it out to be. I mean, you did get a recording contract a year later."
"That's true, but it wasn't because of my Idol audition. Khaled heard me singing karaoke and the rest, as they say, is history."
"Well, I for one am glad that Khaled has a better ear than those stupid Idol judges."
Beca chuckled. "Thank you. Now tell me something about yourself."
"Um, well, I'm twenty-seven and was born in Tampa. I graduated from Barden University in Georgia with an advanced teaching degree. I moved to New York where I taught for two years before I found the job I'm in now."
"You lived in New York?" Beca asked. "How was that?"
Chloe and Beca spoke for close to two hours before Beca's stomach reminded her she hadn't had dinner.
"Ugh," Beca said. "I hate to cut this short but my stomach is reminding me that I need to eat."
"Me, too," Chloe said. "I really enjoyed talking with you. I hope we can do this again soon. And by soon, I mean like tomorrow."
"I'd love to talk to you again, too," Beca said. "And you can call or text me whenever you want. If I don't answer right away, don't worry. I'm probably working in my studio. But I promise to answer as soon as I can. Okay?"
"Okay," Chloe said. Beca could almost hear her smile through the phone. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"It's a date," Beca said. "I mean, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Not like a date or anything. Just talking. On the phone. Tomorrow."
"You are so cute when you ramble," Chloe said.
"Shut up," Beca said, glad Chloe couldn't see her pink cheeks.
"Bye, Beca," Chloe said with a laugh.
"Goodbye, Chloe," Beca said, ending the call.
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
Beca looked forward to seeing Chloe's name pop up on her caller ID. They would take turns calling; if Beca called Chloe in the morning, Chloe would call Beca in the afternoon. They texted quite a bit as well.
It surprises Beca that they still find something to talk about even after two months. Funny thing is, they are both still stuck at home and don't get out much, and yet still have something new to talk about. Beca doesn't even talk to her family as much as she does with Chloe.
Beca knew Chloe would be calling soon. They had scheduled a watch party for the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and she had to get everything ready.
Beca grabbed two beers and placed them on the table in front of the sofa. She turned her TV on, barely paying any attention to Station 19 as it played in the background.
Beca checked her watch. Just then there was a knock on the door and Beca ran to answer.
"Pizza's here," a voice called out before she made it to the door.
Beca opened the door to find her pizza sitting on the floor, waiting for her. She poked her head out the door and yelled a "thank you" to the delivery guy as he waited for the elevator.
Beca brought the pizza in just as her phone rang.
"Hey," Beca said, sitting the pizza on the table and opening the box.
"Grey's will be on in like five minutes," Chloe said. "Are you set up and ready?"
"Yes, ma'am," Beca responded. "Two beers and a pizza all ready to be consumed. How about you?"
"I got pizza, too," Chloe said. "Gotta help keep the local businesses going."
"Same," Beca said. "There's a pizza place not too far from my building that has the best pizza ever."
"I don't know, Beca," Chloe said. "I think my pizza place can claim ownership as the best pizza ever."
"I beg to differ," Beca said. "It's-"
"Shhhhh!" Chloe said, cutting Beca off. "It's starting."
"Oh," Beca said. She put her phone on speaker and sat down to watch.
Beca and Chloe made comments on the characters and what was happening on the screen. A scene where surgery was being performed came on and Beca dropped her pizza slice back into the box.
"Ew, I just lost my appetite," Beca said.
"Come on, Beca," Chloe said. "It's not that bad. It's all fake."
"Doesn't look very fake," Beca said, making the mistake of looking at the screen again. "Yuck!"
"I didn't know you were so squeamish," Chloe said. "Ugh! Okay, I see what you mean. That's pretty gross. Especially when you're eating pizza."
"Yep," Beca said. "Let me know when they stop showing it."
"They're done," Chloe said, laughing. "Do you want to keep this going and watch How to Get Away With Murder with me after?"
"I would," Beca said. "But I have a Zoom interview with Kelly Clarkson at eight in the morning. I actually need to make myself presentable so I'll be getting up early to do my hair and makeup and find something decent to wear. I really should wash clothes soon."
"Can I watch the interview live online?" Chloe asked.
"I don't know," Beca said. "I know it will be on YouTube at some point. I'll try and find out and let you know."
"You don't have to do that," Chloe said. "Just call or text me when the interview is over."
"Will do," Beca said. "Goodnight, Chloe. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Becs," Chloe said and ended the call.
"Becs," Beca mumbled with a silly grin on her face. She let out a sigh and said, "I think I might be falling in love with Chloe and I've never even seen her."
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
Beca had finished her Zoom interview with Kelly Clarkson and decided to do her laundry. She wasn't that pressed to do it but she was running out of clean pajamas.
Beca gathered up a full basket of dirty clothes and put on her mask before heading down to the building's laundry room. Someone else had the same idea as Beca noticed two dryers going.
Beca made her way to the washers and starting separating her clothes and placing them in the washer. She was dropping her coins in the slot when she heard a sound and looked up. She smiled at the person who came in and furrowed her brow. The woman had stopped dead in her tracks and was staring at her.
"Beca?" the woman said. "What are you doing here?"
Beca looked at the woman. "Um, washing clothes?"
Beca could tell the woman was smiling behind her mask. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"Oh, right, you don't know what I look like," the woman said. "I'm Chloe."
Beca's eyes widened. "Chloe? My Chloe?"
"I can be if you play your cards right," Chloe said with a smirk.
Chloe walked over to Beca and stopped. She put her arms out as if to hug Beca and Beca hesitated.
"I know we're not supposed to touch, but I could really use a hug," Chloe said.
Beca chewed her bottom lip and then said, "What the hell?" as she pulled Chloe into a hug.
"It is so good to actually meet you in person," Beca said, pulling back from the hug and moving away from Chloe. "Wait! Oh, my God!"
"What?" Chloe asked, confused by Beca's actions.
"Did you stalk me online and find out where I live?" Beca asked.
"No, I swear I didn't," Chloe said and chuckled. "I actually live in this building. Apartment 3C."
"What?" Beca asked. "You mean all this time we've lived this close and didn't know it?"
"Looks like it," Chloe said, pulling the mask from her face as she stepped closer to Beca.
"Wow," Beca said, staring at Chloe's face. "You're really pretty."
Beca realized she blurted that out loud and her cheeks reddened.
"I've always thought you were really pretty, too," Chloe said.
Beca and Chloe stood staring at each other. Beca pulled her mask down and let it hang around her neck.
"Um, this is awkward, but I really want to kiss you," Beca said softly.
"I really want to kiss you, too," Chloe said.
"But, we probably shouldn't," Beca said, leaning in slightly.
"You're right. We shouldn't," Chloe said just as their lips met.
Beca reached out and pulled Chloe closer by her hips. Chloe moaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Beca's shoulders.
"Wow," Beca whispered as the kiss came to an end.
"Same," Chloe said with a chuckle. "So, um, I know we're not supposed to go visit friends and such, but would you like to come to my apartment for dinner? I haven't been outside in almost three weeks, so I think we'll be okay."
"I haven't been outside about that long, too," Beca said. "Do you really think it will be safe?"
"I don't know what to think, to be honest," Chloe said. "But, I don't know if I can handle just talking on the phone when I know you're so close."
"In that case," Beca said. "I'd love to have dinner with you in your apartment."
"Really?" Chloe squealed, pulling Beca into a tight hug. "Is six good for you?"
"That's our usual dinner time," Beca said. "I'll bring some wine. I have a couple of bottles I've been saving for a special occasion. And I think dinner with you counts as a special occasion."
"Perfect," Chloe said and gave Beca a quick peck on the lips. "I'd better get my laundry upstairs. I need to see what I have to make for dinner."
"I have some stuff in my freezer if you need it," Beca said.
"Thanks," Chloe said. "I'll let you know."
Chloe walked over to the dryers and started folding her clothes and putting them in her basket. Beca was still standing at the washers, staring at Chloe.
"Um, Becs?"
Beca smiled at the nickname. "Yeah?"
"The washer only works if you put the money in," Chloe said, grinning.
"Right," Beca said and got her washers going. "I'll, uh, see you later."
"See you later," Chloe said and watched as Beca finally made her way out of the laundry room.
Chloe smiled and mumbled, "I am totes going to marry that girl."
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
Six months later, Beca and Chloe were having dinner together in Beca's apartment. The U.S. and most of the world was getting back into its new 'normal', whatever that is, and Beca and Chloe had been able to spend more time in close proximity. In the two months since the stay-at-home orders had been lifted, they had spent every spare moment together.
"Ooo, let's get a picture," Chloe said as she pulled out her phone.
"Why?" Beca whined.
"So, I can show you off," Chloe said. "And announce to the world that Beca Mitchell is off the market."
"You're a dork, you know that?" Beca said, smiling lovingly at Chloe.
"I do know that," Chloe said. "That's why you love me."
"I do love you," Beca said, moving closer to Chloe.
"And I love you," Chloe said, closing the distance and kissing Beca. She pulled back and said, "Now, let's let everyone else know that we love each other."
"Okay," Beca said.
Beca moved so she could wrap her arms around Chloe's waist. She put her chin on Chloe's shoulder.
"How's this?" Beca asked.
"Perfect," Chloe said and she took the picture.
They remained in the same position with Beca watching over Chloe's shoulder as she posted the photo on all the media sites.
Beca smiled when she saw that Chloe had added a new hashtag. #NoLongerEatingAlone.
Full prompt from FanFiction User malexfaith: I was just thinking with the self-isolation that people who want to meet someone, would have to do so at the moment through the internet; meaning they would be talking for a lot longer before actually meeting, and their relationship may last longer with them already knowing so much before actually meeting.
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waywardscorpio · 5 years
Chapter One: You're Our Omega And We're Your Alpha's
Tag List: @phoenixoffiretwo @scuzmunkie
Redue it because I forgot the tags and photo. I deleted the other so, I could redue it.
Nine months later
Third person POV*
It had been nine months since Y/N, got injured. She was ready to get back into the ring and fight again. She just gotten the news earlier today that she has been cleared to enter the ring again and her shoulder is completely healed and doing good.
I was sitting on my couch watching The Shield VS, The Hardy Boyz and Randy Orton. My phone goes off with a text message
Text message:
From Becky Lynch
To: Y/N
How are you doing sis?
Y/N, texts her sister back smiling as she was listening to the match.
From Y/N
To Becky Lynch
I'm doing fine. I've been cleared to wrestle. I just got the news from the doctors earlier today. Steph and Triple H, know and I'll be back on Raw, next Monday night. I'm so, happy I get to come back. I've missed fighting.
From Becky Lynch
To Y/N
Wait really you're cleared? Omg yes, my sister is gonna be back. I have a match against Sasha Banks and Brie Bella and I need a tag team partner. Would you be my surprise tag team partner? Wait does the guys know and Lana and Rusev know?
From Y/N
To Becky Lynch
No, they don't. I want it to be a surprise. Stephanie said her and Triple H, are gonna keep it a secret. Yes, I would damn well love to be your partner sis. I'm gonna get my payback on Sasha Banks.
From Becky Lynch
To Y/N
Yes. Okay I won't tell anyone. Got to go sis. I have a singles match against Nikki Bella, and I need to get ready. Love ya sister.
From Y/N
To Becky Lynch
Okay sis. Love ya too. Good luck and kick ass.
I set my phone down and looked at the screen and smiled as Reigns, superman punched Randy in the jaw. He pinned him as I screamed at the TV "1...2...3. Yes, that's my boys" I said. I've always called them my boys and I'm their girl. Though we aren't together. I love all three of them boys equally and more than just friends.
"And your Winners are, The Shield." The ring announcer said into the mic. "We have a message for our favorite girl, Y/N. Y/N, you're our best friend and we love you. You'll be back in the ring soon enough, Baby girl" Seth said. I tear up a little smiling happily as I spoke softly "I love you too, boys." I went to bed that night with a smile from hell on my face.
*Time skip to next Monday night*
I snuck into the arena and to mine and Becky's shared locker room and got ready for our match. I went to the gorilla pin and waited. Becky went out first with a mic and stood half way down the ramp. Nikki and Sasha were already at the ring waiting. Becky held the mic up with a devious smile on her face. "Y'all are probably wondering were or who my tag team partner is right?" The crowd started to cheer. "Well it is none other than my best friend and baby sister. Guess who's back ladies and gentlemen?" She said as my music came on and a went running down the ramp and stood next to her. I had my eyes dead locked with Sasha and a devilish smile on my lips. Becky hands me the mic "I'm back." Is all I said.
Becky and myself, got into the ring and waited for the bell to ring. As soon as the bell rang I grabbed Sasha by the hair and slammed her to the ground. The match went on for about twenty minutes. As the match was going on Dean, Seth, and Roman were all watching me smiling as I beat the hell out of Sasha like I promised I would. The Shield was happy I was back, because they had there girl with them once again. I hit Nikki, with a spear and pinned her. The referee counts "1...2....3!!!!" I stand up and hug my sister. I turn and see Sasha, arguing with the referee. I walked over and grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. Which in turn caused her to hit the mat hard. I got on top of her and started hitting her repeatedly. Cesaro and Shameus, came running out to help Sasha.
I was grabbed and thrown into the turn buckle by Shameus. Before Shameus could get a hand on me again I heard my favorite song come on signaling the Shield boys, are coming. Dean, Seth, and Roman slid into the ring. Seth grabbed Shameus and pulled him off me while Becky safely got me out of the ring. The boys triple power bombed The bar. Dean grabs a mic and speaks first "this is a warning for anyone male in the locker room." Seth takes the mic "if you so, much as touch our girl, we will and can break you." Roman spoke last "Y/N, come here" I quickly obliged and got in the ring. "We have something to ask you." Roman says. "What is it?" I asked trying to fight off a blush and the heat pooling between my legs. I looked at them and smile the best I could so, they wouldn't notice. "Will you join the Shield?"
"Yes, I would love that" I said with a smile on my face. They gave me, a big group hug with my sister hugging me too. I had to stifle a whimper because of my now soaked panties. After the hug we all walked in the back. I made a b-line for mine and my sisters shared dressing room. They were all confused. That was until they're almost knocked over by the sweet smell of me and the slick slipping down my legs. Seth, Dean and Roman, all let a deep growl out of arousal as there eyes went dark with lust and love, and their nostrils flared. Which ment that the only one that could cause and Alpha to almost hit his or their knees from the smell of slick and arousal, was their omega and mate. Becky looks confused until she sees that same look on their faces, that her alpha and now mate gave her two years ago.
"Shit no, this isn't happening." I said to myself. Becky came in quickly locking the door, right as I fell to the ground whimpering in pain and need. I heard foot steps closing in and their smells through the door and down the hall way. I started to become in a daze. But not only was The Shield near, they're are two other alphas near as well. I let out an unintentional whine of need. My sister walks over and hugs me rubbing my back. "I know sis. We have to get out of here and to the hotel okay?" She said as she hoisted me up. I learned on her. The Shields smells were so, intoxicating that it left me whimpering for more and they haven't even touched. Becky put me in a cold shower and it stopped. That's when I realized right then and their that Seth, Dean and Roman, were what I've been looking for.
Becky got me to the car after she was able to get the three males away and make sure the other two males were contained.  "Becky it hurts" I whimper in the front seat. "Need my Alpha's" I pant. "Sis, I don't know if it is a good idea." She said to me. "Why not? I need something." I whimpered again. She got me up to my hotel room and helped me lay down, after locking the door. "Becky, their smells are getting closer. Please, need them" I said. "Are you sure this is you talking and not the sexual need?" She asks. Becky has always been very protective of me. I nodded my head looking her dead in the eyes after the pain had passed long enough for me to think straight. "Yes, I'm sure. This is what I want." I could hear them outside the door and deep growls which caused me to whine out "Alpha's. I want you." I said. "Let us in Baby Girl, an we will take good care of you." I heard Dean growl softly through the door which made me moan softly.
Becky nods and stood up walking to the door. She opens it to see three males. "You three better not hurt her in any way shape, or form or all three of you are dead." She warns. "We wouldn't ever harm her." They said to Becky. She nods and leaves. I squirm on bed pulling my clothes off. I put a pillow between my legs and grind my hips. I mewl at the friction its causing. The pillow was yanked from between my slicked coated thighs and pussy. I whine looking at them. "Daddies..... please need you" I pant.
They stripped down completely and they got on the bed. Seth got between my legs, Dean on my right and Roman on my left. Their smells all overwhelming me making me shudder. I open my legs and rubbed my clit moaning. Seth removed my hand. He loved seeing that but he wanted to taste me. "Now tsk tsk Baby Girl. You didn't ask us to touch yourself" Roman whispers in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my neck. As his breath is hitting my neck I moan in pleasure without even a touch of his lips. I arch off the bed when Dean, wraps his lips around my parked up nipples, my right hand went up and gripped Dean's hair "Daddy Dean" I breathlessly moan out.
Seth, laid between my legs as he left small kisses up my legs until he got to my slick covered core , and without a warning his lips latch onto my clit causing me to arch my back off the bed yet again at the pleasure. "Master Seth" I pant out which only cause a groan to emit from his attached lips on my core making my head roll back. Dean worked on my neck, Seth works vigorously on my pussy, and Roman is kissing me and playing with one of my nipples. I was getting close to letting go. All it took was Seth to enter a three fingers and curl them just right to make me start shaking. I pulled away from Roman's lips as I moan out each word "I'm. Going. T-t-to. Cu-cum. Oh fuck please, let me cum" I begged. All three males smirked. "How bad do you want to cum, Princess?" Roman asked. "Really bad, Sir Roman" I could tell he liked to be called Sir, by the way he groaned. His lips attached to my left nipple, Dean on my right one and Seth latched on to my clit and moved his fingers faster. "Cum Baby Girl." Seth said before sucking my clit harder and fingers curl a little more, while the other two worked on my nipples. I scream as I came, my hands clenching Roman, and Dean's hair.
I was a hot mumbling and mewling mess as I came down from my first high. Seth hums at the taste "you two should had a taste." He said to the other males. Which now were spreading my legs more and lapping at my core. All three looked down at me. "You think you can take all of us, Baby Girl?" Roman asks me as I settled my breathing. I look down at their cocks and bit my lip. They weren't small by no, means. But I felt I could take all three. Hell I practically got turned on picturing all three of them in me at once. I nodded my head I subconsciously rolled over and got on my hands and knees. They groaned as they looked at one another deciding who went first. After a moment Roman entered first as I gasped and loved the feeling. Roman pulled me flush against his chest and grabbed under my thighs pulling them apart more for Dean to get between them and enter me, Seth got on the side and spread my right ass cheek so, he could enter. "This may hurt a little bit, Baby Girl. I promise it will feel good after adjusting too. Okay?" He said. I nod my head as he pushed his cock in along side the other twos cocks. I let out a small whimper. Dean kissed me to help distract me from the pain.
After a few I nodded my head for them to move. All three set the same pace. My head lollies back against Roman's shoulder, as Dean, put his hand around my throat lightly and I mewled at the feeling. "Does our Little Princess, like Daddy'shand around her throat?" I moaned "Yes Daddy" I moaned more. "F-faster please?" I pant out stuttering in pleasure. They happily obliged. I scream in pleasure when they found the right spot. "Right there. Fuck. Please, don't stop" I said panting.
"We found it!" Roman hums happily. They kept hitting it as I moaned. I could feel their knots getting bigger. "We're gonna knot you so, good. Would you like that Princess? Huh? Want us to knot you so, good?" Seth groaned in my ear and that's all it took for me to cum again "y-yes. Please, knot me." I pant. Seth kisses me as Dean and Roman, suck on my neck.
After their paces got sloppy and a few more thrusts their knots all pop, the tips of the cocks latched onto my womb, and lock me to them as hot cum spewed into my womb. Dean, Seth, and Roman all bit my neck or shoulder marking me as their mate. Dean rubbed my clit as I whine. "N-no, Daddy. Can't I'm to sensitive." I said. "Yes, you can. Come on Baby Girl. Just one more time and that's all. I promise." He praised and encouraged me. I nod as his pace picked up the pace. I pant getting closer to the edge again. My head laid back against Roman, as they reached licked their individual mating marks they left on my neck or shoulder. Seth nipped my nipple cause me to mewl in pleasure while Dean coaxed me to my last orgasm.  "Like when I nip your sensitive hard nipple?" He said in my ear. "Yes, feels good Master" I mewl. Roman grabbed me by the hair and turns my head to kiss him. I came for the last time when my hair was pulled cause that's all it took besides Dean quickly rubbing my clit, an Seth nipping and sucking my nipple.
After that they carefully and gently laid us down. How we did I do not know.
*Third Person P.O.V*
-Little time skip. A few hours-
After The Shield and Y/N, had mated, and their knots went down, they all took a shower after helping Y/N, take a bath. They were now cuddled on Y/N's bed sleeping. They all slept till morning.
Y/N woke up and yawned as she stretched. She looked around and on both sides of her were the three men she loved the most sleeping soundly. She quietly got out of bed but was careful cause her legs were shakey from last night. She made it to the bathroom and brushed her hair, did a light make up look after brushing her teeth. She put on some clothes and shoes, and quietly walked out of the room after grabbing her keys, wallet and sunglasses. She was sure to make her mating marks visible for all alphas to see. She passed Becky in the hall. Her sister sees the marks. She smiles at her little sister. "Going to get food?" Becky asks Y/N. "Yes, would you like to ride with?" She asks. "Yeah" Becky replied following her.
Y/N, walks to her car and drives to get some breakfast with Becky, to get food for her and the boys. While she was gone unknowingly she forgot her phone and the boys had tried to call her when they woke and didn't find their mate still in bed. Becky's phone went off. "Hey Seth. Why didn't you call Y/N's phone?" She asks Seth. Y/N, felt for her phone and face palms herself mentally. Becky hands her the phone so she can talk. "I forgot it. I thought I grabbed it. Seth I...." Seth cut her off his voice was deep with anger and fear. "You left without telling us? Y/N, answer me?!?!" His voice boomed through the phone. Y/N whimpered when her alpha yells at her. "I just-just wanted to surprise you, Dean and Roman, with-with breakfast in b-be-bed" she squeaks out. Roman was pacing worried and mad. Y/N could hear Dean in the back ground. "Seth calm down you're scaring her. The last thing you want is her to be afraid of you." Seth sighs "we will talk about this when you get back" he said and hangs up. Becky knew she could intervene even if Y/N's her sister. For the fact the alphas had a reason to be upset. She knew her sister was knew to the whole omega rule handbook. But that didn't mean she would warn them to not hurt her sister or scream at her.
After they got food they went back to the hotel and went upstairs. Becky gave her warning and then left but made sure Y/N, didn't need her to stay. After the door shut Seth looked up from the bed. Y/N, set the food down and stood there at the foot of the bed. "Look at us, Princess" Roman said calmly. "No, let names she did wrong" Seth said glaring at the other male angry. Y/N looks at them clearly shaking a little. "Seth enough you're scaring her. It was an accident she left her phone" Dean said. He stood up and stood infront of Y/N. "Baby Girl it's okay. He's just upset you didn't say anything or leave a note." He rubbed her cheek. "I-I'm sorry. I-I just wanted to su-supr-suprise you" She said whimpering a little because she didn't like the boys being angry with her. She had tears in her eyes. "You still should of left a note. But Princess, it's okay. You're new to all this." Roman said. Seth sighed and stood up walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. Seth didn't get why the other two didn't see the point. Y/N could of been hurt, or kidnapped or worse. Y/N made a yelpin' noise and began to cry. "He hates me" she whispered. She ran out the room scared. Dean went after her while Roman got off the bed and banged on the bathroom door. "Seth get out here now." Roman said. After ten minutes Seth walks out the bathroom.
"What is wrong with you? She didn't mean to forget her phone. We three understand that something could of happened. But thank goodness it didn't and on top of it all you scared her by yelling at her, slamming the door and she thinks you hate her." Seth's heart broke. He didn't hate her he was just upset cause he overreacts sometimes and this is one of those times. "Fuck!! Why did I have to overreact today of all days. I need to fix this" he said. "You need to calm down first of all." Roman said sternly. Seth sighed sitting on the bed leaning against the wall and closing his eyes.
After an hour Dean was able to get Y/N to calm down and come back to the room. Seth got up and walks over to Y/N. He felt a pang in his heart and frowns as soon as he sees Y/N, cower away from him. "No Baby Doll, please don't. Don't be afraid of me. I'm sorry I yelled at you and overreacted. I don't hate you Baby. Please, come here?" He said. She slowly stepped toward him. "Y-you don't hate m-me?" She asks still a little scared he would yell. "No, Baby Doll. I just panicked when I seen you didn't take your phone after I called it and heard it was ringing on the night stand." He replied his alpha side whimpers seeing its omega scared of him. He reached for her softly pulling her to him. He nuzzled her neck with his face. "I'm sorry i caused you to panic, Alpha" she said. She wasn't scared when she realised he wasn't gonna hurt or yell at her. Y/N, felt him calm down and his alpha to relax in since of his mate being not afraid. Roman and Dean walk over to the two others and hugged them into a group hug.
After the group hug and everyone ate Dean and Roman went to the gym, an Seth and Y/N stayed in the hotel room. Y/N, was curled up against Seth with his arms wrapped tightly around her. "Baby Doll?" He says softly to her. "Yes, Master?" She replies softly. "Please, don't every be afraid of me, okay? It pains my heart seeing you afraid of me. I really am sorry that I overreacted." He said softly as his eyes soften looking into her eyes. "I can't promise anything. I will try though." She said back. "That's better than nothing, Baby" he said to her.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
True Beauty - Episode 9
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So I kind of postponed watching this episode, because I am kind of afraid how things will turn out after what happened in episode 8. It seems like it’s going to be quite different from the original story and I’m not sur what to expect. I guess it’s normal, but still. It makes me a little sad, because even though, let’s face it, True Beauty isn’t extremely original, it’s not the first switch girl story I’ve seen, I like it and grew attached to the characters. So yeah. But here we go. Maybe I’m just wrong or not remembering things properly.
Jugyeong runs away after breaking the kiss and Suho chases after her. She can’t believe it’s true and not a joke. He convinces her and gives her the necklace. Which was about time. Then he asks her how she feels about him. Duh. She’s infatuated with you. She blurts that out and runs away.
Then she’s so happy that she forgets that she doesn’t have make up on and runs towards Soojin when she bumps into her. She ends up explaining what happened in the past and why she doesn’t want to take off that mask. Soojin is rather supportive of her friend. She even wants to help her to get back in without being caught.
Then back at school, Suho is blooming and charming everyone with his beautiful smile. He bought some strawberry juice for Jugyeong but she tells him to throw it away because they are not in a relationship. What? This is so totally different from the webtoon that I’m really confused about what is happening. Su Ah’s boyfriend scolds him for having not confessed yet, while Suho is just... confused?
Later at lunch, Soojin helps Jugyeong getting away with not going to the spa with friends after their group study session. Just then, Suho comes to eat with the three of them. So she just leaves and textes him (in secret code) to come and meet with her at the incinerator. So she explains why she’s being like this. It’s because she’s afraid from being bullied by other jealous girls for dating Suho. Okay this is so upsetting. She keeps on hurting Suho’s feelings and it bothers me very much. This is really unlike the Jygyeong I know. I really dislike it.
So they go on their first date, super far away from school so nobody sees them together. Suho takes her to a restaurant and as the waitress hands them the menu, Suho pushes it back, saying they will take the couple set. That was funny, I did smile a little. Even though I am very displeased with what’s happening because... it’s so cliché and so unlike Jugyeong and just ugh. Well anyways, they’re having a lovely time until some classmates come over, so Suho hides under the table, they try to see who it is, but then they decide to leave. Then she tries to run away again because she’s afraid someone else will see them, but Suho is outsmarting her. He took her there so she could meet with her make up idol.
When she gets to school the next day, everyone wants to know about her boyfriend. She tries denying it, but it’s not really working. Su Ah’s boyfriend scolds Suho for not confessing again. Poor Suho. And poor Seojun. Thankfully, Seojun is the one to calm the fuss down. Then Suho asks for the picture of the two of them on the boat. But she sends it to the wrong person. Obviously. She steals his phone, in hope to delete the picture. Such a dumb plan. Doesn’t line have a recall message option? Or KKT, I’m not sure which one as I don’t use those apps anymore. anyways, she tries to make him fall asleep. Which somehow works out? Oo She almost gets caught, but Seojun saves her. And gets to see the picture. Poor baby.
She’s starting to get on my nerves with this whole let’s keep it a secret from everyone... I hope this ends soon, because... it’s just plain boring.
While Jugyeong is sleeping during class because she stayed up late to look for a part time, Soojin notices she’s wearing the necklace that Suho gave her. While she’s handing out her resume, she bumps into Seojun who’s getting ready for a photoshoot. She ends up following him to the set and gets pulled in as a model since their female model didn’t show up. It’s awkward, but then they have moment. And she misses Suho’s call. Well he missed her earlier, but he was in a dinner with his dad, Soojin and her family. He called back after saving Soojin from being put down by her dad. Wow. Thanks to Seojun she finally realizes it might bother Suho to hide their relationship.
On his way home, Suho bumps into Jugyeong’s father and ends up taking him home with him, because he has nowhere else to go. Things you would do for your girlfriend. Dad is awake really early in the morning to watch some match. I don’t remember which sport. I only watch figure skating. And gymnastics. During the Olympic of course. Anyways, they bond over sports and ramen and Suho thinks that Jugyeong is really like her dad. That’s probably why they get along the best. Cute Suho, finally experiencing what it’s like to have a dad.
Jugyeong’s brother asks Gowoon out and she rejects him haha.
Seojun helps Jugyeong getting a part-time. Suho gets jelly seing her with Seojun. Poor baby Seojun TT He breaks my heart. And when he hears she got hurt at work, running over there to check if she’s okay. Such a sweet boy.
Later at night Jugyeong is feeling down cause she feels her mom kind of disregards her and likes more her siblings. She doesn’t feel like helping anymore and Suho invites her over to teach her judo. That’s so sweeeet. He promises her that if she manages to flip him over, he’s going to grant her a wish. She manages to do it, but we have no idea what the wish is, apparently it’s embarrassing. but top secret ): Awwww. She wanted him to save her as girlfriend in his phone. She’s so cute. They go out right on time, as it stopped raining. But then some bus comes along and splashes them (Soojin got to see them being all lovey-dovey). Suho takes Jugyeong to his place so she can change and wear so dry clothes. They order food and she gets curious about the locked room in Suho’s appartment. So he shows her the room, it’s where he used to do music with Seyeon. Jugyeong says they should tell everyone that they are dating. So he plays for her a little, but then the pizza arrives and... SURPRISE. Dad didn’t leave. Yet. That creepy moment his head pops out. omg. I laughed really loud.So he spent the day there because he drank some alcohol from Suho’s cupboards. He tries to escape, but ends up hiding under the couch while they eat pizza and watch an horror movie (Jugyeong picked the movie, Suho is into horror cartoons, but not horror movies).Okay no, so dad is under the table. And he steals food hahaha. Way to go to remain hidden... omg. Then Suho gets all jumpy and closer to Jugyeong and they are on the point of kissing. So Dad wans to have a look. His face when he sees it’s his daughter. Omg. This last part of the episode makes all the unworthy part in the beginning forgiven. Omg. I’m laughing so hard. My heart is beating like crazy. Dad grabs Suho’s leg. The kids get scared. They jump away. Dad comes out of his hiding place, ready to eat some baby Suho. And Jugyeong smashes her dad’s head with a pan. This is hilarious. To me at least.
I don’t know where half of the previous episode’s preview went but, oh well. Episode 9 got points in my eyes because of the last part. Really.
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allyoucanthinksmut · 5 years
You’re in for it now- Jason Momoa Smut
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Requested:  Hey! I have a request for some Jason Momoa smut? like some hardcore smut... maybe like a daddy kink or choking kink, if you’re comfortable with that. ooo or like wall sex omg. but once again, only if you are okay with it, ❤️
        You looked at yourself in the mirror fluffing your hair. You were going out tonight to get your mind off of life. Not really life, HIM. His name is Jason. You two met through mutual friends and immediately hit it off. The only catch was he wasn’t into relationships. He wanted someone to be there for him only when he needed it. Some people who knew him had warned you but you thought you could handle it until you two started getting closer. He started talking about stuff with you. You would actually stay the night. You pulled back a little once you realized what was happening. It was scaring you. You knew he wasn’t relationship material, but the sex was amazing. Which is what got you into this situation. About three months after things changed. You brought it up, and confessed your feelings for him thinking he felt the same way only to find out he didn’t. He said he couldn’t do this and he told what this was in the beginning. So here you were in a very tight black v-neck dress that had the sides cut out. Topped off with your black knee high heels. Your make-up was a bold wing with gold glitter and bold lashes while your hair was in loose waves. You were going all out tonight so you could feel good about yourself and pick up someone attractive. You were knocked out of your thoughts when you heard s bing. You grabbed your phone and looked at the text from your best friend. 
-I’m outside hoe come on
        You smiled and sent a quick one minutes before grabbing your purse ,keys, and leather jacket on the way out. Your best friend was the only one who knew what was truly going on with Jason. She was the one convinced you to come out. Usually when you were with her you two got into trouble, but you were okay with it tonight. That’s what you were hoping would happen. You got into the car hugging her before she sped off to the club. It was a new one that just opened up and you knew the owner. You and her ugly sang all the way there. When you got there it was packed, but all the employees knew you because you helped him set ip some things. Did i mention it was Jason’s best friend? You walked through the bodies going upstairs to get drunk first. You and Y/Bff/N were doing shots back to back talking to your other friends.
Jason’s P.O.V
             I sat in my best friends bar downing whiskey. No girl has ever made me feel this way before. I got attached. I don’t know how i did. Everything was fine until she brought it up. Y/N with her stupid cute face and - wait what am i thinking. snap out of it man. I downed another shot as i scanned around. As soon as my eyes landed on the entrance that’s when i saw her. She was here. This night couldn't get any worst...or so i thought.  
Regular P.O.V 
          You were on the dance floor dancing with your best friends when you felt someone come up behind you. You looked over your shoulder and saw a cute boy. You got into it and started grinding into him. You were starting to get turned on as it continued so you turned around to face him.He leaned down and told you, you were beautiful. You seductively said thanks before pulling him into your lips. Your hands were roaming each other as you grinded together.
Jason’s P.O.V
        I sat there and watched as she tipsily came to the dance floor. I watched as the guy came up and started grinding on her. At that point i was drinking out of the bottle. What really got me was the fact that she kissed HIM. I watched as they groped each other. I slammed the bottle down getting up. No one touches her body but me. All i saw was him and her. I snatched him off of her before telling him to scram. I didn’t want to cause a scene but he started to cuss at me telling me she was his and i needed to go find another whore. Everything went black as my fist connected with his face. He fell to the ground but before i could hit him again someone grabbed my arm and was pulling me away. When i looked over Jack had me and Y/N pulling us to one of the meeting rooms.
Regular P.O.V
        Jack snatched up both you and Jason and you didn’t know why. You didn’t do anything and you didn’t even know he was there. He’s the jack ass that punched a guy for no reason.He also cock blocked you. Jack threw you two into the room and chewed you both out for starting drama and told ya’ll, you need to figure it out. He left you two standing there alone. You were beyond pissed about everything as you looked at him. 
“How fucking dare you? You tell me you don’t want me anymore and to leave you alone and then you punch someone in the fucking face? I kissed him you know.” You said walking towards him the whole time. When you were inches from him you stopped knowing his smell would throw you off.
“How dare i? It’s only been a week.” He yelled looking down at you. 
“Fuck that we were never in a relationship thanks to you. And what i do with my private life is none of your damn business.” You spat getting in his face. He just stared at you breathing hard. 
“Thought so.” You said going to walk out the door. Before you could fully turn around he grabbed your wrist pulling you into him and his lips. His mouth devoured you in the most delicious way. You snapped out of it and pushed yourself apart from him sending you backwards a little. Half from the push, half from the kiss. “No i will not do this with you. We both just need to go separate ways. You don’t want me like i want you.” You said out of breath. He didn’t say anything he just ran over to you picking you up and slamming you against the wall.
“I feel the same way it just scares me. I’ve never felt this way about someone.” He said before slamming hip lips back on yours. Your heart bubble in your chest as you kissed him back . Your head was spinning as you took in everything that was happening. You moved your hands up to his hair giving it a tug. A groan left his lips as you do this. He grabbed your hands and put them above your head. 
“You’ve been a bad girl. Grinding on another man. Kissing another man. I’m going to punish you so hard.” Jason said reaching under your dress to pull down you underwear. You let your feet down so they would slide off. “On your knees.” He said letting go of your wrist.
“Yes.” You said getting down.
“Yes what?” He asked pulling his pants down. “Yes Daddy.” You squealed as he grabbed a handful of your hair. You opened your mouth as he started thrusting into it. He was groaning as he continued to fuck your face. Your hands went up to his hips to steady yourself. You could feel your wetness dripping down on the ground at the sight in front of you. You reached down with one hand to start touching yourself. Once he noticed this he stopped what he was doing and snatched your head back. 
“Did daddy say you could touch yourself?” He asked slapping you.
“No sir.” You said pulling your hand back. 
“Get up and come sit on my lap.” He said pulling out a chair and sitting down. Once you got over to him, he yanked you down so you were laying across his lap. He pulled up your dress so your ass was out. He slammed down on your right cheek making a moan fall from your lips.”So here’s how we are going to do this. I will ask you questions and you will answer them honestly.” He said landing another  hit. “Yes daddy.” You moaned.”Did you feel anything for that guy?” He asked soothing you red butt cheek.”I thought he was cute.” You replied looking back at him. He roared pushing your head down and smacking your ass five more times. You were screaming out half from pain, the other from pleasure. “Do you think he could make you this wet?” He asked rubbing his fingers through your folds. “No daddy never. You’re the only person who can make me feel this way.” You moaned trying to push into him. He groaned pushing a finger into you curving in to hit your g-spot. You gripped onto his knee as you cried out. He did this for a split second before making you sit on him. Your bare private parts connecting. “You will not come until i tell you to.” He said pulling his dick up making you sit on it. 
He got up with you in his arms and his dick inside you. He put against the door before he started pounding into you relentlessly. He put your hands over your head. “Look at me watch while daddy fucks you into paradise.” He barked. Your head snapped up to look at him. His eyes were more intense then you had ever seen them. You two stared at each other as you both moaned and groaned. He leaned his head down onto yours bringing one of his hands down to cup your cheek, while the other one stayed holding your wrist. “Fuck.” You groaned as you neared your orgasm. Your vision was getting blurry.”Please daddy please let me cum.” You said leaning your head on the door. “Not yet. just one more minute.” He said as he thrust got sloppier. His groaning got louder before he down rubbing your clit. “Cum for daddy Y/N.” He groaned. Your head flew back and you shut your eyes as your whole body shook from the pleasure. When you came it triggered his orgasm. You both sat there holding each other before he pulled out. 
“I love you Jason.” You said after you got cleaned up.
“I love you too Y/N.” He said kissing you before you two walked back out to the club to enjoy your nights together. 
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writingforthepack · 5 years
stilinski with a stranger
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In which the reader is Stiles’ twin and goes out for a night of fun with a complete stranger... or so she thought.
Warnings: Mention of sex and drinking also never drink and drive because that isn’t cool, minor cursing I guess?
Author’s Note: Reader is 18 and this would take place around the time of the deadpool.
 enjoy :)
{hands tracing bone, hearts beating against ribs, lips lingering on skin}
You sigh in content as you pull into your driveway, tipsiness not quite worn off yet and although you knew you shouldn't be driving you didn't want to burden Lydia by picking you up.
You had earned a night out with all the supernatural shit that's been going on. Just You, The bar on the outskirts of town that didn't card and a stranger.
Oh that special stranger.
You stumble in the door kicking off you heels, it was at least 2am and your Dad was off working your brother Stiles was at…
....pack night or so you thought.
Looks like it somehow got moved to your house because when you looked up from your shoes you were met with The Pack sprawled across every piece of furniture and floor space your living room had to offer. The movie playing in the background long forgotten as you were met with all their eyes filled with emotions ranging from complete anger to utter drowsiness and confusion.
Stiles was obviously the fore mentioned.
He stood at the front of the room; arms crossed, slightly pacing, neck vein popping out- the whole angered Stilinski TM package. You had to admit his resemblance to your father was uncanny in that moment.
"Where the hell have you been?!"
You panicked "Uh I went for a run."
"In heels?" Mason shot a quizzical look at you and your heels lying on the ground.
"Yeah Y/N cut the bullshit" Stiles spits
Scott steps in, "What Stiles means to say is we were really worried about you."
You appreciated his attempt to diffuse the situation even through you could tell he was a bit upset as well.
"We all tried calling you." Kira added with a sympathetic smile.
"My phone died." you mutter as the room gets fuzzier.
Stiles scoffs and prepares to lecture you in front of everyone.
"I'm not doing this right now" You stumble to the stairs. "imma shower" you mutter.
"Did you guys catch that scent?" Liam questions still sniffing.
"What alcohol? She was stumbling like it was her first time on land." Mason says as Kira shoots him a look.
"No" Malia chimes in, "She smelled like sex."
"Malia!" Scott exclaims at her bluntness as Stiles tries not to choke on his spit.
"WHAT?!" He sputters almost tripping over himself to get to the stairs.
You stood under the falling water
hot hands tracing your body, needy breaths tickling your collar bones---
You were rudely interrupted by your memory by a loud knocking on the bathroom door.
"I'll be out in a minute!" you shout, sobered up a bit by the shower.
You rinse the rest of the soap off before wrapping yourself in a towel and padding over the door. You're greeted by a distressed Stiles, quizzical Malia, and wide eyed Scott.
"Yes?" you question with a quirked eyebrow and dripping hair.
Stiles huffs, taking in a deep breath before beginning his rant.
"First of all you do realize that you're surrounded by werewolves with a supernatural sense of smell that can tell when you've stumbled home from a drunken sex-capade right"
shit you think eyes widening
"Yeah that's right we know, and I'm not done yet missy." you roll your eyes at the nickname as your hair drips on the carpet.
"No text, No call, No way of knowing if you've been kidnapped by a werewolf mafia or something equally as badass but lethal." He takes another breath before continuing. "The only reason we didn't send a search party after you is because Lydia covered for you."
You made a mental note to thank her later.
"We worry about you Y/N" Scott adds.
"Especially when you get tipsy and hook up with a mystery dude" Malia pushes past you into the bathroom attached to your room and sniffs the shirt you were wearing earlier. "I mean seriously who is that I feel like I've smelled it before."
You tore the shirt from her hands and throw it back on the floor.
"Don't worry about it, we were safe and it was a one time thing."
"Oh my God" Stiles sits on your bed with his head in his hands, "My baby sister is having one night stands!" he whines.
"Dude, you're older than me by 11 minutes. And don’t act so innocent! I had to buy soundproof headphones when you and Malia started dating!" you say exasperated.
Malia Shrugged and Stiles was at a loss for words, Scott looked liked jumping out of the window was a more appealing option rather than staying in this conversation.
"Technically Pack nights not over" Scott points out either as a change of subject or an attempt to still make you feel welcome.
"Yeah the movie is still playing if you want to join" Malia adds.
"Thanks guys" you smile.
You plop in the middle of mason and Lydia on the couch after getting dressed, ignoring the weird looks Liam was giving you.
They were halfway through Kingsman: The Secret Service, just as you were settling in your recently charged phone buzzed with a text from Lydia.
You jokingly sideye her before opening the message.
Lyds <3: So how was it ;)
You let how a small laugh, lydia had been the one to recommend the bar to you.
- unbelievably good, might even say one of the best :o
Lyds <3: So do I get to know who the mystery man is?
- we didn't exactly do a lot of talking lmao
Lydia sighs in defeat and you wiggle your eyebrows at her.
The next day, Stiles was at the station helping your Dad with a case and you decided to stop by with pizza as a sort of apology for worrying your brother.  You pick up Malia on the way and walk into the station together laughing at a question Malia asked.
Stiles was hunched over a stack of papers in the office and your Dad was speaking to a deputy who's back was to you. Malia goes to join Stiles and Sheriff finally spots you and the stack of pizza.
"Well if it isn't my favorite child." he beams.
"HEY! I heard that! Stiles shouts from the other room.
"Uh I meant favorite daughter." he recovers with a wink your way.
"d-daughter?" the man from earlier turns around
{ fingers gripping hips, biting shoulders, the mattress groaning beneath you }
You almost dropped the pizza
"Parrish, didn't I mention I had a daughter?"  Sheriff shoots him a quizzical look.
"Uh-um I uh I don't recall sir, no sir"
Malia looks up from the papers taking a deep whiff in your direction, she continues to sniff until her eyes land on the deputy in front of you.
"oh my god"
"what" stiles says paying half attention
"OH MY GOD" Malia laughs
"Babe what, what's going on"
Malia ignores him and opens her phone to the group chat labeled "Bad Ass Babes Club"
Malia: Y/N you didn’t tell us you were under arrest last night ;)
Kira: uh WHAT?
Lydia: omg spill what happened
Y/N: …
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smutfornerds · 6 years
A Rock & A Hard Place // Ray x Oliver x Reader (Pt 1)
A/N: ahhh! Part one of three(?) is here! Fair warning there’s no real smutty smut to this part, I just really had too much story to fit in this plot and felt it needed broken up in bits and given backstory. The wonderful and ever thirsty @defyinggrxvity gave inspiration for this with her Headcannon request for rivaling sugar daddies, so thank her for this lil mini series! Part two is partially written already and should be finished by tomorrow (but don’t hold me to it, my mom brain can only do so much lol) ENOUGH RAMBLING OMG enjoy!! 💕💕
It all started with a bouquet of flowers. So simple, such a small gesture from Ray in attempt to make your day brighter. The only con to this was that the same moment the flowers arrived so did Oliver, with your classic and favorite iced coffee in his hand. The sandy blonde made his way to your desk just as you slipped open the envelope attached to the stems. Over your shoulder he eyed the handwritten note with a scowl.
You look beautiful today. I don’t even have to see you to know that, but I’ll see you tonight. -RP
Placing the flowers gently on your desk you turned to Oliver and graced him with a warm smile. “Thank you, I need this today.” He handed you the drink and you immediately took a large sip before setting it down. His eyes darted to the flowers every few seconds, and he tapped his foot impatiently. Silently lifting the cup and taking another sip of the drink he’d given you, your eyes fell with a twinge of guilt. As if on cue, Oliver stepped forward to lean against your desk beside you. “Come have dinner with me tonight.” The tone of his voice was smoother now, and he slipped his hand around your lower back to place a kiss on your forehead. “Please?” With raised brows he searched your eyes for an answer before you spoke.
Ray flashed in the back of your mind, but Oliver’s strong hand on your back felt so warm and inviting and somehow convincing that you couldn’t resist. “I— Uh, yeah, sure..” That weight in your stomach grew as the guilt settled in. However Oliver didn’t let it live long, capturing your lips in a short but breathtaking kiss. His hand cupped your cheek and he took a deep breath in as he kissed you, as if to breathe you in and steal the air from your lungs. When he pulled away your eyes stayed closed for a moment and you simply licked your lips to linger in the feeling a second more.
The chuckle that left him snapped you back to the real world, and a cocky grin met you when you opened your eyes. “I’ll pick you up at 5?” He punctuated the rhetorical question with another quick peck before sliding his arm out from behind you. You simply nodded as he backed away, flashing that ever charming grin at you before turning fully. You felt your cheeks radiate pink before settling into your desk. Looking down you stared at the bouquet before you. You could tell Ray had hand picked what to put in, each being a different color of your favorite flowers. Before you let the guilt consume you, you pulled your phone out, texting Ray a cancellation as nicely and vaguely as you could.
Sent: The flowers are absolutely lovely, you’re the sweetest. Thank you. Could we reschedule though? Something came up.. I’m sorry.
Within minutes he’d responded, cordially accepting the apology.
Ray: Don’t apologize I’m just so glad you like the flowers. :) They are your favorites, right? tulips and dahlias? And of course, don’t worry about it. Any night. I’m always free if it’s for you. ;)
You smiled fondly at the screen before turning to finally get to work.
The day ticked by relentlessly slowly, finally releasing you from the clutches of the cubicle as you clocked out. Pulling into your apartment complex you hastily made your way to your door, mentally planning what to wear this evening. Little did you know it wouldn’t be an issue. Turning the key to the lock you noticed it already open, and for a split second your heart sunk thinking you’d left it unlocked in the morning in a rush to get to work. Once you stepped in however you realized it hadn’t been you. Sprawled across your apartment were what had to be thousands of rose petals, in all shades of reds and pinks. You stood in your door way absolutely stunned trying to wrap your mind around what you were seeing. From your right you hear a small cough, a clearing of the throat from your kitchen. Slowly you peek around the corner and gasp softly.
Before you stands Oliver, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit and tie, a garment bag slung over his shoulder. You’re speechless, so he takes the opportunity to speak. “First, welcome home.” He makes his way over to you and kisses your cheek gently. Without pulling away he lowers his voice as he speaks close to your ear. “Secondly, get naked.” Your heart skips a beat at his words and you feel a chill run up your spine. Oliver laughs softly before stepping back, holding the mysterious bag out to you. “And get changed into this. We’ve got to be there by 6.” Feeling the blood rush back to your brain you tilted your head as you took the rather heavy garment bag from his hands. “Where is there exactly?” You step forward further to lean into him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before he responds. “You’ll know when we get there.” He states while placing his hand on your back to usher you towards your bedroom to get dressed. “Now get naked.” He teases again, knowing he’s riling you up.
Stepping into your room you hang the bag on the back of your door, carefully pulling the zipper down. Your eyes widen at the sight of a beautiful red sequin dress, exactly your size, and practically made for your body. It was almost like a fairytale moment. However, until you couldn’t get the zipper up completely and had to ask for help. You cracked your door open and Oliver hopped up from the edge of the couch to finally set his sights on you. Instantly his eyes glazed over and he ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he took in every inch of you before meeting your eyes finally. “Care to help me?” You asked as you turned to show him the half-zipped back. A small noise between a groan and a whine left him and you giggled softly. “And zip it up, mister Queen.” Half turned you playfully glared at him and he shook his head as his hands briefly found your bare back.
Bringing himself close to you he planted a gentle kiss to your neck. “No promises..” he murmured against your skin as he played with the zipper, trailing it up and down teasingly before pulling it to the top. You huffed out a sigh. “As much as I’d love to,” you paused to turn around and place your hands on the collar of his suit jacket. “According to your time table, we’re about to be late.” Oliver sighed wistfully, taking a step back with your hands in his. “Just.. do a little spin for me..” His voice was raspy and lowered, and his eyes stayed locked on your body as you did as you were told. He hummed his appreciation for your figure before pulling you into his arms. His lips met yours almost instantly and you let out a sigh at how good he was, at all of this. Once he pulled away he took your hand to lead you down to the chauffeured SUV waiting for you outside.
The entire drive he kept his hand on your thigh, the slit of the dress just high enough for his hand to fit perfectly, almost like he’d measured it himself - he had. “Any hints about this dinner?” You asked after a few miles, and Oliver smiled with a pinch of mischief hiding in there somewhere. “It might be a bit more than just dinner..” He chuckled when your brows raised at the response, clearly not what you were expecting it to be. Before you had the opportunity to respond the car driver opened the partition to speak to Oliver. “Mr. Queen, we’re arriving to the gala now.” His words rang through your ears and you eyed Oliver with your mouth open. “Oliver Jonas Queen, you did not—“ you were interrupted by his lips quickly as his fingers laced with yours. “Aren’t you glad I brought you a dress?” He spoke against your lips, kissing you again once as the car pulled to a stop. Outside was a grand building, carpeted stairs and cameras catching your view. “Oliver I’m not.. I’ve never-“ Interrupted again by him opening the car door, he hopped out before helping you, walking past the paparazzi in a hustle before ascending the stairs and entering the gala.
The ballroom was packed full of people; government officials and diplomats, company CEOs and stock holders. The highest of high from the surrounding Tri-State area. If didn’t know better you’d think you were in a Bond movie. Oliver flaunted you around to a few tables full of people he had to chat up before finding yourselves a table of your own. A waiter brought around flutes of white wine and you accepted with a smile. “I’m more of a rosé girl..” you teased at Oliver, who to your disappointment was far from smiling. Seconds later a familiar voice sounded just behind you and you understood why. “I thought I remembered correctly, so I brought over this.” Turning, Ray stood maybe a foot away with a glass of pink wine just for you. He beamed his bright smile down at you as you glanced between the two men, Oliver’s hands tightly folded in front of him and his lips in an equally tight line. “Th-Thank you, thats..” you cleared your throat taking the drink that now matched your face hesitantly, gauging the way Oliver reacted to it. Ray only grinned wider, never once letting his eyes wander to Oliver.
Taking a rather large sip you looked back to your date of the night. “Uhm, Oliver I don’t know if you’ve met—“ He stuck his hand out in front of him, lips still tight together before he spoke. “Ray, right? Ray Plumber?” With a huffed laugh in response, Ray clapped his hand rather firmly to Oliver’s, before wincing at how strong the other man’s grip was. “Palmer, actually.” For a moment the two men just eyed each other. Before things got too heated you placed hands on both of their arms, forcing as sweet of a smile as you could. “As nice as this is, we should get back to the party..” Gesturing to Oliver to release his gaze he looked down at you and smiled brightly, letting his arm leave Ray’s grip and snake tightly around your waist, making sure to let his hand fall a bit too low on your hip to the side of you facing Ray. The raven haired male nodded and gave a half-assed wave to Oliver, eyes falling back to you. “Be sure to call me later, so we can set up that rain check.” He winked at you before turning and walking off, without acknowledging Oliver any further.
Looking to Oliver you caught him glaring daggers at Ray. You placed a gentle hand on his chest to acquire his attention. When he looked at you, your expression was already accusing. “You knew he’d be here didn’t you?” The question was left unanswered as Oliver dragged you out of the building. “Oliver—“ He stopped you on the top of the outdoor stairs, the paparazzi immediately zoning in on the two of you when they saw Oliver. With his lips beginning to curl into a smirk he grabbed you and kissed you, passionately and lustfully. The cameras snapped wildly around you, and seconds later you pulled back and ran for the car. Oliver was close behind after warding off the relentless photographers. Once in the car you slid far from him, arms crossed so your body language spoke for you. Oliver broke the silence by turning to you with a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry.” He started, and your eyes moved to him but you didn’t turn. “Did I know he’d be there? No.” You turned now, only to give him a look of disapproval. He sighed again, this time in defeat. “Okay, okay, yes.. I had a small suspicion he’d attend.”
You rolled your eyes and turned away from him again, but he placed a hand on your shoulder and regained your attention. “I just wanted to show you off.” Reluctantly your expression softened. Something about the way he looked at you had a way of doing that. Lips still pursed, you narrowed your eyes at him again. “You can do that without making me look like a tramp.” He noticed the hint of hurt behind your eyes and looked directly into them when he spoke up. “You, are far from a tramp.” Bringing one of your hands to his lips he kissed your knuckles gently. “Clearly you’re the lady, and I’m the tramp. And an idiot.” Slowly his lips tilted into a smile and you couldn’t resist the matching one that graced your lips. “You’re so lucky you’re a hot idiot.” You said as you squished his face in your hand, bringing him close to leave a soft kiss to his lips. A couple more kisses and miles later the SUV lulled to a stop outside your building.
Oliver happily walked you up to your door, but you stopped him with a hand to his chest when he tried to follow you in. He pouted slightly, trying to convince you by snaking his arms around your waist, but you resisted shaking your head. “No no no, nuh-uh, you don’t get to be rewarded for the stunt you pulled tonight.” By the time the last words left your lips his were ghosting them. He whined, capturing your lips in a slow kiss. His tongue curled around yours, and for a split second you’d forgotten he was in trouble. Reluctantly you broke away, pushing a few inches back from him with a pointed but playful look. “Goodnight, Oliver.” You smiled softly up at him and he sighed in defeat, nodding as he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Sweet dreams, my lady.” His grin melted your heart like butter. You watched as his broad shoulders entered the elevator and waved to him as the doors closed.
Miraculously you managed to wake up in time for work the next morning. Brushing your teeth you heard your phone buzzing in your bedroom before it clattered to the floor. Rinsing your mouth out before checking it, your heart swelled seeing four missed calls from Ray. Dialing his number he immediately picked up. “Aha! There you are. You’re still home right?” A small laugh left your lips at his forwardness. “Good morning to you too. Yes, but I’m about to leave for work.” You could hear the smile in his tone. “Well lucky for you, you have a ride today. Come on down.” Before you could respond he hung up, leaving you filled to the brim with curiosity. Finishing up your makeup you hurried out the door, mind racing with what he could’ve meant. The moment you stepped outside your mouth gaped open. A few feet away at the curb stood Ray, hands in his shorts pockets leaning against a ridiculously shiny and expensive looking sports car. “I figured bring the cheap one.” He shrugged, the smile on his face forcing a giggle from your lips as you walked to him. The tall brunette slipped an arm around your shoulders, the other hand tilting your chin so he could easily place a gentle and sweet kiss to your lips. The lingering feeling had the butterflies in your stomach fluttering wildly. Once he’d pulled back you took a deep breath before opening your eyes, his cologne filled your senses and intoxicated you, or that might’ve just been the look he gave.
“Hop in, gorgeous.” Ray lowered his hand to your back and clicked a button on his key fob, letting the suicide doors of the vehicle float up effortlessly. He watched your expression as your brows lifted, and he chuckled a bit. “It doesn’t bite I promise.” He prompted as he helped you get settled into your seat. He climbed into the driver’s side and let the doors close on either sides of you. The interior of the car was immaculate. Black leather seating with red stitching, shiny black detailing across the dash. You’d never even touched anything this nice let alone rode in one. Ray caught your gaze and smiled fondly at you, before putting his eyes back on the road. He started the car with a roar of the engine, the sound sending a bit of a rush of adrenaline through you. Pulling onto the road the male sped off, but in the opposite direction of your offices. Throwing a look in his direction he spoke before you even asked any questions. “So, I may or may not have pulled a few strings..” he glanced at you with a playful smile tugging his lips. “And.. we’ll just say, you’re out sick today. Nasty head cold.” After he spoke he winked at you, the same way he’d done at the gala the night before that made your stomach do flips. “Ray Palmer I never pegged you as the kid that skips.” You arched a brow at him and he beamed. “You aren’t skipping.. you’ve got a doctors note.” Punctuating the last sentence with his foot pressing on the gas the engine roared again, shooting the two of you down the road and out of Star City.
Around you the industrial landscape slowly turned to trees and forrest, the road winding and curving and the air around you crisper the further Ray drove. Once away from the city he rolled the windows down a bit letting the wind rustle your hair. You giggled, looking towards him skeptically. “So, where are you kidnapping me to today?” The question made the man laugh, motioning with a head nod to the view in front of you. “I was thinking somewhere out there.” You turned, seeing the gorgeous lakefront come into your view. Ray grinned fondly at the way your eyes lit up and rounded a few more curves in the road before pulling off at a nearby pier. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t have packed swimming gear.” Pausing he reached to the small backseat and pulled out an incredibly small white bag. “So I took the liberty of picking out a suit for you. Don’t worry I got your sizes.” He beamed proudly handing it over to you. Peeking inside you saw a royal blue bikini, the top and bottoms both being held together by ties on the sides. “Do you like it? I know you love blue..” His words came out soft and you noticed a bit of a blush on his cheeks and you returned his smile quickly. “I love it, thank you Ray.” Closing the gap between you, you pecked a kiss to his lips, but he held you there for a moment longer. His warm hand cupped your face and neck as he took in every second of the kiss that he could.
Ray audibly groaned pulling away, his hand still resting in the crook of your neck. “C’mon, you can change inside.” The twinkle behind his eyes shot through you and almost made you miss his words. The doors to the car floated open and you stepped out, eyeing him questioningly. “Inside?” With a bit a head tilt you repeated him. Simply taking your hand he lead you down the shore of the lake to end of the dock. Coming into view was a crisp white houseboat, a man with a captain’s hat standing waiting near where the vessel was tied off. Ray glanced to you with a side smile. “Inside.” He points, causing you to laugh softly and his smile to spread fully across his face at the sound. Leading you to the boat, you give a courteous wave to the captain and Ray claps a hand to his shoulder with a nod. He brings you down to the bedroom below the main deck, hand motioning for you to change in the bathroom. “I’ll be out here.” He smiles and takes a seat on the edge of the mattress, bouncing a bit as you close the door behind you.
Thankfully this you can get on yourself, the stretchy fabric forming to your hips nicely and the top accentuating your chest. You were almost positive that’s why he’d picked it; the color was just a bonus. Stepping back to the room Ray brought his eyes to you and huffed out a sigh as he trailed his gaze around your body. “Wow.. you look better than I expected. And lemme tell you I expected you to look absolutely stunning like always, so this is just..” he stood and lightly placed his hands on your exposed waist. “Wow.” He repeated, this time much softer and while leaning down to follow it with a kiss. Pulling you to him, your skin felt hot against the fabric of his shirt. It was so easy for you to melt into his arms, the way he cradled you made you feel like the most delicate of flowers. Inching up on your tiptoes you nuzzled closer still, deepening the kiss with the added closeness. Ray hummed happily against your lips and fully wrapped his arms behind you. While his tongue played tag with yours his hand dipped to give your ass a small squeeze, causing you to squeal and abruptly break the kiss, Ray’s eyebrows shooting up but a silly and wide smile on his face. “I couldn’t help myself, I’m sorry..” he leaned back down to peck your lips before squeezing again. “But not for that one.”
Delivering the last line he grabbed your hand and you followed him back up to the main deck, to see that in the time you’d been below the captain had released the boat from it’s tether and was gearing up the engine to start taking it out on the lake. Ray brought you to the edge of the deck, leaning over to stare into the water beside you. “You ever jet ski?” He blurted as his eyes found their way back to your smiling face. Shaking your head you eyed him carefully. “No, but something tells me you’re gonna change that.” The words brought a playful smile to the man’s face and he shrugged. “If we get around to it, maybe.” His look softened and he turned fully to you now, leaning on his elbow against the rail. “Right now I kinda just wanna look at you.” He grinned, eyes darting back to your body and the bikini he’d chosen. “Knew that’d be a great choice..” he mumbled, and you wondered if it was mostly to himself, but that made it all the more adorable. A small huff of a laugh left you and you ran a hand through your hair, bringing his warm eyes back to meet yours again.
Seconds passed as he simply stared down at you. There was a glint to his eyes that you couldn’t quite place, but it made your stomach flip with anticipation as to his next move. Suddenly he took your hand and nodded the direction he pulled you, without a word. Hurriedly he brought you to the hill of the ship, the deck lowering to a seating area, which included a slide to the left of the vessel. Ray glanced at it, the look in his eye finally finding its source. You giggled again, tugging at his shirt. “If you wanna get me on that slide, I gotta see some more skin.” You teased, but were fully serious despite your wink. Ray grinned, immediately opting to pull the blue button up over his head rather than take the time to undo them all. He flexed a bit, waggling his eyebrows at you. “Better?” Your eyes roamed his upper body, the chiseled muscles stirring your thoughts to a less than innocent place. Nodding you stepped forward to place a hand in his chest, tilting your head up at him and batting your lashes sweetly. “Much, much better.” As you spoke you trailed your hand over the defined muscles of his torso, finally leaning in to place a gentle but tantalizing kiss to his jawline. An audible and deep sigh escaped his lips and you felt your lips curl at the edges.
One major thing that separated both the men in your life were their demeanors. Oliver had always been so powerful over you, in ways you didn’t even understand but had come to know were absolutely earth shattering. As for Ray, he was so easily had it was like a game to you how flustered and riled up you could get him before he finally breaks and gives in to the urges he has for you. And when he finally did, god did he know what he was doing. This exactly was your problem; two amazing men, but for such different reasons and such different effects on your heart and your senses. It was impossible to have just one.
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knowingoverseer · 5 years
==> - a Miss
An excited purr escapes your throat as you pick up the attuned Tuning Fork, okay, okay. Okay. You.... you needed to get ready for this! Oh, yeah you weren't prepared. Kicking at the chalk you’d used in your ritual a bit to muss up the lines (not that they could be used for anything else), you note to clean up your mess later as you run about collecting what you need. Your travel coat, your shoulder bag, your sword, all things you kept in your work room. The last thing you needed, however, was the watch Star was attached to. 
Star was technically all over your hive now a days. An AI who use to go by the name Mabel, given to you by a long lost friend, she now called herself Star and had made a home of the computers and surveillance systems your brother, Calib, once had rigged through the hive for more nefarious purposes.She still, however, frequented outings with you held within the high-tech watch she originally was homed in. The watch itself has seen a few upgrades since, all thanks to Star’s own technological prowess. Truly an heir of Harley genius. Generally you kept the watch upstairs, in your room next to your main computer because Star had the ability to interact with it there.  “✨- Omg omg omg omg!!!!” A chime like an old videogame twinkle effect sounded over some speakers, signalling Star was taking them over to speak. She could technically reach you in the basement, but didn’t have cameras down there to see what you had been doing. Regaurdless, she sounded excited. “✨- This is it this is it!!  ✨- You’re finally gonna go find her! It’s been like, elevendy billion years Callie!  ✨- I bet she’s gonna be like! SO SO HAPPY! When you find her I mean. YEAH!” “heh, maybe? i mean i hope so. i’ve missed her, bUt it’s still kinda weird she’s never tried to come back on her own.”   “✨- She’s going to be so happy that you’re RESCUING HER!” “star, i really don’t think she needs rescUed. i mean droog didn’t, she’s every bit as capa-” “✨- Then how come she never came home?” “that’s... that’s what i was getting at. i don’t know.” You sigh, shutting off the doorway to your workroom for now and going over to unplug the smartwatch. It was fully charged and perfectly synced with Star’s main hub, and wouldn’t start diverging until you left the area of Wi-Fi. A bright blue hologram of Star’s current fursona popped up above the watch’s screen, barely showing off the sheer sparkle-dog-ness of her current avatar: The frutiest fruit bat to ever fruit. It changed often, but there were always some giveaways it was Star. The fun sweaters were usually the key focus. As well as the blue colouration, as the hologram projector has always had the ability to produce other colours. Blue was just.... easiest? You don’t actually know. “✨- She isn’t avoiding you, you know that right?” The hologram spoke, fluttering itself up to get right in your face about it. “it’s! it’s not really me i’m worried she’s avoiding! it’s-” “✨- Dumbra! I know, I know! But don’t forget you talk to me too when you’re drunk and yo-” “ANYWAYS, star, i need yoUr help. i know i asked yoU this before, bUt yoU really don’t mind coming along to help me figUre oUt where all this thing is going to take me? i’m not bUgging?” “✨ - Hmph! But no, of course not silly! This is the only way I can, you know, stretch my legs!” The hologram flapped up further to wiggle it’s anatomically incorrect ‘bat’ legs, laughing at her own joke before receding back to the space just above the watch.  “✨ - Besides, you know I love helping you. It’s practically what I was created for!” You’re not sure why you think it would be better to try this outside than in your already magically charged basement, but you head out the front door. You’ve called out to Chess to let her know you were leaving, as well as texted Davara. As soon as the cool night air hits you you’re pulling the hesitantly dubbed Travel Tunner from your sylledex and removing your wand from your strifedex. You stand at the edge of the plateau your home is situated on, holding both instruments out in front of you. You only give yourself a moment’s more hesitation before you hit your wand against the metal fork, hard.  The sound it makes is loud, you can feel it reverberating not just in the air around you but up your arms as well. Your vision starts to swim, and you feel almost vague and fuzzy for a moment, like you were fading out of existence. Simultaneously fading back into existence elsewhere. Where exactly, though, is unclear. It takes a moment to reorient yourself from the travel, but.... looking around, you really can’t see anything. You’re in.... some kind of room? A really big room. Not completely devoid of light, either, but what light was coming through was from.... from.... You had to squint, but there was light coming from the ceiling. The ceiling itself seemed to be made of some sort of round crystal or glass, but the natural light that would normally be filtering through was clouded over by a dark storm. Thunder could be heard in the distance, and.... you strain your ears because there’s something else you can’t quite place. But before you can place it, you become acutely aware you’re no longer a troll. You’re human. Which means.... this was a world inhabited by Pokemon, based on your previous use of Human transformation spells. “meenah?”  You call out, taking a few steps forward. The dim, barely there light didn’t give you much to go on, but you think there was some kind of chair on one side of the room. A hallway on the other. Still.... there was a sound. Like... like..... It was water sloshing! Beneath the floor, actually. You snap, realizing where you were. Or at least, a version of where you were.  This was the Alolan Champion’s room. Your own time as the Kalos champion had you learn the ins and outs of the special stadiums needed for league battles. And while it wasn’t the most common, there were trainers who used exclusively Water-residing pokemon, like Goldeen and Finneon who, while they could battle on land, were at a severe disadvantage when fighting. Thus the floors were set up in such a way that half the arena could open up to a pool, or even the whole arena dependent on the teams battling. Still, this was only half the puzzle of where you were, and unfortunately you’ve got a sinking feeling you know why you were brought here instead of to Meenah. “okay star, coUld yoU check where we are in the mUltiverse right now?” “✨- Sure thing just give me a moment....” You can’t help but get a feeling of being watched, and you wonder if there’s cameras set up. The shadow overtaking the room was probably in your better interest then, because you’re not sure how you’d explain sudden teleportation in.... actually, no, you could technically use your Gallade as an excuse but- “✨- OMG CALLIE! You’re never gonna believe this. We’re in our pokemon timeline! Like, the very exact one! You’re coming up as the Kalos champion an everything!” Ah... yeah, you were correct. You sigh, looking down at the fork. This.... was probably your fault. “what about anything on meenah makara? can yoU check?” “✨- Mmmmm nope, nothing on Meenah is showing up. There’s a Mina who’s apparently the Fairy not-gym leader for Alola but that’s the only result I’m finding.”
You sigh heavier, yeah, you did this. Reaching up you run a hand through your hair, groaning. Still, on the bright side at least it didn’t teleport you off to like. The 1920s again or some such. Still, you know what happened. “when i attUned the tUning forks i mUst have imprinted my more recent associations with meenah into the ritUal. when i played sUn and moon, i was whistfUlly playing as if i were her, so of coUrse it takes Us to the most familiar variation of the alolan champion’s room. caUse that’s where i’d have last really.... felt connected to her. stUpid.... stUpid, hUh?” More sighing. Well, at least you know what went wrong, and how to get out of here too. You were either going to have to practice tuning without letting associations get in your way, or try and find something of Meenah’s to use with the ritual instead. Both were viable, but first.... you really needed to get out of here. And home.  “✨- Nooo! Not stupid. You’re being really hard on yourself Callie! This was your first time out!” You put your wand and fork away, relying on tried and true methods of teleportation to get out of here. Turning on the ball of your foot, you zap away to the Pokemon Center in Tapu Village only a few miles out from here. You had a transportalizer set up there, so it was easy to get home. “mmmmaybe, it’s fine. i’ve got some ideas on what to do next, bUt i think one go roUnd is enoUgh for tonight, don’t yoU?”
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andthest0ryg0es · 6 years
This Isn’t Happening - Chapter 14
My sincere apologies for the LONG wait between chapters. Real Life and writing with @ohh-la-la-leto sidetrack me a lot. :) There’s only a few chapters left of this story and I’m hoping to post them all over the next couple months. THANK YOU, dear readers, for sticking with me and continuing to like and share my writing. It means more than you know. <3
   Two weeks ago Jared had gone hiking with a few female friends and snap chatted the whole day. Twitter had delighted in trying to figure out which of them may have been the one dressed as Robin at the party. Jen was both relieved that the identity of Robin was still a secret and annoyed that people assumed he must be fucking every female friend he has. Jared was posting pretty regularly on social media while they were apart, and it was nice to sort of relax into talking with her friends about the upcoming album and tour. She avoided the girlfriend subject entirely and no one minded or seemed to take particular notice.
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She knew Jared was trolling her twitter account and she briefly thought about making it private and telling him to fuck off but she figured he’d probably already seen the worst of it and she may as well own her enthusiastic echelon status. If there was one thing Jared and Mars had taught her, it was to be herself. She knew he was viewing her account because he would sometimes text her with answers to questions or comments about the band that she was RTing like any echelon would. When will the new album be out? “Soon. :)” Where’s Shannon, we miss him. “I tried to talk Shannon into getting snapchat, he said it was stupid. :( Maybe I can convince him to start posting coffee facts again at least...” I wonder what tattoo Jared is going to get for the new era. “I have that planned already, actually. You want to be there when I get it done? Take some pics for me?” She’d nearly fallen out of her chair for that one. Watching Jared Leto get a tattoo might just be the limit of what her fangirl heart could take.
No one had posted or discussed the Halloween pics in awhile and Jared and friend’s snaps and Instagram stories from Thanksgiving, with no Robin in sight, seemed to convince the echelon it was a one night sort of thing. That narrative pissed her off more than the “which fabulous female friend is he fucking” one because it was quickly becoming tiring that everyone online thought they “knew him” and had an opinion on his life. And yes, Jen was well aware of how hypocritical that sounded given her twitter history but circumstances change and she’d definitely learned a thing or two about Jared, and even Shannon and Tomo, that the internet had gotten just so wrong.
Between secret projects and many late nights working to finish up the album by their deadline, Jared was just as busy as she was during their month apart. Inconveniently, his schedule was usually very opposite to hers as well. This resulted in a lot of sleepy late night or early morning phone calls where one or both of them were too tired to do much more than small talk. Jared made up for it in other ways though. Teacher appreciation week at her school was a bigger hit than ever when an “anonymous donor” sent a different food truck each day to feed all the staff. She came home each Friday night to a beautiful bouquet of flowers at her doorstep. And two weeks in when she’d complained that the t-shirt she stole from him didn’t smell like him anymore she received a package that night containing a t-shirt in a sealed ziplock bag with a sticky note attached that just said “xo.”
Throughout the month apart it seemed her nervousness for their planned time together evolved a different reasoning every week. The first week she obsessed over whether or not planning to spend a month for all intents and purposes living with a famous, rich boyfriend she’d only been with for three months was an entirely sensible idea or really just made her a slut and a gold-digger. Jared assured her on multiple occasions that she was clearly neither of those things. Week two and three she worried about being outed as Jared’s girlfriend and what that meant for her privacy and online social life. Jared suggested making her twitter and other accounts private before December was probably not the worst idea. She tried not to go CSI: Echelon on him when she pointed out he wouldn’t be able to see her tweets anymore then and he said that it wouldn’t be a problem.
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Now she was down to simply being terrified about meeting Constance. She couldn’t recall having met a boyfriend’s parents anytime since high school. And Constance was an absolute icon, someone the echelon really looked up to. She didn’t talk to Jared about this particular fear much because the one time she brought it up all he did was gush about how awesome his mom was for half an hour and yes, Jared, she already knows that. That’s what all the nerves are about! So instead she circled back to asking him if he was sure about her invading his space for a full month and complaining that the sticky note path Shannon had helped her make so she wouldn't get lost had been removed in her absence. Jared was more than reassuring that it would be fun, he would make sure she didn’t get lost and yes, a month long “date” is maybe not traditional but what about him was? By the end of their time apart she was truly excited for their next month together.
Jen managed to pack fairly lightly thanks to a few reminders and packing tips from Jared and his tour experience. A couple of Xanax before her flight balanced out by a Starbucks, and omg was she looking forward to an unlimited supply of Black Fuel for the next month, and she was on her way.
“Sweetheart!” Jared called out to her as she ran to him from the car in his driveway. Jen threw herself into his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and refused to let go, even as he walked out to pick up her bags and tip the driver for delivering her safely to him.
“I missed you,” she mumbled into his neck as he maneuvered them inside the house.
“I can tell,” he smirked, prying her arms off of him and kissing her. “You sure you’re ready for a whole month of the craziness around here?”
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“I’m very much looking forward to it. Besides, I can just hide in your room whenever I want, right?” she asked.
“Okay, so don’t take this the wrong way...” Jared said as he guided her down the hallway with his hand on her back and Jen tensed. He ran his hand up and down her back soothingly as he opened the door to one of the first rooms off the end of the hall, before it splits into the labyrinth of passageways that leads to the back of the house. “You have a tendency to get lost in the back of the house and I thought since you’re going to be here for awhile you might want your own space where you can actually find it.”
The room was beautiful, definitely bigger than his, with a king size bed and lots of pretty blue accents all around the room, her favorite color. She could see what she guessed were Shayla’s touches in the room, from the makeup vanity to the cute flower curtains. Jen was pretty sure she remembered it being an office last time she was here, so she knew he put a lot of thought into this, even if it was one of the assistants who put it together for her. She spun on her heels and attacked him with a big kiss. “I love it, thank you.”
Jared let out a breath neither of them realized he was holding. “You are welcome to come hide in my room anytime you want, sweetheart. I don’t want you to think I’m banishing you to the other side of the house,” he insisted, wrapping his arms around her and dropping kisses along her neck.
“Hey, I’d have been happy with a little closet space and a drawer for the month but you gave me a whole room. I know you were sick of tripping over my suitcase and all my stuff in your room when I was here for just a week so this is much more practical. Thank you, really,” she said, kissing him again. The look of relief on his face intrigued her. “Were you nervous about this? That’s adorable,” she commented, patting his cheek.
Jared blushed. “Stevie and Shannon were taking bets on how fast you’d run out the door. They said I was going too ‘Christian Grey’ on you, whatever that means.”
Jen laughed but blushed and hid her face in his chest. “Really, Jared? Does everyone know I submit to you in the bedroom?” she asked shyly.
“Um... They know my proclivities and they know you’re dating me. I think most people just put 2 and 2 together, sweetheart,” he explained, hugging her reassuringly. “You want some time to unpack or would you like to come join us in the studio? We’ve got a couple more hours probably.”
“Oh, I’m definitely coming to the studio. Come on,” Jen answered excitedly, dropping her things at the foot of the bed and grabbing Jared’s hand to pull him out of the room. Of course, she barely made it down the hall before she quietly let Jared take the lead because she was lost again. Jared smiled knowingly and pulled her along behind him into the lab.
“Guys, Jen, Jen, guys,” Jared said by way of introductions, pointing to a couch off to the side where she could sit. “Who changed this configuration? I was gone five minutes!” Jared asked, instantly absorbed in his work again. Jen pulled her legs up on the couch and rested her chin on her knee, settling in to watch him work.
She wasn’t sure how long passed before she was startled by the couch jumping as a body crashed down onto it next to her and she suddenly found herself wrapped in Shannon’s bear hug. “If you keep staring at him like that I swear I’m gonna puke,” he teased.
“Shut up.” Jen covered her now red face with her hands. “I can’t help it. He’s mesmerizing when he’s in work mode. And honestly, what echelon wouldn't watch him given the chance?”
“I’ve seen echelon watch him work, they don’t make the same heart eyes you do. I can practically see the little hearts floating around your head,” Shannon said quietly, making sure his brother couldn’t overhear.
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“Shannon, stop, please. I can’t even... I’m in so far over my head with him. Its been four months and we’ve seen each other like six times in that time. No one is using the ‘L’ word anytime soon so you can keep all that heart talk to yourself, thank you,” she admonished him.
“That’s fine. I just want to make sure you know that you’re different,” Shannon said.
“I know. He makes sure I know it, too,” she replied sweetly.
“Shannon, stop harassing my girlfriend and get back to work,” Jared warned, grabbing Shannon by the collar and playfully pulling him away from her. “You need anything?” Jared asked, checking the time on his phone. “We should be ready to break for dinner soon.”
The word soon made her smile involuntarily as she shook her head. “I’m good.” Jared leaned down and placed a lingering kiss on her lips before returning to work. Jared pushed maybe a little longer than he should have at getting whatever sound it is he’s trying to capture. Everyone was increasingly frustrated and tired by the time Shannon finally approached Jared and whispered something in his ear that made him look over at Jen. She was still in the same spot on the couch, head propped up on her arms which are wrapped around her knees, but her gaze had gone glassy and she wasn’t paying as much attention as she was before.
“Okay guys, lets call it a night,” Jared announced and everyone rushed to shut down the studio and get out of there. Jen was so zoned out that she didn’t even register what was happening until Jamie and Stevie went rushing past her on their way out the door. Only Jared and Shannon remained in the room with her now. “You still with us, sweetheart?” Jared teased as he finished turning off the last of his equipment.
Jen blinked her daze away and sat up, stretching. “Shannon, are you staying for dinner?” she asked, ignoring Jared’s smart remark. Shannon put out his hands for hers and pulled her to standing and then wrapped his arms around her middle, picking her up in a big bear hug that cracked her back satisfyingly. When he set her down she gave him a smaller hug in return.
“You two haven’t had a night together in what, a month? I think if I stayed for dinner tonight Jared might just kill me and carry on with the band without me,” he said with a wink. “Have fun you two,” he called over his shoulder as he exited the studio, flicking the light switch off on his way out, leaving Jared and Jen alone in the dark.
Jen didn’t move, letting her eyes adjust to what little light was streaming into the studio windows from the moon. Jared easily made his way over to her due to his familiarity with the space and wrapped his arms around her. “You hungry?”
“Starving, but I didn’t want to interrupt and I’m not certain I’d have found my way back to my room alone,” she admitted sheepishly.
Jared pulled away for a moment and she heard him rummaging through a drawer before he was suddenly by her side again. He took her hand and as he led her through the halls he stopped at each corner and drew a small arrow with a black sharpie, indicating which way she should go to find her way back. “This is slightly more permanent than sticky notes,” he commented.
“You’re ruining your walls. For me?” she asked while she beamed at him.
“For you. You should be able to find your way to food at least. It’s only three turns. I’ve never met someone with such a bad sense of direction before,” he teased her.
“This place is insane. I’m sure I’ll figure it out given time,” she said as they entered the kitchen. Jared led her to a stool at the counter and pulled it out for her, guiding her to sit and placing a kiss on her temple before he turned to the fridge. He started pulling out ingredients and setting them out on the counter while she leaned over, trying to see what he was doing. “Whatcha got there?”
“Tonight’s menu is homemade guacamole and tortillas with grilled peppers,” he informed her as he set to work cooking. Jen sat back in awe. Jared looked up at her and chuckled. “Yes, there are a few things I can cook,” he said mockingly.
“I didn’t say anything,” she defended angelically. They kept up small talk long enough to get through most of their meal before the tension finally got to her.
“You know, I’m very impressed with the restraint we’ve shown today. I think we proved that we can be adult about our relationship and not just hump each other like bunnies every time we see each other.”
“Well, I have a work deadline and I told you I’d have to be in the studio a lot, that’s why you’re staying for so long,” Jared began defensively but she cut him off by placing her fingers on his lips.
“Jared... fuck me,” she said bluntly.
“Oh, right, yeah,” Jared laughed, scooping her up off the stool and spinning them towards her bedroom. “Another convenient thing about this room; its so much closer to the kitchen,” he said as he opened the door and set her down in front of the bed, kissing her fiercely.
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They ripped at each other’s clothing, not bothering to be gentle about stripping down as quickly as possible and molding their naked bodies against each other once more as they fell back onto the bed. Jared pushed the mound of pillows at the head of the bed aside, and reached up. Suddenly Jen found her right wrist encased in a padded leather cuff. She looked up at him in surprise.
“Yet another convenient feature of this room,” he cited with a grin. When she made no further protest he quickly secured her other wrist as well, leaving her spread bare beneath him.
Now that he had her where he wanted her, his pace slowed and she groaned. “Jared, it’s been a month since you’ve touched me. Please don’t tease,” she begged despite her suspicion it would be useless. The evil laugh she got in response confirmed her suspicion, even as he drew his hand down her body to her slick center.
“What do you want?” he asked in that voice that made her clench her thighs together despite his hand between her legs.
“Oh, god, I want to cum for you,” she pleaded, already lost to her desire.
Jared pushed two fingers into her and pumped them in and out slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. The intensity of his gaze held her in place beneath him as he worked her into a frenzy. He swiped his thumb against her clit and she keened, arching her back and closing her eyes uncontrollably, finally breaking his gaze.
“Beg,” he ordered, redoubling his efforts now with his fingers inside her and his thumb against her clit. She devolved into a gasping mess of pleases and curses before he brought his other hand up to her face, holding her chin so she was forced to look him in the eye. He slid his hand down to her neck, applying pressure lightly as he growled the order, “Cum.”
Jen screamed as her body shook with the climax she’d been denied for weeks. Jared kept working her with his fingers, letting up only a little bit in consideration of her post orgasmic sensitivity. As she tried to buck her hips away he applied more pressure to her neck, a feral grin on his face. He controlled her breathing and her body, pinning her legs open with the way he positioned himself between them, holding her at the crest of her pleasure. Seconds later he brought his mouth down to her breast and issued the command again, “Cum!” as he bit down on her left nipple, pulling it taut between his teeth.
Her body bowed beneath him and her mouth opened to scream but no sound came out for several long seconds. Just as she reached the peak and was starting to come down from her second earth shattering orgasm, Jared pulled his hands from her body and lined himself up, pushing into her to the hilt in one strong thrust. She cursed his name and pulled at the restraints, but wrapped her legs around him in invitation. He was impressed she still had the use of her limbs. Jared fucked her into the mattress unrelentingly, seeking the pleasure he knew he’d quickly find with her gorgeous body wrapped around him. He soon pulled out of her and stroked himself rapidly as he painted her body with his cum.
Jared managed to reach up and release her wrists before slumping to the bed beside her, panting. It was several minutes before either of them really moved or spoke, but Jared was gently caressing his hand along her arm the entire time, maintaining their intimacy. Eventually Jen broke the silence.
“One inconvenient feature of this room: the bathroom is across the hall,” she said, still slightly out of breath. “I can’t go running out there covered in your cum even if you tell me no-one is here. I’m too paranoid for that,” she tells him, smiling.
Jared leans up and kisses her, then points at the door in the corner of the room. “En suite bathroom,” he says. “This used to be a private office.”
“I thought that was a closet,” she said as she got out of bed and went to open the door. The bathroom wasn’t huge, but the shower was a beautiful grey tile and had a small bench and a rainfall spout. “You really thought of everything, huh?” she mused as she started the water.
“Not everything,” he admitted, rolling off the bed to join her. “If I’d remembered how much of a screamer you were I’d have soundproofed before you got here, sweetheart” he teased, pulling her in for another kiss.
The pair showered quickly, light touches and kisses enough after satisfying their craving for each other so completely minutes ago. They dried off and Jen scooped a couple pillows up off the floor and climbed back into bed, exhausted. Jared laid beside her, draping one arm across her torso. Within minutes he was squirming and adjusting in the bed, unable to find a comfortable position. He’d bought the bed for her, knowing she loved the soft mattress at the hotel in Vegas, but his sleeping preference was vastly different.
“Jared, why don’t you go sleep in your room? You really don’t have to stay,” Jen told him, kissing his jaw.
“I didn’t want to run out on you,” he said quietly, dropping kisses along her shoulder. “Are you sure?”
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“I’ll be asleep in seconds. Honestly, I’m used to sleeping alone and I know you’d rather be sleeping on the floor. I don’t mind,” she assured him.
Jared stood from the bed and tucked her in, setting his hands on either side of her head and leaning in for a kiss before righting himself. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
“Goodnight, Jared,” she sighed and closed her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly with a smile on her face.
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femnet · 6 years
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My mom was adopted when she was 2 days old. I don’t ever remember a time in my life when I didn’t know that fact and neither does she.  There was never a big shocking revelation about it. It was just always a fact of all of our lives.
My grandparents, Harry & June (Pops and Mama), were two of the most influential people in my life. When I think about celebrating International Women’s Day, I think about Mama and all she accomplished in her lifetime. She was raised on a cotton farm in Arkansas and was one of only 6 siblings to have a career outside of farm life. She was educated, something rare for a woman born before 1920, worked for a time as a teacher, and then for the State Department. She met Pops after WWII (long after a woman of her time should have been married) while they were both working in China, and made him chase her for months before she agreed to go on a date.
Harry and June adopted my mom some years later after they could not have a baby of their own. They were back in the states and reached out to a lawyer in Reno who had been a WWII buddy of my grandfathers. He helped them arrange the adoption of a baby girl, and the rest, as they say, was history.
For the next 60 years, all my mom knew of her biological family was that her birth mother was going through a divorce when she decided to put my mom up for adoption. We did know that she was originally supposed to be adopted by another family, one that ended up wrapped in a scandal, but that the lawyer switched her at the last minute and gave her to my grandparents instead.
My mom was raised as an only child, completely adored by Harry and June, and was their entire world.  When my parents moved to Texas for my dad’s job, they followed not long after and were everything we could hope for in grandparents.  We have always enjoyed poking fun at who my mom’s people may be, buying her birthday cards in other languages, coming up with elaborate stories about how the Queen would be coming for us one day, celebrating “our people” with a variety of cultural holidays, and more!
We lost Mama in 2000 after many years of battling breast cancer, and I was devastated. She had been a warrior and had fought with every last breath. I had just graduated high school and she made it just long enough to ensure that I had my diploma and my college acceptance in hand. Her only granddaughter was going to get an education. Pops passed away at the age of 95 in 2015. He had dementia in the last few years, but we were lucky in that, until the end, he was still there, and my kids even got to know their great-grandfather for who he was. He and I shared a birthday and were always incredibly close. He was the kindest man I have ever known. We celebrated both of their lives for what they were: lives well lived to the fullest, and always with love.
Two years ago, we were thrown a curve ball.  I was getting ready for bed one night when my Facebook Messenger went off. I looked to see that I had a new message request. Normally, I would ignore these, but I had just put a bunch of old stuff up on buy sell trade, so I figured that maybe someone was requesting information about something I had for sale. I could not have been more wrong! I opened the message to see:
I sent a private message to your mom, but I don’t know how often she checks it so I am messaging you too. My name is Debra and I am looking for my half sister and I think your mom may be her. I left a detailed message on your moms Facebook. Could you let her know so she can check it?
I quite literally fell out of bed! My mom’s adoption records were closed. Her birth mother had set it up so that she could not be found! I didn’t know what to do so I took a screenshot of the text and sent it to my brother! My husband immediately thought it was a scam. My poor brother replied with “OMG Pops had another family?!?!?!” forgetting that any biological children Pops had (he didn’t) would not be biological siblings of my mom, haha! I decided to reply asking for more information before I turned my mom's world upside down. We didn’t have a lot but we did have some specific details that would identify whether this person was legit or not.
Debra continued:
I was texting (the lawyer’s daughter). Her father handled an adoption for my mother and when I told her he also handled her divorce she told me her dad helped a WWII buddy adopt a baby girl which she thought might be in that time frame. I'm not sure when she was born but the divorce finaled in Jan 19**. She was able to give me your grandpa's name and I found his obit and you and your mom. I've been looking since my mother died about 5 years she only told me and my older sister a year before she passed. I've been disappointed a couple of times even went as far as having a sibling DNA test done. Was your mom born in Reno or does she know?
Mentioning the lawyer’s daughter by name and the city of Reno was enough for me to know that this woman was onto something. Pops had stayed very close friends with the lawyer throughout his life and my mom spoke of him and his daughter fondly. We chatted for a bit longer and she shared with me that she had two other living sisters and an older brother who had passed away. Debra, one sister, and the brother were older than my mom and the youngest sister was 12 years younger. The siblings had no idea their mother was even pregnant as she left the children with her family and went to work in Reno through her pregnancy to finalize the adoption and divorce. The baby was not her husband’s but conceived during an affair. The biological father had been in town for work and returned to his wife soon after his job was complete.
Debra’s mother, Marge, spent her left thinking the baby she gave up for adoption had gone to the other family, and had kept news clippings in a box of the stories of the adoption scandal. By the time she told her daughters of this missing sister, her dementia was well advanced, and so her recollection of the years was quite fuzzy.  It was this box that helped Debra and her sister begin their search. There were several children adopted to this family in order for an heiress to secure her inheritance. When the scandal broke, the children were all removed to a children’s home and other families. They were able to find the woman born around the same time, and reached out to her first. When the DNA results came back negative, they tracked down the lawyer’s family (Bob had passed some years before as well). His daughter felt comfortable sharing the name of her father’s longtime friend because she knew my mom had always known about the adoption. Could you imagine if we hadn’t known?
I did the only thing I could think of to do at 11:45 at night. I attached the screenshots to an email, and sent them to my mom and dad saying “your biological family found me last night.” There was probably a better way to share that information, but at that time of night, I was not thinking clearly!!!
The next morning my mom called and said “I’m waiting for the punch line. Where is the large woman in a mumu?”  No punch line this time, mom!  We met for an early lunch to talk about it.  Her head was spinning! We pulled up Debra’s Facebook account and started combing through her pictures, and clicking through members of her families. We could absolutely see a resemblance. They shared my blond hair and green eyes, one of Debra’s sons had very similar facial features to my brother, and then we saw the picture of Marge in her younger years. She did look a lot like my mom. It took my mom a few days to process everything, but she decided to go ahead and call Debra back and agreed to a DNA test using 23andme.  If it was negative, at least she would be helping someone along their journey.
Weeks went by as we waited. I began messaging with Debra’s daughter, but otherwise, the two families kept a distance. They were careful not to get their hopes up, only to be crushed again. Then, finally, one day they received the email they had been waiting on. They were biological half-sisters. Debra and her family were elated to finally have found their missing piece. Our family was a mix of emotions. We were all excited to meet this new, extended family, however, the revelation started a new journey of rediscovering self-identity.  My mom had always been Harry & June’s daughter. What did this mean now?
My mom and I decided to fly out to meet them in their home town a couple of months later. We met all three sisters, and two of their daughters, and had a wonderful weekend connecting. It was really a crazy experience seeing what characteristics are tied by DNA other than physical attributes. A simple mannerism or a laugh became little reminders of this new bond that has always been there.  They showed us around their town proudly, introducing my mom to everyone who had a tie to their mother. My new cousins and I invented a drinking game: every time someone said how much my mom looked like Marge, we drank! I was drunk by lunch!  It was a wonderful weekend of bonding and learning about the woman who made an impossible choice, sending my mom’s life in an entirely different direction.
The two years since have allowed us time to reflect and digest the new twist in our story. While we are now connected to these wonderful people on the other side of the country, we came to the realization that, when Marge gave my mom up for adoption and gave her to Harry and June, my mom became 100% their daughter. Our history is forever connected to them, their legacy, and the lessons they taught us.  When I speak of my grandparents, it will always be Harry and June that I’m referring to, and always be them who I adore and miss. I will forever be grateful to Marge, and the choice she made. I wouldn’t be here today if she hadn’t made it! I love my new aunts and new cousins, but differently than those who have been a part of my life since the beginning.  I believe they feel the same, as some have reached out to connect, but others have not. Those who have not probably feel the same as a few of our family members in that they know who their family is, and to them, we are basically strangers, and that’s ok too. My mom is glad to have a connection with her sisters, but the bond will never be as tight as the one the three who were raised together share. She may be their sister but she will always and forever be Harry and June’s daughter.
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