#Omen shakes her head in the bg
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brawlstars-aus · 6 years ago
Brawl Stars Superhero AU
In the sprawling city of Retropolis rests the Brawl District, a section of the city that contains the biggest concentration of heroes and villains in the area. Not only that, but it also has the greatest history of wars between heroes and villains alike, more than any other area in the country.
Though the rest of Retropolis is mostly normal, the Brawl District has also been the target of unmentionable chaos. Apartment buildings and alleyways flooded by plants, magical energy causing robots to go haywire, heroes being brought back from the dead... and all of this is being kept under control by merely one person: The Sheriff from Brawl HQ, fighting to keep order in place!
Though 4 different factions have formed within the city, the two most powerful have declared a silent war, and it’s up to the other two plus the outcasts to decide who they will side with to finish the conflict once and for all.
Who will come out victorious is up to you to decide.
Meet: Brawl HQ
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Under the (rather uncreative) alias of “The Sheriff”, Colt Junker is the leader of Brawl HQ. After Pam Junker had stepped down from her position as lead, the HQ has been headed by The Sheriff with a sole goal of stopping crime and returning order to the city. More specifically, stop The Star’s Order, before control of the city is lost to necromancy and magic.
Being headed by engineering prodigy Jessie Junker, more formally known as Miss Gatling Phaser, all suits created are incredibly high-tech as if brought directly from a science fiction movie. They also have a numerous arsenal of melee weapons, guns, and specialized suits to be used by the HQ’s allies. If only Colt actually knew how to use all of them properly.
Brawl HQ is the oldest superhero faction in Retropolis that’s still standing today, first founded under the name “Scrapyard HQ” by Delilah Junker and her 15-year old granddaughter Pam Junker as a mechanic shop. The shop stayed for years, and after nearly a decade, Pam got together with her now ex-husband. With him, she had two kids, Colt and Jessie, until he started changing. He was no longer the kind, strong man that Pam had fallen in love with. So they separated.
Pam struggled while being a single mother. Her grandmother Delilah had passed away by that point, and she was just barely able to keep herself afloat with Scrapyard HQ. A new opportunity had been sparked, though. Her son Colt had begun a paid internship at the city’s police department, and her daughter had unveiled a secret project she had been working on for some time- a flexible superhero suit that “Colt could wear to his new job to stay safe!”
Upon the rise of new supervillains in the Brawl District, the city became unsafe. Scrapyard HQ had to be shut down due to a lack of activity, since the supervillains relied on magic. This was when Colt proposed that Scrapyard HQ become a place for heroes. With Jessie’s incredible engineering skill, Pam’s leadership and Colt’s sense of justice, they have teamed together to make Colt the first hero the Brawl District has had in 7 years when the last of the heroes moved out.
Colt now fights for a better town- a better city! But when everybody else outside of Brawl HQ is against him, who can he trust as an ally?
Allies: The Sheriff (Colt), Jetspring (Jessie), Overhaul (Pam)
Jetspring’s Androids: Barley, Rico(chet), Darryl, Carl Geologarithm (”Geo”)
Meet: The Star’s Order
May also be written “The Stars’ Order” or simply “Star’s Order”.
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United under the art of magic, The Stars’ Order is a faction devoted to tarot cards and prophecies of the future. It has various members, but most reside under the co-rule of Omen and Graveheart, a tag-team duo of magic wielders who wish to bring heroes back to life to fight against the world of evil once again. Although Graveheart holds title as figurehead and acts as the leader for most of the group’s projects, Omen is the one that holds most of the team’s magical ability.
They weren’t well known, but that was intentional. They were both concerned for the world, in fear for it being lost to global warming, widespread pollution, and deforestation. And all of those tied down to one thing- humanity’s reliance of industrialization. In search of a cure, they found it within their own hands- they could reteach humanity the lost art of magic and the arcane. But they needed a key into society’s heart. What was something that humans wished for, and craved, more than anything? Caused by the greatest tragedy known to man? And how could they do this most effectively?
Easy. Their greatest tragedy was death, and their greatest wish was to bring the dead back to life. They could do this most effectively by literally bringing their superheroes back to life. Then, they could return to fight for peace. Then, they could save the world. Then, they could show humanity that magic wasn’t so bad.
Necromancy had already been in study before, and although was old, was not well developed. When a sort of magic does not exist, you research until you can invent it. And they reinvented necromancy.
After years of research and study, heroes that had perished and been mourned have returned once more. Sure, it required a bit of body-smuggling, not too hard for a mortician, and the fortune teller warned that there was a great percent chance of failure, but they had already fine-tuned the magic to the best of their ability. If they could get anything at all, then they would have been lucky anyway.
Thus, started the ritual. And it worked. Almost.
When they returned the hero Frank to the world, the magic had not worked as perfectly as they’d hoped, and he had returned disfigured into the shape of a hulking giant, mind degraded to that of an orc. But it was something, so they showed off their somewhat-success to the media. But the public grew angry. He didn’t give his consent to return to life as a monster! 
But they tried again anyway, because maybe, this time they could create something worthy of retribution.
They returned the once-loved late hero Poco to the world, and nearly succeeded, except for the fact that Poco had returned sans of memory or even flesh, being nothing more than a skeleton of a hero. This was when the public had enough, and The Star’s Order was finally forced into hiding due to media outrage and backlash.
Furthermore, Brawl HQ has decided to track them down in hopes to eventually reveal their identities and put them behind bars for their “injustice” towards these heroes. The Star’s Order is not going to sit back and simply fall, though.
The Star’s Order have finally decided to become the villains the public saw in them, and thus started Project: Villainize.
But some undead heroes don’t want to be villains.
With outfits based from magic, Omen and Graveheart’s outfits are morphable at will and their limitations solely rely on the user’s magic capacity. For all other allies, outfits hold no magical properties. (Except Gene, who is entirely made of magic, including outfit.)
Allies: Omen (Tara), Graveheart (Mortis)
"Allies”: Gene, Frank, Calavera Canticum (Poco)
Meet: The Sisterhood
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Although being called “The Sisterhood”, some people are somehow still surprised that the leader, named “La Bandita”, is female. Named a ‘demi-hero’, La Bandita’s costume is just her casual clothes, and her only superpowers are her quick wit and incredible shotgun skills.
Once being simply an alias for Shelly, it has grown into the largest gang in the city, and has become powerful enough to reside in the Brawl District unscathed, even when none of its members hold any powers.
When it was smaller, The Sisterhood could have been regarded as a mafia. Stolen objects sold on the black market, holding hostages and ruining the lives of any who La Bandita saw as corrupt. Then she recruited the biker gang of her once-rival Bull, and helped the man start a restaurant of his own, to which he repaid through his unwavering loyalty.
Ever since, she has recruited her cousin El Primo, who said “it sounded like a fun club!” and Penny, who was knowledgeable in engineering and working with gunpowder. Occasionally, she’d be visited by her relative Rosa who needed help with a certain invasion of plants in her apartment, and sometimes in the middle of the night, would find a particular barrel-bodied robot requesting help on how to improve his shotgunning skills.
La Bandita has since stopped a large portion of the crime she commits, though has never gotten less dangerous. Simply put, she recognizes the power she has now, and has decided that it’ll be best if saved for any time she or anyone in the Sisterhood is ever crossed. For now, she doesn’t need the wealth found in crime. Rather, she has found wealth in the closely knit family that is The Sisterhood.
Although some members of The Sisterhood may use aliases to disguise their true names, a good portion do not.
Sisterhood: La Bandita (Shelly), Bulldozer (Bull), Bibi, Crow, El Primo, Penny
Meet: Alliance of the Eagles
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The destruction of nature was a terrible thing. When the city was first initiated, the ancestral land was defiled with smoke and city lights. What was once a sea of grassland was turned to a wasteland of concrete. When Bo moved into the city, he wasn’t trying to get away from home. He was trying to bring home with him. And he recruited friends and family to help.
It was because of the Alliance of the Eagles that life began to grow again in the city. Ivy across the brick walls, clovers budding between sidewalk tiles, flowers bringing just the slightest glimmer of color in the labyrinth of desaturated desolation. It was all thanks to a faint, constant aura of magical energy from somewhere within the Brawl District that acted as a fertilizer and helped the plants grow. He didn’t think much of it at first.
It was when the returns started happening. Magical energy burst across the district like an undetectable shockwave, feeling like nothing more than a gust of wind, but its effects were drastic. The plants Bo had brought to transplant into the area begun to grow rapidly. Too rapidly. His apartment was taken over by weeds and vines, and the botanist downstairs had to have a rescue mission issued for her, as she was caged in by an entire horde of flora. Even then, the botanist didn’t make it out without a face half permanently covered in flowers, and two new living cactuses.
So Bo gave up plants. It was time to try out animals. Instead of a city-wide project that could end up in flooded alleyways like the previous project had, he tried something smaller. As the apartment building was overtaken by plants, obeying a little “no animals” policy suddenly seemed like a very minor offense. He encouraged those in the Alliance of Eagles to start hosting their favorite animal in their apartment, which to Nita’s question, “was allowed to be a bear”.
All was well, and all tenants were actually happier with their animal companions. Despite the creatures mostly being from the wild, they were “oddly” calm. He kept an eagle in his own room, and frequently visited Nita and Leon, who were keeping a bear and a “cool color-changing lizard” in their rooms respectively. He also saw his apartment neighbor Crowley Sharpe quite often, who unsurprisingly kept a crow, and they had many pleasing talks about birds.
Bo frequently believed in animal-related omens, but when his eagle had flown away that day, he was naive enough not to think of it as a sign. Then, merely a few hours later, the second wave hit. A graze of magic energy, and suddenly a young child horrified and screaming in agonizing terror, because his skin was beginning to change color in different places without an understanding why. His friend around the same age suddenly unable to speak in anything other than basic noises, but being able to imitate a bear perfectly. And his birdwatching neighbor, literally losing all of his humanity in favor of jet-black feathers, a beak, and fulfilling his name. Downstairs, ecstatic shouts of being able to “hear the plants speaking!”
Bo lead a team of environmental activists who fought for nature into becoming nature themselves. Whether a blessing or a curse, Bo now has more power than ever to bring Mother Nature back to the asphalt-cursed Retropolis- but first, perhaps he should seek out whoever caused the dyad of unfortunate events to occur. Maybe then he could earn back the respect of Leon and Crow, who had left the team in belief having become monsters. Until he does, he will have lost his humanity as much as they.
Allies: Eagle 1 (Bo), Barbearian (Nita), Lady of Flowers (Rosa), Spike
Ex-Allies: Colorcode (Leon), Crow
Meet: The Outcasts
The outcasts, the wildcards, the ticking time bombs... all of those refer to The Outcasts.
Although most outcasts have been given a home in The Sisterhood (which are almost outcasts in themselves), some outcasts are truly outcasts. Some may be dangerous (Viperella), some may just be annoying graffiti artists (Colorcode), and some could even be friendly (Sonic Boom), but either way, caution should be held when any faction approaches them. They may have biases, but those could change with the snap of a neck.
Outcasts: Colorcode (Leon), Viperella (Piper), Sonic Boom (Brock), DynaMIKE!
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Heroes and villains according to faction. Some members may be more or less mixed, indicated by a dot. May be changed up in the future.
Find all my posts for this topic here!
This was a fun AU to write, and is also my first offciial AU! It’s a big bunch of ideas I’ve had stirring around for a while, all being able to be smashed into one giant alternate universe! (If I run out of ideas, I’ll change my name to brawl-stars-superhero-au. It’s not a high school AU though so I’m not changing just yet!)
Feel free to write for this AU, send in your asks about it, add your OCs, and put your own twists! <3
EDIT (6/23/19): Changed Jessie’s name from Gatling Phaser to Eludia Jetspring. (I’m indecisive.)
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staggeringsmite · 4 years ago
HELLO! just finished properly listening to your (amazing!) corruption arc playlist! I have many thoughts, and so I wanted to ask you about specific moments and/or characters that you associate with songs (as mentioned in your tags), as I am simply SO intrigued. (did you have certain songs that were added for certain character(s)? were any songs for specific what if's? etc.) also, please consider this a free pass to ramble about anything related to the playlist that you wish. it is SO excellent!!
AHHHH!! thank you jade (both for the compliment and the free space to yell about my thoughts here because when i get playlist brainrot i get it Bad <3) // the playlist in question
i think i'm genuinely going to do a song-by-song thoughts below the cut, but here are some overview thoughts/associations if you don't wanna read all of that or don't have the time!
overall this started with athena by nova twins! i thought the sp*der imagery and overall vibe was great for a more sinister look at the wacky (mostly) chaotic neutral party as they are, just going full lolth. i wanted the pacing to be semi-slow and then drop into the more rock-heavy reckless villain-y section before moving into a (?) bittersweet? i guess? end that feels a bit more like a question mark of if it was worth it.
i think this party is full of extremely interesting motivations to side with an evil power for their own gain/the benefit of the people they care about, and each one of them has a very complex relationship with that so things spun wildly out of control as a thought about this.
for songs i associate with specific characters here's an overview, but you'll notice there aren't a lot for fy'ra rai or orym which i get into a bit more in the song-by-song:
all: i come with knives, into the spin, steady/steady, control, bad dreams / lolth: million years, athena, diggers / dariax: diggers, plenty, hollow / dorian: athena, grenadine, dangerous / fearne: plenty, you should see me in a crown, black wave / fy'ra rai: home / opal: home, grenadine, black wave, you should see me in a crown / orym: i'm not calling you a liar, dangerous
song-by-song >:)
1. i come with knives (acoustic) - this song, zoowee, so i went with the acoustic version because i think it's a nice slow but sinister start and it very much gave me the feeling of whenever you begin as a character to question taking this kind of power, that is a Source yes that you can do whatever with but is rooted in temptation and associated with evil, is there any real justification for that which is not in some part selfish. "i come with knives and agony to love you" if that isn't the chosen ones to a T in their overall reasoning for even considering a deal with lolth. and as much as that may be rooted in care, and wanting to be strong and powerful enough to protect the people they care about, it is a painful way to love when you really choose that path once and for all.
2. into the spin - this one is based on "slow climb but quick to descend" and i love the instrumentation as a part of the overall vibe, but it's about sowing the seed here. planting even a hint of consideration in accepting the power of the circlet and lolth's words is going to need time for the person to mull it over, but once it's on it is On baby.
3. million years - this is what i mean by All In Baby, and while it isn't the playlists narrative point of anyone actually accepting the power for good, it is a glimpse intended to shake things up after an 8 minute slow start with the first two songs, and this is all about lolth who is a Chaotic Evil entity, who is a reckless and hauntingly destructive force <3
4. home - "everything you made will end up broken" i think this song to fy'ra rai is more of an omen, of everything that she cannot fix but wants to, knowing that she cannot make choices for the group and seeing the potential path they could wind up on and knowing that fundamentally if they go that way it is their decision no matter how much it will hurt her - for opal there is SOMETHING about the tone of this song that feels very much like her, and the complete lack of care it seems to have to rattle off mundane things to the intimate drama of the place, to omens, to demands/declarations i think it shows her personality well and how that pairs with a chaotic neutral entity being offered something like the power of the circlet
5. steady, steady - idk if this is necessarily everyone but the mix of you know when you're ready and i am ready to be the one, this is the song about taking the leap and grabbing for power and/or fy'ra rai and orym's feelings of diving in with them or resisting/leaving them
6. diggers - for lolth this is just the consistent "i've been waiting for you" in the bg which i found fun and disconcering but also i think this is the perfect party and perfect storm for her to convince someone to use the circlets power >:) - for dariax! it seems with what we know he doesn't really know that he is a divine soul sorcerer? unless that is a show he is putting up. still, i feel like him carrying the circlet is Very interesting as someone with a divine bloodline who is in a way being given/chosen for that type of power holding onto this artifact born from evil and perhaps being tempted by it & i think this song works as an interesting back and forth for him with the strange double-entity grab for him in a way
7. athena - truly just a banger that fit the vibes wayyyy too well and started this whole thing, it's loud and reckless and out for blood babey <3 - i think i associate it with dorian mostly because i also associate it with lolth and he is the closest to really taking that leap in canon (and also probably the first one the go if we're following this playlist like a story with everyone/most everyone going corrupt, though it can be read truly infinite ways these are just compiled songs) i think it has a certain flair and appeal that just makes me Feel like it's the song that would play the second dorian puts the circlet on (which! fun fact! decreases your charisma by 2! have fun beloved bard!) - i think it's a very intense conversation
8. i’m not calling you a liar - okayokayokay it's orym thought time bc there are sooo many worlds and routes for orym here and i truly have no idea where he would even end up in this hypothetical. do i think that orym loves these guys and wants to protect them? yes. do i think that he may genuinely take the pain of loving them and keep his morals by walking away and/or turning on them if they all go evil? maybe. do i think he also might love them enough to throw that away? maybe. in a party of all chaotic neutrals besides him without fy'ra rai he is surprisingly the wild card here. while they have each other and no one else, he has the teachings and wisdom of the voice of the tempest and a moral compass that does not align with theirs at all. so, something has to give! dorian's slide into chaotic neutral was natural, but i think orym would be giving up Much More of himself to let himself slide from neutral good to chaotic neutral. i have no answers only sad, sad hypotehtical questions and scenarios so i will just, leave you with "and i love you so much, i'm gonna let you kill me." - this song also comes here before the storm of the 3-5 because whatever way he goes i think orym sees it all happen before anyone else does.
9. grenadine - Do Not Tell Me You Couldn't Hear villainous opal and dorian say the lines "what a big heart i have, i'll be your savior now. what a real catch i am, all the more to pull you down." - i see this song as playful but more genuine for dorian in terms of Truly Really believing any action he does to protect his friends is justified and good to him in his eyes whereas this is a very playful song for a villainous opal - they both give off this vibe strongly though (could see this one for fearne as well but don't have a good a justification)
10. black wave - helloooooo my favorite druid and warlock?? going apeshit with power? more so than they already are on a day-to-day basis (esp given episode 6 combat)? that's what this song is about. "stumbling down the street i swear to god you don't wanna test me" - i also think they both have an interesting question with "what do i believe?" with fearne being of the feywild which is a place of considerably different moral standing to exandria and opal being so young that she doesn't have the world figured out at all <3 terrifying and upsetting when you get into those questions on a corruption arc <3
11. you should see me in a crown - okay i knooooow this one is on the dorian playlist BUT vibes for my brutal babes <333 something about opal’s whole personality and fearne confronting the mirror self But eventually choosing/heading down the path anyway?? impeccable i love it there’s very few other thoughts here
12. control - OKAY not only does this song Fuck but i put it as party wide because i think it transitions nicely into the end of the mix which is more of the “questioning this decision after going all in but not being able to turn back/was it all worth it in the end?” part - i mostly love the “though i like the idea of providence... i’m in love with control” repeated because! i think the circlet is very interesting in that it has been iterated many times over that though it has connections to lolth and she has some claim/twisted abilities with it, it IS just a power source. so, the idea of going all in and accepting this power is an incredibly interesting dilemma of “who’s in charge here? did you really put it on/would you have without these dreams and lolth’s influence? are you really in control?” i think this song really represents that admission/delusion of control in this situation.
13. plenty - okay this song in any context is just my Feywild/Faerie Vibe song so i think this trails back to my feelings about fearne leaning into that different set of fey morals along a corruption arc, and as for dariax i think this is about abundance! following through that mixture of divine power source and chaotic evil god origin over dariax and his chaotic history of vast and varied experiences in emon, i think this very much befits a corrupt version of him.
14. dangerous - this song makes me insane, and the first reason i put it on the mix was the “the dead are true believers. rest assured. we are all believers” really just made me think of a terrible and cinematic moment of them discovering the circlet with the dead aboard the ship ESP in the context of this playlist’s narrative where that was the point they were destined to claim its power and go through their corruption arc - “how does it feel to be your own deceiver?” is the main reason and feeling as for why i made this a dorian song as well in line with “don’t worry i would do anything for my friends.” bc i personally find dorian’s corruption arc to be disillusioned with his own intentions and takes a lot of convincing himself that taking this power for his friends is noble in the scope of this group’s collective morals and self-interest in keeping each other safe and prosperous so <3
15. hollow - woowee dariax corruption, at least in this scope, i think is very frightening to me in that i think he’s going full maximalist, abundant, greedy, impulsive chaotic evil if we’re realllly leaning into a villain arc but still many of those things if we’re just going “this group is the only thing that matters and i’ll do anything for them no matter the cost” - i also think this song has a tone of resentment towards this? apprehension a bit? recognizing that this is how the person singing is but not entirely enjoying or feeling justified in it? as impulsive as dariax is, i think he cares A Lot, and is even a character i could see pulling a reverse dorian and going chaotic good in a different story than we’re in? “so simple when i was younger” and “i’d be a dancer of a different tune” really give me angsty dariax vibes in the height of his corruption arc
16. bad dreams - “don't you worry about your bad dreams cause I'm not in them. don't you worry about what change brings cause you can't stop it.” WOOF i don’t know that this one really needs to be explained but it’s the climax and the descent all in one of the party/corrupted individual being too far gone in their decision to step back or be saved. i think the tone of the song lends itself well to a mixture of uncaring but also giving some question to if they regret it or not based on the narration of the crowd against them.
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