#Olympics Esports Games
cinemedios · 2 months
¡Los videojuegos serán disciplina olímpica!
¿Qué videojuego te gustaría ver como disciplina olímpica?🎮
El Comité Olímpico Internacional dio luz verde a la creación de un nuevo evento que permitirá a los videojuegos empezar a crear camino como disciplina digna de recibir medallas olímpicas ¡nosotros te contamos todo! Los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 están en su cuarto día y previo a la inauguración se llevó a cabo una reunión con el propósito de platicar el futuro de los videojuegos en el medio…
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bhaskarlive · 2 months
India sets eyes on competing in esports games at Olympics soon
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With growing viewership, investment, player base, and appearances at major international tournaments, esports in India is becoming a mainstream sport, with future ambitions to compete in the Olympics Esports Games, industry experts said on Monday.
With state support and advocacy from Prime Minister Narendra Modi, esports has cemented its place as a new-age sport after gaining official recognition as a ‘multi-sport’ event by the government, they added.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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O que menos esperariam em uma abertura de Olimpíadas aconteceu: SIMPLESMENTE UM MÉNAGE
Tenho dó de quem tava assistindo do lado da família KKKKKKK
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 months
As a Terrassa resident I want to highlight the field hockey team. There's like more people named Marc than there's Spaniards.
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wuckingfeardo · 7 days
Olimpic Esports should be open source-ish
The rules of every game/discipline at the olympics are open for the public to know. An esports most comprehensive rule set is its source code.
However, how would the companies promoting the sport make money? Fuck em. They're still a brand, they can provide private playing spaces. However, there's no one charging for every tennis game being played, so no single company should be able to profit from an olympic sport and people should be allowed to try to make a living by supporting the esport.
Also, they should be proud of providing a foundation for the acceptance of our digital interactions as an extension of nature and humanity, not some fake fantasy land that isn't there because it wasn't there since a shit ton of years ago.
If the focus comes, I'll probably write about the how. But the why is the foundation (as every software should). Competitive sports are deemed good because they provide an environment for a person to practice and learn collaboration, tenacity, concentration, communication, respect to others and oneself, physical coordination, self improvement, fun, satisfaction from hard work, amongst probably a lot of other things.
Olympic sports all provide these things.
Because of these good things, it would be inmoral to try to hide the rules of olympic sports behind a paywall. So esports shouldn't do so.
Gotta clean the laundry "room". Hopefully I'll continue elaborating this some other day.
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claudiosuenaga · 2 months
OLIMPÍADAS DE PARIS 2024: A Convergência das Trevas na Cidade Luz
Durante a apresentação da candidatura de Paris 2024 em 11 de julho de 2017, o presidente Emmanuel Macron entrelaçou os braços com outros líderes fazendo o símbolo da pirâmide Illuminati. Paris, afinal, acabou escolhida pela terceira vez (já tinha sido em 1900 e 1924). O grau máximo da Maçonaria é o 33, então o local da 33ª edição das Olimpíadas nas poderia ser outro do que a capital maçônica por excelência, Paris, a cidade luz. Os 235 anos da maçônica Revolução Francesa, os 140 anos da Estátua da Liberdade (um presente da Maçonaria francesa), a Pirâmide do Louvre, tudo está inextricavelmente ligado e converge nesses jogos. O que estamos realmente vendo aqui é uma teia de intrigas que remonta há muito tempo. Os indivíduos que se consideram os governantes legítimos do planeta têm alguma preocupação sobre o futuro a muito curto prazo. Em seu sistema de crenças, eles sentem que precisam ter total controle planetário.
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karis17love · 1 year
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thedowntown500 · 2 months
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anhilliator1 · 2 months
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Well then!
This is wholly unexpected.
However, this begs the question - how are they going to score this and divide the events?
What games will they be using?
Will there be a speedrunning category?
Fighting Games category?
Not to mention subgenres?
Will there be a rhythm game category (in which case, hire Camellia)
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lachidayy · 2 months
Virtual Taekwondo: The Future of Esports at the Olympic Esports Series
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The Rise of Esports
According to the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) - Thomas Bach, 3 billion people worldwide play esports and video games, with over 500 million passionate about esports, including virtual sports and sports simulations. In response to this growing trend, the IOC launched the virtual Olympic series in 2021, followed by the Olympic Esports Week in Singapore, successfully connecting the Olympic and esports communities.
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Virtual Taekwondo at the Olympic Esports Week
Among the nine approved sports at the Olympic Esports Week (Oneesports 2023a), Virtual Taekwondo by the World Taekwondo Federation (WT) is an effort to expand the influence of the Olympics by connecting with gaming and esports communities worldwide (Viresa 2023).
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Competitors wore traditional Taekwondo uniforms and belts while equipped with VR headsets and specialized controllers (Oneesports 2023b). The goal of Virtual Taekwondo is to deplete the opponent's health bar or have the most health remaining after three rounds (World Taekwondo 2023).
Inclusivity and Innovation in Virtual Taekwondo
Virtual Taekwondo offers a unique advantage in its inclusivity. By eliminating physical contact, it allows athletes of all ages, genders, and physical abilities to compete without the risk of injury (Oneesports 2023a). While the format may initially seem awkward, the potential for fair and diverse competition is undeniable.
A Success Story and a Promising Future
The inaugural Virtual Taekwondo competition at the Olympic Esports Series was a success, with a 15-year-old Singaporean athlete defeating an opponent of the same age and gender  (World Taekwondo 2023). This victory showcased the inclusive nature of Virtual Taekwondo, where age, gender, and size do not dictate the outcome.
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World Taekwondo President Chungwon Choue praised the event's success, highlighting its fun and inclusive nature. He emphasized the opportunity for young athletes to compete against retired Taekwondo legends and stressed the sport's potential to transcend traditional barriers  (World Taekwondo 2023). In sum, this is a step forward in supporting the development of virtual sports within the Olympic movement, while also connecting with the gaming and eSports communities to create new opportunities for players and fans alike.
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Reference list
Oneesports 2023a, Line up của Olympic Esports Series bao gồm cả những trò chơi bị mang tiếng ‘pay-to-win’ | ONE Esports Vietnam, www.oneesports.vn, viewed 13 July 2024, <https://www.oneesports.vn/gaming/olympic-esports-series-2023/>.
Oneesports 2023b, Olympic Esports: Sẽ như thế nào khi thi đấu Taekwondo trong môi trường thực tế ảo? | ONE Esports Vietnam, www.oneesports.vn, viewed 13 July 2024, <https://www.oneesports.vn/gaming/olympic-esports-taekwondo/>.
Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus) 2023, IOC nghiên cứu khả năng tổ chức Thế vận hội Thể thao Điện tử, Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus), viewed 13 July 2024, <https://www.vietnamplus.vn/ioc-nghien-cuu-kha-nang-to-chuc-the-van-hoi-the-thao-dien-tu-post902210.vnp>.
Viresa 2023, Chung kết Olympic Esports Series 2023 chính thức tổ chức tại Singapore | Hội Thể thao điện tử giải trí Việt Nam, viresa.org.vn, viewed 13 July 2024, <https://viresa.org.vn/chung-ket-olympic-esports-series-2023-chinh-thuc-to-chuc-tai-singapore>.
World Taekwondo 2023, [World Taekwondo] Virtual Taekwondo draws large audience on debut at Olympic.., m.worldtaekwondo.org, viewed 13 July 2024, <http://m.worldtaekwondo.org/wtnews/view.html?nid=140192>.
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gamingamigos · 2 months
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0ryza13 · 2 years
Hey did y'all know they're adding esports to the Olympics?
But also they're doing that thing where they do something heavily requested but they do it really badly so they can remove it and say "we tried and nobody liked it :("
It's entirely shitty mobile games and like an app that tracks how far you ride on a pelaton and digital chess, as opposed to normal biking and normal chess, which they already have.
Like, seriously??? There are already major competitive leagues for certain games. Use those. League of Legends, Minecraft, Pokemon if you really want to avoid the "sweaty gamer" part of it all. What the fuck are you doing with fucking "Tic Tac Bow" for archery??? At that point just have people bring in their Nintendo DS and play Mario And Sonic At The Olympic Games.
Can't believe they've done this.
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jeffgerstmann · 2 months
Why isn’t video game an Olympic sport
There's some weird push for some kind of Olympics-adjacent esports thing that was gaining traction last I saw. I don't know, I think the Olympics should be cool physical contests like the caber toss or hackey sacking or whacking off or something.
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 2 months
i think to stay on-theme and to avoid copyright issues the IOC should buy all the rights to Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games and that should be the only game play in the olympic esports league
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topahtoons · 2 months
Rip (Mario & Sonic Series)
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I can't believe the Olympics committee abandoned the Mario & Sonic Series in favor of esports and ugh NFTs ☹️
This was the series that introduced me to the Sonic the Hedgehog series and video games in general with it's fun to play and sometimes not fun to play mini games while introducing me to the wacky cast of characters from the Mario and Sonic series.
They were my main special interest/hyperfixation during that period in my childhood I just can't help but get giddy whenever i see them together.
It's sad that Tokyo 2020 games is the last ever time we'll see the characters coexist with each other at least everyone with the execution of Mario and Sonic we'll probably still see those two battling out in the next Smash Bros game on the next mainline Nintendo console (whenever that comes out).
Still though this really hurts to hear I know not many people cared for these games but I did even though I would like to a real crossover with these two that isn't tied with the Olympics or Smash Bros whenever Nintendo and Sega have the plan to make it happen I still pray it does.
Thanks for everything Mario and Sonic series (2007-2020)
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wisteriagoesvroom · 10 months
unnecessarily specific headcanons for college!AU f1 drivers, part 2
part 1 available here
(and now with more gender diversity because it’s my AU and why not)
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- major: entrepreneurship
- attending on a sports scholarship. is on the diving team
- birth name Pascale but she hates it, someone called her Pierre years ago as a joke (after the founder of the modern olympics) and it stuck
- met charles as a kid on a highscool exchange scuba diving trip and they’ve been best friends ever since
- has made a habit of introducing herself as “from Rouen, not Paris”, so much so that the rest of the gang groans and says it for her every time someone new arrives and she has to make an introduction
- has bars of chocolate stowed in random places. literally all sorts. it’s her bad habit. she and Lando become friends because she hoards good Belgian chocolate (“the real stuff not this Americane or Britishe nonsense”)
- got into a huge disagreement with max over a second year group project. people could hear the dispute from several rooms down in the library. they were called into the dean’s office and let off with a warning
- claims not to be a good cook but regularly bashes out amazing French home cuisine that has half the dorm in tears
- somehow also finds time to snowboard and run half marathons during summer and winter breaks
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- major: he doesn’t go to the university but is in the city culinary school. he is Pierre’s friend and shows up on campus mostly on Fridays and weekends
- the origin story of their friendship changes all the time because they lie about it. it becomes a running gag and nobody knows the actual truth (the truth is they both swiped right on tinder in freshman year, but actually worked out to be better friends than a couple)
- disgusted by most campus food. will bring his own bentos to eat on the quad. can magic up dishes out of seemingly nothing. famous for a hack that somehow involves making omurice in a rice cooker. also does a killer savoury soufflé pancake, and deep fried chicken which the gang request every time they get too sloshed. Yuki obliges because he enjoys cooking for people
- actually enjoys anime but gets annoyed when people ask him about it or when people use weeby topics as a conversational opener with him
- learned English from stage-ing in local kitchens and thus swears like a sailor and knows cuss words in three additional languages (Spanish, Italian, French)
- scar on leg in shape of a cow from falling off a skateboard once
- everyone thinks he and Pierre have something going on but at this point it’s purely platonic
- will start a fight if drunk and people make fun of his height
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- major: psychology
- openly nonbinary
- performs well in their field of study but is determined to finish their degree so they can fully focus on their budding career in esports. esports alias is quadrant
- dyes their hair different colours constantly, depending on mood. had a phase where it was really orange when they were mad at an overwatch match that ended badly
- self-taught in three different instruments (guitar, piano, recorder for the shits and giggles). is a better DJ than charles and stops charles from taking the aux chord at parties to play his charlie sadboi mixes all the time
- best Instagram stories of the gang. somehow really well curated but authentic at the same time
- will do standup one day for kicks and absolutely murder the set, and then never touch it again
- shockingly good at the game twister. maybe was a gymnast in highschool but doesn’t like to talk about it possibly due to the gender trauma
- is a little bit abrasive and will tease/clown everybody for their shenanigans. but when shit hits the fan is the first person to show up with a big bowl of soup and some tissues and check if the other person is okay and “do you want to talk about it”
guan yu
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- major: software engineering
- always seems on the cusp of some academic disaster but pulls through surprisingly well
- rides an e scooter around campus
- people think he’s in the architecture or design school because he always turns out immaculate fits
- is the person to ask everyone during study sessions if anyone wants bubble tea. (he wants bubble tea. he will order for everyone. he has a phone note with everyone’s favourite order. he judges charles for wanting a jasmine tea flavour but with milk. he will patiently explain to max what a bubble tea is, then it becomes one of max’s favourite drinks.)
- despite his academic ups and downs, already has unconditional offers from at least 3 Silicon Valley late-stage startups and all 4 Chinese big tech firms
- will one day do something so revolutionary with AI and visual design, like the next great CAD system or something, that he never has to work again
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- major: history of art
- many aliases. aka Carlita. Kylie. Kiki.
- THE it-girl on campus. manicure always immaculate and always in shades of red. boys (and girls, and even the TAs) always want to talk to her but are sooo intimidated
- always posting Instagram photos of her on a plane or holiday even though she’s studying in her room. never lets people know her next move
- people clown her for her major but she is actually really knowledgeable about art and takes it very seriously. her study notes are extremely organized, whether it’s her macbook or flashcards. she is in general good favour with the profs if she would only stop texting in seminars
- dad’s name is on one of the library wings. everyone realises this on the first day and she’s like “yes… i am a nepo baby. anyway where are we meeting later, i have an in with the promoters at this club if we want to go there”
- secret guilty pleasure is playing first person shooter games on her switch and absolutely decimating people. it is her outlet for aggression. she may also have beaten quadrant/lando at overwatch once but won’t tell anyone because playing overwatch messes with her party girl image
- starts a side hustle doing events and ten years after graduation will be extremely successful in this venture
- stress cries often but pulls it together. prone to scream-singing sad Spanish ballads when drunk. surprisingly knows every single word to a decade’s worth of Pitbull songs
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