#Oliver Forman
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einsteinsugly · 2 years ago
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Once again, nailed it. Kate Forman (left) and Leah Forman (right).
Credit to @tht70sblog for the pic.
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thebestestwinner · 2 years ago
The top two vote-getters will move on to the next round!
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denimbex1986 · 2 years ago
'"Oppenheimer" is huge. It's one of Christopher Nolan's most massive movies, a sprawling epic that covers the life and times of J. Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb. The film spans several years of Oppenheimer's life, zeroing in on specific time periods — specifically the lead-up to the building of the bomb, and then the aftermath when Oppenheimer's career was destroyed due to his leftist leanings. As I wrote in my review, "Christopher Nolan's 'Oppenheimer' is nothing short of extraordinary. In what might be his magnum opus, Nolan has meticulously crafted a biopic that feels like a thriller. He's also managed to find a way to make 3 hours of people sitting in rooms talking at each other downright exciting."
Like all movies, "Oppenheimer" draws on films that came before it. It owes a debt or two to Oliver Stone's "JFK," in how it's a star-studded, 3-hour epic about grave decisions, and Nolan has cited Andrei Tarkovsky's "Mirror" as an inspiration, too. And Nolan isn't the only one drawing on other works. His star Cillian Murphy also turned to films for inspiration. Per the Independent, when it came time to make the movie, Murphy watched two specific movies as research. This was all part of Murphy's process to "connect with and find the truth" of his character. 
Lawrence of Arabia
The first film on Murphy's list: David Lean's massive 1962 epic "Lawrence of Arabia." The film stars Peter O'Toole as T. E. Lawrence and follows his journey uniting Arab tribes during World War I. It's often held up as one of the best movies ever made, and it covers a huge amount of ground in its lengthy runtime. As Roger Ebert wrote, "For a movie that runs 216 minutes, plus intermission, 'Lawrence of Arabia' is not dense with plot details. It is a spare movie in clean, uncluttered lines, and there is never a moment when we're in doubt about the logistical details of the various campaigns."
Murphy says he watched "Lawrence of Arabia" "in terms of the scale and the life-story aspect," and that makes a lot of sense. Like "Oppenheimer," "Lawrence of Arabia" is a biopic that doesn't really feel like a traditional biopic. It's not a cradle-to-the-grave story, but rather a glimpse into a period in the life of its main character. Nolan takes a similar approach to "Oppenheimer," zeroing in on specific times in Oppenheimer's life rather than telling his complete life story. 
The second movie Murphy watched: "Amadeus," Miloš Forman's 1984 film about the death of Mozart. The film is heavily fictionalized and focuses primarily on F. Murray Abraham's Antonio Salieri, a composer who is fiercely jealous of Mozart's talents, which Salieri sees as divine. He loathes that Mozart is better than him, and his insecurities drive him mad to the point that he plots to destroy Mozart. The rivalry between the two men is played up by having Salieri working to sabotage Mozart while Mozart remains blissfully, tragically unaware. 
If you've seen "Oppenheimer," you can probably guess why Murphy watched this film. The rivalry between Mozart and Salieri mirrors the rivalry between Oppenheimer and Lewis Strauss, played by Robert Downey Jr. Strauss offers Oppenheimer a job early in the film, and the two appear to be colleagues on friendly terms. But a perceived slight from Oppenheimer burns at Strauss for years and causes him to sabotage Oppenheimer's career late in life, just as Salieri targeted Mozart. As Murphy put it, he watched "Amadeus" "because of Salieri and Mozart, that kind of competitive relationship." 
The one-two punch of "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Amadeus" can be seen reflected in "Oppenheimer," be it through the film's sprawling nature or its story about a bitter rivalry between two men. No wonder Murphy turned to these movies for inspiration.'
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robynsassenmyview · 11 months ago
Ode to the Patron Saint of Mediocrity
TAKE that! Antonio Salieri (Alan Committie) above, in a fit of jealousy with Mozart (Mark Elderkin). Photography courtesy of Montecasino Theatre. WHEN YOU THINK of Amadeus, Peter Shaffer’s perfectly wonderful play of 1979 that cast mischievous light into the mysterious nooks and untold crannies of the life of 18th century Vienna composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the first thing that comes to…
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yasamsallik · 14 days ago
Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi var;
~Amerika'da 7 milyon,
~Asya'da 5 milyon,
~Avrupa'da 2 milyon,
~Afrika'da 100 bin
Adet Musevi yaşıyor.
Soru: Pekiyi kaç Müslüman var?
YANIT: 1,4 milyar Müslüman;
~1 milyar Asya,
~400 milyon Afrika,
~44 milyon Avrupa,
~6 milyon Amerika kıtasında yaşıyor.
👉Yâni Dünyada 1 Musevi’ye karşın 100 Müslüman var...
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha varsıl/zengin, daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve bilimsel yollarla belirlenmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün.
👉Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert EİNSTEİN bir Yahudiydi.
👉Psikanalizin babası Sigmund FREUD bir Yahudiydi.
👉Karl MARKS Yahudiydi.
Tüm İnsanlığa varsıllık/zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım;
👉Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
👉Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
👉Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
👉Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
👉Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Andrew Schally endokrinoloji metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
👉Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini geliştirdi.
👉Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Stanley Cohen embriyoloji embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları dalında Nobel aldı.
👉Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
👉Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
👉Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
👉Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
👉Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
👉Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
👉Stanley Mezor ilk mikro işlem çipini icat etti.
👉Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
~Son 100 yıl içinde Yahudiler yalnızca bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel Ödülü kazanırken,
~1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı.
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler?
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara, işadamlarına, markalarına bakalım;
* Ralph Lauren (Polo),
* Levi Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
* Howard Schultz (Starbuck's),
* Sergei Brin (Google),
* Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
* Larry Ellison (Oracle),
* Donna Karan (DKNY),
* Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
* Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Dougnuts),
* Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi'nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
* Michael Douglas,
* Dustin Hoffman,
* Harrison Ford,
* Woody Allen,
* Tony Curtis,
* Charles Bronson,
* Sandra Bullock,
* Billy Crystal,
* Paul Newman,
* Peter Sellers,
* George Burns,
* Goldie Hawn,
* Cary Grant,
* William Shatner,
* Jerry Lewis,
*Peter Falk...
Yönetmenler ve Yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
* Steven Spielberg,
* Mel Brooks,
* Oliver Stone,
* Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
* Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
* Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
* Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
* Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus),
* Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
* Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
* Kohen Kardeşler,
* William Wyler.
* William James Sidis
Sorun kendinize;
250’lik IQ derecesiyle dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dindendir?
Dünya tarihinde IQ'su 250-300 arasında olduğu söylenen ismi çok da bilinmeyen biri var o kişi William James Sidis. Bir zamanlar yaşayan en zeki insan olarak bilinen W.James Sidis, 1 Nisan 1898'de New York'ta doğdu.
Sorun kendinize;
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Yanıtı şudur;
Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler...
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir).
Neden Müslümanlar bu kadar güçsüzdür?
Yanlış eğitim verdikleri ve gelişime yararı olmayan birer eğitim sistemi uyguladıkları için. Büyük oranda din eksenli, sorgusuz, araştırmasız, ezberci ve dayatmacı eğitim verdikleri için Müslümanlar güçsüzdür.
Oysa gezegenimizde yaklaşık 1 MİLYAR 477 MİLYON Müslüman yaşamaktadır.
Yani, toplam dünya nüfusu içinde;
Her 5 kişiden biri Müslüman olup
Her bir Hindu'ya 2 Adet Müslüman düşmektedir ve her bir Budist'e karşılık 2 Müslüman vardır ve her bir Yahudi'ye karşılık 100 Müslüman bulunmaktadır.
Müslümanlar bu kadar kalabalıklar ama neden güçsüzler?
Nedeni eğitimsizliktir!
İslam Konferansı Örgütü'nün (OIC) 57 üyesi vardır ve ülkelerin tümünde sadece 500 adet üniversite bulunmaktadır. Yani üniversite başına 3 milyon Müslüman düşmektedir. Başka bir deyişle 3 milyon kişi için bir üniversite yapılmıştır. Bunların kalitesi de başka bir sorundur.
Fakat sadece ABD'de 5 bin 758 adet üniversite vardır.
Shanghai Jiao Tong Üniversitesi tarafından 2004 yılında hazırlanan “Dünya Üniversitelerinin Akademik Değer Listesi”ne Müslüman çoğunluğa sahip ülkelerin hiçbirinden ilk 500’e giren tek bir üniversite yoktu.
YANIT; Kalitesiz ve ezberci eğitim...
UNDP tarafından toplanan verilere göre Hıristiyan Dünyasında okuma yazma bilenlerin oranı
% 89’dur. Bunların %98’i ise en az ilkokul mezundur ve 100 kişiden 40’ı üniversite mezunudur.
15 Hıristiyan çoğunluğa sahip ülkedeki okuma yazma oran ise %100’dür, yani bu 15 ülkede okuma, yazması olmayan tek kişiye rastlamak olası değildir.
Müslüman ülkelerde durum bunun tersidir: 100 kişiden sadece 40’ı okuma yazma bilir ve herkesin okur yazar olduğu bir tek Müslüman ülke bulunmamaktadır!
Bunların %50’si ilkokulu, yalnızca %2’si üniversiteyi bitirmiştir.
ABD’de toplam bilim insanı sayısı 4.000, Japonya’da 5.000’dir. 57 Müslüman çoğunluğa sahip ülkelerdeki toplam bilim adamı sayısı ise sadece 230 kişidir.
Akademisyenlerin hepsi bilim insanı değildir. Bilim insanı demek, pozitif bilimlerle aktif olarak uğraşan kişi demektir. Her 1 milyon Müslüman kişiye yalnızca 1 bilim insanı düşmektedir.
Teknisyenler bakımından Müslüman çoğunluklu Arap ülkelerdeki durum daha da kötüdür.
Her 1 milyon Müslüman Arap nüfus içinde 50 teknisyen bulunmaktadır. Hıristiyan dünyasında ise her bir milyon kişi içinde 1000 teknisyen bulunmaktadır.
YANIT: Kalitesiz, ezberci eğitim ve ARGE’ye araştırma geliştirmeye yeterli kaynak ayrılmaması.
Çünkü Müslümanlar gayri safi milli gelirin yalnızca % 0,2’sini araştırma, geliştirme bütçesi olarak ayırıyor.
Buna karşın Hıristiyan dünyası araştırma, geliştirmeye % 5 oranında, yani 25 kat daha fazla fon ayırmaktadır.
İslam dünyası yeni bilgi üretebilecek kapasiteden yoksundur. Ayrıca dünyanın ürettiği bilgiyi kendi halklarına öğretmekte de başarısızdır. Bunun kanıtı ise ileri teknoloji ihracat rakamlarında saklıdır:
~Pakistan’ın ileri teknoloji ihracatının toplam ihracatın içindeki oran %1’dir.
~Suudi Arabistan, Kuveyt, Fas ve Cezayir’in ise % 0,3’tür.
~Hristiyan Singapur'da bu oran % 58'dir.
Gelecek BİLGİ temelli toplumların olacaktır.
İlginçtir, Müslüman 57 ülkenin gayri safi milli hâsılalarının toplamı 2 trilyon doların altındadır.
Buna karşın 310 milyonluk ABD tek başına 12 trilyon dolar değerinde mal ve hizmet üretmekte;
Çin 8 trilyon dolar,
Japonya 3,8 trilyon dolar ve
Almanya 2,4 trilyon dolarlık üretim yapmaktadır.
Satın alma gücü eşitlenerek hesaplama yapılmıştır.
Mal ve hizmet üretimi
İspanya’da 1 trilyon doların üzerindedir.
Katolik Polonya 489 milyar dolarlık mal ve hizmet üretimi gerçekleşmektedir.
Budist Tayland 545 milyar dolar değerinde mal ve hizmet üretimi yapmaktadır.
İşin daha acıklı tarafı ise şudur:
İslam Dünyasının gayri safi milli hâsılasının tüm dünya gayri safi milli hâsılası içindeki oranı hızla azalmaktadır.
O halde Müslümanlar neden bu kadar güçsüzdür?
CEVAP: Eğitim yoksunluğu. Tam anlamıyla söylersek; KALİTELİ ve ÇAĞDAŞ EĞİTİM YOKSUNLUĞU.
Çok kesin biçimde söylersek;
Araştırmayı yapan:
Dr. Faruk SALEEM
İslamabat - PAKİSTAN
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agaypanic · 8 months ago
if you think a different character (that i write for) would fit better, comment them down below. the max amount of days a character can have is 3. if you wanna know what characters im willing to write for kinktober, i'll list them here:
What We Do In The Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Laszlo Cravensworth, Nadja of Antipaxos, Guillermo de la Cruz
Hot Fuzz: Nicholas Angel
That 70's Show: Jackie Burkhart, Eric Forman, Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso
Jurassic Park: Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm
Scott Pilgrim: Gideon Graves
iZombie: Ravi Chakrabarti, Liv Moore
Five Nights At Freddy's: Mike Schmidt
Twilight: Charlie Swan, Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen
Saltburn: Felix Catton, Oliver Quick, Farleigh Start
Ghostbusters: Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler
Mean Girls: Regina George
Heathers: J.D., Veronica Sawyer
Pitch Perfect: Bumper Allen, Beca Mitchell
The End of the F***ing World: James, Alyssa Foley
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sensedim1938 · 1 year ago
Dünyada yalnızca 14 milyon Yahudi var;
~Amerika'da 7 milyon,
~Asya'da 5 milyon,
~Avrupa'da 2 milyon,
~Afrika'da 100 bin
Adet Musevi yaşıyor..
Soru: Pekiyi de kaç adet Müslüman İnsan var?
Cevap: 1,4 milyar Müslüman;
~1 milyar Asya,
~400 milyon Afrika,
~44 milyon Avrupa,
~6 milyon Amerika
Kıt'asında Yaşıyor.
👉Yâni Dünyada 1 Musevi’ye Karşın 100 Müslüman Var...
İyi ama Yahudiler Müslümanlardan niçin 100 kat daha güçlü ve daha zengin ve daha eğitimli ve daha mucitler?
Tarafsız ve Bilimsel Yollarla tespit edilmiş nedenlerini öğrenmek istiyorsanız lütfen okumayı sürdürün.
👉Tüm zamanların en etkin bilim adamı Albert EİNSTEİN bir Yahudiydi.
👉Psikanalizin babası Sigmund FREUD bir Yahudiydi.
👉Karl MARKS Yahudiydi.
Tüm İnsanlığa zenginlik ve sağlık katmış Yahudilere bakalım;
👉Benjamin Rubin insanlığa aşı iğnesini armağan etti.
👉Jonas Salk ilk çocuk felci aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Gertrude Elion lösemiye karşı ilaç buldu.
👉Baruch Blumberg Hepatit-B aşısını geliştirdi.
👉Paul Ehrlich frengiye karşı tedaviyi buldu.
👉Elie Metchnikoff bulaşıcı hastalıklarla ilgili buluşuyla Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Gregory Pincus ilk doğum kontrol hapını geliştirdi.
👉Bernard Katz nöromasküler iletişim kaslarla sinir sistemi arası iletişim alanında Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Andrew Schally endokrinoloji metabolik sistem rahatsızlıkları, diyabet, hipertiroid tedavilerinde kullanılan yöntemi geliştirdi.
👉Aaaron Beck Cognitive Terapi’yi akli bozuklukları, depresyon ve fobi tedavilerinde kullanılan psikoterapi yöntemini geliştirdi.
👉Gerald Wald insan gözü hakkındaki bilgilerimizi geliştirerek Nobel ödülü kazandı.
👉Stanley Cohen embriyoloji embriyon ve gelişimi çalışmaları dalında Nobel aldı.
👉Willem Kolff böbrek diyaliz makinesini yaptı.
👉Peter Schultz optik lif kabloyu, Charles Adler trafik ışıklarını,
👉Benno Strauss paslanmaz çeliği,
👉Isador Kisse sesli filmleri,
👉Emile Berliner telefon mikrofonunu,
👉Charles Ginsburg ilk bantlı video kayıt makinesini geliştirdi.
👉Stanley Mezor ilk mikro işlem çipini icat etti.
👉Leo Szilard ilk nükleer zincirleme reaktörünü geliştirdi.
Peki, ama;
~Son 100 Yıl içinde Yahudiler sadece Bilimsel alanda 104 Nobel Ödülü kazanırken,
~1.4 milyar Müslüman neden yalnızca 3 Nobel kazandı
Yahudiler niçin bu kadar yaratıcı ve neden bu kadar güçlüler? Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu yatırımcılara ve işadamlarına ve markalarına bakalım;
* Ralph Lauren (Polo),
* Levi Strauss (Levi's Jeans),
* Howard Schultz (Starbuck's),
* Sergei Brin (Google),
* Michael Dell (Dell Bilgisayarları),
* Larry Ellison (Oracle),
* Donna Karan (DKNY),
* Irv Robbins (Baskins & Robbins),
* Bill Rosenberg (Dunkin Doughnuts)
* Richard Levin (Yale Üniversitesi'nin kurucu başkanı).
Yahudi inancına bağlı ve küresel çapta büyüyüp tanınmış şu sanatçılara bakalım:
* Michael Douglas,
* Dustin Hoffman,
* Harrison Ford,
* Woody Allen,
* Tony Curtis,
* Charles Bronson,
* Sandra Bullock,
* Billy Crystal,
* Paul Newman,
* Peter Sellers,
* George Burns,
* Goldie Hawn,
* Cary Grant,
* William Shatner,
* Jerry Lewis,* Peter Falk...
Yönetmenler ve Yapımcılar arasındaki Yahudiler:
* Steven Spielberg,
* Mel Brooks,
* Oliver Stone,
* Aaaron Spelling (Beverly Hills 90210),
* Neil Simon (The Odd Couple),
* Andrew Vaina (Rambo 1 /2 / 3),
* Michael Mann (Starzky and Hutch),
* Milos Forman (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Amadeus),
* Douglas Fairbanks (TheThief of Baghdat),
* Ivan Reitman (Ghostbusters) ,
* Kohen Kardeşler,
* William Wyler.
* William James Sidis
Sorun kendinize;
250’lik IQ derecesiyle Dünyaya gelmiş en parlak insan hangi dine mensuptur?
Sorun kendinize;
Neden Yahudiler bu kadar güçlüdür?
Cevab�� şudur;
Her çocuğa ve her gence kaliteli eğitim verirler...
Bu eğitim türü sorgulayıcı (teslimiyetçi değil), araştırıcı (ezberci değil) ve yaratıcıdır (bilgi üretmek/bulmak içindir)
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siriuslygay1981 · 1 year ago
Introduction post!!
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
You can call me Star/Basra/Bea, I go by them all :).
They/them! And he/she sparingly
Queer(not really labeled.) Poly!
I like cosmology/astronomy, writing, music and reading! I'm a writer, an artist, I love learning new things and I am always looking for friends! I have too many hobbies to list but I'm open to discussing them more if asked!
` * 🔭🐇
Things I'll post Abt/Fandoms I'm in:
Marauders era, Harry Potter, Stranger things, Good omens,Marvel, DC (specifically batman-robin-redhood stuff),Anime, Artrick, dune, that 70s show, Dexter, Bojack hm, twd, Alice in borderland, killing Eve, lupin, and Cobra Kai. Writing and in general probably random rants about whatever thing I've watched/read recently. I will reblog the most random post that I relate to or just want to reblog too ofc. I might post art sometimes ! My writing too ofc!!
Fav Characters; Johnny Lawrence, Miguel Diaz, regulus black, James Potter, Peter parker, Wade Wilson (dp), iron man, black widow, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Paul atreudies, hawk/Eli, Jason Todd, Tim drake, dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred, Evan rosier, 10th Dr, art donaldson, tashi Duncan, izuku midoriya, bakugou katsuki, denki kaminari, Ken kaneki, oikawa tooru, Satori tendou, Harley Quinn, blaise zambini, Sirius black, Bellatrix black, narcissa black, lily Evans, marlene McKinnon, remus lupin, grover, matt murdock, jumin han, 707, Eric forman, Steven hyde, Donna pinciotti, Clarke griffin, Octavia Blake, finn the human,Lexi grey, Penelope featherington, Colin BRIDGERTON, Benedict bridgerton, Kate BRIDGERTON, Daphne BRIDGERTON, Eloise BRIDGERTON, Oliver marks, James Farrow, Neil josten, Andrew minyard, Neil perry, raven, beast boy, mon-el, (Names every character ever)
。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。
hate comments
Slurs/racism/homophobia etc etc
Eveyone can:
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Mutuals only:
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♥︎̶̶ ´ ˘ ` ۫ ִ ׂ🪕 ◟♡ ˒
My spotify-
My ao3-
I give permission to use any idea I've written/talked about as long as it's credited and I'm tagged (I'd love to see it :) ) Unless I've mentioned otherwise
Beta reader applications are open! If you wish to be a beta reader for any WIP (published or not) let me know!
My Pfp- (Dont remember but if anyone knows pls let me know!!)
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Request info-
I won't do inc3st, I won't do illegal, I won't force myself to write what I don't vibe with and I'll tell you that.
I'll do NSfw, I'll do any ship, any scenario! I might even do x reader. You can request in Asks or messages.
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bosesmikas · 4 months ago
Rip Kristie Forman, you would’ve loved Olive Penderghast
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palmviewfm · 6 months ago
mw counterparts?
we've got quite a few options for you ! here's  some  counterparts  that  we'd  love  to  see  being  used  for  inspo  ! 
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monica  geller,  ross  geller,  chandler  bing,  joey  tribbiani,  susan  bunch,  carol  willick,  janice  litman  goralnik,  mike  hannigan,  jim  halpert,  pam  beesly,  ted  mosby,  jackie  burkhart,  donna  pinciotti,  eric  forman,  laurie  forman,  jade  west,  cat  valentine,  andre  harris,  beck  oliver,  shaggy  rogers,  daphne  blake,  velma  dinkley,  kim  possible,  aria  montgomery,  alison  dilaurentis,  mona  vanderwaal,  emily  fields,  spencer  hastings,  noel  kahn,  caleb  rivers,  toby  cavanaugh,  elena  gilbert,  katherine  pierce,  caroline  forbes,  bonnie  bennett,  tyler  lockwood,  hayley  marshall,  rebekah  mikaelson,  stefan  salvatore,  elijah  mikaelson,  edward  cullen,  rosalie  hale,  esme  cullen,  carlisle  cullen,  alice  cullen,  jacob  black,  jessica  stanley,  beca  mitchell,  chloe  beale,  audrey  posen,  sarah  cameron,  kiara  carerra,  jj  maybank,  john  b  routledge,  pope  heyward,  cleo  anderson,  frances  'baby'  houseman,  brenda  walsh,  kelly  taylor,  donna  martin,  andrea  zuckerman,  valerie  malone,  brandon  walsh,  dylan  mckay,  david  silver,  steve  saunders,  dixon  wilson,  annie  wilson,  naomi  clark,  erin  silver,  brooke  davis,  peyton  sawyer,  haley  james  scott,  lucas  scott,  rachel  gatina,  quinn  james,  clay  evans,  mouth  mcfadden,  skills  taylor,  alex  dupre,  millie huxtable, julian baker, marissa  cooper,  summer  roberts,  anna stern, seth  cohen, zach stevens,  taylor  townsend,  ryan  atwood,  luke  ward,  lexi  grey,  arizona  robbins,  cristina  yang,  atticus  lincoln,  derek  shepherd,  jackson  avery,  cher  horowitz,  regina  george,  gretchen  weiners,  cady  heron,  karen  smith,  janis  ian,  damian  haynes,  heather  chandler,  heather  duke,  heather  mcnamara,  veronica  sawyer,  lorelai  gilmore,  luke  danes,  logna  huntzberger,  jess  mariano,  derek  forester,  lane  kim,  dave  rygalski,  sookie  st  james,  daphne  bridgerton,  simon  basset,  claire  standish,  allison  reynolds,  brian  johnson,  samantha  baker,  austin  ames,  samantha  montgomery,  joey  potter,  jen  lindley,  dawson  leery,  pacey  witter,  peter  parker,  mary  jane  watson,  fiona  gallagher,  lip  gallagher,  faith  lehane,  cordelia  chase,  willow  rosenberg,  prue  halliwell,  paige  matthews,  piper  halliwell,  leo  wyatt,  cole  turner, theo raeken, malia tate, liam dunbar, cora hale, isaac lahey, allison argent, scott mccall, hayden romero, jordan baker, olivia baker, layla keating, spencer james, stiles stilinski, lyla garrity, and tim riggins !
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arabellafairy777 · 2 years ago
I'm currently in what i call my "Lana Del Rey phase"
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Artists: Lana, The Neighbourhood, Marina, Melanie Martinez, Mazzy Star, Sex after Cigarettes
Books ♡
Read: Still missing by Chevy Stevens, Stolen by Lucy Christopher, I stop somewhere by T.E Carter, Church by Stylo Fantome, The perfect chemistry by Simone Elkeles, Held by Edeet Ravel, Bully by Penelope Douglas, Before I fall by Lauren Oliver, The kind worth killing by Peter Swanson, Too late by Colleen Hoover, The way I used to be by Amber Smith
Tbr: Flawed by Kate Avelynn, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Mara Dyer triology by Michelle Hodkin, The places I've cried in public by Holly Bourne, Say I love you by Kanae Hazuki, We are okay by Nina LaCour, Hades Hangmen series by Tillie Cole, Things I'm seeing without you by Peter Bognanni, I hold your heart by Karen Gregory, The way I am now by Amber Smith, Skins by Ali Cronin, Sadie by Courtney Summers, Every day triology by David Levithan, Blackwood institute series by J. Rose, How It feels to float by Helena Fox, Emergency contact by Mary H.K Choi, Preach by Stylo Fantome, If I stay by Gayle Forman, Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Wrecked by E. R Frank, Red by Isobel Alice K, Asking for It by Lilah Pace, Cracked up to be by Courtney Summers, White Oleander by Janet Fitch, Hick by Andrea Portes, The torn skirt by Rebecca Godfrey,
Style essentials: chokers, platforms, tote bags, lace bras, stockings, skirts, off the shoulder tops, gloss, perfume, painted nails sparkles, red or black, fishnets, eyeliner, mascara, black n white ribbons, chains
Shows n movies: la belle personne, Hick, in treatment, skins, speak, sharing the secret, trust stoker, back roads, little tailor, the idol, look away, adolescence, baby, tart, down in the valley, i believe in unicorns, dear prudence, palo alto, shangri-la suite, before i fall, white oleander, the society, Scum's wish, Say I love you, tvd, spinning out, clementine, young & beautiful, normal people, the sistehood of the traveling pants, a faithful man, the dreamers, a faithful man
Hobbies: take pictures, listening to music while slow dancing at night, singing, reading books, write poetry, night photoshoot,
Only social media: Tumblr n Instagram
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einsteinsugly · 2 years ago
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Primary character inspirations for my OCs, for Eric and Donna's kids:
Kate Forman, Eric and Donna's eldest daughter: Sara Crewe from A Little Princess, Topanga Lawrence from Boy Meets World, and Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls.
Leah Forman, Eric and Donna's youngest daughter: Matilda Wormwood from Matilda, Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie, Tracy Freeland from Thirteen, Missy Cooper from Young Sheldon/Big Bang Theory, and Olive Penderghast from Easy A.
And for both, Mia Thermopolis from The Princess Diaries: Leah is an awkward outcast, and Kate is a hopeless romantic.
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szaller · 1 year ago
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3 years later
Ezt a faltól-falig polcot a saját kezeimmel csináltam, miután a boltban kapható legnagyobb DVD-tárolót kinőtte a gyűjteményem. Mostanra lett tele.
Mit hol találok?
Nagyjából kontinens -> ország -> rendező -> időrend alapján vannak a fontosabb filmek, a maradék ábécé-sorrendben a megfelelő országon/régión belül.
Kék keretben az ázsiai filmek, zöldben a magyarok, narancssárgában az európaiak, és lilában a zenei témájúak (van itt koncert, doku, musical).
Legfelül horror (H), mese (M), és természetfilmek (D) vannak. C betűvel jelöltem a klasszikusokat (kb. 1920-60), a jelöletlen alsóbb polcokon pedig, mint az olcsó borok a boltban, az angol nyelvű filmek sorakoznak. Majdnem Hollywoodot mondtam, de abból itt nincs sok.
Akkor van némi kavarodás, ha egy különleges kiadvány nem fér el a polcon (pl. Ingmar Bergman 54 filmje az M betű felett bújkál), vagy ha egy rendező országot vált (Ang Lee, Alfonso Cuarón, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Asghar Farhadi, Antal Nimród, Fliegauf Benedek, Hajdu Szabolcs, Luc Besson, Paul Verhoven, Roman Polanski, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Miloš Forman, Oliver Stone). Ez utóbbira az a megoldás, hogy ha van magyar vonatkozás, akkor megy a zöld szekcióba, ha ázsiai, akkor a kékbe. Ha mindkettő, akkor szívás. Ez nem egy videótéka, úgyhogy elég, ha én értem a logikáját!
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thebryanandsilvergarbage · 1 year ago
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The 23rd Annual Bryan Awards - Acting Categories
Acting and Performance
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Quinta Brunson as Janine Teagues (ABC) DEAD TO ME - Christina Applegate as Jen Harding (Netflix) MAISEL - Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam Maisel (Prime Video) ONLY MURDERS - Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora (Hulu) POKER FACE - Natasha Lyonne as Charlie (Peacock) 
Lead Actress in a Drama Series: BAD SISTERS - Sharon Horgan as Eva Garvey (Apple Plus) THE CROWN - Imelda Staunton as Queen Elizabeth II (Netflix) THE DIPLOMAT - Keri Russell as Kate Wyler (Netflix) THE HANDMAID’S TALE - Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne (Hulu) SUCCESSION - Sarah Snook as Shiv Roy (HBO) YELLOWJACKETS - Melanie Lynskey as Shauna Sadecki (Showtime) 
Lead Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series/TV Movie: BEEF - Ali Wong as Amy Lau (Netflix) DAISY JONES & THE SIX - Riley Keough as Daisy Jones (Prime Video) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Lizzy Caplan as Libby Epstein (Hulu) GEORGE & TAMMY - Jessica Chastain as Tammy Wynette (Showtime) LOVE & DEATH - Elizabeth Olsen as Candy Montgomery (HBO) TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Kathryn Hahn as a Clare Pierce (Hulu)
Lead Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Katherine Kelly Lang as Brooke Logan (CBS) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood as Steffy Forrester (CBS) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Laura Wright as Carly Spencer (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Melissa Claire Egan as Chelsea Newman (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Michelle Stafford as Phyllis Summers (CBS)
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: BARRY - Bill Hader as Barry (HBO) THE BEAR - Jeremy Allen White as Carmy Berzatto (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin as Charles-Haden Savage (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Martin Short as Oliver Putnam (Hulu)
TED LASSO - Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso (Apple Plus)
Lead Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (AMC) THE LAST OF US - Pedro Pascal as Joel (HBO) THE OLD MAN - Jeff Bridges as Dan Chase (F/X) SUCCESSION - Brian Cox as Logan Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Jeremy Strong as Kendall Roy (HBO)
Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series/TV Movie: BEEF - Steven Yeun as Danny Cho (Netflix) BLACK BIRD - Taron Egerton as James Keene (Apple Plus) GEORGE & TAMMY - Michael Shannon as George Jones (Showtime) MONSTER - Evan Peters as Jeffrey Dahmer (Netflix) WEIRD - Daniel Radcliffe as “Weird Al” Yankovic (Roku) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Kumail Nanjiani as Somen “Steve” Banerjee (Hulu) 
Lead Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Thorsten Kaye as Ridge Forrester (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Dan Feuerriegel as E.J. DiMera (NBC & Peacock) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Billy Flynn as Chad DiMera (NBC & Peacock) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Maurice Benard as Sonny Corinthos (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Jason Thompson as Billy Abbott (CBS)
Lead Performer in a New Series: THE BEAR - Jeremy Allen White as Carmen Berzatto (Hulu) THE DIPLOMAT - Keri Russell as Kate Wyler (Netflix) THE LAST OF US - Pedro Pascal as Joel (HBO) THE OLD MAN - Jeff Bridges as Dan Chase (F/X) SHRINKING - Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird (Apple Plus) SO HELP ME TODD - Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret (CBS) WEDNESDAY - Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams (Netflix)
Younger Performer in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Henry Samiri as Douglas Forrester (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Christopher Cary as Thomas DiMera (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - William Lipton as Cameron Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Eden McCoy as Josslyn Jacks (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Avery Kristen Pohl as Esme Prince (ABC) 
Younger Performer in Primetime: FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Meara Mahoney Gross as Hannah Fleishman (Hulu) THE LAST OF US - Belle Ramsay as Ellie (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Keivonn Montreal Woodard as Sam Burrell (HBO) THAT ‘90s SHOW - Callie Haverda as Leia Forman (Netflix) WEDNESDAY - Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams (Netflix) YOUNG SHELDON - Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper (CBS)
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Janelle Jones as Ava Coleman (ABC) ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard (ABC) THE BEAR - Ayo Edebiri as Sydney Adamu (Hulu) MAISEL - Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson (Prime Video) THE OTHER TWO - Molly Shannon as Pat (HBO Max) SHRINKING - Jessica Williams as Gaby (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Juno Temple as Keeley Jones (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton (Apple Plus)
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Carol Burnett at Marion (AMC) BETTER CALL SAUL - Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler (AMC) THE CROWN - Elizabeth Debicki as Diana, Princess of Wales (Netflix) SUCCESSION - J. Smith-Cameron as Gerri Kellman (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Jennifer Coolidge as Tanya McQuoid-Hunt (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Meghann Fahy as Daphne Sullivan (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Aubrey Plaza as Harper Spiller (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Simona Tabasco as Lucia (HBO)   
Supporting Actress in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: BEEF - Maria Bello as Jordana Forster (Netflix) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Claire Danes as Rachel Fleishman (Hulu) LOVE & DEATH - Lily Rabe as Betty Gore (HBO) MONSTER - Niecy Nash-Betts as Glenda Cleveland (Netflix) TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Merritt Wever as Frankie Pierce (Hulu) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Annaleigh Ashford as Irene Banerjee (Hulu) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Juliette Lewis as Denise (Hulu)
Supporting Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Krista Allen as Taylor Hayes (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Stacy Haiduk as Kristen DiMera (NBC & Peacock) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Sonya Eddy as Epiphany Johnson (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Brook Kerr as Dr. Portia Robinson (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Kelly Thiebaud as Dr. Britt Westbourne (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Susan Walters as Diane Jenkins (CBS)
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie (ABC) BARRY - Anthony Carrigan as NoHo Hank (HBO) BARRY - Henry Winkler as Gene Cousineau (HBO) THE BEAR - Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Richie Jerimovich (Hulu) JURY DUTY - James Marsden as Himself (FreeVee) SHRINKING - Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhoades (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Phil Dunster as Jamie Tartt (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent (Apple Plus)
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Giancarlo Esposito as Gustavo Fring (AMC) SUCCESSION - Nicholas Braun as Greg Hirsch (HBO) SUCCESSION - Matthew Macfadyen as Tom Wambsgans (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alan Ruck as Connor Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alexander Skarsgard as Matsson (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - F. Murray Abraham as Bert Di Grasso (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Michael Imperioli as Dominic Di Grasso (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Theo James as Cameron Sullivan (HBO) 
Supporting Actor in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: BEEF - Young Mazino as Paul Cho (Netflix) BLACK BIRD - Paul Walter Hauser as Larry Hall (Apple Plus) BLACK BIRD - Ray Liotta as Big Jim Keene (Apple Plus) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Adam Brody as Seth Morris (Hulu) LOVE & DEATH - Jesse Plemons as Allan Gore (HBO Max) MONSTER - Richard Jenkins as Lionel Dahmer (Netflix) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Murray Bartlett as Nick DeNoia (Hulu)
Supporting Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Matthew Atkinson as Thomas Forrester (CBS) BEYOND SALEM/DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Steve Burton as Harris Michaels (Peacock) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Nicholas Chavez as Spencer Cassidine (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Chad Duell as Michael Corinthos (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Bryton James as Devon Hamilton (CBS)
Supporting Performer in a New Series: BAD SISTERS - Eva Birthistle as Ursula Flynn (Apple Plus) THE BEAR - Ayo Edebiri as Sydney Adamu (Hulu) THE BEAR - Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Richard “Richie” Jerimovich (Hulu)
JURY DUTY - James Marsden as Himself (FreeVee) THE OLD MAN - John Lithgow as Harold Harper (F/X) SHRINKING - Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhoades (Apple Plus) WEDNESDAY - Gwendoline Christie as Larissa Weems (Netflix)
Guest Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Taraji P. Henson as Vanetta (ABC) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Jane Lynch as Sazz Pataki (Hulu) POKER FACE - Judith Light as Irene Smothers (Peacock) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Quinta Brunson as Host/Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Becky Ann Baker as Dottie Lasso (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Harriet Walter as Deborah (Apple Plus) 
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Leslie Odom Jr. as Draemond (ABC) THE BEAR - Jon Bernthal as Mikey Berzatto (Hulu) THE BEAR - Oliver Platt as Pops (Hulu) MAISEL - Luke Kirby as Lenny Bruce (Prime Video) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Steve Martin & Martin Short as Co-Hosts/Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Sam Richardson as Edwin Akufo (Apple Plus) 
Guest Actress in a Drama Series: THE LAST OF US - Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Storm Reid as Riley Abel (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Anna Torv as Theresa “Tess” Servopoulos (HBO) SUCCESSION - Hope Davis as Sandi Furness (HBO) SUCCESSION - Cherry Jones as Nan Pierce (HBO) SUCCESSION - Harriet Walter as Lady Caroline Collingwood (HBO) 
Guest Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Mark Margolis as Hector “Tio” Salamanca (AMC) THE LAST OF US - Murray Bartlett as Frank (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Lamar Johnson as Henry Burrell (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Nick Offerman as Bill (HBO) THE MANDALORIAN - Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon (HBO) SUCCESSION - James Cromwell as Ewan Roy (HBO) 
Guest Performer in Daytime: GENERAL HOSPITAL - Denise Crosby as Dr. Carolyn Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Alley Mills as Heather Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Linda Purl as Peyton Honeycutt (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Barbara Crampton as Leanna Love (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - James Hyde as Jeremy Stark (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Robert Newman as Ashland Locke (CBS)
Guest Performer in a New Series: THE BEAR - Jon Bernthal as Mikey Berzatto (Hulu) THE BEAR - Oliver Platt as Pops (Hulu) THE LAST OF US - Murray Bartlett as Frank (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Nick Offerman as Bill (HBO) WEDNESDAY - Catherine Zeta-Jones as Morticia Addams (Netflix) 
Performance by a Cast in a Comedy Series: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Barry (HBO) The Bear (F/X) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Prime Video) Saturday Night Live (NBC) Ted Lasso (Apple Plus)
Performance by a Cast in a Drama Series: Bad Sisters (Apple Plus) Better Call Saul (AMC) The Crown (Netflix) The House of the Dragon (HBO) Succession (HBO) The White Lotus (HBO)
Performance by a Cast in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: Beef (Netflix) Daisy Jones and the Six (HBO) Five Days At Memorial (Apple Plus) Fleishman in Trouble (Hulu) Welcome to Chippendales (Hulu) The White House Plumbers (HBO) 
Performance by a Cast in Daytime: The Bay (Pop TV) Beyond Salem & Days of Our Lives (Peacock) The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) General Hospital (ABC) The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Performance by a Cast in a New Series: Bad Sisters (Apple Plus) The Bear (F/X) The House of the Dragon (HBO) Jury Duty (FreeVee) So Help Me Todd (CBS) Wednesday (Netflix)
Screen Couples
Screen Duo or Trio in a Comedy or Variety Series: THE GREAT - Nicholas Hoult and Elle Fanning (Hulu) ONLY MURDER IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez (Hulu) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Steve Martin and Martin Short (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Michael Che and Colin Jost (NBC) SCHMIGADOON - Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key (Apple Plus)
Screen Duo or Trio in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn (AMC) THE CROWN - Dominic West and Elizabeth Debicki (Netflix) THE GOOD DOCTOR - Freddie Highmore and Paige Spara (ABC) THE LAST OF US - Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman (HBO) SUCCESSION - Any two (or more) Roy Siblings (HBO) 
Screen Duo or Trio in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: BEEF - Steven Yeun and Ali Wong (Netflix) DAISY JONES AND THE SIX - Sam Claflin and Riley Keough (HBO) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Jesse Eisenberg, Lizzy Caplan, and Claire Danes (Hulu) GEORGE & TAMMY - Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain (Showtime) HOCUS POCUS 2 - Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy (Disney Plus) 
Screen Duo or Trio in Daytime: GENERAL HOSPITAL - Maurice Benard and Cynthia Watros (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Chad Duell and Katelyn MacMullen (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - James Patrick Stuart and Finola Hughes (ABC) LIVE WITH KELLY AND MARK - Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos (ABC/Syndicated) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Peter Bergman and Susan Walters (CBS)
Host Categories
Late Night Host: THE DAILY SHOW - Trevor Noah (Comedy Central) JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE - Jimmy Kimmel (ABC) LAST WEEK TONIGHT - John Oliver (HBO) THE LATE SHOW - Stephen Colbert (CBS) THE PROBLEM WITH - Jon Stewart (Apple Plus)
Daytime Talk Host: THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW - Drew Barrymore (Syndicated) THE JENNIFER HUDSON SHOW - Jennifer Hudson (Syndicated) THE KELLY CLARKSON SHOW - Kelly Clarkson (NBC/Syndicated) LIVE WITH KELLY and MARK - Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos (ABC/Syndicated) THE TALK - The Hosts of The Talk (CBS)
Reality Host: BAKING IT - Amy Poehler & Maya Rudolph (Peacock) NAILED IT - Nicole Byer (Netflix) QUEER EYE - The Hosts of Queer Eye (Netflix) RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE - RuPaul Charles (VH1) SURVIVOR - Jeff Probst (CBS) TOP CHEF - Padma Lakshmi (Bravo)
Game Show Host: FAMILY FEUD - Steve Harvey (ABC/Syndicated) JEOPARDY - Mayim Bialik (ABC/Syndicated) JEOPARDY - Ken Jennings (ABC/Syndicated) LET’S MAKE A DEAL - Wayne Brady (CBS) PASSWORD - Keke Palmer (NBC) WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Pat Sajak (Syndicated)
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all for the game
Una de mis últimas obsesiones literarias es la trilogía All for the game de Nora Sacavik.
Comencé a leerme La madriguera del zorro en eBiblio en la edición española. Me fascinó tantísimo la historia que no pude parar. Así que devoré los dos siguientes en inglés
(Nota: El rey cuervo todavía no está en ebook por problemas, dijo la editorial en Twitter).
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Las ediciones Kindle está baratísimas y la verdad es que el estilo de Sakavic está muy bien y no varió mucho de la traducción en castellano (lo digo por si a alguien le cuesta un poco hacer el cambio de idioma. A mí eso de cambiar de castellano a inglés me daba un poco de respeto, pero fue muy bien).
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¿De qué va esta historia?
De Neil Josten un joven jugador de Exy de un Instituto de un pueblo remoto de EE UU. Él no entabla relaciones con nadie; poco se sabe de él y de su familia. En un intento, por parte del entrenador, de buscarle un futuro —lejos de lo que él piensa de un entorno hostil y violento del pueblo—, manda una solicitud para que Neil se pueda unir al equipo de Los Zorros de la Universidad de Palmetto.
¿Por qué aquí? Los Zorros lo forman un grupo de jóvenes con pasados turbios. No es el mejor equipo de la liga, pero el entrenador parece decidido a crear un espacio seguro. (Al estilo de los Patos de Somos los mejores, las pelis originales.)
Neil, desde el inicio del libro, se encuentra huyendo de su pasado, viviendo en el margen, para que nadie lo vea realmente. En su nuevo hogar —la universidad de Palmetto—, Neil se dará cuenta de que cada componente del equipo le persigue un pasado y un presente que le pisa los talones. ¿Qué esconden? ¿Podrán los egos de estos díscolos estudiantes universitarios formar un gran equipo? ¿El pasado de Neil lo encontrará ahora que uno de los mejores jugadores de Exy se encuentra en Los Zorros?
Después de este resumen de la premisa taaan largo, tan solo apuntar alguna cosa más, y es que tiene varias etiquetas de contenido de sensibilidad:
comportamiento agresivo y autoagresivo, muerte, sangre, consumo de drogas con y sin consentimiento, homofobia, abuso físico y psicológico, menciones de suicidio, maltrato animal.
Los personajes son grises y el mundo que lo rodea es violento, pues hay mafias implicadas, por ejemplo. A pesar de esto, que puede ser que asuste, una de las cosas que más de fascina de todo esto es que se crean lugares seguros para los personajes. Primero el entrenador Wymack, quién se preocupa más de lo que admite. Segundo, los personajes rotos crean vínculos más o menos de apoyo. No sé si me explico, pero el caso es que más o menos les personajes comprenden que otre lo está pasando mal y dan margen, tiempo y espacio.
La trilogía, por tanto, recoge los retazos más turbios de nuestro sociedad. Puede parecer que la trama es dark y que, tal vez se romantice/idealice los comportamientos negativos; pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Esta historia no va de el mundo de la mafia o de relaciones abusivas (aunque puedan ser peculiares), va del espacio que queda entre experiencias traumáticas.
Todo comienza con un poco de esperanza ofrecida a Neil.
El ambiente es universitario y el deporte son centrales en las novelas. El Exy se configura como la espina dorsal de Neil: su vida comienza a cambiar por una beca de este deporte y su exposición al mundo depende de esto también.
A mí me encantan los relatos de deportes, me da igual el soporte (escrito, visual, auditivo). No sé por qué (tal vez las decenas de películas Disney que se pueden categorizar en la etiqueta de deportes, Oliver y Benji y un largo etc.). Me ha parecido interesantísimo la construcción de este nuevo deporte, la rivalidad de la liga y cómo entra en juego en la unión de los personajes. Es una pieza fundamental y no algo meramente anecdótico.
Neil, Andrew, Aaron, Nicky, Kevin, Dan, Matt, Renee, Alison y Seth son un grupo de jóvenes problemáticos. Cada cual tiene un pasado diferente y saben lo que es estar hundido en la miseria, por eso se forman grupos de apoyo. No preguntan sin tú no quieres hablar, se respetan y ayudan. Eso me ha parecido increíble. Por varios motivos:
se muestra a unos personajes que conocen los límites (tanto para bien como para mal);
se muestra la salud mental y sus enfermedades, creo, que de un punto de vista bastante bueno. Hay psicóloga, psiquiatra y conversaciones con ellas. El entrenador se preocupa por esto y los personajes lidian como pueden con sus movidas y toman decisiones. Lo que quiero decir es que hay opciones y se muestran;
los grupos no son perfectos, hay putadas muy gordas, secretos, mentiras y medias verdades, pero es imposible no querer a los personajes así, como son;
también hay un crecimiento personal por parte de pada uno de ellos
Perdón por enrollarme y dar vueltas.
El caso es que All for the game es una historia de personajes. Cada acción, cada pequeño paso que dan en el proceso de aprender a confiar, de darse una oportunidad en la vida —junto con la emoción de los acontecimientos dramáticos—, ha hecho que sea una de mis lectura favoritas.
Te añadiré que Nicky fue uno de mis primeros personajes favoritos, que Andrew me robó el corazón y que Neil hay que quererlo con todos sus traumas. Al igual que el resto. Con cada capítulo, era difícil son ver el potencial que Wymack vio en elles.
Oh, y, bueno, hay representación LGBTIAQ+ (especialmente en la G y la A).
Si es tu tipo de historia y te dejas llevar, te pasará como a mí que buscas cada hueco libre para leer un párrafo, una línea o una palabra (contrastado con una amiga jajja).
A partir de aquí va algún spoiler, así que si no lo has leído no sigas
Voy por partes: Neil es asexual (demisexual y, yo me jugaría la mano a demirromántico también, pero, bueno, eso ya son teorías mías). Eso es importante porque realmente no se ve por su parte atracción física. La narración lo tiene como foco narrativo así que no cuenta nunca nada de que alguien le gusta. Solo comenta algo de una chica. Como ace, sí que me di cuenta con pequeños comentarios, pero, te confieso, que yo pensaba que la autora no tenía ni idea de la existencia de la asexualidad, así que cuando vi la etiqueta (cuando estaba leyendo el segundo libro) de asexualidad en la edición de Kakao Book, chillé.
Me parece importantísimo esta clase de representación. Porque ser ace es así y, generalmente, no lo nota el alo medio. Así que es una muy buena representación que puede despistar. Me ha encantado cómo se trata, como lo lleva Neil y cómo juega un papel de misterio para sus compañeros (de verdad que yo he vivido situaciones del mismo tipo).
Así que cuando veía a Andrew ceder a Neil... era como una emoción contenida.
Esto le ha dado todavía más puntos a esta trilogía que me ha fascinado.
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televinita · 2 years ago
Top 100 Ladies of TV
Looking at old blog posts, many years ago I did a "100 favorite female characters" list, but I have met so many wonderful new ladies now that it is quite out of date and needs a major update to accommodate them. International Women’s Day seems like the perfect time to do so!
Only this time I'm restricting it to TV characters, or I will die of Overwhelm.
NOTE: This list is not in any kind of order, I just wrote them down as they came to mind. I considered alphabetical, but found it was nicer to keep everyone from a given show together. And rather than starting from scratch, I kept as much of the original list as I could and just added newer favorites on at the end, if you're wondering why some of these Very Old Fandoms are clustered at the top.
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who/The Sarah Jane Adventures)
Kimberly Hart (Power Rangers)
Katherine Hillard (Power Rangers)
Pamela Beesly Halpert (The Office)
Kelly Kapoor (The Office)
Angela Martin (The Office)
Amita Ramanujan (Numb3rs)
Abby Sciuto (NCIS
Ziva David (NCIS)
Abby Lockhart (ER)
Neela Rasgotra (ER)
Sarah Riley (ER)
Rachel Berry (Glee)
Quinn Fabray (Glee)
Tina Cohen-Chang, respect (Glee)
Marley Rose (Glee)
Juliet Burke (Lost)
Alex Rousseau (Lost)
Kensi Blye (NCIS: LA)
Nell Jones (NCIS: LA)
Marisol Delko (CSI: Miami)
Alexx Woods (CSI: Miami)
Calleigh DuQuesne (CSI: Miami)
Samantha Spade (Without a Trace)
Miranda Bailey (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
April Kepner (Grey's Anatomy)
Addison Forbes Montgomery (Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice)
Sara Sidle (CSI)
Jess Angell (CSI: NY)
Dana Scully (X-Files)
Summer Roberts (The O.C.)
Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Pushing Daisies)
Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies)
Joan Girardi (Joan of Arcadia)
Kat Miller (Cold Case)
Tru Davies (Tru Calling)
Elaine Benes (Seinfeld)
Daphne Moon (Frasier)
Carla Espinosa (Scrubs)
Jordan Sullivan (Scrubs) -- it's either her or Ellie Torres from Cougar Town, real 6-of-1 situation
Donna Pinciotti (That 70s Show)
Jackie Burkhart (That 70s Show)
Kitty Forman (That 70s Show)
Kara Danvers (Supergirl)
Stephanie Tanner (Full/er House)
Grace Adler (Will & Grace)
Lexi Vaziri (Blood & Treasure)
Jaz Khan (The Brave)
Lux Cassidy (Life Unexpected)
Rachel Matheson (Revolution)
Julia Shumway (Under the Dome)
Nancy McKenna (L.A.'s Finest)
Paige Donohue (Scorpion)
Happy Quinn (Scorpion)
Max Black (2 Broke Girls)
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
Mae Jarvis (Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders)
Reba Hart (Reba)
Cheyenne Hart (Reba)
Jess Parker (Primeval)
Abby Maitland (Primeval)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Tani Rey (Hawaii Five-0)
Kate Beckett (Castle)
Alexis Castle (Castle)
Kat Warbler (The Class) - FOREVER UPSET we were robbed of more than 22 eps of her snarky glory!
Ivy Lynn (Smash)
Elizabeth McCord (Madam Secretary herself)
Carrie Heffernan (i'm sorry i LOVE HER) (The King of Queens)
Frankie Heck (The Middle)
Sue Heck (The Middle)
Mindy Lahiri (The Mindy Project)
Lisa Miller (News Radio)
Beth of no apparent last name (NewsRadio)
Sabrina Spellman (the Teenage Witch, Good Version [WB])
Tia Landrey & Tamera Campbell (Sister, Sister) (I know it's rude but they're both aces and this way my list is secretly 101!)
Jade McKellan (Family Reunion)
Holly Tyler (What I Like About You)
Anathema Device (Good Omens)
Eve Baxter (Last Man Standing)
Sabina of no official last name (Siberia)
Ryan Clark (Off the Map)
Phoebe Buffay (Friends)
Monica Geller (Friends)
Rachel Greene (Friends)
Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Melissa Schemmenti (Abbott Elementary)
Barbara Howard (Abbott Elementary)
Ava Coleman (Abbot Elementary)
Molly Flynn (Mike & Molly, a terrible show made watchable by its women, though I only have room for 1 today)
Henrietta/Hetty Woodstone (Ghosts [CBS])
Shirley Bennett (Community)
Alex Russell (Maid)
Jenny Hoyt (Big Sky)
Cassie DeWell (Big Sky)
In conclusion:
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