3xx0t1c44 · 10 months
Holis oliss, hello, jellowww mis bebesuquiss.
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the-ellia-west · 5 months
Conirs - TCOT Worldbuilding
@darkandstormydolls @aestheic-writer18 You two wanted worldbuilding and Class systems, so here ya go :]
The Southern Kingdom of Jeskyin, Feyrama, is ruled by a six-member Oligarchy.
5/6 Members are The Five Noble Houses/Families.
All Families have A Seat Holder/ Conir and their Heir
The Heir is Chosen from one of the collection of the Lowest generation that is old enough to participate. They are all given a test, and the test determines which ones are most eligible. But after that, 5/6 of The Conirs must vote that the heir is suitable to take the position.
The Conir families are all the same rank, but they have been put into an order based on wealth and influence.
Santel - Seat Holder: Miati Santel - Heir: Atlas Santel - Relationship: 3rd cousins once removed
Oliss - Seat Holder: Tanik Oliss - Heir: None at the moment (Spoilers: This will be a big plotpoint)
Rayeli - Seat Holder: Falcon Rayeli - Heir: Shyre Rayeli - Relationship - Father and Daughter
Kanqoa - Seat Holder: Vivian Kanqoa - Heir: Everra Kanqoa - Relationship: 1st cousin Once removed
Rookwood - Seat Holder: Findazi Rookwood - Heir: Vel Rookwood - Uncle and Nephew
Each Family Has a Color Theme, and it is customary for the Conirs and Heirs to hold Bodyguard Contests when the Heirs are getting of eligible age, or they lose one of their previous bodyguards.
Rayeli has Red and Gold
Santel has Gold and Blue
Oliss has Black and Green
Kanqoa has Purple and Silver
Rookwood has Burgandy/Maroon and Silver
But after these families, there is one more Conir. This is the Military Conir. This seat is currently held by Orvik Szykean
The Military Conir is a general voted in by the soldiers and has to go through a vote by the Conirs as well 5/6 just like the heirs to be accepted. (Military's colors are generally Black, silver, and white)
Each Conir Seat is in charge of one aspect of the city, and Each has a name.
The Fineuan Seat (Fin-nay-win) - Law enforcement, Military, and Defense - Held by Orvik - Represented by an Amethyst
The Mynxha Seat (Minks-ha) - Welfare of the people, Healthcare, and Trade - Santel House - Represented by Garnets or Rubies
The Venmest Seat (Vehn-mest) - Laws, Finances, and Taxes - Oliss House - Represented by Opals
The Tairan Seat (Tah-ree-inn) - Negotiations, Peace talks, and Archives - Rayeli House - Represented by Aquamarine
The Levonn Seat (Ley-von) - Jobs, Distribution of Supplies, and transportation - Kanqoa House - Represented by Topaz
The Amnivent Seat (Am-nee-vent) - Agriculture and Resources - Rookwood House - Represented by Emerald
Conirs are referred to with the title ‘Your Grace’, and the heirs with the title of ‘My Lord’ or ‘My lady’
Each Conir Family has 3 Secondary Noble Families to help them enforce and Do their jobs, while The Fineuan Seat has the entirety of the military.
The Heir's Job is to be their Conir Seat Holder's right hand and do everything they can to learn and help until it is their turn to take over.
Sometimes they step in with other Conirs to help while a new heir is being chosen, or just for educational purposes.
Conirs must have basic knowledge of their peer's stations, because most major decisions and things require meetings and votes.
So there you have it! Conirs! Feyrama's Leaders!
Oh, then there's also the Cards, But I'm not getting into THAT detail unless someone really wants it
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kutikomiinfo · 11 months
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talesofnelda · 5 years
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always busy thinkin bout
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definedvines · 5 years
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please give @tinysketchii all the birthday wishes today!! here we have rowan and a lil jolivia doodle!!
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lunaraen · 6 years
“I’d rather spend Christmas with you.” with f!jesse n olivia? if that’s ok ofc,, ;v;’
There’s no perfect invention, nomachine or set-up that’s entirely foolproof or without some kind of potentialfor error. Still, an inventor strives to recognize errors and flaws, and it’stheir duty, surely as it is to create and invent at all, to twist mistakes intopositive aspects rather than detractors if and when they can’t, or shouldn’t,be removed.
Olivia’s biggest flaw is herpessimism. It’s also her biggest strength, something that’s oddly easier to seethe more confident she becomes.
Is she a flawed person?
As flawed as redstone isincredible, as flawed as the snow is beautifully cold, and as flawed as thewind is noisy and biting on frozen winter nights like this.
(Surrounded by trees but feelingfar more like she’s wandered into the tundra than a city built in the middle ofa forest, winter makes its presence known from the frost on the windows to thefading numbness where the cold had soundly nipped her nose. Olivia can, noweven more than when she arrived, understand why Lukas has been walking arounddraped in at least half a dozen blankets.
Inside is warm, but outside isn’thalf as far away as they’d all liked, loud and cold and desperately darting inwhenever the doors open and biding its time as it seeps through the windows,slow and insidious instead.)
It’s important to see and knowshe’s flawed, to acknowledge it without letting it drag her down.
It’s good at dragging, and betterat yanking down and down to a stateof trying nothing and bemoaning all, and Olivia consciously chooses to insteadlet it ground her the way some of her idols never seemed grounded.
(Olivia’s not trying to speak illof the dead and disappeared, but Soren never seemed to find himself at faultenough to make him solve the problems he caused, and Ellegaard, bright andbrilliant and amazing as she was, seemed to have a similar problem when it cameto seeing herself as infallible.
Olivia’s mostly sure there’s no long-lasting grudge bleeding into thatassessment, distantly wounded by how Ellegaard had brushed her off but notincensed the way Axel still seems to be about what he heard of their firstencounter.
Ellegaard will always be one ofher favorite heroes, someone to look up to and admire, but she’s not beingidolized by Olivia anymore, not as she once was.)
“I love Redstonia, but,well… I’d rather spend Christmas with you.” She tugs at one corner ofthe blanket wrapped around her and Jesse’s shoulders, readjusting her hotchocolate to keep it from spilling and the marshmallows from tumbling out.
It’s after a moment’s careful butvital deliberation that she ends up setting the mug down on the coffee table,close enough to grab but not as risk of being knocked over by anyone’s knee,and the next moment is just as important because she hasn’t seen Jesse inperson in weeks and she’s going to do more than just relish being able to kissher on the cheek.
Relishing the way said cheekturns pink, along with the rest of Jesse’s face, is a different but whollyrelated bonus.
“I’m sure avoiding another fancy Redstonian ball has nothing to dowith it.” Jesse’s brief, posh tone is made all the more brief by thesnicker that kills it, though Olivia’s following jab to her ribs makes sure itstays dead, replaced by a wounded but sheepish tone. “Ow.”
“Well, it doesn’t hurt. I’vehad enough of fancy events and pompous people to meet this year, thanks.”Olivia turns her head, squinting over her shoulder as she tries to look pastthe thick cover of frost coating the windows to get a better, if stilldistorted, look at the many multicolored lanterns and displays on the tallerbuildings. “Beacontown celebrations seem a lot more lively.”
“Lively? I thought it wasplenty lively for you guys last year– didn’t Sandy’s machine explode?”
Olivia wants to say she doesn’twince at the reminder.
Olivia wants to lie.
“Everyone still blamesMabel– she was the closest to it, at the time.” Olivia’s chuckle is weak,faltering as she shrugs before finding a gentler smile to replace it with.“Okay, so lively isn’t the right word. I love Redstonia, I really do,but… Beacontown seems a lot more carefree, when it comes to thesethings.”
“Only because it isn’t yourcity.”
Jesse grins, all teeth andenthusiasm and put-upon exhaustion, and Olivia fears her hot chocolate’s notout of the blast radius of a tickle fight or whatever whimsical, shove-ynonsense Jesse’s going to pull.
Her raised eyebrow might notprevent or protect much, but she has to try.
“I’m just saying you mightfeel different if you were the one in charge of setting up the events andcelebrations.”
“Please. We all pitched inthose first few years.” Not that Jesse made them, but Jesse was even moreinexperienced back then, just like the rest of them, and somehow determined todo it all on her own even when she had friends perfectly willing to help.“If you want to spend Christmas with Axel in Boom Town and leave things tome and Radar, we’ll handle it just fine.”
Olivia’s voice goes mockinglyposh, a close replica of Jesse’s own attempted accent. It gets her anothernudge and a wider grin.
“And leave poor Calvin withall the work for your city? I’ll let him know as soon as I pack up for BoomTown.” There was a brief pause for the sake of letting them both giggle asthey settled more onto the couch, Jesse’s head finding its way to resting onOlivia’s shoulder. Her voice is still warm, still joking, even if it’s softer.“So, you want to stay just for my city?”
“I can’t imagine why elseI’d want to stay here.”
“Hot cocoa and warmcuddles?” Another shift, Jesse’s chin now on her shoulder as the toothygrin returns. “Eyelash kisses and mumbled carols?”
“You’re as sickly sweet asthe eggnog.”
“You like eggnog.”
“And I like you,”Olivia’s lips are on her cheek again for half of a moment, chuckle breakingthrough the smile that breaks through the kiss itself, “believe it ornot.”
Jesse’s head is back to restingagainst her shoulder, fingers playing with one of Olivia’s sleeves.
“I don’t know; you almosthad me fooled.”
“I love you. Even if you’remore gullible than Axel gets when cookies are involved.”
Jesse’s nose scrunches at thecomparison, but they’ve known each other too long and Jesse doesn’t try to denyor keep up that line of teasing.
“Is he still hunting forthose?”
“Who knows?” While notstaying here for the entire holiday season– not yet, anyway, though his plansare as volatile and prone to change as anything else he does– he’s beenenjoying what’s already set up in the city, the attractions and decoratedstores and some kind of crazy cookie hunt only he could get involved with.“I’m sure he’ll let us hear all about it.”
Jesse snorts, saying nothing asshe slumps, curling up on herself and hogging more of the blanket.
Olivia’s favorite hero,personally, above Ellegaard but more closely ranked among the rest of Olivia’samazing friends, is Jesse.
Because Jesse, who still doesn’tknow two licks about redstone and sees the best in everyone to an almost naivedegree, is anything but naive, has been hurt and beat down in so many ways, hasclawed her way to this happy ending, this break, this peace for herself and forthe rest of them and still manages to be so warm and kind.
It’s what only fools would call aflaw and what is ultimately her best trait.
It’s out of bravery that Jesseforgives so much, and it’s times like this where it seems to have paid off, thetwo of them curled around each other and enjoying a peace they haven’t gottento known in the face of adventure and danger and the ultimate trial that ispaperwork.
Olivia’s thoughts may be morenegative than she cares for, but it’s because of them that she recognizes justhow lucky she is to have Jesse.
Jesse, who’s forgiven the oldOrder, who’s accepted Ivor as one of them and helped him become part of theirodd misfit family, who’s always insisted on checking on the Blaze Rods whenevershe visits Sky City, who’s given Harper a world to call home and a family torely on, has always seen something in Olivia.
That sort of optimism, not trulyblind but searing in its kindness and so strong, is something Olivia herselflacks and something Jesse has always had.
For the best, really, given wherethey started, three misfit disasters and a pig.
Axel, for all his pranks andjokes back then and his more clever spins on old tricks now, is more realisticin the way Olivia is, optimistic but with understandable breaking points, andOlivia wonders how long the two of them would have struggled to stay afloatafter so many failures and in the face of so much disaster without Jesse.
Jesse’s always been the lifeline,there to keep them together and whole and happy.
It’s not that Olivia can’t standthe idea of spending Christmas without her, but the idea of staying here, ofbeing home and with Jesse rather than surrounded by lovable but eccentricinventors, is beyond tempting.
(Avoiding any seasonalexplosions, because Sandy might be better this year but Mabel has so manybrilliantly reckless ideas, helps.)
So, because Jesse never said no and won’t stop grinning like she’sfully aware of that, Olivia resolves to send a letter to Calvin, who’s alreadycompleted most of the setup with her and has assured her he’s used to, if notslightly possessive of, handling the finishing touches on his own, in themorning through the portals and to enjoy her first taste of Beacontown holidaysetup in a while. Tomorrow.
Maybe late tomorrow morning,depending on how much cuddling she can get out of this.
If nothing else, Olivia’s sureRadar, as much of a wreck and as high-strung as she used to be without theexperience of holding it back that she’s struggled to get, would like thebreak.
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dashintrash · 6 years
hi!! um...... for the,, fankids request thing,,? may i request my olisse kid rowan?
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thank you!
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bonusdragons · 3 years
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October 31, 2021:
Royal Tertiary, Ridgeback, Cherub.
Royal of Oliss’ Stormhaven!
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“Y solo yo he sido testigo del momento en que todo lo que parecía ta insignificante se alojo tan dentro”
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yewanglovesminho · 6 years
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Isaac Carson, Richard Oliss and Rover
Valentine's day isn’t just for humans
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rojash99 · 4 years
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Oliss!! 🙄🖤
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fiorick · 2 years
Recruitment Coordinator, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources
Recruitment Coordinator, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources
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talesofnelda · 7 years
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so uhhh guess who designed season 1 fusions for these dorks?? meeeeeeee i diiiiid
uh heck anyway th season 2 ones are comin up Soon,, and portal arc,,
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444names · 2 years
the entire article on mongolia from wikipedia
Abang Acces Achignert Actiever Adativera Addhil Adents Adepting Aderts Afachans Ageables Ambon Amermain Aninvion Aniquents Ankhory Argishaley Arition Aryiney Assents Aurevency Autly Avals Ayershad Bancrontse Banny Bationt Bazad Bazatormi Becknest Becony Beigheivo Bered Berest Berth Besees Biled Bolecout Borop Bouniumír Broradcaur Bructs Buideme Bulak Cappok Cated Caten Cating Cation Caurge Cellect Chanines Chanst Charthipas Chike Chily Chirtionew Chisevaste Choription Chric Christort Chulmy Churock Cinghes Clamose Clefe Coadivels Coaleation Coart Colle Colon Comages Comal Combild Comemoving Comitinge Comply Compors Conamal Conce Conshince Consued Conting Corke Corkh Coured Courty Coush Covalt Covicenal Cowthual Cutics Cuting Dalions Darequases Dayate Deasec Deashang Denterian Dently Depre Derveral Destralar Diners Disile Disils Ditabing Divils Doppece Doriver Draker Duche Ducton Dukhbation Dzurn Eachands Eargenced Elantiones Elons Entatints Enval Envided Equang Eques Erearivi Eseve Estards Estrutally Eveng Evered Exces Exchilly Exchiten Exparages Expated Expea Expor Fachisice Fantectrap Fauguar Fecall Ferippesed Ferting Ficiat Filame Fincy Fisting Flifeenu Flifferle Folifice Forkhan Forthovide Foust Fracculp Fulffica Gards Gation Gerrian Gesaw Glantated Goleta Govidepte Graction Gradess Grallies Guartand Haandisach Haing Hamosion Hankh Hanneed Hansen Hantliculy Hanyu Haretal Harsed Heater Hingern Hirdermed Histe Howth Idoms Imiest Inater Inctituric Inged Ingenre Ingiin Ingual Inihite Intence Intion Ironfreer Ivingion Jaancy Jakes Jamens Jandited Japperm Jappres Joinged Joriindess Junders Juregratin Kaboky Kherion Kherse Khormain Khunist Khurtse Khüithigs Kneets Knegook Kontrounde Kubdes Kurged Lanats Lanicter Lanscel Larkenus Lasgöl Lated Laticalwai Lectiry Lialyn Lices Lights Limate Liters Litured Locloors Loculs Logor Lorts Maajarefs Mabled Majapred Marged Martaten Mated Mationg Memeruu Mences Menur Miestan Mighttly Mille Mingovin Mmunce Mober Mocces Modefer Moducclan Morar Morts Moseed Moserty Mostrur Muneds Muses Mönks Nallin Nanes Nasman Nathent Natia Natings Nattles Necongion Neenatee Norse Nortaludes Ochan Ocong Ofecropsed Offireety Offiste Ofords Oingkold Oingl Oliss Oluts Oporounds Orefral Orlism Ortlymniz Oster Ottars Ournationg Outiony Ovedom Ovicabogy Ovidely Oyelarty Papplasid Paried Pasibacks Peangs Pects Plars Polde Polity Popmery Porasen Porist Praikated Pratureng Prepairlyn Prest Prestops Pried Proale Produsiver Proliben Prons Proscrized Prosing Prounds Prouspel Pyoutivals Pyrkess Quées Radened Ragiinsong Rallibet Rarletemes Reace Reage Reatifted Recity Recknal Redican Redionts Reent Refes Reform Relatern Renta Reste Riggl Rodieve Rodued Rotivione Roville Ructic Rumbeglar Sairly Salsoyins Scalle Scation Scythlited Seast Sectop Sencts Sentinery Shical Shist Sibects Siben Sidus Sition Siviruce Sonot Soupapping Speronre Sphanting Sposton Stemparge Sterce Stroonsing Sualisern Subding Succe Sucted Suflisal Sukhers Surtiction Survist Sükhangint Tafted Taine Tallousion Tarrelles Teambetion Tempoidefs Terynad Thertacend Thing Thriand Tionass Titituth Togrenks Tollovaly Toravies Tored Torkhanne Tormykal Tortionmed Tradming Trall Treum Tribly Trion Tuarkhei Tusen Tworeed Tüvshmed Unationted Unhaa Unifiry Uniquestar Unted Untient Untmen Uppely Uppoweasso Uslacents Uulary Uyalitive Uyast Varicus Vating Verginh Vilsüments Vlandial Vlatit Warice Warse Wartheity Waysted Welhu Wened Whers Whing Wingkoses Wingkures Wingnihist Witiewly Womary Woreummod Worthon Yomes Zarmy Övöröng
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askoenmi · 3 years
ola de donde eres? saludos!
oliss de chile bueno del sure valdivia owo jsjs
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dana-granados · 4 years
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Oliss chico😍😘, no puedo pensar lo que disfrutamos mucho, al estar a tu lado, te amo mucho😘😘😘😘, gracias por todo
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