#Okki (^_^;)
goddessofbees · 9 days
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So a couple of people have mentioned the jewelry I put on the phantom sibs and I wanted to explain them kinda like a character sheet of my headcannons
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If anything is hard to read, sorry 😔 my handwriting might suck... and the spelling....
Yes I know I spelt jewelry wrong.
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nero-draco · 2 years
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semioticapocalypse · 7 months
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Okky Offerhaus. Elliott Erwitt with his two Leica M3s. Jamaica. 1964
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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thel0calg0blin · 2 months
I made some Cyrus Borg!!
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This is the unedited and unfinished one, I’m still working on the finished one! And I wrote some sh!t but I can’t even read that lol.
I just drew him at work or in his regular clothes
In the morning, he just woke up from having a nightmare about the Overlord (I drew him from after Rebooted) He had a nightmare about losing PIXAL so he’s yelling for her ^^
Just drinking coffee. Adds along with some of my head cannons.
Headcannon time ! There’s gonna be some swearing but I don’t mean it in a mean way.
-Bitch probably has depression and insomnia
-drinks so much goddam coffee lol
-rather eats so much or doesn’t eat at all for extended periods of time
-has a sear spot from where OverBorg had his eye piece thing (I dunno what the fuk to call it lol) cuz I think it’s cool
-PIXAL gave him the “ #1 BEST DAD” cup he’s drinking his coffee out of in picture 3).
so umm please forgive me for what I did to poor Cyrus Borg lol it’s just me headcannons lol @cyrusbug
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Okkie Marie Reijnders
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taeko-yamada · 9 months
hey . hey . what the hell do you mean sakyu regularly murders people to "prolong her existence" what do you mean by this .
(i mean of course the clues have been dropping since the basus were first implemented but tell me why we can jus t??? stab her and RUN???? as if she were a totally normal mortal human being and not, yknow someone whos going to bloodline curse us for a 1000 years-- oh wait what do you mean that happened already)
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saeraas · 2 years
Nemo and the Nemo series at Osakabehime when they need to survey in Void Space
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You make me dizzy!
Miski X Lyle
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Summary: @thevanityofthefox 's oc Miski goes on a banshee ride with Lyle!
Lyle couldn't take his eyes off them. Miski was gorgeous, smart, funny and way out of his league. The way she strutted through the lab, coat billowing behind her like a runway model, his heart could stop and he wouldn't notice.
She was in front of him now talking, hand on her hips as she explained...something. Lyle flustered inside, he'd been so entranced by the movement of her lips that he'd not payed her words any attention. Still he kept his face stoic, praying she'd say something he could respond too.
"So what do you think?" She asked smiling down at him. Lyle shifted in his seat. Crap! What had she asked?
"Uh yeah, sounds good." He answered, praying he'd not agreed to something terrible. Miski seemed delighted, clasping her hands in excitement.
"We should go now!" She exclaimed, turning back to him.
"Oh now?" Lyle panicked again, where had he agreed to go?!
"Yes! If we head off now we can make it before the eclipse, just in time to see the change!" She paced over to her desk, bundling equipment into her bag.
Oh so it must be some plant thing! Lyle thought to himself, relieved it wasn't something too crazy. Still night ops were mostly forbidden, though his sway with the Colonel wouldn't make it impossible. Still no way they'd be able to take any ship up right now.
"Birds are grounded now though." Lyle explained, hoping a little that this would curb her excitement. That they'd have to make plans to go tomorrow and he could figure out what was happening.
Miski's fluffy tail stilled, her rounded ears drooping slightly. She mumbled something, nodding her head in disappointment. Lyle's heart couldn't take it. Seeing her so sad was just too much for him.
"But no one said anything about taking the banshee out." He added. Their ears popped back up, tail swishing happily behind. She beamed over at him and he felt his heart flutter.
Oh shit.
So there they were, boots tapping across the tarmac as they headed to his banshee. Lyle climbed up first, shifting forward to let Miski climb in behind. He felt her pull up behind him, her legs brushing up against his. He quickly flicked his tail to the side, giving her enough room to shift towards him and wrap her arms around his waist.
His tail twitched, the sudden urge to wrap it around her burning in his mind. Lyle swallowed that feeling down, connecting his queue to the beast.
The evening air was cool, the warmth of the day just lingering slightly on the breeze. The eclipse was fast approaching, the last light of the day casting against the low hanging clouds making them glow.
Lyle felt himself relaxing, Miski holding his sides lightly, his ikran calm under him, a perfect evening. He flew up more to be above the clouds, enjoying the view of the floating mountains in the distance.
Miski's hand tightened a little on his side. Very subtly but Lyle noticed, drawing his attention from the sky. Her hand slackened though and Lyle relaxed again. He tipped his head back to smile at her but paused.
She looked pale, her eyes unfocused and staring blankly through him. Then suddenly she was tipping to the side. Lyle yelped reaching back to grab her. His hand pressed against her back pulling her close against him. She seemed to be barely conscious in that moment, eyes lids drooping.
They remained limp in his hold as Lyle struggled to maneuver her whist still straddling the banshee. With some effort he managed to pull Miski forward and she now rested against his chest. He shifted her legs, hand lingering on their thigh as he balanced them across the banshee's back.
Lyle felt panicked, what was wrong with her? Had this anything to do with why she wanted to go out? Was she sick? Hurt!? He needed to get some place safer, somewhere he could better asses the situation.
Lyle directed the banshee towards the nearest of the floating mountains. He could land on ones of the smaller ones and check up on her properly. Miski stirred a little against his arm, groaning and swaying. Lyle kept that arm tightly round their middle, afraid they'd slip again, the other still holding the banshee's neural whip.
"Hey Miski you with me?" Lyle fretted his eyes darting from the sky to her face. Her brows scrunched her mumbling becoming more coherent. She was speaking in her native tongue. Lyle cursed himself for not learning more Spanish from Lopez.
She twisted slightly to face him, still laying her head on his chest. Lyle risked another glance at their face, concern still bubbling in him. She was still pale, a light sweat on her forehead as she moaned in some discomfort. Her breathe was shallow though, Lyle's ears twitched at the sound.
Then it dawned on him. Miski had had trouble flying before. Nothing ever that major but whenever the craft went up she had sat and buckled up. He'd always taken it as a plane sickness thing but maybe not. Maybe it was the thin air?
"I'm taking us down okay, you're gonna be okay. I've got you" He reassured her, letting his thumb brush against the her side. She still mumbled into the rushing wind, looking up with a dopey smile.
"Sos mi corazoncito" She bubbled before giggling slightly. Lyle quirked his brow fighting a blush as she buried her face in his chest. He cursed Lopez again mentally, Tes ves hermosa, what use was calling her pretty right now!
"Cariño" She whispered again head tipping up, her breath fanning against his neck. Lyle shuddered, landing the banshee. He let his arm loosen from her waist to climb down. Miski wasn't having it twisting and holding onto him. Legs wrapping around his waist and her arm over his shoulders.
"Mi vida!" She called burying her head deeper in his neck.
"Calm down! I'm still here, I got you." Lyle reassured patting her thigh. She seemed pretty secure so he shifted down off the banshee. He landed hard on the ground, her body jolting. He gripped her thighs to steady her, the soft skin under his hands made his heart thunder against his chest.
"Okay we'll sit here a moment okay, deep breathes" Lyle said as he sank to the ground. She seemed to understand breathing deeply, her hands loosening from round his neck. Lyle shifted her off his lap as the colour returned to her face. Letting Miski rest against his shoulder as she regained her senses.
"Sorry about that." She said eventually. Lyle turned to her, watching her ears tip back. The sun had dipped behind the planet now, the dusting of glowing freckles across her cheeks the only thing lighting up the purple blush.
"Hey no worries Mi zorrita" Lyle smiled, sure he'd butchered the pronunciation. Miski spun to him, eyes wide and frantic looking. Her fluffy tail whacking against the ground behind her.
"My what?!" She shrieked, Lyle's ears tipping back at the volume.
"Oh ah Lopez said it was like a silly nickname!" Lyle shot his hands up. He swore he was gonna kill him when he saw him again. Miski seemed to relax a little at that, dropping her head in between her knees. They groaned, tipping their head up again, running a hand through their hair. Lyle watched her every move, wishing their hand could be his.
"Let's just head back." She sighed, looking back to him. Miski was so close, he could see his own freckles glowing like a constellation in her eyes. Lyle nodded, standing quickly and offering her a hand. She gripped him letting him pull her to her feet.
"Promise I'll fly low!" Lyle jested, pressing a hand over his heart. "Scouts honor." He smirked, giving her a hand up onto the banshee. Miski laughed, settling in on the creatures back.
Lyle climbed up behind her letting an arm snake around her waist again. "So you won't fall." He explained, feeling her settle against him again. It wasn't entirely a lie but he wouldn't admit how much he wanted to hold her again, not out loud.
(Translations: Sos mi corazoncito- You are my little heart, Tes ves hermosa-You look beautiful, Cariño- Sweetie, Mi vida- my life, Mi zorrita- my bitch)
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miu647 · 1 year
I talked everywhere but here 😂 Back from Japan yesterday, ended my wonderful trip 😭
Meet them all in person and watch Hetamyu with my own eyes were the best experience of my life. If anyone have watch the stream, they will know what is the gift that Hetamyu gave fans. Sitting there and witnessed it was a speechless moment. I remembered how much I laughed and cried, feel the cast effort and love to us. We've been together for such a long time, and they always work hard to bring fans the best work.
The grandeur of this play is the flowers that have bloomed since 5 years ago and I'm happy for what everyone has given us.. Thank you Hetamyu for coming back, and I love you all so much. This is the best and most fulfilling work of all the Hetamyu series, the most fantastic show!
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fntbianca · 10 months
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The Monster Cries | do not repost
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airu27 · 2 years
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Musical 「Hetalia ~The Fantastic World~」
Italy: Nagae Ryoki Germany: Ueda Yuusuke Japan: Ueda Keisuke America: Isogai Ryuuko UK: Hirose Daisuke France: Juuri China: Sugie Taishi Spain: Yamda James Takeshi Prussia: Takamoto Gaku Netherlands: Isono Tooru
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kaitheghostkid · 7 months
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my friends at my current school don’t appreciate Okki 😔
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Okkie Marie Reijnders
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bemybaebaebae · 10 months
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Okky AlParessi
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besoyanloid · 8 months
must…. circuit bend………. okki-kashi……………
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miu647 · 1 year
Hi, it’s me again 😁
I talked about my experience watching Hetamyu FW live in my reblog so you can go and check.
For the question if I actually meet them or just go and see Hetamyu, gonna be yes and no. No, I only see the Hetamyu FW cast in the play. Yes, I meet one of the member of Hetamyu big family, Yamaoki Yuki (Russia) in his birthday event. Like actually meet him, talk to him and, luckily, take photos with him.
Coincidentally, his event was held very close to my hotel when I stayed in Tokyo, so when the ticket went on sale, I bought it. Okki so warmed and handsome in real life, he so much younger than in photos. We do a lot in the event, and one thing touched everyone’s heart is that he sang Marukaite Chikyuu with a cheerful smile to us. I was really surprised, and ofc happy cus he knows everything we waiting for.
I’m not gonna tell much about others thing happen in the event since it’s a private one. I will say about my own experience when I went to the stage to talk and take photos with Okki. Yes, anyone can come and do that if you signed up.
I was TOO NERVOUS for my first time standing right in front of him. I kept avoided eye contacts and sorry him cus I couldn’t stand probably. He really patient with me, held my arms and said “It’s alright, I’m listening.” I told him that I’m foreigner so my Japanese not good (I suppose to say sth!!! but yeah too blank to remember anything 🥲), Okki immediately said “It’s alright, don’t worry.”
THEN HE EMBRACED ME!!! HOLY FREAKING GOSH OKKI ACTUALLY HUGGED ME AND WE JUST TAKE PICTURE LIKE THAT! I was so shocked and I still can see myself blush so much in the photo after checking it. I turned around and look at him after that, and he patted me at the back. “It’s must be really hard for you right? Going all the way here to meet me.”
I still on nine clouds and after that for a while after get off the stage. I realised I didn’t say anything I want to him. So I signed up for a second turn. “Hey, me again” I popped into the photo section again, Okki happy (and surprise haha, he said “It’s you again!” I tell him that I was too nervous, I comeback to talk to him again.
“I know you from Hetamyu, and I like you so much.”
He cheerfully said “Rossiah!” and make a small dance for me. We taken photo again. I thanked him and about to go, but he held my hands, with one hand on his chest and looked straight into my eyes.
“I will try to comeback to Hetamyu and Russia as soon as possible.”
I opened my eyes widened at him, almost cried. His smile so gentle but yet steady for what he just said. We keep bowing to each other, and he thanked me again for visiting him. “Please go home safely.” That’s the last thing he said to me before I left.
Meeting Okki in person and talk to him must be one of the best thing ever happen. He such a kind, sweet and thoughtful man. The words he told me is so touching, and I think that’s will be the best promise for the return of him to Hetamyu.
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