geekinc329 · 2 years
Fear Fighters comic strip#1: "History 1.0.1"
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This is hopefully gonna be the first of many of these comics, I already made Okeydoke and Bloodmire a long *long* time ago but I never really had a use for them up until now despite how much I liked their designs. No I will not tell you which is which.
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober day 23 — “hold them down”
Hyrule: if I had a nickel for every time this month I’ve had to fight one of my teammates who’d basically been possessed, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice
anyway I’m tired just take this
Warnings: blood, broken nose, injury, possession
Ao3 lonk
“Of all the dungeons why did it have to be this one?” Wind moaned.
Hyrule could only give the sailor a reassuring pat to the arm as they continued to walk down the hall of what Wind had said was a dungeon in his era, the Earth Temple. Apparently Wind had had to traverse this place on his first quest, and it held quite a few unpleasant memories.
“You think the others are here too?” Hyrule asked, rubbing his arms. It was chilly in here, and not just with the air temperature.
It was more of a feeling, an icy sense of wrongness that sent goosebumps up his skin and a tight feeling into his chest. It made him want to run away screaming and not set a single foot further into the place, but he stubbornly tamped down the instinct as they traversed deeper into the dungeon.
“Probably? I mean, I hope so,” Wind replied. “If they’re not here they’re probably in the middle of the ocean somewhere.”
Hyrule winced. “Yeah, let’s hope the portal spat them here.”
Wind pushed open a door, looking nervously around the interior before motioning Hyrule in behind him.
“It looks like there aren’t any monsters here,” the sailor said, and Hyrule shrugged, the icy feeling still pricking at his skin. “I had cleared this place out a while ago, but I wasn’t sure if they’d come back, since it’s been a bit.”
“Unless they’re all hiding further down,” Hyrule pointed out, and Wind huffed.
“Well... maybe so. Or the others came through here and beat them all already,” he argued.
“Wouldn’t there be blood around then?”
Wind threw his hands up into the air as they entered another room. “Okay! I don’t know! Probably! Unless there weren’t the kind that has blood! I mean I’m pretty sure poes don’t have blood and there used to be loads— hey look!”
Hyrule looked up at Wind’s exclamation, and smiled as his saw Legend standing by the far side of the room, looking up at the wall.
“Veteran!” he called, and Legend’s ear twitched in response.
“Hey Legend, where’s everyone else?” Wind asked, but the veteran didn’t turn around.
Wind and Hyrule exchanged glances.
“Uh, vet?” Hyrule asked, stepping closer. A chill swept through the room and he rubbed at his arms again. “Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Legend let out an oddly high-pitched laugh at his words.
Wind froze.
“Traveler get back here,” he said urgently, and Hyrule hesitated.
“...something’s not right with him,” he said, the icy feeling increasing in intensity, and Wind gave a rapid nod.
“I know, which is why you need to get away from him, that’s not Legend. Not right now,” he gritted out.
The veteran turned, and grinned at them with a too-wide smile, a whiteish mask floating above his head.
“That’s a poe.”
Legend let out another laugh and jumped at them, sword aimed directly for Hyrule’s neck. The traveler dodged it by a few inches, whipping his shield out to avoid Legend’s blade again.
It crashed against his shield and the force of it drove Hyrule to his knees, an unnatural strength making his arms shake under the force of Legend’s blows. Wind shoved his sword against the veteran’s, giving Hyrule some space to breathe, and his arm shook as he kept his blade crossed against Legend’s.
“Get him in the sunlight!” Wind shouted, making tense eye contact with Hyrule. “It’ll get the poe out!”
Hyrule nodded and lunged for the veteran, knocking his sword out of his grip as he threw them both to the floor. Legend screeched, eyes shining with an unnatural light, and Hyrule began to force him towards the single beam of sunlight that shone in the middle of the room.
Legend screeched again, and clawed at where Hyrule had his arms clamped around him, but the traveler didn’t falter, even when Legend caught his cheek with some of his rings, sending sharp pain up his face.
Wind joined his side and grabbed Legend as well, and between the two of them were able to drag him into the beam of light.
Hyrule stared down at Legend, watching as he continued to thrash against his and Wind’s holds. Nothing seemed to change, and he shot a look at the sailor.
“This usually works!” Wind cried, avoiding Legend’s flailing fists. “It should be out of him by now!”
“Black blood,” Hyrule realized, right as Legend finally managed a hit on Wind. There was a crack, and Wind let out a cry as he lurched backwards, his nose spurting blood. Legend ripped himself from his grip, and lunged for his sword, turning on them with eyes cold and angry.
“It must have black blood!” Hyrule shouted as Legend lunged forwards again. “The sunlight won’t be enough by itself!”
Legend rammed his sword against Hyrule’s, catching him off guard enough that he was able to plunge his sword into Hyrule’s thigh.
Hyrule reeled back as Legend yanked his blade out with a laugh, gritting his teeth against the pain and throwing himself at the possessed veteran. He grabbed for Legend’s sword, wrestling it out of his grasp and rolling them back towards the sunlight.
Wind somehow shook off his likely-broken nose, and ran to join Hyrule, blood coating his lip.
“What do we do?!” he asked as he lunged towards Legend again, the veteran letting out a malicious hiss.
“I have an idea, grab him!” Hyrule shouted as the veteran thrashed against them, scratching and clawing at any bit of them he could reach.
Wind tried to get a good grip on him, but Legend kicked out at his stomach, nearly breaking free from his hold.
“Hold him down sailor!”
“I’m trying!” Wind cried out, avoiding Legend’s thrashing limbs. He positioned himself at the veteran’s back, wrapping his limbs around him in a strange mockery of a hug, and Hyrule leapt forward, drawing his magic up.
He jammed his hands against Legend’s chest, hands glowing brightly, and pushed as much magic as he could at the poe controlling his friend’s movements.
Legend let out an unearthly shriek, and Hyrule pushed harder, pumping him full of as much light magic as he could summon. The poe thrashed Legend around even more, but Wind held on as tight as he could, and soon Hyrule’s magic was too much for it.
The mask above Legend’s head disappeared, and a strange-looking ghost leapt out from inside of their friend, Legend going limp in their grasps.
Wind released the veteran and leapt for the poe, burying his sword into the creature’s stomach before it could barely realize what was happening. It let out a dying wail, and disappeared into black smoke, which soon faded into the sunlight.
Hyrule let out an exhausted pant, and pressed a hand to his leg. His injury wasn’t too serious, but it hurt, and he was completely wrecking his pants with blood.
Man. He’d liked this pair.
Wind wiped blood off his face, kneeling back down next to Legend, who had already started to stir. He let out a groan, and cracked his eyes open, the color back to their regular sharp blue.
“That was rough,” he croaked, wincing as he put a hand to his head. “Ugh.”
He finally noticed Wind peering at him, and his eyes widened a bit.
“What happened to your nose kid?”
Wind let out a congested sounding snort, and helped Hyrule sit up a bit. “You have one mean punch veteran. I think you broke it,” he said with a bloody grin.
Legend paled.
“Farore. Sailor, I’m so sorry—“
“It’s okay Ledge, you weren’t yourself,” Hyrule spoke up, wincing as he moved his leg. “We’re just glad we got that thing out of you. Are you okay?”
Legend gave a distracted nod, staring at Hyrule’s leg and face with a tight expression. “Yeah... I’m fine.”
He stood up a bit shakily, and offered a hand to Hyrule, who gladly took it. He looked Legend in the eye, giving his hand an extra squeeze before releasing it.
“It wasn’t you vet, it wasn’t your fault,” he said sternly, and Legend’s expression eased a little. “Quit blaming yourself. We’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, besides, I’ve broken my nose before!”
“That’s not something to be proud of, sailor,” Legend said with an eye roll, but he looked much better.
He nudged Hyrule, then tousled Wind’s hair.
“Let’s go find the others.”
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onbearfeet · 1 year
Welp. The video I wrote is doing well, and the character intro I wrote for a casual rp thing with a friend has apparently offended everyone in the game on my first day. I'm gonna walk into the sea now.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
[Paladin and Rogue are robbing a treasury]
Druid, watching them, entertained: What kind of popcorn do you want? I have lime & salt, sriracha, and regular.
Bard, also treating them like a spectator sport: Think you can do caramel?
Druid: Okeydoke. Wow, I can’t believe this is actually working-
[around here one of the duo’s haphazard plans falls apart]
Druid: aaaaaaand I take it back.
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t4t4t · 6 months
I could never, at bottom, take advertising seriously. I felt it as demeaning. It seemed to me to be really a shell game, based squarely on the sucker principle. One could scarcely respect the people who went for all this okeydoke, who were, indeed, addicted to it. The sense of life with which advertising imbued them—or vice versa—made reality, or the truth of life, unbearable, threatening, and, at last, above all, unreal: they preferred the gaudy image, which they imagined to be under their control. Thus, they entered the voting booth as blindly cheerful and incoherent as they were at the supermarket, reaching out for the “brand” name, the name, that is, which had been most ruthlessly and successfully sold to them. They did not know, and did not dare to know, what was in the package: it had been “guaranteed,” and everybody else was buying it. True, there were occasional scandals, moments which might cause one to suspect that the public confidence had been abused: but the noise of scandal was swiftly conquered by the sprightly music of the next commercial. The music of the commercial simply reiterates the incredible glories of this great land, and one learns, through advertising, that it is, therefore, absolutely forbidden to the American people to be gloomy, private, tense, possessed; to stink, even a little, at any time; to grow gray, to wrinkle, to be sexless; to have unsmiling children; to be lusterless of eye, hair, or teeth; to be flabby of breast, belly, or bottom; to be gloomy, to know despair, or to embark on any adventure whatever without the corroboration of the friendly mob. Love, here, demands no down payment, though it must have the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, and, though love may be driven from Eden, it is only so that it may “mature” among friendly neighbors. This stupefying ode to purity has pornographic undertones: consider the classic hair-ad which has the portrait of a lady in the foreground and a naked infant in the background. The legend reads, hair color so natural only her hairdresser knows for sure! The legend is a dirty street-joke, and has reference to the lady’s pubic hair: but the presence of the baby washes the legend clean. The infant’s presence informs us that this is, indeed, a lady, a married one at that, and a mother, and her husband has nothing to fear from her hairdresser—who, probably, furthermore, like all hairdressers, is a faggot. Faggots, of course, never appear in this technicolored bazaar, except as clowns, or as the doomed victims of their hideous lusts, and it goes without saying that here, death shall have no dominion.
Much later, I was to realize that my discomfort was due to the fact that I was operating far, too far, beneath my level; or, in other words, I had more to give than was being demanded and I was being weighed down by the residue. I was also realizing that, though people endlessly fool themselves, they cannot really be fooled: what you really feel shines through you. So, my co-workers, and my superiors, in spite of the camaraderie, sensed my real attitude toward advertising, and, therefore, toward them, and distrusted me—soon, inevitably, they would dislike me. I could not blame them, for, if my attitude toward advertising as concerned the great, white, faceless mass was, at best, ironic, my attitude toward advertising as concerned black people was very painfully ambivalent. I felt that black people had a sense of reality far more solid and arresting than the bubble-gum context in which we operated—though I had days, God knows, when I wondered about this, too.
But who was I, anyway, after all, to have an attitude? I was doing the same thing, in the same office, and for the same reason: we had to eat. And we were expected to be aware, too, that the presence of blacks in advertising was a major sociological breakthrough. Was it? for our breakthroughs seemed to occur only on those levels where we were most speedily expendable and most easily manipulated. And a “breakthrough” to what? I was beginning to be wary of these breakthroughs, was not certain that I wanted a lifetime pass to Disneyland. On the other hand, here we were, and you can’t have your cake and eat it, too: we would simply have to find a way to use, and survive and transcend this present breakthrough the same way we had survived so many others.
Just Above My Head by James Baldwin
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oicuperp · 4 months
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pitbullwithaship · 8 months
Okeydoke. Time to watch more hopefully it is more cute and some good angst.
Intergalactic marketing department
It's irrelevant cuz he's dead
Bumpy ride!!
They're so cute I love them bestest siblings
I love Donna so much did you know that
Swoopy sleepy music
Ah red eye Ood (doctor gets war flashbacks)
"Trusted friends" sure of course
Okay this is weirding me out and giving me an incredibly not amazing feeling
Humans are quite good at surviving
Why do the bees keep coming up
DO I LOOK SINGLE back to the point please I love them
Maybe tou should treat them better my dude
That looks miserable poor Ood
Or get directly in his way mayhaps
What's in here I wonder
Okay he's a mega dick (my autocorrect fixed it to Maga, which might as well be true he seems the type)
So they just shove the poor ood into containers like some fruit or shit
Spaceman they're adorable
Security dude is insane okay
Ooh yknow what they should lead a slave uprising or something
HUG they're so cute besties
Man he's losing lots of hair
It's in your head my dude no she can't hear it
Oh that's a sad opera
Aww he's so gentle
Channeling Barty Crouch Jr there
Okay that's disturbingly holocaust makes me feel icky
Oh look lady is dead
I'm not gonna say karma cuz that would be cruel but
The beginning of the houdini joke lol
Aww he's so nice
Dudes a bit Explosion happy there
Oh my oh jeez that's horrible
Ooh scientist guy is good!!! Yay!!
Oh dear that's... not nice
As a fellow ginger I protest
Oh wow that's interesting
Patience!! I love this ood!!
Oh jeez that's coolgrossweirdcoolwhat
That's amazing
That's a happy opera that is
Oh that's such a cute ending
Okay end of the song soon then that's nice
Aww that's so nice, they will sing of the doctordonna (the musical theatre kid in me is very happy)
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25000yearcycle · 5 months
Don't fall for the okeydoke
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televisionenjoyer · 1 year
he really said "okeydoke no body no crime" about a dismembered corpse
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boombambaby · 7 months
How old are you? What is your zodiac sign? What time zone are you in? What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
Okeydoke, let's see~ 32! Scorpio (Makes sense, huh?) EST Time Zone. I'm currently in the Supernatural fandom (Castiel, Crowley and occasionally Demon!Dean), and the Musical fandom (Erik from Phantom of the Opera!)
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polkadotpatterson · 11 months
okeydoke as I have not had much energy for working on stuff lately (but lots of motivation) I'm not gonna do proper NaNo with a wordcount or anything, BUT I am gonna make it a goal to get some amount of work done on a writing project every day (at least until I go away on the 24th). Main priority blaseball projects are, in no particular order:
Fic about the ending
Abner fic
Simon's Quest
secret fic(s) :)
get the Talkers exchange set up
Aside from that, I've been poking at more non-blaseball stuff, which is a good excuse for me to plug my writing blog @cyndakip! All my fics get posted there, so if you're interested in my writing beyond just blaseball (especially if you like pokemon), I recommend following me there, since I don't post non-blaseball fics here.
#I'm in a weird place rn where the end of blb is coinciding with me finally feeling ready to get back to nuzlockes#and I very much want to keep writing blb fics! it's just complicated by me getting smacked over the head with pokemon motivation#and separate from that I think it's just been hard for me to work on blb fics knowing that it's over#writing the ending fic in particular means confronting that. and I definitely haven't fully processed it yet and idk when I will#I really truly do want to keep writing blb fics for a long time but I worry there will be not much of an audience anymore#and I know that doesn't matter. I'm gonna write what I want and I know some people will still read it. but yknow. it's rough#also my relationship with pokemon and the nuzlocke community has been really fucking complicated these past few years#to the point where I stopped engaging altogether bc it was stressing me out too much and I had lost all confidence in my writing#this happened to be right before I got into blb. which came along at the perfect time and gave me the community & confidence boost I needed#now it kinda feels like we've come full circle. blb has changed me and now I'm ready to go back with a whole new attitude#I just don't want these two things to be mutually exclusive! I want both! but that's easier said than done#especially bc I haven't had enough energy to work on much of either lately! I want to say things are getting better on that front but#it's complicated. you know how it is with human bodies. treacherous things#the thing is I don't want to waste this. I feel ready for pokemon again and god I missed it and I'm gonna ride this wave of motivation#if I had more energy this would be less of a problem. ah well#gonna get all this done sooner or later#talking moistly
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
Hey chai I'll be trying your challenge starting tomorrow.
I'll update you every day
Can i be 🌼 anon??
welcome welcome welcome!!! I hope ya have lots of fun with the challenge :D and okeydoke, I deem ya 🌼 anon
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tododeku-or-bust · 1 year
So I'm having an internal conflict concerning what/how i want to end Hades!AU Philia's arc.
On the one side, i want her to boss up. I want to see her with her spine strong and her chin and shoulders held high because she is capable! She is powerful! She will grow! She is powerful! Most of all, she's only 15; even though the world feels like it's ending in her mind, it is not! Her life is going to go generally well; this is one dark era out of the many years (as most of us can claim teenagerdom was 🤣 bc 14-17 was the WORST). Like yes, the blow up with Calix and Kairos was on her, and her insecurities and identity crises and envies are personal, but those are things that kids deal with growing up. She still has a good support system that loves her.
On the other hand, I'm dead tired of the "resilient Black Girl/Woman" narrative, the whole "Black Women have to swallow the pain and fix it all because no one else is going to" 😭 bc the trauma of Pyrrhus, the story he told, and that entire situation?? That would be emotionally scarring, perhaps permanently. i want to allow her to FEEL, to be temporarily weakened, to allow the people around her to see and validate her suffering, to take care of her and treat her softly, knowing that she needs time to heal at her own pace. They never wanted her to be a hero, so why act like she should swallow the pain like one?
I know for both sides, something that I've always hoped was conveyed is that she does not deserve to carry the weighty sins of her fathers, no matter how much life wants to force it upon her shoulders. She was not prepared to deal with any of it (in comparison, Achilles spent his whole life knowing he was Important, and his whole young adulthood paranoid over his impending death). Her fathers essentially attempted the same fate dodging okeydoke and it did not work, to her deficit. So if she is not the cause of the actual traumas directly, why is it her job to fix them, you know?
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sounds-of-some-day · 1 year
So I just read the first four issues of the original 1940s Captain America run.
Some observations:
It's still kinda weird for Bucky to be a child.
Steve is a private in the military (to maintain his secret identity I guess).
It's very much not what you think of when you think comic-booky. There's no, like, comic book science or whatever. Outside of I guess the serum. But that's still plausible.
So all of Steve's villains are just normal guys. All spies so far, but also very ordinary.
It's funny because each "case" (issue story arc) is presented as if it's going to be some supernatural phenomenon and then it's just some dude.
Very Scooby-Doo villain.
Even the Red Skull, who of course, originally was not German (all Steve's early villains are essentially American traitors). Red Skull was a capitalist, basically a military contractor for planes, doing it for the money.
Before Red Skull is outed, as the business guy, he laments a plane crashing because the plane was beautiful (and expensive to build) and Steve is like "Uh... And there were people on that plane, and they died, what the fuck dude??? Get your priorities right," and this is why I love Steve.
Anyway, Red Skull dies in his first issue because he rolls over on his hypodermic needle full of poison and Steve just lets him.
Every story arc is contained within one issue.
Steve is like, extremely chill. Every time someone tells him he can't do something, he's just like "Okeydoke, I won't do anything.... but Captain America, on the other hand, he's definitely gonna go fuck some Nazi spies up."
Also, he's always telling Bucky to stay behind, and then Bucky does, like the exact opposite of that, and Steve (sorry "Captain America" because Steve is being a good boy and staying out of it like he was told) always has to bust in and save him, and then he's always just like "Bucky, I told you to stay home and you didn't listen to me, you little rascal, you." And I'm like, Steve. Steve, this kid is going to get himself killed.
Also it's hilarious to me that Steve has a secret identity, because everyone knows his sidekick is a child named Bucky, and yet no one thinks anything about the big blond guy in the army that hangs out with a child named Bucky all the time.
Also, yes, Bucky is also in the army, kinda, cause each battalion has a... child... mascot.... for some reason?!? Like, I know they shoehorned in Bucky so that little boys reading the comics could imagine themselves fighting alongside Captain America, but the whole time I'm just like who is allowing this child to run around with Captain America and risk his life??
Because Bucky is his sidekick because he accidentally walked into Steve's tent when he was changing out of the uniform and Steve is just like, "Welp, you know my secret identity now, so I guess you gotta be my sidekick." And I'm just like, what? Steve. What are you doing?!?
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the first four issues of Captain America (1941).
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mad-madam-m · 8 months
3 Sentence Ficathon for the WIP Game please! :D
any, any, living alone again
Tiger & Bunny, Gen, Apartment
The apartment is dark and silent, like it has been every night over the past few months, with Tomoe in the hospital and Kaede in Oriental Town and Kotetsu being the only one still there to walk through the door. He's done this night after night now; it shouldn't be any different, and yet.
And yet, tonight, he walks in and it hits him like a freight train: Tomoe isn't coming home, she's never coming home again, and he sinks to the ground and stares across their little apartment and tries to breathe, tries to wrap his mind around the enormity of the grief.  
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makostarz · 1 year
Splatoon: A New Start
(A/N: Since Luke won the poll, he gets to go through even MORE bullshit! Yippee!)
After everything I had been through in the metro, I was finally free. No more being forced to do anything. No more anxiety-inducing tests. I could be my own person....
...and it felt weird.
I took a look around. My world, once dull and emotionless, was filled with color and music. I stood there, just basking in the sights. I stumbled around, taking note of what I saw. Some people stared at me, but I tried my best to shrug it off. Then, without any warning, a girl ran into me. "Agh! My bad, my bad." She seemed distraught, and her things were scattered everywhere. She hurriedly picked up her things, muttering something under her breath. "Sorry for that," she muttered. "You're not from around here, aren't you?" I shook my head no. "Well, you found your first friend! I'm Olive. What's your name?" I stared at her, unsure of what to say. After all, my memories were still spotty. Olive tilted her head, her glasses sliding off her face a little before she pushed hem back up. "So you're the 'less talk, more action' type of person, eh? Whatevs. I'll just call you Luke for now." I may have not said it to her, but the name had a nice ring to it. "So," Olive said, "wanna get lunch? I know a fresh food truck nearby." I shrugged. "Okeydoke, lets go then!" She smiled. Grabbing my hand, she sprinted to some kind of food truck. She couldn't stay in place, tappping her foot and swaying left to right. I smiled. A new friend, a new beginning, and a new me.
I think I'm gonna like it here.
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