#Okay i am done :D
ancha-aus · 1 month
RealAgeAu Drabble - Cafe Gossip
I am back with another Drabble <3 It is another kitty one hihi.
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Also. @spotaus You better be ready :D
Timeline wise? about like... 9 months after nightmare got deaged. Guys have been in farmtale for like half a year (so where the gang is it is winter)
Ccino sighs as he tries to find the damn cattoy. He swears Berry hid it somewhere around the cattree. He just knows. He can see Berry staring at him with joy as Ccino searches.
Ccino huffs as he shoots a glare at Berry "Anyone saying you don't like pranks is a filthy liar."
Berry has the nerve to jump down and nuzzle him with a purr before wandering off.
Ccino starts to doubt if the toy is actually here. He sighs and sits down at the base for a moment. Watching as Dream's cat version, Sun, rushes by. Sniffing, searhcing and crying loudly.
Sun makes a lot of noise as he goes and it breaks Ccino's soul.
Sun rushes to another room and a lot of noise comes from it. Well, that doesn't matter really.
It isn't like he gets cross-universe customers anymore anyway.
Ccino used to be a bit of a hotspot for other travelers. They all loved to visit him and eat as his cafe.
But... well.
That changed when he heard people whine about the damage that Nightmare and his gang had done.
And ccino had questioned why they thought they knew better than an actual god whoes job it was to do what he was doing.
That had just been the start. people said he agreed with what they were doing and how. Ccino tries to explain multiple times he doesn't say what happens is right. but he also tried to explain that just that it is stupid to think they knew better if they don't even know their reasons.
Quite a few insults his way later and the customers left.
It continued like that for a while. Now his place is a lot more quiet than it used to be. Ccino doesn't mind however. Honestly? this way at least the special cats cna mvoe around freely without Ccino having to be worried someone will connect the dots.
And people from his own universe still visit anyway so he is good still.
Ccino sighs as he rises to his feet and quickly goes to the counter. he crouches down and opens a cabinet and smiles softly "hey there Noot." he slowly reaches his arm and hand inside.
Noot blinks his one good eye open and sniffs the hand. then he pushes his head into Ccino's hands for pets which he happily gives one of his favourite cats.
Noot purrs loudly and Ccino feels a part of him relaxes. At least Noot didn't seem to get worse and evne the vet agreed.
Look maybe he shouldn't have taken a cat that is somehow connected to a very important person in the multiverse but Ccino was panicking!
He was so afraid Noot had been dying and by expansion Nightmare! He got the cat packed up and took him to the vet.
Ccino doesn't think he ever heard Murder, Oreo, Stain or Rust sound that panicked. ever. ccino had felt horrible about taking Noot away form them. The tiny kitten crying had been soulbreaking.
But he needed to be sure. So he took Noot straight to the vet and waited.
After a long examination and some vague lies the vet reassured him that Noot was just an old cat. To make sure the cat was comfortable and to let him rest his body when he felt the need.
ccino had felt such intense relieve he doesn't think anything is going to meassure up to that. ever. He happily took Noot back to the cafe and let him and the others of his little cat gang cuddle as he got to work.
He hallowed out one of the cabinets and made a comfortable little cat den for Noot and any of the cats that followed him around.
Ccino sneaks a look into the cabinet and smiles "alone today?"
Noot just keeps nuzzling his hand.
a sound of something landing. Ccino glances up and sees Murder on top of the counter, staring menacingly at him, which is sightly ruined by the cute kitten he holds in his mouth.
Murder huffs and quickly jumps down and climbs into the little cubby. He lays the kitten right by noot before starting to groom the bigger cat.
Ccino chuckles before rising back to his feet. He leans on his hand as he watches his cafe and keeps an eye on his cats.
Eventually Ccino's eye lights find a pamphlet. He takes it into his hands and rereads it.
It is a message from the Stars. a short explanation that Dream had been in the wrong and making things worse while Nightmare had been helping people.
It felt amazing being right.
Ccino chuckles as he hangs it on the news board before moving back to the counter. His mind thinking back to the one time he met the Stars... It had been ages ago. Back when the Stars patrolled the multiverse for the Crescents. longer than a year ago...
Ccino sighs as he grabs Stain off the counter again. He tried to give the cat a strict look "don't do that. you could get hurt." Stain just makes a little blep as he stares at him.
Ccino chuckles as he puts the cat back to the ground. Stain looks insulted by the very idea of it before huffing and walking off.
He smiles at the cats carefully before stretching his limbs out.
All in all it had been rather quiet today. Some customers had come by and one of the older cats had been adopted. it always warmth his soul to see one of the older gentle cats finally finding their forever home.
The bell rings and Ccino looks up with a smile "Welcome to the Cuddle Cat!" then he sees who it are and freezes.
He never actually met or saw them in person before. His little corner in his nowhere cafe wasn't exactly a big place. it was just a quiet spot people who wandered lost tended to find. It is how most of his cats arrive here too.
So no. He had never truly expected the Stars to just walk in.
The three walk over with purpose and the one with the golden crown smiles brightly. Ccino immediantly knows this is Dream. Mostly because well... it is just the shape of Dream's face is exactly like Nightmare's...
Dream doesn't seem to notice or maybe he assumes his shock is because of awe? Ccino doesn't feel excited. in matter of fact. he feels a bit sick. Wait! What time is it?!
He glances at the clock. okay. okay. it is only 3. that gives him enough time to get these three out before Ngihtmare's normal arrival time.
Oh shit he really is going to lie to the Stars isn't he?! No Ccino. don't panic. Maybe they won't even ask about that stuff?
Dream starts speaking and Ccino focusses back on him. Dream smiles as he speaks "Hello, I am Dream. and these are my teammates Blue and Ink." Blue waves when his name is said and Ink puffs up his chest when he is named. Dream smiles "We are the Stars. we protect the multiverse."
Ccino gives a slow nod "Yeah.. I heard about you guys. euh... welcome to my cafe. it is a cat shelter and cafe in one, if you wish i could tell you a bit about the concept?" when in doubt return to your customer service lines and voice. go full npc.
Drema blinks before looking curiously at the cats. he gives a smaller smile "I would love to hear it.".
Strange. This smile seems more honest to Ccino. Well, not his business.
The cafe however is!
Ccino takes a moment to explain how this place takes in wadnering cats nad helps them heal and socialise until they are ready to be adopted out again. The cafe is to encourage people to relax with some food and drinks to get familiar with the different cats.
At the end Ccino smiles "Would you like to order something?"
Ink grins and looks proud "We are the saviors of the multiverse!" he grins and looks pointedly at the food items "These all look very good! I would love to have some."
Ccino immediatnly feels done with all three of them even as Dream and Blue give Ink disapproving looks. Ccino had 'famous' customers before. Mettaton tries it each time.
Ccino smiles brightly back "Well! Let me know which one you want to buy! The prices are right by the display."
Ink blinks at him wiht two questionmarks in his eyes. Ccino jsut keeps smiling.
Ink frowns before grinning again "We are saviors. It would be very nice to be given thanks."
Ccino tilts his skull "What did you save us from exactly? I don't feel very saved. Not to forget. I don't do special discounts. if you want something you can pay for it."
Ink glares but Blue stops himw ith a shake of his skull. Blue pulls him back and Ccino can hear Blue berate Ink for acting entitled and just because some people gave him stuff deosn't mean everyone has to.
Dream smiles "Sorry for him." he pulls out a wallet and looks through the many different types of money and gold in there "Three chocolate milks and three shortcakes please."
Ccino nods as he gives the price before turning to make the drinks and get the cakes. It only takes a moment to ready the drinks and food and give them over in trade for the money.
Ccino gives them a smile and motions them towards the table as he turns to put the money away.
A moment later and Ccino can't help but feel like he is being watched. He looks over and sees the stars drinking but also quietly talking. Ccino notices the glances shot his way and it makes him a bit nervous.
It isn't like he made it a secret that he didn't allow slander of Ngihtmare nad his gang in here. maybe that protective feeling he had was going to get him into trouble after all. But how could he not? It wasn't his fault that he had found Nightmare sound asleep in the reading chair before, using his tendrils to wrap around himself as all the gang cats laid around him.
Ccino felt justified in his protective feelings.
silence surrounds them as ccino just does what he usually does.check inventory. check the cats. make sure the machines are clean.
The stars take a long time. it is already past four before Ink and Blue leave.
Only Drema walks voer to him with a gentle smile. Ccino raises a brow "Was something wrong with your order?"
Dream blinks and shakes his skulll "no! Not at all! It was amazing! It is just... I wanted to talk."
Ccino frowns and gives a slow nod "Well. It is quiet now so it should be fine. is there something wrong?"
Dream takes a deep sigh "It is... about my brother." his soul freezes and Dream gives a gentle smile "I have heard.. rumours that he visited this place. I wanted to be sure everythign is okay. and if you dind't realise at least warn you!"
Ccino frowns as he turns back to the machine "I have been clear to everyone in here. I don't allow slander."
Dream frowns as he looks unsure "and I admire that! But... it is for your own safety. If my brother visits this place I need to know. especially when he does."
Ccino shoots him a glare "and why woudl you ened that? To control my place? to control who is allowed to come here and go?"
Drema sputters and backs off looking shocked "of course not! It is for safety reasons!"
Ccino huffs as he crosses his arms "Give me the reason. Because no one here has ever been brought into any danger from Nightmare or the crescents. The people who make the most trouble are those who feel entitled to things or information or feel like they have any say in what i do with MY business."
Dream just gapes at him. clearly unsure what to do or say next. a bit of doubt appears on his face as he rubs his arm "I am just trying to help..."
Ccino huffs as he turns abck to the spotless counter to clean nothing "Give it to someone who actually asked for it or wanted it. I don't need anyone spreading hate and rumours in my place."
Dream just stared at him but afterwards he left.
Ccino is still unsure where he had gotten that bravery from. Protective feelings are overpowered honestly.
The Stars never returned.
Of course they didn't. Ccino had made it clear he didn't want them there at least.
It did slow his customers though and it was a shame to see that happen but at least he ddin't have to worry as much.
Well, that was before Ngihtamre disappeared without a trace.
THe bell rigns.
Ccino looks up and says his greeting wiht his normal smile "Welcome to the Cuddly Cat-" and he freezes.
Because that is Dream. Looking nervous and shy as he waves.
Ccino doesn't even think as he glares before speaking "Well if it isn't the god that didn't evne bother to read his own job description."
Ccino expected a lot.
He did not expect Dream to start laughing before smiling happily a she answers "I know right? I made a mess of things... It is just..." he rubs his arm "I heard you have... very special cats and i was hoping to meet them?"
Ccino wants to say no. Tell him to leave.
The pamphlet.
The fact that Dream's cat version had been screaming his little head off searching for Noot.
Ccino sighs as he waves him up "make sure to turn the sign to closed please."
May as well see this mess through.
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
I think Deku has a bit of a mean streak, actually. he’s no Bakugou—that’s for sure—but he’s not this innocent, sweet angel baby that the media has painted him out to be. but you only catch it when you least expect it, when you’re pushing his nerves, when the stakes to everything around him are high, when he’s tired of endless sleepless nights and just—snaps.
“Oh?” you go, grin unfurling like some grinch, chin resting on your hands as you leer at him from across his expansive desk. “You’re mean.” your words are teasing, a snarl that curls your mouth up. Deku stutters, eyes going wide, jaw snapping shut in surprise as he tries to think back on how rude he just sounded.
“No, I’m not—I mean, you wouldn’t stop and I just—there’s a lot on my plate right now—and you just—you keep on—I’m not—I’m not mean.” He’s sputtering, hands all over the place, the glasses perched on the bridge of his nose falling even lower with how he jabbers on and on. it’s endearing really, to see how he tries to upkeep his image of being so kind and understanding, even though his nostrils just flared at you. and his eyebrows turned down and he gritted at you, his hands were balled into fists, his words were so nasty, so ugly, so unbecoming for Deku.
you liked it. loved it even—vowed to get him like this every single fucking second that you could.
you pick and poke at him whenever you see him, teasing him and pulling at him. pushing him around even though the hero is so much stronger than you, so much bigger. and he lets you, tries to defend himself but—that’s not what you want. you want the ugliness, the snark, the mean.
he snaps, eventually, when you least expect it. grabs you up in black whip when you go to push him against the wall for the third time in only a minute, his eyes suddenly dark, the aura of the room suddenly charged.
“That’s what I was looking for.” you whisper to him, the grin spreading your face quickly dissipating in only seconds when you become the prey. when you become the one pushed up against the wall with teeth at your neck, a hand in your underwear, bullying your hole with too thick fingers.
“Why do you want me to act like this? Be so mean to you, huh?” he sounds so frustrated with himself, with you, growling and nipping and licking when you don’t answer quick enough. but your breath is caught in your lungs because finally—finally, did you get what you wanted. it just took a little bit of pushing, you suppose.
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i offer one of my favorite frames from aberration short so far,, just to show that i am indeed making progress :]
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zkretchy · 8 months
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Look, you gotta appreciate the timing I got for these kinda quests
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Happy Little Accidents
The last thing Eddie Diaz expects to come out of his trip to Buckley’s Plant Nursery & Landscaping with his son, is to develop an honest to god schoolgirl crush on the guy who owns the place (and not notice that that is what’s happening for an embarrassingly long time).  
The plan is simple. Get in, have Christopher pick out a couple of succulents or whatever he needs for his school project, and get out without infesting any of the gorgeous plants in the shop with his bad plant karma. 
But then, the first thing he’s greeted with is a hunk of a man, carrying two heavy packs of soil on his broad shoulders. Eddie swears he can see a drop of sweat running down the man’s face in slow motion. His t-shirt looks like it’s one strategic muscle flex away from bursting at the seams and Eddie—Eddie feels nervous all of the sudden. And he’s gaping like a fish. 
“Hey,” Hunk-man says as he hoists the soil on the counter next to him with a grunt, “What can I help you with?”
At least Eddie has enough self-awareness to close his mouth.
Or: the one where Buck owns a plant nursery and Eddie stumbles through his crush (and has no game during all of it)—oh and also, there are a lot of Bob Ross references.
Read on Ao3
(With a banner by the wonderful @theladyyavilee thank you so so so much <3)
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TO be honest. I don’t understand what it means when people say Merlin was Arthur’s bane. Mayhaps I misunderstand but. Arthur was a bit of an assassination magnet (not to mention all those magical creatures and bandits... so many bandits), and Merlin actively prevented Arthur's death for years, which would have occured without him anway in the very first episode. I can see why one might argue that Merlin was just delaying the inevitable, or that he didn't succeed in keeping Arthur safe until Arthur could enact the golden age, but certainly I don’t see how he could have been Arthur’s bane.
Also, it’s implied in the last episode that the golden age does occur, but under Guinevere. Which makes sense as she knew Merlin was the sorcerer and that she was pleased about it (and I recall it was confirmed in interviews), so I also don’t follow the twin train of thought that Merlin was his own bane or even Camelot’s. Camelot was already bane-d(?) under Uther. But partly because of Merlin's steady friendship, Arthur matured into a king who was kinder than his father. He also actively sought magic's aid on multiple occasions, so he knew magic had potential for good (like healing his queen) without Merlin needing to tell him about his magic.
I don't think it's fair to say Camelot's laws on magic remaining relatively static was because no one close to Arthur came out as having magic. There was still much risk in that, and for Merlin a lot at stake, not just his life. A law change was still possible (and almost seemed to be set up that way) without Arthur needing someone he was personally close to having to do the work to humanize it for him (in the sense that the episodes with the druids, the druid boy with Elyan, and the dolma seemed like they were pointing to a law change because Arthur sees the diversity of magic and those who have it).
At worst Merlin’s efforts didn’t change the status quo, but we do have things indicating that they did. And Merlin was not single-mindedly serving Arthur at the expense of everyone else. He saved Camelot as a whole multiple times. He was also very willing to stick out his neck for many others even during the height of his anxiety and agitation in season 5. (Also only being slightly silly when I say this, but he was also THE wingman for Arthur when he was getting with Gwen, so in a way Merlin’s help led to their courting being a success and thus contributed to her being in a great position to change the laws. so personally I give points to Merlin for that). Most of the decisions centering Arthur's safety seemed to stem from the fear that Albion would crumble before it began if Arthur were to die, so he tried his best to prevent that from happening in any way he knew. (Like, when Arthur is dying, Merlin asks "So I failed?" regarding the whole golden age thing, which I think is telling that the prophesy and his role in it was still VERY much at the forefront of Merlin's mind).
And this is a digression but I know people think Merlin should have done more for Camelot, or for folks with magic (like, as a revolutionary or something akin), which I understand but no one reached out to network with him really? It'd require resources, people (always confused why there weren't a whole bunch more folks offering Merlin material/intellectual/emotional support if they thought he should be the one to bring about the golden age. all he was told was that the forseen way it actually happens succesfully is through Arthur), time (I doubt it’d have been much of a ‘quicker’ way necessarily), and incredible planning + foresight if it's meant to be something that works out effectively + long-term. Okay I think I've digressed enough now. This is a whole seperate thought that I don't think I'm gonna do any justice here lol, and I'm already rambling, so I'll stop now :,)
But anyway, in terms of being his own or Arthur’s bane, we know Arthur will return, and we don’t know how Merlin spent his years. His magic can play with time and maybe he learns how to control that, or he could have entered a stasis like in various legends, etc etc etc. And I mean it is tragic on many levels, and it’s sad we didn’t see Arthur’s arc completed, and that Merlin sacrificed so much for a goal that didn't get much acknowledgment by the show at the end, but still. I don’t think Merlin was Arthur’s bane, or Camelot’s, or his own.
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lolathepeacocklord · 3 months
ghuuhh..... important.... announcement i must make.....................
I have an Etsy shop now!!! :DDD I just got it finished up and actually opened last night, so I still need to add like a custom pfp and banner to my shop, but I officially have oneeee single listing of a bulkhead pin on there 😼😼😼 if you are at all interested in checking this out I would mighty appreciate it gang!! :DD https://www.etsy.com/listing/1734745938/the-bulkpin
I'll be getting my shop more customized and pretty looking very soon, and eventually have more than just one single pin listed. So stay tuned !!!! ^^ <33 I love you guyzzzz bai bai!! runs away really fast cartoon skittering sfx
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wolfietheangel · 2 months
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- so darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose! ☆
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keeps-ache · 6 months
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blood of the covenant
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dandyshucks · 5 months
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gift art for @devilcollar 🫶 i love the kymax dynamic so much :]
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one of the worst feelings ever is wanting to write but your hands hurt too much or the words just don’t want to work so you just sit there staring at a half finished doc with tears in your eyes bc you want to write and you need to write but everything is telling you that you can’t
#and that you’re a terrible writer and that no one cares aaaaaaand imposter syndrome kicks in and you just feel like crap#bc all your friends have been wriying recejtky so why can’t you??? cause they’re bETTER THAN YOU#lol idk why my head is so bad today#the feelings of inferiority and emptiness and idk worthlessness are strong and i hate it but i can’t stop it#i just wanna write!!! and like what i write!!!#but i Can’t and i haven’t liked anything i’ve written in Months and ugh i hate not being able to d something i wanna do#oh and now i’m crying??? why the frick am i cRYING litetally why is typing this making me Worse#sorry guys needed to rant#the inadequacy was strong today#something something students keep telling me how much they dislike me or how i’m whiny for asking them to be respectful and like#i Know i shouldn’t compare myself to my friends but gosh it’s hard when they’re all like. so much better than me.#and i don’t have a lot of time to be on tumblr bc of work so i just feel like i’m watching everything from afar and it’s no one’s fault but#my brain’s like no one is Doing anything it’s just my brain being dumb and i can’t stand it and I want to stop feeling empty and like i’m#missing a part of myself and like the words i write don’t matter gOD why can’t i just feel happy with where i am and not care what the kids#who hate me say or realize that no one cares that i’m not on much like i’m still Here and trying to interact it’s not like everyone hates me#for being busy or for liking side characters more than the main characters and just—#sorry#that felt good actually#idk what came over me#imma just. imma shower. then maybe delete my tags#sorry if anyone got this far aT ALL grace is either asleep or trying to sleep so i don’t wanna bother them since they slept poorly last nigh#okay done now for real sorry delete tags later sorry if you saw this and how freaking messed up ky freaking brain is
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gncrezan · 2 years
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testing out how different the pen pressure is on the new laptop w/ @asphodelgame <3
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cha1cedony · 7 months
They do not prepare you for writing the grand finale of baby's first 100k longfic. I am so sad :( I'm gonna miss it :((((( Good thing I have a bajillion other installments planned but like :(((((((((((((
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koka-mi · 13 days
I was doing great! I had a grade of 70% to 100% in every other subject up until this moment. My last class......communications....I watch the lesson video........I do the quizzes......I write the scenarios.........I turn in my work.......I GET THE LOWEST GRADES IMAGINABLE. SCREW YOU COMMUNICATIONS. GIVING ME A 50% AND 0%??? RUDE. SORRY I DIDN'T WRITE A WHOLE 1000 WORD PASSAGE ON THE MEANING OF ETHICS. SORRY IG. my mom is gonna KILL ME
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Doodler, you’re an artist who does Art Commissions, why do you keep getting Art Commissions from other people—
Because it supports my fellow artists, who are some of my favorite people, and it’s so lovely seeing some of my OCs or just other characters be drawn in a style different from my own. It’s such a joy to see.
I just can’t help myself, I have a problem every time I see a new Comm sheet 😭 My brain is just like LET ME LOVE YOU, YOU AMAZING ARTIST.
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snazum · 22 days
me trying to stroll thru the ted nivison tag on tumblr for some sick art X READER, IMAGINE, OTHER THINGS I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME OF EVEN THO IT'S QUITE LITERATLY RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME XDD
#No shade btw I get it#look. I was on mcyt wattpad as a small small SMALL child and I mean FUCKING TINY#and I get it!#Where are the fanartist tho I want art grrrrr#do I have to do everything myself#anyways guys can u tell that maybe i've found myself in a new yt fixation.... erm#like 4 chuckle sandwich podcasts and a barbie movie review and i'm in the trenches#seriously though i do think that most of it is stemming from my video creation fixation#i blame school coming up#SCHLATTS MONKEY VIDEOW???? Beautiful editing i want to edit like that#don't know the editor off the top of my head sorry#i'm going crazy over video creation honestly and they're my vessels (This is very hyperbole)#snazum talks#I have an idea cooking btw.... maybe I'll share it here when i'm done but otherwise i'm gonna be tight lipped about it :)#if ur a mootie/friend tho feel free to ask me in dms :D I can't help but want to ramble bout it#I may be a little shy though since it's not embarrasing per say but i also don't like talking bout it that much#It's nothing serious it's actually the most not serious thing ever but i feel like a bragging bitch when i talk about it so i don't#but also i want to talk about it. cause the subject matter isn't even what i'm proud about it's the idea of how to present it that is#this is so vague i'm so sorry i started fucking rambling in these tags jesus christ#why am i like this ANYWAYS YEAH BYE#EDIT: okay but tbf back to the original point i didn't think this shit would be main tagged?#I find it usually isn't when it comes to rpf stuff but what do i know#all i know is 2012/2014....#the trenches dude.#u don't want to see my old art it contains so many terrible terrible youtubers#I sure know how to pick em#i think the amount i ramble in tags really really represents my adhdness#i got fucking diagnosed and i'm scared to say that i'm just gonna say my quirkyness
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