#Oh yeah Connie knows practically everything about everyone
riderkaitlyn5 · 2 years
Wash: I could really hurt someone... I'm a monster
Connie: You fold your socks and have a build-a-bear frequent flier card, forgive my timbers for not being shaken
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moongeonight · 8 months
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Sweet Revenge
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Summary: Eren is being arrogant because he beat Jean in a test fighting, his friends want revenge
A/N: This turned out to be longer than I expected 😶, this is a tickle fanfic!
The 104th training corps had just finished some physical fighting tests among themselves to practice their skills in the field, This time it was Eren's turn to fight Jean and by sheer luck he managed to knock him down, which meant that now Eren was rubbing it in his face.
"Haha, suck it Jean! You just got your ass beat by me!" They were heading back to the cabin and clearly Eren wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
"I know you’re jealous of my strength, I could do this all day!!" Now he was seriously irritating everyone...
"you know, I think he’s getting a little arrogant about it.." Sasha whispers to Connie while they were looking at everything.
Jean's now sitting up and glaring at Eren "you little bastard-"
Eren was just sitting there with his chest out while smiling proudly.
"Jean, don’t tell me you can’t handle that I beat you? I’m just the better one at fighting!"
"shut up! You’re just lucky! And I’ll have you know, I’ve beaten you in many fights!"
"yeah, right. Like that time-"
Eren smirked a little and laughed a bit Knowing that he was touching his nerves.
"What, did that wound your poor pride? I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was that bad!"
they were clearly about to rip each other's heads off until Mikasa intervened.
"Eren, stop it, you're irritating everyone here" she said with a firm tone which appeased Eren a little.
Eren was still a little annoyed because of Jean, he was looking at him and started grunting like an angry ape, he then finally calmed down once he saw Mikasa with her commanding tone.
"Okay fine, I’ll chill out, But he just doesn’t know when to take it, does he!?" He said as he leave the room.
"I still could beat him any day tho" eren said muttering out loud before finally leaving.
Mikasa sighed after seeing Eren leave, she knew he and Jean had a big rivalry that probably wouldn’t resolve itself anytime soon.
"AGH! He's so...!" Jean was too frustrated for words to come out of his mouth.
Sasha notices this walks over to him to try to calm him down. "If it makes you feel any better, I also find him this time extremely annoying..."
Connie nod his head. "yeah, he’s a jerk."
Jean starts trying to calm his breathing and clears his throat.
"Yeah. I’m sure one day it will all come down to the two of us in a fight, and I’ll have to beat some sense into him!"
"Actually... As much as I hate to agree with you, this time Eren was too arrogant, I say we have to get revenge" connie said as he put his hands together and start to laugh evilly.
Connie’s words cause a large smirk to spread across Jean’s face as he laughs a little. "Heh, maybe you’re right!"
Sasha looked at the two confused. "uh guys...?"
"oh come on Sasha I know you also want to teach that idiot a lesson" Connie said trying to convince her.
"I... fine! If we don’t then he’s going to be an ass, all day and I won’t be able to resist the temptation"
Connie starts to smile more "that’s what I’m talking about!"
"Okay, that’s true enough, he needs to be taught a lesson, but what do we do to get back at him..?"
"we have to kick his ass!" Jean said clearly without thinking about it too much.
"Definitely not, the instructor shadis would kill us... Instead... I have another idea" as he said this his smile widened into a mischievous one.
next day
it was already morning, and eren was heading to the dining room to eat along with the rest of the 104th or at least that's what he wanted when...
"Surprise!" Connie and Sasha quickly appeared behind him, holding him by both arms so he couldn't escape.
Eren was taken by surprise, he looked at Connie and Sasha behind him.
"W-w-what the hell are you two doing!?" he was trying to escape from their grasp, and was starting to get a little annoyed.
"well, as you know, yesterday you were being a jerk and really rubbing it in everyone’s face that you beat jean in training" Connie said.
Sasha cut him off mid sentence. "So, we decided that you need to learn a lesson for being such a asshole."
Then Jean finally appeared who seemed to be ready for whatever they were planning, it didn't help that the entire squad was watching them with curiosity...
Eren was now starting to get worried about his situation, He was now sweating slightly, he felt like he was going to get his ass kicked.
"So… you’re going to beat me up right..?" Eren said as he tried pulling out of the grasp of Sasha and Connie.
"oh no no of course not... It will be something... Much more humiliating for you"
Jean said with a shit-eating smile when without warning he buried his hands in Eren's ribs, tickling him, going straight for everything.
"Ah...! hahaha!! Stop-hahaha!! Whahahat the hehehell?!"
Eren tried desperately to get away from Jean and the others, he was completely failing his attempts to fight back, He was in a desperate state of trying to get away and the others were thoroughly enjoying the scene.
Reiner and Berthold looked at them in disbelief and confusion, the girls was laughing at them, Mikasa wanted to intervene but Armin was stopping her peacefully.
"What's wrong you idiot, you don't have anything brave to say anymore huh?!"
"SHUT UP! you- damn- hahahaha!" Eren was in a state of humiliation and anger at the same time, he hit and kicked everything he could.
"w-wow! he is really stubborn" Connie said while trying to keep him under control along with Sasha.
"Juhuhust wait for me to free mysehehelf from this I'm going to- NO! STOP THAT!"
Jean had gone from attacking his ribs to attacking his armpits mercilessly. "Come on! We want to hear that stupid laugh of yours!"
"For someone who curses so much you are turning very red! Sasha pointed out when she saw his cheeks and ears we're turning red.
"I... I'm not-hahahaha- turning-hahahah- red!
Eren was so embarrassed that everyone was seeing his humiliation, but he was still too proud to ask anyone in particular for help in this situation.
"So what's up here huh?! "Are you ticklish here?!" Jean said as he brought his fingers closer to the lower part of his ribs to tickle him there.
"Ah! We want to help!" Sasha said and while she and Connie continued holding Eren with their free hands they joined forces to pinch his sides.
Eren lost it.
"NOHOHO STOP STOP STOHOHOP! HAHAHA! F-FINE! I'M SORRY!" Eren was laughing so hard that he had a hard time breathing.
"Leave him alone, he can't breathe"
a voice behind them was heard, it was Mikasa who could no longer be convinced by Armin to not intervene.
Sasha and Connie immediately let go of Eren causing him to fall to the ground as they ran away from the scene leaving Jean alone with an angry Mikasa and a gasping Eren.
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stylesxreads · 2 years
Just Friends (part 3)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4
Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
Summary: After conflict with Conrad you try to go through the summer as normal but you both find it increasingly difficult.
It’s been two weeks since the bonfire. You wish you could say that everything went back to normal the next day but it didn’t. Everything was far from normal. You tried your best to act like nothing happened, to pretend that you didn’t care about what Conrad said.
You two avoided each other like the plague. Everyone noticed. How could they not? You and Conrad used to be attached to the hip whenever you were here at Cousins and now your guys can’t even look at each other.
Nobody asks about it though, sometimes your moms will give you questioning looks or just ask if something’s wrong. You never said anything though, just shook your head no every time.
It was awful, ignoring Conrad. It was awful being apart from Conrad. As much as you loved spending time with everyone else, your heart longed to be next to Conrad all the time.
At dinner you still sat across from each other, having designated seating since forever. It made meals incredibly awkward for you, looking anywhere but straight ahead. Sometimes you’d feel his eyes on you but you would never look back. 
You couldn’t give him the satisfaction.
You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
What made things even worse was Conrad constantly had Nicole over whenever everyone would hang out. You wouldn’t mind normally, besides the fact that they would show an ungodly amount of PDA. You wish it didn’t other you. You wish you didn’t care about Conrad the way that you do.
“Y/n! We’re getting ready to leave, are you ready?” Your mom knocked on your door. 
Belly had deb practice, Jere, Steven and John were all working at the country club and Conrad was who knows where. So you were left to go into town with the moms. 
Spending time with the moms wasn’t too bad. The guys hated going out with the moms because they just sat in chairs waiting for them to be finished shopping. But you didn’t mind, mostly because they would buy you things too if you tagged along
“Oh this is beautiful! I think Belly would like it for the deb picnic?” Your mom pulled a dress off the rack. Laurel scrunched her nose and shook her head. She wasn’t too keen on Belly being a deb this year, you think she just isn’t ready to see Belly grow up.
“I think that would be a great idea!” Susannah smiled, inspecting the dress. 
“You know.. I’m still bummed I didn’t get to see you be a deb.” Susannah whispered to you. 
You tried to disguise your sadness with a smile. 
“Always wanted to see in a big white dress with your hair and make up all done.” She laughed. “I was certain you would go and have Connie as your escort.” She continued to say, making your heart incredibly sad.
“Yeah.. That’s alright though.” You shrugged it off with a small laugh. “Maybe we’ll convince Jere to take Belly.” You smiled but she instantly shook her head no.
“Oh no no, I think she’ll ask John.” She wiggled her eyebrows making your face scrunch.
“John? As in my brother John??” 
“Oh please. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the two of them these past two weeks. They’re bound to happen.” She shrugged with a smirk on her face.
“Kinda like you and Connie.” She whispered mischievously before scurrying off to catch up with the other moms. You were left speechless.
If only she knew.
They ended up getting the dress for Belly along with 4 other dresses for you guys because Susannah insisted that everyone go to the picnic to support Belly.
Your next stop was at the Country Club. You’re not really sure why but Susannah said they had business to take care of. You’re pretty sure they just wanted free drinks.
So the moms wandered off, leaving you to wander the premises by yourself. After about 10 minutes of you walking around aimlessly you settled down on a table outside by the pool, facing the ocean.
The constant chatter of kids and parents surrounded you. You had no idea how long you were going to be here and you wished you would’ve brought a book or something.
Your phone buzzed on the table.
Susannah: Laurel forgot she has a book signing at the shop! We had to leave ASAP. But don’t worry, I told Conrad to go pick you up.. :)
Your eyes widened at the text. You’d rather walk home than have to ride with Conrad. 
You searched the pool area, hoping to see Jeremiah. Maybe you could take his car home and he can catch a ride with Steven home. 
“John!” You shouted, seeing your brother sat on the life guard post. “Where’s Jeremiah?”
“He went to go get the keys to the chemical closet! Pretty sure he’s where the debs are practicing their dance!” He hollered back. 
You stood from your spot, walking to the other side of the facility to the ballroom.
Sure enough, Jeremiah crashed the deb’s dance practice. You giggled as he danced against Belly, the instructors face was very disturbed.
“Alexa off. Jeremiah Fisher, what are you doing here?” 
“Code brown. We lost the keys to the chemical closet.” He shrugged his shoulders, with an innocent smile on his face. She tossed him the keys and pointed to the door.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” He smiled when he saw you on the other side of the door. 
“The moms left me stranded.” You chuckled with a small eye roll. “Do you think I could take your car home and you ride with Steven later?” You raised an eyebrow with a hopeful smile. Please say yes.
“Oh sure! Keys are in my locker, let’s go.” He linked his arm in yours and you both turned towards the door. 
Only to be met with Conrad himself.
“That’s okay. Mom sent me to come get her.” He gestured towards me, then dropping his hands awkwardly at his sides.
“Alright then.” Jeremiah patted your back. “I better go before I get fired. The poop awaits!” He laughed before running past Conrad and out the door.
“Hey.” Conrad offered you a tight lipped smile. You sighed and walked past him out the door. 
You were silent the whole walk to the car, contemplating getting into his back seat just to avoid having to sit next to him. You didn’t though, Conrad opened the passenger door for you, letting you slide in before closing it and going to the driver’s side. 
Your heart was beating stupidly fast. It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve been alone with Conrad in general. 
He didn’t start the car when he got in, you both just sat in silence for a moment. 
“Y/n..” His voice was soft. It took every bone in your body not to immediately turn to look at him. You stayed still, eyes forward. It wasn’t until his hand reached across the console, resting on your knee that your body jerked alive. 
Your head whipped in his direction, the small physical contact shocking your body. 
“I- I don’t like how things have been..” His eyes were stuck on yours. “I was a jerk to you.. I don’t have any reason or excuses. I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “Summer is supposed to be fun for everyone and I started it off poorly.” 
You nodded your head, agreeing with every single word he was saying. 
“I don’t want us to keep ignoring each other.” He frowned. You were annoyed to say the least, Conrad was the one that gave you the cold shoulder first. The day after the bonfire he wouldn’t look at you, barely said a word to you 
“And who’s fault is that?” You retorted. 
“I know. It’s mine and I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you please.. You’re my best friend y/n.” He pleaded with you, his hand squeezed your knee slightly, sending shivers down your spine. Your body softened and you knew you were done for. You couldn’t stay mad when he was looking at you with those sad eyes.
“Okay..” You gave in too quickly for your liking. He smiled, reaching over the console and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
“You know you can talk to me though, Con..” You whispered in his ears. “I’m serious.” He pulled back and nodded slowly. 
“I know.” He nodded with a small smile. “Come on, let’s go home and watch a movie while everyone’s still out.” He smiled mischievously while pulling out of the parking lot. 
Were you completely over what happened the night of the bonfire? No. It still bothered you, but you knew that if you didn’t move on and at least try to fix things with Conrad the summer would be brutally slow and painful. 
The drive back to the house was short but it was probably because the two of you talked the whole way home. Having not talked at all for the past 2 weeks, there seemed to be a lot both of you wanted to say. It felt normal again. 
There were still a lot of things that needed to be resolved between the two of you. But at this moment, you didn’t care. You weren’t thinking about Nicole, you weren’t thinking about your little argument. 
You weren’t thinking about the rest of the summer or what could possibly happen next.
It was just Conrad.
It’ll always be Conrad.
Part 4 soon..
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shingia · 3 years
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not many people would be willing to be used as a way to prove eren jaeger wrong. but jean kirstein would, as long as he gets something out of it...
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↳ jean kirstein x f!reader
↳ series masterlist
↳ cw: swearing, one mention of throwing up, jean being awkward || wc: ~4k (i got a little carried away)
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it was almost 9pm, and the sun had set a while ago. alone in the bathroom, the only background noise was your friends happily chattering in the living room. 
it felt homey. niccolo, connie and mikasa playing cards together, armin probably reading something for the literary theory class he had excitedly told you about during dinner, sasha talking with her mother on the phone, walking in circles in the kitchen... homey was the perfect word.
but like all things, the peacefulness eventually came to an end.
by the time eren was back from practice, you had joined the rest of the group in the living room. you checked your watch: 9 o’clock. you would have to get going in a few minutes.
everyone had bought it when, yesterday, you had told them that a friend from your strategic communication class had asked you to tutor them. why wouldn’t they have? you were doing fairly well in that class, it was no secret. and besides, sasha and connie had skipped it so many times that they couldn’t possibly find out that you were lying.
it was a solid lie. much more believable than the actual truth, in fact.
because even you had to admit that “jean asked me to tutor him” sounded very unlikely, not to mention suspicious. but it was nonetheless the truth. 
you owed jean. it was part of the deal. however, the more time passed, the more you began to think that maybe ‘tutoring’ was just a double-entendre you had never heard of, which was nerve-wracking. and the fact that he needed help for a “human relations assignment” only contributed to that feeling. you didn’t know jean well enough to know how big he was on metaphors…
“how was practice?” mikasa asked eren when he plopped down on the couch, careful not to sit on armin’s papers. next to her, niccolo was drawing his third draw 4 of the game.
“pretty good” he nodded, taking a sip from the water bottle he had in hand. but when he put it down, his gaze slowly shifted from mikasa to you: “although someone in the team was a dick the entire time”.
niccolo slammed his draw 4 on the table, making both of you laugh at connie’s despair. eren cleared his throat:
“…i’m talking about jean”
you heaved an annoyed sigh, “no shit sherlock?!”, and kept going as you turned around to face him. “you know, i miss when we used to talk about other things. everything didn’t have to be related to him before saturday”.
“oh come on, cut him some slack” connie intervened, visibly giving up on his ongoing uno game, “maybe he’s just jealous. maybe he wanted to be the one having some bathroom fun with jean…”
on the right half of the couch, armin let out a snort, immediately covering his face with his book. but mikasa and you had the misfortune to make eye contact with him, making you mirror his guilty laugh. connie looked proud, there was nothing like a group of people laughing at his jokes.
“yeah alright, make fun of me all you want” eren fired back, “at least i didn’t hook up with someone just to prove my friend wrong”
everyone fell silent. except maybe for connie’s surprised ‘oh’. it wasn’t the first time eren was referring to saturday night. far from it. and it had only been 48 hours.
“you’re the one being a dick right now” you replied dryly. “that was your fucking idea! you just can’t stand the fact that, technically, you lost your bet to jean”
in the kitchen, you spotted sasha nodding at your words. even she had admitted that eren was being a sore loser yesterday.
“yeah, that’s right… whatever helps you sleep...” eren rolled his eyes, and that made your blood boil, “i’m just saying. you could have done better”.
another ‘oh’ left connie’s mouth. you knew he lived for your bickering with eren. and so was armin, secretly.
“has it not occurred to you that maybe i hooked up with him because i also wanted to?”, you asked, thinking that you could’ve been asking this question to yourself as well. 
you could have ended the conversation here. you probably should have. but you didn’t.
“in fact...”, you stood up and glanced at the clock next to the tv: “i lied about tonight. i’m actually going to his place”.
armin put his book down with a little gasp, echoed by connie and niccolo, whose uno game was definitely over. “i knew it...” you heard connie whisper to mikasa, but she obviously knew he was bluffing.
well, the truth was out now. they would have found out eventually, you tried to reassure yourself. without another word, you put on your coat and grabbed your bag.
eren scoffed: “you’re lying”, but you caught him giving the others a quick look - as if waiting for them to confirm your words.
you swung your bag over your shoulder and headed towards the front door. “whatever helps you sleep, jaeger” you smiled at him before grabbing the apple that sasha was handing you - “you can’t leave without dessert!”.
and just like that, you left the apartment. the last thing you saw being sasha’s proud thumbs up right before you closed the door behind you. 
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marco bodt was a nice guy - “sometimes even too nice” according to connie - which is why words could not express how relieved you felt when you realized that he was the roommate jean had briefly told you about.
“he’s still in the shower. but he should be done in a few minutes” marco informed you after closing the door. he invited you to take a seat in the living room, which was about as sophisticated as yours: a black couch, a wooden coffee table, and a tv that wasn’t much larger than a laptop. the layout of the apartment overall was very similar to yours - nothing surprising considering you were all living in the same neighborhood.
“no problem” you replied, hoping that he would be better at small talk than you were. behind the wall, you could hear the sound of water flowing through the pipework. their bathroom must’ve been right next to the living room, just like yours.
you gave a quick look around you, desperately trying to find something to talk about. but based on the way marco began to frantically gather the couple of papers scattered on the coffee table, you guessed that he had probably mistaken that for a judgmental look.
“i’m really sorry for the mess” he awkwardly scratched his neck, which made your eyes widen. the mess? these were undoubtedly the words of someone who had never shared an apartment with sasha braus...
"oh don’t worry! it’s far much worse at my place, to be honest” you answered, and the sound of water in the pipework stopped exactly as you ended your sentence. you acted like you hadn’t noticed, and kept on initiating some kind of small talk with marco. you were really trying your hardest to be chill about this situation.
however, you couldn’t just ignore what happened next.
jean could not be blamed for getting out of his bathroom without a shirt on, it was his apartment after all. but you could blame him for standing in the corridor for so long without looking up from his phone, therefore not noticing your presence until marco cleared his throat.
startled, jean snapped his head up in your direction. his hair looked darker than saturday, but after giving it a more attentive look, you noticed it was just soaking wet.
“oh. hi. i’m uh... i’m gonna- i’m gonna grab a shirt. and then we can... i’ll be right back” he spluttered, before hurrying into his bedroom, muttering a barely audible curse under his breath.
there were already dozens of reasons why you knew tonight would be awkward: the fact that it you hadn’t seen each other since saturday, that this apartment was foreign ground to you, that - all things considered - you realized you didn’t really know him that well... but somehow, jean had managed to create another one in a matter of seconds. 
at least it was pleasant to watch, you thought to yourself, but immediately stopped when he got out of his bedroom, now wearing a slightly wrinkled grey t-shirt.
“i- uh… i think my bedroom might be the best place to work” he offered, visibly unsure of every word he was saying, “…or we could just stay in the living room if you’d prefer!”.
amused, you got up from the couch “bedroom is fine”. one thing was sure, saturday night jean and monday night jean were two radically different people.
you were surprised to notice that jean’s bedroom was tidier than yours - although not tidier than armin’s - and much more decorated than his living room or kitchen, with posters of various movies and bands covering most of the white walls. on his shelves, some trinkets, books, boxes and hardback notebooks were making it look like an ordered mess.
like marco had previously done in the living room, he hurried towards his bed to gather the documents and highlighters scattered on it, before inviting you to sit down. he chose to sit at his desk, on a black chair similar to the one connie had in his.
in fact, noticing that similarity made you realize that most of his shelves, his nightstand and his desk lamp were actually the exact same as connie’s. odd coincidence, you first thought. but quickly remembered that time when, a few months ago, connie had placed an order at ikea and accidentally purchased everything twice. you had always wondered what he had done with his extra articles, there was your answer.
sat on the bed, and surrounded by a surprising amount of pillows, you kept both feet on the floor. it was obvious you weren’t comfortable enough to make yourself at home. 
“so... tell me more about this assignment” you spoke up, after realizing jean was not planning to. perhaps awkward silences did not bother him, but right now, it was bothering you: “what’s it about?”
at that moment, it still wasn’t clear to you whether or not you were here to actually tutor him or not. but he cleared any doubt on a potential double-entendre when he slammed a gigantic stack of books on his desk.
“have a look”, he handed you a document already filled with dozens of crossing-outs, like he had already spent so much time on it he couldn’t even look at it anymore.
you skimmed the document, and jean nervously bounced his leg up and down. maybe he had been wrong to think that you could help him. maybe he had been dumb for asking you to come over. what if you would’ve preferred to study at the library? what if you would’ve preferred not to help at all? what if he was making you feel cornered just because of that stupid bet? what if you regretted saturday? and what if-
“you were right, this is right up my alley” you handed the document back to him with a satisfied smile, “i have like, twenty pages of notes on business communication. we can get this done in an hour”.
fascinated. that was the most adequate emotion to describe the look in jean’s eyes when he watched you take your laptop out of your bag. something about the way you had, in just one quick glance, found how to answer something he had been struggling with for days now was making him feel extraordinarily lucky to have poured that gin in your eye last weekend.
so he listened, carefully and for many minutes, docilely writing down all the information you were giving him on the tricky aspects of interpersonal communications: “you make it look so easy, it’s frustrating”.
by the time you were done with the outline of his essay, his hair had completely dried. you tried not to look at him too much, because no matter how productive you two were being when it came to his assignment, you couldn’t ignore the slight awkwardness that remained. but you did steal a few glances, and noticed his hair looked fluffier than saturday. you liked it better that way, but obviously kept that to yourself.
the introduction was finished first. and apparently, this called for a little snack break. you hadn’t forgotten about sasha’s apple and only asked for a glass of water, which he immediately went to get for you in the kitchen.
left alone in his bedroom, you checked the top right corner of your laptop: the screen displayed 10:04pm. right on schedule, you thought, estimating that you would probably be back home around 11. you knew sasha would still be up, waiting for you in the kitchen and ready to begin a thorough questioning about tonight’s events.
the screen was still displaying 10:04 when jean came back from the kitchen, holding a glass of water and a cereal bar for himself. 
you had kicked your shoes off a while ago, when you really got down to business, and were sitting cross-legged against his wall - careful not to fold the corner of any poster: you might’ve been unaware of it, but this had greatly contributed to the gradual disappearance of your awkwardness.
“i thought about something while you were out...” you told him after thanking him for the water. it was obvious, considering that his back was turned on his laptop, that this could be considered a little study break; and initiating a conversation that wasn’t related to business or communications in any way sounded like a good way to spend it. “you know who could’ve helped you much more than me?”
jean furrowed his brows, inviting you to tell him more. 
“eren”, you replied very seriously.
a genuine laugh escaped his lips, making yours automatically stretch in a grin. “i’m dead serious!” you exclaimed, “he had a similar assignment for his elective a few months ago and he nailed it!”.
“maybe” he shrugged, “but you seem to forget that he literally cannot stand to be around me”. he was right, obviously. but that last sentence made it sound like he personally had no problem with eren whatsoever. and you found that hard to believe.
“true. and he can’t stand hearing about you either” you told him, willingly aiming the conversation towards your latest conversation with eren. you had been replaying it in your mind ever since you had left the apartment, and needed to talk about it with someone, “he wasn’t pleased at all when i told him i was coming over at your place tonight”.
jean didn’t look surprised to hear that, “well, he was already being an asshole at practice...”.
most of their teammates had not attended saturday’s party, but porco had been quick to get everyone up do date, even their coach, who was glad to finally understand why two of his youngest players were so insufferable today. tired of their bickering, he had them run 7 laps each.
“careful there” you shot him a glare, “i’m allowed to insult him. you’re not.”
jean rolled his eyes, muttering something similar to an apology. but you knew nothing prevented him from doing it behind your back anyways.
“so basically”, he cleared his throat, visibly trying to change the subject: “now they all think we're like... sex friends or something”.
that pill was hard to swallow. because he was undeniably right. nobody would believe you if you told them that you had spent the evening working on business communication. but, more than embarrassment, his statement made you feel a strong sense of guilt. maybe you shouldn't have been so evasive when jean was just as involved as you were.
you remained silent, but jean only had to pay attention to the look in your eyes to understand what was going on inside your head: "i mean, i don't really care about what they think. as long as you don't".
hearing his own words, he began to fear maybe they weren't those you wanted to hear. but he couldn't end his sentence here. you looked like you were expecting something else.
"i wish i had a deep explanation to give you…" he started with a slightly embarrassed chuckle, "like 'if you tell him you lied then he'll never trust you again'. but i'm gonna be honest: i just think it's fun that the guy i hate is convinced i hooked up with his best friend".
the atmosphere immediately relaxed. and making you laugh was a big enough accomplishment for jean to keep speaking:
"but if you wanna tell him the truth, go ahead. i just think it'd be stupid to do it now. at least do it in two weeks, when the bet’s time limit is over"
that was actually a very clever idea. terribly unfair, but nonetheless clever. and you appreciated that he didn't even try to lie about his own motivations in keeping the lie going: a little bit of help for his communication classes, and the simple pleasure of annoying eren. it could have been much more difficult.
obviously, jean had thought about an easy way to avoid this situation: if that lie were to become the truth, then the problem would be solved. but it didn't matter what kind of person he had appeared to be on saturday night, the regular him would never have the guts to even suggest it.
you had thought about it as well, as early as when you were rubbing connie's back while he was throwing up in your bathroom after the party. but the fear of looking like the biggest idiot on earth if he refused was more than enough to not try anything.
“alright... let’s keep things like that for a big longer then” you stated, fiddling with one of his pillows that you had put on your lap, “it should be easy, it’s not like we usually see each other on campus”.
jean agreed with a nod. things were now settled, and so he went back to leaning back in his chair, crumpling the wrapper of his cereal bar with both hands before throwing it in the trashcan at the other end of the room.
that made you remember a tiny detail. 
something along the lines of a basketball match this weekend, which you had not yet thought about in the perspective of your agreement with jean.
“saturday’s gonna be fun...” you introduced the topic, your voice tinged with sarcasm. but it was your smirk that allowed jean to get what you were referring to.
“oh god...”, he let out with a resigned sigh, “i can’t wait for porco to point at you in the stands and ask which one of us you came for”. he could already picture the scene very clearly. “he’s the biggest shit-stirrer i’ve ever met. you’re not gonna escape it”.
for some reason, that didn’t surprise you at all. porco looked like the kind of guy who was somehow involved in every drama, and who enjoyed it. “i’ll just say i came for the best player” you shrugged, taking the last sip of your drink.
“aw... thanks” jean replied, and immediately covered his head with one arm, anticipating the pillow you threw at him. it landed on the floor in a thud, which made his lips curl up in a cocky smile: “you’re very predictable, you know that?”
“more predictable than your grade on this assignment if i refuse to help you finish it?” you asked, pointing at your laptop which you had just reopened. his smirk immediately disappeared, and you watched him open his own in a split second. “...that’s what i thought” you chuckled. 
you had to admit that jean had a way of making studying less boring than it usually was. or maybe you were just entertained by this unusual setting. either way, the next forty minutes went by in the blink of an eye. but it was nothing compared to the entire hour that followed...
many topics were discussed in that tiny bedroom: the posters on his walls (“you’ve never seen shutter island?! get out of my room, right now”), the multitude of pillows on his bed (which you learned had been brought to him by his mom, who visited once every two weeks), his relationships with the rest of the basketball team, with pieck and porco (“unexpected, but really cool” to quote jean himself), connie’s tendency to skip class, sasha and niccolo’s relationship... things you could have discussed with any of your other friends, but didn’t think could be possible with someone you had never talked to three days ago.
but it was past midnight already, and the conversation did not seem like it could end by itself. 
unlike jean who had moved from his desk chair to the bed once the assignment was done, you had remained in the same position, sat against the wall. your first stretch was almost painful. “i should get going” you told him, keeping your voice low like you had both been doing ever since marco had gone to bed.
with a yawn, jean got up from the bed right after you.
“oh i know my way out, don’t worry” you told him as you put on your coat, which you had left hanging on his chair.
he gave you an intrigued look. “...you’re not seriously considering walking home alone?”
“well, i was” you replied, bending down to put your shoes on, “but i’m pretty sure that was a rhetorical question”.
“it was. your analytical skills are amazing, by the way. i hope you know that” he teased you, before grabbing his keys on his desk and opening the door to let you out first.
out in the cold - which was much more biting than last time you had been outside - the conversation resumed where you had left it, very naturally.
but since it really didn’t take long to walk from his apartment to yours (something he apparently refused to take as an excuse to let you walk home alone), you barely had time to close the topic of niccolo and sasha that you were already approaching your front door.
you knew it, this was a key moment in every stupid romcom that sasha made you watch on sunday nights: the awkwardness of two oblivious protagonists saying goodbye to each other. for a moment, you feared one of you might make it just as awkward as these repetitive characters. but someone luckily - or was it really luck? - helped preventing it. someone who, as always, had his nose stuck in a book, while his other hand was carrying two trash bags.
had you not spoken up, armin might not have noticed your presence, nor jean’s. but the need to know why he was taking the trash out at 12:17am was too strong not to ask.
startled by your voice, armin dropped his book to his feet with a gasp that sounded dangerously close to a scream, “are you crazy?!” he exclaimed, before remembering what time it was and lowering his voice, “you scared the life out of me!”.
but it seemed like he hadn’t been scared enough not to notice jean. or rather, not to openly stare at him. his gaze alternated between the both of you, even as he dropped the bags in the dumpster and picked his book up. you wondered if he was even blinking.
“how was your night?” he asked with a smile that jean might have mistaken for a genuine one. but you knew armin better than that... if sasha was already asleep, he would be the one questioning you.
“good” you replied, adding a yawn that you hoped wouldn’t sound too fake, “but i’m really tired so... i think i’m just gonna go straight to bed”. that last part had been addressed to jean, so when your eyes went back to armin, you didn’t expect to see him waiting for you with his arms crossed. he definitely wasn’t planning on going back inside to leave you two some semblance of privacy.
“alright...” jean tried to fill the awkward silence, as you began to nervously shift your weight from one leg to another, “i should probably head back then”.
you nodded, giving armin a side glance. he hadn’t moved an inch. what was he trying to make you prove? did he have doubts regarding what was supposed to have happened on saturday? it wouldn’t be much of a surprise... other people could be easily fooled, but not him.
but, after what felt like hours - especially in the cold - jean finally took things in hand. his left arm snaked around your waist, and you felt him pull you closer. you shivered, hoping it was just because of the cold, and closed your eyes instinctively, prepared to any eventuality. 
but the only thing you felt was a kiss being left on your forehead, right before he let go of your waist.
“i’ll text you” he said, but you were too taken aback to tell whether or not he had just winked at you or not.
finally, you turned around to face armin. he nodded, a look of satisfaction painted on his face. whatever test he had just made you take, it seemed like you and jean had both nailed it.
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@silversslut​ @utahimeskitten @livy384 @forstein @tacobellfreshavocado @itachislut@vharunabi @lowkey-falling-apart @whosveenus @usernamehere91 @starryskyval@gridisahole @sukkisuna @casualtophat @xiao-ism @decaffeinatedtealover
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
eren yeager | best friend’s brother (smut)
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ok i’m sure this is kind of surprising since i don’t really speak of eren
also no i don’t want to talk about how this is based off of victorious
warnings/notes: cursing, mikasa and eren are brother and sister, drummer!eren, modern au, secret relationship, everyone is 19, nsfw, eventual smut, slight dubcon, slight vouyerism, spanking, clit slapping, degradation, slight praise, choking, tummy bulge, edging, overstimulation, breeding kink, minors dni with this post pls, tell me if i missed anything
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you know exactly who’s all going to be home whenever you call mikasa. but you still ask, like you always have, in order to lessen suspicion.
“it’s just me, eren, and zeke. i think zeke has pieck over tonight,” she sighs in slight annoyance, “wanna watch a movie when you come over?”
you tell her yes just as you turn on mikasa’s street. you both hang up with a goodbye, and you feel excitement bubbling in your gut as your car drives you closer and closer to eren. you practically jump out of your car whenever it’s parked on the curb of mikasa’s house.
you squeal while skipping up to the front door, punching in the numbers on the keypad lock without looking. you shut the door quietly after you enter the home, taking in the multiple smells from all three siblings living in the house.
you’ve got to hand it to zeke, he’s got amazing taste. whenever grisha and his mother died, he inherited a lot of money from them and decided to buy himself a home. however, it changed when he found out eren’s mother died and that eren and their adoptive sister, mikasa, would be going into foster care. and with zeke being 19, a legal adult, he managed to fit the roll as a guardian for the two of them. they’ve all lived together for a couple of years now, and you’ve come to enjoy the dynamic between them all whenever you’re staying there for a while.
“oh hey, (name). when’d you get here,” zeke asks whenever you walk into the kitchen, he’s probably getting himself those finger sandwiches he buys himself.
“just now. mikasa in her room,” you stretch and peek over zeke’s shoulder to see what the fridge contains.
“should be. can you get out of my fridge,” he nudges you back with his elbow, which you ignore.
“do you have any baby belle cheese,” you shove him aside with your hip.
“yeah, we do,” you turn to look over your shoulder to see eren walking into the kitchen.
you have to stop yourself from running into his arms, instead starting to rummage through the drawers of the big refrigerator. zeke leaves the kitchen, but you only know that because eren’s front his pressing against your back and warm arms wrap around your waist and his head head rests on your shoulder to whisper in your ear.
“didn’t tell me you were coming over tonight,” he mocks disappointment while you take a baby bell cheese.
“wanted it to be a surprise,” you smile, stepping away from the fridge and opening the packaging of the cheese. eren still clings to you.
“it was a nice surprise,” he kisses at the back of your ear while he squeezes you tight.
you turn your head to look at eren, puckering your lips for a sweet kiss.
eren, not being able to say no to you, obliges and gives you a sweet and lingering kiss on your lips. he pouts whenever you pull away and plop the cheese in your mouth, moving away from him to throw away the wrappings.
“ask mikasa to watch a movie with me,” he requests—more like demands.
“sure,” you nod, “i’ll see you in a few minutes.”
you trudge out of the kitchen and up the stairs, barging into mikasa’s dark room. you watch her jump in her bed, obviously frightened with the abrupt entrance.
“hi hi,” you chant while closing the door behind you, jumping onto her bed next to her.
“you scared me.”
“i know,” you roll your eyes, “wanna watch a movie downstairs?”
“depends... what movie?”
you hum, “maybe the addams family, something like that.”
“yeah, if it’s the addams family then i’ll watch,” she says, scrolling through instagram.
“wanna see if eren will watch,” she asks you while she likes a post by sasha on her phone. the picture was of her, jean, and connie.
“sure, i’ll text him,” you pull out your phone, immediately pulling up eren’s contact and messaging him.
luckily, you’re able to hide the lovey dovey messages sent from eren. you text that mikasa does want to watch a movie and to be downstairs in three minutes.
“he said yea,” eren hadn’t even replied yet.
mikasa and you get off of her bed, making your way down the hallway and down the stairs while talking.
“yea, sounds so good right now,” you sigh happily, “we gonna cuddle?”
mikasa snickers at your question, “of course.”
you laugh a little before pushing her in the direction of the kitchen, settling yourself down in the middle on the long sofa. you pull up the addams family on the tv, smiling gently whenever eren comes in the room with his phone in his hands.
“sit at my feet, i’m cuddling with mikasa,” he scoffs at the claim, but puts your legs in his lap.
mikasa comes back into the room with a bowl of popcorn in her hand and some sodas in her hands. she manages to flip the light switch off in the living room while on her way to put everything on the coffee table in front of you. mikasa sits down when you lift your head, welcoming the weight of your head coming down her clothed thighs.
before you start the movie, mikasa asks eren, “do you have rehearsal tomorrow?”
“yeah. jean and annie’ll be here at like 11,” he sighs in slight frustration just as you start the movie.
“sucks for you,” you snort absentmindedly, pulling the bowl of popcorn into your body on top of your stomach.
eren flicks your leg with his fingers while mikasa ignores the both of you and continues to watch the movie.
during the movie, you notice a text from eren that asks you to stay with him after his rehearsal tomorrow, claiming that mikasa and zeke should be out of the house.
you turn off your phone with a giddy smile. you have a good feeling about tomorrow.
you’re laying in eren’s bed while he practices his drumming with his band in a few rooms over. you text mikasa the whole time, who’s telling you about some drama between zeke and her cousin, levi. well, it’s not really drama, levi and zeke just have a love-hate friendship. it makes you laugh, especially since the usually cocky and narcissistic man known as zeke was usually getting his ass chewed out by levi.
“i’m so horny,” eren groans while he walks into the room. menace.
you roll your eyes at him, continuing to text mikasa. eren’s pouting as he flops down next to you, face pressing against your neck.
“didn’t you just get out rehearsal? how do you have energy after drumming for an hour and a half,” you ignore the nipping of eren.
“‘dunno,” he sighs against your skin, sending chills up and down your spine.
you shut off your phone, throwing it to the side and pulling eren from your neck. you kiss him, to which he reciprocates happily, while he goes to straddle your waist.
his hands are already groping at your chest and his breath is already heavy against your mouth.
you pull away, “have you been horny since the beginning of rehearsal??”
he grumbles out a yes while he bites and sucks at your neck. your laughter is interrupted by a gasp when eren bites particularly hard on your neck. his hands creep up under your shirt, only to find a surprise.
“you’re not wearing a bra,” he asks, pushing the shirt up over your boobs.
“didn’t feel the need to,” you mumble with embarrassment as eren’s eyes stare at your chest.
without a second thought, his lips are attached to one tit, sucking hickies onto the skin around your areola. you whimper when he punches and twists a nipple with his fingers, chest slightly bucking up and burying his face further into your tits. eren feels like he’s in heaven.
when eren pulls away, he takes a moment to admire your tits. bruised and abused, glistening with his saliva under the lights in his room.
“pretty,” he mumbles, finally pushing your shirt entirely off of your body.
you wiggle your hips as a signal that eren takes. he’s ridding himself of his shirt and pants before he takes off your own pants. his fingers just barely swipe across the outsides of your thighs, giving you goosebumps.
eren’s spreading your legs apart, staring at the wet stain on your panties. you try to push your hips in his face, but eren swings his left arm around your hips to hold them down. his right hand is teasingly stroking your clit through the thin fabric of your underwear. each swipe of his thumb has your whole body tensing, something that has him smirking.
“please,” you bite your lip while you stare into his eyes.
instead of indulging in your desires, he’s pulling his body away from the spot between your legs. only to take off your underwear, and then settle between your legs again.
“you’re all wet and i’ve barely done anything,” he comments, running a fingertip against your slit.
you whimper whenever eren shoves two of his fingers inside of you unexpectedly. he doesn’t give you time to adjust to his fingers, immediately setting himself a tempo as he fucks you with his fingers.
moaning and acting without thinking, your hand tugs at his long hair. he almost immediately pulls his fingers outside of you, fingertips slapping at your needy clit. your hips buck while you apologize.
“pull my hair like that again and you won’t get to cum,” he resumes his finger fucking, slightly smiling at how your hands immediately go to grip at the sheets now. he’s trained you so well.
“do you hear that,” he snickers while curling his finger, squelch sounds following after.
“cumming! cumming,” you pant a few moments later, eyes squeezing shut.
eren immediately pulls his fingers out of you, resulting in a cry from you. he laughs sadistically as he repeats the process over and over and over again, so much that you’ve lost count, tears now running down your cheeks. he lets you come this time, admiring the blissed out look on your face as you moan wantonly.
but his hand moves to your clit now, listening to your pleading that you’re too sensitive.
“shut up and take it,” he stops his maneuvers on your clit to slap your clit again.
you yelp and buck your hips, starting to open your mouth to plead until he starts rubbing your clit again. you orgasm quickly, back arching against eren’s mattress.
“eren,” you whimper, legs shaking while eren pulls his hand away.
“what do you want, pretty girl,” he sits on his knees, looking down at your crying face.
“more,” you sniffle, small hand reaching out for him.
“more of what,” he raises a taunting eyebrow, catching your wrist in his hand, “c’mon, use your words, you’re a big girl.”
“you... more of you.”
“that’s not an answer,” he reaches down to wipe away a tear.
“want you inside me,” you pout and wiggle your hips again.
“you want it or need it?” he smirks while tilting his head.
you whine, “need it. need you here, ‘ren.”
you guide his hand to your tummy while you speak and eren feels his cock throb in his boxers.
“fuck,” he groans, roughly flipping you over to lay on your stomach.
you yelp, reaching out to hold onto the pillow your head was just laying on. he’s forcing you to arch your back, and the way he forces you to do it is almost unrealistic. he’s tossing his boxers across the room for him to search for later, reaching down to pump his cock in his hand.
his hands lay heavy on your ass, spreading your plump cheeks apart to get a better view.
your cheek squishes against the pillow as you stare at him over your shoulder, needy pout on your face. he chuckles at your eyes closing whenever he finally shoves his huge cock inside of you.
“so big,” you sob, “so big, ren.”
he ignores you, pulling him cock out of you until the tip before slamming his hips against your ass. you yelp as soon as eren starts to thrust in and out of you ruthlessly. so hard that you’re sure you’ll have bruises on the back of your thighs for a few days.
however, his hips still whenever he hears the front door of the house creaking open and a voice calling out.
“eren! i’m home,” mikasa calls out while she shuts the door behind her.
you reach your hand back to shove eren off of you, not wanting to risk the chance of mikasa even hearing you. eren grabs your wrist with one hand while the other slaps your asscheek harshly.
“okay, i’m about to take a nap,” he replies to mikasa, knowing full well she’s already making her way up the stairs.
“okay,” she replies, going into her room. her room that’s right next to eren’s.
“eren,” you whisper, “she’s gonna hear.”
“don’t act so innocent,” he growls, “i bet you want mikasa to hear. to hear just how you’re getting fucked like the slut you are.”
you whimper, “no... no.”
“want her to hear how good you’re feeling,” eren smiles sadistically as you turn your head to bury your face in the pillow.
he hears your whining faintly whenever he starts to thrust his hips again. your moans are being muffled by his pillow, and even so, you’re sure that mikasa knows what’s going on by the sound of eren’s skin slapping against your own.
he puts his hands onto your shoulders, leaning his weight onto you as he speeds up his thrusts. you’re almost screaming in his pillow now, nails clawing at the sheets under you.
“gonna come,” he groans breathily, “you gonna come when mikasa’s in the next room over?”
he watches you nod your head, which makes him bite his lips while releasing a groan.
he whispers in your ear, spitting out a command for you, “go ahead. go ahead and cum like the slut you are. give mikasa a show.”
you moan loudly into his pillow, pussy fluttering around his fat cock as you orgasm.
he fucks you through it, not slowing down his fast and vigorous thrusting.
“hurts,” you cry.
“don’t care,” he says, reaching a hand around your body to grip onto your neck.
he’s pulling you up with him, back flushed against his front as he thrusts wildly. you look like a mess, saliva dripping down your chin along with your tears, eyes glossed over.
your hand touches against your tummy gently, whimpering at the feeling of the bulge that is eren.
“feel you,” you mewl quietly, “feel you here, ‘rennie.”
he presses the hand not wrapped around your neck against your tummy, groaning out. his thrusts speed up at full speed, something he does not do often, but eren’s eager to fuck his seed inside of you.
“gonna cum, gonna fuck my kids into your slutty pussy,” he grumbles, slapping a hand over your mouth whenever it opens to moan.
“you want that, huh? w-want me to fuck a kid into you? maybe then mikasa’ll get the hint,” his voice is shaky when he feels you tighten around him.
he snickers, “fuckin’ slut. tightening around me whenever i spew that shit. you want her to hear you being fucked stupid, huh?”
you shake your head while you shut your eyes again. another orgasm is approaching, and you’re not sure that you can handle holding it in.
eren notices and decides to take pity on you.
“go ahead, cum,” and you do. you gush all over his cock and sheets, hands scratching at his wrist as you scream into the palm of his hand.
“fuck,” he hisses whenever he feels his balls tighten.
he comes not too long after you, finally slowing his pace down to a grind. he lets you drop onto the bed on your tummy, spreading your legs open to admire how his cum leaks out of you.
you’re absolutely sure that mikasa heard, but you’re too fucked out to care. she’ll confront you if she knows, and that’s when you’ll worry.
but then again, your best friend’s brother is irresistible.
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sweettodo · 3 years
beggars can’t be choosers.
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levi ackerman x reader x eren jaeger.
includes : threesome, cockwarming, edging/denied orgasm, oral, swearing. whole lotta smut, not a lotta plot.
wc : 4k.
synopsis : a promiscuous sequel. eren knows you’re missing levi and him, and he’s gonna help out his desperate little friend to get the captains attention.
✰ a / n ,, thank you for almost 1,000 followers, i love you all ! <33.
The night after it all transpired- you were like a new woman, the unusual smile on your face made the others query your motives when you appeared at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, even on missions.
'What has her so lively?'
You were fulfilled, there was nothing that could top that night- that night was the embodiment of your fantasies. Both your Captain and long time friend, with you right in the middle.
For the most part, your affairs with the two dwelled to be the same, your comrades still unable to tell something had gone down between the three of you. Eren invariably sat next to you; you teased each other just like always and your Captain still treated you like a peon.
Though not even you could disagree to the fact that you were like an addict, just itching to be touched like a pervert, you longed for the littlest bit of attention- per usual. And it was more painful when Eren purposely chose to torment you, little pokes and prods, long hugs and squeezes sent you over the moon, this was a game to him, and he played it good.
You didn't concede this to Eren, but he could tell you had these twisted ideas in your mind without a word needing to be spoken, watching you doze off into space. Whilst your mind was filled with vile notions of that night- at every waking moment of the day- Eren much less thought about that evening with Captain Levi involved, he would rather make his own remembrances with you.
Giving your feelings the time to fester meant nearly dropping to your knees if anyone so little as gave you a high five.
And Eren loves to use this to further his objective, he finds it a good source of entertainment to watch you shiver, or whine because, ‘she doesn’t even hide it, she wants me so bad.’
On one end, Captan Levi was his usual cold self, and you still flirted with him... For the joke.
While on the other end, he liked it- of course, he did, he liked the chivalry enough to drag you into his office and show you how much he liked your trifling behavior.
Whether he liked it or not, he found himself thinking about it too. Not enough to divert his attention on more crucial aspects of his life and job of course, nor did he act on his thoughts.
It was so pitiful, laying in bed looking at your ceiling as you touched yourself- for what felt like hours- feeling both of them filling you up and giving you what you yearned for. The feeling almost too real, and you yearned to feel it again. You needed it again, no matter the cost.
Your mind filled with only Levi Ackerman and Eren Jaeger.
"What are you thinking about?"
Breaking out of your reverie, seeing Connie parking his rear in the dining halls bench, "oh, nothin' just tired." He hums in response, slowly nodding.
"Dreamin’ about me, I hope."
"Only in your wildest dreams, Springer."
Jean, who's sitting beside his friend and throwing a loose arm over his shoulder, "who'd be daydreaming about you?" he cackles, Connie shoving his best friends’ arm off of him and frowning.
"Don't worry Jean, I have enough love for the both of you."
"I don't-"
"You love it though, right, horse face?" peeking a look to your side, the familiar brunette is claiming his seat next to you, grinning at his friend who's flustered and kicking Eren under the table.
Jean struggles to play it cool, rolling his eyes and tossing his hands behind his head, "I already have someone on my mind."
"Shucks, I can't play around with you anymore?" wriggling your eyebrows, devilish smile growing on your face, Jean shakes his head.
"Nope, doesn't work on me anymore."
Connie interjects, "don't listen to em', he's always gonna be a slave for your little flirts."
"Am not!"
"Yeah, you are, everyone knows it."
Armin and Mikasa walk into the arguing, giving each other a side-eye before hesitantly settling at the table, hearing Jean try to defend himself against his friends, "guys, no need to yell so early in the morning." Armin hushes, sighing.
"Jean, you know you love it."
"Even Armin likes it!" Eren laughs, pointing at his best friend, "he won't deny it either!"
Armin smiles cheekily, scratching the back of his head, "we're not talking about myself right now."
You had a skill, almost like it was an art- reeling any man in as you pleased, and they loved it, who wouldn't?
You suck in a corner of your bottom lip, looking down at your lap.
"Why are you be so loud, Eren?"
The table instantly falls mute, heads darting to face the man in charge, "sorry Cap."
"I want you all outside in ten minutes, be on time."
As quick as he comes, he's gone, not looking at you indifferently. 'This was seriously going to be a one-time thing?'
"You look antsy, y/n." Eren leans over to your ear, "what's on your mind?" he asks, you look at him, he knew exactly what was on your mind.
"You know what's on my mind, Eren,” smug look on his lips, patting your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze, "don't tease me, Jaeger." You mutter, placing your hand on top of his own to remove it from your leg.
"Y'know, now all of a sudden you don't like it when I touch you because it makes you think of that night, it's obvious."
Your eyes squinting to scowl at him, glancing around to see if anyone had heard what he said; they didn't, all of them either throwing away garbage or talking amongst themselves, "why don't you just stir things up again? You want to, I can tell."
You sit there silently, allowing him to rev up your engine, this was something you craved to feel, he wanted to see you act up, enticing him and his friends, "do what you did before, Captain is bound to give you what you want."
You listened to every word he said, his hand still on your thigh as you closed your legs, squeezing them together as your body throbbed, he was right, and you were desperate, "why don't you go tell him how much you want it?"
You lick your chapped lips, throat bone dry as you're uncomfortably struggling to find words, "Eren," he flashes you a smile, 'she's falling apart with just me looking at her.'
"I can't tell him anything, and you better not either," you grit, eventually gaining some self-control, standing from your seat as he remains in his, "shouldn't we go? Everyone else is gone."
Eren stands, stepping over the bench as he takes a look around, the room was nearly empty, "Levi's gonna be mad at us, maybe he'll even punish you if you're lucky."
You shake your head, "just let me help you," you gaze up at him whilst the two of you follow behind your friends, "I can help you get what you want."
You pondered the offer, "yeah?"
He smiles, "of course," Eren tried to contain himself, even the idea of having you under him made his dick twitch under his belt.
"What do you have in mind?" you spoke, he hummed quietly, "wanna' get me in trouble?"
The tension between the two of you rose, holding your breath as you reached the empty field for sparring, he nodded his head, "of course I do."
You brainstormed, how to get attention from your Captain, but what you didn't know was Eren was already putting his plan into motion, already telling your friends what would land you right in his bed.
Hours later, the time dinner came around, the table was just like the ordinary, chatting and eating after a long day of activities; but unbeknownst to you, Eren was counting the seconds before the Captain would come storming into the room.
During the day, while you sparred with Jean, Eren found himself talking to Connie right in front of the men in charge- both Erwin and Levi listened in as Eren purposely filled Connie's ear with intentions you had. Vile thoughts, Levi and Erwin looking at each other, the Commander blown away, 'yeah, she said to me she wanted Captain to chain her up and everything, torture her, even,’
'Are you serious?' Eren nodded slyly.
‘That’s y/n for you, kinky, isnt she?’ crossing his arms.
'She is one freaky bastard- better not let Captain find out.'
But- to no avail, it was a little too late for that.
His voice split through the talkative room in an instant, voice booming as you quickly looked up, swallowing your food, "Eren, Y/n, my office- now."
Connie and Eren exchanged looks and you caught them, "what's that look for?"
"Don't worry about it lets just go."
Levi had already left the dining hall, you walked beside Eren, "what did you do, Eren?"
"Nothing." He defends, shrugging as you inched closer to the familiar wooden door.
Eren stopped in front of the door, he wasted no time, knuckles knocking on the old wood, "calm down, it's all fine."
Letting out a sigh, hearing his voice on the other side of the entrance, the two of you slipping past the doorframe and right into his office, he sat there, arms crossed in his chair, "do you have anything you'd like to say for yourself?"
Before you get the chance to speak, Eren perks up, "what do you mean, Captain?"
You choked, throat dry from the awkwardness in the room, "I'm confused on what you mean, sir." Levi scoffed, shaking his head. He was angry, nearly incensed as he watched you shuffle around, your eyes stuck on your feet.
The sound of his chair pushing backward sends shivers up your spine, he stands, "I don't know where to start with either of you."
"Tell him why you did it, y/n."
Your head practically spinning off your shoulders to face the man who stood beside you, "what do you mean, Jaeger?"
Your eyes bulging out of your head, squeezing your fists as you glared at Eren, "say it, cadet."
You looked at Levi in dismay, "I don't know what he's talking about, sir."
"I should've brought Connie in here too for listening to the bullshit you were spewing."
'Bullshit I was spewing?'
"All I was saying was what she told me, Cap."
"Yeah, apparently, y/n."
You meet eyes with your Captain as he's rounding his table, "you want it that bad?"
Avoiding his question, praying for him to step back, feeling weak from his intense glare, sending you into a nervous turmoil.
"Answer me."
You defended yourself, unable to give the boss an answer. Levi was mad, he was beyond humiliated at not only did Erwin hear your perverse ideas, but now big-mouth Connie. And he was fed up- once again- with your behavior.
He’s angrily stepping away from you and opening his bedroom door, "bring her, Jaeger."
Grabbing your wrist, Eren is nearly flinging you into the dimly lit bedroom, stumbling over your feet as the door is clicking shut. You rubbed your wrist, looking at Levi who stands before you, looking up at him.
His strong hands sitting you on the edge of his bed, his finger meeting under your chin and tilting your head up as you stared at him breathlessly, "you want things to be your way, right?"
You nodded, Eren standing next to your Captain, "things won't always go your way, cadet."
You gulped, the restriction growing under his grasp as he slid his hand down your neck, squeezing, "you're lucky I'm even doing this for you, you should be locked up."
Glancing at Eren, who's gradually unhooking his belt, "use this, Captain."
The leather belt being pulled from around Eren's waist and being placed in Levi's hand, he graciously seizes it and pushes you to get up, "lie down and be quiet, understood?"
Before reaching the other side of the bed, your captain is linking the material around your wrists behind your back and using his knee to push you on the bed, your body vulnerable as you can't catch your fall. Knees just barely hanging over the edge of the bed, someone's feet kicking your legs open.
"So I've been on your mind? because it sure seems it."
Digging your head into the sheets, you're nodding, "disgusting."
The weight of the bed plunges in front of your head, fingers entering your hair and pulling you up by the roots, "you think I'll be easy on you this time around?"
You shake your head, "no sir."
With Levi in front of you, Eren is using his foot to slip off your shoes, his hands crawling below your waist, blindly unbuttoning your jeans and tugging them down your thighs.
Pushing you onto your back, Levi is sliding off the bed and you're trying to blow your hair out of your face, Eren steps out of the Captains' way, Levi pushing your knees up and placing your feet on the bed, "you've been acting up again, misbehaving won't get you what you want, y/n."
"She probably wanted this to happen again."
You did, you prayed for it to happen again, but you didn't intend to be tied up, unable to do anything, "I didn't ask to be tied up, though," you muttered under your breath, pulling against the material.
Eren laughs, unbuttoning your blouse while your Captain pinned your legs against your stomach, squirming around under his tight grasp.
“You go around and tell everyone how desperate you are,” you feel his thumb slowly press against the sensitive nub concealed by only your thin underwear, “have you been thinking about us fucking you again, y/n?” calculatedly pushing his thumb up and down, applying more pressure while he keeps your leg in a firm grasp against your body.
“It’s disgusting, really.”
He knows you you hate to be teased, Levi knew if he had even given you a taste of what you begged for, you'd become greedy. Eren on the other hand was sadistic, he would tease and tease and tease, that's how he would get off.
You're caught up in the painstaking abuse of his thumb, not giving any thought to the question he had asked you. He stops, looking at you with a bitter glare, “didn't I ask you a question?” you whine, pressing your head deeper into the mattress.
“Yes, Captain- I've been thinking about you fucking me.”
He's gratified by your answer, knowing that the inquiry would humiliate you.
“Dirty- fuckin’ dirty.” He taunts, picking up where he left off. Levi stands beside his subordinate, Eren pressing your other leg up and finding his fingers hooking around the wet fabric, and trying to get a look at your cunt.
Eren moves out of the way, allowing Levi to push your body back farther, he lowers to his knees, leaning against the edge of the bed, “do you enjoy giving me a hard time?”
They never failed to get you under their complete control, your heart beating out of your chest whenever either of them gave you as little as a glance with their lust-filled eyes. It was so incredibly wrong, so immoral, but it was your guys’ thing, this was your little secret.
“You’ve always been such a troublesome girl.”
Weakly, you're shaking your head, trying to keep your breathing under control as his fingers are raking between your sopping folds, spreading them apart with his calloused index and middle finger, admiring your beautiful body. ‘God- if you weren't such a pest.’ Levi pushed those thoughts to the back of his head, you'd always be his little annoying flirt, nothing more- nothing less.
Though both Eren and Levi seemed to enjoy pleasuring you until numb, your captain knew he needed to instill some discipline, he couldn't let himself be seen as a push-over just because he couldn't stop thinking about how you squeezed his cock so perfectly.
The thought of his fingers being knuckle deep inside your pussy brought him close to reaching bliss in his jeans, you didn't even have to touch him.
Curving his fingers up into your tight, textured walls, feeling your heartbeat throb around his two fingers as he made sure to send shock waves throughout your body. The pad of his thumb rubbing deep and slow circles around your clit, each time he hit a nerve your legs twitching, he hit every spot.
Eren stood beside you, loosely pumping his cock in his fist, watching you squirm and cry out, trying to free yourself as your wrists were falling asleep from the weight of your body, “l-let me go, please.”
Levi and Eren dismissed your pleas, trying so desperately to close your legs from the strong thrusts of his fingers, the overstimulation making your back arch, sucking his fingers in for more, and more.
That coil tightening in your stomach was unmistakable, head spinning, moaning out blubbers of swears and incoherent words, “go on, cum.” They know how bad you've been waiting for this, both men knew it needed to happen again, it was sad seeing you feral like a dog looking for any sort of notoriety.
That's all you wanted to hear, selfishly pushing your quivering hips onto his fingers, he knew this would make you furious, Levi was ready to make your night hell.
All of it stopped. His digits pulling out of your clenching hole as he smirked, standing up onto his feet, pulling you farther and farther away from the peak of your climax.
Gasping like a fish out of water, lifting your head to see Levi on his feet, you sobbed, pain filling your body as you were so prepared, so close to releasing, “Captain,” crying, your foot shaking from the awful tension erected in your lower stomach, your pussy mindlessly twitching, trying to make up for lost touch.
He leans towards your face, gripping your jaw, slipping his slick-covered fingers down your tongue, “that's what happens when you aren't good, I'm sure you understand that, right?”
“Yes- sir.”
He pitties you, almost feeling bad for leaving you a mess in your tears and exertion, but Eren, on the other hand, loved it. “If you take good care of Eren, you might get what you want.”
Eren helps you up, keeping your wrists bound as he can now take advantage of your wet throat, “she knows how to take good care of us.” Eren praises, petting your head and peeling the stranded hairs out of your face, “you’ve always been so good to me.”
Levi scoffs, “besides when she's being a tease.”
Your captain unzips his pants, pushing them past his thighs.
Sitting on the bed and leaning his bare back against the bed frame, “come over here.”
Like a feeble idiot, you're bringing your body closer to his, he grabs you by your waist, lifting one leg and yanking you over his lap, Eren gets on the bed, his tip spilling precum, “you're gonna sit still while you help your friend out, yeah?”
Levi prepares his cock by stealing some of your slick and lubricating hmself with it, lifting your hips so he can ease you onto his cock.
Pushing yourself onto his hips only made him annoyed, “don't you dare,” you groan, he keeps you somewhat upright by keeping a hold on Erens belt.
Eren gripping the back of your head, directing your mouth onto his cock, your lips wrapping around his tip whilst looking in his pretty eyes, his thick eyebrows furrowed and twisted from the satisfaction your mouth is endowing his needy cock with.
Your tongue licking the bottom side of his cock as you pressed your throat until it was filled.
He just wants to hear you gag, messy face while your throat tightens around him, adjusting to his size.
Your pussy crying and burning from the lack of movement, your Captain torturing you, whining on Eren’s cock, hoping Levi would just move a little, although you knew better than to attempt anything.
Eren rocking his hips against your throat, spit spilling from your chin as he throat fucks you, Levi sees how good of a job you're doing, rutting his hips into your dripping cunt only once to keep you going- cueing you to hurry and swallow Erens load so you can convince them to fuck you.
Pulling out of your throat, strings of spit connecting to his cock as he stops himself from releasing down your throat.
Levi’s pleased with you, so he wants to reward you, ‘she’s suffered enough,’ he says to himself, fucking you on his cock just how you like it. Letting out whimpers of relief; by the time your Captain had decided to fuck you, the base of his cock had already been soaking from your slick trickling down and onto his pubic bone. Erens hand palming your perky tits, watching them bounce at the hands of you riding him.
Reversing on Levi’s cock meant Eren could see your pretty little face twist up, your mouth stuck open as you looked at the man in front of you, you were so precious- if anything- you deserved him, you deserved his affection, and he wanted to give it to you.
“Cap’ gonna cum,” you're body trying to curl up in a ball as he holds you from plunging forward, the movement of your hips bouncing back and forth on him, your ass slapping on his cock, the sound of skin loud, which he used as encouragement to plant his seed in you. Such a vicious noise as Levi keeps you still, rutting his hips into yours as he's pulling your head back by a handful of your hair. Your body left with shockwaves as he fucks any sort of knowledge, words, and sounds out of you; you're silent, mouth ajar as you're eventually worthy enough to reach your high.
Your head spinning, eyes being surrounded by a warm white as you're clenching around him to suck him in deeper, your holes twitching as you're frozen still from the orgasm erupting from your body.
Levi grunting as he fills you up with his load, thrusting his hips into you to plant his seed as deep as possible into your beaten little cunt.
“That's right, so pretty- I bet that felt good, didn't it?”
“It did- ‘need more, Eren.”
Eren smirks, face glowing with pride, so vulnerable you were, a girl with needs- his girl, and he had all the antidotes for your selfish little troubles. You were always so willing, truly, you were the perfect participant.
“I think I should untie her, what do you think?”
“Go on and do it, I think she deserves it.” a sigh of relief leaving your lungs as you're set free, rubbing your raw wrists while Eren is easing you on your back, his hands caressing every inch of your sore body, gently squeezing when he gets a good handful of your soft flesh. Up your thighs, under, your perfect waist and sides, he wanted it all-and he wanted you at his disposal.
And thankfully, you wanted them all to yourself too.
Eren knew he wouldn't last long, he's been waiting too long for you, so he doesn't spare any seconds, kneading your tits; giving each of them the right amount of attention, rolling your nipple between his fingers, lightly tugging as he's pushing past your little hole, “filled with so much cum already, you like bein’ a cocksleeve? You like being stuffed, huh?”
Nodding, “yes- I love it s’much, love it!”
Levi holds your wrists above your head.
Eyes rolling back, Erens cock drilling into you, your body shaking as he tears another orgasm out of you, you cried and screamed, Levi inserting his two fingers down your throat to shut you up as Hanges room was no more than ten feet away.
You loved it, you loved it so much- you loved being the center of their attention, you adored being their little ragdoll, how they could fuck you into oblivion so mercilessly, yet make sure you get your fix.
His cock knocking into you, hitting your cervix, which sent moans flying out of your throat, gripping his wrist tightly while he held your thigh up around his waist.
You deemed it your job to please them, to take care of them, and they felt the same- it was the implicit rule of this situationship.
Erens trying to instill as much self-control as he can bear to keep, but it's merely no use, he’s slipping, and fast. His cock constantly slamming into your nerves sent you into a spiral, every thrust fucked your eyes to the back of your head, “fuckin’ you stupid huh- I missed this tight cunt.” Eren spits, the sweat from his body dripping onto your sticky body as your pussy goes numb.
“I love your cock- love it s’much Eren,” your beautiful voice could alone bring both men to climax, he uses it as motivation to cum deep into your pussy. Levi wiped the drool from the side of your lip, along with your tears as he watched you.
Eren pulled out, light moans as he shivered, spilling his seed on your stomach, a mantra of your name falling from his tongue as he tried to regain control.
With you left fucked out on the bed as they got dressed, almost like a routine- you're left struggling to put your clothes on as Levi is trying to rush the two of you out of his room so he can strip his sheets.
“Don't get caught.” He's warning, seeing the two of you out, you're practically trudging through the corridors with Eren at your side as you feel more of a mixture of your cum soak through your underwear and legs, your jeans getting damp with each step you took.
Right as you neared the bedroom door, thankful to be able to strip yourself of your clothing in only a few minutes, Eren ensures you get to your room safely, but no one is that lucky- are they?
“Whatcha’ guys up to?”
Before catching a glimpse of your face, you're gasping and looking away, Eren turning around to see Connie and Jean, “busy?”
Eren laughs, casually speaking, “does it look like it?” he looks more or less as disheveled as you did, his hair falling from the hair tie, while you looked a mess.
“She looks like she just got hit by a bus.”
Your body barreling over in embarrassment, you find it hard to look at them, Jeans’ eyes doubling in size as he sees the unfamiliar piece of fabric in your hand.
“Is that- your bra?”
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adam-banks2024 · 3 years
going to eden hall’s cotillion with adam banks
you were super nervous about the dance
it was one week away and you still didn’t have anyone to go with
at this point you thought you’d have to go alone
and you were excited
this was gonna be different than anything that you’ve ever went to before
yeah, you went to prom when you were a sophomore at a smaller school, and you went to winter formal in january, but you had never gone to anything as fancy as this before
you didn’t even know what it was at first
big thank you to google
as soon as you learned that it was a “fancy french dance” as russ put it, you started picking up more hours at your part time job
you didn’t need anything super extravagant or expensive, but you wanted to look nice and feel pretty
you talked to charlie about it almost everyday, and he seemed as excited about it as you
“i think i’m gonna ask lisa”
“what kinda tux should i get?”
“what kinda flowers do girls like?”
yada yada
you helped him with everything, of course
and he helped you pick out a dress, and a corsage, the whole shabang
and so the only thing left was to get a date
easy right
laugh out louddddd
but charlie was optimistic
he knew that you liked someone, but he didn’t know who it was
julie and connie didn’t even know so he knew there was no hope trying to find out
so you collectively agreed to find someone to go with as friends
you talked to ken first
made a really nice poster board, and made some ice skating puns
he looked super happy, and he laughed the whole time you were embarrassing yourself with your cheesy poster
he said thanks
but apparently...
he was
going with
like damn ken okay
i see u
so you were upset
but kinda proud of him
so that meant it was on to the next person
russ? maybe
he’s be funny, plus it wouldn’t be awkward with him
so you get him some candy instead of a poster board, and walked up to him during lunch
“thanks, but averman, goldberg, and i are going together. kind of like a bachelors thing, yknow?”
you sighed
that takes out one more person
who else who else
you could ask dwayne, and he’d be a gentleman, and you’d have an amazing time
you ditched the candy, borrowed a cowboy hat, and gave him a sunflower and asked him
he thought the gesture was sweet, and he was obsessed with the flower
“i think i’ll name him bob”
bless his heart
But He Said He Was Already Going With A Girl From A Different School.
cool. cool. cool
fulton! he’s chill!
you’d probably have a comfortable night with him and still have a good time
you game him a card with a hockey puck on it, with some cheesy saying about hitting hockey pucks too hard
you didn’t know
this was like the umpteenth guy you asked
he laughed at the gesture and thanked you for the card
“sorry y/n, but i’m going with portman. date night yknow?”
you understood
because let’s be honest that’s cute
but now that rules everyone out
except for him
but no because you’ve seen a million girls ask him
so you figured it’d be best if you went alone
you even considered going with julie but she’s going with scooter
why is this so harrrd
“i could talk to adam?”
charlie kept insisting
you kept saying no because you didn’t want a pity date
“i can just meet you all there”
that sounded a lot less sad in your head
“just ask him tomorrow, please?”
you decided that you’d ask him
on friday
“y/N tHaTs ThE dAy BeFoRe ThE DaNcE”
itll be fine
except it wasn’t fine
you worked your ass off the whole week leading up to friday
you worked everyday, you had exams all week, and you still had hockey practice
you were dead by friday
sweats to class, energy drink in hand, bags under your eyes
and your slippers
you had zero cares today
then you remEMBERED
charlie would absolutely murder you if you didn’t end up asking
so you said screw it (:
you and adam saw each other every day during 5th hour because you both had a free period then
you guys usually hung out and giggled like little kids
but that’s usually where it ended
if he saw you in the halls he would lend a nod, but that’s about the extent of things
so you thought hey, just ask him then
aha. he did a double take when he saw you walk in the library
“are you feeling okay?”
“yeah just tired. working like hell for this stupid cotillion”
he just looked confused
“not everyone has money to burn, cake eater”
he looked embarrassed now
“nono, i didn’t mean it like that. i- i’m just tired”
he shook his head as he smiled and gestures for you to sit down
uh oh
now is the time
where you have to say the thing
“hey so,...uh!”
why does he lOOK SO GOOD
“so i asked, like, almost everyone...”
great now you sound pathetic
“...and they’ve just been busy so it’s cool...”
you’re just digging yourself deeper
“...but i still don’t have a date to the cotillion, so... would you— wanna go?”
he sat in silence for a moment
so you’re just gonna take that as a no
“what, no poster board, or candies, or sentimental cards?
w h a t
“you mean you saw all that?”
“kinda, yeah”
“o h”
now you didn’t know what to say. you just felt bad
“but yes. i’d love to go”
you did it.
he said yes?!
he took you out to a nice restaurant
complimented your dress
your hair
your face
yes your face
AHHHHH this boy
and he actually danced with you?
some songs he knew came on and you were just jumping up and down in the middle of the dance floor
you guys even...
he was an awkward distance from you, not wanting to overstep your boundaries
but you pulled him closer
and he thought it was nice :)))))
at the end of the night you two were beat
he even walked you back to your dorm room which was in a building opposite than his was :,)
“well, it’s been an amazing night. and now i get to walk across campus”
and then
then you
so yeah
he seemed giddy
and you offered him some sleeping clothes
and you slept on separate sides of the bed
and then you got a little closer
and then a little more closer...
and then y’all were cuddling
need i say more?
so yeah, it was just a really nice night for you two :))))
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beewritings · 3 years
our final night alive
Eren Jaeger x Reader one shot.
Afab reader, gender neutral pronouns used!
Content Warning: angst & nsfw. Slight violence, first time blowjobs, first time vaginal sex. Not spoiler free, manga is preferred to have been read.
Posted on my ao3.
Summary: You and Eren become lovers, but he disappears years later and it causes conflict on your relationship. I’m bad at summaries I’m so sorry
5.9k words. This is posted on my phone I’m so sorry if the layout is ugly lol. First story posted on here!! :) Feedback is welcomed!
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you and eren got together not long after annie was caught being the female titan. you, eren, armin and mikasa became close friends during your cadet days.
you shared a bunk with mikasa, and seeing as she was always focused on eren and armin, you were scared to become her friend because you were unsure if she even wanted friends. you and her became sparring partners during training one day and she, obviously, kept beating you. at some point, eren walks over and tells her to give you a break and so she apologizes to you. from that point on, you always saw eren as a life saver. yes, she kept dropping you to the ground so much to the point where you were in pain so eren saved you. you accepted her apology, of course, and you even got to ask her if you could be friends. mikasa shrugged, but eren answered for her: he said he’d like that. he introduced himself and he called for armin and you introduced yourselves. the four of you never thought you’d actually join their friend group. these were the first friends you made and you never felt happier in your life.
“y/n, what made you want to join the cadet corps? you never told us,” you remember armin asking you one day.
“oh… um… it’s a stupid reason. it’s not worth mentioning… it’ll make it seem like i’m a joke..”
“no reason is stupid. except for that horse face’s reason, that bastard is a coward!” eren said, screeching.
“um.. well as a kid, i was neglected by both my parents. they were so focused on my older brother joining the military police and so happy for him that they basically forgot about me a lot. they always called me a disappointment and such and it always made me feel like shit..”
“so you joined to prove to them you’re worthy?” 
“what? hell no, i joined so i could get away from them. i was tired of being treated like i was a mistake child so my choices were either join the military to slowly kill myself or join the military to get away from my terrible parents. i honestly haven’t felt happy probably my whole life. but then i met you guys and now i feel like i have a purpose to be here? i want to protect you guys. all three of you…”
eren gives a slight smile and then it turns into a bright one. he leans to his left and wraps an arm around your shoulder and his other arm around armin and pulls them in. you and armin wrap one arm around mikasa and you all hug each other. you knew you were there to protect them all. even though mikasa is always there to try and protect eren, you know she needed someone to protect her, and you know for a fact someone had to be there for armin.
when discussing what branch of the military you guys were going to join, you four chose to join the scout regiment. then so much happened between when you talked about what you were going to join and graduating as cadets. there were days where you and eren would work together practicing and even though you were her friend, mikasa would keep watching you to make sure you wouldn’t get too close to him. she never told you that she would watch, but she was. when you and eren would spar, there’d be times where he’d pin you on the ground and straddle you with the wooden knife pointing to your neck. you started gaining a crush on eren, not knowing he was too, and you’d blush instead of defending yourself. at some point, you did push him right off of you and pin him instead, which resulted in him with a red face instead. 
when switching partners, you sparred with armin next while eren went to reiner. instead of sparring armin, you tried teaching him moves since you knew he was fragile and it wouldn’t have been a fair fight. armin brought up the topic of you and eren.
“so, you and eren? i saw you guys being flustered while sparring.”
“w-w-what??? nooooo, i wasn't flustered???? no one was flustered, armin. haha..” way to be obvious, y/n.
armin giggles and immediately drops the conversation.
eventually, time passes and the colossal titan decides to return, bringing titans with it. cadets are to help kill titans. you ended up on another squad, but you remind yourself to keep in contact with eren and armin. you couldn't keep sight of mikasa being she was with the higher ups, but you tried. you remember crashing into armin with ymir and connie. that's when you find out that… eren got eaten by a titan. it broke your heart, you felt the pieces inside of you tearing apart. you tried being strong but.. tears started to fall. mikasa made her way and she found out too, armin screaming in tears of all the members in his squad who'd died. mikasa was silently angry, calling everyone cowards. she soars off with little gas, and you immediately chase after her. she flew away so quickly, you couldn’t catch up with her. you had to protect her, you promised to protect your friends. one is already gone, you couldn’t have another one disappear. if she disappears, how can you trust yourself to protect armin? after you all made it to the building, killed the titans inside and got to refilling your gases, you find out that the titan who was killing other titans was none other than eren, the kid you started to gain feelings for.
time skip to capturing annie, the female titan, you and eren had finally gotten alone time. a time to talk your feelings out as eren heals from his fight with her. you went to visit him when you know everyone already has, but when you know he was still awake. it’s been a few years since you’ve met and started gaining feelings, being as you met when you were 12 and are now 15.
“hey, eren. how’re you feelin’, titan boy?”
“ugh, don’t call me that, y/n. that’s the least thing i wanna hear from you.”
“.... y/n?”
“eren?” you both say at the same time.
“oh, you can-”
“no no, you go.”
you both give off small laughs.
“you go first, y/n.”
“um. well, i’m pretty sure this is the wrong time to bring this up considering you’re tired from fighting that female titan. plus this war isn’t near over and i shouldn’t be focused on feelings because we are soldiers but, uh. i have-”
“me too,” eren cuts in.
“feelings, i- what? i didn’t even finish-”
“it’s been obvious. well, not really. i didn’t think it was obvious, but i figured by the way we’ve been acting towards each other. we always get flustered when we’re close to each other. y/n, did you even realize that you’re holding my hand?”
you both look down and see that you’re holding his hand. you snatch it back with a flushed face and start stuttering.
“i-i-i always h-hold my friends' hands!!! i k-know you’ve seen me hold armin’s!! please, y-you’re not special, eren jaeger!”
eren giggles and blushes as well, leaning to grab your hand once more, this time interlocking the fingers.
“i agree. this isn’t the time for romance considering we are soldiers in the middle of a battle. but that doesn’t make me not want to further this relationship between us.. i-if you want that, that is…”
you bite your lip, looking away from him. you squeeze his hand and he caresses your skin with his thumb. you both kind of just ended the conversation there, but everything was mutual between the two of you. you knew what you wanted. a relationship, but never really having the title due to the war you all were going through. time flies and the battle with reiner and bertholdt to capture eren back from them happens. all you could feel about this battle was anger; you were going to get eren back. and you did. during the time where everyone was healing from it, that’s when you and eren both told both mikasa and armin about the little thing you guys had.
armin was supportive, he was easy. but mikasa took it a little hard, not showing it though. you pulled mikasa away and had a long talk with her about it, tell her you didn’t mean to catch feelings for the man she’d grown to protect with her life, it kind of just happened. but she couldn’t stay upset forever. she wishes for eren to be happy, and as she can see: you made him happy. the happiest he’s been. and she wants you, one of her best friends to be happy too, and clearly it was with eren. since then, you and eren have been open with your relationship. everyone knew, and no one tried to end it. when you guys told the crew, most of them basically said “we figured”. jean actually laughed and didn’t believe it at first, “really? in a relationship with that suicidal blockhead? yeah, alright .” so you did what any couple would do to prove their relationship, you kissed eren in front of them all, in plain sight. that was your first kiss. his, also. jean’s face turned red in embarrassment and he turned away. “alright, whatever. you’re both crazy.”
you miss him.
you miss eren. you all found out about what was truly outside the walls, and you helped eren cope the most. you know he really wanted to kill the enemy, they caused so much pain to his home inside the walls. he wanted revenge. you understood and supported his anger, you were there with him through every moment. his rants, his tears, his fears. you backed him up; you were on his side. so why did he still leave you alone? why did he disappear from you and your friends? why were you all in marley, watching his attack titan destroy it from above? you weren’t completely mad, you all were gonna infiltrate marley eventually, you just did it quicker and earlier than planned. when you saw him with your own eyes, his titan, your heart sunk. he looked so different.. has it really been that long? no way. and… he grew such long hair.. god. it was actually kind of hot, but you were too angry to admit it.
you sigh. you stood in the blimp, you didn’t do any fighting. you explicitly told commander hange and captain levi that when you arrive at marley, you refuse to fight. you were in gear, in case you had to, but you mainly stood in the ship with them. when everyone retreated after mikasa recaptured eren, captain levi kicked him to the wall. mikasa tries to run to them, but armin’ stops her. you were in a distance, out of eren’s eyesight but you could see him. you really hated his damn face right now.
two soldiers with guns run to him, pointing towards him. levi starts to speak to him once more.
“this brings back memories, eren. you have such a kickable face.” that earns a small chuckle from you. “after you’re tied up, let’s have a chat.”
“that’s fine, i explained everything in the letters though. did you not understand it?”
“tch. that face reminds me of the rotten shits who lived underground. never thought i would see it on you. but cheer up, everything happened like you wanted it to, right?”
eren just stares off into space, but then looks levi straight in the eyes and he mumbles out, “... where are they?”
“you know who… where is y/n.”
“tch. oi, l/n. talk to your shithead boyfriend before anything else happens. i’m tired of looking at his disgusting face.”
levi walks away, tells the soldiers to chain him up and they walk away, leaving you finally in his eyesight. internally, his heart sinks. the look on your face was pure disgust, and anger. you walk towards him, and he looks up at you with his dead souled eyes. you clench your fists.
you let out a huge breath. “eren.”
“... y/n, i’ve mis-”
you already know what he was going to say, and it just pisses you off. you growl and punch the wall behind his head. you lean your leg back and kick it right into his stomach. you grab a fistful of his hair, gripping it and bringing his face to yours. mikasa tries to push through armin, but armin manages to hold her back still.
“y/n, stop !” mikasa screams.
“do you have any FUCKING clue how worried i’ve been, eren?! HUH?! DO YOU??” you ignore mikasa, “besides mikasa, i probably was even more worried than her! YOU LEFT ME, EREN. are you stupid, eh? HUH? are you fucking stupid? you like knowing your partner is just worried sick about you? fuck the plan, if i wanted to i would throw you off this air ship myself. i don’t even like looking at how disgusting you look, you’re hideous. that dead look in your eyes. you’re not even eren! you’re some man who’s a fucking joke, you don’t care about us do you?! that time on the train? when you said we were all important to you? was that a lie? do you even think we are?” you bang his head into the wall and knee him in the face, bruising his nose and bleeding from it. tears start to well up in your eyes, “i missed you, eren… why’d you just leave us like that? i’m your partner… whatever, you’re not worth my time right now. i’m going to check on the others.”
you let go of eren’s hair, look at him a second more and make a disgusted face once more. “you’re not worth my tears.” you start to walk towards the back of the airship.
“you never left my mind the whole time i was there, y/n. i promise you. ”
you clench your fists and ignore him, continuing to walk to the others to see who made it on the airship.
“... y/n?”
you went to visit the prison before commander hange did. you needed to talk to him.
“we need to talk.”
“i’m all ears, my love.”
you hate that he’s seriously using pet names on you right now. it’s always been a weakness. my love, baby, lovebird. you loved them all.
“cute, we using pet names after i beat this shit out of you? okay, sweetie. i’ll call you titan man, yeah?”
“come on, don’t start that again. what are you here for, hm?”
“to talk.”
“okay.. so talk. come on, you know you want to start with how i look.”
“how you look? haha, okay. you want me to say that you look hot? that i want you to ravage me? bend me over and do nasty things to me?”
eren smirks, “actually, yeah. if that’s how you feel, i’d love to hear you say that.”
you chuckle, hating that he isn’t wrong. you do feel that way about him right now. him being really attractive right now, a man bun AND he’s shirtless? this is so unfair.
“well, too bad then. you won’t hear me say those words with confidence. but it would be nice…” you grin and lick your lips.
“oh? unlock these prison bars, and i’ll show you a good time then, baby.”
“no. let’s be serious now-”
“i am serious.”
“no, eren. we need to seriously have a talk,” you give out an exhale, “why’d you do it? do you have a plan in mind?” eren sighs, about to cut you off but you continue, “i’m being serious, eren. i’m not planning on telling the others. this is between us… why’d you leave me?” you start to tear up, “why, eren… you have a good reason for this, right?”
eren looks away from you, not wanting to make eye contact. “i have a plan, y/n. it’s going to work, i know it is.”
“what is it, baby? please, just between us two… i need to know why you left me for so long. i’ve been hurting so much. i love you eren, so fucking much. i literally can’t see myself without you, i see a future with you. please, eren. i want to be with you through it all, thick and thin. we are going to defeat marley together, right?”
“y/n. you are the light in my life, the reason i’m doing everything i am. i want you to live such a perfect life, whether it’s with me or not. i know what i’m doing. i’m doing it for you.”
“no.. no no no! you’re supposed to be doing it WITH me, not FOR me! we’re a pair, we do it together!” you bang on the prison bars, “please eren… i can help you.. yes, i’m upset with you, and i love armin and mikasa, even jean and connie! hell, i love sasha too, god rest her soul. i’m here to protect them all, just as i was in the cadets to protect you, armin and mika. but i love you the most, and if i had to choose… it’s always going to be you. i’d betray my comrades for you, eren-”
“no. no you wouldn’t. I wouldn’t let you. i love you, y/n. with my life, my heart, my soul. i’m willing to die for you if i could, but i will not let you betray the others. they need you more than you need me.”
“eren…” you’re full blown crying now, tears running down your face and overall a crying mess. you reach your hands between the bars holding his face in them and he places his arms through the bars to your waist, “please, eren. let me be by your side. i know floch released information about you, us imprisoning you. it was a tough decision, but someone leaked information to me about how you’re going to escape and meet some of your, uh, followers? they didn’t know if they were supposed to tell me considering the fact i was so angry with you on the airship, but someone slipped up. i know that’s not your real plan, you have something else planned for this… there’s no way you want to be on zeke’s side.. right?”
eren laughs, “hell no. i fucking hate that guy.”
“then what are your true intentions, eren…” you run your thumb across his lips, glancing back and forth between his eyes and lips.
“... i can’t tell you. to protect you, armin, mikasa… the others. i can’t tell you. you’re not joining floch and my followers. you’re staying with the scouts.”
“eren, i’m not-”
“l/n? are you down there?”
you and eren pull away from your intimate hold, and put some distance between yourselves. you cough.
“yes, captain. sorry. i had to give eren another beating and more yelling.”
“well, get out. you’re not allowed to be alone with eren.”
eren looks at you and looks away. you lean back in the prison bars, grab his shoulders and bring it between the bars. you give him a kiss, a light yet deep kiss. one that just screams, please eren. he kisses you back, putting one hand on your waist. you pull away from his lips.
“.... i love you, eren. please, reconsider,” you whisper.
“i love you, y/n. more than you ever will know, i promise to spend my last 4 years with you,” his words make you tilt your head in confusion, “you’ll understand later. i promise you .”
you start to walk back, but then you hear eren’s last words to you, “you gonna let me ravage you soon, right? don’t act like i know you don’t think i’m so hot now.”
you giggle and walk backwards to look back at him, “i’ll think about. maybe if you’re a good boy, you can bend me over and do nasty things to me. maybe more, yeah?”
“oh? is this a promise or are you a tease?’
“take your pick.”
you walk up the stairs, leaving the man of your dreams locked in the prison.
eren escaped the prison. he met with his followers, the jaegerists, just as you had known was going to happen. you and the squad went to a restaurant to talk with niccolo. you didn’t expect what happened to happen. sasha’s family were there to eat, niccolo found out that the girl who killed sasha, gabi, was upon them and he threatened to kill both her and falco, the young eldian boy with her. after a dramatic episode with sasha’s adopted little sister, the little girl she saved from a titan, you, armin and mikasa take gabi to a separate room. you have a small talk, only to see your beloved walk in, with a threat. but to see eren again made your stomach flutter with butterflies. god you can’t get over how hot he looks.
he tells you to leave, he needs to talk to armin and mikasa by themselves. as he sends you out, there's a soldier who leads you into another room. you assume eren told him to lead you into another room. you take off your green military jacket, leaving you in your normal day outfit. after a bit, eren walks in. you blush, because god damn he’s so hot.
“... why are you so quiet?” eren asks.
“i-i don’t.. i don’t know. everything that’s happening, it’s just. so confusing…”
“thought you wanted me to bend you over? is that not what you said?”
you look up immediately in shock, “eh?”
eren smirks, “ eh? ” he mocks you, “i said, i thought you wanted me to-”
“i heard you the first time.. seriously, eren? right now? i don’t think this is the right time to-”
“baby, i’m joking. well, not really. i kind of was hoping we would do something here, but you obviously don’t and i am not going to force you,” he sighs, “can we just… hold hands and sit in silence? everything is stressing me out and i don’t know what to do with you.”
“what to do with me..?”
“shh, just hold my hands and shut up.”
“eren jaeger, i know you did not just tell me to-”
“y/n l/n.” 
you immediately shut up, knowing you hate when he uses your first and last name. you look away and he reaches forward and places his hands out in front of him, on the table.
you hold his hands, fingers interlocked, and look into his eyes. those teal eyes… you could stare into them forever. you sit in silence for about five minutes.
you hum in response.
“do you love me?”
“more than life itself.”
“... okay.”
they sit in silence once again.
“yes, my love?”
“.... can we… um…”
“hm? use your words, baby.”
ugh, you hate it when his pet names make you melt. and the way he uses them? UGH he just makes you want to just sit there and obey him forever if it meant him calling you baby. you started to blush and squirm in the chair. eren smirks and chuckles.
“is something wrong, baby? do you… need some release? you look like a pathetic whore in heat.”
you look at him with widened eyes. you’ve never heard eren speak like this to you before, but you.. kinda like it. like, you and eren haven’t even done sexual things so for you both to say dirty things, let alone imply sexual activities towards each other, was new. and well, it seems like that's going to change. eren leans forward with his body, taking back his hands and putting one on the table and one to grip your chin towards him.
“ are you going to fucking answer me? ”
“i-i.. i, um-”
“god, you can’t even speak. you’re so awestruck by the way i’m treating you? it was bound to happen sometime, all you do is cry about how much you love me. it’s annoying. i’m surprised you aren’t a jaegerist, on your knees kissing my shoes. begging for me to fuck the shit out of you. huh? is that what you want? for me to fuck the shit out of you? HUH? answer me, you fucking whore! ” eren slaps your face with the hand that gripped your chin, and he grips it again. he force opens your mouth and he spits in it, “ swallow it. ”
“y-yes sir,” are the only words that could come out, and it boosted his ego and the tent in his pants you didn’t notice until now started to show more. you swallowed the liquid he spit into your mouth and stared into his beautiful teal eyes. you know this is just foreplay, he’s not genuinely angry with you. because his eyes never changed. this is the love of your life… he wouldn’t hurt you. you know he wouldn’t hurt you. you open your mouth to show him you swallowed it and he chuckles.
“ good. ” he lets go of your jaw and pats your head. he looks you in the eye and smiles. a genuine loving smile. he speaks again, “are you okay with this? with what i'm doing?”
you nod, giving a smile back. “i feel amazing, eren. are we… are we gonna, y’know…”
“hm? what did i say about using your words?”
you groan and look away from his eyes. “are we, no, are you actually going to bend me over and do nasty things to me?”
“do you want me to?”
eren smirks and chuckles. “your wish will be my command.”
on an instant, eren grabs your arm and yanks you over the table. he walks to where you were just standing, and then he drags you by your hair to get off the table. he forces you on the floor, on your two knees to face towards him and his bulge that was being held in his dark pants, screaming to come out. he leans against the table.
“well? what are you waiting for? i’m not helping you. you’re on your own.”
you roll your eyes and you feel like you just know what you’re supposed to do. your hands make way to his pants, unbuttoning it immediately. you pull his pants down to his ankles, and start to rub his bulge. eren sucks in a breath, leaning his head back. he’s getting impatient, he actually can’t wait. he pulls his underwear down, his girthy member slapping against his stomach. he backs up to sit on a chair and spreads his legs apart for you. you stare at him with a flushed face and widened eyes. because it’s your guy’s first time doing anything like this, he smirks and starts pumping his member. pre-cum leaking out. he bites his lip, tilts his head back and lets out a low moan.
“y/n. start. i’m not doing everything for you from here on. suck it.”
you stare at his member, not in fear because your beloved’s cock is big, but in shock. will i… will i be able to fit this in my mouth? let alone.. inSIDE of me?? you lean forward, trying not to let him wait any longer. you lick a long stripe from his balls to his tip, earning a strangled moan from eren. he doesn’t want to pull your hair yet, so he just keeps caressing his thighs. you lick it some more, and then you finally stick him inside your mouth, and he instantly thrusts into your mouth. you let out a choke and pull off to cough. he opens his eyes and puts his hand on your cheek, stroking it.
“i’m sorry baby, i-it was an instant reaction. i’ll try not to do that until you’re ready. j-just.. keep going…”
you nod your head after coughing, letting your mouth right back onto his cock. you slowly start to bob your head, letting your tongue glide against the veins. trying not to bite, you start to bob your head quicker. you use your hand for whatever you can't reach and you just do this for a few minutes. eren’s legs start to shake. you lick his tip a few times, and eren’s hands go to your hair, pushing your head down a little further. he’s close. you can’t tell, but he knows he is. he thrusts up into your mouth, making you gag but you also moan, because fuck it feels so good. the vibrations from your noises trigger him, and he thrusts up more.
“f-fuck, y/n… i’m… i-i’m coming-!”
he pushes your head down all the way, your nose touching his skin. you’re gagging as thick liquid spurts up into your throat, making you gag just a bit more. your eyes tear up from the pain in your mouth, but your body feels tingly, on the verge of an orgasm. eren pulls out of your mouth while breathing heavy. you pull back with lust-filled eyes and you know you’re dying to have him inside you now. you open your mouth to show him his cum on your tongue, then you swallow that and show him your tongue once more. he blushes and giggles, looking away from your face. if he looks again, he might cum again, he doesn’t want to. not yet.
“e-eren… i need you… please, eren.”
eren looks at you and chuckles, “fuck… get on the table. i can’t hold back any longer.”
eren helps you up and sets you on the table in front of you both. he pulls off every piece of clothing you had on, your shirt your undershirt, your pants and your underwear, all at once. he refuses to wait. he needs to be in you now. he looks at your wet folds, he knows you were on the verge of cumming. he gives one long lick against you, and you bite your lip, twitching your legs and holding in your moans. he gets up and puts both arms on either side of your head. his member sliding against your folds.
“oh no no no, you are not going to hold back. i want everyone to know who is getting fucked and by who. i want everyone to know my partner of four years is a whore, a slut for my dick. that they’d do anything just to have eren jaeger’s cock in their mouth, in their beautiful pussy. yeah? are you my little cockwhore?”
“yes sir! i’m your little cockwhore, your little slut. please ‘ren, i want you.. no, i need you!!”
“god, baby. say it again, one more time baby..”
“oh my god, babe. JUST DO IT!”
you both giggle as if there aren’t soldiers threatening your friends and comrades outside that door. eren looks at you with a genuine smile, and he mumbles “please, baby.”
“... i’m your little cockwhore, ‘ren. your little slutty cockwhore.”
“yeah? who’s pussy is this? huh? who’s pussy am i about to fuck?”
“... mine?”
eren lifts an arm and smacks your face, gripping your chin tightly. “try again.”
“what was that?”
“it’s yours…”
“what’s mine? didn’t your mother teach you how to speak? what. is. mine?” he uses that hand that gripped your chin to slap his cock against your throbbing area, sliding his cock between your folds.
“this pussy is yours, eren! this virgin pussy is all yours, eren, now can you PLEASE - o-oh!”
eren laughs as he just slides his member inside of you, slowly. it’s both of your first times, but it feels like it’s not. your cunt is so tight, but it feels as though it’s been used so many times. he gets in all the way, and you reach over to grip his man bun. you pull it out of its hair tie because you didn’t want to bother working with it later. he stays in, waiting for you to give him the go. you clench yourself around him, and considering the fact you were on the brink of orgasm when you were sucking him off, you actually orgasm right then and there. you clench around him tightly, moaning and gripping his long hair. he puts his hand back down next to your head.
“eren! o-oh fuck… -i-i’m sorry… i was on t-the brink of coming, i’m sorry-! EREN!”
he starts to thrust in, using your juices as lubricant and he just goes for it. fuck waiting, you already came. and he was going to make sure you get another orgasm. he wants his baby to be spoiled with his cum. he thrusts in and out, seeing his cock become visible and invisible. you moan, scream, every verb in the dictionary. you move your hands from his hair to his back and chest, leaving marks all over. eren grunts, feelings so good from your nails scratching him. oh god, his baby is making him feel so good. and he know he’s making his baby feel so good too, it’s very well shown on your face. he keep thrusting until he hits the spot to make you wild.
“EREN! oh my god, please eren, i’m so close, please please! please treat me like your little whore! you’re hitting the spot i never knew existed, please don’t stop!”
“you want it? you want me to fuck a baby into you? hm? want your sadistic boyfriend to breed you?”
god, you were losing it. eren grabs your body, he keeps his dick inside and he pulls you down to the chair with him. he wants you to ride him. and god, it’s a new sensation. you feel like you’re seeing god when you ride him. you hop on his lap, and he holds on to your waist while fucking up into you. you stare into his beautiful blueish green eyes. you wrap one arm around his neck and the other to his cheek and you kiss him. he, of course, kisses back. he helps you hop on him while holding your waist. everything feels so good.
“eren… i’m close again..” you mumble to the boy.
“i know , baby, i am too. i am too.”
he leaves marks all over your chest, just as you left nail marks on his back. you guys just sit like this, you keep riding him until you both are on the verge of another orgasm. he holds you against him, fucking into you so quick and fast and it just keeps hitting your walls. you’re both about to orgasm.
“eren! i’m gonna come, i-i’m-”
“let it out baby, i wanna hear you. i want everyone to hear you! please baby, i love you!”
“eren! i’m- f-fuck.. i love you, eren!”
after you both orgasm for a second time, you both sit there. enjoying each other's hot air, finishing off the post orgasm and intimate moment together. you both stare into each other's eyes, sharing the bonding moment. you both smile at each other, and you nuzzle into his neck. you love eren, you loved him so much. you can’t picture your future without him. he helps you up and he sets you back on the table. he looks around the entire room searching for wipes or paper towels. fortunately, he finds paper towels and cleans your private areas off. he’s beyond happy to have shared such a moment with you, finally. he gives you a deep kiss. he loves you so much. he would love to picture himself in your future.
he wasn’t in it.
2 years have passed since the rumbling.
you miss him.
you miss eren so much.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
hey queen! Girl you have done it again. Constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. i’d say i’m surprised but i know who you are. i’ve seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so proud.
“Father figure” is so cute omg 🥺 Could Maybe write something about reader finally joining the scouts and Levi/erwin being so impressed by scared for her (if u want)
“Father Figure,” Pt 2 Levi x Erwin Headcanon
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PLEASEEEE, I love you🤧❤️ I shall give out a part 2. I’m thinkinnnng Levi’s reaction to you joining scouts annnnd Erwin’s reaction to both you wanting to be a scout and dating Jean😗 we’ll see how that goes.
Warnings: Season 3 mentions aka the beast titan for Levi. that is alllllllll
It had taken weeks, even a few months before Levi had finally went through with letting you join the scouts but he never took it easy on you, he treated you the same and even when he would train with you alone, he would be more harsh.
He only did this to benefit you, he wanted you to be better and definitely better than him and it had all worked in his favor. Once the first expedition came along, you had proven yourself well above than what the scouts expected.
As Levi watched you swing, flip and spin along the lines between buildings and the way you swiftly had taken down your first Titan, he was in awe the entire time. His eyes never left you and he would admit he got a bit emotional.
The flashbacks of you as a small child, tugging on his coat that he would wear and the way you always wanted to ride his horse or hear stories, they all flooded his mind. His own child stood in front of him, grown up and turned into a mini Levi and he couldn’t help but feel proud.
It wasn’t long until you turned into exactly like Levi onto the field, always putting yourself at risk and taking the bigger Titans on by yourself with no issue. He was shocked to say the least, he wouldn’t have expected you to grow up so quickly and turn into such a great scout.
One mission in particular had Levi on the edge, when the commander had ordered for only Levi to handle the beast titan, you had all but ignored both their commands and followed behind your father in battle. Maybe it was because you were worried for your dads safety, you didn’t want him to take the beast Titan on his own. You knew he was the best of the best but even then, you still knew your fathers weakness.
At the last moment, you had swooped in and spun around in the air, using your blades to swipe through and cut the hand off that was reaching for you before lunging your blades right through his eyes, hearing Levi yelling behind you.
“What the hell are you doing?! This wasn’t your mission!” He was beyond frustrated with you but more fearful that you would get caught up because you were too confident in yourself.
You ignored your fathers yelling, following his lead and instantly breaking apart the beast Titan until Levi had sliced the nape of his neck open and saw the older man break out of the Titans skin.
“Y/N, take your ass back to where the cadets are!” Levi grabbed onto your upper arm and practically yanked you towards him, the fury in his eyes was all but filled with fear.
“Dad, we literally just took down the beast Titan and you’re screaming in my face because I helped?” You glared up at him, the stubbornness you both had was too overbearing.
While you two were busy bickering about you joining in the fight, another Titan swooped in and had almost chopped you up in their mouth but Levi had pushed you down, watching the Titan pick the beast Titans body and run off.
“You let them get away because you were too fucking worried about me!” You yelled at your father, the anger boiling in both of you was steaming hot and he couldn’t help but feel angry towards himself too, for letting him get so distracted.
Levi had let a deep breath in, rubbing his temples for a moment as he tried to think clearly. He had reached over to you, embracing you in a tight hug and rested his chin on the top of your head, luckily you were short enough for him to even do so.
“I’m sorry, I’m trying to get used to you being out here and I get... scared. Only because you remind me of... me when I first joined, always putting yourself on the line, always going out of your way to prove you’re better but I need you to be careful.” He fully admitted, shaking his head at your carelessness but he couldn’t stay mad because you learned all that from him.
“Dad, I’m not stupid. I’m being careful, you have to trust me.” You rolled your eyes at your father, you frustrated you but you couldn’t help but understood the fear he felt while you were out here with him.
“I do trust you but I also need you to listen to commands when directed, do you hear me? You aren’t in control.” He grabbed your shoulders and forced you to look up at him, making you slowly nod you head.
“Don’t let that shit happen again or else you’ll be on horse shit duty.”
Erwin wasnt as strict when you joined the scouts, he was actually pretty proud to know he raised you to be a great cadet and probably a great future leader. All the nights he helped trained you was a very proud moment for him to be apart of.
He felt like he had accomplished something greater, this was a feeling better than becoming a Commander and that was raising you to be a great scout member.
He had put you under Levi’s team for many reasons, only because he wanted him to watch you closely and he had trusted Levi enough to put his child’s fate in his hands.
He had watched you flourish nicely on expeditions, you always proved yourself to be great. Your first expedition you had taken down a total of five Titans on your own and ended up saving Connie in the middle of it.
Erwin couldn’t help but openly get emotional in front of everyone, causing them to grow awkward at your fathers tears as he watched you. You had repeatedly told him to stop being so emotional about everything but he did anyways, he couldn’t help but cry only because he was so proud of who you’ve grown to be.
The long nights of staying up with you when you wouldn’t sleep, the days where he would forget about his work to take you out on walks, to explore with you and play silly games that you made up. It was all worth it to him and his heart was full of love and happiness when it came to you.
But one day he had been looking for you after a mission, he was pretty worried and wanted to talk to you with dinner about how the mission went. He unexpectedly caught you and Jean outside alone, lips smashed together.
“Y/N, Jean.” He cleared his throat awkwardly and your face instantly heated up into a dark shade of red once you both had been caught, you wished it was anyone else but your own dad, you were completely embarrassed.
You had rushed inside, following your dad to his office where you two usually sat and ate your meals. Erwin was silent, he couldn’t stay mad at you thought, it was bound to happen that his own child would grow up and find someone.
“I didn’t know you two were daring.” He spoke up, causing your face to heat up again and you had tried to look anywhere else but him
“I mean, yeah, it’s only been recent.”
“Ahh and he makes you happy, yes? That’s what I would hope for.” He stared at you, both of you making eye contact and you were shocked that he was acting so calm about everything.
“Yeah, I’m happy.”
“Good, good but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve been watching you on some missions and even had your Captain report back to me on how you do on them. I know I’ve said I didn’t want you to be apart of this life but I’m very proud of you, you’ve grown up to be amazing and intelligent. I’m proud to be your father.” Erwin told you, taking a bite out of his food to hold in the emotions he wanted to express but he had to tell himself to not be such an emotional father.
“Oh,” You were certainly caught off guard by his words and you had to think to yourself if this was a dream and ask yourself why was your father acting like this.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it, dead.” You smiled at him, both of you finishing your dinner rather quickly.
Erwin had ended the night laughing and bringing up stories of when you were a small child to both you and Jean, he mostly told you the embarrassing stories and would mention one or two that were adorable. You had shaken your head at your fathers idea of a fun time, telling embarrassing stories but Jean had been enjoying himself a little too much.
Your father stood across from you, the intense feeling of being proud but also mixed with fear when it came to you telling him about today’s mission and how you taken out a few Titans in a second all on your own. You were definitely his child but it was scary to see how fascinated you were with being a scout and how truly happy you were with your job.
Erwin had to swallow his pride and his instinct to be an over protecting father, he always feared for your life out on those missions but he also trusted you and your strength to come back alive and well, you were his child after all.
AHH well. I hope this is as good as the first one🤧
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arminbitchlover · 4 years
Confession (F!reader x Jean Kirschstein)
content warnings: mild language, smut, oral (F receiving), praise, unprotected sex, alcohol/intoxication
summary: reader and jean have been in love w one another for years, but never actually admitted it. it wasn't until one night at marley, drunk jean decided to change all of that and finally make them his.
word count: 3.1k
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You forgot what it was like to genuinely have fun with your friends again. You couldn't recall the last time you got together and not worry about your lives being at risk. It didn't matter to you whether it be making bets to see who takes a shot or reminiscing on old times during training, it just made you feel somewhat at peace.
"C'monnnn, y/n!! a single shot won't hurt anybody." Hange playfully shoves your shoulder as they hold a shot glass in front of your face.
"I rather not, but thank you anyways." You giggle and push away the shot from your view.
"More for me." They chug down the alcohol as if it was water, not being affected from the after burning effect.
You never really liked the idea of being drunk; having little to no memory of what you're doing and having to deal with migraines and nausea the next morning did not please you in the slightest. Jean, on the other hand, didn't seem to care much about the consequences.
"Y-Yeah, ssoooo then I-I zoomed in and swoosh titan DEAD!" Jean hiccups and waves around his hands as he tells Connie his, more than likely, fictional kill.
"You sound like an idiot." Connie playfully smacks Jean's shoulder, laughing out loud.
"Youu are— More pleaseee." Jean slurs out his sentences into one while pointing at his empty glass.
"Sure, buddy." Connie smiles and grabs his glass, walking over to the bar.
Before he could call over a bartender to fill Jean's cup, you clear your throat to catch his attention.
"Don't you think Jean is going a bit overboard with the alcohol?" You flash a confused look to Connie and immediately break out into a smile.
"Oh fuck yes, but he's enjoying himself so I'll let this one slide." He sits on the chair next to you, glancing at Jean and Armin having some kind of competition.
"Yeah, he is..." You trail off, letting your mind wander off as you stare at Jean.
You never had the courage to admit to Jean how much he meant to you since the day you met him. You recall it as if it was yesterday, you were practicing with ODM gear and one of your hooks stopped working and Jean didn't waste a second to help you. You remember everything about him at that moment, how he had a grass stain in the mid left of his shirt and how he had a small scratch right under his left eye as well.
Before you got the chance to tell him how you felt, you found out about how Jean was basically in love with Mikasa and fuck did that hurt, but it was over now. That was 4 years ago and now you're here, still with the same little crush but understanding there was no point of trying to make it anymore than that.
"Uhhh, y/n?" Connie snaps you out of your thoughts, noticing your eyes never leaving Jean.
"Huh? Oh— sorry." You turn your head back to Connie, wanting to get Jean out of your thoughts.
"You know, he's stupid if he doesn't see what an amazing person you are." He smiles, immediately seeing through you.
"Is it really that obvious?" You slightly smack your forehead.
"Somewhat, but, hey, you really should try to shoot your shot. Jean got over Mikasa a while back and I notice the way he glances at you when you're not looking." He hits your shoulder with his, getting a small chuckle out of you.
"Yeah as if." You grin and continue your conversation with Connie, unaware that Jean has been shooting quick looks at both of you when neither of you were looking.
Jean never likes thinking about his feelings, let alone talking about them, especially after being rejected by Mikasa, but he will never get over how everything about you causes butterflies in his stomach.
He will never forget when he noticed how perfect you were, it was during dinner with all the scouts and the usual argument between him and Eren had arisen. Everyone else was telling Jean to quit and that he was being rude for no reason, but you were the only one who stood up for him. He will never forget how you looked, you had a bruise on your forearm and a gash on your right cheek from cutting yourself with a branch, but he still thought you look absolutely beautiful
Now it was two years later, and he never actually thought of ever telling you how he felt since he just assumed that it was some type of infatuation, but it was so much more than that. Before he had the chance to tell you how he felt, his self doubt clouded his mind, telling him that it was just a one sided crush and he believed it.
"Armin, d-do yerrr think y/n and Connie— together?" Jean clumsily turned his head to Armin, seemingly forgetting what they were talking about in the first place.
"Jean, you're completely over analyzing them. They're just friends." Armin laughs, quickly noticing Jean's jealousy.
"I-I hope so," He hiccups, still staring down Connie and notices you laughing at something he said.
"Oh, fuck this." Jean tightens his hands into fists, gets up and walks towards you, not aware that he was leaning to his left.
"CONNIE!" He grabs his best friend from his collar, pulling him out of your seat.
"JEAN— WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Connie grips Jean's wrist, pushing him away.
You stand there in shock, not knowing how to help either of them.
"Y-Y-You know how I feel about y/n and youuu still decide— steal her from me," He stammers while using the bar table for balance.
You and Connie both look at each other, completely stunned from what just came out of his mouth.
"Jean..." You trail off and slowly make your way towards him, scared that what he says is too good to be true.
"Whattt?" He makes eye contact, genuinely curious why you were calling him.
"Maybe we should go back to the hotel and get you some water." Connie rubs Jean's back, completely disregarding what had just transpired between them.
"Wait—" Jean pulls away from Connie and faces towards you.
"I love-love you, okay?" He grazes his fingers across your forearm, not thinking much of what he just confessed.
You feel your face start to heat up and your heart begins to pound rapidly in your throat. You couldn't believe what you just heard, you think it's some sort of twisted lie that his drunken self has just stirred up. It was all too good to be true, right?
"You're wasted, Jean." You move your arm away, doubting everything he just spat out.
"I knew you didn't f-feel the samee way." He looks down on the floor, looking as if he wanted to barf and cry at the same time.
"Let's uh— go, Jean." Connie gives you a weak smile before taking him out of the bar.
You sit alone for a few minutes, not knowing what to do with yourself before deciding that you just needed to end this night already. You get your things and make your way to your hotel and check in.
You grab the keycard from the receptionist and head to your room, feeling completely empty inside. You didn't really feel like staying up any longer after what happened even though it was barely 11:30, so you took a shower and went to bed with Jean's confession playing repeatedly in your head.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
You wake up to knocking at your door, leaving you completely startled. You rub your eyes before looking at the clock, 4:54.
"What the fuck.." You mumble to yourself and get out of bed and check the peephole, seeing Jean with no shirt and pajama pants.
Your chest tightens and you immediately open the door, not giving it any thought.
"Y/n..." He rubs the back of his neck, not making any eye contact.
"Jean." You keep your body somewhat hidden behind the door, not knowing what to do.
"Can I please come in?" He looks at you, hoping you'll say yes.
"Well, are you still drunk?" You smile, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Oh no, I— um slept it off, I just have a headache." He laughs as you widen the door and allow him to walk in.
"Is everything okay?" You sit on the bed, hoping that he doesn't bring up anything he said at the bar.
"So, uh Connie told me everything." You feel your heart drop to your stomach, already assuming what his next words are going to be.
"And?" You close your eyes, preparing for the worst.
"I can't really take back what I said, you deserve to know the truth," Your eyes widen and you turn to look at him, his eyes on you, "I just need to know if you feel the same way."
"Y-You really like me?" You feel butterflies in your stomach, everything beginning to feel so surreal.
"Of course I do, what is there not to like about you." He chuckles and takes a seat next to you.
"Well um- I like you too... For a while now actually." You hesitate as you realize that this was real, Jean really sees you as more than just a friend.
"Really?" His face turns red, not noticing that he immediately took a hold of your hand.
"Yes, really." You squeeze his hand for reassurance.
You both stare into each other's eyes for a little bit, enjoying one another's presence, unaware that both of you start leaning in at the same time
Your lips slightly brush against each other, feeling the electricity trill through your body before connecting them and letting the warmth of his body consume you.
You've never shared a kiss like this before; one that's so deep and passionate and could almost feel all the feelings you have for one another being poured onto it.
"God, you're perfect," Jean whispers as he slowly lowers you to the point when you're laying flat on the bed and he's on top, both of his legs on each side of yours.
You glide your hand across his chiseled jaw while he has a firm grip on your waist, scared that if he let go it would all be over. You completely underestimated how much you wanted him, not just physically, but all of him.
"Do you want this?" He lifts his head and rubs his thumb in tiny circles on your cheek.
"I do." You grab his face with both of your hands, pulling him in for another slow and sensual kiss.
You grind slightly against him, already feeling the arousal pooling low in your stomach just from a kiss. You slide your hands down to his abs, lightly tracing them with your index finger. 
He moves his hands down to your shirt, pulling it over your head and tossing it off to the side. His eyes widen, completely in shock that you were without a bra.
"What?" You giggle, lifting his chin to make eye contact.
"Nothing." He grins and gives you a peck, before turning his focus back down to your chest.
He starts by kissing on your collarbone, intertwining his hands with yours by the sides of your head; tightening his grip each time he marks your skin.
"Shit." You exhale heavily, loving the intimacy Jean created with everything he was doing to you.
He made his way to your tits, taking his hand to massage your left breast while he kisses and lightly sucks the other one with care. You run your hands through his hair, taking in everything he was doing to you.
"Is it okay if I- um go down on you?" He breathes out, feeling his hard cock get tight against his pants.
"Of course." You feel your face heat up and help him pull down your underwear.
He pepper kisses all the way down your stomach before reaching your slick center. You feel your heartbeat start to quicken, already feeling prepared as this was something you would think about endlessly, but before he did anything you feel your legs being hoisted onto his shoulders and his grip on your outer thighs become more firm.
You suddenly felt the pad of his thumb lightly press against your clit, involuntarily causing your hips to buck up. You glance down and see a smile across his face.
"I'm going to take my sweet time with you and I'll make sure you feel nothing but pleasure, okay?" He smirks at you and goes back down, not waiting for a response.
"O-Okay." You took in a sharp breath, unexpectedly feeling his hot wet tongue take in your arousal that covered your slit.
He focuses on your clit, doing sloppy circles at a tedious pace. Even though he just started, you love every second of this. It makes you feel so special to have someone wanting to spend a great deal of time just pleasing you and not worry about anything else.
His hands slowly rub up and down on the outer sides of your thighs, making his actions so much more intimate. He continues his sensual pace, as you grip his brown locks, feeling fuzzy.
"Mm, Jean," You moan, grinding against his mouth wanting a bit more.
He didn't hesitate, seemingly already knowing what you wanted, and slips his middle finger into you. He still wasn't rushing anything, wanting to make everything last as long as possible, wanting to ensure your first time with each other was nothing but perfect.
It slips into you effortlessly, taking his finger in while your walls clech against it. While you don't realize, Jean's dick is seeping with precum, making a small wet spot go through his boxers and onto his sweatpants.
"Another please." You're so ready to gush all over him; you never understood the effect unhurried foreplay could have on you until this moment. You didn't think it could turn you on this much, let alone cum, but fuck, Jean was making it happen and it was coming fast.
He pushes in his ring finger, curling them both to hit your g-spot, causing your vision to swim.
"Cum on my face, please," Jean mumbles, slightly picking up the speed but nothing too harsh and abrupt.
It didn't take long for you to fall apart, your thighs trembling against him as you moan out his name while gushing on his face and fingers.
"You sound so pretty saying my name." He pulls away and smirks at you, gently rubbing your clit to bring you back down from your high.
"Well maybe you should try and make me do it again," You giggle, feeling ready for what was about to happen.
He makes his way back up your body, pulling off his pants and boxers before aligning himself.
"Are you sure you want this?" He looks into your eyes, worried that he'll fuck up somehow and ruin everything.
"Yes, I'm sure." You pull him in for a gentle kiss, feeling him push into you and stretch you out.
You gasp, not expecting him to be as big as he was. You feel your walls clench against him trying to take him in as smoothly as possible even if it was borderline painful.
"Shit— are you okay?" Jean stops, giving you a worried look, noticing discomfort flash across your face.
"I'm fine, keep going," You reassure him and you mean it. It wasn't anything that was excruciatingly painful, but rather just pressure and soreness and you had to admit it felt fucking amazing.
"I'm still going to take it slow alright? I just— really want to enjoy this moment with you." He kisses your forehead and moves your hands to the top of your head, holding them with one hand and the other gripping the bed frame.
So many thoughts go through your head at once. One part of you was so happy that you and Jean were finally together, admitting to each other what you've kept hidden for years. The other was so fucking scared, scared that there was no certainty that either of you would be alive by next week. So you understood Jean's words and you wanted to enjoy every second with him as well, as if it were your last.
He slides further into you, already feeling his cock start to twitch in you from how tight you are.
"Fuuckk," He drawls, feeling his tip hit your cervix.
"Y-You feel so good," You whimper, feeling yourself coat his dick in arousal as your back starts to arch against his stomach.
He keeps his slow and sensual pace, resting his forehead against yours while giving you soft kisses between each thrust.
You close your eyes, savoring what he feels like inside you, his sluggish movements making you feel fuzzy and warm.
You feel the pressure build up in your stomach again, feeling him hit a spot so deep in you that you didn't realize was even there.
"'m gonna cum again." Your eyes roll back and you move your hips against him, seeing stars as he puts a bit more pressure into your sweet spot, feeling your walls start to flutter.
"Don't hold back." He moves his hand that is holding yours back down to your clit, setting you over the edge.
"Jean!" You throw your head back, losing yourself in the waves of sensations and feeling yourself tightly clutch on his cock.
"Fuck, I think I'm gonna cum too." He immediately pulls out and begins pumping himself.
Your stomach becomes painted with hot white spurts of cum, seeing Jean's face wash over with bliss and relief.
"That was... wow." Jean smiles and pulls you in for one final kiss before putting back on his clothes and walks over to the bathroom to get paper towels.
"That was worth the wait," You giggle, reaching your hand forward as you try to grab the paper towels from his hand.
"No, please, let me." He lightly pushes you back down, gently wiping down your stomach and making sure you were clean before laying back down next to you.
"Thank you, Jean." You rest your head against his chest, listening to his heart beat.
"Why are you thanking me?" He clumsily traces your back, taking in your scent.
"Making me happy." You pull away and look into his eyes, caressing his cheek.
"Well in that case, I promise I will do everything I can to make you as happy as possible for the rest of our lives." He chuckles and kisses your temple before pulling you back into his chest, both of you drifting off to sleep.
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redswanned · 3 years
Babysitting! Connie x reader
Modern!au; no warnings, just fluff 
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Unsurprisingly, Niccolo’s new restaurant is a success
and he needs his wife Sasha to help him run things 
and taste test everything
with all the hustle of a restaurant, there’s no possible way that they could manage things and attend to their 10 month old son
 Insert you and Connie, aka Sasha and Niccolo’s other couple friend
and last minute babysitters
“Whoa Sasha, anything for my best friend!”
she handed you her little son Ryan
who was adorable as heck
he had Niccolo’s blonde curls but Sasha’s mischievous eyes
“OH, and he needs to eat of course!”
Sasha shoved a bunch of baby food and bottles into Connie’s hands
“Uhhhhh are you sure he can eat all of this?” asked Connie
“That’s my wife’s son, I’m sure he’d eat more if he could”
Niccolo earned himself a playful smack from Sasha after that
Niccolo being the protective dad told you and Connie Ryan’s schedule
Soon they left
and it was just you, your boyfriend Connie, and Ryan
According to Niccolo’s long ass schedule, you two need to feed Ryan in 5 minutes
you never thought you’d see the day where Connie went into dad mode™
as you prepared the baby food and bottle, Connie was too busy entertaining Ryan
he propped the chubby lil baby on his shoulders and walked around the house
it’s safe to say the house filled with cute baby laughter which melted you and Connie’s hearts. 
“You two are getting along well!”
“Yeah! He laughs at everything I do! Kind of like you!”
stahhhhppp it was true though this man had you laughing til you cried all the time
looks like Connie’s entertaining personality appealed to Ryan too
at the sight of his mashed up potatoes courtesy of his chef father, Ryan began to scream eagerly
the both of you just laughed
he was literally a mini Sasha
“Y/N.... can I feed him?” Connie asked shyly
how could you deny Connie being shy omg this is like super rare
“Awwww you wanna feed the babyyy”
“It just seems like it would be fun! How hard can it be?”
You handed him the baby food and spoon and placed Ryan in the high chair and wrapped his bib around his neck
As Connie began to feed Ryan, this child nearly bit Connie 
Ryan began to laugh
then started to fuss because he needs his food n o w
“God, he’s too much like Sasha its kind of concerning”
you just laughed as the baby somehow finished the food in record time
unsurprisingly Ryan was still hungry
so time for his bottle!
Connie let you do the honors of feeding Ryan this time
because he doesn’t want to feel attacked by a 10 month old
something about seeing you cradled up and feeding a baby triggered something in Connie
like his heart absolutely melted
and his eyes softened. 
Ryan was falling asleep as he was drinking his milk causing you to notice Connie’s demeanor
 “awww are you a little soft boy now Connie??”
“What! No, it’s just, I can’t wait for our turn.”
omg you kind of jumped since you were taken aback by what he just said
you also kind of startled Ryan who began to fuss
you calmed him down successfully and once he fell asleep
you asked Connie what he had meant
“hmm? nothing I’m just tired”
he curled up next to you and Ryan on the couch
something about a peaceful sleeping baby changed the atmosphere
and suddenly both you and Connie were starting to drift off
Ryan ended up asleep on Connie’s chest and you were secured by Connie’s arm
nap time for everyone i guess
You didn’t realize how long you were asleep for, but the sound of Ryan stirring in his sleep woke you up to a beautiful sight
you’re boyfriend cuddling you and the cutest baby
is this was heaven feels like
maybe you do want this in the future
Connie woke up soon after to you staring at him
“Hey babe, what is it?”
“I can ask you the same thing” you smirked remembering what he tried to say earlier today
“Oh, that, well I was wondering if we could have our own one day?” 
he was already blushing awww
you wanted to mess with him in this state
“Our own what?”
“Y/N you know what I mean! Our own kid one day...”
aha he finally said it!!!
and of course you agreed
you knew Connie would be a great father
he was already pretty good with kids to begin with and has the best upbeat personality
he would be a cool dad
you kissed him on the cheek letting him know that you also couldn’t wait for the day you two would become parents
this soft moment abruptly ended with a nasty stank smell and Ryan crying
uh oh
who’s gonna change his diaper
“NOT IT” you yelled
“YOU DIDN’T SAY NOT IT FIRST! Besides, you’re so eager to have your own kids one day a little practice won’t hurt!”
Connie and you got up and brought Ryan to the changing table
yes it stank but what do you expect
Connie surprisingly did a great job
until you realized the diaper was on backwards
“dammit connieeee!!” 
oh no
Ryan just mimicked you
his parents can’t find out
meanwhile Connie was laughing his ass off
Connie was almost crying from laughter as you begrudgingly fixed Ryan’s diaper
if this is what parenting with Connie will be like then its entertaining to say the least
before Sasha and Niccolo came home, Ryan needed one more bottle
this time it was Connie’s turn and he did such a great job
he was making funny faces at Ryan as he held him close aww
soon the front door opened
Sasha and Niccolo were back!!
“Hey Y/N!! how was Ryan?” Sasha asked as she walked it
you told her only great things about Ryan because he was pretty chill overall
“His appetite rivals yours’ Sasha” said Connie as Ryan finished his milk
“Thank goodness his dad is a chef!” replied Sasha as she took her son
also! Niccolo brought you and Connie leftovers as gratitude
just as you and Connie were saying your goodbyes to the family
a little someone decided to speak up
“dammit Connieee!!” squealed Ryan
all eyes darted to you
“CONNIE WHAT DID YOU DO?” yelled Sasha and Niccolo
“You obviously did something that would cause Y/N to tell you ‘dammit’“ explained Sasha
as all of this was unfolding you were just laughing
oh the joys of babysitting
you can’t help but to wait for you and Connie’s turn
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axoxtxhxh · 4 years
Not Without Trying - Chapter 2
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ReinerxFem! Reader
Warnings: Sex, taking virginity, oral (F receiving)
Word Count: ~4,000
Summary: This comes after the chapter Rain which was the first one of this story. I sort of skipped around a lot. You have to imagine this is about a month after Rain happened where Reiner and the reader had a little time to get closer.
A/N: I wrote this a while ago and am going back over it now to edit and post and I basically cringed the whole time. I don’t think I’m that much better now, but I’m definitely better and I did my best not to edit too much because I honestly want to be reminded of my progress. Anyway, that’s all.
There were good days being a part of the survey corps and then there were really good days. Today was one of the really good days. A mission completed perfectly, no casualties and no missions lined up meant they actually had a weekend. Y/N’s favorite way to celebrate was with drinking and dancing. She loved letting loose and spending time with friends and it feels like the last few months were mission after mission. Finally, a day off to have fun.
The band started playing just after dinner. Nearly everyone started dancing around the mess hall. Everyone was drinking and having fun. Most of the younger cadets were making fools of themselves, but some of the upper ranks were dancing and having fun as well. Y/N was one of the few captains who was dancing. Mike had grabbed her hand at the beginning of the night and she spent most of the time dancing around the room with him causing a number of the other men in the room to grumble wondering when their turn was. One of those men being Reiner. He continued sipping his beer watching Mike laughing and holding Y/N’s waist as he twirled her around the room.
“She dances better without you suffocating her,” he grumbled to himself.
“What’s that?” Connie asked him, laughing while he watched Jean and Eren fight over who was dancing better. Reiner just hugged his beer a little closer, continuing to watch Y/N.
After the eighth song of dancing with Mike, Y/N finally got away and sat down with Reiner. She convinced Mike to go get her a drink and he ran off.
“How’s your night? You look grumpy.” She sat down next to Reiner.
“I’m not grumpy.” He lied.
“Okay.” She mocked his grumpy tone. “You should be having fun! We never get to do this. They even hired a band!” They both looked at the front of the mess hall where they were playing. She watched Reiner take another sip of his beer, his eyebrows lowered. “You’re so annoying!” She stood up, grabbing his arm.
“What are you—” He was yanked out of his seat.
“Let’s dance!” Y/N dragged him over to an open spot and started twirling around him. He spun around trying to follow her, a smiling growing on his face. He caught her mid twirl and dipped her backwards, Y/N laughed at the surprise. They were able to dance for another minute before Mike returned with her drink and took her away. Reiner stood there sulking.
“I have to piss.” He needed to get away and started towards the door.
“Hey dumbass,” Levi called after him, “the bathrooms are upstairs.”
“I need some fresh air, I’ll just use a bush out here.”
“Take someone with you, you’re drunk.” Erwin said.
“I’ll go!” Y/N hopped off her spot on the table, leaving Mike behind, pouting. Stepping outside, the cold air felt so good on her hot skin. She searched for Reiner, but he wasn’t anywhere she could see.
“Reiner?” She called out, peeking around the side of the building. Vacant. She made her way behind the empty carriage. “You better not have gotten lost,” she mumbled. She slowly approached the bushes behind the carriage.
That’s when Reiner seized the opportunity and popped up from behind the bush and shouted, “Boo!” Y/N’s hands flew up and she hit him in the nose. “Fuck!” He groaned, holding his nose.
“Reiner!” She put her hand on his hand covering his nose trying to alleviate the pain this way somehow, moving him over so they could sit on the back of the carriage they were near.
“I thought you were drinking,” he complained, checking his nose for blood. “How do you even have the speed to move so fast?”
“Years of practice.” She smiled. “I’m sorry, does it hurt?”
He moved his mouth around trying to bend and turn his nose. Y/N started laughing at the faces he was making.
“What?” Reiner asked confused. She laughed even harder.
“Your…face…” she was leaning back holding her stomach cackling and Reiner started smiling at her. Unable to resist touching her, he bent forward towards her and started tickling her side inciting an even bigger laugh from her. “I’m going to pee!” She was squirming around on her back, Reiner following her with his hands, still tickling her waist. She caught her breath enough to use her knee to push him forward, launching him forward on top of her. They both continued laughing, slowly letting it die down, loving each other’s company.
Y/N let out one final sigh, smiling over the whole thing and looked up at Reiner, still on top of her. He was also smiling. He looked into Y/N’s eyes. They were half-closed from drinking, but that glimmer in her eyes was always there. A loose hair was pulled from her bun, falling over her face. Reiner reached his hand up and tucked it behind her ear, then smoothed out her hair. She smiled at him.
Maybe on a different day or a different time. Maybe if Reiner hadn’t been drinking. Maybe if they never spent that time in cabin together. Maybe if her body wasn’t radiating warmth that he could feel through his jacket. Maybe if her breath didn’t smell so sweet and her smile wasn’t so inviting. There were so many maybes. So many maybes that maybe could have stopped him from doing it, but all he knew is he wanted her. Using the same hand he used to smooth her hair, he rested it on her cheek. Not really sure exactly how this was supposed to go, he leaned forward and kissed her.
The kiss was unlike anything he had ever felt before. So warm, so soft, he tried moving his lips around a little bit. Y/N did the same. He moved his hands from her face down to her waist and Y/N brought her arms around his neck. She let out a moan into his mouth and Reiner got chills. The kiss became more passionate, deeper. Everything about it felt so good. Their lips were connected, but he could feel it all over his body. Y/N started to wrap her leg around Reiner and quickly woke up to what was happening.
“Oh my gosh…” She breathed out, pushing Reiner off of her. “We…”
“I’m sorry,” Reiner also breathing heavily, cheeks flushing a deep pink. “I’m sorry. I—I couldn’t stop myself.”
“It’s fine. It’s not like I was stopping you.” She sat up looking at him. He was on his knees, still looking at her, an innocent but pleading look in his eyes.
“Y/N?... Can we—” He cleared his throat. “Can we do it again?”
Her eyes widened. She was about to ask him why he would want a second drunken kiss when she realized. Her hand flew to her mouth, gasping. “Your first kiss.” Her eyes widened even more. “I was just…”
He smiled and shuffled closer to her.
“Why did you do that?” She was still so confused. “Why did you kiss me? You… Your first kiss.” She couldn’t understand. She sat up starting to move to get off the carriage. “Ughh, I feel like I ruined it. I’m sorry.”
“What?!—No!” Reiner followed her, hopping off and grabbing her hand, “I liked it!”
“Ugh, I drunk-kissed you and I’m not even that drunk.” Y/N brushed leaves off her jacket, unsure of where they even came from. “I need to lie down.” She started walking back inside, Reiner right behind her.
They opened the doors to the building and the band was still playing music, filling the mess hall. Everyone was still dancing and drinking. They were all caught up in watching Jean try to chug a full beer that no one noticed them walk through the room and up the stairs. The upstairs hallway was much quieter. Y/N opened the door to her office and continued through to her bedroom and Reiner froze, not going in.
“Can we just talk a bit?” He held her hand.
“Yeah. So, come in,” She said gesturing to the room. Reiner hesitantly walked in behind her. He stood against the wall as she sat on her bed. “What did you want to talk about?”
“I love you.” Both Reiner and Y/N gasped and stared at each other with wide eyes.
“You love me?”
“No, I didn’t mean that.” He looked around the room unsure of what he was trying to say. “I don’t know. Maybe I do.” He sat on the bed. “I guess I don’t know what it would feel like to be in love.”
“You’re confusing me.” She narrowed her eyes. “Are you telling me you have feelings for me or asking me what it feels like to be in love?”
“I guess I’m saying I don’t know, but if I do have feelings for you,” he started, “Is it bad?” She was thinking about it when he continued speaking. “Does it really bother you that you were my first kiss?”
She was about to answer when she realized she didn’t really know. Why was she so bothered by it? It’s not like she worried about it ruining their friendship because Reiner was already ready to do that. The part that bothered her the most was worrying it was bad. She barely knew what was happening when he kissed her. What if it was a really bad kiss? But why does that even bother her? She looked over at him, he was waiting for her response patiently. He was always so patient with her. She could be so annoying, but he always stuck around her. Her jokes weren’t even that funny, but he always laughed. She was often judgmental and came across as mean, but he was never offended.
She looked down at her hands. She cared about him, slowly coming to the realization that maybe it was more than she originally thought. She looked back up at him, still waiting patiently for her.
“Give me a second chance.” She finally spoke.
“You want me to forgive you?” He was confused. “But you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“No.” She smiled. “Give me a second chance at that kiss.”
Reiner’s face flushed a bright pink and he smiled shyly. Y/N moved a little closer to him.
“Right now?” He looked at her.
“Well, yeah. Do you want to wait?” She asked.
“No, no!” Reiner insisted. “Now is good.”
Y/N lifted her hand to his cheek to guide his face to hers. They both leaned in until their lips met. Again, those sparks that ran through his body the first time were there too. Was he supposed to want more of her? Was there ever a point where he would feel satisfied? Reiner’s hand quickly moved to her waist and he opened his mouth to allow their kiss to deepen. Y/N’s hand went around his neck and in his hair. His stomach did flips and he let out a sigh, his second hand going to her lower back. He slowly turned her body, lowering her back to the bed, him hovering over her.
Was this love? He felt like he could stay like this forever, his lips on hers, breathing each other in. Everything was perfect.
Y/N was the one to stop the kiss, breathless. She was about to speak, but realized there was nothing to say. Nothing to add to the moment which felt perfect to her. She ruffled Reiner’s hair and he smiled. He backed up and helped her sit up. Both of them still unsure of what to say.
Reiner couldn’t look away. He’d never experienced anything like this. He wanted to touch her, to always keep his hands on her. His eyes never getting tired of seeing her. Her smile, the glimmer in her eyes, her hands. He looked down at her hand in his, playing with her fingers. He looked back up at her noticing her hair tousled instead of its normally tight style.
“Why do you always tie your hair up?” He asked curiously.
“My hair?” She reached her hands up to touch it. “I don’t know. It’s just easier.”
“Can I see it loose?” He reached up to take out the tie, but she pushed his hand away.
“It takes a lot to keep it like this.” She laughed, “It’s easier if I do it.” She slowly removed the pins and ties. As soon as she removed the final pin, her hair fell down in waves. Full, [your hair color] tresses all the way down to her waist.
Oh yes, Reiner was in love. He stared at her, awe-struck and entirely enchanted by how beautiful she looked. He tried to speak, but only managed to say, “I…” He reached up and took a handful into his hands, brushing through it, enjoying the feeling of silk running between his fingers. He smiled at her, then brought his hand to her cheek and leaned in, kissing her. This kiss started out passionately and swiftly made its way to burning fire. Reiner was all over her, hands holding any part he thought she was okay with, his heart racing.
“Have sex with me.” He breathed, pulling away from the kiss and moving his lips to her jaw and neck.
“What?” Y/N tried separating from him, but his grip was too strong. “You just had your first kiss.” He loosened his grip and she stood up. “Don’t you want to… I don’t know, wait a little?”
His eyes were full of lust, pupils blown. “What for?” He held her hands in his, still sitting on the bed. He started kissing her wrists and arms.
“You just… because you’re so… but…” She couldn’t think of anything to say, watching his lips move over her skin.
He stood up, took off his jacket and pulled her in, kissing her cheek and jaw. “If you want me to stop, I will.” He moved to her neck now. “But don’t worry about me, I’m not a kid.”
She put her hand on the back of his neck, letting her eyes flutter closed with pleasure. That was enough for him to pick her up and move her back to the bed.
Reiner continued focusing on her neck and jawline while Y/N unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. She had been wondering what this would feel like, ever since the cabin. She pushed Reiner up and he looked at her.
“Lay on your back,” she directed and he followed. She unbuttoned her jacket and threw it to the side then lifted the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She went to reach for the tank top, but Reiner put his hand to stop her.
“I’ll do this one.” He sat her down on the edge of the bed and lifted her tank top up, dropping it to the side. He then pulled off his shoes and kneeled down in front of Y/N to do the same for her. He lingered where he was, looking up at her, eyes half-lidded.
“What do you like?” She asked him, running her hands through his hair.
“What do you mean?” He mumbled, enjoying her touch.
“Like, what can I do for you?” She didn’t know how else to say it, but he wasn’t getting it. “Do you know what turns you on? Like what makes you feel good?”
“Hmm… watching you enjoy yourself,” He said with a smile. She rolled her eyes.
“I’ll just figure it out myself.” She pulled him up and leaned backwards. He was back at her neck. She rolled over so she was on top of him, straddling his hips. He lifted his upper body to meet hers and kissed her.
“Show me how to take that off of you.” He pointed at her bra. She took his hands and moved them to her back. He followed her hand motions until her bra came undone and he pulled it off of her. He buried his face in her chest and just held it there for a while before he started using his mouth on every inch of skin within his grasp. He reached her nipple and covered it with his mouth, licking and sucking. Y/N shuddered and her head fell back.
Reiner noticed and watched her. He moved on to the other nipple, hoping to get another response. Instead she pulled his head back and brought her lips to his. She sucked on his bottom lip and bit down lightly, running her tongue over it then moving to his upper lip. Reiner kept his hands on her back, pulling her close, loving the soft warm feeling her breasts left on his chest.
She pushed him back and leaned over, kissing his neck. Reiner let out a jagged breath. She pushed her butt down and rubbed against his groin. He grabbed her back and thigh, groaning. She continued grinding her hips against his, causing the occasional moan to escape him. He moved his hand from her back and held onto one of her breasts, squeezing and moving it around his hand causing her hips to start bucking.
She quickly got off of him, breathing heavily. Reiner watched as she sat next to him.
“I’m sorry,” she spoke quietly. “I’m trying to go slow, but this feels so good.” She laid back on the bed, unbuckling her pants. Reiner helped her slide them off. She reached up and grabbed the edge of the bed from above her. “Please don’t stop touching me.” She begged and Reiner was all over her. He made his way up to her lips again.
“Where do you want me to touch you?” He asked, looking for guidance. She pulled off her underwear and opened her legs, steering Reiner’s hand to where she needed him the most. He wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted, but the moment his hand was near her warmth, she was moaning. He used his first two fingers to move around and immediately felt how wet and slippery she was. He wished he could just bury his face into her. For now, he continued moving around, sliding his hand forward. Her hips twitched. He slid his fingers around that area again and she pulled him closer, breath shaking. Continuing on, he moved his fingers lower. Y/N grabbed his hand, stopping him.
“Go back.” She laid her head back as Reiner did what she said. Gripping the sheets, Y/N was a moaning mess, so close to her release. How long had it been that she was this desperate, bucking her hips at his slightest touch? For not knowing what he was doing, he was doing a really good job. He sped up and leaned into the crook of her neck, finding any patch of skin he could find, leaving a mark. This sent Y/N over the edge, arching her back and breathing out his name until she could catch her breath.
As soon as her high died down, she reached her arms around his neck, pulling him in to kiss him. The kiss was a lot shorter than she expected as he sat up and made his way to the edge of the bed. He looked down at her legs, gently tracing his finger from her knee to her hip, then up around her waist. In one swift movement, he pulled her down to the edge of the bed where he kneeled in front of her, propping one of her legs over his shoulder, he began using his mouth to explore her warmth.
“Reiner! Wait!” Y/N attempted to stop him, but just as she did, his tongue made its way through her dewy folds and she was thrown back, moaning louder than before. Her grip on the sheets so tight she was worried she would rip them while her thighs closed around Reiner’s head.
Reiner couldn’t get enough, sucking at anything he could get his lips around. He wrapped his arms around her thigh, holding her hips to minimize the jerking. He hummed into her, she released one hand from the sheets to grab his hair, pushing him deeper. His nose rubbed her clit and she let out a strangled groan, unable to maintain the grip on his hair. At this point it didn’t matter. Reiner was rock hard, erection throbbing at every movement and noise that came from Y/N. He used his tongue to search and found the over-sensitive nub and focused all his attention on that, sucking, licking and moaning into her. Watching her move above him, his eyes rolled back as he drank her in. Hands squeezing her hips, he was barely able to control himself. His aching member was crying to be inside of her.
Y/N’s body was trembling. Muscles spasming out of her control as Reiner filled her body with euphoric pleasure. She called out his name as her orgasm rolled over her in hot waves, then stealing her breath, leaving every inch of her body juddering wildly. She lay there, unable to move as Reiner continued his work, slowing down. As her breathing slowed with him, he pulled away, holding onto her clit with his lips until finally he released it with a slick pop. Y/N mewled with one last hip twitch.
Reiner stood up, face flushed and breathing heavily, he looked down at Y/N.
“We need to get you out of those pants.” She breathed and sat up, kneeling on the bed in front of him. She started working at the buckles and he rested his hands on her shoulders. She slid his pants and underwear down and his member sprang free, red-hot and pulsating, precum rolling down the shaft. Y/N placed her hands at the tip and Reiner gasped, squeezing her shoulders.
“Y/N,” he begged, “I really just need to be inside you.” She moved him to sit on the bed and she straddled his hips, hovering. He kept his hands on her back and his forehead resting on her chest. She quickly lowered herself onto him, moaning as she felt him squeezed in so tightly. He groaned and held her closer to him. She worked her hips, getting into a motion as Reiner’s head lifted back, then leaned forward and left kisses on her neck and collarbone.
Reiner’s groans were turning into grunts and coming more frequently so Y/N picked up her pace, building her orgasm with him. His face was buried in her chest again, mouth and hand caressing her breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth and began rolling it around his tongue and teeth. Y/N’s head shot back, increasing the speed of her grinding while also increasing the strength and depth of her thrust.
“Fu—uck!” Reiner’s breath caught. He leaned back on his arm and lifted his hips up slightly, helping deepen the thrust even more. He could tell Y/N was mid orgasm at this point and he was also… just… about… there… His head flew back and his eyes opened wide, pupils dilated, fireworks going off in his brain while his body quivered, fueling the ecstasy. He wanted to moan, but nothing came out. He stayed frozen, mouth open, unable to move until he came back down from his high huffing and panting for air. Y/N crumpled onto him, completely spent, and he held onto her with his hand, mind still hazy.
Y/N sat up enough to lay back down on the bed, pulling Reiner to lay next to her. She nuzzled into his chest and wrapped her arm around his waist, then fell asleep.
He looked down at her, smiling. How was this captain of the survey corps able to steal his heart so easily? He covered them up with the blanket, kissed the top of her head, then fell asleep.
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Taglist: @lainessia
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hannovel · 2 years
The Dream
It all started when the two of you were kids… the both of you have this dream of seeing the ocean.. the outside world. Armin and you would talk about the outside world non-stop, mostly everyday. "The ocean is so pretty…" You said while looking at the book so amazed. "It is… one day, we'll get to see the ocean and the outside world." Armin says while giving you a sweet smile. Not after a long time, the fall of wall Maria. You, Armin, Mikasa and Eren we're all in shock. "H-He… made a hole in the wall…" Armin says as people are panicking and screaming at the background, running away from the titan that has gotten inside the wall. "We need to get-" "Eren!" Armin shouts "My house is over there… mom is…" 'Mikasa!" Armin, yells and reaches out for Mikasa while she runs of to follow Eren. "Armin, come on! we need to get out of here!" You grab Armin's hand running away from the disaster happening, you thought to yourself if its best to leave Eren and Mikasa, but at second thought you know the both of them will be okay. "It's over…" Armin says. "The titans have invaded this town!" Armin starts to panic, tears dripping down his cheek. "Armin! get up! we need to go somewhere safe!" You tell him. "it's over…" "Stop saying that you moron! come on lets go!" You yell as you tighten your grip as the both of you find somewhere safe. Everything that happened that day, it was chaos.
"Hey.. Y/N? hey? wake up…" You hear a familiar voice trying to arouse you. "Hm…? Oh.. It's just you." You said and smile. "Nightmares?" Armin asked. "The fall of wall Maria." You said. "Well, that was a long time ago, we're safe now." He looks up at you and smiles. God, his smile can never fail to make your day. You and Armin were sitting under the tree on the hill, flowers surrounded everywhere. That's where the two of you go where you wanted to catch a break or just get some fresh air. It's quiet and peaceful…. the cool breeze caressing your skin, it's relaxing. "Remember when we were in the training corps?" He asked. "Pft, yeah. Good old times."
"Hey kid!" "Sir!" "Who the hell are you?" "I'm Armin Arlert from Shiganshina, sir!" "That's so? A name fit for a retard!" "You parents named you that?" "It was my grandfather, sir." "Arlert, why are you here?" "To contribute to humanity's victory sir!" "How very admirable. You should make your first-rate Titan feed." "third squad! About face!" held Armin's head at turns him around facing backward. Keith Shadis continues goes to each trainee to make them introduce themselves, after they had to practice on how to use the maneuver gear.
"See Y/N! We made it to the ocean!" Armin was couldn't believe his eyes. It's real. The ocean is really, who knows what else is beyond the walls? "What's that?" You ask looking at funny shaped figure in Armin's hand. "The book says it's called a seashell… Beautiful isn't it??" "Woahhh! It's gorgeous! And shinnyyy!!" You said being Amazed.
"God, I miss those old times." Armin sighs at looks up at the sky, the sun was setting, night is near. "Armin, all of us are still here, it may not be the same but… look, Eren is here, Mikasa is here, jean, Sasha, Historia, Connie… Commander Hange and Captain Levi. It may not be everyone but we're still here." You reach for his hands and look up at him. "You never fail to make my day the best." Armin compliments and gives you a light kiss on the lips. "Of course, anything for the one I love." "You never told me why you joined?" Armin asked. "I joined because I wanted to be with you, Armin." "Well look at us now, we're together now, Ironic isn't it?" Armin chuckles and gives you a bright smile. "It is." You lay your head and Armin shoulder and decided to stay like that for a little longer.
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aetheternity · 4 years
Hey, Jean-babe
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Synopsis: Calling Jean by your nickname for him when everyone’s around surprisingly worked out ok for you. (19 year old Jean).
"Hey, Jean-babe I finally found that book you-"
Unfortunately it had been quiet when you entered the room even more unfortunate was the stares coming at you from all directions. Jean quickly rose from his seat taking you by the arm, dragging you into the hall by your wrist.
"Thanks." he said quietly, looking over his shoulder.
"Sorry.." You apologized "Maybe they won't fixate on it?" Jean scoffed raising an eyebrow.
"Ok fine I messed up.."
"Just.. do a quick scan of the room next time.." Jean grumbled
You placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "I will I promise." He kissed back, entering the room again, sliding into his seat while avoiding all the eyes.
You sat across the table from Sasha and she smiled at you. "Hey, Y/N." She greeted
"Hey." You replied with a slightly nervous smile. Everyone had been weirdly quiet since you and Jean had sat down. The only noises currently surrounding the table being, chewing and the small clatter of bowls and cups being set down.
After a while Eren whispered something to Armin and just as your shoulders began to relax and you started to feel normality settling back in,
Connie snorted. Super loud and obnoxious. "Jean -babe?" He practically cackled.
"Shut it, Connie!" Jean yelled, from across the table.
Your cheeks felt like they were gonna burn off and you hung your head over your bowl of soup. After a couple more seconds Eren joined in almost spitting out his water.
"Come on guys! It's cute that they have nicknames for each other." Sasha tried but when their laughter didn't cease but increased in volume she was quickly reoccupied with her bread.
"It's not funny, Eren." Armin added, throwing you an apologetic look which only made you wanna crawl under the table and die.
"Eren, don't choke." Mikasa warned, patting Eren's back as he coughed.
"Oh yeah, so hilarious." Jean grumbled, "Hey Connie, want me to tell everyone here your mom's nickname for you?"
Connie turned with playful malice, "You wouldn't."
Jean ignored him, "And shut up Eren, you wouldn't be able to function if Mikasa didn't run after you constantly."
"Oh really? You wanna go there?" Eren grunted
"Everyone shut up and eat already. You know you all have to be up before the sun for the mission tomorrow. And you all know what happens when I have to wake you up." Levi interrupted
This time the room fell into small bits of chatter and mummers of sentences until people started to retreat. Plates cleaned of food and yawns aplenty.
You looked up to Jean. Surprisingly he hadn't finished his plate either. His smirk was sweet the same one that always made your stomach clench.
"I missed hearing Jean-Babe." He whispered
He could only be referring to the long stretch of time where you'd be tasked as being Hange's assistant. (Due to Moblit's passing). You two had spent so much time apart that any little amount of affection now felt amazing.
"Even in front of everyone?"
He held up the book that had been sitting in his lap. "I get shit from Connie and Eren constantly. I know how to shut them up."
You couldn't help the giggle that fell off your lips as you leaned forward on the table. Pressing your elbows into the hardwood. "Will you tell me what it's for now?"
His fingers crept forward with a soft rub of your knuckles his smile faded a bit. "I've said it's a surprise about a million times."
Technically the two of you didn't have to whisper but you loved how soft Jean's voice could get. Especially since he spent so much time yelling.
"Hint, Jean-babe.."
He stood up circling the table to place his thumb just below your bottom lip. You peered up at him taking in his calm expression that sent a river of chills over your spine. His thumb was delicate and light as it cascaded across your slightly open lips.
When he leaned closer your breathing stopped. Everything stopped. You felt exposed knowing that Captain Levi and Historia were still seated at the end of the table. When he avoided your lips you almost outwardly groaned.
"Come to my room later tonight." And with that he was turning around and hightailing it upstairs. Not without throwing a shitty grin and a wink back at you.
You probably looked stupid with your mouth open like it was. Face warm. And he possible remnants of Jean's teasing exposed on your face. You know you felt stupid but, you were also slightly holding on to that lingering feeling of his fingertips.
Your leg clattered against the table as you stood trying to avoid the looks from both Historia and Captain Levi. Jean knew and you knew too that you couldn't be in his room till all the lights went out.
Stupid tease.
It took about 2 hours for everything to finally die down in the barracks. The last remaining whispers falling silent and the light little footsteps of Captain Levi halted inside his office probably with a cup of tea.
You slipped out of your room shutting the door quietly behind you. As always feeling thankful that Historia was either too hard a sleeper to notice your exits or just never said anything. Your feet slid over the floor, until you reached Jean's door.
Through the crack where he'd left it open for you, you could see the way the moonlight shone over half of his face. One leg laying flat while the other was bent, knee pointing up at the ceiling. The book you'd brought him earlier resting in his lap as he scanned the words on each page with his thumb.
"You should come in before Captain sees you." Jean smiled without looking at you.
"You know, you've been teasing me all night." You answered, walking into his room and shutting the door quietly. "That stops now."
His chuckle was calming and yet also electrifying as you walked over to him. He slid his legs open and in you went scooting your arms under his frame as he kissed your forehead. Welcoming you into the sweet embrace.
"That's new." You commented pointing to the small vase with small white flowers in it.
"I couldn't help but see you when I saw these. I don't know how long they'll stay alive but they're pretty." He popped it out of its little home on his desk playfully petting your nose with the petals.
You giggled, taking the flower from him. "When did you get it?" You sat up between his legs to fully appreciate the beautiful plant.
"I was out with Eren, Connie-"
"Oh god." You whispered, biting your lip to keep the shitty grin off your face.
Jean just playfully rolled his eyes. "-Armin and Sasha." He finished
"They made fun of you." You groaned, burying your face in his chest.
"They're just mad they're not in love."
"Cheesy." You mumbled, pressing your lips on his.
"Adorable." He shook his head.
"Book!" You laughed, turning your head to look the discarded book, closed with a bookmark against his wall.
"Well." He began pulling you in tight. His arms wrapped around your shoulders and thighs so you were laying on top of him. (Feet not included). Grabbing the book from where it was and leaning you both back till his head was against the headboard.
"You know I normally read you small passages of a book till you fall asleep. But I noticed that you were having more nightmares. So I wanted you to bring me this book because Armin recommended it. It's full of poems and hopefully they'll be sweet enough that you can rest all night."
You could tell by Jean's slightly nervous expression that you'd said nothing for a really long amount of time. You quickly leaned in kissing his jawline and then his cheek, turning his head to you.
"I love you." You sighed, breath tickling his face.
"I love you more."
"Don't start that shit." You giggled, playfully punching his arm.
"Why? Because you always lose?"
"Read the damn book Jean-babe."
"Whatever you want, Love."
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Trouble, Trouble (Part 1) | Javier Peña x reader
Summary: You’re Steve’s little sister and show up to Columbia for a visit. You catch a certain DEA agent’s eye.
A/N: soooo I thought I would try my hand at writing for Javier Peña. My Spanish is not very good. I’ve only had Spanish in high school and know the basics. I wish I could become fluent in Spanish but not quite sure where to start. Anyways, so there may not be many Spanish in the dialogue and if there is, it will probably be from google translate. 
I wrote this and thought I would post it as a part one to see what everyone thought. I also wouldn’t mind if people had some requests for Javier to practice. So, leave a comment and tell me what you guys think! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNER which is (@coredrive) *I’m not taking credit for a gif i found when I searched under the tumblr gifs. 
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You stepped out of the airport and was instantly hit with that Columbian heat. You’d traveled from your home in Miami to come visit your brother and his new adoptive baby. He’d warned you about the dangers of Columbia, but you hadn’t listened and went against his wishes. You wanted to see your new niece and spend some time with him and Connie. They were the only family you had left, and you missed them. 
Slipping on your sunglasses you grabbed a taxi and gave him the address of Steve’s place. You tried to relax in the back and gather your surroundings, but everything was new to you, you’d have to have Steve teach you all the streets and places to be. When the taxi arrived at Steve’s, you paid and headed up the stairs and pressed the button to be beeped in.
 “Connie, it’s me.” 
There was silence for a moment, “Oh my gosh, y/n!” Then a buzzer went off and you entered the building and headed upstairs. 
Connie opened the door with a wide grin on her face, “What the hell are you doing here!” She crashed into you with a hug. 
You laughed, “I’m here to see my new niece of course!” 
“Oh, Steve is going to be pissed.” 
She giggles and shows you inside, “He told me that he spoke to you the other day and that you “were forbidden to fly down here.” She says the last part in a deep voice, mimicking Steve’s. 
You laugh and set your luggage down, “Well, when have I ever listened to a word my brother says?” You gave a squeal of excitement when you saw Olivia, “Oh Connie, she’s beautiful...” 
You coo’d at the little girl in Connie’s arms and she happily handed her over, “It was a horrible story, but I’m grateful we were able to give her a home.” 
“Steve told me.. It’s horrible but she’s in such a loving home now.” You ran a finger over her cheek and she reached for your finger.
“Steve should be home any minute now.” 
Connie plops down on the couch and you stay standing, swaying with the baby in your arms. “How’s he handling everything down here? I’m sure it’s rough.” 
She sighs and gives a nod, “I worry about him, but he seems to be taking it better than expected. Escobar will be the death of him. It’s like they get so close, but Pablo is two steps ahead and already out the door. I know it’s frustrating.” 
“Oh, I’m sure.” You kiss Olivia’s head, “Well, I’m-“ You were interrupted by the door opening. 
Steve was talking to someone as he walked in and wasn’t paying too much attention until he got closer to the living room.
 “Aren’t you going to acknowledge your little sister?” You smirked. 
Steve’s head shot up toward you and his eyes went wide, “y/n? What the hell are you doing here!” 
Javier peeked around Steve to catch a look at you and his eyes widened at the sight. You were beautiful, “Little sister?” Steve never mention having a little sister.
“I had to come see my niece.” You kissed Olivia’s head and took notice of the man behind Steve, “Who’s your friend, Steve?” 
Steve glanced at Javier and hit him in the arm when he saw the googly eyes he was giving you, “She’s off limits.” He snaps before coming to you and giving you a hug. 
“I’m a grown woman thank you very much.” You eyed the man again, “Y/n Murphy.” You held your hand to him. 
Javier took your hand in his and pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand, “hermosa.” He whispers against your skin and then straightens, not letting go of your hand, “Javier Peña, it´s a pleasure.” 
“Alright, enough.” Steve mutters and Javier finally drops your hand, “Like I said, she’s my little sister, Peña. She’s not one of your slutty informants.” 
“So protective.” You roll your eyes and hand Olivia to him and take a seat next to Connie. 
“Now what the hell are you doing here? Thought I told you NOT to come here?” Steve says taking a seat. 
Javier followed and took another seat nearby. 
You shrug, “Wanted to see you guys. You know you’re the only family I have and I miss you guys.” 
Steve sighs, “You’re just someone else I have to worry about.” He mutters, “Columbia isn’t the place for you to be.” 
“I can handle my own, Steve. I was taught by the best, remember?” You tease. He’d trained you in self defense before he’d left for Columbia, knowing you’d be on your own.
 “I mean I can keep an eye on her if you’re so worried about her.” Javier offers innocently.
 Steve gives him a look and Javier holds his hands up in defense, “I’m just offering.” He stands, “I’ll let you guys catch up.” 
“See you tomorrow Peña.” Steve bids goodbye. 
“Bye Javier! It was nice to meet you.” You call out after him. 
He gives you a nod and a quick wink before closing the door behind him. 
“She needs her diaper changed.” Steve scrunches his nose and stands about to hand her to Connie.
 “Oh no, it’s your turn.” Connie laughs. 
Steve rolls his eyes and walks to the nursery. 
You wait until he’s out of earshot before turning to Connie, “Okay, what is up with the hottie?” 
“Javier?” Connie laughs.
 You nod, “I mean.. holy he’s a beautiful man.” 
She shakes her head, “Steve would never allow it.” She stands, “You want a drink?” 
You nod and follow her, “He wouldn’t have to know.” You groan, “Connie he was so hot.”
 “And he’s a playboy. He’s not a guy you want to get caught up with.” Connie warns, “He’s also not a relationship type.”
 “I could have a little fling.” You take the glass of wine from her and take a sip.
 “Your brother would kill Javier for touching you. I thought he was going to kill him earlier for the little flirty stunt he pulled.”
 Your mind wandered to Javier. You could have a fling to get your mind off what happened in Miami. It was the reason you were here now.
 “You’re only staying for a little bit, so why start something?”
“Yeah..” you mutter, taking another sip of your wine. You didn’t want to tell her the truth. You had no plans to go back to Miami. Not after what happened. It was probably a mistake to even come out to Columbia, but you didn’t know where else to go. You were in trouble and needed help. How were you going to tell your brother you’d made enemies with a member of a drug cartel?  
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xwing-baby · 4 years
Impulse: Remedy (Javier Peña x Reader)
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Summary: Top of your class, the DEA have sent you to Colombia to be the poster child for their new ‘placement program’. You’re thrown in at the deep end into the drug war. With Agent Peña as your mentor, what could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: Rookie has really terrible coping mechanisms. Drug use, alcohol, swearing, derogatory language, smoking, mentions of murder(?)
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Sorry for the delay lads, for some reason this chapter did not want to be written! As always don’t sleep with your boss and don’t do drugs unless their prescription :P
<-- Previous Chapter  // Masterlist //  Next Chapter -->
You were exhausted. You hadn’t slept for more than an hour after leaving Javier’s apartment. Not for lack of trying, you thought your previous activities would have worn you out. But no. You were too scared to sleep, not wanting to deal with any nightmares that might occur so you sat on your dusty old couch, drank a vat of coffee and waited until the rest of the city woke up. 
You cursed under your breath when you saw Steve’s truck had already gone by the time you got downstairs. It was Connie’s volunteering day at the hospital, he always took her early. You had to go with Javi. You sat on the wall outside the apartment, smoking a cigarette and waiting for Javier to come outside. You had no idea what you were supposed to say to him, how were you supposed to act. You couldn’t really pretend like nothing had happened, sleeping with him like that was not something you could brush under the rug. But you didn’t want to talk to him about it, that would make it real. A real action with real consequences. If anyone found out that would be the end of your time here, and quite possibly the end of your time in the DEA entirely. 
Eventually Javier came outside, spotted you on the wall and waved. You got up, chucked the packet of cigarettes in your hand to him before you stubbed out your own and got into the truck. 
“So, do you want to talk about last night?” He asked as he lit a new cigarette.
“Not particularly. There isn’t really much to say is there?” 
“Not really,” He shrugged, “You’re not in love with me now, right?” 
“In your fucking dreams Peña. You weren’t that good,” You laughed at his audacity. You were lying, he was very good at it. But you weren’t in love with him. No, you couldn’t allow yourself even if you were. 
“You bitch,” He tried to be serious but your laugh was contagious. 
Javi immediately felt relieved, he’d spent all night worrying about you. He really didn’t want the sex to ruin everything you had going as a team. He was a little scared he had scared you off entirely but now you were laughing in his passenger seat as if nothing had ever happened all his worries were laid to rest. 
“It happened and that’s it. We don’t need to make it a thing,” You said.
“Awesome, let’s go to work then,” 
And just like that, it was like nothing had ever happened. Back to piles of paperwork, chasing up lazy cops for their reports and trying desperately to avoid Carrillo. It was going to take time to get over what you had seen him do. You didn’t want to see him, let alone be left alone with him. You’d pushed all responsibility for anything related to him onto Javier, who in return passed you more of his paperwork. It was a fair trade off. 
At your desk, hummin away to yourself you could almost convince yourself you were fine. Thanks to the never ending cup of coffee and the sugar doughnuts you found for lunch, your energy levels were back up high. All reminders of the night before were out of sight and you were so consumed in work you didn’t notice as the day came to a close. 
“Good night last night?” Steve asked across the desk.
“Huh?” You looked up from your work. Steve motioned to his neck, and you immediately cringed. You had forgotten about the hickey. “Oh, um yeah I guess,” You pulled your jacket back on, despite the heat, as the collar would cover the mark again. 
“I thought you and Peña were out in the jungle for that lead. You would have got back super late,” Steve said. 
“Everyone’s got their vices, Murphy,” Javier reappeared, jumping to your aid. Steve looked suspiciously between you and Javi. 
“Guess you two are becoming more similar by the day,” He chuckled to himself, shaking any ideas from his mind. 
“Guess so,” You agreed. You and Javi shared a glance while Steve looked away, both of you well aware of the shit storm that would kick up if Steve found out. He loved you and Javi a lot, but there is no way he would just skip over such an event. You flashed a smile, silently thanking Javi for stepping in for you, before he went back to work again. 
To avoid any further questioning, you kept your jacket on for the remainder of the day, rather enduring the heat and cursing Javier for leaving a mark, than having anymore prying questions from Steve. When you finally gave up struggling with your mountain of paperwork, Steve offered you a ride home which you took gladly.
“You and Javi slept together last night, huh?” Steve asked as you rolled out of the embassy. Startled, you immediately went on the defense and laughed.
“Wh-what no!” You spluttered.
“I’m not an idiot, Rookie,” Steve raised an eyebrow at you. You didn’t know what to say, so shook your head and shrugged, “So Javi was talking out of his ass earlier?” He said. Your stomach immediately dropped. 
“Who’s he been talking to?” All laughter was gone from your voice. If Javi had said something that was it. Why on earth would he say anything? 
“So something did happen?” Steve exclaimed, happy that his hunch was right.
“Steve,” You sighed heavily. Relieved for only a moment before more dread piled on. 
“I can’t believe you two,” He said shaking his head, “I mean I was kind of expecting it with Javi’s reputation but I thought you had some standards at least,” 
“You weren’t there, you don’t get it. It wasn’t anything meaningful just- things happen sometimes,” You sighed, “Did he actually say anything to you?” 
“No,” He spoke more sympathetically now, “but I figured something was up, you’ve been acting weird all morning,” 
“That’s more to do with the lack of sleep,” You explained, “Yesterday got a bit… dark. I don’t think I slept at all,” 
“Carrillo?” Steve asked. You nodded solemnly, “You’ll get used to it,” 
You didn’t get used to it. That night haunted you. You couldn’t sleep, every time you shut your eyes the tortured man's face stared back at you. You were practically intolerable come the end of the week. You’d fallen asleep at your desk on multiple occasions, snapped at everyone in the office, and drank enough coffee to fill an Olympic swimming pool. You made a secretary cry by snapping at her over some missing evidence and, had broken the phone on your desk. 
As bad as your week had ended up being you still had to go out at the end of it. Instead of curling up with a movie and takeout you had to attend María’s family’s party. You didn’t know why you were invited but you definitely couldn’t back out of it. You’d hoped by now you would have cheered up, that you would be excited to let loose but you were miserable.
The party itself was gorgeous. Set out in the countryside, an hour from Medellin, the hills made for a beautiful backdrop. The Parreño’s summer house was exactly as you had expected, lavish and decadent. Courtyards filled with marble statues and paintings by various famous artists covered the walls. Lights were strung up around the garden between the pool house and a gazebo creating a colourful glow out onto the golden sky. 
The air was full of conversation and music. Even though you were surrounded by people who would kill you if they found out who you really were, somehow with a drink in your hand you felt a little more relaxed. María had leant you a dress, a simple little black number, and fixed your makeup in the car ride here while excitedly telling you about her cousin from Argentina she was going to set you up with. You were at the very least, on the way to being happy. 
María dragged you around introducing you to so many people you couldn’t remember their names. You gave up trying after ten different people María introduced as her auntie. You smiled and politely complimented their outfit or their hair and moved on. That was until you finally recognised someone. Senator Parreño, a regular face in your life. You prayed he wouldn’t recognise you, you had only met him once, sitting in the back of the ambassador's office while they spoke about something. Like most people, he ignored you that day and hopefully he wouldn’t have a clue now.
“Dad this is my friend, Isabela,” María introduced you. You were taken back for a moment. You knew her family was rich, but a senator for a father made them powerful too. Far more influence and scandal with their new link to Escobar too. 
“Nice to meet you,” You smiled and shook his hand. The senator looked puzzled.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” He asked. Your heart skipped a beat. 
“Oh stop it Dad I talk about her all the time, she’s been to our house a lot,”
“No, no it’s from somewhere else,” He squinted at you, looking you up and down. You could feel yourself sweating as you nervously took a big gulp of the cocktail in your hand.
“Isabela works at the American embassy papa, maybe you’ve just seen her there,” María said.
“I am a secretary,” You added quickly, “Usually running around the place, you probably saw me then,” You laughed nervously. Outwardly, you knew you looked normal but inside you were panicking massively.
“Ah I see,” He nodded, not entirely convinced. Luckily before he could interrogate you further or work out who you actually were, María linked arms with you and pulled your attention away.
“Come on, I just spotted Carlos. You will love him,” 
Three things you had learnt about Carlos. One, he could and should be in a magazine. He was stunningly handsome in a shirt with far too many buttons undone you were practically drooling over him. Two, he was smart. An engineer. A very upstanding career especially compared to the occupation of most of the people at the party. And three, he really liked cocaine. That part did let him down quite a bit.
Hidden away from the prying eyes of parents and older generations, María, Diego, Carlos and multiple others you did not remember the names of, sat around listening to Carlos rave about the new recipe his friend had told him about. You listened carefully, if your hangover didn’t delete this information in the morning it would be great. Could finally have something to show for your weeks with María. 
Carlos pulled out a pack of the new cocaine and poured out a good pile. You watched them all take a line. Part of you was interested in seeing what it was like. It must be good if everyone was so addicted to the stuff. You handled some much of the powder on a daily basis but you’d never even tried it. Seemed almost ridiculous. Maybe it was what you needed to finally relax a little, the alcohol wasn’t hitting the spot. One line wouldn’t kill you.
“Want some?” María offered, wiping her nose of residue. You shook your head. 
“I’m going to the bathroom,” You announced, standing up from your seat on the couch. You climbed over María out of the circle of people. You could use their distraction to your advantage now. Now María wasn’t holding on to you you could actually go and investigate. Now with two Narcos connected attendees at least and the revelation that Senator Parreño was María’s father, any information you could find giving a definite link would be huge. 
“Don’t be a pussy Isabela!” Diego hollered. 
“Oh leave her alone, she’s only going for a moment,” María shoved her boyfriend playfully, “She’ll do it later,” 
“Pacing myself,” You agreed with a smile. 
“Miss you already!” María called after you before dissolving into fits of giggles.
Inside, the house was quiet. Only a couple of people sat in the living room downstairs and they paid no attention to you as you walked inside. 
You walked up a set of elegant marble stairs, deciding upstairs may be your best option so not to get caught. Two long corridors led off the stairs, with doors leading off each side. You were looking for an office, that would be the place any paperwork would be kept. You would need letters, or meeting schedules. Something to prove a link. 
You turned left, and hit the jackpot with the first try. Senator Parreño’s home office.You pushed the door open slowly, checking nobody had followed you before going inside. The office was immaculate, just as grand as the rest of the house. A large portrait of Maria’s family hung over the back of the desk, all of their eyes watching you as you searched through the room. 
The room was full of things. One wall taken up by a set of shelves full of books and photographs and different trinkets of different sides. A leather couch sat in the window overlooking the gardens. 
You came to the desk last. The top was clear of anything bar a photo of his wife, a line of pens and a rolodex. You flicked through it, found nothing of interest. 
You stood up to find something you could use to pick the locks when you heard heavy footsteps from outside the door. You stood still for a moment, hoping to hear the footsteps go in the opposite direction down the hall. They got closer. 
Before you were caught red handed, you made your escape. Racing to the door, you hoped you would have enough time to slip out without being caught. Quietly as possible, you opened the door.
“Isabela,” María’s father’s voice came from behind you as you shut the door. You turned around quickly, smiling innocently.
“Hi Mr Parreño!” You exclaimed, “Do you know where the bathroom is? I can’t find it?” 
“It’s not in there,” He looked at your hand on the door, which you quickly removed and stepped away from.
“You’re house is just huge. I can’t ever seem to remember where I am going here,” You laughed nervously, “I’ll try down the hall,” You turned around and began to walk away, your 
“I’d learn to be more careful, Agent,” The senator said after you. Your heart stopped. Slowly, you turned back around to face him again, “I guess you are here for my daughter’s stupid boyfriend?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You said slowly, your mouth slow to catch up with your brain which was already working out the multiple ways to get out of the house safely. 
“You can quit your act, I won’t say anything,” He laughed dryly. 
“No act,” You shook your head, “I didn’t lie, I really don’t know what you are talking about. I am not here investigating Diego. María invited me” 
“I remembered where I saw you. You were with those DEA agents,” 
“I work with them sometimes, we’re friends,” You shrugged. 
“You’ve got an answer for everything, don’t you?” He was on to you
“I’m sorry but I really do need the bathroom, if you could direct me there that would be great. I’ve had far too much to drink,” 
“Down there, fourth on the right,” 
“Thank you,” You walked away quickly, heart thumping against your ribcage at an alarming rate. He knew who you were! He knew exactly who you were! 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” You cursed under your breath. 
You quickly spiralled, thinking off all the worst possible things that could happen now. Parreño would tell someone else who you were, maybe he would do something now. You were alone, neither Peña or Murphy knew where you were, out in the middle of nowhere it would be pretty simple to get rid of your body. You didn’t even find any evidence, you reasoned with yourself and he wouldn’t want any suspicion to his name. He probably wouldn’t kill you. 
Taking another deep breath as you tried to calm your rattling heart. Your hands gripped the cold porcelain of the sink and slowly you relaxed again. You couldn’t go back out looking like you were scared, that would give you up entirely. You looked at your face in the mirror, at least outwardly you didn’t look too bad. Your makeup had shifted a little but you still looked ok. You were fine. 
After another round of deep breaths and a pep talk to yourself, you stepped out of the bathroom and put a game face on. 
“Isabela! You’re back!” María exclaimed as you returned to the group. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Your voice was not convincing as you watched the senator walk past. He looked at your briefly, a knowing glint in his eye as he clocked you. “Can I have some?” You nodded to the coke on the table as an impulsive and reckless idea came into your head. There was no way he could continue to think you were DEA if you did this. Either that or he would just think you were an idiot and not press you again. 
“Finally you stop being a complete baby! Come here!” María cheered. 
You stood up and stepped over to where María was knelt. You joined her on the floor, watching carefully as she lined the powder up with a card from the table. She presented it to you with a flourish, laughing again. 
Surprisingly, you were not scared. The adrenaline of the close call was pacing through your veins. Your mind was so full of fear and anxiety, the idea of finally getting some relief was enticing.
You felt calm, no anxiety in your body holding you back anymore you took the drug from the table. You made a face of discomfort and spluttered a bit when it hit the back of your throat. The people around you laughed, but you didn’t feel embarrassed. It took a moment, but soon you felt the effects. All inhibition and anxiety left your body, you felt lighter and buzzing with energy. 
“See, it’s good right?” Maria smiled. You nodded enthusiastically. 
You woke up the next morning, tired and hungover. You couldn’t remember much of the night, but turning over to see Carlos naked next to you gave you a good idea of what had happened. He drove you back to Medellin a few hours later, his sports car was a very nice change from the cars you usually drove in. He was a sweet guy and you talked the entire journey home.
“Will I see you again?” He asked as he pulled up a little way from your apartment. You pretended to think about it for a moment, before breaking into a smile and nodding. “Perfect,” He smiled. You got out of the car, the happy smile not leaving your face as you waved and walked away. 
You watched his car pull away before turning in the direction of your apartment. You still had an identity to hide afterall, even if he was nice you couldn’t let him see where you actually lived. There was still a threat of Parreño exposing you, if Carlos knew where  you lived too it was only a matter of time before everyone would be in danger too.
“So that’s where you were,” Javier called out to you across the street as you approached. He sat on the steps of the apartment building, enjoying the sunshine, smoking and drinking a beer. “Getting laid,”
“Not jealous are you, Javi?” You smirked. 
“No! You’re an adult you can do what you want,” He said with a laugh. A jealous twinge in his chest caught him off guard but he couldn’t let you know that, “You look nice by the way, it’s a cute dress,” 
“Thanks,” You blushed a little. He shuffled out the way to let you pass him and climb the stairs. “I’ll be upstairs if you need me,”
“Sure,” You shut the door behind you leaving Javi alone again. He sighed heavily, blowing out his smoke. He never got jealous, but you had done something to him.  He initially put the feeling down the worry. He was concerned for you, going undercover was not something you should be doing at all and from the small amounts you had told him it could be more dangerous than you had first thought. But seeing you step out of that car, seeing you kiss the driver, he knew it was jealousy. 
He wanted to have you close all the time, to protect you. You were perfectly capable of protecting yourself, and had shown that on many occasions but the idea of someone else holding you the way he had made him feel sick. That feeling in turn made him angry. He shouldn’t be feeling any type of way towards you, you were a team mate. He was your mentor. 
He’d brought it all on himself, he shouldn’t have ever invited you in that night. He would have to suffer through the feeling until it went away, you could never know.
Let me know if you want to get tagged!
tagging: @beskar-tano @buckysbeloved @beskarbabs @all-hallows-evie​ @harrys-stan​ @wille-zarr​  @danniburgh​ @itsaisopodkillmepls​ @urbankaite2​ @whataloadofmalarkey​ @ahsofka @yeetus-my-feetus @sara-alonso @xiao-lusi​ @all-good-things-have-an-ending​ @eternallyvenus​ @ajeff855​ @mayangel19​ @1950schick​ @pedrosmustache​ @wantingtobekorra​ @balmasedas​
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