#Oh no my boss wants me to perform well I can't take it
princelancey · 2 years
Otmar really is a skeevy little shit isn't he
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i-am-baechu · 2 months
✎ᝰ. Special Girl ⁞ J. Jungkook
Summary: Jungkook makes it known that Y/N is his special girl (even though everyone knows it)
Part of ‘ His Fan Girl universe
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Jungkook waved to the fans as Y/N sat in the backstage with a smile. She wasn't supposed to come today because of a meeting but after Jungkook begged her, she put PTO in (also her boss was happy that she was finally taking it easy). She was excited because of how loud the audience was for her fiancé but she also nervous. She was always nervous when he performed. Anything could happen and she just wanted him safe at all times.
Jungkook removed his earpiece and leaned forward to the crowd, "Is Y/N here?"
Jungkook leaned back with a small smirk and nodded his head, "Of course she's here." He turned around and pointed at the flowers with a smile, "She helped picked out the flowers for my set."
Y/N shook her head in shyness and looked away from the screen, "Jungkook..."
"Did you guys like her dancing? She was really nervous to do the challenge with me...I think she did it perfect."
The crowd awed at this and Jungkook did his signature smile, "Don't embarrass me. Y/N, they're making fun of me."
She let out a small laugh at this and grabbed her bucket hat. She walked towards the stage and Jungkook smiled when he saw her. He went towards her and brought to the stage, "Look who joined me."
Armies cheered loudly and Y/N turned around hiding her face into Jungkook's chest as he let out a laugh. He hugged her waist and kissed the side of her head, "Do you guys want us to dance?"
Y/N looked up at Jungkook and shook her head, "I-I can't dance. I'm wearing a dress."
"Then sing with me."
Jungkook grabbed her head and smiled at her. He brought the microphone to his mouth, "I'll be lovin' you right"
Y/N felt her face turn red and hit his chest gently. He brought the microphone to her lips, "Kook..."
She rolled her eyes and sighed into the metal, "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Seven days a week."
Jungkook smiled at this and leaned towards giving her a kiss on the forehead. He heard another awed and his eyes widen at the sudden noise. He brought the microphone towards himself and he laughed into it, "I forgot where we were. Did you like Y/N's singing?"
She shook her head and hid into his chest as her arms wrapped around his waist. Jungkook looked down and smiled, "I'm happy that Y/N is getting a little more comfortable with you guys. She's going to go in the back now."
Y/N waved to crowd and Jungkook walked her off. He walked towards his dressing room and he leaned down to kiss her forehead, "Why did you come out?"
"I missed you."
He smiled at this and gave her a quick peck, "I missed you more. Did you eat?"
"I was waiting for you."
He shook his head and sighed, "We'll get your favorite chicken after this."
She pouted and nodded her head, "I was going to make your favorite..."
"Baby, you need to eat. I'll be happy to feed you. It's my job as your man."
She heard a loud awed and she looked at the T.V with a red face, "Jungkook, your microphone!"
He glanced down and then at the T.V, "Oh...Well now they know your my special girl."
"I-I think they've been knowing that."
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 months
Fallout Characters' Lover's Embrace Quotes -- Extras
(Original ask): Hello 😊 I absolutely adore everything you do for the characters you write for! You get the interactions and such perfect every time I read something new 💕 I have a personal headcanon, not full blown request if you don't want it to be, question for you. If you could romance the companions in New Vegas like in 4, what would some of their lovers embrace quotes be? I love how you think and can't wait to hear what ideas you have for any of the characters ❤ have a good day
So I didn't actually get any requests for these specific characters that I can remember, but I had this in my WIPs folder, and had a good time looking back on them, so here they are!
As always, if you would like me to add any characters to this, please let me know, and I'll be happy to 😊
Also, here's a link to my first Lover's Embrace Quotes post with the FO3 and FNV Companions.
Just a heads up, too, a bit of nsfw below the cut (nothing explicit, but definitely some implicit stuffs).
Fallout 4:
“Prepared to face the day, sir/madam?”
“Oh my, now that was exciting!” 
“Your hair, sir/miss. Allow me to fix it for you?” 
“Good morning, sir/madam!” 
“My, you are truly amazing, my sweet.” 
“Whoa, when did you get here?” 
“Up for one more round? No?... Yes?”
“Just another minute. Then we can kick some ass or whatever.”
“Gooood morning! And it is a beautiful day out in the Commonwealth, the weather is looking mighty fine in this– Oh, you’re up? Okay, just making sure.” 
“Up and at ‘em, right boss?” 
“Wow. That was fun.” 
“Sleep well?” 
“I’ll take that over morning drills any day. No, I don’t need you to tell Kells that.” 
“Head’s still swimming…” 
“Don’t make me get up, not yet.” 
“Damn… Incredible.” 
“Can’t take my eyes off you….” 
“Ain’t I the luckiest synth there is?” 
“Say… where’d my cuffs get off to, doll? May need ‘em for later.” 
"Well, that's one way to get the coolant pumping." (I know this is already a line of his, but I mean come on. It's too good not to use)
“What do you say, about ready to go?” 
“That sure was somethin’, sweetheart.”
“Mornin’ gorgeous/handsome.” 
“Ain’t nothin’ better than wakin’ up like that.” 
“You really are incredible, you know that?” 
“What a perfect way to start my day… wakin’ up next to you.”
“*whistles* That was somethin,’ baby.”
“Good morning, ma’am/sir.” 
“Awake quite yet?” 
“Sleep well, ma’am/sir?”
“I… Didn’t know I could feel like that…” 
Fallout 3:
Mr. Burke: 
“I suppose there are worse ways to wake up.” 
“Care for some coffee?” 
“Just a moment more, sweet one.” 
“Ahh, you vixen/scoundrel.”
“Just turn over. It can’t be time yet.” 
“Starting our day off right, I see.”
“It can’t really be time to get up, can it?” 
“Mm, good morning…”
“What’re you… Oh? Well, a few more minutes, then.” 
“Babe, have you seen my handcuffs?”
Sarah Lyons: 
“Up and at ‘em. Come on.” 
“Oh, good, you’re finally up.” 
“The others better not have heard us.” 
“Quit your groaning, it’s not that early.” 
“Best to have a shower after all that.” 
Fallout New Vegas:
“Ring-a-ding, baby. Time to rise.” 
“Easy there, squeeze. Save some for tonight.” 
“Can’t be time yet. Stay here awhile, lemme hold ya.” 
“Geeze baby, you wear me out.” 
“24-karate, pussy cat. Just platinum...” 
Colonel Hsu:  
"Right, then... Up we get."
“Well… that was an excellent performance. Top marks from me, private.”
“Rise and shine, love.” 
“Now that was worth waking for at this hour.” 
“Wish we had a few more moments…”
Joshua Graham:
“Just… divine.” 
“Care to pray with me this morning?” 
“Wake up, dear one.” 
“Praise be to Him who lights the sky…” 
“Ahh… still, your love heals me.” 
"Be slow, beloved. We can take our time."
“Another sunrise…”
“Time to wake.” 
“So… It wasn’t a dream. Hm.” 
*huffing* “Need another rest after that.” 
“Shoo, didn’t know you had that in ya.” 
“Where to today, pardner?”
“You look like I dug ya outta that grave again, hehe. Only teasin’.”
“Well, how-dy.” 
“Mornin,’ pardner. How’d you sleep?” 
“Awake at last? Good.” 
“Mm. Expect the same from me tonight, courier.” 
“Ave, amica mea.” 
“Ah, to hear my name sound from your lips… A fine sound this morning.” 
“Expergiscimini. The sun has risen.” 
Yes Man: 
“Wow, Six, that was the best way to start the day!”
“I sure am glad to have you by my side.” 
“Rise and shine!” 
“What a great morning it is!”
“Boy, that sure was fun! Ready to make a difference today?” 
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tachimichishrine · 9 months
i’ve found someone who writes for tachi?? omg?? you’re writing is so amazing i love it! can i req an x reader where she’s like chuuya’s subordinate in the pm so she’s higher ranking than tachihara but takes an interest in him bc, hello?? who wouldn’t? so she starts to play specific moves that draw them closer together (ngl im thinking mastermind by taylor swift if yk the song) and when they’re finally dating he confesses that he knew what she was doing the whole time? aka intelligent slightly manipulative reader thinking she’s being slick abt it. thank youu!
<welcome to the corner of tumblr where we worship tachi and have no shame about it !!!!!!!!!!! OH FUCK YEAH I love this ask I love the idea and I love you, i've never heard that song before but woah it got my brain juices flowing, sorry it took centuries but here you go luv ♡>
tachihara michizou x fem! chuuya's subordinate! reader
warnings: mention of drugs/alcohol and drink spiking (dont try this at home kids) ; a little bit of gore/torture but it's one sentence ; for some reason there are some elements of kind of sort of yandere!reader that just manifested themselves grgrgr but barely i promiseee ; fluff + plot ; cursing n intended lowercase
it was the middle of the night, and your phone wouldn't stop ringing. you tried snoozing it, turning it on silent but it would keep vibrating on the night table aggressively. against your better judgement, you picked it up and took a look at the caller id.
"boss man 🤏🧍"
well, you couldn't ignore that.
"what the fuck do you want you short little shit, it's 2 in the fucking morning," you grumbled, then cleared your throat before actually pressing the green icon to pick up the line. "hello, boss. is there anything I can-"
"cut the bull, where the hell are you?"
"um, at home? sleeping?" you raised a brow that he couldn't see. "am I supposed to be somewhere?"
"you- forget about it. just get here, now."
now, he was really getting on your nerves. "get where? I can't read your mind, boss, what-"
he hung up.
you didn't have a problem with chuuya in general; he was a decent guy, sometimes. you got assigned to work under him in the fallout of his partner, the famed demon prodigy, disappearing. of course, he didn't want anything to do with you at first, and you would've felt the same if mori wasn't breathing down your neck to keep on it. so, you kept showing up on his missions a few minutes before he arrived, the information already extracted or people already beat to a pulp.
he still wouldn't budge, so you had enough of working so hard just to be his subordinate and exploded at him one day. he could barely get a word in as you yelled loudly and ranted about his inability to accept help. while he was speechless in the aftermath, you just sighed tiredly, handed him your phone number and said that you weren't going away anytime soon and you'd appreciate it if he would just let you work for him already. time passed and eventually you got his trust.
what you didn't get, however, was an explanation for why you were rushing to slide into clothing fit for the outside world and making your way to the port mafia headquarters. it was the only place he could mean, so you ran over there with guns strapped to your thighs and safety off. you had to plan for whatever the hell might've been going on, but all you saw was a nearly empty lobby.
you cursed under your breath, irritated that you busted your ass for no reason. from the corner of your eye, you found a familiar face and approached him.
"hirotsu," you walked over with a pissed expression, "do you know where chuuya is?"
"oh, chuuya isn't here. he told me he'd be sending someone to deal with it," he said following a polite nod of the head. "he needed the black lizard to perform a mission, but he's unavailable tonight. so, he said that he'd send you."
"he's unavailable?" your eyes nearly bulged straight out of your skull, but you caught the slight squint in his face. "oh. he's drunk out of his mind, isn't he?"
hirotsu nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so. mori only gave him this assignment tonight, and he was already intoxicated when he got the call. I was with him when it happened, so I suggested he call you."
"oh, he so owes me one after tonight," you chuckled, less angry now that you realized he was probably just collapsed on his couch at home and will have the worst hangover the next morning, which you could easily mock him for. well, at least that brightened your mood a little, aside from seeing the black lizard in action. you'd heard of them, ordered massacres through hirotsu but never been there to witness it. that would definitely be fun. "sooo, what exactly do I need to do? just be there or something? yell out 'fire!' like some kind of medieval war commander? 'cause I've always wanted to do that."
the old man was slightly amused by all of your excitement regarding the concept. he said that he just needed someone to be there in case, and you were technically of a higher ranking than he was. you told him that he was such a stickler for hierarchy; he retorted that you sounded like some guy he worked with named tachihara. who that was, you hadn't a clue, but you were assured he'd be there alongside another leader of the battalion.
the rest was a lot less interesting than you thought it would be. you strolled into an abandoned warehouse where the enemy was based with a small army behind you, and you stood there while they lined themselves at your side and waited for your word. you went against your inner child and ordered them to fire in a normal voice rather than a stupidly dramatic one, then you just watched the bodies fall. you glanced at the side to see hirotsu, who was intently scanning his surroundings to make sure there were no tricks. by his side, you saw a masked person and another man who was half-asleep, leaning against the wall.
you fell hard to the sound of gunshots.
maybe it was the way his entire body leaned onto the worn concrete, the way his foot was flattened against the wall and his hips slumped lopsidedly, the way his v-neck plunged down his chest from under his coat, the way his jaw sat tight and clenched despite his slender neck bending backwards to rest the weight of his head behind him. you pulled your gaze off of him since you were afraid of staring, but everyone was already dead and hirotsu was commanding the nameless suits back to hq. the man opened one eye - fuck, they were a glossy amber, some of the prettiest you'd ever seen - and scoffed while he followed them out. he walked like a textbook delinquent, hands in his pockets with awful posture, and you just watched him.
shit, what just happened? you exchanged some brief words with hirotsu as he thanked you for showing up, but all went over your head. you blurted out the question before you could think twice.
"which one of them was tachihara? out of the two who came with us. since, y'know, you were mentioning him earlier..." since, y'know, you couldn't get the picture of your mystery man out of your head and you needed to know his name.
following the affirmation that it was indeed the man with the bandage on his face, you at least had a name as you flopped back into bed at 5 in the morning. you didn't sleep, and you sure as hell couldn't get your heart to stop beating so fast.
something had unhinged inside of you, and all you knew was that you were going to have him.
"boss, what'd'ya want me to do to 'em?" you yawned, half-asleep as you sat next to the hungover mafioso who was holding some kind of mystery drink in his hand while the other shielded his eyes from the light of day. you came over to his apartment - something which you knew he hated but was in no position to protest right now - and were simultaneously nursing him back to health and being a pain in his ass. "if word gets out that we annihilated the organization but two of their executives are still alive, our rep would take a hit."
"can you shut the fuck up," he groaned, body slumping further onto his fancy kitchen counter while you continued to laugh internally at him and his slightly pathetic situation.
"look, boss, I'll tell you what," you leaned down to his crouched over height and placed a cautious hand on his shoulder, "I'll take care of it. the whole thing. I just need your permission to grab the black lizard if I need 'em for support, but I can make sure it all goes away. and you can just sit today out and spend all day in bed if that's what you want. how does that sound, boss?"
he grumbled and passed out again; you took that as a yes.
you smiled to yourself as you picked up the unconscious body bridal-style, walked over to his bedroom and set him down. he complained loudly in undefined slurring, but you just shushed him and tucked him in under the covers. he was still trying to argue with you when you removed his hat, placed it at his bedside and then gently kissed his forehead and wished him a good nap. it was a little ironic just how much your boss felt like an uncontrollable younger sibling, but you would never say it to his face as you enjoyed the use of your unfractured limbs.
you tiptoed your way out of the apartment and the building, despite being fairly certain that not even an earthquake could disturb his slumber, with parts and pieces of your plan coming together. what you said was true, you did need to take care of those surviving executives. but you didn't really need the black lizard.
you only needed him.
tachihara heard a gentle cocking of the gun as you glanced in his direction, waiting confirmation that he was indeed ready to storm the facility. you had managed to track down the runaways and corner them in their hideout, and decided you'd call for "backup"; you asked hirotsu for someone who was good with guns and mid-range fighting, since you knew that if you didn't specify, you might end up with the other commander of the black lizard. you didn't like leaving things to chance.
you tilted your head to the side, giving the signal for him to go ahead and sneak down the next hallway. he was eerily good on his feet, light steps as if he were made to be a spy. you did a lot of infiltration work on chuuya's behalf (his face - rather, his short frame - were too easily recognizable on the streets), and every second got you thinking of ways to subtly suggest to him that he provide backup once more on any one of your numerous infiltration missions.
for his part, tachihara didn't seem to be noticing all the coincidences lately. he didn't appear particularly deft or clueless, just indifferent as if he truly couldn't care less. instead of a faint pang in the backrooms of your heart, you felt a sense of challenge, like it was your mission to get him to fall for you because the good things in life are worth fighting for. besides, where's the fun in it if he wasn't playing hard to get?
the mission went by in a blur. you mimicked his mannerisms, ensuring that your movements were perfectly synced with his so that your gunshots felt more like a dance, synchronized bullet ballet. when all was done and the bodies were dropped, you shot him a faint smile.
he raised a brow, perplexed at your joy among the sea of blood, but you began clutching at your chest like he'd shot you with his glare and he chuckled a little bit. you could've sworn you fell in love with him all over again.
"say, I was wondering..." you thought out loud as you crouched down to the body of the target, pulling out a knife from your calf, "are you new? in the port mafia, I mean. I've been here ages and I don't think I would've forgotten someone who shoots like you do."
leaning on the wall while he watched you carve out their skin, peeling off a specific section that had their organization's signature tattoo, tachihara scoffed. "what's it to you?"
"just makin' small talk, don't get your panties in a twist sweetheart," you snickered, albeit screaming a little internally; you didn't expect him to be so resistant. you bagged the proof you needed to show your boss that you got the job done, then rose back to your feet. "alright, we're done here. thanks for the backup."
"wasn't like it was my choice," he rolled his eyes, although you didn't sense any true irritation in his voice. good, this is good, you can work with that.
"wasn't your choice, huh?" you repeated to yourself out loud. "how 'bout this, then: I'm gonna go grab a drink, so it'd be your choice if ya wanted to tag along, no?"
he murmured something about being busy and you tried not to let him see you frown as you walked out.
this was your fifth "coincidence".
coincidentally, tachihara ended up needing to hand-deliver a message to chuuya, but you coincidentally bumped into him and promised to pass it on. he looked at you a bit suspiciously, but didn't say anything.
coincidentally, you were out drinking with hirotsu on the same day he was going to join the old man. you wouldn't go so far as to say that you played a part in the veteran's sudden diarrhea that left you two alone, but then again it was quite odd that you slipped some sort of substance in his drink right before. not that anyone saw, of course.
coincidentally, weeks of coincidences paid off. every time you'd run into him, need the black lizard or the other way around, he was starting to loosen up. you had a number of inside jokes and he spoke a little more on missions.
this time, you had to go negotiate with a foreign organization from which you imported an important number of your firearms. chuuya was available to go, but you pleaded with him to let you do this on your own, making up some lie about how sending an underling instead of an executive would show them that they are not the ones in control. he seemed skeptical but let you go.
soon afterwards, you whipped out your phone to dial his number.
"it's so unfair!" you complained to tachihara, groaning loudly as you combed through your closet for the right outfit for the occasion. "like I get it, he's busy and all, but dumping a mission on me last minute? sheesh, that's a cheap move, especially from chuuya. I've got 2 hours to figure out what the fuck I'm going to say to these people."
you left the phone on speaker while you pressed dresses against your figure, glancing in the mirror to see if it was the right one. "and it's a big organization, too! I have no idea what I'm going to do if things go south except get my brains blown out."
lies. if things went south, you would easily be able to make your way out unscathed. you were the right hand woman to a port mafia executive, not a scared little girl, but he didn't need to know that right now.
"would'ya like me to tag along? if they see one person, it might look like you were sent as a sacrifice, but if we're two, they'll know we mean business," he offered, as planned. you pumped your fists in the air and contained a squeal.
"hm? oh, you don't need to do that, tachi," you said softly, sliding out of your clothes and into your form-fitting outfit, making sure to check out your ass and reaffirm that you looked stunning. "wait! I'm just kidding," you giggled playfully, "it would mean a lot if you did. thanks."
he chuckled the faintest amount, and you made plans for when and where to meet. you told him that it was a high-end restaurant, so he'd need to wear something fancy enough to blend in, but of course the high-end restaurant was your idea. you'd planned it all in advance, setting up a corner in the back of a place that the mafia had under their thumb and inviting the organization there.
a date, it was a date, and it didn't matter if he didn't know it.
"you look stunning, dear." he grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it, looking up with soft eyes you'd never have expected. he pulled out a seat for you and called the waiter to get you a cold glass of water.
unfortunately, "he" was the executive from the other organization, not tachihara.
awkwardly, your plus one stood in the corner with the rest of the guards, shooting you occasional glares that basically screamed, "why did I volunteer to do this, again?" you just laughed internally and told yourself that you'd take him out again as a way to make up for it, which was your goal all along. you adored it when all the pieces fell into place.
the negotiations were flawless. the man across the table from you seemed to be very willing to cooperate, and you figured his slight cracks at flirting might've been a part of it. the other part was that he looked positively jet lagged and you might've put a little something in his wine to mellow him out. you were sure he would've reached the same conclusion if he was sober, this was just a harmless little nudge in the right direction.
"10% increase on the price for a 20% increase on the quantity of firearms imported, then," you reiterated, smiling sweetly at him while he agreed to double what someone in their right mind would ask for. "lovely doing business with you, sir. I'm glad this didn't have to escalate."
he smiled softly, offering you his hand to help you up then nodding his head towards the exit so his goons would follow him out. you looked at the piece of paper he'd slid into your palm, a phone number etched into it, then watched him looking back at you with a wink. for a moment, you could've sworn you'd almost forgotten about tachihara.
"that was boring as fuck," he strolled over to you, clicking his tongue as he complained about his feet hurting from standing there for so long, saying that he wouldn't have worn a goddamn suit and tagged along if he knew all he would be doing is watching you flirt with some guy."
"that," you stressed, pocketing the number but trying not to think about it, "was not flirting. if I was whoring myself out for the mafia, believe me I'd put myself down with my own hand."
"oh yeah? brave words for a woman with a dress that tight on her ass," he scoffed, crossing his arms before he realized what he'd just said.
"tachi, you lookin' at my ass?"
he seemed at a loss for words, huffing angrily as he walked out and you laughed to yourself. he was so cute when he got angry.
tachihara michizou was not an idiot.
he, however, did not know what to make of your behaviour towards him.
all these run-ins, all your conveniently-timed missions where you were down one person, every text you seemed to send at the perfect time. he knew your gaze lingered on him and he knew that you wore that dress for him, but he couldn't be sure about it.
confirmation came when he was casually chatting with chuuya over drinks.
"my damn subordinate has been so fucking weird lately," the executive slurred, gesturing for another glass while he toyed with the empty one. "reminds me of that fucking dazai... always plotting some kind of shit..."
"she sounded kind of pissed with you 'cause of that last gig with the firearms dealers," he retorted before downing his shot and slamming his fist on the counter out of adrenaline. "since you dumped it on her."
"huh?! the fuck you mean, dump it on her? she was practically beggin' me for that job, said she didn't want any backup either. I'm telling you, tachi, that chick's gone mad."
so it was a lie, when you called him, complaining. he wondered what else was a lie, but then he wondered why you would lie about that.
as if on cue, a message popped up on his phone with your name on it.
"are you free tonight?"
so he wasn't imagining things. for some reason, it got his heart beating, thinking about the fact that someone would do that for him. but, before he could respond, another ping:
"I got shot sorry lol I have no idea why I made it sound like I was asking you out. could you bring a first aid kit or something? thanks a ton!!"
he concluded on the fact that you were confusing, and that he wouldn't say anything about it, especially since you probably think you're incredibly slick about it. instead, tachihara excused himself from a very drunk chuuya and said he had to go.
"ow, ow, ow! fuck, why don't you just pour the whole damn bottle on there, while you're at i- fuck!"
the whining was hard. you had to do it manually, making sure you actually sounded like you were in pain when really, your "fever" was from all the heat of feeling tachihara's hands on you as he dabbed the wound.
ironically enough, this wasn't planned. you genuinely did fuck up, the man you never called seemed to want revenge because he sent a few people to kidnap you. you only got grazed while you took care of all the henchmen, but it still hurt like a little bitch.
he was the first place your mind went to, as always. you managed to get yourself home but you couldn't reach the spot on the bottom of your ribcage where it sliced open without feeling a lot of pain.
and so, you just turned it into an opportunity to get him in your house, sitting on your couch, his hands on your skin that was barely covered by your shirt. the alcohol he was pouring onto the wound hurt but you couldn't feel anything except pure ecstacy.
"say, you're not bad at this," you fake winced as he pinched the skin together and just put a bunch of superglue on it. "you got... gah, you got experience as a medic or somethin'?"
"how exactly did this happen?" he ignored your question and instead helped you up slightly so he could wrap the bandages around your torso.
"remember the guy from the other night? well, he gave me his number and I never called, so he got butthurt and sent some goons to fuckin' kidnap me. or kill me, I'm not sure. I didn't really pause to ask 'em."
he looked as if he almost didn't believe you, pulling down your shirt and gently tapping on the spot he bandaged. "there, you're all set."
"thanks again," you smiled at him, groaning a bit as you sat upright. "I know it's late and you were probably doing some other shit."
then a slight pause. "if you want to crash on my couch instead of walkin' home, I don't mind."
the walk wasn't long, and he didn't feel tired at all, but he didn't tell you that. he just helped you walk over to your bed then got himself comfortable on your sofa.
you'd never been happier to get shot. maybe the universe was finally on your side, in its own weird way.
the wound was fully healed and tachihara was yours.
it was the perfect excuse to him check on you, to have him come over and stay over as "protection in case someone tries to kill you again". both of you knew your excuse was bullshit, your plotting to get him by your side so painfully obvious now that he was getting closer and closer to you. by the time he was making visits on his own and smiling at you in the hallways at the port mafia, you didn't need to do anything anymore.
it was a wordless confession; both of you walking in the streets at night, going nowhere and not saying much. it was cold and you could see both of your breaths swirling in the air. you blinked and suddenly your faces were close, too close, and your body was leaning in on its own. his lips tasted like something your mind could've never guessed.
nevertheless, you were still addicted.
something about the kiss felt effortless, too. like you didn't need to do anything, say anything to get him to wrap his hands around your hips and pull you in close. this was the way it should be, easy and effortless. like you could wait patiently and he'd fall in love with you all on his own.
"have you seen my holster?" he called out weeks later as you laid down on your couch, reading a book as he looked around for the item.
"it's over here!" you called out, the holster expertly hidden in between the cushions because you wanted him to come over to you and find it. as he walked over to you, watching you wave it while dangling on your finger, a teasing look on your features.
"you're a conniving little shit, you know that?" he sighed with a soft smile, glancing at your hands as you set down the book by your side then sitting by your side. "if you wanna talk to me, you can ask like a regular person, y'know?"
his wide smirk as he looked at you pout, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you fake-sobbed into his chest. "you're so mean, thinking I'm lying!"
he grabbed your chin, gaze directly settling onto you with a look that said not to bullshit him. "you think I don't notice? when you kept bumping into me, us getting paired up on missions, even that time you said chuuya 'dumped' that job on you? yeah, you're cute but you're not a great liar."
you furrowed your brows. "if you knew, why didn't you say anything?"
"'cause I wanted you to tell me yourself."
"asshole," you pouted, laughing as you leaned towards him and kissed the tip of his nose. "I just didn't think... never mind, it worked, didn't it?"
he rolled over, laying you down on the couch and settling himself on top of you, making sure you were trapped. "being all cryptic now, aren't we?"
"maybe," you muttered between kisses, wrapping your legs around his hips and pulling him deeper. "... maybe... maybe you were just... I dunno, so pretty, and I thought 'fuck, he'd never go for me' and... I don't know, it's not important..."
"aw, look at you, gettin' all soft 'n mushy," he chuckled into your neck, smiling at your words while his teeth graze the tip of your earlobe. "keep talking 'bout how out of your league that I am."
"oh, shut up," you whispered, grabbing a handful of his hair and bringing his lips back onto yours so he would stop talking. "I'm tryin to open up here, you smug dipshit."
he grinned as his hand went down in between your thighs, parting them and opening up your legs. "I like the sound of that."
you squealed playfully and rolled him over, but the couch wasn't wide enough and you both fell onto the floor with a dull thud and a frenzy of laughter.
"seriously, though," he brushed your hair out of your face and pulled your hips so you were snug on him while you caught your breath and lowered yourself to kiss him again, "you're talkin' nonsense, baby."
"mmn, if you say so," rolled right onto his tongue. you believed his words, or maybe you didn't, but it barely mattered. he was here now, in your arms and telling you everything you wanted to hear. he said that he knew of your antics, yet the truth was that he couldn't do a damn thing about it if he wanted to.
all because you're a mastermind.
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mikuni14 · 2 months
I Hear The Sunspot - Ep 5
I just want to say how special this series is to me. Normally the way this relationship is handled would probably make me drop this series (because I totally read them more like friends, than lovers yet, please don't be mad at me). But here comes something, I don't know how to call it, a simple sincerity? Which is something that happens not that often tbh and which proves how much properly done, honest emotion are needed in BL series not only in general, but which could aslo fill in all the gaps creating a complete whole that in the end makes me unable to tear myself away from the screen 😉
This series touches the heart and mind of the viewer. I really like the fact that the series shows Kohei and his hearing problems from a medical perspective, all this sitting and waiting in hospital waiting rooms, doctors and nurses who take care of him, making appointments, even something like replacing his hearing aid. They show him as a patient and as someone whose life largely revolves around his health problem, who must always take it into account when making every, often the most mundane decisions, as well as the stress and fear associated with the deterioration of his condition. This is not as common as it may seem, because very often illness or disability are treated only as a plot device, something that in romances usually only serves as something to connect lovers in some romantic setting, such as cute caregiving (like in the books that Miho reads), and not something that actively affects the everyday life of the characters. This really appealed to my mind, this respect for Kohei and the viewer's intelligence 🙂 (besides, it would be hypocrisy, calling out Miho for infantilizing and romanticizing Kohei and treating him the same by the plot)
I absolutely love our MLs, their interactions with each other, with their famiy - mom and grandpa, with their friends. How they receive verbal and non-verbal support. Their wide range of emotions, experiences, struggles, reflections, sacrifices. Giving in to emotions on the spur of the moment, but also thinking about them for a long time. Their kindness. And that's what really appealed to my heart 🥺
That's why, despite the fact that I missed a more clear transition from friendship to love with Kohei, I can't bring myself to criticize, because the series makes up for it in other areas.
Kohei is so wonderful, but Taichi steals the show, the actor who plays him is amazing, his appearance, behavior, body language, very pleasant voice. Taichi in his performance, demanding an explanation, crying on those stairs and then appearing as if nothing had happened on the roof to continue his relationship with Kohei and just.. stating the facts matter-of-factly, while Kohei is internally conducting an emotional Olympics… that's Taichi my best boy 🤩
Yep, a special series with a specialest boy who doesn't know his feelings yet, maybe doesn't know how to react to Kohei's kiss and confession, but KNOWS that not reacting at all, that moving away from Kohei even without bad intentions and respecting his wishes, will actually hurt Kohei. And that alone is enough for him to appear by his side, the rest will be figured out along the way. It's his kindness, sincerity and being uncompromising that doesn't allow him to leave Kohei to his despair and dark thoughts.
Kohei's mom remains one of the best in BL series, grandpa is still cool too, because he always gives Taichi space, his friends also show interest, ask questions, and they are completely cool and supportive of Taichi, just like his boss (who with that mustache looks like he's from some anime, I just don't know which one).
It's really nice that Taichi knows about the "Kohei's special burger made with love" (oh, Taichi's face in this scene 🥺), I'm glad it's not a secret anymore. Now I also ask for the "secret" of meeting with Miho to come to light.
Sooo, tbh, I'm a whore for big fan of things like "I can only hear you", or "only your touch can help me", you know the "only you and no one else" trope in love stories. That's why when Kohei said he can only hear Taichi, I was like: oooooh yeah, they're going straight for my throat. Gosh I LOVE IT. This is made just for me lol
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sniigura-archive · 2 months
Adam x Reader x Mammon AU where Reader's a stripper, Mammon's the boss of the club she works at, and Adam's the head of the church near the club that's trying to get it shut down. Reader being this nobody who's able to get these two (2) powerful men to do just about whatever she wants cuz her pussy's Just That Good.
She's Mammon's favorite so she's the only one of the club's performers that he listens to when it comes to getting raises/paid breaks, complaints about harassment from customers, etc., so Reader uses his interest in her to look out for her coworkers;
R: Oh, I'm not sure if I can have sex rn, i'm just too upset about how Bernadette won't be able to visit her family this weekend cuz she has to work overtime :(
M: Fine I'll give her the weekend off are you gonna suck my dick now or what
Adam and his church trying to boycott the club and causing problems for business so Reader goes to "talk to him" and now the club no longer has to worry about the church anymore. When members of the church ask Adam why they stopped boycotting he's bullshits something like "God told me we should show mercy to sex workers, just as Jesus showed mercy to Mary Magdalene (a former prostitute)". What really happened was that Reader gave Adam some A+ snu snu and threatened to never let him have sex with her again unless his church stopped boycotting the club.
Mammon goes to visit Adam shortly after cuz he can't believe that Reader managed to convince him to leave the club alone (cuz she's "just a girl" after all). Reader expects the worst, but then the two end up becoming instant besties and make a deal to have their services coexist in peace. Mammon def takes credit for "saving" the club and Reader's just looking at him like "sure jan B/".
god the way i was like trying to figure out how to do adam x reader x mammon and here you are. dropping this into my inbox. i’m in love with you
like!!! imagine the neighbourhood is going through some crazy gentrification. everything is changing, it gets more expensive and conservative?? hello?? what happened to the shit hole you grew up in?
you’re basically mammons cash cow. you’re the star of the club. he’s always torn between „get out there and bring some goddamn cash in“ and „nobody else should get to look at you besides me“ it’s very annoying with him. to cope he has to bend you over his desk to calm his raging possessiveness
at least you use your power over mammon for good. the girls love you and you’re all basically sisters. one girl comes to him crying because some guy groped her and he’s like „well did you at least charge him extra for that 🤨“ but when you come to him because someone called you a whore the guy can never show his face again in mammons block
ADAM!!!i just imagine him and the church protesting in front of the club and you’re just done with them already. they’re scaring off customers, especially since they live stream the whole thing!!!! most of your visitors are married men ofc they don’t show their face as long as they’re out there 😭 and man they are persistent
mammon is also losing his mind because he’s losing money. he’s also too cheap and stubborn to change club location
all these petitions and the pressure the church puts on the major is just stressful. so you decide to go over there, to talk. and oh boy did you both talk!! through gasps and moans
adam immediately develops a complex where he wants to „“safe““ reader. turn her into his perfect little housewife who stays home with their brats and goes to church every sunday. very confused when reader is actually okay with her life
reader in this i think would be rather smart with her money. like she’s into the stock market and buys property and invests in businesses. mammon and adam not realising that reader is better off than both of them 😭
LMAOO mammon taking all the credit 😭😭
i can’t even begin to imagine their reaction when they realise you’re doing both of them behind their backs. well it’s not like you’re in a committed relationship with either of them (they just thought it was implied smh 🙄)
need to be pressed inbetween both their huge bodies
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sandbees · 2 years
I don't know if you open, but I love. No. I adore your house of mouse au, I've seen most of it but I wonder, what if the ob gang see Yuu and the great seven chatting then Yuu saw them, pull them and say 'this is the guy I told you back then', now I probably already read one of ask that contain this, but I wanna see only overblot's first reaction that probably quite fascinating
:0 alright!
It's already been a few months since Yuu has introduced their friends to the House of Mouse. Honestly, they were fine with that, until there was a planned Dorm Leader meeting. Sadly, their usual spot was taken by the teachers for another meeting, but hey, the House of Mouse is always there! So Yuu invites them for a meeting.
Thankfully, Mickey was glad to give Yuu time off ("I wouldn't want you to be focused on work all the time! It's important to keep your social life back at home healthy. Enjoy the show! :)")
So, they wait for the other Dorm Leaders before they take them to their mirror upstairs.
Kalim: Oh! Are we having a sleepover!?
Yuu: No, we're going to my workplace. They're giving me time off so we can have a meeting and enjoy their performances!
Riddle: Well, as long as it doesn't distract us from the meeting...Why are we even in your room to begin with? Yuu: 'Cause we can't get in without using my mirror, duh. *Pushes Idia into the mirror*
Idia: WHY ME-
They go through the mirror, and the others are pretty impressed with Yuu's personal dressing room.
Yuu: Yeah, my boss is the best :). Oh, btw, don't be surprised to see the Great Seven.
Azul: Hahaha, WHAT?
As they walk out, Minnie personally greets them and leads them to a table. Goofy comes by a minute later and takes all of their orders. As they wait for their orders to come, Yuu gauges everyone's reactions.
Azul is, unsurprisingly, writing things down, muttering about "new ideas for Mostro Lounge. Kalim is looking around the whole dining room, his eyes sparkling. Riddle and Vil are talking quietly, commenting on the decor. Idia was grossed in his video game he brought, glancing at anyone who passed by the table. Leona was messing with the center piece, looking absolutely bored. And Malleus just looked happy to be there.
The meeting went well, actually. With a lively atmosphere, the Dorm Leaders were able to have some productive conversations. Yuu was especially happy to be included in future events run by the Dorms. There were a few interruptions, though.
Of course, it was pure coincidence that the Great Seven were also having a get together. But the oddest thing was that THEY WERE AT THE TABLE NEXT TO THEM??? If that isn't planned idk what is. Yuu introduced the gang to one another.
Riddle is all red in the face, probably very embarrassed to meet the Queen of Hearts. He certainly didn't expect to meet her in person! Though she's pretty impressed by him. He knows all 810 rules by heart. What a good Dorm Leader, remembering all the ruels and making sure the rest remember them!
Leona and Scar didn't talk to each other at first, but when the topic of siblings came around, YOU BET THAT THEY WERE TALKING SHIT. Honestly the funniest thing for them to realize this and begin gossiping about the dumbest things people have done in front of them. It's very sweet to watch them vent out their frustrations to each other.
Ursula talking with Azul and giving him tips on how to blackmail convice people to sign his contracts. Maybe even answer his questions about herself or giving him ideas for his business. A magic item made by the Sea Witch herself? For a price, of course~
Honestly, I can only see Jafar tolerate Kalim at best. He sees Kalim as a foolish kid. Though maybe Jafar slightly warms up to him??? Yuu is probably the one to mediate between the two, honestly.
VIL AND QUEEN GOSSIPING ABOUT BEAUTY TIPS. VIL WOULD TOTALLY TELL HER ABOUT MODERN BEAUTY TIPS. They would be the mean girls of the group tbh. I think Queen would also give tips on being a better leader, because despite her vanity, she was probably a good ruler if the kingdom didn't go to hell in the movie.
Idia would 100% be dying inside at Hades' extrovertness. Hades would be very excited to learn more about his dorm honestly. (Wait no Hades would joke about them being related, and Idia would sink into his seat further). The conversation was awkward until Hades asked about the video game Idia brought. Idia would not SHUT UP ABOUT IT-
Malleus and Maleficent would have a lovely chat over teas and biscuts that they ordered. Maleficent would 100% give Malleus any and all advice she had gained over the years. (Maybe advise Malleus to snag Yuu before anyone else got them). They would totally have conversations about the use of gargoyles and how spot a wild one.
It's getting late at night, and the meeting was over, but Yuu convinced everyone to stay. The show began, and it was one of the best Yuu's seen in awhile (to be fair, most of the shows were sabotaged by Pete, which they helped stop).
The night ended with a bang, and all the Dorm Leaders agreed to hold another meeting at the House of Mouse some time in the future.
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 16 days
Rose and Izuru, soon after Rose gets back to the Soul Society, shippy if you squint
"Captain", Izuru says, "Why aren't you wearing your robes?"
"Oh, I had to send them back."
"Why? Was something wrong with them?"
"Yes... on second thought they were still too unexciting for me, I would have liked even more ruffles..."
Izuru tries to stay calm, takes in a deep breath, starts counting to ten-
Someone knocks on the door, and a very shy messenger is allowed in.
"I, I, I have a package for, for... the Captain of the Third Division, um..."
When the messenger sees that neither of them is wearing a haori, they just stand there in confusion.
Rose grins and points to Izuru. Izuru makes a shocked face and points to Rose.
"Who are you, are you new?" Izuru turns to the messenger. "And even so, you still haven't heard the news? Captain Otoribashi has been reinstated to his previous position."
"Yes, Izuru, but in the present moment you're still in charge of the Third Division."
"It's supposed to be for the Captain, I was only an acting Captain."
"And what a wonderful actor you are, I for one do applaud your performance!"
Izuru stands there in utter disbelief watching Rose who is having way too much fun with this. And because he can't think of anything to say, he just goes over and takes the package and sends the messenger away. With a very serious look on his face he hands the package to Rose, who pushes it gently back to Izuru, smiling.
With an annoyed sigh Izuru opens the package, and of course it's Rose's uniform.
"See?" Izuru says. "It's yours. Too long for me. And here's the certificate, too, it says 'Handmade and altered especially for Captain Rojuro Otoribashi'."
Izuru is watching his new boss with unimpressed eyes, like who made this guy a captain? Not once but twice?? But when Rose takes his new robes from Izuru's hands and gazes at them, that carefree smile turns... sad. The way Rose holds the clothing is reverent, and for a moment Izuru gets the feeling that he is intruding on something very personal, so he looks away, blushing a little.
"Am I glad to be back?" Rose helps, and now his trademark smile is back on his face again... but not quite. "More than I can explain in words. An instrumental piece would be best." He sighs. "It's just..."
Izuru can't deny that he was indeed wondering.
"It's just... ?"
"Well, it's all happening so fast", Rose says. "I would have liked to look forward to it a bit longer, that's all."
Izuru has no clue how to handle this. But he does appreciate that he gets to see something other that unimpressed look on his new Captain's face. He didn't know what to think at first, and he's so done with fake smiles, but this, this looks genuine, and... that must be why he can't... take his eyes off... that face...
Then he finally gets an idea, and the magic of the moment is spoiled.
"How much longer would you have liked? I could... play the part for another day or two...?"
Rose chuckles.
"It's quite alright, don't worry. The suddenness of it all, it's actually quite fitting, on second thought. I lost everything in the blink of an eye, and my return was just as swift. Maybe it was better that I didn't have time to hope."
Izuru is speechless, why is Rose admitting all of this, he himself would never have, Captain Ichimaru would never have-- but he regains control of himself, and responds with a slow nod.
"Well then, I'll leave you to it, Captain. I mean, you'll want to put these on, right?"
"Right. Of course."
Izuru goes to open the door.
"I can already tell", Rose says. "It'll be more interesting this time around."
"... I'll see you later, Captain", Izuru says, and as he walks along the hallway, he finds himself hoping, despite himself, that this time will indeed be better.
Thank you for reading 😘😘😘
I may or may not be projecting because very recently I was forced to leave a good job and find a new one in a very short time, lol.
More soon!
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cagemasterfantasy · 2 months
3rd life Remastered Irl segment 2 part 2/2
Warning. The people portrayed in this story (aside from Slimer) are real and are used in a fictitious manner. This story is entirely satire. This story also features topics of suicide and self harm. You have been warned.
As soon as the banquet begins I am going over mingling with all of the other lifers and the first lifer I run into is none other than Pearl. Pearl: Oh my god how much food are you putting on a plate?" I grin "As much as I can carry and stomach" Pearl: Of course leave it to the foodie to eat everybody's food" My plate is filled to the brim with food that I set down at the nearby table where Jimmy is talking to Bigb and Martyn. Jimmy: OH NO NO NO YOU ARE NOT EATING ALL OF THAT FOOD" "And what are you going to do about it" Martyn: I think we are all going to jack your food while you aren't looking" Pearl: I think that's for the best" That's when doodl3 shows up watching what's going on with Mumbo and Grian. "Do not touch my food" Mumbo: There he goes again rambling on about needing to eat so much. *Sigh* I wish him the best of luck" Grian: The part I dread is the desserts" Bigb: Just tone it down on the food and save some for everybody else" "Tone it down? do you know how much food this hotel produces and hey there's plenty of food left for everyone" Pearl can't help but chuckle. Pearl: Oh hey there Jill nice to see you"
Uh excuse me this banquet hall is for Lifers only. Who let you in?" Mumbo: You mean to tell me you don't know who Jill really is?" What are you talking about?" Grian: Zach (no that's not my Irl name that is Slimer's real name) Jill right here is your editor doodl3" "Grian me and doodl3 have never met how do I know for sure tha-" That's when she pulls out her phone and shows me her Youtube Account showing indeed that she is doodl3. I begin to laugh at this revelation and look over to see Bigb Martyn and Jimmy jacking my food while nobody is watching. "OI. hold on one second" I walk over "You took 2/3 of my food" Martyn: It's not like you need all of that" "I have a large stomach thank you very much" Bigb: Yeah well this food is ours now" "I hate all 3 of you. I hate you Martyn. I hate you Anthony and I especially hate you Jimmy" I head on back over to doodl3. "You know what i love about Jill so much she's not afraid to get into a little mischief. So doodl3 let's make this like Secret Life ok?" I bring her away from prying ears "I'm about to go on stage with Pearl to perform a violin song me and her both agreed on earlier ok? Your task is you see those small whipped pies over on the dessert table?" Jill: Yeah?" "I want you to be the mischief maker that you are and I want you to pie Jimmy Martyn Anthony and Tango. All of them have pissed me off today and I think it's time for some payback" Jill grins with mischeif Jill: Alright just what I needed" Me: Remember be discreet. Don't let them catch on to what you are doing."
I get up on stage with Pearl and take out my violin and begin playing La Vie En Rose and see doodl3 take some of the whipped pies as well as a few other desserts and sit down with Joel John Scott and Impulse. John: Heya there Jill whatcha got there?" Jill: Just a few desserts I'm going around eating and talking at the same time" Scott: Don't be like Zach save some food for everyone" Jill: Oh don't worry I'm not like that glutton" She takes one of the whipped pies and wanders over to where Tango is but not before seeing Rylee go over and sit in Joel's lap. Jill says it for me "Traitor". I see Jill where Tango is but focus on my violin but I'm grinning as Pearl continues to sing. Jill: Hey Tango" Tango: Hey Jill whatcha got there?" Jill: Just a little whipped pie that's what" Tango: So how does it feel now that I'm one of your boss's partners in the remaster" Jill: You mean how you almost got Cleo killed? Yeah she said this is to get even with you" She then takes the pie and slams it in Tango's face. Grian looks over in shock. Grian: Jill what happened?" Tango: I think I just got pied" Grian scowls over at me knowing very well I'm the one who told her to do it. He notices the other pies and tries to piece together who else is next as Jill grabs another pie and a Brownie off of her plate. I grin as Pearl finishes singing I get up before Grian pulls me aside. Grian: Just what are you having her do?" "Can't tell you that it's a task" Grian: What do you- oooooh. So her task is to pie random people?" Me: No. Although you get one more guess with her but no more guesses with me" Grian: So the people aren't random I see"
Jill heads on over to Impulse Grian doesn't say anything as he watches her. Me: Hey lay off the girl alright? Go over and mingle" I head over to the dessert table and grab a whole bunch of desserts but more importantly a whipped pie of my own. Jimmy: You have to be kidding me stop grabbing a bunch of food or we're all going to eat it off of your plate" "You're more than welcome to try" Jimmy: Right time to assemble the food squad again" Jill sees Jimmy going somewhere and tails behind him as I sit down at my table. Jill sees Jimmy headng back with Martyn and Anthony. Jill approaches and pretends to trip on one of her heels and pies Martyn right in the face. Anthony: Hey are you ok?" Jill: Yeah just tripped you ok Martyn?" Martyn: A little whipped cream never hurt anyone. No hard feelings"
Grian is now walking over to me and whispers into my ear "You are absolutely sick" I then hear my voices as Grian is whispering to me and I space out "Do it. Kill yourself right now. They won't care about you." Grian notices and shakes me back into reality. Grian: Get ahold of yourself now isn't the time to be spacing out" Grian knows full well why I'm spacing out but doesn't say anything about it wanting to let me have peace. Grian: You're going to tell me who you told Jill to pie" "Awww but that ruins the fun I will tell you this I instructed her to pie 4 people but I'm not saying who" Suddenly Anthony gets pied by her and Jimmy starts to realize just what is going on.
Jimmy: No you stay away from me" I begin to walk over to assist Jill and whisper to her "psst Grian is on to you I told him you were to pie 4 people but I didn't tell him who try going over to him and pretend like you're going to pie him" Jill has a mischeivious grin on her face as she heads over to where Lizzy is pie in her hand and a cookie in the other. As she goes to "pie" her Grian runs up Grian: Hey Jill are you suppossed to pie Tango Anthony Martyn and Lizzie?" I shake my head at him and Grian is absolutely stunned as Jimmy approaches. Jimmy: Hey what's going on over h-" That's when Jill pies him right in the face JIll: Ugh Why?" "It's payback for not only dumping slime on me when I wasn't ready yet but also for jacking my food" Jimmy: Why am I being punished for protecting the food population" "Because that food wasn't yours" Jimmy: Now 4 good pies wasted" "Jill help yourself to my dessert plate you earned it eat as much as you want" Jill chuckles happily and goes over to where my plate is.
As she goes back my vision begins to glitch a bit. I start to see blood everywhere for a split second. Everyone now in their tuxedos and dresses is now a skeleton. My eyes go wide for a few seconds before Jill leads me over to our table and I snap out of it. I have my hands on my head wondering what I just saw. Jill: You ok?" "Yeah just my voices getting worse"
I head back to my room later Jill behind me. "Right I'll see you at Minecon tomorrow hope you're ready to mod" Jill: Don't worry I'll be ready you just get some rest and mentally prepare yourself. Remember anything can happen" I smirk "I'm a lifer I already know what I'm getting myself into Goodnight Doodl3" Jill: Goodnight Boss Slime"
As soon as Scar enters he gets hit in the face with a cream pie I snuck from the Banquet. Jill then hears from outside my room/ "That's what you get for turning me into a Lobster hahahahhahhahahaahahaha"
When she gets to her room she sees Rylee running up to her.
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figgrrr0 · 2 years
Aw man, I wanted to be an anon for requesting this but oh well lmao
I really want a one-shot (with plot) of Sub!Thoma × F!MeanDom!Reader where the reader loves teasing him, making him squirm, overstimulating him and watching him cry. Just being an ass to him overall and he enjoys every second of it.
As for the plot; I imagine reader to be a member of the Yashiro commision. She is not a retainer like Thoma, mainly dealing with jobs outside of the estate (such as speaking to merchants, coming to agreements with them as a business woman and organizing/sponsoring events when Ayato orders her team to). She is also older.
The location of the main event would be Ayato's office. As for how they end up getting in that situation, I'll leave that to you. Thoma outright sobbing is an important point though. I want that retainer drowning in his tears/j
All jokes aside, thank you for taking requests, this thing has been plaguing my mind for a while and I just can't stop thinking about it. I hope you have a wonderful week. Have a nice day and dm me if you are confused about anything in my request!
A/N: This one was really fun! Btw, I’m about to enter Inazuma in-game, so I actually don’t know anything about these characters apart from their voice lines, a little research, and fics I’ve read.
Want to skip the lead up? Look for the NSFW sign that marks the smut!
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Apologies due
Character: Sub!Thoma // Reader: Dom!Fem
Genre: Smut // CW: Overstim, dacryphilia, mommy kink, puppy play, thigh riding, degradation, impact play, slight hair pulling, jealousy/hate sex (without sex), dubcon?
Plot: Yes // Word count: 4.1k
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This past week had been far too busy. With the long-awaited Summer Festival just around the corner, you'd been sent here, there and everywhere to collect everything that was needed, and even things that probably weren't.
You'd often be given the order from Kamisato Ayato, your boss in the Yashiro Commission, to attend business meetings in his stead, and secure official information or deals with the companies that he decided to show a particular interest in. Yesterday, you'd been sent word that you were to collect five large boxes of fireworks from Naganohara Fireworks; a company ran by none other than Yoimiya. While she'd usually like to set them off herself, she compromised during the Summer Festival to allow the Yashiro Commission to set them up in a good vantage point, where everyone in Inazuma will see their vibrant sparks in the skies no matter where they may stand on the land. Of course, she'd stay close at hand in case something went wrong, but with all the tests that they did at the company, followed by the checks that you would perform before taking the boxes, that was hardly a possibility.
Most of the hard work had already been done. Or so you'd thought.
Six hours ago, you'd met up with Yoimiya, discussed the products you'd be taking and how much they'd cost, as well as how she'd be paid, and been well on your merry way within the hour, all with a couple of boxes in tow. Very heavy ones, to be exact, which is why you'd also brought some other Commission members to bear the brunt of the work and carry them to the cart you'd brought. As a worker employed by the Kamisato Clan, you were quite precise in your planning.
Taking them into storage, you soon reread the letter you'd received the day before from the head of the Clan, memorising the meet-up point where you'd be handing them over to none other than Thoma, the Chief Retainer.
Now, you'd never say this in public, for fear of tarnishing your reputation in the streets, or bringing question to your place in the Commission. Because Archons forbid you be jealous of Thoma.
Thoma, who was adored by everyone in Inazuma.
Thoma who was preferred by the master of the Clan, who got to see him more than once a month when he'd let go of his cold business mode.
Thoma, who, despite being your junior in both years and experience, acted as though he could do no wrong, as though he was better than you, more important...
Thoma, who left you standing in the warehouse where you'd been supposed to meet for the entire afternoon, wondering when he'd finally show up; only to realise when it started getting dark, that he likely wouldn't come at all.
Dejected and frustrated, you retired to your lodgings in the warehouse. You'd been given a room there, considering you were the key point for the warehouse to work at all, but seldom stayed there, preferring your own bed in your own home.
Once settled and comfortably in bed, you begin trying to sleep. But you find that you can't, your thoughts running wild on why Thoma didn't show up.
Had he gotten hurt? Surely not. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
"Psh..." you scoff, shaking the thought from your head. Why should you care about him, anyway? You'd undoubtedly get in trouble for delivering the order late, as usual.
The only logical answer you could come up with was that Thoma had probably forgotten that he was supposed to meet up with you. Again.
Just another thing that you held against him. He always forgot when he had to meet up with you, and you'd always get the blame the next day. Because of course sweet, precious Thoma couldn't make a mistake. Of course Thoma, Ayato's favourite housekeeper, couldn't ever be in the wrong. It just had to be Y/N.
Even though, when this did happen, Thoma would always try to take the blame, as he should in your eyes and his, it rarely accumulated to anything in your favour. The higher ups always found a way to pin the blame on you.
Sighing in defeat, you dispel the thought from your mind, trying not to fall into the dark spiral of jealousy and contempt that you held for the housekeeper despite his sunny disposition. You'd deal with it in the morning.
The next morning, a letter came, stamped "URGENT" in big red letters on the front, right under your name.
Of course. Just as you'd expected.
Tearing open the envelope, you retrieve the folded paper from inside and begin reading its contents.
"Miss Y/N,
It has come to my attention that, going against your previous orders, the 5 boxes of fireworks that you have been assigned to gather from Naganohara Fireworks have not been delivered to the estate as required.
With the Summer Festival not even two whole weeks away, we in the Yashiro Commission really must all do our part to bring preparations to a close with as much time remaining as possible. Because of your inability to follow instructions, that plan is now at risk.
I ask that you come to the estate before noon, with the firework boxes, and attend a meeting with me in my office.
Signed, Kamisato Ayato."
Putting the paper down on your bed, you raise a hand to cover your eyes with a deep sigh. "Today is really not the day for this..." you mumble.
So much for the weekend being a holiday... you don't even get your Saturday off.
Once again, your morning would prove to be quite hectic, to say the least.
After taking a quick nap to come to terms with the fact that you'd been called to the estate for yet another misdemeanour to add onto the list of your past wrongdoings, you actually begin getting ready.
Your "mistakes", as Ayato often referred to them as, were starting to pile up quite high. Really, you were starting to wonder how you hadn't been fired yet, regardless of how not many of them had even been your fault. It didn't say so on your record.
After getting ready and making yourself presentable, you prepare yourself to face what will probably be the worst day of your month so far; being reprimanded by Kamisato Ayato (once again) and having to apologise to Thoma. Even though it wasn't your fault.
Steeling yourself to face the day, you head out of the warehouse, boxes still on the cart behind you, and begin your journey to the Kamisato estate. At least it's not far...
But that just makes it worse that Thoma hadn't showed up.
Walking through the corridors of the estate, after being granted permission to enter by a preoccupied member of staff, you make your way straight to Ayato's office. Having already been well acquainted with the building after attending multiple meetings in his office, it was a good thing you knew where you were going. The hurried and near-frantic movements of the staff of the house quickly conveyed that they wouldn't be of any help. Had they even noticed your arrival?
You knock on the closed door with a resounding thud, an answering, "Come in." sounding from the other side. So, you do.
Pushing the door open, you instantly meet eyes with your boss, Kamisato Ayato. Safe to say, he didn't look far too happy with you.
"You asked of me, Sir?" You questioned, though it wasn't a question at all. You knew why you'd been called. After all, it said as much in the letter.
You almost take a step forward into the room, but catch yourself just before you start moving, deciding that it'd be more respectful (and therefore easier to get out of trouble) if you pretended to be nervous.
He seems pleased. "Indeed. Please take a seat." He gestures vaguely at the chair on the opposite side of his desk, looking back to the paperwork in front of him.
You do as he has told, and wait for him to start talking, but it never arrives.
After almost two whole minutes full of incredibly awkward silence and looking aimlessly around the room for something to take the edge off, you eventually give in.
"I- uhm..." Your voice quietens after the first syllable, daunted by how loud it sounds in the silence, "I left the boxes outside, Sir. I believe some of your house staff took them into a storage room for further inspection."
He still hadn't looked at you or shown any interest, leading you to begin fumbling with your hands, becoming more anxious the longer he ignored you.
"I checked them myself last night, they're all in good condition and Yoimiya accepted the payme-"
"-That's enough." He puts his pen down with all the grace that he usually possesses, but something about the action betrays his annoyance.
"I don't wish to talk business right now, Y/N. You have caused a great deal of distress in the estate through all of today and yesterday. Please tell me, what is your excuse this time?"
Your mouth drops open slightly in surprise. He made it sound as though you did this on purpose!
"B-but Sir, I didn't do anything!"
"And therein lies the problem, Miss Y/N. You didn't do anything." Now, his eyes refuse to leave yours, and you almost wish time would go back to a few minutes beforehand, to when he hadn't been looking at you at all.
He was trying to intimidate you, you realised, trying to make you admit defeat and take the blame. And you know what?
It was almost working.
"I did as I was told. I waited until late last night, but Thoma didn't show." At this point, your voice had taken on an accusatory undertone.
You hadn't done anything wrong! Not this time, not the last, and not any of the times before that. You were getting tired of the blame always being put on your shoulders. It was Thoma's fault. Not yours.
"... You're blaming Thoma? After all the work he does in the estate, and all the help he has been when preparing and organising these festivals, you dare to shove the fault onto him?"
He stares directly at you, his gaze barely any different than usual, but there's a barely restrained fire melting that icy cold gaze. "The Summer Festival is soon, Miss Y/N, very soon. Each and every moment of the lead up is of great impertinence. I'd have thought you would at least have taken your responsibility into account for just this once."
You're left speechless, unable to comprehend just how easily Ayato had completely swept your concern under the metaphorical rug.
At your lack of response, he leans forward on the desk, hands clasping together and fingers intertwining.
"Nothing to say for yourself?"
Another few more seconds of silence, awkward once again. The still room was deafening.
"... Well then. I have a very important meeting soon, much more important than this one." He stands up from his chair, paying no mind to you as you sit there in a confused daze. As he starts walking towards the door, you push your chair out to follow him, but before you can even lift yourself up, he halts you.
"Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you're going? Have you been excused?"
"W-well no, but-"
"Then you shall stay put." He turns to you with a taunting smile lifting his features, the anger in his voice finally evening out, " besides, I do believe you have an apology to make to Thoma, hmm?"
"An apology?! I'm not-"
"Oh hush. I'll send him in soon, so be patient until then, will you? I'm sure you can at least do that much."
Before you can even argue further, he is out the door, the doorframe clattering as it swings shut behind his retreating form.
"Ughh..." you groan and slump back into the chair.
Looks like you have at least twenty minutes to re-evaluate your life choices.
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The shutting of the door jolted you awake in an instant. Confused and surprised that you'd fallen asleep, you look behind you to see Thoma stood still in the doorway, his hand still connected to the handle.
"Sorry..." a hand comes up in half a wave and half a placating manner, and the other goes to rub the back of his neck awkwardly.
Being woken up doesn't particularly leave you in too good of a mood, especially not when this is who you have to deal with.
You glare at him and respond with a gruff hum, turning back around to look straight ahead of you, when an idea comes to mind.
"I... I really am sorry about yesterday. Hahah..." His soft voice gives away his turmoil, but when this matter occurs constantly, should you really have to forgive him every time? Your foot begins tapping against the floor as you bite your lip, considering your options while he continues to talk behind you.
"There's just so much going on, what with the Festival only being a couple of weeks away from now. I had too much work piled up and I couldn't send anyone else because they were all-" His words are interrupted as you stand up from the chair, mind set, and walk around to the other side of the desk.
"H-hey, Y/N, what are you doing? They're Lord Ayato's personal documents, you can't read those!"
Ignoring him, you take your place in the chair and push away from the desk slightly, facing directly at Thoma's worried face as if daring him to stop you.
"I'm growing tired of these games, Thoma. Don't you think you deserve a punishment for causing me so many problems and making me take the blame for your mistakes?"
"There is no game! I promise I don't mean to, Y/N, I just-"
"-Just what, Thoma? Can't learn how to prioritise your own work? Can't ask someone else for help? Can't say fucking 'no' to anyone?!" Your voice raises to a near shout, making him flinch and take a step back. But this only makes you angrier.
Taking a deep breath, you take control of your emotions before they get out of hand. Instead of standing up and just slapping him right across the face like you so want to do right now, you cross your legs and pat your hand against the one that's left raised.
"Sit down, Thoma. You're going to make it up to me. Right now."
"I-" He gives up on complaining with just a raise of your eyebrow. He looks back at the door for a split second, but his curiosity ultimately wins over, and he turns back to you.
The tension between the two of you had been steadily rising as of late. There'd always been a certain attraction, but with the difference in your job roles, there was little time to see each other outside of work. And the recent arguments hadn't done much good, either.
Without even so much as a few seconds to think, his leg swings over yours as he lowers himself down onto your lap, though he still looks unsure, even with his cheeks heating. "I don't think... we should be doing this here... I mean- we definitely shouldn't! Lord Ayato would-"
You place a hand over his mouth, silencing him as his eyes go wide.
"He isn't here right now, is he? Just pay attention to me." Your deft hand slides down, releasing his lips to take hold of his throat with a threatening squeeze, to which he gulps nervously as his eyes flicker down to your wrist, fighting the urge to pull your hand away. "Besides..." He eyes hesitantly lift up to meet your dark gaze. "This is a meeting room, no? We're simply coming to an agreement of our own."
He whimpers at that, his lips falling open when your other hand that was hidden from him took a tight grip on his hip. Pushing him down onto your lap, his half-hard bulge drags against your thigh.
"Ohh-... Y/N, what should I-?"
"You're going to get yourself off on my thigh like a good little puppy."
With a tilt of his head, he lets out a questioning hum, "Puppy?" Without another prompt, he starts doing as you said, his hips sliding over your thigh over and over again.
"Archons, you really are like a dog." You reach out and take hold of the chain around his neck, pulling it taut against his skin until it digs in, providing a pleasant sting. His eyebrows crease, fighting the urge to talk back. "Even came with these dog tags. It's like you're begging to be treated like a filthy mutt."
With your hold on the metal, you pull him forward into a forceful kiss, your teeth knocking together as he lets out a moan at the sting of the sharp edges pricking his soft lips.
He barely responds to your kiss, focusing more on keeping his hips moving as he chases the pleasure. Just when he starts to reciprocate, his tongue gliding against and following your own as it retreats back into your mouth, he is pulled back by your harsh grip on the hair at the base of his neck.
He yelps as he's torn away from you, his body stiffening as he tries to reach back and lessen the burden of your fingers. You release him so that he has no choice but to drop back down into your lap. Hard.
"Aaghn-! Y/N~"
A swift slap echoes through the room, his face snapping to the side as a dark red blooms across his cheek.
Before he even gets a chance to react, the hand that had just hit him pulls him to face you again, smoothing over the burning mark as if to comfort what you had just caused.
"When I own you like this, I'm your mommy. Got it? I don't want to hear my name coming out of your disgusting mouth."
His bottom lip wobbles as crystalline tears gather in his eyes, but he doesn't quite let them drop. He sniffles, voice crackling when he responds, "Y-Yes, mommy..."
Rather than giving him a reward, you push him further.
Hand still cradling his burning cheek, your nails dig into the tender flesh, resurfacing the pain which had only just numbed. Thoma has no other choice than to take it, his hands tightly grasping his own knees, allowing you access to do anything you want with his pliant body. Though, his voice betrays his loyalty, a small cry being dislodged from his throat.
He doesn't wait for even a second, his hips bucking against your thigh faster than before as he evens out the pain you're giving him with the pleasure.
Lessening the pressure on his cheek, you lean against the back of the chair, taking in the scene he makes in front of you.
Clothes rumpled and sticking to the sweat coating his body, dick shamefully hard, the outline clear to see pressing against the fabric of his pants. Hair tousled from your earlier grip, eyes half closed and glinting in the light of the room with the hint of unshed tears. He truly was a sight to see.
And as much as you hate to admit it, you'd certainly like to see him like this more often.
Maybe, if this is the reward you got for dealing with the unfair favouritism from the head of the Clan, it wouldn't be so hard to endure...
But just thinking that makes you angrier than before. You shouldn't have to settle.
"Awww~ look at you, humping your owner's thigh like a desperate, little puppy... are you really that needy that you don't care about ruining mommy's clothes?"
Before you can continue, he lets out an unfiltered moan, the loud noise startling the both of you. His hips jerk sporadically before slowing to a stop, his breaths coming out in uneven pants.
"...Hah... Did you really just cum from that, you dirty mutt?"
And when you look at the tent between his legs, a dark patch of his cum seeps into his pants, the wetness unmistakable in the clear lighting of the room.
His sniffles return louder this time, and when you look back up at his face, you see exactly what you'd been hoping for:
Tears, sliding down his flushed cheeks with no end in sight. They just wouldn't stop.
"I-I'm sorry, mommy... I couldn't h-hold it back..." He can barely even speak, voice cutting off as he fights through the tightening of his throat to push out the words he knows you want to hear.
Not that they'd do him any good, anyway.
You tightly grip his softening dick through his pants, his cum soaking through to your skin, coating your palm with a sticky sheen.
He tenses up and hisses in pain through clenched teeth, his face scrunching up as he loses control of his reactions.
"You're so greedy. Didn't even ask for permission, you always just take what you want, don't you, dog?"
"No! I'm sorry, m-mommy, so sorry, please!"
A tear drips down his throat, and you watch as it smudges and soaks into the collar of his jacket.
"Shut up."
Digging your fingers into his hips, you force him to continue moving on your lap, his clothed cock grinding against your leg and leaving behind a line of slick on your own clothing.
"Ah, wait- wait! I just came~ Please not yet, mommy, not yet!"
He scrambles to dislodge your hold, his legs kicking out a bit to your side as his hands come down to grip your shoulders for stability. He's shaking from overstimulation as you push him down onto your thigh, tensing your leg intermittently to provide more stimulation than he can handle.
In what he assumes to be mercy, you remove your hands from him, leaving him to slow his movements on his own after he keeps moving for a few seconds before realising that you weren't holding onto him anymore.
When he stops completely, a hard smack to his thigh makes him jolt forward with a startled sob, his tongue feeling heavy and vision blurry as he cries out continuously.
"Keep going. I didn't tell you to stop."
"Can't, I can't! It's too much, please don't make me, it's too good~!"
And yet, despite his begging and whining, his thrusting starts up again without you doing a thing. The continuous grinding against your leg was starting to ache, the rough material of Thoma's pants beginning to take their toll on your skin. But the sight of him, knowing that you'd finally one-upped him, that you'd reduced him to this mess... Well. That made it all worth it.
It seems that the restriction of his clothing was beginning to bother him, too.
He starts begging to take off his pants when the texture gets too rough on his sensitive dick. The constant dragging and the damp feeling of his ruined underwear rubbing on the tip of his leaking cock providing too much painful stimulation.
Of course, you don't let him, wanting to see him shift and tremble as his overwhelmed cock twitches with each shove back and forth.
The shocks of his first orgasm hadn't been given a chance to wear off, pushing him further and further towards his next before he could even think to warn you- before he could even try to hold it back.
And, with another loud moan that tapers off into overwhelmed hums and panting breaths, he cums harder than ever before.
This time, it takes longer for him to recover, coming to only a couple minutes later when the uncomfortable feeling of his tears drying and leaving tracks on his face tempt him to refocus. He's grateful for the short break you'd given him after cumming again so quickly, gasping puffs of air as he mumbled, "Thank you, mommy, thank you..." over and over again.
Though the reprieve was short lived.
"Oh, puppy, you didn't think we were done, did you? You've always been so selfish towards me, making me take all the blame..."
You push him to start moving again, his own begging and crying going unheard in his own ears. Tears once again fall from his barely-open eyes and follow the paths the previous ones had made.
"Why don't you take some more?"
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kahlanmars · 1 year
HELLO I'm here again with Bad Feeling. I LOVE Haymitch and writing this fic is becoming addicting, but I can't help but wonder if he is a little OOC. Remember, he doesn't do things without thinking, so he is not being completely reckless.
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It's still night, everything is quiet.
You draw stars around his scars with your fingers, he is humming in pleasure in return. If you close your eyes you can pretend you are in District 12, in his victor's home, and in two hours you will go to work. Everything is fine, everything is normal, maybe just Holly freaking out because you are in bed with a forty year old man who is also your boss. That seems fun right now. 
You really don't want to think about the games. You want to be happy without thinking "for now".
«I like your scars.» You mumble, staring at his back. You clearly ended in his disgusting bed, and now you smell like a liquor store too. 
It was worth it, though. You thought he was a rough lover, selfish maybe, definitely grumpy. You were wrong, well, half wrong. He is rough and now you are sure you have bruises, but he is also kind and generous. And not at all grumpy, which surprised you the most. 
«So you are really insane.» He jokes.
«No, I mean I know they are bad and it was horrible, but...» You ramble, afraid you offended him, but he turns around to stop you. 
«Relax, sweetheart.» 
«I'm not very good at it.» You confess.
«Yeah? I guess I'll have to help you then.» He begins to bite and kiss and lap your neck and you can't help but giggle. 
«I have to go to my room!» You protest. Well, you protest, your body is more than ready for him. 
«Do you deny a man his property?»
You roll your eyes. He will never forget that not-so-prepared-speech. «Very funny. I take back everything, I'll see if Finnick Odair is a single man.»
His eyes darken and he squeezes you even more. «Go, then.»
«I can’t, your grip is too strong.» You explain. He pretends he doesn’t know, while he is pressing himself on you. He has a surprisingly fit body for an old alcoholic. 
«Yeah? You don’t like that?»
«Oh no, I really like that.» You tie your arms around his neck. «I like that you are strong, I like that you are rough, I even like when you show up a little tipsy.» You confess before you kiss him. His eyes soften, and you can tell he is done joking.
«Promise me something.»
«Anything you want.»
«Don't fuck it up. Don't be a hero, don't save someone because they look weaker than you.»
«I won't.»
«I'm serious.» He grips your arms so much it hurts. «Don't die in that arena.»
«I will try, I promise.» You want to light up the atmosphere, so you smile. Also because you just lied, you will try but it’s certain you will die, that is why you acted in the first place. «You know what I like the most? When you open the bottle and you hold the cap with your teeth.»
He looks at you in disbelief. «You are a very strange woman.»
But he looks hot when he does that. There is something about his gestures, how confident he is.
«Yeah but it goes to your advantage, so shut up and take a shower with me.»
«Yes ma'am.»
The real world crushes you hard, you don't want to go to the training, but in two days you will have to perform for the gamemakers, so you force yourself. You spend your day with Lora and Perla (which is a problem, since you seem more a group of friends than tributes and you really don’t want to arrive at the point where you don’t know how to kill them) then you go to the car to return to the penthouse.
You don't expect to be face to face with President Snow when the car arrives. 
«Please get in the car, Miss Pinecone.»
He knows your name. Well, of course he knows. 
He is terrifying. What is the worst is that he doesn’t look terrifying. With his white hair and long beard he looks like a granddad, not a President. A president that, you know, ordered to kill Haymitch’s family, sold victors and escorts to people he wanted to please, and regularly sends children to die every year in a reality show.
He is the big bad wolf in the fairytales.
The smell in the car is bad, and you just spent the night in a liquor bottle. It smells like something you don’t know, something sour. You just want fresh air, you want to get out of this car, you want Haymitch or Effie or your mama. As pathetic as it sounds, you want mama to rescue you. 
«Mr. President, nice to meet you.» You manage to say, not even bothered to hide that you are scared. He is already aware of it, he is probably enjoying the power he has over you.
«Miss Pinecone, I watched you on the television. You are a very proper girl, with good manners.» He looks pleased, is that a good sign? A bad sign? Is that a sign at all? 
«Thank you, Mr. President.» You whisper. You can't, just can't watch him in the eyes, so you focus yourself on the rose he has pinned on his white jacket.
«Can we please be sincere to each other?» He asks, and you only nod. You can’t even speak. «Good. I like you, Miss Pinecone. But I don’t like that you don’t want to do what you are supposed to do.»
«I… I beg your pardon?»
«You almost look like a Capitol girl. Very far from Katniss Everdeen, don’t you think?» 
Fuck you, I’m a woman from the District 12 and I’m proud of it. And Katniss Everdeen is a girl in a game bigger than her. You aren’t blind, you noticed signs all over the district since the last Hunger Games. That is why young men and women were picked and not teenagers instead this year, because even if teenagers can be the spark, adults have to keep going. «Thank you.»
«You are welcome. I think Miss Effie Trinket is to thank, don’t you?»
«Yes, Mr. President.» Not Effie. He couldn't, could he? She is from Capitol, she is a resident. One of his people. She is devoted to her country, she knows the Panem motto word by word. 
Then again, he sold her when she was younger.
«You don’t want to cause anything bad to Miss Trinket, right?» 
You shake your head, petrified. 
«And I’ve heard you share a deep connection with your mentor. We don’t want another tragedy upon him. Or your mother.» He saw you and Haymitch, you just get it from the look he gives you. And of course he knows you have a mother, he already probably knows her name and address.
You close your eyes for a moment, knowing you are screwed. «What do I have to do to keep them safe?»
«Just go when I call for you. Without telling Mr. Abernathy, we know he can be tempered. Do we have a deal, miss Pinecone?»
You nod, holding back the tears. Crying or screaming won't give you anything more, maybe he will be even pissed off. «Yes, Mr. President.»
He hands you the rose. «You are welcome, Daisy, and good luck in the games.»
When you are out of the car you run into the penthouse as fast as you can, tears begin to stream down to your face. You know there’s air in the room, but you can’t breathe. 
«Darling girl what happened?» Effie goes near to you, but you can barely hear or see her. 
«What's wrong with her?» Haymitch asks, worried, but this time Effie looks sure.
«That's a panic attack, a bad one.» She holds your hands. «Now look at me Daisy, look at me.»
You are trying, although your body is shaking too much and you can't calm down. Maybe that's not a panic attack, maybe that's a heart attack and you are dying.
«Hear my voice, follow me. Breathe in, breathe out.» She gestures to you on how to do that, and you desperately try until it slowly passes and you have control on your body again.
«She is with us again.» Effie states and calmly hugs you.
«I'm so sorry.»
«Nonsense. It happens to me too, after a while you know the signs and it becomes a little easier.» She caresses your hair. «What triggered it?»
«Nothing.» You force yourself to say, but you notice too late you still have the white rose in your hand. They look at each other, but remain silent, and Haymitch hugs you. 
The next day flows and this is the day you have to perform for the gamemakers. The gamemakers are weird men, they are all men, not a single woman present. The head gamemakers is new and his name is Plutarch, the last one, Seneca Crane, committed suicide after Katniss and Peeta’s win last year. 
Haymitch simply said "Make sure they remember you". 
You have no idea what to do. You are strong, so you better start there.
«District 12, Daisy Pinecone.» You present yourself and you watch them. They don't care, you are the last one. You wonder what Clark did. 
You have ten minutes. You notice they have ice skates and an ice location. This turns on the light bulb in your brain. If they placed it there it means it has something to do with the arena. And you know how to skate, Holly taught you during the rigid winter in the district. There was a lake, and she thought it was fun. Thanks, mom.
After the preparation, you begin to skate. At first you lift a very heavy globe and on skates it's impressive, but then you start to spin, and you spin, and you spin until you lift your leg and decapitate the mannequin you placed close to yourself with the skate blades. You knew they must have been a weapon, you took a chance. Ice skate’s blades are usually not that sharp, they must have been modified. 
You bow to them, a bright smile for the audience. You are good at it, being the pretty girl who does the right thing. «Thank you for your consideration.»
You feel pretty confident in the afternoon, when the team decides to watch the score together. President Snow didn't show up or called, so you can relax for the night. 
You are sure you have a seven. You deserved a solid seven. 
Clark doesn't even talk, you can't understand if he gave up or he is sure he has a massive score. "He doesn't talk because you are the enemy and he doesn't want you to know anything about his strategy", you think. That means he talks with Haymitch, and that gives you a thrill of jealousy. They talk about how Clark will survive, how he will win, and that implies that you die. 
And being selfish and juvenile as much as the kids you babysit for at home, you dress up in a little black cocktail dress that shows your legs and collarbones. You want those secrets. You want your mentor to be utterly seduced. You want him to work only for you. And he was known to be one of the most brilliant men in all of Panem, so he probably will know, but maybe, if you put enough sugar in your words, he will close an eye on that.
«You are so beautiful!» Portia states when she sees you.
«I thought I should be enjoying pretty dresses now that I can.» That is one of the reasons, actually. 
«You look lovely.» Effie adds. 
«Don't wear something like this for the interview.» That's the only thing Haymitch says. «We want you to be a princess.»
You can't help but pout, even if you know he can't comment. He commented before, though. 
You sit on the couch next to him and Portia, while Clark sits by Effie. You cross your legs.
Caesar Flickerman appears on the screen and you suddenly feel nervous, maybe that is why you put such an effort on the dress, because you wanted to keep your mind off the games. You always do that.
The tributes roll on the screen. The careers don't go below 8, Perla has a solid 9 and you smile because she is your ally, Lora has 8, which is very good. It’s fine to have such brave and good allies. And if you are going to get killed, you truly want one of them to win.
It's Clark's turn, everyone is thrilled. Well, apart from you, you don't really care. 
«From District 12 Clark Undersee, with a score of… 9!» 
Everyone applauds. Nine is a great score. «Congratulations.» You say, just to bury the hatchet. He doesn't even answer you. 
«And now our last tribute, from District 12 Daisy Pinecone with a score of… 10!»
Ten. You've got ten. You are so shocked you look at Haymitch to confirm it, and you see he is going to hug you. And then Portia and Effie.
«Ten is great, darling girl!»
«Katniss was just a score above!»
The arena has glass, or snow, or is at least winter themed, you think but then you watch Clark and decide to keep your mouth shut. 
After a while, in which the prim and proper Euphemia Trinket opened a bottle to celebrate, you yawn and you declare you go to sleep with a meaningful glare at your mentor. 
You can count two minutes before he opens your door. 
«What the hell were you thinking?» He snaps angrily but his wide hands are already on your body. 
«Did you like the dress?» You question with an innocent look. He crushes his lips on yours and in a moment you are against the door, not innocent at all. At least you are on your clean perfumed bed this time.
«What did you want?» He almost growls. He is not pleased, but at the same time he is. He just doesn't want you to play with his impulses. Not in front of the team.
«I was nervous about the scores.» You try to explain while he is attacking your neck. If he wants to incanalate his frustration this way you must be sure to make him frustrated every chance you'll have. «I thought of a distraction.»
«Little minx.» He doesn't buy it, and he is right. «Tell me the truth or I’ll go.»
«You wouldn't dare.» 
«Don’t test me, Daisy.» Ok, he calls you Daisy. It’s not right when he calls you Daisy. 
«Ok, I was jealous.» You admit, taking a step back. His eyes grow wide. 
«What? Jealous of who?» 
«Clark.» You hear silence, so you keep going. «He talks with you. About techniques and skills and you will give him sponsors, and he wants to kill me. He really wants to. The minute he will be in the arena he will find me and kill me.»
He chuckles, but he calms down. You sense he is not used to this level of patience. «I'm his mentor too, you know.»
«Yes and that makes me furious! I want you to be just mine.» He can tell you are half joking, so he doesn't get angry. 
«Possessive much?» He hugs you. You really, really like being in his arms, even if it tastes like whisky.  
«Am I your favourite?» You childishly ask.  
«Always. But truth be told he brings me alcohol.»
«I wore that dress. For you!» You gasp and caress his chest and you push him on the mattress. «I know something about the arena.» You whisper. 
«Tell me, sweetheart.»
«You have to promise you won't tell Clark.»
He rolls his eyes and hugs you tighter. «Do you trust me?» You nod. Not completely, but you don't trust anyone completely. «Do you think I would do anything to put you in danger?» You shake your head. «You just have to keep up as much as you can.»
He pinches your lower back. «And please stop this nonsense.»
«The arena has something to do with glass. I skated, there were ice skates. District 12 is full of snow, I might actually stand a chance.»
«I wouldn't indulge myself if you didn't. You will be out of that arena alive.» He takes your hair out of your face. His eyes meet yours in a non-said. It doesn't matter what you said, you can't confess everything to one another. He has his secrets and you have yours, and you don’t know who is going to listen, if the rooms have cameras. But the main reason is that you do that to protect each other. And Effie, Portia and the rest of the team. Not Clark, for your part.
«You indulge yourself because I'm irresistible.» You point out after a minute, your finger tracing a line through his chest. 
He rolls his eyes but a little smile appears on his face. «Humble.»
«Can't argue with that.» And like that he shuts you up pressing his lips on yours.
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"Big Time Battle of the Bands", Chapter 7: Big Time Replacement
Later that day, Big Time Rush was rehearsing at Rocque Records. It seemed to be going well. Gustavo stood sidestage while his foursome sang and danced. Next to him, Kelly nodded her head along.
But it still wasn't perfect. Their dancing was slightly off-beat, and their pitch went flat a few times. To the average person, it was hardly noticeable. To Gustavo, however...
Kendall sighed before speaking. "We're just a little nervous, okay? We don't wanna screw this up for everybody."
"Guess what? I don't care." Gustavo snapped. "The fundraiser, in case you forgot, is on Saturday. And Saturday is two days away. So you monkey dogs better get your act together, or Griffin will have all of our butts hanging on his office wall!
"Not to mention, the Palmwoods will go down in history as, 'The Hotel That Was Failed By a Sloppy Boy Band.'"
Kelly cleared her throat. "Y'know, we've been rehearsing all morning. Why don't we take a lunch break?"
Gustavo began to object, but he quailed under Kelly's glower. "Fine...lunch." he relented. The guys exhaled with relief.
The moment Gustavo and Kelly had disappeared, James straightened out his collar and flipped his bangs. "Well, I am going back to the Palmwoods to see if Pink Girl wants to share that lunch with me."
Kendall rounded on him. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Gustavo has a point. If we wanna give the Palmwoods a good name, we've gotta be 100% into this. Now really isn't the time to be getting distracted by girls."
Logan whapped the back of James' head. "See? I told you."
James sputtered indignantly as he rubbed the stinging area. He retaliated with a shove, which Logan countered with a harder shove, which quickly snowballed into a heated tussle. Carlos could do nothing but slowly back away and watch them go at it. Kendall rubbed his forehead.
"Okay, okay! Time out!" he yelled, holding up the universal "T" gesture. When that didn't work, he signaled to Carlos, who nodded and rapped his helmet. They proceeded to tug the pair apart, dodging the flying fists and elbows.
Meanwhile, out in the hall, Gustavo and Kelly came face-to-face with an unexpected (and unwanted) guest.
"Gustavo! I expect that the fundraiser preparations are going smoothly," Arthur Griffin said in his smug-cheerful voice. As usual, he was accompanied by his trusty assistant, Abdul.
"Ah, uh, yes! Naturally! Rehearsals are just peachy!" Gustavo replied with as much mirth as he could muster. Kelly looked sympathetic. She knew that Griffin was the last person he wanted to deal with.
"Splendid! I thought I would drop by and tell you how pleased I am that we are staying well within the budget. Pyrotechnics, lights, speaker systems, not to mention decor...everything my team has picked out will enhance the concert quite nicely." Griffin went on.
Gustavo inwardly screamed. Obviously, this insufferable man had "dropped by" to gloat. "Well, great!" he said, plastering on a grin.
Several awkward moments passed. Kelly was the first to break the quiet. "So, is there anything else?"
Griffin seemed a bit startled, but smiled. "Oh, yes! I wanted to let you know that plans have changed slightly. A different band will be performing at the fundraiser."
Gustavo blanched. Kelly's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" they yelled.
Griffin calmly explained, "A new group has been brought to my attention. I believe that all up-and-coming young artists deserve some recognition. Besides, the people of the Palmwoods could use some fresh new faces to represent them, don't you think?"
With that, he left them in their flabbergasted states. Just as he reached the end of the hall, he turned around. "Oh, and tell the boys 'you're welcome.' Now they have extra time to work on that album!"
Gustavo shook himself out of his stupor and furiously marched after his boss. Kelly hastened behind him.
"ExCUSE me?" Gustavo exclaimed. "So you're gonna fire us, just like that?! What, we don't even get to hear the 'fresh new faces' you've dragged in?"
"First of all, Gustavo, I did not 'drag' them in. They were dragged to me." Griffin patiently replied. "Second of all, yes. I can fire you. It's one of the many joys of having lots and lots of money. I can own anything I want, including you. I can choose anything I want.
"And if I think one of the things I own has grown old and tired, I can simply choose something else to replace it. And do you know what that gets me?"
Gustavo and Kelly stared at Griffin, mouths agape.
Griffin leaned in. "More money, Gustavo. And the cycle continues." He smiled.
After a beat, Kelly shook herself. "Okay, you skipped a part: Are you even going to let us hear the new boys?" she demanded.
Griffin and Abdul looked at each other.
"DOGS! We're done for the day!" Gustavo annunciated as he re-entered the rehearsal studio.
He was greeted by an interesting sight: Carlos was sitting on Logan's stomach (who was lying flat on the stage) and reading a comic, while Kendall was standing with his arms crossed next to a seated James. James' wrists were bound with a purple bandana. Logan and James were, understandably, scowling.
"You know what? I don't even wanna know." Gustavo said after some staring. "Follow me, we are going back to the Palmwoods."
"Wait, you're letting us off early?" Carlos said, eyes wide with disbelief.
"Who are you, and what have you done with the Giant Turd?" Kendall mock-exclaimed.
Gustavo managed to keep the steam from hissing out of his ears, but completely failed to keep it out of his mouth. "You know, with an attitude like that, I might just LET Griffin replace you with his new BAND!"
The four boys froze at that last word. "New band? What new band?" Kendall asked.
Kelly took one look at her beet red boss and decided to answer that one. "Griffin has recruited a new vocal group. He wants them to replace you guys at the fundraiser."
The reaction was as expected: a chorus of "what?!" and "he can't do that!" Gustavo held up his hands. "Yeah, yeah, we know. We get it. Which is why we are all heading over to the Palmwoods."
Kelly elaborated, "They're gonna debut for the residents."
James barked out a laugh. "Oh, yeah? I bet the people will know what's up. They know I'm the original Face of the Palmwoods." He did his trademark 'spirit fingers' (as best as he could with his hands tied).
Kendall smacked his chest, to which he flinched. "And by 'I'm', I mean we." From his spot on the floor, Logan rolled his eyes.
"Let's move out! I wanna see the look on Griffin's face when he realizes the egregious error he's made." Gustavo huffed before leaving.
James gave a little "ahem?" and shoved his hands at Kendall, who sighed and untied him. Logan glared at Carlos after he finally got off his stomach.
"Think it's time to lay off the corndogs, man," he grumbled, rubbing his abdomen. Carlos stuck out his tongue as they hopped off the stage.
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Holy shoot ya' stabbed her-
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*Everyone watches in stunned silence. Makoto brings Kuripa's blade down on Yukari, but the end becomes lodged in the wall next to her, barely scratching her neck. She draws blood...but lives.
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What are you doing? Just kill me already...You have that right, since you won...
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*Makoto kicks her in the face, smacking her against the wall.
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Seriously, you're PATHETIC! You know that, right!?
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All of this rage...This anger, and hatred I have for you...Finally getting a chance to reduce you to dust for what you've done to me, and in the end, you're BEGGING for a quick and worthy death!? How dare you!
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Well, too bad for you...I...I can't do it...
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"Can't" or "won't?"
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Can't...Trust me...
*He points the tip of the sword at her face.
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Makoto: I'm sick...and tired...of everything...For the last decade, I feel like I've seen NOTHING but people DIE in front of me, friend OR foe!
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And you know what? You punks were right about something. If Mukuro could see me now, she'd be hella disappointed in me!
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Then why don't you avenge her? Finish this stupid thing you started and cut my head clean off?
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And what? Become a monster? Take your place as an Ultimate Despair? Give in to that sadistic temptation? Become that exact apparition of myself that Shirogane showed me I was? ...Let YOU WIN!?
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Makoto: Up until this point, everything I've done is for the sake of the people that I care about. I thought that if I could be that beacon of Hope, they wouldn't have any reason to fear you anymore. But if I kill you now, they'll know...no...we'll ALL know...that I've lost it completely. It's not what they would want, it's not what Mukuro would want, and it's not what I want either.
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Makoto: I've fallen to lows that I never thought I could reach, but there's one thing that has remained crystal clear in my mind since I started walking down this path. I'm going to fight for them no matter what. For my family, who graciously returns all the suffering the world has inflicted upon them with kindness and love.
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Makoto: Like me, a great number of people in this world are afraid, alone, and in pain. And I fight so they know that there is someone in the world who stands with them.
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Makoto: They need to know that there is someone out there who will always be there for them. Similar to how my family will always support me, no matter how low I sink.
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Killing you would be betraying my ideals as Makoto Naegi...It would be betraying every good deed I've performed, and received so far...And it certainly won't make me happy...
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So you WILL survive. And you're going to live knowing that you exist only because I PERMIT it.
*Makoto tosses the sword to the side, making it clatter on the ground. Yukari glares back in contempt.
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Dude...That's mine?
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Oh, s-sorry..!
*He quickly scrambles to pick it up again, passing it to Kuripa.
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deadless-corpse · 8 months
December 26, 2023
I adjusted my shirt collar, it fit nicely, it looked nice. It was your typical business casual outfit. I tried to pretend like I wasn't stalling as I stared at the massive building, The Agency.
I took a deep breath and walked through the tinted glass doors. A secretary sat at the front, clicking through emails. I recognized her, Abigail, sometimes I'd bring donuts to work, I always let her get first pick. We didn't talk often but I've always respected her.
I cleared my throat, "Uhm, I'm here to get my license, may I speak with the man in charge?"
She didn't even look up from the screen. "Nope, I can put your name in if it's something important. If you want to get your license you'll have to take the exam after paying a fee and filling out some paperwork."
I sighed, thought something like this would happen. The man is always busy doing nothing. "Well can you tell Mr. M that Chad Harrison is alive and well and that Sunny-D is ready to get back to shining?"
Her head snapped up "Logan!? But you died!"
"Let's just say I got better." I smiled at her and she held her face in her hands. She was snickering but also sounded on the verge of tears.
"Just give me a second." She turned back towards her screen, pushed up her glasses and quickly emailed the boss.
We made small talk while waiting for a response the topic of kids came up eventually.
"I'm sorry we can stop talking about this if you want, I know what happened to your son..." She says apologetically and I quirked an eyebrow. What is she talking about? She's acting like he's dea-
Of course she would think that! To them Bennett has been missing for 3 years and the police gave up on his case. Considering he was taken by the same people who killed me, it would only be logical to assume he's likely dead as well.
Now how do I go about explaining that my son is alive and well?
"Don't worry about it, Bennett's okay." I said carefully.
She gave an odd look, "But wasn't he...?" She trails off.
I haven't spoken to her much, I don't know if she's the type to run off and tell somebody what I did. I know she's a mother as well though, if anyone is a half decent parent they'd break the law for their kids. I gave her a serious expression.
"He was taken, not killed. I wasn't going to let my son be taken away from me." All I can do is hope she understands where I'm coming from.
She nodded once, an agreement to keep quiet between two parents. I sighed in relief. She perked up as she saw a new message in her inbox. It was him and it was about damn time as well.
"He says to send you right on up." She chirps, and I grinned.
Finally, my days of relying too heavily on others comes to an end. I can finally help my daughter find out who she is and provide for all my kids. Fucking finally!
Well...that is if the man will take me back...
I told her bye and that it was good to see her again before I made my way up to the elevator. I pressed the button to the top floor and then the close doors button. Deep breaths, Chad. Don't let your anticipation make you impatient.
I then realized I had been non-stop pressing the close doors button until they had finally shut. That's always a good sign.
I audibly groaned, I have too much energy. I have to be professional when I get up there. Stop! Pacing! In! The! Elevator!
I could have kissed the ground when I finally got out of that metal confining hell. I made my way to the back office, I saw a few people turning to others and whispering. Just say something if you want to say it! Ugh... I'm too riled up for this.
I put on a decent performance as I walked into the bosses office. "Hey! Christ, it's been forever!" I spoke to him like an old friend. Get him to remember why he liked having me around. Be nice, don't rock his shit again.
"I really can't believe you're alive, Mr. Harrison." He looked at me with the same awe and wonder as a child looking at an elephant in the zoo. It felt weird being looked at like an exhibit rather than a person.
"I can hardly believe it either, sir." I sat down in the seat across his desk.
"I take it you're ready to get into your old line of work?" He asked nonchalantly as he started filling out some paperwork he had on his desk. Maybe he was good at putting on a show of things too.
"Yes sir, if not for myself then for my kids." That was one thing I was completely serious about. Except I was partially doing this for Noir as well.
I'm tired of him risking getting arrested to provide for everyone. He says he doesn't care but I sure as hell do. I'm not going to see him behind bars as long as I'm alive.
"It's always been a bit of a mystery, Mr. Harrison. So if you don't mind me asking, what did happen to you that night?" He was just curious I'm sure. He doesn't really care what happened to me he just wants to know.
It was just me and Bennett, Noir had been out at an interview. I was watching his interview on TV, I always had taken a bit of pride in how far he had come. It was nice to watch him laugh and talk and answer questions. I wanted to know just as much as any viewer.
I heard something shatter, Bennett was crying. I stood up before I realized what I was doing. I began to run to his crib but I was stopped by a Blonde in the kitchen.
Fast. Fast. Fast.
Everything was going so fast. I was angry enough to kill them with my bare hands. No one was going to take my son from me. But they did. And I'll never forgive myself for letting it happen.
It was late, there wasn't much light to use. They got the jump on me and suddenly I'm lifted off the ground. I didn't have time to think about what had just happen. I look down and I'm bleeding like a fountain. A spike of earth jabbed through my stomach and then pulled out leaving me bleeding out on the ground.
"Th- That smarts." I grimaced and tried to pull myself back up.
I couldn't stand.
I couldn't stand.
I remember trying to crawl, with what strength I had in my arms I wanted to at least make an effort to save him. "Bennett! Don't worry buddy I-I I'll get you!" A boot into exposed flesh and I can hardly breathe.
They picked me up by the collar and grinned at me. "Thanks for babysitting but he's ours now." They dropped me back on the floor. I grasped at the gaping hole in my stomach and I wheezed. Behind her was Noir, in a stunned silence.
They left and Noir ran over to me. He was hysterical and I couldn't blame him. I tried to comfort him, tell him how much I cared with what little I had left in me. Blood loss makes your brain think in strange ways because I do remember thinking about how handsome he looked. I was bleeding out, I should have been thinking about that.
I could see the guilt and panic in his eyes, tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. My vision was slowly going dim and black around the edges. Dying. I was dying.
It felt odd but sorta nice. Every bit of me was shutting down, losing my last bits of control. It was cold and warm at the same time. I could feel Noir's arms around me. I just wanted them to be okay. That was my family as far as I was concerned.
Then it was all gone. Black, deep nothingness, feeling like I was swimming through an endless pool only to resurface three years later. Gasping awake in–
"Ah- Sorry. You were saying?" It happened again, those moments I get so lost in thought I lose sight of what's going on around me. Happened a lot after my parents died. I mean I watched them get blown up. That was definitely not the McDonald's they promised.
"What happened to you? Who killed you?" He pried. I hate this guy so much.
"It was.." I remembered what me and Noir talked about but still I didn't want to say it. "It was Noir... my old sidekick, yah'know? And the Belle's were with him too." It made my stomach churn just saying.
Noir is so sweet, he's hardly a villain. How could anyone be so stupid as to believe he would do something like that?! Fuck them, seriously. As a friend he was always doing some weird thing to help me out and as a partner he's been the most affectionate person I've ever been with.
How many people tell you you're their favorite person every night before you go to sleep?! Or! Or! Tackle hug you everytime you get home and threaten to kill anyone who harms you? Has anyone ever told you that even if the mask is hard to take off they'll always see who's underneath it? Hmmmm???? Don't think so.
He's a wonderful person, he just has a hard time realizing it.
"Ah... I see. That's what the everyone suspected. He made quite the show of 'trying to find the real killer.' Honestly though I don't know why if he was just going to revert right back to villainy."
You need your job, Chad. You have kids, Chad, you need your job.
"That's precisely why I need my job back. I want to be his nemesis and of course money never hurt anybody."
He gave a small chuckle, good.
"We never exactly fired you. We'll have to figure out the logistics but we'd be happy to work with, Sunny-D again." He gave a wink. I could vomit on his face.
"Sounds great, can't wait to be back on the field."
January 14, 2024
I walked out to the mailbox. I wasn't wearing anything special, just some shorts and a T-shirt. It was cold out but not bad. Noir begged me to put on a jacket, even offered me his cloak, but I was only going to be out for a minute or so.
I grabbed a few envelopes, a newspaper (who still reads those?), and a magazine. Walked back in, it was nice and warm. A bit warm for my liking but Noir was cold blooded or something so I didn't mess with the temperature.
"I came back alive!" I called out. I thought it was funny, he didn't.
"Oh shut up." Noir emerged from wherever the hell he was. You could never tell with him, I wouldn't be surprised if I found him hanging upside-down on the ceiling. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time he'd done it anyways.
"I don't mean anything by it, love." I set the mail down on whatever was closest to me and gave him a hug.
"I know..." He murmured quietly as he rest his head on my shoulder. "I just don't like thinking about it."
"I'm sorry, I just– I cope through humor." I tried to explain. I should really be more thoughtful. "I'll try not to do it again." I kissed him on the cheek – it always felt nice to be able to do that. "But hey, I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. You're going to have to kil–" I cleared my throat. "politely and democratically send me away if you ever want to get rid of me."
He gave a small laugh. "See! It is funny sometimes." I said with a grin.
"Stoppp!" I knew it was half heartedly said though.
I picked him up and he laughed and kicked around as I spinned him in the air. "Put me down you scandal!" He softly hit me on the arms.
"As you wish, my lord." I then proceeded to toss him on the couch. He screamed, more out of amusement than terror. I pounced on him and tickled him until he was weeping and yelling mercy.
Bennett and Cresent peaked around the corner in a bit of fright, I suppose Goon was used to this stuff already.
"What is you doin' to him, Daddy?" Bennett asked, it occurred to me that this might look a bit odd from an outside perspective. To a child it might look like I was doing something dangerous but to an adult...
"Torture!" Noir exclaimed dramatically.
Bennett gasped and I waved my arms in defense. "No! No. There's no torture going on here."
"I think they were just tickling each other." Cresent says, calmly.
"Yes! Thank you, it was just that." I sighed with relief. I'm so grateful that kid has an ounce of sense.
"What's tickling?" Bennett made a weird expression and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Essentially torture." Noir said, that little bastard!
Bennett gasped again and Cresent shook her head.
"No it's not, he's just being dramatic as usual." I explained with a groan.
Cresent took my side but a bit more politely. Regardless of who was correct though, somehow, Noir managed to convince the kids to all tackle and tickle me.
It was hell, in a really fun way. Goon ended up joining in on the chaos too. It was nice to be there with my family even if I couldn't breathe 90% of the time. After a while they all left me alone so I could catch my breath.
I couldn't quite remember where I had set the mail. I knew I had set it somewhere but I didn't really pay attention to where. After a while of searching, I finally asked Noir who pointed to where it was, in obviously plain sight. I faced palmed but thanked him and he laughed at me.
I picked it up and sorted through it. Not important, not important, magazine, newspaper, not impo- wait that's from the agency.
I ripped it open and there it was, an official document and my license down at the bottom. Work starts the week after next.
"Cresent!" I called out for the girl, she'd want to see this for certain.
@vaporeon2010317 @boredgoon @sirlordevil @the-belle-siblings
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curi0us-gh0st · 1 year
Hello! Your the glory headcanons were really good ❤️ can I pls request jealousy headcanons for the two of them with female reader? Thank you 😊
Jealousy (H. Do-yeong & Jeon Jae-jun)
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pairings: Jeon Jae-jun x Fem!Reader, Ha Do-yeong x Fem!Reader, Jeon Jae-jun x Fem!Reader x Ha Do-yeong.
word count: 1.163
warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, fighting, swearing, cheating, suggestive.
a/n: Thanks for requesting, dear! My head is melting from how jealous they are of each other because of you 🙃
★ Clip 1
You got out of the limousine holding Do-yeong's hand, giving him stability to start walking on the red carpet with the many camera flashes pointed at you, the famous and big star of yet another drama with his perfect performance and full of glamor , and in excess, their partners. Ha Do-yeong, his manager and Jeon Jae-jun, his ex-boyfriend and camera partner in the new drama, being a mafia couple after the protagonist's family fortune. You, as great actors, with a list of famous and acclaimed characters, most of your characters being antagonists, petty and rich, did not fail to be called to participate.
Do-yeong wrapped his arm behind your back, positioning it at the bottom, walking with you to the center, staying with you until a certain actor intervened. Jae-jun walking forward, pushing the businessman away from you so he took his place next to him, Do-yeong remaining, standing on the other side.
"Ah, let me shine with her." He complained to Ha. "Don't forget that I'm her manager, I deserve it too." The whispering in her ears made you sigh, a few more photos until you left her for a friend of yours from the cast, who you grabbed tightly in a hug as you went back to hold her waist, leaving the two of you in the corner.
"You fool!" Jae-jun poked Do-yeong beside him, angry at being switched. "You started!" The businessman remembers.
The rest of the party was them poking each other and calling each other names while I watched you party with your friends and other cast members, ending the night with two men with their arms crossed, jealous that you didn't decide to stay with them, just them.
★ Clip 2
"Mister Jeon, here are your reports. Some need your signature." You placed a stack of papers on the boy's desk.
"Oh no!" He muttered angrily. "Why don't you go away?" You looked at it, thinking it was for you and looked back to see a well dressed and groomed gentleman. "Get out of here, you idiot!"
"I just came here to talk. I demand only respect." The man in the suit said walking over to the table to sit in one of the armchairs.
"Do you wish something, sir?" You asked, since it was your job. "Yes, just give me some water, please." He smiled politely, you nodded and walked to think about where things were.
"What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy, huh?" Jae-jun asked the man.
"I want to know more. What do you know about Yeon-jin?" He asked and Jeon rolled his eyes. "Really? Leave me alone and ask your wife." He snorted.
"Here." You gave the glass of water and left a glass of whiskey for your boss, walking outside.
"Just that nice ass to de-stress me." Jae-jun said as he drank from his glass, making his cheeks blush as he walked and Do-yeong turned around out of curiosity. "Hey! Don't look at my employee!" He shouted before you left completely, maybe Do-yeong should sneakily visit Jae-jun's scam without him knowing.
★ Clip 3
"Hey guys." You greeted those present on live, while seeing the comments arriving every moment. "I'm here having lunch at a restaurant in…" His eyes were flying, trying to remember.
"Forgot? Montreal, Canada." A whisper was heard and you thanked him. "Montreal, I'm taking a vacation to return to my activities in Korea and be photographed for another magazine cover." You said looking at the phone camera.
"You shouldn't say that, it's a spoiler." Another voice was heard. "No, she's just warning you." The same voice as the other whisper was heard. "No, sir, you know everything, you're spoiling her schedule." You rolled your eyes at the silly argument.
[Who are you with, unnie?]
"I'm accompanied by two quarrelsome children." You laughed at his joke, looking at the two in front of you who rolled their eyes and snorted.
"We are not children!" Jae-jun replied, picking at his food. "Exactly." Do-yeong nodded softly.
[unnie, marry me 🙏🏻🙏🏻]
"Oh, marry you? If you're not underage and can see me at the next fansing, you can already have the ring." You replied flirtatiously.
"Get married? No, no, no!"
[Oh, something is happening~]
"Hey, you're my girlfriend!"
[unnie, are you dating?!???]
"What's the problem? I'd leave it for a stan of mine" You laughed seeing the men's faces.
[fans first 😸]
[that's right!!]
"Okay, let's return these things we bought." Do-yeong said, extending his hands to the bags beside him. "Yes, let me get it." Jae-jun agreed, was today their day to help each other?
"Hey, leave my purchases! They're my gifts." You whimpered. "Ask a stan of yours to buy it." Jae-jun shrugged.
[oh, no]
"Okay, okay, okay. No stan. Okay?" You asked. "No. Me or him?" Do-yeong asked right away. "That's messing with me!" He complained.
"Me. I'm better than this old man." Jae-jun said excitedly. "Get your horse out of the rain, I'm better!" Do-yeong responds angrily, starting to fight.
"I'll hang up now, bye" You said goodbye to your fans who were 'worried' and having fun with the situation. The next few moments were filled with Jae-jun and Do-yeong fighting, saying their qualities and reasons for being better than each other, which you just had fun with.
★ Clip 4
"I hope everyone enjoys dinner!" Yeon-jin said smiling, everyone gathered around the table, surprising. Delicious food being served and placed on plates, good quality drinks, background music playing, leaving the atmosphere light and side conversations.
"I loved your outfit. Where did you buy it?" Hye-jeong asked from across the table. "That's when I traveled to Monaco." She responded with a smile.
"Wow, this looks perfect on you. You look beautiful." Sa-ra praised next to her, you turned to look and smile brightly. "Thank you, jagiya." She approached you, giving you a kiss on the cheek and a side hug.
"Hey, aren't you going to talk about me too?" Hye-jeong turned to Lee who just shrugged, listening to Choi's murmurs and snorts.
A strong hand weighed on her thigh, kneading it hard, you bit your lip to keep from swearing seeing that Ye-sol was at the table too. "That hurts." You warned through gritted teeth to the man next to you.
"Stop." Jae-jun replied, not happy with the interaction between you and Sa-ra, on the other side of the table, Do-yeong frowning. “You guys are so…” You were cut off by another squeeze. "Hey!" You almost screamed, making the table members look at you and laughed shyly.
"Sorry, I'm going to go outside and answer my cell phone." She lied, getting up, followed by a bad-tempered Jae-jun.
"Can you stop that? It's going to stain my thigh." She complained before being turned around and pinned against the wall.
"Then stop being an idiot." He muttered angrily and held up his cell phone. "Or else, you won't have your private party today." The messages with Do-yeong to meet him at a hotel were shown.
"That's not it…" she tried to justify herself. "Isn't that it? Really? Shut up, you could at least…"
"Everything okay there?" Do-yeong's voice was heard behind Jae-jun, who rolled his eyes. "Yeah, just talk as a couple, if you don't mind."
“Is everything okay, Y/N?” He asked you directly. "Yes, everything. Don't worry, we're already heading back to the table."
The walk back to the table was full of complaints from Jae-jun, while Do-yeong was calm, maintaining his posture and you were just rolling your eyes in stress.
★ Clip 5
"Hey, watch where your hand is touching!" The warning was for the design of her clothing measuring her body.
"Stop the nonsense, Jae-jun. It's just his job." You reminded him making him snort. "I don't care, what's mine, nobody touches it."
"Your?" Do-yeong entered the room, seeing you in your underwear and on the 'stage' while the designer was writing down some things.
"Hi Do-yeong." You said smiling and hugged him when he got closer. “Hi Y/N, looking forward to your fashion show?” He sat next to Jae-jun.
"Yes, I'm nervous too. I've never participated in something so big and famous. Of course, it's Channel." You said as you looked at the two in front of you.
"Good, perfect. You'll look wonderful. But I want to bring up an unfinished business." Do-yeong looked at Jae-jun and then at you, who replied 'huh?'. "Who will be your date?"
You stopped and swallowed, it was the topic you wanted to avoid talking about until a future time. "Of course it will be me, I'm handsome." Jae-jun was elated.
"You and your self-esteem." Do-yeong rolled his eyes. “So, Y/N?”
"Well, how can I say this… I'll go with Taehyung." His tone of voice dropped.
"Oh, good good." Jae-jun said. "Wait, WHAT?!" He screamed.
"Taehyung? Why? We should go!" Do-yeong was in disbelief.
"Why is he one of the guests and my agent got this…?" It came out as a question.
"That son of a bitch!" Jae-jun cursed.
"I'll go talk to him." Do-yeong got up to leave. "I'll come along!" Jae-jun accompanied him.
"Oh no…" You said watching them leave.
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macyhaven · 1 month
Mommy's New Employee
opening scene of this video
You know you'll always be my little boy. No matter what. You're always mommy's little boy.
But, sweetie, we have to talk about your performance.
I'm proud of you, son. I really am. You're doing a good job here at the company. I think some of my employees are, ya know, a bit jealous...of your special relationship with me.
I hear them tease that I'm your mommy boss.
And they keep complaining that you have no qualifications and you're just a lousy, good-for-nothing college dropout.
I paid good money for you to go to that college and how did you repay me?? *sigh*
No matter, you're here with me now. I trusted you to do well in your position at my company.
Sweetie, you just aren't cutting it. I have standards.
You can't run around here with your 'privilege' -- that's what your coworkers are calling it.
The thing is, you're not living up to your potential and I worry about you.
I worry about my company, too.
I want this to be a good fit for you.
So, I'm not asking for much...and I'm not firing you. Heavens no!
But I think I found a new position for you.
Don't worry. You'll love it!
It's much better than what you're doing now.
You'll even get a brand new space - a whole floor to yourself. An amazing office with the best furniture money can buy.
You'll literally live there. Think of it as a 'work from home' job. Not necessarily remote. But the whole gig will be your new apartment.
It's reallly out of this world, honey.
Mommy takes good care of you.
Mommy will always love her little son.
Oh, you don't like me calling you 'little'?
Haha. What about 'tiny'?
Well, you better get used to it.
watch the full video here
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