#Oh and she’s talking about Effie btw
olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Walburga “and I’ll dream each night some version of you, that I might not have but I did not lose” Black
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kahlanmars · 10 months
Helloooo! THANK YOU for all the likes!!! BTW here and on AO3 they suggested Ana de Armas for Daisy and I honestly love her.
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9. Deep waters
The bad feeling doesn’t lose you for the trip. You walk and you take a bus, you get lost two times but finally you find Lavinia’s apartment. You hope she won’t think you are crazy, but Lora is nineteen. Technically an adult, but Katniss is just a year younger and she needs a legal tutor. And the way she talked to you at the party is not… is not Lora. Lora is kind, gentle, and she is always an optimist. If she changed so much in such a brief time it is all your fault, you and Perla should have listened to her more.
You ring the bell, but nobody answers you. So you ring again, you are not exactly a patient person. You are well aware you look crazy, flying around in your red shirt and black jeans, an outfit so not you, but you had other problems this morning and you thought you were going just to Perla’s home.
Instead you are running around the streets of Capitol City. Fine streets of Capitol City, too fine to not feel a little overwhelmed.
«Lavinia? Do you remember me? I’m Daisy. I was looking for Lora.» You yell. Holly would be horrified by your manners - one day she scolded you because you said “Thank you” badly, it wasn’t that you didn’t say “Thank you”, you said it badly, that how your mother is, and probably Effie too, but you need to know where she is.
It’s effective nonetheless, because she hears you now. Or she heard you before but now she doesn’t want you to embarrass her. 
Effective either way.
«She is not here.»
She finally opens the door. Lavinia is always beautiful, but she looks ready to go out even if it’s just four p.m.. She wears a beautiful long blue gown that looks like a butterfly. It has diamonds on the corset and long lighter blue sleeves. It’s exquisite, and you are quite jealous you don’t have one like this, but she looks… vintage, maybe. Definitely before the revolution. It gives you the ick, like nothing you lived ever happened. Then again you see how Effie looks at her older dresses, how much she wants to try them on, and there is nothing bad about it.
She doesn’t let you in. Like she has a big secret or something.
«Didn’t she move in?» You ask her. Your makeup must be smudged now and maybe you look a little scary. Good. You suddenly remember she must have seen you on television last year. She saw you surviving a shark, the caves, she saw you saving Lora from the sagittaria and she definitely saw you killing Clark.
«Well, no. We thought about it, but then in the morning she stormed out.»
She sounds like she has no idea what happened, but the girl you know doesn’t behave like that and Lavinia is a mediocre actress. But the point still stands, a nineteen year old girl is missing.
«Stormed out? Oh, please, let me in. I’m worried.» She has to feel the urge in your voice, doesn’t she? She is Capitol but she has a heart too, the way she moves, like she is not interested at all in Lora, makes your blood boil.
«I’m sorry, I’m busy.»
She is busy. Busy.
You force the door. You are heavier than her and definitely more pissed. The look on her face tells you she is scared of you, but now you don’t care anymore that her blonde hair is shiny or her face is perfect or her legs are endless, you don’t care she is more than you, her apartment is big and rich. You look around a little, her apartment is huge, bigger than Effie’s and still full of trinkets. It doesn’t look very lived, though. It looks like a magazine that wants to sell you a house, not a home. The couch is cream, the walls are white, everything is clean and spotless, but it’s not natural for a home to be so immaculate. You don’t even remember the last time your house, old or new, has been so stainless. Probably never.
She still has a housekeeper. She is still rich. 
«She is your friend too, you don’t want to know where she is?!» You are raising your voice, but right now you are very proud of yourself because you are not jumping her throat.
«Listen, we are not friends, we go out sometimes, that’s not a friendship.»
You clearly remember the two of them going out together for months. And now that piece of garbage tells you she is not her friend, probably because she is district, or not wealthy enough for her. 
«Where is she?!» You are growing angrier and angrier every minute you spend with Lavinia. Breath, Daisy, breath.
You don’t breathe really well because the next thing you do is take her arm in a very strong grip.
«I don’t know where your friend is! Let me go!» Her voice is squeaky. I could break her arm, she is so slim she can’t be strong, I can outstrong her easily. But I don’t need to do this, I can’t let my rage win. I never killed because I wanted to, I always did it to protect someone and this wouldn’t protect Lora.
You let her go. She looks scared but she stays in her place.
«What are these?» On the sofa there are pictures. Pictures of you and Finnick. You are crying and he is consoling you, everything is innocent but you have to admit that from some angolations it looks like you two are kissing. Studied angolations, and there are a lot of those. Pictures with you and Effie, with you and Perla, Perla and Finnick, Finnick and Effie. It’s like someone, her, was trying to catch something. The victors in the Capitol with sparkly dresses in a famous club. Like you are wasting your victory and you are becoming what you fought for so long.
«What?» You ask. It’s not like you trusted her, but this is traumatising anyway.
«If you don’t leave my house I’ll call the police.» She is more dignified now, but you don’t really need the police. You are charged for a murder, you are a rebel, and people don’t like you anymore after the pass-pro.
«Did you take these?» You ask her, in a really angry tone. You can’t believe she saw you crying and the first thing she thought was “Oh, I’m going to make a lot of money with her tears!”. Little bastard.
«Daisy, please.» Her voice is so calm, you don’t think she understands the urgency of the situation.
«Did you take these pictures of me and Finnick?» You yell, and you throw her over a wall. She is so thin it’s not even difficult, even if you were ready to play tough. Finally her eyes are terrified.
You would like some recognition for being a Hunger Games survival.
«Where is Lora?» You repeat, getting annoyed and tired of it.
«S-she found the photos and she started screaming…» 
«Of course she started screaming! You took these pictures, it is all your fault.» You let her go. You are not a monster, you don’t want her scared all the time, you just want to find your friend.
«Come on darling, you were a tribute and you were entwined with Finnick Odair. You know how it works.»
She is so cocky now that she is far away from you, but when you take a step close to her she shuts up. Good. She is hitting your nerves.
«You are a model. Did you have to?» You can’t imagine she doesn’t have money. She is out clubbing every night.
She has the audacity to light a cigarette. You want to make her eat this damn cigarette.
«Someone was going to get these photos. I just took the chance. Don’t cheat on your boyfriend and this won’t happen.»
«I wasn’t chea- it’s not important now, okay? I just need to know what happened with Lora. She is young, and she doesn’t know the city as well as you. If she is alone, maybe she got lost.»
«She is an adult! She stayed alive during the games.» She doesn’t dare talk about the games like it’s a casual thing someone could run into. You were there because her people put you there. Lora was robbed of her life because of them. Now you understand the hatred Haymitch has towards Capitol citizens, they will never understand.  
«If you know where she is… Think, please.» Although for her it must be hard. 
«I mentioned something to her earlier.» She knew something, you were sure of it! 
«What? What did you mention?» 
«Oh, if she went there she would be very immature.»
«She is nineteen! She has every right to be immature!» You put a finger on your temple, trying not to strangle her. «Lavinia, I’m this close to hitting you and I’m really sensing that the only person who is trying not to hurt you it’s me, the person who is going to do it so please, just tell me and then shut up!»
«Capitol moved your arena into the city. They don’t know what to do with it, they tried to use it but they can’t, and they just put it there. I told Lora…»
The arena. You feel a shiver on your back. You don’t want to go to the arena, you don’t want to put a hand on it again. The most horrible experience of your life has been there. You would prefer to return to district Thirteen, but not the arena.
«Fuck, fuck, fuck.»
«She stormed out! She felt responsible or something. She said that she was my friend and I took the pictures, so…»
«And you let her go.» You accuse her. Of course she felt responsible, she probably got into a fight with Perla too, she said those words towards me and she probably thought Lavinia was her only friend left, and then she felt betrayed. That’s a mess, a raging mess.
«It was the dawn, I was wasted, she was wasted, it’s a miracle I remember it.»
You easily take the cigarette out of her hand - thanks to the exercises with Haymitch in the gym - and you watch her closely. 
«You hope I’ll find her soon.» 
You are frightened. Lora is alone and this is your fault too. Perla was busy with her job and with Cinna, and you too, but you knew she was fragile and she deserved more attention. She was alone, without her family, and Capitol City can be tricky. In no time you go from being happy for a new adventure to remain home because you are ashamed of who you are. You feel guilty because you don’t have the right clothes, less money than them, the right body type and because you are district. The revolution happened but they still think they are better than you, and Lora is District Eleven like you are District Twelve, the poorest districts. You have Effie that reminds you of your worth, but she is alone. 
It wasn’t hard to find the arena. It’s abandoned in a suburb area, you just had to take a bus to get here. It’s quite famous, if you don’t live in a bubble sewing and consoling your friends. You are positive Haymitch and Finnick knew that, but they tried to shield you.
You are not ready to come back to the arena. Even if you can see it’s all staged, it’s abandoned and there are no cameras, you don’t want to go there. You want Haymitch, you want Effie, you even want your mother who is in District Twelve and she definitely can’t come rescue you now. You start to shiver. You can’t. There is any public phone or shop nearby, so you can’t even warn anyone.
But Lora is in there, a voice tells you. Lora is scared and alone and maybe even in danger, because the place is wonky and unstable. And there are caves.
Dear heavens, you hope she is not hiding in the caves.
You trespass because there is no real security. 
It all seems… fake. The caves are not real, and with light you see the exit. You hope there are no more poisonous plants, but you dare walking fast and you scream your friend’s name.
You finally find her and she is a mess. She has been crying, her mascara is on her cheek. And she is near the Cornucopia, water between her and you.
Oh God, oh God. 
They couldn’t leave a shark in still water, right? Sharks die this way. They removed the shark. They definitely removed the shark.
Unless… How do you remove a shark? After a revolution, with no funds and no money, and you don’t imagine Capitol City being big on animal facilities. They used mutts for years without questioning any ethical issue. You suddenly remember the first hours in the arena, it hits you like a bus.
You run as much as you can to the caves, often falling, and suddenly from the ice emerges a giant black shark.
A shark.
You are going to be killed by a shark. There is no way you can run away from a huge shark, with a big mouth and big teeth. 
You calm yourself down. 
She lifts her eyes up. She is in a dress, and she is soaked wet, she is going to catch a cold. And the Cornucopia is full of weapons, if they didn’t take them, they are rusting now and they are dangerous.
«Lora, now please… remain calm. I’ll be here.» You really, really, really don’t want to go into the water.
«Don’t come any closer!» She yells. She is shivering, you can see it and you feel so guilty and worried it’s choking you. You failed her, you failed Lora and now you feel helpless and powerless, you don’t know what to do. You damn yourself because you didn’t wait for Perla, she always knows exactly what to do. But you remember the time she almost died because of the sagittaria.
Lora still has the plants in her hands, and you take them from her to toss it on the ground. 
«Are you okay? Did you eat something?» You ask her frantically, watching her and touching her face in suspect of something weird on her body. 
She looks shocked, maybe she was friends with the other tribute, but she shakes her head. «No, I was about to but… no.» 
You almost faint in relief. «Dear Heavens, girl. You scared me to death.»
«That should be easy.»
No, now it’s not time to joke around. What was she doing here? You hope she didn’t want to do something terrible. You hope it was just a crisis and she wanted to be alone. You hope, but that is not enough.
«I didn’t want to do it, Daisy. It broke.»
It broke. They must have taken the cornucopia closer, and she walked there but then the little platform started moving to the centre, and she got trapped. Just like her situation in Capitol City.
«That’s a relief but now you have to take my hand.» Maybe she can come to you, because you don’t really think you are able to swim. You have never swam again after the shark.
«I can’t.» She is stuck, paralysed, she can’t walk. You get it.
The only opportunity you have is the bracelet that’s never out of your hand. Maybe Haymitch does not have the beeping thing anymore and he doesn’t know where you are, but there is the possibility that he kept it, your paranoid boyfriend. You adore that he is paranoid, it comes handy. You press the little daisy charm and you hope for the best, because that is the only chance.
«No, no you can.» You try to convince her but she shakes her head vigorously.
«I just wanted somewhere calm.» She explains. 
«And you had to pick a place with water?!» No, you have to calm yourself down, you can’t scream at her. You have to pretend you are in a class with kids. You were a teacher for a brief piece of time, you should be able to do it. At least, to do it. 
If you fall you are over, everything is over. But no, you have to fall, you have to swim to save her. You can freak out later.
«Everything is falling apart.» She whispers, but you catch it.
«No, Lora, don’t say that.»
«But it’s true! I don’t have a job, I don’t have a house, I don’t have someone who loves me!» That is not true. She managed to win even Effie over. She is adorable, everybody likes her. The only reason Chaff doesn’t want her in his house is because he has a severe problem with alcohol and he doesn’t want to be a danger for her.
«You have plenty of people who love you! You have me, you have Perla.»
«Chaff can’t take care of me. My mother and father are gone, and so are my brothers. I’m alone, Daisy, and I thought maybe Capitol could distract me but I feel so alone…»
She is alone. As you are, as Perla is, as everybody is in this city, but she is a little more alone because her parents died in the war and she is a kid who never had a chance to say goodbye.
«We can stay together, you can stay at my place!»
«You don’t really want me!»
You have no idea how to, but this can work. Haymitch likes Lora, you will go back to Twelve after the campaign and you think she will be fine in Twelve.
«Yes I want you! And you are scaring me.»
«I should be able to take care of myself but nothing is right. Nothing is right, nothing I do is right…»
«You survived! That is a pretty big thing and you are so young, you are barely twenty! Lora, you need to slow down. Give yourself time to understand what you want. You don’t have a job yet, and so what? You are a kid. Slow down, you are doing fine.» She is marvellous, that is the truth. 
«Am I?» She watches you for the first time.
«Yes. You survived, you are a survivor. And I love you. Perla loves you. Chaff loves you, baby we all love you.» Believe me, believe me, please believe me.
«But the pictures in the magazines are my fault.»
«Nothing happened! Haymitch and Annie didn’t believe any of it, nothing is ruined. Stay there, I’m coming.»
Every step you take in the water, much lower than in the games, you think the shark is going to catch you. It will bite you. It will murder. It’s over, it’s over, it’s over, that’s it, that is how you are going to die, all you can think about is their giant teeth.
And then you take her hand and you take Lora in your arms to lift her up, suddenly you are back in the land.
«Okay, it’s okay, we can stay here for a while. Just a while, until my legs begin to work again.» You murmur to her ears, and you lull her. «Everything is going to be okay.»
You two are both in shock, and when Haymitch walks towards you he finds you rocking with Lora, silent, in that damn arena.
Your fiancé is perfect. He deals with Lora, he takes her to bed and he leaves you alone for a while, to let you decompress.
When Haymitch finds you, hours later, you are shivering in the bathtub. Your hand is white and you feel like ice, the water is very cold. All you can think about is that you hate water. You could have fallen, maybe a shark was there. You can’t help but fix your thoughts on the giant teeth, the bite it could give.
«Sweetheart, what are you doing?» He takes your hand, and he gives you a look when he finds out it’s glacial. He kisses it. You hate to worry him, especially after a discussion. He has been great, he took care of Lora like she was Katniss and he let you deal with your emotions.
«Where is Lora?» You ask, lifting your head up to see him. He watches you with worry in his green eyes.
«She is sleeping, I made her hot tea and everything, don’t worry about the little one. I’ll check on her in a hour or two, but now she is exhausted. You, on the other hand.» He gets up to take a towel, «Are freezing. You are going to catch a cold, what are you doing in the bathtub?»
«Doctor Aurelius said to do this when I’m scared of water…»
It's not working the way it should be, you can still hear the water in the caves, you still have a foot in the Arena. The last Arena.
It's funny, you didn't think about it almost at all in District Thirteen. The war was on and you had to fight, to protect the ones you loved and to survive. 
After the war ended the nightmares began again, and most of them were, and still are, about water.
«Yeah, maybe with hot water. I’m lifting you up, okay? Is that okay?» He wants to be sure because one time you had a crisis. You were spiralling and he touched you, you didn't realise it was him, you were so scared. 
«Okay.» You whisper, and you close your eyes against his chest. He wraps you in a towel and keeps you in his arms, going straight to the bedroom. You are soaking his shirt, but he doesn’t seem to notice or he simply doesn’t care.
«Let’s put you to bed, Princess.» He tucks you under the sheets and he comes with you. You are immediately glued to his side, and you cry silent tears while he is petting you and playing with your hair. 
«Thank you so much. I’m sorry.» 
«You are sorry you just saved a life? Daisy, come on.» He is not big on cuddling, not without some heat, but he is just being flawless.
«But you have to take care of everyone.»
«Not everyone, just you. And I like that.» He lifts your chin up. «I like taking care of my wife.»
«I was just so scared of losing her.»
«You won’t.» He tights his embrace. «You won’t lose her.» Like I lost Maysilee. That’s the silent end. The girl he allied with, the original owner of the mockingjay pin, the little kid who died during the games, attacked by pink birds. Haymitch, at sixteen, stayed with her holding her hand until she died and then he won.
«I like taking care of you too.» You swear. You are not the only one who is bad sometimes, he still has an addiction, even if he doesn't touch alcohol anymore. He trembles and he occasionally throws up because he can't take it anymore. He is grumpy for days or he doesn't go out of his room. 
His ways are just different than yours.
You two stay silent for a while, but you can’t sleep. Everytime you close your eyes you only see horrible scenes, the shark who tries to kill you or Lora, Lora scared and alone, Perla during one of the crises, Effie who cries on the couch, Haymitch who tries and fails to stay sober.
Everyone you love is full of problems. The Games screwed up your people. 
«Do you believe in a God?» You whisper in his ear, because you know he is not sleeping either.
District Twelve does not ask questions about it. People there are just too busy to notice, or they wouldn’t like the answer. They knew something in the old days, you barely remember your grandmother singing an old, old song about a religion, a goddess or someone like that. “Salve Regina mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo et spes nostra salve.” She sang it with her heart, but she memorised the words, not the meaning. Your mother tried to sing it to you but you were too little and she had other things in her mind.
But you keep thinking about Lora and the way she could have died in that damn arena. Having her in another life is a consoling thought.
«I nearly lost Lora today.» You put your head on his shoulders, crying. He pats and kisses your hair. «If there is a God, maybe I could see my parents in the afterlife. Maybe we are not so alone.»
He sighs. «You wouldn't like my opinions. But I do hope there is an afterlife, I hope my parents and brother are okay, I hope they are happy. And I hope we will be together even there.»
«So, you don't believe a God exists.»
«I don't know, but if there is someone they have to explain a lot of things. If God exists he has let innocent children get slaughtered for years, women dying in childbirth, not to mention the war… he is either not powerful enough or just plain evil.» He kisses your hair, «I don’t know if there is an afterlife or not, if it’s related to a God or even if there is a God, but I don’t trust it. I believe in you. I believe in my children. We have each other.»
You snuggle your nose against his cheek. «I believe in you too.»
«My beautiful, beautiful woman.» He bites your lips. «I don’t know if God exists, but I must have done something good in my life to have you.»
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jils-things · 16 days
Wishing Ekans also a good beak, take care! I enjoyed the little (indirect) conversation hehe :3
also NEWS FLASH MOUSE SI HAS A NAME. It's Euphemia (Effie for short bc I think it's cuteee annnd idk imagine almost everyone calling her Effie and only Naib keeps calling her Euphemia because he likes that more hjkhdjkl)
Aryon, Irene and Euphemia would get along I'm sure! I think Euphemia wouldn't even notice when Aryon tried to pickpocket smth from her hjkhfhkk and she's looking confused at Irene, asking “something wrong?”
AGHHH Euphemia is looking at the stars saying “Beautiful, right?” and Naib replies “yes, very beautiful” WHILE LOOKING AT HER I'M HJKHFDFJJ 🧡🧡 THIS MAKES MY HEART BEAT SO MUCH I THINK I WILL EXPLODE
Irene and Naib remind me of Mabel and Dipper - I haven't watched much of Gravity Falls but I know that sound in which she's like “uh oh somebody's in loooove” and he's like “pfff yeah sure. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her” and then it cuts to him in bed, wide awake PFFFTTT
OH OHH YOU KNOW ALREADY? 👀 YOU EVEN THINK NAIB IS LIKE SOME OF THE OTHER F/O'S WHAT Ahhh tbh the only similarity I found for Naib and my other favs is… some of them also have long hair and some kind of ponytail fhjkkgfgjk I think that says a lot about me
I thought at first I might already gave it away with the detective conan skin because… that character of the skin is literally mentioned on my f/o list and I'm not sure if you'd remember that and I haven't seen any other selfshippers with an f/o from that source jkkhklgfj ANYWAYS I also think it's super nice talking to you and ngl it brightens my day a bit and makes me super excited hehe 💚
OH? No time to look at your husbands pinterest? But I'm sure there are lots of nice images on it worth looking at :]]
Hjjgfdh don't look at my pinterest it's constantly growing why are artists drawing Naib that pretty oughhh
It's ur husband and my stargazing partner your brother :]
-🐭 anon
EUPHEMIA!!!!!! EEEKKK THAT IS SUCH A LOVELY NAME. even if her nickname is presented i still want to call her euphemia because i love reading it... it sounds so charminggg!!! NOT HIM CALLING HER BY FULL FIRST NAME BECAUSE IT ROLLS OFF HIS LIPS NICELY EHUEHEUHEHEHEHEHEH he brushes it off as him being "polite and respectful to a stranger" BUT NOOOO HE JUST LOVES TO SAY IT SOOO MUCH HEHEHEHE (the accidental siblings calling her euphemia ehehehehehe)
WE ARE COOKING THE NAIPHEMIA (IM CALLING THE TAG NOW /J) DYANMIC CHAT!!!!!! HE IS STARING AT HER AND SAYING "yea... beautiful..." HEHUEAHUEAHEHAAHAHOH HES SO INLOVE OH LOVERBOOYYY BTW YES THEY ARE SO MABEL AND DIPPER CODED OMG WTF i was just watching the show recently and CACKLED at that scene... naib thinking abt her that day be like.... the stargazing took him out so bad heuehuehhehehehe EEEEEEE
OH MY GOSH I THINK I DEFINITELY KNOW WHO YOU ARE JUST BECAUSE OF THAT DETECTIVE CONAN MENTION, AND TO BACK UP MY ARGUMENT WITH NAIB BEING SIMILAR: perhaps its just my general advantage of knowing naib well and comparing him to the other characters: i can DEFINTELY say he matches the vibe with the other charas. trust me. im his sister i know/jjj EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE
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alisoncooper · 5 years
this morning i went to the gp for a routine blood test only to end up in hospital 20 minutes later. i then walked from the hospital to work and when my boss saw my arms and hands covered in bruises and bandages, immediately sent me home
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they are certifiable. https://visionsofgideon1983.tumblr.com/post/646095978929225728/im-still-here-no-matter-what-also-about-effie
Omg. I know I shouldn't do this but this post is insane. Are these people okay?? Really. Someone needs to intervene and get them into some sort of deprogramming:
"I’m still here.. No matter what.
Also about Effie : i still think the same thing. For me he never had a relationship with her or with the PR girls. It was a work between the PR Girls. If something happened between them, and i say “if” because it’s clearly not the case it was definitely early 2016. Not after. (btw, CMBYN filming was between may and June 2016. And Ford was conceived in April and it’s sadly the truth but we all know they had Ford to save their marriage. So IF something happened it was before April). The WhatsApp message that we all saw between them was in July 2020. And his answer was pretty clear. He said that he can’t do that with her. So obviously nothing happened between them. It was definitely only in her mind. I’m not English so maybe i’m wrong but if something already happened between them i think he would have said “i can’t do that ANYMORE with you. It’s not good. It was a mistake” right? Maybe back in 2016 he answered to her and her crazy messages but that’s it. Nothing more. And personally it’s not a fucking message on WhatsApp who will change everything especially after all we know, c'mon wake up guys!! And why suddenly everyone forget that the FIRST things we knew about “houseof” .. Was that she was a hacker, a stalker, fraud and she did a lot of sexual blackmail and threat? Allo? Do you remember? Armie need us. And i can’t let him down and give up on him because of that, seriously!! I’m still and definitely a charmie because real life is not like in tv show. Especially in Hollywood and how it’s a homophobic world and our boys wants to protects themselves. Since the FIRST DAY, since the first PR started i NEVER doubted i NEVER judged Armie. I NEVER insulted him. I was the same person in private AND on Tumblr. And if people doesn’t like me because i’m “ rude” that’s okay. At least i know i’m a good person. I quickly understood that he did that for one reason and that Liz and Dru manipulated him/put a pressure on him because they pay attention to their image and as homophobic and Christian people being gay it’s a disgusting thing and E would never accept to see the press talking about that. It was better to be seen as a womanizer. At the end of the day when Armie cameback to his place, he know people would hate him. But he had and still has Timmy. It’s all that matter for him. He had someone who look at him with all the love of the universe in their eyes. He knew it was worth it to do these useless pap walk and Timmy was his strength. Also in July, Tyler was hacked. Remember that. He was hacked and some pictures of Armie that was stolen was when he was with Tyler. It was a mess. And since July 2020 Armie changed his phone number. Armie was 100% right like i said, to be silent. And i’m sure behind the scene he’s working on something to have his revenge. I hope he’s gonna sue their ass. Armie made a good statement. I already talked about it in my other text. Now it’s her who need to prove for real that she was assaulted. Good luck Efroslut. Because we all know it’s fake. I love Armie for real. I don’t support him only since this drama. I don’t need a break. I know why i am here. You want me to stop believing in Charmie? To stop saying that he’s 100% innocent and that he never was with these girls? Okay fine, show me pictures of Armie who kiss these women in public. Show me pictures of Armie naked with them. Show me pictures when Armie is doing something personal, romantic, intimate with them. Show me something else than only his hands. Show me real messages of Armie where we can see clearly he fucked them. Show me videos of him with them. Show me something! If they were a real relationship and not a work and if Armie was really intimate with Eff*e, SHOW ME SOMETHING. Oh you can’t show me what i need? Oh what a surprise 😂. It’s because it’s NOT TRUE. HE NEVER KISSED THEM HE NEVER DID ANYTHING WITH THEM. NOTHING."
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dazeyrains2 · 5 years
The Argument
I'd love to hear your feedback on how you read this. Everything is in speech, I heard the argument in my head as I wrote and I hope you hear the same as you read? Did it work or didnt it? Let me know xx
Ps. This is inspired and derived from the argument between Imogen & Agreus in Carnival Row S1Ep8. (Who, btw are so Hayffie like its UNREAL. Prepare to get your Hayffie feels out with those two. Shes such a young Effie! And hes such a grumpy Haymitch (if Haymitch was a mythical creature)
"That's all we district men are to your kind, isnt it!? Sport!"
"My kind...? My kind?! We're not animals, Haymitch! We are human, flesh and blood just like you!"
"Pretty sure your teeth are sharper!"
"You wanted to go to that stupid party! I took you as my guest and this is the thanks I get?"
"Oh, there they are, theres those sharp teeth I was talking about, digging right into my neck! You paraded me around like bait, just for abit of attention!"
"Dont you dare act like you didnt like being paraded by my side, Abernathy! You were loving every minute until Azerus made that silly comment about your shoes"
"Which you laughed at!"
"It was FUNNY! Your shoes do look like mining boots"
"They ARE mining boots!"
"And you wore them to one of the most prestigious parties in all of Panem?!"
"I dress district, Effie! I'm from the district. Isn't that what you wanted out of tonight? For all your prim and proper friends to see you out with a bit of district rough"
"I let you escort me!"
"You wanted me there!"
"YES! I DID! FINE! I wanted all the eyes in that room tonight to be on me, on us! I'm sick of being the innocent and boring Capitol 'darling' everyone takes me for"
"So you used me like a pawn in your sick little game"
"Yes! But I didn't play alone did I Haymitch?. You couldn't keep your hands off me"
"It was busy, crowded"
"Admit it, you enjoyed being close to me"
"You're cold and hostile"
"You're a liar. There are some things even you cant fake!"
"What do you want me to say! You want me to agree? Admit that I've thought about nothing all night, but getting you back here, alone!"
"I'm here aren't I"
"Ha, I'm not a fool, Trinket. I might not be able to fake it, but I know when I'm not allowed to take it"
"So what was the point of it all then! Why bother coming at all tonight! Why bother trying to fit in and be one of us!? Trying to be part of our world, if you believe that you cannot take any part of it for yourself!"
"Listen to yourself! Fit in? Your world!? You say we're not different but we are! You people think you can take what you want, with no regard for anybody else!"
"Yes! You're right! And dont you dare think I'm going to apologise for being born into this life. I honor it! I revel in it! I'm taught to see what I want and to take it!"
"And what exactly is it that you want!"
"You know damn well what I want"
And that... was the one and only time she ever let herself kiss him first.
Hope you enjoyed. Now go watch Carnival Row bc it's amazing.
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ellanainthetardis · 7 years
Could you do a prompt where haymitch learns what Effie is short for?? (I love your blog btw)
Here it is! [X]
Eleven’s Escort Is A Tramp
“This is a tragedy.” Chaff sighed in his glassof whiskey with entirely too much drama and gloom.
Haymitch exchanged an amused look with Finnick.The boy wisely took a sip of his own drink, letting his twinkling eyes roamover the gardens. The party was taking place at a sponsor’s manor, up in thehills, and Haymitch had to admit it wasn’t the best one he had ever attended.Everyone had more or less deserted the ballroom and its depressing stringquartet to mingle in the gardens but half the guests had already left in searchof funnier places to spend the night in. Victors and escorts, on the other hand,were stuck there at the risk of vexing their host and possibly lose asponsoring offer. He didn’t know what was keeping the Capitols who had chosento say but he was ready to bet on business deals or social arrangements.
“The one with the green wig isn’t bad.” heshrugged, tilting his own glass in the direction of the woman who had caught hiseyes. Well… She hadn’t really caughthis eyes. Not much in the way of legs. But she had a generous cleavage and thatwas right down his best friend’s alley. “Try her.”
Chaff studied the woman from afar, made a faceand swallowed a big mouthful. “From behind maybe. With my eyes closed.”
Finnick chuckled a little. “Didn’t you hook upwith that sponsor just yesterday?”
“That was business.” Chaff dismissed, wavinghis stump in the air. “Well… Pleasure too, Jalys’s never boring, but that wasan easy one. I want the thrill of the hunt.”
Haymitch choked on his whiskey and half-coughedhalf-laughed, a little relieved his escort wasn’t around to hear that kind ofdiscourse. Somehow, he was sure he would end up being blamed for Eleven’svictor’s casualness and less than stellar approach when it came to women.
“What about you, Haymitch?” Finnick asked. “Noone interests you?”
There was a touch of teasing in the boy’s voicebut it was mostly hesitant. The kid was a little shit and he liked hanging out with them but Mags didn’t always lethim because they were apparently a bad influence – oh, it was said with loveand fondness but she wasn’t exactly thrilled with the fact they tended to bringher a drunk seventeen year old every time Finnick stuck around them. The kidwas still trying to get his footing around the other victors.
“Chaff’s not wrong.” he conceded. “Not manywomen here worth the trouble.”
“Plus, he knows he can get some tonight if hewants to so that helps.” his best friend mocked. “Must be nice having an escortready to fill your every need.”
Chaff had drunk too much and Haymitch had beenlagging behind on that account. Eleven’s victor sounded a bit bitter, as if itwas particularly unfair that Twelve not only had the acknowledged best escortof the lot but also one that was willing to sleep with him. Not that it wasofficial. Or that simple.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” hemuttered.
Finnick’s good mood seemed to have taken aturn. Haymitch rolled his eyes, annoyed with his friends. Between the one whowanted to screw Trinket because he didn’t think he would find anyone better towarm his bed that night and the one who had been sporting a silly crush for heras much as long as he had known her… Well.
“Sure, you don’t.” Chaff snickered. “Fine. Keepyour secret. We’re gonna pretend we believe you. Right, kid?”
“You really need to stop with that.” hecountered before Finnick could open his mouth and make it worse. “I told youI’m not fucking her.”
“And I told you I believe you.” his friendretorted, snatching another glass from a passing tray. “I’m sure she wouldn’tbe happy to go down on her knees for you tonight if you asked.” Chaff wrinkledhis nose at the thought. “Does she do that?‘Cause, you know… She’s got that huge pole in her ass… Though, I guess it’salways the quietest ones, yeah? Maybe she likes actually having poles in herass… You ever…”
“Don’tfinish this sentence.” Haymitch warned in a snarl.
He downed the rest of his glass and handed itto Finnick before storming away from his friends and their stupidity. When theywere both equally drunk, he tended to find Chaff hilarious. When he was toosober for his own good, a drunk Chaff talking about Effie in that casual waymade his blood boil.
Not that he cared about her but…
She had been his escort for six years now andhis lover for four and he figured that meant she had earned some respect,Capitol drone or not. There was a line in the sand when it came to her and mostpeople knew to stay on the right side of it. She was an escort and she couldhandle herself and for those reasons he never got involved when other victorsmocked her a little but sometimes… Sometimes it went too far. And he felt theneed to punch someone.
His mood brightened a bit when he spotted her abit on the edge of the crowd, studying the groups of people wandering around,clearly assessing which one should be her next target. She was wearing a navyblue long dress with a puffy tulle skirt with a bustier that came up in themiddle to weave around her neck in a sort of silver collar, the fabric then randown her spine to reattach at the back of the skirt, leaving the rest of herback bare. Not the worst one. The navy wig with its puffy hairdo almost lookedblack in the dimmed lights and didn’t bother him all that much.
Her lips quirked up when she spotted hisapproach, her spider-like faked eyelashes batting in obvious amusement. Shedidn’t say anything and she didn’t let him get close enough to talk, shestarted retreating in the shadows, leading him in a merry chase toward thedeserted side of the house, far enough from the party that they wouldn’t bebothered.
When he could barely hear the sound of voicesanymore, he grabbed her wrist and pinned her to a nearby pillar. Her laughechoed in the night, bright and full of joy. It eased something in him, like always. She didn’t laugh often, not really, her fake one didn’t count, andhe relished in it.
“Well, that was a waste of an evening.” shesighed, placing a hand on his chest. “And so boring…”
“It’s about to become more interesting.” heteased.
She giggled and he took that as a tacitpermission to start something risqué.It wouldn’t have been their first time having a quickie in a public place afterall. He leaned in, his fingers curling over her hipbone, propping his other armon the stone pillar over her head.  
“And I forgot my camera at home… What a shame.” someone snorted to his left. “Iam certain Caesar would have loved afew pictures for his morning show.”
Effie pushed him but he was already steppingback, scanning the darkness for… He spotted the red glow of a cigarette just asViola Summercket stepped out of the porch’s shadow, a cruel smirk on her orangepainted lips. What was it with Eleven that night?
“Lurking in the dark…” Effie hissed, crossingher arms in front of her chest. “Whyam I not surprised?”
“I could say the same about you.” Violaretorted, amused when Effie was angry. Her dark eyes passed over Haymitch withopen loathing. “I must say your tastein men always baffled me but, really,Euphemia… Of all the scandalous affairs you could choose from, couldn’t you dobetter than the famous drunk?”
Haymitch lifted his eyebrows, more interestedby the name than by whatever bullshit Eleven’s escort was sprouting. That was the norm. She and Effie hatedeach other.
“He is handsy when he is drunk.” she dismissed.“You saw nothing more than me pushing him away.”
“Save it for Caesar.” Viola laughed, mocking.She took a slow drag of her cigarette and blew it out without an apparent carein the world. “I wonder how your family will take it… Letting that oaf screwyou in plain sight… Why, your mother might justdisown you… But, then again… If rumors are true, she is simply looking for anexcuse, isn’t she?”
“Forgot how youtried to get into my pants, already?” he sneered, not liking at all the wayEffie stiffened next to him. “Forgot how I turned you down?”
Sleeping with people to get jobs was in Viola’shandbook. She had tried to seduce him into giving her the position of hisescort and, when he had refused, she had gone over his head to the HeadGamemaker and had screwed him instead.She had only lasted a year in Twelve. He had actually threatened to kill her ifshe wasn’t removed – and he had been half serious too.
“I am not responsible for your drunkendeliriums, Haymitch.” Eleven’s escort dismissed with disdain. “I would nottouch you if you were the last man on Earth. I have much more taste than dearEuphemia.”
“You are a tramp and there is not a soul inthis town who does not know that.” Effie huffed.
Viola flicked ashes off her cigarette andlooked her up and down before wandering back in the direction of the party. “Goodluck dealing with those nasty rumors in the morning.”
As soon as she was out of earshot, Effiestomped her foot. “I hate her. Whata… What a…”
“Bitch?”he supplied.
“Yes.”she hissed. “Oh, she will pay for this. Just you wait. I will findsomething that will tarnish her reputation and destroy her.”
He gently pushed her back against the pillar.She was too busy glaring at her archenemy’s retreating back to notice. He wasmostly unconcerned. Viola and Effie’s feud had been going on for as long as hecould remember and rumors about Effie and him rose and fell regularly. Theywere used to dealing with it.
“I’m sure you will.” he humored her, his lipsstretching into a smirk. “Euphemia.”
She groaned, her irritation switching targets fast. He had wondered what Effie wasshort for but the rare times he had asked she had eluded the question. He hadnever really insisted because he didn’t really care. But he should have knownit would be something awful like that.
“She calls me that to irk me.” she pouted. “Do not irk me.”
“You love it when I irk you.” he snorted,lowering his head to nuzzle the tender skin under her jaw. “Makes you wet.”
She tilted her head to the side to give himbetter access to her throat but she also sighed regretfully. “There is no pointgiving those rumors more fuel. We should wait until we are in the car.”
She pushed him away firmly.
It was his turn to pout. “I want you.”
“And you can have me.” she promised. “In thecar. When we leave.”
She ducked under his arm and sauntered away,cheeky and confident like only she could be.
“You just wait. Euphemia.” he called after her.
She glared at him over her shoulder.
Yeah, he decided, that was never getting old.
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theoncergames · 7 years
Belle x Gaston, Belle x Beast (for the BatB movie), Katniss x Gale, Haymitch x Effie :)
(Honestly your asks are always amazing, never fails to make me smile)
Belle x Gaston:
 NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK ALREADY (OKAY LET ME EXPLAIN THIS SO YOU WON’T THINK I’M A PSYCHO. He was good at the beginning okay, he really was, flowers and stuff, nice person, he asked politely, she said no and for me in the way she said it it was kinda rude (I’m talking about the scene where he invites her for dinner btw), like she could’ve said that she wasn’t interested or something like that but I didn’t like the way she acted. So, the point is, if maybe she was more open to know him, their story could’ve actually worked. ‘Cause then he loses it, we all agree on that, but before he gets rejected he was nice.) Shit that was long but I needed to explain everything xD oh and I hope you’ve watched the movie already or else you won’t understand anything I’m talking about haha
Belle x Beast: 
NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK ALREADY
Katniss x Gale:  
 NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK ALREADY
Haymitch x Effie:  
 NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK MARRY ALREADY
Thanks again for your asks and sorry for my English, I got excited writing this and I’m sure there’s a lot of mistakes
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Soul Sanctum Part 5
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* Nope. Some news just doesn't reach my timeline.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* Is she cute? [ Purr purr. ]
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Sasha was gushing over the idea, the big dorkus romantic.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
"Oooooo!" She's still got stars in her eyes. "This is adorable! But let's keep moving!"
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* (Winter is snickering loudly. Very loudly.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
Wander made mistake of mentioning this in front a bunch of kids. Especially dorky kids.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:41 PM
* Thought y' saw her at movie night a few times before... Ah well.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* S-she's w-way too strong.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
Payton smirked™
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* Guess I didn't put two and two together...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"And now you're not going to hear the end of this Wander..."
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"Th-This just proves even more that you guys are giant dorks."
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"Ooo-ooh!- Wander and Tarma, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* I'll see if Angelo can open a shortcut for me to get back faster...
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"And I'm a small dork."
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
Giggles, then hides behind Adie
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
* Anyways, it's aight if yer still busy with fencing, I wish ya luck on whatever y' do, but if y' could do a shortcut that'd be great.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
The goop is a bit abashed and meekly continues. -...I'll show a picture later eheh.-
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:42 PM
"Yeah ask him 'Lexis!"
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"Yay!" She grins, looking at the door, and pokes the stone again.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
they did not expect Wander to say that...
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
* (Winter is snickering, and she looks at Wander. She just keeps walking with this smug look on her face.)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"Carla, what are you doing?"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
Sasha walked up and poked the stone with Aurey.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"You.... keep a picture of her?? Thats so sweet...!"
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
"Teasing the Wander, and using you as a shield!" Giggles, and kisses Adie's cheek
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:43 PM
-Hey Kissan! I showed Adilet THAT picture yesterday! Ask Scan.-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* W...
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
"What picture?! Can I see?!"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* (Winter's smile falls. And her face goes completely red. She turns around.) W-WHAT?!
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* I wanna seeeee.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
"Oh!! You know Adilet??"
Carla [Ask-the-fallen-carla] - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
(AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I Gotta go! Sorry guys, I'll BRB!)(edited)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
they shake their head "You're ridiculous*
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
*pats carlamun
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
((see ya!))
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
* Can I see the picture?
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
[* Oh gosh. Wander, why would you...]
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:44 PM
(( winter is coming ))(( boi!!))
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
"When you get here, Alexis!"
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
-Sure once you're back 'Lexis I'll show everyone!-
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* Alexis, I'll have Wander send it to you.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* (Winter shakes her head, looking at the goopman. Why this.)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
((In August?))
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* Wander, send Alexis th' picture.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Tease the goopman hmm?
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* (Her face is completely red, and she's frozen in her spot. She's shaking...)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:45 PM
* W-why did y-y-you s-show them?!
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
-Honestly Winter? They were sad, thought it would cheer 'em up.-
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
(( is she... literally frozen...?)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
* It did cheer some of 'em up, yeah. Those moreos.* Mosoroseros.* Uh.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
Wander pokes a few buttons and sends Alexis the pic of pouty Winter.(edited)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
"Welp that's karma for you"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:46 PM
* Wander. I forgot th' word again.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
* Yeah, that.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Aurey keeps poking the stone.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
((pouty pic in ooc channel btw
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
* Winter, your face cured their moroseness.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
((Don't let the Moreos Guy see this channel.))
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:47 PM
They wheel over and pat Winter on the back. It'll be okay, small child who is probably taller then payton.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
* I... I h-h-hope t-t-they weren't l-laughing... (Winter's face is red right now. Don't miss the chance.) W-what... w-what does t-that even mean?
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
(( pfft ))
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
* ...Aww.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
-They didnt laugh. Thought you were cute though.-
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:48 PM
"Adilet's not the kind of person who'd laugh at a dumb picture... uh.... Adilet's friend..."
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Sounds like Fencing's almost done. I should be back soon!* And then we can solve the mystery of the ancient sky tems or whatever.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* I-I'm... not... c-c-cute!!!
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
"I-It's curfew really soon, I think."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Yeah, you are!!
Effie (Six-Sleeping-Children) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
The name 'Adilet' SuMmOns My trASH CHilD!
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* (Winter takes her hands off of her face, and her face is beet red.)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* And frick curfew, by the way.
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
Zodiac nodded!
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Let's break it.
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* I have a feeling curfew won't apply until the puzzles are dealt with
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* (She looks straight at Frisk, shaking her head quickly.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
* Lil' fella, we've got a camp counselor with us. I'm sure we'll be fine.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:49 PM
"Don't tell him that Tara"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
[ Slow nod. ]
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
* 'Sides, there's no way t' tell th' time in here.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
A few more pokes and Wander sends a group pic to Alexis. He passes the phone to the nearest traveler. -Here, a pic of Tarma and me. Pass it around while we wait.-
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:50 PM
"heheh. Yeah."She shrunk back a little. Looked tired.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
Aurey looks at it. "Awwwww! You're adorable together!" She grins.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
* (Winter is wheezing. Wander, you're killing the kid.)
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
Yuki moved a little closer to the group to catch a glimpse of the picture.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
((again, pics in ooc
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
* D'aww.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:51 PM
"Aw... the both of you are kinda... blushing... thats adorable..."
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
"Aww, that's so cute~"
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
they looked at the picture "that's adorable!"
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Sasha smiled at both pictures as he looked at them.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
* Sooo cute!
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
She can't help but do it as she gazed at the photo.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Well hes blushing now too...
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:52 PM
((wander is attractive in that photo))((thank you))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
they grin, they don't feel like talking right now
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
* (Winter is beet red and walking away for a moment. She's walking backwards, and she's too embarrassed to do anything about it.)
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
(( This delay works pretty good anyways, to give the Patience Souls a chance to join in the fun here after fencing. ))
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
(( oh my g osh? ? ? ))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
[[ heck yeah
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
(( oh yeah it does huh
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
[[ the more the merrier!!!
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
((Alexis probs should bring snacks for the kiddos
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
* Hey... How's Tarma doin' nowadays, anyways? Ain't seen her in a while.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
((let's get the entire camp involved!!!
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:53 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((Big puzzle party!!!))
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
(( the entire camp would probably be a biiit too chaotic
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
-Shes fine. Just working a lot, I visit her post now and then.-
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
(( @Alexis (integrity-dancer) you should have Alexis bring food :P))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((Ha ha, true
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
* Tell 'er I said hi next time y' see her!
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((I have a question.))
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
((I'm probably gonna space out and doze off for about five minutes))
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:54 PM
* (Winter sits on her bottom and she just buries her face in her hands, whining a little bit. She's too embarrassed.)
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((excuse me))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((fire away((See ya in a bit!
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((Can Sasha open the Green Door? He hasn't had the chance to do much (not counting shielding the gang during the fight), so...))
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
-Kissan, this pic isnt as embarrassing, come over here and look!
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:55 PM
((Neither has Val doe
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
((Oh, sorry. ^^; ))
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
((Even in da foite she did 0 things xD
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
((she just chilled
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
(( insert "why not both?" kid here
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:56 PM
They try to pat Winter a little, maybe that would help?
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
* (Winter slowly gets up, shaking a bit. She lets out a shaky huff before making her way over. The pats somewhat help...!)
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
Pat successful, good job Payton!
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:57 PM
((Maybe. That would be nice.))((Or rather...kind.))((Sing a melody of LV?))
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
((I ended up spending about 2 minutes spacing out and dozing off))((hellO))
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 6:59 PM
((Whoever tells the worst puns wins.))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
[[ pssst peeps ooc clearout
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:00 PM
(( Please shunt OOC not related to the Soul Sanctum to OOC or OOC 2. ))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:05 PM
* Daaang, I might sneeeze from how old it is in here.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:05 PM
* How old IS it in here?
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
Zodiac barked. It pats the ground.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
Sudden realization hits Wander! -...I'm the oldest one here. Respect your elders you reprobates!-
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
(( Zodiac is probably the youngest ))
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
* (Winter looks around and while she can, she kicks Wander lightly in the shin for making her embarrassed.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:06 PM
* You gotta earn yer respect! * . . . Which you already have, but still.* Respect don't automatically come with stuff.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
Tara narrows her eyes at Wander, then sticks her tongue out at him. She then curls up into Aurey's pocket to hide.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
* I don't even know what a reperobotate is.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:07 PM
Sasha just kept an eye on where they came from, watching for Alexis.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
* Ehehehe.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Wander slightly winces and squints at Winter. -You just wait til we get back to the cabin kissanpentu. You'll be in the corner so long you'll be sleeping there.-
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Yuki took a step back away from the group and looked around.(edited)
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
Faint giggles are heard from Aurey's pocket.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:08 PM
They giggle, what a 'heartfelt' exchange.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
"By the time anyone gets back, we'll all just be sleeping wherever we land," he chuckled sheepishly.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Adie grins at the exchange then backs up a little zipping up their jacket and adjusting their shirts(edited)
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
* (Winter huffs, folding her arms a little bit.)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
"Heh, very true Sasha"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Zodiac doesn't really need to sleep?
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:09 PM
They started to play with their eye patch
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
* I-I'm not a brat.* (Her face is still a tad red.)
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
"Heh.... who wants to have a flirting contest? Cuz I'm bored."
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
"We're not doing that again..."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
* I ain't up for flirtin'.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:10 PM
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"Hi, bored. I'm Dad..."(edited)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
* I dunno how t' flirt so I'll pass.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
* In fact, who wants to pet my feathers.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"I'll pass..."
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"Me!" She grins at Frisk.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
"Sure why not."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Sasha blushed. He knew he'd be terrible at flirting!
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
* W-What's flirting?
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
* Heck yeah!!
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
"F-Flirting? Wha?"
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
they back up toward the wall a bit more and spare a split second glance at Yuki before messing with their shirts again
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
[ Frisk actually needed their wings brushed, shhhh, nothing's gonna fall out. ]
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
Zodiac seems awkward.....It physically can not flirt.(edited)
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
-Apparently how I got Tarma to like me, Win.-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* R-really, w-w-what is f-flirting???
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Tara tried to reach out and pap Frisk's wings. Her arms were too short. She's too smol.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Aurey grins at Frisk. "Can I?"
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pouted and leaned back again.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She heads over and papped the feathers and started to brush at them with some strokes.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Yuki didn't noticed Adie looking at her. She looked at her wrist watch and frowned.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* Yeah, yeah!
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pulls Tara out, holding her in her hand, reaching out to Frisk's wings. She pets the wings with her free hand.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Tara gasped.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
[* Scan shrugs at WInters question.]
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
they sigh, glad
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
"Thank you!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha watched them all petting the wings and was tempted to join in.
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
....Zodiac paps the wings
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
* (Winter shrugs and tilts her head at Frisk, wondering if she can pet their wings too.) C-can I...?
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
They watched all pettint the wings while playing with their eye patch
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha reached over and papped the wings.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
[ Nods!! ]
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
She began papping at Frisk's wings. She stroked them, poked them, and tapped them. She had a huge grin the whole time.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
They curiously wheel over, could they maybe touch the magical feathers too?
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"They feel so silky smooth," he gushed.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"Floofy feathers..."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
[ Frisk actually needed their wings brushed, shhhh, nothing's gonna fall out. ]
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:12 PM
Zodiac seems awkward.....It physically can not flirt.(edited)
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
-Apparently how I got Tarma to like me, Win.-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* R-really, w-w-what is f-flirting???
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Tara tried to reach out and pap Frisk's wings. Her arms were too short. She's too smol.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Aurey grins at Frisk. "Can I?"
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pouted and leaned back again.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She heads over and papped the feathers and started to brush at them with some strokes.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
Yuki didn't noticed Adie looking at her. She looked at her wrist watch and frowned.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
* Yeah, yeah!
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:13 PM
She pulls Tara out, holding her in her hand, reaching out to Frisk's wings. She pets the wings with her free hand.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Tara gasped.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
[* Scan shrugs at WInters question.]
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
they sigh, glad
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
"Thank you!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha watched them all petting the wings and was tempted to join in.
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
....Zodiac paps the wings
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
* (Winter shrugs and tilts her head at Frisk, wondering if she can pet their wings too.) C-can I...?
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
They watched all pettint the wings while playing with their eye patch
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:14 PM
Sasha reached over and papped the wings.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
[ Nods!! ]
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
She began papping at Frisk's wings. She stroked them, poked them, and tapped them. She had a huge grin the whole time.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
They curiously wheel over, could they maybe touch the magical feathers too?
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"They feel so silky smooth," he gushed.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
"Floofy feathers..."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
[ Their feathers are actually soft, there's still a few useless ones in there; their flight feathers are growing in again. Lotsa fluff. ]
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:15 PM
Yuki let out a small sigh, and leaned herself against a wall.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
* (Winter just starts to pet the wings gently, making sure she doesn't hurt the birb. Pet pat pot.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
[* Scan slowly moves over to Frisk, reaching a hand out.] * Could I, uh... Pat them, too?
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
* Thanks, I try to keep `em clean!
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
"It's so fluffy!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
* Yeah!! Like, I don't really mind!
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
"I love them!!"
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
Wander approaches the bird. And pats their head instead.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:16 PM
"Boy, howdy... these are amazing...." They whisper slightly, while papping the wings.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
[ Headpats are all great, too!!! Purrs intensify. ]
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
[* Scan paps the wings. Woah.]
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
* (And then Winter pets it. Her eyes widen, making her pet more. Oh jeez, the feathers are soft...)
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
pap pap goes Zodiac
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
Target of opportunity! Winter also recieves headpats fro the goopman.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:17 PM
they grin at the kiddos having fun then look to Yuki "Why don't you join in?"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
* (Winter squeaks, shrinking a bit and scrunching up her face.)
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Hearing Adie's words, Yuki looked at them and smiled weakly. "O-oh, no thanks. I'll pass."
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Cammy sort of hovers around the group. He wants to pet too but he doesn't want to crowd.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
"You sure? It looks like fun" they lean against the wall too
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
Aurey backs up. "Here cammy. You can have my spot."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:18 PM
"They feel amazing!" Saasha cheered.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
[* Scan notices Cammy, and offers his spot so-- Oh.]
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
"Mhm..." She looked down at the ground
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
He stepped back so someone could come in his spot.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
Tara slid back into the pocket, yawning.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
"What's wrong?"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
[* Welp, Scan backs away anyway.]
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
Payton wheeled back a little, they felt like their chair was taking up a bit too much room
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
* Hm?
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
She looked back at Adie. "Huh? O-oh, nothing... Just a bit tired..."
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:19 PM
"Oh, thanks Scan..." He slowly slides into place and bushes his fingers against the feathers gently."Hehe."
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:20 PM
* (Winter just walks backwards, face unscrunching. She stops petting the feathers.) T-they're very soft...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:20 PM
"You sure that's it?" they know that Yuki didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but it was more than they'd gotten(edited)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
[ Frisk smiles, they needed those pets for tonight. ]
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
(( I has partially returned... c': ))
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
Yuki frowned and looked at the ground again. Yes she was tired, but that wasn't it. "I'm sure."
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
* I'm glad y'guys like them.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
* (Winter takes a couple candies out of her pocket.) H-hey, does anyone w-w-want some c-candy?
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
((Welcome partially back!))
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:21 PM
"O-oh! Can I have... som e...." They wave to Winter a little.
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
(( So what did I miss?? owo ??? ))
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
"Sure, I'll take some, thanks," Sasha smiled.
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
"can I have one?" they asked walking near Winter
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
* (Winter looks at Payton, not only giving one, but two of the candies to them.) H-here you g-go!
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
They give her a relaxed grin "Yeah, I'm not buying it, it's written all over your face"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
(( they translated some more runes, went under a statue, and now theyre waiting for Alexis to open a blue door
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
* (She passes one to Al.) I t-thought n-not really a-a-anyone would b-bring s-snacks, so I b-brought t-the rest of m-my candy.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:22 PM
She looked at Adie again. "But I am tired..."
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
(( Ah~! Okay~! :33 ))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
"I'm sure you are, so am I, but there's something else isn't there?"
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
"Ah!! Thank you so much..." They pocket the two candies, maybe they were saving them for someone else.
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
Kip let out a small yawn and soft mewl as he did a little cat-like stretch...
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:23 PM
"thanks, Winter" they said and looked at the candy for a couple of seconds
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
"I..." She paused, averting her gaze back to the ground. There was, but she didn't want to say. "No..."
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
"Can I have one?" She smiles.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
They raise an eyebrow "Really.......?"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
* (Winter takes one and hands it out in Aurey's general direction.)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
"I'll trade you a mini-muffin," said Sasha.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
Wander notes the kid passing out what little candy she had left...pride intensifies.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:24 PM
* Prrrrr, I don't mind some food.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
She takes it, and unwraps it, eating it. "Yum!"
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
Yuki had a feeling Adie wouldn't drop the subject, so she turned her back to them. "I'm sorry..."
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
"Huh? Sorry for what?"
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
Kip shook his head a bit to wake the sleepiness from him... it looks like he was a lot more tired than he thought...(edited)
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
She shook her head. "I'll tell you later."
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
they unwrap the candy and eat it, not tasting anything at all
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:25 PM
Sasha was still holding onto Kip's paw. He'd mostly been moving him along.(When he wasn't doing his cheerleader routine.)
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
* (Winter doesn't have anymore candy for herself... there's none left in her pockets, nor in her hand, but she's alright.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
She grabs a piece of candy and is about to eat it until she saw Winter have none.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
[*VANILLA CANDIES added to inventory + 5 HP each ]
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
"Well, if you say so..." They're curious but an 'I'll tell you later' will suffice
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:26 PM
-Winter. Remind me to visit the cafeteria later please.-
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
Sasha handed Winter a mini-muffin anyway.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
"Uh here Winter you can have it for yourself. Not really a fan of candy anyways."She returns the candy piece.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
"Wanna mini-muffin?" he asked Val.
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:27 PM
Yuki let out a small sigh, a bit relieved that the subject was dropped, albeit for now.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* ... I should've stocked up on some milk.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* (Winter holds out her hands. There's a smile on her face.) Nono, i-i-it's okay.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
"Nah, not that hungry anyways."
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* Oh, I've still god a few bits of beef jerky left.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
That's a lie. Val is always hungry,
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* I w-w-wanted to g-give the r-rest o-of these away, a-anyway! (She gives a toothy, genuine smile; there's even a little gap between her front teeth. Cute.)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
He shrugged, popping a mini-muffin into his mouth.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:28 PM
* G I V E M E.
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Kip blinks his eyes tiredly as he looks over at Sasha and the others and their surroundings... it looks like they got pretty far into the ruins without him noticing...
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
"Wait beef jerky"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
[* Scan pulls out some beef jerky!]
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
"I want one."
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
* (Winter takes the muffin, nibbling on it like a mouse. She's used to not eating much.)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
[ Frisk makes grabby hands for the beef jerky. ]
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Sasha noticed Kip looking around. "Welcome back," he said, nuzzling him.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
[* Scan hands one strip to Frisk, and one to Valerie.]* I made 'em myself!
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Liam came over to the praire- "Hey Sasha-"
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
She ran to the prairies after Liam.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:29 PM
he waved a little sasha
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
"Wait up!"
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
He stopped and looked over-
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Kip squeaks a bit in surprise as the other nuzzled him... either way he purred softly at the action...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
"Huh looks like the paitient souls are showing up"(edited)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
[ They ate the beef jerky, healing their already healed HP by 10+. ]
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Aurey sits on the smooth stone in front of the door.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Sasha waved back. "Hey, down here!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
* Ohhh! They're  comin'!!!
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
*(Return of Ballerina. And she has snacks somehow.)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
He heard the squeak and looked over to the bunny cat-
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
She ran to the cyan's statue. "Let's gooo Liam!"
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:30 PM
She noms down on it in one bite.
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
He looks over "Oh yeah!"
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
they attempt to wave Liam over
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Aurey gets up, grinning.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
* (Winter sits down, nibbling on her muffin; she barely has had anything for two days. She is super hungry.)
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Emmy follows in behind Alexis.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(Oh-, ok- can I get a summary?)
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
* (She can't help but eye the snacks just a little bit.)
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
* Alexis!! [* Scan hangs up the phone, putting it away. No need for it when she's here.]
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Sydney has arrived once again! She seems to have found you guys rather quickly
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
He then sniffed the air and he could smell the beef jerk... his ears perked up and his tail wagged around behind him... where was it coming from?? Then he seemed to notice someone was calling his name... who was that??
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(do we have to get in esomehow?)
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
Payton worriedly looks over at Winter, "Are... you hungry..?"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(( Long story short they're under a statue inside a tower
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
(( no, it's wide open ))
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:31 PM
((Let's just say everyone's in there xD))
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
((It's open for the rest look at the ooc chat
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
*Er.- alright-"
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* I brought reinforcements, yeah.
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
"!! Cammy!" She's startled from examining where they are and smiles big at Cammy.
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* Now, what's this puzzle you're all having trouble wi-...oh.
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
The patient souls would find a side entrance in the temple, leading them down into a skylit temple room with a hue statue of Eimmet. Behind the stateue is a secret passage, down which they'd find an open cyan door, down past they'd find an open orange door, down which they'd find the gang in front of a closed blue door.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
[ Frisk points to the door. ]
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(( its open, just not in the prairie kinda i guess idk
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(Er, well I don't really wanna look up and miss a lot again.._)
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
((look in ooc
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
Liam suddenly was in with the others-
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* (She nods, getting up. She finished the muffin in no time, and she was struggling not to eat in front of all these people.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
"Hiya Emmy!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
* Thiiis!!
Yuki (stainedkindness) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
Noticing Alexis and the newcomers, Yuki decided this was her chance to slip away from the group. She managed to find her way out of the statue and headed towards the green cabin. (aka, i have to go for a bit)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(can I just say they're with them- last time I had to ask again what I missed)
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
((Someone pin my post for the cyans.))
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
(and i'm sure thats getting annoying)
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:32 PM
[ Look at all these newcomers, these... proud explorers. ]
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
He smiles back, papping her on the head gently. "Did you go fencing?"
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
"Hey kid!" they shout to Liam
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
* So, uh... Alexis, how did fencing go? I mean, I heard y' got disqualified, but...
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
"I did! And I almost won! I got second place."(edited)
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Sydney rubbed the top of Zodiac's head. Zodiac yipped! It told Sydney about everything that happened.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
He looked over to Adie "Oh- hey-" He still was a little upset with the fenicng..but meh...
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Alexis (integrity-dancer) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
*(Alexis stands on the floor pad, closing her eyes...before beginning to dance. Twirls and spins, mostly, given the limited room to play with, but it was a display of her skills and the INTEGRITY to maintain such complex moves.) Emmy can fill you in, but it was pretty cool to watch!
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
"Really? Wow, that's awesome! Great work!"
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:33 PM
* Woah...
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"We deciphered runes 11- 20 want me to write them down?"
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Payton digs in the pockets of their chain and pulled out a bag of cookies! Offering it to Winter "H-here! You said you knew Adilet right? They made a few of these for the rest of us, I'm sure they'd love for you to have some..."
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
-Ah welcome back Kamu!-
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Kip squeaked and looked around at some of the others that were making their way down the ruins to where they were... this adventure was going to be pretty interesting!
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
*(The BLUE DOOR begins to open slowly in response to the dance.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"Nice moves Alexis!"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
* Ahhhh, her dancing skills are pretty!!!
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Emmy watches Alexis dance, clapping for her.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
[* Scan watches in awe as Alexis does the dancing thing. Once done, he gives two thumbs up!]* Now... Onwards!
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"Good job Alexis!"
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
She walked behind Liam curiously. "So.. What's going on here?"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
[ Frisk tucks their wings in, grinning widely. ]
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Sasha applauded as he heard the door open after watching Alexis dance.
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
[* The cowboy heads through the door.]
Al (soulsclub) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
they looked at the door and follows behind
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Zodiac holds up Sydney's notebook. Syd seems pretty happy to have it back! "Good j-job!"
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
-Well, you all know the drill. File in behind the gunman.-
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
"I...don't really know..."(edited)
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
*(The GREEN CREST awaits next.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:34 PM
Val follows along behind everyone.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Payton's eyes light up as she danced, being sure to applaud her performance before wheeling in.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
[ Frisk follows, hopping on their feet instead of walking. ]
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Emmy leans in to Cammy. "I'll tell you more when all this is done how it went."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
"I think each door we come by has to be opened by a different kind of soul..."
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Adie follow along ready for their next challenge
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
She sighed. "Oh well. Let's just follow the others?"
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
*(A statue lines the right wall, holding a plate. Its posture indicates it is begging. A stone stove is on the opposite wall.)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
noticing all theese poeple you tihnk are better with you- fills you with poor confidence! He loked over-"I guess..?"
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Aurey looks at it. "Green soul time!"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
* Y'all know what t' do.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
* ... Ooooh. Someone!!!
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
* Cook!
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Sydney thinks she knows what needs to happen
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Sasha looked at the statue curiously.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:35 PM
"Can I do it?"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Does the statue...want something?" he asked.
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
-Heh, cooks, would you 'kindly'?-
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
[ They back away, letting the GREEN souls do their work. ]
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Hey Liam, you feeling okay?"
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
* Sasha, Val, work together and make some real good stuff.
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Okay, sounds good." He grinned at her.
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
Sasha looked to Wander, then to Valerie.
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
* (Winter looks at the bag of cookies before slowly taking them, looking at them gingerly. She lets out a little chuckle, remembering that her friend made this. She looks up at Payton with a small smile.) T-thank you...
Cammy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Looks like you're up, Val. Sasha."(edited)
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Are you sure?" She walked over to him.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Oh alright. Sasha what should we make?"
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:36 PM
"Let's just continue on and follow them- i'm fine-"
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
She sighed. "Okay... If you're sure."
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
* (She gets up, taking two cookies out of the bag. She decides to give it back to Payton.)
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
He got out his notebook and wrote 'notes'
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
"I've got peaches if the two of you want to use those*
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
"Hmm?" He looked thoughtful. "Muffins? A pie? Spaghetti?"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Zodiac looks at the statue.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
She snaps her fingers at pasta.
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( Oh wait, kindness is fifth, not fourth. Rewind a bit. ))
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( coughs ))
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Scan (undauntedgunner) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( angeloooo do the thing
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
(( Good job~! :33 ))
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:37 PM
((Okay then xD))
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Liam still was bleh in this load state-
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"Huh?" Sasha shook his head. "Does anyone else feel deja vu?"
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
[ PURPLE. Okay, the color they aren't exactly familiar yet. ]
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
They gently put the cookies back into their chair. "No problem..."
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Sydney looks upon the crest.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
* Naaaaah. [ Lies, they felt everything. ]
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"I do, Sasha. And purple time!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
"Go Sydney!" Sasha cheered.
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
*(It seems that whatever mechanism that drives this door is broken, though parts are scattered about in a chaotic fashion in the hall.)
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Emmy (two-littlesouls) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
Emmy is watching all these door openings with fascination. She'd like to try to open a door like that, too.
Adie (overtaleblog) - Yesterday at 7:38 PM
they don't feel any different, but they notice the looks on the other's faces "We loaded didn't we..."
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"Syd you made that robot dog right?"
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"Guess you get to fix it, Syd!"
Winter [coldsoulgoodsoul] - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
* (Winter munches on her cookies, eyes widening. Oh boy they were amazing. She muffles, turning right around to Payton and swallowing.) T-tell t-them t-t-that I said they a-a-are really good!!!
Kip (ask-thatonebunnykid) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
Kip squeaked as he looked up at the purple-colored crest... he tilted his head a few times from side to side.
Valerie (Valeriejumper) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"You can fix it!"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
Sydney grins. "Yup!"
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
"YuuUuUup."Tara didn't seem to be bothered talking about it.
Frisk [ prancing-pacifist ] - Yesterday at 7:39 PM
* Go Syd!!!!
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
She goes towards the mechinism, and Zodiac seems to be gathering the materials
Aurey [Cracked-Determination] - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
"That's the second time we've loaded at this camp!"
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Sasha watched in fascination.
Temmie Counsel - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
*(The machinery seems almost as complex as the robots.)
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Liam just wrote notes silently as he watched..
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
"Wait, no.""SOLVE IT SYDNEY"
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Soon enough, the things are in a neat stack by the mechanism
Adam {SevenDeadlySouls} - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
She watched with a curious expression.
Tiny Chara (Askthetinychara) - Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Allan (asksixsouls) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
"Yeah-" he nods
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
Payton can't help but smirk happily at Winter's response. "Ah! I will! They're gonna be so happy to hear that, you have no idea..."
Sasha (youwinatball) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
Sasha watched eagerly, admiring Syd's work.
Rhys (sixsmolsouls) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
"You might get a clover or two heheh..."
Sydney (persevere-with-peace) - Yesterday at 7:41 PM
"Hmm....." Syd ponders over this for a small bit, the starts putting certain pieces in certain places. Zodiac seems to be helping as well
Wander-wanderandward - Yesterday at 7:42 PM
-Just keep at it Syney! Otherwise we're taking another 'shortcut' off a cliff...-He's great at encouragement, our goopman
0 notes