#Offshore Medical billing
ziaccu · 3 months
Increase patient engagement
Enhancing patient engagement is essential for improving healthcare outcomes and satisfaction. Ziaccu, a leading provider of medical billing solutions, helps achieve this by offering clear communication, transparent billing practices, and user-friendly payment options, ensuring patients feel informed and valued throughout their healthcare journey.
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mososimos · 1 year
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month focuses on educating people about Alzheimer’s disease and correcting the common misconceptions.  Many providers rely on the services of professional medical billing outsourcing companies to ensure accurate claim submission and reimbursement.   https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/blog/observing-alzheimers-brain-awareness-month-2023/
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2-2-78-09 · 2 years
Lack of adherence to wound care billing guidelines can greatly impact the financial goals of your practice. Partner with Info Hub to ensure error-free billing. Call now!
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vocisllc · 2 years
E-commerce enabled websites have completely changed the way of doing business and have enabled organizations to sell their goods and services over the Internet with minimal-cost overheads and higher profit margins. E-commerce enabled websites are a 24-hour representation of your business and your image.
VOCIS allows businesses to take advantage of the Internet by developing such E-commerce stores for our customers which are operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We create end-to-end E-commerce solutions especially for your business that enable you to transact and sell goods and services on-line.
The main objective of our E-commerce division is to effectively map your entire business model into an optimal E-commerce website development company Louisville enabled business model, thereby increasing overall productivity and profitability of your business. Our high-end business analysts, web architects and developers will develop E-commerce enabled websites complete with shopping cart functionality, online transaction processing, order tracking, content management, and customer information storage capability while ensuring strict information security standards.
Our ecommerce development services facilitate the transfer of information between a payment portal and the processor. We’ve done this integration successfully for ecommerce websites and can provide secure payment integration services for all major gateways including: PayPal, Google Checkout.
Our affordable, professional custom E-Commerce solution can help you to reduce your costs, save money, and boost your profits.
You can view some samples of our work:
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A successful medical practice typically thanks its in-house medical billing staff for contributing to the practice’s success. Although the staff is excellent at what they do, they don’t have the time or availability to stay up with the rapidly changing healthcare business.
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batboyblog · 8 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week.
January 19-26 2024
The Energy Department announced its pausing all new liquefied natural gas export facilities. This puts a pause on export terminal in Louisiana which would have been the nation's largest to date. The Department will use the pause to study the climate impact of LNG exports. Environmentalists cheer this as a major win they have long pushed for.
The Transportation Department announced 5 billion dollars for new infrastructure projects. The big ticket item is 1 billion dollars to replace the 60 year old Blatnik Bridge between Superior, Wisconsin, and Duluth, Minnesota which has been dangerous failing since 2017. Other projects include $600 million to replace the 1-5 bridge between Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, $427 million for the first offshore wind terminal on the West Coast, $372 million to replace the 90 year old Sagamore Bridge that connects Cape Cod to the mainland,$300 million for the Port of New Orleans, and $142 million to fix the I-376 corridor in Pittsburgh.
the White House Task Force on Reproductive Healthcare Access announced new guidance that requires insurance companies must cover contraceptive medications under the Affordable Care Act. The Biden Administration also took actions to make sure contraceptive medications would be covered under Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and Federal Employee Health Benefits Program. HHS has launched a program to educate all patients about their rights to emergency abortion medical care under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act. This week marks 1 year since President Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum seeking to protect medication abortion and all federal agencies have reported on progress implementing it.
A deal between Democrats and Republicans to restore the expand the Child Tax Credit cleared its first step in Congress by being voted out of the House Ways and Means Committee. The Child Tax Credit would affect 16 million kids in the first year and lift 400,000 out of poverty. The Deal also includes an expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit which will lead to 200,000 new low income rental units being built, and also tax relief to people affected by natural disasters
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted for a bill to allow President Biden to seize $5 billion in Russian central bank assets. Biden froze the assets at the beginning of Russia's war against Ukraine, but under this new bill could distribute these funds to Ukraine, Republican Rand Paul was the only vote against.
The Senate passed the "Train More Nurses Act" seeking to address the critical national shortage of nurses. It aims to increase pathways for LPNs to become RNs as well as a review of all nursing programs nationally to see where improvements can be made
3 more Biden Judges were confirmed, bring the total number of Judges appointed by President Biden to 171. For the first time in history the majority of federal judge nominees have not been white men. Biden has also appointed Public Defenders and civil rights attorneys breaking the model of corporate lawyers usually appointed to life time federal judgeships
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Everyone's desperate for Covid conspiracies. Here's what a real one looks like:
Knickers, dodgy-pills and fake-tan saleswoman Michelle Mone is made a Conservative life peer. For her contribution to society, presumably. We can't vote her out. We're stuck with her. She is in one of our Houses of Parliament until she or it croaks. She'd vote on our laws, which would be terrifying, if she ever bothered to turn up to work.
Mone uses her government links to bypass normal tendering processes and get the company PPE Medpro into the 'VIP lane' for government contracts during the Covid pandemic. PPE Medpro is not even incorporated as a company at this point, let alone qualified and experienced, but is subsequently awarded £200 million of government business to supply medical gowns. Mone insists she does not benefit from this so there's no possible impropriety.
The contract is waved through unscrutinised due to the public health emergency. Frontline healthcare workers are getting sick and dying because of the lack of safety gear. Contracts going through the VIP lane are 10x more successful than those going through the normal public tender process. Also the VIP lane will subsequently be declared illegal.
These gowns are never actually used, as they don't meet the British Standard and never make it through the medical regulator's process to get an exemption. The government is refusing to confirm this due to the 'commercial sensitivity' of the 'mediation' process, but it's widely reported. Also the British taxpayer is still paying money to store the things.
PPE MedPro deposits £29 million in an offshore trust. You get three guesses as to the beneficiary, and the first two don't count. Rhymes with 'Bone', as in what they've done to us.
This is what an actual conspiracy looks like. It's just capitalism and political patronage, which nobody finds very exciting. No Bill Gates microchipping your kids. Just rich fuckers passing money around and profiteering from misery and death while you all keep voting for them.
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tropes-and-tales · 2 years
The Kindness of Strangers
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December 22:  Stocking/Hum - Meet-Cute (Dave York x F!reader)
(From the winter prompts found here)
CW:  Slight angst; mention of character death; implied illness; meet-cute; soft sad dad Dave
Word Count:  1441
AN:  Requested by anon!
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One of the worst parts of moving is how stuff gets lost, which is why Dave York finds himself in a mall weeks before Christmas, trying to find decorations.
His temper, usually cool, is frayed.  The girls are in school, at least.  The mall is crowded, full of crying babies and loud holiday music piped in over the intercom.  It’s a damned weekday and somehow the mall is full, and his temper is unraveling, and when he checks the mental list in his head, he despairs at ever getting everything finished in time for the holiday.
“Fuck it,” he finally mutters to himself.  He marches to the nearest department store near and makes his way to the holiday area.  He knows it’ll be picked over, but will the girls really miss the elaborate garlands his wife used to hang up?  Will they really miss having three different manger scenes throughout the house or the light-up reindeer in the front yard?
He doubts it.  They are still deeply grieving the loss of their mother and the loss of their friends in their old school.  The move cross-country was necessary:  a fresh start in a new place and a new home, but also a new job for him.  The only parent now, Dave York’s gone completely straight and taken an intelligence role with a branch division with the DIA.
He doesn’t need the money, of course.  He has Carol’s life insurance policy, still mostly intact even after the medical bills were settled.  He has the profits from the sale of his old home.
He has the tidy sum of money offshore from his less-than-noble work.
But that’s done now.  A fresh start.
A fresh start without Christmas stockings doesn’t count, though.
You bought your house last December, and your first Christmas in your new home had been spartan:  a feast of take-out reheated, surrounded by unpacked boxes.
Over the course of the year, you made the house your home.  Painted walls, unpacked your boxes, settled in.  Over the summer, you adopted a shelter dog, Max.
You are determined to make this Christmas better.  A party with friends, a dinner for those of you who have no families or are far from home.  And yes, you are one of those people:  you plan to spoil your mutt.  You already have presents for him, and now you just want a stocking for him to hang over your fireplace, to fill with treats—
You find the holiday section of the store.  This late in the year, it’s picked over and sparse.  There’s sad leftovers:  bent rolls of wrapping paper, chipped figurines, tinsel shedding its glitter and fibers.
The stocking section is pure carnage.  All of the ones with embroidered initials are in a pile, and all of the popular letters are gone.  You see five Q’s, two W’s, three U’s, but no M’s—
You sift through the pile, dimly aware of the man in the aisle with you.  He stands back, scanning the shelves, and you ignore him.  You hum along to the music playing over the intercom—
There.  There.  You see it, a fucking unicorn.  A stocking with an M embroidered on it—
You reach for it.  You snag one end of it, but then another hand reaches out too, grabs the other end.
The man in the aisle with you.  You look up and see him, see him attached to the arm attached to the hand holding the stocking you’re trying to buy—
You both drop it.
“Sorry,” you both say, and you both do the same awkward chuckle, give the same tight smile that is the hallmark of social awkwardness—
“No, sorry.  You saw it first,” he says, and he plucks the stocking from the pile and holds it out to you.
“Thanks.”  You take it, try to even out your smile into something more natural.  You lift your shoulder in a half-shrug.  “It’s for my dog.  It’s his first Christmas,” and when you look closer, see how handsome this stranger is, you feel the heat flood your face at your embarrassing admission.  You sound like one of those people, the sort to call your dog your son and put him in a goofy sweater and make him his own social media profiles, which…you only have one sweater for him.  
“That’s cute.  Has your dog been naughty or nice?”
Your face burns even hotter.  “Naughty, but he gets a pass.  He’s a shelter dog.”
“What’s his name?”
“Max.”  You finger the tassel on the stocking, the thought occurring to you a beat too late.  “Who’s your M?”
The man smiles at you, his brown eyes warm.  “Molly.  My daughter.”
“Oh!”  You take the stocking from your basket and hold it out to him.  “Fuck, take it.  Sorry, didn’t mean to swear but…a kid?  No, take it.”
He holds his hand out, pushes your hand away gently.  “No, you had it first.”
“No, seriously.  Please.  I’d feel terrible if I ruined some kid’s Christmas.  And, I mean…Max won’t know any better.  He’s confused by the Roomba.  He won’t know the difference on an initial.  I’ll just get a blank one, no harm.”
He hesitates, and you can see that he wants it.  That he’s just being polite.  “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely.  Please take it.”
He does, and he looks down at it.  “I appreciate it.”  There’s something in his voice, a tone that says this is a bigger moment than you realize.  There’s backstory you are unaware of.
“Sure.  Yeah, no problem.”
He lifts his head and looks at you, smiles again.  “You didn’t happen to see an ‘A’ in that pile, did you?  For my other daughter, Alice.”
“Actually…”  You turn, rifle through the pile again.  “Yeah, here.”  You pull it out and hand it to him, and his smile turns to pure relief.  He practically sags in relief.
“You’re a life-saver,” he tells you, and you wave him off, aware that he’s going through something or dealing with something and you’re just a stranger who was kind in a single moment.  Though sometimes, a single kind moment from a stranger is all a person needs.
Dave doesn’t mean to make it weird.  A stupid thing, to get choked up over a stocking.  To feel a sudden flood of emotions—sorrow and grief and hope and faint optimism, all at once.  The loss of his wife, raising his girls alone now…he thought he was adjusted to his new reality, but he guesses he’s not quite there yet.
And yet, here is a person, a stranger.  The holidays can bring out the feral side of people, but they can also bring out the good, which is what you’ve offered him.  A stranger with nothing owed to him, yet you graciously hand over the thing you’ve come to buy, and you smile as you do it.
He doesn’t mean for the words to spill out.  A stupid thing, to tell a stranger his business.  How far he’s fallen since his days as a mercenary, when he had every emotion carefully under control.
“Their mother died,” he blurts out, instantly horrified by what’s coming from his mouth.  “We just moved here.”
“Oh no.”  Your eyes widen in sympathy.  “I’m so sorry.”  
“I don’t…it’s fine.”  He chuckles, a little bitter.  “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”
“I have one of those faces.  People just tell me things.”
“You should work for law enforcement then.  Work on getting confessions.”
You smile, shake your head.  “Nah.  I don’t like guns.”
You each stand there for an awkward beat of silence, and he starts to turn to leave, gives you another tight smile.  Something about the moment or something about him hits you, and you reach into your purse and pull out a piece of paper.  You hand it to him—a business card.
“This is you?” he asks.
“Yes.”  He reads it—you’re a music instructor.  You give music lessons.  Pretty far from law enforcement after all.
“It has my number.  My email.  You’re new in town, and if you need anything…”  You trail off, bite your lip.  “I’m just realizing how that sounds.”
He slips it into his pocket.  He spares you the truth which is, yes, it sounds like you’re hitting on him.  Giving him your contact information.  Him, a widower and father of two motherless daughters.  
“It sounds neighborly,” he says, and he smiles at you.  Because it is neighborly too, and he knows that now more than ever, he needs his new neighbors.  He needs friends; he needs people who are kind instead of feral, who do a simple nice thing for a stranger.
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sokkastyles · 11 months
Today I have for you an except from my entry for Day 3: Hunter/Monster for @zkmythicalcreaturesweek! The full fic will be posted later.
To those with an open mind, get ready to open those pockets because we will pay you good money! All you have to do is hold the camera.
Be a part of Team Spirit Seekers! (Also known as Team Avatar and Team Oogie Boogie Busters.)
Meet us at the below address at midnight on October 17th. We will bring the equipment.
It was absolutely one of the stupidest things he had ever considered doing in his life.
No, it was the singular most stupid thing he’d ever thought he would consider in his life. Because of course, he couldn’t really be considering it, could he?
Truth be told, though, Zuko had already done a lot of stupid things in his life.
But ghost hunting? He’d have to be desperate to even consider it.
And he was desperate, a voice in the back of his head reminded him.
It was just one night. All he had to do was hold the camera.
It’s not like he’d had success elsewhere. It had been almost a year since he’d had steady work. It didn’t help that he had no skills and a resume that didn’t exactly scream hire me. He’d started working at his father’s company right out of college, barely passing business school. He’d suspected for years that Ozai’s influence was the reason his professors passed him but had been able to shove that thought aside when it kept earning him good grades, then good money. Now, though…well, at least now he knew for sure that he’d only survived on nepotism.
He supposed that had been part of the reason he’d been content with the menial desk job at his father’s office, the thought, always in the back of his mind, that he didn’t really deserve it. Most of his job involved looking the other way when money exchanged hands, which in turn ensured that there was always a good amount that found its way into his.
Until the one time he chose not to look the other way, that is.
There was an offshore account, money funneling in from various “charitable” organizations that had been set up in his father’s name. Most of them had actually been a front for an illegal weapons racket. One was pretending to fund medical bills for sick children.
Zhao had laughed about that last one when Zuko had confronted him with it. 
When Zuko told him that he would take it to the press, he didn’t find it as funny.
Zuko had been confident that when his father learned what Zhao was doing with his money, with his company’s good name…that he would want to know.
That was another stupid thing.
Of course, his father had already known about the whole thing. The next day, the locks had been changed at Zuko’s office and he’d been served with the threat of a defamation lawsuit if he ever revealed what he knew. To top it off, the landlord of Zuko’s high rise apartment also had somehow found out that Zuko no longer had a job and had kicked him out the next day. Since then, Zuko struggled to find work anywhere in the city. It seemed as if the whole world knew what a fuckup he was.
Now he was living in a shitty apartment in a shitty part of the city and seriously considering becoming a ghost hunter.
Sorry, Spirit Chaser. Team Avatar or whatever that meant. Ooogie Boogie Buster.
He had a headache.
He needed money, though.
October 17th was two days away.
His new landlord had already given him a week’s extension, and that had been two weeks ago. Zuko needed money, and he needed it fast.
Just one night. Just hold the camera.
The reply address belonged to someone named Toph Beifong. 
That explained the large amount of money being offered. 
Clicking the reply button, Zuko hoped that this Toph Beifong was good for what she was promising.
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mososimos · 1 year
ICD-10 Codes to Report Peptic Ulcer
This blog lists the ICD-10 codes for peptic ulcer, the painful, open sore that develops inside the lining of the stomach or initial part of the small intestine.  Outsourced medical coding services are a practical way to ensure accurate coding and claims submission for appropriate reimbursement. https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/blog/icd-10-codes-peptic-ulcer-common-gastrointestinal-disorder/
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2-2-78-09 · 2 years
Are you looking for ways to streamline and increase your practice revenue? Here is how an offshore medical billing agency can help you. Get in touch with Info Hub Today.
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vocisllc · 2 years
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Medical Billing And Revenue Cycle Management We provide personal one on one billing services for your office and save you big $$$. VOCIS has extensive experience in providing comprehensive billing services, Medical coder Garwood, NJ for just about every specialty. We provide end-to-end medical billing services, including following up on pending claims, initiating collections, finding out reasons for denials of claims, and tracking outstanding receivable balances. With a relentless commitment to providing high-quality and cost-effective billing and coding services to healthcare providers around the nation, VOCIS promises a higher level of service and value, as compared to any of our competition.
VOCIS Medical billing provider Mountainside NJ can and will
Increase your cash flow Eliminate your employee expenses Decrease your office paperwork Reduce your hardware and software upgrading and updating cost Reduce your telephone and postage expenses Save your valuable time Increase revenue through improved collection process Give you the confidence your practice needs to grow Our services backed by our 24 X 7 support operation, ensure that your questions are addressed any time of the day or night with a 100% commitment towards excellence in service. References of clients will be provided on request.
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summerlovingbaby · 1 year
Hench Part 2
She remembered when her family was happy. Before her dad got drug-addicted and mean, before her mother worked herself to the bone, before her brother abandoned her by leaving for college, leaving her with more bills to pay, and when her grandmother was still alive.
She remembered everything. While she was in her medically induced coma, she remembered it all, it was one of her more pleasant dreams, trapped in a memory of the past. A past so distant that the memory nearly faded, but not completely. At least she was trapped in one of the good ones, it could have been a bad one.
It could have been a time when she was younger, her brother left for a week and a half on a school trip, her mother lost her job months ago, and her step-father pissed away their savings on beer and poor poker hands, the school was out so she couldn’t rely on school lunches and her teachers to notice her quick decline due to general lack of care. She made the grave mistake of asking her parents for dinner, the first bite of food that she would have had in days. She doesn’t remember how, but she woke up 3 days later in the hospital, her mother convinced her that she tripped down the stairs, but she was sure that wasn’t the case.
The only thing she remembered was her stepdad yelling at her, the sound of the yelling never left her. The sound of his yell jumpstarted her heart every time she thought about it, and made her tense with worry. The sound of her yelling woke her up with a groan.
She moved her arm to cover her eyes from the white and yellow light assaulting her senses. The smell of antiseptic burned her nose, and she could taste the remnant of it on her tongue. She coughed and her throat felt like she swallowed a box of razor blades.
She sat up, it took longer than she cared to admit, and peeked open her eyes with blurred vision, it took a bit, but her vision came to her, quickly followed bya throbbing pain that spread from the tips of her fingertips to the bottom of her toes. One of her legs itched with a gnawing pain that snapped at her nerves. At first, it was manageable at first, but slowly turned into something that made her bite her bottom lip to keep from crying out.
The pain raised her heartbeat, and the steady beep of the heart monitor turned into a frantic pleading beep that made the air around her feel conglealed, she tried to breathe properly but waves of adrenaline washed over her when she realized she had no idea where she was. She was sure that she was in a hospital, but it wasn’t impossible that she was hidden in some offshore prison.
Her theory of hospitalization was only confirmed when a strangely preppy blonde nurse skipped into the room followed by two men. The one to her left was short and fat and had a white handlebar mustache. He lifted the goggles of his face revealing mud-brown eyes hidden behind a mountain of wrinkles. The man to her left, though much taller walked with hunched shoulders. Y/N didn’t get a glimpse of his face then but didn’t miss the poorly applied makeup slathered all over him. Applied all over his face in chucks that melted down to the skin on his chest, leaving him splotchy and strange looking. His long slender arms jammed in the pockets of her lab coats that was a few sizes too small, given the way that his broad shoulders nearly ripped the lab coat at the seams. They stopped a few feet at the edge of her hospital bed.
 The blonde girl did a full spin around the trio, then smiled with her pointed teeth and giggled.
“ Look, this one awake.” she chirped. “ I told you, I told you, I told you.” she stopped twirling to clap and bounce on her toes. “ ha. I was right and you were wrong.”
The fat doctor put the goggles back on his face and smiled. Only a fool would mistake that smile for joy, and Y/N was no fool, she knew exactly what that smile meant. Her stepdad would smile at her like that on occasion, and on those occasions, Y/N hated being alive.
There was no way they were doctors.
The blonde one was much too chirpy to be a nurse, nurses were usually overworked a mean, she would know, her mother used to be one, and the two men seemed much too sinister to be doctors. The fat one glared at her like she was a slab of meat and talked like she was dead.
“ I was hoping this one would wake up,” he said, his white mustache dancing on his upper lip as he spoke, which was incredibly distracting. “ I have a good feeling about this one, she is more powerful than she knows.”
“ She would have been a more useful Nomu.” spoke the tall one, the tones of his voice disintegrated leaving the only thing left the sound of a husk.
“ Time will only tell, my boy,” he replied, “ all in do time.”
“ If it doesn’t work out can I drain her blood?”
Y/N stared at them strangely, though her frantic pule told them otherwise she was not afraid. Not of the blonde chirpy one, who seemed much too happy with the thought of draining her blood, not of the fat doctor who looked at her like she was a slab of beef at the butcher's, his eyes weighing her to see how much she was worth. Only intrigued, by the boy with the inky black hair, who she had yet to see his face.
“ Who?”
The boy turned, there was a lot to notice about him. The splotchy poorly matched makeup slathered all over his face and down his neck. The white hair started to peep through at the bottom of his roots, but the only thing she could take notice of was his watercolor blue eyes that were dangerous and welcoming all at once. He whipped his hand to his face and whipped a single finger to his face in a short moment before pushing the two others into the bathroom, his blue eyes disappearing behind the doors, forever unseen by another nurse who walked in the room.
She was looking down at her clipboard when she entered, looked up at Y/N with a half-hearted smile and nodded to her, looked back down scribbled something down to her clipboard, and turned on her heels to leave, she made it all the through the threshold of the door and to the nurses station before her clipboard clattered to the floor and she sprinted back in the room, her messy brown bob frizzed.  Y/N shrugged her shoulder. 
“ Hello,” Y/N said with a confused wave. “ Am I in a hospital?”
“ Holy crap! You’re awake. How?”
Y/N shrugged.
The next few minutes were spent with a handful of nurses ushering themselves in the room, yapping with cheer about some sort of miraculous medical miracle. It took 6 minutes before she realized she was the medical miracle that they were talking about.
The joy of life only just came to full realization when a doctor rushed into the room, he must have been running very quickly because his hair was windswept and he would have run past the room, had he not grabbed onto the doorframe.
He only allowed himself a brief moment of wonder. “ Well all be.” he said. Then he turned towards a very confused Y/N who finally was able to speak. 
“ My brother?” she asked. “ Has my brother been-”
“ You’re a Jane Doe.” the doctor interrupted. “ We couldn’t identify you, and no one has claimed you.”
“ What?” her pulse quicken. That was impossible. Her brother would have found her at least, her step-dad wouldn’t, there was no question there, probably celebrate her disappearance with a cold can of beer and french fries. Her mother would try for all about 5 minutes, and maybe file a police report, but her brother would look for her come hell or high water, even if he was half dead, he would at least try. “ That’s impossible.”
“ It’s not entirely uncommon in mass tragedy events.” one of the nurses said calmly. “ There’s a lot of confusion and paperwork, and hospitals and police have to go through a lot of red tape-”
“ What hospital am I in?” she interrupted. “ Where am I?” 
“ St. Johns Memorial.” The doctor said. “ I’m Dr. Parvish-”
“ My brother would have-”
“ If he’s looking for you he didn’t-”
“ He’s looking for me,” she yelled, she would have shouted, but the talking made her throat sore and she was afraid that shouting would have shredded her vocal cords even more than they were. “ He is.” she slapped her thighs and instantly regretted it, her leg ebbed with pain.
“ Okay, just take it easy.” the doctor calmly stretched out his arm. “ All we're saying is that he didn’t put out a missing persons report, so we haven’t been able to-”
“ What mass tragedy event?”
“ Excuse me?” the doctor tilted his head.
“ Someone said mass tragedy, what mass tragedy?”
“ There was a villain attack. There was a lot of collateral damage.”
He allowed Y/N a brief moment to think, Y/N didn’t take that moment.
“ What happened?”
“ We found you in a pile of rubble. Now if you would tell me your name.” he offered, he must have seen how confused and afraid she was because he talked in a calm and soothing voice. He looked down at his clipboard and waited for a response.
“ My name is Y/N L/N, my brother is Steven L/N.”
The doctor stopped scribbling on his notebook and glanced back up at her with the widest eyes that she’d ever seen. His skin went ghostly pale.
She thought he must have not heard her, so she repeated herself.“ My brother-”
The doctor dropped his clipboard and flinched when it clattered to the ground, but he didn’t care, he just slowly paced towards the bed, at sat down on the edge.
“ You’re a hero,” he said, “ you saved so many people that day,” tears fell down his face, “ you saved my mom, she lived in one of the buildings that collapsed. I go see her when I can, but it’s hard because I have to work so much so we don’t lose our insurance, and… and you sometimes delivered her food, she would always talk about how she enjoyed talking to you…” he started to ramble, bouncing from thought to thought. “ You saved her, she would have gotten crushed by debris, but you saved her, you put yourself in harms way, you saved her.” he used his sleeve to wipe the tears from his face. “ You saved 4 dozen people.”
Y/N considered that, then studied his face, if she was a hero then why did he look at her with wide fragile eyes? If his mom was alive then why did he look petrified at the thought of her? 
“ Then why do you look so sad?” she asked, in a small afraid voice.
He chewed on his bottom lip, and motioned to the remaining nurses to leave the room, leaving Y/N and him alone in a sterile white room, the only sound she could hear over the sound of her racing heartbeat was the various loud machines and the sound of an ambulance outside.
“ I’m sorry to tell you… that your brother, that Steven isn’t with us.”
She looked at him and narrowed her eyes.
“ Well of course he isn’t here right now, just call him, I’m sure he’ll come, his phone nu-”
“ I mean that…. Your brother is dead.”
Y/N stared at him for a while, considering his words, she nodded before shaking her head. She refused to believe it. There was no way, she was a hero, she saved half a dozen lives was it to much to ask that she get this one thing? Apparently, it was to much….
“ No,” she said simply, “ no I don’t believe you. You’re lying to me. Why are you lying?” 
“ I understand your confusion, and I understand-”
“ Give me your phone, let me call him. I can call him!” she demanded. “ He’ll show up, he always shows up. He’s not dead.”
The doctor glanced nervously at the heart monitor, displeased at its rapid increase.
“ I’m sorry-”
“ But I did the right thing, I saved everyone, I saved everyone I did the right thing!” she grabbed at her chest and started to cry, trying hard to ignore the ache in her lungs that made it hard to get a full breath. “ I was a hero, I saved everyone.”
The doctor stood up quickly and called for a nurse, a nurse in blue scrubs rushed into the room, she couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation over the sounds of her sobs, just felt the doctor quickly push her back on the bed and inject her with a sedative that made the world turn into soft shadows.
Her chest turned into a dull ache and she tried hard not to cry, because every time she tried it felt like she was choking, and focused on her slow breathing. The doctor held her hand and squeezed it, to help her breathe, once her breathing stabilized, he left.
“ But I did the right thing,” she said as he was leaving, in the smallest voice she ever heard.
The doctor didn’t think it would be the best time to bring up her leg that was crushed by rubble, they were able to save it, repairing it the best they could, for all intents and purposes it was a medical miracle that they were able to save it at all, but she would unfortunately never have 100% mobility and would probably walk with a limp for the rest of her life.
She did the right thing, she saved people, and look where it got her. Alone, sick, and tired.
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teemcorp123 · 2 days
Offshore Staffing in the Philippines: A Comprehensive Overview
In today's globalized business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to optimize their operations and reduce costs while maintaining high-quality output. One strategy that has gained significant traction over the past two decades is offshore staffing, with the Philippines emerging as a leading destination for this practice.
The Rise of Offshore Staffing in the Philippines
The Philippines has established itself as a prime location for offshore staffing due to a unique combination of factors. The country boasts a large, young, and educated workforce with a strong command of the English language. This linguistic advantage, coupled with a cultural affinity to Western business practices, makes Filipino professionals particularly attractive to companies from English-speaking countries.
Key Advantages
Cost-Effectiveness: One of the primary drivers for offshore staffing Philippines is the potential for significant cost savings. Labor costs in the Philippines are considerably lower than in many Western countries, allowing businesses to reduce operational expenses without compromising on quality.
Skilled Workforce: The Philippine education system produces a steady stream of graduates across various disciplines, from IT and engineering to finance and creative arts. This diverse talent pool enables companies to find qualified professionals for a wide range of roles.
English Proficiency: The Philippines ranks high in English proficiency among Asian countries, making it easier for foreign companies to communicate effectively with their offshore staff.
Cultural Compatibility: With a history of Western influence, Filipinos often share cultural similarities with their Western counterparts, facilitating smoother collaboration and understanding.
Time Zone Advantage: The Philippines' time zone allows for either overlapping business hours with Western countries or the ability to provide 24/7 services, depending on the company's needs.
Popular Industries and Roles
Offshore staffing services spans various industries and roles, including:
Information Technology: Software development, web design, mobile app development, and IT support.
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Customer service, technical support, and back-office operations.
Creative Services: Graphic design, content writing, and digital marketing.
Financial Services: Accounting, bookkeeping, and financial analysis.
Healthcare: Medical transcription, billing, and coding.
Challenges and Considerations
While offshore staffing in the Philippines offers numerous benefits, companies should be aware of potential challenges:
Cultural Differences: Despite similarities, some cultural nuances may require adjustment and understanding from both parties.
Infrastructure: While improving, infrastructure in some areas may not match Western standards, potentially affecting connectivity and work efficiency.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Companies must navigate Philippine labor laws and regulations, which may differ from those in their home countries.
Data Security: Ensuring the protection of sensitive information across borders is crucial and requires robust security measures.
Implementing Successful Offshore Staffing
To maximize the benefits of offshore staffing in the Philippines, companies should:
Clearly Define Objectives: Establish clear goals and expectations for the offshore team.
Invest in Training: Provide comprehensive training to align offshore staff with company culture and processes.
Maintain Open Communication: Utilize technology to facilitate regular communication and foster team integration.
Visit in Person: When possible, arrange face-to-face meetings to strengthen relationships and understanding.
Stay Compliant: Work with local experts to ensure compliance with Philippine labor laws and regulations.
Offshore staffing in the Philippines continues to be an attractive option for companies looking to optimize their operations. By leveraging the country's skilled workforce, cost advantages, and cultural compatibility, businesses can enhance their competitiveness in the global market. However, success requires careful planning, clear communication, and a commitment to building strong, collaborative relationships with offshore teams.
As the global business landscape evolves, the Philippines is likely to remain a key player in the offshore staffing industry, offering valuable opportunities for companies willing to embrace this strategic approach to talent acquisition and management. https://teemcorp.com/
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