#Office Moving Service North Shore
accuratemoversnz · 4 months
Accurate Movers offers reliable office moving services in Auckland. Our expert team ensures a smooth and hassle-free relocation of your office. Trust Accurate Movers for safe, professional handling of all your office equipment and furniture.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
More than 100 long-finned pilot whales stranded along the shores of Western Australia on Thursday have returned to the ocean, while 29 died on the beach, wildlife officials said.
Officials were working to remove the 29 whales that had died on the beach, Pia Courtis, a regional wildlife officer with the Parks and Wildlife Service for Western Australia, said on Thursday in a news conference posted by the agency on social media. The agency planned to take biological samples and measurements from the dead whales for research.
After marine officials and volunteers had helped the other whales back out to sea, boats were on the water and a spotter plane was monitoring the area to ensure they did not return to shore.
The four pods of 160 pilot whales were spread across about 1,640 feet of beach at the Toby Inlet, near the town of Dunsborough, in Western Australia on Thursday morning, local wildlife officials said, in a statement on social media.
Photos shared by the wildlife service on Facebook showed rows of whales lying on the shore as crowds gathered to see the mass stranding.
The rescued whales had moved farther offshore on Thursday and were last seen traveling north, the wildlife department said.
“So far, so good — they haven’t made it back to shore, but we will keep monitoring them,” Ms. Courtis said.
Officials said they did not know what had caused the stranding, which included mostly adult females and a few calves. In general, experts have theorized that the causes for such strandings may include pods of whales following a sick, or stuck, whale and getting stuck themselves; the confusion brought about by undersea noise caused by humans; or an attempt to avoid predators.
Several mass strandings have unfolded in Australia in recent years.
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silverwingwashere · 1 year
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June 6, 1944
- Bloody Omaha -
The enemy was silent. For a moment the troops thought that the air and naval bombardment had worked and has silenced the enemy. However, when their landing craft were four hundred yards from shore, the German guns came to life. To make things worse, heavy enemy fire, combined with landing obstacles, forced some landing craft to find different routes to the beach, thus slowing them down and exposing them more to enemy fire. When the craft finally got close enough to lower their ramps, all hell broke loose.
Soldiers were killed on the ramp, as enemy machine guns let out withering fire from their fortifications on the bluffs. Still, the the troops tried to push forward, only to be cut down on the sand.
At 0641, Patrol Craft 552, that was observing the landings, transmitted: "Entire first wave foundered".
The 116th Infantry Regiment, of the 29th Infantry Division, was a part of the Virginia National Guard. On February 1941 it, and the rest of the 29th Infantry Division, were called into Federal service.
On June 6, 1944, the 116th Infantry Regiment was attached to the US 1sy Infantry Division, in order to support their landings on the beached code named Omaha. The 116th Infantry was to cover the western flank of the beach.
However, due to strong winds and tides, the landing craft of the 116th Infantry first wave, and those of the 1st Division's 16th Infantry, were placed off course. This meant that when the craft hit the beaches on H-Hour, only a few troops were where they were supposed to be.
Only A Company of the 116th Infantry landed on the right spot, but that did make their job easy. With G and F companies, which was supposed to be on A Company's left flank, were blown off course and landing on the wrong spot, A Company found itself alone and the sole target of the German defenders in front of them. When the ramps went down, the company was slaughtered.
By 0640 A Company only had one officer left alive, with only a dew dozen men left to command, all of which were wounded.
The rest of the regiment's companies fared no better, as they struggled to advance up the beach. They were pinned.
The second wave came at 0726 and encountered the same withering fire and endured heavy casulaties also.
Despite this, determined efforts were made to crawl forward and break out of the killing zone. By 0900 the regiment's companies began breaching the defenses and capturing the bluffs. By the end of the day they had largely secured the beach. But the price was heavy. The reiment suffered 341 casualties, with A Company only having 18 soldiers out of the original 230.
@askpokeeosin @f0rever-autumn and @flashmod as members of the 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division. All are equipped with M1 Garands and have the standard uniform and equipment of US troops that landed on D-Day, including gas masks held in black water proof rubber bags. On their helmets are the Blue and Gray insignia of the 29th Division, which represented the fact that the unit had National Guard regiments from both the North and the South. Behind them are Higgins boats, which were the main landing craft that transported the soldiers of the 116th Infantry. Around them are hedgehog obstacles, that were meant to block vehicles trying to move up from the beach in low tide.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Tragedy struck on 8th December 1959 the lifeboat RNLB Mona, based at Broughty Ferry, capsize in a storm in St Andrews Bay with the loss of all eight crew.
The lifeboat had been called to assist the North Carr lightship which had broken from its mooring and was believed adrift in St Andrews Bay. The conditions when the lifeboat was launched at 3.13 a.m. were atrocious. The last radio message was received from the Mona at 4.48 a.m. As the boat rounded the headland she capsized. No matter how long ago this tragedy occurred the sacrifice of the men involved is not forgotten far and wide but especially in Broughty Ferry.
The lost crew were coxswain Ronald Grant, 28, acting second coxswain George Smith, 53, bowman George Watson, 38, motor mechanic John Grieve, 56, second mechanic James Ferrier, 43, John J Grieve, 22, Alexander Gall, 56, and David Anderson, 42.
The Mona was washed up on Carnousite beach, a body, that of John J Grieve was found nearby,  later five more bodies were found on the lifeboat, Bowman George Watson’s body was never found.
All the crew of the North Carr  were rescued.
In 11 years of operating the Mona and her crew had saved 118 lives.
According to a letter to the Dundee Evening Telegraph, in January 2006, “Among some seamen, it was believed the vessel was tainted with evil, and they resolved to exorcise the boat in a ‘viking ritual’”. The Mona was taken to Cockenzie harbour on the river Forth in the dead of night, stripped of anything of value, chained to the sea wall, and burnt. The burning was done with the knowledge and permission of Lord Saltoun, the chairman of the Scottish Lifeboat Council. Questions were however raised in the House of Commons about the destruction of a lifeboat built with public subscription, sailors are a very superstitious lot though.
Before the Mona was burnt extensive tests were carried out and no faults could be found with the engine or indeed sea worthiness of the lightboat, it was established it had merely capsized.
A service was later held at St James’ Church, the Fisherman’s Kirk at Broughty Ferry. They joined the many hundreds of people from all walks of life who went to the memorial service. The Church only seats 450 and the service was relayed to another 300 in the church Hall and to hundreds who stood in Fort Street on a cold windy, wet forenoon.  People started to queue outside the church doors an hour before the service began, but few of them were able to get in.
Soon after the service ended the first of the funerals of the seven men whose bodies have been recovered took place. Small crowds gathered outside the homes of the six Broughty Ferry men who perished. Hundreds attended the funerals of all the men.
The report of the burning of the Mona reads:
“Mona, the Broughty Ferry disaster lifeboat in which eight men died, was burned secretly on a dark beach at 4.30 a.m.  Only a handful of men saw the Lifeboat – “perfectly sound and seaworthy”, destroyed on confidential orders phoned direct from London by a senior R.N.L.I. official. Few people in the Port Seaton holiday resort on the Forth Estuary near Edinburgh knew about it. Flames crackled as families slept in a tenement only 50 yards away – unaware of the funeral pyre
They only learned about it when they saw the smoking ruin on the rocks at daybreak. After dark on Thursday night the Mona was taken across the harbour basin and moored just inside the protection wall. Then about 4 am she was moved round the sea wall secured by two chains and left to settle on the rock-strewn foreshore as the tide ebbed.
She was set alight and by daybreak all that was left was part of the stern and superstructure – twisted charred metal, still smoking. Four men stripped the last of her metal fittings in the afternoon. And inquisitive youngsters were curtly told to leave the shore. In his office overlooking the harbour. Mr Bruce Jones of the ship repair-firm, said he could not discuss the matter.
The R.N.L.I. officials in London did not want it publicised. I got all my instructions verbally. I must honour the request. Was it really a funeral pyre “well it is not uncommon for this to happen after a disaster” said the senior Lifeboat official in London, “It would be rather unpleasant to put a new crew in a disaster”
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saltwaterroleplay · 2 months
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Blackmoor, Cornwall—population 1,700. Located to the south west of the English mainland and north of the Isles of Scilly, the isle’s main settlements are in Belporth and Old Town. Other settlements on the island include: Kerrow, Tremellin and Penhallow. Blackmoor is known for its isolation and the heavy mist that surrounds the isle throughout the year.
Belporth is where you can find the island’s principal port where ferries towards the Isles of Scilly and British mainland are operated. The landscape gradually ascends from the sea to a central highpoint called Watchhouse Hill where a dominating lighthouse looms over the area. Belporth contains a couple of small clusters of dwellings towards Kerrow, namely individual houses or short terraces of no more than 3 or 4 houses. A tidal island to the east, Nag’s Head, also connects to Belporth during low tide through a sand and shingle bar.
The area they call Kerrow is characterised by high ground and round-top hills, ending dramatically on a cliff edge to the south overlooking steep, rocky outcrops. The shores are generally ragged and rocky but home to an old fishing community. Kerrow is where many local fishermen live and work, and famously where you can find the Mermaid, the oldest establishment on Blackmoor and a pub as seemingly old as the island herself.  
The oldest residential area of Blackmoor and home to the historic town centre where many of the amenities of the island are located, including the local school and post office. Old Town is known for its cobbled, narrow streets and historical architecture from the 18th and 19th centuries. It is the only truly ‘urban’ settlement on the isle with the greatest sense of enclosure, characterised by rows of short terraces and a number of mews.  
The area west of Old Town is characterised by an undulating landscape of fields, wooded valleys, and low lying marshy areas. Tremellin (pronounced Treh-mell-inn) is known for its agricultural land, producing wheat, barley, oats, and potatoes, and still has a functioning watermill to the south. The area contains numerous dispersed farmsteads and small hamlet-like clusters of houses connected by narrow winding lanes. A row of isolated terraces have been newly built in the south-east of Tremellin as part of Jones & Co’s new development.  
Sandy, windswept heathlands in the far west of the isle give way to Penhallow, a managed and enclosed field system with older, grander settlements. To the southwest of Penhallow facing the Atlantic lies Sheol Cove where you can find a sandy beach and coastal dune systems. The views in the north are somewhat terminated by the neo-gothic church of All Souls, a Church of England parish founded in the 19th century.  
Governance and Economy
The isle’s council is a sui generis local government authority made up of six seats. It is responsible for all local government functions on Blackmoor, and around 15% of the island’s inhabitants are employed by the council.
Blackmoor’s economy is largely dependent on fishing and agriculture though, unlike Cornwall more broadly, neither tourism nor tin mining have been prevalent on the isle. The recent advent of remote working has also injected some money into the local economy. There is great variation in poverty and prosperity in the community.
Key amenities
Education: schooling is available for young individuals on the island up to age eighteen, provided by St. Michael’s School and Sixth Form. This includes a co-located pre-school. Most residents head to the mainland for further education, with many opting for a permanent move post-graduation.
Health: Blackmoor is serviced by one General Practitioner’s Office helmed by two doctors and one practitioner nurse. The closest hospital is located at St. Mary’s in the Isles of Scilly. Emergency helicopter transport is available depending on visibility and weather conditions.
Climate and Geography
The isle has an oceanic climate, with cool summers and mild winters. However, exposure to the Atlantic winds produces spectacular winter gales. Summer heat is also moderated by the Atlantic Ocean with summer temperatures notably lower than those on the Cornish mainland.
The tidal range in Blackmoor is high, and a couple of small, rocky islets become accessible at low tide via tombolo.
A moderate mist surrounds the island year-round, and on occasion thickens and impacts visibility, particularly around mid- to late Summer. For further information about Blackmoor’s mist, please refer to: Local Folklore.
There is, generally speaking, only one way in and out of Blackmoor: by a locally run ferry, where you can reach St. Mary’s, the largest island of the Isles of Scilly, in 45 minutes. The mainland is also accessible by ferry and the journey takes 3 and a half hours and is run one a fortnight.
A single narrow road from east to west of the isle links most of the settlements on the isle to Blackmoor’s main port.
History and Culture
The people of Blackmoor can be traced back to the Celtic ancient Britons. The island has a strong Celtic tradition and has historically, culturally, and linguistically had closer ties to the Celtic lands of Wales, Brittany, and Ireland than the English mainland. Until the 18th century, a variation of Cornish —similar to Welsh and Breton—was the main language on the island.
Much like the Cornish people, many in Blackmoor today continue to assert a distinct identity separate from or in addition to English or British identities.
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seagulls-paradise · 5 months
USS North Carolina
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The USS North Carolina (BB 55) was commissioned April 9, 1941. During her shakedown period she steamed into and out of New York Harbor so many times she earned the nickname "The Show Boat". She more than earned that nickname during her service in World War 2. The North Carolina participated in every major naval offensive in the Pacific Theater carrying out 9 shore bombardments, sinking an enemy troop ship, shooting down 24 enemy aircraft and survived being torpedoed. Earning 15 battle stars, USS North Carolina was the most decorated American battleship of the war. The ship survives today as a museum in Wilmington, North Carolina.
North Carolina was the first battleship built by the USA in almost 20 years. First in Class and the first “fast battleship”. As such there were lots of adjustments to be made before it was fully operational. The more powerful drive caused lots of vibrations. That’s why she was in and out of port so much. The extra shake down resulted in the rear rangefinder being reinforced with extra braces.
The "Other" USS North Carolina 
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USS North Carolina SSN-777 Virginia class attack submarine US Navy
North Carolina SSN-777 Virginia class attack submarine is the fourth ship of the Navy to carry the name North Carolina. The original was USS North Carolina (1820-1836), the second (ACR 12) (1908 - 1921), and the third (BB 55) (1940 - 1947). North Carolina received 12 battle stars for World War II service. North Carolina (SSN 777) was built by General Dynamics Electric Boat Division in Groton, Conn., and Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Va., and joined the fleet in December 2006. As the Navy's next-generation attack submarine, the Virginia class provides the U.S. Navy with the capabilities it requires to maintain the nation's undersea supremacy well into the 21st century. North Carolina has improved stealthiness, sophisticated surveillance capabilities and Special Warfare enhancements which enable it to meet the Navy's multi-mission requirements. Virginia class submarines are able to attack targets ashore with highly accurate Tomahawk cruise missiles and conduct covert long-term surveillance of land areas, littoral waters or other sea-based forces. Other missions include anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare; special forces delivery and support; and mine delivery and minefield mapping. With enhanced communications connectivity, the submarine also will provide important battle group and joint task force support, with full integration into carrier battle group operations. North Carolina's keel was laid May 22, 2004. The first major milestone for the submarine North Carolina was the keel authentication ceremony held at the shipyard on May 22, 2004. The submarine's sponsor, Mrs. Linda Bowman, wife of Admiral Frank "Skip" Bowman USN (Ret), the former Director, Naval Reactors, inscribed her initials on a section of the pressure hull that were, subsequently, duplicated in weld by a shipyard worker, who, uniquely, resides in North Carolina. The pressure hull welding completed in September 2006, with work on the interior of the submarine continuing. In October 2006, the ship's Commanding Officer, Cdr. Mark E. Davis reported aboard. On May 5, 2007, the submarine was lowered into the water for the first time and moved to complete her construction. On December 12, 2007, North Carolina got underway for her first builder's sea trials. The successful trials led to her second builders trials just before Christmas. Following the third and final round of builder's sea trials in February, Northrop Grumman delivered the submarine to the Navy on February 21, 2008. The ship was brought to life during her commissioning ceremony at the Port of Wilmington in North Carolina on May 3, 2008. More than 6,500 guests, including submarine veterans and battleship North Carolina alumni attended the ceremony welcoming the submarine as the 4th vessel named after the "Tarheel State."
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phantom-le6 · 8 months
Film Review - The Finest Hours
Moving on with our film review backlog, we shift from novel-based action films to a couple that are based on real-life events, beginning with the 2016 film The Finest Hours…
Plot (as adapted from Wikipedia):
Bernard "Bernie" Webber, a crewman at Coast Guard Station Chatham, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod, has fallen in love with a local girl, Miriam Pentinen. The two plan to marry on April 16, but in accordance with Coast Guard regulations, Bernie must seek permission from the station's commanding officer, Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Cluff, although it is usually just a formality. On the day he is due to ask permission, February 18, 1952, the oil tanker SS Pendleton shears in half off the Chatham coast after getting caught in a nor'easter (a large-scale extratropical cyclone in the western North Atlantic Ocean). With the majority of the station's crew already underway with the rescue of the similarly damaged SS Fort Mercer, Bernie is dispatched to pilot motor lifeboat CG 36500 to rescue the crew of Pendleton. Andrew Fitzgerald, Ervin Maske, and Richard P. Livesey volunteer to join Bernie on the rescue mission.
Meanwhile, the Pendleton's engineer, Ray Sybert, organizes the surviving seamen to steer the sinking stern of the tanker with a manual tiller onto a submerged reef, where it can lodge until rescuers arrive. Miriam learns that Bernie is leading the rescue effort and believes it to be a suicide mission. Few people in Chatham trust Cluff, believing him to be incapable of doing his job because he is not from the area. Miriam drives to the station, demanding that Cluff call Bernie back. Cluff refuses, and brusquely orders Miriam out.
Between Chatham Harbor and the open sea lies a bar, a series of shoals that are very dangerous even in good weather. Bernie must time bursts of his engine to ride each approaching wave before it breaks as he pilots CG 36500 across the bar. Although he makes it over the bar, he loses his compass.
Bernie steers CG 36500 to the stricken tanker. Although his boat's designated capacity is only 12 people, Bernie manages to rescue 32 crewmen. The stern of Pendleton begins sinking more rapidly during the rescue and goes down shortly after the last crewman comes aboard Bernie's boat. Relying on his knowledge of the coast and prevailing winds in place of his compass, Bernie steers CG 36500 toward home, a task made more difficult as Chatham loses power. Miriam and the other townspeople drive their cars to the pier and turn on their headlights to guide Bernie in. With the tides carrying CG 36500 over the bar without them realising it, Bernie, his crew and the Pendleton survivors make it to shore.
The end of the film shows photographs from the event that briefly document the aftermath of the rescue. Two months later, Bernie and Miriam marry; they stay together for 58 years until Bernie's death in 2009. Bernie Webber and his crew receive the Gold Lifesaving Medal.
This is a film I stumbled upon a while back thanks to Film 4, and after watching it on that channel decided to get the Blu-Ray copy.  It’s a good film, based on what is apparently still the largest small boat rescue on the history of the US Coast Guard.  Given that coast guard services aren’t often subjects of film and TV productions compared to other military or emergency services, that makes this film a bit of a rarity.  However, Wikipedia categorises the film as an action thriller, and personally I would disagree with that classification.
As a rule, the word action in action films does not include the random sinking of ships by violent but otherwise normal weather and a subsequent rescue of the crew.  Action in this context is almost exclusively limited to fights between protagonists and antagonists, either just hand-to-hand or with any weaponry or devices they have to hand.  No such conflicts or violence exist in this film, and I think it’s the mis-labelling of this film as part of the action genre that led to it being misjudged by audiences and critics alike.  Instead, I would submit that this film is a disaster-rescue film, because you have the disaster movie ingredient of a major disaster (two ships being torn in half by storms, but only one is the main focus of the film), and then a rescue effort that commands much of our attention.  I suspect that whoever categorised this film shares Shakespeare’s bad habit of not getting any categorisation correct.
So, taking this film as the disaster-rescue film that it actually is, does it do well?  The answer is absolutely.  It is well-acted and has a decent set-up to its main events.  Notable names among the cast are Chris Pine (Kirk in the Trek reboot films and Steve Trevor in the DCEU Wonder Woman films), Ben Affleck’s younger brother Casey Affleck (recently part of the film Oppenheimer), Ben Foster, (Angel in X-Men: The Last Stand, Spacker Dave in The Punisher and also appears in Jason Statham film The Mechanic), and Eric Bana (another Trek reboot alumni, and also Bruce Banner in Ang Lee’s horrible 2003 Hulk film).
Also featured is English actress Holliday Grainger, who I have personally only seen in this film as the love interest for Chris Pine’s character.  However, she seems to have a decent body of work under her belt, including a role in the 2015 live-action remake of Disney’s Cinderella and appearing as Lucrezia Borgia in the 2011 historical drama series the Borgias.  Fans of the Arrowverse TV series The Flash will also doubtless recognise Wally West actor Keiynan Lonsdale as one of the crew of the Pendleton.
With such successful and skilled actors working on a good film, one might be tempted to say that the film perhaps only flopped from being miscategorised, as well as coming out only a couple of weeks before Deadpool in 2016.  However, the film also suffers with most of the characters being very soft-spoken at times.  This isn’t always a bad thing, but the volume of moments where the characters can hardly be heard is sizable enough that, in conjunction with the film being designed for a slow boil, it would struggle to hold the attention of some audiences.  The behaviour of Bana’s character of Cluff towards Miriam (Grainger) at one point not then leading to an apology for Miriam or reprisals against Cluff is also a bit of a let-down.
Overall, I think this film is a good watch with some solid acting that was mostly let down by a mis-timed release and being mis-categorised, but that also suffers by being soft-spoken a little too often and not slapping down Cluff for his poor conduct.  Larger text going on the screen for longer at the end when telling us the real-life aftermath would also have been an improvement.  For me, this film is worth 7 out of 10.
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accapitalmarket · 9 months
AC Capital Market's brand-new, modern office in Chatswood, Northern Sydney, Australia, officially commenced operations.
Starting from July 2023, with a significant expansion in business scale, AC Capital Market began the search for more spacious office properties to accommodate its rapid business growth. After finalizing the location for the new Sydney office, the company proceeded to comprehensively upgrade it and officially inaugurated it on December 18th. With this move, AC Capital Market's Sydney office relocated from its old site in North Sydney to the bustling commercial center of Sydney's Northern Shore—Chatswood.
The brand-new office of AC Capital Market covers an area of over 10,000 square feet, featuring a simple and atmospheric interior design with a modern touch. It can accommodate various departments such as global market planning, client services, financial technology research and development, and transaction risk management. This state-of-the-art, modern office provides a more comfortable and high-quality working environment for the employees of different departments in the Sydney team. At the same time, the AC Capital Market team will continue to offer high-quality, 24/7 professional services for global investors from this new location.
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projectoffice5487 · 1 year
One Of The Best Neighborhoods And Suburbs In Cape City
The plaintiff clearly expressed the view that he would have anticipated Rob Sandenberg to first revert to him to debate Safe Storage Melkbosstrand his potential findings before finalising
The coastal waters are heat, influenced by the Agulhas Current, and assist quite lots of coastal and marine organisms, including prawns, lobster, mussels, octopus, fish, whales and whale sharks. The area has a warm sub-tropical local weather with good summer season rains (1 000 – mm annually). The vegetation is usually tropical and sub-tropical thicket, with tropical forest north of Mtunzini. Extensive sugarcane farming and timber production occurs adjoining to the coast.
Our coast is characterised by marked variations within the ranges of financial exercise, poverty and inequality. Coastal resources, however, present Staff Relocation Melkbosstrand considerable economic improvement potential. Along northern parts of the west coast, diamonds are mined on the sea-shore and sea-bed.
Detailed instances and fields are revealed midweek previous the scheduled weekend matches. Please observe, fixtures are subject to vary – please revisit this link to ensure you have the newest model. Westlake Golf Club is our home course and we've apply classes at the Office Movers Melkbosstrand membership. Transport is supplied on a match day, but gamers must organise their very own transport for practices. Come November Raylene will take part within the international version of the pageant. Both mom and daughter won titles, with Quinlene profitable the title of Miss Hope West Coast.
I shall in additional detail deal with the profound and really revealing circumstances underneath which this report was withheld. 16.3 One Sandra Hitchcock was re-appointed as a facilitator to the parties and was afforded the liberty to request reasonable and
Aside from the provincial environmental authorities, few other departments have staff dedicated to environmental issues, and none have staff devoted to coastal issues. Most native authorities do not separate coastal management capabilities from environmental administration generally. In most instances, besides in the larger municipalities, capacity and assets to deal with environmental management are completely insufficient. Local authorities are more involved with native city planning and economic growth points and ensuring service delivery for the poor than with useful resource conservation issues. The roles and duties of native Government are extremely wide-ranging, together with the provision of companies, promotion of economic growth and making certain a healthy and safe environment. The formulation of land-use plans and IDPs is of critical importance to coastal management efforts.
Through Cassava Technologies, we have introduced together our complementary business traces under one experienced and founder-led management team, with proven execution capabilities and deep data and expertise of the African business landscape. This allows us to ship on our mission, satisfy our clients and engender trust inside the communities in which we function. Wonderfullt enjoyable location with all International Movers Melkbosstrand the services that the accommodation provides (a lot of nice facilities!). Lois is actually an superior girl who at all times ensures an optimal feeling together with her friends. Future MyCiTi routes In late 2014, the West Coast can expect a quantity of new bus routes. Such developments will link Atlantis with the Civic Centre and Century City via Table View and will also join Atlantis with the nearby suburbs of Mamre, Pella, Robinvale and Witsands.
such an order is granted is more fully indemnified than an ordinary lawyer and shopper value order. [49] The defendant’s opposing papers (and counter-application) were Office Moves Melkbosstrand persuasive sufficient and succeeded in having the interim
Similarly, one other key route has been added between Atlantis, Table View and Omuramba. Extending out from these main drags, there are also seven different space routes designed to attach individuals residing in Big Bay, Parklands, Sunningdale, West Beach, Duynefontein and Melkbosstrand. There are additionally a quantity of switch factors at which passengers can break their journey. D03 MITCHELLS PLAIN EAST – CIVIC CENTRE This choice is an specific service designed to move folks from Mitchells Plain to the Cape Town Civic Centre rapidly and efficiently..
You can watch live music in the Brass Bell or the Melting Pot, or live drama or dance at the Masque Theater. Local sights include the South African Naval Museum in Simonstown, and the Casa Labia Cultural Center. Around 10km south of town center across the back of Table Mountain, the southern Cape Town suburbs are extra full of expats than the suburbs in the north. They include both quiet family neighborhoods corresponding to Newlands, Rondebosch and Claremont as properly as more vibrant student-populated areas corresponding to Mowbray, Rosebank and Observatory. These Cape Town suburbs boast many good faculties, well being facilities and shopping centers. One of the big points of interest right here is the wine farms which provide activities similar to wine tasting.
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mayzlinrelocation1 · 1 year
Top Benefits & Transition Advice for People Relocating to Charlotte, North Carolina
Taking into account a transition to Charlotte, NC? You're in for a treat! Known as the Sovereign City, Charlotte offers an energetic way of life, flourishing position market, and an inviting local area. In any case, moving to another city can be an overwhelming undertaking. In this article, we will investigate the top advantages of moving to Charlotte, as well as give important hints to guarantee a smooth and fruitful progress. Whether you're migrating for work, family, or just looking for a new beginning, this guide will assist you with capitalizing on your transition to Charlotte, NC.
  Flourishing Position Market and Monetary Open doors:
Charlotte is a city that is overflowing with monetary open doors. Home to large companies and businesses like money, medical services, innovation, and assembling, the work market in Charlotte is hearty. Moving to Charlotte can open ways to energizing profession possibilities and headway. With a solid economy and a different scope of enterprises, you'll have adequate choices to seek after your expert objectives.
  Dynamic Culture and Way of life:
Charlotte offers a lively and different social scene. From workmanship exhibitions and galleries to live concerts and live exhibitions, there's continuously something occurring in the city. The culinary scene is likewise flourishing, with a wide exhibit of cafés offering different cooking styles. Moreover, Charlotte flaunts wonderful parks, outside entertainment regions, and a gentle environment, permitting inhabitants to partake in a functioning and charming way of life all year.
  Reasonable Cost for most everyday items:
Contrasted with other significant urban communities in the US, Charlotte has a moderately reasonable cost for many everyday items. Lodging choices are copious, and the housing market offers a scope of decisions to fit different spending plans and inclinations. Furthermore, the expense of food, transportation, and diversion in Charlotte is for the most part more reasonable contrasted with bigger metropolitan regions, permitting occupants to keep an agreeable way of life without burning through every last cent.
  Family-Accommodating Climate:
Assuming you're moving with your family, Charlotte is a great decision. The city is known for its top of the line schools, both public and private, giving quality instruction to offspring, everything being equal. Charlotte likewise offers various family-accommodating attractions, like parks, historical centers, and sporting offices, guaranteeing that there are a lot of chances for kids to learn and have some good times. The solid feeling of local area and well disposed neighbors make Charlotte an inviting spot for families to settle and flourish.
  Vicinity to Nature and Travel Objections:
While Charlotte is a clamoring city, it's likewise encircled by regular excellence. The city is arranged in closeness to the staggering Blue Edge Mountains and beautiful lakes, offering vast open doors for outside exercises like climbing, setting up camp, and drifting. In addition, Charlotte's focal area in the southeastern US gives helpful admittance to famous travel locations like the wonderful sea shores of North and South Carolina, as well as other significant urban communities like Atlanta and Charleston.
For More Info :-
Moving Charlotte Nc
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Bangkok Spice: Bringing Authentic Thai Cuisine to the North Shore
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Tucked between Atlantic Framing and Reading Eye Associates on Haven Street in Reading, MA, lies the unsuspecting Bangkok Spice, a small, Thai restaurant that you would probably just walk by if you did not know it was there. If you were to continue walking on the sidewalk and heading toward the train station straight ahead, you would miss some of the best Thai food on the North Shore.
Owned by the married couple Ott and Awn Chen, Bangkok Spice was opened in 2002 and has stayed in the same location ever since. If you were to peek back into the kitchen, you would see Ott, every night, cheffing away over a large wok, preparing each customer’s meal himself. Awn spends most of her time serving customers, but occasionally, on busy nights, she straps on her apron and helps Ott to cook. Most of the customers at Bangkok Spice are regulars who are loyal to the Chen’s Thai cuisine. If you go in on a weekday night, you will find lots of people waiting in their business clothes and work attire ready to bring home their takeout after a long day in the office. The restaurant is located right across the street from the commuter rail in Reading, making it a perfect spot to grab a quick and easy dinner. On weekends, you would find families, couples, and friends, seated at tables laughing and talking while enjoying their food and drinks.
One of the wonderful things about Bangkok Spice is that almost every entree on their menu is under fifteen dollars. Despite the inexpensive prices, it does not take away from the quality or portion sizes of the entrees.  The menu is carefully crafted with a wide range of Thai dishes that cater to everyone's taste buds. Whether you are looking for a spicy or mild dish, vegetarian or non-vegetarian, you'll find something that suits your preferences. 
Pad Thai and Drunken Noodles are the restaurant's most popular dishes. The Pad Thai is made with stir-fried rice noodles, peanuts, bean sprouts, and a choice of protein. The Drunken Noodles, on the other hand, is a spicy dish made with flat noodles, vegetables, and a choice of protein. My personal favorite is the Basil Pad Thai with chicken. Vegetarians will also be impressed with the variety of dishes on offer at Bangkok Spice. The Thai Basil Tofu is a popular option, as is the Green Curry Vegetable, which is made with an assortment of fresh vegetables in a creamy green curry sauce.
Bangkok Spice also offers a range of drinks to complement the food, including Thai iced tea and coffee, selling for $1.75, which are a must-try when dining here. The restaurant's ambiance is another highlight, with its warm and welcoming decor, and Thai-inspired art on the walls. Little figurines are scattered about the walls, serving as coat hooks dispersed in between framed posters of traditional Thai art, like dragons, Lotus flowers, and people dressed in bronze armor. The staff is incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, and they are always happy to make recommendations or accommodate any special requests.
Wonderful food, service, and atmosphere aside, Bangkok Spice is a momentous space for me and my family. I was raised in Reading until we moved to Cape Cod the summer before I started kindergarten. Some of my earliest memories are of me sitting in a high chair in our small kitchen with my mom serving me Ott’s red curry. For many years, my parents were the customers in Bangkok Spice waiting for their takeout in their work clothes accompanied by me running around the inside of the restaurant, impatiently waiting to go home. Awn would always come out of the kitchen when she heard my mom come in, and excitedly say, “Jennifer, it is so good to see you.” She always had crayons ready for me to use, and I would scribble all over the back of the paper place settings to preoccupy myself while time passed. 
When we moved away, we took every opportunity we could to visit Bangkok Spice. If we were visiting Boston, or my cousins who live in Lincoln, MA, we would always make the detour to stop in for dinner. My mom kept her job in Wilmington when we moved to Cape Cod, which meant that she stayed overnight in Lincoln on Tuesday and Wednesday nights so she could go into the office. Tuesday night dinners for her consisted of Basil Pad Thai, and if we were lucky, she would bring home her leftovers that we would have to portion out equally between me, my sister, and my dad because all of us wanted a piece of her meal. Now that I go to Endicott, and I am fortunate enough to have my car on campus, every Tuesday night when my mom comes up for work, I meet her at Bangkok Spice for a yummy meal and a weekly catch-up. Seeing my mom every week is one of the things that I look forward to most, and to make it even better, we get to spend it at a place that means a lot to both of us. On Tuesday nights it is always the same young woman, Melissa, who is working and knows us as soon as we walk in. Melissa doesn’t even give us menus anymore because she knows that we both always order the same thing. She says, “The usual?” to which we simultaneously respond, “Yup.” 
I never expected that a small, Thai restaurant would hold such an important place in my heart, but it symbolizes the fact that through all the change that has come over the last 20 years of my life, some things unexpected parts of life stay consistent. Bangkok Spice brings a little piece of Thailand to Reading, MA. With its authentic cuisine, warm ambiance, and friendly staff, it's the perfect spot for a night out with friends, a family dinner, or a romantic date. So, the next time you're craving Thai food, be sure to head over to Bangkok Spice!
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keelybouwer · 2 years
Hire Real Estate Agents Takapuna and Enjoy Their In-depth Knowledge and Experience
Takapuna Real Estate is booming nowadays. It means there are many opportunities for those looking to buy or rent property in Takapuna. Once you move here, you will feel like home. This is an ideal suburb for:
If you are on the lookout for a professional Real Estate Agent Takapuna, look no further and hire the experienced team at Harcourts Takapuna Keely & Co. These experts know how to help you find the most suitable property that fits your demands and budget. This is a dedicated team with the local knowledge about Takapuna Real Estate and expertise to deliver exceptional services for their clients. 
Harcourts Takapuna Keely & Co offers a number of properties in their books. From apartments and houses to commercial premises, they can find the right suitable property for you. No matter you are an experienced investor or just a first-time buyer, the realtors can assist you from beginning to end. With over 300 sales concluded at a value of over $500 million, these realtors have the track record, expertise, and exciting results that reflect their professionalism and commitment. All you need to contact them because the realtors have a passion for helping people buy or rent in this desirable suburb. 
Why Choose Takapuna 
Takapuna is just a fantastic location, a suburb located on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand. There are many schools, shopping and entertainment areas, and amazing beaches. The suburb is situated at the beginning of a south-east-facing peninsula forming the northern side of the Waitematā Harbour. Before amalgamation into Auckland Council in 2010, Takapuna was the seat of the North Shore City Council. Despite the small population, this location is really attractive. 
If you plan to move with your family be sure your kids will get a great education and get to live in paradise. Rosmini College is a boys' secondary (years 7–13) school with a roll of 1056. St Joseph's School is a coeducational contributing primary (years 1–6) school with a roll of 414.[21] They are state integrated Catholic schools located adjacent to each other. Rosmini College was founded in 1962, and St Joseph's in 1894.
Takapuna Normal Intermediate is a coeducational intermediate (years 7–8) school with a roll of 571. It was established in 1970. Takapuna School is a coeducational contributing primary (years 1–6) school with a roll of 388.[26] It celebrated its 125th jubilee in 2004. Rolls are as of July 2022.
Takapuna Grammar School is in Belmont, to the southeast of Takapuna. It is the main public secondary school in the area.
Takapuna is a lovely spot that has something for everyone. No matter if you're here on holiday or you are lucky enough and want to invest in a house for sale, Takapuna is an ideal choice. Here you can also enjoy: 
A pool of supermarkets and department stores, cafes, bars and restaurants.
Anzac Street and Lake Road, full of park and office buildings.
Quick and easy access to public transport.
The team at Harcourts Takapuna Keely & Co knows the area and the local property market inside out. So contact the Real Estate Agent Takapuna and discuss everything. 
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worktonki · 2 years
Hecta head oregon visiting
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The three-number rating that accompanies each campground listing in the directory gives readers an at-a-glance assessment of a campground's amenities, cleanliness and environment. Caught up with family and friends when we drove into town. Can't speak for Verizon but we had no service with AT&T and tried several locations like the store, walking towards the beach to the Driftwood Shores Resort but no service everywhere. Saw another review that wifi was strongest at the store. We stayed near the end of the park and had a very poor wifi signal but fortunately used our Wifi Ranger to improve the signal. Only a few miles north of Florence and even closer to Fred Meyer gas and groceries. The store was open from 9-5 so could be useful for items needed or forgotten. behind the counter for the last 2 years was very friendly and helpful and gave us several recommendations on where to eat and where to go. Saw other review said the bathrooms were dated but they were always very clean. A lot of privacy between sites with tall hedges, the trade off is dirt and gravel in the park which makes for lots of dust. Only a 10 minute walk to the beach and you can hear the ocean all the time from the RV park. Too bad.I liked the short walk to the beach. But we are gladdened you won't be returning. "We are sorry we could not meet your needs. My daughter wrote a review on Google, and the managements' reply was: I just turned around and walked out, because the guy was coming at me. When we were departing, I stopped in the office and I wanted to tell them that I was very disappointed with how my kids were treated. If they don't allow it then they need to state that. There wasn't anything on their web site about "tent" rules. I think they were expected to drop it at day break.sheesh! Really? The kids just got up, they planned on dropping it down. The next morning around 10:00 am, management came by and told them they would have to pay extra for being allowed to have the tent because they did not have it dropped down. Ok, the tent got moved and they dropped it down during the day. Well, they did make a deal, they could keep the tent if they moved it to the back of the site, and dropped it down during the day. Only one "RV" per site is what they were told. The next morning, management told them that they could not have the tent and the pop up in the same site. The grands like to sleep in their tent, so they got that pitched and settled in for the night. It took some maneuvering, but they got it situated. My daughter's little family have a pop up tent trailer that is rather big when popped up, and they found their site to be pretty cramped. That being said, make sure if you are traveling with another party to make your reservations at the same time in order to be by each other. The park isn't that big, so that was not a huge deal to be close, but it would have been nice. I pretty much had to keep my fingers crossed that we weren't on complete opposite sides of the park. I was not told which sites we would be in. At that time, I said that we would at least like to be near my daughter's site. I called the park, and I was able to reserve a site. When my daughter told me she had reserved some days the week after July 4th, we decided to see if we could join them. We came back because of its' close proximity to the beach. You’ll ascend a couple of hundred feet before reaching the B&B and then the lighthouse base.This was our 2nd visit to this RV park. You’ll have to work a bit to get to the lighthouse! But the trail is pretty easy and less than a mile round trip. Heceta Head Trails Heceta Head Lighthouse RELATED: 11 Oregon Lighthouses & the Adventures Nearby If you’re enthralled and want to stay longer, you can! There’s a B&B right next to the lighthouse where you’ll be rooming in the Keeper’s House. You can explore the base but unfortunately, nobody is allowed up to the top. There are striking viewpoints to catch a glimpse but if you want to get up close, you’ll have to hike up to it. It’s quite dramatic seeing it perched 150 feet above sea level on the rugged coastline as the storm waters beat against the bluff below. Coming up from Florence just a few miles south and making your way north toward the lighthouse, you’ll have numerous opportunities to stop your car and snap it from a distance.
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gardenofkore · 2 years
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Mincemeat swallowed rod, line and sinker.
July 9th-10th 1943 - Allied Invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky)
“Amphibious power and air support allowed the Allies to seize the initiative and helped ensure a wide-ranging attack on Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean. Husky, launched before dawn on 10 july, initially involved 180,000 Allied troops, alongside 750 warships, 2,500 transport ships and 400 landing craft. Only Operation Overlord in Normandy in 1944 was a larger amphibious action in Europe. The landings were more sophisticated than those mounted in Operation Torch in northwest Africa in November 1942. Operation Husky used appropriate ship-to-shore techniques, notably amphibious pontoon causeways and trained beach parties. The British landed in southeast Sicily and the Americans farther west between Cape Scaramia and Licata.
Once landed, the Allies faced problems from the defenders of the island. General Alfredo Guzzoni commanded the Axis forces’ defence on Sicily. Including navy and airforce personnel, Guzzoni had 315,000 Italians and 40,000 Germans. His troops were primarily composed of Coastal Divisions-five of the nine - and he had only about 148 tanks, many of which were obsolete. After considering options, he concentrated his force in the southeastern sector, which was the Allied territorial objective. The SIM - Italian Military Intelligence Service - was sure the Allies were going to land in Sicily, after precise information had been received from its agents in Lisbon, while the Germans believed the Allies would land in Sardinia or Greece. Kesselring, the German commander, disregarded the Italian intelligence reports and deployed the German tanks of 14th Panzer Corps in central and western Sicily. On 7 July, Guzzoni was warned that a landing was expected within two or three days, but despite the information from Lisbon and the Allied seizure of the offshore island of Pantellaria on 11 June after heavy bombing, Kesselring kept his troops in the interior and did not defend the coast. In contrast, Italian troops who were deployed there were able, on 10 July, to blow up the ports of Gela and Licata to deny them to the Allies.
The Italian forces resisted but were overwhelmed. For example, when the Eighth Army landed, that part of the coast was defended by the 206th Coastal Division, which was scattered along a line more than 80 miles (130 kilometres) long. The British first wave alone outnumbered the Italian defenders three to one. The Italians, who had no tanks, were annihilated. However, when the British moved on to attack the Italian-defended city of Catania, it took 23 days of hard fighting to fall. The US Seventh Army landed south of Gela. Italian coastal units resisted as best they could, but suffered heavy casualties: the 429th Coastal Battalion lost 45 per cent of its men. The Livorno Division counter-attacked, supported by 50 obsolete Italian tanks and by aircraft bombing the beachhead, but the attack failed with the loss of 50 per cent ofthe troops. There were 176 German tanks in Sicily, part ofthe three German divisions there, but they were too far away to offer initial support. When the panzer units finally arrived, the attack was resumed with initial success, but the American troops, supported by naval firepower, fought bravely and enlarged their beachhead. The Allies benefitted from support provided by the Sicilian Mafia, which had hungered for revenge against the Fascist authorities since the 1920s and helped Allied Intelligence to build up detailed local information. Some Italian officers seeking to organise opposition to the Allies were shot, while some American units received guidance from local Mafiosi.
Subsequently, with Montgomery held before Catania, Lieutenant General George S. Patton commanding US Seventh Army, moved north to Palermo, creating and exploiting opportunities for outflanking Axis opposition. The heavily outnumbered Assietta Infantry Division was unable to stop him and, having taken Palermo, Patton moved eastward on Messina after fighting off counter-attacks at Troina. The war had taken on an attritional character for Germany and Japan, and for Italy the conflict had been forced onto home terrain. The availability of massive resources enabled the Allies to maintain their attack.”
Jeremy Black, A History of the Second World War in 100 Maps, p. 137
gifs from Operation Mincemeat (2021, dir. John Madden)
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ghostgothgeek · 4 years
Map of Amity Park
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So I did a bunch of research and traced over the map the GIW had in DCMH and extended it to try and build a map of Amity Park. I also paid close attention to locations and places named in canon. I am by no means an artist, map maker, photoshop pro, or civil engineer; I just wanted a general reference map for the phandom to use. 
Here is where I place Amity Park. We know AP isn’t in Michigan or Wisconsin, but is most likely a day drive away from Madison (Bitter Reunions). AP is a decent sized city of itself, so I can see it being an outskirt of a large city like Chicago. Lancer mentions the Northwestern Testing, and Northwestern University is in Evanston, IL, which is why I placed it where it is.
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LIST OF PLACES (in great detail): 
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Every city needs it’s basic services: energy supply, water supply, sewage, and trash/recycling. These of course are located more on the edge of the city, as they need a large amount of space and are typically isolated.
I placed a local airport in the city as well. Typically you would fly out of one of Chicago’s airports anyway, but private planes (Vlad, Mansons, etc.) can take off and land here. 
University of Amity Park is located at the north side of the city, and is home to a Nasty Burger location, an LGBT Center, and is probably near a gas station. The blocks surrounding the campus are more student housing. 
Near the University, we have the Science Center, Axion Labs, a Mental Institute, and the Museum, as a lot of research from the University would go into those places. 
In the more isolated areas, we have the Penitentiary, the abandoned North Mercy Hospital, and the GIW Headquarters. 
The Zoo is located on the north side of the park and is also close to the University for research purposes.
The Observatory is also located in a more isolated area, so you can actually see the stars without a bunch of light pollution.
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Going into the center of town, where most things are actually located:
A community college, which is near the internet cafe where Danny and Tucker play games, a gas station, a liquor store, a thrift shop, a Planned Parenthood, Java Jive (the coffee shop), a tech store, and a gym. 
We also have a shoe store, the hunting goods store and Guitar Palace that Skulker and Ember take over in Reign Storm, the U-Ship Box Store the Box Ghost takes over, a barber and a hardware store.
There is a hair salon, tanning salon, and nail salon, where Paulina frequents. There is also Elmer’s Pharmacy, a dentist office, a law office, the TV repair store, butcher shop, and pet store (which we see next to each other in an episode), a toy store, and a vet office.
Government buildings include City Hall, a public library, a court house, a DMV, a bus station (for all mass transit in the city), a community center (likely where town halls are located and other smaller events; Ida plays bingo here every week), and a retirement home. 
There is also the post office, Amity Park Fire Department, a bank, the 24K Jewelry shop, a nearby ice cream shop, and another Nasty Burger location (this is the one right by Casper High that the trio usually hangs at). Also an animal shelter, a grocery store, and a pizza joint.
Education: there is a preschool and daycare, the elementary school, a playground/park, the middle school (yes, a Beetlejuice reference), and Casper High. Casper High campus also has the track, a fieldhouse, and the football field. 
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Moving towards Amity Park Mall:
Bucky’s Music Mega Store, an apartment complex, Amity Park Police Department, a bookstore, doctor clinic, gas station, a Denny’s (where Phight Club happens), Material Grill restaurant, the mini golf course and bowling alley, Freddy Fazbear’s (which is actually a horror video game, but here it’s a kids pizza place like Chuck E. Cheese), a furniture store, a party supply store, and the movie theater (which is Marmel’s Multiplex 22, Amity Park Multiplex, and Googolplex Cinemas...it seems that they go to the same movie theater throughout the series and the names just change, or these could also be other movie theaters in the area (like near the college campus). I just picked Multiplex 22 cause it sounded very mall-y).
Along the interstate, there’s a pawn shop, a publishing house (which somehow prints all 5 of Amity Park’s newspapers), a homeless shelter, the diner, Safe House Motel, a laundromat, the 89¢ Store (a nod to Fanning the Flames), and the car dealership.
Also near the mall is Amity Arena, which hosts concerts, sports events, and other large entertainment events. There is a hotel near both the arena and the hospital (the one that isn’t abandoned and haunted). Towards the outskirts of the hospital, there’s a trailer park; north a few blocks is the TV station, where News 4 is headquartered. There’s also a construction site near Amity Arena, but that kinda went out the window when Undergrowth hit. 
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On the other side of town, we have:
A-Mart, a convenience store. I named it like this because it can be like an offshoot of KMart, but A for Amity! 
Floody Waters, right off the interstate.
North of Floody Waters, East of Casper High, we have the main residences: the Foley household and only a couple blocks away is Fenton Works. 
There’s also another gas station and the Amity Park Radio Station nearby. There’s also a private school near ultra posh Polter Heights, but the A-Listers attend Casper High because the private school doesn’t have a football or cheerleading team.
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Moving into Polter Heights and the surrounding area:
The Polter Heights Golf Course and Country Club are exclusive to those in the neighborhood, as well as their private neighborhood pool; members only. 
The Mayor’s Mansion (eventually Vlad’s) is located in here too.
All of the A-Listers’ houses are of course in this neighborhood, as well as Val’s previous residence and the Fenton’s temporary mansion from Living Large (which is of course right next door to Vlad, but with some distance, because the rich are always socially distancing with their big houses).
Polter Heights is adjacent to a bunch of farmland (this is the midwest, we like cows and stuff), and there is a church close by as well.
Just outside Polter Heights is the Manson Mansion (with Sam’s greenhouse). Lucky for Sam, the Skulk and Lurk Books and an occult shop are just down the street. The Manson residence is also near a funeral home and graveyard (how did Sam get so lucky? Oh, because I love her), a synagogue, Mario’s restaurant, and a dry cleaners. 
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We get more spacious as we get away from the center of town! 
Along the shore of Lake Eerie, there are the docks which are home to many warehouses, including the mattress factory.
Also along the shoreline, there is a pier which doubles as an amusement park (think kinda like Navy Pier in Chicago in comparison) and alongside the pier is the public beach area. 
Camp Skull and Crossbones is located on the other side of Lake Eerie, and the fishing area is more on the north side of the lake. Lake Eerie is not one of the Great Lakes, it’s just its own thing in Amity Park. 
Back towards the park, we have event grounds space, which is where Circus Gothica is located, as well as the Meet Swap and flea market. Basically whatever rotating event hits town, it comes right here. Just next door is a theatre (for music, opera, Broadway, etc.). There is also the third and final Nasty Burger location in AP.
This is all surrounding the actual park Amity Park, which has a pond, a big fountain, and also hosts that really big hill that overlooks City Hall.
On the south side, across the bridge and over the interstate is Elmerton, where Val currently is resided. 
All the other blocks are filled with more office buildings, apartment complexes, houses, and businesses, but all of the main places are already listed and placed. 
Finally, yes, I did name some places for myself and my friends because they’re great and they deserve it. These include Steph’s (mine) Occult Shoppe, Nick’s Liquor Emporium (@ecto-american), Lexx R Us Toystore (@lexosaurus and appropriately named after the Lexxpocalypse), Laz’s Law Offices LLC (@kinglazrus), Dee’s Dentistry (@qlinq-qhost​), Lily’s Looks Thrift Store (@dannyphantomisameme​), Ceci’s Funeral Home (@ceciliaspen​), Vic’s Amusement Park (@babypop-phantom​), and Reverie Books (@wastefulreverie​). 
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