#Office Deep Cleaning Denver CO
maintenancere · 4 days
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Expert Office and Commercial Deep Cleaning in Denver, CO
Maintenance Resources Inc. provides top-tier office and commercial deep cleaning services in Denver, CO. Our thorough cleaning process ensures a spotless and healthy environment, enhancing the cleanliness and safety of your business space.
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toplinetommy · 4 years
You Bring the Moon and Stars to Me (Part Six) - Tyson Jost
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Synopsis: A Soulmate!AU where your soulmark only appears once you fall in love with your soulmate
Words: 5.6k
Warnings: none
a/n: thank you so much to @pizzasloot​ for proofreading!! as always, feedback is always welcome :-)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
March 2019 - Denver, CO
Planning a 21st birthday party for Tyson was way harder than you thought it would be, plain and simple. You thought your college days, when everyone was turning 21, would’ve prepared you for a few more, but boy, were you wrong. When girls turn 21, they want the big balloons and the cake with the Barbie on it, but what about guys? Not to mention, Tyson wasn’t even American, so the anxiety made you think he wouldn’t care as much as a typical  21-year-old American would.
Nevertheless, with help from JT, Kerfy, and Sammy, you were able to pull it off. You were able to corral a good chunk of the Avalanche roster to attend the party, plus some of Tyson’s friends outside of the team. Tyson knew you were planning something big for his birthday, but he was unsure of what it was exactly other than throwing a pregame at the Rookie House and then going bar hopping downtown. 
While he and the rest of the Avs were at practice this morning, and while you and Caitlyn were on your lunch break at work, you snuck into the Rookie House to lightly decorate the place. You decided to get the typical big ‘21’ balloons in silver, alongside a hefty lineup of alcohol. You somehow convinced yours and Caitlyn’s boss to take a longer lunch, in exchange for not taking lunch the next day, so you were able to take your time and be there when Tyson got home from morning skate.
You had just finished laying out his birthday present on his bed when you heard the garage door opening, causing a flight of anxiety to course through you as you rushed up the stairs taking them two at a time. As you settle next to Caitlyn in front of the decorations, Tyson, JT, and Kerfy walk through the garage door together, still caught up in their previous conversation.
“Happy birthday!” The two of you yell excitedly, causing Tyson to turn his head from his friends and to the two of you in the living room. His face erupts in a smile, eyes moving back and forth between you and Caitlyn and the decorations that are set up. He’s in awe as he looks at the array of silver balloons, the small birthday cake placed on the coffee table, and the ‘finally 21 and legal in America’ banner. 
He reaches the two of you, giving Caitlyn a quick hug while thanking her before he embraces you in his arms tightly, “Thank you.”
He pulls away, and you rub your hands along his shoulders and biceps as he moves completely away. “You guys didn’t have to do this.”
“We know, but we wanted to,” you say, gesturing between you and Caitlyn. She smiles at you, hiding the fact that you essentially had to beg her to come help and that all of this was 100% your idea. Both JT and Kerfy comment on the decorations before disappearing into the rest of the house. 
“Where did you get this banner?” He chuckles, pointing to the black lettering being held up by a string. You and Caitlyn both laugh, knowing it was a funny and somewhat dumb addition to the decorations.
“This shop on Etsy does custom ones,” You answer. “I thought it’d be funny.”
“I love it,” He smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you into his side. You check your watch to see the time, noticing that you and Caitlyn need to head back to your office soon.
“We have to get back to work, but I did get you a present. It’s in your room if you want to go open it?” You ask. He nods his head excitedly and the two of you go downstairs, leaving Caitlyn in the living room.
He sees the medium-sized gift bag sitting nicely on the edge of the bed, grabbing it, and sitting down. He opens your card first, reading it to himself. You watch as his eyes move left-to-right on the card, seeing a smile forming on his face from both the card and the extra note you wrote on it. He sets the card down next to him while patting the same spot for you to take a seat beside him.
You sit down, eyes on him as he pulls the tissue paper and the contents from the bag. His eyes scan over the small package of ukulele strings, setting them down to the side and digging in the bag again. He pulls each item out one by one, his smile only getting bigger as he sees a shot glass that says ‘legal as fuck, eh’, a pair of diamond-patterned dress socks, and a framed Polaroid of the two of you from Gabe’s wedding last year.
“Where did you get this photo from?” He asks, closely examining it. It’s a candid picture of the two of you that he had never seen before. Tyson’s shirt was unbuttoned showing his torso, much like the rest of the guys there, the both of you mid-dance and he’s holding your hands in the air. Even with how blurry and small the photo is, yours and Tyson’s smile are clear as day.
“Sydney gave it to me after the wedding,” You answer, looking up at him. “I kinda forgot I had it because I found it the other day when I was cleaning. It got under my dresser somehow.”
“Y/n, this is amazing,” He admires, setting the items down and turning to look at you. “Thank you, so much, really.”
You smile sheepishly, your cheeks warming at the extra attention. He’s looking into your eyes when you turn to face him fully and he leans in to wrap his arms around you, bringing you in for yet another hug. A loud yell of your name from upstairs causes the two of you to pull away slightly.
“I gotta get back to work,” you whisper. Even as you started to pull away, getting ready to leave, Tyson doesn’t let you go as quickly. He dragged the arm that was around your back to where your neck met your shoulder. It feels like time is moving in slow motion as his eyes glance to your lips before back to your eyes.
“y/n! We have a meeting in 35 minutes, let’s go!” Caitlyn shouts once again, snapping the two of you back to reality. You stand up, hugging Tyson once more as he thanks you again for the gift.
By the time most of the Avalanche roster had made their way through the front door of the Rookie House, Tyson was already four shots and a mixed drink deep. He had insisted he take one with you the second you got back to his house after work, and had convinced you and his roommates to take a shot before anyone else arrived. 
Knowing he was going to start feeling the effects of the alcohol soon, you pulled him aside to take photos in front of the balloons and banner you had set up earlier. You hand your phone to Caitlyn and lean into Tyson’s side, him squeezing you impossibly close, causing a laugh to slip from your lips. You pose for a few more photos before having some other people join in for group shots. 
Once you get your phone back you look through them all, finding the best ones to post on Instagram. You choose two: one where Tyson’s arm is wrapped tightly around your waist and you’re leaning into his side, your hand splayed in his lower abdomen. The second one is more on the candid side. Your eyes are squinted close and your mouth is open, mid-laugh from Tyson pressing his fingers harshly into your side. Tyson continues taking photos while you edit them and open up Instagram typing out a caption before hitting post. Tyson feels the vibration of the notification in his pocket and pulls it out reading the caption and swiping through the photos. 
yourusername: happy 21st to my superstar of a best friend. glad you finally dont have to use your big-shot hockey player status to get into bars now! cheers to you💥
He laughs before typing out a comment and sliding his phone back into his pocket. 
josty17: thx for exposing me🙄
The pre-game is in full swing by the time everyone’s finally arrived. As Tyson’s best friend and designated drinking buddy, you give yourself the duty to make sure he always has a drink in his hand. As you’re making him his final drink before heading out to the bars, his large body collided with yours. 
“Hey best friend,” he greets, teeth shining under his wide smile under the kitchen lights. 
“Hey best friend,” you laugh, putting the cap back on the bottle of New Amsterdam in front of you. You grab the lemonade, opening it and filling the rest of the glass. “Here’s your refill.”
“Can we do another tequila shot?” He asks with pleading eyes. Luckily, he had an optional morning skate before their game tomorrow, while you on the other hand had an 8-5 job. The pleading eyes on Tyson’s face give you little room to say no, so you grab the bottle of tequila dramatically and the lime slices next to it. 
He grabs two shot glasses and you pour the shots, sprinkling salt onto yours and Tyson’s fists. You raise your glass to cheers his and give a quick toast,
“Here’s to being way more successful than I was at 21 and to this year being the best year yet. I love you and happy birthday superstar!” You cheer, clinking your glass with Tyson’s and downing the shot. 
Once Tyson finishes swallowing his shot, he cheers loudly, drawing the attention of those surrounding you. Tyson pulls you in for a hug, which is probably at least the thirteenth time he’s hugged you today, but you’re not complaining. 
“Thank you again for all of this, and for my gift earlier. This all means a lot.”
You laugh and shrug off the compliment, “it wasn’t just me, but you know I’d do anything for you and besides, you wouldn't have done anything big unless I took it over.” He laughs in agreement, knowing that he wasn’t one to pass up a party like this but would’ve never been the one to plan it for himself. 
Once he finishes the drink, the large group all starts ordering their Ubers or heading out in their own cars if they have someone to drive. Your group, consisting of Tyson, JT, Sammy, Gabe, and Tyson, all piles into the Uber that you ordered minutes ago. You’re all the first to leave, everyone in tow, all in agreement on the first bar to meet at.
As the night gets later, the rowdiness of the group of men you’re with only increases. It was a lot for you to handle at the start, the pressure to make this a good birthday for Tyson and being around so many of his friends in a larger than normal group only adding to it. The time was nearing last call at the last bar you were all at. The large group of broad hockey players had started to dwindle as guys headed home to get rest for tomorrow.
Tyson is starting to hit that stage of drunk where if he sits for too long, he’ll want to go to sleep, but at the same time, you can’t seem to keep him in one spot for more than a few minutes. Throughout the night, the boys had been feeding him shots, making sure that if they saw Tyson’s hands empty, they wouldn’t be for much longer. In order to keep him out for a little longer, you drag him to his feet from where he's sitting at the booth to the edge of the dancefloor where some of the guys are located.
As you approach Tyson, Gabe, and Nate, Tyson takes ahold of your hand, interlocking your fingers together, he leads you through the crowd. He looks back at you, with a wide smile as his expression is the only thing you see, the large crowd and bright neon lights turning into a blur. It was like he was trying to pull you closer to him with nothing but a subtle smirk and a twinkle in his eye; the twinkle in his eye causing you to match his smile with an equally wide one.
His shoulders are slouching and you’re somewhat surprised that his light blue button-up is still on over his black t-shirt and not tied around his waist, knowing he easily got overheated when he drank. Gabe embraces him in a bro hug, cheering loudly about how he’s still alive and that he better be ready for the game tomorrow. Tyson was well aware of tomorrow night’s game and made you promise him that you wouldn’t let him get too drunk, in hopes of his hangover being bearable in the morning. 
Because of this, you decide to leave the small group of guys to go get him water in hopes of clearing his head a little. When you get back to the group, Tyson doesn’t take notice of your sudden presence, even as you shove the water into his hands. “I think I’m going to invite her to Canada this summer,” he yells in a slur over the music to his teammates. 
“Who’re you inviting to Canada?” you ask, sticking your body fully into the circle. You stand next to him, hesitantly reaching for his free hand with one of yours to connect them again. He interlocks his fingers with yours without a thought and stares blankly towards you once the question has left your mouth. 
“Uhhh, no one,” he brushes off with a stutter. You look at him quizzically before ignoring what you heard, assuming the alcohol is what caused you both confusion. 
“Y/n, this is water,” he complains once he takes a sip. You laugh and roll your eyes at your friend. It was nearing one-thirty in the morning and he had already consumed more drinks than you could keep count of. He was clearly past the level of drunk, with how he was stumbling when he walked and slowly slurring his words as he spoke. 
“Drink it and we can get you another drink before we leave,” you negotiate. You assume he agrees to your negotiation as he chugs his water faster than you’ve seen him chug anything before. With his triumphant look as he shows you the now-empty glass, your plan failed you, and the guys surrounding you laugh knowingly.
“How about this? Nate and them will go get refills for all of us,” You eye Nate, Tyson, and Gabe as you speak. “And we can go get some fresh air outside and meet them back here in a few?” 
They all understand what you’re getting at, nodding their heads and saying they’ll see you in a bit before heading towards the bar. You tug on Tyson’s hand, heading for the front exit of the bar, maneuvering between the drunk and sweaty bodies. Once the Denver winter air hits both of your faces, you slyly pull out your phone to order an Uber back to his house.
You had let go of his hand once you got outside, and crossed your arms over your chest, phone still in hand. Tyson’s teeth chatter a little from the cold and he rests his head on your shoulder in hope of pulling any sort of warmth from your body.
Minutes pass by full of incoherent conversation from Tyson, most of it him telling you he’s cold and that he wants to go back inside, to which you respond with that you’ve only been outside for a few minutes. He easily believes the lie as another five minutes pass by and you’re shoving him into the backseat of an Uber. 
Once the door is closed behind you, he whips his head towards you, “Y/n! Where are we going? I thought we were just taking a break.”
“I’m taking you home, Tyson,” you explain. “It’s really late and you have a game tomorrow.”
He pouts at your explanation, but he stops complaining anyways. The bumpiness from the potholes on the ride home has him focusing on his breathing and leaning his head on your shoulder once again until you’re pulling him out of the car and to his garage.
He tries entering the code and after the fourth failure, you shove him aside, “What’s the code?”
“It’s 3717.” He mumbles.
You try the code and it doesn’t work and after your third attempt, it’s still not working. “It isn’t working, are you sure it’s 3717?”
“Nope,” He enunciates. 
You look at him with a deadpan expression, “Are you going to make me call your roommates to figure it out?”
“No, let me do it.” He asserts, throwing his arm over your shoulder and punching in the code, and the creak of the garage opening makes you let out a sigh. 
“What the fuck was the code?”
“A secret I’ll never tell,” he salutes, making his way to the mud-room door. As you walk behind him, you clench your fists in annoyance at your friend's actions, giving him the benefit of the doubt from his drunken state.
He stumbles up the small flight of concrete steps, walking inside and instantly heading to the kitchen to find some sort of snack to soak up the alcohol. The rustling of packages stops as Tyson whips around,
“I want a grilled cheese. Will you make me one? Please?”
You drop your shoulders in a groan, silently saying yes as you move to the fridge to grab the ingredients. You chuckle at the organic cheeses in the fridge and the weird oat nut bread he has. Tyson hops up onto the counter beside his stove, swinging his legs as he watches you prepare his sandwich. 
As you go to put the sandwich in the pan, his hand grabs yours pulling it back. “You forgot the pickles!” He exclaims, jumping from his spot to the fridge and pulling out a jar of bread and butter pickles. 
“That is the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen,” you fake gag. He places a handful of pickles on the sandwich and then moves back to his previous position on the counter. “I don’t think I can ever see you as the same person again.”
Tyson’s face fills with hurt, and you’re not quite sure if he’s faking it or the alcohol in his body actually makes him think that. 
“I hate pickles.” You state, eyeing him as you flip the sandwich over. 
“I feel like I’ve seen you eat one before.” He responds, dipping his fingers into the pickle jar and snacking on one. 
“Have you not noticed how I always give you my pickles when we eat out?” You ask, thinking back to the countless diner and sports bar trips where the first thing you’d do when you got your plate of food was give him your pickle. 
“Well, yeah,” he answers quickly with a shrug. “I just thought you did that because I like them so much.” He smiles at the memories, biting into one more pickles chip before clasping the lid back onto the jar. You smile softly at the thought, too, before turning off the stove and sliding the sandwich out onto a plate for your friend. 
He grabs the plate and instantly drags you down the stairs to his room where he plops on his bed, criss-cross applesauce, white Adidas still on his feet, causing you to rip his feet from underneath him.
“Tyson, your shoes are disgusting from the bar,” You puff, taking them off his feet since he was too preoccupied with his sandwich. He thanks you through a full mouth before you join him on his bed, folding your legs underneath you to mirror his position. 
“Slow down there, killer,” you joke as you notice how fast he’s eating and how many extra large bites he’s taken. He swallowed the last piece harshly before setting the plate on the ground at the foot of his bed. 
“Are you sleeping over?” He lays down, eyeing you with droopy eyes waiting for an answer.
“I can, but I have work early,” you remind him, shuffling to stand up from his bed as you itch the back of your arm. 
“So then you’re sleeping over,” He states matter of factly. His eyes are closed now as he senses the movements of you standing up from the bed. With it almost being two in the morning and you having work early in the morning, you really should get home but with the added time of needing an Uber from your alcohol consumption, you decide staying is best. You set a handful of alarms on your phone, making sure you leave enough time for you to drive back to your place, get ready, and then get to work, all before 8:30 am.
“Let’s get you changed. You want shorts?” You start. “They’re in your dresser, right?” You ask for clarification. You hear him say yes tiredly, and you start shuffling through the chestnut drawers.
“You know, I really wanted to kiss you earlier when you were giving me my gift,” Tyson thinks aloud in a mumble as he sits on the bed. The admission causes you to halt your movements in your search for shorts for him. “Would you have let me kiss you? Wait, no, don’t answer that.”
Him telling you not to answer pushes a wave of relief through your body, thankful for not having to answer that question. As you open the third drawer you think to yourself, would you have let him kiss you? You didn’t see the harm in it, knowing that most guy and girl best friends shared at least one kiss throughout their friendship. Even Caitlyn and Tucker had asked you on multiple occasions if you had kissed to which you always replied with a harsh no. 
You finally locate a pair of shorts and walk back towards Tyson, helping him stand from the bed to get changed. He’s just coherent enough to strip out of his button-down and white t-shirt; where he starts to struggle is when his hands reach the button of his jeans. He pushes them down his thighs, he gets stuck at his knees he starts to stumble, falling into the bed and you laugh lightly at your best friend’s movement.
He curses out a sigh, before sitting up and finally getting them off and pulling shorts on.
“You good there?”
“Yes, bedtime.” He huffs decidedly, shuffling up the bed and throwing the covers away so he can get under them. 
You stand up, moving back to his dresser and closet to find clothes to wear when you hear a whine from behind you. “Hurry up, I want cuddles.”
You laugh at his newfound neediness, something he always was around you but it came out much more than normal tonight. Whether it was from the level of drunk he was or just the new shift in the comfort the two you felt in your friendship. You reemerge from his bathroom, changed into a pair of his sweats and his Colorado Eagles shirt.
“I like the shirt,” he chirps, smiling from his spot in bed. He continues to watch you as you lay down next to him and text Caitlyn, asking her to call you in the morning just in case your alarm doesn’t wake you. He’s on his side facing you, one hand tucked under his head and the other moving to rest in the air as he makes grabby hands. “I said I wanted a cuddle.”
“Fine,” you huff, even though you’re smiling and scooting your body down and underneath his arm. Your fingers find their way over his rib cage, lightly scratching at the bareness of his back, just underneath his shoulder blade.
“I know I said thank you a million times, but thank you for such an amazing birthday.” He speaks, voice quiet for the first time in hours. 
You flick your eyes up to where his are a few inches higher, “I loved doing it for you, Tys. I’m glad you had an amazing day.”
He stares into your eyes a moment longer before shuffling up the bed a few inches so he can rest his cheek on your forehead. “Can you scratch my elbow?”
You move your fingers from his shoulder blade to his elbow, lightly scratching at the muscles in his triceps. He softly groans at the feeling and you bite back a laugh in reaction. Soon his breath is heavy over your face and you're trying to force the smile off your face so you can focus on going to bed. But it’s hard, being this close in proximity at such a high level of intimacy with your best friend is causing an explosion of feelings in your heart and a warmth occupying your body. You think to yourself how light you’ve felt all night by his side and you think back to his earlier comment about how he wanted to kiss you. Not even an hour ago the attempt would scare you away, but now, you’re not so sure. 
When you turn over to get in a more comfortable position, your eyes land on the new decoration on his bedside table. You squint your eyes to get a better look and you recognize it as the Polaroid you gifted him earlier in the day. The soft smile on your face nearly triples in size at the thought of him putting your picture near his bed and a little part of you wants to steal it back just for you to place it near your bed in your own home. 
At the feeling of Tyson’s heavy breaths at the back of your neck, you close your eyes and let out a content sigh. Sliding your head deeper into the pillow, you play with Tyson’s fingers on the arm that’s laid over you before interlocking them and falling asleep. 
The ringtone of your phone is what pulls you from your sleep the next morning. You try to find your phone with your eyes closed, but with no luck on your side, you squint open your eyes and grab your phone. Seeing as it’s a phone call from Caitlyn and not your alarm, also seeing that it’s already 7:45, you jolt awake. 
“Fuck,” you curse into the phone as you pull it to you ear, sitting up against the pillows. Tyson’s arm tightens around you, his figure Shull heavy with sleep. 
“Dude, I saw your car across the street. Please tell me you’re home and like getting a ride to work.” Caitlyn rushes out. 
“I fucking wish. You literally just woke me up, shit.”
“Please tell me you have clothes I can borrow and that we can carpool to work. I’ll owe you big time, please.”
All of the commotion doesn’t wake Tyson to your surprise, but as you sit up further in the bed as he starts to stir next to you. 
“I’ll be over in like ten, you’re literally a life saver.”
“It’s so early, shhhhh,” Tyson mumbles next to you, turning further into your body. You want to scream out of anxiousness and stress but Tyson resting his head onto your chest stops you and you lift your hand to comb through his hair. 
“I have work in like, 30 minutes,” and that statement jolts him awake just as much as the phone call not a minute prior did for you. 
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he rubs his eyes. He rolls over onto his back and you miss the warmth of both his arm and his chest against you instantly. You throw the comforter over you, standing up from the comfort of his bed. You stumble to find your socks and grab your outfit from the night prior, moving to the bathroom with the intention of changing back into it before changing at Caitlyn’s. 
“You can just keep the clothes,” Tyson starts, his eyes open now as he sits further up against his headboard. “I can get them back eventually.”
“I promise you’ll get it back, thank you,” you speak, turning back to the man in bed and going to hug him goodbye. It’s an awkward hug with how you’re standing and how he’s half laying down but he gives you a kiss on the forehead before bidding you goodbye. 
“Text me when you’re alive,” you shout as you finally exit his room. 
Once you’re ready and buckled into Caitlyn’s passenger seat, the two of you speed through the short commute to your offices. 
“Caitlyn, before we get there I need to like, unload on you.” You start shakily, playing with your phone in your lap. 
She glances at you before turning her attention back to the road in front of you. 
“So, remember yesterday when I gave Tyson his gift and I was kinda taking a while? Well, it’s uh, he almost kissed me that’s why.”
“What?!” She exclaims, whipping her head to face you as she comes to a stop at the stoplight. “You cannot be serious!”
“Yeah and then when I took him home, it was just a lot with what was going on.”
“Please tell me you guys did not hook up,” she groans, stepping on the gas as the light turned green. “You guys can’t finally decide to get together and have it happen when you’re drunk off your asses.”
“God, Caitlyn, no we didn’t ‘finally’ hook up or whatever,” you stress in confusion. “I just made him food and it was just, really domestic, and then when I was finding him clothes to change into, he was like ‘I wanted to kiss you earlier’ and asked me if I would’ve let him if he did.”
“And? Did you say yes?”
“First of all, why would you assume that I would’ve said yes? And secondly, no because he told me not to answer.” You brush off. 
“Y/n,” she starts, pulling into an empty parking spot. She puts the car in park and turns to face you fully. “Before I give you my speech, answer this: you would’ve let him kiss you, correct?”
Even though you barely have to think before answering, the question oddly carries a lot of weight and it scares you. “I think so, yes,” you nod your head slowly.  
“Okay, hear me out. You and Tyson are best friends and not just like normal best friends, you two are inseparable. And I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, because it’s not, but I think you need to start noticing the small changes you two have been making recently. You wouldn’t just let a friend kiss you, you’d only want that if you felt something more.”
Her rant makes you sink back into your seat, making you feel cornered in the small confines of the passenger seat of her car. The combination of your hangover, her speech, and it not even being nine in the morning makes your stomach churn. 
“Yeah, I guess so, I don’t know.” You ramble, grabbing your purse from the floor in front of you and opening the car door. “It all happened in one night, it’s a lot to take in.” You defend yourself as you meet her at the end of the car. 
“You guys have been going through some change for a while now, Jack and I have noticed it. Hell, I think some of the guys on the team have started to see it, too.” She insinuates with exaggerated hand movements. “Like I said back when you were with Aiden, you obviously waited to tell Tyson about him for a reason and that was almost six months ago. Think about why you did that, and I think you’ll know what’s going on.”
The two of you ride up the elevator from the parking garage to your office in silence after that. The statement by your friend doing circles inside your brain as you try to figure out the real reason behind all of your previous actions with Tyson. As the elevator doors ding open and the white lights of your office shock you, you opt for a closing statement. 
“I think it’s just hard because I’m clearly attracted to him, and I have been for three years now. Usually, with friendships, I lose that interest pretty early on and like, build a wall if that’s what you want to call it,” you start as the two of you make way down the hall to the break room in need of coffee. 
As you select a K-Cup for both you and Caitlyn a smile grows on your face as you continue. 
“But with Tyson, every time I see him I feel the physical attraction with him, which sounds kind of shallow since that’s all I’m emphasizing right now, but it’s not just that. He’s such a good human and a good friend and knows exactly what to say to me even if I don’t want to hear it and all of that coupled with how handsome he is makes me feel a lot of different things that I still can’t exactly put my finger on.”
You turn your focus to Caitlyn, who has a knowing look playing on her face, her arms crossed over her chest as she leans against the fridge,
“See, I think you’re starting to figure it out.”
You smile, grateful for your friends words of wisdom. Even If you wanted her to just spell it out for you, her talk still helped as the two of you go your separate ways a few minutes later once your coffees are poured and after you ramble on about your night with Tyson a little bit longer.
tag list: @reavenedges-lies​ @oilers2997​ @quinnsbxtch​ (let me know if you wanted to be added!)
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mopstarsdenver-blog · 3 years
Denver MOP STARS Cleaning Service
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Denver MOP STARS Cleaning Service is your number one choice for quality house cleaning in the Denver metro area! Whether you need a move out/move in cleaning, a deep cleaning or you’re looking for a regularly scheduled cleaning for your home we can help. We’ve been serving the Denver metro for half a decade and in that time we’ve helped thousands of folks get more time and enjoy a cleaner home! We can help you, too! You’ve already got enough to do so why waste any more time cleaning your home. Especially when you don’t have to! Instead of doing it yourself, you can count on Denver MOP STARS Cleaning Service to make your house look absolutely amazing. And you won’t even have to lift a finger! Once you hire your local house cleaning pros, you’ll have to figure out what you’re going to do with all that extra time! You can spend more time with friends and family, enjoy a new hobby or even just do nothing and relax a bit! While we have a location in Denver, we provide house cleaning service across the metro area including Aurora, Englewood, Wheat Ridge, Arvada, Thornton, Centennial, and more! So if you’re anywhere near Denver, we can help you enjoy a cleaner home! Scheduling is super easy and you can call, email, request a quote online, or even use our live chat feature to get in touch and get a fast quote. We also clean on whatever schedule makes sense for you and your family. Some folks need us to visit every month, while others prefer to have our cleaners visit every two weeks. We also offer cleaning on every schedule in between. Just give us a call and we can figure out a house cleaning schedule that makes sense for you! We also love working with tenants, landlords, and agents for move-out or move-in cleanings! We know how important it is to get your deposit back, prepare for a new tenant or just impress clients with a clean home! Whatever your role, we can handle the cleaning. But we do more than just residential cleaning! We also clean commercial spaces including businesses and offices, too! So contact Denver MOP STARS Cleaning Service today and let’s start cleaning!
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Contact US : Denver MOP STARS Cleaning Service
1800 Lawrence St APT 407, Denver, Colorado, 80202, United States
(303) 481-1976
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lovedrp · 4 years
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welcome to silver creek, co! ♡
here is our first content preview! we want to give you the information about our fictional town of silver creek, colorado. underneath the cut, you’ll find out more specifics about the neighborhoods and some of the different pre-existing establishments and “town staples” that will make up our occupation claim. this is a non-exhaustive list, and of course, you are more than invited to create your own businesses and plots based off them. we just wanted to provide a few pre-created locations to avoid having “three dive bars” in the town! later this afternoon, we will also be releasing information on some of the town’s founding families, so keep an eye out for those! 
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silver creek was originally founded in 1717 and currently has a growing population of 9,973. it's your typical, idyllic sleepy mountain town with quaint shops, a gazebo in the town centre, and a nationally known ski resort that always ends up in calendars. 
while the town has a few of the typical chain stores, like starbucks and mcdonalds, the majority of the residents tend to prefer to support the local spots in order to support their friends and loved ones. it’s one of the more small town aspects of silver creek. if you do find yourself needing a few larger places such as a larger hospital and emergency room, just make the trip to nearby denver. an hour drive and you are on the doorstep of a much larger metropolitan and many residents commute for work and education purposes.
the town motto, "we like it here", is one that is met with jokes from the young crowd: you don't necessarily love it here, but you also can't hate it either because of its idyllic charm. it's the kind of town where most people know one another, at least in passing, and they like it that way. the town is split up into four main areas that are noted for minor yet distinct differences in shops, financial class, and the attitude of residents in each area.
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rose acres is a beautiful and picturesque area outside of the main town with plenty of old colonial homes and newer, modern mansions complete with families that have pockets that run infinitely deep. however, despite the acres of land, it's the least populated area of town due to the old money feel and the cost of living in the area. many of the children are raised with the attitude that they're better than the rest of the town, giving them an air of pretentiousness and classist mentality. the nearest private school is in the next town over where most of the children attend in their formative years.
the campgrounds: situated deep in the woods, the campgrounds are one of the most popular places for those who love outdoors. with an area made for bbq enthusiasts, no matter the season, you can always find someone up there ready to keep you company. the park rangers rival the police station, with a playful competition between them. these individuals, however, are the ones who take care of the mountains and if you happen to get lost in the woods, they will come to your rescue in no time.
the bordeaux inn: picture a ballroom that can hold about two hundred people, and you'll be looking at the bordeaux inn! the bordeaux is a popular destination to hold weddings as well as events that take place. it's marble flooring and vaulted ceilings make for the perfect background of any image. equipped with bathrooms, changing rooms, and even a small room for catering! it also plays a large part of a shelter during storms or power outages, but thankfully it hasn't been used for such an event in a while. 
the market: along the outskirts of town is a group of buildings combined into a make-shift market, where booths are set up with a wide variety of items such as groceries, literature, records, vintage items & truly everything else you can find. each weekend the market place offers a flea market for anyone to bring their own items to try and earn some extra money.
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silver square is a little more modest and is where you will find traditional family properties, mostly with middle-class families that have been here for generations. it is the largest area within silver creek, encompassing most of the high street, town center, and the school district. residents of the square are generally ones who return post college to start a family and make their lives within the quaint little town.they value a strong work ethic, a teaching attitude, and the mindset of putting in your dues will reap strong rewards. it’s the most communal feeling in silver square. nearly everyone knows everyone and they like it that way.
town hall: the town hall houses many of the important public services around town. inside the single building one can find the post office, court room, meeting rooms, as well as the office of the mayor and staff. this three story building still has the old charm with the original wood floors, but coupled modern day technology. 
the witch’s den: appropriately named after the creature that put them on the map, witch’s den operates as both a bar & grill, offering both refreshing alcoholic drinks but also delicious food. on top of that, you can find a pool table, slot machines, live entertainment & wine cellar within the walls of this popular restaurant destination. 
sheriff and police station: the elected officials who serve and protect call this their base and some even call it their home. the rivalry between the local sheriff and ranger's has carried on for years and brings amusement to many of the locals.
silver creek veterinary clinic: the local veterinary clinic opened nearly fifty years ago. it once provided basic care for the furry friends of townsfolk but in recent years it has expanded both in size and services, now offering care for even the most exotic of pets and offering services more advanced than neuterings and teeth cleanings.
silver creek school: it's more than a one room school house but it's still very much considered old fashioned. with a small population the town has managed to keep all aged students in one building that has been updated throughout the years for a more modern look and technologies. with a staff only slightly bigger than a baker's dozen and a sports team boasting the occasional state championship, the “silver creek rams” sporting events bring together most of the entire town on game night. 
church and cemetery: silver square is home to a large non-denominational church that also hosts a myriad of public events and weddings throughout the year. the church boasts a welcoming and all-inclusive environment where anyone can come for sunday gatherings and explore their faith. the old cemetery is situated right besides the town's church and is littered with headstones that have been overtaken with moss. believed to be home to some unmarked old witches graves, the town's own residents refuse to step foot on the property after the sun sets, believing the area to be haunted with fun and spooky town urban legends.
townhouse coffee: the local place to get a cup of coffee has been run by the same family for generations. filled with lots of natural light and a clean, rustic decor, it’s not uncommon for the place to be packed any day of the week. under new management (passed down from mother to daughter) three years ago, they additionally have started serving beer and wine from local breweries and wineries as well as some food options after 5pm. they also host routine karaoke, trivia nights, and fundraisers.
city park: colorado is famous for its diverse landscape and the park in silver creek is one to marvel. locals will tell you it has the most refreshing air to breath and you'll never find greenery more vibrant or lush. 
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dixon bend is the quarter of town that is furthest out and starts to border the mountains. the bend is home to a small trailer park, a few run-down farms, a dive bar or two, and some smaller family homes. it has become the stain of the town that nobody speaks about. the residents have begun to feel the negative energy that the other neighborhoods have pushed upon them. they feel looked down upon and like they are never quite good enough for their town. however, in the younger generation, this negativity has instilled a sense of righteousness and dedication between the young adults who want to create a better situation for themselves and their families.
smokey’s bar: the floors might be a little sticky and the beer mats might get reused, but for some reason smokey's - despite its reputation - is often bustling, whether it's a week night or a weekend. you'll find every kind of character perched behind a table or leaning against a barstool, some more questionable than others. it's not a great place but, hey, it gets the job done. a night at smokey's isn't a night at smokey's until someone's getting slung out of the door before closing.
the skin canvas: the skin canvas tattoo and piercing parlor has been around dixon bend since 1982. when it first opened, many residents were less than thrilled with it's appearance, worrying it would bring "unsavory characters" to the idyllic mountain town. the skin canvas has remained, however, and is under new membership after the original founder and owner passed away last year. they have a roster of extremely talented tattoo artists and piercers with affordable prices. they also have a refrigerator in the back full of different beer and drinks for customers to have a free drink after their session. 
cozy corner: operating since 1902, cozy corner has been a hot spot for artists even during its original run as betty’s tea room. know for it’s hot beverages, amazing pastries, endless bookshelves of novels waiting to be borrowed and semi-weekly book club meetings, cozy corner is a coffee-loving book fanatic's paradise.
the dispensary: while colorado was one of the very first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, it took the town of silver creek a few years to refashion. however, in 2018, the very first dispensary within the town opened and business is currently thriving.
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cohen peak is the closest neighborhood to the ski resort and the most modern of the areas. this area of town is home to mainly apartment complexes and condos. this area tends to be populated with new college graduates who don't wish to return to their family homes. in recent years, it has also become the destination for all transplant residents; anyone moving to silver creek for the first time tends to start in cohen peak first. it is where you can find a couple of restaurants and niche tourist stores, mainly because of the view of the resort. it has the attitude and personality of a trendy place for city people to move to, something the older residents are not too happy about.
silver creek ski resort: nestled at the base of crystal peak, the silver creek ski resort offers a premium service in a unique location. the new european-style architecture blends perfectly into the surrounding natural environment of the mountains. you'll find every imaginable comfort in the hotel rooms and suites along with the option of renting one of the exclusive mountain top condos. there is dining on the mountainside patio, unwinding at the award-winning spa, or taking advantage of the other extraordinary amenities including slope-side ski valet, rooftop hot tubs and lap pool, state-of- the-art fitness center and more. treat yourself to the ultimate luxury resort experience in silver creek.
hickory diner: best known for the best comfort food to be found in the city limits, hickory diner is a staple in silver creek for that old time diner feel with milkshakes and a jukebox in a modern neighborhood. it's not uncommon to walk in at any time of the day to find the locals sitting at the tables for hours, gossiping about anything and everything. it's a favorite destination for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for many of the locals and is open 24/7. 
silver creek community college: opening its doors recently, the community college is meant to be silver creek’s way of increasing its population and also the town’s way of giving the younger generation a chance to stay a bit closer to home rather than leaving somewhere far away. their sports team, the silver creek mountain lions, is small but mighty.
mountain spa: once operated in the kitchen of the home of a resident this business has grown the most in the last several years, providing much more than shampooing and haircuts. residents and tourists alike find this place provides a 5 star yelp review worthy pampering.
medical center: the medical center has been going strong for years and while it’s not exactly the big hospital the head of the family dreamed of, it’s still the place that allows them to help others when needed.
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to a weekly collaboration between FiveThirtyEight and ABC News. With 5,000 people seemingly thinking about challenging President Trump in 2020 — Democrats and even some Republicans — we’re keeping tabs on the field as it develops. Each week, we’ll run through what the potential candidates are up to — who’s getting closer to officially jumping in the ring and who’s getting further away.
Former Vice President Joe Biden‘s first events of his presidential campaign drew a wave of attention this week, prompting other candidates to answer questions about how they would contend with the man who has led nearly every national poll this year. But before the field takes aim at Biden, they must first compete among themselves for a spot in the first two Democratic debates.
Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet’s entry into the race Thursday is putting the Democratic National Committee’s 20 participant limit for the two nights of debates to the test. Now, the candidates have less than two months to drive up their numbers of individual donors and attempt to climb the polls so as not to be the lone person left off the stage and out of the conversation.
Here’s the weekly roundup:
April 26-May 2, 2019
Stacey Abrams (D)
Abrams announced Tuesday that she would not seek the Democratic nomination in Georgia’s 2020 Senate election, prompting increased speculation that she could mount a presidential bid, particularly after she said in a radio interview that day that she “keeps giving thoughts to other opportunities.”
In the video in which she made her Senate announcement, Abrams, who unsuccessfully ran for Georgia governor in 2018, said, “the fights to be waged require a deep commitment to the job and I do not see the U.S. Senate as the best role for me in this battle for our nation’s future.”
Michael Bennet (D) Bennet formally announced the launch of his presidential campaign in an interview with “CBS This Morning” on Thursday, becoming the 21st Democrat to enter the race and pitching himself as someone who could work across the aisle.
“I’ve got a track record of bipartisan work that’s been harder to do during the Trump administration,” he said in the interview.
The Colorado senator — a former superintendent of Denver Public Schools and chief of staff to then-Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, now a fellow Democratic presidential candidate — also released a video outlining some of his positions, including a public health care option. It’s “not Medicare for all,” he says, explaining that he doesn’t want those with employer and union-provided insurance to give up their plans.
Joe Biden (D) After entering the presidential race last week, Biden appeared on ABC’s “The View,” was interviewed with his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, by ABC’s Robin Roberts, co-anchor of “Good Morning America,” and then held his first campaign event Monday in Pittsburgh, before continuing on to Iowa for a two-day tour of the Hawkeye State.
In Pittsburgh, Biden courted union voters and earned the endorsement of the International Association of Fire Fighters, a decision met with derision by President Donald Trump, who launched a tweetstorm Wednesday in the wake of the announcement.
During the interview that aired on “Good Morning America” Tuesday, the Bidens addressed issues from the former vice president’s past that have drawn criticism, including the treatment of Anita Hill during Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ 1991 confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee in which Biden said she wasn’t “treated well.”
“I apologize again because, look, here’s the deal. She just did not get treated fair across the board. The system did not work,” he added.
Cory Booker (D) The New Jersey senator wrapped up his “Justice for All” tour last weekend before heading back to Washington to take part in the Senate Judiciary Committee questioning of Attorney General William Barr.
During the hearing, Booker took issue with the language Barr used in his press conference the morning of the release of the Mueller report, saying his remarks were “alarming” and called “into question [his] objectivity when you look at the actual context of the report.”
He later called for Barr’s resignation, tweeting that “it’s become clear that [Barr] lied to us and mishandled the Mueller report.”
Pete Buttigieg (D) The South Bend, Indiana mayor and his husband Chasten are featured on the cover of Time Magazine this week, and the pair’s relationship and Buttigieg’s recent rise in the presidential field are featured in a profile.
Buttigieg calls himself a “policy guy” in the story, elaborating, “Every good policy that I’ve developed in my administration happened not because I cooked it up on the campaign, kept the promise intact and then delivered it, but because I stated a priority in one of my campaigns, ­interacted with my legislative body and my community, and developed something that really served people well.”
Chasten Buttigieg was the focus of his own Washington Post profile, in which his coming-out story, bout with homelessness and popularity on Twitter were detailed.
Julian Castro (D) Castro was one of the first presidential candidates to call for Barr to resign from his position,
In an interview with CNN that evening, he explained that he believed Barr was “completely compromised,” having “actively tried to mislead the public and Congress.”
The former Housing and Urban Development secretary toured tunnels beneath Las Vegas last weekend that have been used by some of the city’s homeless population as shelter, described later by a spokesperson it as an “eye-opening” experience.
John Delaney (D) Delaney released a mental health care plan Wednesday that included the expanding access for “at-risk populations” and increasing Medicaid mental health reimbursement rates.
He emphasized the issue during a trip to Iowa this week, telling the Des Moines Register that sweeping ideas like Medicare for all were dominating the health care debate in the campaign, something he said he believed was “really misguided.”
Tulsi Gabbard (D) Gabbard’s focus on foreign policy continued this week, including in a Fox News interview in which she expressed concern over how the conflict in Venezuela would affect the U.S. and Russia.
“Any time we are in this situation where you have tensions being ratcheted up and this conflict being pushed closer and closer between nuclear-armed countries like the United States and countries like Russia and China, this is something that poses an existential threat to the American people,” the Hawaii congresswoman said.
Kirsten Gillibrand (D) The New York senator announced a “clean elections” plan Wednesday, calling for public campaign financing to replace the “corrupting influence of big donors and special interests on politicians,” her campaign said in a press release.
The initiative would provide $200 to every adult U.S. citizen to allocate to the federal candidates of their choosing in order to fund campaigns. In order to be eligible to receive such donations, candidates would not be allowed to take contributions of over $200, according to the plan.
Kamala Harris (D) After Harris’ questioning of Barr during Wednesday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, the California senator was singled out by Trump who said she was “probably very nasty” to the attorney general, during an interview with the Fox Business Network.
Harris joined with several other Democratic candidates in calling for Barr’s resignation, saying in an MSNBC interview that he was aware he was misleading the public and tweeting that his responses to her questions at the hearing — including his acknowledgement that he did not review all of the special counsel’s underlying evidence prior to writing his summary of the Mueller report — were “unacceptable.”
John Hickenlooper (D) Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper released a five-page outline for his “New Open and Fair Trade Policy.” His plan, according to CBS News, calls for greater trade cooperation and includes adding climate change goals into trade agreements.
Hickenlooper also welcomed Sen. Michael Bennet, who served as an adviser to Hickenlooper’s campaign for Denver mayor and later as his chief of staff for two years, into the 2020 presidential race in a tweet saying, “Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime @MichaelBennet! Good luck on the campaign trail.”
Jay Inslee (D) The Washington governor joined a growing list of Democrats calling for Barr’s resignation following Senate testimony on special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
“Americans cannot trust William Barr to serve as our nation’s top law enforcement officer. He should resign immediately,” Inslee tweeted.
Inslee is currently on a four-day tour in California participating in various campaign events across the state.
Amy Klobuchar (D) The Minnesota senator will be speaking at the National Organization of Black County Officials Conference in Michigan during her first campaign visit to the state.
Klobuchar also had a chance to question Barr during the Senate Judiciary hearing, pressing him on his handling of the dissemination of Mueller’s findings.
Alex Wong/Getty Images Sen. Amy Klobuchar speaks as U.S. Attorney General William Barr testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee, May 1, 2019, in Washington.more +
“I think that’s my point here. You look at the totality of the evidence, that’s what I learned when I was in law school. You look at the totality of the evidence and the pattern here,” Klobuchar told Barr after the Attorney General attempted to explain why he concluded that Trump’s actions related to the Mueller probe did not amount to obstruction of justice.
Seth Moulton (D) In an interview with Reuters, Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., criticized his fellow 2020 presidential candidates Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for pushing America “too far left,” and for being just as “divisive” as Trump.
“The problem with some of the candidates in our party is that they’re divisive in the same way that Trump has been so divisive,” Moulton said. “They are pitting different parts of America against each other.”
Beto O’Rourke (D) O’Rourke released his first major presidential candidacy policy proposal outlining what he would do as president to combat what his campaign calls the “existential threat of climate change.”
The $5 trillion plan calls for federal investment to “transform” the nation’s infrastructure “and empower our people and communities to lead the climate fight,” according to a campaign memo released Monday.
O’Rourke also signed a “No Fossil Fuel Money pledge” to reject and return donations by oil and gas executives.
Tim Ryan (D) The Ohio Congressman joined other 2020 presidential candidates and released a decade’s worth of tax returns.
While campaigning in New Hampshire, Ryan was asked by Fox News about Biden’s entry into the presidential race and appeared to take jab at the former vice president saying, “I don’t think people are looking for a superstar. I don’t think they’re looking for a savior. I don’t think they’re looking for a miracle. I think they’re looking for someone who can roll their sleeves up and grind this thing out.”
Bernie Sanders (D) In response to Barr’s Senate testimony on the Mueller report, the Vermont senator appeared on Sirius XM radio and called his actions “outrageous,” but did not go as far to call for his resignation as some of his other 2020 presidential competitors have.
Sanders will be in Iowa this weekend and is set to deliver a major agriculture policy address in Osage.
Eric Swalwell (D) The California congressman officially qualified for the Democratic presidential primary debates after polling at at least 1 percent in three polls recognized by the Democratic National Committee.
Following the deadly shooting at the Poway, California synagogue, Swalwell was the only presidential candidate to directly mention Trump, saying in a response to Trump’s tweet, “Spare us your thoughts and prayers. It’s an alibi for inaction. You told the NRA yesterday you’d keep dangerous guns in the hands of dangerous people. We will take it from here with action.”
Elizabeth Warren (D) A Quinnipiac University poll published this week showed the senator from Massachusetts up eight points and ranked second behind Biden.
Warren, in an Essence Magazine op-ed, rolled out her latest policy proposal announcements, on how she intends to improve the structure of the country’s health care system when it comes to the “epidemic” of maternal mortality rates of women of color.
Warren also found herself in a Twitter back-and-forth with Amazon after she described the company as a giant corporation that’s using it’s influence to stomp out the little guys, saying sellers who use their marketplace are seeing “record sales every year.”
Bill Weld (R) The former Massachusetts governor penned an op-ed weighing in on Barr’s Senate testimony on the Mueller report.
While Weld has stopped short of calling for Barr’s resignation, he did target the attorney general in his New Hampshire Journal op-ed saying, “Barr’s own remarks make clear that his review of the Mueller Report was limited to whether to seek criminal charges against the President or members of his campaign on the issue of collusion.”
Marianne Williamson (D) Following the deadly shooting at Chabad of Poway synagogue in California, Williamson proposed a U.S. Department of Peace-Building that would work in conjunction with the U.S Department of Justice to coordinate domestic violence prevention efforts.
Andrew Yang (D) Entrepreneur Andrew Yang will continue his Humanity First Tour with various campaign appearances throughout Iowa this weekend.
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careerplus7 · 2 years
Room Service Attendant - Denver, CO 80218
Room Service Attendant - Denver, CO 80218
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To show our commitment to you and to assist with your transition into our organization, we will also offer a $1,500.00 bonus.
You bring your body, mind, heart and spirit to your work as a Room Service Attendant.
You know how to move fast. You know how to stay organized. You know how to have fun.
You’re equally comfortable with delivering trays, assisting patients with menu questions, using various cleaning chemicals, and providing excellent customer service.
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Saint Joseph Hospital is part of SCL Health, a faith-based, nonprofit healthcare organization that focuses on person-centered care. Our 365-bed facility is one of the top-ranked hospitals in Denver, and has been awarded the highest national recognition possible for nursing excellence – Magnet designation – by the ANCC. We are proud to extend the mission of SCL Health by providing care for the poor, the vulnerable, our communities and each other. Our deep community roots date back to 1873, making us one of the oldest hospitals in Colorado.
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Your day.
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Order par stock for floor kitchen and put it away.
Report equipment malfunctions to Lead or Manager.
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maintenancere · 8 months
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maintenancere · 2 years
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