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29. Great historical mystery you are interested in?
hmmm there are quite a few. But most likely who does the tomb of the First Emperor in China look like, who killed Oetzi, where the heck is the Amber Room (I suspect burnt), where is the tomb of Nefertiti and Cleopatra and what really happened to the Franklin expedition and a few more things.
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Fun Otzi facts.🥶
i am so fucking sick of people talking about no talent celebrities like otzi the ice man who are only famous for being mummified on the austrian-italian border around 5000 years ago
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Terramara. Al via la festa per i vent'anni del parco.
Terramara (MO). Al via la festa per i vent'anni del parco. Il Parco archeologico della Terramara di Montale compie vent'anni e per l'occasione si veste a festa e da giovedì 25 aprile propone al pubblico nuove emozionanti installazioni per rievocare l'età del bronzo ed esperienze di archeologia sperimentale riunite in un festival, degustazioni di panini gourmet e altre sorprese. La celebrazione del ventesimo compleanno si concentra in occasione del ponte del 25 aprile. Proprio quel giorno le due abitazioni ricostruite si rinnovano con un percorso sonoro (progettato dallo studio Delumen di Modena) che arricchisce la visita con un'esperienza sensoriale. "Che rumore fa una terramara?" I visitatori lo scopriranno entrando nelle case e ascoltando i rumori prodotti dalle attività dei loro abitanti e quelli dell'ambiente circostante. Nel weekend di sabato 27 e domenica 28 aprile "Il Parco in festival" propone una due giorni dedicata all'archeologia sperimentale con dimostrazioni e laboratori a cura di tutti coloro, italiani ed europei, che in questi vent'anni ne hanno condiviso il percorso, attraverso confronti, collaborazioni, scambi di esperienze. Tornerà la coppia dei Binggeli, gli straordinari archeometallurghi svizzeri che, oltre a essere autori di molte repliche in bronzo presenti nelle case ricostruite, hanno trasmesso agli operatori del Parco il know how necessario per proseguire e implementare le sperimentazioni e assieme a loro Il Tre di spade, composto dagli archeologi dello staff Federico Scacchetti, Luca Pellegrini e Andrea La Torre, che presenterà il processo di fusione del bronzo. Sarà presente anche Tiziana Aste che studia da anni le tecniche di tessitura su telai antichi. E parteciperà anche l'Università di Exeter, partner del Parco in diversi progetti internazionali, con tre ricercatrici esperte in tecniche di intrecci, filati e lavorazione del cuoio. Presenti anche i principali parchi archeologici dell'Italia centro-nord che si presenteranno al pubblico locale per coprire tutti gli aspetti delle produzioni dell'età del bronzo, con qualche incursione nei periodi precedenti: Parco archeologico di Travo (Piacenza), Archeoparc Val Senales dedicato a Oetzi, Parco archeo natura di Fiavè (Trento), Parco archeologico didattico del Livelet (Treviso), Parco archeologico e archeodromo di Belverde Cetona (Siena). E ancora tanti archeotecnici, per mettere in scena e far sperimentare ai bambini la realizzazione di frecce, la modellazione e cottura di forme ceramiche, la preparazione di alimenti, la tintura dei tessuti, la produzione di vetro e ambra, l'ascolto di suoni antichissimi. Due postazioni riproporranno la tavola dell'età del bronzo con preparazione di pane e formaggio e giochi di archeobotanica alla scoperta degli alimenti vegetali presenti nelle terramare (a cura delle Università di Bologna, dipartimento di Storia Culture e Civiltà, e di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Laboratorio di palinologia e paleobotanica dipartimento di Scienze della vita). Le dimostrazioni di archeologia sperimentale si susseguono durante l'intera giornata di apertura dalle 10 alle 19; i laboratori per bambini e ragazzi si svolgono ad orari più specifici, la prenotazione avviene direttamente all'ingresso del museo all'aperto. I posti disponibili sono molti perché tante attività si svolgono in contemporanea e si ripetono nel corso delle giornate per poter accogliere tutte le richieste. Il costo dei laboratori è già compreso nel biglietto d'ingresso, ridotto a 3 euro per tutti. Ad aprire e chiudere i festeggiamenti, dopo gli auguri delle istituzioni che si terranno alle 10.30 nel prato attiguo alla reception, ci saranno la banda di Marano sul Panaro, sabato mattina alle 11, e domenica dalle 18 la marching Wind Band dell'associazione Il Flauto Magico, grazie alla collaborazione del Comune di Castelnuovo Rangone. Ad assicurare street food tradizionale (gnocco, tigelle, borlenghi) ci sarà lo stand della Pubblica Assistenza di Castelnuovo a disposizione presso l'ingresso della Terramara. Il 1° maggio il "re del panino" Daniele Reponi chiude i festeggiamenti con "Un panino di auguri" per il compleanno del Parco: assaggi gourmet tra recupero della tradizione e insoliti abbinamenti, in collaborazione con Musa – Museo della Salumeria. Nelle giornate del 25, 27, 28 aprile e 1° maggio l'ingresso è ridotto a 3 euro per tutti (gratuito fino a 5 e oltre 65 anni). Il programma completo è disponibile sul sito www.parcomontale.it e sui social FB e IG @parcomontale.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Si tatua come Oetzi per ricostruire la tecnica di 5mila anni fa VIDEO
I tatuaggi disegnati col carbone sul corpo di Oetzi sono stati realizzati perforando la pelle con uno strumento appuntito in osso o rame, mediante una tecnica simile a quella che i tatuatori moderni chiamano ‘hand poke’. Lo dimostra uno studio pubblicato su European Journal of Archaeology da un team di ricercatori americani in collaborazione con un tatuatore professionista che ha ricostruito…
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Fresh look at DNA from Oetzi the Iceman traces his roots to present day Turkey – The Lifestyle Insider
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Oetzi nooooooooo!
you probably thought today was a normal Monday. nooooope. strong as fuck ice mummy again, sorry.
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Dernière mise à jour : 17 août 2023, 09:43 ISTL'homme des glaces, surnommé Oetzi pour la vallée d'Oetz où il a été retrouvé par des touristes allemands au sommet du glacier Similaun en 1991, et qui aurait plus de 5 000 ans, doit être renvoyé en Italie le 16 janvier. (Reuters File Photo) Les secrets d'Iceman révélés : l'apparence, les origines et l'ascendance surprenantes d'Oetzi découvertes par l'étude de Max PlanckOetzi, la momie "homme de glace" des Alpes, avait la peau plus foncée qu'on ne le pensait auparavant et était certainement chauve ou quasiment chauve à sa mort, d'après l'étude de l'Institut Max Planck d'anthropologie évolutive. Il provenait aussi certainement d'un groupe relativement isolé avec peu de contact avec d'autres Européens, et avait des ancêtres arrivés directement d'Anatolie.Les restes d'Oetzi ont été retrouvés en septembre 1991 dans le Tyrol du Sud , la région du nord de l'Italie où il aurait aussi erré. Momifié dans la glace, il a été découvert par deux randonneurs allemands dans les Alpes de l'Ötztal, à 3 210 mètres d'altitude, plus de 5 000 ans après sa mort.Depuis lors, les scientifiques ont utilisé des diagnostics de haute technologie et non invasifs et le séquençage génomique pour pénétrer son passé mystérieux. L'analyse initiale de son génome avait précédemment suggéré qu'il avait des traces génétiques d'éleveurs des steppes d'Europe de l'Est. Par contre les scientifiques de Max Planck ont déclaré que les derniers résultats ne corroborent plus cette découverte.Au contraire, ils pensaient que l'échantillon original avait été contaminé par de l'ADN moderne qui a conduit à la découverte erronée. Les progrès de la technologie ont aussi permis un regard plus précis sur le passé d'Oetzi. "Parmi les centaines de premiers Européens qui vivaient en même temps qu'Oetzi et dont les génomes sont désormais disponibles, le génome d'Oetzi a plus d'ascendance en commun avec les premiers agriculteurs anatoliens que n'importe lequel de ses homologues européens", a annoncé l'équipe de l'institut.- 'Quasiment pas de cheveux' -Johannes Krause, chef du département d'archéogénétique de l'Institut Max Planck d'anthropologie évolutive, co-auteur de l'étude, a annoncé que son équipe était "très surprise de ne trouver aucune trace d'éleveurs des steppes d'Europe de l'Est dans l'analyse la plus récente du génome d'Iceman". "La proportion de gènes de chasseurs-cueilleurs dans le génome d'Oetzi est aussi très faible. Génétiquement, ses ancêtres semblent être arrivés directement d'Anatolie sans se mêler aux groupes de chasseurs-cueilleurs", a-t-il déclaré.Les chercheurs pensent donc qu'il est certainement issu d'une population relativement isolée qui avait très peu de contacts avec d'autres groupes européens. L'équipe a annoncé que les idées précédentes sur l'apparence de l'homme des glaces étaient peut-être aussi inexactes. Les chercheurs pensaient auparavant que la peau de l'homme des glaces s'était assombrie dans la glace, mais il s'agissait peut-être en fait de sa couleur de peau d'origine, a annoncé l'équipe.Les gènes d'Oetzi montrent aussi une "prédisposition à la calvitie" et, plutôt que d'avoir des cheveux longs et épais sur la tête, on pense désormais qu'il a déjà perdu la plupart de ses cheveux à l'âge adulte. "C'est un résultat relativement clair et pourrait aussi expliquer pourquoi quasiment aucun cheveu n'a été trouvé sur la momie", a annoncé l'anthropologue Albert Zink, co-auteur de l'étude.Dans des études précédentes au fil des ans, les scientifiques ont déterminé qu'Oetzi était décédé vers l'âge de 45 ans, mesurait environ 1,60 mètre (cinq pieds, trois pouces) et pesait 50 kilos (110 livres). Il a subi une mort violente, avec une flèche coupant un vaisseau sanguin majeur entre la cage thoracique et l'omoplate gauche.(Cette histoire n'a pas été éditée par le personnel de News18 et est publiée à partir d'un flux d'agence de presse syndiqué - AFP) RohitRohit est un journaliste de News18.com avec une passion pour les affaires mondiales et un amour pour le football.
Suivez-le sur Twitter à @heis_rohit...Read More
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Fresh look at DNA from Oetzi the Iceman traces his roots to present day Turkey
The Iceman, Ötzi, now boasts a transformed appearance. Decades after the discovery of the renowned glacier mummy in the Italian Alps, scientists have reanalyzed his DNA to provide a more comprehensive portrayal of this ancient hunter.
According to research published in the journal "Cell Genomics" on Wednesday, they've determined that Ötzi is primarily descended from modern-day Turkish farmers, with a more pronounced balding head and darker skin than initially envisioned.
Living over 5,000 years ago, Ötzi met his demise through an arrow shot to his back, freezing his body in ice. Regarded as a "natural mummy," his remains were preserved until 1991 when hikers stumbled upon him, along with his attire and equipment, including a copper axe, a longbow, and a bearskin cap. Since then, numerous researchers have dedicated efforts to better understand this mummy, displayed at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy.
The draft of Ötzi's genome was first published in 2012. However, as ancient DNA research has progressed, scientists opted to revisit the mummy's genes, using DNA extracted from his hip bone, as explained by Johannes Krause, a geneticist from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, who is among the authors of the study.
Andreas Keller from Saarland University in Germany stated that the updated genome "offers a more profound insight into the history of this mummy." Keller had researched the earlier version but wasn't involved in the latest study.
Albert Zink, director of the European Research Academy of Bolzano and an author of the study, highlighted that based on the new genome, Ötzi's appearance at around 45 years old when he passed away closely resembles that of the current mummy: darker in color and lacking excessive hair. Previously, scientists believed that the Iceman had lighter skin and more hair during his lifetime, but his mummified body underwent changes over time.
The researchers report that his genome also indicates an increased risk of obesity and diabetes.
Zink noted that his lineage suggests Ötzi belonged to an isolated population in the Alps. Present-day Europeans largely carry genes from three groups: Anatolian farmers, Western hunter-gatherers, and Eastern pastoralists. Yet, Ötzi's lineage is comprised of 92% Anatolian farmers' genes, indicating minimal admixture with other groups.
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life insurance
Simplifying Financial Services for Everyone. Oetzy has a simple mission - to simplify financial services and make them accessible to everyone, no matter where they are in their financial journey. Our name, Oetzy, was inspired by the age-old compass, a tool for navigation and orientation. Just as a compass guides travelers towards their destination, we aim to be your guide in the often-complex world of finance.
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Simplifying Financial Services for Everyone
Oetzy has a simple mission: to simplify financial services and make them accessible to everyone, no matter where they are in their financial journey. Our name, Oetzy, was inspired by the age-old compass, a tool for navigation and orientation. Just as a compass guides travelers towards their destination, we aim to be your guide in the often-complex world of finance. Auto insurance
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“life is what we enjoy, and what i enjoy is the sea.”
- kalinos taha in a letter to annabeth quinley, 1905
name: up to player
age: up to player
gender: up to player
pronouns: up to player
affiliation: taha
occupation: marine biologist
oetzi was a mummified man found in the tyrol mountains. he’s rumored to not only be the oldest body found, but also the first confirmed murder victim on record. the ice preservation allowed tattoos and clothing to be preserved with him.
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Just a month ago I finally got to see the Iceman, in person, at the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy. Pictures of the body itself weren’t allowed, but I got some cool shots of the fantastic replica they had on the second floor.
I’ve loved him since I was 11 years old. I’m so glad that there’s other people who love him as much as I do.
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Fresh look at DNA from Oetzi the Iceman traces his roots to present day Turkey – The Lifestyle Insider
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Discussion group but also uno reverse card for it!
Favorite season is summer cause i don't have any sort of schooling going on (usually)
Probably but my memory is not being helpful
I think a happy place is a nice concept, why not associate a place with happiness, literally no harm done. UNLESS i have the wrong definition of "happy place". I'd say the roof at night (btw still trying to find your constellation) and in the passenger seat of the car with my sister <- overly specific but.
Favorite fruit is mangoes for taste. Pineapples because i just really like them. But also apples. Underrated fruit. There's this apple species that grows in a specific place and it's like big, green and has some red lines in it and it's sour and so soo good i haven't had any in so long.
And uhhh idk!
ohoho!!!! okay!
okay yeah very fucking valid. seasons with no school >>> anything else
felt that!
they are a nice concept :] im Entranced with both or ur happy places i can Feel the vibes from here they sound really lovely!! (also she might be higher in the sky tonight! north/northeast-ish. good luck!)
oh literally SO true bestie <3 fruits of all time. and that sounds like SUCH a nice apple species (? breed? variety? ykwim) manifesting you getting to eat one of them soon
again. so valid! questions that are directly aimed at fashion/history nerds bc i am. one of those
and for the uno reverse!
springtime! its usually pretty sunny and the cherry blossoms re out and im wrapping up school/coming home AND in noncovid years its high school theatre season which is always rlly fun to go back and see what theyre doing (its not like. good theatre but its always entertaining and sososo endearing)
um. so often good god but i think top hit was when i had to tell my friend exactly how to break into my house because i was at work and forgot my parents were coming home from a trip and needed something to be hidden that wasnt at the time.
i think its a nice concept too!! i dont know if i personally have one tbh but like. i like places and memories and good vibes
i literally just alternate fav fruit is mango/pomegranate depending on the season (mango summer pomegranate winter). also green grapes are something that can be so Needed sometimes
i have like. possibly an embarrassing amount but i will say that. for his time. oetzi the iceman probably had MAD style. inked UP with the leather coat, belt, leggings, loincloth and shoes??? alright king!
#discussion group#kastana#i think you might like oetzi if u havent read abt him yet hes a very like. oh humans <3 moment
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