finnlongman · 5 months
Why does do Irish names seem to like...I don't know a good word for it but maybe like "mutate" or "shift" when used in a Patronymic/Possessive Context?
Like, the obvious example is Culann -> Chulainn when used in Cu Chulainn, but also Cumhall to Cumhaill in Fionn Mac Cumhaill
Is there a particular rule in the grammer regarding this, or is more of a case-by-case basis due the development of the language in writing or something similar to that?
Thank for your time and I hope you have a great day.
It's the genitive case (tuiseal ginideach). If you see the word "of" in an English translation ("son of", "hound of", etc), it usually means that the next word will be in the genitive. It applies across the language, not only in names, but it's easier to spot them in names since you'll often have the nominative form nearby to compare it with! Because English doesn't have grammatical cases, these rules can be confusing to English speakers, but they have a lot of parallels in other languages.
Medieval Irish had five cases: nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, and vocative (which is hardly a case, to be honest). Accusative and dative sort of collapsed into each other and now aren't very clearly marked out in modern Irish, though you'll see them in some words, particularly to do with directions and movement. Nominative, genitive, and vocative remain pretty solidly present.
Some explanations of the genitive here:
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oddnub-eye · 2 years
I think the ideal Orestia retelling is one where everyone is lying out their ass. Agamemnon is lying, Clytemnestra is lying, Iphigenia is lying, Elektra is lying, Orestes is lying, Chrysothemis is lying.
There is not a single ounce of truth, it's liars all the way down
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karthedense · 11 months
Fighting Game Ask: Justice
Am i a fan?: NO
Favorite move?:
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Favorite quote: Justice what the fuck are you talking about
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Favorite story line?: ride wife, wife fight, kill wife, wife gone, Kill wife, wife gone, Kill wife, wife gone
Enjoy playing as?: Depends how sinister i'm feeling
changes i would make: Make the grab box for the move above 3times bigger
unpopular opinions: Brain fungus
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vivienna-vivid · 6 months
Favorite of the 108 Stars of Destiny?
HOW did tumblr not notify me of my brother in arms' message? Death to this Hellsite. Sun Erniang, easy-peasy. I love all the important stars but this cannibal inn keeper has me by the choke hold. They hate her for her girly whimsy. And the atrocities and lack of impulse control.
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siverfanweedo · 9 months
GOT tagged by my pal @gunsli-01 thought it would be fun and uh gonna tag um @oddnub-eye @vivienna-vivid and uh idk who else if you want to do this consider yourself tagged
do it if ya want go crazy go loco
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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darksaiyangoku · 3 years
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Oscar Pine as Remnant's Amazing Spider-Man!!!
Artwork by @oddnub-eye
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bunjywunjy · 4 years
Got any cursed Cheetah facts? They're one of my favorite animals.
if a female cheetah is stressed, she may spontaneously abort any cubs she’s carrying! which is terrible actually, because cheetahs are nervous animals and it doesn’t take a whole lot to seriously stress them out.
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whatissleepeven · 4 years
Levithan and Belphagor wouldn't wear masks. Not because they don't care about the pandemic, but because they don't need them. They haven't been outside in so long they didn't realize they were in a pandemic. This has been an Obey Me shitpost brought to you by oddnub.
They are hermits and will forever remain indoors unless dragged away by an outside force
You know that Levi would have custom-made masks for whenever he has to go outside (because Lucifer forced him to), probably with emblems from his favorite animes and games. If he's going out, he's going out in style.
Belphie's is gonna look like it belongs over his eyes because it's made to look like a sleep mask. He's only gonna wear one if Beel gives it to him (if you do, it's 50/50. At least he considers it if you give him one. He just flat-out tells his brothers "no" (save for Beel) whenever they try to force him to wear one).
Edit: I reread the ask again and immediately thought of this
Leviathan, squinting as he steps foot outside: What manner of world is this? I haven't been here in a while.
Mammon: "A whi-" Levi, it's been four months
Satan, peeking under Belphie's bed: Belphie, do you want to come outside today?
Belphegor: *Demonic screeching*
Satan: Understandable, have a nice day
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kashuan · 4 years
You've mentioned you tend to not like Euripides (hope I spelled that right), be it his characterizations or otherwise. Is there any reason for this, if you don't mind me asking?
i made a little video a couple years back about this :^) pretty much sums it up more than anything I could lengthily write out
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finnlongman · 3 years
Is there any reason certain names end up being used so repeatedly in the Ulster Cycle? Like, I remember reading some translations of The Wooing of Emer+Cú Chulainn's Training with Scathach, and the name Cett/Cat appears 3 times; once as one of Emer's brothers, once as one of Scathach's sons, and once as a soldier fighting with Aoife. Is it just a translation thing or is it not actually deep and it was just a common name? Sorry if this question seems a little stupid. Thank you for your time.
Interesting question! I've been thinking a lot about names recently, particularly those that repeat, so this coincides well.
A lot of the time, I think it's simply that they're common names. There are a zillion guys called Ailill (sometimes within the same text), every other random maiden seems to be called Étain, and I lose track of how many Eochaids there are. Whenever you get an index of names, as you sometimes do for longer texts where a lot of characters appear, you find yourself scrolling through half a page of the same name. If you're lucky, they'll be distinguished by epithets or patronymics. If you're not, good luck figuring out which Lugaid you're supposed to be looking up...
There are some names that only come up once, like Cú Chulainn, but for the most part, I'd hazard that it's more common for there to be multiple characters with a name than for it to be wholly unique.
Now, sometimes this is a plot point. Recently, I've been working on a tiny fragment from TCD H.3.17, concerning the seven Maines. The seven Maines, if you haven't come across them, are the seven sons of Medb and Ailill, all of whom have the same name (but different epithets to distinguish them). In this case, there's a reason for it: Medb renamed all of them because when she asked a druid which of her sons would kill Conchobar, he prophesied that it would be Maine. Realising she didn't have a son called Maine yet, Medb took action to fix that. But! She wasn't precise enough in her question. Maine Andoe does kill a Conchobar... but it's a different one.
So here we have a story that not only involves seven people called Maine, but also two people called Conchobar, and that overlap is central to the plot. But this fragment seems to be an excerpt from the longer text Cath Boinde... where there are two guys called Eochaid and that's not a plot point whatsoever. Eochaid Feidleach and Eochaid Dala just happen to have the same first name. Even within the same story, repeated names both do and don't have meaning.
The Maines aren't too unusual, even if they're one of the only groups I know of where there's an explanation for their names: there are a lot of lists of people with the same name. In the Táin the largest groups of same-named warriors are ten people, I think ("Ten Fiacs, ten Fiachas, ten Feidlimids"), although three is a pretty common number there and in Togail Bruidne Da Derga. But in some of the later (early modern) texts, we get groups of up to three hundred: "Ferdia son of Daman with three hundred Ferdias in his train; Fraoch son of Fidhach with three hundred Fraochs [etc.]" (Táin Bó Flidais II). It makes you wonder whether they made them all change their name, or whether they just had a highly selective job interview process with only one question...
It's clear that names recur a lot even within the same texts, but what about across different texts? Well, looking at the example you asked about, it's worth noting that The Training of Cú Chulainn is a later text that derives from The Wooing of Emer, so that may also result in some overlap or borrowing of names -- even if it's for different characters. But often the reason a name is common is to do with the meaning of it. You get a lot of names with the Cú or Con element at the beginning because 'hound' was evidently a comparison made for particularly fierce fighters. You also get a lot of names with the 'Fer' prefix -- Fer Diad, Fer Baeth, Fer Logain, etc, and 'fer' just means 'man'. So names that mean things are bound to recur.
What do these names mean? Well, I'm away from my books and library access at the moment, which makes it a little tricky to verify which spellings are used in the original Irish of those texts -- Cat and Cett would be distinct names, but I'm also aware of at least one spelling of Scáthach's son's name as Caid, which would be different again. (Caid means 'pure, holy, noble', which would maybe place him in opposition to her other son Cuar, meaning 'crooked, bent', although it usually means in the physical rather than moral sense -- and I'm not sure where the Caid spelling comes from as I've only come across it in translation.)* It looks like it's usually spelled Cet in Tochmarc Emire (but one of the manuscripts also says 'Scathqu' at one point, so I Don't Trust It). The most famous Cet is Cet mac Mágach, but 'cét' has a bunch of meanings -- it can mean 'first', it can mean 'a hundred'... it's a solid name for a firstborn son, so maybe that's why it shows up so much. One of the MSs of Training uses Cat, which is harder to pin down -- it could just mean 'cat', although that seems unlikely, or maybe it relates to 'cath' ('battle'), or maybe it's an early modern scribe getting confused about his vowels, I'm not sure.
This is... getting very long, and not saying much, so, the short version is: Sometimes Names Just Show Up A Lot. And the scribes and authors are evidently aware of the potential for confusion and plot points with regard to this, as the story of the seven Maines proves, but at other times, they throw repetition at you and leave you to figure it out. But a lot of the names that show up very frequently do so because they have a meaning, one that may relate to the characters' physical traits (so many fair-haired Fionns!) or their skills or even just their birth order.
I hope this was... useful? Sorry, I feel like I just threw a lot of words at you when you were probably looking for a quick answer. You happened to catch me at a time when I'm immersed in thinking about names in medieval Irish lit, so the infodumping was inevitable!
* Note that manuscript spellings are often wildly inconsistent, so the same name might show up as Cet, Cat, Caut -- without translating fully and getting context, it's hard to figure out whether they're all the same person, and right now I'm just scrolling quickly through editions, so I apologise if I've missed anything in that regard.
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oddnub-eye · 1 year
Canto II really intruiges me from an adaptation/inspiration standpoint because it did something really noticeable in a way I didn't really notice the other Cantos do.
And that's applying character traits heavily associated with one character to a different character with an equally clear explanation.
Gregor and Hermann keep the antagonistic relationship between Gregor and his family (remains to be seen if Gregor and Hermann are blood relations, a literal family like the novel or in a more metaphorical sense)
Sinclair, Kromer, and Demian are still largely in their "focus", "tormenter", and "savior" roles respectively, just expanded upon and dramaticized to fit the setting.
But then you get to Rodya and Sonya/Rodion and Sofya and it's like they did a freaky Friday "personality flaw swap" in addition to both being genderswaps of their namesake.
From what I know of crime and punishment, Rodion was the one who repeatedly attempted to use high-minded theory and big words to justify their actions, justifying the murder under the logic of "Now I can go achieve great things, so it's a worthy sacrifice", whole Sofya was the grounded confidant who eventually followed Rodion into his punishment to stick with him out of devotion.
Very interested to see where Project Moon takes Rodya and Sonya from here, because, as of right now, they're really conspicuous in this shuffling of "role", in a way Gregor and Sinclair really weren't.
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karthedense · 9 months
📺: Is your OC inspired at all by characters from other media? Which one(s) and what traits do they have in common?
-the Spark that made me start developing his lore was without question first ignited when i first read Vagabond and his design is influenced by Guts from berserk, Him later losing an eye to Zenos in Stormblood was inspired by such. But much of his character arc i believe was on it's own with any influences being subconscious at best
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)?
-I'm not gonna give a full answers as your still progressing thru the game and wanna see you go thru some stuff before i give certain details
Unryu's relantionship with his family was overall very positive Albeit abit stressful from living under garlemald as non-citizens
Unryu spent the most time with his Mother who taught him to work the forge when he was young and was often a protective figure in his youth, pulling him away from things that could put him in danger when he was under her watch Granted with how large he grew up to be he didn't need that watch for much longer
His dad he treasures alot. If you asked Unryu who he thought the wisest person on the planet was he'd answer his dad rather than any famed Sharlayan scholar. His morals of avoiding violence unless it becomes unavoidable were something that stuck particularly close with Unryu and was part of the reason he wanted to dodge conscription. So he wouldn't be forced to fight when he didn't wanted to
His grandfather, old and bitter as he is initially scared Unryu when he was a small child but nearing his teens he began talking to him alot more he began telling him how Doma was before Garlemald and the horror stories of the war between the two nations which the old man fought in himself
leaving them behind was a hard choice for him to make but he felt it was either be forced to rob some other poor bastard of his home or run away from his.
🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them?
-Unryu Gesi! Unryu meaning cloud dragon, Initially named after a japanese war ship because i wanted a nautical theming to his name. But if you look at my answer to Mac's questions you'd see that Unryu retroactively took up a weather motif as well, funny how that is. The Gesi is one of the many Xeala tribes of the Azem steppe that his Grandma, Bayaarma Gesi came from While he's yet in the context of where your at in the game to step foot in the steppe themselves he still holds pride in his partial Xeala ancestry.
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Wait what's the Velvet drama going on now?
preview chapter came out, apparently some people don’t like that
she got her inspiration for her weapon & fighting style from her dad who’s an engineer in atlas
that her dad inspires her
that her backstory is “boring, too het, been done a billion times before”
the parents names (meg & will) are too boring, ignoring that they’re a reference to the author & illustrator of the book velvet’s allusion is from
it seems like some people but a lot of stock into velvet’s backstory  /  inflated her importance in the story when really, it makes sense she has a pretty chill backstory. not everyone will have a wild, completely out there backstory & it’s nice that velvet is actually pretty normal. her family has realistic problems, she takes more after her dad & they don’t have wild out there names. they’re just ,,, Normal. but it doesn’t agree with some people’s headcanons so they have to frame it as being too het & boring instead of just taking the l. sad.
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vivienna-vivid · 11 months
Trick or Treat
This post, the Kali section in the Women's Encyclopedia, as well as these books.
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tainbocuailnge · 5 years
Hello! I'm new to the Fate Franchise and not very familiar with the behind the scenes. So I'm just curious, who is Minase? An earlier ask seems to imply that you don't hold him in much of any respect. Any reason for this (aside from what I assume is a connection to Blackbeard)?
hazuki minase is one of the writers for the prisma illya anime as well as lead writer for agartha, the prillya collab, suspected of being involved in lostbelt 2, and now all but confirmed to have written (most of) valentines 2020. as you might guess from that lineup minase is viciously sexist, racist, transphobic, and a shameless pedophile. prillya is adapted from a manga written by someone else so between all the pedobait it has a plot Sometimes but agartha is the story of a ragtag group of poor oppressed men fighting back against the matriarchy while also being stuffed to the brim with femdom torture porn material and reducing every character in it to basically a fetish + a catchphrase. it was so immensely poorly received that on a user survey from i think last year, out of a userbase of millions there was ONE person who voted that chapter as their favourite, and the constant soft porn in it sparked a twitter scandal pointing out that fgo is officially an all-ages game and a lot of the players are in fact kids age 12-16. 
after that he appeared to be gone for a while but then lb2 had “everyone is forced to have kids at age 16 and are fed to the giants at age 18” as part of its setting which raised some pretty big red flags (i believe the Rumors™ are that its co-written between hikaru sakurai and hazuki minase which is why its just the weakest lb to date instead of a trash fire p much) and now we have valentines 2020, which is literally the same plot as agartha except a liiiittle more sfw but still with the same “wah wah men are oppressed by those mean women who won’t fuck them” attitude.
this guy is universally hated by every part of the playerbase except the pedophiles so the fact that he’s still around and allowed to write things is infuriating
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cosmosrival · 4 years
As a bit of a half jokey ask (in response to the "You can give a reason why anyone x Kama is good"...Sieg/Kama? Just out of curiosity, feel free to ignore this ask if you wanna.
ohh this one’s interesting!! 
from what i remember about apocrypha, sieg is a man-made creature turned hero (thanks to papa siegfried) because he wanted to survive. he was intended to be perfect because he’s a homunculi but by spending time with others, he began to lose his “perfection” rendering him more human.
his condition is quite similar to kama’s in that sense, but he chose to walk this path because he wanted to. Kama was forced into scraps of a vessel because they had no other way of interacting with Chaldea, thus, rendering them partially human (otherwise, they’d stay at the rank of concept but...). So i think Sieg is amongst the category of people Kama dislikes aka “luminous people”, especially bc the more time he spends with others, the brighter he shines. That’s just infuriating isn’t it ?
But as they state at the end of their interlude, they cannot ignore this type of people. They’re always in a small part of their brain, their eyes just follow them around. So i think that Sieg would also be a servant that they’d try to constantly bully, although since he’s so honest, i think he’d show joy at being given attention!! He’s cute!! He doesn’t understand much about what it means to be a god conceptually, but he’d like for them to explain it to him!! And it’s this honesty and enthusiasm that would make Kama have a bit of a soft spot for him i think... he’s like a small puppy, but he’s not hyperactive and is genuinely just overjoyed when he gets to make a small connection. So. Maybe they won’t be as mean.
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