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finnlongman · 10 months ago
Why does do Irish names seem to like...I don't know a good word for it but maybe like "mutate" or "shift" when used in a Patronymic/Possessive Context?
Like, the obvious example is Culann -> Chulainn when used in Cu Chulainn, but also Cumhall to Cumhaill in Fionn Mac Cumhaill
Is there a particular rule in the grammer regarding this, or is more of a case-by-case basis due the development of the language in writing or something similar to that?
Thank for your time and I hope you have a great day.
It's the genitive case (tuiseal ginideach). If you see the word "of" in an English translation ("son of", "hound of", etc), it usually means that the next word will be in the genitive. It applies across the language, not only in names, but it's easier to spot them in names since you'll often have the nominative form nearby to compare it with! Because English doesn't have grammatical cases, these rules can be confusing to English speakers, but they have a lot of parallels in other languages.
Medieval Irish had five cases: nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, and vocative (which is hardly a case, to be honest). Accusative and dative sort of collapsed into each other and now aren't very clearly marked out in modern Irish, though you'll see them in some words, particularly to do with directions and movement. Nominative, genitive, and vocative remain pretty solidly present.
Some explanations of the genitive here:
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vivienna-vivid · 11 months ago
Favorite of the 108 Stars of Destiny?
HOW did tumblr not notify me of my brother in arms' message? Death to this Hellsite. Sun Erniang, easy-peasy. I love all the important stars but this cannibal inn keeper has me by the choke hold. They hate her for her girly whimsy. And the atrocities and lack of impulse control.
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karthedense · 1 year ago
Fighting Game Ask: Justice
Am i a fan?: NO
Favorite move?:
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Favorite quote: Justice what the fuck are you talking about
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Favorite story line?: ride wife, wife fight, kill wife, wife gone, Kill wife, wife gone, Kill wife, wife gone
Enjoy playing as?: Depends how sinister i'm feeling
changes i would make: Make the grab box for the move above 3times bigger
unpopular opinions: Brain fungus
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siverfanweedo · 1 year ago
GOT tagged by my pal @gunsli-01 thought it would be fun and uh gonna tag um @oddnub-eye @vivienna-vivid and uh idk who else if you want to do this consider yourself tagged
do it if ya want go crazy go loco
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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300iqprower · 2 years ago
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@oddnub-eye you’re a fcking genius
Arjuna really going for that “FGC Heel” energy huh
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oidheadh-con-culainn · 2 years ago
Does the O'Rahilly translation contain both recensions in one Volume or are they sold separately? I've been looking around for em for a while but haven't pulled the trigger yet because I can't figure if I'm supposed to buy both or just one.
they're published separately. recension 1 (1976) is published as "táin bó cúailnge: recension 1", and contains the edited irish text and the translation. book of leinster (1967) is published as "táin bó cúalnge from the book of leinster" and contains the edited irish text and the translation, with a slightly more detailed introduction. stowe (1961) is published as "the stowe version of táin bó cúailnge" and contains only the edited irish text, a select glossary, and an introduction; there is no translation in this text.
(o'rahilly did not edit r3, r3 is incredibly fragmentary and has been edited half by nettlau and half by thurneysen in two different academic journals, these are online somewhere i think. you don't need to bother with r3 99% of the time, most academics generally forget it exists / don't include it in discussions because there's not really enough of it to sustain arguments a lot of the time, unless you're looking at something really specific that happens to show up in those fragments!)
both recension 1 and book of leinster are available to read on CELT, in irish and in english, so if it's purely for reading purposes, that's super useful. but for line numbers and stuff the physical copies come in handy (and for aesthetics).
whether you get just one or all of them really depends on what you want. i bought recension 1 first because it was in their black friday sale a few years ago and i could get it cheaply, and that was useful, but for the work i was doing at the time i wanted the book of leinster version, so i acquired that one a couple of months later. i didn't bother buying stowe because of the lack of translation, until i was doing work that required translating parts of stowe and figured it would be easier if i had my own copy -- i'd photocopied some pages from the library but it wasn't really cutting it, especially as i wanted to flip back and forth to the glossary
if you aren't in a position to work directly with 15th century irish (most people aren't) then there is no point buying stowe, frankly. but whether you want both of the others or just one is up to you! most people think the book of leinster text is "better" -- the redactors smooth out the story, get rid of a lot of the continuity errors (not all of them), and make it more of a continuous narrative, plus it has the extended 'comrac fir diad' episode with the 4-day fight, compared to r1's 1-day fight. so if you want a readable narrative and/or are focused on ferdia etc, i'd go for book of leinster in the first instance. however, r1 has slightly more supernatural/otherworldly stuff, with marginally more emphasis on the role of the morrígan and lug, since book of leinster really understates those elements. so if that's your interest, you want r1.
but if you're having to pay big shipping costs to buy them from ireland then to some extent you might as well get them both at once if your budget will stretch to it lol. it definitely changes your perspective on the story to start engaging with it on the recension level and understand how the priorities and emphasis shift from one version to another, it really disrupts your thinking of it as a set narrative and lets you see it as something much more complex and fluid, which it is
when i first started working with recensions i hated it but now it's like the first thing i do when i'm interested in a new strand of it, is go see how each version tackles that strand
as i say though, you can read o'rahilly's translations of r1 and LL on CELT, so if it's purely reading you want, you do not need to spend €35/€70 on buying one/both of them unless you wish to!
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One Piece: The Stampede for the film ask
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | fun | great | favorite | masterpiece
One Piece Gold is still my favorite one piece movie but I still had a fun time watching stampede with friends eventhough it may have been too chaotic and somehow also simple for it's own good.
The out of nowhere tone shift halfway though with Usopp telling Luffy he's not worthy of being in his crew anymore and to move on to become the pirate king without him as he was dying was legitimately hilarious because of how weirdly serious and sudden it was.
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tainbocuailnge · 3 years ago
Okay, I kinda get the Butterfly thing, but what's the deal with Centipedes?
centipedes are tied to kegare, impurity as result of death or disease. it's not a moral judgement but the natural result of amoral natural forces, but it still must be cleansed carefully to avoid inviting more death and disease. this one's a little trickier in fate cuz there's a lot of butterflies but only a few centipedes and two of the centipedes are also butterflies but it's like, whereas the butterfly dreams of being human the centipede simply lives its cursed life. the butterfly completely changes itself in hopes of "becoming something" but the centipede either has no such dream or simply no such option, it spreads impurity not because it is sinful or revels in it but because such is its existence. cu alter and vortigern also don't want to be doing what they're doing but they Gotta. you could say it's a degree of self acceptance that the butterflies lack but that of course immediately gets negated by the centipedes that are also butterflies
centipedes by being bugs still have that quality of being hard to get rid of because another one will appear to let the cycle of violence continue but they're not as fragile as other bugs because when you have a whole mass of centipedes it looks like one really long centipede that will kick your ass and wrap around your mountain until some heian warrior kills it for you so thats what cu alter and vortigern lean into to become continent scale threats. mephy can't pull that one off because he's basically just collecting symbolism that makes him look evil because he's a baby with a job and that job is to be the devil so no world destruction centipede powers for him (yet...?)
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versegm · 3 years ago
Where do you read the fate apocrypha light novels?
Baka-tsuki is your ally for all and any non-licensed light novel out there.
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vivienna-vivid · 1 year ago
Trick or Treat
This post, the Kali section in the Women's Encyclopedia, as well as these books.
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karthedense · 1 year ago
📺: Is your OC inspired at all by characters from other media? Which one(s) and what traits do they have in common?
-the Spark that made me start developing his lore was without question first ignited when i first read Vagabond and his design is influenced by Guts from berserk, Him later losing an eye to Zenos in Stormblood was inspired by such. But much of his character arc i believe was on it's own with any influences being subconscious at best
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)?
-I'm not gonna give a full answers as your still progressing thru the game and wanna see you go thru some stuff before i give certain details
Unryu's relantionship with his family was overall very positive Albeit abit stressful from living under garlemald as non-citizens
Unryu spent the most time with his Mother who taught him to work the forge when he was young and was often a protective figure in his youth, pulling him away from things that could put him in danger when he was under her watch Granted with how large he grew up to be he didn't need that watch for much longer
His dad he treasures alot. If you asked Unryu who he thought the wisest person on the planet was he'd answer his dad rather than any famed Sharlayan scholar. His morals of avoiding violence unless it becomes unavoidable were something that stuck particularly close with Unryu and was part of the reason he wanted to dodge conscription. So he wouldn't be forced to fight when he didn't wanted to
His grandfather, old and bitter as he is initially scared Unryu when he was a small child but nearing his teens he began talking to him alot more he began telling him how Doma was before Garlemald and the horror stories of the war between the two nations which the old man fought in himself
leaving them behind was a hard choice for him to make but he felt it was either be forced to rob some other poor bastard of his home or run away from his.
🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them?
-Unryu Gesi! Unryu meaning cloud dragon, Initially named after a japanese war ship because i wanted a nautical theming to his name. But if you look at my answer to Mac's questions you'd see that Unryu retroactively took up a weather motif as well, funny how that is. The Gesi is one of the many Xeala tribes of the Azem steppe that his Grandma, Bayaarma Gesi came from While he's yet in the context of where your at in the game to step foot in the steppe themselves he still holds pride in his partial Xeala ancestry.
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siverfanweedo · 3 years ago
Cutter and Ophelia for the attractiveness meme
Cutter: Adorable As much as i love Cutter she isn't my wife but she is very cute Ophelia: LORD MERCY In some ways it feels weird saying this cuz like idk. I really think Ophelia is 10/10 looks and i love her deeply why did Nasu do this to me and my wife.
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finnlongman · 4 months ago
Hey @oddnub-eye, I don't know if this is what you were looking for when you sent this ask originally, but I'm still working on my translation of Oidheadh Con Culainn and there is a bit where Cú Chulainn cracks up about a raven (Badb, but unclear at this point whether Badb ingen Cailitín or the more usual Badb, since both are referenced; probably the daughter of Cailitín, in context?) having an unfortunate intestine incident, and "that is the last laugh that Cú Chulainn made". I could see this getting absorbed into retellings somewhat.
It is however a fair while before he actually dies and is before the whole standing stone incident, so wouldn't inherently change my answer above. But I had a vague memory that you'd asked me something about smiling/laughing, and I wasn't sure whether it was related to that scene I just got to this week. Figured I'd mention it since it was ringing a vague bell for me.
Hello, I hope you're having a good day. Is there any manuscriptal (I don't think that's a word) basis for the tradition/idea of "Cú Chulainn dies smiling/laughing"? It seems to be a very prevlant motif throughout what I've seen/read in...pretty much everything that is not BMMM/Aided Con Culainn (unless I'm misremembering things). Is this another Oideadh Con Culainn thing that's prominent in the general image of the character/story but the exact source isn't known because OCC hasn't had a translation or is it more a folkloric element of the character that he just kinda...absorbed over time for various reasons. It's always been an engaging and intriguing part of his story for me and I'd appreciate if you were able to shed some light on its origins. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day
Hmm, so, it's definitely not in BMMM or in OCC -- here's the moment of his death from OCC, which is one bit I translated for my thesis so I already have it to hand:
“Alas that,” said Cú Chulainn, “I give my word and I swear by the noble gods, that it was not possible that it was not a heart of stone or bones or iron that was in me until today, and if I had thought that it was a heart of blood or flesh which was in me, I would not have done half of that which I did of arms or high deeds.” It is then Cú Chulainn faced the men of Ireland, and he put his shield to protect himself and he put his lance against his shoulder and he took his unsheathed sword in his hand. His soul departed from his body after that, and his upper part and breast against the standing stone. It is then fell the chief of valour and arms, glory and prowess, protection and bravery of Ireland.
The closest he gets to smiling in this whole section of the text is feeling "great gladness" when Láeg comes back to him on the battlefield and helps bandage his wounds, which is probably not what we're looking for.
There's an early modern poem about his death that has this same motif of him talking about realising for the first time that he had a heart of flesh and blood -- aka recognising his own mortality -- and I don't remember any smiling there, either.
And BMMM has no smiling either:
He came then to a territory a great distance west of the lake, and his vision failed him, and he goes towards a pillar-stone in the plain, and placed his body-belt around it so that he might not die sitting or lying down, but rather so that he might die standing. Thereafter the men came around him, and they did not dare approach him. They thought he was alive ...
(trans. Bettina Kimpton)
Most retellings do in origin derive from BMMM or OCC, and when they're by Irish writers, it'll often be from OCC. Remember, not having a translation into English makes it inaccessible to English readers and scholars, but being such a late text means it's in a version of Irish that's not all that challenging for those who have modern Irish -- making it easier to read than the more difficult and medieval language of BMMM. One of the reasons it hasn't been translated is because Irish speakers don't necessarily need it to be, unlike the earlier text where the language is more archaic and challenging.
However, a lot of those retellings will have gone through a few intermediaries, who've added details which get passed on. For example, Lady Gregory's version of the story, which looks like a mixture of the two, has a detail about a cuckoo towards the end that I think is her own addition. This is how I worked out that Lady Gregory was probably the source for Rosemary Sutcliff's version -- Sutcliff also references the cuckoo, which is very distinctive.
Happy are they, happy are they, who will never hear the cuckoo again for ever, now that the Hound has died from us.
(Cuckoos show up as, like, a symbol of grief in some of the medieval Welsh poetry, so I was super intrigued to know if this was actually in the Irish text as it would be an interesting comparative point with the englynion. But as far as I can tell, it's a Gregory detail -- although there's a lot of poetry from OCC that I haven't translated, so I may be wrong there. If it is hers, perhaps she took inspo from the Welsh?)
There's no smiling in Lady Gregory's version, though, which would have been my best guess, since she's so many people's introduction to the story.
The most popular source for the majority of Ulster Cycle retellings, like Standish O'Grady's stories about Cú Chulainn, is Keating. When it comes to the death tale, I don't think they're using the History of Ireland, because Keating's treatment of Cú Chulainn's death there is to say, "I don't have time to tell you this story, here's where to find it:
Know, O reader, that if I were to relate here how Cuchulainn fell by the sons of Cailitin, and Fear Diadh son of Damhan by Cuchulainn, and the death of the seven Maines sons of Oilill Mor and of Meadhbh, and of many other stout heroes who are not mentioned here, a long narrative would be needed concerning them. But if thou wishest to get a lengthy account of them, read Brisleach Mhuighe Muirtheimhne; Oidhidh na gCuradh; or Tain Bo Cuailgne; or Tain Bo Reaghamain; or Deargruathar Chonaill Cheamaigh; or Feis Eamhnan; or Tain Bo Fliodhais; or similar tales which are now to be seen in Ireland; and thou shalt find therein a copious account of the above-mentioned persons and of many other champions and warriors of their history and adventures.
Helpful! However, I think Keating tells the story somewhere else, because O'Grady tells us that he he does, and in this version the medieval and early modern accounts are combined, which creates some confusion for O'Grady: Láeg both dies and doesn't die, a fact O'Grady found understandably puzzling.
So, if I could find where Keating tells the story, I could check if it's a Keating detail (my brain gave that for me as a "keating deating", thanks brain), but if it were, I'd have expected to come across it in a few more of the places I've looked.
It could be a folkloric tradition or from one of the bardic poems or something, but my best guess is that somebody added it into their retelling because they thought it was a nice touch, adding a bit of poetic drama, and other people copied them because they liked it (and because a lot of the retellings out there in the world are derivative of each other rather than going back to the source material). The fact that I've never seen it doesn't mean it isn't widespread, though; my knowledge of retellings is limited largely to Gregory, O'Grady and Sutcliff, since I generally prefer to work from the earlier texts, and that means my knowledge in that regard is pretty incomplete.
If it were a 'canonical' detail, I would have expected to have come across it by now, and I've never seen this in any version of the story I've worked with. Doesn't mean it's not out there, though -- I'm learning new things all the time, and there are things in this tale I would have sworn down weren't there at all if you'd asked me two years ago!
So, yeah, this is a very long answer to say, "no idea, I'm afraid", but hopefully it was useful or at least interesting.
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oidheadh-con-culainn · 3 years ago
If you had to rank Cú Chulainn, Laeg, Emer, Ferdiad, Conall Cernach, Deidre, and Liath Macha from worst to best dancer, how would you rank them?
cú chulainn is obviously the best dancer and not just in the ILP universe. the reason i made him a dancer in that is because the descriptions of his feats sounded like dance/gymnastics more than any more traditional martial art, so essentially he has canon Dance Skillz
by extension then fer diad is going to be next because they are almost equals on the battlefield and have almost all of the same feats
conall is probably next, because he is also a very skilled and speedy fighter, and thus likely has similar skills. however i don't remember as many descriptions of him doing fancy feats etc so that's why he is not higher on this list
láeg is next because he spends too much time with cú chulainn not to pick things up (also for what it's worth if we are using martial skill as an indicator for dance ability, he does a few Very Casual murders and doesn't even seem to break a sweat, so...)
emer is after that. you would think she would be higher since dance is often seen to be a gendered skill that more girls do than boys, but she doesn't seem to be very good at having female friends, because she gets a bit stabby when she feels like her position is being threatened, so i can't see her spending a bunch of time with them when she doesn't have to TBQH. she gets invited to parties but she probably doesn't dance much. just watches everyone and judges them. she dances with cú chulainn sometimes though. and with láeg. so she's not like... TERRIBLE. i just don't think it's her top interest.
deirdre is after this. she grew up almost completely isolated so, limited opportunities to learn how to dance. leborcham may have taught her but i'm not sure how well she'd have taken to it.
liath macha is the worst because the liath macha is a fucking horse and horses suck at dancing
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darksaiyangoku · 3 years ago
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Oscar Pine as Remnant's Amazing Spider-Man!!!
Artwork by @oddnub-eye
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akampana · 4 years ago
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My own Meet The Artist: Fate Edition as requested by Anon.
(That’s not my mastersona, I just look like that HAHAHA.)
No pressure tags before I lose confidence and throw myself into the void aaaAAAAAAAAA: @frini-12 @jelliedfox @sincerelymissatomicbomb @oddnub-eye @careyfell59 @juiceastronaut @toasteelicious @akilice @cestacruz @dailycu @bitterrosebrokenspear and everyone who sees this and wants to give it a go.
Blank template for anyone who wants to use it (but you can make your own ofc!):
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(pls don’t remove my sig tysm!)
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