#Oceanside Memory Care Services
heritagehillsmc · 11 months
Affordable Memory Care Community in Oceanside
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Heritage Hills of Oceanside offers specialized living environments for individuals with memory-related conditions, such as dementia or Alzheimer's. Our community provides affordable memory care and semi-private, shared room or awake staff on-site 24 hours, weekly housekeeping, three delicious meals daily in a restaurant-style setting, and a calming spa & therapy garden. You can get more information about our community by visiting our official website.
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Oceanside Car Detailing Service: Where Passion Meets Precision
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In the symphony of life, our vehicles play a pivotal role. They are not just chunks of metal, rubber, and glass but an extension of our dreams, desires, and identity. Every journey we embark upon, every road traveled, and every destination reached is marked by their undying commitment to us. Just as we care for our loved ones, our vehicles too deserve unparalleled love and attention. Enter the world of Oceanside Car Detailing Service.
Imagine the feeling when your car, that has weathered countless journeys and faced the brunt of nature's whims, is returned to you shimmering, renewed, and rejuvenated. It's not merely about removing dust and stains, but about restoring memories, reviving the soul of the vehicle, and renewing the bond you share.
Oceanside Car Detailing Service has pioneered this emotional and transformative journey for vehicles. Recognized as the best professional mobile car detailer, their forte is not just detailing, but delivering a heartfelt experience. With their state-of-the-art tools and seasoned professionals, every nook, cranny, and curve of your cherished vehicle is treated with the utmost love, respect, and precision.
But what truly sets them apart is their understanding of today's dynamic life. They know your time is invaluable. That's why they bring their exceptional services right to your doorstep. Be it your home's comfort or your office's convenience, Oceanside is right there, ensuring your beloved car gets the pampering it rightly deserves.
In essence, Oceanside Car Detailing Service is not just a service; it's a heartfelt promise. A promise to treat your vehicle not as a machine, but as a cherished member of your family. A promise to restore its former glory, reignite its spirit, and rekindle your love for it.
Join hands with Oceanside and embark on a journey where passion meets precision, emotions intertwine with expertise, and where your vehicle isn't just cleaned—it's celebrated.
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jamesgalgano · 2 years
Vincent Galgano , my father , my love my life By james a galgano
Time has too many ways of playing tricks upon your unchosen life There is some pseudo truism which states the good die young This may be true, but they did not know my father, Vincent who died today At the age of 104 years young as he and his memory will remain forever to me He was a good honest loving husband and father for as far as the eyes can see still Born to immigrant parents who travelled to find their dreams passing through liberty They fell on hard times during the Great Depression their father unable to find work Chose another path to help his family survive running a speak easy until he died My father’s brothers helped there dad anyway they could until his life was taken short away Leaving Antonio, Frankie, Vincent, Angie and Mikey to help their mom my grandmother dear When World War two hit our shores 3 of the brothers signed up to protect democracy Antonio and Frankie spent time fighting overseas, my dad remained behind helping our cause First as a mechanic, servicing vehicles destined for the battle lines changing with each year Then as a master sergeant training integrated forces to learn to do the same across USA He married Carmela Ammirati , my mother and became father of a daughter Elaine at 24 After, WW2 ended he took a mechanic job for buses in New York City , Where I was born 1952 When my brother Anthony was born in 1953, our parents moved us to oceanside by the sea My dad became involved in union politics becoming shop steward then president of his branch Yet even after his job his and my mom’s dream was to one day own a house of their very own In 1958, he got a job in the post office as a carrier and moved us to Commack further east By 1959 after my sister Gloria was born, dad became involved once more in union there Becoming Commack postal workers elected representative and the local’s democratic chair Nevertheless, to meet mortgage demands he took addition jobs to meet rising costs He worked these jobs not only for this but to also give each of us a catholic school education By 1967, my parents grew tired of this life and chose to take us to Arizona to try once more It took my father until 1968 when he became permanent and was once more elected union rep He did this until the day he retired in 1979, after moving my mom to a new home in Mesa He told me he regretted this early retirement he did so until the day he died 12/15/2021 Even though my father many years worked 2 or 3 jobs after work, he often took tony and I When he cooked at Long Island Arena for all events then cleaned up after we often were there With him to watch every event and to help him clean arena seats after every event, Where we met circus performers, hockey players, wrestlers, roller rink players, and the like With my mother, he took us where they saved throughout the year to spend summer vacations In Lake George where we discovered folk music and protest music then being born anew Or Hyanis Port, where we met Bobby Kennedy walking with his family on Hyanis streets My dad drove us across country from New York showing us the nation as all should see He was and will always be my hero. He never looked for recognition of fame only to help others Instilling in each of us that all are created equal and must be treated same way no matter what When my took ill he cared for 17 years until she gave up the ghost to escape excruciating pain After my mom died 2009, I returned on my sabbatical and each summer to care for him there He always remained political and active in union until day he finally departed from view Yet, no matter this he will remain my love, my hero, my guide through this my life through Knowing we had a loving mother like Carmela and role model like Vincent we were never alone They gave us love support with what little they had to make our house a loving home
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seniorlivingocean · 3 years
Ocean Hills is a forward thinking provider of vibrant and active assisted living, independent living and memory care in Oceanside CA. Our facilities offer convenient services, senior-friendly design features and access to social activities. Contact us today for more information about Ocean Hills Senior Living.
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oceanhil · 3 years
Ocean Hills Senior Living
Ocean Hills provides assisted living and memory care in a personal and carefree environment where we provide seniors with service based on integrity, honesty, and dignity. Ocean Hills provides senior living with luxurious facilities and amenities in Oceanside, California. Not only do we focus on the physical needs of our residents, but also the psychological, social, intellectual, and enjoyable aspects of life. If you’re looking for a luxurious senior living experience, look no further than Ocean Hills.
Website: https://www.oceanhillsseniorliving.com/
Address: 4500 Cannon Rd, Oceanside, CA, 92056
Phone Number: (760) 295-8515
Business Hours: Mon - Sun: 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/oceanhillsseniorliving/
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rachel-hathburn · 5 years
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>Penelope Wash| Pen, Penne, Penny, Princess P, PP, Poe<
✎ENGLISH- (A bit of french from one college class)
✎5′8 (I know Dove is pretty short but I see Pen being on the taller side)
Blood Type
✎ O+, 
Spirit animal
Standing Behind Convictions
Learning Proper Use of Power
Messenger Between Human and Divine Beings
Family History
Penelope didn’t always live in her neighborhood or house she does now. She actually used to live in a far bigger house with her Mother, Father, and Older Sister. Her Mother and Father were the farthest thing from the nurturing type and treated their daughters like robots, always coding them to perform at an unachievable level; Her older sister Prim however didn’t find it so unachievable and was exactly what their parents always wanted. Prim went on to become a neurosurgeon and once she got to job moved out to Vermont, their parents deciding to follow with her. Penelope was left on her own basically at 19 and a half, with nothing but a crippling understanding that she was useless and began to forever deem herself that way. She tried to contact her parents and sister but seeing as none of them ever really took a liking to Pen, she never got a response back. Penelope was given everything in life, finically, and never really was taught how to support herself.  It wasn’t long until the girl began getting heavily into the party scene which inevitably brings about a lot of negative inhibitions, however the girl struck gold with meeting the people she’d soon come to live with in the Animal House. These people soon became her family and she enrolled into a community college,  got her degree in education, and landed an amazing teaching job at a near by school. ~• •~
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"Above all, be the heroine of your life. Not the victim." — Nora Ephron 
Age of Appearance
✎Pen always tend to look a bit younger at first glance, especially without any make-up on, however her height and demeanor change that once you actually speak with the girl.
Body Type
✎Pen likes to take care of herself, she tends to keep busy with the chaotic house she lives in and with her work.
Skin Tone
✎Pale, blushes easily. 
✎ Freckles on the top of her nose, faint.
✎She has a birthmark right under her rib-cage, someone once told her birthmarks are how you died in a past life, and she been convinced she was stabbed there ver since.
✎She has one large scar on her arm, a burn from back when the animal house began and she drunkenly tried to make stir-fry for everyone.
✎It’s rare for someone to see Penelope with out her face done. 
✎She dress in a way that makes her look put together and classic. However she does step it up and go all out when going out on the town.
✎She has a necklace from when she was little that never leaves her skin.
Body Modification
✎She has gotten lip fillers before and keeps up with them regularly. 
Are they confident in the way they look:
✎Yes, Pen is secure in her appearance and takes pride in her looks.
~•  •~
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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”– Lao Tzu
General Temperament
✎Penelope is generally a bit cold off first impression, unless you’re close with her or are one of her students. However once she warms up to you the girl is very caring and attentive to your needs.
✎Penelope finds her happiness through helping her students learn, she says theres nothing better than when a kid is struggling and then finally grasp the concepts, it is one of the most rewarding things to the girl and a big part of why she loves her job so much. 
✎There are many things that make the blonde sad, however only a few that really rock to her core. Poverty, kids coming in without supplies that are needed, and climate change are some of the more impersonal ones. Her family is 100% a home run of sadness. 
✎Penelope gets angry when people are extremely reckless, which is ironic because she used to be the poster child for recklessness, I mean she is living in the animal house after all. But as she's grown up, the girl has done a big 360 and now is one of the most responsible people in the neighborhood. As she gotten to be the teacher to many of the children living around other close neighborhoods she finds it disrespectful when people are reckless outside of their own homes.
✎Penelope is confused about what to do with her living situation. The girl wants to move and get a smaller place of her own but she knows some of her room-mates would fall off the deep end without the structure she brings to the house, and even though the girl puts on a tough mask, she is a softie at her core, especially for her room-mates who she deeply loves.
✎She loves big cats. period.
✎forget-me-nots, when Pen was little the name used to make her cry, but they’ve come to be her favorite flower of all time.
Weather/Time of the day/Season
✎For someone living in California it’s hard to imagine her favorite weather not being clear and sunny; but yet, Pen likes the cold. Nothing makes her happier than when their little town finally starts to cool off a bit.
✎Penelope is good a cooking, she can’t make anything extreme but she’s learned how to whip up a nice dinner and usually does so for her house. 
✎Nothing makes Pen happier than a spiked lemon-aide.
✎Pink! If that isn’t obvious.
✎All she has ever known is california, but the girl has always been fascinated by paris, hence why she took up french in college.
Social skills
✎ Penelope is a natural at schmoozing and knowns how to put on charm when she wants to. 
✎Penelope is insecure in that fact that she never feels proud of herself, her accomplishments never really feel like they’re enough and she is always striving to be useful or helpful to someone so she doesn’t get left behind. But she’d never say that out loud.
✎Penelope tends to be very forward when she’s angry, but through working with elementary school kids she has learned how to calmly talk through her emotions, or so she tries.
✎Being completely useless.
✎Penelope always feels like she has to prove herself, even if the only person she’s proving anything to is herself, and that keeps her driven and motivated.
✎To have a family of her own and to make sure her students get the best education possible.
~•  •~
First Words: ball
What emotions to the attribute to their childhood: rejection
Morning Person or Night Owl: morning person
Significant Childhood Memory: Pen’s parents bringing her and Prim to the amusement park because they both got straight As
Current Residence: Animal House
Occupation: Second grade teacher
What do they smell like: Vanilla and rose
What words or phrases do they overuse: “Okay- got it, thanks.”
Do they have a catch phrases: “Can you- not.”
What is their greatest accomplishment: Their job
What smells remind them of their childhood: The smell of pencils
What was their childhood ambition: To please her parents 
Do they believe in love at first sight: No
Do they believe in true love: Yes
Have they ever had their heart broken: Yes
Are they ticklish: Very
Can they keep a secret: Absolutely 
How do they display affection: Words of affirmation
Are they okay with PDA (Public Displays of affection): Yes, a tasteful amount
Are they a virgin: No
How do they want other people to view them: Successful 
Are they competitive: Yes, very.
Deadly Sin : Envy 
Heavenly Virtue:  Diligence
Are they a minimalist or a hoarder: bit of a hoarder with classroom supplies
Where do they go to feel safe: in their room
Where do they go when they’re angry: the beach 
What password do they use for everything: penpalpenny333
What is their favorite day of the week: wednesday
What do they keep in their pockets: spare erasers 
What is their most treasured object: she has a necklace she wears 24/7
Do they have any pet peeves: slobs and slow walkers
How confident are they: 5/10
How generous are they: 10/10
How creative are they: 9/10
How honest are they: 6/10
How loyal are they: 8/10
Are they manipulative: She for sure can be but only if there is a calling for it
How predictable are they: Pen has her moments where the retired party animal will randomly appear but other than that her schedule is pretty regular
How do they flirt with people: by trying to appease them 
Book smart or street smart: A healthy mix
Do they prefer being hot or cold: cold, pen loves the cool weather
What do they think is the worst thing you could do to another person: Abandon them
How do they deal with stress: By doing one million things at once
Are they comfortable crying in front of other: Only a select few, and even then its rather uncomfortable for her
What social justice issue would they be most passionate about: Proper education for less fortunate kids.
If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be: Pen would change her inner need to please and accommodate those around her.
Sexually Explicit Questions:
Are they a top or a bottom (Or do they switch): Definitely a secret bottom there is no doubt.
How important is sex to them: Like on a scale?? maybe a 6
Do they believe it is a mostly emotional act or a mostly physical act: Pen thinks it can be both
Turnons: Caring people, acts of service, when someone is trying not to smile. 
Turnoffs: Ignorance, Toxic Masculinity, and people who hate children. 
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Oceanhillsseniorliving has a variety of senior housing options, listed below. We offer the best in independent senior living, assisted living, and memory care service in Oceanside, CA area.
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cloverleafcare · 4 years
Thrive! Concierge Service
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Cloverleaf Care’s Thrive! Concierge Service bridges the gap for those independent seniors who require just a little assistance to thrive in place! With no minimum requirements, you can use the service when you need it...
Even simple things can get just that bit harder as we age. The more sedentary and stressful of a lifestyle that we have lived, the more it takes a toll as the years advance. We miss the activities we used to once enjoy and the social interactions that added such color to our lives. But it does not have to be that way. 
We can still enjoy some gourmet meals, go for a walk in the park, enjoy a refreshing oceanside drive, visit the salon and enjoy some soothing self care, work in the garden, keep an active social calendar and continue to be engaged in our community, enjoy some companionship and talk about our memories while leafing through an album, or just talk about anything! 
All we sometimes need is just a little support from an understanding heart that can keep us active, safe, well  and socially engaged, while at the same time maintaining and even enhancing our independence.
Cloverleaf Care’s Thrive! Concierge Service is developed to deliver precisely to those needs and enable you to continue to live and love in the community where you have built your cherished memories. Our concierge service bridges the gap for those independent seniors who require just a little assistance to thrive in place! Our entire focus of this program is to support a longer and healthier lifestyle and enhance the quality of life of independent seniors wherever they call “home”.
If you are someone who is able to live independently but could use some occasional assistance with outside chores, errands, doctor’s appointments, dialysis visits, therapy appointments, maintaining a good nutrition program, staying active, keeping your social engagements or staying engaged with others and enjoying a high quality of life, then our concierge service is the right fit for you. 
There are no minimum requirements and you can use the service when you need it. It is the most flexible service brought to you by the same company who’s In-Home Care service has received the highest reputation in your area!
Would you like to continue to enjoy your independence and experience a higher quality of daily life with just a little help when you need it? Then call us today and ask us about our Thrive! Concierge Service.
The list of services includes the following:
Play games, do hobbies and activities together
Doctor’s visits and medical, dental appointments
Visit church services, attend spiritual groups and events
Meal planning for wellness and good nutrition
Errands like going to the bank, grocery shopping etc.
Keep your daily schedule and living environment organized
Walk therapy - walk around the neighbourhood, to the park etc.
Talk therapy
Go for physical activities such as yoga, swimming, pilates and other exercise programs
Weekly event planning tailor made to your taste (socially distanced safe activities only)
Social interactions - planning a weekly activities calendar.
Visit local support groups 
We are continuously adding more services to our Thrive! Concierge Service program!
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fthbarlingtontx · 5 years
Average Home Price In Fairfax County Va
Home mortgage loans
Adaptation grant united services veterans mortgage
Entitlement code means
Title loans (1276 veteran’
Veterans crisis line
Median sales prices in Loudoun County and Alexandria City, however, declined by 1 percent and 5 percent, respectively. Homes have continued to sell rapidly throughout Northern Virginia, according to August data. In Arlington County, the average days on market (DOM) was 32 days, followed by Fairfax County with a DOM of 34 days.
The median price of homes currently listed in Fairfax is $587,000 while the median price of homes that sold is $527,100. The median rent price in Fairfax is $2,500, which is higher than the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria Metro median of $2,300.
Bright’s statistics show that the average number of days. has a five- to six-month supply of homes." Hill says that prices were up year-over-year in September everywhere in Northern Virginia except.
Who Can Get A Va Mortgage Loan VA Loan Foreclosure Facts.. Get the FAQs on VA Home Loans. These VA Home Loan FAQs ensures Military.com members are fully prepared to take advantage of this exclusive benefit.
Since home values in many parts of Virginia are very high, however, many Virginia homeowner still pay above-average property taxes in dollar terms. Indeed, in parts of Virginia such as Alexandria and Fairfax County, average home values are over $500,000 and median annual property taxes exceed $4,000.
Va Home Loan Refinance Calculator Deep interest rate cuts have many homeowners rushing to refinance their home mortgage loans. taking four or five years to break even is OK." Use a mortgage calculator to do your preliminary.Veteran Affairs Homes For Sale Veterans First Mortgage San Diego Ca Proudly assisting veterans with their mortgage needs in the following cities: san diego, Oceanside, Chula Vista, Tierrasanta, Mira Mesa, El Cajon, La Mesa Veteran Mortgage is an approved originator of VA mortgages.In 2013, sen. bernie sanders (I-Vt.) introduced a bill to allow VA to pay for medical foster homes directly. In 2015, former House veterans’ affairs committee chairman rep. jeff Miller (R-Fla.).Atlanta Title Loans Veterans Memorial Va Home Loan Entitlement Code Va Loan Short Sale Waiting Period Va Special Home adaptation grant united services veterans mortgage Reviews Fortune and Great Place to Work have released the winners of this year’s award for the best workplaces in financial services. is determined in part by the review of thousands of anonymous employee.Advantages For First time home buyers united veterans home loans columbia Mo Haydon, 76, retired deputy superintendent of insurance for the District of Columbia, died Dec. 22 at his home in Cocoa. Lavinia Franklin of Urbanna, Va., and Fairy Knight of Fulton, Mo.; and four.As a first-time homebuyer, you'll want to take advantage of various grants offered by various levels of government that will help make purchasing a home more.Grants For Veterans To Pay Off debt united veterans home loans columbia Mo WWW.VAMORTGAGECENTER.COM is a business entity registered at Oregon Secretary of State. The business entity ID is 43905199. The address is 1400 veterans united dr, Columbia, MO 65203Using federal grants to pay off student loans can help you better manage your finances. When applying for student loan forgiveness isn’t an option, these grants may give you the money you need to pay off your student loan debt.. If you’re still in school or on a specific career track, you may be eligible for a variety of grants to pay off your student loans.VA provides 3 programs for the assistance of such persons with required alterations. specially adapted housing (sah) grant. Servicemembers and veterans having certain disabilities related to military services have an entitlement to this grant so that they may construct homes with facilities meeting their needs.Borrowers will almost always need to wait two years after a foreclosure before applying for a VA home loan, but VA guidelines do not set a required wait, or seasoning period, after a short sale. Despite that, many lenders treat short sales as a form of foreclosure and impose that same two-year seasoning period.What the VA Certificate of Eligibility entitlement code means. The VA Certificate of Eligibility Entitlement Code, which you will find in the upper left corner of the certificate signifies your time of service. This helps to determine the length of time of service you need in order to qualify for VA financing.Atlanta Title Loans – offers Cash Loans on Car Titles in 20 minutes or less of up to $10000 without a credit check. Call 1-877-511-cash. atlanta title loans (1276 veteran’s Memorial Hwy, Mableton, GA)
Health of residents in Fairfax County based on CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey Questionnaires from 2003 to 2012: General health status score of residents in this county from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) is 3.8.This is significantly better than average.
Va Loan What Can I Afford How to use a VA mortgage calculator nerdwallet’s VA loan calculator is one tool to help you answer the question “How much house can I afford?” There are many other questions to consider when making.
Falls Church consistently remains the most expensive jurisdiction (July 2017 median sale price $830,000), followed by Arlington ($567,500), then Alexandria, Fairfax County and Fairfax City averaging close to $500,000.
Below is an updated sales price history for Northern Virginia from 1975 to the present. The chart shows the overall stability and strength of the Northern Virginia market. (These numbers cover Fairfax County, Arlington County and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax and Fall Church.)
Fairfax County, Virginia.. Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2013-2017: 38.3%:. or a ratio of medians cannot be calculated because one or both of the median estimates falls in the lowest or upper interval of an open ended distribution.
Based on MLS statistics, the average Fairfax County Real Estate sold price for August 2012 was $520,511*. To simplify our search, we selected "around $500,000". How many homes are currently priced around $500K? Next, we logged on to our Fairfax County Map, and searched for detached homes around the $500,000 price-range.
Va Regional Loan Center Denver Va Funding Fee Exemption Disability VA Funding Fee Waiver. There are times when a veteran is exempt from paying the funding fee. If you’re a veteran who was injured while serving, or if you receive compensation for a disability sustained during service, lenders will waive the funding fee on your VA loan application. Even if you’re receiving retirement pay, if you would.Regional Loan Centers. Cemetery Locations. Get help from veterans crisis line .. Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center G1. 720-723-3002 Release of Information.. VA Eastern Colorado health care system.
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syrolecep-blog · 5 years
Online dating be yourself
Be Yourself on a First Date, Everyone Else is Already Taken If you're interested in chatting message back with the answer to this question.  We have, and this is the completely wrong type of mindset to have when it comes to online dating.  I could just imagine pulling into her driveway and seeing her ex husband peering out of a window.  It was a shame since I really liked her and we had many similar interests.  Profile of a Scammer Many romance scammers operate outside the United States.  Just be yourself and be honest about who that person truly is.  If any part of the scam took place by mail, report it as mail fraud to the.
Online Dating Profile: Be Yourself Here's how you can take on examples of writing a profile for online dating, and use it to your advantage.  These are terrifying numbers, but once again, the tips in this article are here to help protect you and your loved ones and lower that number to zero.  Honesty is the golden rule in all relationships.  Having said they are likely to have as many members as Match, eHarmony, or Elitesingles.  Remember rings come off, people! Although scammers typically meet their victims through dating sites or social media, they prefer not to pursue the relationship through these channels.  Online dating be yourself tekst Jun 5, 2008 I have asked myself what I wish I had known at my own graduation, and There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in University of Applied Sciences.
7 Things to Know If You’re New to Online Dating She said she wants a country club man.  During this experience, they lived in denial, finding ways to excuse the abusive behavior or even blocking out all memory of it.  I resorted to starting a creative writing group.  There are many aspects of ourselves that we take for granted, are too modest to mention, or would rather not think about! As a member of Online Dating Zimbabwe, your profile will automatically be shown on related general dating sites or to related users in the Online Connections network at no additional charge.  And there are lots of good reasons for this.
Examples of How to Introduce Yourself on Online Dating Sites Building a consistent fake identity from scratch is tricky, so many scammers keep their online profiles to a bare minimum.  Those images you thought were private could be used to blackmail you later.  What words should you choose, among the thousands of words out there, to best describe yourself on social media and online dating? Her photo was obviously retouched and had to be from 10 years ago.  No one I met never said they wouldn't recognize me from the photo I posted.  She also maintains a personal blog, , on ways to save money and live green at the same time.  They look for ways to either have a dating profile online to check people out for fun, or to play around with them and lead them on.
3 Ways to Succeed at Online Dating Online dating be yourself tekst Gillette on Demand Pillar.  HuffPost reports that General John F.  What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done? Be careful of who you entertain, and make sure you can read the signs if someone is being too pushy about revealing information that is still private to you.  Not everybody has the same sense of humor.  It is too difficult to maintain, at one point or another you will default back to your natural ways, your less than perfect self, and the jig will be up.
Online dating be yourself tekst . dating site for computer geeks oceanside I say to put it on the table early.  If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be? We forget to do our laundry and then find ourselves with literally nothing to wear.  I ended up spending too much time blocking these phonies.  This ups your respect and va-va-voom factor, especially if they can see the fruits of your labor in your photos.  As for distance I would say anyone who is more than an hour drive away is considered long distance.  These days, if you have it, flaunt it—even on social media.
How to Talk Yourself Up In Your Online Dating Profile I was spared from online dating for awhile when a woman I met at a party four years ago, who I went out with twice back then, called me out of the blue to invite me to the movies.  In other cases, the victims are so emotionally dependent on the scammers that they willingly enter into a life of crime to help them.  Two months prior to cancelling my subscription, I was getting too many message from fake members with the words; text me either on their forehead or below their photo.  Injecting this in your profile will definitely make them look forward to sharing a laugh with you.  However, because so many of these crimes go unreported, this is probably only a fraction of the real total.
How to Talk Yourself Up In Your Online Dating Profile » » Protect Yourself: 4 Online Dating Safety Tips Protect Yourself: 4 Online Dating Safety Tips Posted by in , , Here are 4 online dating safety tips to keep you safe on your search for love.  Sit down with a notepad and put yourself through a question and answer session.  Steve Jones, the New York man who had his image stolen for hundreds of fraudulent profiles, has posted a public service announcement on about how to protect yourself from this form of.  You have to put it out there: you are working it and working for it.  We were getting to the relationship stage, but she confessed she had issues.
Online dating be yourself tekst . dating site for computer geeks oceanside However another way of saying the same thing is 80% of couples who marry met offline! Online dating definitely has its pros and cons, but if you think about it, is it really safer to meet someone at a bar or club? They usually claim to be living outside the country — traveling, working abroad, or stationed overseas as part of the military.  According to the , online romance or confidence scams are a fast-growing type of Internet crime.  They have high trust scores by sites like Majestic and receive four to five stars in The App Store and on Google Play.  You should also avoid telling them things like where you work, where you go to the gym, and where your kids go to school.  You have to be spontaneous, right? Seems like that could have its dangerous aspects as well.  Writing a unique online dating profile can be quite a challenge for the introvert It will represent who Just don't be Just Be Yourself -ish : The Art of the Profile. .
3 Ways to Succeed at Online Dating This should also give you a sense of their social media activities.  How Romance Scammers Operate Romance scammers work by setting up fake profiles on dating sites and social media.  Yet today, attitudes have changed, and more and more people are looking for love on the Internet.  Just Be Yourself If you are a nerd, then just be a nerd and own it.  The purpose of these tips on how to describe yourself is to help you do just that — successfully portray the real you.  If you see it, believe it and say it, others will, too.
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heritagehillsmc · 1 year
Five suggestions to assist you: How Do You Select a Memory Care Community?
Choosing a memory care home for a family member is a crucial decision that needs careful consideration and research. Memory care communities offer specialized services for individuals with memory-related disorders such as Alzheimer's and dementia. In this post we provides five valuable suggestions to guide you in selecting the proper memory care for your loved one. Keep reading!
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investmart007 · 6 years
California News: Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update
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California News: Governor Brown Issues Legislative Update
SACRAMENTO, CA – California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today announced that he has signed the following bills:
AB 347 by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Arcadia) – Weights and measures: inspection: fees.
AB 709 by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) – Sacramento Regional Transit District.
AB 865 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County) – Military personnel: veterans: resentencing: mitigating circumstances.
AB 1062 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County) – Postsecondary education: cross-enrollment: online education at the California State University.
AB 1092 by Assemblymember Ken Cooley (D-Rancho Cordova) – Health care service plans: vision care services: provider claims: fraud.
AB 1423 by Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) – Tidelands and submerged lands: City and County of San Francisco: seawall lots: affordable housing.
AB 1436 by Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-Marin County) – Board of Behavioral Sciences: licensees: suicide prevention training.
AB 1565 by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond) – Labor-related liabilities: direct contractor.
AB 1654 by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) – Labor Code Private Attorneys General Act of 2004: construction industry.
AB 1786 by Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D-Riverside) – Community colleges: academic credit for prior military experience.
AB 1805 by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) – Community colleges: Student Equity and Achievement Program.
AB 1859 by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Arcadia) – Customer records.
AB 2015 by Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (D-Grand Terrace) – Pupil instruction: information about completion of applications for student financial aid.
AB 2031 by Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell (D-Long Beach) – Public contracts: school facility projects: bidding requirements.
AB 2225 by Assemblymember Monique Limόn (D-Goleta) – State government: storing and recording: public records.
AB 2309 by Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) – Sale of the West Los Angeles Courthouse.
AB 2330 by Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (R-O’Neals) – Recreational vehicle dealers: temporary branch licenses.
AB 2334 by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond) – Occupational injuries and illness: employer reporting requirements: electronic submission.
AB 2337 by Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson) – Nonminor dependents.
AB 2441 by Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) – Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: removal of abandoned commercial vessels.
AB 2490 by Assemblymember David Chiu (D-San Francisco) – Vital records: homeless persons.
AB 2505 by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) – California State University: budget oversight policies.
AB 2516 by Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) – Dams: reservoir restrictions.
AB 2632 by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) – Packaging and labeling: containers: slack fill.
AB 2634 by Assemblymember Ed Chau (D-Arcadia) – Life insurance.
AB 2721 by Assemblymember Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) – Cannabis: testing laboratories.
AB 2722 by Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside) – Student financial aid: California Military Department GI Bill Award Program.
AB 2769 by Assemblymember Jim Cooper (D-Elk Grove) – Privacy: driver’s license information.
AB 2801 by Assemblymember Rudy Salas (D-Bakersfield) – Crimes: memorials: veterans and law enforcement.
AB 2826 by Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) – Pupil enrollment: interdistrict attendance.
AB 2967 by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) – Foster care: certified record of live birth.
AB 2989 by Assemblymember Heath Flora (R-Ripon) – Motorized scooter: use of helmet: maximum speed.
AB 3101 by Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (D-Los Angeles) – Community colleges.
AB 3177 by Assemblymember Rocky Chávez (R-Oceanside) – North County Transit District: contracting.
AB 3212 by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) – Service member protections.
SB 311 by Senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) – Commercial cannabis activity: licensed distributors.
SB 532 by Senator Bill Dodd (D-Napa) – Emergency services: state of emergency: cyberterrorism.
SB 790 by Senator Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) – Dreissenid mussel infestation prevention: grants.
SB 961 by Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) – Enhanced infrastructure financing districts.
SB 1071 by Senator Richard Roth (D-Riverside) – Public postsecondary education: Chancellor of the California Community Colleges: policy to award course credit for prior military education, training, and service.
SB 1090 by Senator Bill Monning (D-Carmel) – Diablo Canyon nuclear powerplant.
SB 1131 by Senator Robert Hertzberg (D-Los Angeles) – Electrical and gas corporations: energy efficiency: financing options: industrial and agricultural processes: custom projects.
SB 1145 by Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino) – Enhanced infrastructure financing districts: maintenance.
SB 1151 by Senator Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) – Neighborhood electric vehicles: County of San Diego.
SB 1248 by Senator Ted Gaines (R-El Dorado Hills) – California Partnership for Long-Term Care Program.
SB 1339 by Senator Henry Stern (D-Canoga Park) – Electricity: microgrids: tariffs.
SB 1369 by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) – Energy: green electrolytic hydrogen.
SB 1423 by Senator Ed Hernandez (D-Azusa) – Medi-Cal: oral interpretation services.
SB 1442 by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) – Community pharmacies: staffing.
SB 1448 by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) – Healing arts licensees: probation status: disclosure.
SB 1480 by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) – Professions and vocations.
SB 1481 by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) – Structural pest control: certification: fumigation: penalties.
The Governor also announced that he has vetoed the following bills:
AB 1529 by Assemblymember Tony Thurmond (D-Richmond) – Drinking water: cross-connection or backflow prevention device inspectors: certification. 
AB 1863 by Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles) – Personal income tax: deduction: commercial cannabis activity.
AB 2299 by Assemblymember Kansen Chu (D-San Jose) – Medi-Cal: managed care plans: informational materials.
AB 2317 by Assemblymember Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) – Whistleblower protection: county patients’ rights advocates.
AB 2838 by Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Campbell) – Gambling: local ordinances.
AB 3135 by Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Discovery Bay) – Traffic safety: state funding.
For full text of the bills, visit: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
SOURCE: news provided by GOV.CA.GOV
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jamesgalgano · 3 years
Vincent Galgano , my father , my love my life
By james a galgano
Time has too many ways of playing tricks upon your unchosen life
There is some pseudo truism which states the good die young
This may be true, but they did not know my father, Vincent who died today
At the age of 104 years young as he and his memory will remain forever to me
He was a good honest loving husband and father for as far as the eyes can see still
Born to immigrant parents who travelled to find their dreams passing through liberty
They fell on hard times during the Great Depression their father unable to find work
Chose another path to help his family survive running a speak easy until he died
My father’s brothers helped there dad anyway they could until his life was taken short away
Leaving Antonio, Frankie, Vincent, Angie and Mikey to help their mom my grandmother dear
When World War two hit our shores 3 of the brothers signed up to protect democracy
Antonio and Frankie spent time fighting overseas, my dad remained behind helping our cause
First as a mechanic, servicing vehicles destined for the battle lines changing with each year
Then as a master sergeant training integrated forces to learn to do the same across USA
He married Carmela Ammirati , my mother and became father of a daughter Elaine at 24
After, WW2 ended he took a mechanic job for buses in New York City , Where I was born 1952
When my brother Anthony was born in 1953, our parents moved us to oceanside by the sea
My dad became involved in union politics becoming shop steward then president of his branch
Yet even after his job his and my mom’s dream was to one day own a house of their very own
In 1958, he got a job in the post office as a carrier and moved us to Commack further east
By 1959 after my sister Gloria was born, dad became involved once more in union there
Becoming Commack postal workers elected representative and the local’s democratic chair
Nevertheless, to meet mortgage demands he took addition jobs to meet rising costs
He worked these jobs not only for this but to also give each of us a catholic school education
By 1967, my parents grew tired of this life and chose to take us to Arizona to try once more
It took my father until 1968 when he became permanent and was once more elected union rep
He did this until the day he retired in 1979, after moving my mom to a new home in Mesa
He told me he regretted this early retirement he did so until the day he died 12/15/2021
Even though my father many years worked 2 or 3 jobs after work, he often took tony and I
When he cooked at Long Island Arena for all events then cleaned up after we often were there
With him to watch every event and to help him clean arena seats after every event,
Where we met circus performers, hockey players, wrestlers, roller rink players, and the like
With my mother, he took us where they saved throughout the year to spend summer vacations
In Lake George where we discovered folk music and protest music then being born anew
Or Hyanis Port, where we met Bobby Kennedy walking with his family on Hyanis streets
My dad drove us across country from New York showing us the nation as all should see
He was and will always be my hero. He never looked for recognition of fame only to help others
Instilling in each of us that all are created equal and must be treated same way no matter what
When my took ill he cared for 17 years until she gave up the ghost to escape excruciating pain
After my mom died 2009, I returned on my sabbatical and each summer to care for him there
He always remained political and active in union until day he finally departed from view
Yet, no matter this he will remain my love, my hero, my guide through this my life through
Knowing we had a loving mother like Carmela and role model like Vincent we were never alone
They gave us love support with what little they had to make our house a loving home
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seniorlivingocean · 4 years
Luxury Retirement Communities Oceanside | Ocean Hills Senior Living
Ocean Hills Assisted Living and Memory Care is located in Oceanside, California. Bask in the Southern California sunshine, and enjoy cool ocean breezes. Offering Assisted Living and Memory Care or Luxury Retirement Communities Oceanside apartments in a resort-style community, featuring luxury services and amenities. Contact us to discover life at Ocean Hills.
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Why Hire A Photo Booth For Your Wedding?
One of the best parts of planning a wedding is coming up with ideas for the reception. There are countless different ways to keep your guests entertained ranging from dancing to live music. One idea that you may not have thought of, however, is renting a photo booth. There are many reasons why you should hire a photo booth for your wedding including the following:
1. They provide great entertainment. Wedding guests tend to love photo booths. This is especially true if the booths come with props and accessories. What could be more fun than dressing up in crazy outfits and having your photo taken with all of your friends? It is a great way for guests to let loose and have fun at your reception.
2. The photos act as unique favors. Coming up with unique ideas for favors for your guests can be challenging. A photo booth takes care of that problem for you by providing guests with a one-of-a-kind favor that they will keep for years. A funny, candid photo with friends can help them remember the great time that they had at your wedding for many years to come.
3. They are affordable. Renting a photo booth is far more affordable than you might think. This is especially true when you consider the entertainment value that they have to offer. For a very small investment, you can get a fun and interesting feature for your reception that will help it stand apart from other weddings.
4. They don’t require any additional work. Getting ready for a wedding is incredibly labor-intensive. From taking care of all of the planning to setting up the decorations, you most likely already have your hands full. The best part about a photo booth is that you don’t have to worry about them adding to your workload. Instead, the company that you rent the booth from will take care of setting it up and tearing it down for you. This makes it a completely hands-off way to add entertainment to your reception.
5. They eliminate the need to wait for photos. Although you still may have a traditional wedding photographer snapping photos of your guests, nothing beats the instant gratification of having a photo in hand the minute that it is taken. Guests can print off their photos instantly, making them a fun way to capture each unique moment as it happens.
Why hire a photo booth for your wedding? There are countless reasons. Not only are they fun and entertaining but they also provide guests with a keepsake that they can cherish for many years after the event. Additionally, they are extremely affordable to rent and don’t require any extra work on your part to set up. That makes them a simple way to add entertainment to your reception.
If you want to create a one-of-a-kind event, renting a photo booth is the perfect solution. They are fun, affordable, and interactive, making them a fantastic addition to any wedding reception.
About LI Photo Booth Rentals
Our goal at Long Island Photo Booth Rentals is to make your party or event one to remember, with the newest tech and the best customer service, as our photo booths cater to parties, weddings & corporate events all across Long Island! We take the fun of a conventional photo booth and bring it to your party, event or wedding. L.I.P.B.R is a dose of nostalgia. We take the fun the excitement, we take the feeling of your night and set it to memory. So you can look back and not just know what happened at that event but to truly feel what a good time you had. That’s what L.I.P.B.R does we make your night and make a copy for you to go back whenever you want. A picture can say a 1,000 words.
1110 Little East Neck Rd. West Babylon, NY 11704 (631) 206-5330 www.liphotoboothrentals.com
Photo Booth Rental Service Areas
Albertson, NY | Amagansett, NY | Amityville, NY | Aquebogue, NY | Asharoken, NY | Atlantic Beach, NY | Babylon, NY | Baiting Hollow, NY | Baldwin Harbor, NY | Baldwin, NY | Bay Shore, NY | Bayport, NY | Bayville, NY | Belle Terre, NY | Bellerose, NY | Bellmore, NY | Bellport, NY | Bethpage, NY | Blue Point, NY | Bohemia, NY | Brentwood, NY | Bridgehampton, NY | Brightwaters, NY | Brookhaven, NY | Brookville, NY | Calverton, NY | Carle Place, NY | Cedarhurst, NY | Center Moriches, NY | Centereach, NY | Centerport, NY | Central Islip, NY | Centre Island, NY | Cherry Grove, NY | Cold Spring Harbor, NY | Commack, NY | Copiague, NY | Coram, NY | Cove Neck, NY | Cutchogue, NY | Davis Park, NY | Deer Park, NY | Dix Hills, NY | East Atlantic Beach, NY | East Farmingdale, NY | East Hampton, NY | East Hills, NY | East Islip, NY | East Marion, NY | East Massapequa, NY | East Meadow, NY | East Moriches, NY | East Northport, NY | East Norwich, NY | East Patchogue, NY | East Quogue, NY | East Rockaway, NY | East Setauket, NY | East Williston, NY | Eastport, NY | Eatons Neck, NY | Elmont, NY | Elwood, NY | Fair Harbor, NY | Farmingdale, NY | Farmingville, NY | Fire Island, NY | Flanders, NY | Floral Park, NY | Fort Salonga, NY | Franklin Square, NY | Freeport, NY | Garden City Park, NY | Garden City, NY | Gilgo Beach, NY | Glen Cove, NY | Glen Head, NY | Glenwood Landing, NY | Great Neck Estates, NY | Great Neck Plaza, NY | Great Neck, NY | Great River, NY | Greenlawn, NY | Greenport, NY | Greenvale, NY | Halesite, NY | Hampton Bays, NY | Hamptons, NY | Hauppauge, NY | Head of the Harbor, NY | Hempstead, NY | Hewlett Bay Park, NY | Hewlett Harbor, NY | Hewlett Neck, NY | Hewlett, NY | Hicksville, NY | Holbrook, NY | Holtsville, NY | Huntington Bay, NY | Huntington Station, NY | Huntington, NY | Inwood, NY | Island Park, NY | Islandia, NY | Islip Terrace, NY | Islip, NY | Jamesport, NY | Jericho, NY | Kings Park, NY | Kings Point, NY | Kismet, NY | Lake Grove, NY | Lake Ronkonkoma, NY | Lake Success, NY | Lattingtown, NY | Laurel Hollow, NY | Laurel, NY | Lawrence, NY | Levittown, NY | Lido Beach, NY | Lindenhurst, NY | Lloyd Harbor, NY | Locust Valley, NY | Long Beach, NY | Long Island, NY | Lynbrook, NY | Malverne, NY | Manhasset Hills, NY | Manhasset, NY | Manorhaven, NY | Manorville, NY | Massapequa Park, NY | Massapequa, NY | Mastic Beach, NY | Mastic, NY | Matinecock, NY | Mattituck, NY | Medford, NY | Melville, NY | Merrick, NY | Middle Island, NY | Mill Neck, NY | Miller Place, NY | Mineola, NY | Montauk, NY | Moriches, NY | Mount Sinai, NY | Muttontown, NY | Nassau County, NY | Nesconset, NY | New Cassel, NY | New Hyde Park, NY | New Suffolk, NY | Nissequogue, NY | North Amityville, NY | North Babylon, NY | North Bellmore, NY | North Great River, NY | North Haven, NY | North Hempstead, NY | North Hills, NY | North Lindenhurst, NY | North Massapequa, NY | North Merrick, NY | North Patchogue, NY | North Valley Stream, NY | North Woodmere, NY | Northampton, NY | Northport, NY | Oak Beach, NY | Oakdale, NY | Ocean Beach, NY | Oceanside, NY | Old Bethpage, NY | Old Brookville, NY | Old Field, NY | Old Westbury, NY | Orient, NY | Oyster Bay Cove, NY | Oyster Bay, NY | Patchogue, NY | Peconic, NY | Plainedge, NY | Plainview, NY | Plandome, NY | Point Lookout, NY | Poquott, NY | Port Jeff Station, NY | Port Jefferson, NY | Port Washington, NY | Quogue, NY | Remsenburg, NY | Ridge, NY | Riverhead, NY | Rockville Centre, NY | Rocky Point, NY | Ronkonkoma, NY | Roosevelt, NY | Roslyn Estates, NY | Roslyn Harbor, NY | Roslyn Heights, NY | Roslyn, NY | Sag Harbor, NY | Sagaponack, NY | Saint James, NY | Saltaire, NY | San Remo, NY | Sands Point, NY | Sayville, NY | Sea Cliff, NY | Seaford, NY | Searingtown, NY | Selden, NY | Setauket, NY | Shelter Island, NY | Shinnecock Hills, NY | Shirley, NY | Shoreham, NY | Smithtown, NY | Sound Beach, NY | South Hempstead, NY | South Huntington, NY | Southampton, NY | Southhold, NY | Speonk, NY | Stewart Manor, NY | Stony Brook, NY | Suffolk County, NY | Syosset, NY | Terryville, NY | Tuckahoe, NY | Uniondale, NY | Upper Brookville, NY | Valley Stream, NY | Village of the Branch, NY | Wading River, NY | Wainscott, NY | Wantagh, NY | Water Mill, NY | West Babylon, NY | West Hempstead, NY | West Hills, NY | West Islip, NY | West Sayville, NY | Westbury, NY | Westhampton Beach, NY | Westhampton, NY | Wheatley Heights, NY | Williston Park, NY | Woodbury, NY | Woodmere, NY | Wyandanch, NY | Yaphank, NY |
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nationwide-onsite · 7 years
Oceanside California Superior Onsite Computer Repair Techs
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Nationwide Onsite offers amazingly affordable on-site computer system repair service throughout the entire city of Oceanside California. Our experienced, tech industry certified on-site computer PC repair service technicians travel directly to your Oceanside location to provide fast, exceptionally affordable installation, setup, diagnostic troubleshooting and repair services on a very wide variety of different computer makes and models. Whether you need Windows OS error troubleshooting carried out on your desktop or laptop PC workstation, Virus Elimination, or complex hardware diagnosis and repair for Main Boards, RAM, CPU’s, or Hard Disk Drives, our superior onsite computer system PC service technicians have you  covered. Give us a call today and learn why we are California’s superior on site computer repair service provider – (859) 780-3020.
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