#Oc- Evanthe
grapegoggle · 2 months
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oc posting again sorry
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suja-janee · 1 year
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This one’s a bit old since I was from earlier this year- but eh.
Might as well post some of my content from Instagram (this being like the only Star Wars related one haha)
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
A Thin Line
Just a little smutty angsty stuff with my OC Corwin and @categoryace's OC Evanthe
Content/Warnings: smut, toxic relationship, angst, ending of a sexual relationship, one sided feelings, hurt/no comfort, piss kink, snail sex, masturbation, degradation, animalistic zoan traits, first (real) kiss, physical fight
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There is a very thin line between hate, and love, or so people say. Corwin has become familiar with that more intimately than he ever would’ve guessed, or would dare to admit.
Evanthe was everything Corwin hated in one body. He was loud, annoying, narcissistic, and unfortunately he was also hot. He didn’t even remember how it had happened the first time, but they’d fallen into bed together and every time they encountered each other it seemed to happen again. Then Corwin gave him his personal snail number. It was a rookie error really, he was getting in too deep, and he’d been here before and gotten hurt but this time it was different because he wanted nothing more than to bash Evanthe’s skull in.
Until it wasn’t different at all.
“I hate you.” He’d growled down the snail, listening as Evanthe fucked himself with a dildo, one Corwin had personally sent to him, a mold of his own, he listened until the pathetic slut came over his perfect silken sheets untouched as he had a dozen times before. He found himself feeling glad that the other man was too deep in his own pleasure to notice that for the first time, his words were a lie. He didn’t call Evanthe for three weeks after that. It wasn’t that they had a schedule of any kind, but generally speaking the calls came at least once a fortnight. Corwin couldn’t bear to call again, to hear Evanthe moaning for him and to know he couldn’t really have it. He knew himself well, and he knew what he could handle, and he knew what he felt. He felt too much for Crisanto Evanthe. Any amount of genuine feelings for that buffoon was too much, but he was far too deep. The fact that there was even a general schedule for how often they called and that showed that he was in too deep. So he went cold turkey.
The next time he got any hint of Evanthe was on an island - in person, which was the worst kind of way to be with Evanthe, especially after so long separated. He had wanted to remain strong, to keep himself away, and behave. He just needed to behave. But of course, nothing ever went Corwin’s way. Instead, he bumped into Evanthe in a bar and had to pull him outside and around the back of the place, shoving the man to his knees on the ground. He’d not so much as said a word until the slut was kneeling before him, looking as if he was ready to worship. “You’re so pathetic. I bet you’ve not been able to stop thinking about me, I bet your pretty little hole is fucking begging to be filled by me.” He spat, unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers while he spoke. Despite how he protested and denied his own queerness, Evanthe looked eager - ready to suck on Corwin’s dick because he was exactly the whore the marine knew he was. Then, rather than allowing that to happen, Corwin took his dick in hand and let go, releasing himself all over the man below him. For a moment, Evanthe looked confused, then shocked, and then he settled into arousal, a tent quickly pitching in his trousers, leaning forward into the warm stream, eager to be marked.
“You’re a fucking animal, aren’t you? So needy to be marked. Owned.” Corwin said, and though his voice came out strong and harsh, he felt as if the words had hurt to get out, stuck momentarily in his throat and making his heart clench. Oh to own him. Evanthe only whined, unable or unwilling to speak, and Corwin didn’t have it in him to comment. He finished his business and tucked himself away, then for good measure leaned over slightly to spit down on the pirate, before turning and walking away to leave him in a puddle of piss.
He couldn’t get any more attached than he already was, and yet they seemed to be pulled together like opposite poles, drawn to each other again and again, their lives irrevocably changed by the other. Or maybe it was just Corwin that felt like that. Perhaps Evanthe didn’t wake up thinking of Corwin, he didn’t wonder what it would be like to wake up together, to share a meal, to terrorise each other through their days but still come together at the end of it to be just that, together. Was it truly so much to ask that Corwin might just once fall for someone who had the ability to love him in return, someone who would return his dedication and loyalty, someone who would give as well as take? In another life, maybe, he would get that chance. In another life he might find a lover willing to burn the world for him like he was willing to do for them, his other half who would complete and protect him as much as he would do for them. Not in this life, he supposed. No, in this life, he was doomed to suffer the same fate over and over, never learning his lesson. Fate was a cruel mistress, after all.
“Where’d you go doll?” Evanthe teased over the snail, and Corwin could picture the shit eating grin on his face. “Thinking about anyone but you.” Corwin snipped, and he was glad that he was always so short with Evanthe, otherwise he’d have been caught there. He knew he sounded different to usual, his hatred turned to a personal sort of venom. “I know you’re not. You can’t resist me. You’re probably imagining you were here right now, inside me instead of this replica, because nothing can compare to the real thing. I just can’t fuck myself the way you fuck me…” Evanthe teased, and Corwin growled, teeth elongating in his mouth as the fight began to contain himself. “Pathetic.” He slurred around his canines, still fighting to contain the beast inside him. He preferred to be at least somewhat civilised thank you. “Struggling to contain yourself, lieutenant?” Evanthe mocked, though a moan escaped him not a moment after. “Maybe I should stop, and next time I’ll fuck you with a dick almost twice the size of normal. Then nobody else will ever be able to fuck you like I can.”
He was avoiding Evanthe again, naturally. Of course, that also means that Evanthe has to show up where Corwin had docked to relax, and let him men recuperate. Which also meant he was alone when he was approached. “Lieutenant.” The smug bastard greeted, slinking up behind Corwin shamelessly, wrapping arms around the man’s larger body. “Get off,” Corwin demanded roughly, shoving the pirate away, “we’re in fucking public. Maniac.” He stepped away from the blonde and turned to face him, fire burning hot in his eyes. He had no reason to feel quite this angry, it wasn’t entirely fair. Though, when had Evanthe ever cared about fair? “Who got your panties in a twist?” The pirate teased with glee, taking a slow, mischievous step forward, closer to Corwin. “I’m seriously not in the mood today.” Corwin said, and he should’ve known that wouldn’t work as a refusal considering that was what their entire dynamic was built upon. “I’m sure I can.. Persuade you..”
Corwin had hit him before he’d realised what he was doing. Square in the jaw. “What the fuck!” Evanthe yelled, his playful temperament having disappeared. “I told you - I’m not in the mood.” Corwin replied, but instead of angry he just sounded resigned. “Oh, did your little girlfriend break up with you? Don’t take that shit out on me!” Evanthe replied, pulling himself back up to his feet, irate. He had been hit, and there was no real reason for it. “Don’t do this, Crisanto.” Corwin said, voice low, the threat clear. He clenched his teeth, closing his eyes for a moment to keep the monster crawling beneath his skin at bay. “Do I make you angry, lieutenant? Are you going to hit me again?” Evanthe taunted, and Corwin grunted, eyes opening to reveal something far more animal than man inside him. “Don’t.” He said again, and this time it was far closer to a beg. Please, do not do this. That was what his body wanted him to say, but he couldn’t allow himself. “Seas, you really are fucked up.” Evanthe said flippantly, raising his brows as he looked Corwin up and down, a truly judgemental look in his eye. Corwin opened his mouth to make space for his elongated canines, flexing his fingers as they slowly began to grow in size. 
The pair remained silent as Corwin finally caved and let the transformation overcome him, it was always easier when he welcomed the change. He sighed and tossed his ruined uniform aside, sitting down beside the bench he’d sat on before. Evanthe remained there, marvelling at him. “Don’t look at me like that.” Corwin said, unable to even tack on a comment about him looking pathetic. “Like what?” Evanthe asked, turning his nose up - literally - at the marine. “Like you want to worship me.” “I don’t.” “No. You don’t.” Corwin agreed, looking down at his large, dark palms in his lap. Evanthe didn’t want to worship him, it was true, and that was the entire issue.
“What? Nothing snarky or witty to say?” “Not this time.” His words were hollow. Empty rather than unfeeling. “Ew. I don’t like you like this.” Evanthe grumbled, and his feelings more than showed on his face. Corwin didn’t much like himself like this either.
“Just go.” Corwin told him, still not looking up. He couldn’t bear it. How could he have let this happen? Why did he always insist on getting himself hurt? “I’m not going to ask you what’s wrong.” Evanthe said. “I know.” “I don’t care what’s wrong.” “I know.” “I only even see you for the sex.” “I fucking know, Evanthe!” Corwin wasn’t sure he’d said the man’s name before now. “This is about me, isn’t it?” Evanthe ventured, and Corwin took a deep breath to calm himself, not wanting to lose his control any more than he already had. It wasn’t worth it. He didn’t want to kill the guy. “It is,” Evanthe said, gleeful all over again, “don’t tell me you’ve gone and gotten yourself all worked up over little old me? Could you truly not resist my endless charms, baby doll? I know I’m gorgeous, but I thought better of you.”
In a split second, Corwin was a man again, and naked as the day he was born. He took Evanthe by the neck and lifted him from the ground, eyes wide with fury. “Shut your mouth.” He hissed. “Did I hit a nerve?” Evanthe teased, and Corwin couldn’t resist it anymore. Instead of putting him down, instead of walking away, instead of using the handcuffs he’d thrown on the ground somewhere, he pulled the pirate close to his body and kissed him. 
They’d kissed countless times before, of course, in the throes of passion, but it was always so sexual. Not this kiss. This kiss burned with a different kind of need and passion, something that Corwin could never dream of expressing in words because seas forbid he expressed feelings. As long as his thoughts remained non-verbal, he could remain in denial outwardly.
He released Evanthe and let him fall the rest of the way to the ground, grabbing what he could salvage of his uniform for the sake of his modesty. “You really have, haven’t you?” Evanthe asked from where had fell to the ground, on his knees staring at Corwin. “Goodbye, Crisanto. Lose my number.” Corwin said, trying his jacket around his waist to cover his junk and hold up what remained of his trousers.
“Why? Afraid you’ll fall completely and irrevocably in love with me?” The pirate taunted, and Corwin didn’t feel the need to speak again, he simply turned back to face Evanthe for a long moment, eyes sad, face flat, and then continued his walk away, intending to return to the ship for a change of clothes.
“I miss you.” Evanthe whispered into the snail phone, needy and missing the arrangement he’d had with Corwin. He was sitting on the dildo he’d been gifted, and had been teasing himself for an hour, working up the courage to dial the number. “I told you to lose my number.” Corwin simply said, hating the way his dick hardened, reacting to Evanthe’s words. “I have it memorised, not so easy to lose.” “You won’t manipulate me, Crisanto. I know your games too well.” There was a pause.
“This is it? Really? You’re getting scared and running away? What happened to owning me?” “I don’t own you though, do I? No matter how many of your firsts I got, there will always be a woman in your bed whenever I’m not there. You aren’t mine, you never were, and you never will be. That’s not how you work. You can’t give your whole self to someone.” Corwin paused, his eldest brother’s words ringing clear in his ears. “I deserve someone who will give me all of them.”
“How pathetic.” Evanthe muttered, and Corwin just sighed. “Goodbye, Evanthe. I’m sure you can find another man to bend you over every surface he deems worthy. If you ever decide to admit you enjoy that sort of thing, that is.”
Ka-chick. Corwin ended the call.
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Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots @cainnoable
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oneirataxia-girl · 1 year
aphrodite / dream - if they had a kid
thank you sm for the ask anon!! aphroeus will have two children in the end, and this is their first kid <33
Name: evanthe
Gender: cis female, she/her
General Appearance: black, slightly curly hair that reaches just over her shoulders, prefers light feminine makeup, always has a flower or two tucked somewhere in her hair or outfit, takes after her mother a lot
Personality: creative, dedicated, strong sense of justice, bleeding heart, proud
Special Talents: gardening, playing the double bass, public speaking, tracking
Who They Like Better: morpheus, because she was sent away to the dreaming for protection from zeus and his associates, evanthe never really got to know aphrodite until she was a teen and holds resentment towards aphrodite for both not being there for her and how morpheus compares evanthe to her mother
Who They Take After More: aphrodite, evanthe isn't really happy about it though
Personal Headcanon: evanthe can track anything and everything from the dreaming, even the dreams and nightmares working in the waking world. eventually this skill is trained until she can track any kind of being in any plane of existence -- but that's not going to happen for a long time
Faceclaim: minnie mills
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give me a ship and i’ll share with you a future kid of theirs!
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mx-mind · 2 years
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Maybe it's nothing but a reverie, I don't need a remedy/Feeling's still the same/Fantasy pulling me like gravity, never ending melody/In my head in my head in my head
I played around on Kid Pix for the first time and made this! Uhhh enjoy?
For real though, it was really fun. Only thing I don't like is one undo at a time but at the same time it lets me experiment a bit more when it doesn't exactly go my way, which is what happened here! Would love to play with this when I have an actual tablet and not just using my mouse :3
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skyllion-uwu · 2 years
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Digital girl with analogue feelings/Human girl in a plastic shell
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steamcrew · 1 year
We're Epitaph! We're a queer neurodivergent (schizoaffective + autistic + other things) plural system! This is our writblr blog!
We follow + interact from @berylliumliumite, as it's our main
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[This is some of our art; stories they depict, from left to right: Magica, Cat Eats Its Own Tail, Steamcrew (Act II)]
About us + links to our WIP page under the cut!
You'll commonly find us talking about our ocs, wips, and rebloging things that we think fit our stories
We love reading sci-fi, horror, and fantasy, and we commonly work within those genres!
We have a very fast and loose attention span so you'll find us often working on multiple stories at once or different ones within the week
Different crewmates have different stories they like to work on (for example, Girls Born of the Bomb is Evanthe's) so we might post about specific people within that parameter. Since this isn't a system blog we probably won't post much else about ourselves unless its under a writing context though! (and if we're mutuals feel free to ask for our system blog!)
We are bodily 19 and do cover a lot of mature topics in our work. Not all of these are sexual topics, though sexual topics do come up. We cover a lot of abuse, trauma, and mental illness, as well as othering in society.
We have a few interests that influence our writing, such as the Cold War! We do write fanfiction (notably for Resident Evil and Intergalactic Idiots) but it's not a focus of this blog.
We also draw our stories pretty often! We love mixing writing and art and some of our main stories are going to be webcomics or graphic novels!
Feel free to reach out to us! We love love love talking to people about our wips / stories <2 (aro heart) and we love talking to people about their wips too!
We tag:
#epitaph speaks : a talk tag
#so many ocs : a tag for when we don't want to tag all of the ones we're thinking of
#ocs interaction : a funny post that could be two or more ocs
#[oc firstname] [story] : this is self explanatory
#[story] : also self explanatory. mainly steamcrew, currently, as this used to be a steamcrew blog only
#ask game : self explanatory
#writing : general writing stuff!
#ref : oh, you know, references
#others writing : not ours!
#inspo : inspiration!
WIP page
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amlovelies · 2 years
Cynthia Basri
meet my ocs 29/?
Retribution. Outsider. Anarchist
5'2/157cm brown hair. brown eyes. cis female. she/her pronouns bisexual
ship: you’ll be her ruin (Julia Ortega) ship: break and mend (throuple with Julia Ortega and @/rosarx's Evanthe) tag | fics | art | playlist
themes/tropes/vibes: depression, suicidal ideation, dehumanization, trauma, trying to heal, lack of self worth, hero in hiding, desire for connection, miscommunication, pining, wanting what you can never have
Cynthia Basri isn't real. Not a real person, not a human, just a sophisticated ai playing pretend, but god she wishes she was. If she was real then maybe she could have the connections she so desperately desires. When her mission to bring down those who created her brings her at cross purposes with the woman she loves will she find the courage to trust Ortega with the truth? To believe that she can be loved and supported as she is, or will she loose herself to her goal?
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art by @/horchatabun
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cherries-bunny · 4 months
my fellow soulmates
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1. kamu punya hobi gaakk? hobinya apaa?
mlnjiqim : ngejurnal atau nulis diary adalah hobiku!
hanznni : aku suka journaling, nulis sesuatu di diary terus dihias gitu. isinya self appreciation, curhatanku, dan banyak lagi. aku juga suka menggambar. 🥺
laoirei : Hobiku mendengarkan musik. Kapan pun dan di mana pun harus mendengarkan musik.
heueseung : Aku hobi mancing! Mancing keributan. Bercanda hehehehe lagi suka baca buku kalau sekarang!
seongmhwa : punya dong, rebahan. itu termasuk hobby kan yaah? :p
younjungl : hobiku suka tidur wkwk suka rebahan bcz rebahan is my life /G. eh tapi nonton film jugaa. kalo produktif aku suka bikin kue, latihan gambar, terus jalan-jalan ke art exhibition itu seru banget apalagi bareng temen-temen deket
jeehyuk : Punya! Hobi aku nonton.. Akhir akhir ini lagi sibuk nonton
sunghanbinr : aku akhir-akhir ini suka nonton film
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2. suka sama makanan apaa?
mlnjiqim : Aku pemakan segala! Tapi kurang suka sama Hawaiian pizza. @___@
hanznni : martabak telor yang ada ayamnya, no debat ! ✊
laoirei : Aku suka mie... Semua mie aku suka banget apapun itu kayak mie udon, ramyeon, mie instant. I love mie so much. >__<
heueseung : Makanan yang enak itu ramen sama sejenisnya kaya mie mie deh yang pedes pasti nikmat.
seongmhwa : banyak sih, tapi aku paling suka indomie goreng. <3
younjungl : makanan kesukaan, aku suka makanan yang manis kaya jelly, hotteok, bungeoppang. suka yang pedes kaya cikin goreng spicyyy, terus suka yang gurih juga kaya potato chips! :9
jeehyuk : Aku suka chocolate cake!
sunghanbinr : aku suka banget makan daging
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3. mau tau nama panggilan kesukaan kamu apa dong!
mlnjiqim : Aku suka dipanggil “minji-yaaa” atau “moyaaa” versi OOC nya. :>
hanznni : sachi, achi, bunny ! ini semua aku suka asal kamu yang panggil. ; )
laoirei : Kalau aku suka banget dipanggil laoi. Kayak lucu banget gitu lao lao laoi. Aku juga suka banget nama panggilan “Kongsuni” dari member atau DIVE. Kamu juga pasti suka panggil aku dengan sebutan itu, kan? :p
heueseung : Paling suka kalau dipanggil Shaka aja, tapi kalau sama yang lebih mudah boleh deh panggil kakak aja.
seongmhwa : nayesh! lucu aja gemuy gemuy gimana gitu.
younjungl : temen-temen deketku sering panggil aku pake Ggonjung, itu Go-Younjung disingkat atauu Go! doang saking magernya mereka manggil nama Younjung ㅠㅠ. nah kalo as writer aku dipanggilnya Nina gitu sih biasanya, itu dari nama OCku Neena Evanthe
jeehyuk : Nama panggilan kalo muse tuh Jekjek, kalo oc name tuh Jee (dari usn) atau Davian!
sunghanbinr : hmmm aku paling suka dipanggil bibin atau biner kalau dari nama muse, kalau dari nama oc aku paling suka dipanggil caca
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4. warna favoritmu apaa?
mlnjiqim : Biruuu. 🩵🩵🩵
hanznni : pink, hitam, pastel purple !
laoirei : Ungu dan Hitam! (Kuromi banget) tapi aku juga suka warna pink karena pink itu lucu. Lucu banget. Warna paling lucu sedunia.
heueseung : Hitam dan Ungu!
seongmhwa : akhir-akhir ini aku suka warna-warna pastel soalnya neomu gemas seperti aku.
younjungl : ada tiga nih! aku lagi suka sama warna navy, green, & purple
jeehyuk : ITEEEM. Soalnya cocok semua warna!
sunghanbinr : warna biru
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5. kalau tadi makanan, sekarang minuman favoritnya apaa?
mlnjiqim : Aku suka minuman bersoda, es krim juga suka tapi es krim bukan minuman ya. 😭
hanznni : thai tea, red velvet. enak banget red velvet tuh kaya minum kue. dan wangi .. 🥺
laoirei : Minuman favorite aku kopi dan teh. Tapi kalau kopi aku sukanya tuh masih ada rasa susunya atau gula aren. Kopi dengan caramel juga aku suka banget.
heueseung : Es jeruk nomer satu! Nomer duanya Smooties buah apa aja!
seongmhwa : engga bisa milih salah satu, aku suka kopi dan teh. :]
younjungl : kalo minuman kesukaan selain air putih mungkin, kopi? sejujurnya lebih banyak minum air putih belakangan ini soalnya harus jaga kesehatan kulitku huhuuu. kalo suka kopi itu karena bisa bikin melek wkwk jadi gak loyo buat beraktivitas 🥰
jeehyuk : Banana milk! 🤍___🤍
sunghanbinr : fruit smoothies!
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starshipabyss · 1 year
Epitaph + Mantis + Jamie // voi + rot + it + they // plural blog // white // adult // neurodivergent + disabled
More detailed intro under the cut
Hey, we're Starship Abyss. Use voi/rot/it/they for us! We're praesigenic (x), polyplural (x), and identify with the term DID. We have over a hundred members, an unknown headcount, and new people constantly coming in. We also have many undiscovered layers, sidesystems, subsystems, and the like.
While this blog will remain for mainly plurality, something we're very open about is being schizoautistic. Our combination of dissociation and psychosis loves to fuck us over (hence being disabled), and you can see us talking about it on our blog @schizoautisticisms
Our current hosts are Beryll and Evanthe (Evie). Current frequent fronters, not including hosts, are Kuiper, Elodie, Clementine, and Damsel/Bvnny.
We love talking about ourselves! Feel free to ask questions. We'll say if we don't want to answer.
We call each other crewmembers, crewmates, refer to front as being "on bridge", etc! It's like we're on one big spaceship, but headspace doesn't actualyl reflect that, lol. If you want to ask how we're doing, feel free to say something like, "well, how's the crew doing?" or similar
We support non-traumagenic systems and don't want to engage in syscourse, so you won't find any of that here. Generally, we're very accepting of people. We support m-spec gays and lesbians, stuff like that. We also do not support the usage of "narcissist", "narcissistic abuse", or any other demonizing language towards people with mental health issues. We will not engage in shipcourse or anything similar.
Our littles have used this blog in the past (with supervision), but they might stick to our little blog, @littlefauna (and we try to keep them there). However, littles don't often front for many reasons.
We'll block you if we don't want you to follow us, pretty simple. If you need us to tag something, let us know! We'll try to remember. Feel free to send an ask in if you need clarification on anything, but understand that for some subjects we either won't answer or won't engage with past an answer.
Additionally, feel free to talk to us if we've made you uncomfortable for any reason! We are, as mentioned, schizoautistic and while that means we might not pick up on social stuff, we try our very best to not break boundaries/listen to people in communities we are not a part of.
We tag triggers like this: [trigger], [trigger] tw
Here's a run down of other blogs we'd like to include here:
@berylliumliumite is our main, and we follow from there. It's mainly Crab and Beryll's blog. More blogs that are all of ours:
@lamplighterr (art)
@arohorror (aro stuff)
@slenderversez (horror)
@steamcrew (ocs/writing)
@gothgenderism (alt blog)
@schizoautisticisms (mental health/disability)
@residentevilseven / @kenofluid is Evie's blog and genderhoard, respectively
@damselemh is Bvnny's blog
@loveliecore is Devin's blog
@pastelsandpsychics is Teru's blog
Some of these blogs either have not been touched for a while or are undergoing changes
Thank you all for sticking around/reading this if you got this far, and have a good day <2
Last updated: 8/16/24
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whowhatifs · 2 years
A melting embrace
Artwork for @interactivesummer day 14 "Melt" of Sidesteps, (my Evanthe and @amlovelies 's Cynthia) from @/fallenhero-rebirth's IF, reuniting and melting into each other.
"When iron and carbon come together, there emerges steel! To be something stronger and better, you must mostly unite with something else and melt" - Mehmet Murat İldan
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[Image ID: Digital artwork of two people hugging each other tightly in the sunshine. The person on the left is tall and muscular with paler skin and black hair, and they are crying. The woman on the right is almost completely hidden by the embrace, and has tawny brown skin and brown hair. /End ID]
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grapegoggle · 4 months
🪽🌸An introduction post i should have made awhile ago…!
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Hello! i honestly should have made this a LONG time ago, but since I’m starting to use tumblr more, I decided I should probably just do it right now.
🪽🌸My name is Goggles! I am an artist and a game dev. I am a minor (17), and I am also trans. I go by he/him!
🪽🌸My blog is mostly for art, but sometimes I ramble. I usually post multifandom stuff, including some oc’s if im feeling fancy. The fandoms I draw as of right now are as follows:
Yandere simulator (I do NOT support yandere dev), Honkai Star Rail (crazy Argenthill fan), Splatoon, and Blooming Panic.
Tags of my oc’s are marked as follows: #Oc- Isaiah, #Oc- Evanthe, #Oc-Akui Sato
Tags for people specifically wanting to look through my art or stuff I talk about: #obligatory goggle art tag, #obligatory goggle rambles
🪽🌸Some other things I’m into but don’t actively talk about are as follows:
Jazmin Bean, Babymetal, Candye Syrup, Weezer, TV Girl, The Slatoon manga (Coroika), Vocaloid, Fnaf, Class of 09’ (unfortunately), Until Dawn, Needy Streamer Overload, Hiveswap Friendsim, Mlp, Pokemon, Monster High, and anything involving mario characters (i love luigi).
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🪽🌸You can find my other socials here! Which includes…
• My itch.io page
• My Instagram
• My Twitter
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DNI List
I think a lot of this shouldn’t need to be said, and are pretty self explanatory, but do not interact if any of these apply to you:
General bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, terfs, racism, etc. etc., pro is**al, pr*shippers, yandev supporters, Ai supporters. Just, general weirdos. Also, Nsfw. Depending on what you post you’re not weird for that, but I am a minor, so please don’t interact.
I think that’s it for the DNI.
🪽🌸Alrighty! That should be it from me. Thank you for stopping by! I hope you like my stupid Otohiko gifs.
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suja-janee · 4 years
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My leopard gecko twi’lek, Evanthe!
I’ve actually got two leopard geckos myself hehe.
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And my western banded gecko, Lilo Shidt (lil shit), adopted son of Cloak and Giza.
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loganwritesprobably · 12 days
One Piece Masterlist P4
Feat. content about OCs, belonging to both me and friends
OCxOC and Canon/OC content ahead
✅ - SFW Content 🔞 - NSFW Content
AO3 | Fanfic Masterlist | Request Rules | Fic Trades Guide | WIPs
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For Lonnie
🔞 The Horrors Law/Mila (@bloglophop)
✅ I need My doctor Law/Mila (@bloglophop)
✅ Sleepy Girl Marsh (me)/Mila (@bloglophop)
For Frill
🔞 Reuinited Shanks/Pearl (@frillsinadress)
🔞 Ball, Day Two Sabo/Cornelia (@frillsinadress)
For Aster
🔞 A Thin Line Corwin (me)/Evanthe (@categoryace)
✅ It's Okay, You're Still Cute Law/Caspian (@categoryace)
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artsycrapfromsai · 4 years
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[on twitter] [PLEASE DO NOT REPOST]
i updated Ash’s design 🌹✨🌿🌊
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mx-mind · 2 years
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Bitches who have identity crises 💖💖💖
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