#Oc: Catherine piec
lostfirefly · 2 months
Dear Alexandra, thank you for this wonderful art!
This turned out better (although "better" is an understatement) than I expected. Thank you for bringing my lovebirds to life. I'm amazed by your approach to the matter and the details (you checked photos, gifs, etc.). The idea with the bandana on Catherine's arm is 🔥 And the fish in the sweater 🤣
Guys, FINALLY!! Meet my Cathie-pie and Buggy Bear 🥺
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I suddenly remembered that Russians can draw too 🤣
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truehauntings · 3 months
can i hear about your ocs from the midsummer post ?
Ok, so, Catherine Appleby is a witch, - specialty: necromancy to be exact - and she lives in a small and haunted cottage in the late Victorian era (maybe), doing witchy things and selling witchy stuff. She is not talented at practising necromancy which is probably the reason why the ghosts stuck around. She is sarcastic, stoic and a bit of a lone wolf. Also quite gay.
Her previous girlfriend died and her mentor is a healer who couldnt save her because it was too late ("I can heal people who are sick or injured, I can't bring them back to life") so Catherine, heartbroken, is questioning the healing path more and more and she decides to pursue necromancy to be able to do that.
One time one of her necromancy spells goes wrong and instead of putting someone dead from the past into the future, still alive, she accidentally catapults someone from the 21st century into her own time.
Introducing: Evelyn Mellington. I don't have such a grasp on her character yet but I do like to imagine she is somewhat of a goth and quite drawn to antiques/the past/history in the first place. She likes to bond with the ghosts in the house and finds the time travelling adventure absolutely fascinating. (Self insert here, ngl).
Since Evelyn is not a magician, Catherine, with a somewhat guilty concience about this whole thing, tries to teach Evelyn magic, so she can get back to her own time. Hijinks ensue.
Also they fall in love.
I have created them in the Sims one time, here's how they look (Catherine on the left, Evelyn on the right):
(Ignore their not historically accurate hair)
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Historical census coincidence, maybe a gay one, in the tags🫡
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thetwstwildcard · 5 months
Lizz wips going into the last normal week of the semester (since the week after is finals week)
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Chibi piece update, playful lands oc wip (she has wooden arm and leg prosthetics, very inspired by Beast from Black Butler since I see Fellow as very Joker) and finally a Catherine casual outfit (the tattoo is now official in her design. You can tell the siblings share some fashion)
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justarandomidiot1 · 3 months
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James Riley Appreciation Week!
Family / Angst
So I made this headcanon a few years ago that after the events of Story Thieves, Christian and Catherine decide to have another kid, but I couldn't decide the gender of the kid and ended up making fraternal twins. Bethany and Orion are now big siblings to two more half fictional children.
This is the first time I drew the twins and gave them names lmao maybe i'll draw them again in the future
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kvroii · 9 months
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Sketching with the binary brush in SAI.
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brainyxbat · 1 year
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Recast for one of my favorite music videos!
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degrees-of-fuck · 5 months
Arts a lil old but I have um some guys for you,, i hope u enjoy,,,,,
i originally wanted to finish my jordan design + my design for the initiate robe + maybe the choir robe so I could post it all together but that would have meant not being able to talk about these fuckers as much so... yeah.
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I'm not 100% on how Catherine came out but I can work on her,,, ANYWAY- MY CLERGY CREEPS
Lawrence the Archivist and Catherine the Exorcist!!!! Info about them under the cut
I do a lot of stuff at the temple with my OCs, so I figured it'd be fun to start making a couple FREAKS to inhabit that place with, so I have more personalised horrors to subject lil guys to... ALSO because it's fun to just write an absolute piece of shit. That too.
Lawrence's deal is that on the surface, he's a kind person that you are Safe around. Initiates like him, he sometimes does some tutoring when he's not busy with his other work, he'll even help initiates out of Sticky Situations with other members of the temple! He's a nice, sleepy man that looks after scrolls and books! However, under that, he is just as disgusting as most of the others. He just targets people he considers too oblivious/pure/otherwise innocent to Realise what he's doing (I think gameplay-wise as an NPC, he'd target players with high purity or low awareness) ,,, BASICALLY he's a pathetic little man that needs so so so badly to be liked, so he doesn't want to be caught, but. Not badly enough to just not molest people.
Catherine meanwhile is Openly Terrifying! Her job basically involves various forms of purification, including Exorcisms and Punishing People Who Break Their Vows. Also looking after the temple-sanctioned weaponry. I think people avoid her, because she's kind of giving off constant bad vibes lmao. Thinks a lil highly of herself. She is Pure and Moral and Better Than Other People. She is also stubborn in this belief! So when she starts having lustful thoughts about people, obviously she can't be to blame for that! It just means whoever that is, they are Evil and Tempting Her! Better vent her sadistic tendencies onto them about it. Weirdly, when she does snap and do a rape and get what she actually wants though, she tends to change her tune and start babbling weird praise at her victim out of seemingly nowhere. Essentially, she is SOOOO gross and pathetic. I think as an in-game NPC, she'd react to your allure, but she'd have different flavour text depending on your Grace and Purity. Also might torture some demons...
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41. "Comfort Food" (Canon x OC)
Catherine steps off the bus, arms full of bags. It's been an incredibly long, exhausting day at work. She can't wait to get out of her work clothes and into her lounge wear. She sets the bags down at her door and fumbled for her house keys.
Leon opens the door, greeting her with a smile.
"Saw you from the window," he says, helping her with the bags. The smell of the takeout bucket makes him perk up even more, "Fried chicken?"
"Yeah, from our favorite place, Emmett's", she replied, briefly sitting down on the couch to catch her breath.
Leon is quick to take her jacket, hanging it up on the coat rack.
He gives her a kiss on her cheek, nodding and bringing the takeout bags to the kitchen to start plate the food. Catherine had bought their favorites -- potato wedges, spicy fries, mashed potatoes with gravy, macaroni and cheese, a bucket of fried chicken (boneless and bone-in), and finally a sundae pie.
It was nice having him here, the house felt less empty.
Leon comes back to the living room, setting the plates on the table and pulling Catherine into his arms.
"Been waiting for this all day," Catherine says, letting herself relax against him.
"Same," Leon replies, taking a crispy chicken tender from her plate to feed her.
"So, I'm thinking we can watch 'The Mask' tonight," Catherine said after eating the piece of chicken, "Channel 320 is giving a marathon of Jim Carrey movies."
Leon smirks and clicks on the TV, kissing the top of her head, "Sounds like my kind of date."
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chase-the-music · 2 months
Introducing Cadence Valerio; Ghost's Advocatus Angeli
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I first started developing Cade as an OC about 6 months ago, including my initial sketches for these sheets, so this is how he'd look in early 2024. I will be posting a written piece about how he got his role soon, but I'm also always very happy to answer questions about him!
I've added a massive lore dump for him below if anyone's interested in reading. I would say "full" lore but chances are I will keep adding to this more and more. Tw/cw for mentions of dysphoria, death, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental health issues, sex. There are also Rite Here Rite Now spoilers right at the end(I haven't actually seen it myself yet so any contradictions will be rectified later).
Cade's grandmother, Shirley Gibson, was a huge fan of the original iteration of Ghost as a band in the 60s, and obsessed with Nihil. She was one of the women that he ends up kissing in the Kiss The Go-Goat video, but when he left to find Sister Imperator after the show, she ended up partying with the Ghouls, and sleeping with one of them named Vigor. Shirley only found out she was pregnant upon returning to England, raising Cade's mum Catherine as a single mother with Vigor sending generous monetary support.
Catherine was very visibly different as a child being half-human half-Ghoul, and as a child in England she was very much ostracised for it. She took solace in her best friend, an Italian immigrant named Luciano Valerio, and in their teens, the two fell in love. Unbeknownst to them however, Catherine shared her father's high fertility and a singular slip-up led to the pair concieving when they were only 17. They decided to marry and make it work. Catherine gave birth to twins, Isabelle Violet and [I haven't decided if I'm going to share Cade's deadname yet] Valerio on Friday the 13th of May 1988.
As a child Cadence was outgoing and highly strung whereas his sister was far more shy and reserved. Both were small and slight with frequent health issues which for Cade mostly ended by his adolescence but for Isabelle were more severe and continued into adulthood. Both initially struggled in school but later surpassed their peers. They were intelligent, curious children and were inseparably close.
Cade experienced gender dysphoria for a long time but didn't quite know what it was until finding out about transgender people in his early 20s. His family were fairly accepting, but none more so than Isabelle who was Cade's biggest advocate, helping him get the support he needed. He began socially transitioning in 2011, started testosterone in 2012 and got top surgery in 2014. He was originally on track for bottom surgery in 2015 but this ended up delayed until 2021 for reasons explained below.
Being a quarter Ghoul, Cade has some traits from his grandfather despite appearing fairly human. Vigor is a very lively sun-like (in terms of the elements, Fire/Quintisessence type) Ghoul golden skin and fire-like hair and eyes. Cade's natural hair colour is strawberry blonde despite the fully human members of his family having dark hair, his skin has a slightly golden sheen in sunlight, and his eyes glow slightly in low light, with a candlelight-like effect. He has a higher than average body temperature which may be noteable to others who touch his skin but feels normal to him. That said he feels more comfortable in less clothing and will usually just walk around in his underwear in private, in public it's harder because he prefers not to show too much skin so he often gets a little too hot. His hair and nails grow very rapidly and his skin has a fast cell turnover so it's usually very soft and sensitive, he also has higher than average flexibility. He's presumed to have had high fertility like his mother and grandfather but since he had a hystorectomy as part of his bottom surgery he no longer has to worry about that(unless someone steals the eggs he had frozen)!
Cade studied Law in London and moved to a flatshare outside of the city after graduating, becoming a legal secretary straight after university. His coming out as trans soon after getting the job was a slight setback as a lot of his colleagues were new to the concept, but he was extremely good at his job and was in the process of moving into being a paralegal where he would get to use what he had studied more.
In 2014, Isabelle died suddenly after complications from a congenital heart condition which was one of the health issues that Cade did not share. As well as a heavy dose of survivor's guilt due to the circumstances, Cadence was understandably devastated by the loss and sunk into a deep depression.
He was already recreationally taking cocaine with work friends, but he became much more dangerously addicted, stopped caring about most things, and eventually lost his job, started missing appointments including for his initial bottom surgery, and generally stopped taking care of himself.
His parents helped him get treatment for his addiction as well as bereavement counselling and general mental health support. However once he stabilised he was still left unemployed and rather aimless, so his mum called her father, now retired from the Ministry but still occasionally visiting, and asked him to pull some strings and get his grandson a job so he could have a fresh start. Sister didn't agree with his appointment given his grandmother coming between herself and Nihil when she was pregnant with Copia, but gave him a shot expecting him to leave soon.
Cadence joined in late 2016, at first not having a defined role, just being a standard Clergy member and just seeing where he could be useful. At the time he was still feeling a little lost and still not his usually confident self, so he wasn't sure he belonged for a while. Shortly after the first three Papa's deaths, however, an argument with Sister Imperator over that choice led to him being given the role of "Advocatus Angeli"- an inversion of the original Advocatus Diaboli, or Devil's Advocate in Catholicism- via a phonecall from The Old One himself. He's considered a similar rank to an archbishop where he sits just below the Cardinal, but he's not able to ascend to that rank when Copia becomes Papa because it's considered a different skillset.
Cade's primary role for the first two years as AdvAn was to question and challenge Cardinal Copia and make sure he was worthy of becoming Papa. His criticisms were not sufficient from keeping Copia from the role, much to his chagrin, but he remains an important part of the Ministry, dedicated to making sure all are dedicated to demonic worship.
Cade is curious, observant and has a great memory. He's also very stubborn when he's sure he's right whether that be factually or morally, the latter backed up by his strong sense of justice. Usually his rebellious nature emerges when he comes across what he feels are unfair or unnecessary rules. He's usually very outgoing and talkative, though this took a knock for a while after Isabelle's death, not really returning to his usual self until 2019-20.
He is a hopeless romantic and falls in love far too easily. He's demisexual which I know can play out a bit differently depending on the person, but for Cade it means he doesn't really experience primary attraction, he needs to get to know a person to some extent and then the attraction develops. His actual drive for sex and/or masturbation on the other hand is rather high. When you combine all this with how easily he does end up falling for people, he's prone to setting off with friendly intentions in mind but then ending up with quite intense attractions to and fixations on people.
Cade is quite active; he doesn't have much interest in twam sports but he loves to swim, lift weights and kickbox; once he came out of his shell he started to invite Ghouls to spar with him(often in his office, which Sister is not too happy with).
Cade is a good singer and would love to lead rituals as he also has the charisma. His voice isn't as powerful as the Papas, but it does have a nice tone to it. He also plays piano/keyboard, so he can provide backup vocals or fill in on keyboard when needed for rituals. He likes to serenade his partners in low light, preferably on a real piano, because his soft voice combined with the glow of his eyes can be oddly hypnotic. He likes watching any sort of crime documentary and for films he quite likes psychological thrillers. He's creative and can draw to some extent but not very good with physically making things so often has clothes/accessories/props custom made for him.
Cade's favourite food is ice cream/gelato, especially coffee, hazelnut and pistachio flavours. He also really likes steak and pasta. In terms of animals he quite likes reptiles; he doesn't have any pets at the Ministry but is very tempted to get a snake because a. he's dramatic and b. if Copia pisses him off he can threaten his rats (he wouldn't actually though).
He never got to know Primo or Secondo well, he would perhaps consider them acquantances up until their deaths. Papa Nihil and he have an odd relationship; Nihil actually seems to quite like him but because of Sister Imperator he can't really get to know him well. Sister herself starts off very cold to Cade because of his relation to the woman who wrecked her marriage to Nihil(I hc them married in the eyes of the Ministry, hence why Copia is seen as needing to prove himself; only bastard children are fit to take the Papa title automatically as I've talked about here). It looks like she may warm to him a little until he finds out about Copia being her son shortly after the Papa's deaths and accuses her rather confrontationally as mentioned above, gaining him his role but almost guaranteeing the cold relationship continues.
He got to know Terzo quite a bit as he was Papa when he joined the Ministry, he studied and admired his performance in Rituals and ended up considering him a friend. He was somewhat attracted to him once they became close but he mostly ignored it. Terzo's death therefore hit him harder than the other two, though all three were hard for him as he'd agreed to come to Ghost to get away from death.
Cade initially had no issue with Copia and vice versa, he was just someone he saw around the halls, but after he was assigned to challenge him and judge his worthiness for Papa (despite still being below him in rank), the two begin to frequently butt heads. They maintain a genuine dislike for each other over many years. There is some degree of sexual tension there, but they fucked once only to find they still couldn't stand each other.
When Copia became Papa against much of his advice, Cadence reacted very badly, including going off to find some sort of purpose to everything he was doing. He ended up getting to know and then having a short-term relationship with Lucifer himself. They ended up having to part ways for various reasons but it gave Cade a more solid belief in the purpose of the Ministry, and he soon returned. He still doesn't like Copia and frequently thinks about usurping him but nothing really comes from it.
He has a very up and down relationship with @nocturnal-bishop's OC Bishop Dante. Cade doesn't make friends at the Ministry for a while because he's not his usual confident self, and Dante is his first friend there. As they grow closer, Cadence develops feelings for Dante, but he can tell he's in love with Terzo so while he's not too secretive when it comes to flirting etc, he never makes a definitive move or confession. When the Papas die, Cadence tries to be there to console the Bishop, but when he gets his promotion soon afterwards, Dante becomes suspicious and it takes a while for him to trust Cade again.
From then on, tension grows between the two professionally, as Dante helps prepare Copia for his duties as Papa while Cadence challenges whether he's worthy of the role. Unlike Cade and Copia though, there is a genuine like for each other and want to understand the other at the heart of it. They do sometimes have genuine arguments, but a lot of the time it's far more playful, and over the years I can see genuine affection developing, probably a lot of situations where one has feelings for each other they don't express. Once they can be more open with each other about everything, it would assuage all their doubts about each other and they would build a loving relationship, I don't think it's really been decided when they get together but really any time from 2021-24 I can see working. Me and Dante's writer are both multi-shippers but in my heart I can definitely see them as endgame. Oh and their ship name is Dance. 💜❤
Post-Rite Here Rite Now, I imagine Cadence would be heavily disadvantaged by Copia's appointment as Frater Imperator. He's going to have to hope he can gain some sort of promotion- which is difficult when his role is rather unique- or try his best to make a good impression with the new Papa.
If you read all(or any!) of this, I really appreciate it! I'm hoping to work on some art pieces of Cade and hopefully of Vigor soon but I'm not the fastest. I love talking about my little guy so again feel free to drop me an ask or message or whatnot!
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any chance of an updated list?
Of course!!
Also, this is the NEW and FUCKING IMPROVED LIST, I alphabetized it so it’s even better than before >:3
Currently, we have 340 unique characters (if I counted right) and 487 total submissions. The top three most submitted fandoms are Homestuck, Danganronpa, and One Piece, excluding submissions that were spelt wrong or spelt differently. The top three submitted characters are Haiji Towa, Vriska Serket, and Stella Goeta (stella has so many submissions it’s funny)!
Finally, this is the raw, unedited list of characters submitted so far. Just because they are here doesn’t mean they’ll be in the tournament; it just means they’ve been submitted, regardless of media or what character they are!
as always, list under the cut!
This first list is for characters with two or more submissions. Characters who have three or more submissions will get first dibs in the tournament!
Akechi Goro
Akio Ohtori / Himemiya
Anakin Skywalker
Ansem the Wise
April O’Neil (2012)
Ardyn Izunia
Bill Cipher
Buzz McCallister
Cullen Rutherford
Dazai Osamu
Dio (Zero Escape)
Donald Trump
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Eichi Tenshouin
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Eridan Ampora
Evan Hansen
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Glenn Quagmire
George Wickham
Greg Heffley
Haiji Towa
Her Imperious Condescension
Higashikata Josuke
Huey Emmerich
Ibara Saegusa
Izzy Hands
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Jin Guangyao
John Gaius
Julia Mazzone
Junko Enoshima
Jurgen Leitner
Katsuki Bakugo
Kokichi Ouma
Kristoph Gavin
Kusaka Masato
Kylo Ren
Lance Dubois
Live Action Buggy
Marvin Falsettos
Meenah Peixes
Micah Bell
Minoru Mineta
Mr. Bungee
Pierce Hawthorne
Princess Daisy
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Regal Farseer
Rose Quartz
Santa Claus
Sasuke Uchiha
Scrappy Doo
Sentinel Prime
Shou Tucker
Simon Laurent
Sosuke Aizen
Stella Goetia
Teddy / Kuma
The Maverick
The Metatron 
The Once-Ler
Tony Stark
Tsumugi Aoba
Ty Betteridge
Val Velocity
Vriska Serkat
William Afton
Ōchi Fukuchi
The next list is for characters only submitted once. If you want these characters to have a higher chance of being added to the tournament, feel free to submit more propaganda for them!
Abyss Sibling
Akito Shinonome
Akito Sohma
Alexander Hamilton
Ali Lectric
All For One
Aloise Trancy
Anatole Kuragin
Angel Dust
Anne Hathaway
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Aranea Serkat
Bella Swan
Ben Jackson Walker
Betsy Wolfe
Billy Hargrove
Black Pete
Blitzo Buckzo
Buck Cluck
Buzz (cheerios)
Byakuya Togami
Caesar Clown
Caliborn / Lord English
Captain Kuro
Cersei Iannister
Chloe Bourgeois
Chris McClain
Chrollo Lucifer
Clara Oswald
Cozy Glow
Damian Wayne
Dan Moroboshi
Dean Venture
Dean Winchester
Detective Saracusa
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Disembodied Voice
Don Flamenco
Dr. Henry Miller
Elias Ainsworth
Elias Ainsworth
Elon Musk
Equius Zahhak
Eric Cartman
Erlina and Brugaves
Eugene Coli
Every Single Country In 1993
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Feferi Peixes
Five Pebbles
Foreman Oyun
France (Hetalia)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Gamzee Makara
Georg Weissmann
Goeffry St. John
Gordon Blackwall
Graham Spector
Gra’ha Tia
Haiji Senri
Heath cliff
Henry Miller (OC)
Henry the Eighth
Himiko Toga
Hiyoko Saionji
Holly Blue Agate
Huey Laforet
Ianthe Tridentarius
Il Dottore
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Itsuki Shu
Izumi Sena
Jacopo Bearzatti
James T. Kirk
Jayne Cobb
Joe Destefano
Jonah Magnus
Jonathan Groff 
Judith Ford / Natalie Cook
Kusunoki Muu
Kyouichi Saionji
Ladd Russo
Lady Catherine de Bourgh 
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque
Light Yagami
Mahiru Koizumi
Makoto Itou
Mary Keay
Master Crown
Matou Shinji
Medusa Gorgon
Meredith Rodney McKay
Michael Scott
Miguel O’Hara
Millions Knives
Moeka Kiryuu
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Mori Ougai
Mr. Collins
Ms. Valentine
Muu Kusunoki
Muzan Kibutsuji
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Nagito Komaeda
Nanami Kiryuu
Natsumi Sakasaki
Nefera DeNile
Nikola Tesla
Noor Pradesh
Ogai Mori
Otto Apocalypse
Paul Von Oberstein
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Prince Louis
Queen Scarlet
Quill Kipps
Rafal (FEE)
Rafal (SGE)
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Rebecca Costwolds
Redd White
Riley Finn
Rohan Kishibe
Ruruka Ando
Sakazuki Akainu
Sebastian Mechaelis
Sheldon Cooper
Shen Jiu
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Shinonomes (both)
Sigma Klim
Silver Spoon
Solf J. Kimblee
So Sejima
Stark Sands
Steven Universe
Subara Akehoshi
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Teruhashi Makoto
The Eleventh Doctor
The Entirety Of Homestuck
The Groke
The Little Palace Mistress
The Mage
The New Ninja
The Old Palace Master
The Operator
The Pale King
Tim Drake
Tom Wambsgans
Tomaru Sawagoe
Touichiro Suzuki
Tumblr Staff
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
Victor Frankenstein
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Wen Chao
Whiteout, Clearsight, and Benjamin
Will Shuester
Willy Stampler
Woodes Rogers
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Yu Ziyuan
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Yuri Briar
Zeke Jaeger
Zenos Galvus
Zhou Zishu
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lostfirefly · 1 month
Today, my love, all I want, I wanna sing for you, yeah, I'll sing for you, baby! Happy birthday to you!
This fic was written back in June and finalized yesterday) But I couldn't leave Buggy without a gift) English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here
Description: Happy birthday to our future king of the pirates! Catherine throws him a party.
Warnings: SFW + NSFW (my first attempt to describe oral part), MDNI. Let's pray for Catherine)
Words: 6435 (sorry)
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @yujo-nishimura, @emmiebugz-blog, @mydearlybeloathed , @cyberkittenduck , @buggy-samaaa , @thoraeth
The title is taken from "Happy Birthday" by Kygo feat John Legend.
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/sound of a party whistle/
Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack.
“What’s this?” Buggy barely mumbled into the pillow. 
/sound of a party whistle/
“Shit! My ears!” Buggy covered his ears with his hands.
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!” 
“Cotton candy, I’m sleeping!!” Buggy waved Catherine away.
“Get up! Get up! Get up!!” She happily nudged him in the shoulder.
“What the fuck, woman?! It's 9 in the morning!” Buggy rolled over onto his back and barely opened his eyes. He saw Catherine sitting on her knees on the bed, wearing a plush party birthday cake hat. “And again. What the fuck?”
Catherine blew a party whistle again. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BUGGY BEAR!!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “Love you, my old.” Smack. “Grumpy.” Smack. “Beloved.” Smack. “Clown.” Smack. Smack. 
“Little shit! I’m not old! And not grumpy!!” 
“Yes, you are!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “Wait here!” She ran out of the bedroom.
“Fu-u-ck!! I’m sleeping, woman!!!” 
“I made you a birthday breakfast!” Catherine returned to the room with a tray holding a large plate of pancakes, generously drizzled with chocolate, maple, and pecan syrup. And next to it was his favorite beer. 
“Geeez! I haven't had time to wake up yet.” Buggy rubbed his face. “What time did you get up? How did you get up? If you know what I mean.” He giggled idiotically.
“I always know what you mean, pervert.” Catherine slapped him on his head. “Well, it was hard to get out of your tentacles, Buggy the Octopus, but I did it. Every time I tried to move, you growled and pulled me even closer. But it's your birthday. Moreover! It's your first birthday with me! I wanted to make you your favorite breakfast. 36 pancakes just for you!! Can you imagine?! One pancake for every year of your grumpiness.” Smack. Smack. Smack. “Oh, wait, wait! I have another present! Close your eyes.” Catherine jumped out of bed and ran to the closet.
“Fuck, cotton candy, you're moving too fast! It's 9 am, for god's sake!!”
“See? You're grumpy! Please, close your beautiful eyes!! I have a present for you.” Catherine made a pleading face.
“Will you be naked?” Buggy opened his beer and looked at her with the hope in his eyes. 
“Tell me, asshole,” Catherine crossed her arms, “why do you always want to see me naked?” 
“Have you seen yourself naked? Imagine this picture and tell me how I can not like it?” He took a sip. “Fuck, perfect.”
“Pervert.” Catherine rolled her eyes. “Are you going to close your eyes or not?”
“Fine! But I still hope to see you without your clothes.” 
“Shush, clown! Don't peek!” Catherine was rummaging around in the closet. “Wait, wait! Ready? Nod if you closed your eyes. Now tell me, did you nod?”
“And now you can open your green eyes!” 
Buggy opened his eyes and looked around. “Where are you, cotton candy?” 
“I’m here!” Catherine first showed one leg from behind the door, and then hid it.
“Oh, my God. Please tell me that's what I think it is!!!” Buggy rubbed his hands. 
“I don't know what you're thinking about, jerk!” Catherine poked her head out from behind the door. “Hi!, birthday boy!” 
“Wait, wait!” Catherine showed one leg from behind the door again, then the other, she stood facing Buggy. “Ready? One, two, three!” She turned her back to him and shook her buttocks. “Like it?”
“What the fuck? What is this?” Buggy stared at her pajama pants.
“This's your present!!” 
“But… I see…”
“Yes! These are your hands in your circus white gloves, and this’s my ass. And you're grabbing my ass.” Catherine shook her butt again. “Like it?”
Buggy laughed loudly, “Hell, yeah! Come to me, I want to take a closer look.”
Catherine took a couple of steps back, shaking her butt again. 
“My perfect hands on your perfect ass!” Buggy gently ran his hand down her thigh.
Catherine slapped him, sat on the bed and started stroking his hair. “Happy birthday, my blue-haired love!” Smack. Smack. “I’m so happy I have you!”
“Thanks.” Buggy took a sip. “Your pants are my favorite gift now.”
“I knew you would like it!” Smack. Smack. “Now eat your pancakes!”
Buggy stuck his fork into the pancakes and took a bite.
“Tasty?” Catherine started stroking his hair, watching him nod, and noticed the way Buggy looked at her. “Why are you staring at me like you love me, clown?” 
Buggy chewed a pancake and looked into her eyes. “Cathie-pie.” He swallowed and took her hand. “Will you ma–  make me some coffee?”
“Sure!! Wait here!” Smack. Smack. “Large black coffee with three spoons of sugar. I remember.” Catherine quickly ran to the kitchen. 
“Idiot!!” Buggy grabbed his head. “Don't ask anything. She'll say no anyway.” He took the fork and exhaled. “Fuck! Fuck!” 
“I’m coming back!.” Catherine came into the bedroom, holding the cup and with a wide smile on her face. “I hope you mis–..” She looked at Buggy's sad face. “Why are you sad? Didn't you like the gift? Or the pancakes?” 
“No, I’m fine. Your gift is amazing. It's just.. Just.. No one has ever baked me birthday pancakes.” Buggy tried to smile.
“Oh, my love!” Catherine put the coffee on the table and hugged him around the neck. “Now you have me! And now you will have birthday food every year. Oh! I almost forgot!” She ran to the closet and pulled out a plush crown. “This is for you! You can't eat birthday pancakes without a birthday hat!” She sat down on the bed and put the crown on his head. “My dear Buggy Bear. I crown you on and name you king of my heart.” She hugged him tightly. “I’m so happy I took those tickets and met you.”
“Damn!” Buggy trying hard not to blush. “Can you at least not call me by this stupid nickname on my birthday? Let me eat my pancakes, woman!” He settled himself more comfortably, lifted the blanket and winked at Catherine. She narrowed her eyes in delight and squealed as she crawled under the blanket.
“What are our plans for today?” Buggy ate one pancake and took a sip.
“Actually, we have an extensive program today, but I thought you were going to go drink at Arlong's like usual. Today is Wednesday.” Catherine snuggled under his arm. 
“Meh, I’ll go there tomorrow.” Buggy ate the last pancake, put the tray aside, and snuggled closer to Catherine. 
She immediately hugged him tighter. "What's wrong, my little bear?" 
“Can we lie like this for a while?” 
“Of course! Is something bothering you?”
“No. Just wondering how I got you.” Buggy giggled. “You see, the charm of a loser worked, and I won you over!”
“Dear god!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “There was no charm, Buggy!! You pissed me off and wanted to leave me in the desert!”
“But I didn't leave you!”
“I have one more present for you. Do you want to know when I fell in love with you? Remember the first time you saved me? I then thought, “he protected me?”. You were so brave, and I thought you were okay. Seriously, you didn't have to protect me. Then we sat around the campfire and you seemed less annoying to me. And then you saved me again, and I thought 'gosh, his hands are so warm'. And then you came back for me when I was dangling over the precipice. You could have run away, betrayed me. But you came back. And then when that cave collapsed, I was afraid I'd never see you again. And then you took me home, and I kept thinking, “Why doesn't he say that he loves me?”. And do you remember, the three of us were sitting in the living room, eating pizza and telling my sister how we met? You hugged me back then. I don't know if it was by chance or not. And then you suddenly pulled your hand away. And I realized, “Damn, I love him!”
“If I hadn't saved you,” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. “how would we have gotten to the treasure?”
“So you only saved me for the gold, bastard? I'm glad we chatted around the fire then. You know, I think you fell in love with me before the pancake morning. You just didn't realize it was love. Okay! Enough romance for the morning,” Catherine clapped her hands, “let's go celebrate your birthday! 
To begin with, Catherine took Buggy around the streets, looking in all his favorite places, as if it were a bar or a regular eatery. They had a little picnic by the sea. Catherine laughed and squealed, running from the water to the sand, occasionally noticing Buggy's sad look when he looked at the water. She tried her best to cheer him up, trying to do acrobatic routines, but she wasn't very good at it. Toward evening, she led the way to his awning. 
“What are we doing at my circus?” Buggy pointed at his tent. 
“Well,” Catherine shrugged, “you threw a party for me six months ago, now it's my turn. And since the circus now holds a special place in my life, I asked your crew to help me with the preparations.” She pecked him on his nose. “And forgive me, I lied to you a little for a few weeks when I said I was going out alone. I ran here to supervise everything. So welcome to the party named after the best clown in the world!”
Catherine dragged Buggy into the arena, which was filled with tables with hot dogs, pizza, and various alcoholic beverages. 
“What the hell?!” Buggy looked around. His entire crew was dressed in pirate costumes, a wide shroud hung from the dome to the floor. There were two anchors on the floor and there were dinghies with a couple of freaks sitting in them. The bar counter, behind which the bartender stood, was made in the style of a ship's nose and deck.
“Welcome to the pirate party!” Catherine happily spread her arms, inviting him to take a closer look. “See! Look, this is a mooring rope. Here is another rope.”
“This is a line, Cathie-pie.” Buggy tried to hide his shocked state, looking around. 
“Exactly. And here is another one.” Catherine pointed at the rope, “I forgot the name of this thing.”  
“Guess-warp.” Buggy said quietly. 
“Yes!” Catherine looked at him with rounded eyes. “Wow, I didn't know you were into this.”
“Hey! I read books sometimes too.”
“Look,” Catherine wrapped her arm around his waist, “we have one big table that resembles the captain's cabin for everyone here. These small ones are shaped like the stern of a ship with a steering wheel if someone wants to sit alone or to chat with others. Some of your friends brought girls, see? They want to be like you. And do you see the two thrones by the big table? Those are our seats. You have to own your throne!” Catherine pointed with her eyes to his place.
Buggy walked around the arena, looking at everything around him. Every chair, every table, everything resembled a giant ship. He went up to the bar and gently ran his fingers along it. Catherine noticed his sad face. 
“You don't like it? You probably wanted a regular party. I'm so sorry. Do you want to go somewhere else?” 
“No. I really like it! But.. Why the pirate theme?” Buggy asked quietly, running his fingers over the barstool.   
“I don't know. You have the soul of an adventurer and a seeker of treasure.” Catherine pecked him on his cheek. “Oh! I have one more present for you. I'll be right back, okay? You have ten minutes to miss me.” 
Buggy saw how Catherine quickly went to his office, noticed Cabaji at the bar and hurried over to him, “Did you tell her something?”
“Happy birthday, Captain!” said with his mouth full, eating canapés  
“Yes, yes! I asked a question. Did you tell her something?” Buggy asked quietly. 
“No! I swear. Your girlfriend came here a few weeks ago, and offered to organize a party. She wandered around the arena for about an hour and suddenly said that it would be a pirate party. I told the entire crew not to give the slightest hint.”
“Damn! Okay!” Buggy knocked on the counter. “Hey, you, bartender, make me a whiskey and pour a glass of rosé wine for the girl.”
Catherine spun around in front of the mirror for a long time, examining herself from all sides. “My flashy fool's gonna like this.” She squealed and ran back. When Catherine returned to the arena, she hid behind one of the decorations for a moment to watch Buggy. He was basking in the attention of the entire team, actively gesturing and laughing. She straightened her shoulders, looked at herself again and ran towards him.
“Hey, birthday boy!” Catherine gently tapped Buggy on the shoulder. “I'm back!”
“I ordered yo~. Fuck me! Fuck me very much!” Buggy's jaw dropped when he looked at Catherine. She was in the beautiful mid-thigh dress with black lacing on the purple corset, featuring a form-fitting lace up black bodice that accentuates her curves. The off-shoulder design added a touch of the romance and the flowing bunched black skirt had a sexy asymmetrical hemline. 
“Wow! My chatterbox can't find words, I'm amazed. Like it? Do I look like the queen of the seven seas?” She twirled several times and watched him simply nod his head. Catherine laughed, reaching her hand up to his chin. “Close your mouth and tell me something!”
Buggy swallowed and drank his whiskey with one gulp. “Damn! You look so hot, Catherine Mitchell!” He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and started to slide his other hand down her ass. 
“What are you doing?” Catherine slapped him on his hands. “There are people around. And Cabaji is still here.”
“What are you standing there for? Get out of here!" Buggy barked at Cabaji, who grabbed his beer and quickly ran away from the bar. “Just fuck. You look... Just fuck.”
“While you're looking for the right words, go change into your circus clothes, please.” Catherine wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoed and pecked him in his lips. “Your vest and leather pants will go perfectly with our theme. Who knows, maybe I have a gift for you.”
“If the next gift isn't hot sex on my desk, I don't want to talk to you at all, woman.” 
“I'm not having sex with you while your friends are here. If you behave well, who knows. Maybe I'll lift the ban on your office for today.” Catherine gently ran her finger down his neck and winked. 
"I'm gonna change!"  Buggy pushed her away slightly and quickly disappeared into the dark corridor.
Catherine laughed loudly, picked up her wine, took a sip, sat on the bar and looked around the arena. “Perfect.” 
The crew's laughter, the clinking of glasses and toasts to the Captain could be heard throughout the arena. While she was waiting for Buggy, one of the crew members came up to her, began to thank her for the party and they started talking. When Buggy returned, the first thing he heard was Catherine’s ringing laughter, and then he saw how she was fluttering freak's hair.
“Hey, I'm back.” Buggy came closer, glanced at the freak, and put his hand on Catherine’s back. The freak swallowed, blushed and quickly ran away.
Catherine smiled and glanced at Buggy. “Wow! I love your circus outfit. You look so hot. And in this dress, I’m now mated with you. We are like a small pirate family today.” Catherine put her glass down and wrapped one arm around Buggy’s neck. “See. They're toasting you. They love you, not like I do, but they do.” She adjusted his bandana. “I’m so proud of you, my blue-haired love.” Catherine kissed Buggy on the cheek and glanced at the crew. “Hey, you bunch of bilge rats, Quick, raise your glasses in the name of your Captain!” She looked at Buggy, who glanced at her with raised eyebrows and laughed. “I've always wanted to say that.” Catherine proudly raised her head and stroked Buggy’s shoulder. “I love you. Oh, I have another gift for you. I'll be right back.” She kissed him on the lips, jumped off the counter and ran off somewhere.
Buggy was sipping his whiskey and chatting with his teammates. He liked to be bathed in attention. He was talking to Mohji when he heard the sounds of fiddling and Catherine's voice.
“Go faster!!” Catherine nudged the freak in the back. “Put this box on the keg!” The freak struggled to lift the big present box. 
“What’s this?” Buggy came closer to her, sipping whiskey.
"I've been thinking about what to get you for a long time. Then I thought, you're the captain of this circus. And the captain shouldn't walk without it! Open it!" Catherine took the glass from his hands and invited him to the box. 
“Okay.” Buggy opened the lid and frozen for a second, looking inside in surprise. “What the f~?” 
“Only the greatest captain should have a fur coat. I know it's a stupid gift, but I couldn't think of anything better.” Catherine watched as he slowly ran his fingers through the fabric. “Your face. You don't like it, do you?”
“No! I like it very much!” Buggy pulled the coat out of the box and slipped it over his shoulders. 
“And look how it suits you! It's a sandy color. You can cover me when I'm cold!” Catherine ran her hands over the sleeves and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Happy birthday, my mystery Buggy, who is worth a lot of money somewhere. I love you so, so much!”
Catherine shifter her gaze to the crew. “What are you all standing there for?” She clapped her hands. “Let's have some fun! Woohoo!”
Catherine’s ringing laughter, music, drunken toasts and dancing filled the entire tent. Mohji was dancing till he fell down, Cabaji was dancing with some girl.  
“Damn, she's so happy. And she did all this for me. She constantly makes sure everyone has drinks and is having fun. She laughs loudly. I love the way she wrinkles her nose when she laughs. She gets asked to еру dance. Not that I'm thrilled about it, but I kind of like it. look at her, clown.. And now she's dancing with... hey, watch the hands! My hands are the only ones allowed on her waist! Oh, she moved them herself. What was I talking about? Oh yeah... And I love how before and after she is invited to dance, she runs up and gives me kisses. What does she even see in me? She's alive and funny and real, and I w–”
“Hey, handsome! Why are you sad here?!” Catherine’s voice pulled Buggy out of his thoughts. She took the glass of whiskey from his hands, put it on the counter and took Buggy by the hands. “Let's go dance!” 
“I don't know. I'm a bad dancer, Cathie-pie.” 
“I don't care, this's my favorite song and I wanted to dance to it with you. Ple-e-ease!!” Catherine made sad cat eyes and watched as Buggy rolled his eyes in response, but nodded. Catherine clenched her fists and squealed happily, dragging him to the center of the arena. “See? We're under your favorite spotlights.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his hands on her waist, and began to rock him from side to side to the music rhythm. “I don't know what kind of parties you've thrown before, but this one seems pretty good, huh?” 
Buggy exhaled and blushed. “This one's even better.”
Catherine narrowed her eyes and squealed. “I knew you loved me!” Smack. Smack. “Do you know how much I love you? Just li-i-ike tha-a-at!” She spread her arms wide and laughed. 
Buggy lifted her hand and Catherine twirled around her own axis. They swayed to the rhythm of the music, their bodies moving in perfect harmony as they danced under the spotlight. Catherine’s hair cascaded down her back like a sunset river, while Buggy's strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close as they spun and twirled in perfect sync. The music faded away, and they slowed to a stop, their chests heaving in unison as they gazed into each other's eyes. For a moment, they stood still, savoring the magic of the moment, the world around them melting away as they lost themselves in the depths of their love.
“Hi.” Catherine said quietly.
“I have another surprise!” Catherine cleared her throat and ran to the middle of the arena and, raising her hands to face level, she clapped theatrically. “Bring the surprise!!” 
Сabaji rolled out a large table with a huge black cake on it. Catherine clapped her hands again and the whole team began to sing “Happy Birthday.” Buggy burst out laughing and came closer to Catherine. 
“We rehearsed for a long time!” Catherine almost laughed until she cried, watching everyone blush with shame, singing a congratulatory song. “And this is your cake. We are having a pirate party, right? We have a pirate ship and we have our own captain. And what ship is without a flag. See! This is Jolly Roger. And he has your bones and your nose.” She whispered quietly. “I hope you don't take offense, because it won't be your flag without your lovely nose.”
When all the drunken guests had left, Catherine noticed that Buggy hasn't come back. He said he'd be gone for a while, and he didn't come back. She waved to the last guests leaving the tent and walked down the hallways, but Buggy wasn't there. 
Catherine knocked on his office. “Are you here? Can I come in?” She carefully opened the door, and saw how he immediately slammed the bottom drawer of his desk shut with a key. “I found you. What are you doing here alone? I miss you. You look sad. I think I did something wrong. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.” 
“No, Cathie-pie, it's okay. How could you offend me?” Buggy exhaled.
“Are you sad because you're getting old?”
“Hey! I’m not old. Just... It's complicated, and I don't want to talk about it right now.” 
“Okay, we won't talk. We’re gonna drink! I brought whiskey and wine just for us.” Catherine moved closer to the table and hugged Buggy from behind. “Whatever happened to you in the past, I don't care. I'm glad that the past led you to Cairo. Because I met you. I love you so, so much!” Catherine sat down on the table, put her feet on his lap and took a sip straight from the bottle. “So, what are our plans next?” 
Buggy looked at Catherine for a moment and slowly ran his hand down her bare leg. “The dress is so sexy. I've been looking at you all evening, and it turns me on terribly.” 
“Everything turns you on, asshole, even if I'm walking around the house in that shark pajama you got me.”
“Shut up, please.” Buggy ran his lips over her legs, leaving a thin trail of lipstick on her skin. 
“What are you doing? Stop!” Catherine tried to gently push him away. “Stop it. Not here. Please..” Catherine's breathing quickened. “Damn you, clown. Just imagine. Everyone saw me in this dress. Your whole crew was staring at me, can you believe it?” She reached out, pulled his bandana off, and Buggy’s hair fell about the back and shone like a cascade of water. “The who-o-ole crew.” 
Buggy abruptly motioned her over to him, kicked a chair and stood up, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Stop it!” 
“You know, I'm willing to bet money that you were pissed off that your freaks were dancing with me, looking at me. At my bare legs, my bare shoulders. You do realize that I'm not wearing a bra right now, right?”
Buggy stood between Catherine’s legs, and she felt his hand come up to cradle her jaw, forcing her to look at him. “I said stop it!” 
Catherine immediately wrapped her legs around him and ran her hand from his hair to his neck. “Uh-oh, someone's jealous.” 
“I'm not jealous. Let them stare, I don't care. You're mine, my Cathie-pie. And you're my main birthday present for today.”  Buggy ran his hand under the hem of her dress. 
“I’m not your pr-!” Catherine was cut off by his mouth crashing desperately against hers, his kiss so urgent that it took her a few seconds to regain control of herself. Her mind blanked, and for those few precious seconds, all she could feel was him, his lips and hands all over her. His kiss was more frantic, his touch was rougher than usual, more frenzied, as though he wanted to get as much of her against him as he possibly could.
"I like the way you smell. I like the way you taste, Cathie-pie." As he spoke, the rest of his body began to respond to the feel of her in his arms -- not just due to the allure of intimacy, but also because of the warmth, the softness, and the surprising strength in her thighs, contrasted with the delicate nature of her elbows and wrists, which stirred within him a profound desire to yield to any request she might make.
She now mirrored his intense urgency, moving her body against his as she struggled for dominance until, as always, she surrendered completely in his embrace. She became malleable in his grasp, letting out soft sounds whenever he caressed her in a particular manner; each deliberate stroke of his tongue within her mouth, the way he positioned her thigh over his hip while pressing his arousal against her center, and the smirk he wore against her neck as he lavished attention on the sensitive skin there. His hand on her waist tightened its hold, drawing her body closer to his.
“What if your guys imagined me naked?” Catherine slowly began to unfasten the straps on his vest.
“Are you doing this on purpose, little shit?” Buggy took off his vest, knelt down and began kissing her legs. 
“I like to piss you off, asshole.” Catherine felt him move his lips higher. “My love, the door. Please lock the door.”
“No one's here anyway.” Buggy held on as best he could, but with every touch of her soft skin, he felt himself losing control.
Catherine felt his hands begin to squeeze her legs tighter, the kisses became longer. “Someone's going to die.” Catherine giggled and put her hand on his hair. “Don't you want to come up here?”
“Wait! I'm enjoying the moment.” Buggy lifted the hem of her dress slightly. “You’re driving me crazy tonight,” he groaned. “This dress? Phenomenal. Did you wear it for me?” He raised his gaze to her while positioned half-kneeling on the floor, his hands gliding over her exposed thighs, having pushed the dress up to her hips. His eyes were filled with intensity, silently pleading for the response he desired. 
Catherine wove her fingers through his hair as he transitioned from his fingertips to his lips, hovering perilously near the edge of her panties. “I–”
“Answer, cotton candy. The captain asked a question.” The words came out more of a grumble, vibrating against her body.
Fuck, she loved it when he spoke like that. It was his captain’s voice. The one which made her legs quiver and sent heat straight to her core. It was dominating. When he spoke to her like that, she was a lost cause.
Catherine murmured. “I knew my captain would like it.”
“Like it?” Buggy pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, and instantly her legs began to wobble. “Baby, I love it.”
That name – just hearing him call her baby at such moments – was enough to send her mind spiraling. Catherine should have known it was only a matter of time before they fell back into each other’s arms. Buggy groaned as he pulled the panties down, and she knew exactly why. She moaned, tugging desperately at his hair with her fingers.
“Lock the door, please.”
Buggy shook his head and emitted a low growl of contentment, then rewarded her by trailing his tongue along her warmth. Her back arched off the table as she attempted to draw him even closer to her.
“That's my girl,” he hissed, before delving into her with his tongue.
Catherine whimpered at the sudden explosion of pleasure, her senses going into overdrive. She was lost, completely helpless, not even aware of the words which were tumbling from her lips.
“Fuck, my love. The do, pl~”
Buggy switched between sucking her clit slowly into his mouth and circling her entrance. Catherine moved one of her hands to her mouth because she realized she’d moaned aloud, because even the sight of him kneeling there, almost made her come. As he continued to pleasure her with renewed intensity and deliberate movements of his tongue, it was not long before she felt herself nearing the brink, stifling a cry of his name. Buggy remained positioned between her legs, one hand resting firmly on her abdomen to provide support. Catherine’s legs trembled, and she realized that without his assistance, she would have collapsed to the floor by that point. Her heart raced even as he gradually rose to his feet. 
"I hate you," she said, grasping his hand.
The corner of his mouth curled upward as he cupped her jaw with his hand. “Still alive?” He leaned down to kiss her, allowing her to savor her own essence on his tongue. It was dirty and hot and everything.
“It seems like you're the birthday boy, but I got the present?” Catherine giggled. 
“Got? In the past tense? Oh, cotton candy, we're not done yet.” Buggy groaned against her skin, where his mouth was trailing hot kisses over her neck and collarbone. “Now I’m going to fuck you,” he murmured into her ear, and she couldn’t help the desperate whimper that tore from her throat. 
Catherine allowed herself to meet his gaze, her brow lifting in challenge. “Do it, then.” She grabbed his back and pressed him closer. His long blue hair spilling around them. 
Buggy took off his pants and underwear, smashed into her lips and Catherine moaned softly through the kiss, feeling him enter her. One smooth movement and he was inside her, filling her to the point of ecstasy before withdrawing achingly slowly. She moaned when his second thrust was harder, harsher than the first and she gripped at the edge of the desk to fully support herself. 
“The door!” Catherine whimpered through the kiss, feeling him pull her closer to him,
“I don't give a shit! There is no one here.” His lips traveled up the column of her neck, the tip of his nose tracing the side of her face as he breathed against her ear. 
She dug her fingers into his hair, when he started picking up the pace. The tension in the air was broken only by his moans and her sighs.
“Don't stop. Don't. I-- I want this, want you. Please, Bug-"
Buggy swallowed her gasp as they mashed into a hard kiss, tongues tangling as they explored each other's mouths. Thoughts washed over Buggy's head like a giant wave. Catherine accidentally reminded him of his past. The past he ran away from, trying to forget who he was and what he had, and now all that was good in his miserable life was her. 
“I love you. I love you. I so fucking love you..” Buggy whispered near her lips in a low voice, thrusting until she gasped, the hands on his shoulders turning harsh with the addition of nails. 
“Lo- fuck.. y- too.” Catherine smashed into his lips, trying to stifle her moans, which were getting louder.
Buggy's heavy thrusts send a tingling sensation along her spine, while his deep grunts intensified as he became increasingly aroused.  With another thrust, Catherine’s nails grazed his back, introducing a unique pain that only motivated him further. As Buggy thrust once more, her body tensed, anticipating the sensations that were about to unfold. His lips departed from hers, trailing down to her neck and further, without the use of his teeth. Catherine slightly arched her neck, allowing him greater access. She pressed her fingers into his back as he drove into her with increased intensity, no longer kissing or caressing her skin.
“I’m so close, my love. Oh, fuck. Fuck me harder and rougher, please.” 
Buggy growled, moaning her name. The love he felt in her heart, hearing her endless love words, made him make his thrusts even stronger, even more potent. As she wanted. Catherine tried not to moan his name loudly, afraid of who might be hearing her, breathless pleas as his rod slowly dragged inside her. One more hard thrust and a wave of brain-frying pleasure washed over her as felt they came together. 
Buggy pulled her closer and collapsed against her with a drawn out moan, his heart beating like a drum against her chest. His weight was pushing her down on the hard wood table, but she didn't care; she loved his weight on top of her, the feeling of his sweat-slicked body, the musky scent of an aroused male.
They didn't separate immediately. Catherine remained entwined with him as Buggy gradually regained his composure, taking deep breaths. Catherine held him close, providing a few extra moments for him to feel secure. His head rested on her shoulder while she gently massaged his back.
“You okay? With me?” Catherine asked quietly, stroking his back, and saw him nod. “You know, you smell like the salty sea. Musk and the sea.” 
“This's the best present ever, cotton candy.” Buggy chuckled and kissed her forehead. 
“Liar. I'm sure you did this.. well.. present.. with other girls on your birthday too.” 
“This is different. You are not “other girls”. How am I supposed to work at this desk now? How do you say it?” Buggy started imitating her. “This is our first sex on the desk, Buggy. Let's celebrate this every year.” 
“Go to hell, pervert.” Catherine gently kissed him on his nose. “By the way, I asked you to close the door. I wouldn't be surprised if you were hoping someone would come in.” She saw him shrug. “How can you think about that? It's such an intimate thing! Half of Cairo probably already knows that I'm sleeping with you.” 
“Not true!”
“I don't want to talk to you!” Catherine gently stroked his cheek. “But.. Happy birthday, my silly clown. Love you so, so much.” 
Buggy kissed her again and helped her down from the table. While he was fixing his makeup, Catherine wiped his lipstick traces from her body and quickly cleaned up the mess on the table. 
Catherine adjusted her dress. “God, I hope Richie didn't hear us." 
“Do you think that furry lump is gonna tell everyone what we did here?” Buggy reluctantly looked at himself in the mirror. 
Catherine noticed his sad face and immediately ran up to hug him. “You’re my best and the most handsome clown in the world. You know, I have an idea! We take a couple of bottles of booze, the rest of the cake and go home. We'll lie in bed in our pajamas, watching some stupid show and eating cake.” 
“Not bad.” Buggy kissed her head. “Do you want to take your favorite stupid walk along the embankment?”
“Really? I want! I really want! I love walking with you!” Catherine squealed happily. “Give me 10 minutes, I need to change my clothes, I can't walk down the street looking like this.” 
“But I hoped you would stay in your sexy dress.” Buggy plopped down on the couch. 
“Nope! It was a gift just for you, my flashy fool. Otherwise, you'll get mad if someone looks at me in this dress.” Catherine hid behind the closet door, started to undress, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a flying head. “Hey, clown! Don't peek!” 
“Are you serious? I've seen you naked a thousand times!”
“I'll take your head now and hide it somewhere in the closet. For God's sake, Buggy, zip up your pants and wait for me, please!” She heard him fall onto the couch and exhale. Buggy tried to peek again, but Catherine threw a pillow at him. 
“I'll take your shirt? Okay? And we can g~. what's this?” She pulled out a photo. “Wow! You not only have my picture in your wallet, but also on your shelf?”
“Hey! Give it back!” Buggy sent his hand, pulled the photo out of her hands, and put it in the drawer. “It doesn't mean anything.”
“But this is you and me, when you took me out on a picnic last week. You were grumbling and freaking out because I wanted to take a picture of us. Sure, I'd be happier if I weren't lying between your underwear. Why do you need spare underwear here? Although, you know, don't answer, I don't want to know what you're doing here.” Catherine tiptoed over to the couch, throwing on her shirt, and kissed him on the lips. "I knew you loved me, my Buggy Bear." Smack. “Okay, let's take the cake and go home. I think I've already trampled you with romance tod~.” Catherine opened the door and froze. “Buggy…”
"What?" He sent his head towards the door. 
They stared silently at the blushing Cabaji who was returning to the green room, screaming. “I didn't hear anything!!”
“Did you want someone to see us?” Catherine looked at Buggy, not understanding whether he was proud of this situation or ashamed. "Congratulations, clown, your dream has almost come true."
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thetwstwildcard · 1 year
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Nasira, Lovette, Kiara and Catherine tsums! I can only imagine the chaos they'll cause-
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Finding Family
by Omega_Rora Damian Wayne has been a part of his Father's family long enough for him to start piecing things together. He is not his father's second son. What happened to the other two, and why does Joker have such an obsession with the Robin mantel? Words: 21492, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Batfamily Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Other Characters: Batman, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne, Timothy Drake (Mentioned), Jason Todd, OC - Character, Joker (DCU), Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown (mentioned), Dick Grayson, Harley Quinn, Evil Harley Quinn Additional Tags: Amnesia Jason Todd, Catherine Todd is Jason Todd's Parent, Jason Todd is Not Red Hood, Poison, Electrocution, But it's just for Tim, tim whump, Tim had a very bad time, Damian Wayne is a Little Shit, Barbara Gordon is Batgirl, Stephanie Brown is Spoiler and Robin, other tags might be added later, The Joker is Insane via https://ift.tt/Fy9o7pw
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inposterumcumgaudio · 8 months
Uncle Jack & Foggy Jack
So if you're asking about both of them, I'm assuming that's because you're into the idea that they are one and the same.
I don't dislike the concept, but I like it much more for that the game seems to push that notion while simultaneously giving you nothing to substantiate it and, at times, even giving you details that seem to contradict it than the idea for its own sake. Good shit!
It's another one of those things you'll never have a canon answer for!
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And frankly, I've never really found the question of whether Uncle Jack is Foggy Jack that interesting. It's a little contrived, a little obvious, a very basic bitch story. The most famous man in town has a mental breakdown and becomes a serial killer? And he somehow does this despite being instantly recognizable by everyone? And also he's doing this while he's still filming his show every day and looking all normal and shit?
Too, the whole Foggy Jack thing intrudes on the natural predisposition of fledging fanartists to make serial killer OC's.
Foggy Jack also exists as an urban legend in the town in a way I think predates even the toxic fog (and I was given a separate ask about this as well so I'll save my thots about that for then!)
But suffice to say, because I do not find the whole Uncle vs Foggy Jack thing compelling and I'd never really devoted much thought to it, I struggled to think of something interesting to say about it. The only chapter I ever wrote about the subject was actually about why Ollie's surface-level investigation of the crime scene in "A Pomaceous Puzzle" did not arrive at the correct conclusion. It simply doesn't fit the MO.
However... in reviewing what we know concretely about Foggy Jack from the main game, I actually did arrive at a fascinating new theory.
Because we think of this as a duality, do we not? Uncle Jack is one side of the coin, Foggy Jack the other. That's why you asked about both.
Let us go over what we know for sure about Foggy Jack, that was reported in the game, to separate out the unreliable information given in "Lightbearer". There are only two sources of "solid" information about Foggy Jack in the main game:
In "The "O" COURANT - Article 3", we learn that five Wellie women - Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Jane Kelly, and Mary Anne Nichols - have been found hacked to pieces in the streets. All of these women are named for real-life victims of Jack the Ripper.
Stated in the above and reiterated in "Interrogation Report", these murders seem to take place on particularly foggy nights. "Interrogation Report" also states that the witness, Daniel Dunglass, reported that the apparent murderer's face looked "oddly familiar" to him.
One further piece of information that we learn in Ollie's act is that Foggy Jack apparently kept a hideout in the Gardner House, at least until plague wastrels overtook it. We know this from the suitcase which contains a cleaver and the "Mystery Note" with the only the phrase "I'm afraid you've come to the end of your time" on it.
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And here we learn that Foggy Jack has some interest in Margaret. And that makes sense if he's actually Uncle Jack.
But... what it's it's not a duality.
What if it's a triptych?
What if it's not Uncle Jack, but someone who would have us come to that conclusion? Someone who would want us to think Uncle Jack is avenging his murdered daughter, but is in fact trying to frame him for it?
Why, who would have motive to do that?
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Who indeed.
But DJ, you say, that's crazy. You play through Ollie's entire act and not once do they ever imply that he could be Foggy Jack.
Yeah, well, there's a lot of stuff they don't imply through his act, ain't there?
And just like with Uncle Jack, the details don't say anything conclusive but consider.
Ollie is said multiple times over his act to have periods of lapsed memory, both due to the Oblivion he took and excessive drinking. Margaret mentions specifically in both "The Camp of Thine Enemies" and "Cache as Cache Can" that Ollie has trouble remembering things due to his drinking. And it's an interesting coincidence that Ollie also "vaguely remembers" leaving himself a cache of supplies in that quest and its the same sort of vague notion that leads him into Gardner House where he finds Foggy Jack's suitcase.
He's also in deep denial about the limits of his morality and how far he'll go to see traitors get theirs. Still, killing innocent women just to make Uncle Jack look bad? Surely not! Maybe Ollie ratted out a little girl and got her chased down and murdered, but he's not a serial killer!
Then again, if there's one thing Ollie hates, it's a collaborator. Deutschland Über Alles special and all. And you know who about the first people to start collaboratin' with an occupying force are?
All of Foggy Jack's not-hallucination victims are named for the "Canonical Five" of Jack the Ripper's victims, all known prostitutes. Which, sure, maybe that's just the reference, but we actually meet Elizabeth Stride before her apparent death. As Ollie. At the Jack O Bean Club, where she works as a cook serving a bunch of collaborationist traitor lovers. She has no love for them, calling them toffs and wankers as she does, but she does also muse aloud to herself about it: "Take the job, she says. You'll never have to suck another cock, she says." Which sounds an awful lot like a thing a (former?) prostitute would say, making it two separate issues to Ollie, really. And why else would a fine upstanding Wellette be out on the streets at night anyway? That's how Foggy Jack gets you!
And for my most tenuous point: remember that guy from the Interrogation Report? Daniel Dunglass. I looked his ass up and
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Dunglass (the character, not the actual guy) also says that the murderer's face is "oddly familiar" to him. Uncle Jack is familiar, but not oddly so. Ollie isn't exactly a nobody in town, but he's definitely odd looking in a world that conformist.
And as long as we're drawing specious connections, Daniel Dunglass (the real guy, not the character) was a Scottish medium famous for levitation and speaking with the dead. You know who else does a lot of that?
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But... even if Ollie is Foggy Jack, I don't think he killed the constables at the apple tree. Which means there's copycat killer pretending to be the guy who's pretending to be Uncle Jack pretending be urban legend Foggy Jack.
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licially · 11 months
Of Sorrows & Morals
// an old piece for @666calistaxx and her OCs Catherine and Jack, those two took over my brain for this to come to life. // You can read the original formatted piece here
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A hazy red mist washed over the curtain call, within the jazz club laid the pizazz of New York’s finest. The stage, held together by the wooden floor, flooded with the lights that stood overhead in lamps and chandeliers that stood a testament for the amount of wealth this place holds.
One such guest took himself into an uproar, soon followed en masse as the jazz band’s instrumentals brought themselves out one by one. Of course, the tradition follows that this is one of the most revered bands of the 1920s, with drums and saxophone work seen nowhere else within a 40 mile radius of New York. 
The drummer, an ear or rhythm, was a top student at a notorious music school. The saxophonist, a student from the greats that are above his league, was an up and coming protégé amongst his peers. 
The pianist, rumored to be ‘Joplin’s next in line’, with his ragtime infused genre, had clear influence from his namesake.
The trumpet player, a newcomer on the scene, had some of the best runs in terms of bar hopping recently, befriending more and more bandmates and scoring shows left and right.
And finally, the singer. 
Known locally as “Catherine” or colloquially “Cash Candy Catherine”, she’s made a name for herself traveling through both speakeasies and jazz clubs alike to build a reputation for herself. Now she’s shooting her way to stardom, with all of the connections that span across the area like a widow’s web. 
She slowly dazzled her way to the microphone stand, her elegance matched only by her soothing greeting.
“Ladies, gentlemen. Welcome to New York’s Rendezvous.”
The crowd erupted into a fit of laughter and applause, as Catherine stood back and closed her eyes. She’d hoped for this much of an audience for so long, and she’s here. Her hands rested towards her middle, clasping her midsection as she thought back to her first show…
Her first one with Jack, who was the only one who showed up for her rehearsal, and the only person who applauded after it was over. Despite everything, he had found a way again and again to support her. At the start, until now, he had been her supporter.
However, tonight, as she opened her eyes to scan the audience that slowly killed their applause, he was nowhere to be seen. 
His signature glasses and brighter than usual smile didn’t fit the multitude of neutral faces that faced her.
Nonetheless, she kept on with her usual gig. She turned to the band, and signaled the band to start playing with a simple nod. 
As a jazz tune, slow but certain, started up, she turned back to her audience. The applause died down completely, and all eyes were on her. 
“This first one goes… out to him.”
She paused, not knowing how to take this in.
She kept scanning for a face. Any face. Something that took a hold of his shaders, his rather awkward pose, anything. Yet, she couldn’t find it.
“Wherever he may be.”
From the shadows of evil, into the spotlight, she stood there and cried out a lover’s lyricism. Her soothing voice assumed both a griever’s love and a symphonist’s concoction as she sang a cover of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart”. A succinct, powerful vocal that ruled over the instrumentals, Catherine poured her heart and soul into the performance of something less akin to a tribute and more of a final letter to her lover.
She reminisced about the conditions on which they met again, as she slowed down her performance to let the instrumentals run through the room. The perfect blend of such kept more and more patrons attentive towards the main stage, as she dove back out of the spotlight. 
As the background music continued playing, she descended back into an earlier time, again back to the first ever performance. An improvised song on the spot, she was nervous back then. The audience was few and far inbetween, and Jack stood amongst them. Waiting within the crowd, and behind a pair of otherwise illegal shaders to an already illegal and shady practice to begin with: a speakeasy. 
There was a deafening silence. 
Playing tunes that never bore any semblance to anyone abroad.
Lyrics that never did anything more than add into the illicit nature of it all.
“Well well well… aren’t ya the pretty voice for a pretty lady?”
The man in a green suit complimented - in poor words - as he approached the singer.
“And who might you be?”
“Someone who just… wants a talk.”
The figure smiled, as it soon faded back to–
“Catherine? Cath. Cath!” 
The drummer��s shaking, some members of the audience looking very disconcerted as some murmurs and whispers rose up during the commotion.
She stood there, concerned. Yet, the show she had promised needed to go on, as Catherine - underneath it all - soon disproved a dissonance to her delight.
She didn’t feel the need to think back to such events. Something that happened in the past stayed there, and whilst a cornerstone for her rising fame, she can’t reduce herself towards her vulnerabilities on these occasions.
Her singing, coupled by the band’s instantaneous improvisation, proved the crowd’s conversations wrong. Jazz continued onto the club’s nights, and her vocals stunned the night once again.
Never again will she be reminiscent of a tragic love, one burnt over the soothing smell of a Sunset Rose Cocktail.
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lunaghost13 · 2 months
Some songs that remind me of my ocs Lili and Holiday:
Dance Macabre - Ghost
Queen of the Nile - Dangerous Toys
All of My Love - Led Zepplin
Paint You With My Love - Marilyn Manson
Radar Love (White Lion’s version) - Golden Earring
Rebel Yell - Billy Idol
Poison - Alice Cooper
Rag Doll - Aerosmith
A Little Piece of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold (the overall tone of the song reminds me of Corpse Bride.)
Catherine - Evanescence
Juliet - Emilie Autumn
Mary on a Cross - Ghost
Living Dead Girl - Rob Zombie
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