#Oc ask games
inky-duchess · 10 months
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Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their S/O mind very much?
What is their love language?
Has either OC ever gotten a hickey off the other? What was their reaction?
What is something they like to do together?
Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would their S/O answer?
Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
If there wasnt enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Who plays with whose hair?
Who is clingy?
What is something their S/O does that makes them flustered?
What is something they find hot about their S/O?
What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Who is the better caretaker? Does their S/O like being taken care of?
Who steals whose clothes? Does their significant other mind?
They've had a major blowout. How do they handle it?
How good are they are communication?
Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
Who typically tends to initiate intimacy first (this can be a conversation, action or anything)?
What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Who said "I love you" first?
Who kissed who first?
Do they have any pet names for one another?
Who gets jealous most often? How does their S/O deal with that?
Who tends to drive on long journeys? Who navigates?
Do they trust one another? Are comfortable discussing their fears with one another?
What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Describe how one character would cheer the other up after a hard day.
How would they describe one another.
Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
How do they address a problem in their relationship?
How does each significant other view any exes and former relationships?
What is something that would break their hearts?
Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
What would be their ideal evening in?
Do they dance? If so, who's better?
What is a song that reminds you of the OCs' relationship?
Who sings to the other? Are they any good?
Who teases who? What about?
Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
Who's more likely to bring the other coffee or breakfast in bed?
What's the worst thing the other can say to one?
If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?
If it ever came down to it, who is turning to the darkside to save the other?
If they ever had less that 5 mins to tell their S/O something before never seeing them again, what would they say?
Is there a word or gesture that makes either of them melt?
Who's the romantic?
Are there any characters who ship them?
Who cooks? Who does the dishes?
Who eats healthier? Who's got the sweet-tooth?
What's something that they don't really care for but tolerate because S/O has an interest?
Who spoils who? Does their S/O tolerate it? Do they secretly enjoy it?
Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral?
Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out?
Do they hold hands?
Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitual?
Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason?
How would they describe their S/O in one word?
How would outside characters describe their relationship?
How would they describe one another in bed?
Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react?
Who tends to take the lead in intimate encounters?
Have they ever been caught in the act? What would be their reaction if they were?
Have they ever done it anywhere questionable?
Who is more vocal? Who is more experienced?
If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go?
If they went out to dinner, who is paying? Would there even be a discussion?
If someone were to insult their S/O, how would the other handle it?
If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their S/O, how would the other react?
Who knows the other better? Why is this?
Who's more likely to bail who out of jail? Would they give the other one shit for it?
Which - if any - other famous ship's vibes do they emulate?
Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that?
What is something they would never forgive the other one for doing/saying?
Who has memorised the other's medical history?
Also, are they each other's first contact in an accident?
What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
Make their relationship into a list of A03 tags.
Who gets frustrated more easily? Who does the other calm them down?
Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it effect their relationship?
Their S/O is tipsy. How do they handle it?
Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?
If they ever lost one another in a public place, how do they find the other?
What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
Would they ever consider marriage?
Would they ever consider starting a family?
Who likes kids more? Who can't stand them?
There's a puddle in one's way. What does their S/O do?
One has hurt their leg on a hike. How does their S/O carry them?
Their pet has caused destruction. Who puts the pet in jail? Who defends the pet?
Who gives flowers to their S/O? What sort of flowers do they like?
Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?
How do they wake their S/O up? Is it difficult to rouse them?
Who would burn the world down for who?
Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
Make a meme of this ship.
You can ask me about: Nikolai/Misha, Alekks/Erika, Katya/Marina, Hadrien/Art
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moroseprose · 4 months
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Orange Emoji OC Asks 🔶
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🧡 (orange heart) - Is your oc honest? Why or why not? Are there only specific people they’re honest to?
🔥 (fire) - What drives your character in life? Is it a belief? A person? A goal? Whatever it is, what do they want from it and what are they willing to do to get it?
🌇 (sunset) - What does it take for your character to trust someone? Do they have to prove themselves? Or does your character not trust anyone no matter what? What made them this way?
🌅 (sunrise) - What does your oc look forward to every day? Do they have something to look forward to in the first place? What makes them wake up in the morning? Why do they want to be alive?
🐦‍🔥 (phoenix) - What has your oc had to overcome to get to where they are now? Were the challenges emotional or physical? Would you say they had to go through a “rebirth”? How did they change, if at all?
🍊(orange) - Is your oc more selfish or selfless? Are they willing to sacrifice themselves or their goals for others? Why are they this way?
🐅 (tiger) - What makes your character angry? Are they angry often? Does it take a lot to make them upset or are they quick to anger?
🍁 (maple leaf) - What brings your character joy? Do they find happiness in the small things? Does it take a lot to cheer them up?
🎃 (jack-o’-lantern) - What is your character’s greatest fear? Is it something primal like the dark or something specific like killer clowns? Did they gain this fear after a bad experience? Whatever it is, why are they scared of it?
🐹 (hamster) - How does your oc feel about animals? Have they ever had a pet? What made them feel this way towards animals?
🥕 (carrot) - How does your character treat themselves after a long day? Do they buy something new? Maybe they eat a sweet treat? Call someone they love? Take a hot bath?
🔸 (orange diamond) - Is your oc rich? Do they want to be? What’s their financial situation like? How does it affect how they see the world?
✴️ (eight-pointed star) - Is there anyone your oc admires or looks up to? What qualities of this person does your oc admire? Do they want to be like this person one day?
🏵️ (rosette) - What is your character’s most prized possession? Is it something they could never bear to part with? What makes this object so special?
🦊 (fox) - How intelligent is your oc? Are they a mastermind pulling all the strings? Or are they more dim-witted with a big heart? If they are smart, what do they use their intelligence for? To create? To get ahead?
🦺 (safety vest) - Is your character a cautious person or are they more reckless? Do they think before they act or do they act according to their heart’s desires? Why?
🥭 (mango) - What is your character’s general outlook on life? Are they a pessimist, optimist, realist or something else? Whatever they may be, how does this outlook affect the way they live their life?
📙 (book) - Does your oc keep a journal of some kind? Is it just a diary or does it hold a secondary purpose like a dream journal? What’s in it that they would never want anyone to see? If they don’t have a journal, what would they write in it if they did have one?
🎇 (sparkler) - If your oc had the chance to start their life over again, what would they change, if anything? How would this change them and the people around them? Would their lives be better or worse? Would they change anything in the first place?
🍑 (peach) - [18+ only, that means who answers/asks this and the targeted character must be 18+] What are your character’s thoughts on sex if they have any? What is their sexuality? What is their sex life like? Do they even have one?
🏀 (basketball) - Is your character physically active? Are there any sports they like to play/watch? Do they hate sports? If so, why?
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Describe your OC or a character ask game
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🎶 - How do they sound? Describe their voice
👀 - How do they look like? Give an overall description of them
💐 - Their favorite plant/flower
👗-Describe their style
🌼 - Assign them an aesthetic
💌 - How would they react to a love letter?
🤦‍♀️ - Something that continues to embarrass them to this day
😊 - Something that always makes them smile
💢 - How do they handle being annoyed?
🦸‍♀️ - What would they dress as for Halloween?
🐕 - Favourite animal?
🥘 - Favourite food?
🍸- Favourite drink?
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
😱 - Their biggest fear
🎁 - Are they good at giving gifts? How about receiving them?
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they?
👤 - Do they enjoy being alone, or do they thrive around people better?
🤝 - Are they good with people? Are they able to get along with people and communicate effectively with the people around them?
🍁 - Their favourite season and why?
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Finally creating an ask game of my own!! Lemme know what you guys think of these!!
A song that reminds you of your OC.
A song your OC has on all their playlists.
A song your OC would sing for an audition.
A song by their favorite artist/band.
A song from a musical that they love (even if they aren’t into musicals, everyone has at least one song).
A song they always turn up when they’re driving by themself.
A nostalgia song for them.
A song they can fall asleep to.
A song that would play over a fight scene for them.
A song that reminds them of their love interest (or their best friend if they don’t have a love interest).
A song that makes them smile whenever they hear it.
A song they hate (or at least dislike).
A song they will dance around their room to.
A Disney song they like.
A song with a chorus they belt at the top of their lungs every time they hear it.
I hope you guys like these questions, happy asking!!
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a-crumb-of-whump · 2 years
💜 35 Personal OC asks 💜
Content: [Mentioned] sex, intrusive thoughts, death.
[Click here for a list of my other games]
What is your OC's favourite way to recieve pleasure from another person? (sexual or non-sexual)
Do they give second chances?
How often do they cry?
What are they like in bed?
What's their relationship like with their parents?
Do they mourn the person they used to be?
Do they believe in soulmates?
What caused their trauma if they have any?
Are they a top or bottom?
What's their self esteem like?
What would it take to break them?
Do they have any kinks?
What is their deepest, darkest fear and how did it come about?
Are they where they thought they'd be five years ago?
What are their communication skills like?
What's their sexuality?
What phrase would a loved one have to say to immediately crush them?
What are their intrusive thoughts like?
Are they sexually active? What are their thoughts on sex?
Can they admit they're wrong?
Describe their mental state in one word.
What belonging do they hold dearest to them?
What would it take to break their trust?
How do they handle criticism?
Have they ever acted on their intrusive thoughts before? What was the outcome?
Do they want to be remembered when they're gone? What would they like to be remembered as?
What is their opinion on kids? Would they like to have them someday?
What makes them feel vulnerable?
Do they kink shame often? If so, over what?
How do they self-soothe when they're upset?
What's stopping them from functioning to the best of their abilities?
What do they believe happens after they die?
What words do they desperately need to hear, even if they don't realise it?
What turns them on?
What turns them off?
Send me an ask!
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theleechyskrunkly · 2 months
☎️ for Finn and hmm... Nkulu
NAME: Finn
RINGTONE: This Is Home by Cavetown
PICTURE: Seaweed (he has no pictures of Finn)
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: I’m on my way…
LAST TEXT SENT: Can you come get Floyd out of my room? Please.
NAME: Nkululeko.
RINGTONE: Sunflower by Post Malone & Swae Lee
PICTURE: Random picture of Nkulu from his social media.
LAST TEXT RECEIVED: Hey Aurinelle! That photo we took together is absolutely BLASTING off the charts! My friends love you :D
LAST TEXT SENT: You posted that?
By friends, Nkulu means his followers (he’s delusional) Tagging: @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs @tixdixl @cyanide-latte @distant-velleity (ask to be added to tag list)
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asirensrage · 1 year
Send me a song and I'll tell you what OC it makes me think of and why.
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g0dspeeed · 6 months
15 Lines
Tagged by @direwombat , @nightbloodbix , & @voidika 💕
So I chose Cappie De La Costa, and most if not all the lines I chose happen when she's chatting with Eli Palmer 🙃 because you can pry them from my cold dead hands
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1. "John Seed is a fucking loser." 2. "I don't know what I want," she admitted. "I want to scream, but then cry, then laugh at how shitty everything is. And fuck, it's like Russian roulette in my head, you know? I just can't settle and when I want to do something with it, I fire off at someone I care about." 3. "And so, I'm sorta done with trusting promises, and this idea that everyone is doing their best because the only person who has stuck around for me is being tortured, and you're telling me to cut some slack for someone who may kill the only person I have, Eli." 4. "I wish I saw the world like you. Sounds nice. But I'll pretend that the world is like that because I like you in mine." 5. "I hate it when you fucking talk like that," she growled, her voice shaking. "Like, like, like you're the worst person on earth, like how you are the lucky one here, like you are some horrible person that owes me. Eli, I'm not freaking out because having a baby with you would be bad, just fucking scary because we are in a war, and I can't even take care of undomesticated raccoons or, or myself! Eli, I would be relieved if I was knocked up with you because, like the whole fucking County knows, my track record for partners has been hilariously bad, like cult bad! And not just one, but two. Twice, Eli. But that, that's not the point: I just hate it when you talk so mean about you because you're the best thing that's happened to me in this place." 6. "Look, I'm just being consistent with my inconsistency," she countered. "We both know that my chaotic disposition is what drew you in. Like a goody goody moth–because you can be one, don't give me that look–to a badass bitch flame, my guy. I can't resist you either, you sexy motherfucker, but I got your number, too." 7. "That's close enough, Deputy." 8. “I dunno, man. Could ask you the same thing. Maybe there’s some math in the Universe that says our sad parts cancel each other out." 9. "Jacob can shut the fuck up. He's just got a sopping wound for a personality." 10. “You were just being polite, I know, because it was just for a moment, then you looked away and left. But I don’t know. I never thought about it until we met again on the side of the road, because later on I would realize that I saw you that day. And I can’t help but think that the Universe was teasin’ me. That it was giving me a sneak peek at what was to come, that even with all the shit that would follow, with Jacob, with John, with the Collapse, that I had somethin’ to look forward to, that out of all that mess, I would find you there. That I wouldn’t be so alone anymore” 11. "Wanna bet?" 12. "Oh. I guess," she mumbled. "But like, a sandwich could be an innuendo. You know, for like, getting dicked down. You know. If you want." 13. "Oh, how'd I get so damn lucky? How do I want you? Any way. I just want you. All of it." 14. "You don't. I don't think I do either. I was just trying to figure out what you are because 'husband' isn't enough, and 'lover' is insulting in the face of how you make me feel. I don't trust in much of anything, but you, Eli, made a believer of me." 15. "I love you. A whole lot. You make my home in every room you stand in, Eli."
Taggin' @coetiroedd , @strangefable , @ladyoriza , @noodlecupcakes , @ivymarquis , @inafieldofdaisies , @cassietrn , @v0idbuggy , @simonxriley , @simonxriley , @socially-awkward-skeleton , @la-grosse-patate & whoever else wants to try this!
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typosandtea · 13 days
from the Fallout OC asks: 21, 32, 58, 64 for Murphy, Tango, and Nathan... or just Murphy if that's too much :o)
Bloody hell this got very long.. Thanks for the ask this has been so great to write! :D
Important things of note or some of this may not make any sense:
Murphy and Nathan and on the same timeline / story, my mutant 111 Au where it was a dual experiment in conjunction with west-tek to create super soldiers by gene editing and splicing. everyone survived the experimentation and subsequent stasis, though by the time Murphy hatches? is born? emerges from chrysalis? some have been killed in stasis by an unknown killer (not Kellogg, though Kellogg still has his role basically unchanged)
Tango is on a different Au timeline also centered around 4, though Tango is NOT sole, Sole in this one is evil institute bastard by the name of Thorn, who did fallout 4 selfish route until fort hagen and then convinced Kellogg to take her to the institute (leaving nick in the dust with scathing words and gunshots, poor nick), she also joins Kellogg as partners / romance / killers and they rule the institute together more aggressively than Father ever did, though Father is very proud of her.
In Tango's timeline there is no one sole as such, Thorn does parts of the institute route but worse. Tango does some brotherhood stuff though they nope out consequences be damned after BB (there are actual consequences unlike in game for disappearing), Preston is the general along with Libby and Slick take some of the minuteman quests, Libby is ~100yo ghoul with a love of explosives and shotguns, and slick is a young ex-gunner with a big mouth they 'recruit' after he sees how awful the gunners are when he is treated better as a MM captive than as an active gunner. Tango occasionally helps minuteman, more so after BB. Railroad is Fixer though he has to be a bit more creative without sole's foot in the door.
Both timelines take place over years rather than the few weeks that 4 does.
21. Do they travel alone or with a companion?
Murphy has the -trauma- privilege of being a fallout 4 'sole' survivor so despite being an obvious mutant, she ends up meeting most of the companions at one point or another! she much prefers to travel with friends since she pretty social and her time in various military groups has cemented the idea that 'alone = less people to spot danger'. though this is kind of an antithesis to her very design as a flying night stealth operative, so what companions she actually travels with is far less than the ones she befriends. she has actively traveled with codsworth in the beginning, and now travels with Nick, Preston and Danse. Though she ends up alone a lot more than she would like as Preston is busy being the general (she does work for them as both normal quests but also as the unwillingly elected 111 mutant ambassador, helping with any 111mutant related drama like finding homes, or dissuading/knocking some sense into/fighting the more aggressive ones) , Danse is #1 bos enemy so it is dangerous for both of them after that happens (she remains bos /minutemen aligned, somehow.. she does have 3 int but also can see that there are good people in the bos.. a real 'i can fix them' mentality -she can't-, its a long while before she realizes just how trapped she is) she still travels with nick frequently but he is often on cases so its usually her helping him not the other way around. the only upside to traveling alone for Murphy is that she is much quicker and stealthy on her own (especially compared to traveling with Danse rip). special mention for Piper since they butt heads a lot until Murphy gets piper to see that how she writes her paper is part of the problem, and that its a style that Murphy has seen before prewar, and shes seen how it ends. Piper doesn't take this perceived slight to her and her paper easily and it takes time and some deadly consequences for Piper to realize that her scare tactics may be having unintended consequences.
Before they got unwillingly turned into Tango, they were a tech scavver who would scour old factories and military facilities for parts, components or even whole robots to hack and sell. they always preferred working alone believing that others slowed them down or could be a threat. They had no friends by choice and very few people they sold to, so when then disappeared back then very few people even knew they were gone. They remain of this prickly mindset even after becoming Tango, and its not until many years later when they reach the commonwealth looking for the secret scientists that 'make clones of people', that they are befriended by Preston and they realized that he really is that genuine and that maybe not everyone is Out To Get Them All Of The Time. After rescuing Preston and gang (since Thorn didn't) Tango has a bit of a crisis in realizing that people actually do care about others and that maybe all those people they pushed away in suspicion might have being genuine. The feeling bad about it doesn't stick around for long though, as many of the people they meet shortly after are raiders, scammers or just as suspicious about others as Tango is. For actual companions they befriend Preston (mostly Preston trying to recruit this hot mess of power armored person, friends after tango has the temporary 'I am a suspicious ass' crisis), Piper surprisingly with how secretive Tango is, this was inevitable as Piper spots someone in unique power armor entering DC and they don't do any of the normal merc things? that's a story for sure! Tango doesn't.. have a lot of patience for Pipers questions and will just. leave. Hit da bricks if the conversation goes where Tango doesn't want it to go (about them). Piper never gets her story (Tango doesn't trust her enough to keep her trap shut) But they do become friends and Tango even travels with her for other stories! For someone so secretive Tango is a nosy bastard. Nick as Tango hires him to help them find a way into the institute, Nick is still a bit stung from Thorn's abandonment and attempted murder of him, he wisely encourages -beats some sense into- Tango that contacting the institute for whatever secret purpose will end poorly for them. though Nick is briefly tempted to help for revenge opportunities against Thorn. Nick is also one of the very few people that gets to see Tango unarmored after a case goes bad and the armor is badly damaged in a partial building collapse thanks to a raider with a missile launcher. After they are dissuaded from institute contact, they wander aimlessly and run into Danse at Cambridge, they become wary acquaintances after Tango joins the bos (without realizing how badly they fucked up until the prydwen arrives, they though Danse and co was the 'bos'). They drive each other bonkers, Tango struggles to adjust to structure and having other people rely on them and not being able to do their own thing at any moment, which frustrates both immensely. (so many arguments over rosters.. "But why are we on night patrol? I would rather be sleeping wouldn't you?""It doesn't matter what you want to do knight that's what we have been assigned so that's what we are doing" both internally screaming. also "Where have you been knight!? Its been two days!!!" "Oh I wanted to upgrade my armors shielding :)" "You were suppose to be helping Proctor Quinlan!!"). Danse also takes Tangos refusal to never leave the armor in anyone's presence as a sign they Tango doesn't trust him at all, and Danse has many theories to why (Ghoul? Synth? ashamed of being seen for some reason? hiding from someone? bad BO?) It doesn't occur to him that Tango Can't leave the armor. Tango befriends Curie immediately with an unconscious mindset of half "I also want a human body again" solidarity and half wow she really is just that genuine and trusting, better help her. Tango often lowers their guard (eventually) around genuine people.
(is 111mutant timelines Nate) Nathan is a bit of a weird one since he is a 111mutant like Murphy, but got many more negative effects. While Murphy lost some intelligence and gained even more anxiety, Nathan lost nearly his whole self, and the bit that remains is so smothered under all of the mutant parts that he is not the same as he was. He wanders the wastes alone and out of his mind, hunting and killing as his mutations have left him with nothing but conflicting half-thoughts, feelings and instincts. Unfortunately for Murphy his love for her is turned into animalistic obsession that his now mutant brain translates as kill. So no Nathan doesn't have any companions post war. though pre war he and Murphy were nearly inseparable, and they both enjoyed the company of the squad they were put in when Aus joined the US. (they were both soldiers for the Republic of Aus before it got captured by The Reds, and then US forcefully took the territory with aussie help and willingly absorbed any remaining Aussies, as the land was war-torn . (Note: if you saw one previous posts that I have done that the aussies were treated poorly by the americans, I have since changed my mind)
32. What is their go-to weapon or weapon class?
Her excellent eyesight and aerial capabilities make her a prime sniper! though she isn't able to snipe till she gets some advice on how to modify a certain laser rifle to be lighter and long range, she struggles to use normal firearms because of her extra sensitive hearing so she was limited to a silenced pistol she 'found' (was sneakily given by deacon, she doesn't like taking gifts that she doesn't think she has earned) + earplugs until she was gifted a laser rifle out of pity for helping Danse at arcjet. She requires help for modifications since she is 3 int. She is below average strength and has an extremely limited carry capacity for flying so ultralight mods are essential. no heavy guns for you. prewar she was one of the first power armor 'willing' testers that survived (not unscathed) and their squad became one of the first to be power armored. so she got used to being able to wield very big guns with ease. misses it immensely. (wings mean no power armor). Always has a combat knife on her person, was caught defenseless while sleeping once prewar in anchorage and will never let that happen again, she only was saved by her squad noticing the camp intruder before they could kill her.
Is not above using the armor itself as a weapon. has done so multiple times in the past with very gory results, doesn't do it often though as they dislike bloodying the armor cause they are a quite vain about it, as its basically their body now. likes the effectiveness of combat shotguns but doesn't use them often cause of the chance of splatter. so often settles for rifles. has a terrible habit of breaking or losing weapons so tend to pick up and horde them. along with ammo. You go into their secret workshop and its just full of weapons in all stages of repair and enough ammo for each to last a lifetime, scavver habits die hard. Doesn't mind heavy guns but finds carrying them around inconvenient enough to rarely use them. Its pretty hard to holster a minigun, even in power armor. Even though they don't have eyes as such anymore still is not great with pistols, prefers the looking down sights of longarms. Despite living in the armor for many a year by this point, they still get their ass handed to them by Danse in power-armored unarmed combat training, is VERY salty about it.
He is the weapon, a very large semi-aquatic stealthy monster. Though prewar he was a mechanic in the same squad as Murphy, and liked pistols as a backup, particularly .44 caliber. Wasn't ever in the thick of it like Murphy and the other PA operators were, though they came close to when one of the camps in anchorage was nearly invaded! Enjoyed time at the range whether it be hanging out with others, letting off some rage, or genuinely practicing
58. Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
If you ask her, she will say she doesn't believe in such nonsense, or perhaps she will crack a joke about her name and Murphy's law, but deep down she is surely becoming convinced that she has been cursed. she keeps surviving situations that she shouldn't have and every time with terrible prices to pay, how long until the price is too great she wonders, does lady luck treat debtors with kindness? she hopes so. Says she doesn't have a good luck charm, but has a chain separate from her bos holotags she wears under her shirt / suit with a growing collection of things from the 'prices shes had to pay': What was left of her Australian dogtags, Nathans wedding ring along with the empty casing of a .44 bullet, A small painted piece of Danse's t60 armor that was removed in repair for preparation of giving it to another paladin after BB, a warped and burnt piece of ornate metal of some kind, and a miniature plastic white chess pawn.
Tango is very suspicious by nature, but also quite prideful thus doesn't believe in good luck as that would detract from their abilities. That mr gutsy in near mint condition they stumbled across before becoming Tango years ago? The many fusion cores they they just seem to trip over everywhere? Always having just enough ammo? all a result of their scavver skills not stupid luck! paradoxically they do believe in bad luck, especially that they became Tango. Though they do somewhat subconsciously know that they have lived far longer as tango that they ever would have if they hadn't stumbled into that particular branch of general atomics .. they weren't making many friends as a scavver but they sure had enemies. has conflicting thoughts on the matter. Doesn't have a good luck charm. doesn't really own much of anything at all tbh. other than scrap hoarding that is.
Believed in luck pre war. prime source of 'murphy's law' jokes. Despite believing in luck doesn't carry a charm of any sort, has a sort of relaxed view on the matter. acknowledges that Murphy has bad luck regularly when she trips over or is the only one splashed by a car on the rainy days. attributes a lot of his own small such occurrences to himself rather than luck though, ie he should have known better than to walk so close to the road on a rainy day, or that was stupid wearing a hat on a windy day even when nobody else lost theirs.
64. How / where do they generally sleep?
i should be asleep lol
Murphy sleeps during the day now, daytime is too bright for her sensitive eyes. so she only ventures outside in the day when absolutely necessary. She didn't really get a choice in the matter, the mutations completely rewired her internal clock ready for night combat operations. an incredibly nervous and anxious person by nature even prewar, she has always struggled with sleeping, she needs to feel safe before she can catch more than a fitful nap. the first few weeks in the new commonwealth are a bit blurry in her memory from lack of sleep haha. She only needs to feel safe, not actually be safe, some of the best sleep of her adult life was in active war zones prewar surrounded by her squad, the one day she stayed in the institute was the most nightmarish ordinary sleep shes ever had, outside of trauma nightmares.
Tango doesn't really have a body that needs sleep anymore, though they still require some sleep to give their brain recovery and processing time like normal sleep provides. they will find a out of the way corner in friendly territory and will lock the armor in place so they don't inadvertently fall over. They have definitely gotten what constitutes quiet corners wrong though and have put themselves squarely in the way for hours haha. If they are not somewhere safe they will find somewhere defensible and will catnap until they feel awake enough to continue onward. Tango has been alone for so long that it hadn't occurred to them that when traveling with others that they can take turns keeping watch and sleeping! score another point towards Tango's 'oh shit maybe this whole 'friends' isn't so bad after all' tally.
Deep sleeper, snoring machine. 'who tf brought a chainsaw into the barracks???' type zzzzzz. Can and often used to fall asleep in unlikely places. At the pub. On the 'bird to the drop zone. Waiting for sleep deprived Murphy to figure out how to get baby Shaun into the new car seat that one time ("why are there so many buckles???"). Now as a mutant will camouflage in some mud somewhere secluded, or will find a damp hidey-hole somewhere to curl up. Needs so much sleep postwar, spends most of his time sleeping, which is great for everyone else since when he is not sleeping he is hunting at night.
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deeptrashwitch · 3 months
Hola bonita!🥰😍
For the couple ask game!
For Alejandro and Alicia: 33 y 40
Hola hermosa 🥰🥰 gracias por mandar las preguntas <3
33. Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
Alicia. Definitely Alicia.
When Alejandro is acting like a fool, Alicia just stays there wondering if she should just laugh or stop him. In the end she lets him be for a while before give him _the look_.
And once they have the twins? Imagine the chaos and foolishness of Alejandro now triplicated. Alicia will definitely have white hairs thanks to that, and _the look_ will be more deadly. (Don't let her distract you, she loves her chaotic husband and babies xd but needs them to behave in public)
40. What is a song that reminds you of the OCs' relationship?
Alright, let's see! *opens her hundreds of playlists*
This one! This reminds me a lot of Alicia and Alejandro's relationship, especially thanks to the lyrics!
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dickarchivist · 9 months
I will turn on Anon for this event!
Taglist: @anxiouspineapple99 @wolffegirlsunite @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @sunshinesdaydream @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga
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magnuficent76 · 1 month
10 and 12 for torture asks
10. Has any of them had to be revived / brought back to life? How did this affect them?
Mephisto was considered legally dead for almost half an hour before the curse brought it back swinging full force. Whole process was gruesome and painful as you can imagine– having Space Magic suddenly flow through your veins along with your blood, almost as thick as it is, bringing your cold lifeless body out of brain death Very Forcefully and getting sent into a fit of absolute fury while you maul everyone and everything in your path with limbs that are no longer truly yours.... it's incredibly unpleasant to say the very least ! Mephisto is now more scared of death than ever, but now for a different reason: It might not even get the relief of death by the end. The curse is active for as long as they live, and it will keep them alive up until the worst, most painful moment possible, but you know. He's coping great with it.
12. What kind of health repercussions has your oc experienced through intense stress? How do they manage them?
Mephisto often forgets that it is still human despite its curses and survival abilities, and this comes to bite it in the ass repeatedly as a result. The main thing is chronic pain and weird pressure ganging up on him simultaneously to make him unable to move, but there's several other things that many people don't account for when you die the first time around: Lots of your organs fail after because they forget you came back to life. So there's all that, plus the constant repairs it is always having to perform on themselves and their limbs, which is Often because machinery is delicate and tends to overheat from overextersion (Something Mephisto loves doing because he's stubborn and shitty about his own health.)
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therealdaydreamstark · 5 months
OC core aesthetic challenge 🫶🏼
[ your name ] and add core to the end. Or add aesthetic if you want to see what comes up
— Here’s Liv Stark Core
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Keep the chain going: @ask-starrk @askstevella @ethan-lensherr @@thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @purpleprincessonfyre @gcthvile @cherrysft @bluboirick and etc
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elvenbeard · 4 months
🪓(survival) ✂ (hair cutting) 🍄 (nature) for the oc asks!!
Thanks so much for asking!! :3
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🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
Vince is... neither of these? Cause in my mind, "nature" isn't the opposite of "indoors" in Night City necessarily - nature is the opposite of Night City, really XD So no, he's not a nature person, but he's also not an exclusively indoors person.
He doesn't like being hot and sweaty in the sun or being surprised by a sandstorm, which is both a regular occurrence in Night City. Also, the "nature" surrounding Night City that he knows isn't that nice to dwell in to him either. The beaches and the ocean are dirty, the badlands are dangerous. He's been to nicer places that are close to nature, but he is someone who quickly gets bored and can't stand silence. He always needs something to see, to do, or to happen around him (and is incapable of just chilling his ass xD). Which is why he's not really an indoors person either. He likes exploring the city too much, zooming through the rush hour traffic on his bike. And he also enjoys rain, actually.
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
He has cut and dyed his own hair regularly from since he was a teenager, and he still does now and then when he feels like it. He's by no means a professional hairdresser, but he also has had a couple of disappointments with professionals where he could've done it better xD It usually turned out decent, with a few slip-ups here and there. I don't think he would have ever been in a situation to cut someone else's hair, but he wouldn't mind doing so if asked.
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
He'd be so lost in a survival situation, especially if it's that kind of apocalypse where technology just stops working. Like, completely on his own, he probably would last a while out of spite, but everyone slips up now and then. And he's no fighter, not a good cook, not a nature boy... he is resourceful, but the odds would be clearly against him. If he was in a group of people though I think he could really help with organizational things, fixing broken tech and repurposing stuff, while others are responsible for keeping the group secure and fed.
He ran away from home as a teenager, which was the closest to being in a survival situation he ever was in. He didn't really bring many useful things with him because it was a heat of the moment decision, he didn't know how to cook or clean, had no real clue about how long he would be able to last with the money he had saved up, and was generally very clueless about the world so yeah. xD
[Red Emoji OC Asks]
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manyfandomocs · 11 months
Send me ✍️ + an oc and I’ll tell you some major changes to canon with their story
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Just thought of a new ask game!! (Of course if someone has already thought of this feel free to tell me because I did not mean to steal your idea. 🫣)
Send me 🎧 + an OC and I’ll tell you what their theme song (fight song/song that would play over their intro/whatever) would be!!
Gonna tag a couple of the OC besties in case they’re interested: @luucypevensie, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @oneirataxia-girl, @xoteajays, @ginger-grimm, @endless-oc-creations.
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