#Oc Na'vi species
villainsimpqueen · 3 months
Barren Lands lore Dump 3.
We diving into the differences between the Sand biomes that make up the Barren lands and how The Barren Na'vi act between them.
Photos found on pinstrest under "Desert wallpapers."
Whenua one puru- land of blue sands
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The Whenua One Puru, or the Land of Blue Sands, is a unique ecological and cultural region on Pandora, characterized by its strikingly blue-hued sands and distinctive Na'vi inhabitants. These Na'vi, descendants of banished forest Na'vi, exhibit a blend of physical traits and cultural practices derived from their mixed heritage and adaptation to the barren landscapes. This account covers the origins, adaptations, and social structures of the Blue Sands Na'vi, emphasizing their distinctiveness from other barren land Na'vi tribes.
Pandora's diverse ecosystems have given rise to various Na'vi subgroups, each adapted to their specific environments. Among these, the Blue Sands Na'vi of the Whenua One Puru presents a compelling case of ecological and cultural adaptation. Their origins, physical and cultural adaptations to the blue sands environment, and social organization contrast markedly with other barren land Na'vi.
Origins and Evolution
The Blue Sands Na'vi are believed to be descendants of banished forest Na'vi who interbred with native barren lands Na'vi. Their journey likely began from the red sands, through the golden sands, culminating in their settlement in the blue sands. Over generations, this migration and interbreeding resulted in a population whose physical appearance and behaviors were well-suited to the unique blue sands environment.
Physical Adaptations
The Blue Sands Na'vi display several distinctive physical traits:
Coloration and Markings, Unlike the vibrant colors of forest Na'vi, the Blue Sands Na'vi exhibit duller hues that blend seamlessly with their surroundings. Their markings are elongated and broken, resembling snake-like patterns, a trait possibly developed for better camouflage in the blue sands.
Morphological Changes Adaptations, to the barren environment include thicker tails for balance on shifting sands, higher placed and wider ears for enhanced auditory perception, and elongated canine teeth for defensive purposes. Despite these changes, they retain the lean and slim body shape characteristic of forest Na'vi.
Cultural Adaptations
The Blue Sands Na'vi maintain unique cultural practices influenced by their mixed heritage:
Clan Structure: Unlike the solitary or small family groups of red and golden sands Na'vi, the Blue Sands Na'vi live in small clans or tribes. This clan mentality is a remnant of their forest Na'vi ancestors, who practiced strong community bonds.
Resource Utilization and Trade: Some clans are nomadic, traveling across the blue sands to gather resources and trade with other tribes, including those from the golden sands. Others remain stationary to protect and care for their sacred spirit tree.
Spiritual Practices: Central to Blue Sands Na'vi culture is the spirit tree, brought by a legendary banished Na'vi who became a revered protector. This tree serves as a spiritual and cultural focal point, uniting the tribes in their reverence and care for it.
The unique blend of physical and cultural traits of the Blue Sands Na'vi highlights the adaptive potential of the Na'vi species. Their evolution from banished forest dwellers to integrated inhabitants of the blue sands showcases a remarkable journey of resilience and adaptation. The retention of clan structures in an otherwise solitary environment points to the enduring influence of their forest ancestry.
The Blue Sands Na'vi of the Whenua One Puru represent a fascinating example of adaptation and cultural evolution. Their distinctive appearance, physical adaptations, and unique social structures set them apart from other Na'vi groups on Pandora. Further research into their interactions with other barren land tribes and their ecological impacts on the blue sands environment could provide deeper insights into the adaptive strategies of the Na'vi.
Nga whenua onepu toto- Red sands
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The Red Sands Na'vi inhabit a unique and challenging environment known as The Barren Lands. This region is characterized by its red sand landscapes, which are geographically situated near the outskirts of dense forest biomes inhabited by the Forest Na'vi. The red sands are separated from the neighboring golden sands by a low mountain ridge, with an obscure valley that is difficult for outsiders to access.
Geography and Environment
The red sand landscape is notably harsh and arid. Sandstorms are frequent, contributing to the burial of remains and making navigation and survival particularly challenging. The proximity to the decayed, husk-like forests at the fringes of more robust forest biomes further emphasizes the desolate nature of this region.
Demographics and Social Structure
The Red Sands Na'vi exhibit distinct physical characteristics, including darker grey skin tones with bright red markings. These adaptations provide effective camouflage within their environment. Unlike their Forest counterparts, the Red Sands Na'vi do not have strong clan structures. It is uncommon to find large groups; instead, solitary living is the norm.
When groups do form, they are typically small and familial, often consisting of siblings who have chosen to remain together for mutual support and survival. These family units may expand to include mates and offspring, forming a rudimentary tribal structure aimed at enhancing the survival prospects of their young.
Risks and Challenges
Living in the Red Sands presents numerous risks:
Resource Scarcity: The primary challenge is the scarcity of resources, which makes sustaining larger groups difficult. Starvation is a constant threat, and in extreme cases, those unable to survive may be abandoned or given a herbal concoction to end their suffering humanely.
Conflict: The isolation provided by the mountain ridge does not completely safeguard the Red Sands Na'vi from external threats. Banished Na'vi, who wander these lands, often pose a threat, competing for limited resources. These encounters can lead to violence, resulting in injury or death, particularly among vulnerable group members such as children and mates.
Nomadic Lifestyle
Due to the harshness of their environment, many Red Sands Na'vi adopt a nomadic lifestyle. They continuously move between oases in search of water and food. Mate selection among the Red Sands Na'vi is heavily influenced by their belief in Eywa, the guiding spirit. Typically, males seek out strong, capable females who can navigate the treacherous landscape. In turn, males contribute by hunting and protecting any offspring, thus supporting the family unit's survival.
The Red Sands Na'vi exemplify a unique adaptation to one of the most challenging environments on Pandora. Their solitary or small-group lifestyles, distinct physical adaptations, and the constant movement required for survival highlight the resilience and resourcefulness necessary to thrive in The Barren Lands. Further research into their survival strategies, social structures, and interactions with other Na'vi groups could provide deeper insights into the adaptive mechanisms of humanoid species in extreme environments.
Apxa of the srane sands- Golden sands
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The Golden Sands Na'vi inhabit the central region of The Barren Lands, a landscape characterized by its extensive golden sand deserts. This region is positioned between the red sands to the west and the blue sands to the east. The Golden Sands area is the largest and harshest of the desert landscapes in The Barren Lands, presenting extreme survival challenges.
Geography and Environment
The Golden Sands landscape endures the most severe conditions among the desert regions. Frequent and intense sandstorms, extreme temperature fluctuations—with freezing nights and scorching days—pose significant threats to survival. Additionally, the risk of dehydration and being buried alive by sandstorms is notably higher here than in the red or blue sands.
Demographics and Social Structure
Golden Sands Na'vi exhibit minimal clan structures, primarily due to the harshness of their environment. When temporary clans do form, they quickly dissolve, reverting to single nomadic couples or solitary individuals. The solitary nature of the Golden Sands Na'vi makes finding mates particularly challenging and rare.
The Golden Sands Na'vi hold a belief in Eywa guiding mates to them, similar to other Na'vi groups. However, females of this subspecies are highly selective in choosing mates. If a female deems a guided male unworthy, it is not uncommon for her to take his life to avoid being followed or hunted later. This extreme selectivity underscores the high stakes of survival in such an unforgiving environment.
The scarcity of oases in the Golden Sands increases the risk of dehydration and starvation. Opportunities for finding shade are rare, further compounding the survival challenges.
Risks and Challenges
The Golden Sands Na'vi face several critical risks:
Sandstorms and Predators: The frequent sandstorms not only pose a physical threat but also provide cover for predators, increasing the danger during these events.
Temperature Extremes: The dramatic temperature swings between day and night add to the difficulty of survival, requiring constant adaptation.
Resource Scarcity: With oases few and far between, the chances of finding water and food are significantly reduced. The lack of shade also heightens the risk of heat-related illnesses.
The Golden Sands Na'vi represent the epitome of adaptation to extreme desert environments on Pandora. Their solitary lifestyles, strict mate selection processes, and resilience in the face of severe environmental challenges highlight their extraordinary survival strategies.
lore dump 4
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signfromeywa · 19 days
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My own Avatar Mole species! 🥰
Name: tslikslär: Cave crawler || (Tslikx = crawl / slär = cave)
They live underground with the Alitawe in their own small, self-dug cave system. They are known to come out of their small tunnels and walk around and interact with the Alitawe village. The Na'vi also know that the Tslikslär love to snack on fruits. These are often "stolen" by the Tslikslär and as a thank you the Tslikslär leave small gemstones behind. They find these gemstones when digging in the ground and stow them in their belly pockets. The gems are friendly gifts to the Alitawe. The Na'vi then use these gemstones to make jewelry or decorate their clothes with them. It is now so common for the Tslikslär to “steal” fruit that the Alitawe collect extra fruit for their little friends and place it on plates on the ground for easier access.
I hope you like the idea and concept from them! I did my best to draw it ^^
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nin3kyuu · 3 months
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"Mother and Father had told me never to enter the fog, never follow it to still waters, and never go in unwelcome by the moonlight. I had thought of their warnings and stories as jokes. To prove to them their beliefs were wrong, I had boldly entered the swamplands. I wanted to show them there was nothing, and I would arrive back to my homelands safe and in one piece. But I was foolish, for my footsteps froze in place, my lantern shaking in my paling knuckled palms as it stared at me. Its gaze was unwavering, its ghostly eyes staring at me, turning its long demonic face towards me. Its body was scaly and glowing. It almost looked beautiful... had I not seen its face and the rest of its body... the lights... the lights were so pretty I could not look away... could not move even as my body burned, as I felt the Great Mother urging me to flee... this creature's lights refused me too, overpowering the Mother as it neared. Its claws were sharp, its teeth sharper, and yet its lights were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. As my lantern fell into the swamp's waters, its light was all I saw as my bones crackled through its maw. It had invited me to join it, to become part of it... damning me away from the Mother... and I welcomed it. The pain dulled and the lights glowed ever brighter. Who could resist this beautiful power?"
Parluna'vi are a species created by @villainsimpqueen
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rigbyscar · 2 months
Just some doodles of a few of my characters :P
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terrazaurio · 2 years
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I needed to go back to my 7 y/o self and make a Na'vi oc, it was necessary.
Their name is Ronguwayyu te Le'awtu Nantang'eveng. (Yes I even made research on full Na'vi names 😭
They grew up around viperwolves and are especially bonded to them. They do communicate with other Na'vi from time to time, but they're wary of them and mostly interact with other creatures of Eywa.
Their attire is viperwolf inspired (two braids to simulate their two queues, even though they only have one, like any other Na'vi; red, blue and green vibrant colors, white hands and feet, etc.)
Also boobs out bc Na'vi covering them makes no sense to me.
They're real good at climbing trees, ambush strategies and hand to hand combat.
They also howl, like, a lot.
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hobogobbo · 1 year
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for eryska
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for natawaii
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for commonpheasant
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for Galaxyrodent
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sketchy one for gacek
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n3onwraith · 3 months
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Made an entire alien species to have lore behind my "space angel" alien motherfucker because now he just needs his story and I'm set
I want to figure out organ systems and dietary components and base elements (non-carbon based life forms) and other life on their home planet and much much more, but I'll do that later
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frogletscribe · 8 months
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Continuation from this post where i was musing about Na'vi biodiversity as a species and how environment might affect them, I thought I would draw them out while i took some notes on what I thought might change/be different among Na'vi.
Again these are all just headcanons and excuses for me to draw more ocs lol, but i would love to hear what people think!
Just incase people dont want to attempt to read my handwriting (or if tumblr eat the quality of the pic too much) Im gonna type up my notes below. (Also elaborating on some of the notes some more)
Forest Na'vi*
Default for sake of comparisons* - Yellow eyes most common - 'Tiger' stripes - Brighter blue skin tones - Average height around 9-10ft - Thin tail with tuft of 'fluff' at the very end - Longer pointed ears - Generally thin toned build for climbing trees
Reef Na'vi
- Blue and green eyes most common - Wave-like stripes - Softer teal skin tones - Average height slightly taller, around 9-10.5ft - Smaller/shorter ears - Nictitating membranes (3rd eyelid for better sight while swimming) - Fins on arms and Legs for swimming - Broader 'swimmers' shoulders - Paddle tail
Cliff Na'vi
- Yellow eyes most common - Slightly wavier stripes - Teal/Aqua blue skin tones - Average height around 9-10ft - Smaller fins and Paddle tail (Similar to Reef Na'vi) - Happy medium between Forest and Reef for both ease of swimming and climbing cliffs
Plains Na'vi
- Yellow eyes most common - Spotted 'cheetah' pattern rather than stripes - Darker blue skin tones - Average slightly shorter height, around 7.5-9.5ft - 'Tear marks' allow for protection from the sun - Longer tails with more gradual fluff at the end
Mountain Na'vi
- Blue eyes most common - Spotted 'snow leopard' pattern rather than stripes - Blue-Grey skin tones - Much taller than average, around 10-14ft - Small rounded ears, better in the cold - Generally larger builds, able to put on more fat in order to keep warm in cold climates -Clawed hands and feet for better grip while climbing - Larger fluffy tail
River Na'vi
- Blue and green eyes most common - 'Rippled' stripes - Deep Teal skin tones - Average height around 9-12ft - Broader shoulders from swimming, similar to Reef - Fins on arms and Legs for swimming - Thicker Crocodilian tail - Hard 'plates' on tail and fins - Nictitating membranes (3rd eyelid for better sight while swimming) - Webbing between fingers and toes?
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knarme-art · 13 days
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I love doing Avatar/Recom/Na'vi OCs these days but I'm open to all species!
Send DM if interested!
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my oc Ester, night fury in Pandora AU
I've watching Avatar and I was inspired to do a version of Ester as one of Pandora's species, the planet is portrayed in Avatar (2009)
Like other species, Na'vi can deepen their bond. They are very intelligent, they have own clan, culture, music, language, each of them can also have them soul mate like Pandora's whales - Tulkuns
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villainsimpqueen · 2 months
Ivonyok Lore!
Here is my Ivonyok (Cave Na'vi ) Lore!
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Most of this art is made by @nin3kyuu
To the Lore!
Ivonyok Clan Overview
Physical Features
Body Structure
- Two arms, two legs, two queues, and two long tails with a bulby end.
- Four ears in a butterfly shape.
Vision and Perception
- Limited vision, relying on echolocation and tail sensors to navigate.
- Acute hearing for detecting faint sounds through caves.
Appearance and Clothing
- Mostly nude with dark blue or purple skin and bioluminescent markings.
- Wear sacred silks for specific occasions.
Social Bonds
Platonic Mate Bond
- Formed in adolescence, fulfilling companionship, emotional, and sometimes sexual needs.
- Adopt children of a deceased platonic mate.
Mate Bond
- Equivalent to marriage, involving lifelong emotional and spiritual connections.
Beliefs and Spirituality
Ewya's Heart
- Believe cave systems are the heart of Ewya, the source of all Na'vi souls.
Origins of Other Na'vi Clans
1. Swimmers: Originated from Ivonyok adapting to ocean life.
2. Sun Chasers: Originated from Ivonyok chasing sunlight to the surface.
3. Sky Climbers: Originated from Ivonyok climbing to high mountains.
4. Sand Dancers: Originated from Ivonyok adapting to desert life.
5. Night Seers: Originated from Ivonyok discovering the night sky.
6. Ash Breathers: Banished Na'vi living in volcanic regions.
- Souls begin in the Ivonyok clan, reincarnating into other clans to learn their ways.
- Ghost Walkers are reborn Ivonyok achieving peace after sudden death.
Clan Structure
- Spiritual leader, healer, and ritual practitioner.
- Leader responsible for clan welfare and protection.
- Titles passed to chosen heirs.
- Create sacred silk clothing.
- Collect food and ingredients.
- Craft alcoholic beverages, holding high status as well as Hallucinogenic snacks.
Important Animals
- Archulugans: Giant spider-like creatures for silk.
- KaliWayans: Bioluminescent scorpions in thermal vents.
- Pafnemipa: Blind weasel-like moles as mounts.
- Toruktsyìp: Glow worms for illumination.
- Tidal Pools: Clean water sources.
- Mushroom Forests: Food sources.
- Root Forests: Used for funerals and spiritual connections.
- Thermal Vents: Sauna-like rituals and fermentation.
Living Arrangements
- Dens made using queues, with offspring pods suspended from ceilings.
- Water-filled stone bowls catch hatching offspring.
Way of Life
- Lead peaceful lives, enjoying pleasures while maintaining balance.
- Emphasize spirituality, strong social bonds, and respect for each other’s sensory perceptions.
- Value actions and behavior over physical appearance, cherishing deep emotional connections.
Clan Status?-
-Open clan. Any one can make a Ivonyok oc or Mix child of the Ivonyok.
You must Tag me in your posts! @villainsimpqueen Please do not steal my ideas i am more than willing to help you brainstorm fanclan ideas/lore.
-Mind You! Mix children may form mutations due to their Ivonyok parents having more Limbs and body Structure than other Na'vi.
-The Ivonyok is based on the idea of being All Na'vi great ancestor before the Na'vi clans seprated and Evoluved to the modern Na'vi we Know now.
-This is like if us mordern humans had bred with a prehistoric Human species, their would be mutations, those mutations however are free game & Up to imaginations.
Can be skin colors, markings, extra limbs (Queues, tails, ears, eyes)
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signfromeywa · 22 days
I have to say: I love your blog 🥰. I love everything, your OCs, the lore you show little by little, the interesting but fluffy couple dynamics. Etc etc.
I just came here to leave my opinión about Turner and Ana
I feel that, to a certain extent, Turner needed that avatar more than Ana. The circumstances in which he received it were not the best (oh Ana... 😭) But from what I understood from that little story you wrote, Turner was basically just hours away from dying, It's interesting to see how his character arc is basically that he was given a second chance to live and he must learn not to waste it and start a new and healthy one.
As for Ana... Her relationship with Ean'tu is interesting, usually in canon and fanfics involving a relationship between a Na'vi and a human, the human has an avatar that they then transfer to. I'm not complaining, but I feel like it's wasted potential to not explore a dynamic where the human STAYS human. We are talking about a romance that has every chance of failing... but it doesn't, that despite biological, physical and cultural differences, it prospered until it became something beautiful ❤️ even if it ends tragically 💔
Hello! Thank you for your kind words and all your thoughts about my characters 🥰 I am happy that you enjoy them and my blog!
To Turner:
Yes he needed that body even if he would never have dared to ask for one. He always thought he was not worth a second chance in life. He feels damn guilty that he has the body and the second chance and his friend Ana is not. This thoughts keeps him awake at night.
But also he learned to accept the new body and find joy in his new life doing the training from the Na'vi and Mo'at helping him, to accept the body. He needed a lot of spiritual training to get one with his body, because it was a traumatic event when he moved to his new body. It needed time to heal.
About Ana:
Ana and Ean'tu love each other despite the differences in species. She never had and never will get an Avatar. Ean'tu always said, he is aware that she is different, she is human. But he loves her the way she is. He fell in love with a human and thinks she is beautiful in the way she is. He doesn't want to change her. He wants the real Ana by his side.
Also Ana doesn't see the need in an Avatar body. Yes it's hard in Pandora that she can't breathe the air. Also the size difference and that she can't eat everything that grows on Pandora, but still she takes all that burden to be with her husband. To live along with him! She knows from the beginning she doesn't have an Avatar and that she falls in love with Ean'tu, a Na'vi! She knew that this would come with problems she has to overcome and she did! But still they can be together!
Even if they would offer Ana a Na'vi body, Ean'tu and Ana would not want it. He loves her like she is and she knows that he fully accepts her how she is. He loves her pale skin and her brown hair with the little pointy nose. He likes how elegant and filigree she is. He is madly in love with his human wife. And of course what really counts is the soul.
He would recognize and love her in every form and color. 💜
(also both are aware that she will not live as long as Ean'tu. But they still stay together and Ean'tu will be with her till she dies and he is prepared 🥺💜)
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imliketheiceifreeze · 2 years
Miles Quaritch x OC
My Little Scientist- Chapter Six
Warnings: light smut, violence, swearing, minors DNI
3,300 words (this ones a bit longer than usual)
Chapter 7
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Her knees were shaking somewhat as she made her way over to the general's office, a woman with higher clearance than even the Colonel. However, It was necessary, as she knew if she asked Miles, his reaction would be commanding her to never speak on the issue again. She needed her to say yes, to be convinced by her and she knew only one way to do this: appealing to her clinical nature, there was nothing more important to her than the mission and Gaia understood that much.
"Hello, General. Would I be able to speak with you for a moment."
She met her eyes slowly, a murderous gaze settling on her face at the sight of her,
"and who might you be?"
"Gaia Ambros ma'am, scientist in the botany department, recently completed a mission in Pandora."
She stood tall against her glare, trying to present herself to her in a positive light.
"Yes, I remember you. What do you want? And make it quick,"
she spoke in aggravation, tapping her pen against the desk, as if to bring more attention to how much of her time she was wasting.
"I would like to request placement on the upcoming mission ma'am."
Ignoring the General's irritation, she kept her eyes forward, addressing her the same way she'd watched the recoms speak to Miles.
"And why exactly would I do that? You were only on that mission at the Colonel's request, what authority do you have?"
She snorted, faking bemusement, but she could see the seething anger laying beneath her smile.
"I'm aware of that ma'am but I believe I would be a useful asset to the team. During our last mission I was able to heal wounds on the recombinants using my knowledge of the Pandoran flora,"
she explained, keeping her voice at a monotone so as not to show her fear. This, however, appeared to pique her interest, fully looking over her at last as she took in her words.
"I suppose having someone that knows the Na'vi culture could be a useful asset,"
she pondered before continuing,
"why is it exactly that you want to be on this mission? You do know what it entails, there will be casualties.”
Gaia nodded her head, rushing out a,
“yes ma’am, I want to fight for my species to give humans another chance at life.”
To solidify her intent, parroting the type of bullshit she usually saw on Pandora mission advertisements back on earth before her deployment.
“You would be too much of a distraction, don’t think I don’t know about your fraternisation with Colonel Quaritch.”
The General decided abruptly, waving her away dismissively as she turned back to the papers in front of her, nevertheless, she was not perturbed, desperate to convince the General of her abilities as she racked her brain.
“I could teach the recombinants how to ride Ikrans”
She let out in a single breath, unsure even of the logistics of her own idea.
Capturing her intrigue once more, she stopped her pen, eyes meeting Gaia's.
“And how would you do that?”
She spat in disbelief.
“I have extensive knowledge on how the Na’vi people use Ikrans in war, I could give you some of the papers I’ve worked on about the subject if you’d like.”
This seemed to offend her slightly, a scoff falling from her mouth as she turned away, Gaia supposed her chance to do something useful for once had slipped away.
“Okay, if you teach the recombinants to use Ikrans effectively, I will grant you access to the mission as cultural expert, understood?”
She met your eyes after a few minutes in silence to deliver her decision, making her face light up, fighting the smile that attempted to peek from her lips.
“Yes ma’am,”
she replied with enthusiasm before she was dismissed curtly. She knew going behind Miles’ back like this could put her relationship in jeopardy, but she couldn’t let him go on this suicide mission alone, they were together as equals now. This was the only way she could justify her actions, feeling guilt swirl in her stomach as the thought of him finding out caused anxiety to prickle at the back of her neck.
Her day continued as it usually would, meals in the dining hall with June and Mike, although they seemed too involved with each other to really pay much attention to her, not that she couldn't be accused of doing the same. And working hard in the lab, subtly trying to avoid spending time with Miles, unable to look him in the eye with this feeling of betrayal.
That was until, on her way between labs, she made out a furious voice shouting her name from the other end of the corridor. She sped up her steps, naively believing she might be able to outrun a 9ft tall avatar, to no avail, as she felt her centre of gravity brutally being pulled in the other direction, coming to realise she had been slammed into a wall, trapped with one arm pinned up against her neck.
Miles was seething with anger, fangs bared like a wild animal as he stared down at her. She'd never really been afraid of the fearsome Colonel before, knowing of course, his reputation as a ruthless man. That was until now, realising just how sharp his fangs were and how much strength he held, how easily he could kill her with one large hand.
"What the fuck princess, you invite yourself onto my mission and you don't even tell me? We're not gonna be playing about with flowers sunshine, this is fucking dangerous."
He barked, appearing to be holding himself back with every word. She didn't have the gall to reply, trembling in his hold, she pitifully felt tears pricking at her eyes as she was only able to choke out a few words with the pressure on her throat.
"Your hurting me Miles,"
A look of discomfort graced his features and he removed his hands from her at breakneck speed, cursing under his breath. He reached a hand slowly back to her face but she flinched away, making his own drop as Gaia stood defensively, feeling more than a little rattled by his actions.
"That was really fucking scary Miles,"
she uttered, lip quivering as the tears briming at her lower lids began to spill.
He didn't say anything, eyes simply darting across her face as he took in what he'd done. Trying to compose herself, Gaia began to explain her decision as Miles appeared to have gone into a state of shock,
"I can't let you go on that mission alone Miles, you could die out there and I'd be here alone, you can't do that to me."
She breathed, closing her eyes with a gulp as her emotions welled up in her throat.
"I can't lose you,"
she spoke nervously, flicking her eyes open to see how her confession would be received. She didn't flinch this time when he tentatively gripped her hand in his fingers, snapping out of his daze as he finally spoke.
"You think I don't feel the same? If anything ever happened to you I-"
He cut himself off, voice breaking, making her realise that this was the first time she'd ever seen him so vulnerable and she squeezed his hand to give him comfort, knowing the emotionally constipated man had probably never so much as shed a tear in public.
"I fucking care about you Gaia,"
He spat the words out like lava on his tongue, as though they greatly irritated him, almost making her smile. It was the most Miles expression of affection she'd ever seen.
"Then let me come with you, If I'm linked with my avatar I won't be in any real danger,"
she said half whispering, not wanting to break the tense silence that had enveloped them both. It made him pause, his harsh gaze not seeming to soften as he looked into her eyes unblinking,
"That doesn't mean you can't feel pain Gaia."
His words made your stomach clench, she'd never bothered to wonder how dying would feel, or how she would be able to feel it all only to wake up again, how that might affect her. Nevertheless, she maintained his unwavering glare, knowing that at the first sign of regret he would be able to convince her to stay. Reaching up she cupped his face in her palm, his hand settling upon her own to keep it there, as she said a final,
"I know."
It had been decided that she would teach the Colonel and his squad how to ride Ikrans effective immediately, considering the mission was pretty time sensitive, which is how she found herself on another aircraft full of recombinants, being flown over the magnificent hallelujah mountains. As per usual, Quaritch made some 'inspirational' speech to his team, responded to with a chorus of oorahs, naturally. She couldn't deny she felt a sort of safe familiarity in their presence, especially as she herself was in an avatar body, almost feeling like one of them.
Before she knew it, they were touched down on the precipice of a cliff with barely enough room for them all to gather under the rock shelf, the aircraft departing swiftly to allow them all more room. Stepping out, she checked her bag to make sure she was fully equipped, knowing how dangerous tsaheylu can be.
"You don't have to do this,"
a hand came over her shoulder as a a voice she recognised to be Miles spoke. Turning to him she only smiled with a nod, she wasn't one to back down from a challenge.
"Okay everyone, I have been assigned to teach you all about bonding with an Ikran."
She turned towards the recoms as she began, not waiting for Miles' approval this time as she was anxious to get this mission underway.
"Firstly, you must go towards them one by one, and if the Ikran tries to kill you, then they have chosen you and you must attempt to bond with them using your queue."
She explained, pointing to the nearby ledge inhabited by countless Ikrans, mixing together colourfully like light shining through a stained glass window.
"I'll go first,"
Miles pushed her aside as he moved toward them, so blinded by irritation that he couldn't hear any of the warnings Gaia shouted. She watched in horror as he paraded through their home, eyes locking on an enormous dark blue animal which hissed at the sight of him-and the game was on.
"It's just you and me cupcake,"
he drawled arrogantly whilst the rest of his squad cheered him on, none aware of the grave danger he was putting himself in just to prove his strength.
"Stop stressing sunshine, we won't let a banshee kill your boyfriend,"
Z-dog slapped your back with a laugh, having observed her wide eyed expression for a few minutes now. She didn't pay her any mind though, as she found yourself unable to tear her eyes away from the Colonel, having punched the Ikran in the face, he was now grappling with the animal to make it submit as he attempted to bond. But In spite of his efforts, the Ikran lurched off the cliff unbonded, taking Miles with him as it fell.
Gaia screeched, racing to the edge of the cliff as the soldiers around her grew quiet. She couldn't see anything past the thick fog, and she grew cold at the thought of him falling so far. Was it even possible to perform tsaheylu on an Ikran mid flight? Suddenly, interrupting her thoughts, she saw the tips of blue wings shoot through the clouds, strong wind blowing you back from the verge, revealing Miles Quaritch, seated firmly on an Ikran, a look of glee spread through his features as he shouted to you all.
"All right!"
She moved further back, fear being replaced by anger as she watched him land the thing by your feet, smugly patting its head as he walked up to her.
"Who's up next then? You've seen how its done now so I don't want any cock ups,"
he barked, arms crossed over his vest as he surveyed his troops expectantly. Lyle was the next to step forwards, eyes already locked onto a cyan Ikran, but Gaia had had enough. Sprinting towards him she put her hands on his chest to push him back, sure that one of them would die if they all tried the Colonel's methods.
"No, you need to bind their mouths before you attempt to bond, it's very dangerous to do it this way."
Miles had already marched to her side, ripping her away from his corporal by the handle of her bag to shoot her a menacing scowl.
"If you're going to get in the way of my orders I won't hesitate to have you removed from my mission,"
he scolded, face leaning in close as an act of intimidation.
"Well it's a good thing I'm not here on your orders then, I'm here by request from General Ardmoure, and I say you need to tie their mouths unless you want to get your whole squad killed,"
she bit back, no longer holding the same fear for the man she used to, especially now she was able to meet his eye without craning her neck. Her defiance caused low gasps to sound from around her, even Lyle wearing a startled look as his eyes bounced between her and the Colonel. And she could tell Miles was seething with anger, but he did not attempt to challenge her words, knowing that she was correct, he only responded,
"fine, you are to tie the mouths of the Ikrans shut before bonding, understood?"
his eyes were trained on Lyle, allowing her to breathe finally without the tense glare of his amber eyes.
Eventually, all of the recombs were able to bond, being instructed by Gaia to fly with them immediately to confirm the union, leaving the rock face barren, aside from her and Miles, an uncomfortable silence settling between them both in the soldier's absences.
"That was really stupid you know, you could have died,"
she spat, rotating her body to face him, watching the way he stood with one hand rested against the neck of his Ikran.
"As stupid as deciding to come on a dangerous mission with no military training?"
He snarled, letting go of his Ikran and moving closer to her, chest pushed forward as he held her furious gaze.
"You're still angry about that? It's my decision,"
she spoke in confusion, having thought they'd ironed out this spat only a few days ago.
"Still angry? of course I'm still fucking angry darling, you can't ever listen to orders can you."
His tone was sardonic as he marched closer, gripping her arm in his large blue hand as he dragged her into a dark cave, away from the prying eyes of his team.
"You really know how to get under my skin, don't you sunshine,"
he growled, pressing her against the wall with his body weight as she felt one leg slip into the gap between her thighs, making her breath hitch at the intimate contact. Suddenly he was all over her, lips and teeth against her neck as he sucked with heavy breaths, gripping her waist like a vice to pull her tighter against him, allowing her to feel something hard resting on her leg.
she mewled, running her hands up and down his muscular back whilst he continued his assault on her neck, letting out a small yelp when she felt him sink his fangs into the exposed skin of her shoulder, which she was sure would leave a mark.
"Come 'ere baby,"
he rasped, running his tongue over his teeth before smashing his mouth against hers in a heated, messy kiss that caused fire to ignite between her thighs, subtly moving against the leg that was clenching against her core. She pulled away panting, pressing her head against the cave wall, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of the friction against her clothed cunt.
"You gonna cum on my thigh huh? not so tough now are you baby?"
He growled, moving his leg in time with her hips, making her stifle a moan as she felt the coil inside you tighten faster than she would like to admit. She hung onto his shoulders, losing the strength to stand as she felt her oncoming climax whilst Miles continued to kiss and nip at her skin, holding her up in his arms.
"Come on sweetheart, you can do it,"
he encouraged, giving her a smack on the ass, massaging her stinging flesh after the fact, and she couldn't contain the noises that escaped her mouth, choking moans and whines filling the cave as she shamefully orgasmed against him, her body shaking with the force. His hand slapped against her mouth with wide eyes as he watched her come undone, a sense of smug pride filling him at the sight; yet they were both caught off guard by the sound of Lyle Wainfleet calling out in the darkness,
"Colonel, are you in here?"
They both swiftly shuffled away from one another, attempting to straighten out their hair and clothes in the darkness, not wanting to announce to the whole squad what they had just been doing.
"Yes Lyle, go and tell the others to wait for me and Gaia by their Ikrans,"
he commanded, voice surprisingly steady all things considered, and he waited to hear the sound of boots retreating before leaning down to capture her lips in his once more.
"You ready to go baby?"
he asked, running his fingers softly against her arm, she loved the way he always took care of her in these moments, never teasing her when she felt this vulnerable.
"Yeah, I'm ready Miles,"
she breathed, feeling his hand intertwine with hers to lead her toward the light at the mouth of the cave. She assumed that despite her best efforts, she looked a little dishevelled when they both emerged, hoping that the recoms assumed they were having a domestic and not borderline fucking. Either way, they kept their glances constrained, obviously not wanting to piss of Quaritch any further as he hopped onto the Ikran he affectionately called Cupcake, lending Gaia a hand to pull her up in front of him, before calling out curtly to his troops.
"We're heading back to the base, follow me in formation."
She sucked in a breath, leaning down to cling onto Cupcake for dear life as she plunged over the edge of the cliff, feeling an arm wrap around her waist to steady her as she fell.
"Whooo this so fucking amazing,"
she heard one of the troops call from behind, making her smile against the Ikran she had wrapped herself around. Subsequently, she felt a pat to her thigh making her look over her shoulder to see Miles sporting a shit-eating grin.
"As much as I enjoy the view, are you gonna stay down there the whole way back?"
He teased, eyes flicking towards her ass sitting much too close to his crotch, which she noticed was still somewhat engorged, making her blush and shoot up so fast she almost knocked him backwards with the force.
"Jesus sunshine, try not to kill us both,"
he huffed, holding her close with one arm as he flew point back to base, grinning smugly whenever he caught a glimpse of the distinctive bite mark settled between the stripes of her delicate shoulder, reminding himself that he should definitely give her another in her human form.
"I'm sorry sir,"
she teased back, not missing the way he stiffened behind her at the nickname, and in that moment everything seemed so perfect, she thought nothing could destroy it, nothing at all.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
Introduction to my Avatar OC
the tsamsiyu ta'em series
Pairing: Tonowari/Original Character/Ronal
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Human Name: Makayla (Kayla) Sully
Na'vi Name: Makayla te Suli tsmuke te Toruk Makto
Born: 2130 (age 40 as of AtWoW, but appears younger due to cryosleep)
Gender: Female
Species: Human/Avatar
Height: 8 ft 7 in (2.62 m)
Affiliation(s): Marine Corps (former), RDA (former), AVTR, Omatikaya, Metkayina
(Unnamed parents, deceased)
Tommy/Tom Sully (older brother, deceased)
Jake Sully (older brother)
Neytiri (sister-in-law)
Neteyam (nephew)
Kiri (adopted niece)
Lo'ak (nephew)
Tuktirey (niece)
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(Above) Faceclaim (both human and avatar): Morfydd Clark
Avatar faceclaim done by @ infinitfantasy on Twitter and Insta
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(Above) Size chart for Kayla's human height
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(Above) Side-by-side similarities/comparisons between siblings Jake and Kayla (both human and avatar)
Chapter ten coming soon! Thank you for all the love and support ❤️
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vexwynbutblue · 2 years
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My concept of "albino" na'vis cuz I am just bored to see plane white ocs. Inspired of amelanistic mutation that may happen in some species of lizards and birds i think this gives a more alien vibes to the albino concept for the na'vi
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murawei · 7 months
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Lu'ran - Is basically just self-insert. Her name supposedly roughly translates to "painter". She is from Omaticaya clan. When I was coming up with her name and traits I was thinking something along the lines of "artist, traveller". She is a painter, but first and foremost - she's an explorer. She can't stay put in one place, she wants to go everywhere and see everything. She happily talks to humans. She wanted to visit the Metkayina clan and eventually that's what she set off to do.
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Mawkrit - also based on a real life friend but much more loosely, so I wouldn't say he's a full fledged insert, just an oc. Originally I wanted his name to mean something as well but it wasn't working out so it's just a generated Na'vi name that starts with the same letter. As a child he earned the nickname - "A'loreyu", which later in life became a sort of "stage name".
"Loreyu" is what na'vi call those plants that retract when you touch them. 'ampi - means to touch. I found in some dictionary a long phrase combining the two to mean "touched loreyu" as a phrase to mean "someone who is very shy/bashful" but it was obviously too long to be a name, so I thought maybe I could combine it diffrently. Other na'vi kids would startle him by screaming "A" at him and he would run away thus earning the nickname "A'loreyu".
He is a dancer, a very graceful and effeminate one at that. His clan adores him, but he is very soft spoken and insecure because he doesn't swim as fast as the others.
Lu'ran and A'loreyu meet when she visits his clan, at first his people are wary of her, but they link up, she comes up with very unique and intricate body paint designs for his performances and the two of them kinda become an iconic duo.
I have some ideas on how to develop this story but generally it's just for funsies, I see their relationship as platonic, familial matters don'treallyinterestthem anyway, they're justchanneling the spirit of Eywa and serving it up, but hey, who knows I leave that up for interpretation for now.
Also the names might be incorrect, but I found it too hard to fully figure out how to make one, so I did as best I could, if someone who knows better wants to correct them, sure, but until then they're Lu'ran and A'loreyu
About art also. So far in the movies we only ever really see painting (specifically body paint and tattoos), dancing and singing/chanting as parts of rituals, but there's plenty of dialogue to suggest Na'vi have at least recreational music. I don't know about visual art, but I find it hard to believe that a highly emotionally intelligent species like them doesn't partake in artistic activities to their fullest extent.
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