#Obviously you should have a healthy caution around all wild animals
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rebellum · 27 days ago
VERY funny that my boyfriend knows nothing about bears. I mean it makes sense, he's English, he grew up in a culture without bears. But as a canadian it's very funny. Bro you don't have to be scared of black bears. Thats a black bear.
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demyrie · 6 years ago
On Synchronicities, or 'Winks from the Universe'
Hello from semi-hiatus! Things have been intense lately, very up and down and faith and despair and AAAAAA, so I wanted to go woo again and talk about synchronicities, or “winks”.
I call them winks because that's what it feels like -- remember when you were in a guessing game or a mystery, and you tentatively said something and got a wink in response? Remember that jolt of excitement, or celebration, or confidence like YES I WAS RIGHT? At least in USA culture, a wink means keep going, yes, you're getting it.
Turns out, the universe can wink at you, too!
The universe works on harmony or disharmony, frequencies or vibrations, in which our frame of mind plays a huge part, and often produces “synchronicities” -- the seemingly random or unlikely coincidences that catch your attention. When you align with your highest path, other things around you will align to show you: yes, this is it! You're getting it! You're in the swing of things, you're dancing to your own tune!
Winks are different for everyone. Me, it's numbers, which uhhhh makes sense with my profession, but the whole world is a canvas for synchronicities to show up on. Some people see certain animals more often whenever they're “dancing in tune”, and I know I always feel a warm hand over my heart when I see a squirrel doing something cute -- one of the advantages of having a very, very common spirit guide! But that's just … nice. Winks are discrete and joyous reminders to be in the moment and TRUST, and though I'm not much into strict numerology, they mostly appear to me in numbers.
For example: Whenever I'm counting medication and I pour a perfect amount, I always make a point to remember what I was thinking about when I poured. Have you ever had to count 63 tablets, and got EXACTLY that weird number with two shakes of the bottle? Trust me, it feels good. It felt good to the universe, too, and you're sharing a moment of perfect timing, belonging and allowing. You didn't shake too much. You didn't double guess yourself.
You just did, and it was perfect.
Winks say, go with your instincts. Winks say, trust yourself, keep going, good job. Winks say, this is how it is. You can have this.
This morning, I was on my way to a work location that was a) very far away and b) I’d had a stressful experience at last time and c) my cars engine had been acting a little funny, so it was not a calm voyage. I was worried. I was worried about my shift, my car, and deeply, especially worried about my books. It was one of those days where you step back and look at this thing you've poured so much time and love and WANT into, and pick it up by the ears and ask “is this trash?”
It's not a productive kind of worry. It's gross and sad and debilitating and an exorcism of deeper fears of worth -- because if I make trash, what does that make me?
So, even though I almost talked myself out of it, I stopped into Wawa for some food before my shift (because I'm an hour early, because anxiety).
(TW: eating disordered thinking)
I'm a mess in my head, so naturally I'm a mess in the Wawa too. I'm grabbing things left and right, mostly sweets, but when I get to the counter and see some mostly-healthy (or at least FILLING) breakfast sandwiches, I have a burst of regret.
Should I get one? Was it too much? Ah, FUCK, should I put everything back because I don't deserve any of it?? Maybe I don't deserve breakfast, maybe I'll just keep myself in line until lunch.
It's easy to see how my thoughts spiralled into what I was really feeling, projecting like this into a goddamn gas station sandwich, but I grab one.
Fuck it, I'm an adult and I have money and I need to eat, I thought, and when the cashier rang up my sporadic collection of anxiety sweets and borderline breakfast, the total was $11.11.
I instantly smiled. It was a stupid, happy, sheepish smile, and my shoulders dropped. It was a wink from the universe, or in this case a nudge.
The message wasn't: “buy sandwiches forever and you will never struggle with your self-worth and purpose!”.
It was this: “Shhh. Eat. Take care of yourself. The thoughts that led you to get the sandwich -- in PERFECT combination with every other random thing you grabbed -- are correct. Even these little wild decisions are correct, no matter how lost you may feel. You are deserving. Also eat the goddamn sandwich.”
Now, just an hour or two ago, when I was teaching a tech how to do data entry, I looked up and it was 11:11am. I love teaching and I love helping others. It's definitely part of my path. I smiled again, and plunged forward into my day with enthusiasm and love, knowing I was supported.
It's amazing how just that mindset can change the way your whole day progresses! Trust is a hell of a thing.
It's even funnier when you start to share wink languages with people. My starmate was having a heated text conversation with me re: creativity. When she boiled over and came to the conclusion of “I think we just need to DO US, you know??”, the timestamp was exactly 4:44 -- a number of completion, stability and home. When I alerted her to it, she flipped, but not in the good way. She's been getting nudges and winks like this so long it sometimes feels like a smug or even nagging mother and she poured out an alphabet soup of frustration, like I KNOW OK?? AAAA!
Being magnificently and fearlessly yourself is easier said than done, sometimes. “OKAY, universe!” is a common phrase of ours, as bratty as we possibly can make it :) with love in our hearts of course! Sometimes there's a bit of freedom and humor to be found in playing up our roles as children in this big old sandbox, and whining is totally accepted… as long as you plan to pony up in the end.
In that vein, I had one or two nights where the energy was VERY high and I would wake up at every synchronicity on the dot: 3:33am, 4:44am, and was very tired and grumpy as a result even as I knew the universe was pulling out all the stops to pat me on the back. I'm just a human, this is great and intense and magical and all but I. Need. Sleep!! (Pearls before swine, clearly…)
Another time, I was having another crisis of faith regarding family, and love that doesn't come easily to me. There wasn't any particular trigger, but I was angsting vaguely and even worrying about secretly being a sociopath -- and then I got a customer with a birthday of 11/11, and their change? $4.44!
Obviously I get certain numbers more than others, but the message is always the same: You're doing great sweetie.gif!
You're doing what you're supposed to be doing. It's okay. You're okay. Keep your chin up. Breathe. Allow.
Winking can be a comfort, a reminder that you are loved and supported in all things -- especially feeling your feelings as they are, not as they should be.
So, winks are cool. Once you find your wink language, catching one is like a burst of pure energy: a ringing endorsement from Your Biggest Fan, the Universe 💕🌠
The one thing I would caution with winks, however, is not to look for them.
I know it's difficult, but it literally defies the premise: stressing about being perfect immediately breaks your perfection, like sports players who get the “yips”. The little miracle is you looking up at the clock at EXACTLY that time, because you were meant to, because your perfection is too much to go uncommented on. NOT getting winks doesn't mean you're doing poorly, but those of us with negative mindsets may suffer from what is essentially just another thing to miss out on. Which, again, mindsets and expectations.
Sometimes I'll catch a 3:34 and feel disappointed, and that's just silly. It's not about math. It's about the moment, and there are thousands of moments in any given day. Just do you. Just rock, and hope, and reach for the things that make you glow inside.
It's a cherry on top. Sprinkles. A high five. The more and more you fall into your own perfect stride -- that isn't so much flawless as it is PERSONAL, purely you in a way no one else can manage and a little piece of what you came here to Do -- the more the universe will wink at you, celebrate with you, and urge you on.
I hope you can move just a little further into believing in yourself and your path today, even if it's just buying the goddamn sandwich. Remember, you are deserving. You're doing just fine.
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itsyokythings-blog · 6 years ago
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Do you need for Vietnam ? Yes, there are a few you should definitely have and few more to consider to avoid unexpected health calamities. This simple guide wil help you understand exactly which you need for Vietnam.
What’s in our guide to Vaccines for Vietnam?
1. 3. 5. Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, cycled across northern mountain ranges, sailed Ha Long Bay, motorbiked the coast, lazed away days on beautiful beaches, volunteered in rural villages, and so much more.
Vietnam is an incredible country which offers visitors a diverse set of experiences.
Vietnam is a diverse country with a huge range of experiences.
Of course, it also offers a diverse set of health risks. Getting your injections for Vietnam before you leave home is the first step to a healthy trip.
As always, when seeking health advice online, it is best to double-check with your doctor or expert before you make any final decisions.
With that said, read on to learn all about…
Also don’t miss these posts:
Solo in Vietnam → Vietnam advice → The best Vietnam itinerary →
Vaccines you should definitely have for Vietnam
Make sure you are up to date on your routine jabs including:
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
Chickenpox (Varicella)
Annual flu shot
You will also need to add at least these two :
Hepatitis A
Both of these diseases can be contracted through contaminated food or water in Vietnam.
All lers should be vaccinated for Hepatitis A before going to Vietnam.
Travellers who plan on staying in home stays or with friends, visiting smaller cities or rural areas, or eating street food or in small restaurants (so almost everyone), should also get the Typhoid vaccine.
Vaccines you might need for Vietnam
We can give you general advice about these but if you are unsure about what you need, please make an appointment with a vaccine specialist at least 2 months before your trip.
Japanese encephalitis
The Japanese encephalitis vaccine is very expensive but is generally recommended if you plan to stay in Vietnam for more than a month, or plan to spend a lot of time in rural areas or outside.
Full disclosure: We have never gotten the vaccine for Japanese encephalitis, even though all of those conditions apply to us. But just because we took the risk doesn’t mean you should — speak to your local vaccine specialist who will help you decide.
Hepatitis B
You’ll need this if you plan on have sex with strangers in Vietnam, or you’re going to get a tattoo, a piercing, use IV drugs, or have any medical procedures. Obviously, we recommend that you don’t engage in any of these activities on your Vietnam trip!
It is rare for lers to get malaria in Vietnam. You might consider taking anti-malarials if you’re going to be camping, or are planning to spend a lot of time in the outdoors in the central and southern areas bordering with Cambodia. For most lers, liberal use of a deet-based mosquito repellent is sufficient for Vietnam.
If you’re going to wild regions of Cambodia and Laos as well, you should consider taking anti-malarials for that part of your trip. I got malaria in northern Cambodia / southern Laos last year and it was the most awful experience of my entire career!
Stray dogs, bats, and rats in Vietnam can all carry rabies. Probably not this cutie though.
You can get rabies from dogs, rats, bats, and other animals in Vietnam. Not fun! If you’re going to be outside a lot, have a penchant for caving or playing with street dogs, or are ling with children, you might want to consider a rabies vaccine.
Yellow Fever
There is no yellow fever in Vietnam and you only need proof of the vaccine if you’re ling there from other countries with yellow fever. This applies to many African and South American countries.
There is no vaccine for zika and it is present in Vietnam. Your best protection against zika is to avoid mosquito bites! Be diligent about wearing mosquito repellent and opt for long sleeves and long trousers. If you are pregnant or considering getting pregnant, to countries where zika is present is not advised.
The cost of vary widely, depending on where you are getting the and what type you need. This is a rough estimate of the expenses you’ll face for your Vietnam shots:
$100 consultation fee with vaccine expert
$50–100 for each vaccine you need
$1–5 per day for anti-malarial pills
Budget $300–600 for and consultations for your trip. If you’re on a tight budget, don’t be tempted to skip your injections. If you get sick, not only will your trip be ruined, but you’ll have the additional medical fees to worry about.
This little guy can cause you lots of problems, so beware.
The best way to avoid these diseases is to avoid getting mosquito bites.
Which Kind of Mosquito Repellent Should you Use?
In the west, you might rely on “natural” repellants to keep you from getting bitten. In areas where mosquitos carry disease, this is not good enough. These repellents, though they smell nicer and are less full of disgusting chemicals, tend to be less effective against mosquitos — and their effectiveness varies depending on the breed of mosquito.
If you must use a natural repellent, those containing Lemon Eucalyptus Oil have been shown to be the most effective “natural” repellent. Be aware that you need to apply it more and more frequently than you would with DEET.
There are other options, such as insect repellent clothing, which might be useful if you’re going to spend a lot of time in rural areas.
Are Mosquitos the Same Everywhere You Go?
In Asia, mosquitos can be quite different than the ones you’re used to:
Some are so tiny you might not even notice them flying around or biting you
They are quieter, too, so you might not hear them buzzing
Some barely leave a bite mark and the itching can go away in a matter of hours, while others leave huge misshapen welts that itch like crazy
Certain breeds are active during the day, while others are more active in the morning and evening
Because of this, it’s important to wear repellent even when you don’t notice any mosquitos or notice them biting you. Don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t need mosquito repellent!
Is It OK to Avoid Repellent if Mosquitos Don’t “Like” You?
One last caution. Mosquitos in the east can have different taste buds from mosquitos in the west.
In North America and Europe, Stephen is a mosquito magnet. He can’t go anywhere without getting a bite. I am the opposite; mosquitos barely notice me at home. In Asia, it’s the other way around. I get bites left and right, while Stephen gets by relatively unscathed.
Why is this important? Because Western lers often tell me “Oh, mosquitos don’t like me so I don’t have to wear repellent”. Don’t assume that your experience with mosquitos in the west will be the same as with mosquitos in Asia.
Vietnam is very safe but accidents can happen anywhere.
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The Best Tools & Companies for Your Trip
These are our favourite tools and companies for planning and booking your s in Asia. We have used all of them and recommend them for their dedication to providing you great experiences.
Best gear: Minimalist Packing Guide →
Cheap flights: Kiwi.com →
Hotel savings: Booking.com →
Small group adventures: Intrepid Travel →
Incredible bike tours: Grasshopper Adventures →
Best cooking classes: Cookly →
Bus & train: 12go.asia →
Tours, tickets & transfers: Get Your Guide →
Mindful journeys: BookYogaRetreats & BookMeditationRetreats →
Convenient insurance: World Nomads →
We hope this round-up of vaccinations for Vietnam helps you plan your trip. As always, we only provide health information as a starting point for your planning. Please consult your doctor or a medical expert before making any final decisions.
♥  Happy mindful adventures, Jane & Stephen
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