#Obviously there are a lot of great women wrestling superstars
fa14-eb23 · 5 months
Akinator daily challenge: wrestling edition
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First five woman wrestlers
Who could they be? 🤔
0 notes
anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 12/14 NXT 12/16 NXT UK 12/17 Smackdown 12/18 TLC 12/20 + Main Event 12/17
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“This Sunday at tlc, it’s gonna be you and me against Nia and Shayna,” Lana says to Asuka, as a quiet ‘woo’ can be heard in the distance.
Lana facing her fears and fighting Nia Jax makes her the bravest person Asuka knows. Rolling. Fucking Asuka. ASUKA. wwe, stop.
Why isn’t Asuka accompanying Lana to the ring?
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I like Lana’s gear.
Joe just compared Lana to a mosquito, goodbye.
Oh snap look how fast Lana did that headscissors takedown. We’re witnessing her progression, ladies and gents.
You know, I knew Lana would win this match, I knew exactly how she would win this match, but jfc what a treat watching it myself. 
Nia’s face lmfao.
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Shayna wrecking Asuka so she can’t save Lana from her inevitable fate. Still curious on whether or not this beatdown injured her, if she was injured going into the match, or if it was all really just a storyline.
Yikes this is sad.
Man that leg drop onto Lana’s ankle actually looked kinda wicked, ngl.
*distant woo intensifies*
Wow we got real tears from Lana. Points.
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Becky and Charlotte have been gone, Alexa hasn’t been on tv, the Raw women’s championship has become a meaningless prop... what a dead period for this roster.
Hi why is this match happening?
I will never not be impressed by Dana’s entrance.
Is Mandy actually hurt? Why did they take her off tv for so long? Is Shayna the resident kayfabe shelver? “Hey this girl is actually injured, have her written off by Shayna” ?? Cuz I know they’re not splitting Dana and Mandy up, and Dana has been on tv every week since Mandy left. Must be genuine.
These 2 are running roughshod over the entire division at this point.
Lmfao the babyfaces are fucking done with Nia and Shayna. Honestly that’s great, I love it when babyfaces band together to stand up to dominant duos. This has been going on long enough. They took out Mandy, took out Lana, were about to take out Dana. Totally fair.
Highlight: Lana getting a clean win over Nia & being taken out so my queen can return
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It’s a funny thing with Toni and Rhea. Toni says she’s the reason Rhea came to nxt, but she’s also the reason I became such a huge fan of Rhea’s. Heard they were having some big TakeOver match and everyone was always praising Toni. So I checked into Blackpool solely to see what the Toni Storm fuss was about, and I left that ppv solely impressed by Rhea Ripley. Then I took particular notice of Rhea in the Royal Rumble a few weeks later, and I’ve been watching NXT UK for her ever since (til she moved). To see her growth has been tremendous, and she’s so young. Such a bright future.
The music to this is great.
Toni says she isn’t scared of Rhea, as if Rhea’s mere theme music didn’t scare the absolute shit out of Toni the week prior lol.
Toni’s not even a terrible promo, but the timing of her blinks could not be worse. Yes, it matters.
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I can’t stop laughing at how fucking intensely Shotzi started this interview.
She does pissed off interviews well. I can feel her annoyance.
Really don’t want to see a Candice/Shotzi feud tbh but okay, I’ll try.
aaand there’s the howl. Awful.
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Lmfao Rhea called Toni a piece of trash. This is gonna be interesting to see with the alignments reversed.
I don’t remember who won this match, but I’m betting it was Toni. Which is fair tbh. Rhea is probably on the “put some peeps over before moving up to the main roster” path that everyone in the women’s division walks on. They always eat at least one monumental, or a couple meaningful, loss(es).
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Oh man that is fucked up. To not only be forced to continue punching/kicking a human (fun fact: the person on the offense takes quite the damage doing so) but to have the defenseless victim bleed out and beg for you to stop. That’s rough.
This was shot really well. That music holy shit, I’m creeped out. It’s like a horror movie.
I see the point. Numbs him to pain and breaks his will, while numbing her to mercy. Ruthless stuff.
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Oh are we finally done with Indi’s neck brace? Cool.
I can’t believe wwe invested in this upgraded tank. I still don’t think it’d work on the MR, but points to the boss for shelling out the cash.
Wtf was that stumble and “fall” by Indi lmao.
If Candice was a real bully, she’d distract Shotzi by fucking with her tank at ringside.
Indi does need a mentor, she’s a hell of a lot greener than my mutuals have made it sound. oof.
Shotzi looks like she has no idea how to work with Indi, and Indi looks gassed, confused, and slow as hell.
All Indi knows it going from spot to spot while Shotzi waits around for her to get there.
Lol Indi failed at getting a dirty win. I don’t really care if this is a part of her The Way storyline, what a mess.
The only redeeming part of this piss poor segment was Theory shaking the troll’s head at Shotzi.
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I’ll give wwe an extra $9.99 if they let this match have a clean ending.
“[Rhea] was at one point the biggest superstar in the world,” that isn’t even close to being true because Becky Lynch exists, but I’ll let it slide and pretend you said “in nxt”.
Their paths will be so similar to Becky and Charlotte in the future.
Wow what a sequence. That would’ve received an applause on the MR. Traded headlocks for restholds, threw around their strength, then went into a battle of pinfall reversals. Instead of following that with some stalemate, they didn’t take a breath and proceeded to dance with each other and showcase some chemistry before rolling back into a battle of pinfall reversals. The sequence started with a kick by Toni to Rhea’s midsection, and it ends with a kick by Rhea to Toni’s midsection. Peep that match production, good stuff.
My, my, those slaps to Toni’s back. Whew.
Yeah actually it’s really fucking cool that these 2 get to main event nxt together, come to think of it.
They sell well for each other.
Rhea has the best dropkicks, lesbireal.
Holy shit Toni’s headbutts make my own head hurt. God I wish she wouldn’t. Most people put their hands between the heads so no contact can be made, but Toni’s just like “lol fuck it”
This is a great match. This duo works a lot better with these specific alignments. Watching face Toni try to chop down Rhea is not as good as heel Toni being impossibly hard for Rhea to put away.
Women’s matches and never having a clean ending. Name a more iconic duo. Winter of overbooked women’s matches continues.
Like I had guessed Toni was gonna win anyway, but fucking come on.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Toni says playing by the rules got her diddly and squat, but like... she was a champion lol. “It ain’t even Toni time right now, it’s party time.” Alright.
Highlight: Rhea vs Toni minus the ending
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I don’t know why we’re getting Isla Dawn vs KLR but anytime I get to see KLR fight, I’m here for it.
Hell even Isla’s song never kicks it out of first gear. Song has so much potential but it never goes to the next level.
Ahhhh my Scottish queen is here.
No, don’t compare Sasha’s basement meteora to the double knees Isla did. That was pitiful.
Anyway, KLR vs any of the 4hw would be fantastic, take my money. Sasha, Bayley, Charlotte, or the woman KLR wanted to face at TO Dublin, Dublin native Becky Lynch.
That back body drop is horrendous as a finisher. It’s like when Becky won her debut match the exploder suplex. Awful lmao. Imagine if KLR lost to a back body drop ffs.
You don’t get to be this frustrated for not being able to beat the champion when you’ve only been fighting for like 3 mins.
Isla’s pisspoor speed going in the corner, and her pisspoor roll off of KLR’s tornado ddt. Shame.
Such a clean transition from a failed pinfall attempt into a submission by KLR, whew.
This whole match was just a flex by KLR lmao.
There was a time where we had Becky Lynch, Bayley, Rhea Ripley and KLR as our champions. Wow, take me back plz.
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The background music of this stupid recording is so unnecessarily dramatic, wow.
All for the delivery of a chair. Of a fucking chair. Piper... shut up and handle your shit.
For someone so much larger than the little man, Piper is insanely unintimidating.
Highlight: I got to see KLR wrestle
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Bayley does run her mouth a lot. She’s kind of the EST at saying dumb shit that gets her into trouble lmao.
Bianca is so friggin good at interviews and in backstage segments. She hasn’t received much of a chance to do promos in the ring, let alone obviously to a live crowd, but I hope she shines there, too.
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Has Liv reverted back to being a dumb blonde, or is it drugs? Stop letting her speak.
Love Riott Squad’s everchanging gear. Wonder who makes it for them.
Billie Kay claims that she’s a ‘seasoned’ ring announcer, and somehow that would not surprise me.
Tamina “get the fuck out of my face until I get a nap and a vat of coffee” Snuka, everyone.
Lmfaooo Tamina fucking chucked Liv across the damn ring. What a good job by Liv.
Ruby is exceptional at running the ropes. She gets a good spring off of it.
Tamina’s hair is always so beautiful, she gets points there.
Dropkick into a faceplant. Billie Kay gets pinned rofl. She’s so bad at wrestling and yet here I am ridiculously entertained.
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Carmella’s current persona, but man I wish she’d come out in a cut off tank top, camo pants, high tops and a printed hat.
I mean people are at home cuz covid, but go off.
Aye putting over Sasha. Good heel Mella.
Sasha has held the title for like a whopping 2 months and we’re already marking calendars. Sad.
In kf, Sasha is kind of mentally weak, so I’ll give Mella that. I’m not sure what it’s gonna take to shake that perception, either.
“Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the Boss? Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the best? It’s sad because that’s a question that not even Sasha Banks knows the answer too.” So I get that wwe are trying to help Sasha develop and fight off her past demons, but man these women are ripping her a new one. Sasha’s only 29 so she can grow and develop however she wants, but jeeze. Salt, meet the dagger Bayley stuck in Sasha’s back.
I like Mella cuz she knows how to hype her opponent’s accolades and strengths while cutting an immaculate heel promo where she hits them RIGHT where it hurts. She’s a pro. Heels should take notes.
This music is like the Jazz Vibes playlist I always listen to.
She just called Sasha cheap and frantic lmaoooo
Oh damn Sasha be out here looking like MONEY. That girl has style, even if it doesn’t always hit with me, she got style.
oof the crack of that slap to Reggie.
OOF the crack of the bottle shattering over Sasha’s poor back. rip.
Match at TLC should’ve been a champagne match. That entails whatever your mind comes up with; pouring alcohol on your opponent, dumping their head in a bucket of ice, breaking bottles over spines. It don’t matter.
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“You don’t see me going around here bragging about how damn good I am,” lmao WHAT. Bayley is equal parts delusional and obnoxiously annoying.
One size heel does not fit all, but I think her version suits her beautifully.
If I were her I’d pick your brain too, but I’d also want a match, cuz people leave matches with you looking as good as humanly possible. Equal parts selfless as well.
She didn’t lie, this was absolutely her putting Bianca on the map on the main roster.
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wwe: wants to strap a rocket to Bianca and make her a star. Also fucking wwe: “lol no we’re not gonna show you her full entrance, cry more scrub.” 
Bayley still looks weird without a title.
Bayley mocks Bianca’s entrance and then gets swept onto the apron lmao. Idiot.
Bianca is a lot of flash and showboating, which is great from an entertainment standpoint, but she needs to do a little... less.
Fantastic snap of the hand against the led board. Bayley wrecking Bianca’s arm gonna hinder the flips.
“I’m the ER. I’m BET-TER. haha.” lmao Bayley is such a fucking dork. Got sent into the ring steps for her bravado. Love that there’s always immediate repercussions for Bayley’s arrogance.
Bayley turned midway going down onto Bianca’s knee for that backbreaker, there. Hope she doesn’t have a massive bruise. Looked like it’d leave a massive bruise.
3 things I’ll apparently never get to see again: Bianca’s hair whip, Bianca’s full entrance, and Bianca’s 450 splash. I’m tired.
These stupid fucking squats while Bianca is dangling off the top rope rofl I swear Bayley is something else. Girl knows how to entertain. “Bayley got a bit cute and Bianca made her pay,” story of Bayley’s life.
Beautiful spinebuster by Bianca. At least SOMEONE in the women’s division will use it.
Bit of a miscommunication there it seems. Bayley goes for a B2B, Bianca tries to block it, Bayley drops down to dodge and go for a cradle. She rolls Bianca all the way back, stands up and hesitates before running at Bianca with an elbow - even though Bianca is not in position to receive it - which Bianca counters by rolling Bayley up, but it was super obvious Bianca was just scouting the next spot. Bianca goes to pick her up for a powerbomb but Bayley has to kick out twice to prevent herself from being pinned while Bianca tries to lift her. That entire sequence was super messy.
Then Bianca nearly drops her lifting her all the way up lol. Yikes. Gotta be pretty fluent to pull that off. Not to plug my fav (but I’m totally gonna plug my fav); it’s a move Charlotte does in almost every match against Asuka or Becky, and you gotta be not only built to pull it off, but you need to have impeccable timing to make the transition look smooth. Extra points if you lift them off the mat RIGHT before a 3 (which Charlotte usually does)
Anyway, good match with a messy last 2 sequences. Bayley did what Bayley does best.
Highlight: Bayley vs Bianca
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They really took Eva Marie and Sasha Banks’ characters and meshed them together while keeping Carmella’s obsession for animal print lol.
Really don’t like that gear. That’s a miss, Mikaze.
Beautiful arm drag. Sasha taking the idea of wrestling like a Lucha more seriously? Cuz she should, ain’t nobody else in the MR doing it.
Commentators say the trash talk is continuing, I say Sasha is quietly leading this match with a grimace. Peeped that “hit me”.
Carmella goes to suicide dive through the ropes just for Reggie to catch her, cept she got caught up and started turning in midair. Would’ve hit her neck and shoulder HARD had he not been there. Great catch indeed.
Sasha “rip my back” Banks.
Not to be douchey, but if you have to adjust your gear in the middle of a match and it’s not just to fill time or be used as character work, then you need to redesign your gear.
Sasha’s a great babyface once that bell rings man. I wish she could carry that energy everywhere.
Holy fuck that facebuster. SPIKED her head, oh my god. I have never seen anyone make a facebuster look so impactful. Points if intentional.
Oh the timing of Sasha blocking that superkick from legit connecting. God she’s good.
You know how I know this is a good match? I’m watching some of these near pinfalls and submissions knowing damn well Sasha’s gonna win, yet my anxiety is still spiking thinking Carmella might walk out with the title. I KNOW she doesn’t though lmao. Good sequences, believable offense, great near pinfalls. They work well together (I’m not surprised, Mella and Sasha both work well with almost anyone)
What a fantastic transition into the bank statement. Points.
That match should’ve ended by dq the second Reggie pulled Mella out. 
Sasha could’ve sold that double superkick pinfall attempt a little bit more.
Carmella having a breakdown. What does that mean? That means she’s about to lose this match lmao. There it is, not even 10 seconds later hahaha.
Sasha sells pain so damn well. Good for her. Good defense of her title. Points to Sasha, she’s phenomenal every time she has an actual match. Post-match and she’s already annoyed me though lol. Ugh. Maybe she’ll get it soon enough.
Nice “replay” wwe. Billion dollar company btw.
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Billie, drawing a horizontal line is not how you write ‘clairvoyant’. 
“proficient in Japanese” aw Asuka was so excited for a split second lmao.
Oh no, she made a mask to match Asuka’s with a paper plate. Oh no no no. Travesty. 
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Ugh I’m so excited. I’ve already seen this and yet I’m excited. Here we are, the whole damn reason I started catching up on everything I basically refused to watch since June 22.
SHE LOOKS LIKE MONEY, WHEW. The queen IS back. She’s so fucking beautiful man.
Love how annoyed Nia looks. This is your comeuppance tbh. Could’ve just faced a measly Lana, but no, you had to play too much.
Really Charlotte shouldn’t be in the tag division, and really she shouldn’t give half of a fuck about Asuka, but we’ll get to that more in the future since this is already nearly 2 months old.
Nia’s doing a great job selling Charlotte’s return, and she’s not even active in the match rn. She does good work.
Bad camera angle on Asuka hitting the ring post.
Asuka getting wrecked lol.
I really despise that the Raw women’s championship was tied up in all of these storylines that have nothing to do with the Raw women’s championship. The Lana crap, the Charlotte crap, the tag teaming in general crap.
In hindsight, I now find it curious that Ric Flair was in the back for this match. Very curious. I swear, if the past 2 real time months weren’t a part of some master plan the Flairs came up with together, I will be SHOCKED.
Charlotte’s fucking crazy for doing those moonsaults to the outside though, for real. I know she was a gymnast and an exceptional cheerleader, but MAN you could not pay me to do fucking blind back flips that high up. Crazy.
She should’ve given us a spear in this match. I wanna go rewatch her work just to see some spears.
Good match. They needed to not focus on destroying Asuka for as long as they did, pacing was off for a little bit there.
Love how Charlotte sticks her tongue out when she bridges up into the figure 8. She’s such an asshole lmao.
If I could’ve changed one thing about that finish, I would’ve had Charlotte bounce off the ropes before hitting Natural Selection. Other than that, it was great.
Charlotte looks good with a title, idk *shrug*
The way Charlotte looked over at Asuka though. I really don’t trust her in hindsight lol.
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Like how this Firefly Funhouse is setting the spotlight on Alexa before Bray takes his leave of absence, only wish she hadn’t missed 2-3 wks of tv.
What a fun way of running a video package.
Inferno matches are insane and I’m not sure why anyone would participate in such.
Think it’s smart they’re both leaving their jackets on tbh.
Alright that was cool. The way Fiend called up the flames was fucking cool. It looks amazing aesthetically. They could’ve never done the set quite like this if there had been fans.
WE HAVE STRAPS?! IS FIRE NOT ENOUGH?!? Man. Randy is a fucking trooper.
Guys. Guys excuse me, that strap is on fire, can... can we not, please??
Man is swinging a god damn pick axe at Randy Orton, I--
I hope that wasn’t actually flammable liquid cuz otherwise Randy is now soaked in it, and that’s insanely dangerous. Oh that’s great editing. So it was flammable, but Randy was out of the chair before the fire rushed at him. Also covered the chair in blood. That was cool.
Orton just pull the damn string out of the jacket real quick lol.
Caught Orton’s attempt at an rko with a mandable claw. Points.
Can someone... put him out? Editing trick? Were the flames real? Am I real??
Shouldn’t the bell ring? Match is over, right??
The dummy was kind of obvious ngl. Not to sound like an asshole, but they should’ve made it a bit thicker and more solid lol. Doesn’t really take me out of it though, cuz even though I’m sure it was a stunt double that got lit on fire by the ramp, someone was on fucking fire, and that’s intimidating in itself.
Also the dummy is melting. I’d say they should’ve used pig meat, but I’m sure vegans and animal rights activists would’ve had a field day writing to Snickers about that.
Was a good match, for what it was. I was entertained.
Main Event:
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“Nasty Nikki” lol okay.
“The only reason people even know you exist is because you were Alexa Bliss’ best friend,” ouch. Truth is pain.
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Ahahahah Lacey has hand sanitizer again. 
Love that submission Lacey jumped into through the ropes, plus an eye rake. Fantastic.
That’s curious. Lacey and Peyton are arguing over the hand sanitizer as Lacey wants to squirt it on Nikki, while Peyton is claiming it’ll get her DQd. Now I’m on Peyton’s side in the sense that it should absolutely be illegal, but Lacey’s done it in a match against Nikki before, sooo ???
I like how Nikki fell trying to get back into the ring before the 10 count. Adds credibility.
Haha Nikki gets the pinfall over Lacey because Peyton was being a nuisance on the outside. Lacey big mad. That’s great.
*Smackdown easily shined the brightest in what was a great week of wrestling. Utilized 8 women in 3 different storylines, couldn’t possibly complain about that.
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undisputedshield · 5 years
NXT reignites my love for wrestling. I know the work environment down there is awesome and you can tell how much fun everyone is having. This isn’t to say that the main roster isn’t having fun or anything, I know some of them do to an extent, but the company has some internal issues that won’t be fixed anytime soon.
I hate that I genuinely fear for the talent in NXT. I fear for Johnny Gargano, Undisputed Era, Bianca Belair, etc.
WWE is filled with talent like they’ve never had before, and I think a lot of people have a hard time grasping that because of how they are being used. If these superstars had creative control over their characters and weren’t given scripted promos, we would undoubtedly see a different side of them. Dean Ambrose, as good great as he was, is proof of that. Nobody knows these characters better than the superstars themselves, and WWE will be stuck in this unbearable cycle of incompetence as long as their creative process remains this way.
I don’t fault the writers because they aren’t the problem. The problem is obviously Vince McMahon. They’re constantly changing and rewriting the show and promos moments before RAW and Smackdown, and that is not good.
As much as I love the talent on the main roster, I find it easier to connect with the talent in NXT because they have a story. They aren’t just being a good guy to be one and they aren’t just fighting to fight. Everything they do has a purpose. Their actions have rewards and consequences.
And, most importantly, they have the lost art of storytelling and continuity.
Let me provide you with some examples, one from NXT and one from the main roster:
Bayley to Sasha: “You ain’t shit!”
They were arguing and fighting for months and then they became best friends again. Something that started off as great was inevitably ruined. It's one of the most anticipated feuds ever and it could've easily headlined Evolution or WrestleMania. Sure, it was all for the tag titles, something that Bayley and Sasha fought for behind the scenes. And I was okay with that feud being put to the side for the moment because this was important for them and for the women’s division. But, inevitably, those titles are on the verge of obscurity. And its not the IIconics fault because I think they're great, the company just doesn't care about those titles.
Meanwhile, in NXT, Aleister Black is kicking the head off of every person within his range as he makes his way to the ring because he has unfinished business. Someone attacked him and he wants to know who.
Who was it? A dark, somewhat vulnerable Johnny Gargano. He wanted to get to Ciampa and the title and Aleister was in his way. A delusional “hero” finding himself slowly becoming the villain he hated.
Aleister Black vs Johnny Gargano was storytelling at its finest.
From Johnny yelling “I'm the hero,” to Aleister calmly telling Johnny, “Just remember, I gave you mercy.”
It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to make sense of everything that happens on the main roster, so I always appreciate when they don't insult my memory or intelligence. There have been amazing, goosebumps moments on the main roster, from everything with Becky/Charlotte/Ronda to the amazing story of Kofi/Daniel.
I guess I'm saying all of this because as much as I love WWE, I've found myself uninterested in a lot of the stuff they've put out that isn't NXT or women's wrestling. And that hurts because two of my favorite wrestlers, Seth and Roman, are stuck in feuds I don't care for. But, in reality, I'll always watch because I care about these characters, and I want better for them.
And although it is not without its faults either, NXT finds a way to make me and so many others fall in love with wrestling over and over again. It's so effortlessly amazing. The same can be said for Jon Moxley vs Juice Robinson —a match that reminded me how great pro wrestling can be.
There's so much wrestling out there. Explore it! 💛
If you've read all of this, thank you. I appreciate it!
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darkarfs · 5 years
This is gonna make so many horrible people unhappy. EVERY Takeover has had at least one match-of-the-year candidate on it. Some of the most emotional moments in that brand have come from cards that even aren't quite as good. I even considered not doing this list, because, by all accounts, NXT Takeover: Tampa isn't even going ahead. But then I thought, fuck it, let's celebrate, taken all together, for my taste, the best wrestling product in the history of mankind. It's not just moves; it's emotional investment, sharply-focused, character-based storytelling, intricately-performed spectactle from the greatest physical specimens ever to lace their boots. It FINALLY legitimized Western women's wrestling in the mainstream (Michelle McCool, Trish, Molly, Mickie, Jazz, Victoria, you all were stunning performers in your own right, but you and your kind were, until NXT, only given 3 minutes: the longest women's match IN HISTORY, until 'Mania 32, was Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James at Wrestlemania 22, and it got 9 minutes.), it's got some of the greatest tag wrestling ever seen on ANY brand, it's created the longest-drawn storytelling ever, it's the best of the indies, the best of the WWE, wrapped up in a sequence of shows that were epic without being FIVE FUCKING HOURS LONG.
Where do I even start...?
Honorable mention: Takeover: R Evolution (I have to, because I've only got 10) Sami Zayn spends over a year, clawing and sweating and tearing walls down, just to get to the top of the mountain in NXT. He has the opportunity to cheat, but does it his OWN way, as beautiful, unique babyface Sami Zayn...before being no-scoped by his best friend, who debuted THAT NIGHT. The undercard isn't as strong, so I can't officially include it, but this payoff, this triumph, and this tragedy represents everything the first era of NXT was, and kickstarted it, truly, onto its first golden era. So, properly, then...
10. Takeover: Rival If you leave this list feeling like the title reigns, and thus, ERAS, of Zayn/Owens are a little under-represented by it, I completely understand. After all, so much good came from that time. American Alpha soldifying themselves as the dominant tag team, the Iron-Woman match between Sasha and Bayley, Becky Lynch putting all the pieces together, Enzo and Cass actually being GOOD...it was, still, at its heart, a developmental brand at that time. It had indie megastars, yes, but it also had the likes of Bull Dempsey. And that's not a dig at Bull Dempsey, it's just that those early Takeovers were an eclectic mix of skill levels, which is what NXT was at that time. It was a place to showcase these people. That said, some of these cards were truly *fantastic.* Case in point: Takeover: Rival. Not only was the undercard completely stacked (Hideo Itami vs. Tyler Breeze over-delivered; we had the first and still SOMEHOW ONLY Fatal 4-Way match between the Four Horsewomen; and Finn Balor vs. Neville was a solid match of the year candidate), but the main event was the first step in one of the most storied rivalries in the history of wrestling: Zayn vs. Owens. The video package is one of the best NXT ever did, and the match...was a masterpiece of simple-but unexpected booking. Zayn mistimes a leap to the outside, hits his head, and Owens responds by powerbombing him over...and over...and over again, until the ref stops the match. Zayn loses nothing, because he was never pinned, Owens is made to look even MORE the loathsome monster, and Zayn's title reign ends after just a month, without the champion nor the championship devalued in any way. It showed that NXT knew, even then, how to reward fans for their emotional investment.
9. Takeover: Portland Right now, NXT feels like it's approaching the very end of a special time in its life. Like it's on the verge of hitting critical mass. One of either Gargano or Ciampa probably leaving the company after the next Takeover, and the reign of the Undisputed Era seems to be crumbling, too. In yesteryear, this would indicate a raft of very important call-ups, neccessitating a shift in the roster and a period of calm centered around more patient character-building. NXT's existence now as a third brand throws that formula into uncertainty, but it definitely feels like they're ramping up to a finale, because goddamn, this is NXT almost at a point of self-parody. Every match is so. MUCH. Lee/Dijakovic is the pinnacle of HOT wrestling (and Lee, will you marry me?) Bianca Belair breaks out as an actual superstar...just as Charlotte decides to visit and to ruin everything, which is just dreadful timing. Gargano/Balor being everything we need it to be, and also Balor pinning Gargano with his fucking dick. And the Broserweights being VERY DUMB...but also VERY, VERY GOOD. The only thing that lets this card down...and this is obviously subjective...is that NXT has almost come TOO FAR, now, in its delivery on its main events, in that every kickout starts to beggar belief. On the level of Triple H/Undertaker at Wrestlemania 28, in that I still love it, but...hoo, it can be exhausting. Depends on how much Ring of Honor you like in your gumbo, I guess, but it feels like everyone on the roster is racing toward Tampa to explode, like a wrestling Crisis on Infinite Earths, and then MAYBE...things can calm down. Just a hair. Y'know, if Tampa even...still happens.
8. Takeover: Philadelphia If there's one man that's become synonymous with NXT, it's Johnny fucking Wrestling. You know, what would happen if a meerkat put on muscle mass and became the best set-piece wrestler this side of Daniel Bryan. We knew since he started his tag team with Tommaso Ciampa that he was an exceptional wrestler, but it wasn't until Philadelphia, and his INSANE match with Andrade "Cien" Almas, that we saw him as truly the industry's next star. It was the first Takeover match to go over 30 minutes (Sasha/Bayley at Respect went EXACTLY 30, don't @ me), it was the first NXT match to get 5 stars from Dave Meltzer (if that matters to you), and it set a new bar for Takeover main events. And while the undercard doesn't live up to it, it's still loaded with excellent matches. A.O.P. vs. the Undisputed Era is something special. Shayna Baszler makes her Takeover debut, and while she's nowhere near her prime, it cemented her immediately. Velveteen Dream and Kassius Ohno have a very fun match, and Aleister Black and Adam Cole have a ludcriously stupid no-holds-barred match, featuring two men doing with chairs what no one ought to do with chairs. But as good as all of that is, it's really a one match show, but what a match, and Ciampa ending it by being an utter bastard yet again.
7. Takeover: Brooklyn I Does the first Brooklyn Takeover feature Canadian Destroyers, 18 kick-outs and "fight forever" chants? It does not. Does it create moments of wrestling happiness that are rarely, if ever, replicated? It sure does. Firstly, Blue Pants appears and helps the Vaudevillains defeat Blake and Murphy. Seems quaint to look back on it, but it made everyone SO goddamn HAPPY that night. If you're forgetting, Leva Bates (that wrestling librarian in AEW right now) was once a comedy jobber in NXT, who wore Blue Pants. Adorable. Ignore what happened on the main roster (which is something you'll probably have to do with a lot of these shows, I imagine), but the Vaudevillains were once incredibly over (I promise!), and their win was one of several beam-inducing moments from this stellar night. Samoa Joe destroyed Baron Corbin at the height of his game, Apollo Crews debuted brilliantly (again, ignore what happens next!) and Balor and Owens' ladder match was also fantastic. Also, what's Jushin Thunder Liger doing here?? Wrestling like he's in his early 30s, that's goddamn what!! But of course, the reason we're all here is Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, and...there's still something in my eye. Anytime people want to rag on NXT for being "predictable," remind them that giving the people a moment they've genuinely prayed for...is a good thing. Bayley besting Sasha Banks at her prime just made us all...so happy. All of us. Everyone. When that curtain call took place, it was so earned. The narrative of women's wrestling dominated most of 2015, and this moment, this match, was the apex of that narrative.
6. Takeover: Chicago I And speaking of feelings...hello, Ciampa, you godless fuck. And so begins maybe the actual greatest rivalry in all of NXT. It is truly an odyessy, with twists, turns, injuries, betrayals, wounds torn open, and this is the nexus point. Well, the seeds had already sort of been planted, because Triple H knows what he's doing. Ciampa almost ALMOST turns on Gargano after their terrific match in the Cruiserweight Classic, only for the team to die another day...and what a death it was. After a great ladder match, the two stand atop the ramp, and you think "will it happen?" And the absolute bastards show you the copyright logo, just to make you think the show ends there, because it always does, seconds after that happens. You unclench, you breathe out, relax...Ciampa whispers "this is MY moment" and then...It is a perfectly engineered bait-and-switch, and exactly as vicious as it needs to be. Pats on the back, all 'round. This moment alone makes this a worthwhile Takeover, but there's also a hell of an undercard. The women's triple-threat (Ruby Riott vs. Asuka vs. Nikki Cross) is stellar, Bobby Roode and Hideo Itami have their respective best Takeover matches ever, and then there was Tyler Bate vs. Pete Dunne. An absolute show-stealer of a match, a star-making performance for both men (especially Dunne), it cemented the career of several men, and was a fully-formed GREAT show, as opposed to a good show in service to a storyline.
5. Takeover: Brooklyn IV Gargano and Ciampa's battle of brotherhood, betrayal and brainwashing was supposed to blow off at Takeover: New York, but because God hates necks, Tomato Champion was out of action, making this the final singles encounter to date, until Tampa (again, IF it even happens). This is the weakest of their 3 excellent encounters (which still makes it better than any match over SummerSlam weekend), but it also features Johnny Stupid running into a speaker, because his dumb ass can't seem to quit Ciampa. It's one of the greatest long-form feuds for a reason, mirroring Bret and Owen from 1993 into 1994, with all the repeated imagery, the callbacks, the nuances, the psychological cruelty. The street fight at Chicago II is MAYBE better, but this undercard, for me, is a lot stronger. It featured the Undisputed Era vs. Moustache Mountain, aka the Brothers Shithead vs. the Proud Circus Bear and His Beautiful Son. Velveteen Dream vs. EC3 was the closest NXT got to WWE-style storytelling and was still brilliant (remember when EC3 wrestled?), and HEY, wouldn't you know it, Kairi Sane was once a character with dimensions, as evidenced by an amazing match with Shayna Bazsler. But what makes this undercard truly stellar is Adam Cole vs. Ricochet. It is so nice to see Ricochet used well, etc., but I will still never stop pissing myself at Cole nailing him square in the jaw with a superkick WHILE HE'S MID-MOONSAULT UPSIDE-DOWN SWEET JESUS. Sometimes...sometimes...things fall exactly into place.
4. Takeover: WarGames (2018) The WarGames Takeovers are just so silly. It's a silly shoebox, filled with huge, silly men who only barely know why they're killing each other. It's as close as we ever get to WWE's now-terminal problem of "set aside whatever feuds you have right now, because it's Stipulation Month!" (see: Hell In a Cell, most Money In the Bank shows, though Elimination Chamber largely sidesteps this). The other Shoebox Takeovers are really good, no doubt, but this one stands head-and-shoulders above the rest. But there is not a bad match on this card. Kassius Ohno rides Matt Riddle's knee all the way to heaven; NXT shows why 2-out-of-3-falls is fast becoming its signature stipulation with the excellent blowoff between Sane/Baszler; Sexy Mindgames Prince had a star-making match against Tommaso Ciampa, showing why he may be the best overall character in NXT right now, and sweet lord, Aleister Black vs. Johnny Wrestling. It somehow showed that Gargano was JUST AS, if NOT MORE engaging as a dirtbag than as a good guy. And those Black Masses are presents just for me, a guy who tends to like more community theater in his wrestling than flips ("I ABSOLVE YOU...OF ALL YOUR SINS!"). And then we get to the Shoebox, and gosh it's silly! The Viking Experience, Ricochet and Pete Dunne take on the Undisputed Era, and...its a fucking LOT. 45 minutes of spots and smashing, with just a sprinkling of story, with Fish locking Dunne in his cage so he can't participate in the match. Since this seems to be what this match is designed for...let's rattle off some spots! Ricochet, jumping from one ring to the other! That amazing face-off that recreates the Captain America: Civil War poster! Perhaps the beefiest Tower of Doom in all of wrestling! And then Ricochet proving just how amazing he is...with the double moonsault off the top of the cage. What a stupid thing to do in an amazing, amazing show.
3. Takeover: Dallas I get it; a lot of people might not rank this Takeover quite so high. But it might be my actual personal favorite...? Overall...? More than any other Takeover, this show feels the most like it's filled with living, breathing superheroes. Many NXT stars are seen as just indie guys whose only gimmick is "I'm a very good wrestler," making them almost anti-WWE at the core. But NXT doesn't get enough credit for being, at its core, the best aspects of WWE. The showmanship, the things that elevate mere wrestlers to things like monsters, gods, and demons. I will always like my NXT WWE-style: the best wrestling cut with the most theater, the most camp. And Dallas is that concept, writ large. Baron Corbin coming out with lil' skulls on his shoulders. American Alpha finally becoming Super Saiyan Nerds. Asuka killing our hero, because Bayley is a person, and Asuka is a goddess who can perform brain surgery with her feet. Finn Balor coming out and going actual Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Samoa Joe. It's excellent wrestling, near-mythic visuals...and then we get to Nakamura/Zayn. The most special moment of a very special night. It is, from nearly every perspective, perfect. The hype of the crowd, salivating with anticipation. That moment when Nakamura appears in silhouette, and that violin note slides like a knife across steel, to reveal the man who set New Japan aflame. Sami Zayn getting the best possible swan song in a promotion built almost entirely on HIS back. The end of his era. That bit where they just KEEP PUNCHING ONE ANOTHER. I know it's not a perfect show (Balor/Joe stops for 3 minutes to address a cut on Joe's forehead, stalling its momentum; that Corbin/Ares match isn't as good as it could be) but that all means nothing. It's a sentimental choice, and I'd make it #1 if I could.
2. Takeover: New Orleans I went around and around in my head, and this one and #1 kept jockeying for position in my brain. But these top two Takeovers are literally note-perfect, from ship to shore, soup to nuts, top to tails. So if this is YOUR favorite? (Honestly, maybe 1 person I know who loves wrestling as much as I do will even see this mess). I'm here for you, and I understand. But this show has TWO 5-star matches from the Wrestling Observer, and I don't ever agree with that. In this case, I agree with BOTH, in the North American Championship ladder match, and the first (and so far, BEST) match in the Gargano/Ciampa feud. Everything. Is. Amazing. Shayna Bazsler became Women's Champion after BEAST-MODING her SHOULDER back INTO IT'S SOCKET to show that, YES, she gets pro-wrestling. Roderick Strong shocked the world (and the System) by joining the Undisputed Era and becoming the final Chaos Emerald needed to make that stable Super Sonic. Aleister Black took the championship from Andrade "Cien" Almas and SMILED, I fucking SAW IT! And it all depends on what you want from your wrestling, but Gargs/Tamps might actually be the best main event in Takeover history, at least from a storytelling standpoint. The crutch, the neckbrace. Each man going back to their DIY roots (the tag team - they didn't build another ring when that one broke), and then sitting side-by-side, like they did at the Cruiserweight Classic. Brothers. Completely spent. Destroyed. No one but each other. And then Ciampa shits any chance at redemption up the goddamn wall, cementing his own destruction. Every. Bit. Counts.
and #1...
Takeover: New York For a whole bunch of other wrestling fans, this has the greatest main event in Takeover history. But first, let's take a minute to appreciate how lucky we are, or were, that NXT exists. It justfies the existence of WWE, artistically, almost by itself. If this one's only slightly worse than New Orleans, it is argued, it's that the North American title ladder match was TOO good, and hurt every other match on the card. It has been argued. Not by me, but this one is somehow the most perfectly paced, perfectly sized wrestling card, on its own, ever. Every match, through alchemy or magic, manages to enthrall the crowd equally, and completely. The Viking Raiders vs. Grumpy Smaller Undertaker and the Human Pinball was off the hook incredible, and that warm "thank you" feeling has translated, currently to a man trapped in a room and a man trapped in Vince McMahon's scorn for smaller wrestlers, respectively. Matt Riddle and Velveteen Dream put on an absolute fantasy match, pitting the best of MMA vs. the best of WWE-style theatricality, and adds to the complete, demented character-world of this brand, and the fact that Dream WINS against one of the hottest new prospects is so deserved, and shows that he can, and will, shine forever brighter. Then AAAAGH WALTER vs. Pete Dunne! WALTER LAYS into poor Dunne, his chops alone having you believe that after the match, he's going to run into the arena's parking lot to FIGHT THE CARS. Then Shirai vs. Baszler vs. Sane vs. Belair and goddammit how do I even expound on that without crashing thesarus.com? And then Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole wrestled for. 40. MINUTES. With Gargano as the defacto heel because it was allegedly Cole's time. And by the match's end, he had the crowd more behind him than maybe they ever had been before. Is it a bit much? Yes. Too many kickouts? Probably. But it stands as the apex of Johnny Wrestling's journey. After everything had been taken from him: DIY, his health, his sanity, even his chance at revenge...the only thing he has left is the NXT Championship. And in that moment, he is invincible, he is more than enough.
What a show. What a host of shows.
Thanks for reading, everyone.
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jt-amethyst · 5 years
WWE Live in Brandon
Finally my recap for the February 23, 2020 WWE house show in Brandon.  My brother and I showed up right when the doors were opening because I have anxiety and I wanted to be there as early as I could.  The show was not a sell out, they even removed the chairs directly behind us and we had the entire 10th row to ourselves.  This was only my 2nd WWE event and the last time our seats were far away and in a bigger venue so I was excited to be sitting where I was.  
* Sarah Schreiber was the host but the audio was so bad that we really couldn't hear a thing she was saying and when she tried to get reaction from the crowd, there was nothing. Sorry Sarah, we're not jerks we just couldn't hear you.
* Even before anything started people in the audience were wooing lol.
* They played a retro jukebox video package with entrance videos of past superstars and like the dumbass I am, I started tearing up during Macho Man's music because I was remembering when I was a little girl watching my cousin's old wrestling tapes and dreaming of seeing a show live.  Macho Man was my favourite.
* Okay on to the show.  The Street Profits were the first to come out and they hyped up the crowd like I have never seen.  They had so much energy and had everyone in the audience screaming for them.  Montez was especially energetic and was playing air guitar to Hawkins and Ryder's entrance music.  I couldn't even watch their entrance because I couldn't look away from Montez, he was just that funny.  The match was really good, entertaining and athletic and I got a new respect for the Street Profits.  Also, Montez was carrying a red cup as usual but it was covered in sparkly red rhinestones.
* Next was Humberto Carrillo vs. Angel Garza.  Garza came out with Zelina and she was wearing the same outfit as she did on Raw that I loved but she had a knee length black pleather jacket with black fur on the collar and wrists that I think might have been her personal jacket because it was cold in the arena that night.  I thought she looked great, I always like to see what she's wearing.  Anyway she came out trash talking Brandon and saying that we had the ugliest men in the country which Garza agreed to but he said that we had the most beautiful women and after some banter, he got kisses on both his cheeks from women in the front row. Obviously they had massive heat from the audience and we were firmly on Carrillo's side.  It was a very athletic match with lots of near falls and yes Garza did rip his pants off.  Zelina interfered a few times and Garza got the win and the boos from the crowd.
* Next up was Lana vs. Liv Morgan.  They showed a short video package to remind us why they were fighting before Lana came out.  Lana talked for a long time and whipped the crowd up into a frenzy of hate and when Liv came running out and attacked her, everyone cheered.  I was worried that people wouldn't be into this match but I was wrong, and there was lots of cheering for Liv.  Lana was doing ballet exercises using the top rope as a barre and Liv kicked her in the thigh and everyone cheered, it was funny.  It was a pretty standard match and not all that long but Liv got the victory and did a long victory lap slapping hands and signing stuff for the fans.  When that was over, she skipped up the ramp with her hands behind her back like she usually does but when she got to the top she did a half turn and winked to the audience.  It was adorable.
* Next they showed a package for Eric Rowan vs. Aleister Black.  Rowan started out on the mic and he was actually really good.  It was a pretty standard match for them, nothing new but Rowan interacted a lot with the audience.  Aleister pulled out the win but he was kind of closed off from us but that is kind of his serious character.  Rowan really impressed me.
* A lot of people left after that match and I think they thought that it was intermission but it's their loss because it was Becky vs. Asuka time.  It was supposed to be a triple threat with Charlotte but I found out later that her Grandfather had died so obviously she wasn't there.  RIP Charlotte's Grandfather. Becky got a huge reaction, I almost wanted to plug my ears but I was surprised that she didn't go on the mic at all.  It was a great match but nothing that you wouldn't see on a typical episode of Raw.  In the end The Man came to Brandon and left with a win.
* We had an intermission and they handed out prizes to some kids and brought out The Street Profits again. They came out in Brandon Wheat Kings jerseys and handed the kids who had their own hand-made titles, titles from the concession stands.
* Next was R-Truth vs. Shelton Benjamin. Truth was amazing and had everyone screaming What's up with him, including me who is extremely softspoken.  I was very excited because I have been a fan of his since he was in TNA.  He talked for a while and dedicated his match to his childhood hero, John Cena. Shelton came out with a Wheat Kings's jersey over his shoulders and got a nice reaction until he was posing on the turnbuckle and used the jersey to wipe his arm pits.  That's right, he played us like an old fiddle and we fell for it.  Instant boos, he threw the jersey to Truth who smelled it and made a face before trying to shake it out and throwing it into the crowd.  Good match, they are both so athletic and talented but Shelton tried to do a five-knuckle shuffle on Truth and that was the end for him.  Truth got him with an Attitude Adjustment for the win and the crowd was so excited.
* Next was AOP and Buddy Murphy vs. Ricochet, Ivar and Kevin Owens, Seth stayed out in his disciples corner.  Naturally the crowd went nuts for Owens because he is Canadian.  The match wasn't that great in my opinion, Ricochet did most of the wrestling and he was amazing but there were too many breaks because Buddy had to keep leaving the ring to get Seth's advice.  It was a match you could see on Raw but not that exciting. Seth eventually broke up the match so it ended in a disqualification as he attacked everyone.  Drew McIntyre's music hit and he came out to challenge Seth to a match right then.  Seth was in character for the whole time and I have to give props for his acting skills.  Drew talked for a while calling Seth a coward and stuff like that before he and Owens led the audience in a chant of 'tiny balls'.  It was pretty cringy to hear a couple thousand people yelling that but it got Seth down to the ring and their match started.  Again, it was a standard match and Drew got the win.  He got on the mic after and thanked us for being a great crowd and that he was surprised that this was the first time in 15 years that WWE has come to Brandon.  He went around the crowd and signed some signs including one that he took and laughed at that said 'Seth Rollins sits to pee', holding it up in front of the camera so we could see it before giving it back to the fan.
Other thoughts:
* R-Truth is a living legend
* Rezar, I'm sorry I never noticed how attractive you are.  That has been rectified.
* My brother is now officially a fan of Montez Ford which is nice since he was already a fan of Bianca Belair
* Aleister Black wore full tights which was kind of weird
* Kevin Owens tore off Ricochet's shirt before the match started and Ricochet was really surprised
* Ricochet's back is really muscular
* Drew called Seth 'Sweet Messiah' on the mic
* I can't believe how vocal the crowd was the whole night long.  Even though I am painfully shy, they even had me yelling and clapping all night.  The last show I went to in Winnipeg really only got loud a few times and mostly for Chris Jericho but my brother walked past Lana when he went to get the car and she was talking about what a great audience we were.  Maybe we won't have to wait 15 more years for them to come back.
I forgot that WWE can actually be fun when you don't have to listen to commentary and the superstars aren't so micromanaged.  They know what they are doing and the do it well. I haven't enjoyed WWE that much lately but that was a night I will never forget.  Thank you to all of the superstars and staff for putting their all into these shows just to make us happy.
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daleisgreat · 5 years
Hulk Hogan’s Unreleased Collector’s Series
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In recent years on this blog my wrestling entries have been dedicated to recent releases from the past year or two. I am dipping deep into the backlog today however by covering a 2009 WWE Home Video release: Hulk Hogan’s Unreleased Collector’s Series. I purchased this upon its release just over a decade ago and finally viewed it this past week. I remember the peculiar timing of this release because a couple weeks before its scheduled release TNA announced the signing of the Hulkster for his four year run there. That did not stop the WWE from still releasing this match anthology which at the time in 2009 consisted of previously unreleased matches on home video spanning Hulk’s entire career. Since 2009 some of these matches here have appeared in other collections and many can be tracked down conveniently on the WWE Network. Throughout the 80s and well into the 90s WWE filmed major-market live events and only aired them in that market around their original recording. A lot of these old-school cards either feature c or d-list announce teams or no commentary at all. I have seen interviews and reports from and about WWE’s archivists over the years on how they take tremendous care of their video library and the result here is 27 matches and six promos/interviews comprising the collection.
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Since past Hogan DVD releases featured matches dominated by PPV and supercard main events we primarily associate with Hogan’s career, Unreleased Collector’s Series specializes in the aforementioned major-market live events and long forgotten TV main events from Nitro, RAW and Smackdown. There are brief 30-to-60 second narration packages setting up the next match and quickly touching on major moments that happened in Hulk’s career such as various world championship reigns and switching promotions. I greatly appreciate these quick video packages setting the table for Hulk’s next rival and showing where he was at in his career at the time. Another nice touch is each match has a quick graphic at the beginning listing the commentators. This compilation has one of the most diverse line of announcers ever. A lot of the major-market live events that feature c and d-list announcers are names I can barely recall, and some surprise past wrestlers I had no idea who take a stab at announcing. Here is a quick list of some of the announcers present throughout – Vince McMahon, Nick Bockwinkel, Bruno Sammartino, Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan, Tony Schivane, Jimmy Hart, Alfred Hayes, Mongo McMichaels, Eric Bishoff, Michael Cole, Tazz, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler. What stands out is that WWE brought in Jerry Lawler and Jim Ross to record all new commentary for three of the older matches that saw Hogan square off against Bob Backlund, Andre the Giant and Kamala. Both provide great insight on Hulk and how he evolved in those early stages in his career.
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As far as highlights from the 27 matches included I will touch on several that stood out the most for me. There are four matches from Hulk’s first run in WWF in 1979 as the “Incredible” Hulk Hogan. Aside from a couple squash matches, there is that previously mentioned bout against Bob Backlund I highly suggest checking out which features all sorts of school technical prowess until Backlund winds up on the wrong end of an airplane spin. There is also a pre-Wrestlemania III encounter against Andre the Giant from 1980 that has a far-less broken down Andre and Hulk deliver a more intriguing match than their carefully paced Silverdome ‘epic.’ I was a little bummed to see only one match from Hogan’s AWA run included, and it is regrettably a dud handicap match against Bockwinkel & Heenan that sees lots of villain tomfoolery. The Hulk-a-Mania WWF era is unsurprisingly where the bulk of the content is. There is a must-see match against a fresh in his WWF run Macho Man from 1986 that marked the first time I saw a pinfall from a common ‘lift-the-leg’ counter to a top-rope move. Big Boss Man and Rick Rude also face Hogan here early in their WWF runs and have fairly good matches on the Hogan curve and mix in interesting spots with handcuffs and an impromptu arm wrestling contest, respectively. I had no recollection of seeing a Killer Kahn match before, so seeing him against Hogan was fascinating. What was not fascinating was about several of these matches have the standard formula of Hogan’s early fired up offense followed by a long villain beat down until eventually Hogan ‘Hulk’s Up’ for his comeback and hits the leg drop for the W. Some of the latter matches in this collection however found fun ways for Hulk’s opposition to counter his finishing sequence to freshen things up a bit.
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I was delighted to see one of Hogan’s matches against Ric Flair towards the end of 1991 in Flair’s first WWF run. This took place during a run of several untelevised matches the two had only on live events to prepare for their expected Wrestlemania VIII battle until plans changed and opponents for both were swapped in the final weeks leading up to the event. I am still bummed those two never had a PPV clash from this moment in their careers, but was glad to finally see this match get resurrected from the archives. It is not paced like a traditional PPV headliner like one would assume, but instead as a brawl with the two frequently dueling outside the ring and exchanging more fists, chops and chokes than traditional holds. It resulted in a fired up encounter I was on board for from beginning to end. Definitely make that 1991 clash between the two one of the first to see from this collection. From there the Unreleased Collector’s Series transitions into Hogan’s WCW run. Unlike WWE, WCW did not film many of their live events/house shows from this time so the five WCW matches are from WCW PPVs and episodes of Nitro that were not released on WWE Home Video before. Highlights include the ’95 Slamboree main event I never saw before with Hogan & Savage taking on Vader & Flair with Arn Anderson and The Renegade as special ringside enforcers. There are two Nitro main events against Sting in 1995 and Bret Hart in 1998 that both feature actual good wrestling, but have screwy finishes that dominated Nitro at the time. I believe this Bret Hart match was the first time the two faced each other in the ring in singles competition and it was disheartening to see the ridiculous over-booked catastrophe it turned out to be.
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From there the collection wraps up with four matches from RAW and SmackDown from Hulk’s first WWF return in 2002. For a well-aged Hogan at this point, he still managed to have watchable and borderline good matches against Ric Flair, Triple H and Kurt Angle. The match with Hunter stood out the most from his WWF return matches. Sadly, no matches from his 2003 run as Mr. America are included, or his handful of matches he did for WWE in 2005 and 2006. Also interspersed throughout the collection are six Hogan promos/interviews. A few of them are vintage backdrop solo promos from syndicated shows like Challenge where Hogan is in full on ‘Hulk’ mode which only Hulk can pull off and got me amped up reliving them again for this collection. In the bonus features are eight additional promos/interviews. Some of them are more Hogan nonsensical shouting against rivals like Sid Justice and Vader, and others have Hogan donning a creepy costume taunting the feared Dungeon of Doom. Part of me wanted more of these whacked-out solo backdrop Hogan promos, as I am obviously super nostalgic for them, and for younger fans unaware of them I highly suggest going down a YouTube hole of them immediately! Hulk Hogan’s Unreleased Collector’s Series is mostly a gratifying compilation of previously unreleased gems from Hogan’s career. There are certainly a few duds sprinkled in throughout, and it can be a bit of chore seeing several of the standard Hulk-Up comeback formula matches in a row. Other than that however I dug the variety of opponents and see Hulk evolve over the years and eventually barely hang in there for his 2002 return. I have a few more ‘Unreleased Series’ DVDs WWE released over the years I would like to cover soon that have been sitting in my backlog for a while. These are for Shawn Michaels, Randy Savage and a recently released one for Roddy Piper so be on the lookout for more entries in this series in the near future!
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Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania 3: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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closetofanxiety · 5 years
Mania Madness: In Queens With Queens Quest
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Wrestlemania was in New York this year (well, New Jersey, but you know what they mean), and since I live about two and a half hours away, I felt like I would be failing in my duties as a wrestling fan if I didn’t attend some of the related events. Make no mistake: I did not want to go to Wrestlemania itself, as the idea of sitting in a football stadium and squinting at a faraway shape that might be Buddy Murphy in the springtime chill is not high on my bucket list. But there were lots of other things to do, and I did very few of them! I did go to see the Stardom show in Queens and to WrestleCon in Manhattan, though, and herewith are my observations, jotted down for posterity and, hopefully, your amusement and/or edification:
I think this is only the second time Stardom has run a show in the U.S., and it’s definitely the first time they’ve done it amidst the surge of popularity they’ve experienced in the GIF era. Although going to visit Hakujinjoe in Tokyo is a goal towards which I am even now socking away money, there’s no guarantee that I’ll ever actually get to see Stardom in Japan, and so this was the must-see event of the weekend for me.
This anticipation was accompanied by two apprehensions: First, my nature reluctance to drive in New York City, even in the outer boroughs. I live in the woods, and your city ways frighten and confuse me. Second, based on many of the US joshi fans I have encountered online, I worried this crowd would basically be a giant convention for creepers, perverts, rageaholic gatekeepers, scam artists peddling $300 autographed gravure DVDs, and people who seem to have only a dim understanding that the characters portrayed in the ring are not, in fact, identical with the women portraying them. Listen: I am not exactly Cary Grant when it comes to wit and charm, and just being an American who watches Japanese women’s wrestling puts me among a tiny percentage of hardcore nerds, so I hope this doesn’t come off as haughty. But there are good nerds, and then there are the nerds we encounter online way too often.
The first apprehension turned out to be baseless, as I got to Queens with plenty of time to spare and, like most joshi fans, headed over to the Rufus King Homestead on Jamaica Avenue for a tour of the mansion once owned by the fiery antislavery advocate and signatory to the Constitution. OK, so I was the only joshi fan who toured the Rufus King Homestead (in fact, I was the only person, period; Rufus does not get much love), but I still learned a lot. Rufus King used to loan money at exorbitant rates to local farmers who owned slaves, and when they couldn’t pay him back, he’d accept the enslaved people as collateral, only to immediatly free them. Rufus King, Loan Shark For Justice!
It turns out the second apprehension was also baseles, because the crowd turned out to be full of awesome people. Really friendly, outgoing, and super enthusiastic nerds, the best kind of nerd, really. The dominant attitude was not, “Oh you like Stardom? Name five of their faction drafts” but “I can’t believe we all get to see this awesome show together.” It was also, by a country mile, the most diverse indie wrestling crowd I’ve been part of, and about 35-40 percent of the people in attendance were women, which really made the whole experience better. I’m not saying everyone was awesome, but it was definitely a fun group of people to be part of for an afternoon. I am ashamed that I assumed it would be full of unbearable dweebs.
So, that out of the way, here’s the highlights of the show, in the time-honored spaghetti Western sytem of categorization:
Momo Watanabe vs. Utami Hayashishita: Easily the match of the day, and one of the best matches I’ve seen all year. The Queen’s Quest teammates were batling for Momo’s Wonder of Stardom title, which she won from the departing Io Shirai last year. I don’t just like Momo, I identify with her image as the studious but introverted nerd kid who thinks hard work and playing by the rules is enough to guarantee success, only to be constantly frustrated as flashier peers take shortcuts to the top. The tension between these two has been building since Utami’s debut last year and subsequent mega-push as The Big Rookie and Utami All-the-Belts. Momo, who put in years of quiet, dedicated work as Io’s understudy, is in danger of being usurped as Queen’s Quest leader by the newcomer before her tenure has really even gotten under way. This is a great basis for a wrestling match, and these two, aware they were in front of their biggest audience outside of Japan not just in person but watching on Fite, rose to the occasion. I’m terrible at describing wrestling matches, but this was a nailbiter full of near-falls and what-will-it-take kickouts that felt earned rather than slathered on. It helped that the crowd was rabid, with Utami having a slight edge, WHICH ONLY SERVED TO MAKE ME CHEER LOUDER FOR MOMO. I honestly had no idea who was going to win: normally you’d know the champ would retain in an away match like this, but having their second most important belt change hands would also have been a great way to make a splash in their New York debut. In the end, though, Momo retained with her Peach Sunrise finisher and I LOST IT.
Stars vs. Oedo Tai: The villainous but lovable Oedo Tai were over like crazy with this crowd, and people went bananas when they came out to do their pre-match war dance. They could have basically just done that and most people would have been, but they had a fun elimination match with the Stars faction. A lot of zany action in this and a genuine surprise elimination of Kagetsu midway through. The only missing piece of the puzzle was Sumire Natsu, who didn’t come over with the company, possibly because she’s a freelancer. She made appearances at Tokyo BDSM clubs instead during Mania weekend, which is the most Sumire Natsu thing ever.
Yurie Kozakai doing the ring introductions: Stardom was really smart about the idea that they were giving fans in New York “a real Stardom show,” and having the promotion’s normal ring announcer introduce the wrestlers was a perfect touch.
Hana Kimura: The newest Stardom signing looked like a superstar and basked in the crowd’s adulation during a three-way tag match that also involved Konami and Bea Priestley (making her US debut?) and Britt Baker and Brittany Blake, who should have called themselves the Britt-ish. No? I’m - I’m [putting my finger to my ear, like I’m listening] I’m being told “No, they should not have called themselves that.” Anyway, the match was fun but insubstantial, but Hana’s charisma is off the charts.
IPW:UK ran a show at the venue (the NYC Arena, which is an arena only in the sense that a mid-sized nightclub is an arena) right before Stardom, using House of Glory’s ring (the compromises and arrangements of Mania Weekend!), and the bottom rope broke. The effort to fix the broken rope was mostly unsuccessful, and also delayed the opening of doors at the venue by nearly an hour, meaning 600 hearty nerds were standing in line in 39 degree weather, with sleet pelting us. The paperback I had brought to pass the time in line was USELESS. On the lemons-lemonade side of things, though, this did mean we were all in line when Stardom’s bus rolled up, and all the wrestlers disembarked to head inside. Big cheers from the crowd, which obviously delighted the wrestlers. “It’s gonna be awesome!” Hana yelled at us. It was! Once we got out of the sleet
The broken rope delay also meant they had to cut the already abbreviated (five matches) show short, and it showed. The first three matches were all obviously truncated, with the High Speed title match between Hazuki and Dust suffering the most for it. Don’t get me wrong, it was good, and I was impressed by Dust, who’s new to me, but it felt like they were just starting to get going when it ended. IPW:UK, YOU ARE NOW MY ENEMY. OR MAYBE HOUSE OF GLORY, I DON’T KNOW. SOMEONE. 
Maybe half the appeal of this thing was the promised meet and greet afterward, but the meet and greet was more chaotic and less organized than Kelley Square at rush hour (sorry, this is a Worcester reference, Worcester people will know this). Nobody seemed to know where to stand, lots of fans didn’t realize they had to buy little tickets before meeting the wrestlers, and as someone whose job sometimes involves putting up signs in medical buildings, the lack of even rudimentary paper signage was APPALLING. This did not stop me from getting nerdy fan pics with Hana Kimura, Kagetsu, Momo Watanabe, Mayu Iwatani, and Konami. Hazuki left her table before I could get to her, and this failure will haunt the remainder of my days upon this earth. Possibly. The wrestlers all had pieces of paper with common American names written on them, so they’d know how to address the autographed pictures, which was sweet. Hana has great conversational English. There was no line when I went up to Konami, which is preposterous. Konami rules, fellow nerds. The whole thing was nice, and the language barrier prevented any of that thing where guys try to unburden their psyches onto female wrestlers in a bid to make some kind of emotional connection. JUST SMILE FOR THE CAMERA AND MOVE ALONG, PAL.
Also, apparently the Fite stream was choppy as hell and cut out completely right at the end of the Momo-Utami match, and only came back after it was over. Glad I went in person!
In part two, we’ll cover the gregarious Jesse Ventura, the surprising lack of merch slingers at WrestleCon, and the puzzling fame of that fan who had a cardboard sign saying “FACE FUCK ME FINN” at a Takeover a few years ago.
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hazyheel · 5 years
Wrestlemania 35 Review
The pre-show started with the Cruiserweight Championship, Buddy Murphy vs. Tony Nese, and the two started out fast and violently. Murphy got split open somewhere around his eye early on in the match, after he slipped off the turnbuckle. The two exchanged heavy strikes in the match, and Nese seemed to have the advantage for much of the match. At one point, Nese hit a springboard moonsault to Murphy, who was hanging between the ropes. Nese even hit a reverse rana to Murphy, and Murphy really landed right on his head. The two again began to exchange combinations of strikes, each countering the final hit into a combo of their own. Nese even hit a package piledriver for a near fall, and then a 450 splash for a near fall. Nese went for the running Knese, but Murphy intercepted with a bicycle knee and Murphy’s Law, but Nese got his foot on the ropes. Murphy went for the running knese as well, but Nese got the interception with a superkick, before hitting a german suplex into the corner, and then the running Knese for a big win.
Grade: B+. Really good way to open up the show. I was shocked at how much offense Nese scored, almost a burial of Murphy, but I think that it will play into the story. I was pleasantly surprised to see Nese win the match, I really wasn’t sure if it would play out well, but it looked super good and by the end of the match, it felt like Nese’s time. Congratulations to him, I look forward to his title reign.
It didn’t take long for them to jump into the women’s battle royal. No Lacy Evans, so I was automatically wrong about this match. Asuka had a staredown with Nikki Cross, reminiscent of their feud in NXT a few years ago. Ember Moon hit a cool looking eclipse over the top rope to eliminate Naomi, and must’ve hit 3 before getting eliminated. For some reason, Sarah Logan and Lana hugged, before the rest of the riot squad destroyed Lana. The Riott Squad completely destroyed their opponents throughout the match, until Dana Brooke eliminated both Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan. Final four were Asuka, Sonya Deville and Sarah Logan, but Carmella was on the outside hiding on the outside. Deville, Asuka and Logan had an awesome sequence together, and Logan eliminated both of them, only for Carmella to come in. The two fought, and Logan even held on to the middle rope to stay in, until Carmella got the win with a superkick. 
Grade: A-, because I like to be positive. I am not normally a fan of battle royals, but this one was really good. There were a lot of interweaving stories, everyone got time to shine, and it told a fun tale. Lots of creative eliminations, and really non stop action. They really stole the pre-show today. 
Next up was the Raw Tag Team Championship match, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder vs. The Revival. Dawson and Hawkins started the match out, but it seemed like the challengers were pretty outclassed. Ryder was beaten down for most of the math, with the Revival destroying any limb they could get their hands on. Hawkins eventually got the hot tog, and absolutely lit up the champions. Ryder went for a suplex to Wilder out of the ring, but both men ended up tumbling out of the ring. There was then a flurry of offense on the outside, with Hawkins nailing a spear on Wilder, and then getting hit with a nasty brainbuster from Dawson. Dawson dragged him back into the ring, and Hawkins looked to be out. Dawson tried to bring him up for some sort of move, but Hawkins got a rollup for a shocking win.
Grade: B+. Another really good match. Started out slow, but it really picked up by the end of the match, with a flurry of offense during his hot tag. All hope seemed lost when the Revival nailed their big moves on the outside, but Hawkins finally pulled off a win. It was a good payoff to such a long story, and I was into it. So happy for Hawkins to pull it off, and to win a belt at the same time is just a cherry on top.
Then right into the Andre the Giant memorial Battle Royal. Che and Jost made their entrance, looking absolutely lost being in the ring with these guys. The two comedians immediately hid underneath the ring. A fun elimination from Andrade, as he monkey flipped Kalisto over the top rope. Luke Harper tried to vertical suplex Ali out of the ring, but Braun hit a big boot to eliminate them both. Ali took a terrible bump as a result. In the final three, Jost and Che actually got in the ring, and Jost attempted to get Braun to talk to a therapist, but Braun, of course, beat up the therapist. Che tried to run, but Braun got in a punch to take him out. He then threw Jost a a pile of superstars on the outside.
Grade: C-. When all was said and done, this was a silly comedy match, and it was actually pretty fun and funny. Just some stupid action, Jost and Che were funny in their attempts to eliminate Braun, and considering that Che and Jost didn’t actually get eliminations, nor did they really fight anyone, it went better than these types of matches normally go. Celebrity stuff is always iffy, but this went well.
Before anything started, Alexa Bliss came out for a promo. She said that she was going to give herself a Wrestlemania moment, and she snapped her fingers and Hulk Hogan came out. He cut the stereotypical Hogan promo. Then they posed together. Kinda cute. But then Paul Heyman marched out to the ring, and cut a promo in the ring. He said that Lesnar would not be leaving for Las Vegas right after the match is over.
So, we opened the main card with Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins for the universal Championship. Lesnar had a special entrance video, where a sword destroyed Lesnar’s beast skull. Lesnar started the match with a stiff knee to the stomach. beating him down outside, and hitting the F5 quickly. Lesnar threw him around ringside, over the announce table and into a commentator. The match officially began, and Seth was drilled with several german suplexes. Seth shoved the Lesnar into the ref, and then nailed a low blow. He was then able to hit the curb stomp three times, and got the win.
Grade: D+. The beatdown was fun, but there wasn’t much to this match. Rollins hitting the low blow felt odd from an underdog babyface. It was an exciting moment, but I bet these two could’ve had a great match. It’s also odd that this match came on first. It just felt like an odd victory to open the show. Although, I am pretty happy about the outcome.
Next up was Randy Orton vs. AJ Styles. It didn’t take long for Orton to start cheating, hitting a thumb to the eye early on. Orton just kept trying to hit the RKO, but Styles wiggled out of it each time. At one point, AJ faked going for a phenomenal forearm and orton went for the RKO, obviously missed and Styles nailed a 450 splash. AJ was desperate in his attempts to avoid the RKO, but did take one after a rollup, for a near fall. AJ hit a big phenomenal forearm to the outside. He then hit a Phenomenal Forearm in the ring for the win.
Grade: B. Not as fast of a match as I thought it would be, but still pretty good. They worked together quite well, and the story of AJ desperately attempting to avoid the RKO was good, and it made the near fall even more convincing. Shocked to see that Styles went over, but still happy to see one of my favorites go over. I hope these guys wrestle again, because I think they can do better.
Lacy Evans did a catwalk. Then there was the Smackdown tag team Championship match, Usos vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Rusev vs. The Bar. The action was very fast, with a flurry of offense from everyone and many quick tags. Cesaro had a huge swing on Ricochet for about a minute before locking in the sharpshooter, before an Uso broke them up. Rusev and Nakamura actually did really well as a tag team, better than I thought they would, putting together some hard hitting striking combinations.  There was then a huge ass tower of doom, but Ricochet flipped out of it. Ricochet went up for the 630 senton on Sheamus, with Black covering him, but everyone broke it up. There was a big finisher fest, with Ricochet selling a brogue kick like he was shot. The usos then hit sheamus with three superkicks and a double splash for the win.
Grade: B+. A lot faster than I assumed it would be. This match really reminded me how good the bar, Nakamura and Rusev all are. They have been in some less than flattering matches lately, but this one was really good. Everyone got in tag moves, showing that all of these teams will work well in the tag division. I am bummed that Black and Ricochet didn’t win, but hopefully they can go on to feud with the Usos sooner rather than later.
Next match was Miz vs. Shane McMahon in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Shane started out by running away, but quickly got the advantage via cheap shots. At one point, Shane was going to elbow Miz through an announce table, but his dad (yay) got in the way. Shane and Mr. Miz squared off in the ring, with Shane utterly destroying Mr. Miz, only for the Miz to run in and take down shane. They began to brawl through the crowd, near the LED pillars, and into the stands. They even started destroyed the announce tables in the crowds, and Miz hit him so hard with a moniter that he fell over a railing and about a 6 foot fall. Miz then hit the Skull Crushing Finale on a platform for the cameras, for a near fall. They battled even higher, with Miz superplexing shane through a platform, and it completely caved it in. Shane was able to get the arm over Miz for the win.
Grade: B+. A wild, brawl, with some big spots, and every bit of soap opera crap. That superplex will be shown in video packages for years to come. It was good clean fun, and although I wasn’t too pleased with Miz losing, but given the spot, it was just a coincidence that Shane got the pin. It wasn’t too serious, nor did I think it would be. If they had more weapon spots, then maybe this would’ve been higher. But still, I thought it was really good.
Into the Women’s Tag Team Championship match, the Boss N’ Hug Connection took on the Divas of Doom, The IIconics and Nia Jax and Tamina.  The IIconics quickly established that they would only tag in if they were in the advantage. Pheonix and Natalya hit a hart attack on Billie Cay for a near fall. Jax and Tamina were taken out pretty early, only to come back in and absolutely destroy the IIconics. Banks and Bayley were lying in the corners, and Jax and Tamina went up for splashes, but Phoenix took Jax out. Bayley nailed an elbow drop to Natalya, followed by a splash from Banks for a near fall. Phoenix nailed Bayley with a super glam slam, but the IIconics threw her out of the ring and made the pin to win the belts.
Grade: D. Decent action, but it was a little short for the speed of it all. I think that they definitely should have gone with a standard tag match if Bayley and Sasha were gonna get pinned anyway. The super Glam Slam was a memorable moment, and I think it was in character for the IIconics to steal the pin. Maybe I am just upset that Bayley and Sasha lost the belts without having a real classic match for the belts. Maybe they will get them back in the future, but the IIconics will probably make for some very entertaining TV in the next few weeks.
And for the WWE championship, Kofi Kingston took on Daniel Bryan. The crowd was fully behind Kingston right from the beginning of the match. Bryan did what he could to keep the match on the mat, but he was also able to go at a fast pace with Kingston. Bryan attempted to work over Kingston’s leg. At one point, Kofi went for a springboard splash to the outside, but Bryan dodged it and sent him careening into the table. Kofi went for several double stomps throughout the match, but Bryan had it scouted at one point, picked him out of the air, and locked in a lion tamer. At one point, Kingston Nailed the SOS, only for Bryan to counter it into a Lebell Lock, raining down elbows into the ribs. Eventually, Bryan just kept kicking Kingston in the chest and sides, until Kingston screamed at him telling him to keep hitting him, and the two dueled with kicks until Kingston hit an inverted suplex for a near fall. Kingston then followed Bryan to the outside, but Rowan got in his way. Kingston hit Rowan with a trouble in paradise, and then Big E and Xavier Woods nailed him with the midnight hour. Back in the ring, there was a great near fall as Kofi was hit with the running knee. In his frustration, Bryan stomped on Kingstons face and head, before locking in the lebell lock once again. Kofi fought out of it, and returned the favor with stomps as the crowd cheered along. Kofi then hit the Trouble in Paradise for the win, finally gaining the WWE Championship after 11 years. After the match, Kofi celebrated with his kids and even a new shirt.
Grade: A. This match was absolutely awesome. The suspense was awesome, the selling from everyone was great, and Daniel Bryan’s work as a despicable heel made the match so much more fun. It felt like Kofi wouldn’t win due to how Bryan kept countering everything kofi threw at him at first. Kofi played a great underdog, and even the knew day on the outside kept the crowd hyped up. Kofi totally deserved this win, and I think he will be a fantastic WWE Champion. I can’t wait.
Backstage, Alexa Bliss talked to Colin Jost and Michael Che backstage, with some trainers. Bliss said that Strowman is a nice guy. They all argued, before Bliss said they were in good hands, before Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were revealed as their doctors.
Next was Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe. They started out quick, with Joe beating his ass quickly. Mysterio did hit the 619, but Joe quickly choked him out for the win. Not gonna grade this one.
Then it was Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns. The two squared up in the beginning of the match, before absolutely destroying each other with punches. McIntyre had most of Roman’s moves scouted, such as countering the drive by with a vertical suplex. Throughout the match, McIntyre got into Reigns’ head by telling him that he broke the Shield, and destroyed his brothers. That only fired up Roman. He then unleashed a fury of great offense, followed by several superman punches and then a spear for the win.
Grade: B-. Good match, but not nearly enough time. They could’ve put on a classic together, but since the story was Roman as an underdog, he couldn’t get in as much offense. But I think that these guys could do a lot better, and I am bummed that they didn’t get time to really put on an awesome match.
Then, Elias had his concert. First playing drums on the tron, then piano on the tron, then the guitar in the ring. He was his own band. What a fun little segment. He was about to start his full song, but he was interrupted by some older baseball footage. Cena then came out in his old Thuganomic persona. He even had a huge scowl on his face. He announced that he was about to turn heel, and that Elias’ music sucks more than his own movies. There was too much to talk about in this “promo,” but he hit the five knuckle shuffle and hit the FU and left.
Grade: C. What the flying fuck was that? I think it was good, but I really don’t know. I’ll call it down the middle, because it was funny, but probably a burial of Elias. I don’t know, I just don’t know.
Into the No Holds Barred Match of the night, Batista vs. Triple H. Batista entered with an enterage of bodyguards in a nice van, while Trips entered on a Mad Max type car. Shawn Michaels was on commentary, which I assumed would factor into things. Two went at each other with absolute fury, it was a visceral match, very much like a street fight. It wasn’t long before Trips began choking Batista with a chain, also whipping him. He then stretched Batista’s fingers with pliers, and even pinned him down with a chair and ripped out his nose ring. It was disgusting, I don’t know how they did it. Batista attempted several times to put Trips through a table, but it did not work. They continued to beat each other down with weapons and stiff shots. Batista went to batista bomb Trips through an announce table, but Trips back body dropped him instead, but the table didn’t break. What is with these tables? Trips then hit a huge running spear through another announce table, which thankfully broke. Trips finally got a sledgehammer from under the ring, but as he went to attack Batista, Batista speared him for a near fall. Batista then brought Trips up for a batista bomb for another good near fall. As Batista went for a superplex onto the steel steps in the ring, but Trips countered with a powerbomb onto the stairs, and then the pedigree for a near fall. Eventually, Flair came out to give Trips a sledgehammer, then distracting Batista so that Trips gets a sledge shot and another pedigree for the win.
Grade: B-. Shockingly decent. I flip flopped on this match a lot in the build up, thinking it could suck or be great. It was actually good, but really nothing more. The weapon shots were stiff, and it had a very ruthless aggression feel. Very fun, and I am not very shocked with the outcome. I thought Batista would win, but I understand if Trips doesn’t want to retire yet. Pretty good match, nothing more.
Now, Kurt Angle’s farewell match, against Baron Corbin. For some reason, they kept saying that Corbin was “Wrestlemania’s favorite son.” I don’t know why that is, but it is certainly incorrect. The two had a pretty decent match, and Corbin sold pretty well for angle. Corbin hit a big deep six for a near fall. Angle hit the angle slam for a near fall, but then he took the straps down and locked in the ankle lock for a submission sequence. Angle even went for a moonsault, but he missed, allowing Corbin to hit the end of days for the win. The crowd was piiiiiiiiissed. But Corbin quickly left the ring, and Angle cut a goodbye promo, asking them to play his music one last time, the crowd chanted you suck, and people cried. They even cut to a sign that said you never sucked, and I teared up.
Grade: B. The match wasn’t good, but with respect to angle, and the emotion of his retirement, I will cut it some slack. Corbin sold a lot, and made Kurt look good. And although I was shocked at the outcome, it was the right call. Corbin gets a huge boost from that. But anyway, thank you Kurt, we will never forget you. You suck will never mean the same thing again thanks to you.
And we moved swiftly into the intercontinental title match, Bobby Lashley against the Demon Finn Balor. Lashley came out with weird, yellow contacts in. But of the two entrances, Balor’s was definitely better. He was on a huge pillar surrounded in smoke, with body paint that resembled a pharaoh, I think. The bell rang, and Balor started off in a much more aggressive manor than he normally does. However, Lashley quickly fought back, hitting huge suplexes and lariats. Lio Rush was super scared the entire time, running away from Balor at any point. Lashley even hit a spear through the ropes, followed by another in the ring for a near fall. Balor even hit a huge powerbomb, followed by the Coup de Gras for the win.
Grade: B+. Short but sweet. I never thought that I would give this match a good grade, but this match made me realize what makes a good, or great match: back and forth. WWE matches are often very one sided, but this had swinging momentum, and that is what made it so good. So these guys can put on a good match, they just aren’t often given the chance to. I really liked this match, and I wish they would do more like it. Good stuff to both of these guys.
They had a bit of a dance break with R-Truth and Carmella. Good times, they are funny.
And in the main event, possibly the most important Wrestlemania main event ever, Becky Lynch, Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair fought for the Raw and Smackdown Women’s Championships. Charlotte arrived in the arena via helicopter, with people rolling out the red carpet for her. Rousey had live music for her entrance, smiling at the Joan Jet and the Blackhearts, but turning all business when she stormed down the ramp. Becky didn’t get anything special, but the fan support for her was huge. Rousey wasn’t holding anything back in this match, delivering the stiffest kicks I have ever seen from a man or woman in all of wrestling. Lynch and Flair exchanged very stiff strikes in the middle of the ring, each going for the other’s submission. Flair and Lynch tried to powerbomb Rousey out of the ring, but she latched on a (bad looking) armbar on Flair between the ropes. Becky then nailed a basement dropkick to Rousey, still hanging, sending her tumbling to the floor. Charlotte went for a moonsault early on, only for Lynch to reverse it into a disarmer, only for Rousey to break it up quickly. Rousey attempted a double armbar, but Lynch and Flair worked together hitting three double powerbombs before Rousey fell. At one point, Lynch loced in the disarmer through the ropes, before Flair broke it up. Flair then hit a huge avalanche spanish fly on Lynch for a near fall. Rousey’s leg was absolutely destroyed throughout the match, with Flair even locking in the figure four on the ringpost for a time. Flair almost locked in the figure 8, but Lynch broke it up with a flying senton. Becky then introduced a table, but Rousey flipped it, saying “tables are for bitches.” Charlotte nailed a double spear for a pair of near falls. Flair then set up a table in the corner, attempting to double spear the opponents through it, but they countered with a flip into the table. In the finish, Rousey attempted to hit Lynch with the pipers pit, but Lynch countered into a crucifix cover, for the win. The pin was iffy, but no big deal.
Grade: A-. Non stop action once again. These women went at it as fast as they could, and it was really great. This was not one of those triple threat matches where people were constantly resting on the outside. They were always in the ring, with hard hitting sequences and awesome moves. I thought the finish was a bit anticlimactic, but considering how the show went so far overtime, I am not surprised that this is what they went with. They really did do great in the main event, and I am happy to see Becky with the belts that she so rightfully deserves.
Overall Grade: B
Pros: Cruiserweight Championship; women’s battle royal; raw tag team championship; Styles vs. Orton; smackdown tag team championship; falls count anywhere; WWE Championship; Intercontinental Championship; Women’s Championship
Cons: Men’s battle royal; Universal championship match; Women’s tag team championship; Cena promo (i think); matches were very short
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thesportssoundoff · 6 years
So Who Replaces The Count?
May 30th 2018
First we can begin with what I figure is a fair yet short talk on "The Count" Michael Bisping. There are a hundred different words to describe Michael Bisping's legacy and they range from as sterling as the label of pioneer to as damning as simply referring to him as an asshole. If I had to find a single word to describe Bisping, I'm pretty sure I'd go with professional. In a sport where everybody from promoters to the fighters seems to be rife with amatuers getting the Peter Principle treatment, Bisping was a rare pro's pro. He never missed weight, he took fights all over the place against anybody offered him, he kept himself in shape to be able to fill in at any time, he always seemed mentally prepared for every fight he was taking and even if Bisping didn't always win, you never had a fight where you felt like he didn't give himself a chance to win. Even if Bisping was all sorts of limited athletically, his cardio, pacing and fight IQ always gave him a shot against any opponent. Put this way; here were the first five TUF season winners at the start of 2018:
Forrest Griffin- Retired Diego Sanchez- Active, on a two fight losing streak, 2-3 in his last five fights Rashad Evans- Active, lost four fights in a row Joe Stevenson- Trying to salvage his career outside of the UFC Michael Bisping- Former MW champ in 2017, two straight losses to guys in the top 10 Kendall Grove- Trying to salvage career outside of the UFC Matt Serra- Retired Travis Lutter- Retired Nate Diaz- Retired?
Most of them are out of the sport, some of them are scrapping to try and stay alive in MMA and some are just trying to hold on for a little bit longer in the UFC. As amazing as it sounds, guys like Rashad Evans and Diego Sanchez have just been trying to hold onto whatever remains of their relevancy. Michael Bisping headlined the biggest PPV of 2017----and then took a fight a few weeks later for the fuck of it. That was also the first time Michael Bisping lost two fights in a row which speaks to his absurd consistency and longevity. Not bad for a dude who I think most of us would consider limited athletically. Also worth pointing out that DJ Mikey B had his career renaissance with just one eye as well after Alan Belcher damaged it with an inadvertent eye poke. Bisping was even a professional asshole; a dude who understood how to promote fights and be the heel that MMA needs sometimes. Bisping's resume is highlighted by his insane win total, the TUF win and his KO over Luke Rockhold---but the one thing I hope he's remembered for is how he embodied professional fighting in so many different ways.
Having said all that, let's chit chat about what you need to remember about Michael Bisping and what the UFC is going to miss going forward. Of  Michael Bisping's last 10 fights, 9 of them were main events and only 2 were in the US. Bisping was Mr. International and the sort of fighter the UFC could use to either break into new markets or just guarantee fans a main eventer of consequence. He was a reliable headliner for free TV at the very least and his truest value may have been as a Fight Pass star for international fans. That's a lot of main events to make up, especially internationally. Who can the UFC turn to be the next big UK Star potentially? Well let's look at some dudes (and a lady!) who might be capable of filling up that spot:
1- UFC WW Darren Till
This is the easiest of the choices possible and the one that seems the most likely. In six UFC fights, Darren Till has headlined twice, both overseas. Till is really young, has weight division versatility at WW or MW and he is probably the best fighter out of the UK now that Bisping has retired. Till has the Bisping personality (although his shit talk seems more matter of fact and less humorous) and he's building himself up a crazy fanbase. Darren Till is the best fit for the spot but ironically enough, he might be TOO good. Bisping was always consistently above average (minus his second half career renaissance around Thales Leites) whereas Darren Till already has wins over Donald Cerrone and Wonderboy on his ledger. Dana has already said his next fight is going to be in Las Vegas so clearly Till's going to get his first real test outside of the United States. If Till turns out to be a draw, he's not playing around in the UK. Conor McGregor only headlined one time out in Ireland before it was straight up Vegas and MSG. Darren Till's talent might prevent him from being the next Bisping.
2- UFC WW Leon Edwards
After nine fights in the UFC, almost primarily in Europe, Leon Edwards gets the opportunity to headline for the first time in the UFC against Donald Cerrone in Singapore. Edwards is under 30, he's fought plenty of times in the UK and he's the sort of guy who has earned his reputation by virtue of a tremendous glut of wins against good enough competition. It's taken a long time for Edwards to get his first main event which kind of is the problem; he's really nondescript. He's showcased some good wrestling but not great, he's had some pop in his hands but nothing recently, his fights are prelim memorable but not exactly the sort of fights you'd show to your friends. He's another one of these really good WWs who just doesn't generate any sort of excitement. If it was about results, Edwards would be a lock but unless he wow's vs Cerrone, this feels like a case of "We needed a guy" and not a case of any genuine enthusiasm for his future.
3- Cage Warriors FW Paddy Pimblett
Paddy "The Baddy" Pimblett is one of those fighters who I have a tough time figuring out. I've watched him fight about five times in Cage Warriors and I still don't quite know what he is. Maybe it's the Marc Diakiese effect where a fighter who seems to have serious issues often getting fights where they need to be leave me on edge. Be that as it may or may not be, Paddy is already a big star in Cage Warriors, a Liverpool native who has tremendous character and some absurd grappling chops. He's one of those guys who "gets it" about how to promote and market yourself. He's not perfect but I suppose that's part of the charm. Paddy opted to re-up with Cage Warriors in March so he'd be a ways away I suppose from getting the call. Pimblett has a lot of Michael Bisping in him but again, there's some Diakese here.
4- Bellator WW Michael Page
Currently the attention of Bellator's next big free agent is Michael Chandler which is understandable. Talent at 155 lbs like Mike Chandler, still technically in his prime-ish at 32 years, are wanted on the open market. The reality though is that if I had to choose between two fighters with one fight left on their deals, I'm not entirely sure that Chandler would be the guy I'd want. That would probably have to be Michael Page even with the concern. I know Michael Chandler will be a decent LW in the UFC (maybe a little better, maybe a bit worse) whereas MVP could be the best WW or the worst WW. The pacing of his career suggests he's not going to be there---but if the UFC is looking to replace Michael Bisping, you'd HAVE to want to be in on MVP. He's a "star" in the UK, he's loaded with personality and while we've seen him put up stinkers time and time again; he's the sort of dude who has the ability to be a Vitor Belfort who lives off of the highlight reel. They'd have to sign him away from Bellator obviously but we can't let facts get in the way!
5- UFC FW Arnold Allen
There's something very Ortega-y about Arnold Allen. The late comebacks are obviously a part of it but there's something to be said about a guy who always seems to find a way to win under any circumstances vs opponents who are worlds higher in rank and stature. He's really flawed but I stop assuming guys are lucky and stop figuring they're bound to find a way to lose after their third "How'd he do that shit?" win. I don't know if Allen will ever be a superstar but he's young, he's talented, he has a knack for pulling off miraculous wins and he's cutting his teeth in a ridiculously tough division. It's worth noting that Allen has a checkered legal past (a bar fight where he apparently either hit a woman or was defending his girlfriend depending on who you ask) and we saw Jimi Manuwa struggle to get fights outside of Europe because of that.
6- Women's boxer Nicola Adams
By all accounts Adams is an MMA fan and considered making the move over to MMA at one point. It may be worth checking in and seeing just whether she'd reconsider that. She's obviously not a sure bet to develop into a "star" and at 35 she's a weathered athlete BUT wouldn't you rather take a chance on someone like this knowing what the upside could be? Even if you have her for 3-4 years before she retires, you're still getting arguably one of the greatest women's athletes you've ever had.
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tkmedia · 3 years
'People are gonna think you're a b—': AEW's Dr. Britt Baker talks critics, championships and flossing
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How do you spell "best?" D.M.D. Dr. Britt Baker, DMD has ascended to the top of the AEW women's division with her triumph over Hikaru Shida at Double or Nothing, capturing the AEW Women's Championship and becoming the face of the "new era" of All Elite Wrestling. Shida's reign as champion was honorable and memorable: She captured the belt at Double or Nothing in May 2020, holding it for over a year and having to navigate a crowdless environment.Unfortunately for Shida, just as crowds started to return, Dr. Baker was at the height of her popularity, resulting in losing the belt at Double or Nothing 2021. Dr. Baker was undeniably becoming one of the best all-around talents in AEW today, and the title win was viewed as a true coronation for Dr. Baker. On screen, Dr. Baker's ascent to the top of the wrestling world has been a sight to behold for fans: From berating Tony Schiavone on the Jericho Cruise in 2020 to a superstar-making performance vs. Thunder Rosa in an unsanctioned match in March 2021, the wrestling dentist (or dentist wrestler) who alternates wearing scrubs for beating up scrubs on Wednesday nights (and occassionally on the weekends), has undoubtedly earned her spot as the top female talent in the company — and, as she'll tell you, one of the preeminent wrestlers regardless of division in AEW today.Speaking with Sporting News ahead of AEW's "Saturday Night Dynamite" on June 26, Dr. Baker covered everything from the importance of flossing in the morning to the importance of owning your character on Wednesday nights.(Editor's note: Questions and answers are edited for length and clarity.)Sporting News (SN): My first hard hitting question for you: What do adults overlook about dental health? What do you think is the most overlooked thing that you think adults don't know about?Dr. Britt Baker (DB): Flossing is arguably more important than brushing their teeth, because your gum health is so important — gingival health. If your gums go bad, you'll have bone loss, you'll lose your teeth. So everyone thinks they can skip by this by using mouthwash, and their electric toothbrushes and this and that — no. You have to floss. It's so important.SN: To follow up on that: Do you know who the 10th dentist is who doesn't recommend flossing?DB: I do, but I'm sworn to secrecy.SN: We're more than a few months removed from your unsanctioned match with Thunder Rosa, which was one of the best matches of the year, maybe even one of the best women's matches of all time. What do you think that match has done for your career, the division and maybe women's wrestling as a whole?DB: I think for our division specifically it brought legitimacy to it, with a flashing, glaring red light on the map — if the division wasn't there already in some people's minds. So, for me to be a part of that is really special. It's really empowering. More importantly it's empowering to be part of women's wrestling in today's society, because we've come such a long way and we're given these opportunities where we can have these unsanctioned matches on main-event TV. I'm just so thankful that I do get to do what I do for All Elite Wrestling for (AEW owner) Tony Khan.SN: I spoke with Tony before about just your heel turn and how natural it came to you. They say that the best characters are always taken from highlighting or exaggerating parts of your personality. What was that whole transition like for you?DB: I think it's obvious I'm a much more natural heel. Like it or not, that's probably the deep roots of me. I've always — even as a kid — I was always the kid that asked way too many questions, I was Curious George. I would always joke too much to the point where I'd push buttons and make somebody mad, and I was always issuing a ton of apologies — "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."But I really love getting to do the heel work because I get to say what everybody else is thinking, but society deems it politically incorrect or it's not appropriate or it's not polite, but I don't care. I'm gonna say it anyway and that's why I think some people have been getting behind me—  because they can relate to a lot of the stuff that I'm saying.SN: Obviously, characters and gimmicks evolve. To that end, from your promo with Tony Schiavone on the Jericho Cruise to now, how has your character changed?DB: I'm just getting more more comfortable and confident. Owning the fact that you're a bad guy, that you're a villain, that people are gonna think you're a disgrace, that people are gonna think you're a b—. All of that, you have to just own it, and walk out with your head held high, and if they boo you out of the arena, that's the job well done. It's not something that you should be upset about — you did your job.SN: Obviously it's been a difficult year through the coronavirus pandemic. Wrestling, more than any other sport, is just so reliant on crowds. For the AEW women's division, how difficult has it been trying to regain that momentum and rebuild the product in the last year?DB: The thing is, all of wrestling has been going through the same thing, so it's not just AEW and it's not just an AEW women's problem. We have to completely adjust and rewire our brains to thinking, "Hey there's no crowds, there's not going to be a reaction to this move or this promo or this line." You have to be able to work past that, because it's just not there — it's not going to be there, it's absent.Now we kind of have to flip the switch again and realize, "Hey there's crowds here, we have to acknowledge that the arena's full, the stadiums full." I keep saying it's nerve-racking. I'm nervous to be back with the fans again, because it's like you're on a first date all over again. You forget what it's like. So it's really, really exciting, but like I said, it's something that I think we're a little anxious for.SN: Watching the feud from afar, you and Thunder Rosa seemed like perfect foils for one another. What was it like working with her and being a part of a feud that helped put women's wrestling back on the forefront in the company? DB: I think — not only our characters but who we are as people — just naturally complement each other. It's the classic case of the Batman needs the Joker, and they need each other for the story to work. That's exactly what you saw with me and Thunder Rosa, and the story's not done, and it probably won't done for as long as we're both still wrestling.SN:  You've mentioned the "new era" a lot and being the face of it. What exactly is the new era, and how do you plan to implement that? DB: I don't see myself as a female star in AEW or just the face of the women's division — I see myself as one of the faces of the entire company, and I've worked really hard this past year to put myself in that position; To really improve my in-ring skills, to improve my promo work. I think I've made myself such an undeniable talent, not just in AEW, but in all of wrestling.My goal was to make myself a can't-miss segment every single time I'm on TV and that will always be my goal — to infinity and beyond. I think I'm getting there.SN: In just over a month, you're going back to your hometown of Pittsburgh. I think the first time AEW was in Pittsburgh, you came out with the with the Terrible Towel and the place went insane. Does it still give you chills thinking about the pop you got, and do you think about what it's going to be like going back?DB: Oh my gosh, yeah. And that's another thing — I'm so nervous, because you always want to impress the people that you came up with, and Pittsburgh is my city, and they watched me grow from the girl that was wrestling in bingo halls and high school gyms. That's really where I want to impress them, and make the city proud. But of course, it's so exciting you come out and you get this deafening pop.I will say, when we had our pay-per-view Double or Nothing, every match was like that. I think the fans are just so excited to get out of their houses and get back to the arenas and watch live wrestling. I think we're gonna have those kind of those pops in those cheers and those really loud, deafening boos for a long time.SN: You and Kurt Angle walk into a Pittsburgh bar: Who gets more free drinks?DB: Laughs. Who gets more free drinks? Maybe him — age before beauty, right? He's a little bit older than me.SN: There's a very vocal segment of fans who are critical of AEW's women's division: Maybe they don't think there's enough talent, or that it's directionless. What do you say to the people who have, maybe been, overly critical about the way AEW has handled its women's division?DB: It's the quote: "Some people just like to watch the world burn." There's some people that are just never going to be satisfied, it doesn't matter what we do.The match that I had with Thunder Rosa we put everything we had out there. We had the women's eliminator tournament, we have so much to look forward to. We have so many talented females on our roster: myself, Hikaru Shida, Tay Conti, Red Velvet, Jade, Thunder Rosa, Anna Jay. It's not something you can just turn a blind eye to anymore. We've improved so much, we're putting out great content.So, at some point you have to really look at yourself in the mirror and say: Do you not like the women's division, or do you just not want yourself to like the women's division?SN: What do you think is your biggest strength as a wrestler?DB: Confidence. I think that speaks volumes to when you see me as soon as I walk through the tunnel to when I go right back in the tunnel, I have confidence and I, to an extent, believe everything that I say. Wrestling fans in today's society, they're not dumb. You can't insult their intelligence. If you don't believe what you're saying or what you're doing, they're not going to believe it either. So the most successful wrestlers today have that confidence, that undeniable confidence.SN: Something very interesting you mentioned: I spoke with Jon Moxley for an interview, and said essentially the same thing you said: Wrestling fans today, are not stupid. They know what's happening. Why does the average AEW fan stand out to you?DB: We have Tony Khan, who not only is a powerful executive and CEO, but he's a wrestling fan deep down. He can step on the other side and watch wrestling as a fan, and say, "Is this something that I would enjoy?" versus is this something that's going to benefit his company, one way or another.I think what's so special about us — just Tony's passion for professional wrestling.RELATED: Tony Khan talks growth of AEW, moreSN: What do you think your biggest weakness as a wrestler is?DB: Ooooh, my biggest weakness as a wrestler. Brief pause. My untapped potential. The best is yet to come, and I truly believe that.SN: So when you say the best is yet to come, can you give fans a little bit of insight of what they can expect moving forward this year?DB: I think this is going to be one of the most memorable championship title runs in the company's history. I plan on taking this thing all over the place, I hope to travel. I would love to travel internationally and defend the title. I continue doing my promos, my vignettes, everything. I tell Tony, "I want this title to be everywhere" — especially when it's attached to me.SN: On June 25, 2022, a year from now, where do you see yourself?DB: One year from now I hope that people, if they don't already, can hear my name, or see my picture and say, "Oh, Britt Baker — she's the best women's wrestler in the world today." Read the full article
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 10/19 NXT 10/21 NXT UK 10/22 Smackdown 10/23 Hell in a Cell 10/25
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I’m here to give Alexa credit once more for making me give a shit about the Fiend. I do like his entrance, especially without a live crowd.
What a visual... them standing together hand in hand.
I love that they kept the monitors set on the graphics for this segment. No offense to the audience, but seeing them would’ve ruined this.
Amazing transition from Fiend and Alexa to the next segment/match. Major points.
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Still a vicious elimination to Lacey by Natalya.
I intend to take this title match as seriously as wwe has - not within a football field of giving a shit. I know how this entire angle ends anyway (preemptive welcome back, Queen) but let’s watch it through. See how this face turn worked out for Lana.
Asuka really is insanely fast, I’ll give her that.
Great rollup attempt by Lana (shades of Nattie/Alexa), great counter by Asuka into the Asuka Lock, and great job to Lana for grabbing the ropes. Points.
I’m sure this is all rehearsed, but Lana obviously puts in the work. Do I think she’ll ever be a singles champion? Absolutely not, but at least she isn’t complacent.
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Is it the tables? Is that what led to Lana turning face?
This was good for Asuka. This was good booking. She didn’t look like a chump giving Lana offense, and she looked both strong and smart post-match. Solid.
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By that logic, ShaNia owns NXT’s division as well. Just saying.
Really wish they’d nix the “Mandy” intro.
Stop I never wanna hear Peyton’s theme again, plz.
So they really never did explain why Peyton and Lacey became a thing? Mk. They seem like genuine friends, it’s just too bad they aren’t a compelling tag team in the ring. Would much rather watch Sexy Muscle Friends, ngl.
Hi I like Riott Squad and have no problems with them theoretically being in this match, but why the fuck are they still here lmao. Go to SD.
This better get longer than 10 mins, there are way too many women here for y’all to rob them of time.
It’s nice to see more women give a shit about tag team wrestling/becoming a cohesive unit.
Lacey just cuz you can do a moonsault off the apron, doesn’t mean you should. That was dicey. Fine, but dicey. There’s a reason Charlotte goes up to the top turnbuckle when she does it to the outside (not that I’m suggesting that incredibly high risk spot but I’m js)
Wish Lacey wasn’t so wooden. Wish she was more trusting and flexible like Charlotte.
I’d bet anything Mandy and Dana actually could suplex Nia. Let them try.
Good break up by Shayna. Protect Dana and Mandy’s finisher. Also that was a WICKED knee strike by Mandy.
Everyone’s gonna get a move in now huh. Le sigh.
NICE interrupt again by Shayna, girl with the good timing.
Fair ending. How long was that? 5 mins to the second lmao. Mk, wwe. Mk.
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Welp Alexa is officially on Firefly funhouse. Good. Now we get to blur some lines and have a bit more fun with her character.
Highlight: Asuka looking like a dominant champ without squashing Lana
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Rhea Ripley #1 in nxt, these are the facts. She’s literally gone through them all. Throw her up to the MR, lesgo.
Watching her handle Charlotte and Piper is so impressive. Beast.
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“Gone against Bianca Belair and Shayna Baszler,” so got squashed by Bianca and Shayna lmao. Hey, everyone’s got a role I guess. I remember when Alexa was enhancement talent that did a 450 splash and blew glitter all over the stage.
I don’t understand how Ember was wiped out after doing a mere roll off the ropes. It seems like a work since Jessi didn’t react and continued on as if she scored some offense (she didn’t) but that was a nasty landing on Ember’s lower back. Weird.
One count off an uppercut bahahaha
“You done messed up now,” Ember exclaims, after flipping off a fucking snapmare. I liked her better when she had no personality and just wrestled amazingly.
Is Ember a heel now? She’s acting like a heel. Why is she doing submissions? Why is she talking so much trash? Why is she so arrogant? Not a fan.
A springboard back elbow drop? Intriguing, Jessi. Intriguing. Points.
Jessi was too quick for Ember’s (now slow) setup into her codebreaker out of the corner. I’m gonna watch Charlotte vs Ember from 2019 after this, Ember was a lot quicker and cleaner - also cuz I miss Charlotte.
Yeahhh Ember used Jessi’s hair to pull her head back so she could do a crossface. She’s either a garbage babyface, or a heel.
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Welp Dakota just turned babyface. Jeeze she be looking fine too. 10 points.
Dakota should be mad. She bumps like a motherfucker for every person she faces, and she made Ember’s botchy moves look amazing. Sucks she had such a stinker against Io, but there’s no way Ember should be rated higher than Dakota rn.
Interesting to note that Dakota came out on her own, as opposed to bringing - or even sending - Raquel.
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Why does Xia have to win? Is there a kf contract that’s riding on her victory? Why is a random ass match against Kacy the biggest match of her career lol
Also this interviewer is gorgeous. Eyebrows on fleek, beautiful eyes and flawless hair.
*The Garganos prepare to Spin the Wheel* No.
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Love Kacy’s speed. Always a joy to watch in the midcard.
Oh holy shit Kacy won, I did not see that coming. Where we going with this Xia stuff?
Xia gonna single handedly wreck both Kacy and Kayden?
WHY IS RAQUEL OUT HERE? What the fuck did Kacy and Kayden do to Raquel lmaooo
Commentator said Raquel sees Rhea Ripley in everyone she looks at. I say that’s the weakest explanation ever. Y’all just trying to find any reason to give her screen time, and this ain’t it.
“She’s sending a message to Ripley,” RHEA DON’T FUCKING CARE ABOUT THESE BITCHES. Also she’s like 3x the size of all of them lmao what?
“And next week? At Halloween? Havoc?” Girl stay backstage with your promos.
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I don’t know wtf the wheel is, but I absolutely loved that segment with Io.
She’s such a special attraction to me. I miss her when she’s not on, and she’s so under saturated that I never get tired of seeing her. 
Highlight: Segment with Io
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Man I really like Nina’s theme song.
After seeing last week’s fucking wrist lock marathon, this aggression is such a breath of fresh air. Not really much of a match, as it a brawl... but that’s perfectly fine lol.
Ahh Nina’s a runner? Interesting, I wouldn’t have guessed that.
Not a fan of Amale’s boots with her gear. Pressing stuff, I know.
Lol thought Nina was about to do a dis-arm-her. Man, I miss Becky.
Nina is a bit awkward with her transitions, I’m noticing.
Beautiful landing of the back body drop by Nina. Practically a swan dive.
Amale did such a lackadaisical pin attempt, and then could barely muster the strength to kick out of one. Ma’am isn’t the worst, but with as green as she is, she should be limited to 3 min sprints.
Seems to be a popular complaint I have with UK, they get gassed insanely easy. wwe needs to build a pc over there or something.
Final Act is a really weak finisher, but considering the speed, I will give points for the way Nina holds her opponent’s neck forward. We like to see performers protecting their partners from getting whiplash.
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Love Nina’s voice. Love her whole shtick tbh.
She wants Piper? *sigh* okay. Should’ve just done a tournament to determine KLR’s next opponent, but whatever.
Highlight: Nina’s backstage interview
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lmfao Bianca’s reaction to being slapped. Ahhhh she’s funny.
Jeeze fucking tossed Zelina across the ring.
oof that speed by Bianca after flipping out of the hurricanrana. Whew.
Bianca straight threw Zelina into the air just to punch her in the throat lmao.
So this match was literally just “watch [Bianca] shine now” aye rep those lyrics, girl.
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Confession: sometimes I fangirl over Bayley’s demeanor. She got BDE and you know what? Good for her, good for her.
Points for the chair, Bayley.
“[Sasha is] an ungrateful brat” you know... kind of accurate.
Tbf Bayley, Sasha’s name kind of is bigger than your title, cuz she’s kept herself as an A+ superstar for like 4 years without holding gold. That deserves respect and recognition. That’s a woman keeping solely her name relevant without even being champion. Now in all fairness, I think all 4 of the horsewomen are up to that standing now, but let’s give credit where it’s due.
Sasha deserves to be champion in a meta sense, this is a fact, but man her character is so unlikeable. Like Bayley is a coward and an absolute tool but she still comes off as more genuine. A face turn for Bayley will be so easy. Not asking y’all to rush it wwe, but I’m just saying.
“Just give me the title back and we’ll talk about it,” Bayley says, as if she won’t grab that shit and bolt out of the arena.
Oh that was such a good set up to the spot with Bayley caught upright in the chair. I saw that screenshot months ago, but watching it be set up makes it so much better.
Ma’am I feel like being physically forced and coerced into signing a contract automatically makes it null and void, but hey this is your universe, what do I know.
Vicious - Bayley falling over with a fucking chair wrapped around her neck. Whew what a bump.
“Go help her Cole” LMFAO legit the last person in the company that would come to Bayley’s aid. Good line, Corey. That was a great promo and segment. Mega points.
Highlight: Go home segment for Bayley & Sasha
Hell in a Cell:
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Kind of a weak video package for this feud, ngl. They didn’t bother with the Raw women’s championship, didn’t bother with 2019, Raw 2016/2017, nxt... Closest we got were a couple 2 second clips/screenshots.
By definition, this feud has to be one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory. It had the potential to blow Becky/Charlotte out of the water, and didn’t even enter the same stratosphere. Shame. This is a perfectly fine feud in a vacuum... until you remember it’s fucking Sasha and Bayley. Okay I’ll stop beating a dead horse. 
If Sasha were a real babyface, she’d drop that awful Snoop remix.
Sasha looks amazing. Love the contrast of Sasha wearing white and Bayley wearing black. Gonna miss Bayley’s old gear though.
Love Bayley spray painting 1-0 on the chair, since we all obsessed over Sasha’s shitty record ahead of this match lmao.
This feud just never picked up that mountain of tension Becky and Charlotte had at Evolution I’M SORRY.
Why can’t everyone do a headscissors takedown as fast as Sasha can.
Such an innovative way of utilizing a table and the cell to deliver a meteora. POINTS FOR SASHA *applause*
So I like the concept of Sasha rolling under the table and pushing it up into Bayley, but the landing of the table near Sasha’s head made me uneasy. I like the concept of Sasha rotating her body on the apron before jumping straight into a meteora against the cell, but the way she landed against the LED was awkward. The ideas are there though.
Cool watching Sasha jump from the apron to scale the cell, then back to the apron, then jumping over Bayley onto the floor. She’s like a rabbit. I’m underselling this tbh, like 95% of the women in the company can’t do the things Sasha can do.
OOF at Bayley being dropkicked into the steps. What a landing.
At this point, I don’t even want to see a women’s hiac match unless Sasha’s in it, or at the very least has a hand in producing it. Ugh she’d be an amazing match producer, whew.
Ugly landing through the kendo stick onto the steps by Sasha. That’s a spot that would’ve received an audible gasp from a live crowd.
OOF a sunset flip powerbomb into the fucking cell. oof. rip Bayley.
OOF a sunset flip into the fucking chair. oof. rip Sasha.
Positive on Bayley’s botched kendo stick/tape spot: lends credence to how inexperienced Bayley is with handling weapons in kf, and Bayley did a great job vocally improvising - probably earned herself points backstage. A negative: what a disaster of a spot lmfao. Should’ve had it already created and ready to go beneath the ring, or used a broomstick/crutch for the spot instead. Having people handle tape mid match is stupid. Wasn’t Bayley’s fault, but the crowd would’ve shit all over that lesbireal.
If you’re a specified Sasha fan, you’ll probably deem this the greatest match of Sasha’s career, cuz my god did she look amazing in it (and she actually won) but if you’re not, I’ll tell you, they did not do a good job making Bayley shine at the end of her historic reign imo.
Sasha bout to have a breakdown. Good acting.
This match lacks cohesion. Very spotty, but most of the spots are fucking incredible, so it gets a pass.
I like the ladder on the chairs.
Sasha jumping off the set up ladder to do a meteora in the corner was nice. Sasha using a fucking Bayley to Belly onto the ladder was beautiful.
Sasha looking like she wants to cry. Man she’s amazing.
BEAUTIFUL counter out of the Bayley to Belly by Sasha; dropped Bayley into the chair to set up her Bank Statement inside the chair.
Mega points for that single chair being the center of their entire feud, as the rivalry began and ended with that chair. Bravo there.
That’s it, Bayley’s reign is finally over. This match’s review was hella long, but deservedly so. Extremely happy for Sasha. Took her 4 years on the MR giving people banger after banger before wwe trusted her with a legitimate title reign, but we’ve finally made it.
Highlight(s): Both sunset flips by Bayley & Sasha against the chair & cell, respectively
*hiac blew everything else out of the water by default thanks to Bayley vs Sasha, but both Raw & SD were very enjoyable to me this week as well.
0 notes
spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... GLOW (S01E04) The Dusty Spur Airdate: June 23, 2017 Ratings: @netflix original Score: 8.75/10 **********SPOILERS BELOW********** 'The Dusty Spur' is only the 4th episode out of 10 in S1... That's really not a whole lot of screen time for such a big cast of 'larger than life' personalities. I saw Kenny Herzog of 'Vulture' (that's right I call out names. This is GLOW, bitch. Step into the ring!), get a bit restless in his review of the episode. Kenny is calling for a bit more action, but I believe GLOW is exactly where it needs to be, doing exactly what it needs to be doing... Really exploring origin stories and holding up a magnifying lens to its characters in a careful and steady manner. Any true fan of wrestling knows that it's all about the build and you simply don't have wrestling without well rounded characters... And you don't have well rounded characters unless you give them as many dimensions as possible, not worthwhile characters anyway. Truly, these characters in GLOW are so electric, they're literally sparking with depth. I want to see GLOW explore that depth, because once we get to the main events, that's the only way it's ever really going to take it to the next level and really put the show over with fans. I remember JBL recalling a match he had with the late, GREAT Eddie Guerrero on a podcast a few years back. I can't quote him verbatim but he broke down the psychology and and anticipation needed to truly make 5-Star matches. At the time JBL was no rookie, but the main event scene on such a grand platform is obviously one that can easily rattle one's nerves. Eddie had some wise words and tidbits of much needed inspiring motivation at the time. He literally told JBL that they would tease the crowd a bit, give them a slow back and forth, go into a headlock and hold it for an unnecessarily long time. Basically, bore them to death. Now, GLOW is anything but boring, but surely Creator Liz Flahive & 'The Dusty Spur' writer, Sascha Rothschild, took a page out of Eddie's book. The crowd will never genuinely connect in the truly engrossing and all-encompassing way that it needs to if we don't know who these people are. There is no need to rush... It's not about the finish line or immediate gratification, it's about building anticipation with the audience so that the show resonates with them long after S1 is over... Just like Eddie Guerrero's grandiose, emotionally charged matches. I doubt there is fan out there that can recall an important match of Eddie's that doesn't have a few points that they can still remember like it was yesterday, making the hairs on the back of their neck stand up as they tell it... Not just triggering nostalgia, but triggering greatness. That's what Netflix's GLOW team is creating here, something that will stick with us forever... Leave us pissed off we have to wait a whole year between seasons. That's how you do it! To be fair to Kenny, he wasn't bashing the show, quite the opposite really. Although he does go on to say that 'The show is sacrificing a bit of humor for authenticity'. See, now they just can't win... As if I recall Vulture saying the very opposite about OITNB. Both of these comments just struck me the wrong way. I know everyone is eager for these women to get in the ring, but we got a little ways to go. I doubt anyone will have to wait to much longer as the experiment has to begin sooner than later. None of these women who the creative team of GLOW are reimagining in their brilliant dramatization have a story like WWE's Sami Zayn. They didn't tour almost 15 years working their asses off in the Indies, then hit a performance training center and introductory WWE promotion like NXT for three years, and then finally and triumphantly make it to the main stage. No, no... They were pushed right into the fire, but that doesn't mean we still don't need to get these episodes where we truly get to know these women. Just like in OITNB, GLOW does a fantastic job of juggling many different character arcs, subplots, and focused character work, all while moving the core narrative at a respectable speed. We got a flash of the exact vision that Sam (Marc Maron) has for his big main event. Obviously, Debbie (Betty Gilpin) is already there... She may have her own drama, but she knows who she is and can naturally step into any part she's given anyway. It's Ruth who is still struggling with her 'would-be' personas. She comes up with a few ideas and pitches them to Sam but she's shot down. Sam even goes as far as to suggest that her gimmick's fate isn't even necessarily in her own hands... And can you blame him? Obviously there's something inside Ruth that's worth tapping into, but it feels like no one, especially Ruth, knows where to even start. Maybe Sheila the She Wolf (Gayle Rankin) can give Ruth a helping paw. Their pairing is so odd, but the fact that these two have ended up in the same room together makes for both great comedy and one of the most awkwardly dramatic scenes in the entire episode. Sheila has big issues with sharing living space with another human being... No, this isn't because Sheila identifies as a wolf, it's much deeper than that. Clearly, Sheila has worked hard to not only accurately express how she feels on the inside, but to keep any possible vulnerability that may open her up for ridicule swept under the rug. Ruth acknowledging that Sheila was sleeping with a wig on was probably the straw that broke the camels back, but as we've mentioned before... Ruth may not know who she is quite yet, but her passion and aspirations help define her while she embarks on her own existential quest. It's a bit like Ruth is a cockroach... It's going to take more than a couple of traps and putting roadkill in her bed to get rid of her. Ruth is just about awkward in everything she does, and that includes opening to Sheila and attempting to find common ground. I loved that Ruth was absolutely terrible at doing so, but just the fact that she was making an effort was met with respect from Sheila. These women are all making the most of their scenes and I hope that this becomes a huge launching pad for talented women like Rankin who have never been given this type of platform before. Another big shout out to our girl Tammé (Kia Stevens aka Awesome Kong/Kharma). Everything she's been handed in this series so far has been elevated to another level by her clear vision of her character and obvious professionalism. I think a lot of people are ready to easily dismiss wrestlers as jokes when it comes to the acting world but we continue to see many who have not just succeeded, but exploded into both 'Main Stream Blockbusters' & respected dives into nuanced character work. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson immediately comes to mind. Sure he can carry a big film, but look at the incredible depth he provides his Spencer character on HBO's 'Ballers'. I honestly believe that Kia Stevens has what it takes to not just create a splash in Hollywood, but to inspire real, honest to God respect from fans, critics, and her fellow peers in the industry alike. Tammé is having some issues with her 'Welfare Queen' persona. It's an obvious insulting stereotype when looked at through a certain lens. She's literally wrestling with the fact that she's worked hard in life to give her children a chance to be greater than any stereotype society associates with people of color, especially in the 80s. But with the help of Cherry's husband, Keith (Bashir Salahuddin), and his very simple remark that he finds Marc 'to be more sexist than racist' paired with watching an old shlock film of Marc's that has an oddly timed video dating cut right near the end of the film, Tammé appears to be coming to terms with the character. She's learning how to separate pointless stereotypes with the benefits of 'kitsch' and championing irony in the stereotype's context... And in pro-wrestling, both men's and women's wrestling, that's something that's extremely important. It would be disrespectful for me to end this review without noting that our man, former WWE Superstar Brodus Clay aka TNA hired gun Tyrus (George Murdoch) makes an appearance as Carmen's sympathetic brother who appears at their training camp with their legendary wrestling father, Goliath Jackson (Winston James Francis). They are there strictly to retrieve Carmen after they quickly realize that the giant pile of pillows and shoes in Carmen's old bed are not actually Carmen. Goliath and Carmen's two brothers are primarily used as a reminder to the audience that no one, not even the parent and member of a wrestling dynasty family, believes that these women will be taken seriously on any level. Carmen is one of those characters on GLOW that I tend to perk up for. Her lovable giant and adorable 'Machu Picchu' persona aren't exactly cutting edge material here (not quite yet, anyway), but actress Britney Young is proving that she can hang with best of them. Her scenes with her new roomie Rhonda aka Brittanica (real life singer-songwriter Kate Nash) give off a bit of 'explorative' vibe, possibly lesbian or it could be as simple as the differences in body image as Carmen is so quick to point out. Whatever direction they go with these two is ok with me, the pairing up of all the characters in the hotel is doing nothing but helping the spotlight shine on each and every character just a little bit more... And trust me, to all those pining for action, you'll appreciate all this character work they're doing now when these women finally step in the ring and start doing what they all came here to do... Wrestle!
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ambreignsfans · 8 years
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WWE’s Dean Ambrose and Renee Young: Power Couple (VegasSeven Interview)
The Las Vegas residents and World Wrestling Entertainment stars square off on the realities of life inside and outside the ring
You might have tuned in to E!’s Total Divas to see the inner workings of the women of World Wrestling Entertainment. Las Vegas resident Renee Young, a popular announcer and interviewer, is one of those featured, and her boyfriend, WWE superstar Dean Ambrose, sees his share of screen time.
Five years ago, it was improbable, to say the least, that Ambrose—then wrestling under the ring name of Jon Moxley—would be on a show called Total Divas. Ambrose had dropped out of high school to pursue his dream of wrestling professionally, training at Les Thatcher’s Heartland Wrestling Association. He made his in-ring debut in 2004, finding success in several smaller “indie” promotions. In 2009, he started wrestling for Combat Zone Wrestling, an indie that features “death matches” in which, although no wrestlers have actually perished, thumbtacks, barbed wire, cutlery, fluorescent light bulbs and even the odd power tool are fair weapons. Ambrose excelled at CZW’s bloody mayhem, winning the championship twice and establishing himself as fearless.
Then the biggest wrestling promotion in the world called. Ambrose signed with the WWE in April 2011. After a stint in the developmental Florida Championship Wrestling, he debuted on the main roster as part of a faction called The Shield. Since splitting with The Shield, Ambrose has been a fan favorite in the WWE, bringing intensity to a number of feuds. At last May’s Money in the Bank pay-per-view, held in T-Mobile Arena, Ambrose did what many thought was impossible: He captured the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the top accolade in the wrestling business. He’s since dropped that title, but is currently featured, alongside Young, on Smackdown Live, where he is the reigning Intercontinental Champion.
It’s a path that shows the world really does work in strange ways. Six years ago, Ambrose was getting forks jammed into his forehead until he was streaming blood and powerbombed on thumbtacks in front of a few hundred fans. This year, he won the business’ biggest prize in front of 19,000 Las Vegas fans and hundreds of thousands watching on the WWE Network. But what probably means more to him is that the intensely private Ambrose snared something even more valuable: a rewarding life and someone to share it with.
Ambrose and Young talked with Vegas Seven about what he does and why he does it, with Young sharing her own perspective.
What’s it like being where you are now?
Dean Ambrose: I made a pretty good name for myself before I got here—hustling and working every single possible indie promotion and all over the world for years, and through YouTube, creating the biggest buzz I could for myself. I figured then that WWE wasn’t something I was destined for; I was gonna be a little cult hero in my own little niche. And at the time, I was totally happy with that, even though I always knew in the back of my mind that I wanted to be over there. So I think it’s a cop-out when you go, “Oh, well, I don’t wanna go there.”
Back then, nothing came of it materially, but I felt like I was as good as anybody in the world and I’d never get to prove it. Once I got here, it was about climbing the ladder. But that was all just icing on the cake.
By then, I wasn’t seeking validation or approval from anybody. The successes for me aren’t championships or any of that kind of shit. It’s that I get to do what I love and get paid for it, and it’s fun. And we get to do Make-A-Wish, meet kids and be an inspiration to people, and that’s such a blessing. How many people would love to be in that position? I was able to pay my mom’s house off, I have a home for myself, and another bonus was I was able to meet the one woman on planet fuckin’ Earth that could ever put up with me.
I feel like all the stars aligned. I’m one of those “I think the whole universe has a plan” kind of guys. And if you put enough good karma into the can, it’ll come back to you in the end. I feel like I’ve been able to put enough in by doing enough of the right thing …
Renee Young: Your karma can is looking good.
What do you have to do to get to where you are?
Ambrose: When I was a kid and first started wrestling, I would go to practice—they gave me a key to let myself in—I’d go in there and lift weights for a couple of hours and then roll around and practice. It’d be three hours of conditioning, wrestling, running, and then I’d stick around for another hour and wrestle. Then I’d go to my job and work at this factory from 11 at night till 7 in the morning Sunday through Thursday, which was the perfect indie wrestler job, because you got the weekends off. I’d get off at 7 in the morning from lifting these metal things onto hooks or whatever.
Then I’d get home and just put in wrestling tapes. I’d have guys make me tapes, like, “Give me a six-hour tape of the Rock ’n’ Roll Express,” and I would sit there and watch wrestling all the time, trying to learn. I’d see somebody do a move, and I’d head to the school and I’d try the move. I feel like I’ve watched every match that ever happened anywhere, ever. But still, you’re constantly looking at it and surrounded by it.
My first two years on the road, I did Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday—every single week for two years. I was home for 36 hours a week, if that. A lot of times I wouldn’t even go home, ’cause it just didn’t make any sense to fly from Allentown, Pennsylvania, or Philly or whatever on a Wednesday morning just to fly back on Friday morning to New Jersey. So I [would] just kick it in New Jersey for a couple of days.
What about people who say wrestling is fake?
Ambrose: We let everybody go behind the scenes and we make no effort anymore as a business to make it seem real. I don’t take myself too seriously. It’s 2017, [and] if you say wrestling’s fake, I’m not gonna flip out or whatever—you’re just uninformed. To me, there’s nothing fake about the miles that I’ve put on my body or the actual work that goes into perfecting this as a craft. I put in the same hours to get good at this as a surgeon who went to college. It’s just a much less important job in the realm of society. But as far as the man-hours you put in, it’s hard to do. And there’s nothing fake about the injuries, the risk and how dangerous this is. It’s extremely dangerous. But I won’t be offended by [the comments]; people say it all the time.
How about fan fiction?
Young: You know what I saw the other day—it must’ve been on my Instagram or on Twitter or something, but somebody tagged me in it—it was a shirt that was a picture, obviously a fan-drawn cartoon thing of just you and Roman [Reigns, a fellow WWE Superstar] in … a deep embrace. I wanted to buy it. [Laughs] It was a thing on Etsy, a real thing that I could’ve bought. It was hysterical.
Ambrose: There are psychotic fans.
Young: Insane.
Ambrose: Especially, like, I think I draw a certain … I think a lot of my particular …
Young: Fan base?
Ambrose: I have a particular demographic. I think I appeal to a lot of people who might have problems of their own [and] they relate to me. It’s cool when you can help and inspire people and stuff, but sometimes people just attach to you for strange reasons, [and] their behavior is not the best.
Like what?
Ambrose: I’ve been stalked, I’ve been—
Young: I get many a death threat.
Death threats?
Young: Well, I mean, there’s a lot of anti–Renee Young pages out there.
Ambrose: It’s actually good to make this point. But without going into too much detail, I’ve been stalked on the phone and my home and hotels, to the point where it’s a little Single White Female scary, though I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna get beaten up and kidnapped by a 15-year-old girl.
Young: I don’t know … there are a lot of steroids in foods now.
Ambrose: I’ve been stalked fairly regularly for the last two years. I have to go to great lengths to keep that shit at bay.
What if you hadn’t become a wrestler?
Ambrose: I have nothing to offer you. I can’t remember a time when wrestling wasn’t the only thing that I thought about or cared about or did or had any intention of doing. But if I would stop wrestling now and had to do something else, I think I can make a hell of a park ranger.
Young: Or a private eye.
Ambrose: I like getting into stuff; I like investigating. I’m a big outdoorsy person who fell in love with Vegas, and I’m huge into mountain biking, hiking and rock climbing. I love being outside. I love being able to see the mountains every day. So to work here … that’s not a bad job. Sit out in Red Rock all day just saying hello to people. That ain’t that bad. I’ve Googled this before, actually. That seems like a decent job, just hanging out in the park, going around, counting flowers, freeing raccoons from traps and stuff.
Young: Check out the flora and the fauna. I think that there’s definitely something to be said that when you don’t have a fallback plan, you have to just do it. It does really require all of your attention to get it off the ground, right?
Ambrose: Having a fallback plan isn’t a bad idea, but if you ain’t got one, fuck it. Just go for it and see what happens. Because if you don’t have one, that probably means you’re so single-minded that you’re gonna have the drive necessary to make it happen for yourself.
Young: You have to make it work.
Ambrose: Because if you’re like, “Well, you know what, my fallback plan is to be a nurse, but I’m gonna take a shot at this wrestling thing.” You won’t have the urgency to really go for it.
Young: It needs your full focus. I read that in a Janis Joplin book one time, and it stood out to me so much when she was saying that she didn’t want to have a fallback plan. I was like, “Oh, yeah, of course.”
Ambrose: I never looked at this as a job or a career until I got to the big-time. Then it was, “Oh, this is how I pay my bills.” Before that, I didn’t really have any bills. Maybe some rent, because I did a lot of couch surfing and being a vagabond; wrestling was just what I did. Now it’s a job because now I actually make money out of it. You gotta have that mentality.
And now you’ve starred in a movie. What was that like?
Ambrose: I knew nothing about acting or how movies were done. I had no intention, but for whatever reason, they thought I’d be good in this movie, the 12 Rounds franchise, which John Cena and Randy Orton—two of the biggest stars of this generation—had done. For the third installment, they asked me. I said, “Hell, yeah, I’ll be in a movie. Are you kidding me? Let’s do it.” And it was hard work. I got off the road, went straight to the set—14-hour days, every day for five weeks. And I got off the set, got right in a plane and was back in the ring the next day.
It was a cool deviation, something new. I found the fight scenes were so much fun. “OK, punch, kick, punch, throw him on the ground, pick him up, duck the knife, hit him in the gut, grab the glass bottle, hit him over the head.” And it was a 10- to 12-move thing; I picked it up instantly. Because I’m a professional wrestler, a choreographed fight scene might come easier to me.
The thing is, WWE performers are the Navy SEALs of entertainment. You might go out there on Smackdown Live with no net, talk for five minutes and then wrestle for 20 minutes, and at the end of it, plummet off a 20-foot ladder and through a table. You might have to do dialogue, a 20-minute fight scene and a stunt that you do yourself, all in the span of 30 minutes, all live, one take, on TV.
Young: Like entertainment boot camp.
Ambrose: We’re doing all these things live on the fly and bing, bam, boom, we’re so used to the high pressure of it.
Young: When I came to WWE, I was almost an outsider because I don’t wrestle, and I did TV shows prior, but I think the stigma that comes with WWE, of people thinking that they’re bad actors or whatever, it’s bullshit, because they have to go out on a drop of a hat. There’s no rehearsal. There’s nothing even close to it anywhere else.
It’s crazy.
What about when you have to do something you don’t necessarily believe in?
Ambrose: I’ve gotten asked to do things that, sometimes, I think, “That’s stupid.” If you do anything a hundred percent, if you commit to it, even if sucks, it’ll at least suck a hundred percent. One my favorites was when Vince [McMahon, the driving force behind WWE] wanted me to carry this little red wagon full of weapons around the ring in Brooklyn, the hardest audience that we have. And I’m getting ready for a fight with Brock Lesnar. So I’m like, “I’m about to go into a match that will be a fight to the death with the beast incarnate, who’s going to probably kill me—this is not a time for laughs. If I come out there with a little red wagon, they’re gonna laugh at me.” But he’s like, “No, you’re not even gonna look at Brock. You’re just gonna pull that wagon, put your weapons in it, walk around, go to the back.”
Young: And it was great.
Ambrose: He said, “Because it’s not a joke to you. This wagon is serious”—and in Vince’s mind, he saw it a certain way, and I went, “All right, fine, OK. I’ll drag the little red wagon, and I’m gonna drag the shit out of that little red wagon.” And I went out there, was mean-muggin’ with this little red wagon, and it was so ridiculous, but I took it seriously. They loved it, and I was like, “I cannot believe that worked.”
What’s the reality of reality TV?
Young: Doing reality TV is a different beast. He and I, we’ve always been very private about our relationship for the most part, so for us to have that on a reality show. … I’ve been doing television for over a decade. I’ve never been nervous for something to air. And I [was with Total Divas]—you’re so vulnerable. I [was] excited for people to see Dean and I and the shit that we get up to. There [were] nine cast members [and] a lot going on, but I think just delving into the relationships of so many of the people at WWE [was] really cool.
Ambrose: I hated it at first—hated the idea of it, hated the thought of it. I was like, “Hell, no.” But it’s just like any other television show. It’s entertainment.
Young: If I’m at a TV broadcast, the cameras are gonna be there and they’re following you. They’ve come to our house and filmed. We’ve been lucky enough to go on really great vacations with Total Divas. They will catch you in your moments, definitely. I think the biggest thing that tripped me out when I first started doing the show was that I would fall asleep and I’d wake up and still think that the cameras were on me. It was a very bizarre experience of always being on camera—I got over it, but it took me a couple of weeks.
Ambrose: I did a 180 on it. Once I saw how it works, I was like, “Oh, well, this is just entertainment. It’s fun.” So I was like, “I’m gonna have some fun with this.” And it turns out Total Divas is superfun. You do fun activities. I act like a goofball on TV, and even if they tried to sneak up on me and film me when I didn’t know they were there, I’m like a ninja. I can sniff a camera; I’m like a freakin’ bighorn sheep in the desert. I can sniff a camera from a hundred yards away. Nobody’s filming me when I’m not allowing it. So I don’t feel like there’s an invasion of privacy or anything weird like that.
Why do you wear a shirt when you wrestle?
Ambrose: I said, “What I’m going to do is dress as plain as humanly possible.” I’m not going to wear anything fancy, I’m not going to have fancy music, I’m not going to have fancy pyro—I’m literally just going to be a dude walking into the ring. I’m going to look like I just got off work from a construction site and I am now punching you in the face. That was my goal­—be as simple as humanly possible. I pretty much stick to Hanes or Fruit of the Loom. You can wear large, you know, but you like to make it a little snug sometimes, shape the contours. It’s best to leave a little bit to the imagination, then at a certain point in the evening, in the match when the intensity is high, you get to rip off the shirt.
Young: He is a secret stripper.
Ambrose: You get a big pop for that. And then you can throw the shirt to somebody. It gives you another prop to work with. You can get your shirt ripped off or halfway ripped off, and then you look like you’ve been beaten up a lot more than you really have.
Young: You’re just a piece of meat.
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thoseguysontheradio · 7 years
MT: WWE Monday Night RAW (4/17/17) Review!
Whatever happened to Roman Reigns? Is Braun Strauman going to fight everyone? Is Kurt Angle still technically the General Manager? Read on to find out in this edition of "Matt Talk!"
Braun talks about ft. Kurt Angle
This was needed more than I thought it was. Kurt Angle needed this moment, because up until this point, he's been behind the scenes, and hasn't done much. Other than making a few matches here and there, he really hasn't added much to RAW. I know some people don't want him getting as involved as Foley did, and I definitely don't want him to turn into "The Authority", but why have a GM character if he isn't going to play any role in day to day match making? This was a good call on their part. I can't wait to see what face Angle is going to do.
Chris Jericho vs Samoa Joe ft. Rollins on Commentary
Its great to see Jericho still around. Obviously, he wasn't leaving the second they announced his rematch with Kevin Owens, but I'm sure this is a dream match that a lot of people are able to scratch off their bucket list. The only two problems with this match is a small botch by Jericho, and Rollins' commentary. The botch was problematic because Joe ended giving Jericho an unintended leg drop when Jericho was supposed to dodge a top rope senton. The reason why Rollins' commentary wasn't the best addition to the match was because we either had commentary focusing too much on his feud with Joe, or he clammed up for most of it. When he did speak, it didn't have a personality or fire to it. I wouldn't say he's bad at commentary, but Rollins' promo afterwards definitely made up for this.
After Joe picked up the win off Jericho, his promo to Rollins was a much needed addition to this feud. We understand why Rollins wants to fight Joe, but not why Joe would want to retaliate. He likes to hurt people, sure, but why not ignore Rollins and move on to someone else? Keeping him as a "hitman" even with Triple H is a smart way of writing him, and it could also mean that other people can hire him in the future.
The "Drifter" known as Elias Samson was seen playing a guitar near former WWE RAW Tag Team Champions, "The Club."
Braun Strauman beats up fun-loving tag team
He beat up The Golden Truth. There's not much else to say, other than it hurt. A lot.
"Grrrrrrr! I said, 'Everyone!'" -Braun Strauman, 2017
The Club vs Enzo & Cass
Apparently, Strauman beat up The Club's opponents for tonight. I'm always the first one to defend the Brand Split, because both RAW and Smackdown are stacked with talent, both new and old, that have an opportunity to bring a lot of depth to both rosters. Sadly, this is not one of those times. I don't think these four have ever had a bad match with each other, but they've had a lot of matches in recent memory.
And to top it all off, it seems as if one half of the Revival was injured at a house show, and will be out for two months.
Miz TV ft. Ambrose
This os exactly what Ambrose needed. WWE has this problem where they give Superstars whatever title it may be, and they stop giving them promo time completely. Whoever's challenging the champ obviously needs their time to shine, but it definitely hurts face champions in the long run. The characteristics and promos that got crowds invested in these Superstars in the first place seem like they are tossed aside because, "They are the Champ!" This promo solidifyed Ambrose as the Intercontinental Champion.
But let's not take anything away from The Miz, either. I mentioned that this feud happened just last year on Smackdown, yet he is able to make this feud feel fresh and new. Having him be the pursuer, yet acting like he's already the Champion, adds a great layer to what could have been a very stale Smackdown rehash.
Braun Strauman assaults masked individual ft. Big Show
This is one of the worst things you can do to newer talent, and to your Cruiserweight Division. I understand that it sounds like I'm speaking in hyperbole, so let me explain. Braun and Kalisto are both newer talent, but Kalisto is specifically new to RAW, due to the Superstar Shakeup. As all of us can tell, he's a smaller guy. So rumors suggest he's on his way to the Cruiserweight Division. He's been on the house show circuit lately, so a move to RAW looks like it would revitilize his main roster career. Especially if he joins 205 Live. However, how is he going to look on 205 Live, after getting decimated and thrown into the garbage by Strauman? How are the Cruiserweights going to look? You can't build a division and act like they're just like everyone else, when one of the members of said division gets rag dolled by Strauman, even if he is monstrous.
TJ Perkins vs Jack Gallagher ft. Neville and Aries
This match wasn't as good as their showing on 205 Live, but its still a great way to show a wider audience a heel TJ Perkins. While the match itself had both performing going at it in a very Cruiserweight fashion, it devolved into exactly what we saw coming once we had Aries and Neville sitting ringside. Thankfully, Perkins won via cheating, and while I love Gallagher, this can continue their feud, where Gallagher hopefully wins, at Payback.
Titus™ Brand tries to recruit Apollo Crews
While I'm not the biggest fan of Titus' inring style, I am a big fan of the current character Titus is playing. However, I don't think this would be a good first feud for Crews on RAW. Titus' charisma can potentially bring out some hidden charisma from Crews, but I would say the crowd will only care if he looks good in the ring. It might have been better to put him up against someone who is more of a high flyer.
Sasha Banks vs Alexa Bliss vs Mickie James vs Nia Jax
This is why we needed a Brand Split. The fact that we can have these four women in the spot light, able to challenge Bayley for the title, is simply a delight. While I was a big fan of the match, I'm not sure what to think about the outcome. I love that Bliss cheated to get a chance to go after the title, and I do think that she would be a great villain for Bayley, but I wouldn't want Bliss to win the title too quickly, because it feels like she just lost it on Smackdown. Many of you may have heard me voice my displeasure on something similar happening to Kevin Owens with his win over Jericho at Wrestlemania, so I have to be fair and apply the same train of thought here.
Big Show is in the best shape of his life
Big Show was interviewed by Charly Caruso about his attack on Braun Strauman, and said, "I am in the best shape of my life."
Curt Hawkins Star Factory ft. Finn Balor This is a great way to use Hawkins. Fun, delusional heel who gets beat up. I am usually not a fan of squash matches, because it doesn't showcase a wrestler's abilities. Yes, they beat up someone "really good" and "wow, that was so fast", but it usually makes the wrestler look like they can only do the few moves that they used. Thankfully, Finn is so fast and nimble that it actually looked like he bested Hawkins, instead of seeming limited.
During a fun Chris Jericho interview with Tom Phillips, Elias Sampson appeared. The promo wasn't needed and was simply a rehashing of last week's... until Samson appeared. We will be bringing you more updates on Samson when he appears.
Bray Wyatt Promo
I am ususally a big fan of Bray Wyatt promos, and I can't say that this one is particularly bad, but coming off the heels of the confusing promo he gave last week, it still feels weird. Bray Wyatt, a RAW superstar, can still challenge Randy Orton for his WWE Title, which is a Smackdown Title, at a RAW PPV... WWE, everyone.
Alicia Fox ft. Dana and Emma
I've said in the past that I have no problem with varied characters in every division. Even if some of them, especially in the women's division, are considered "outdated". I say this because there are people that can act like how WWE has written some of the women throughout the years. This, however, is not excusable. There needs to be a healthy balance in the division, where we don't see characters, especially the women, acting "catty" and like children.
Yes, Fox has had her gimmick for a while, but what they're doing with Dana and Emma is absolutely dreadful. This isn't the BFF's from NXT. Emma can be wreaking so much havok as a heel, but she does something like this, and it makes their feud seem so worthless. I know Emma's face character is a (loveable) dork, but that doesn't mean that her heel character needs to do things like that. She needs to seem like a credible threat, and at this point, its not working.  
Jeff Hardy vs Cesaro
This is a match I never foresaw in my PREMONEETIONS, but its still a reality that I am happy to be a part of. Jeff Hardy seems to have a good spring in his step, and it didn't really seem as if Cesaro had to slow down his general pace to wrestle Jeff. The only issue is Jeff winning. Yes, he is one half of the tag team Champions, and he is a future WWE Hall of Famer making his return to WWE, but I just can't see it happening. If there were some kind of shenanigans, I think it would have made it more believable.
Big Show vs Braun Strauman
If this match hadn't happened already, I'd definitely be behind this. I'm not really a huge fan of hoss matches, but Braun is young, and Big Show has been doing some good work as of late, so it would've been a great novelty match if it were being done for the first time. I do have to say, though, while these two have gone at it before, this may be the best match these two have ever had together, and it made them both look great. Even though the "breaking the ring" spot is something that's been done plenty of times over the years, it hasn't been done in a while, so it still gets a rise out of me. Great way to end the night, and its understandable why this was the main event.
We hope you like this edition of "Matt Talk!" Tune in next time, when Matt Talks about WWE Smackdown LIVE!
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armstrong48-blog · 5 years
Here's What I Know About Wrestling
The kicker is that every loot box only opens 5 items at a moment. As soon as you realize that your opponent is tired or losing strength, you want to react immediately and pin his arm to the table. Friday's matches are going to have significant impact on tournament seeding. The song selection is fine. Like golf and tennis, it's only likely to attract a certain kind of fan. The larger picture was obviously the match for a whole. Wrestling: the Ultimate Convenience! The Viacom-based company trying to stay informed about the UFC signed Hager. The Stephanie McMahon character is simple to dislike. So, make certain to practice your abilities and use drilling to be the very best wrestler you can be.To acquire supplementary details on john cena standee please check out Superstar Cutouts. Grappling or wrestling is a fundamental portion of defense, and can allow someone that has been brought to the ground to acquire the upper hand. While Lesnar will be searching for revenge, there are a number of other clashes in the night to seek. Okada can acquire cocky, though. Wrestling - What Is It? In the event the wrestling community is ready to reveal this, it would be quite tricky to vote against it. The aim of our presentation was obviously to find approval but also to demonstrate how far girls wrestling has arrived. There are most likely a few wrestlers around who think they make a commitment. In case the sport of wrestling interests you and you want to find out more info about ways to train and where to train then below are some comprehensive details about gyms you may take part in to learn introductory level wrestling. Injuries still occur as a result of essence of the sport. In earlier times athletes weren't too concerned about a concussion. Wrestling Options Finally, it's an established actuality that John Cena is the best wrestleman to get ever lived and would be an even greater father. Jericho's promos and segments build until the moment where someone is going to wind up on the list, or will receive this, or will get called a stupid idiot. Every Hollywood action film ought to have an expert wrestler on cast. The Advantages of Wrestling Wrestling photos are a really good method by which to find publicity. Bubba finally receives a tag and downloads. Cover, TWO, Mercedes is somewhat shocked. The Do's and Don'ts of Wrestling Styles, Cesaro, Wyatt are the very best workers in the organization. The crowd will count as though the ref would even consider counting to 3. WWE makes a whole lot of questionable decisions. Where to Find Wrestling The number you're seeking is 15! If you'd like to learn more regarding the sport or would like additional information about how to train and the locations it is possible to find to train then please keep reading as you will get some information on locations where you could train in and take part in entry level wrestling. You may usually locate a club to take part in at a reasonable price. Basically the ideal collection of wrestling stuff you're going to find in the region. The matches are predetermined but of course that's the whole purpose of the company. With each match that you compete in you're gaining valuable experience, even if it's the case that you don't know that it's happening. restling: the Ultimate Convenience! Help contribute to the website! Wrestling is an ideal topic for documentariesbecause of the very nature of the company. Internal development is the only thing we can govern. Because at the close of the day, if it receives the conversation going, it's far better than no conversation in the slightest. The following thing is they will need to make a determination on what skills they need to concentrate on. The response is it would ring false with the audience. The New Angle On Wrestling Just Released From that point, Barrett's WWE career appeared to be full of lots of false stars and non-finishes. TNA Wrestling feels they can benefit from Flair in a global aspect also. WWE is among the top kinds of amusement next to NBA. Because wrestling is fixed, obviously a few of the wrestlers will have to lose. A wrestler's yearly plan might also be known as a macrocycle. Some wrestlers can have a lucky tee shirt. Wrestling Fundamentals Explained On the flip side, more than 1 macrocycle might be used over the course of a wrestling season as you might have more than one key competition which you want to peak for. Moreover, autograph events are often held in order to permit fans to fulfill their favorite wrestling superstars up-close and personal. The victory is a great springboard into the postseason. The following suggestions will help you develop your wrestling strength and stay it throughout the season! When you take a youthful child to tournaments throughout the place make sure it is fun for him. There's tons of room on earth for one more side scrolling indie platformer with a large headed protagonist in a scary planet, but only as long as you're prepared to further innovate on such a concept. Wrestling and Wrestling - The Perfect Combination What's more, you can want to get a less intense practice the evening prior to a significant competition so you're recovered and fresh to wrestle hard the following day. These days professional wrestling has turned into a billion dollar enterprise. Across both main promotions in the USA, the last ten years are FILLED with power struggles between authority figures. The End of Wrestling It involves a lot of strength and control, because you need to be able to hold and control your opposition in order to win. Grip training should only be done at the conclusion of a workout. Successful wrestlers know that great nutrition is an essential part of their day-to-day training ritual. You can't wrestle if you don't have any energy. Freestyle provides a small change of pace from folkstyle and you might not be as concerned about maintaining a particular weight. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be in a position to experience an entire cycle 3 times. Rollins on the opposite hand has really been clung to the notion of beefing with the significant Dog. The Women's Division on Monday Night RAW is truly in a tricky spot at the moment. Everything was booked perfectly and the stream of the show felt the same as a PPV. Wrestling: the Ultimate Convenience! It's very rare to receive a title changing hands, or a vital storyline development which makes people wish to tune in. In fact, the thought of precedent is a fiction. In India sports people are utilised to advertise the Xbox 360. Then you'll have a better idea when it actually counts. Anime is the expression used to refer to the fashion of Japanese animation. Evidently, everyone has their own opinion for this statement. Get the Scoop on Wrestling Before You're Too Late You are going to be more able to dodge or slip from a tight hold. There are 3 periods in a worldwide wrestling match. If it still doesn't for you, then you should watch the whole match. To be able to chain wrestle well you should be sure you drill the moves individually. In addition, it's simple to create a tag team online. When you watch the chess match that's Freestyle, the smaller details might be lost on the typical fan. What Everybody Dislikes About Wrestling and Why Not everybody can be their very own hype man. Factions and a good deal more six and eight man tags would help protect a great deal of their feuds for larger shows. You don't ever want to say it's simple, but the guy makes it simple. Type of Wrestling In the WWE, the tag team division for a whole is set on the shelf, though most wrestlers concentrate on solo careers. Wrestling is a type of sports entertainment unlike any other. Beach wrestling is fun for everyone. Therefore, you've been playing cityville for some time now or perhaps just started. To the extent you've got an interest in playing wrestling on the web, you're going to be very happy to hear you can now play these games without actually having to pay any money. There's tons of room on earth for one more side scrolling indie platformer with a large headed protagonist in a scary planet, but only as long as you're prepared to further innovate on such a concept. Top Choices of Wrestling Due to this, there are not many serious injuries related to wrestling. Doing hundreds of stand-ups with negative technique won't enhance your stand-ups. So, practice doesn't need to be drudgery. Nakamura may be called up and create the challenge his very first night (highly unlikely). Bayley, on the flip side, is thought of as the ultimate babyface. Well, pro wrestlers are absolutely efficient and masters in regards to doing physical improvisation. Type of Wrestling If your kid is younger or his school does not own a wrestling group, you might discover a neighborhood independent wrestling club. Top players like John Brzenk of North America are famous for their collection of techniques within this sort of wrestling. Today this kind of wrestling is thought to be among the oldest and most demanding of all the recognized styles. It's also sensible to tailor your grip training for a certain athlete's need if it's possible to discover this. Some wrestle well just because they know that they're in terrific condition and have great skills. There are lots of things you ought to know about wrestling and what your kid will want to start on the mats. Vital Pieces of Wrestling Listen, the aim of your conversations with your little one needs to be positive and an opportunity to turn things into a learning piece. The wrestlers eat many big meals every day, and it's important they eat with somebody else as studies have revealed that we eat more when we are in the business of some other individual. Try to guarantee you or your athletes have some success too, for many folks doing pullups or chinups for a whole minute despite a band for assistance is extremely difficult or impossible. Basically the ideal collection of wrestling stuff you're going to find in the region. The strange and ever-changing world of pro wrestling is a tricky place to comprehend initially, particularly in this case with a ton of language and cultural barriers. Grabbing hold of any industry share in an industry that's been dominated by WWE for decades are going to be a tall job. The 5-Minute Rule for Wrestling The decade of destruction is really as soon as the streak began to get steam. To put it simply, Brock Lesnar remains in the majority of ways undefeatable, unless of course there's some type of interference or outside assistance, the same as Undertaker appearing at Battlegrounds when he fought Rollins. There's almost always a fresh roster which never loses credibility. The New Angle On Wrestling Just Released Styles went on to have one of the best years of any expert wrestler. A traditional Undertaker original that all of the fans love. Therefore, attempting to use periodization for wrestling may appear impractical. Ambrose puts Owens in the top tourniquet. A wrestler's yearly plan might also be known as a macrocycle. Lesnar winning will look like not a huge deal. The Fundamentals of Wrestling Revealed Exercise selection is likewise very vital to make the program possible. My very first love was music and have been in the business for twenty decades. Things have changed over time. The Wrestling Cover Up If, say, you need to capture your entire body, you'll need a screen that trails along the ground with a lengthier length based on how far away your camera will be and how much is shown. If you're looking to receive absolutely free energy in castleville then you've reached to the proper place. Don't starve yourself, just make certain you eat healthy though or else you'll have a challenging time cutting weight and not have a lot of energy whatsoever. Grip training to enhance hand strength on a sustained period will directly impact a wrestler's performance very fast and ought to be added to each program. Most athletes receive the best effect building up to 1-2 gallons each day. Besides eating right, you need to have an intense exercise program. To create the opponent appear stronger. Woods nearly receives the pin fall. Thus, there appears to be no end in sight for the prior champion. The song selection is fine. Following that, take your pick through the dumpster so far as very good tag teams go. The larger picture was obviously the match for a whole. The Hidden Treasure of Wrestling Exercise selection is likewise very vital to make the program possible. My very first love was music and have been in the business for twenty decades. Things have changed over time. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Wrestling Champions have an absolute urge to win. Wrestling is a type of sports entertainment unlike any other. Sumo wrestling games might seem to be an extremely effortless sport. Also remember to be able to enjoy wrestling games online you are going to be required to get flash player installed on your favourite browser. When it has to do with wrestling, you can imagine it like a video game. To summarize, if you're somebody who enjoys wrestling games, then you need to seriously look at playing this kind of game online. The Key to Successful Wrestling Arm wrestling puts plenty of pressure to the whole arm which might bring about tearing of tissues or cracking of bones. Grip training should only be done at the conclusion of a workout. Successful wrestlers know that great nutrition is an essential part of their day-to-day training ritual. You can't wrestle if you don't have any energy. Freestyle provides a small change of pace from folkstyle and you might not be as concerned about maintaining a particular weight. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be in a position to experience an entire cycle 3 times. Top Choices of Wrestling You may simply rehearse the moves and skills you would like to improve upon for as long as you desire. Doing hundreds of stand-ups with negative technique won't enhance your stand-ups. Roman comes out before Braun has the ability to murder Foley and they begin brawling. What You Should Do to Find Out About Wrestling Before You're Left Behind One only needs to have a look at Pentagon to know he's a special individual. The main reason is creating that which we wish to see out of something we love. The shortage of foreign object use proved to be an important lack in programming. Wrestling - the Conspiracy There's nothing cushioning the slam. The crowd will count as though the ref would even consider counting to 3. The fans in attendance weren't only counting in the last 10 seconds of a moment but in the center of a minute too. The Hidden Truth About Wrestling The number you're seeking is 15! Online Wrestling You can receive a fantastic start from doing just a little research on the internet by finding some good workout routines just by looking for it using Google. Perhaps you're thinking about selling your game in a foreign sector. Wrestling - What Is It? In the event the wrestling community is ready to reveal this, it would be quite tricky to vote against it. One of my most significant criticisms of women's wrestling is simply that. Beach wrestling gives people the chance to keep on participating in a sport they love. In case the sport of wrestling interests you and you want to find out more info about ways to train and where to train then below are some comprehensive details about gyms you may take part in to learn introductory level wrestling. Injuries still occur as a result of essence of the sport. Their chemistry for a team is legendary. The Basic Principles of Wrestling That You Will be Able to Learn From Beginning Right Away Sting's WWE run was short because of injury. however, it was still great to find The Icon yet another time. TNA Wrestling feels they can benefit from Flair in a global aspect also. WWE is among the top kinds of amusement next to NBA. The Advantages of Wrestling Rollins on the opposite hand has really been clung to the notion of beefing with the significant Dog. The particular fan The New Day attracts is the sort of fan who would like to be the meme. Everything was booked perfectly and the stream of the show felt the same as a PPV. What Is So Fascinating About Wrestling? Not everybody can be their very own hype man. Factions and a good deal more six and eight man tags would help protect a great deal of their feuds for larger shows. Don't attempt to stay through your kid.
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infinitysayings · 6 years
Roman Reigns Quotes - American professional wrestler
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92+ Roman Reigns Quotes The Guy, Sayings, Dialogue and Slogans Believe that : We share best mind blowing quotes of All time on Youth, Family, Team, Community, Wrestling, Believe, Freedom Think, Love, Failure and Success by American professional wrestler Roman Reigns.
Roman Reigns
American professional wrestler Leati Joseph Anoaʻi is an American professional wrestler and a former professional gridiron football player. He is part of the Anoaʻi family and is currently signed to WWE, where he performs on the Raw brand under the ring name Roman Reigns. He is currently on hiatus due to an ongoing battle with leukemia. Born 25 May 1985 (age 33 years), Pensacola, Florida, United States Spouse  Galina Becker (m. 2014) Parents Sika Anoaʻi, Patricia A. Anoa'i
Roman Reigns Quotes List
Don't worry about the pressure or the responsibility. Just live in it, have fun, and when everything seems to be going right, just stay humble and remember your family. - Roman Reigns Don't worry about the pressure or the responsibility. Just live in it, have fun, and when everything seems to be going right, just stay humble and remember your family. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes As an adult, I've always tried to be a good person my whole life, so I've made good friends, and I've always built great relationships and been friendly with people. I always think what you do to others will come to you, so that's how I treat people. - Roman Reigns As an adult, I've always tried to be a good person my whole life, so I've made good friends, and I've always built great relationships and been friendly with people. I always think what you do to others will come to you, so that's how I treat people. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Don't focus on the negativity. Focus on the positivity and the people that want you to do well; then, do it for them and for yourself. Sometimes I do things for myself. Sometimes I do things for my family. Sometimes I do things for my friends. - Roman Reigns Don't focus on the negativity. Focus on the positivity and the people that want you to do well; then, do it for them and for yourself. Sometimes I do things for myself. Sometimes I do things for my family. Sometimes I do things for my friends. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I can only do my thing and do the best that I can. - Roman Reigns I can only do my thing and do the best that I can. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes There's always something that you can learn and something you can teach. - Roman Reigns There's always something that you can learn and something you can teach. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Everyone's a critic: when you are doing something good, everybody wants to bring you down, and that's something I've been told. People want to see you do good, but not too good. - Roman Reigns Everyone's a critic: when you are doing something good, everybody wants to bring you down, and that's something I've been told. People want to see you do good, but not too good. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I always think there's something you can learn. - Roman Reigns I always think there's something you can learn. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes If you have a good support system like your family and your friends around you, then you can't go wrong. So just believe in yourself, do you your thing, and stay strong in what you believe in. - Roman Reigns If you have a good support system like your family and your friends around you, then you can't go wrong. So just believe in yourself, do you your thing, and stay strong in what you believe in. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Personally, for my character, I started as the silent but deadly type. - Roman Reigns Personally, for my character, I started as the silent but deadly type. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes For anyone to say that WWE is fake or anything like that, no sir! It's very physical, and the injuries are real; the blood is real. - Roman Reigns For anyone to say that WWE is fake or anything like that, no sir! It's very physical, and the injuries are real; the blood is real. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I don't have anything to prove to anybody else other than myself and my supporters and my loved ones, so if my health is good, I'm going to go out there and kill it. - Roman Reigns I don't have anything to prove to anybody else other than myself and my supporters and my loved ones, so if my health is good, I'm going to go out there and kill it. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm doing pretty good for myself, and I'm very proud and very humbled at where I'm at, and I'm extremely blessed. - Roman Reigns I'm doing pretty good for myself, and I'm very proud and very humbled at where I'm at, and I'm extremely blessed. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes You can't socialise without being faceless idiots. More people have Facebook friends than actual friends these days. - Roman Reigns You can't socialise without being faceless idiots. More people have Facebook friends than actual friends these days. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes When it comes to representing the WWE, I don't like calling myself the 'face of WWE' because we have so many faces and so many superstars. We are a team, we're a roster, and we're a locker room. It absolutely takes every man to make this ship sail. - Roman Reigns When it comes to representing the WWE, I don't like calling myself the 'face of WWE' because we have so many faces and so many superstars. We are a team, we're a roster, and we're a locker room. It absolutely takes every man to make this ship sail. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm a workhorse. I'll take anything and everything I can get, and I'll do it with a smile on my face. - Roman Reigns I'm a workhorse. I'll take anything and everything I can get, and I'll do it with a smile on my face. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Just getting from the airport straight to the gym is gonna be your best bet to knock off that rust and wake yourself up and get that blood flowing. You sit in a car or a plane cramped up, you lose a lot of blood flow and get that swelling in your legs. There are all kinds of dangers in sitting still too long. - Roman Reigns Just getting from the airport straight to the gym is gonna be your best bet to knock off that rust and wake yourself up and get that blood flowing. You sit in a car or a plane cramped up, you lose a lot of blood flow and get that swelling in your legs. There are all kinds of dangers in sitting still too long. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes There's no way Daniel Bryan can beat me in a Royal Rumble match. It's ridiculous. He's nowhere near as heavy as me; he doesn't have a fraction of the strength I have. There are a lot of ways that Daniel Bryan can possibly beat me. - Roman Reigns There's no way Daniel Bryan can beat me in a Royal Rumble match. It's ridiculous. He's nowhere near as heavy as me; he doesn't have a fraction of the strength I have. There are a lot of ways that Daniel Bryan can possibly beat me. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes If it wasn't for women, I wouldn't be here. I'm a mamma's boy at heart. I love my mom. I have the deepest, utmost respect for women. - Roman Reigns If it wasn't for women, I wouldn't be here. I'm a mamma's boy at heart. I love my mom. I have the deepest, utmost respect for women. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I like CrossFit. I agree with a lot of their coaching tips and the foundation of functional movements and hard work. They embody all that stuff. But I also think there's a bit of a cult following within the CrossFit community, a bit of a fraternity, which obviously creates a bias and a little bit of a tunnel vision. - Roman Reigns I like CrossFit. I agree with a lot of their coaching tips and the foundation of functional movements and hard work. They embody all that stuff. But I also think there's a bit of a cult following within the CrossFit community, a bit of a fraternity, which obviously creates a bias and a little bit of a tunnel vision. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I enjoy being a singles guy. I enjoy commanding the stage with myself and an opponent. It's a different process when you're teammates. Especially with the way we work. We're very unselfish with how we work together in so many different regards. Not just what you see as the final product of the match. Just strategizing, psychology, teamwork. - Roman Reigns I enjoy being a singles guy. I enjoy commanding the stage with myself and an opponent. It's a different process when you're teammates. Especially with the way we work. We're very unselfish with how we work together in so many different regards. Not just what you see as the final product of the match. Just strategizing, psychology, teamwork. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes That's the real work, being away from my loved ones, my family, my household. There's nothing that's hurt any more than being away from my little girl and missing days, but I'm lucky. - Roman Reigns That's the real work, being away from my loved ones, my family, my household. There's nothing that's hurt any more than being away from my little girl and missing days, but I'm lucky. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Being a WWE performer and doing all the different things we get to do, it can wear on you, and you can learn a lot of stuff about yourself. For me, it always reminds me to just stay humble. Just be yourself, love what you do, and enjoy the ride. - Roman Reigns Being a WWE performer and doing all the different things we get to do, it can wear on you, and you can learn a lot of stuff about yourself. For me, it always reminds me to just stay humble. Just be yourself, love what you do, and enjoy the ride. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes The majority of the time... the people that are critiquing and bashing me, they're making me more relevant, I would think. If you didn't want me around, then just don't talk about me, and try and make it silent out there. - Roman Reigns The majority of the time... the people that are critiquing and bashing me, they're making me more relevant, I would think. If you didn't want me around, then just don't talk about me, and try and make it silent out there. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Everything about me is favored towards wrestling. - Roman Reigns Everything about me is favored towards wrestling. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I think all The Shield boys will tell you we hold The Shield very dear to our hearts. That was our vehicle to where we are now, and to get out of developmental and out of that hot Tampa warehouse. - Roman Reigns I think all The Shield boys will tell you we hold The Shield very dear to our hearts. That was our vehicle to where we are now, and to get out of developmental and out of that hot Tampa warehouse. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes You can type things on the Internet. You can have no credentials in any area and just get on your smart phone and write whatever you want. - Roman Reigns You can type things on the Internet. You can have no credentials in any area and just get on your smart phone and write whatever you want. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes When I came into this business, there was a bar set for me. My goal is to push it as high as I can to make my family's legacy even stronger. To add to the history that's already been created. So for me, it's a huge challenge that I'm willing to fight for every single day. - Roman Reigns When I came into this business, there was a bar set for me. My goal is to push it as high as I can to make my family's legacy even stronger. To add to the history that's already been created. So for me, it's a huge challenge that I'm willing to fight for every single day. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I expect The Rock would want to keep his pretty face intact for Hollywood. He better stay away from me in the ring. But honestly, anybody who wants to get into the ring with me and take the world title, just try! - Roman Reigns I expect The Rock would want to keep his pretty face intact for Hollywood. He better stay away from me in the ring. But honestly, anybody who wants to get into the ring with me and take the world title, just try! - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Advice from my experience, for me, I've never taken no as an answer, I don't believe in that. If I want something, I'm going to get it. When people tell me that I can't do something, it just motivates me more. For me, it makes me smile, because I just want to prove everybody wrong. - Roman Reigns Advice from my experience, for me, I've never taken no as an answer, I don't believe in that. If I want something, I'm going to get it. When people tell me that I can't do something, it just motivates me more. For me, it makes me smile, because I just want to prove everybody wrong. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes People call us heroes, but we are nothing compared to our police force and fire fighters and everybody who protects us and makes sure our freedom is held to the highest standard. - Roman Reigns People call us heroes, but we are nothing compared to our police force and fire fighters and everybody who protects us and makes sure our freedom is held to the highest standard. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Most of my hobbies involve athletics and outdoor activities. I'm willing to learn about anything and converse and pick people's brains, and I ask people to do the same. I'm into learning anything new and trying new stuff. - Roman Reigns Most of my hobbies involve athletics and outdoor activities. I'm willing to learn about anything and converse and pick people's brains, and I ask people to do the same. I'm into learning anything new and trying new stuff. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes If there's one thing I've shown, I'm not scared of physicality. I'm not scared to take some of my own blood. I play hurt; I play injured. - Roman Reigns If there's one thing I've shown, I'm not scared of physicality. I'm not scared to take some of my own blood. I play hurt; I play injured. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes It's always good to see the world; always good to see new places. When I'm sitting at home, one of the great things is when my daughter and I watch TV, and when she sees or hears about a place for the first time, I tell her, 'Daddy's been there!' - Roman Reigns It's always good to see the world; always good to see new places. When I'm sitting at home, one of the great things is when my daughter and I watch TV, and when she sees or hears about a place for the first time, I tell her, 'Daddy's been there!' - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I can't say I'm a full-on gamer, since, basically, I just don't have time for it. I know nowadays, gaming can be a lot like social media. People just stay on it all day long. Like they're logged into the Matrix. But yeah, I enjoy it. When I get the time. - Roman Reigns I can't say I'm a full-on gamer, since, basically, I just don't have time for it. I know nowadays, gaming can be a lot like social media. People just stay on it all day long. Like they're logged into the Matrix. But yeah, I enjoy it. When I get the time. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Everyone's been through hell to get where they are, and I'm not gonna let anybody talk down on what I've done just cause I didn't do what Daniel Bryan or your other favorite wrestlers did. Don't mean I didn't earn my spot. - Roman Reigns Everyone's been through hell to get where they are, and I'm not gonna let anybody talk down on what I've done just cause I didn't do what Daniel Bryan or your other favorite wrestlers did. Don't mean I didn't earn my spot. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes It's always been my expectation to be the top guy, the face of the company, the one with all of that responsibility. But that should be everybody's goal. I didn't get into this to just be in the middle of the pack. If you want to do that, go work in a different line of work. This isn't the place to camouflage yourself. - Roman Reigns It's always been my expectation to be the top guy, the face of the company, the one with all of that responsibility. But that should be everybody's goal. I didn't get into this to just be in the middle of the pack. If you want to do that, go work in a different line of work. This isn't the place to camouflage yourself. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes My process is walking down to the locker room, laying everything out to how I like it. I'm very particular about setting up my bags and my dressing situation. I love to pull out that portable speaker and blare music even if nobody else likes it. To me, its just keeping everything the same every single night. - Roman Reigns It's always been my expectation to be the top guy, the face of the company, the one with all of that responsibility. But that should be everybody's goal. I didn't get into this to just be in the middle of the pack. If you want to do that, go work in a different line of work. This isn't the place to camouflage yourself. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I used to be a lot better looking before I joined WWE. Whatever happens in the ring is real, and for anyone to think any differently would be a big mistake. - Roman Reigns I used to be a lot better looking before I joined WWE. Whatever happens in the ring is real, and for anyone to think any differently would be a big mistake. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes If I can stay healthy, then I can wrestle every single week. I want to make every single town that I can, see the whole world, feel every crowd in every arena, and pull those emotional strings. I can't explain what it feels like to be in the center stage connecting with thousands of people, but I'm having the best time doing it. - Roman Reigns If I can stay healthy, then I can wrestle every single week. I want to make every single town that I can, see the whole world, feel every crowd in every arena, and pull those emotional strings. I can't explain what it feels like to be in the center stage connecting with thousands of people, but I'm having the best time doing it. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I don't care to read about anybody's Twitter. I don't care what you're eating for breakfast or where you just went. For me, it's mainly just to connect with my supporters and the people who are showing a mad amount of love. - Roman Reigns I don't care to read about anybody's Twitter. I don't care what you're eating for breakfast or where you just went. For me, it's mainly just to connect with my supporters and the people who are showing a mad amount of love. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm not the only guy who doesn't have an independent wrestling background. You know, I have a football background, but I also have a wrestling one. - Roman Reigns I'm not the only guy who doesn't have an independent wrestling background. You know, I have a football background, but I also have a wrestling one. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Growing up, I've had plenty of obstacles, but to be honest, I didn't always have doubters. I was a standout athlete, so when that happens, you don't have too many people telling you 'You can't do this,' and 'You can't do that.' I've always been a bit of a people person and a hard worker. - Roman Reigns Growing up, I've had plenty of obstacles, but to be honest, I didn't always have doubters. I was a standout athlete, so when that happens, you don't have too many people telling you 'You can't do this,' and 'You can't do that.' I've always been a bit of a people person and a hard worker. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes We always had so many kids in our family, running around the yard, sweaty little kids jumping in and out of the pool, the front door and back doors swinging open and shut, all of the parents getting pissed off telling us to stay outside. - Roman Reigns We always had so many kids in our family, running around the yard, sweaty little kids jumping in and out of the pool, the front door and back doors swinging open and shut, all of the parents getting pissed off telling us to stay outside. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes To be honest, the cool thing about Cena is he's just in his gear all the time. He doesn't have to get dressed. He comes off his bus, and he's it. All he has to do is pull up his kneepads. You know who is kind of a new Cena is Ambrose. Ambrose can show up in his gear like he just changes his boots. - Roman Reigns To be honest, the cool thing about Cena is he's just in his gear all the time. He doesn't have to get dressed. He comes off his bus, and he's it. All he has to do is pull up his kneepads. You know who is kind of a new Cena is Ambrose. Ambrose can show up in his gear like he just changes his boots. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes You never know what's going to happen with this crazy world of sports entertainment, so I would never rule out the fact that Rock wants to come home. - Roman Reigns You never know what's going to happen with this crazy world of sports entertainment, so I would never rule out the fact that Rock wants to come home. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Sometimes, as a former football player, we have to go into that away game and silence the crowd. And just let them know I am the man. I'm going to be here for a long time. - Roman Reigns Sometimes, as a former football player, we have to go into that away game and silence the crowd. And just let them know I am the man. I'm going to be here for a long time. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes At the end of the day, all I can be is me. I'm not John Cena. In my 30 years, I've never been John Cena. I don't even think about becoming him. I just want to be - I want to be Roman Reigns. I want to do things my way. I think that's why I'm in the deep water with Vince McMahon and 'The Authority'. - Roman Reigns At the end of the day, all I can be is me. I'm not John Cena. In my 30 years, I've never been John Cena. I don't even think about becoming him. I just want to be - I want to be Roman Reigns. I want to do things my way. I think that's why I'm in the deep water with Vince McMahon and 'The Authority'. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm from a wrestling family, a wrestling dynasty. And as biased as that may be, I firmly believe I am from the greatest wrestling family of all time. - Roman Reigns I'm from a wrestling family, a wrestling dynasty. And as biased as that may be, I firmly believe I am from the greatest wrestling family of all time. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes The crowd is the crowd. You're gonna take them as an individual performer how you take them. The key is how do you learn from them. How do you use whatever is happening reaction-wise to get better. - Roman Reigns The crowd is the crowd. You're gonna take them as an individual performer how you take them. The key is how do you learn from them. How do you use whatever is happening reaction-wise to get better. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes For the most part, I don't care what Dolph Ziggler is doing or that Seth Rollins worked out. I don't wanna watch a video of Cena power cleaning. - Roman Reigns For the most part, I don't care what Dolph Ziggler is doing or that Seth Rollins worked out. I don't wanna watch a video of Cena power cleaning. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Anytime you're out there in between those ropes, you always have to worry about fatigue. If you think about it, people get tired just doing cardio. You get tired doing cardio just by yourself. Now imagine running around, picking somebody up, picking you up, trying to pin you, trying to hold you down. It gets very tiring. - Roman Reigns Anytime you're out there in between those ropes, you always have to worry about fatigue. If you think about it, people get tired just doing cardio. You get tired doing cardio just by yourself. Now imagine running around, picking somebody up, picking you up, trying to pin you, trying to hold you down. It gets very tiring. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes It was an absolute pleasure just to be able to tell my grandkids, 'Yep. I Superman-punched Vince McMahon right in the face twice.' You can put that on my mantle. - Roman Reigns It was an absolute pleasure just to be able to tell my grandkids, 'Yep. I Superman-punched Vince McMahon right in the face twice.' You can put that on my mantle. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I don't think anybody else could have gone out there with Brock Lesnar and do what I did. I stand by that, and I'm proud of it. My father and my mother were in the front row watching, and they got to see their son go toe-to-toe with Brock Lesnar. Not many people can say that. - Roman Reigns I don't think anybody else could have gone out there with Brock Lesnar and do what I did. I stand by that, and I'm proud of it. My father and my mother were in the front row watching, and they got to see their son go toe-to-toe with Brock Lesnar. Not many people can say that. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes That's just what I want to do: Create a path that's unknown. It's hard in this business and this world we live in to trail-blaze. To create something different and do your own thing is hard nowadays. That's what I want to do. I want to take these matches to a whole new level and break that bar. - Roman Reigns That's just what I want to do: Create a path that's unknown. It's hard in this business and this world we live in to trail-blaze. To create something different and do your own thing is hard nowadays. That's what I want to do. I want to take these matches to a whole new level and break that bar. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes There's so many great matches that you can think of. I could fantasy book all kinds of stuff, you know, fight a few family members. If we could have Umaga back, I would love to wrestle him in any arena in any town just because of how good he was. - Roman Reigns There's so many great matches that you can think of. I could fantasy book all kinds of stuff, you know, fight a few family members. If we could have Umaga back, I would love to wrestle him in any arena in any town just because of how good he was. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes This whole wrestling world is a different breed, there's no doubt. - Roman Reigns This whole wrestling world is a different breed, there's no doubt. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes If you're a Daniel Bryan fan, I'm all for that. The more people Daniel Bryan will bring into arenas, the better. The more people I bring in, the better. But when I'm talkin', shut the hell up and let me talk. - Roman Reigns If you're a Daniel Bryan fan, I'm all for that. The more people Daniel Bryan will bring into arenas, the better. The more people I bring in, the better. But when I'm talkin', shut the hell up and let me talk. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes There is always the underground rapper people enjoy, and you want to see him come up. That's kind of how it is in wrestling. - Roman Reigns There is always the underground rapper people enjoy, and you want to see him come up. That's kind of how it is in wrestling. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes 'WrestleMania' was the best day of my life, the greatest opportunity I've ever been afforded, but at the same time, no one wants to lose the main event for the WWE world heavyweight championship. - Roman Reigns 'WrestleMania' was the best day of my life, the greatest opportunity I've ever been afforded, but at the same time, no one wants to lose the main event for the WWE world heavyweight championship. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes The majority of critics, I would say, are people who have no clue what they're talking about and have never been in a wrestling ring. They've never been a public speaker. They wouldn't even know how to lock up with me if I allowed them to. - Roman Reigns The majority of critics, I would say, are people who have no clue what they're talking about and have never been in a wrestling ring. They've never been a public speaker. They wouldn't even know how to lock up with me if I allowed them to. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes The fans have to realize that as opinionated as y'all are in the way you want it, the company is the same way, and they're gonna do what they wanna do... at the end of the day, I'm just a guy getting rich. - Roman Reigns The fans have to realize that as opinionated as y'all are in the way you want it, the company is the same way, and they're gonna do what they wanna do... at the end of the day, I'm just a guy getting rich. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes If I'm with my dad, yeah, he's going to talk a good bit about the business. He just kind of mentors me and tells me what he's thinking about my stuff. - Roman Reigns If I'm with my dad, yeah, he's going to talk a good bit about the business. He just kind of mentors me and tells me what he's thinking about my stuff. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Once I got a bit older, and we could see there could be a future in football, it was everyone's blessing to chase that dream. And it did me a lot of good: It put me through college, it gave me an education, it got me a little taste of pro ball and a lot of good memories. I don't regret any of it. - Roman Reigns Once I got a bit older, and we could see there could be a future in football, it was everyone's blessing to chase that dream. And it did me a lot of good: It put me through college, it gave me an education, it got me a little taste of pro ball and a lot of good memories. I don't regret any of it. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I try to live in the moment. When you're in a singles match, you're in there, and the guy's on top of you, and you're in a hold, and you're being smothered: You're in the fight at all times. But when we're doing these team fights, you have a little time to take in the moment and just absorb the energy of the crowd. - Roman Reigns I try to live in the moment. When you're in a singles match, you're in there, and the guy's on top of you, and you're in a hold, and you're being smothered: You're in the fight at all times. But when we're doing these team fights, you have a little time to take in the moment and just absorb the energy of the crowd. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm not a crazy Twitter guy to where I'm tweeting out stuff every day, and rarely even once a week do I tweet. But I mean, occasionally, I read some stuff. - Roman Reigns I'm not a crazy Twitter guy to where I'm tweeting out stuff every day, and rarely even once a week do I tweet. But I mean, occasionally, I read some stuff. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Every wrestler I've ever had critique me, they were always into my stuff or what I'm doing out there. For a non-wrestler, someone who doesn't even know how to lock up, and if we did lock up, they wouldn't know what to do, for them to critique any of us, it really does pop me. - Roman Reigns Every wrestler I've ever had critique me, they were always into my stuff or what I'm doing out there. For a non-wrestler, someone who doesn't even know how to lock up, and if we did lock up, they wouldn't know what to do, for them to critique any of us, it really does pop me. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes When I had my tryout, just from two days being in the ring, learning to bump, hit the ropes, and things like that, I came home, and my back was just one huge bruise. - Roman Reigns When I had my tryout, just from two days being in the ring, learning to bump, hit the ropes, and things like that, I came home, and my back was just one huge bruise. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I've loved to be a part of anything, having an opportunity to entertain, to be a part of a film, or just continue to do what I'm doing, I'm so happy, so just making town after town, doing my thing, but if I have that opportunity to star in a film or be an extra, I don't care; its all a learning experience for me. - Roman Reigns I've loved to be a part of anything, having an opportunity to entertain, to be a part of a film, or just continue to do what I'm doing, I'm so happy, so just making town after town, doing my thing, but if I have that opportunity to star in a film or be an extra, I don't care; its all a learning experience for me. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I've got a couple of grays in my beard and maybe a little salt and pepper in my hair. If I let my hair down and go through it, you'd see a good bit of grays. Maybe from the stress of the road and the crazy business I'm in. - Roman Reigns I've got a couple of grays in my beard and maybe a little salt and pepper in my hair. If I let my hair down and go through it, you'd see a good bit of grays. Maybe from the stress of the road and the crazy business I'm in. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes My father and a bunch of my cousins and uncles, they didn't have the opportunity to use FaceTime or Skype, all these different technologies and advancements that we have. - Roman Reigns My father and a bunch of my cousins and uncles, they didn't have the opportunity to use FaceTime or Skype, all these different technologies and advancements that we have. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm a family man. I have a daughter and a wife, and I spend more time on the road with my wrestling family than I do with my actual household and my immediate family. - Roman Reigns I'm a family man. I have a daughter and a wife, and I spend more time on the road with my wrestling family than I do with my actual household and my immediate family. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Paul Heyman has known my family from before I was even born. He's seen me as a little guy, he's seen me as a medium guy, and now he's seen me full-grown and competing on the same level. - Roman Reigns Paul Heyman has known my family from before I was even born. He's seen me as a little guy, he's seen me as a medium guy, and now he's seen me full-grown and competing on the same level. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I've been in the ring with so many guys, and I've been in the ring quite a bit with Randy. The WWE live events are... a little bit different from what you see on TV. It seems to flow better; more matches, longer wrestling. - Roman Reigns I've been in the ring with so many guys, and I've been in the ring quite a bit with Randy. The WWE live events are... a little bit different from what you see on TV. It seems to flow better; more matches, longer wrestling. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I wash it a couple times a week, but pretty much every night, I put in some leave-in conditioner. I want to say it's like a Moroccan-type, argan oil conditioner of some sort. I don't know; I just use it. I don't really know the details on it. - Roman Reigns I wash it a couple times a week, but pretty much every night, I put in some leave-in conditioner. I want to say it's like a Moroccan-type, argan oil conditioner of some sort. I don't know; I just use it. I don't really know the details on it. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm wrestling almost every single day of the week. I'm fighting for so much more. I'm trying to capture a life here, a future. I'm trying to put my kid in college. There are so many things I'm doing. I'm representing the biggest wrestling family on earth. - Roman Reigns I'm wrestling almost every single day of the week. I'm fighting for so much more. I'm trying to capture a life here, a future. I'm trying to put my kid in college. There are so many things I'm doing. I'm representing the biggest wrestling family on earth. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes This is the deal: You win the Royal Rumble match, you go to main event WrestleMania. That's the process. - Roman Reigns This is the deal: You win the Royal Rumble match, you go to main event WrestleMania. That's the process. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes It takes a very tough man to play defensive line at any level of football, but to be able to do it on a Division 1 level, or a professional level, it takes that intensity, that aggression, and you have to be tough. - Roman Reigns It takes a very tough man to play defensive line at any level of football, but to be able to do it on a Division 1 level, or a professional level, it takes that intensity, that aggression, and you have to be tough. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I'm a character and a sports entertainer and a wrestler, but I'm also a father and a husband and a provider. - Roman Reigns I'm a character and a sports entertainer and a wrestler, but I'm also a father and a husband and a provider. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes 'Answer The Call' - we're trying to support the real heroes of our world, the people who protect us and afford us freedom and give us that peace of mind. - Roman Reigns 'Answer The Call' - we're trying to support the real heroes of our world, the people who protect us and afford us freedom and give us that peace of mind. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes You can either go down the stage like everybody else, or you can go through the crowd like Roman Reigns. I'd take going through the crowd, the WWE Universe, every day of the week. - Roman Reigns You can either go down the stage like everybody else, or you can go through the crowd like Roman Reigns. I'd take going through the crowd, the WWE Universe, every day of the week. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I love doing a lot of cardio. It's not so much for the way I look. It's for how I perform. If I get in the ring with a 215-pounder, I wanna be able to keep up with him agility-wise. I take that back to my football days of being a large athlete that could move. - Roman Reigns I love doing a lot of cardio. It's not so much for the way I look. It's for how I perform. If I get in the ring with a 215-pounder, I wanna be able to keep up with him agility-wise. I take that back to my football days of being a large athlete that could move. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes The Tae-Bo guy has a good body on him. I believe in evolution as far as lifting and training and building muscle. I was doing functional movement before CrossFit was ever a thing. I was playing football, doing platform lifts, all kinds of wacky kettle-bell stuff before kettle bells were kettle bells. - Roman Reigns The Tae-Bo guy has a good body on him. I believe in evolution as far as lifting and training and building muscle. I was doing functional movement before CrossFit was ever a thing. I was playing football, doing platform lifts, all kinds of wacky kettle-bell stuff before kettle bells were kettle bells. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes A lot of people tune in to 'Monday Night Raw,' and they can hear these boos or these mixed reactions, but they're not there for our Friday live event show, our Saturday show, our Sunday show. I get to experience a lot of very supportive nights where everybody is on my side. - Roman Reigns A lot of people tune in to 'Monday Night Raw,' and they can hear these boos or these mixed reactions, but they're not there for our Friday live event show, our Saturday show, our Sunday show. I get to experience a lot of very supportive nights where everybody is on my side. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Before you know it, I'm not going to be able to tie these boots up and do what I do in the ring for my whole life. We're all getting older, so I'm trying to live in the moment and enjoy everything that's being thrown at me. - Roman Reigns Before you know it, I'm not going to be able to tie these boots up and do what I do in the ring for my whole life. We're all getting older, so I'm trying to live in the moment and enjoy everything that's being thrown at me. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Just being involved in WrestleMania is a dream. - Roman Reigns Just being involved in WrestleMania is a dream. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I get to partner up with all different types of opportunities. - Roman Reigns I get to partner up with all different types of opportunities. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes As far as match-ups are concerned, I feel pretty good about matching up with anybody. I'm sort of a hybrid wrestler. I'm extremely explosive; I'm a good athlete. I can move around. - Roman Reigns s far as match-ups are concerned, I feel pretty good about matching up with anybody. I'm sort of a hybrid wrestler. I'm extremely explosive; I'm a good athlete. I can move around. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Up until 'WWE 2K15' came out, I was primarily a 'Call of Duty' guy. So a lot of 'Call of Duty'and also a little bit of 'Destiny' as well. But I've always been a big fan of the COD franchise. - Roman Reigns Up until 'WWE 2K15' came out, I was primarily a 'Call of Duty' guy. So a lot of 'Call of Duty'and also a little bit of 'Destiny' as well. But I've always been a big fan of the COD franchise. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Going from The Shield to singles competition, it wasn't a really big transition for me. Before we were The Shield, we were all singles wrestlers. And we were wrestling a bunch of guys all the time down in developmental. - Roman Reigns Going from The Shield to singles competition, it wasn't a really big transition for me. Before we were The Shield, we were all singles wrestlers. And we were wrestling a bunch of guys all the time down in developmental. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Daniel Bryan, as a person, I think he is a good guy; I don't know him on a personal note well enough to say anything bad about him. As a competitor, he is a die-hard competitor. He is going to bring everything into this match that he can. - Roman Reigns Daniel Bryan, as a person, I think he is a good guy; I don't know him on a personal note well enough to say anything bad about him. As a competitor, he is a die-hard competitor. He is going to bring everything into this match that he can. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes No one wants to be picked at. At the end of the day, we're all human beings with feelings and emotions. Nobody wants to be critiqued and picked apart, but it's the nature of the business. It comes with the territory. For me, if they're not talking about you, that's where you can run into some trouble. - Roman Reigns No one wants to be picked at. At the end of the day, we're all human beings with feelings and emotions. Nobody wants to be critiqued and picked apart, but it's the nature of the business. It comes with the territory. For me, if they're not talking about you, that's where you can run into some trouble. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes I have a really strong opponent in Randy Orton. A former multi-time world champion. He's held just about every title under the sun. And he's done it all in a major way. He's basically wreaked havoc and ran roughshod over the WWE for quite some time. Some people might forget that. - Roman Reigns I have a really strong opponent in Randy Orton. A former multi-time world champion. He's held just about every title under the sun. And he's done it all in a major way. He's basically wreaked havoc and ran roughshod over the WWE for quite some time. Some people might forget that. - Roman Reigns Roman Reigns Quotes Read the full article
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