#Obviously I'm not forcing anyone
ranminfan · 8 months
Gee it sure would be swell if some kind hearted souls would commission an artist such as I so that I'm able to purchase various novels that one might read...
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"god I hate people who draw falsettos marvin this way" "fuck people who draw whizzer like that'"
...guys, do you know what an art style is???? cuz', this seems pointed. I see what you mean. I completely agree.
But hear me out. Along with these posts, could we consider? Maybe? Some constructive criticism? People should draw them more accurate.
But how should they do it? Realism art? It's a foreign concept to me. I try and it absolutely fucking sucks and i'd love to be a part of this fandom showing that the characters are real people but
It's kind of
Very "do this. No other explanation. Change it."
Look, I really want to. And I am trying. But could we like, make a space for teaching people? Cuz I am stumped dude like fr. Need some guidance.
sincerely, a tired lesbian who is infinitely more tired of seeing this everywhere. thanks
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commanderclausy · 2 years
Hey, new users!
Since the porn bots have returned, it's now more important than ever to make your blogs look less suspicious! @strange-aeons has made a really useful and pretty damn accurate guide to blogging on tumblr, I highly recommend you give it a watch.
If you aren't willing to sit through a video that's 30+ minutes, the key things really are
Change your blog from the default avatar/banner.
Please don't use pictures of yourself as an avatar! A lot of bots attempting to look like real people use photos of real people. Other users will generally assume you are a bot and will block you on sight.
I don't make a lot of personal posts these days but thought it was worth speaking up and maybe helping some people out!
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clownpink · 3 days
i still can't get my partner to understand and respect my stone identity and i'm feeling hopeless ;-;
i've tried comparing it to an orientation, and i've tried explaining it as a boundary, but he still seems to see it as a selfish choice i'm making to manipulate people or something
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chibifox2002 · 1 year
Connie After Dark Matter Possession
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Or in other words, DM a bitch
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Been doing some more thinking about the names I wanna go by. . . I still inwardly go "!!!" everytime I actually get addressed as Lucia, and thinking about myself with that name also makes me feel. . . idk, good in a way that I can't really describe right now. So I think I made the right choice by picking that name for myself. But at the same time, even while I feel like I'm sauntering vaguely womanwards here, the name Cal still doesn't really feel wrong for me? I still like it, even if it doesn't make me feel like the new one does, which I guess can partially be chalked up to the new one being. . . well, new. At any rate, I think that no matter what I realize about myself, or what my view of myself ends up being, I will probably stick with both names.
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eff-plays · 3 months
I love hearing your takes on Astarion and the Tav's who are romancing him, it makes me feel less like a jerk for being annoyed by all the same things.
Glad to hear it!! I do sometimes feel like a jerk when I make those posts because at the end of the day, people who write bland OOC fanfic aren't hurting anyone.
But I also think that I'm not really hurting anyone by talking about the stuff I dislike, either. If someone is hurt by me dunking on a trope they like/have written, that's not my problem lol. Like I'm not talking directly to them or saying they can't write or enjoy it, I'm just expressing my own opinion on a general trend.
I just can't comprehend how my enjoyment of creating something would be hurt by some anonymous rando saying they don't like similar aspects of it, so whenever people do get upset it's like ... Okay? Did you need my permission to create? Do you need to believe everything you make will be for everyone forever? To me it's like ... keep scrolling, ya know? Block me if you want, it's whatevs.
It's fine to have opinions and dislike things. As long as you're not a dick directly to the people who make the things you dislike and write them hatemail or mean comments/reblogs, who give a shit, ya know?
So like ... I think even if we are jerks, it's like ... fine? It's fine to dislike things and to express your dislike of those things. Especially when it comes to general popular trends in fandom and media. Especially on your own blog and when it's not directly aimed at any particular person.
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sezja · 3 months
Content warning for she/her Feo Ul, but like, bear with me and take me on good faith here-
My own gender pings closer to she/her agender with every passing day, and I liked seeing that represented in Feo Ul when ShB first dropped - all of the other fae are expressly they/them and the world seems to understand that, so it made Feo Ul being she/her feel like a conscious choice on her behalf. The Exarch has no excuse not to know the fae, pixies included, use they/them pronouns; that he introduced Feo Ul with she/her pronouns instead felt like something specific and unique.
And I think that makes sense!
I think Feo Ul has spent time among mortals - she's curious, she's invested, she's observant - and I think it makes sense for her to decide "I like these pronouns! I want them for my own!" It feels like a nod to her interest in mortals and their habits. She may not fully understand what pronouns are or what they indicate; certainly I'm not sure pixies care about the fucking gender binary (which is to say, not she/her in the sense that she identifies as a woman, not at all, but she/her in the sense that those are the sounds Feo Ul decided she liked).
Obviously it doesn't keep her from being King.
And, again, it was close to my own tentative gender identity, so it was nice to see it, especially in such a vibrant character, one I loved a lot immediately. It stung a little to see it retconned in the patches, and obviously for my own purposes I ignore it.
Like, I don't think anyone who knows me at all assumes I have any issue with they/them pronouns or nonbinary identities. Most of my friends are they/them at this point. My primary WoL (Darcy) is they/them. This isn't an issue with not respecting they/them identities or trans identities on the whole. The other pixies and fae folk (original Titania included) are emphatically they/them, but I do like my interpretation of she/her Feo Ul and I stand by it.
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birindale · 2 years
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Another journey into Justine Dantzer’s portfolio, this time visiting the prelims of Bow & Kowl, both of whom she named and created!
Kowl of course is a koala-owl hybrid, though in Filmation’s first takes on the character he actually had butterfly wings, presumably to play up his cuteness.
Bow is already sporting his key features--the trick arrows, the removable breastplate, the heart--but what really interested me was that his left hand isn’t simply some archery-inspired asymmetry: It’s a prosthetic!
And, fair warning, this next part is going to be pretty heavy, emotionally (like, abuse cw heavy), but Justine Dantzer had some Shit to say about this design in particular:
I was a little girl in Toledo, Ohio, and I was severely abused. I had a mother who tried to kill me twice. [...] And so as a kid then, what do I do? I read comics. [...] I was trying to understand what was happening in my life. And I wanted a hero. And I didn’t have one.
And uh, Bow has a heart, because my dad couldn’t own his. He never, ever stopped my mother, not once. And Bow is wounded with his hand, because my father never lifted a finger.
Bow’s defining characteristics are his compassion, his altruistic nature, and his kickass archery skills. He was designed to be the kind of person a little girl could look to for help and support, not as a savior but as an advocate. Honest, dependable, dashing--he was the only male character in the line (not counting horses) bc you just can’t top this. and also probably bc the Boys Department insisted on handling the male characters but fine, Bow is the best
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
waaa THANK YOU!!! but it's a curse don't get too happy for me yet HHH xD i can't do anything BUT draw JGAJGJSG life is so hard when you can only be good at one thing LMAO
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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oh god
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tafadhali · 1 year
Reading the 300-page document about how police neglected and undermined the investigation into my uncle’s death at every turn, including sabotaging the investigation of every similar cold case in order to “not let [my family] win,” is threatening to send me into a black hole of anger, so I’m just really letting myself enjoy the schadenfreude of seeing all the gossipy little text messages they sent about it plastered all over the press
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
while we're on the topic of lore
i'm going to sit everyone down and make you all read about chongyun. i will read you storybooks, give you an outline, find comics.
you will embrace the yunyun agenda. come love him too pspspsps.
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coralillough · 1 year
Unfortunately my degree does not help me comprehend why anyone can get off to depictions of rape
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purpleandstarlight · 10 months
Me, writing: So how many fluff-induced cavities do we wanna give the readers?
My brain: Yes :)
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lily-blade · 2 years
Hmm. I kinda wanna make a Discord server and invite all my friends... But after how my last Discord server turned out, I’m not so sure it’s a good idea...
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