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lonestarflight · 11 months ago
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STS-45 Atlantis Launch
"With its twin solid rocket boosters and three main engines churning at seven million pounds of thrust, the Space Shuttle Atlantis thunders skyward from Launch Pad 39A. Liftoff of Mission STS-45 occurred at 8:13:40 a.m. EST, March 24, 1992. On board for the 46th Shuttle flight are a crew of seven and the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science-1 (ATLAS-1). The launch is the second in 1992 for the Shuttle program and Atlantis' 11th flight."
Date: March 24, 1992
NASA ID: 92PC-0644
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nocternalrandomness · 9 months ago
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Towing Atlantis at Edwards AFB
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ages-and-pages · 2 months ago
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OV-104 Atlantis
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lonestarflight · 2 years ago
Date: July 31, 1992 – August 8, 1992
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Concept art for the Tethered Satellite System, first deployed from Atlantis on STS-46.
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ashblooddragons · 2 months ago
Tides Of Love (Prolouge/?)
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Laenas pov
I lean against a tree covering my eyes as Ali and Nyra hide. I feel the bark against the back of my hands. It smells fragrant and sweet.  
“One, Two, Three, Four, Five…what comes after five?”
“SIX!” Ali yells from her hiding spot. 
“Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten! Ready or not, here I come!” I call out as I run through the gardens leaning in the first bush I can find. 
No one there. I think before looking around until I hear giggles from behind me. I run over and find Nyra crouched down behind an apple tree. 
“Found you!” I call out before tapping her shoulder.
“Ah man! But I had a great spot!” She exclaims with a stomp of her foot. 
“You did, but your giggles gave it away.” I say holding her hand as we start searching for Ali.
“Ali is always so good at hiding!” Nyra pouts as she looks in another bush only to find Ali isn't there.
“It's because she's older, maybe when we turn five we'll be better too.” I say looking forward to my nameday in two moons.
“Maybe.” Nyra says still pouting as she looks around trying to catch anything. 
I move towards the pond and see a head peaking out behind a tree only to quickly hide again. I know instantly who it is and run ove to then as fast as I can. 
“Found you!” I call out tapping Ali's shoulder.
“If I didn't poke my head out I would've won.” Ali pouts as me and her walk back over to a cheering Nyra.
“Alright I got Found first which means I'm the seeker! You got ten seconds!” Nyra says before running to the tree I counted at.
Ali blots off towards a bush leaving me alone to try and search for a spot. I start running looking back every now and then to see if Nyra has finished yet. 
On one of these quick checks I run into something landing on my bottom hand. Tears come to my eyes as I look at my tore stockings.
“No need to cry, Little Velaryon.” I hear a man say. 
When I finally look up I see the most handsome man I've ever seen. Way more handsome than Papa, and Mama says he's the most handsome man ever. 
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he wipes my tears and holds my face in his rough hands. 
“There you go, a pretty girl with no more tears.” He says as I reach up to touch his hands.
“Who are you?” I ask as I take in his long white hair, purple eyes, and handsome face. 
He chuckles before saying. “Daemon, Prince Daemon of House Targaryen.” He says before standing and lifting me up into my arms bringing me to my concerned Papa who must have heard me crying. 
When I'm back in Papa's arms I can't take my eyes off the Prince Daemon of House Targaryen. 
“I'm gonna marry him one day.” I say to Papa who only chuckles and kisses my cheek. 
Papa may think I'm being silly, but I know I'll marry him one day, that I'll be his Little Velaryon.
104 ac 
I sit by the windowsill as Papa explains all the parts of the ship again. But instead of listening I watch as Nyra, Mama, and Laenor fly through the skies on their dragons, 
My egg has turned to stone last year, though I wasn’t shocked for I always felt a pull from the Dragonpit instead. The only dragons in there that are unclaimed are Dreamfyre, the dragon of Rhaena the black bride, and Brightfyre the dragon of the late Princess Daenerys who was the daughter of King Jaehaerys. 
And with the thought of Brightfyre I know I have to claim a dragon. I go to ask Papa if I can play outside when a knock comes to the door only to open and show Uncle Vaemond. I never liked him, but in this moment he is the best person ever.
“Laena can you leave us as we speak of our next voyage?” Papa asks as him and Uncle Vaemond begin to speak. 
I take this as my opportunity to claim a dragon, and I would be stupid to not take it. It takes little to no convincing to the carriage rider to take me down to the Dragonpit. On the ride down I think about which I want. 
Dreamfyre is bigger, but she also is independent and won’t like being around many dragons which she would need to do when we go back to Driftmark. 
Brightfyre is smaller, but she is more sociallable and considered gentle and playful. Plus pink is prettier than blue, but I’ll never tell Papa that. 
When I finally make it to the Dragonpit it is like my body moves on it’s own. It seems like within seconds I stand in front of the pink beast called Brightfyre.
I watch as she lifts her head and stares at me with those golden eyes of her. I lift my hand staring right at her as she slowly rests her snout to my palm. I feel her warmth fill me, but most of all I feel the way my soul sings as the bond solidifies. I know I can’t fly yet for Mama and Papa will not be happy as I have no training. But it is the thought, no the fact I know I have a dragon that brings a smile of joy to my face.
Special thanks to my bestie @sugutoad for making the header for this fic! I swear I'd be lost without you girly!
TAGLIST: @sugutoad @ilikefelines @classicsimpforaaronwarner @sachaa-ff @mmogurl @baybaybear1 @thelastemzy @themoonlitquill
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astronauticalaspirations · 1 year ago
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maeamian · 1 year ago
Not many trick or treaters this year so I get to enjoy the leftovers for myself: Space Shuttle Atlantis (OV-104) with the S1 Truss on mission STS-112
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notiziariofinanziario · 11 days ago
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Diverse le novità per i pensionati comunicate dall’Inps, alcune incideranno direttamente sull’assegno erogato il prossimo mese in termini di importi.  AUMENTI E ARRETRATI Il cedolino di marzo 2025 si adeguerà infatti alla Legge di Bilancio, prevedendo aumenti e arretrati per le pensioni. Per chi percepisce una pensione pari o inferiore al trattamento minimo, dal 1° gennaio, è previsto un aumento del 2,2%, pari a 13,27 euro in più al mese, portando l’assegno a 616,67 € mensili. Le pensioni pari o inferiori a 4 volte il trattamento minimo, fino a 2.394,44 euro lordi al mese, recuperano lo 0,8% dell’inflazione, mentre chi percepisce tra 2.394,45 euro e 2.993,06 euro recupererà lo 0,72%. Per gli assegni superiori a 2.993,06 euro lordi, la rivalutazione sarà dello 0,60%. I CONGUAGLI FISCALI L’altra novità riguarda l’addio ai conguagli fiscali a debito per la maggior parte dei pensionati, come confermato dalla circolare INPS n. 23 del 28 gennaio 2025: “Ove le ritenute erariali relative all’anno 2024 (IRPEF) siano state effettuate in misura inferiore rispetto a quanto dovuto su base annua, le differenze a debito saranno recuperate, come di consueto, sulle rate di pensione di gennaio 2025 e febbraio 2025”. Ciò significa per molti pensionati che nel cedolino di marzo non ci saranno le trattenute che già nei mesi precedenti hanno ridotto l’importo netto. Ma questo non vale per tutti ma solo per i redditi più alti: infatti la stessa circolare spiega che per chi ha un reddito annuo complessivo fino a 18.000 euro e conguagli a debito superiori a 100 euro la rateizzazione continuerà fino a novembre 2025. NUOVE TRATTENUTE Nel cedolino di marzo 2025 arriva una nuova trattenuta: l’acconto dell’addizionale comunale IRPEF. Si tratta dell’anticipazione sull’importo dell’imposta da versare al proprio comune di residenza, trattenuta mensilmente dall’assegno pensionistico da marzo fino a novembre 2025. L’ammontare della quota varia dai singoli comuni: non sono pochi quelli che hanno alzato l’aliquota, con la conseguenza che la trattenuta ha un ‘costo’ maggiore nel prelievo dalla pensione. L’INCOGNITA DELLA MAGGIORAZIONE SOCIALE PER I PIÙ FRAGILI L’altra grande novità che potrebbe riguarda l’erogazione della maggiorazione sociale, conosciuta come “il milione”. Si tratta di un aumento per i pensionati più fragili, introdotto dalla Legge di Bilancio 2025. Secondo la circolare INPS del 28 gennaio, l’importo mensile delle maggiorazioni sociali per pensioni, assegni sociali e trattamenti agli invalidi civili salirà di 8 euro e 104 euro. Non si ha però certezza che l’accredito di questo aumento parta già a marzo.  ATTENZIONE ALLA SCADENZA DEL MODELLO RED 2025  Un’altra scadenza importante per i pensionati che percepiscono prestazioni Inps collegate al reddito riguarda il Modello RED 2025. L’Istituto ha introdotto una versione precompilata del modulo per semplificare la dichiarazione che va inviata – compilata-entro il 28 febbraio 2025. Il Modello RED (Dichiarazione della Situazione Reddituale) è un documento obbligatorio che serve all’Inps per verificare il diritto al sussidio e l’importo corretto da erogare. Read the full article
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dresovipomjeri · 4 months ago
Četiri glavna razloga za prvi poraz Golden State Warriorsa ove sezone
Golden State Warriorsi su u prve dvije utakmice sezone pobijedili 35+, što dovoljno govori da je Golden State Warriors još uvijek u vrlo vrućem stanju ove sezone. U ovom kolu igrat će protiv Los Angeles Clippersa. Obje momčadi su favoriti za osvajanje naslova u ligi. Pa tko će biti konačni pobjednik među njima u nba dresovi?
Na kraju ove utakmice Golden State Warriorsi izgubili su od Los Angeles Clippersa 104-112. Postoji nekoliko glavnih razloga zašto će Golden State Warriors izgubiti ovu utakmicu. Prvi razlog je taj što je Cuury u ovoj utakmici dva puta ozlijedio lijevi gležanj, zbog čega je rano odustao od igre, a zbog čega su Golden State Warriorsi doživjeli i prvi ovosezonski poraz. Cuuryjeva ozljeda zabrinula je i mnoge navijače u Golden State Warriors dresovi. Drugi razlog je taj što je Hieldov učinak u prve dvije utakmice bio čak i bolji od Cuuryjevog, ali Hieldove magije više nije bilo u ovoj utakmici, sa samo 8 poena i 3 od 14 šuteva. Treći razlog je taj što je početni dvojac Green i Davis pogodio 2 od ukupno 8 udaraca. Četvrti razlog: Golden State Warriorsi izgubili su 20 koševa u igri 38-58.
Golden State Warriorsi doživjeli su prvi poraz ove sezone, a ozljeda njihove zvijezde još uvijek nije jasna. Ova utakmica bila je težak poraz za Golden State Warriorse.
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lboogie1906 · 7 months ago
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Joan Elizabeth Higginbotham (born August 3, 1964) was the third African American woman to go into space. She was born in Chicago. She loved cycling, music, and motivational speaking. She attended Southern Illinois University Carbondale and received a BS. She received an MS in Management and an MS in Space Systems from the Florida Institute of Technology.
She was a Payload Electrical Engineer in the Electrical and Telecommunications Systems Division at the Kennedy Space Center. She became the lead for the Orbiter Experiments on OV-102, the Space Shuttle Columbia. She served as the Executive Staff Assistant to the director of Shuttle Operations and Management. She served as a backup orbiter project engineer for OV-104, Space Shuttle Atlantis. She was promoted to lead orbiter project engineer for OV-102, Space Shuttle Columbia. She was the technical lead government engineer in the firing room where she supported and managed the integration of vehicle testing and troubleshooting. She participated in 53 space shuttle launches at Kennedy Space Center.
She was selected as an astronaut candidate in April 1996 by NASA. She reported to the Johnson Space Center to begin training. She was assigned technical duties in the Payloads & Habitability Branch, the Shuttle Avionics & Integration Laboratory, and the Support Branch where she tested various modules of the International Space Station for operability, compatibility, and functionality before launch.
Her last assignment was as the Lead for the International Space Station Systems Crew Interfaces Section. This led her to be part of the crew of STS-116 in 2006 where she logged over 308 hours in space during the mission. Her primary task during the mission was to operate the Space Station Remote Manipulator System.
She was assigned to the crew of STS-126, and she resigned from the astronaut program to pursue a career in the private sector. She has received many rewards such as the Adler Planetarium Woman in Space Award and the Black Rose Award by the League of Black Woman both, and an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the University of New Orleans, Louisiana. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta
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home-office-products · 11 months ago
🪴 💓 Computers ° Cuddles 💓
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lonestarflight · 6 months ago
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"The Space Shuttle Atlantis and its six-member crew launch at 11:15 a.m. (EDT) to begin the two-day journey to the International Space Station on the STS-115 mission. Atlantis is slated to dock with the station on Monday Sept. 11, 2006. During the 11-day mission, the STS-115 crew of six will resume construction of the station. The shuttle and station crews will work with ground teams to install a girder-like structure, known as the P3/P4 truss aboard the station. The 35,000-pound piece includes a set of giant solar arrays, batteries and associated electronics. The arrays eventually will double the station's power capability."
Date: September 9, 2006
NASA ID: sts115-s-032, sts115-s-040, sts115-s-037, sts115-s-034, sts115-s-024
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tomoya-jinguuji · 1 year ago
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ages-and-pages · 2 months ago
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STS-135 Atlantis final sunrise
Cliff Steenhoff on Flickr
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bamboomusiclist · 2 years ago
3/13 おはようございます、Joseph Jarman Anthony Braxton / Together Alone Ds-428 等更新しました。
Chet Baker / Someday My Prince will Come scs1180 Erroll Garner / Concert by the Sea Cl883 Frank Strozier / Remember Me scs1066 Ben Webster Tete Montoliu / Gentle Ben eny-301 Duke Ellington / meets Coleman Hawkins as26 Bud Powell / Inner Fires MUS52363 Joe Pass / I Remember Charlie Parker 2312 109 John Coltrane / Ballads as32 John Coltrane /and Johnny Hartman as40 John Coltrane / Bahia prst7353 Herbie Harper / Herbie Harper Quintet nlp1 Bud Shank / Bud Shank Quintet Nlp2 Roberte Hamayon / Chants Mongols Et Bouriates Ldm30138 Hubert Laws / Family jc36396 Joseph Jarman Anthony Braxton / Together Alone Ds-428 Drago Mlinarec / Pomaknuto LSY 63152 Steve Hillage / Open OVED 31 Bob Marley & The Wailers / Babylon By Bus ISLD11 Madonna / Like A Virgin 1-25157 Elvis Costello / My Aim is True seez3
~bamboo music~ https://bamboo-music.net  [email protected]   530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号 06-6363-2700
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Space Shuttle Atlantis (OV-104) on mission STS-51J
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Space Shuttle Atlantis launch, 3 October 1985.
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