#OUAT inspired costumes
itsalliebitheway · 8 months
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Supercorptober Day 31: spookycorp
The yell sounded so loudly through the penthouse that Kara almost fell from the desk chair in her home office.
Panic cursed through her veins as she used her superspeed to get to her wife as quickly as possible. Was she in danger? In pain? What was the reason for that scream?
Kara found Lena kicking off her boots, literally kicking them away while she tossed her keys carelessly against the wall where they fell down and landed next to the dish they had bought for their keys and wallets.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Kara asked as she came to a screeching halt on her socked feet.
“Andrea and Sam deserve to loose. And I’m going to be the one to humble them. We are going to humble them. I cannot stand this anymore!”
"What? Andrea and Sam? What are you talking about baby?”
Lena had shrugged out of her coat and let it fall to the floor, apparently too angry to tidy up after herself. Her eyes were sparkling with something akin to rage and if Kara didn’t know where it was directed, she’d be cowering in fear right now. Lena could be scary if she wanted to.
“They believe they will win the costume contest of CatCo’s Halloween party because they have a better sex life than we do!”
“I-,” Kara stopped talking again and furrowed her brows in confusion. “I don’t understand what the one thing has to do with the other?”
Lena huffed and stomped over to the kitchen where she filled a glass of scotch and emptied it in one go.
“We had lunch and somehow came to talk about the party. Sam is convinced that the couple’s costumes reflects on the couple’s sex life. Which is ridiculous, but she explained it and it somehow made sense especially when Andi chimed in to support her points. Then they made fun of us going as Team Rocket last year, saying that our fun little costume revealed how immature our sex life truly is. You know I really love them both as individuals, but introducing them was the worst mistake I ever made.”
Lena had lost her steam at the end of her rant and Kara was there to take her into her arms. She placed a gentle kiss on Lena’s hair and carefully pried the empty glass out of her hands. They hugged for a moment in the kitchen, then Kara cupped Lena’s face in her hands to make their eyes meet.
“My Love, our sex life is amazing. Nothing Sam and Andrea can say will ever change that. It’s not childish or immature or vanilla even. I’ve discovered sides of myself I never even knew I could have. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”
She kissed Lena on the forehead and pulled her in once more. “But, because it means so much to you, and because it’s so very fun to win against them, we’re going to have the best couple’s costume at this party and I already have the perfect idea.”
They stayed up long hours into the night, putting the finishing touches on their costumes. Thankfully Lena had taught Kara how to sew so they were able to work together on Lena’s dress, embroidering one black sleeve each with the silvery yarn to make the intricate pattern.
They only needed to adjust Kara’s dress to the oval hoop skirt, the rest was pretty much perfect already.
When the day of the party came, Lena used her darkest lipstick to paint her lips after applying a truly hauntingly beautiful smoky eye. Kara’s eye makeup wasn’t as impressive but her lips would match the color of her dress exactly as well while her hair was punned up into a complicated bun with two strands framing her hair.
They had previously agreed that Lena wouldn’t use her magic in public if there wasn’t an emergency, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
They had practiced their entrance several times. The portal watch came in very handy, creating the blue orb that would be the foundation of the image Lena would create around it. Even though she hadn’t practiced illusions a lot before, this gave her the perfect opportunity to do so now, and her illusions of mirrors became more authentic with each try.
“Okay so, the plan is to portal directly into the bullpen. I press the button while you concentrate on the mirror illusion on the other side. Are you ready my Queen?” Kara asked, while she slipped into her heels she bought just for the occasion.
“I am yes. Is my collar okay?” Lena asked while she grabbed her little clutch shaped like a deep-red apple.
“It’s very upright. But wait come here,” Kara gestured for Lena to come closer and adjusted the necklace she had put on to mimic the one Regina wore with the dress she was wearing right now.
“There, all perfect again. Any last words before we mirror-travel into battle?
“You’re ridiculous and I love you,” Lena chuckled and gave her a quick kiss that almost smudged both of their lipsticks. “And you look very beautiful,” she added, brushing one of Kara’s strands out of her face.
“And you look absolutely hot and stunning and I can’t actually find words. How are villains always so attractive anyways?”
“It’s probably the cleavage,” Lena chuckled and shimmied her shoulders for good measure, drawing Kara’s eyes down to where the corset was pushing up her boobs in the most delicious way.
“Okay let’s go then before I decide to rip your clothes off again,” she grumbled and cleared her throat. Lena offered her arm to Kara so she could link hers into Lena’s elbow. They shared one more glance and both nodded, then Kara pressed on the portal watch while Lena murmured her illusion spell to create the mirror on the other side.
They stepped into CatCo’s bullpen to the symphony of half-concealed shrieks of surprise and ohs of wonder. Whispers were spreading through the room like a wildfire while Lena slowly let the image of the mirror fade into nothing.
“You certainly do know how to make an entrance,” Andrea drawled, stepping up to them with a champagne flute in hand. Sam sidled up next to her, wrapping one arm around her waist, holding her close.
“What are you supposed to be?” She asked, her eyebrow lifted in surprise as well as astonishment.
“Lena is the Evil Queen, Regina Mills, from Once Upon A Time and I’m Emma Swan. They were clearly the power couple of the show,” Kara explained, satisfaction bridging a grin to her face.
“And as what did you two dress up?” Lena asked and looked her two friend up and down.
“We’re Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, obviously,” Andrea said and gestured to her own bleached wig with pink tips one the one side and blue on the other side. Sam wore a Red wig and a green dress that looked like it was mostly made out of leaves, covering not a lot.
“I see, your couple’s costumes reflects exactly what a bratty little bottom you are,” Lena said to Andrea, but gave her no time to reply. “May the best costume win.”
She sauntered off with Kara at her side, drawing looks from all around them. They went over to Nia , dressed in a Princess Peach costume to Brainy’s Mario.
“You gays look fabulous,” she cheered and hugged them both hello. “Ugh and that entrance was sooo good! I loved the reference to the show, you can’t not win with this.”
“Here’s to hoping,” Kara answered and snatched two champagne flutes for her and Lena from a passing waiter.
Sometime during the event, Andrea encouraged everyone to vote for their favorite costumes in a little booth she had set up near the elevators. There would be different categories for solo costumes, couple’s costumes and group costumes, each category able to win a price.
When the award ceremony finally came, Andrea stepped onto the makeshift stage she had organized for the night and asked for all of their attention.
“I’m really glad so many of you participated so vigorously in this years costume competition. Dressing up has always been fun for me, but a good costume also takes a lot of time and often a lot of elbow grease so we’re here to honor the best of them.”
She cleared her throat and opened an envelope. “The best solo costume goes to Mackenzie with Hayashi and Dardine as runner ups, congratulations.”
Mackenzie, dressed in a perfect cosplay of Mel Medarda from Arcane, came up to the stage to collect her prize, a food basket filled with Halloween treats, while everyone clapped.
“Next up we have the couple’s costume. Runner ups are Nia and Querl and myself and Samantha.” Polite applause filled the room while Lena squeezed Kara’s hand who was holding her breath.
“Winners are Kara and Lena, dressed as Emma and Regina from Once Upon A Time.”
Thunderous applause filled the bullpen as Kara and Lena took the stage. Lena couldn’t stop herself from conjuring up blue sparks all around their feet, making it look like they were igniting them with each touch of their heels to the floor.
Sam handed Kara their own gift basket while Andrea hugged Lena to congratulate her. In the privacy if their hug, she whispered, “I might be a bratty bottom, just like Harley is for Ivy, but you can’t deny that relinquishing control once in a while is refreshing, Evil Queen.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Lena murmured back. “I can’t wait until she gets me out of this dress later tonight.”
Andrea and her shared a laugh, knowing that everything was well between them, even though her and Sam had lost the friendly competition. They both also knew that their respective girlfriends would take wonderful care of them once they’d leave the party.
Read here on my ao3 : )
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fangirltothefullest · 6 months
Okay but now what if how you designed Remus but in as many words as you want, because I'm loving these design breakdowns
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Remus to me is full of chaos but he is also the antithesis of Roman with similar qualities but a total lack of self consciousness or bashfulness. He is freedom and he gives no shits.
Inspiration 1: Mad Madam Mim
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I start with a disney character full of chaos and I am inspired by mad Madam Mim because she is wild and chaotic and i absolutely love how fun she is as a villain and the most important thing for me is that Remus is fun. He's bonkers and has terrible ideas but he's also harmless in terms of reality. He's like an annoying little brother that wants to show you the Weird Gunk he found in the trash.
Inspiration 2: Snidley Whiplash (or Dick Dastardly)
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Remus to me is a guy who knows a lot of things and he's actually really clever but he wants to BE a villain like Snidley Whiplash or Dick Dastardly, including the moustache. He wants to tie people to train tracks because it's fun. His personality is "I found the dynamite and the roller skates! :D"
Inspiration 3: Wile E Coyote and looney tunes as a concept
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If Remus is anything it's a creature that can be stabbed in the eye and come back fine. It's a person who can make acme-like contraptions that do not work and that's ok. He is, if nothing else, Wile E Coyote and he is having the time of his life. He should therefore have hair that is a littler wild and crazy and untamable like Wile E's tail.
Inspiration 3: Royal villains
We will look at Galavant and also OUaT again!
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There's nothing quite as detailed in costume as evil royal villains. They always seem to be the most extravagant or at least have all the buckles and things and Remus has an outfit just the same. Like Roman I want his royalty to show with his clothes but unlike Roman I want Remus to look way less put together. More a culmination of his clothes he chooses to wear but only because he HAS to wear something so he's going to show skin.
Particularly though the one I associate with Remus is Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time.
Inspiration 4: Captain Hook / Pirate aesthetics
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Roguish, half-opened shirt, details, dressed fancy, swashbuckling. Remus would make a great pirate because he has the swagger and charm of a drunken man sailing a boat with a pet giant octopus he calls Lil Pussy.
Speaking of octopus...
Inspiration 5: Kraken and hentai
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He has an octopus on his belt and he deserves tentacles for a pirate feel but also for fuckin. Cause he's a raunchy bastard. Anything taboo is something he wants to think about.
Inspiration 6: Punk aesthetic
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What easier way top buck against the norms than to embrace punk vibes? Jewelry, upside-down crosses, I don't like going overboard with it but I like giving him some. Fingerless gloves, chokers with spikes, those kinds of things work well for his "I am everything your religious grandmother hates, embrace it". His outfits that aren't standard could look like he made them himself or found them in the garbage and went "awesome!"
Inspiration 7: Weapon Master
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Remus likes to hit things with his mace and while Roman has his sword, I imagine Remus is an expert at weapons or at least likes to use them so even if I am going to dress him up nice I want a weapon nearby somewhere.
Things that are a must:
So many details, Remus will not leave your eyeballs alone. If you think Roman has details nope, Remus wants your eyes to bleed with them.
Remus should have longer hair than Roman, wilder bangs and wilder curls. Shorter hair is fine but a ponytail is even more fun. Like the tie holding it'll break at any moment.
Weapons galore, arm this baby at every opportunity. Likewise, scars are acceptable but it's ok if they disappear at random because chaos loves chaos.
If Remus has his main garb off he should be showing skin to the best of his abilities and his collar should drape down wider than normal because let that man be a slut.
Tentacles should be numerous when shown and they should have a mind of their own doing whatever they want.
If Roman wouldn't wear it, Remus would. If Roman wouldn't think it, Remus would, and if Roman would be disgusted, Remus would love it.
Remus should have annoying little brother vibes.
Any non-standard outfits should look like he cobbled them together with duct tape and chewing gum.
So I came to this:
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cssns · 1 year
Time to highlight another fantastic artist! Please help us welcome @motherkatereloyshipper to CSSNS23!
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What’s your Tumblr?
MotherkatEreloyShipper on tumblr, @Ao3Motherkat on twitter
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
2 years
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
2 years ago, I found a sewing pattern of the Captain Hook costume when looking for double-breasted waistcoats to make into a corset pattern and the picture on the front sent me to Google, Google sent me to Disney+ I binged all 7 seasons in a ridiculously short period of time and went straight to Ao3 for more.
What drew you to this event?
Kmomof4 made me, I was going to skip this year but I can't tell her no! Not when her birthday is my favourite holiday!
What inspired your topic?
I'm just here to make art
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
No peeking
For our artists: What kind of art do you like to do? Picsets, painting, digital, etc? Feel free to give as much info as you like.
I make manips using a combination of canva, picsart, faceapp and gimp 3.0, I don't think they are very good but some people like them.
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
The sweet sweet validation of making my friends smile.
I'm really looking forward to the wonderful artwork that @motherkatereloyshipper is going to come up with for @kmomof4's OS dropping on July 25th and @jonesfandomfanatic's MC dropping on August 24th. Please drop by her page to say hi and welcome her to the event!
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djemsostylist · 1 year
5 Things OUAT Could Have Done Instead
Inspired title I know.
Part of why I stuck around for 6 seasons (besides pure stubborness) was because I wanted to see, if at any point, they could do anything right. They didn't, for what it's worth, but the more I watched, the more I became sure they could.
For the sake of continuity, I'm going to try and contain this to a numbered list!
The Actors--they needed better actors. This one will be short, because I feel like I explained enough in my "what went wrong post" but essentially we needed characters who looked young and felt timeless. You needed an Emma who looked young, and could embody the toughness of "I've had only myself" but could adopt the softness of "I've finally found my family." You needed a Snow and Charming who could look young, but felt like they were old enough to be her parents, to have ruled a kingdom. You needed a Rumple who felt like an enigmatic immortal creature whose age is unknowable. Actually, the actor who played Pan did a decent job of young but old. Henry too, needed to be able to play young and innocent, but he also needed to be able to play wise beyond his years. You needed actors who could both (see Cate Blanchett as Galadriel).
The Costumes--for the love of god, ditch the Prom dresses. The tulle, the crystals, the cheapness--the costumes looked cheap and felt cheap, and that was apparent on screen. Even if their budget was small, there's a way I think you can costume the show that doesn't make it feel like a cheap children's parade in a small town. I am a teacher on a budget, and the costumes I make, for fun, with clothes you can buy at your local store or costume pieces I've made with fabric from Joann look more expensive. I think the costuming was a deliberate choice, and I've yet to figure out why.
The Plot--this is the one I'm going to spend the most time on, bc it's the place that I think they messed up the most. So--here we go...in the next post because tumblr will yell at me again.
The Final Part...
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pastelbatfandoms · 1 month
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Watching C's podcast on YouTube, if you are a shifter you know who she is. I really respect her because she doesn't just follow what everyone else is doing plus her SJ in her Hogwarts dr is insane!
It was Stranger Things late last year. It's still unfinished but I made it on google docs and I did post it on here. Besides my written one.
I think Hanna (the one who made this survey) says it best so I will link her TikTok on it! HahaShifts
I connect with my drs through Pinterest boards, FMVs, watching the shows, movies or reading the books, writing fanfic, music, Chat AI as well as Tarot readings & channeling, scripting.
I don't have one.
Asleep or 5 senses method
Birthdays, christmas or Yule, Anniversaries
I don't know yet. Only holidays I have memories of are with Bruce Wayne during Christmas and Valentines Day with Billy Hargrove.
Renee West Wells is a forensic Anthropologist & Journalist as well as makes the costumes for Team Flash and Team Arrow. Michelle Renee in my Fame drs is an Indie Singer, scriptwriter and has her own makeup brand. Lilianne is a SHIELD agent, Mandy Moorington works at Scoops Ahoy as well as a record store, Isabella in my OUAT dr works at the library and Mr Gold's' shop when he's away.
In my Marvel dr I like collecting things, as well as reading, hanging out and playing board games or drinking games with the team. Peter, Pietro and I also like playing video games together. Renee in my Flash dr prefers having sleepovers with Caitlin & Iris or cuddling and watching a movie or show with HR & Harry. Drawing new costume ideas. Michelle in my Fame dr would probably being hanging out with her Crue drinking, having sex ect...or writing a new script or song lyrics. Also hanging out and playing with her kids. If it was My Fame dr with Sebastian they'd probably either be doing some light D/S play or hanging out watching a movie or having him read to her. Mandy in my ST dr would be cuddling with Billy, Eddie or Chrissy. Writing, reading or dancing. Also her and Chrissy doing each others hair and makeup. Bella in my OUAT dr would mainly be reading or hanging out with Ruby at the diner or with her sister.
I travel back and forth between The Avengers universe and XMen universe alot so if you count that... Also go on missions with SHIELD. She doesn't have a set place but she likes Madripoor kind of and Budapest. Renee would want to go to Italy or France. I also want to visit Greece with Tommy Lee because that's where his family is from and Romania with Seb.
My Marvel dr is partly based on the comics. I do have a Shadow & Bone dr but it's unscripted and I haven't tried shifting there. There are moments in my ST dr that is based around 'Flight of Icarus' Eddie's book.
Of course my Marvel dr takes place in the MCU (except GOTG) My Gotham 89 dr is based on the older Batman movies and the new Flash movie. Motley Crue's life is still like the one portrayed in The Dirt (just including me, they also look like them when younger)
My relationship with Tommy is based Pam & Tommy's in the miniseries. Obviously The Flash dr is from the series as well as LOT. Same with most of the Marvel shows (Loki & Hawkeye especially) My Mod Gotham dr is inspired by The Gotham series, TWD series, OUAT and Wonderland, Stranger Things Series.
Yes I've posted about them but in My Marvel dr I am a Valkyrie in one and a Mutant or super in the other. As Lilianne I have control over both light and shadow, as well as healing abilities and the ability to phase through if someone attacks me. (I have to be actively trying though) In My Flash dr I am a Storm Goddess with control over lightning and the weather. I also have magic in OUAT taught to me by Rumple. Since I am the daughter of The Evil Queen.
I already have when I shifted to My ST dr and saw Billy. I posted it HERE.
They all have very different styles since I'm so eclectic in my cr lol Ok I picked a name randomly and got Renee. So for her I'd say basic, classy, rich looking when going out (she went on a date with Harry once dressed casual and felt so self conscious) or dressing up in what her men like. A bit edgier when she's Obsidian Storm. I have an outfit post HERE.
I only have the idea for my rooms in my ST dr and I know what the rooms in My Fame drs due to memories. My room with Tommy looks like in the series and My room with Seb is also in creams and whites with a raised floor where the bed is which was a canopy bed with white lace curtains.
Mandy's room looks similar to this on the opposite wall is a floor length mirror and pink dresser.
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8. Okay I got Amara who is Loki's girl and a Valkyrie. So that Marvel dr as a whole...
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9. oooh I got Carrie aka The Carrion Crow! I do have a playlist for that Gotham dr.
Bellyache- Billie Eilish
Pretty Little Psycho- Porcelain Black
I'm gonna show you crazy-Bebe Rexah
10. Whiskey and Motor oil (grease) remind me of Merle Dixon. I've literally smelled popcorn while watching the episode of Pam & Tommy where they go to the Barbed Wire premiere. I do have ClairSalience. Billy Hargrove smells like alcohol at times but mainly cologne and mint when I channel him.
11. Yes but I will talk about them in a seperate post.
12. I have tons. I usually write them down and post them on here. I will be posting about my Fame drs soon.
13. I don't make scenarios unless it's to help with writing my fanfictions. (like filling in holes) I find that if you call them scenarios then that causes your subconscious to think that reality shifting isn't real so it's harder to shift. I also find scenarios to seem forced as opposed to an actual memory that comes out of nowhere.
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plastic-pipes · 3 years
Can I ask how you came up with Elphabas costume in your piece? Because its absolutely gorgeous and I was curious about it
ahhhh thank you! c: 
so i actually did the first sketch for this outfit like, 2 years ago now so i don’t entirely remember what all, inspired this -- i remember wanting the look to have a more travelled kinda vibe to it --
between the Tin Man, OUaT and Wicked, I have a lot of love for elphaba/the wicked witch of the west, she’s just so fun and i love drawing her lol
this is the original sketch for the outfit, and i still really like it so i wanted to draw it again c:
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and here’s another one i drew of her like 6 years ago looool
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 years
gods you know what’s a fantasy Look I’ve loved for years
the two amazing redingotes of Evil Queen!Regina from Once Upon A Time
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just. holy shit. is there any more of a Power Ensemble than black leather  leggings under a huge, billowing redingote with a perfectly fitted bodice? no. No there is not
if I could find a way to incorporate a similar vibe into my own “screw pants, my legs are theoretical, what do you mean this isn’t the Fantasy Late 1800s” wardrobe, I would be the happiest weirdo in the greater Boston area
I’m a bit inspired by this Emile Pingat reception dress c. 1885:
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(from the collection of the Shelburne Museum)
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(back view. the Met has a promenade dress, also by Pingat, in a similar style but green)
the frock coat inspiration is Excellent but it lacks the essential billowy quality I really like in the OUAT costumes
this merits further consideration
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My Fanwork Masterlist
(for the folk that only use the mobile app)
Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Gaskell!
North and South
White… snow white.
After the proposal.
Little Women
Amy March - Perfect (1994)
Jo/Fritz - Wait (1994)
Jo/Fritz saying goodbye (2017)
Jo/Fritz be worthy, love (1994)
Little Women 2019, leaked vs. final script, scene by scene.
Do not mistake
Jane Fairfax/Robert Martin
Emma ITV 1996 before and after
Emma ITV 1996 color test Mark Strong
Mr. Knightley and Harriet dance 1
Mr. Knightley and Harriet dance 2
Sense and Sensibility
Your Heart Understood Mine
Straight To You
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice (1980) Opening titles - episode 1
Deleted Scene - Awkwardly Entangled
Bride & Prejudice
Balraj kisses Jaya
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre (1997)
Jane Eyre (1996)
Jane Eyre (1996) I melted.
A review of Jane Eyre (1983)
A review of Jane Eyre (1996)
Rochesters’ alignment
Wuthering Heights
Funniest shot I have seen in a while.
PotC / One sided Norribeth
CotBP Deleted Scene: the proposal.
Lucky: (T) Some say that James Norrington’s tragedy was being an Austen man in a Disney fantasy movie. And it is a truth universally acknowledged that any Austen man needs an Austen heroine to get his happily ever after. What if the events of Curse of the Black Pearl happened some years later? What if the events of Mansfield Park happened several years earlier? What if the paths of a certain commodore and the Prices were to cross?
Farawyn 1
Farawyn 2
Josh Groban
The Music of Josh Groban: Closer (1 of 2)
The Music of Josh Groban: Closer (2 of 2)
The Music of Josh Groban: Awake (1 of 2)
The Music of Josh Groban: Awake (2 of 2)
False Alarms
Test text - February Song
Test text - If I Walk Away
Test text - You Are Loved (Don’t Give Up)
You Are Loved
Happy 39th Birthday!
Happy 40th Birthday!
In Great Comet 1
In Great Comet 2
Rick Astley
Beautiful Life
Jack Davenport
The Wedding Date 1
The Wedding Date 2
Called Out in the Dark
JJ Feild
The Romanoffs trailer
Dan Stevens
Miss Marple: Nemesis
Matthew Goode
Miss Marple: A Murder is Announced
Los Simuladores
The Mountain’s Liar
OUAT incorrect quotes Rumple and Hook as Molero and Milazzo
The Mixed Marriage
The Social Debilitator
39, Victoria: (T) Santos visita la tumba de Victoria y recuerda su tiempo juntos.  Viene a llenar la escena del comienzo del 1x07 y del final del 2x11, antes de que Santos cruce el puente.
Strike Team Delta
Doctor Strange
Stephine - Persuasion
Have you seen my girl?
May Parker/Bruce Banner (Green May)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fitzsimmons - Nothin’s Gonna Stop Us Now
Remember and Don’t Forget
Repairing chip
Rumbelle as Jirafales and Doña Florinda
The Fate of Pierrot: (G)In which teacher!Mr. Gold is forced to attend a costume ball prom as a chaperone and decides to dress up as Pierrot. He didn’t expect to find Columbine there.
Also set in this universe: Up in the Sky (G) Belle reading Five Weeks In a Balloon inspires Mr. Gold to plan a very special gift for their first anniversary. Set a few years after The Fate of Pierrot. 
Under the Lights of the Grand Paris: (G)The old cafés hide in the cloud of their mystery hundreds of little wonderful stories. In this case, it is the story of a certain Belle French and a certain Mr. Gold.
Will You Still Love Me?: (T) In a castle near Avonlea, Lady Belle falls ill with a misterious disease that physicians cannot explain. A humble spinner from the other end of the Enchanted Forest will be the key to a happy outcome. Visions are seldom all they seem.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10] [Chapter 11] [Chapter 12]
Gaze the Lights: (T)  After Gideon’s first birthday, the Golds set out on a journey around the Land Without Magic. A year later, the last days of December found them in Buenos Aires. Looking for a quiet place to spend Christmas, they crossed the Rio de la Plata to visit Colonia del Sacramento. The quaint colonial village had a surprise in store for them. Canon divergent after Gideon’s first birthday.
A Place to Call Home (T): the orphanage is a grim place, but the new superintendent is set on changing that. If only the doctor were a bit more cooperative…
Or the Dear Enemy AU in which Belle is the superintendent, Mr. Gold the visiting physician who is also looking for his lost son, Ruby and Astrid team up to help Belle, Archie plays the banjo, some (hopefully) funny shenanigans occur, and there’s a happy ending after lots of fluff and some angst.
[Chapter 1]
Regina/Gideon (OUAT):
Not Coincidence, But Fate: (G)  When Regina fails to wake Zelena, she thinks she is on her own to save Henry and break the curse. She didn’t expect to find the answer to her prayers hitchhiking by the roadside.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
Mission Impossible 1-6 main titles.
Thunder Bear (crossover OUAT/MCU - Thor/Merida)
Kabir Bedi as The Black Corsair (1976)
About Time BTS Mary’s Red Wedding Dress.
My Top 10 posts of 2018.
My Top 10 posts of 2019.
My Top 10 posts of 2020.
My Top 10 posts of 2021.
Updated: April 20th, 2022.
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everything-person · 3 years
OUAT Fic Master List
Multi Chapter
Tumblr AO3 FF.NET
Chapters: 7/?
Summary: One by one the children of Storybrooke are going missing and the Savior is helpless to stop it. It doesn't help that catching the person responsible makes everything even more complicated. (ok summaries are not my thing but give it a try. My first attempt at writing fanfiction.)
The Rescue:
Chapters: 1/?
Summary: Princess Emma has gone missing and with the kings promise of a special reward for the one to bring her home safely her friends plan to be the ones to do just that. (was apart of CSJJ as a finished fic planning on making it a short multi chapter)
Not All Talk:
Tumblr: CH. 1 CH. 2
Chapters: 2/2
Summary: Best friends every so often planning their lives together. It was all just pretend for fun until it wasn't. They are between high school and college age. (can be read as individual one-shots)
Kiss the Girl:
Tumblr: CH. 1
Chapters: 1/2
Summary: Prompt from @csprompter. What about Liam being a little shit and teasing his brother over his crush on Emma all the time and decides to do something about it because Killian doesn't think she likes him, though she does? Like playing "Kiss the Girl" from the Little Mermaid to get him to make a move? (currently writing a part2)
Then Came You
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Chapters: 1/3?
Summary: Killian Jones Rookie of the years races toward Daytona Florida to race in a three way tie to see who will win the Piston Cup this year. He gets lost on his way and get stuck in a odd town on the Potomac River, Storybrooke. What happens when a firey blonde traps him there with community service? (Inspired by the movie Cars and is set in the 1970s)
TikTok Series
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Chapters: 1/?
Summary: A series of one shots based off of Tiktok challenges and how I think Ouat characters would do/react to them. Each chapter will be of various ratings, tropes, universes, and lengths. Some will be connected but all can be read as individuals.
One Shots
And They Were Roommates:
Summary: Killian catches one of his friends with his roommate. His reaction surprises even himself.
Coming Out to Dinner:
Summary: It’s November in Storybrooke Thanksgiving just around the corner. The Swan-Jones family is celebrating in a special way this year. (takes place after season 7)
Costume Credit:
Summary: Killian is a professor. Emma is a single mom trying to better her education. They know each other before they were teacher and student. Idk just something stupid and fun to get me writing again. (This is trash and needs to be redone)
Finding Emma:
Summary: Movie night at Swan-Jones house and Emma has an unexpected reaction to the film of the night.
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Summary: Hope has to get glasses and how Emma and Killian handle it. First Person Hope POV.
Good Night Mom:
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Summary: A Swan, a pirate, and a pirate princess and their conversations over a lifetime.
Little Red Riding OH!:
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Summary: Emma’s friend Ruby convinces her to go to a costume party where she just so happens to be in matching costumes with none other then Killian Jones. Rated M
Summary: Prince Killian Jones just returned home after two years of traveling the world to find he has been arranged to be married. But that isn’t the only surprise he has coming. (My gift for CSSS 2020)
Wait I Love My Mom:
Summary: Killian and Emma take turns staying home with their toddler. One day they thought they would record what it’s like when one of them leaves the house.
White Solstice:
Summary: It’s that wonderful time of year again in the Enchanted Forest the time of the Winter Solstice. Queen Snow White and King David are throwing their annual Winter ball to celebrate. Little do they know what certain princesses gifts are really for. (Bad summary but that’s all I got. My gift for CSSS 2019.)
Last Voyage
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Summary: Emma surprises Killian with an old fashioned voyage with his old crew then Killian surprises Emma
David Jokes:
Summary: David’s having fun with the new year. Hung over Emma isn’t.
Domestic Fluff:
Summary: Domestic Fluff written for CSJJ 2020
Merry Christmas:
Summary: David prepares for Christmas morning.
Echoes from the Heart:
Summary: Emma and Hook have a heart to heart about what was said in Echo Caves before the finale battle with Pan. (Apart of CS Neverland New Year)
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Summary: Killian finally gets one.
Sword Holder:
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Summary: So I found out a fact. And it made me think about Captain Swan moment and then Emma finding out this fact and telling Killian his response. And this is what came out.
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gingerbreadpopsolo · 3 years
are you an OUAT enjoyer?
Watched the entire series from pilot to finale baby ;) my costume in that play was heavily Regina inspired. Had my hair up in a high ponytail and everything. I think at that time OUAT was 2-3 seasons in?? It was a while ago
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roguescarlett · 3 years
Dad had tv on and it showed Snow White and the Huntsman movie. seeing the Queen’s costumes gives me huge Empress Minerva vibes. Though, Regina/Evil Queen from OUAT has the most costume inspirations for my interception of Minerva.
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dani-luminae · 3 years
TV already did it way better
The 2017 Beauty and the Beast remake golden gown doesn’t even look good compared to two other live-action versions of Belle, on TV at the time (which means a lesser budget than the remake!)
This is going under a cut because this is a bunch of pictures and a bit long. Below, you’ll find my discussion about how the dress from the remake compares to the dresses of Belle from Descendants and Descendants 2, and Belle from the series Once Upon a Time (featuring her season 1 and season 4 dresses.)
Belle from Descendants (played by Keegan Connor Tracy): all her gown are yellow/gold (because color-coding in a children’s series, I guess) but I’m focusing on her formal gowns.
Her gown from D1 (in 2015): 
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Alright, it may not be gold, but it’s yellow, at least, and it’s a much softer, less atrocious yellow than the remake gown. With this gown, you can see the golden beading around her waist and the lace on her neckline. The off-shoulder design of the original ballgown, while not practical for the “modern” design, is still evident in the swoosh design of the sleeves. No useless designs on the skirt, because again, modern style (even if they gave her a weird bow on the back of her dress, for some reason.)
In Descendants 2, (which came out in 2017, the same year as the remake) she appears again, this time in another gown that I would argue is even more inspired by her classic ballgown:
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You can see the gathered embellishments on her skirt, and once again the off-shoulder design is parroted in a crystal-studded lace halter/off-shoulder combination. (Since Descendants 3 came out in 2019, two years after the remake, it seems redundant to post here, but Belle’s formal gown for Mal’s engagement party once again featured an off-shoulder design and, if I remember right, pale golden lace.)
Onto my next live-action Belle: Emilie de Ravin on Once Upon a Time.
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(I cannot for the life of me find a promo image of her in this dress standing up, so this will have to do.) This comes from season 1, which was back in 2011-2012. Again, since OUaT was a giant dark Disney fanfiction, the characters had a lot of Disney influences on their costumes. Belle has the off-shoulder design with some elaborate embroidery over an otherwise-simple golden dress, with no decor on the skirt. 
Season 4A (in 2014) brought us another lighter golden dress:
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(I chose a far shot to spare you all from OUaT’s infamous and ridiculous tendency to give their ladies bizarre cleavage in all their ballgowns.) Once again, the animated influences are obvious: the puffy off-shoulder design, the pointed bodice, and the billowing skirt. There’s a paler pattern all over the gold. It’s a lovely gown, and purposefully so, because the two of them are literally dancing to the song “Beauty and the Beast” in this sequence (iirc). 
So, what’s my point in all of this?
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This  dress has no excuse for being so absolutely terrible.
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ethyrealold · 3 years
once  again,  to  anyone  who  doesn’t  know,  i  am  severely  canon  divergent  from  abc’s  ouat  when  it  comes  to  my  interpretation  of  the  evil  queen  /  regina  mills.  while  i  do  incorporate  aspects  of  her  portrayal  in  the  series,  i  primarily  take  inspiration  from  what  canon  provided  and  have  altered  or  expanded  on  her  individual  universe.  i  will  not  compromise  that  for  anyone,  within  ouat’s  canon  or  outside  of  it.  i  worked  really  hard  to  establish  regina  has  a  developed  character  over  the  course  of  eight+  years  and  i  am  very  proud  of  what  i’ve  done  with  her.  i’ll  do  a  headcanon  info  dump  post  eventually  but  if  you  have  any  questions  you  want  to  ask  me  directly,  feel  free  to  drop  me  a  message.  also,  this  is  super  important,  the  only  time  i  will  reblog  lana  will  be  for  costume,  aesthetic  or  musing  purposes.  morena  is  my  faceclaim  for  regina  (  bruna  is  her  teen  -  young  adult  fc  )  and  i  also  will  not  change  that  for  anyone.
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sofia-curtis · 4 years
OUAT meme
I’ve created my own based on these (x)(x) two posts. Feel free to use this, as it is or as inspiration! 
10 episodes 9 characters 8 scenes 7 relationships 6 outfits/costumes 5 objects 4 locations 3 quotes 2 character deaths 1 world/realm
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tornrose24 · 4 years
Yeah, Tamatoa made an awesomely funny, charismatic and terrifying Ursala in your fanfic. If Tamatoa showed up in once upon a time, how would you have written him and the Moana cast into the episodes?
Oh God I loved writing him! I love writing big diva characters like him because he was fun and it was easy to figure out how he’d react and what not.
Ok... so I was PISSED that the final season of Once upon a Time had Maui’s fish hook, but none of the characters showed up. How did it get its ability to break barriers? How did it end up with the good guys in the final two episodes?! Heck, there’s so many Polynesian myths that you could have chosen from to use. They had plenty of time to squeeze in Frozen right when it first came out, but not Moana for even one episode?!
Oh also, Ahab had Maui’s fish hook. Ahab as in ‘famous one legged sea captain who had a serious grudge against a powerful being.’ That could have been Tamatoa in disguise!
There’s too many possibilities to choose from. We could have seen an extra part of the journey that happened that tied into OUAT’s main storyline somehow. We could of had Maui meeting Moana’s family (which would have been hilariously awkward, given the stuff Maui pulled on Moana, like going to ditch her on the island he was trapped on). Tamatoa could of had his revenge, etc.
Then there’s the question of the ‘present day’ part. Both Storybrooke (and Seattle) take place by the ocean, so there’s already a lot of possibilities. Moana’s cursed identity could of either still longed to go into the ocean or have the irony of being afraid of it for some reason.
One of my ideas was that Tamatoa was able to capture Moana out of revenge and had her turned into one of his collectibles (like a statue or something). So Maui snuck into our world, used a fake identity, and tricked a lot of people to find a way/object to save his friend.
And it wouldn’t of been that hard to bring Maui to life. Yes he has all the tattoos, but if you’re worried about offending someone, then they don’t have to be on the actor (and if it’s ok to have the tattoos, I’m sure they could of used the right process to apply them onto the actor’s body within a reasonable amount of time). Plus if he had a cursed counterpart/land without magic identity, he’d be able to easily hide them either with clothing or magic. (I’d imagine him as a tattoo artist, fisherman, surfboard shop owner–something that ties to his real identity).
And UNLIKE the Frozen characters, no one has to look one hundred percent like they came straight from Disneyland (which was SO STUPID! I wanted to see inspired costumes, not Disneyland costumes!)
As for Tamatoa... his chances of showing up would have been low, but I was open for a scary realistic crab monster version of him.
Overall, we were horribly cheated out of something wonderful, and we could have had real live action Polynesian actors play the Moana characters. 
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years
For @killian-whump. Sorry I don’t have a crab costume, but I hope this will suffice.
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Space Nerd, listen to me, the OUAT world, it’s a mess We’ve got cool people, but just as many crazies as any fandom they’ve got out there *Singing* The fandom was super active Back in the show’s running days But the smallest things that happened Would get many in a craze. We’re not always super angry That is not the case by far But regarding out controverseies The subjects are quite bizarre Controversies! Controversies! We’ve got a big pile That stretches a mile They’re bad as herpes! No matter the actors or the ships They can inspire the meanest quips The jerks are plentiful They make being here hell With controversies!
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...Was that okay? How do you fEEL about it?! (Sorry I couldn’t do the full song)
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