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oshalockouttagoutguide · 1 month ago
Lockout Tagout - Training and Communication
Training is one of the most important steps in the process of Lockout Tagout, needed to provide employees with knowledge, skills and motivation to effectively implement a successful Lockout Tagout program. OSHA instructs in Standard 1910.147 with respect to employees training states that - Training must ensure that the purpose and function of the energy control program are understood by employees.
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As a basic requirement, all employees should be trained in the basis of Lockout Tagout. Through this training, all employees should understand the purpose, function, and restrictions of the Energy Control Program. The training needed by each employee should be provided initially upon assignment. For the purpose of the standard, three types of employees that require training are recognized - Authorized, Affected, and Other. Under section (c)(7)(i)(A) Each authorized employee must be trained enough to recognize the applicable Hazardous Energy sources, the type & magnitude of the energy available in the workplace, the methods & means necessary for energy isolation & control. Under section (c)(7)(i)(B) Affected employees must be instructed in the purpose and use of the energy control procedure. Employees who exclusively perform functions related to normal production operations and who perform servicing and/or maintenance under the protection of normal machine safeguarding need only be trained as affected employees even if tagout procedures are used.
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Under section (c)(7(i)(C) This group consists of anyone else who works in an area where LOTO procedures are used. All of these employees must be instructed about the procedure, and trained not to start locked or tagged equipment, and not to remove or ignore lockout tagout devices. Check OSHA Guidelines - https://www.safetylock.net/learn-lockout-tagout/osha-29-cfr-1910-147-standard/
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findinjurylaw · 6 months ago
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Construction scaffolding accidents are unfortunately prevalent, and can lead to devastating consequences. 
At Braude Injury Lawyers, we understand the importance of safety protocols and adherence to OSHA regulations. Our team is well-versed in construction site hazards and can guide you in implementing best practices to prevent falls and injuries.
If a scaffolding accident does occur, having the right legal representation is crucial. Our team will fight to secure the compensation you and your workers deserve. We'll navigate complex legal matters and ensure your rights are protected. Let's prioritize safety and ensure a secure work environment for all.
Dial 888-888-6470 or 718-871-4311 or visit  https://www.findinjurylaw.com/falls-from-construction-scaffolding/ now!
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esquareloto · 7 months ago
OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.147 - Definition of Hot Tap and & Normal Production Operations
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Hot Tap:
As discussed in our previous post, OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.147(a)(2) does not apply to Hot Tap and Normal Production Operations.
Hot tapping, or pressure tapping, is the method of making a connection to the existing piping or pressure vessels without interrupting the servicing for air, gas, water, steam, and petrochemical distribution systems. This means that a pipe can continue to be in operation while maintenance or modifications are being done to it. Only if the employer demonstrates that
·   continuity of service is essential
·  shutdown of the system is impractical
·   documented procedures are followed, and special equipment is used which will provide proven effective protection for employees.
Normal Production Operation:
Certain tasks such as minor and repetitive adjustments are considered normal production operations when they are integral to the use of the equipment, and when they do not increase the risk of injury to employees.
So, OSHA Standard, 29 CFR 1910.147 (a)(2) does not apply to Hot tap and Normal Production Operations only when the employees working on it are considered to be SAFE.
Check OSHA Guidelines - https://www.safetylock.net/learn-lockout-tagout/osha-29-cfr-1910-147-explained/
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occhygiene · 3 years ago
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134(g)(1)(i)(A):  The employer shall not permit respirators with tight-fitting facepieces to be worn by employees who have facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face or that interferes with valve function.
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Apex Legends better get their shit together before OSHA comes knocking...
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clocknchain · 3 years ago
By Talos this can't be happening! WHY DID @osha-official DEACTIVATE?! First @haiku-robot now this? Is nothing sacred?
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catgirl-osha · 3 years ago
6 Types of OSHA Viowations
Dis is an informative post about da vawious OSHA viowation types. It wiww also sewve as a wefewence fow how wiwwing us at catgirl osha are to empwoy our cat himbos.
De Minimus Viowations- these are technical viowations of the wules that have awmost no chance of causing injury. Fow example, having 12 inches of cwearance instead of 13 in between waddew wungs. No cat himbos wiww be depwoyed to handle dese viowations.
Other Dan Sewious Viowations- Dese viowations may not cause sewious injuwy but awe still a safety wisk, such as faiwing to post safety documentation. Onwy one or two cat himbos may be depwoyed to handwe dese viowations.
Wepeated Viowations- Any time an empwoyer has had the same viowation ovew muwtiple inspections we wiww issue a wepeated viowation. Number of cat himbos depwoyed to handwe dese viowations vewy based on severity of viowation and numbew of times it has been wepeated.
Faiwuwe to Abate Viowation- When we discovew viowations we give empwoyers a deadwine to fix it. If dey faiw to meet it we redepwoy our cat himbos to stay dere evwy day till dey do.
Sewious Viowation- issued when an empwoyer knows about a significant hazawd to empwoyee heawth/safety and does not cowwect it. A fuww pwatoon of himbos may be depwoyed to cowwect this type of viowation.
Wiwwfuw Viowation- Did viowation is issued when an empwoyer wiwwfuwwy viowates osha reguwations or when dey show disregard fow empwoyee health/safety. We wiww depwoy as many cat himbos as necessawy to being the empwoyer to deir senses in owdew to cowwect dis most serious viowation.
Souwce: https://thestewartlawfirm.net/understanding-the-6-different-types-of-osha-violations/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20if%20a%20ladder,health%20or%20safety%20at%20risk.
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eccentric-sw · 3 years ago
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In memory of the last semblance of sanity and safety on this godforsaken website, Godspeed osha-official
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noiselessbuck · 3 years ago
i hope all of you know i actually hate all the new osha adjacent accounts. especially because i feel more than half of you actually followed original osha and read through all their lovely posts answerung asks with actual quotes from the osha guidelines and the occasional handmade meme.
following all the offbrand accounts is just part of my mourning process until either osha-offical comes back to life or i finally accept its fate
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chempacksocal · 3 years ago
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COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing ETS #oshaapproved #osharegulations #environmentalcompliance #covidcompliant (at ChemPack & Environmental) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca0p_wbJm33/?utm_medium=tumblr
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firstverify · 4 years ago
Currently, OSHA recommends that employers set thermostats between 68 degrees and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. OSHA also provides guidance on “Working In Outdoor and Indoor Heat Environments,” and it suggests that employers: 
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adamdavislawfirm · 5 years ago
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INJURED ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE? Construction work involves heavy equipment, precarious grounds and dangerous heights. Taking proper care can prevent most accidents but when workers are forced to forego safety precautions for increased production, catastrophic or fatal construction accidents can occur. If you have been injured on the job or your loved one has suffered in a construction accident, you need immediate legal assistance. The Adam Davis Law Firm is dedicated to advocating for the rights of construction site accident victims and their families. Most construction accidents are preventable when proper care is taken. If you or a loved one has suffered from such an accident, you deserve maximum compensation from every negligent individual or company involved. Contact me to assert your rights. Construction site accidents can involve complex litigation related to federal and state regulations, multiple defendants and challenges from multiple insurance carriers. When you are faced with the difficulty of construction accident litigation, protect your rights and claims with a construction accident attorney you can trust. Call the Adam Davis Law Firm at 480-421-1000. •Scaffolding accidents •Trench collapse •Forklift accidents •OSHA regulations •Ladders and falling accidents •Crane injuries •Injuries from heavy lifting •Electrocution •Welding injuries •Slip and fall •Industrial accidents •Warehouse injuries •Machinery defects •Failure to maintain the premises •Negligent maintenance •Burns •Wrongful death NO FEE UNLESS YOU RECOVER A SETTLEMENT OR VERDICT. FREE CONSULTATION 480-421-1000 www.AdamDavisLaw.com #ScaffoldingAccident #TrenchCollapse #ForkliftAccident #OSHARegulations #OSHA #LadderAccident #CraneAccident #HeavyLiftingInjury #Electrocution #WeldingInjury #SlipandFall #IndustrialAccident #WarehouseInjury #MachineryDefect #Neglect #Burns #WrongfulDeath #PersonalInjuryAttorney #PersonalInjury #AccidentLawyer #Lawyer (at Adam Davis Law) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAyb6GFBQdE/?igshid=qgzb3g4z6yfz
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oshalockouttagoutguide · 2 months ago
OSHA Lockout Tagout Standard - 1910.147(c)(6) Periodic inspection
To ensure that the energy control procedures in place are adequate and being properly and consistently applied, a Lockout Tagout program must be reviewed/inspected periodically and revised if needed. Section (c)(6) of the OSHA Standard sets forth specific requirements for conducting the periodic inspection.
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The periodic inspection provisions of the standard 1910.147(c)(6)(i) require that energy control program be reviewed at least annually to ensure compliance. The intent of this requirement is to ensure that energy control program is updated, accessible, and being implemented properly, and that the employees remain familiar with their responsibilities under those procedures. The periodic inspection also serves as an essential check to verify the continued proficiency of the employees in the safe application, use, and removal of the energy controls.
Under section (c)(6)(i)(B) The periodic inspection must be designed to correct any deviations and inadequacies observed, and the employer must certify that the periodic inspections have been performed.
Further, under Section (c)(6)(i)(C) of the standard requires that the inspector reviews the responsibilities of each authorized employee under the procedure with that employee.
Under Section(c)(6)(i)(D) the standard requires that when tagout alone is used, both authorized and affected employees must review the use of the tagout system as part of the annual inspection. This additional review is necessary because of the shortcomings of the tagout system. Tags can be removed or bypassed, and provide limited protection when compared to locks. To ensure proper implementation of Tagout, it is also important to periodically review responsibilities with affected employees and remind them of the restrictions imposed on them under the program. When Tagout alone is used, the annual inspection must also include a review on the limitation of tags with each affected and authorized employee.
Certifying the Inspection - 1910.147(c)(6)(ii)
Under the Standard 1910.147, the employer shall certify that the periodic inspections have been performed. In addition to the equipment, date of the inspection, name of the inspector, the employees included in the inspection and the person performing the inspection must also be documented. This document is intended to ensure that the involved employees have had the opportunity to review their responsibilities and demonstrate their performance under the procedure.
The inspection must be able to determine:
·  Whether the steps in the energy control procedure are being followed
· Whether the employees involved know their responsibilities under the procedure
· Whether the procedure is adequate to provide the necessary protection, and what changes, if any, are needed.
Check OSHA Guidelines - https://www.safetylock.net/learn-lockout-tagout/osha-documentation/
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catgirl-osha · 3 years ago
UH OH!! Dis is vewy concerning, dat mask won't hewp if it can't seaw. His empwoyer should pwovide him with a hooded wespiwator to use instead!
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134(g)(1)(i)(A):  The employer shall not permit respirators with tight-fitting facepieces to be worn by employees who have facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face or that interferes with valve function.
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Apex Legends better get their shit together before OSHA comes knocking…
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oshalockouttagoutguide · 3 months ago
OSHA Lockout Tagout Standard - Lockout Tagout devices must be Standardized & Identifiable
Under section (B) of (c)(5)(ii) of the OSHA Standard 1910.147, requires that Lockout Tagout Devices must be standardized in either colour, shape, size, print or format. The requirement of the standardized devices is meant to ensure that they are readily identifiable, unique, and distinguished from other similar devices found in the workplace. The intent of these provisions is to elevate the importance of Lockout Tagout devices and ensure that all the employees understand their distinct and exclusive purpose - to protect services & maintenance employees from accidental start-up or the release of stored energy. Section (c)(5)(ii)(D) of the standard requires that Lockout Tagout devices identify the employees who apply them. This requirement adds a degree of accountability to the LOTO program. Once the involved employee is identified, he/she can be located when needed. This identification is also essential as it enables the employer to quickly determine the identity of the employee who forgot to remove his lockout Tagout device. Check OSHA Guidelines - https://www.safetylock.net/learn-lockout-tagout/osha-documentation/
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oshalockouttagoutguide · 4 months ago
OSHA Lockout Tagout Standard - 1910.147(c)(5)(ii)(A) - Protective Material and Hardware - Durability
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According to OSHA Standard 1910.147(c)(5)(ii)(A) - The Lockout Tagout devices must be DURABLE. The durability requirements are intended to ensure that the Lockout Tagout devices will not fail to perform their intended job. The LOTO Devices must be durable enough to resist the harsh environmental conditions - chemicals, abrasion and temperatures, to which they are exposed to for the expected period of time.
Tags and their means of attachment must be constructed and printed, so that the exposure to weather or other environmental conditions does not cause them to become unserviceable or the message on the Tag to become illegible. Using laminated Tags with reinforcing eyelets is generally adequate for the vast majority of work environment.
Tags so constructed, must also be durable enough to withstand the corrosive environment, especially the areas where acid and alkali chemicals are handled and stored.
Check OSHA Guidelines - https://www.safetylock.net/learn-lockout-tagout/osha-29-cfr-1910-147-standard/
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oshalockouttagoutguide · 5 months ago
OSHA 1910.147(c)(4)(i) - Exceptions to Energy Control Procedures
Energy Control Procedures or Machine Specific Procedures need to be developed, documented & utilized always for full employee protection. If the total employee protection is obtained without ECP, then the need for developing ECP can be exempted. But all the essential elements required for complete safety of the employees have to be fulfilled.
The exemption is mostly for the simple equipment, when the Lockout device is under the exclusive control of the authorized employee, there is no potential for inadvertent release of stored or residual energy, and a single lockout device can achieve a locked-out condition. But in industries, even the complicated machines do not have the ECP. Many times when there are replicas of the same equipment, then the generic or common ECPs are used which leads to a lot of confusion & adequate energy control is not achieved, resulting in serious accidents.
So, ECPs are required for the isolation of hazardous energies & absence of ECP is the most common violation as per OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.147.
Check OSHA Guidelines - https://www.safetylock.net/learn-lockout-tagout/osha-29-cfr-1910-147-explained/
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