fluffypotatey · 21 days
everyday since Aug. 30th i say, “i’ll just listen to Legendary because i would rather not get stabbed from God Games”
………..AND YET
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castershellwrites · 1 year
Ghost of Tsushima CYOA Part 4
And we're back! Tenzo romance and talk with Shimura tied: so we're building up the romance (while keeping the teen rating ;p) and setting up the uncle confrontation.
Link to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Again: rated teen.
Part 4 and the poll for what happens in part 5 are below the cut :D
“Yes,” Jin admitted. He chewed his lower lip and clenched his fist. “But I know I can’t.”
“You can,” Tenzo mused. He didn’t make eye contact with Jin, and Jin felt some degree of shame at that. Tenzo must have been judging him…
Tenzo turned quickly and jerked Jin to the ground by the collar of his kimono. “We need to get out of here first.” He stayed low and out of sight, quickly guiding Jin to the ladder down and shooing their horses away through the front gate. “We’ll need to stay on foot. They won’t know about the scouting path.”
“Our horses’ tracks will confuse them,” Jin agreed.
Like a samurai and his retainer, or a pair of friends or lovers, Jin and Tenzo worked as one. They stealthily made their way down the hidden cliffside path away from Fort Sakai. Tenzo looked at Jin, his face worn and pained as he glanced between him and the general direction Fune’s refuge. Jin knew exactly what he was thinking.
"You can check on them, I’ll scout a—”
“No,” Tenzo rejected his proposal before he could even finish, “I know you too well, samurai.”
“I wouldn’t…”
Tenzo glared at him, but there was little bite behind it. “You would. And he’s your uncle, Sakai.” Tenzo said Jin’s family name like a curse, which it may as well be on Iki Island.
What grated the most was that he was right. Jin wouldn’t be able to resist confronting Shimura. Whether that meant standing and demanding his uncle admit Jin had done no more than what he needed to or throwing himself at his feet begging for forgiveness, Jin wasn’t sure.
“Come with me. We’ll make a plan.”
Like the sentimental fool he was, Jin agreed. This was how he found himself sitting around a banked campfire with three of Fune’s raiders and Tenzo. They were, quietly, arguing about the best way to approach the camp. Tenzo was doing his best to convince them Jin knew what he was talking about without admitting Jin was more than some disgraced mainland samurai turned ronin. Jin was, at this point, glaring tiredly at everyone. This had never happened with his retainers. Or with Ryuzo for that matter.
“You only want to go along with him because you sleep together.”
Jin’s head jerked up at the accusation, just in time to see Tenzo vicious reply of: “And you’re just jealous Hitoshi.”
Great. They’d descended to petty insults. Fantastic.
“Enough,” Jin declared.
“No!” Tenzo insisted.
“Let them do what they want and get themselves killed. I don’t care at this point.” Jin turned to Tenzo and muttered, “I can take care of myself. Let them get flanked, or pierced by enough arrows to fell a boar, or captured and gutted. I’ve told you the samurai’s defensive plans. Choose to listen. Or don’t. It’s out of my hands now.” Jin decided to rub salt in their wounds. He turned to Tenzo and stood, grabbing him by the arm and draggin him towards Jin’s bedroll. “Let’s get some sleep.”
To Jin’s mild surprise, Tenzo let himself be dragged. Jin tried not to show it, it would ruin the act… and his credibility. Tenzo followed Jin onto the tatami mat, and under the blanket.
They laid there, side by side in silence, for an uncomfortably long moment.
“What now?” Tenzo whispered.
“I can feel you laughing.” Jin glared when the shaking against his side only intensified.
“And?” Tenzo prompted, “Do we need to show them our feelings for each other, or are we just going to sleep?”
“Sleep,” Jin growled.
“Ah, just like my marriage.”
Jin groaned with exasperation, “Enough.”
Jin roused from the uneasy half-sleep he’d fallen into when one of the raiders shook his shoulder.
“Your turn on watch, samurai.”
Jin nodded… and watched. He watched the surrounding woods, listened to the birdsong and frogs, and watched the raider fall asleep. Once they were well and truly asleep Jin Woke Tenzo with a shake and a hand over his mouth. After startling and glaring at Jin Tenzo promised his silence with a wet lick to Jin’s palm. Ugh, Ryuzo had done that far too often when they’d been children, and Tenzo was old enough to be Jin’s father!
“Are you done?” Jin whispered.
“Good. Now follow me.”
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kenneallysfunerals · 2 years
Funeral planning can be a difficult and emotional process, and having a local funeral director can make it easier. While there are many funeral services providers to choose from, hiring a local funeral director can offer several unique advantages. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why hiring a local funeral director matters.
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A part of me thinks that the BRF DID do something about the bullying. I don’t work in HR, but I do know that you’re given reprimands - first offense is verbal, second is written warning, third is suspension and fourth is outright dismissal. ➡️ I think H&M were told to take that break in 2019... I bet H&M were FUNING after all the bad press from the birth/summer/SA so the RF told them to take some time off... H&M then basically said “FU, you can’t shelve us, we’ll show you that we don’t need you”
That could be.
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five-rivers · 4 years
Interview With a Ghost (Epilogue: Diner)
(PART 1) (PART 2) (PART 3) (PART 4) (PART 5)
Unlike many of the eating establishments in Amity Park, Cecilia's Diner didn't cater to ghost-hunting tourists (To be technical, they didn't cater at all. It was a strictly sit-down establishment. They didn't even do take out.). Its clientele was strictly local. Pointedly so. The proprietress maintained a strict policy of banning all ghost hunting paraphernalia from the premises. A tourist could, theoretically, come in and order a sandwich, but if they gave any sign that they were there to hunt ghosts, they were summarily ejected.
There was a reason for this: Cecilia's Diner had the dubious distinction of sitting across the street from the cemetery. No one wanted ghost hunters watching them while burying a loved one, and Cecilia refused to add to what she considered to be a veritable plague.
The diner was not Danny's usual haunt. But it was useful, and gave him a good vantage point to watch the comings and goings in the cemetery. Of which there were many, even if the funeral had ended over an hour ago.
"Hm?" said Danny, not taking his eyes off the window.
"Are you going to finish your fries?"
"Tucker!" scolded Jazz.
"What?" said Tucker.
Danny finally turned back to his friends. Jazz was giving Tucker a rather severe glare.
"It's fine," said Danny, "I don't want them."
Tucker reached out, but Jazz intercepted him. "Danny," she said, "you've hardly eaten all day." She nodded significantly at his plate full of fries and the sandwich he'd only taken two bites out of.
"I'm not hungry," he mumbled.
"You need your strength."
"I don't want to throw up all over myself when I do this," said Danny.
"You are doing it, then?" asked Sam. She hadn't eaten much, either. Then again, the diner didn't have a lot of vegetarian options. "Telling your parents, I mean."
"I don't really have any choice," said Danny. He picked up a french fry, and let it hang limply between his fingers. "I have to, don't I?"
"You do have a choice," said Sam. "I know you want to stay with your parents, and I like them too, but..." She drummed her fingers on the table. "I'm worried about how they'll react."
"I know," said Danny. He looked back out the window. "This is so weird. People are mourning for me, but I'm right here."
Sam and Tucker exchanged a glance. "Well, you get to do what you want," said Tucker. "It is your fune-" There was a meaty thump, and Tucker fell over, clutching at something beneath the table.
"I guess so," said Danny. He closed his eyes and sighed. He did feel calmer, now, with his body safely beneath the earth. Vlad might try to steal it again, six feet of soil and a couple inches of wood didn't do much to deter a person who could simply phase through them, but between the layer of Ghost-Zone-sourced paint Danny had stealthily applied to the inside of the coffin and the continuing threats and disdain of the ghostly community, Danny didn't think that he'd be terribly successful.
Danny would know if he was, anyway.
Tucker straightened out and pulled his PDA from his pocket. "When are those officers supposed to come get you again?"
"Detectives," corrected Danny. "Any minute now."
As if Danny's words had summoned them, the bell on the diner's door rang. They looked up to see the detectives walking in.
Jazz slid out of the booth, followed shortly by Danny.
"We'll call when it's over," said Jazz. Danny tried to smile and gave them a little wave, before turning to greet the detectives.
The ride to Fentonworks in the detectives car was long and mostly silent. Mostly.
"Can you stop staring at me?" asked Danny.
"Sorry," said Paterson.
"Mhm," said Collins, who, as he was the one driving, had much less of an excuse for staring.
Danny sighed.
The car pulled up in front of Fentonworks.
"During our investigation last week," started Collins, undertaking to explain why their children had been brought home by the police, "we came across certain facts that made us, and our captain, concerned for the safety of Jazz and Danny. Especially Danny." Of course, Collins was only doing the initial explanation. Danny was going to do the big reveal himself.
"What kind of facts?" asked Maddie.
"Facts about Phantom?" exclaimed Jack.
"Well, yes-" started Collins.
"That no good spook!" roared Jack, pulling a wicked-looking gun from... somewhere. "I'll teach him to mess with Fentons!"
"Whoa!" said Collins, leaping to his feet and holding out both his hands. He did not miss Paterson reflexively reaching for her own weapon. "No! There's no threatening going on! No threats! Let's put down the guns!"
"Don't worry, detective," said Maddie. "It's designed to only hurt ghosts."
Collins took a deep breath, and kept himself from glancing at Danny. "Why don't we continue this conversation once you've put all the ghost weapons away," he said.
Jack frowned. "Why?" he asked.
"I just think it'll make everyone involved more comfortable," said Collins. "Just as a general proposal."
It took some time for Jack and Maddie to divest themselves of all their weaponry, and every second just made Danny more nervous. He wanted to just get this over with. He wanted it to be done. His mind whirred, trying to come up with the best way to start explaining, and, oh, he should have decided earlier. He should have written a script, or a letter, but he didn't, thinking that the right words would just come to him.
So when Jack and Maddie came back into the room, Danny blurted out, "It was my corpse."
Jack and Maddie stared at him. Jazz put her head in her hands.
"What?" asked Jack. "What was your corpse?"
"That they found, in the park." Danny waved his hand in Collins and Paterson's direction. "The body." They still looked bewildered. "I've been dead, sort of, for two years."
Maddie stepped forward. "Danny... I don't know what's going on, but you're just- You're confused. You have a pulse, Danny. You're alive." She turned on the detectives. "And you! You know he's alive. How could you-?"
"Mom," said Danny. "I'm not lying. Look." He held up his hand and slowly rendered it invisible. "When I turned the portal on," he said, "I was- The button was inside. I was inside. It turned on right on top of me."
"Oh, Danno," said Jack, eyes wide.
"The best I can figure is, ectoplasm replaced half of the mass in my body and the other half... just sort of..." He made a splitting gesture with his hands. "Fell out. I kind of freaked out and buried it in the park. I didn't know what else to do."
Maddie sat down heavily on the couch, one hand over her mouth.
"So, like, the parts of my body that are still there, they all work fine," said Danny. "So, you know, pulse and stuff. And the ectoplasm is pretty well integrated. It's, you know, the thing keeping me together. But I'm not one-hundred-percent dead. Just, like, half." He paused. "Also, I'm Phantom."
Collins cleared his throat. "This being the case," he said, "we're going to have to ask you to make some changes to your home and behavior."
A week later, Danny sat in the same booth at Cecilia's Diner, looking out the window again. The cemetery was much quieter this week, but he could still see people stopping by his grave.
How bizarre.
"Have you decided what you want yet, Danno?" asked Jack. Danny turned away from the window, to smile at his family.
"No," he said. "Not yet."
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
Hello! Long time follower here, keep up the great work! I wanted to ask if, since you are translating the openings, you are planning on translating Binks' Sake as well? (Also, the anime only fleshed out version (though he doesn't have any flesh!) of "New World" Brook sings in the Return to Sabaody?
HELL yeah! maybe not new world, since i’m not familiar with it, but i will definitely do binks' sake. 
a fun fact about this song, which i did not realize before looking up the kanji lyrics to do this: each verse, in japanese, has a title, formatted like __の唄, or ‘song of __’- for example the first verse is 港の唄/minato no uta, or ‘harbor song.’
ヨホホホ ヨホホホ/yohohoho yohohoho ×4
VERSE 1. 港の唄/minato no uta (harbor song)
ビンクスの酒を 届けにゆくよ/binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo
(We’re going to deliver Binks’ Sake)
海風 気まかせ 波まかせ/umikaze kimakaze, nami makase
(The sea winds blow as they please, we’ll leave it to the waves)
潮の向こうで 夕日も騒ぐ/shio no mukou de, yuuhi mo sawagu
(Following the currents, making merry with the setting sun)
空にゃ 輪をかく鳥の唄/sora nya wa wo kaku tori no uta
(As the birds’ songs draw circles in the sky)
VERSE 2. 船出の唄/funade no uta (setting sail song)
さよなら港 つむぎの里よ/sayonara minato, tsumugi no sato yo
(Goodbye to the port, that weaver’s town)
ドンと一丁唄お 船出の唄/don to icchou utao, funade no uta
(Let’s sing the first verse with a DON, our setting sail song)
金波銀波もしぶきにかえて/kinpa ginpa mo shibuki ni kaete
(Returning across the spray of the gold and silver waves)
おれ達ゃゆくぞ 海の限り/oretacha yuku zo, umi no kagiri
(We’re going to the very ends of the sea!)
VERSE 3. 海の唄/umi no uta (ocean song)
ビンクスの酒を 届けにゆくよ/binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku wo
(We’re going to deliver Binks’ Sake)
我ら海賊 海割ってく/warera kaizoku, umi watteku
(We’re pirates, always criss-crossing the sea)
波を枕に 寝ぐらは船よ/nami wo makura ni, negura wa fune yo
(The waves are our pillows and the ship is our bed)
帆に旗に 蹴立てるはドクロ/ho ni hata ni ketateru wa dokuro
(And there’s a skull up on the flag and on our sails)
VERSE 4. 嵐の唄/kaze no uta (wind song)
嵐がきたぞ 千里の空に/arashi ga kita zo, senri no sora ni
(The storm’s come, across the endless leagues of sky)
波がおどるよ ドラムならせ/nami ga odoru yo, doramu narase
(The waves are dancing; sound the drum)
おくびょう風に 吹かれりゃ最後/okubyou kaze ni, fukarerya saigo
(Until that cowardly wind blows its last)
明日の朝日が ないじゃなし/asu no asahi ga nai ja nashi
(Without the fear that tomorrow the sun won’t rise again)
ヨホホホ ヨホホホ/yohohoho yohohoho ×4
VERSE 5. 別れの唄/wakare no uta (parting song)
ビンクスの酒を 届けにゆくよ/binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo
(We’re going to deliver Binks’ Sake)
今日か明日かと宵の夢/kyou ka asu ka to yoi no yume
(Today and tomorrow fade into my evening dreams)
手をふる影に もう会えないよ/te wo furu kage ni, mou aenai yo
(I wave goodbye to your shadow, since we won’t meet again)
何をくよくよ 明日も月夜/nani wo kuyo-kuyo, asu mo tsukuyo
(What’s there to fret about? Tomorrow night the moon will shine)
VERSE 6. 行く船の唄/iku fune no uta (ship underway song)
ビンクスの酒を 届けにゆくよ/binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo
(We’re going to deliver Binks’ Sake)
ドンと一丁唄お 海の唄/don to icchou utao, unaba no uta
(Let’s sing the first verse with a DON, our ocean song)
どうせ誰でも いつかはホネよ/douse dare demo, itsuka wa hone yo
(No matter who you are, we’ll all end up bones someday)
果てなし あてなし 笑い話/hatenashi, atenashi, waraibanashi
(It’s an endless, aimless tale of laughter)
ヨホホホ ヨホホホ/yohohoho yohohoho ×4
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dropmic-tl-blog · 5 years
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translation: shangri-la | edit: nanairo 
[GENTAROU, SPOKEN] Somewhere, a star shoots across the sky. It followed the edge of the evening, as if being pulled. A king, on a planet of a burnt sword, A bandit, on a planet where crystals glisten on the left, and sands flow on the right, And a scientist, on a planet that had forgotten to shine in a corner, All look up at the same shooting star. The ship carrying a fragment of this story Weaved in between the twinkling of the stars and flew away.
[DICE] My kingdom in tatters, the door to power has been broken down Even after I left, I’m surrounded by the lingering scent of defeat and gunpowder The citizens told of the ignorant tragedy of believing in miracles While burning in self-condemnation and regret, a fugitive is driven away from the planet The throne on the other side of the monochromatic window becomes distant Is the ideal belief the poison that leads to death? If so, it’s like preaching to men A lifeboat descends, turning towards an unfamiliar planet — venez m’aider(1) Meditating on why I’m kept alive, dreaming the days of restoration will come
[Fling Posse] The repeating of a verse, Reaching a hand towards shooting stars Waiting to bloom, the beginning of a new universe The future will connect us, with the ending in mind An unshakeable star is deep inside We’ll keep repeating this, no matter how many times Stepping in line with the orbit Forever reincarnating A shooting star without any lies Dancing in the skies — “Stella by Starlight” Its distorted trajectory makes it more luminous
[GENTAROU] Tonight, there’s a strangely stylish guest. If this is where you’ve fallen, you must be at rock bottom. I don’t care if you’re a former king or whatever, but we thieves have our own way of life, you know. We can’t just let our heads roll off into space. The world is nothing but a jigsaw puzzle put together by sadistic priests. L’histoire(2) has been hypnotized, as though dying from meaningless social disparity. Hey, I want to kill this boredom that’s been creeping up my throat. Steal me away, too, my messiah.
[Fling Posse] The repeating of a verse, Reaching a hand towards shooting stars Waiting to bloom, the beginning of a new universe The future will connect us, with the ending in mind An unshakeable star is deep inside We’ll keep repeating this, no matter how many times Stepping in line with the orbit Forever reincarnating A shooting star without any lies Dancing in the skies — “Stella by Starlight” Its distorted trajectory makes it more luminous
[RAMUDA] Going through great difficulties makes for a splendid story, doesn’t it? The only living thing is me, covered in ice In research, you’ve veered off the path of humanity before you know it It’s a love letter, like paper scraps, whose recipient has long been forgotten The materials that are at the end of this maze Are white camellias(3) that thrive on eternity Before the truth, the outcries of morality become my chains I stopped aging because I desired to pursue such things A fragment of a life I long for, everything was a daydream “You’re already too late!” I lament in a nocturne
[Fling Posse] The noise from the stars Completely takes over the night sky The starlight’s like a collage of ephemerality, the starlight...
R: “Why are you concerned about me?” D: “Because I feel like we’re similar.”   G: “Like birds of a feather?” D: “Well...” R: “How stupid.” D: “You’re trapped by a wish.” R: “How do you know?” G: “You’ve lost something — I can see it in your eyes.” G/D: “Like glass spheres.” R: “If a wish can come true — someday — I want to see my hometown.” D: “Then we know what to do.” R: “But I don’t know if it’s still there.” G: “Nothing will change if you stay here, though.” D: “So, where will this hollow ship(4) end up at?” D/G: “Would you like to bet on it?”
D: The heavens have closed off G: And in this darkness enclosed within R: A dim light is cast from a star D: It shines, G: This wondrous R: Connection R: The heart wishes for a second chance D: But only this message gets through FP: The heat burns from the flame, and wings emerge from the chrysalis
[Fling Posse] Keep facing forward Don’t make a mistake even if you stop on the next step Keep facing forward Someday, let’s cherish things with earnest eyes, even if they are mistakes Move forward into a faraway place, as far as a tiptoe can take you When you look back, don’t let your shadow catch up Keep facing forward Question at the end of the dawn This is a story about using one’s failures to soar
The repeating of a verse, Reaching a hand towards shooting stars Waiting to bloom, the beginning of a new universe The future will connect us, with the ending in mind An unshakeable star is deep inside We’ll keep repeating this, no matter how many times Stepping in line with the orbit Forever reincarnating A shooting star without any lies Dancing in the skies — “Stella by Starlight” Its distorted trajectory makes it more luminous
French for “Come help me”. 
French for “the history” -- he only says histoire in the original lyrics.
White camellias, in JP Flower Language, stand for “perfect beauty,” “impeccable charm,” and “supreme belovedness”. 
A “hollow ship”, otherwise known as an Utsuro-fune as Dice implies, is from Japanese folklore of the 19th century. The ship itself is a UFO-shaped ship that carries a woman who lands on Earth -- and is unable to speak human language at all. 
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yumeirokazukuro · 5 years
Start New Sailing!! Lyrics Translation
Start New Sailing!! lyrics Start New Sailing!! lyrics
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Lyrics translation by Kazushin Translation Edit by Kuro Song belongs to Sega company
Kanji Lyrics
新しい風なのさ 君を僕らを誘いながら さらに遠くの世界を語る
会えるとわかってたよ 再び船は走りだして 何が待ち受けてるか 知りたいね
We can be now, Sailing! 彼方へと 憧れと期待が重なってく Oh Sailing! 彼方へと 想い馳せながら
Start new sailing!! どんな空 見えるかい? 熱い太陽に灼かれて また始まるから さあ旅立とう Start new sailing!! どんな空 見えるかい? 吸い込まれそうな青さに 呼ばれてるんだ 行くよ Sailing with you
予感は当たりなのさ 君は僕らは出会うたびに もっと遠くの世界に呼ばれ
約束を抱きしめて いつか願いを叶えようと 誓ったあの日の海 よみがえる
We can be now, Sailing! 未来には 幸せに繋がる道がある Oh Sailing! 未来には いくつものドアが
Start my journey!! 大胆な夢見て 船は未知なる冒険へ いま始まるから さあ旅立とう Start my journey!! 大胆な夢見て 波激しくうねるけど 怖れはしない 走れ Sailing with you
どこへ向かおう 気の向くまま一気に速度上げて 「どうにかなるよ」「どうにかなるさ」 目が合うたび 元気になれる心 おんなじ想いだろうな 大きな嵐も乗り越えて Sailing, sailing!
Start new sailing!! どんな空 見えるかい? 熱い太陽に灼かれて また始まるから さあ旅立とう Start new sailing!! どんな空 見えるかい? 吸い込まれそうな青さに 呼ばれてるんだ 行くよ Sailing with you 始まりの海行くよ Sailing with you
Romanji Lyrics
Atarashii kaze nano sa kimi wo bokura wo sasoi nagara sarani tooku no sekai wo kataru
Aeru to wakatteta yo futatabi fune wa hashiri dashite nani ga machi uketeru ka shiritai ne
We can be now, Sailing! Kanata he to akogare to kitai ga kasanatte ku Oh Sailing! Kanata he to omoi hase nagara
Start new sailing!! Donna sora mieru kai? Atsui taiyou ni yakarete mata hajimaru kara saa tabidatou Start new sailing!! Donna sora mieru kai? Sui komare souna ao sa ni yobareterun da iku yo Sailing with you
Yokan wa atari nano sa kimi wa bokura wa deau tabi ni motto tooku no sekai ni yobare
Yakusoku wo dakishimete itsuka negai wo kanae you to chikatta ano hi no umi yomi ga eru
We can be now, Sailing! Mirai ni wa shiawase ni tsunagaru michi ga aru Oh sailing! Mirai ni wa ikutsu mono doa ga
Start my journey!! Daitan na yume mite fune wa michi naru bouken he ima hajimaru kara saa tabi datou Start my journey!! Daitan na yume mite nami hageshiku uneru kedo osore wa shinai hashire Sailing with you
Doko he mukaou ki no muku mama ikki ni sokudo agete [dou ni ka naru yo] [dou ni ka naru sa] me ga au tabi genki ni nareru kokoro onnaji omoi darou na ookina arashi mo norikoete Sailing, sailing!
Start new sailing!! Donna sora mieru kai? Atsui taiyou ni yakarete mata hajimaru kara saa tabi datou Start new sailing!! Donna sora mieru kai? Sui komare souna ao sa ni yobareterun da ikuyo Sailing with you hajimari no umi ikuyo Sailing with you
English Lyrics
A new wind Inviting you to us Talking about a distant world
I knew we could meet The ship is about to run again Wanting to know what awaits us
We can be now, Sailing! To the other side, with our expectations and longing overlap... Oh Sailing! With our emotions stirring
Start new sailing!! What kind of sky do you see? Under the blazing sun Another journey is begining Start new sailing!! What kind of sky do you see? As the vast blue pulling us in, inviting us Let's go Sailing with you
The premonition is a chance Every time you meet us We're Called to a more distant world
With the promise we embraced Someday this wish that we made That we have swore to the sea, will revive again
We can be now, Sailing! The path the future where happiness is Oh Sailing! To the future where all routes are open
Start my journey!! Boldly dreaming The ship is like an unknown adventure Let's start traveling now Start my journey!! Boldly dreaming The waves were violent but we're not afraid Going Sailing with you
Where are we heading Speed up at a stretch while feeling good "It'll be somehow" "It's going to be" Every time our eyes meet It will probably be the same feeling Overcoming a big storm Sailing, sailing!
Start new sailing!! What kind of sky do you see? Under the hot sun We'll start from here again Start new sailing!! What kind of sky do you see? Feels like being sucked in by the blueness calling us We'll go Sailing with you To the sea of beginning Sailing with you
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kimonobeat · 5 years
Kawai Naoko Lyrics: Hoshi ni Naru Made -NIGHT AFTER NIGHT- (星になるまで; Until I Become a Star)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
The boat I set my slumber upon Descends into a forest of skyscrapers Don’t be scared I’m going to close my eyes in your arms
Night after Night Night after Night I love you Night after Night I love you so much It makes me sad
I’m not going anywhere Call for me softly when you feel like crying I’ll wipe your tears And keep holding you until I become a star
Night after Night Night after Night I love you Night after Night I love you so much It makes me sad
We’ll meet in the woodlands of time We’ll love one another tonight Blue skin against skin Like two moons
Night after Night....
matenrou no mori e nemuri wo noseta fune ga oriru kowagaranaide mune ni dakare me wo tojiru no yo
Night after Night Night after Night ai shite iru wa Night after Night kanashii kurai ai shite iru wa
doko ni mo ikanai wa nakitai toki wa sotto yonde namida wo fuite hoshi ni naru made daite’te ageru
Night after Night Night after Night ai shite iru wa Night after Night kanashii kurai ai shite iru wa
toki no jukai de deau futatsu no tsuki no you ni aoi hada wo kasane ai shi-au no tonight
Night after Night...
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Kanji/Romaji/English Lyrics] Musical Caribbean Groove - WILD CROWN
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Here are the lyrics to Musical Caribbean Groove’s “WILD CROWN”~ It’s, of course, by Team Hiiragi ww To those who have the DVD/BD, this is the second song that they sing, right after “Caribbean Groove” ^^
Again, thank you to @tieriart for sharing with me the CD and scans before I got mine~! 
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Full lyrics under the cut~! Enjoy ^^
  まぶしさにSingin’ 海はステージ
予感 潮風 ジリリ太陽
Let’s chase the MUSIC!
躍れSail away
  はためく シンボル・フラッグ
乗ってけ ドラゴン・ウェーブ
約束をしただろ? 還ってきたぜ
宝石よりも ヒトカケラのDREAM
手に入れたスリルに はしゃいでる
  Heads or Tails
きわどいほど アツくなるのさ
Wild! Wild! Wild!
  まぶしさにSingin’ 海はステージ
予感 潮風 ジリリ太陽
Caribbean なGrooveで
想いをのせて 帆船(ふね)は進む
どこまでも行こう Sail away
  彼方に浮かぶ 謎めくアイランド
嵐を抜けて 見つけたサンライズ
  Heads or tails
伸るか反るか 気の向くままに
Wild! Wild! Wild!
鼻歌 投げて
  毎日がCrazy 素敵ショウタイム 
夜に降る星 月はナイフ
Brand-new なStepで
とどまることに 意味なんかない
諦めは罪さ Sail away
  Heads or Tails
きわどいほど アツくなるのさ
Wild! Wild! Wild!
  まぶしさにSingin’ 海はステージ
予感 潮風 ジリリ太陽
Caribbean なGrooveで
夢から夢へ 帆船(ふね)は進む
Let’s chase the MUSIC!
躍れSail away
  mabushisa ni Singin’ umi wa suteeji
saa! yume ni kaji wo tore
yokan shiokaze jiriri taiyou
Let’s chase the MUSIC!
odore Sail away
  hatameku symbol black
notteke dragon wave
yakusoku wo shita daro? kaette kita ze
houseki yori mo hito kakera no DREAM
te ni ireta suriru ni hashaideru
  Heads or Tails
ki wa doi hodo atsuku naru no sa
Wild! Wild! Wild!
saeta aizu de
  mabushisa ni Singin’ umi wa suteeji
saa! yume ni kaji wo tore
yokan shiokaze jiriri taiyou
mou yakusha wa sorotta ne
  sabita kuraun naname ni kidotte
Caribbean na Groove de
omoi wo nosete fune wo susumu
dokomade mo yukou Sail away
  kanata ni ukabu nazomeku airando
maameido no kisu wo choudai shiyou ze
arashi wo nukete mitsuketa sanraizu
joutou no kiseki wo yamawake sa
  Heads or Tails
noru ka soru ka ki no muku mama ni
Wild! Wild! Wild!
hanauta nagete
  mainichi ga Crazy suteki showtime
jiyuu he to kaji wo tore
yoru ni furu hoshi tsuki wa naifu
maku wa sude ni agatteru
  sabita kuraun umi ni nagereba
Brand-new na Step de
todomaru koto ni imi nanka nai
akirame wa tsumi sa Sail away
  Heads or Tails
ki wa doi hodo atsuku naru no sa
Wild! Wild! Wild!
saeta aizu de
  mabushisa ni Singin’ umi wa suteeji
saa! yume ni kaji wo tore
yokan shiokaze jiriri taiyou
mou yakusha wa sorotta ne
  sabita kuraun naname ni kidotte
Caribbean na Groove de
yume kara yume he fune wo susumu
Let’s chase the MUSIC!
odore Sail away
We are singing brightly, the sea is our stage!
Now then, let’s steer the helm towards our dreams!
With our feelings, the salty breeze, and the shining sun,
let’s chase the MUSIC!
Let’s dance and sail away.
  With our symbolic flag in stow,
we’ll go and ride the dragon wave.
We made a promise, didn’t we? We came here to fulfil it.
With a DREAM that shines brighter than any jewel.
And a thrill that’s running wild in our hands.
  Heads or Tails
It might get awkward but things will only get better.
Wild! Wild! Wild!
Give me an okey-dokey
as a clear sign!
  We are singing brightly, the sea is our stage!
Now then, let’s steer the helm towards our dreams!
With our feelings, the salty breeze, and the shining sun,
The actors have all gathered.
  The rusted crowns sloping on our heads put on airs.
With a Caribbean Groove,
let’s put our feelings together and continue moving.
We can go anywhere so let’s sail away.
  On a floating island by the horizon,
would you please give me a mermaid’s kiss?
The sunrise we saw after the storm has passed,
is a miracle worthy of being first class.
  Heads or Tails
Would you go, would you stay? Do as you please.
Wild! Wild! Wild!
Let’s give an okey-dokey
as we hum!
  Every day is crazy, it’s a wonderful showtime.
Let’s steer the helm towards freedom.
To the star that’s falling in the night, the moon is the knife.
The curtain has already risen.
  If we throw our rusted crowns towards the sea,
we’ll take a step to a brand-new stage.
We don’t have time to be stopping.
To give up is a sin so, let’s sail away.
  Heads or Tails
It might get awkward but things will only get better.
Wild! Wild! Wild!
Give me an okey-dokey
as a clear sign!
  We are singing brightly, the sea is our stage!
Now then, let’s steer the helm towards our dreams!
With our feelings, the salty breeze, and the shining sun,
The actors have all gathered.
  The rusted crowns sloping on our heads put on airs.
With a Caribbean Groove,
Our ship continues to move from dream to dream.
Let’s chase the MUSIC!
Let’s dance and sail away.
※ Please don’t re-post the kanji/romaji and English translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
If you like this, please consider buying me a ko-fi here to support my work. (o^▽^o)Thank you!!
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asia247 · 6 years
In this part of the breakdown, I am giving a timeline of everything that happened with Burning Sun after the assault of Kim, which includes the discovery of tax evasion, drug use and distribution, and the sexual assault and prostitution of women.
February 4th: Dispatch Reports On Possible Prostitution At Burning Sun
Dispatch releases a complete report on Burning Sun and the organization of the company which includes how employees made money. It is confirmed that the owners of Burning Sun are CEO Lee Sung Hyun (Not Seungri) and Lee Moon Ho, directors are Kang XX and Lee Seung Hyun (Seungri), and inspectors are Kang Hyun Sook (Seungri’s mother) and Kim Gun Ho.
The clubs organization chart, the hierarchy is also revealed. Top rank are the CEO, 2nd ranks are Directors, Manager, and VIP, and third are merchandizers referred to as MD. Their are responsible for bringing customers, and for every woman they get paid between 20,000 and 50,000 won, and for men they get between 15% and 20% of their alcohol sales. A MD told Dispatch the way to attract women customers is to get a “homerun” which is to bring a drunk woman to rooms. These women were referred to as “mulge” for beautiful customer. MD’s earn money by bring women to VIP rooms where they would be sexually harassed, raped, assaulted.
MD 1: The VIP room is looking for a female customer.
MD 2: OK. I’m looking.
MD 1: I’m looking everywhere. Hurry up and help me find a female customer.
MD 1: It’s not necessary a beautiful one. Just a drunk girl is OK.
MD 2: Let me see if I can find any “snails”.
MD 1: Help me to get the “homerun”.
Director “A”: Now look into the room.
Director “A”: They’re doing it.
MD 1: How did you see it?
MD 2: Oh ~ It’s real.
MD 3: Having fun at Burning.
A video recording of the sex scene in the VIP room was confirmed by Dispatch as well as that it was passed around by employees.
Additionally, an employee was quoted by Dispatch saying:
If VIPs have a happy night, they will almost certainly come back. So some MD also sneakily give them ecstasy because female guests will lose consciousness for a moment. There is also the possibility of sexual harassment after that.
Also discussed are “hi-passes” where if a minor was deemed “qualified” meaning pretty enough they would be allowed to enter the club without ID
“Harassment, violence? Just blame the customers for it. Drug? Just say it’s due to the customer’s fault. However, letting minors into the club is different. It is completely the responsibility of the club. The biggest reason for keeping good relations with the police is the report on minors.” -Burning Sun Employee
Director “A”: The guests that have problems with ID cards, Just get the pretty kids.
Director “A”: Don’t look for those ugly kids who don’t have ID cards. So annoying.
Director “A”: Too ugly to be allowed in and they don’t even have ID cards. Do you even think?
MD 1: Yes! I got it.
In 20 Burning Sun was reported for having underage people in the club, the club manager stated:
“The police were mobilized. There were one female and two male police officers”, “They did not come in to search for those minors but (went to the door and) returned. The senior staff of the club went out and confronted the police. They said that it could be information fabricated by other competing businesses. They said they had checked the guests’ ID cards very carefully and the police just left. At that time, I thought ‘how can it be’.
The police responded to Dispatch about this on February 1st:
Today (1/2), there are personnel dispatched there. People who have been there before are not currently here.
More chats were released
MD 1: (send pictures taken without permission) They stretched the girl’s arms and legs.
Director “A”: The skirt is up.
MD 2: Her body is nice, but her face is ugly.
CEO “C”: If it isn’t high-class, I won’t use it.
Director “A”: The girl at table O doesn’t look well. Tell her to go away.
Guard 1: Confirmed.
Director “B”: Female guest that I’m about to take away is touched by someone. Where’s the guard, hurry up?
Guard 2: Confirmed. It’s been handled.
And just like that, problems happen and are taken care of.
MD 1: Director “A” hit a woman.
MD 2: Why?
MD 1: For refusing to go home with him.
Sources: Dispatch, Asian Junkie
February 11th, 2019: Seungri Resigns from his Ramen business
Source: NetizenBuzz
February 13th, 2019: Seungri Is Seen In Photo With Chinese Woman Thought to Be Burning Sun Drug Distributor
A photo surfaces of Seungri with a Chinese woman known as Anna, who is believed to the drug distributor at Burning Sun. Some reports identified her as the woman who sued Kim Sang Kyo. Seungri denies any affiliation:
I was at the club and she asked me for a photo, so I agreed. I don’t remember when we took the photo or who she is. There are countless photos of me and fans on the internet, on social media, and in online communities. When I’m at the club, there are a lot of people that approach me and ask for a photo, and I usually accept.
Source: NetizenBuzz, Soompi
February 15th, 2019: Burning Sun Is Raided by Police
Police raided Burning Sun, 32 investigators removed four boxes of potential evidence.
Le Méridien Hotel hotel, where Burning Sun was located, move to terminate contract and request the club to leave the property:
We signed a lease agreement last April, and there are still many years left on the contract. We requested that they terminate the contract, and we’re waiting for their reply
Police make statement on opening an investigation on Seungri:
We are considering opening an investigation into Seungri as he was listed as the executive director of Burning Sun at the time. We have plans to expand the investigation to the entire Gangnam Club to include MD’s and directors.
Source: Koreaboo, Asian Junkie
February 16th, 2019: Seungri Makes Statement About Burning Sun at Concert, “Seungri 1st Solo Tour The Great Seungri Final in Seoul”
I wish to speak about the recent controversy. I feel like if I don’t, the people who have come today will feel uncomfortable. I am very apologetic to all those who care for me. I’m sorry for causing disappointment for so many people, and I am reflecting on what has happened. Despite there being a controversy, I did not act in a responsible manner. Despite the fact that the controversy took place in a location that I have publicly spoken about, I did not act in a responsible way and for that, I am ashamed and regretful. It is all due to my negligence. As I am a celebrity, I will think and act more carefully from now on. I want to apologize for not showing modesty and for acting carelessly. For the past year, I have been doing my best to bring you all happiness. But I have brought you disappointment, and for that, I am ashamed. I want to apologize once again, and I will take all of your words to heart.
I’ve put a lot of preparation into this. I will be grateful if you can enjoy the concert. I think that would make me feel like all my work was worth it.
Source: Soompi
February 17th, 2019: The Investigation Into Burning Sun Expands to Other Nightclubs & Results In Drug Crackdown
Following the Burning Sun investigation, police widen crackdown on drug in clubs. The Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency release this statement:
In addition to Burning Sun we have widened the scope of the drug investigation to clubs in the Gangnam area. It is inevitable to broaden the investigation as club promoters that receive a commission for attracting customers work with a number of clubs at the same time.
Sources: Korea Herald
February 18th, 2019: Burning Sun Employee Is Arrested
The Seoul Metropolitan Police Department receive a warrant to search the home of an employee of Burning Sun who is suspected of using and trafficking drugs. They found ecstasy in his home, and he was arrested. Additionally a travel ban is placed on Anna, the Chinese woman thought to be supplying drugs to Burning Sun. Police also make a statement on expanding investigation to include Seungri:
We haven’t ruled out the possibility (of Seungri being questioned). If it’s necessary, (he) could face an investigation
Source: Korea Herald, Asian Junkie
February 20th, 2019: Burning Sun Shutdown is Halted By Police
Police in order to prevent the possible destruction of evidence halted the process of Burning Sun leaving the Le Méridien Hotel hotel. They released this statement:
Le Meridien hotel agreed to stop the pullout of Burning Sun. The hotel asked for the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency’s opinion about the pullout on Monday, and police requested a stop to the move due to evidence that might be destroyed
Source: Korea Herald
February 22nd, 2019: Actress Park Han Byul’s Husband Is Revealed To Be Seungri’s Business Partner
February 25th, 2019: Katalk Chats Reveal Seungri requested Prostitutes For High Profile Clients
SBS funE reported uncovering texts dated  December 6, 2015, at 11:38 pm KST.
We have obtained a KakaoTalk (mobile instant messenger) conversation between Seungri, singer C, Representative Yoo of Yuri Holdings (an investment company Seungri was preparing to establish), and an Employee Kim.
Employee Kim: Two spots in the main area with guards…we’ll take good care of them
Seungri: And the girls? Ones that give it well
Employee Kim: I’m calling them but I don’t know if they’ll give it well. I’m calling cheap ones first
Seungri: Anyway, do a good job.
Representative Yoo: I’m getting the prostitutes ready right now, so when two prostitutes come, you (Employee Kim) guide them and make sure they get to the hotel room safely
Employee Kim: Yes. I sent the two men [to the room].
YG Entertainment responded with this statement:
Hello, this is YG Entertainment. Here is our statement regarding today’s article about Seungri. Upon checking with the artist himself, the text messages in the article are fabricated and not true. In addition, just as we have always done, we inform you that we will take strong legal action against the proliferation and reproduction of rumors and fake news.
Source: Soompi
February 26th, 2019: Police Launch Investigation Into Seungri Prostitution Claims
Police release statement announcing the beginning of investigations of Seungri for engaging in prostitution:
We have launched an investigation into the escort service claims that have been reported on by the media.
Park Han Byul’s Agency Makes Statement
It is true that Park Han Byul’s husband worked together with Seungri as business partners, but because he is a non-celebrity and because it is his private life, we are in a situation where we currently do not know all the details of the inside story. Moving forward, please refrain from [releasing] any speculative reports regarding Park Han Byul and her husband. There are no plans for additional statements. What we have already mentioned before is everything there is.
Yuri Holdings Makes Statement In Response To Prostitution Claims
Recently, Yuri Holdings has been in the news, since the Burning Sun incident.
Firstly, we take responsibility for the issue as one of the companies holding stocks in Burning Sun.
However, we feel the need to release our official statement regarding the facts surrounding Yuri Holdings as we can no longer sit back and watch articles written on claims and suspicions.
The text messages that have become an issue are all completely false, and we believe someone with malicious intent towards Seungri and our company has fabricated these text messages as a grudge and sent them to reporters. This is fake news that has been published without being confirmed.
Not only do we not have any foreign shareholders in our company, but the text messages were released on a newly-created image based on content submitted by a tip rather than actual screenshots of the conversations themselves. We cannot stay silent on the matter anymore and have decided to give our statement.
We plan to request an investigation into the individual who fabricated the text messages and submitted them to reporters, and we will take legal action to reveal the truth.
Executive Director Lee Hong Gyu
Journalist Kang Kyung Yoon Responds To Accusations Of Fabricating Texts
There is no reason to fabricate or edit the reported messages. There was absolutely no fabrication or editing other than filtering some severely despicable expressions, and everything is true. If a request is received from the investigative agency, [I] will actively cooperate
Seungri Releases Statements Regarding Prostitution Allegations
We are relaying Seungri’s statement that he sent us yesterday evening.
For the last month, regarding the unsettling issues and news that have been brought forth about him, Seungri has continuously expressed his apologies to everyone. Though it’s small, Seungri has revealed that he wishes to, as soon as possible, submit to drug tests as well as actively cooperate with investigations on all the allegations surrounding him.
YG Entertainment is of the same stance as Seungri, and our legal team will be contacting investigative authorities this morning to relay Seungri’s wishes to go into the station soon to cooperate with investigations.
We hope that through thorough investigations by the police, the truth of the indiscriminate rumors will be revealed, and if there is even the slightest issue, Seungri will have to accept the legal consequences.
Conversely, if the rumors are proved false, we will, in addition to requesting a police investigation, be preparing all routes of legal action.
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Photos Of Seungri Allegedly Take Nitrous Oxide or “Happy Balloon” Surface In Vietnam
After the problematic photos of him at the club spread on the internet, Seungri’s Instagram account is being spammed by [Vietnamese] fans telling him to return to Korea.
YG responded with this statement:
Upon checking with Seungri, the photo was taken from a misleading angle. He said he has never inhaled nitrous oxide. The reports from Vietnam are clearly false reports, and he feels very falsely accused. He is arguing that it doesn’t make sense for him to inhale nitrous oxide in an public place like a club.
Seungri Volunteers to Take Drug Test
I will voluntarily go to the police and take an extensive drug test
Source: Soompi 1, 2,3, | Netizen Buzz 1, 2
February 27th, 2019: Seungri Submits To Questioning
Before entering for questioning Seungri made this statement:
This morning, I submitted a petition asking for a thorough investigation into myself. Once again, I apologize for causing concern and anger with the various controversies and accusations. I will earnestly cooperate with investigations so that the truth can be revealed as soon as possible.
After eight and a half hours of questioning Seungri made this statement to press:
Questioning for all allegations has been finished. Regarding drugs, I underwent all drug tests requested by the narcotics unit. Many people are angry about the various controversies, and I will cooperate with police so that all suspicions can be dispelled. I ask that you wait for the results of the investigation. If the police require anything else, I will return for further questioning.
Seungri Tests Negative For Drugs
Seungri’s lawyers make statement regarding his drug test:
According to the police, there were no issues with the first round of drug tests and [Seungri] was tested negative. Because a hair follicle testing will be able to detect drugs up to two to three years prior to the test, it has been sent to the National Institute of Scientific Investigation. We were told to expect the results one or two weeks later. We are anticipating the truths for many allegations to be revealed shortly.
Disposal Trucks Are Spotted Outside YG
Reporters see disposal truck outside of YG Entertainment resulting in questions over the agency destroying evidence. At truck was seen arriving at the building at 6:35am and told Chosun.com it was their first time at the building. When reports started to take data their were told by five YG employees “You can’t take photos here.” a second truck arrived at 7:55am. They both left at 8:43 a.m. When asked by Chosun.com the drivers said:
They told me to come again later.
There were boxes, paper bags, and suitcases, and judging from the weight, there seemed to be electronics like computers as well.
We usually [start working] at 9 a.m. We also work at dawn when the client requests it, but most clients avoid doing so because they have to pay extra money. But companies in the public eye like entertainment agencies or news outlets often [request] that the work be done at dawn. We not only destroy documents but also other things like smartphones or computers.
YG released this statement:
It was a periodic document destruction process we undertake every month or quarter
Police made this statement:
There is no way we would have known about YG destroying their documents. [Even if we had known,] there is no justification for stopping them from destroying their documents when a direct connection between YG and the Burning Sun incident has not been found yet.
Source: Soompi, 1, 2 | Netizen Buzz
February 28th, 2019: Seungri Halts All Activity
YG released this statement:
Hello, this is YG Entertainment.
Seungri has unfortunately canceled his upcoming concerts in Osaka on March 9 and 10 and in Jakarta on March 17. We ask for the generous understanding of many people who were waiting for the concerts.
Seungri voluntarily arrived at the police station at approximately 9 p.m. yesterday and diligently participated in the police investigation regarding the suspicions for about eight hours and 30 minutes.
Seungri earnestly requested for the police to especially investigate the suspicions regarding prostitution services rigorously.
Not only the concerts, but Seungri will halt all other scheduled activities and actively cooperate with all upcoming police investigations.
As they are suspicions that many people are curious about, we hope that all of the suspicions and truths are unveiled as quickly as possible through speedy and rigorous investigations by the police.
Source: Soompi
March 1st, 2019: Police Confirm They Have Not Obtained Original Texts From Seungri From Reporter
We requested the KakaoTalk messages from the reporter who was first to report on the sexual escort services claims involving Seungri. However, we have not received them yet.
Source: Naver News
March 4th, 2019: Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission Receives Texts
Source: Netizen Buzz
March 5th, 2019: Burning Sun Is Investigated For Tax Evasion
Source: Asian Junkie
March 7th, 2019: MBC Releases Evidence That Seungri Was More Involved With Burning Sun That He Has Suggested
Initial Investment documents for Burning Sun, found by MBC, show that of the 2.5 billion won (approximately $2.2 million USD) total investment, Seungri invested 225 million won (approximately $198,600). He is also listed in documents as orporate promoter, a role of someone typically involved in the formation of a company. He is also listed as an executive along with Lee Sung Hyun, Lee Moon Ho, and Kang XX.
He is listed as co-CEO with 20% holdings, and an employee was quoted as saying:
It is certain that Seungri was definitely an intial investor, and it appears that this was reported as it was shared with major shareholders and people of [major shareholder] Cheonwon Inc.
Source: Soompi
March 8th, 2019: It’s Revealed YG Owns Love Signal Club Thought To Be Owned By Seungri Is Owned By Yang Hyun Suk
YG Announces Enlist Seungri’s Enlistment for March 25th
Source: Asian Junkie | Netizen Buzz | Korea Herald
March 9th, 2019: Seungri Is Booked On Violation Of Anti-Prostitution Laws
Police made this statement:
We booked Seungri and changed his status to that of a suspect in order to issue a search and seizure warrant and clear [Seungri] of the suspicions [surrounding him].
In addition, three to four other people who were in the Katalk are being investigated. A warrant was issued to search Club Arena for evidence, and searched from 11am, March 10 until 2pm. KST, and it was reported evidence was found.
Sources: The Chosun Ilbo | Soompi
Complete Breakdown of Seungri Scandal Part 2: Katalk Chats
Complete Breakdown of Seungri Scandal Part 1.5: Burning Sun- Tax Evasion, Drugs, Sexual Assault & Prostitution In this part of the breakdown, I am giving a timeline of everything that happened with… 3,400 more words
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fymonsta-x · 6 years
[ARTICLE] MONSTA X Opens Up About Their Regrets, Accomplishments, And Future Goals
As MONSTA X approaches their third anniversary, the group took a thoughtful look back at their past and opened up about their hopes for the future.
In a recent interview with SBS funE, MONSTA X talked about their new album “The Connect,” featuring the title track “Jealousy,” which was released earlier this week.
Referring to the success of their previous title track “Dramarama,” the members remarked, “We’ve had the experience of charting on the digital music charts in the past. Since it’s difficult to make it onto the charts, we didn’t expect much going into our promotions for our last album, but we ended up with great results, which made us happy. If we don’t expect anything, I think we’ll be pleased no matter what results we get.”
Minhyuk added, “I’m not expecting anything, but because I’m human, after having made it onto the charts [once before], I can’t help but hope a little. I want us to win first place on lots of music shows this time.”
When asked what they thought they had done well during their past three years as a group, Shownu replied, “One thing that I think we’ve been good at is being consistent in staying positive and thinking that things will go well [for the group], even when we could have thought that things were hard. It might seem somewhat unremarkable, but I think it was a really good thing [that we kept that attitude].”
Shownu continued, “In terms of what we could have done better, what comes to mind is the fact that we weren’t more outgoing. I wish I had been a little more outgoing on variety shows, and I think it would have been better if I’d been more skillful at making facial expressions during our performances.”
Jooheon commented, “We’ve been working on creating our own color as MONSTA X since our debut album, and I feel like ever since ‘Dramarama,’ we’ve been starting to finally establish our own unique color. I think it was good that we tried our hand at many different types of challenges, like taking on powerful hip hop while also showing our sexy side.”
He went on, “One thing I wish we’d done more of is [sharing] content. I think it would have been nice if we’d shared more content from the start, like mixtapes or other content related to individual members.”
When asked to describe the group’s distinctive color, Jooheon said, “Behind our powerful, energetic image that leaves a strong impression on people, I want to also show our warm hearts that are full of love for our fans. You can tell if you look at the songs on our albums, but we have a lot of songs in which we express our feelings for our fans.”
MONSTA X also shared that they hope to achieve more public recognition in the future. “Right now the general public still doesn’t know us that well,” they said, “but we hope that if we keep promoting with good music and performances in the future, there will come a time when they start to recognize and look for us. We want to do better in the future.”
Source: Soompi
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castershellwrites · 1 year
Ghost of Tsushima CYOA Part 6
Jin/Tenzo Rated Teen
Link to part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
I thought we were going to be wrapping this up scooby-doo style with the samurai getting scared off the island (my vote, lol). But no! You're all cool people who are here for the ANGST! You want Jin to face Shimura!
That's just what he'll do! Let's see how it turns out! Part 6 of the fic and the poll for part 7 are below the cut! :D
Tenzo nodded after hearing Jin's plan. Even he had to agree the ghost of Kazumasa Sakai would be enough to get Shimura out the gates. the question was would he bring an army of retainers with him. “Let’s go back and tell the others … and hope they haven’t woken up yet.”
“Because they’ll be mad at us for leaving the camp unguarded to scout,” Jin agreed and backed slowly into the woods, picking his way silently through the underbrush.
“No,” Tenzo chuckled softly behind him, “because they’ll think we’re fooling around.”
“You fooled around! You kissed me!” Jin scolded harshly but quietly.
Tenzo patted him on the back and laughed again, “Says the man who wanted to keep going, right in front of his uncle’s encampment.”
Jin blushed, and was thankful the night’s darkness hid it. By the time they reached the camp, essentially five bedrolls and a shallow firepit, he and Tenzo had finished bickering. Thankfully their companions slept soundly and were all still abed. Tenzo roused them with a shove to the side … with his foot … a kick. He kicked them awake.
“Move your bones. We’ve got a plan. Get up!” Tenzo barked like a samurai lord at new recruits.
“Are we under attack?”
“The sun’s nowhere near rising … ugh.”
Tenzo scowled. “Get up and move. We have a plan, one that will end with minimal casualties?”
The oldest of the raiders sneered, “How minimal?”
Tenzo smirked triumphantly. “Just the samurai.”
That got a laugh from the raiders and they dispersed to help Fune with the fortifications.
Jin frowned until they were out of sight. Then he smiled softly at Tenzo. “Thank you. I appreciate your help.”
“You’re not going to be able to pull this off without me.”
Jin whistled Kaze over and began unpacking his father’s armor. “I’ve been getting dressed by myself since before the invasion. I’ll do fine thank you.”
Tenzo helped Jin into his armor anyway, and Jin was glad for it. He could get dressed by himself, but it was more efficient with an assistant. Tenzo adjusted the strap when Jin donned his helmet. Jin felt his fingers shaking against his skin.
He held Tenzo’s hand, “Are you alright?”
“You look just like him,” Tenzo whispered.
“That is the point.” Jin smiled softly and brought Tenzo’s hand to his lips. The kiss made him shiver again. “You’re not the first person to say I look like him.”
Tenzo frowned, “That’s not a good thing.”
Jin nodded sadly, “My uncle would agree with you.”
Tenzo made a face of disgust. “Pease don’t ever make me agree with that Shimura bastard again.”
“We’ll see,” Jin laughed.
That was the last time he laughed that night. Jin sat astride Kaze in his father’s full armor. Kaze had on the matching gear, making him look larger that life. They decided to approach from the remains of the village. Tenzo had some smoking grasses to make mist, he’d run behind Jin and duck out of sight into the village. If—and only if—Jin’s plan worked, no one would follow Shimura out and Tenzo could escape undetected and unmolested.
Jin was counting on this plan working: on the superstitions of the samurai or the cleverness of his uncle. Either way Shimura would have to face him.
Jin sat, a ghost, just far enough away no one could make out his features, and close enough everyone knew whose armor he wore. He cleared his throat, and tried to speak from deep in his chest. Even as an adult he felt like a child trying to imitate his father.
“Samurai of Tsushima!” Jin shouted loud enough to be heard even in his uncle’s tent, “I am Kazumasa Sakai.”
Jin carefully signaled and Kaze reared, then kicked with his front hooves and hopped forward before crashing to the ground in time with Tenzo setting off a small explosion.
“Shimura!” He deliberately left off any and all honorifics, “You disown my son. You defile the land of my death. Come and face me! Come face Kazumasa Sakai! If not for your ambition, I would yet live!”
Jin waited, silently. Kaze was still as a rock, eerily so, his ears didn’t even twitch which just sold the ghostly illusion further. He had to be patient now, and hope the Oga samurai didn’t think to fill him with arrows. The Shimura retainers wouldn’t dare even if they saw through the illusion … he hoped.
The gates of the hastily erected fort opened. Jin resisted the urge to sit higher in the saddle. Shimura! His uncle was there. Jin’s heart was in his throat. Shimura wasn’t wearing armor, just his robes and coat over his yukata. He was vulnerable.
His uncle was making an effort at peace. Or he was laying a trap. But traps were dishonorable.
Jin swallowed heavily. He had to think positively about this. He had to tell his uncle what he’d decided. But was it the right decision?
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askcommisaryarrick · 6 years
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(Saraba chikyuu yo, tabidatsu fune wa, uchuu senkan YAMATO!!!) (Searching for a distant star, heading off to Iskandar, leaving all we love behind, who knows what dangers we’ll find? We MUST be strong and brave, our home, we’ve got to save. If we don’t, in just one year, Mother Earth will disappear! Fighting with the Gamelons, we won’t stop until we’ve won, then we’ll return and when we arrive. The Earth will survive with OUR STAR BLAZERS!) (I cannot stress how much I love this Anime, no, this SERIES. It is a beautiful space opera that has you biting your nails at every episode.)
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levysoft · 2 years
Tra le canzoni rese popolari negli ultimi anni dai video su TikTok ce n’è una piuttosto particolare, che già dal primo ascolto profuma di tempi andati. Si chiama Wellerman (Sea Shanty) ed è diventata un trend su TikTok proprio per mano del cantante scozzese Nathan Evans, che l’ha pubblicata nel 2021. La canzone però non è una sua composizione originale ed ha una storia molto particolare, che vedremo in questo articolo. Il video ufficiale del brano è quello che trovate qui sotto.
La passione di Nathan Evans è quella per le canzoni marinaresche. Nel suo canale ufficiale su TikTok presenta le sue riletture di antichi classici del genere, riscuotendo un gran successo. Wellerman rientra in questo filone: originariamente è una ballata marinara neozelandese che risale alla seconda metà dell’800 e racconta le difficoltà dei marinai imbarcati per la caccia alle balene. Un tema che si presta bene al grande pubblico, come ha dimostrato il successo di Moby Dick di Melville.
Il testo e il significato della canzone
Sotto un ritmo particolarmente accattivante, il testo di Wellerman racconta delle leggende che ruotano intorno alle navi che davano la caccia alle balene, dei marinai sottopagati e delle compagnie che assoldavano l’equipaggio per quelle imprese.
La parola Wellerman viene dai fratelli Weller, che nell’Ottocento avevano la più grossa compagnia di caccia alle balene della Nuova Zelanda. Wellerman è dunque uno dei capi della compagnia, che nel ritornello della canzone viene per dare zucchero, té e rhum. Non perché fosse generoso e facesse regali ai marinai, ma per un motivo ben più triste: i marinai al tempo erano così sottopagati che spesso non venivano nemmeno remunerati in denaro, ma ricevevano merci come quelle, che finivano per essere la loro intera paga.
Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We’ll take our leave and go Presto l’uomo dei Weller verrà Per portarci zucchero, té e rhum Un giorno, quando l’uccisione delle balene sarà fatta Ci prenderemo la nostra licenza e ce ne andremo
Il tonguing presente nel ritornello era l’ultima fase della caccia alle balene, in cui i marinai le facevano a pezzi sulla spiaggia.
Il resto della canzone racconta sotto forma di leggenda la storia di questa nave chiamata Billy of Tea, che salpò a caccia di balene e si scontro con un esemplare due settimane dopo l’inizio del viaggio. La balena fu arpionata, ma era più potente della nave stessa e se la trascinò via, producendo una battaglia infinita: il capitano non voleva tagliare le corde e la balena non voleva arrendersi, gli uomini morivano ma nessuno voleva chiudere la battaglia. Come dice la canzone alla fine, “As far as I’ve heard, the fight’s still on / The line’s not cut, and the whale’s not gone”, “da quel che so, la battaglia è ancora aperta / la fune non è stata tagliata e la balena non è ancora andata.”
Ecco le strofe della canzone, escluso il ritornello che trovate già sopra.
There once was a ship that put to sea The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea The winds blew up, her bow dipped down Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)
She’d not been two weeks from shore When down on her a right whale bore The captain called all hands and swore He’d take that whale in tow (huh)
Before the boat had hit the water The whale’s tail came up and caught her All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her When she dived down low (huh) No line was cut, no whale was freed The captain’s mind was not of greed And he belonged to the Whaleman’s creed She took that ship in tow (huh)
For forty days or even more The line went slack then tight once more All boats were lost, there were only four But still that whale did go (huh)
As far as I’ve heard, the fight’s still on The line’s not cut, and the whale’s not gone The Wellerman makes his regular call To encourage the captain, crew and all (huh)
C’era una volta una nave che prendeva il mare Il nome della nave era Billy of Tea I venti si sono alzati, il suo arco si è abbassato Che vento, ragazzacci, che vento
Non era salpata nemmeno da due settimane Quando si abbatté su di lei una balena bella grossa Il capitano ha chiamato l’intera ciurma e ha giurato Avrebbe portato quella balena al seguito
Prima che la barca colpisse l’acqua La coda della balena si alzò e la catturò Tutte le mani di lato, l’arpionarono e la combatterono Quando lei si inabissò
Nessuna fune è stata tagliata, nessuna balena è stata liberata La mente del capitano non era fatta di avidità E apparteneva al credo del cacciatore di balene Lei si portò la nave con sé
Per quaranta giorni o anche più La fune si allentava e poi tornava tesa Tutte le barche sono andate perdute, ce n’erano solo quattro Ma ancora quella balena andava
Per quanto ne so, la bataglia è ancora aperta La fune non è tagliata e la balena non è ancora andata Il capo Weller fa la sua chiamata regolare Per incoraggiare il capitano, l’equipaggio e tutti
(via Wellerman, la canzone virale su TikTok: testo e significato – Auralcrave)
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nuestkings · 6 years
NU’EST W interview with @Star1 Magazine
(Trans: Melodia_Muse | Original Article)
What are your thoughts on your photo shoot with Labiotte that took you through a variety of concepts from sweet to chic?
Ren: I had so much fun. It was quite different from our usual photo shoot concepts, so I thought of it as an opportunity to show a new charming side of NU’EST W. I think we were able to take on both the sweet and chic concepts very well.
Baekho: I’ve never had makeup applied on my cheeks before. Putting blush on my cheeks made me feel a little shy for some reason.
Aron: We’ve never done a concept like this before so it was a little difficult at first, but I simply thought of it as a new challenge to tackle. I was looking at the photos in between takes and they looked pretty good, so I felt proud.
JR: I’m happy because I feel like we’ll be able to show various sides of ourselves through this photo shoot.
With the number of male beauty models growing, what do you think are NU’EST W’s charms?
Baekho: People around us often tell us that each member has a very distinct personality. We often hear that each member’s individuality can be clearly seen within NU’EST W’s overall charms.
Ren: Our fans sometimes call us “cold and handsome men.” I think they like that cold and cool image.
Do you have any skincare tips to share with people?
Baekho: I try to use one facial mask a day. I realized it’s not easy to remember to regularly use facial masks. I’ll work on it really hard for two days and then forget on the third day. But I still try my best to use one facial mask a day.
JR: All of the members use facial masks if we have an important scheduled activity coming up. Of the members, Ren is the one who puts the most care into his skincare routine. While Ren is already taking care of his skin before any acne pops up, I usually take care of my skin after I have trouble with acne.
Ren: I’m usually very thorough with my skincare because I have the type of skin that is prone to acne. When I first started, it used to take me quite a lot of time to apply all of my basic skincare products, but now that I’ve gotten used to it, I naturally began investing less time on basic skincare. And my skin tends to worsen if I eat greasy food or a lot of snacks, so I’m careful about what I eat.
What have you been up to since wrapping up promotions for “Dejavu”?
Baekho: We’ve each been enjoying our personal hobbies. And going out to eat delicious food. Though I’m on a diet, I really like to eat so I work out to make up for the things I eat.
Ren: Baekho exercises a lot these days. There are times when he goes to the gym in the early hours of the morning, and even when our scheduled activities end late at night, he doesn’t skip out and still goes to the gym. Seeing him go to the gym without fail like that, I think he’s amazing.
Aron: I recently went on a domestic trip with my friends. I had a relaxing time with them and took some time to recharge.
Ren: I like to go on walks. My hobby is to just walk around the park in front of our house or around the neighborhood.
Do you have a hobby that you all share together?
Ren: We all have different hobbies but we have similar taste in food. We all like the same foods so it’s easy to pick a menu when we order food to the dorms or go out to eat. The food we like most is grilled meat. We like flour-based snacks too. We eat fried chicken a lot.
Seeing that you have different hobbies, all of you must have different personalities as well?
Ren: JR has a very strong sense of responsibility. He also has very strong leadership skills as the leader of our group. We’re always grateful because he’s very good at leading the other members. He’s overflowing with charisma on stage, but off the stage, he’s very innocent and cute.
JR: Baekho has this unvarnished innocence. He’s always very honest. When he sets a new goal, he never gives up midway and always works hard until he reaches his goal.
Baekho: Aron has a lot of things he wants to do and a lot of dreams he wants to achieve. And when he’s faced with a problem, he’s the type of person who tries to resolve it quickly. Though he’s the oldest in the group, he’s so cute that he feels like the youngest at times. He has a lot of aegyo. He also buys us food pretty often.
Aron: The members know a great side of Ren that not many other people know very well. He’s very thoughtful, and he’s the kind of friend who will listen to the troubles and concerns of the people around him and give them lots of great advice.
We’re curious to know what kind of leader JR is when leading the group.
Baekho: He doesn’t try to be at the front on his own and he prefers to create an atmosphere of "Let’s all work together to make the team better.”
JR: I’m the leader of the group but I’m also just one member. We’re all in the same team, we’re all standing in the same place, and we’re all walking in the same direction, so I don’t want to act like I’m above anyone else. I want us to walk together. I don’t find it hard to be the leader. I’m naturally a very responsible person so I don’t see it as a source of stress or pressure.
You were able to perfectly complete your missions on SBS funE School Attack without being caught by the students.
JR: I don’t think the students recognized us at all. Haha. They probably never imagined we’d be roaming around their school wearing their uniforms.
Baekho: Still, we were trying to be as discreet as possible while moving around so we wouldn’t get caught. Because it’s a program in which we have to carry out missions without getting caught.
Ren: It was our first time wearing school uniforms in five years and it was nice because it felt like we were going back to our days in school. All of the members looked really good in school uniforms. It made me think that we’d do well if we were ever picked for a school uniform CF.
Aron: This was my first time wearing a school uniform in seven years and it reminded me a lot about the past. Through the program, it felt like I was able to go back to my days as a student.
What kind of students were NU’EST W back in the day?
JR: I was a very quiet and nice student. One of those ordinary kids you see at least one of in each class. I was pretty good at studying too. Up till my second year of middle school, I received full marks on my math exams for midterms and finals quite often.
Baekho: When I was in elementary school, I was a really good student and even placed in the top 10 of my grade with my scores. I was even the student president in sixth grade.
Aron: I was the kind of student who would work hard and play hard. I liked to study.
JR: I was the kind of student who always volunteered if our teachers asked us to showcase our talents. Haha. I often did cover dances for dance moves that were popular at the time.
The dance practice video you made after winning first place with “Dejavu” became a hot topic. Is there a reason you went with such extravagant costumes for your promised video?
Baekho: Before “Dejavu,” we’d dressed up in costumes after winning with “Where You At,” but we felt that video had been quite lacking. When we were watching the video, we thought to ourselves, ‘It would have been better if we’d taken our costumes even further.' So we all agreed that when we made our promise about first music show wins [for “Dejavu”], we’d go all out for this one.
Each member dressed up as a different character, but who had it the hardest?
JR: I think it was me who struggled the most because I had to wear that dinosaur costume for the video. The costume was bigger than I expected it to be. The tail was long so I fell over a couple of times.
Aron: That’s right. When we were dancing, it was JR who had the hardest time because of his outfit but when it comes to makeup, I think Baekho becoming a chicken and Ren becoming a cavity had it the hardest.
Baekho: When you get makeup done, it’s best to stay still and not laugh to make it easier for the makeup artists. But it was so hard for me to hold in my laughter whenever I looked next to me and saw what was going on with Ren.
Ren: We all laughed really hard before we started filming. Even just meeting each other’s eyes made us laugh. Because we got all the laughter out, we were able to hold it in when the cameras were rolling. Haha.
Have you already thought of what to do if you win first place with your next album?
JR: I want us to go even further with our transformations than we did with this one. It would be more like actual cosplay than just dressing up. I think it would be fun if we set a theme for all of us to follow.
Aron: I haven’t thought about future music show win promises yet. If we do get first place, I want us to do something that will bring joy to our fans.
You’ve taken on a wide variety of concepts during your seven years of activities. What has been the most memorable concept?
Ren: We really like to challenge ourselves so we take on a new concept with every album. I grew my hair out once. I think for me, our debut song “Face” is the most memorable concept. We wore school uniforms and were representing the viewpoint of teens, and we had hairstyles and accessories that matched each of our personalities. It was a song that had a unifying concept, but also showcased each member’s individuality.
JR: It’s so difficult for me to pick just one because all of them are precious to me. Whenever we come back with a new side of ourselves, it’s actually us opening that part of ourselves that already existed up to other people. It’s not something we forcibly have to create, so each concept is memorable to me.
What is the concept that best represents NU’EST W right now?
Ren: I think there are charms that you can only show in your early to mid-twenties. That feeling of being in the middle, not too young but not too mature, that’s the kind of thing we want to show.
Baekho composes music and writes lyrics. Which member would you want to write a solo track for as a gift?
Baekho: Each member has a different charm and vocal tone. JR’s voice suits lyrical music really well. Ren is very expressive, so I think he'd do well with trendy music. For Aron, I would create a song perfected with a rhythmical tempo and cute and hopeful lyrics.
JR is currently appearing as an MC on Mnet’s Love Catcher and JTBC’s LAN Cable Life. Did you find adjusting to variety shows difficult?
JR: I’m the kind of person who doesn’t sugarcoat my words and I truthfully say what I feel. I’m learning so much while filming because I have such great seniors around me. The people who have helped me the most on my variety show journey have been the cast members of JTBC’s Night Goblin. I learned so much from them. It was my first regular appearance on a show, and I was grateful to be appearing on a program with such great seniors despite having no experience in variety shows. I learned so much from them. It’s thanks to the people I worked with on Night Goblin that I’ve been able to appear on variety shows till now.
Do the other members have variety shows you want to appear in?
Ren: I want to appear on MBC’s I Live Alone. Although I live in a dorm with the other members, we each have our own rooms so they can just install cameras in my room. I think I’d be able to show a more natural side of myself if I filmed something at home, rather than if I filmed something in a studio or outside. I can show people how I like to dance at home, or even ordinary things like what I look like when I’m eating.
Aron: I’ll be ready for any program that will invite me. I think I’d be able to show the more mischievous side of myself if I appeared on variety shows.
Baekho: I want to appear on tvN’s Three Meals a Day. I like to cook, and I find the concept of escaping the city and filming in nature to be quite charming.
Aron was accepted to study journalism at NYU but gave it up to become a singer. We’re curious to know why you chose to become a singer.
Aron: I studied hard because I wanted to become a reporter, but I didn’t want to give up singing. I thought long and hard about it and picked singing in the end, and I’ve never regretted it. I’m happy right now because I get to do something I like. I want to keep being a singer and be with the other members for a long time. If I ever get the chance to later on, I’d still like to attend college and study.
Do you have any plans for an album release?
Baekho: We don’t have anything set definitively, but we’re working hard to return and show a better side of ourselves as soon as we can.
Aron: We all talk to each other about the stage very often. We’re always thinking about what kind of performance our fans would like most.
JR: We’re so grateful that [our fans] are always supporting us no matter what stage we prepare. It’s thanks to them that we’re able to release better albums and enjoy more growth. We want to repay our fans for their love. We’re constantly thinking about what our fans will like most as we prepare for our next activities.
There’s such a thing as a “7-year jinx for Idols” but you’ve been continuing your group activities and are closer than ever. Do you have a secret to your longevity?
Baekho: I don’t know. We’ve just been focusing on working hard and doing our best in every moment, and we find ourselves in our seventh year as a group already.
JR: I don’t think there are any secrets or tips. We’ve just spent a long time together and grown affectionate of each other, and we like each other. We treasure each other and I think that’s what has helped us stay together for seven years.
Are there any goals you want to achieve as NU’EST W?
JR: I want us to be a group that always brings happiness to our fans. We’ve earned this great second chance to perform again and do photo shoots like this, and it’s only possible because of all the love our fans give us, right? It’s because of their love that we’ve been given this opporunity to do our best in every moment, so we’re going to work hard to always bring happiness to our fans.
Ren: I think all singers dream of winning a Daesang (Grand Prize). Haha. We will continue to do our best to become a group that can win a Grand Prize.
Aron: I want us to repay all the love we’ve been given. We’ll continue to work hard and keep showing a better side of ourselves in every moment.
What are your future plans?
JR: We plan to keep doing what we’ve been doing till now, doing our best in every aspect possible. Whether it’s acting, variety shows, or creating new albums, we will work hard in our respective places. We will keep making an effort to meet our fans more often and create spaces for us to connect. Please wait for us just a little longer.
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