rottenlightart · 4 months
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I forgot about this art xDD. I suddenly saw it in another person's tweet lool.
It's my old pic (first Catra art from me, hah). Here she's singing villain's song from My little pony: the Movie. This song suit her I think х').
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psi-spectacular · 2 months
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qhostqizmo · 5 years
And maybe this true romance, Is getting the better of you and me. But nothing people can say, Is gonna stand in my way, ‘Cause this is where we belong.
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Practice makes perfect; or at least, that’s what her instructor said. Essätha didn’t truly believe becoming a world famous musician to be her talent, but she did like a challenge. If a little extra patience and time out of her day improved her newfound hobby, then she was willing to put in the effort.
The absent, almost forgotten forlorn grand piano had been left untouched for as long as she could remember. She’d brought it up to Amon once, and he had shrugged it off as merely decoration. It had been used on occasion during parties by performers, and he recalled his Father purchasing hours with a tutor for his sister when he was younger, but it mostly sat. Lonely, the interior dusty, it had been badly in need of tuning the first time she ever laid a finger upon its ivory keys curiously.
Perhaps it was ridiculous, an older woman with someone roughly the same age-group as her, teaching her how to use an instrument for the first time, but she tried to hide her embarrassment. Sometimes there weren’t enough books in the house to curb her interest, and between shared and separate duties to the household and the territory with her other half, Essie found gaps of time with nothing to do. Her beloved husband in the garden, the laundry done, the house clean and animals pampered, needing nothing…
Well, the piano could use as much an acquaintance as anybody.
Folding open the worn pages of the amateur's music sheets gifted to her by her coach, Essie propped it upon the upper stand. She curled her fingers together, popping her joints. A shimmy here, a shimmy there to straighten her posture, and she relaxed her digits to linger upon the back strip of wood beneath the keys.
What was once a jumble of nonsense to her was now easier to read. She leaned forward; something her instructor would have scolded her about, and laid her fingers upon the keys of F Major F to the A Minor. The notes hung together in the air, lingering.
Exhaling, Essie tapped her fingers along the next notes, holding her lingering stare upon the sheet music notes rather then the keys, as instructed.
Her fingers danced, clipping from key to key slowly; measuring her stride slower then the pace of the music implied.
Returning to the bridge and chorus on the second run, her fingers held more confidence; trailing smoothly from one key to the next. The melody filled the air, but more then that, it felt as though it filled her soul. Comforting, familiar; she hummed along with a savvy little smile. Confidence exuded from her with each pass; each stroke across with the pads of her fingers gently growing more sure.
The side-door creaked. Oblivious, she continued to play; the sheetwork her guide, and her mood the muse.
With a smile brimming his lips, Amon observed; a silent statue in the doorway. He leaned his shoulder against the frame, allowing the wash of the harmony to fall over him. It was not the quality of an artisan; he could catch the moments her fingers held too long, or not enough; or when she skipped too close to one keystroke and mistakenly tapped two at once, but it was lovely and original, all the same.
Better then the symphony of one instrument, was the player. Stunning and calm, she moved with poised majesty. The perfect sculpted shape of her face, the strands of dark hair escaping the loose ebony fishtail braid she had laying on her shoulder, the almost magical serenity that was her existence. If anything, she complimented the song, and not the other way around.
As the keys carried back to the chorus, the nobleman cleared his throat, following the memory of the easily-recognizable song, and added the lyrics.
“You held my heart in your hand, while it was still beatinnnggg.”
Startled, Essätha’s fingers slammed on multiple keys at once, looking up from the piano with golden wide-eyed wonder.
He motioned for her to continue, humming quietly. Her hands moved from him, to the manila parchment, and back again. Her fingers fumbled for the next keys; her eyes lingering upon him, rather then the sheet music she’d worked memorizing on for months now.
“I hope you understand, that this is the way it’s meant to beeeee.”
Prying his weight from the doorframe, the nobleman stepped into the dining area. He couldn’t help but to grin. A bit wicked, a big chaotic, and certainly adoring of her awe-struck expression as he continued on. Her surprise made his heart quicken; mouth slightly parted, the rise and fall of her chest from being taken off guard. He loved that look, and he loved it even more when he brought it to her face.
“‘Cause we’ve got nothing to prove,” he sang; raising his voice as he moved closer. “We’ve got nothing to lose, this is where we belonnnggg.”
Her eyes still followed him as he extended his hands, gesturing to the manor, and slowly moving to offer out to her; the most stunning woman before him, who he called his wife.
“So take a look around: it’s so magnificent this love of ours.”
Again, flustered, her fingers jerkily tapped on a few incorrect keys. She visibly winced, her entire face a beacon of brightly shaded scarlet. Ignoring the mistake, he continued warmly and inspired as ever.
“It’s something brilliant,” he crooned in a husky, low rumble, moving in to slide beside her on the piano’s bench.
Her breath hitched. His smile only grew wider.
“So close your eyeeess again.”
The nobleman reached for her, brushing hair away from her face. Any moment was a good excuse to serenade her, but this was just the icing on the cake.
As though the lyrics and his voice held some sort of magical property over her, her fingers held awkwardly on the previous keys. The faded chords rippled in the air as she closed her eyes, leaning in to his touch.
Gods, he should not have this sort of power over something so beautiful; so perfect. Her body turned more towards him, craving his touch as though drawn to him.
When she opened her eyes again, he flickered his to the keyboard and back to her, raising his eyebrows.
She sheepishly smiled, and moved her hands to the next keys.
Inclining towards her, Lord Amon pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, whispering the next lyrics close to her ears,  “And hope the fireworks never end.”
Her hands slammed the keys, sending off a screech through the room. With a sympathetic wince, the nobleman reached up to tug the edges of his fur-lined mantle. Prying it off his shoulders, he draped it over hers instead with casual slowness.
“They’ll never end,” he reassured her in a gruff lyrical, pressing his lips to her burning cheek once more.
“No matter what we go through, there’ll always be you and me.”
Overwhelmed, Essie tore her trembling fingers away from the keys as they tripped numbly over a handful of them. She swore beneath her breath in elvish, turning her face away from him.
“That’s not part of the song,” the nobleman scolded, gently sliding his hand beneath her chin. She followed his beckoning, turning to face him once more.
Essie hissed at him softly, sticking her tongue out.
“I’m sorry I distracted you and ruined your performance, darling. You were doing an exceptional job.”
“You just couldn’t help yourself?”
He grinned meekly at her in return, caught red handed.
A smile curved her lips. “Don’t ever stop.”
His brow knit. “Stop what?”
“Wooing me. Being yourself. Loving me the way you do; as the most amazing husband in the world”
With his breathless exclamation, he laid his lips softly where they belonged, upon hers. Sweet and inviting; his fingers lingering to her chin, encouraging her to tilt her head back as her fingers made their way from the piano to his hair while she desperately stole his air with a softened sigh.
“I love you, m’lord Amon.”
“I love you too.”
Making a throaty groan in the back of her throat, she pushed closer, her curves against his chest as her fingers threaded through his dark locks.
“We could make that itty-bitty curse part of our lyrics, though,” she teased him, a dangerous sparkle in her eyes.
Swallowing thickly, the nobleman cupped her scaly-patched cheek, and slid his arm behind her; beneath his cloak, anchoring her to his chest.
“If you insist.”
Essie laughed, the sound far more charming and musical then the song itself as he moved in to kiss her once more. A far better ballad then any song he would ever hear in his life, and was graced to hear it nearly each and every day.
Life couldn’t be more magnificent then this.
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