#OP Pank
cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
How would the trio (Hank, Sanford, Deimos) react to the player playing co-op mode with their friends.
If this was the Salty AU, I think it would be similar to how Salty described it.
The other vessels would be jealous of the one that has the Player all to themselves, especially since they would most likely be Player 1, which can't change vessels in the game.
If the Player has three friends minimum to play the game with, all of them would be taken up and Player wouldn't be able to switch at all either. Which would probably frustrate the other vessels, since they are being puppeteered around by "false players" instead of their one "true player".
If we ignore some of the rules from Salty's AU, I think it would come as a major surprise to the self-aware crew that there's MORE THAN ONE PLAYER.
They were simply under the impression that the Player was a singular being with higher powers until the other strings appeared and took hold on the free vessels. It's a strange sensation for all of them to have a Player assigned to them. Each one being told what to do and moving in a much more efficient manner because of it. They're shooting more accurately, getting hurt less, and are actually organized in their assaults.
It makes them wonder what the Player actually IS. They can't see them, but they can feel them. Are they one soul or many in a singular being? Where did these other Players come from? Are they extensions of yourself or other beings entirely?
It gives them eldritch horror levels of thought as they try to picture what the Players look like. Can they put a face to it? Do they even HAVE a face? How can ALL of them possess bodies? How many more exist out there and what powers can they all wield in unison?
If this was in the time before they knew the Player's voice or what they looked like, this would be TERRIFYING. One is not so bad, seeing that their allies all still had their free will. But now that they're ALL being puppeted, it's like putting your fate into a stranger's hands. The movements are too choreographed, like the Players are somehow communicating with one another despite not speaking.
Not only that, but seeing the strings that they aren't familiar with branch out from nothing and latch onto a viable host must be terrifying. Especially since it's not the same strings they're familiar with. But each of them carry that same warmth that their original Player has. Like a warm firm hand is wrapped around them and guiding them through the world. It carries the same resounding light and comforting warmth that their Player does, which is probably why they believe they are an extension of the Player.
This also doesn't end the surprises. Because imagine that Deimos and Sanford go on a mission together and there's three Players. Color them surprised when VICTOR of all people shows up on their mission. When asked why he was there, Victor probably just says something ominous like "I felt like I was...called here."
The same goes with any variations of Hank Wimbleton. Wank and Pank literally show up out of nowhere to assist Hank...and Hank...doesn't attack them. For some reason, he tolerates the other Hanks, despite the innate urge to kill them. He knows that it's because of the strings and their otherworldly properties. The two Players needed vessels...and they called for some...and his copies answered their calls.
In short, in the Salty AU, vessels are disgruntled if they can't have their chosen Player to be with. Their "True" Player. The others are merely unwanted puppeteers that the vessels have to tolerate or put up with while the chosen vessel gets their 'true player' all to themself.
But if one takes liberties with it and in the Self-Aware aspects of the AU, multiple Players would be a terrifying concept. Especially if it's during the time where they don't know what the Player looks like or sounds like. It just goes full on cosmic-level horror for them as they are all puppeted around by these invisible but powerful beings with unforeseen motives.
If the three return to Doc, and with the information that there's MORE than one Player out there, the Doctor himself may grow surprised at the news.
How can there be more...and how many do they NOT know about are still lurking around just out of their sight?
A chill would linger in the air and Doc would be afraid of the answer to that question, no doubt.
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doodle-ink · 3 months
For those in the US what verso of Down By the Banks did yall grow up with??? Bc I have a version in my head that is apparently a mix of like 8 other ones and I need to know
The version I know is:
“Down by the banks with the hanky panks
Where the bull frogs jump from bank to bank
Saying eep op eep op op
Skidle diddle cernel pop
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Michel Jackson makes me gag”
Then it went into either a the McDonald’s thing or the part about the different sodas but I think we got to both of them somehow
Also the rythme is faster then the ones I’ve seen
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syxnewt · 1 year
Down by banks by the hanky panks
the bullfrogs jump from banks to banks
saying eeps ipes opes oops
Chilly Willy ding dang dong
I pledge allegiance to the flag
Michael Jackson makes me gag
Coca Cola fizzes up
now we’re talking seven up
seven up has no caffeine
now we’re talking billy jean
Billy Jean is out of sight
now we’re talking dynamite
dynamite blew up the school
Now we’re talking really cool
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Coop Pank: Coop Pank AS sõlmis ühinemislepingu CP Varad AS-iga
Coop Pank: Coop Pank AS sõlmis ühinemislepingu CP Varad AS-iga
Coop Pank AS sõlmis täna notariaalse ühinemislepingu oma 100%-lise tütarettevõtja CP Varad AS-iga. Ühinemise tulemusena CP Varad AS lõppeb ning Coop Pank AS-ist saab CP Varad AS-i õigusjärglane. CP Varad AS-i peamiseks tegevusalaks on olnud panga probleemkrediidi tagatiseks olnud kinnisvara haldamine ja realiseerimine. Ühinemise eesmärk on lihtsustada pangagrupi õiguslikku struktuuri. Ühinemise…
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ask-the-wimbletons · 3 years
Op do you think you could do an updated pronouns+sexuality list and maybe pin it or link it in the first post?
// alright i will
Hank: ??? doesnt know doesnt care all he knows is he goes by he/they
2b: demisexual he/they
Sanford and Deimos: Was/Were
Dank: She/They Aro Lesbian
Skittles: Any pronouns questioning
(S)Pank: Trans He/they gay whore
Wank: She/They demisexual
Heather: Was/Were
AJ: She/They/It Pansexual
Shank: Was/Were
Crank: Was/Were
Jebus: Was/Were
Tricky: Was/Were
additional relationship desc. down below//
Sanford and Deimos: ? ? ?  [ [ CONTENT MISSING ] ]
2b: Dating Hank. He cares for a lot of people he just wished everyone wasn’t so annoying. 
Hank: Neutral Hates Everyone, but does care a little about his Team, most especially with Skittles and his partner.
Dank: Chill, she likes everyone but does hold a little grudge with her siblings sometimes. Who was Sanford and Deimos again?
Skittles: Everyone's favorite little pride flag, and he loves everyone back. Hank is kinda his favorite though, but he will never share that.
Pank: Despite his whore-ish attitude, he does care about his siblings. He's just kinda an asshole sometimes and wants to play-fight all of them. Can’t remember Deimos...???. He also thinks AJ and 2b are funny little short nerds.
Wank: Neutral Hates Everyone, but does care a little about her Team, most especially with Dank and her partner.
Heather:  ? ? ? [ [ CONTENT MISSING ] ]
AJ: Adjusting to like everyone now. Wank’s pathetic little meemaw girlfriend. Distrusts 2b.  
Shank: ? ? ?  [ [ CONTENT MISSING ] ]
Crank: ? ? ?  [ [ CONTENT MISSING ] ]
Jebus and Tricky: ? ? ? [ [ CONTENT MISSING ] ]
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mengyan · 3 years
OP is literally so nice they make me want to come off anon if not for the crippling fear of not being good enough for people but go off I guess.
-pank and sleever anon
(My phones autocorrect has given up on trying to correct those words now XD)
sobs anon big same but you’re literally so sweet please of course you’re good enough, whenever you’re ready to chat on main i’ll be here!! :D
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Louise Adolpha Le Beau (1850 – 1927) Klaviertrio d-Moll op. 15 Helga Wähdel Violine), Dietrich Panke (Violoncello), Viola Mokrosch (Klavier)
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kinnisvara · 8 years
Inbank omandab 25% Eesti Krediidipanga aktsiatest
Inbank omandab 25% Eesti Krediidipanga aktsiatest
Täna, 30. jaanuaril jõustub tehing, millega Inbank AS omandab osa Eesti Krediidipank AS-i aktsiatest. Aktsiate ostu eesmärgiks on luua Eestis tegutsevatest pankadest selgelt eristuva strateegiaga pank koos Coop Eestiga. Uue panga nimeks saab Coop Pank.
Tehing toimub kahes osas. Esimese sammuna omandab Inbank 30. jaanuaril 9,9995% Eesti Krediidipanga aktsiatest. Sellele järgnevalt omandab Coop…
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randomositycat · 5 years
Down by bank where the hanky pank
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to bank
With the eeps, ipes, opes, ops,
Down by the riverbank
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loveandlucky · 7 years
Why I love band competitions: We all love each other.
Like seriously
We invited and played "down by the bank of the hanky pank" with another band because we felt like it, and they were ecstatic
Also my band is OP because we cheer for everyone and just have nothing but love in our hearts most of the time
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mrrocktaro · 5 years
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Output PRESENTS 感謝祭 2019 -1DAY- 【出演】 HARAHELLS / One-OP / Owll gall  / 奢る舞けん茜 / 紅茶フーフー / 友太郎 OPEN17:30 / START18:00 料金:前売¥2000 / 当日¥2500(DRINK代別)  #music#japanese #okinawa#live#sing#singer#song#writer#artist#musician#band#guitar#acoustic#pop#rock#pank#love#peace#音楽#日本#沖縄#シンガーソングライター#バンドマン#ミュージシャン#ポップス#ロック#アーティスト https://www.instagram.com/p/B5XipiAj9ms/?igshid=133265kakpgsy
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syxnewt · 1 year
Does anyone know this rhyme? I can’t find the exact words for the version I learned online
it’s like
down by the banks of the hanky panks the bullfrogs jumped from bank banks saying eeps ipes opes oops chilly willy ding dang dong (something something that rhymes with “gag” something) made me gag
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Coop Pank hakkas pakkuma võimalust kodulaenu intressi fikseerida
Coop Pank hakkas pakkuma võimalust kodulaenu intressi fikseerida
Coop Pank hakkas alates reedest, 1. juulist 2022 pakkuma võimalust fikseerida kodulaenu intressi 5 aastaks. Coop Panga erakliendi kinnisvarafinantseerimise juhi Karin Ossipova sõnul annab intressi fikseerimine kodulaenu võtjale kindlustunde, et tema laenumakse jääb fikseeritud perioodil samaks sõltumata baasintressi ehk euribori võimalikust tõusust. „Kodulaenu intress koosneb tavapäraselt…
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ask-the-wimbletons · 3 years
Hey op, drop genders and sexualities list so we know
//most of these are headcanons but sure lets go
Hank: ??? doesnt know doesnt care all he knows is he goes by he/they
2b: demisexual he/they
Sanford and Deimos: gay he/hims our beloved
Dank: She/They Aro Lesbian
Skittles: Any pronouns questioning
(S)Pank: Trans He/Him gay whore
Wank: She/They demisexual
I'll give the others as soon as the other characters are introduced/mentioned :) //
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ofromance-blog · 7 years
RULES  :  TAG  NINE  PEOPLE  YOU  WANT  TO  GET  TO KNOW  BETTER Tagged by: @pearlsacrossmycollarbones
Relationship status - UHH idk i’m in a weird spot rn where im single but going on dates with a guy lmao Favourite  colour - PURPLE AND PANK Lipstick  or  chapstick - lipstick bruh Last  song  I  listened to - UHH something just like this- the chainsmokers Last  movie  I  watched - Beauty and the Beast Top  three  TV  shows - UHHH scrubs, and.... I think thats it tbh lmfao Top  three characters - APH France, Remy LeBeau, and Kurogane Top  three ships - oh man Frain, GambitxBlackCat, and MinAo Books  I’m  currently  reading - Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite
Tagging - sweats @koninkrijkbelgie @dxspereaux @cremabamur @ma-derniere-danse @saltyseamann and literally anyone else who wanna
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Riigi Kinnisvara: Muudatused Riigi Kinnisvara AS juhatuses
Riigi Kinnisvara: Muudatused Riigi Kinnisvara AS juhatuses
Riigi Kinnisvara AS nõukogu nimetas alates 2. maist 2022 täiendavaks juhatuse liikmeks ja finantsdirektoriks Janek Lepa, kelle volitused kehtivad 3 aastat. Riigi Kinnisvara AS juhatus jätkab kaheliikmelisena. Juhatusse kuuluvad Kati Kusmin ja Janek Lepp. Uue finantsdirektori ja juhatuse liikme valimiseks toimus avalik konkurss, kus osales 42 kandidaati. Riigi Kinnisvara nõukogu langetas…
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