#OOGE fanart
cosmictea2 · 7 months
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she was a skater girl.... said see you later girl.......
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beansprean · 1 year
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Exit Interview
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1a. Bust of Nandor on a streaky blue background, leaning forward on one hand, the other raised in the air, palm-up. His eyes are closed on a nonchalant expression, head tipped down, as he casually states "Then it is settled. You are officially released from your service." 1b. Reverse shot of Guillermo, leaning forward as he stands from a chair, looking up at Nandor with a hesitant smile. He asks, "...That's it? I'm not your familiar anymore?" 1c. Close up of Nandor's left hand settling on Guillermo's shoulder as he responds, "Not my familiar, not my bodyguard..." 1d. Wide shot of them both standing in profile, facing each other, the background now streaked with gold. Nandor smiles down proudly at Guillermo, hand on his shoulder, and continues, "...but a fully-fledged member of the household. And my friend." Guillermo happily meets his gaze, lips pressed around a smile of genuine joy. 1e. Close up of Guillermo, the panel back to the streaky blue as the background beyond the panels begins to lighten to the grey of dawn. The next 4 panels are no longer square but angling inwards as if pulled together by an unseen force. Guillermo leans his head toward the hand on his shoulder, his own hand rising up to hold it, and smiles wide even as his gaze dips shyly. He asks, "So...what next?" 1f. Reverse shot of Nandor barking out a nervous laugh, gaze fixed on Guillermo as he replies, "What next indeed!" 1g. Zoom out to them both in profile, Guillermo's hand still on Nandor's hand on Guillermo's shoulder. Guillermo grins affectionately upwards as Nandor straightens and takes a step forward, nervous grin still wide and frozen on his face. He tosses out his free hand in some kind of shrug and says, "Well!" 1h. Repeat. Nandor steps closer still, and his flailing right hand comes to rest, very gingerly, on the side of Guillermo's face. Guillermo's hand slides down Nandor's arm as his left hand shifts to touch his neck, smile gentling as he blinks in surprise. Nandor's expression softens as well, head tilting slightly as he moves his gaze toward where his hand rests on Guillermo's cheek and he continues, "Perhaps..." 1i. Repeat, closer. Nandor has both hands on Guillermo's cheeks now, head dipping down so their noses are only an inch apart. His expression is almost dazed, as he murmurs, "Just..." Guillermo tips his head up as well, lips parted, his left hand sliding up Nandor's side. Their hooded gazes are each fixed on the other's mouth. The center of the panel begins to lighten with a white-gold glow as the shape continues to distort, parts of the characters stepping out of its bounds completely. The background behind the panels continues to get lighter, and the silhouettes of flying birds begin to fly in, closer and closer, growing lighter a step ahead of the background. 1j. Repeat. They move closer, Nandor's eyes now closed and head tilted as their noses slide past each other, lips only centimeters apart. Guillermo's hand slides up further to press against Nandor's ribs, gripping, his eyes still open the slightest amount as if to ensure this moment doesn't disappear. The panel lightens. The birds fly closer.
2a. Repeat. The center of the panel bursts into bright vertical beams of white and gold, the border bleeding from black to a wall of light as they close the final distance between them. Guillermo's eyes finally close, mouth pushing into the gentle kiss. 2b. Repeat, a wider shot as the glowing light inside the panel breaks the borders completely, flooding into the background as it begins to turn to streaks of purple and pink, birds now flying through the broken panel walls. Nandor pushes forward to deepen the kiss, hands clutching at Guillermo's face, Guillermo's head tilting back further as he presses himself close. 2c. Repeat, wider shot of them both now freely standing in the background, streaks of light blooming into yellow and orange. Guillermo is leaning back even further, fingers digging into the back of Nandor's shoulders as he is nearly dipped, their heads tilting the other way as the kiss continues. Nandor, expression blissful, smiles slightly into it. 2d. Close up in a panel bordered by light, the colors inside bolder and brighter: reds and oranges on top, blues and purples on the bottom, the center streaked with light. Both a sunrise and a sunset. They have broken the kiss and Guillermo has straightened, but they do not part from each other. Nandor's right arm curves around Guillermo's back and his left cups the back of his head, keeping him close as he nuzzles their noses together with a serene smile, eyes closed. Guillermo pushes up into the contact, flushed and smiling, one hand at Nandor's back, keeping them pressed together, and the other sliding up Nandor's chest. Guillermo lets out a breathy chuckle and whispers, "Yeah. That could be next..." /end ID
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halfapersob · 1 year
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I think everyone should read this book, this is qpart of a group of 3 drawing that I'm doing on one canvas of the eyeball boys [Benji, Johnathan Sims and watcher grian]
Benji is such a good character
I just need to push my propaganda on to everyone.
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Next Page:
Coming Soon!
Characters featured:
Metal Beak/Lord High Tyto Surtr
It has been done! The first four pages of my comic are out! The next ones will join soon! I hope that you liked it! Love you all and thank you for being patient with me.
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gargoyl3city · 1 year
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I'm insane I'm crazy I'm crawling up the walls I'm stuck to the ceiling I'm running through the woods my brain is going to explode I can't conrol it anymore
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wonieart · 1 year
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Something on your mind Mr Harod?
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dinoboirex1 · 1 year
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Ginger Root le chateau art + my deranged doodles of le Ginger Root :))))
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oogelyboogely · 1 year
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Castle in the Sky was my favorite Ghibli film as a child, and I still love it today.
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metalgrateeater · 4 months
I would love to see fanart of less popular characters in athf like where’s all the Dumbassahedratron art I think a gijinka of him could be fun
Or like what abt mothmonsterman or oog or literally any character that isn’t master shake cmon y’all please 😭😭😭 there’s so many characters that get left out it’s so not fair DO NOT get me started on the frat aliens this will become a novel I need a 10 page apology from each of you on why there’s barely any art of these guys HELL I don’t even think I’ve like EVER seen happy time harry fanart y’all need to get to work NOW!!!!
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1000punks · 10 months
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i know these are low quality but i play bg3 on a ps5, not pc. all i have is shitty phone photos of my tav. hahah
lore dump under the cut, if you want to miss it, nbd.
this is Festé, my non-binary tiefling ranger.
they used to have long hair but chopped it off because of the Troubles (act 3). in the canon-matrix i have created for them (hahahah) they keep their hair long but usually done up in a braid. kind of plain, to be honest. if it were an option in bg3 i would have had them in long anime girl hair. this picrew is closer to the vision i originally had for them:
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(i also have fanart of them i drew but i can't find it rip)
they are one of my retired 5e characters and their backstory is a little chaotic, lots of retcons and parallel timelines because my dm never lets us have an easy game. basically, there was this sorceress that it took us five (oog) years to get a party together and beat, because people kept either leaving, moving or their pc died in game. it was a homebrew, so a lot of wacky things happened.
they're non-binary- mostly because they cannot really be bothered with gender when there's a weapon to wield and a potential friend in distress.
on that note, it was actually everyone around them who starting referring to them with neutral pronouns. they just... never made a definitive claim of being one gender or another. one pc in a former campaign (a centaur barbarian named Basios) once referred to them as "my non-descript friend!" and that was hilarious, and it also stuck.
it's canon based on past 5e campaigns that they don't like elves. they have a secret hate-on for elves. so maybe a certain pale elf has something to do with that- we may never know.
they have a husband and an adopted kid in one of those timelines.
i recently resurrected them to play through the netherdeep campaign with a new group.
i'm inserting their adventures in baldur's gate as what they were up to before they met their husband.
their husband is a lawful evil wizard named Mordren who loves living in a cave and murdering people who enter the cave.
Festé was the only other person besides him to walk out of that cave alive, uwu.
in bg3 canon (my save file), they're an Astarion truther and definitely have carried the "i can fix him" torch for a long time.
they're a bit of a happy dumbass, and they don't talk a lot.
it's hard to get them riled up, as it were. they're a relatively calm, accepting and objective person.
the only thing they're really scared of is losing someone they've made a connection with.
they have had a lot of lovers but they're not the type to make a big deal of it. everyone was someone they loved fully and in a respectable way.
they're the character that is most like me, in a way. i played them really honestly in bg3 to how i would respond to a lot of the dialogue. so in a sense, not a lot of role play was going on in their run.
after the events of baldur's gate, they'll probably go on to have some more small adventures before the big encounter with the sorceress i mentioned. i would say during the events of the bg3 they'd be roughly 26-27, and they were 32-33 during the sorceress campaign.
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devilart2199-aibi · 3 years
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OOGE doodles >:D
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notxon · 3 years
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I think we're glossing over some potentially awesome interactions in theory.
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toasty-yy · 3 years
memory exercises and connection
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bota--bonk · 2 years
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Oh right lmao I frogot I spent hours making a nu noch of hunter drawing to the lyrics of a song. I'll post them all eventually. With the lyrics. Maybe. Probably not tho tbh. Seems like a lot of effffffooooooorrrrtttttttt. This one's funny tho I like the text.
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I headcannon that Soren LOVES rain.
Every time it pours from the sky, he lets it soak him to the bone. For him, there is barely anything else that represents freedom other than the water that falls from above.
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nighty-night-nh · 3 years
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A Rouge ready for a night on the town for my pal @suetonicsonic 💛🥂
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